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QUEEN ANASTASIA! ofc she's duchess swan LOOK AT HER POSE!! I changed some things around and I added my first pattern! Below the cut is Kaison who I made into Hunter Huntsman!
Not proud of this but he's cute!
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new werewolf oc Kaison (he/him) he has super fast healing because of being a werewolf, so he likes to play with his guts for funsies sometimes
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Hace mucho tiempo, cuando la Princesa Teagan era pequeña, la Reina Umbra le había enseñado a la niña a peinarse de diferentes maneras, para que nunca necesitara que alguien lo hiciera por ella.../Way back, long ago, when Princess Teagan was little, Queen Umbra had taught the little girl to do her hair in different ways, so that she would never need someone to do it for her...
Fueron tiempos alegres y más brillantes.../They were joyful and brighter times...
Aun así, la Princesa nunca había querido peinarse ella misma, poniendo excusas desde muy pequeña de que no podía peinarse, cuando sabía perfectamente cómo empezar... Umbra le había enseñado perfectamente.../Even so, the Princess had never wanted to do her hair herself, making excuses from a very young age that she couldn't do her hair, when she knew perfectly well how to start... Umbra had taught her perfectly...
Armando un escándalo, tirando del vestido de la Reina con sus pequeñas manos, exigiendo ser peinada por su Madre... En ese momento era una escena tierna, una niña pequeña exigiendo atención y cuidado de su Madre... Ella estaba como cualquier otro niño inflando sus mejillas cuando tenían una pequeña rabieta.../Making a fuss about it, pulling the Queen's dress with her small hands, demanding to be combed by her Mother... At that moment it was a tender scene, a little girl demanding attention and care from her Mother... She was like any other little girl puffing out her cheeks when she had a little tantrum...
Normalmente, aunque se tomaban medidas, la Princesa nunca hacía caso.../Normally, although measures were taken, the Princess never paid attention...
Y todo dejó de ser tan inocente, cuando Teagan exigió que las sirvientas le peinaran, gritando que era su deber obedecerla o las despediría… Esto continúa hasta la edad adulta…/And everything stopped being so innocent, when Teagan demanded that the maids do her hair, shouting that it was their duty to obey her or she would fire them... This continues until adulthood...
Hoy le había tocado a Mary peinar el cabello de la Princesa, la pobre Sirvienta solo tembló al escuchar los gritos de la Princesa… “Lo estás haciendo mal”, “Me estás jalando del cabello”, “Realmente eres una inútil”.../Today it had been Mary's turn to comb the Princess's hair, the poor maid only trembled as she heard the Princess's screams... "You're doing it wrong", "You're pulling my hair", "You really are useless"...
Kaison, un Sirviente igual a ella, la miraba desde la puerta, sosteniendo en sus manos una bandeja con adornos para el cabello que obviamente no iba a ser utilizada... La Princesa siempre prefirió sus cintas... El Hombre la miró con profunda tristeza en sus ojos, sus ojos cansados.../Kaison, a Servant just like her, looked at her from the door, holding in his hands a tray with hair ornaments that was obviously not going to be used... The Princess always preferred her ribbons... The Man looked at her with deep sorrow in his eyes, his tired eyes...
--¡Hazlo bien!... ¡¿No sabes hacer nada bien?!.../Do it well!... Don't you know how to do anything well?!...--
Teagan estaba furiosa, ¿era tan difícil hacer coletas?... Hoy iban a posar para un cuadro, hoy iban a pintar un cuadro de ella y su Madre para un evento extraño.../Teagan was furious, was it so difficult to make pigtails?... Today they were going to pose for a painting, today they were going to paint a painting of her and her Mother for a strange event...
--¡Lo s-siento!.../I'm s-sorry!...--
Mary lo siente mucho, pero grita cuando la Princesa se levanta y le quita el peine de las manos, lo lanza con fuerza hacia Kaison, el Hombre lo esquiva, dejando que el peine golpee la puerta haciendo un ruido sordo.../Mary is really sorry, but she screams when the Princess gets up and takes the comb out of her hands, she throws it hard towards Kaison, the Man dodges it, letting the comb hit the door making a thud...
El Sirviente ahora mira enojado a la Princesa, Kaison quiere decir algo... Pero no lo hace, Mary solo llora.../The Servant now looks angrily at the Princess, Kaison wants to say something... But he won't, Mary just cries...
"Había silencio".../"There was silence"...
Por unos segundos.../For a few seconds...
Hasta que se abrió la puerta de la habitación, Teagan solo se enojó más... Cuando vio entrar a su Madre, con cara de preocupación... Miró el peine desechado y a sus dos buenos trabajadoras, Mary estaba llorando y Kaison parecía perdido en sus pensamiento.../Until the door to the room was opened, Teagan only got angrier... When she saw her Mother enter, with a worried face... She looked at the discarded comb and at her two good workers, Mary was crying and Kaison seemed lost in thought...
Umbra solo suspira, la pintora las espera en la Sala de abajo... No quiere hacerla esperar más, así que solo mira a sus fieles y atentos trabajadores.../Umbra just sighs, the painter is waiting for them in the Room below... She doesn't want to make her wait any longer, so she just looks at her faithful and attentive workers...
--Kaison y Mary.../Kaison and Mary...--
Y los Sirvientes dejan de estar en sus mundos, para mirar a su Reina… Su Majestad se acerca a ellos mientras acaricia la cabeza de Kaison con una de sus manos libres, alborotando su cabello, con la otra mano seca las lágrimas de Mary... Les regala una amable sonrisa.../And the Servants stop being in their worlds, to look at their Queen... His Majesty approaches them while caressing Kaison's head with one of his free hands, ruffling her hair, with his other hand he wipes Mary's tears... He gives them a kind smile...
--Perdón por el mal momento que acaban de pasar, yo me encargo... Pero mientras tanto, ¿podrías ir a ayudar a Olivia en la cocina?... Creo que ella iba a hacer algo para preparar galletas de mantequilla para nuestra invitada.../Sorry for the bad time you just had, I'll take care of it... But in the meantime, could you go help Olivia in the kitchen?... I think she was going to do something about preparing butter cookies for our guest...--
Kaison y Mary se miran... Luego le sonríen cálidamente a su Majestad.../Kaison and Mary look at each other... Then they smile warmly at His Majesty...
--Mary y yo iremos a ayudar, no se preocupe su Majestad.../Me and Mary will go help, don't worry your Majesty...--
Con paso lento y algo cansado, las Sirvientes salen de la habitación… Kaison sale con la bandeja de accesorios para el cabello, sabiendo que no será utilizada… Mary lo ayuda con la bandeja y salen tranquilamente de allí, para desaparecer detrás de la puerta.../With a slow and somewhat tired step, the Servants leave the room... Kaison leaves with the tray of hair accessories, knowing that it will not be used... Mary helps him with the tray and they leave calmly from there, to disappear behind the door...
Ahora solo quedan Madre e Hija, se miran... Umbra solo suspira, esto era repetitivo... Ya había regañado y puesto límites a Teagan, ella siempre le prestaba cero atención a todo... Estaba cansada de repetir lo mismo, ella amaba a su Hija... Pero ya estaba cansada.../Now there is only Mother and Daughter left, they look at each other... Umbra just sighs, this was repetitive... She had already scolded and set limits on Teagan, she always paid zero attention to everything... She was tired of repeating the same thing, she loved her Daughter... But was already tired...
La Reina simplemente camina hacia el peine desechado y lo recoge, luego camina hacia su hija... Teagan se da vuelta y mira el espejo con disgusto.../The Queen simply walks over to the discarded comb and picks it up, then walks over to her Daughter… Teagan turns around and looks at the mirror in disgust…
Umbra se detiene y se para detrás de la espalda de su Hija... Toma el cabello rubio cenizo y comienza a peinarlo mientras tararea.../Umbra stops and stands behind her Daughter's back... She takes the ash blonde hair and begins to comb it while humming...
Como cuando Teagan era una niña pequeña.../Like way back when Teagan was a little girl...
--¿Quién es exactamente la pintora que pidió permiso para pintarnos en un cuadro?.../Who exactly is the painter who asked permission to paint us in a painting?...--
Teagan comienza a hablar mientras mira intensamente al espejo, mientras Umbra piensa… Tratando de recordar su conversación anterior con la pintora…/Teagan begins to speak while looking at the mirror intensely, while Umbra thinks... Trying to remember her previous conversation with the painter...
--Por lo que me conto viene de la Escuela de Talentos de Zullet, una excelente pintora... Quiere un cuadro brillante para su exposición final que le dé una buena nota en su Escuela.../From what she told me, she comes from the Zullet Talent School, an excellent painter... She wants a brilliant painting for her final exhibition that will give her a good grade at her School...--
Umbra hace una pausa en su relato, mientras pone la primera cinta en el cabello de su Hija que estaba en su mismo tocador lleno de perfumes.../Umbra pauses in her story, while she puts the first ribbon in the hair of her Daughter who was on her same dresser full of perfumes...
--Bueno... Ella me rogó que fueramos sus dos modelos para su cuadro... No pude decirle que no... Es una buena chica, y es un placer ayudarla con sus calificaciones... Por cierto, casi Lo olvidé... Su nombre es Amy.../Well... She begged me to be her two models for her painting... I couldn't say no... She's a good girl, and it's a pleasure to help with her grading... By the way, I almost forgot... Her name is Amy...--
Teagan solo suspira, mientras mira la coleta que le ha hecho su Madre, tiene buena pinta… Aún falta la otra…/Teagan just sighs, while looking at the ponytail that her Mother has made for her, it looks good... The other one is still missing...
Mientras su Madre vuelve a tararear, la Princesa mira a su Madre... Desde el espejo la ve, su Madre es hermosa, belleza natural... Un regalo bendito... Ella envidia eso, mientras se ve en el espejo, la Princesa se mira con horror... ¿Por qué no es bonita como su Madre?.../While her Mother hums again, the Princess looks at her Mother... From the mirror she sees her, her Mother is beautiful, natural beauty... A blessed gift... She envies that, while she sees herself in the mirror, she Princess looks at herself with horror... Why isn't she pretty like her Mother?...
--Me veo fea.../I look ugly...--
Umbra termina de hacer la segunda coleta y deja el peine sobre la cómoda, para volver a ver a su Hija.../Umbra finishes making the second ponytail and leaves the hair comb on the dresser, to see her Daughter again...
--Cariño, no te ves fea... Eres hermosa, incluso más hermosa que nadie.../Honey, you don't look ugly... You are beautiful, even more beautiful than anyone...--
Teagan sabe que eso no es cierto, todas las Madres piensan que sus Hijos son hermosos... Es simplemente una cosa típica de las Madres.../Teagan knows that's not true, all Mothers think their Children are beautiful... It's just a typical Mother thing...
--Eres una hermosa rosa, vamos cariño... No digas que eres fea, porque no lo eres.../You are a beautiful rose, come on honey... Don't say you're ugly, because you're not...--
La más bella, si su Madre no fuera la Mujer más bella... Ella sería la Mujer más bella, si su Madre no existiera.../The most beautiful, if her Mother were not the most beautiful Woman... She would be the most beautiful Woman, if her Mother did not exist...
Teagan la ignora, mientras se levanta y se dirige hacia la puerta.../Teagan ignores, as she gets up and heads towards the door...
--Llegamos tarde.../We arrived late...--
Es lo único que Teagan dice, para salir de la habitación y desaparecer detrás de la puerta... Dejando a su Madre sola en la habitación, Umbra solo suspira tristemente... Y mira el espejo en el tocador de su Hija.../It's the only thing Teagan says, for eave the room and disappear behind the door... Leaving her Mother alone in the room, Umbra just sighs sadly... And looks at the mirror on her Daughter's dressing table...
--¿Es importante la belleza?.../Is beauty important?...--
Se vuelve a preguntar, como hace mucho tiempo... Simplemente se da vuelta y camina hacia la puerta, para dejar la habitación en paz... En completa soledad.../She asks herself again, like a long time ago... She just turns around and walks towards the door, to leave the room alone... In complete solitude...
En completa soledad.../In complete solitude...
En completo silencio.../In complete silence...
Mientras ramas llenas de oscuras espinas comienzan a crecer en la habitación, la habitación se llena de oscuridad... Y el espejo sobre el tocador transmite un aura oscura... Una risa se escapa del Espejo, mientras no muestra un reflejo, sólo niebla.../While branches full of dark thorns begin to grow in the room, the room is filled with darkness... And the mirror on the dressing table transmits a dark aura... A laugh escapes from the Mirror, while it does not show a reflection, only fog...
Una creación para la oscura ambición de una Princesa.../A creation for the dark ambition of a Princess...
Creada por Su Alteza Teagan, sólo por su envidia, por su avaricia.../Created by Her Highness Teagan, only for her envy, for her greed...
"Dime Espejito, Espejito, ¿quién es la más bella del Reino?..." El Espejo recuerda la pregunta que siempre le hace la Princesa, la cual solo tiene una respuesta.../"Tell me Mirror, Mirror, who is the most beautiful in the Kingdom?..." The Mirror remembers the question that the Princess always asks him, which only has one answer...
Una respuesta que se repite... El espejo lo disfruta, como hace un tiempo cuando fue convocado por la Reina anterior con un hechizo negro.../A response that repeats itself... The mirror enjoys it, like some time ago when it was summoned by the previous Queen with a black spell...
~Su Belleza es muy admirable, Alteza, pero hay alguien en particular que es más hermosa, brilla como una estrella, es como la nieve... Un paraíso.../Your Beauty is very admirable, Your Highness, but there is someone in particular who is more beautiful, she shines like a star, she is like snow... A paradise...~
El espejo repite, conteniendo la risa... Incluso recordando la mirada de la Princesa, "¡¿Quién es?!...".../The mirror repeats, holding back the laughter... Even remembering the Princess's look, "Who is it?!..."...
~Su Alteza Madre, Reina Umbra... Umbra Benaroch.../Your Mother Highness, Queen Umbra... Umbra Benaroch...~
La mirada que le dio la Princesa Teagan en esa ocasión es la misma que la Reina de Corazones en el pasado... La Mujer se volvió loca al saber que su Hija era más hermosa que ella... Jaja... Fue gracioso.../The look Princess Teagan gave her that time is the same as the Queen of Hearts in the past... The Woman went crazy knowing that her Daughter was more beautiful than her... Haha... It was funny...
Recuerda el espejo, mientras ríe y la habitación termina en completa oscuridad.../Remember the mirror, as it laughs and the room ends in complete darkness...
G: No tengo idea de lo que hice pero tenía que escribirlo... 😦/I have no idea what I did but I had to write it... 😦
Dato curioso, si lees esto al final, Arma tiene un espejo igual al creado por Teagan... 👀/Fun fact, if you read this at the end, Arma has a Mirror just like the one created by Teagan... 👀
Umbra: Es mía... {It's mine...}
Olivia, Amy, Kaison, Mary y Teagan {Brittany} son de {Olivia, Amy, Kaison, Mary and Teagan {Brittany} are from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
#groriatrevi10#mio#...¡Throne Labyrinth!...#Reina Umbra#Reina#Umbra Benaroch#Hechicera#Hechicera Mística#Umbra La Hechicera del Sol y la Luna#Reina de los Hechiceros#askkassandragf-v-2#Princesa Teagan#Princesa Brittany#Teagan#Brittany#Princesa#Teagan Benaroch#Brittany Benaroch#Teagan La Hechicera de las Espinas#Brittany La Hechicera de las Espinas#Hechicera Común#Hechiceras#Madre y Hija#Princesa de los Hechiceros#Olivia#Amy#Mary#Kaison#El Callejón de las Velas#Corto
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Kaison Yoel
Man, I Kinda Miss Drawing Some Of These Characters Back From At Least 2018-2019
Kaison: @askkassandragf-v-2
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more art of my angel/demon characters
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That-... wow. Now I feel a bit bad being so rude about the Mrs., she isn't half so calculating or vicious... was she ever your headmaster? I am grateful, learning submission through terror doesn't sound like the best motivator.
FTF: Kaison
I suppose that little show that Sue put on at least gives you a little insight into why Wyatt is the way he is... Plus, at the very least, it should make you grateful that you didn't attend the institution while she was still the headmaster, or at least one of them.
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drawing a silly little version of myself in silly little shows because creating silly little fantasies and daydreaming about silly little characters is no longer enough to keep my silly little mind from exploding.
#maladaptive daydreaming#maladaptive coping#maladapting daydreaming disorder#actually mdd#autism wasnt enough so i had to have mdd aswell#the worst part is that it isnt even all that bad.#its just kind of tiring to “wake up” from something you carfully curated uet isnt even real#and you put so much work into so many different stories or fantasies only for you to blink twice and see its fake#but it's keeping me alive#maladaptive behaviors#mha#haikyuu#hq#my hero academia x reader#haikyuu x reader#jjk#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaison#naruto#Naruto x reader#izuku x reader#bakugou x reader#sukuna x reader#button mashing for fun lols!!#rottmnt#self insert art#artists on tumblr#help
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Roommate!Gojo knew how much of a might sex drive you had due to all the boys and girls coming into your room every week
Roommate!Gojo who always hears you fucking whoever you have over that night, no matter who it was you were always so loud. "Shh, baby this pussy is too fucking good-! Augh, be quiet-mmm- don't want my roommate hearing how good this pussy is" Gojo would hear though the paper thin walls. He was honestly jealous of who you were fucking, even if you always used the same lines on them that always worked to make them come back again and again.
Roommate!Gojo who would wake up the next morning to find whoever you had fucked the night before in the kitchen in just one of your shirts as you made breakfast for her, or if it's a guy he would be in just be in his boxers as you made breakfast for him.
Roommate!Gojo doesn't even know how you manage to get so many different people in your sheets and hes upset he hasnt been one of them
Roommate!Gojo who's lowkey a pervert that would look through the door crack and watch you scissor or ride the person in your sheets, wishing it was him
Roommate!Gojo ended up getting into your sheets. He was so happy yet so jealous at the same time. He was pounding into you when he suddenly grabbed onto your neck and pulled you up to his face. "Your mine now! No more fucking other people, only me." He would tell you as he thrusts faster into you. "You hear me?" He asks as he squeezes you neck lightly. You nodded eagerly, happily being his. "Hhump! Yes, oh my god yes! I'm yours Satoru!!"
#gojo satoru#x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu gojo#jujustsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaison smut#gojo x reader#gojou satoru x reader#jjk satoru#satoru gojo smut#gojo smut
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oc makeovers (now including noah!) came early this year bc i saw this hair and had to put it on kenzie
#hes so handsome#ts4#ts4 edit#ts4 cas#ts4 portrait#the sims 4#sims 4#ocs#*kaison#*kenzie#*samira#*lacey#*syd#*noah#i finally granted him entrance to the gang the poor thing
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I am a huge Jujutsu Kaisen fan and managed to find my way to the limited exhibition they had in Shibuya! Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a reservation at the cafè though but I did get to see it!
Of course when I saw Toji, I screamed internally!😍😍😍
#ooc#jujutsu kaisen#Japan#Tokyo#shibuya#jujutsu kaison exhibition#shibuya arc#yuji itadori#gojo satoru#geto suguru#nanami kento#nobara kugisaki#megumi fushiguro#toji fushiguro
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G: Aquí llorando por dos cosas, porque me duele la mano y porque olvidé la contraseña de una cuenta... Jaja... La estoy recuperando, deséenme suerte... 🍀😎✨/Here crying for two things, because my hand hurts and because I forgot an account password... Haha... I'm recovering it, wish me luck... 🍀😎✨
Mary, Kaison y Amy son de {Mary, Kaison and Amy are from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
#groriatrevi10#mio#Au#...¡throne labyrinth!...#askkassandragf-v-2#El Callejón de las Velas#Mary#Mary Ivanov#Mary La Hechicera de las Ilusiones#Sirvienta#Sirvienta del Castillo#Vampiro#Kaison#Kaison Morozova#Kaison El Hechicero de los Cristales#Sirviente#Sirviente del Castillo#Amy#Amy Sánchez#Amy La Hechicera del Arte#Toro#Pintora#Hechicera#Hechicero#Hechicera Común#Hechicero Común#Habitante del Rincon de las Nubes#Habitante del Bosque del Canto#Habitante de los Jardines Blancos#Hechiceros
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When Ro won’t respond to you 😔
#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#pjo#pjo hoo toa#heroes of olympus#hoo#percy jackson oc#pjo oc#toa#clio bardot#rowan kaison
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My angel / dmeon ocs!!
me realising i never posted this the angel is Cael, hes warrior archangel and the demon, Kaison, has been taken under his wing!!
#angel devil au#archangel#demob#angel#dancing#gay#gay boys#i will litterally die for these two#help i forgot caels wings#demon oc#angel oc#cael#kaison#cricket hole
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Art Dump!! Ronda two!!
BUDLEY EXOTIC ESCAPADE OMG I LOVE HIM!! This is probably my favourite drawing I've made of him yet lol. The basis of this drawing is funny. Apparently, I have a "zesty hand" according to my friends which I'll show below here...
... and there was a beta image of Budley doing a similar pose and so my friend made the comparison and I HAD to draw Bud doing my "Zesty hand" pose. That's all I love Budley Exotic Escapade.
Here's some birthday art I made for my best friend, Enri :D Like with Bud, this is also my favourite drawing I've done for Zee complete with Olivia Von Trashpanda here to celebrate. Me, Chase, and some whale are here to also join the party.
Here's Tom from Disventure Camp that I made for one of my friends! I even made a shirtless version because... he likes Tom LOL. Speaking of shirtless, I'm still somewhat new to drawing shirtless characters so it probably doesn't look too great. And the anatomy in general is all over the place lol. And because I'm stupid...
I- Uhh...
Sigh. Yeah I made the Hooters outfit. It was a hot topic for the DC fandom that lasted like 3 days lol so I decided to join in on the fun. It even appeared in MachemRodez' video with my permission :0
Also while drawing Tom, I noticed that all his scars basically have the same design lol.
HERE'S DUKE DOG!! Ok ngl, I thought this looked good until I saw the face. I don't think it looks horrible, but it could look better. Drawing faces was NEVER my strong suit, and it still isn't. This is my first time drawing a plus-sized character so I hope that I did a good first try on it.
I have mixed feelings on this drawing. I love the idea of Budley and Zee getting to know each other but I'm just not feeling it with this drawing. It's not terrible but I think I can do better. I also HATE drawing backgrounds with a burning passion!! Anyway, Zee is drinking orange soda and Budley is drinking some green tea because he is painfully British
HERE'S SCARY GIRL (I like to call her Scary Bitch)!! This is the first time I've ever drawn her. I always forget about Scary Girl because she's such an anomaly from the cast, which is weird because you would expect her to be the most memorable to me. But no. I still like Scary Girl but she's tied with Axel for my least favourite reboot character. I DO NOT HATE THEM!! ALL OF THE REBOOT CAST IS GREAT!!
What a mediocre drawing of Kaison Kekoa lol. Usually when I draw a character for the first time, it's usually p mediocre, which is to be expected from almost every artist (I think?). But for the first time, I don't think it's too bad. At least I'm getting better with drawing shirtless characters.
I don't know if I'm egotistical or confident for saying this, but I think this is one of my best drawings, especially when it comes to the anatomy. I also drew him as somewhat chubby because it makes him look more hot ngl.
I think I drew Kaison much better here (The ponytail kills me omg I kinda hate how I drew it). Also Ean's here. Not much to say but this drawing holds a record because this is the quickest drawing I've made, taking me 1 hour and 59 minutes to make. If I had to change some things, it'd be to make Kaison's eyebrows thinner and change Ean's body position since it looks kinda awk.
Not much to say here. I like how I drew Blitz EXCEPT FOR the hands and arms.
We're on a roll with the Exotic Escapade drawings! 5 in a row! Kaison, Levi, Ean/Kaison (again), Blitz, and now Carter! This is birthday art that I made for my friend Mitch who absolutely adores Carter.
Speaking of birthday art...
Here's birthday art for Josu!! :D (While also breaking the Exotic Escapade trend)
You may know him for making those amazing Minecraft models of the reboot cast, and I decided to draw one of his models for his belated 18th birthday :0
Drawing this was kind of tedious and fun because I am HORRIBLE with drawing 3D but it was also a fun lil' experiment.
Three birthday art in a row!? Man! Here's my birthday art for another good friend of mine, Vikkstar :D
This is also my first time drawing a female Exotic Escapade character.
It's been a while since I drew some TD art (Does Minecraft Wayne count?) so enjoy this Nichayne art :D
I'm kinda annoyed with how Nichelle's body looks but overall I'm still very proud of this drawing. Nichayne is such a cute pair I love them sm!!
And to end off this art dump, here's Millie!! Not much to say here, I just think she's SUPER underrated and/or overhated!!
#exotic escapade#exotic escapade bud#bud exotic escapade#budley exotic escapade#exotic escapade budley#disventure camp#tom disventure camp#disventure camp tom#duke exotic escapade#exotic escapade duke#zee total drama#zee total drama island#total drama zee#td zee#zee td#tom dc#dc tom#total drama olivia von trashpanda#olivia von trash panda td#olivia von trashpanda td#td olivia von trashpanda#scary girl td#scary girl total drama#lauren total drama#lauren td#total drama scary girl#td scary girl#total drama lauren#td lauren#kaison exotic escapade
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Art fight friendly fire!
Margarita for @endspace-robot
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JJK update!
I've just finished season 1 and watched JJK 0 and all I gotta say is I love JJK so much y'all.
As far as JJK 0 goes, I loved the movie. I watched it last night. I would die for Yuta. Zero hesitation. I adore that child. I don't understand Geto tho, I'm sorry. I really wanna know what happened to him because I just know he's been deeply hurt. But the fact that Satoru referred to him as his best friend in the end really hit me in my heart. Idk their history, but clearly they were in school together and were close. But the fact that he still chose to refer to him as that even after everything- WOW.
JJK season 1 was fantastic i love it i love it i love it i love ittttt. I ADORE Yuji and Megumi. I am so freakin proud of Nobara and Maki I love them with my whole heart. I'm so proud of all of them honestly. DOn't even get me started on Gojo. I LOVE THIS MAN! HE'S SO COOL😭 I love him sm y'all. And Nanami???? Y'ALL- I cant. Love that man. He's amazing. I love this show so much and I can't wait to see how season 2 goes!
#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#gojo satoru#satoru gojo#yuji itadori#itadori yuji#megumi fushiguro#fushiguro megumi#nananmi kento#kento nanami#nobara kugisaki#kugisaki nobara#jjk s1#jjk season 1#jjk 0#jjk 0 movie#jujutsu kaison 0
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