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trashiiplant ¡ 6 months ago
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offers more content and skedaddles
+ struggling
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the-genderbots ¡ 1 year ago
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textsfromcybertron ¡ 9 months ago
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(330): I’m honestly just flattered that you think I could make PornHub’s Top 10.
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crikkit-kitterton ¡ 2 months ago
favorite thing about the idea of breakdown and knock out dating starscream is them taking turns courting him. bonus points if he either a) is too birdbrained to pick up on the signals, or b) soaks up every drop of the attention while hesitating to let himself genuinely care about someone again.
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margoshamangolord ¡ 6 months ago
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a style experiment heavily inspired by the wonderful @yaicheliz !!!!!!!!!!!! lovve his style so much
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spikezonebby ¡ 1 year ago
Okay yes I love kobd and kobdss but there is so much potential in the way that Breakdown's death could affect Knock Out.
We don't know for a fact that they were together in Prime but we do know they valued each other and considered each other "partners." But it was something chill enough that after Silas showed up wearing Breakdown's body like the iron man suit, Knock Out takes to dissecting his late partner's body like a frog in a high school biology class.
Does that show that Knock Out simply didn't care? Starscream certainly thought so if his question to Knocks in that episode was anything to go off of.
But I think Knock Out *did* care, but he grieves through action. He grieves through taking something that's been defaced and defiled, and reframing it. Maybe it's an extension of his confidence in himself, that even dissecting Breakdown's body is still making it better than what Silas did to it?
Then we can carry that grief and that "grieving through action" thing and apply it to Knock Out's other relationships. Particularly one with Starscream for koss purposes.
I want to see Knock Out get irrationally protective and possessive over Starscream. I want to see him take things like buffing out scratches or soldering wires or reapplying paint, and make them his labor of love. Doing these things, making them better, and *insisting* he do them. Because they're meditative to him, his way of killing the pain that threatens someone he cares about and fixing it.
You can apply that to the berth too. If he saw dissecting Breakdown as some means of reclaiming what Silas took, maybe he likes leaving his own scratches and bite marks atop the damage Starscream takes?
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uselessmicrowave ¡ 2 years ago
What if the Matrix of Leadership allowed Tfp Optimus Prime and the dark energon allowed Megatron to see Starscream's restless spirit, how will they react seeing him messing with and scaring the bots and cons?
Optimus would first see Ghostscream on the battlefield following Breakdown around.
He’s very confused, he saw Starscream’s demise himself. And now Optimus is staring at the ‘empty’ space beside Breakdown, and now he’s confused too.
He is glad that Starscream can still run around without giving the autobots trouble, Optimus thinks it’s sweet that he’s following the bots he cared for (and still cares for).
Optimus would never ever admit this to anyone, but he’s the slightest bit jealous. He wishes that Cliffjumper would follow Arcee around, he wishes he could tell her with certainty that Cliff is doing alright in his afterlife.
Megatron is furious when he comes into his berthroom expecting everything to be in it’s place, and instead there are pieces of confetti on his floor. And a transparent Starscream running around his room.
Then, Starscream notices him staring through… no, at him.
Starscream begins to laugh at Megatron, realizing that the big bad bot couldn’t lay a digit on him even if he wanted to.
The seeker eventually gets bored of tormenting Megatron, he heads to the medbay to tell Knockout all about it via the spirit board made from spare scrap.
Soundwave also knows that Starscream’s a ghost because of the heat and energy sensing cameras on the ship. They think Megatron’s run-in with Ghostscream (they know about it because of Megatron’s ranting) is hilarious, but that’s a secret they won’t ever tell.
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spicycury13 ¡ 1 year ago
back at it again with doodles
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toon-topaz ¡ 2 years ago
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Starscream gets 2 boyfriends (Starscream design by @felonius-glitch
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anony-man ¡ 1 year ago
Starscream, smushed between Knock Out and Breakdown on a berth: When you both asked me to join the relationship, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
Breakdown: What do you mean? This is exactly what we had in mind!
Knock Out: I find zero problems with this arrangement.
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brandwhorestarscream ¡ 9 months ago
Hey! I'm from KOBDSS' ask
It was "KOBDSS, but breakdown is the carrier of jettwins and wildbreak"
Ok I've been sitting on this for awhile and ngl kinda struggling, cuz. I'm not too great at puzzling out three way relationships 😅 but I think I'm finally getting there
First and foremost! Unlike previous iterations, I think the three of them will be triplets here. They come as a huge shock to everyone, and Knockout is the first to know whilst diagnosing his mate's sudden restlessness and inability to keep fuel down. Knockout is stunned to see a grand total of 5 infant sparks orbiting around Breakdown's. Seekers are always born in threes, but one of them split in two so there were 4. Add Wildbreak for a clean 5
They know the chances of Starscream being the sire of at least one is inarguable. They have... a weird relationship with their commander. Knockout and Breakdown have been conjunxed since long before the war, back when Veloctiron was still online and still the hottest, fastest place in the universe. They've always known of Starscream, he's infamous among the decepticons. But they'd never actually met the guy or been under his jurisdiction until earth, snd though their relationship is certainly a bit looser and involved now, there's still... a sort of wall there. Starscream is a massively distrustful and paranoid individual, and it took months of coaxing and careful flirtation to get him to even consider their propositions. Even when their sexual rendezvous' became semi-regular, and friendly(ish) visits even moreso, it's clear he doesn't trust them and is guarding his spark closely. He doesn't love them, doesn't think they love him, and has been beaten down and torn apart too many times to even entertain the idea. KOBD are fully content and emotionally fulfilled between each other, and while they do care for Starscream to a degree, it's more friendly than the deep and romantic love they hold for each other.
Which... somehow, makes it more awkward. If they were all a big happy united threeway sparkbond, it would be easy to tell him. They'd better be able to gage how he might react. But with him holding them at arms length and vice versa, and the seeker being so volatile, they can't even begin to guess what he'll do. What he'll think.
Knockout knows they ought to disclose it as soon as possible. After all, it's an important medical condition. But... he's worried. They both are. Breakdown has made it clear, right from the moment he found out about them, he can't stand the idea of a termination. He knows they should. They both do. An active battlefield is no place for a bitty let alone several, and they're not in a position to guarantee their safety and shelter from the war's ever evolving fallout. But the idea of snuffing them is too cruel, even for the two of them. But if they tell the wrong person or things escalate negatively, there's the risk Lord Megatron or Starscream might order their termination anyway. And while the two of them have already resolved to fight for their litter if they have to... they both know it's a fight they'll lose.
Soundwave is the next one privy to their situation. He's the calmest and most reasonable commanding force on the ship, and realistically, if anyone could get them greenlit for parenthood while also not being ejected from the warship, it's probably Soundwave. They're hoping he'll smooth things over with their big boss, because everyone knows Soundwave can do no wrong in Megatron's eyes. If the news comes from him it'll seem less bad, right?
...except Soundwave does little more than acknowledge their situation and quietly file it away into the logs. Informs them to act at their discretion: if they want maternity leave or to be excused from battle, that is Lord Megatron's will alone.
These two idiots take the "act at your discretion" and run with it. They're just....... waiting for the right time to tell Starscream. Maybe once he's recovered from his last beatdown from Megatron a bit, or comes to loiter around the medbay when he's in a particularly good mood and looking to gossip. Yeah, they'll spring it on him then, and gently ease it in with a cup of some hot energon and some embarrassing story plucked from one of the hapless vehicons. They're bracing for impact and trying to dodge the inevitable. The idiots
Their stupidity unfortunately does eventually lend itself to tragedy. Thankfully they've avoided any altercations with the autobots recently, and Breakdown has been listening to Knockout about not exerting himself. The carrying cycle is progressing nicely and Soundwave has been approving theor extra energon intake without question. Everything is great.
And then everything goes to shit because of MECH
Everything plays out just as it does in canon. A clash with Bulkhead, taking hits and plunging in head first like he really shouldn't, dragged away by the humans and put under the knife. Having his optic ripped out of his head, having pieces of him removed and cut away. It's a traumatic, horrifying experience, and by the time Bulkhead arrives to free him he's bleeding from a very inconvenient place. Breakdown doesn't know if his greatest rival truly didn't notice or if he was refusing to acknowledge it, but he's glad for it either way. Starscream shows up to get him back, and Breakdown manages to hold himself together until he gets to the medbay
Knockout is waiting for him, and already knows the grim reality: Breakdown had never experienced such a spark-deep, lacerating pain than when one of their sparklings reabsorbed into him, premature bond shattering and leaving him a howling, roaring mess strapped to that concrete slab. Even now it persists, as his internals constrict and twist trying purge what would have been one of their bodies.
He looks like a mess stumbling into Knockout's arms, face still torn open, a gaping hole of wires and energon where his eye once was, chassis soaked in blood from their experiments and thighs just as wet, leaking a trail of blood behind him. The second the door whooshes shut behind them Breakdown collapses, crumbling to his knees and starting to scream even as his bondmate rushes throw his arms around him. It's so much, it's too much, everything is visceral pain, everywhere, from the farest reaches of his limbs to the cold void growing in his spark. It's agony, pure agony, as he desperately clings onto Knockout hard enough to dent and scratch and scrape, bawling and screaming in ire so loudly it surely echoes out into the halls. It's all just too much.
And then, to make matters worse, Starscream arrives. Bulkhead may not have noticed but he did. He can think of several reasons a mech might be voiding internal energon from his interface array, and none of them are positive. One look at the two of them immediately confirms his suspicions, and the only thing he can ask is, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Why, indeed. Breakdown immediately starts hysterically rambling, that he's sorry he knows they should've said something sooner but he's sorry this is all his fault and he's so sorry-
Explanations can wait, evidently. They need to get him taken care of, first.
Thankfully, a quick look with the mirror and a medical scan reveal that three of them are still there. Obviously stressed, vibrating at a higher than usual frequency, but still anchored safely to him. Not immediately in danger of reabsorption, and it's a huge, bittersweet relief. Three of them survived, might still survive all the way to emergence. The happiness is of course overshadowed by the loss, but this discovery feels like a glimmer of hope nonetheless. Knockout gets to work patching him up as seamlessly as he can, precise, loving hands eradicating wound by microscopic wound. Breakdown gets a tiny bit of carrier-safe sedative, to relax his body enough to safely operate while keeping him semi-coherent. They talk the whole time, all three of them. About... what to do next, about what the future may look like with three sparklings soon to be born. Starscream agrees that, if any of them have wings, he'll willingly care for them and be their parent. If they're all grounders, then... he'll of course be civil and be more forgiving about time off for the two of them, but he won't be involved. It's a fair arrangement they can all agree on.
Of course, that all goes out the window when the three of them are born. Starscream himself didn't even realize how excited he was for their birth until Knockout announces the first one is a grounder, and his spark leaps because he doesn't care. He doesn't care if they're a grounder or a flyer, his spark lurches in a joyful way it hasn't done since before Vos fell, and all at once he realizes that he wants to be involved in these bitties' lives whether they're actually his or not. They'll need all the help, all the love they can get, and he wants to be there with them regardless of what frame they are.
Then the next two come out as jets and he's somehow even happier, because this means he'll have someone to teach about the sky and all it's wonders, and it's somehow an even greater happiness. The three of them are beautiful sparklings, each somehow with Knockout's unnaturally pretty, elegant face. The little grounder looks just like his carrier as far as his colors go, mimicking him near perfectly, but his alt mode is achingly different but so familiar. "He's just like Wildrider..." Breakdown murmurs, optics faraway as he remembers his family from so long ago. They name the eldest Wildbreak, at Knockout's insisting that Breakdown be included too. The split spark twins inherit names from the sky, from long dead relatives they'll never meet: Jetfire and Jetstorm. Neither Knockout nor Breakdown has any complaints, so their names are settled on swiftly. With that out of the way their exhausted parents can all settle in on and around the bed, bonding with their newborns and whispering back and forth to each other about just how wonderful their precious sparklings are 💖
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the-genderbots ¡ 1 year ago
listen i know it’s an old meme-
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textsfromcybertron ¡ 1 year ago
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(630): We were supposed to have a 3some in bathroom but it just turned into us 2 making out while he watched like a little kid on christmas morning
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hi-im-writting ¡ 2 years ago
could i request some angsty headcanons, kobd + starscream (poly if its okay) comforting their human s/o who feels like they don’t deserve compliments or affection? thank yoouu <3
Oh sure! Kinda put my own spin on it a bit to give a little more depth I guess. Hopefully it still suffices
All of them try to find out is someone made you have this mindset
If they do find out oh boy! You won't have to worry about them dear
If not, then they wonder if one of them maybe pushed it on to you and a bit of a an argument erupts
It ends up with everyone leaving to cool down but they eventually talk it out
You tell them that you just feel like it because they're too good for you
They are not happy about that let me tell you
Knockout tells you that you that you're wonderful and the most prettiest little thing he ever seen and that you deserve every bit of affection that he, Breakdown and Starscream can offer
Breakdown just hugs you and says to never say that again and that you mean the world to him
Starscream is a bit offended. How dare you say that! You are his love! The light of his life how dare you! And for you to even consider that HE is too good for you! That knockout and breakdown are too good for you!
They're all kinda upset, but not at you, at themselves
The day ended up with all of you doing stuff together. Cuddles, hugs, and kisses were definitely involved
They love you very much and are very affectionate with you the rest of the relationship <3
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spikezonebby ¡ 1 year ago
KOBDSS is my ot3. I adore them so much!! BD and SS love KO and while BD is a huge softy, SS has trouble showing his affection (thanks megatron). I think KO is the one proposing this polyamorous relationship since he kinda started liking SS too, being very open about the interest towards SS while speaking with BD
It might all have started with them watching human movies occasionally but it turned to become something more over time. Maybe they all had a little too much high grade at some point and started with soft kisses which left SS confused but not dissapointed?
Breakdown like "Oh boy! Two husbands!" because I cannot see this man as EVER being the jealous sort. That's KO and SS's deal, he's the rock between them.
I headcanon Knocks to actually be a reformatted Seeker that traded his wings for wheels too, so he understands the subtlest aspect of flight frame body language too. He reads it loud and clear when SS is freaked out or stressing or happy. He KNOWS Starscream likes him and can read that shit clear as day, because lets be real, SS is an open book once you know what to look for.
Combine that with the common headcanon that Starscream's got some level of trauma from losing his trine (I haven't finished the novels but I know that was entirely his fault), and you've got TRUST AND CONFIDENCE ISSUES OUT THE WAZOO BABY
I love the idea though that these huge titans, terrifying forces to behold each in their own right, end up having one of the softest romances. Because honestly all three of them deserve it. This is an au where Breakdown doesn't die, where eventually all three of them end up as Autobots, and all three of them get some fucking therapy.
Oh yeah, and SS bottoms for both of them because I say so.
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uselessmicrowave ¡ 1 year ago
kinktober day four
tfp knockout x starscream
tws/content- overstimulation, teasing, sounding, gags, bondage, aftercare, mentions of kobdss, edging
“Oh, poor Starscream,” Knockout mocks, “All tied up and helpless.” he walks towards the seeker, doing his best to look menacing.
He, tied up like a present and shaking, is trying so desperately not to rock or grind against the huge fake spike half inside, half under him. He can’t voice any of his wants because of a ball gag stuffed in his intake. The magnetic vibrator loudly hums against his anterior node, it’s driving him insane. His spike is stuffed with a ridged metal rod. Starscream feels so fragging full.
And all that’s needed to end this was a single comlink message. Then he would be cleaned, fed, massaged and cuddled. But… if Starscream could withstand a cycle (roughly an hour) of this, there would be a repeat session, only their places would be swapped.
He can’t wait for the solar cycle when he wipes that dumb, attractive, arrogant smile off of Knockout’s stupid fragging faceplates.
“Not much longer Star,” the mech slowly walks behind the seeker. “Unless you want to give up. That���d be much easier for you than being teased.” a servo brushes Starscream’s wing, making him whimper. Knockout traces the transformation lines at the base, moving outward on his wings. The shaking from his wing pushes the servo away, Knockout looks disappointed.
“Here, how about we try… this.” he dials the vibrator down, roughly taking the air commander’s wingtip in a servo. The pinch makes Starscream tense up and moan around the ball gag. “Want to speak?” Starscream nods weakly.
“Then stay still.” his servo glides from the air commander’s wing, over to his shoulder, up his neck cables, to the back of his helm. Two digits slide under the leathery strap.
Knockout, with his other servo, squeezes the other wingtip testing the seeker’s will to stay unmoving. A surprised yelp comes from him, but he does stay still, and Knockout said that he would have a chance to beg for an overload…
“Good bot.” the shiny mech flicks the buckle on the gag away from Starscream’s helm. The mouthpiece falls to the ground, Starscream’s oral lubricant spattering the floor where it was dropped. He pants with an open intake, lubricants dripping out of it. Starscream barely gets a couple vents before, “Aren’t you going to thank me?” the medic sneers, standing up. “Maybe I should put it back on.”
“No! Mphm- thank you, Knockout.” Starscream continues to pant heavily, he closes his optics and tilts his helm back in the relief of having his jaws relaxed. The air commander doesn’t pay attention to the footsteps of his counterpart. “Thank you…”
Unbeknownst to Starscream, Knockout was kneeling in front of him, reaching for the ring on the metal rod in his spike. Sharp tipped digits brush under the tip, through the thin ring. The seeker groans, stirring against the touch.
“Ah- Stay just like that, Star.” Knockout tips his helm back again. “Be a good bot for me.” the medic purrs, pulling and teasing at the rod, creating waves of bright pleasure.
“Hhnnn…” he bares his denta, whining, helpless and sensitive. “Hng- ah!” Starscream’s vocalizer cracks in a response to Knockout shoving the rod deeper into his spike, rubbing the tip, then slowly pulling it out of him in a repeating pattern.
A beeping sound comes from somewhere within the room, signaling the time was up. That would be allďżź the teasing he had to endure.
“Mm-m Knockout…” the medic gives a quick kiss to shut him up, gently pulling the sounding rod out of his spike.
“I know, I know. No more. Just one last thing I want to try.” the shiny mech unties some of the knots around the seeker’s body, ropes droop from his lower half. Starscream relaxes his frame, causing him to sink down on the faux spike with a groan.
“Knockout…” Starscream whines.
“I know.” Knockout stands tall in front of the bot, still on his knee struts. “This time, you’ll be allowed to overload.”
“Really?” the shiny mech nods sweetly, taking Starscream’s faceplates and opening up his own panels. The half restrained bot needs an overload badly. It’s the least Knockout could do.
Starscream opens his intake, slowly starting to take the faux spike farther inside of him. He moans around Knockout’s spike, spreading his stabilizers wider. The seeker presses his glossa against the spike, trying to get some sort of praise or attention out of the red mech. Bouncing on the fake spike creates all the movement needed for the task at hand. Starscream groans, sending pleasant vibrations down Knockout’s spike.
“Be a good bot and overload for me.” an overload hits Starscream’s frame like a truck, he drops down onto the faux spike and tries desperately not to bite down on Knockout. His whole frame shakes and shudders.
The seeker’s transfluid soils the floor, making a mess of Knockout’s pedes as well. His wings droop, finally relaxed. The medic steps back so that Starscream can vent properly, smirking at the relieved expression on the commander’s faceplates.
“You were very good for me.” Knockout purrs, untying the few knots around Starscream’s frame, letting him ease onto the ground. The red mech snickers at him, helping the spent second in command up to their berth.
“Don’t laugh at me…” his words are slurred, Knockout can’t help but chuckle.
“Okay, fine. You want me to spoil you now?” Knockout mocks lovingly, knowing what the answer would be. He reaches for the little kit he set out beforehand. It’s full with energon candies and other treats, along with raspberry scented wax. Knockout isn’t sure what a raspberry is, but the wax smells nice.
“Knockout…” the seeker mumbles, faceplates in a pillow.
“C’n you use the pads instead of the buffer?” Starscream mutters with a piece of candy in his intake.
“Yes, only for you.” the red mech applies some wax on Starscream’s spinal strut, making him sigh of ease. “And also maybe Breakdown…” Knockout quietly adds.
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