lix-ables · 5 months
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the-shark-well · 2 years
Fic with Hanz Spearman, you say? 👀
yes ! well , he isn't the focus unfortunately KSJAKS but he is an important side character . grabbed some dialogue to . show him off a bit bc I loooovee him in this fic (they didn't appear underlined here for whatever reason but usually docs is yelling at m for how strange his talking pattern is)
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It's written from Reg's perspective btw , he's the person labelled "YOU"
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golittlebluefairy · 4 years
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“Já pensou se, sei lá, essas pessoas não devessem estar sendo tratadas como desaparecidas? E se só fugiram? E se, na verdade, Jason Bee decidiu começar uma seita secreta de 'Os Que Não Querem Ser Esquecidos’, e foi embora do Instituto.. e agora está recrutando novos seguidores?” - ok, Alyssa nunca conhecera Jason pessoalmente, mas um dos rumores que rolaram quando este desapareceu foi que podia ter sido esquecido. Porém, agora, algumas pessoas populares haviam ido também, e isso abria muita margem pra sua cabecinha conspiracionista. Estava verbalizando apenas uma das muitas teorias que criara com toda essa comoção rolando. A realidade é que ainda estava muito impactada com sua própria entrevista - possivelmente mais que qualquer outro aprendiz poderia estar. Era a única descendente, dentre todos os colegas até onde sabia, que nunca havia conhecido o progenitor. E isso só poderia ter acontecido assim: sendo interrogada por conta do desaparecimento de doze alunos. A busca por mudar o foco dos pensamentos é que fazia Alyssa expôr teorias absurdas. Precisava se distrair de alguma forma.
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thefamilyjewels13 · 2 years
hr just found his sister and she just left
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hadraws-11 · 4 years
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I can't live without him... He is a beauty ((and i am the beast, apparently)).
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pythnensis · 7 years
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cowboylikemeg · 4 years
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sexykwan · 5 years
i'd like to see ymm in the top4 but imagine have to go through 4 positions and he's not there....the feeling that he might [SUPER IPER REDACTED].....
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othercrossee · 2 years
Not surprised crocodile is more related to bird than reptiles if I know dinosaur
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lbbutch · 3 years
slapper of butts. squeezer of boobies
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keogane · 7 years
u kno i lov u 🖤
i love u too sam but why would u betray me like this
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quackisinnit · 4 years
What Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, c!Techno, Wilbur would get you for Valentine's Day
Note: probabaly the biggest headcanon i've ever wrote KDSHJS i'll only do this when theres a speacual occasion. sorry it came out so late!!
Genre: fluff, romantic, irl and in-game, gender neutural, they/them
Warnings: none
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Heart Shaped Balloons and Flowers
he would bring you to a fancy restaurant
like he would go all out
he gives you the gifts like before you leave the restaurant
he payed for the check
and he just stands up and says "wait here, i'll just get something real quick from the car"
you're so confused cause like
he already brought you to a fancy place?? what other surprise does he have for you
and he comes in with the balloons and flowers
and you're all like
"dream you're too sweet, i'm gonna cry"
"aww no dont cry D:"
when he gives it to you he kisses your cheek and say some romantic stuff
"i love you so much y/n"
"i'm so grateful for you, thank you for sticking withme theough thick and thin"
Chocolates and A Teddy Bear
you would both be at home
just hangin out
cause why go out if you can just stay at home an watch movies together??
he'd even make you pick the movie
which is pretty rare
cause in his words,
"you always pick the worst movies"
"wdym??? i pick the best movies D:<"
and while watching
he gets up and you dont really expect anything
cause yaknow he could be going to the rest room
and when he comes back,
he calls out to you, gifts in hand
you then look at him and he smiles at you
"happy valentines day:)"
and he'd give you the tightest hug in the world
"aw george thank you, you're the best"
"i know😏"
"oh shut up"
A Big Teddy Bear and Flowers
he would try to plan something big
like a big banner with "happy valentines day!", lots of flowers, etc
but he couldn't cause he was busy:((
and a few days before valentines day he'd just buy you flowers
he planned to give it to you before you wake up
so he woke up earlier than you
he tried to make breakfast for you
but he was so nervous so it was pretty hard
like he would be trying to make you some eggs but heended up burning them on accident
in the end he just made you a sandwhich
when he went in you were still alseep
and after a few minutes of deciding,
he called dream LMAOO
and so he did
you were greeted with a very happy and nervous sapnap
"happy valentine's day:)"
and he'd give you the flowers and sandwhich
later on in the day you both went to a carnival and win you a big teddy bear in one of the games
cause he felt bad for just getting flowers djshsj
Cupcakes and A Teddy Bear
he'd first greet you in the morning by peppering your face with kisses and handing you the bear
"here you go love, happy valentines day"
and he'd be all giggly that day too
for the next surprise
he would make this a bonding experience
like you would both make the cupcakes
maybe even make a contest and see who makes the better cupacakes
and it'd be so much fun
he'd throw flour at you, try to mess up the color of your icing by adding more food color in it, etc
like you'd be mixing and he just comes up behind you and probabaly throws an egg at your head LMAOO
"okay so i nee-" you feel something hard hit your head and then hear a cracking sound
you turn around to see that karl has thrown an egg at your head
but it didnt break, it only broke when it finally hit the ground
"oh karl you're in for it now-"
you'd be throwing different ingredients at eachother
maybe even spoons and spatulas
"HA get recked y/-" he pauses
"did you just hit my head with a fork?"
"... maybe"
just really chaotic honestly
and cleaning up would be pretty hard
like there would be flour and icing everywhere
but the whole experince was fun<3
Flowers and Song/Poem
he'd be stressed about it
like "will they like it?" "is it good enough??"
just lots of thoughts racing through his head
when he gives it (the flowers) to you
his hands would be sweaty
he clears his throat and gets a piece of paper from his pocket
and its the poem
he starts readibg the lines
(spoiler, its a joke poem)
"y/n, the first time i saw you, i pissed my pants"
"and i like ants"
or somethimg like that KSJAK
he'd just say stupid stuff to make you laugh
then after that comes the real gift
the song
this man makes his own song and tune
nothing was taken from the internet
like he wrote the lyrics himself and the tune
and he'd sing it seriously
when done with the song, he looks at you
"did you like it??"
"like it?" you scoffed
his heart fucking STOPS
"i loved it:)"
and he'd just let a sigh of relief
"dont ever pull that shit again i thought you hated it >:()"
Going on Picnic and Poem
at first he wouldn't know what to give you tbh
he'd be asking phil what to give you
"phil what should i give y/n?"
and phil would help him
"just give them anything, i'm sure they'll love whatever you get"
"but phil what if-"
he'd want something good enough for you
like he doesn't want to get you just flowers
it needs to be something better than that
but at the same time he's just too lazy to plan anything that big
so he just decided on going on a simple picnic
and he also decided to write you a poem
so you're picnic takes face in a large field
in the middle of nowhere
"techno, where are we?"
"you'll see"
you both to a hill where you find a blanket and a basket, filled with various kinds of food and drinks
"aww techno, thank you. you're so sweet:D"
and he'd be all flustered
"yeah but its just a picnic.."
you both sat down and just talked about things
and before you left he told you he had one more surprise
he reaches to the bottom of the basket where a paper lays
he gets it and begins reading it to you
spoiler alert, its the poem
when he's done, just like quackity, he looks at you
"did,, did you like it?????"
"i loved it techno" and you peck him on the lips
and techno?
boom, his heart explodes
"i'm glad you liked it"
he's so awkward and flustered brrr
Chocolates and a Song
with the song he just speedran it
but at the same time he didnt
like he made the tune quickly
but he took a long time with the lyrics
trying to find the perfect words
but it was hard
because you were so perfect and lovely to him
also cause you were always around him
and you might see what he was doing:((
obviously that would ruin the surprise
so he tried his best to keep it a a secret
and he was able to do it
soon valentines day came
and he sang his song to you
in a blanket fort he made
out of chairs, blankets, and pillows
the fort was filled with stuffed animals, snacks, drinks etc
anything you could think of, it was probably there JSJAJSJ
and if you had a pet
they would just be chilling in the fort
he sang his song there
after, he gave you choclates
cause why not??
he loves you so much so why not more gifts???
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the-shark-well · 2 years
at this point, showing my face in these parts is a given seeing how much i like your hcs
-pulls up shades-
anyway, how 'bout lucas and mabel?
Lucas !! the boy . the fella .
- non-binary boy (he/they)
- gay , grey-sexual
- 15 years old , 5'7
- He stims a lot !! he also has a tendency to infodump to whoever would listen .. unfortunately Mabel n Lucy would always shut him down one way or another when he got too rambly abt a topic , causing him to clam up more often than not .
- Jake listens to him , though !! Lucas is hyperfixated on bug loomians and has probably caught or at least observed every one of them in some form . his loomipedia is nearly complete in the bug category KSJAKS
- Lucas has a ton of trouble sleeping . He needs a daydream in order to fall asleep comfortably , so on the nights where his brain can't settle on anything he ends up on his phone until like 3 am .
- He loves giving hugs and highfives n just generally being a sorta cheerleader for his friends
Mabel . my unfortunate beloved /lh
- genderfluid egg(doesn't realize it til later after allowing herself to comfortably explore her identity and herself as a person) (she/they/loom*/it/he) [*loom/loomianself]
- aromantic asexual (also doesn't realize it until later)
- 15 years old (the youngest , though) , 5'2
- Has absolutely no filter in the worst way possible . used to claim that they're just "brutally honest" when in actuality they were just kind of a douchebag
- only knew how to express loomianself by lashing out and being strong because thats what looms mother taught loom to do . A lot of Mabel's behavior was shaped by her mother , either on purpose or accidentally . Even though she doesn't like her mom .
- Mabel has trouble seeing the bigger picture beyond herself sometimes , leading her to mistreat her friends unintentionally . Jake later knocks some sense into her about how upsetting it is , which gets her to step back and really analyze herself .
- despite everything , she did always see Lucas n Lucy as her best friends . Mabel makes amends with both of them for treating them like minions more than pals .
- Cannot separate aesthetic attraction from romantic . he "caught feelings for Jake" before realizing he was genderfluid(and aroace) , and upon later reflection , Mabel realizes he was just gender envious of him KSNKAD
- despite their sour attitude , Mabel is genuinely dependable and will defend their friends if the time calls for it .
- After making amends w Lucas n Lucy and moving on to be a better person w the group , Mabel allows herself to be verbally affectionate w her friends to make up for lost time . stuff like "I love you guys" said before they split up , stuff like that .
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dearest-valentine · 2 years
“Stevens so soft!” “He’s the weak one.” he’s the only one with any sort of braincells that would help a typical human to survive.
- run away from danger
- do not piss people off
- has a job
Somehow he’s the most well-adjusted one
he’s a social protector /hj
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gaykeithbilance · 3 years
Hi there! So this is totally random, but did someone actually send someone who worked on Voltron cupcakes filled with glass or is that just a weird mandela effect type thing?
so to my knowledge this never actually happened. when season 7 dropped people were angry at the creators for various (valid) reasons. because of this the creators recieved a huge amount of backlash and even harrassment. somewhere during this period someone made up the glass cupcake story, and people believed it. the concept of glass cupcakes is ofc very sensational so people started spreading it around social media like wildfire. especially people who disliked the voltron fandom or specifically klance shippers, used it to make the fans look bad. i've heard that the glass cupcake rumor was made up by a sh31th shipper but idk if it's true.
i honestly think the concept of glass cupcakes is hilarious. i even joke about it with my voltronnie friends ksjak but it isn't real. i have never found any proof about the glass cupcakes not in 2018 and not now. it's kinda sad that people just believed it and used it to contribute to their "crazy klancers abusing the poor creators" narrative, when it wasn't as black and white as that
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discardedvessel · 5 years
“ Are you sure you don’t have any parents you could call?? “ – from Airin shdbsjsbebeb
They briefly consider telling him the truth- they’re a vessel. The only real person that could be considered their ‘parents’ was their creator. Who they were meant to house... And Gale would certainly call them if they could. But the flicker of longing in their eyes is quickly covered by the usual cocky expression.
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“Nah, the only thing I could call my “parents” is the concept of bad decisions.” 
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