best-quotes-top · 6 years
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sakurailady · 2 years
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Reading all day long 🥰📖 #justincronin #thecityofmirrors #books #readingtime📖 #readingnow #readingislife #bookaddict #booklover #postapocalyptic #zombies #horrorbooks #sfbooks #epicbook #readingalldaylong https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd8j7czDueE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fictionfans · 3 years
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A spooky read for Spooky Month 🎃 . . . #thepassage #justincronin #amreading #spookyseason #spookybooks #spooktober #spooktasticreads #vampire #vampirebooks #scifi #scifibooks #apocalypse #apocalypticbooks #bookstagram #booklover #booknerd #bookphotography #bookporn #bookpost #bookpodcast #fictionfans #fictionfanspodcast https://www.instagram.com/p/CVOA4BVPL6e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fredhandbag · 3 years
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How do you feel about trilogies? Are you willing to invest in a story arc that may go 2000 pages? Some great stories here. Do you have a favorite? #kenfollett #fallofgiants #justincronin #thepassage #stephenking #mrmercedes #gregiles #natchezburning #jaykristoff #nevernight #harlancoben #mickeybolitar #trilogies #bookstack #bookstagram #bookshelves #booknerd #bookhoarder #bookworm #sodacityreads #bookish #bookreview #bookhaul #literarycrimefiction #homelibrary #fiction #domesticthriller #crimefiction #thriller https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSibarLp4D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lespassionsdemeline · 4 years
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📖 Chronique Bonjour ! On se retrouve avec le dernier post de mon feed actuel. Il va y avoir du changement et j'espère que ça vous plaira. Sinon, aujourd'hui, je vous parle du second tome de la saga Le passage de Justin Cronin. Un second tome qui n'a pas été à la hauteur de mes espérances. Je vous laisse découvrir une toute petite partie de ma chronique : "... mangé mais le deuxième, je reste en suspend. Je me suis ennuyé durant les cinq premières parties du roman car je ne le trouvais pas cohérent avec la fin du premier tome. On découvre un nouveau décor et de nouveaux personnages. Justin Cronin adore relaté les ..." Pour découvrir mon avis complet du roman, je vous laisse vous rendre sur mon blog via ma bio ou en suivant le lien ci-après : http://lespassionsdemeline.blogspot.com/2020/09/chronique-lepassage2lesdouze-justincronin.html Bonne journée et prenez soin de vous ! Meline #lepassage #lesdouze #thepassage #thetwelve #justincronin #chronique #chronicle #monavis #blog #blogger #bloggerstyle #blogeuse #bloggerlife #bloggerlifestyle #blogs #bloggers #blogspot #blogging #bloglife #instablogger #book #bookstagram #bookaddict #booklover #books #bookphotography #bookstagrammer #bookworm #bookaholic #booking (à Beauvais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEl5wgeK0sa/?igshid=hfxpb02qn7xs
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pbookaholic · 4 years
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Porque as vezes o caminho era fácil, mas outras vezes não era tão simples assim, as coisas da vida chegavam rugindo e você mal conseguia se segurar e ficar de pé. Sua vida antiga acabava e o trem o levava para outra, e quando você percebia estava parado na poeira com helicópteros e soldados por todo lado e só conseguia se lembrar das pessoas por causa de uma foto que achará no bolso do casaco, que sua mãe, que você nunca mais veria pelo resto da vida, havia enviado ali quando abraçara você junto a porta. A Passagem - Justin Cronin Pag. 478 - @editoraarqueiro #30dias30livros #30dias30quotes #apassagem #justincronin https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVRHmrjwgl/?igshid=1g2hvplfgutwo
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cupcakesleep · 5 years
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hi friends! how are you doing today? it's march, what's your plans for the month? anything exciting? we've got world book day coming up this week and evie wants to go as hermione which is great, nice and easy! she's also got her first proper residential trip with school for three nights and she's so excited. we have a little just for tots break booked at butlins and we're really looking forward to it, especially now felix is walking in his shoes, hopefully he will get out and about walking outside too! what's on your #tbr list for march? this is a trilogy i absolutely love. i've read the first two books but i'd like to read the last this month. i think i'll be half listening on audible and then reading as well. the passage was a great read that actually went to tv show but as always the book is so much better. if you enjoy post-apocolyptic style readings and horror then i think you'll love this trilogy! the writing is excellent as is the narration on audiobook, it's a unique telling on vampires and flips between perspectives effortlessly. the story has moments of tenderness and gripping action which i love. there are elements of the twelve that really remind of things like a handmaids tale because of the way the women are treated. photo challenges: #bookscoasttocoastmar20 - trilogies #bookbookowlholidays - world compliment day - i'm tagging some beautiful feeds @elsspages @paperheartsink @canxdancexreads @susanj.barrett @mummyisreading #bookstamomsmar20 - tbr #tumblesoverbooks - if you liked that, read this #bookcoverlovemarch20 - your reading plans #bookstagram #bookstamum #booksbooksbooks #thepassage #thetwelve #justincronin #bookdragon #bookaesthetic #flatlaysofmylife #booksandplants #booktrilogy #trilogies #bookish #booklive #bookoftheday #bookphotography #booknerd #booknerdigans #bibliophile https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LnDP1IQQ8/?igshid=1n17wfl9vql48
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michaelbaileywriter · 5 years
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Catching up on my reading this week. #justincronin #thepassage #thepassagetrilogy #thecityofmirrors #amreading https://www.instagram.com/p/B3CpfD5J70a/?igshid=18hesl0jq2tpn
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megacaptaincolin · 5 years
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Just finished #thetwelve by #justincronin . Fantastic, can’t wait to start the third book in #thepassage trilogy @audible_uk #audiobook #vampires https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nvLWfhiKt/?igshid=knl0brb5jo7e
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djgoldieee · 5 years
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Princess Zelda doesnt understand the concept of personal space 🙄 . . . . #cats_of_instagram #lightreading #summerreading #justincronin #thepassage https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Dc4UdlfcQ/?igshid=1pkkjpd3bta4e
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iurydomingues · 5 years
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“Sentir-se perdido faz parte da vida.” — A Passagem, de Justin Cronin #apassagem #thepassage #justincronin #livros #books #iloveread #ilovebook #photooftheday #photografy #lost #fotografia #foto (em Cidade Antônio Estêvão de Carvalho) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bygquk4Bffg/?igshid=1wpiimh3f57vz
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best-quotes-top · 7 years
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sakurailady · 3 years
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Yesterday I bought something on sale - The City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin 😄👍 If Stephen King is recommeding this, it has to be good 💖 #booktoread #bookaddict #booksale #bookworm #booklover #sfbooks #newbook #justincronin #thecityofmirrors #stephenking #bookstagram #booksofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca4laijD7W8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kyrylys · 6 years
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Vuelvo a la carga después de acabar Reina Roja (que os recomiendo mucho si os gusta la novela policíaca o los thrillers). En esta ocasión me he decantado por una trilogía que me recomendó un amigo, ya que él se la ha empezado a leer también hace poco y que como dato curioso está siendo transformada en serie. El pasaje. La primera parte tiene más de 1000 páginas así que es de las trilogías que me gustan xD La premisa es bastante sencilla, y que salvando las distancias recuerda al videojuego de The last of Us. De momento no puedo entrar a juzgar mucho nada porque entre que sigo enferma y que no he avanzado mucho no sé si es cosa mia o del autor. Hay a ratos que me siento muy cómoda con la narración y en otros momentos no y me saca del libro cada poco. Pero bueno, seguiré avanzando a ver en qué acaba la cosa... O comienza, ya que como digo es una trilogía larga y empieza muy por el principio ;) ¿La habéis leído? ¿Vais a ver la serie? #CurrentlyReading #Leyendo #scifi #cienciaficción #ElPasaje ElPasaje 01 de: #JustinCronin traduce: #EduardoGMurillo #bookstagramenespañol #bookstagramespaña #Libros #📖 #Books #literatura #Booklover #Bookblogger #Bookstagrammer #Bookstagram #marKapaginas #ebook #kindle #kindlek3 #KindleKeyboard #ereader #LectorElectrónico #LibroElectrónico #epub #mobi https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJmRt5nt9S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bn31371knv8z
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#7daybookcoverchallenge Day 7. Post a book cover. No reviews, no explanations. Invite someone to the #challenge. Today’s book is “The Passage” by @jccronin. Want to take up the challenge? Please do. Want to know more? Ask in the comments. #books #bookcover #justincronin #vampiresareeverywhere #bookstores #libraries https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3ajw7ntlf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19tpel4fslv8i
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lespassionsdemeline · 4 years
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👩‍💻📖 Chronique Bonjour ! Un gros pavé que j'ai lu en un peu plus de deux semaines. Je crois que c'était mon record pour ce genre de roman. Le passage de Justin Cronin a été une lecture vraiment intéressante et le thème changer de ce que je lisais à l'époque. Je vous laisse découvrir une petite partie de mon avis : "... resté mitigé sur mes sentiments parfois intense et parfois un ras-le-bol de l'histoire en elle-même. Ce qui m'a fait tenir en haleine, c'est ..." Pour en lire d'avantage, je vous laisse vous rendre sur mon blog via ma bio ou en suivant le lien ci-après : http://lespassionsdemeline.blogspot.com/2020/07/chronique-lepassage1-justincronin.html Bonne journée et prenez soin de vous ! Meline #chronique #chronicle #monavis #lepassage #thepassage #justincronin #blog #blogger #bloggerstyle #blogeuse #bloggerlife #bloggerlifestyle #blogs #bloggers #blogspot #blogging #bloglife #instablogger #book #bookstagram #bookaddict #booklover #books #bookphotography #bookstagrammer #bookworm #bookaholic #booking #booknerd #bookish (à Beauvais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDDY3oqqmkl/?igshid=m8lk2xoz9fqg
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