kcirelovsstarz1 · 4 months
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ancafelover · 5 months
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Mana sama
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He’s so pretty dont you think? Which malice mizer era was the best? Or are they all equally good? ☆☆
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bluefisted · 2 years
oh heres a hill i'll die on - obito is a violent person to his core
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Oh, and this is what the afterlife is described as being like for Bhaalspawn when Dad's annoyed at you (which is to say, the afterlife when you're a Bhaalspawn):
"Do you think I learned some great secret there? The meaning of life, perhaps? Or some similar foolish notion? [...] My experiences? Suffering, tiefling… suffering you cannot fathom. Each level of pain worse than the first, each layer of torment bringing new tortures. [...] Beneath the suffering is a constant fire. An incessant, horrible burning—the rage and fury of Bhaal searing my immortal soul. No! I will not relive the agony of that inferno for your amusement!"
And remember: You cannot be resurrected!
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
"Dark Knights" interview with Nicholas Knight, Jared Padalecki, and Jensen Ackles (Oct/Nov 2008)
The following tidbits of text are from the Supernatural Magazine Issue 6 (Oct/Nov 2008) interview "Dark Knights" with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and writer Nicholas Knight (pages 10 to ).
"Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki will readily tell you that working on Supernatural has made them much less likely to get scared by the strange things that creep along just out of sight and lurk in the darkness. So what does it take to scare them nowadays? A writers’ strike.
“The obvious news of [season three] was the writers’ strike,” Padalecki emphasizes. “It scared a lot of us over here. Everything was up in the air. TV itself was up in the air. People wondered: ‘Is TV going to go to reality? Is TV going to go to news only? Is [all this] stuff gonna go to the Internet?’ Magazines like this one and the companion books really helped to ensure that our show would come back, and it did come back. So on behalf of everyone here, a big 'Thanks!' to everybody; we’re all very grateful to the fans and to the people who just enjoy the show, because we enjoy the show as well, and we enjoy making it.
“As soon as that strike hit, we were all saying ‘See you later,’ but a lot of us were scared it was going to be farewell. It was good to come back!” However, that doesn’t mean it was easy coming back. Ackles admits that it was hard for him to jump back into character. “In fact,” he says, “I sat down and watched three episodes just to get my head back into the whole show and the character, and find that [brotherly] relationship [again]. “I didn’t even see Jared the whole time the writers’ strike was going on, because he was traveling off in Europe and I was home in Texas. We just [all] kind of tried to utilize that time off as much as possible. Not to mention that we see enough of each other when we’re working together…” Ackles laughs, but it’s an unnecessary cue because it’s been well documented how well the two actors get along both on and off screen.
Although happy to be back, Padalecki also admits, “It was weird. Since the Pilot it’s the longest I’ve gone without playing Sam Winchester. Between seasons one and two and seasons two and three, the breaks were two months, and this time it was over three months.'"
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Is Sam going to turn evil? “That’s a great question,” Padalecki says.
“I hear it all the time and I always wish I knew the answer. As of right now, I think the audience would be very against it, so I don’t think [Eric] and the other writers are going to let that happen. But it’s somewhere I’m curious to go; I’d love to see what happens if Sam goes that way. As far as the scripts and outlines I’ve read, it seems like the only way [for Sam] to save his brother is going to be by embracing his evil side for even a moment, so I’m curious to see what happens if Sam goes ‘dark side.’ The audience probably doesn’t want it, and of course my parents and family don’t want it either, but I think it’d be interesting to see Sam maybe get weak a little bit and give in to that [impulse]."
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"Maybe I was powerful initially, and now that I’ve died and come back it’s almost like when Obi-Wan [Kenobi, from Star Wars] said, ‘If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could [possibly] imagine."
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"No Rest For The Wicked left us wondering if Sam not only is a fully fledged demon, but if he’s more powerful than Lilith. But do we actually know how powerful Lilith is? “She’s pretty powerful, obviously," states Padalecki. “I know that Kripke and the writers love playing with the color of the demons' eyes. Black-eyed demons are run-of-the-mill demons, but the Yellow-Eyed Demon, he’s even worse, and the red-eyed demon is the Crossroads Demon. And here we see Lilith with her white eyes and we know that she is gun-running to be essentially the leader of Hell, opposite Satan. We don’t know where Satan fits in, but Lilith is the big badass in Hell, so we know that we’re going to have to answer to her. From what we know, she's essentially all powerful. We don’t know a way to stop her. Even Ruby, who is a demon (doesn’t know how to stop her]. She's obviously been trying to weasel Sam into embracing his demonic abilities a tittle bit more, but Sam's been so against it and doesn’t want ' to go [down] that route… but he wants to save his brother…"
"Something that's harder to balance with all the dark and dreary are healthy relationships. Dean and Bela aren’t likely to hook up in Hell - although stranger things have happened - and Sam and Ruby are now unlikely to get friendlier.
“I don't know," Padalecki chuckles. "I don't think so. I think she has a clear and obvious purpose in the show, and a great purpose that she serves well, but I think that our die-hard fan base just wouldn’t be interested in watching that love story. Jensens done a love scene, and I've done a love scene, and they're interesting and serve their purpose, but I don't think the boys would work in a relationship [with anyone]. I think it'd Just be a weird dynamic. I mean, what, would Ruby ride in the back of the Impala? It’d be kind of odd [to] wheel out. I don't think it'd ever pan out. But if it did, I’m sure the writers will work it in seamlessly. Besides, it'd kind of spoil the mood if during love scenes her eyes turned black. “Exactly. 'Uh. am I supposed to kill you now?' It was hard enough for poor Sammy waking up und fighting a werewolf. So it'd be even worse if he opens his eyes and there are some big black eyes staring down at him!"
Hmmm, were The Seers [what deities and The Khala collectively call themselves] possibly hinting to Jared in his divine hearing about Ruby and Sam in fact hooking up in Season 4? Very interesting that even Jared didn't think that this would be a suitable story to add to the show...
"I definitely don’t want to go on if Eric’s not willing to." Ackles proclaims. “If you lose the mastermind of all this brilliant story creativity, then you Just turn into a puppet. I’m passionate about the stories that Eric writes, and if he stops writing them I would be scared that the passion I have for the show would start to (diminish]. I don't want to be a part of a show that lasts past its expiration date. It's been a motto in Hollywood for many years that you always want to leave the audience wanting more. I think it still makes sense, even for television shows. Once those stories reach that pinnacle, or that plateau, get out before it starts declining. Go out on top! So if Chat's his decision, then I support it."
Unlike Ackles, we’re willing to make a prediction: Regardless of whether Supernatural runs for five, seven, or 15 seasons, fans’ support will never expire!"
Odd, it's just like the writer here was hearing The Seers speak of Supernatural ending after either 5, 7 or 15 seasons (alas the show end up lasting for 15 seasons).
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spuddragon · 2 months
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Woohoo, dragon oc
His name is Faeo (faye-oh), but he is also called Fynn sometimes. He is one of the sons of one of my first OC, Khala. He's kinda beaten to shit because he's prone to getting into fights. Khala is not particularly happy about this.
I'm not really much of a writer and may flesh out some of my characters later, someday.
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tryckthebardarchive · 2 months
Because I can't get them out of my head, here are the two NPCs from Tryck's backstory,
The Ringmaster, Cornelius Magnifico (stage name of course)
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And the halfling who saved him from the Circus life, Khala Luckheart
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my accent goes heavier when i’m being rude and i slip into arabic when i’m in a bad mood is that normal
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shehzadi · 11 months
urdu/hindi-speakers 🤝 arabic-speakers
using yaani, bas, khalaas in every other sentence
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kcirelovsstarz1 · 5 months
Happy bday KHALA!! (。・ω・。)ノ♥︎
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techramonic · 2 months
my equivalent to those school shooters being called a fag is being called a terrorist. see, the world didn't stop. i didn't bomb my school
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khaalass · 2 months
ليت كل هالدنيّا حلوه مثل عيّونه
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wispofwillow · 3 months
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On to Dawntrail!
(Finished the last of the patches today!)
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Jensen and Danneel in terms of if they’ll divorce or not?
I did ask a pendulum and it actually said they will divorce next year
Hello Anon, I believe I may have seen an ask of yours show up on another blogger's page. I'm sure you probably are aware that a lot of what I blog about is divination, which does include using a pendulum like I do daily. I do encourage you to read more of my posts to get some understanding of how things like divine blueprints, divine plans, etc. work. One thing about divination is that what is true today may not always be true tomorrow or weeks or months or even years from now. Now, I am going to say this before I give you my answer. With divine blueprints, which basically deal with more the timeline of things (WHEN things are meant to happen, WHERE things are meant to happen, etc.), they are like variations of divine plans, which contain essentially the main things that are meant to happen this lifetime (think of more the WHYs and WHATs). Before I talk about Jensen and Danneel specifically below the keep reading line, please read the tips below for ensuring you speak to benevolent entities more than not.
Some tips on making your pendulum less prone to becoming corrupt:
Have 3 beads on your chain (at least 1 a real semiprecious gemstone, such as clear quartz)
Wire wrap a feather and attach it to the top of the chain right below the bead you hold the pendulum from; feathers are offerings to air elementals
For cleansing, you can either put the pendulum in some salt, rice or even soil overnight, moonlight which is generally safer than sunlight, candle or incense smoke, sound with a tool like singing bowls or bells, larger geodes clusters or slabs or multiple smaller stones with cleansing properties (ex. clear quartz, carnelian, selenite, amethyst, hematite).
Some stones don't do that well with sunlight, due to fading or losing color (ex. iron containing stones like amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, aventurine, apatite, ametrine [amethyst and citrine], amegreen [amethyst and green amethyst/prasiolite], celestite, citrine, fluorite, calcite, sapphire, smoky quartz, super seven, topaz, opal, turquoise, kunzite, unakite, etc.)
Some stones do not do well with water, so I do not really recommend the sun or moon water route (Water element) unless you know for sure your pendulum stone won't get ruined by water (ex. selenite, fluorite, opal, labradorite, fluorite, lapis lazuli [ask me how I know about this one ha ha!], moonstone, copper containing stones, black tourmaline, desert rose, etc.)
With smudging, if you insist on using sage or another neutralizer follow up with something that draws positive energy. I personally love lavender, Indian temple (as does my friend Abbadon), and palo santo
For scents, no evergreens, nag champa, any of those attract money or love kind of scents. Mixed scents that happen to have something like sandalwood or some other evergreen is okay if the other ingredients are more dominant
Pendulums really should swing side to side for yes, towards and away from you for no and counter clockwise for more info or maybe (also when changing direction should also move counter clockwise)
I've had others tell me that their pendulum also said Danneel and Jensen will divorce within the next year or so. Jensen's divine blueprints are more complicated than the average person's because his have been tampered with more than a lot of other people's (he has 200 divine blueprints or variations of his divine plans, whereas most people have 100). I advise you take caution trying to get answers about Jensen's stuff because there are a lot of dangerous malevolent beings trying to make certain things happen and others not happen.
I do believe Jensen and Danneel will eventually separate BUT I am very cautious about giving timelines of things for many reasons. It may be true that today he is on the path of divorcing by next year but tomorrow or next month, he may end up on a path that delays this by another year or more.
I do encourage you to delve more into divination if it works for you but do so responsibly. Some people I've spoken to can't seem to get a good grasp on pendulum divination but tarot cards work better for them, or divination just doesn't work for them at all. I am also curious, what is the swing orientation for your pendulum for yes, no, maybe answers? From what my guides have told me and what I've observed with others, they are actually supposed to have a certain set of orientations for, yes no, maybe or more info kind of answers (I by the way almost never get a maybe but instead get "more info); otherwise it is corrupt and may or may not be able to get reprogrammed. If you want more advisement or even just to share your notes or whatever feel free to come by and send me a PM :)
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spuddragon · 24 days
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Two more of Khala's children (I know, Khala has quite a few kids so far. Khala is just really damn old)
These twins had been tasked to upkeep the artificial day/night cycle in khala's realm. Laro (the starry one) possesses a silvery blue flame that he uses to signify night. Sola has a bright orangey yellow flame that signifies day.
During the "day," Sola is tasked with the physical upkeep of the realm. At night, Laro patrols the skies as a sort of guard. This has led to him and Malearmis becoming quite close.
Laro and Sola are very protective over each other despite their bickering.
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gaybroons · 6 months
Brother I am one racist tourist away from turning into a conservative 😀
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