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alexankeegk · 2 months ago
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B & R
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matramancer · 7 months ago
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🌸Previously we focused a lot on Mitsuri! Reader’s background, now, I want to show her relationship to Gen in particular after becoming a platoon leader and drop some interactions with Kikoru!
part 1 | Masterlist
🌸Tags: narumi pining stage(?). oblivious Narumi, mutual pining, mutual admiration, friends to lovers but not yet question mark, loser narumi, OBAMITSU NARUMI AND READER!!!
Well into your time in the First Division, you’ve established a rather interesting sense of partnership with Narumi Gen.
At first, the two of you were still quite stiff, what with how it seemed like you and Narumi were just too different in terms of personality.
One was a lousy trash man–brash, childish and stuck to his handheld when he wasn’t on the field, and while the other was a happy go lucky, passionate girl who grew to be well loved for her demeanor, you were quite shy when it came to approaching him. After all, he IS your captain and the man on top of the Defense Force. You had a great deal of respect for him even before you joined arms. In fact, striving to be worthy to stand with him–to be stronger, was the collective ambition of every officer there.
After finally earning his acknowledgement, you ended up spending more and more time with him. Since you caught his eye with your strength. then you’ll have to keep honing it if you were to prove your existence. So you trained and trained, kept your limbs stretched, made sure your flexibility and agility always stayed fresh in your blood. Turn it into second nature. 
And whenever the captain threw his hand in and actually showed up for a couple of rounds to spar you, you gave it your all. It became clear that he in particular took part in stoking your flames with his principle. To show results.
With that in mind, you’ve been building blocks since the very beginning, he notes one day, rummaging through your files and every assessment result.
Your shooting range assessments during your time as a rookie. Physical check ups. Combat training. Laps. They were above average–it’s what landed you in the First Division in the first place.
But what made you shine was your insane physical prowess, and how superhuman you were with transferring your power to the weapon you held.
Your terrain practice and obstacle shooting course held the highest rookie records. Your field reports never lied, there was even drone footage. Then there was the daikaiju incident, where you wielded an entire machine gun and amassed such a formidable blast upon first use, the numbers were too overwhelming for a rookie.
He remembers another report he got after your health assessment. They had studied the composition of your muscles, your combat levels, and more. Gotten real up and personal with you, so much so that you noted the experience while looking away. 
He’ll never forget Isao’s words after Hasegawa recounted their discoveries in his office. Your extreme constitution, your rapidly increasing combat power, your leap in abilities as soon as you donned on your suit. Your power.
“Another prodigy right after Ashiro Mina.” Narumi paused as Isao turned to face the both them. “The next piece of the puzzle for the Defense Force.”
If Mina was the missing link to fight daikaiju–humanity’s biggest threat at the time, then you were second just to her to complete the frontlines. Another sleeping tiger.
Isao himself gave him and Hasegawa an order. One that drove home the responsibility he had as your captain now. “Hone her strength. A girl with her potential belongs in our main defenses.”
He made you sound all cool and all, but as soon as Narumi made his way to the training hall, he was flabbergasted as you held a comically long photostrip filled with the pictures of the cats you had back at home, gushing over them with several of your platoon members.
“I love Nekotarou, General Whiskers the 2nd, and Meowy Antoinette soooo much!” Were those the names of your cats? He wonders. “I’m going to spend my life savings on building a shrine in their image near Yokohama Station.“ Impossible.
Hearing that gave Narumi whiplash. Right, the daikaiju prodigy that even Mr. Isao acknowledged…
So there you were one day, nervously looking down at a serious private meeting with your Captain and Vice Captain. “You know, Mr. Isao went over some of your assessments some time ago.” Your heart immediately dropped, your shocked expression instantly showing on your face.
“DIRECTOR GENERAL SHINOMIYA?!?!?!?!” Narumi watched as you, noting how you were akin to watching a hamster get scared by loud noise.
You quickly regain your composure (though you still looked comedically nervous in Narumi’s peering eyes) as he read out your achievements. You’ve already proved yourself well, with a high performance level that was brimming with potential.
But most notably, it was your high physical prowess and how superhuman you were with transferring your power to the weapon you held. That was what made you a force to be reckoned with,
“So, with that in mind–” Hasegawa stood up, followed by Narumi. “As a newly appointed platoon leader with one of the strongest, most unique combat power readings we’ve had in the force, we will start work on your special weapon.”
“...” You stare at the two of them. Narumi stares back. Hasegawa paces his sight between the two of you. Then, the words processed in your head, and you let out the biggest beamful smile they’ve set their eyes on. “THANK–THANK YOU SO MUCH!” you stifled a few tears, following them like a duckling to meet with Izumo Tech.
And after a long testing period, you were bestowed with what the people at the weaponries department could only describe as a weapon as unique as its user. Your whip-sword.
With how unique your weapon was, it was imperative for you to train twice as hard–learning the ropes and making sure your new fighting style was worth all the effort. Your pride as an officer–a bearer of a special weapon relied on this. That was when Narumi rolled in, and when he wanted to test your strength himself, you eagerly accepted. Unexpectedly, it turned into a new tradition between the two of you.
Around this time was the turning point of how you slowly broke out of just simple subordination to him, and towards a strange yet delightful symbiotic relationship, one where you didn’t just acknowledge each other’s strengths, but learned more about the person behind them. He started talking to you more once you asked him excitedly about what games he plays, and he started to eat the meals you brought.
Truth to be told, your journey only became more arduous then. You were strong, sure, but you still couldn’t hold a candle to Narumi. And it only spurred you on further.
A particularly remarkable moment between the two of you was the first time you really voiced your compliments to him outloud (to Hasegawa’s dismay…)
It was when he beat you in hand to hand combat one day, and perhaps something felt different with how you were pushing your blood circulation and heart beat to the limit, but it was super clear that he really went all out that day. And he was admirable. “You’re amazing, Captain!” 
“Of course,” he was to reply to you instinctively, but the sheer look of admiration you had sprawled on your face despite getting floored took him by surprise. You were always holding back a little around him–though he knew from word of mouth that you really were a very excitable person–so to see this other side of you was still pretty new for him. He just soaks in your words as you continue.
“Your form is amazing, how long did it take you to perfect it?” “I need to up my precision too. Yours is so remarkable.” “Please let me spar with you more!”
Perhaps you let your mouth run a little too loose by then. “I hope to one day earn my place next to you, Narumi–” You stop. Narumi stops. Then, your hands fly to your mouth as you let out a choked sound of what seemed to be your life regrets. “--I’m sorry!!!” Your forehead had already hit the floor multiple times before he registered your apology, seeing you fret over thinking that you overstepped a line.
But things are okay. You’re good friends now. He’s confident with that. He’s seen all 2760 of the pictures in your “my cats❤️❤️” album on your phone. He has all your favorite foods memorized. He knows the best ways to bait you.
He also had a huge ego boost when you showed up one day with the ends of your hair dyed a new color, following the long tradition of the 1st Division platoon leaders.
Has been scolded once or twice by Hasegawa for making you stay up late helping him farm dungeons on his BS5. When Narumi rebutted that he was your captain and that this was “an important mission”, Hasegawa promptly shot him down by stating that it was abuse of power.
He was actually the first person you showcased your new fighting style with your whip-sword to. Still couldn’t believe that you actually named it after your cats.
When the time came for you to use your new weapon on the field for the first time, you felt a bit more pressured than you should. Despite the fruitful results from in house training, the field is a very different environment, and you couldn’t afford to mess up. This test drive meant a lot–developing your weapon probably took a fortune–and you didn’t want to disappoint Narumi. He spent so much time with you. For you.
You move towards the approaching Yoju with total concentration, launching yourself in the air. “MTS-1437 field test commenced. Initiate subjugation,” Kurusu announced through the comms whilst giving you clearance, the operations room watching expectantly.  
To say it was a success was an understatement. Not when the entire operation room seemed to look at your floating figure in awe, your sword gracefully twirling around your body. You looked as light as the wind, so graceful and elegant as you zeroed in on the yoju, before unleashing an onslaught of the techniques you spent so much practice on. Seeing you with your sword dance didn’t just fit your entire being amazingly – It felt so right.
Inside of him, Narumi felt a sense of achievement, watching you from the operations room as well. 
“...Did she just say Catlove Shower?” He tensed, coughing a bit. 
His memories bring him back to the specialized training room the both of you frequented, when you had eagerly just showed him your techniques. He remembers how gleefully you smiled, how your eyes turned into half moons from how elated you were after he gave you his approval. It was just a “good job” he thought, but it must have meant the world for you. Your place in the force must have meant the world for you. Something in his heart started to tug.
Before he realized it himself, a snide remark came out of his throat. “She was really happy with the names she thought up–so shut it.” Everyone near his vicinity tensed, looking at him in shock. No one expected him to comment that, not even Hasegawa.
As mentioned in the previous headcanons, you and Narumi have grown accustomed to each other’s fighting style. As you also worked with the combo of gunmanship to melee–though not exactly similar, you had turned to him for a lot of pointers. Not only that, but the joint weapon training you underwent with him contributed a lot to both of your understandings of how the other fought. So, it was no surprise that your battle sense became more reminiscent of his.
Narumi only let you join his side as soon as he knew he didn’t have to worry about you. As much as he valued you as a person and the friendship you had, he knew that the laws of the battlefield were strict. He couldn’t trust himself if he couldn’t trust you to handle your own. Especially when the 1st Division handled the toughest of kaijus.
His tough love and constant, merciless training made you stronger. And truthfully, seeing you advancing so rapidly in his eyes scared him a bit (was this what Isao felt?). So he was immensely tough on you. You had to be strong.
But when it came to Narumi and your beloved 1st Division officers, you quickly reminded them of the you behind your strength. The (Y/N) that smiled and earned herself the title of the Pillar of Love, the pink creature that made up the most unlikely duo on planet Earth with Narumi Gen.
It’s the mutual understanding and respect you have with each other that brought your bond both in and out of the battlefield this far.
So when Kikoru rolled in, she couldn’t help but admire you. At the time of her transfer, you were a name she’s heard whispers about. The 1st Division’s pillar of love. An expert heavy hitter who excels in mid ranged combat. Exactly someone she could confide in in improving her techniques with the axe.
And Gen used this to his advantage.
“Oi, Narumi.” He winces in pain as you whack the top of his head in place of Hasegawa, letting out a string of complaints. “As much as I love Kikoru-chan, I don’t think General Shinomiya would appreciate it if you threw all the training to me.”
“I told you, it’s our dual responsibility,” he says in between button mashing his console, “I gave you the order to help teach her the ropes. You have a similar combat style with hers.”
“I trained with you, and you’re training with her. Which means I’m training with–” cutting off his speech, you brazenly pick up his lawn chair, balancing the captain as you carried the seat to the training grounds. You made it look so easy.
“My apologies, captain!” Kikoru watches in stunned silence as you haul him over to where the two of you were previously sparring, dropping him on the ground gently whilst listening to his childish rebuttals.
The blonde only watched as Narumi rose from his seat and yelled out more curses in an annoyed frenzy, now chasing you in circles as you held his handheld controller. You were expertly dodging him too, maneuvering the strikes he made with his hands and feet. Yet it despite the showcase of skill, it all felt too goofy to be real.
Was that… really the strongest kaiju combatant in Japan and the famed love pillar?
“GIVE THAT BACK!” Narumi yells, reenacting a forward strike so cleanly, it had Isao written all over it. He narrowly misses your body mid jump.
“MY APOLOGIES!” Your apologetic tone could not be more contrasting than your actions as your legs landed on his head, pummeling Narumi to the ground for your landing.
At this point, even Kafka was watching with his jaw on the floor, Kikoru beside him watching intently. “Even in a light quarrel, those two are masters in their field! But still…” She zeroes in on the tug of war for Narumi’s console between the two of you.
…Could she really trust the two of you during her time here?
A/n: Part three with wingman Kikoru question mark?
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zettabyte99 · 2 months ago
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Both smiles are beautiful btw. Wanted to practice drawing his handsome face more!
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sonicasura · 9 months ago
Kaiju No. 8 Relax Ch 2.1: Kaiju No. 8 and the Arcade
More manga pages for KN8 Relax! I'll be reblogging the last few pages since there's more than 10 pictures.
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talesofsonicasura · 8 months ago
Free prompt for UnderDogs/Hoshikaf shippers!
Kafka and Soshiro being married before canon happens. Like they tied the knot four years ago with the former being a pseudo House Husband of sorts. Kafka still works at the Sweepers but has extra free time since he is a highly trusted worker amongst the organization.
The night our himbo gets his powers? It was supposed to be their 5 year anniversary but a certain Spider Honju had to ruin it. Also Soshiro visiting Kafka in the hospital and watch Tiny(the larval/mosquito kaiju) go down his husband's throat.
He definitely tried to use the Heimlich Maneuver on the man but our himbo ends up knocking the wind out of the vice captain via a elbow to the gut. A kaiju metamorphosis would boost a panicking person's strength after all. (Kafka definitely will feel bad for the bruise he left on his husband's stomach.)
You can bet your ass Soshiro would be extra protective of his himbo lover thanks to this incident. The vice captain already had a mini existential crisis about mercy killing Kafka if he became feral after turning into a Kaiju. It was a massive relief the man retained his identity although with some added primal behavior.
No way to make your love life more chaotic than your husband becoming a kaiju! (I would've made it more insane if I used Skyscraper Softie!Kafka for my personal take.)
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@nightfal1n @iceclew @terra-sketches @drmarune @renard-dartigue @oxandthorn
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dnraspace · 3 months ago
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Hectic weeks, doesn't mean I can't draw Hoshina :3
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imnotbowl · 9 months ago
Production I.G. really likes when
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I wonder if Okonogi is ok when she sleeps
Anyway anyway I'm in love with Aoi. he's too kind and AAAAAA
"I told you, I don't want to lose any of them." he's so cute
and Haruichi still seems to be sad.
my boys
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loveanimekn8 · 5 months ago
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i-literally-cant-with-this · 9 months ago
This is an oddly specific request but could I ask for headcanons with Kafka and a reader who’s on the curvier side? Like I’ve got DDs, I have wider hips, and like Kafka I have abs but only if I suck in my stomach. So I guess I feel very seen and validated by his body type??
Sfw/nsfw is fine, and feel free to delete this if it’s too vague. I hope you have an awesome day! ☺️
MDNI under the cut, please and thank you!
A/N ::: I woke up at 4:30 this morning and am falling asleep as I write this lol. Proofed as well as I could for the remaining brain power I have.
Anon! I LOVE this so much. And oddly specific requests are fine with me. It just means I have more to work with! I hope you like this and that it meets all of your needs =).
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Always had a soft spot for women with more to love. And you've only made these feelings of his grow in intensity.
Can't believe YOU are interested in him. Sure, he knows he's strong and relatively good looking (my god, he deserves the world) but only recently has he started to feel really comfy in his own skin.
Respects the hell out of you for being so confident in your body.
Never tires of seeing you walk around in your bra when you get ready in the morning.
Has trouble focusing on his breakfast when your tits are looking so much more delicious than what he's trying to eat.
Has given up on finishing his food more than once to take a few well-placed bites of you.
Can't get enough of your ass, especially when you're bent over something in the kitchen. Or the bedroom. Or the bathroom. Anywhere, really.
Comes up behind you and starts to rub your hips, squeezing and pulling at you, whining because he doesn't want to wait until later to have you all to himself again.
You've let him indulge in his fondness for the softness of your body more than once.
You're nearly convinced that he likes what he's doing to you more than you do.
The way he reacts when he's eating your pussy, moaning and pulling your body closer against his face, his big arms wrapped up under your thighs and his hands almost turning white they're gripping the fat of your legs so hard.
It's like he's possessed, unable to control himself.
And when he fucks you, his abs bulge and flex as he slams into you, his cock hitting all of those spots deep inside of you, driving you mad.
Does his best to let you cum first.
When he finishes, sometimes he'll pull out and cum all over your tits, stomach, ass. Any part of you that he's fixated on at that moment in time.
Has had trouble deciding and almost ruined his own orgasm - luckily, there are only beautiful parts to you, and he was able to finish anywhere.
He's never had a preference for where he puts it before, but with you he just seems to really like to cover you in his cum.
Provides world-class aftercare.
He offers you anything he can think of that you might want or need.
Warm washcloth to clean up a little? Sit tight, kitten, he'll be right back.
Hungry? Where do you want to eat? He's famished, anything you want sounds great to him.
Thirsty? He's already walking his chubby, jiggly naked butt down the hall to the kitchen for a glass of ice water for you.
Tired? Great, so is he. The two of you have curled up more than once to take some quiet time for just you.
He's got you covered for anything.
So grateful to have someone so loving, patient, and caring in his life.
Fights (playfully) with you about who is luckier: You or him. But he never backs down that he's the clear winner here.
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@kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@darkstarlight82 @southside-otaku
@bakubunny @mintiblossom
@breathofthewind29 @viburnt
@trevengersprincess @manji-hoe
@witchy-scribblings @
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yue-chan077 · 4 months ago
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( #KaijuNo8 ) 💜🎂🎉
Happy Birthday to the coolest Vice Captain... Hoshina 💜✨💜✨💜✨💜
I'm ngl about the fact that he's one of my favorite characters so here I am greeting him for his day 😤👏✨
this man totally gave me fresh start up in anime once more-- imagine being so excited just by watching episodes 😭✨and he's quite precious to me by that alone 🥺✨
I legit have two chibigurumis of him at home--- staring at me as I draw this-🏃✨(squeak)
that's all for today! I seriously cannot finish my other wip so I had to get by with this one 🏃✨ I have one more wip of him wish me to finish it ahshshs-- 😭😭😭✨
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nemophila0 · 4 months ago
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alexankeegk · 1 month ago
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Happy Valentine's Day 2025
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gabbyp09 · 10 months ago
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zettabyte99 · 2 months ago
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sonicasura · 9 months ago
Hilariously fucked up idea but what if Kafka's kaiju had a starfish moment?
Like when Hoshina cuts off his arm during their fight in episode 8, the limb just turns into a mini baby version of the himbo's Kaiju form while they are unaware. Nobody notices until two possible scenarios occur. (Both will have at least two months for shenanigans before No.10 shows up.)
1. Hoshina finds the whelp as he hears it rummaging through the garbage. He was gonna bring back the arm he'd cut off from No. 8 only to notice it strangely gone. Imagine his face when he goes to investigate only to see a little chibi skull look back at him with puppy eyes.
The 'Oh fuck' look as he realizes what he inadvertently created especially when the whelp starts happily chirping at him. Hoshina brings the baby back since those puppy dog eyes pretty much sniped any willpower to snuff it out and it might help the Defense Force understand No. 8 better. Yes, Mina is definitely picking on him once she sees the whelp. (Gonna call them Skully for now.)
Poor Kafka gonna have a major inner freakout for two reasons. Skully pretty much is like a koala and throws a fit if away from Hoshina for too long so the entire 3rd Division sees them. The other reason is the whelp immediately knows who their momma is thus has a tendency to sneak away to see Kafka.
2. Our himbo suddenly senses something strange after he escapes Hoshina. Following his instincts, Kafka soon finds the newly born Skully munch on one of the dead kaiju corpses. The baby immediately begins to chirp happily at the stunned himbo.
Kafka ends up hiding Skully in a bag he takes off the street and goes to Kikoru for help. She absolutely has a freakout cause the man is really pushing his luck with a mitosis kaiju baby in a battlezone! (Kafka does try to defend himself since he didn't know how freaky these powers were gonna be.)
It's the three stooges with a kaiju baby time as our himbo needs all the help he can get. Even moreso when Skully likes to wander off in order to find their 'papa' Hoshina. The baby already gets fussy if Kafka is absent for too long and his kaiju instincts hate leaving them alone for similar reasons.
With either scenario, someone is gonna face the struggles of parenthood. Lol
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talesofsonicasura · 1 month ago
Here For You
There's a saying: to be loved is to be changed. Has someone ever thought about their lover's perspective? Or how both can adjust to such a transformation?
Or how Kaiju!Soshiro and Kafka adjust when the latter is turned into a kaiju. This is part of a Nobody Like You spinoff which has a basis yet to be written. Only thing you need to know is that Kafka is from a prestigious kaiju research family who don't agree with him wanting to join the Defense Force. Please enjoy!
'I should've known something was wrong. Kafka is never this late.' Amidst a starry night sky overlooking the forests of Mount Fuji, a lone figure sat in near silence at the cliff's edge. Not many would think twice about seeing someone up in the mountains especially this particular landmark.
Mountain climbers often set camps when climbing such natural giants like Fuji. However this was no climber, much less a human at all. The observer is a kaiju unlike any other whose only known by his categorization under JAKDF ruling as Kaiju No. 7.
A 52 ft violet armored enigma recognized for the frightening fortitude of 9.2. and the three blades which adorn each arm. However the kaiju went under a different name, one that only his mate knew: Soshiro. A mate whose uncharacteristically late to their moonlit date.
Soshiro ran a clawed hand through his quill bowl cut, a harsh sigh escaping his maw as he sat up from his rocky perch. 'Knowing my mate's family, they probably decided to ambush him again. Looks like I finally get to re-enact that scene from the plumber and monkey game.'
A harsh beam of light shot into the sky within the forest brush below. The illumination blinking constantly in an unfamiliar pattern to many except for one. Soshiro became a purple blur as his powerful legs launched him off the ground.
Sharp claws found purchase in the dirt with the kaiju shifting into an all fours sprint. His large form weaving through the dense trees akin to a snake as his tail often wrapped itself around a tree trunk to steady himself for sharp turns. The faint lovely smell of chocolate came into range yet it felt wrong.
Kafka's intoxicatingly sweet scent was heavily smothered by something. The harsh yet crisp ozone of a thunderstorm wafts around the chocolate like a cyclone. 'KAIJU.' Bloodlust filled red violet orbs as they greeted the world from their calm darkness.
The currently lone figure began to become visible in Soshiro's furious gaze. Cyan bioluminescence highlights the thick muscles of the intruder's obsidian scale armor hide, their horned bone mask lined with teeth is open slightly like a dumb fish, teal slit eyes in those hollow sockets look nervous whilst clawed hands clutch a familiar flashlight. The last straw for the larger kaiju as his run became a ferocious lunge.
"HRRGH-" A wheeze barely came from the smaller intruder's throat before they found themselves between Soshiro's large hand and a tree. The flashlight clattered across the ground but it was swiftly ignored for a more important matter. Steam pour from No. 7's maw as he glared dual color daggers into the intruder.
There are very few things that could extinguish Soshiro's fury. "So...shi... It's me! Kaf-ka!" Yet this was the harshest as the distorted growl overlapping a familiar husky male voice couldn't conceal the truth behind. Only one person knew his name, the one who gave it to him.
Soshiro's grip fell as the smaller kaiju slumped to his knees. Heavy labored breaths harshly twist the sharp realization that now stab at No. 7. Kafka was a kaiju and he nearly killed him.
The gentle presence of a scaled hand laying atop his large palm kept Soshiro from spiralling. Kafka's teal slitted eyes look up at his own, soft forgiving aura shone back than a rightfully upset one. "It's okay Soshiro!"
Kafka gently rubbed his fingers across the larger kaiju's hand. "This was mostly my fault as I should've known my scent changed. Like seriously it's like lesson three in the beginner's book. For someone who comes from a family of kaiju researchers, this wasn't my brightest moment."
Soshiro stared at his smaller mate for a second before harsh laughter burst out his chest. "I guess we're both fools huh? Such a sweet caring mate." Kafka found himself gently plucked from the ground and raised over to the larger kaiju's shoulder.
He sat himself down on the smooth familiar surface as his lover began the trek back to the nest. "Now how did ya end up like this? I'm not complaining though. Our fun can really get wild now~"
Soshiro cackled as he felt the light elbow jab at his cheek. The red tint dusting Kafka's bone mask was worth it. "You're such a pervert, Soshi! Okay so this is what happened."
It became apparent that Kafka's new kaiju form had quite a number of abilities than just taking on his old human form. One being Personal Biology Manipulation, the power to alter one's own biology. A pretty powerful ability from what his lover explained.
Fitting for the 'most powerful kaiju' in the Defense Force's words. Kafka was labeled Kaiju No. 8 and his fortitude clocking in at a staggering 9.8. The Hibino family were obviously going wild upon this discovery, unaware about the irony behind their new obsession.
"Soshiro! What do you think of this?" The kaiju turned to look at Kafka from his nest. During his off days, the human would often experiment with his kaiju. Usually in the most mundane ways as a long thick reptilian tail now poked out from his lower soft tan back.
The white jagged spikes protruding out of the tail had barely avoided getting caught in the blue sweatshirt fabric. "Your control has improved quite a lot since the past week. Being able to partially transform your body is useful." It clearly wasn't the answer Kafka been looking for from the confusion on his face.
"Oh! I'm talking about my tail! Can't always rely on my fists and my kicks still suck at the moment. Then I remembered how you often use your tail in battle. Even made sure it was very prehensile!"
To prove his statement, Kafka lifted the pencil he set aside and wrote his way in neat cursive on a sheet of paper. He instantly shuddered when Soshiro's own tail snake itself around the new appendage. The scales scratching a bundle of nerves that wasn't protected.
"Looks like ya forgot to not make it sensitive. Otherwise it's a pretty good tail so far. Especially since I can do this with no problem." Kafka immediately found himself in Soshiro's as the larger kaiju began scent marking him through nuzzles.
The himbo let the kaijufication overtake him before growing to match his lover's size and reciprocate his affection. Another kaiju behavior that became Kafka's new normal. Their tails haven't separated for the rest of the day until the man had to return to base.
Kafka didn't know if he should feel ashamed as sharp kaiju fangs found purchase in an acidic bloody hide. It hadn't taken long for him to learn that his required calorie consumption quadrupled after the metamorphosis. Yet he ignored the unfamiliar voice in his head which told him otherwise.
Now Kafka was knee deep inside a freshly killed kaiju corpse again as he ate at its flesh. The man considered himself lucky that his prey had been roaming away from civilization. Unlike last time where he had to take it to go because a lady saw him and called the DF.
Not a good thing when the Defense Force is still after him and Soshiro. "I'm gonna have to take five baths just to get the stench of blood off me. Nevermind brushing my teeth until the bristles catch on fire or wither."
He can practically hear the debating match often tossed around his family on whether this would be cannibalism. "A 50 ft kaiju is quite the first catch! Mind if I take a bite?" Kafka nearly jumped out of his skin as Soshiro manifested before him without warning.
Thank god he hadn't taken another bite because he highly doubts the larger kaiju knew the Heimlich Maneuver. He glares back at his lover who just cackles upon the sight. "Go ahead as I can't eat all of it anyway. The hunger has bigger eyes than my stomach."
Soshiro shifted a bit so he wouldn't bowl over his small mate when attempting to sit down beside him. He could only shake his head as Kafka tore into the corpse like a starved dog. "Do you need help handling your new appetite? Can practically hear the stomach grumbling whenever ya visit."
Soshiro could make out the muffled sigh before Kafka took his blood covered face out. "Please! I can't eat that much at the cafeteria as everyone would get suspicious. And my family has been stalking my old Cleaner job so there's no chance of getting anything."
The violet kaiju knows there is a forest quite close to Tachikawa Base. It would make a perfect spot to drop off his kills for Kafka. A good mate does provide for their other and he was no different. Speaking of providing...
"You sure you don't want me to eat your family? It would be easy to just-" "THE ANSWER IS STILL NO! You don't even eat people and said that they probably taste like rotten shoes anyway!"
Not many things could get under Soshiro's skin as he wasn't an easy person to anger. At most, he would see the current issue bothering him as a minor annoyance. What the kaiju wouldn't tolerate is someone hurting his mate, whether they be friend or foe.
An abnormal newly listed by the DF as No. 10 had the balls to not only attack the base Kafka is at but bring an entire flock of wyvern Honju. When kaiju invade another's nest, it's to eat their young or the weakened owner.
The attack here is a war declaration amongst his species. It prioritizes causing the most damage while everyone is present. Casualties on the attackers' side doesn't matter, it is how much blood they spilled.
Soshiro had recently arrived to deliver Kafka his latest catch when he saw the signs. He didn't hesitate to pounce into range of the base's radar as fiery meteors appear above the sky. Not when Kafka was standing so close to the blast radius.
"A Kaiju has been detected! It's fortitude...is 9.2!! Readings confirm that it's No. 7!"
Officers found themselves in a battle preparation frenzy a minute before the molten blasts crashed down. If they weren't mad as ants from a kicked anthill now, the sight of Kafka in the violet kaiju's arm really set them ablaze. The man's clothes were partially burnt but he was overall fine thanks to intervention.
Soshiro ignored their confusion when he gently set Kafka down to face the arriving red menace. He paid little mind to the few bullets that purposely bounced off his hide as he led No. 10 away. Not even the few concerned shouts were heard when the kaiju's opponent grew 5 times his size.
The only human Soshiro kept his hearing open to was Kafka. It's the one thing that truly mattered to him in a fight. The background sound of his mate offering valid info about their foe sharpens the kaiju's blades. Evacuating his comrades to safety strengthen his hide. The lovely song of Kafka's heart made Soshiro's core burn bright. He fights this battle only for his mate if it meant the kaiju could keep that soul who enchants him so much alive.
Thus Soshiro's rage was certified when multiple guns soon level their aim at Kafka once the chaos finally ends. He threw his secret to the blaze once it became apparent that No. 10 had been sent by another kaiju. One who didn't hesitate to turn the bodies of the dead Honju into one giant bomb.
Something which would've reduced the entire ward to a smoldering crater if Kafka didn't blast it away with his kaiju power. One he still wasn't fully accustomed to as the man burnt himself out to the point of immobilization.
This is where everyone stood now. Soshiro hovering over Kafka like a furious dragon, his larger body now a shield positioned low to the ground as if ready to grab his mate and run. The base Captain was the only one amongst five to keep her gun steady despite the look of reluctance in her eyes.
Her other four soldiers were shaking with uncertainty at the potential bloodbath that could unravel in seconds. Their base already took a major hit and it wouldn't handle an assault from a 9.2 fortitude kaiju such as No. 7. Everyone else was frozen in a cocktail of silence.
Disbelief, shock, worry and awe at the chaotic canvas before them. The most recent update about the current Numbered Kaiju was that No. 7 has been confirmed as No. 8's mate. A 'Pair Made In Hell' from how frantic the superiors were about finding their nest due to the ghoul of possible offspring.
To learn that their loveable silly comrade was No. 8 had added bitter discomfort to the tension. A stalemate which would've last longer if Kafka's larger mate hadn't spoke. His voice a hot blade that demanded attention.
"I am only going to say this once. My foolish mate wouldn't have blown his secret if he didn't care for all of you. I don't know you like he does so my intervention had been for him." Piercing red purple eyes glanced at them all before him focusing on Mina's dark orbs.
"My blades will only cut for Kafka alone. His love towards y'all is what keeps me from taking him with me to the depths where none of you can follow. Thus I instead decided to lay down an offer." Mina's response was a harden gaze but her eyes held no rejection for what the kaiju is about to say.
"I shall lend my power to the Defense Force in exchange for Kafka's safety. We both know that an unnatural change has begun to shift on our respective grounds. The dead walk again, people are going missing under inhuman circumstances, and now your secure facilities are being compromised."
"You believe that whatever is responsible was behind the attack?" Soshiro couldn't resist the small fanged smile growing on his face from the Captain's interruption. "Good to know you're following along. We have all seen the signs. A massive storm is coming and I don't believe anybody's ready for it. Kafka already swore his allegiance to the JAKDF with everything he's got."
"I will offer mine if ya let him continue to do so."
Under any other circumstances a heavily monitored nest of cloth, stuffing, and other soft material would be an insult to Soshiro. Yet the small slumbering body of his lover curled beside him made such an arrangement tolerable. The kaiju's temporary home became a specialized cell as his enclosure wouldn't be ready until tomorrow.
Apparently they had plans to capture him after he aided in their fight against No. 6 long ago. Guess he also saved the commander's wife rather than just keep his lover safe from the destruction. Who knew?
Soshiro couldn't roam outside nowadays without being monitored in some way. It was part of the deal settled with the Defense Force in exchange for Kafka's life. The Commander and his wife made sure things were fair thankfully. Other than the annoying 1st Division captain, things had been mostly fine.
Kafka got permission to 'bunk' with him until his new enclosure was finished. There had been some protest but the commander shut it down immediately. It would take a bit longer for Soshiro to go on missions as they were currently trying to find him a handler.
So far, the only choice that hadn't been turned was Mina Ashiro i.e Kafka's Third Division captain and the one who gave them a second chance. Hopefully he can get her something nice as gratitude. A soft pat on his chest had Soshiro look down into the sleepy eyes of his mate.
"Come on Soshi. Go get some sleep as we have a long day tomorrow. A tour of your new den, setting up the actual nest, and some other stuff too." The kaiju softly hummed as he wrapped his arm delicately around Kafka. Hum of a human heartbeat and a kaiju core's gentle thrum lull to the two into a peaceful slumber.
All of it can wait for tomorrow. For now, they can bask in each other's presence. The new day would be tackled together.
And that's it! This would've been longer if Tumblr didn't decide to be a troll with the Save option. I hoped you guys manage to enjoy it regardless.
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@noodlesbf-blog @kafkahibinomybeloved @iceclew @renard-dartigue @terra-sketches @driokrine @drmarune @scribblermerlin @giantgoblin
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