#Just been not in the best place it may get better soon. I'm trying my best to get something animated
666writingcafe · 2 days
Greed (Part Two)
"Well, hello MC," Solomon merrily greets when he opens the front door of the cabin. As soon as he sees me, however, his expression grows more serious. "Lucifer, is everything alright?"
"I'm afraid not," I reply. "There's been an incident, and--"
"Tie me up," MC abruptly interrupts, their voice slightly strained. Solomon looks between the two of us, clearly confused.
"I'd do what they say," I suggest. He's still unsure, but he nevertheless lets us in and pulls out a chair from the kitchen for MC to sit in. He utters a spell that causes ropes to magically appear and wrap around them, effectively keeping them in place.
"There'd better be a good explanation for this," he warns, turning his attention back to me. "I'm not about to hurt my apprentice--" My phone suddenly rings, and I quickly excuse myself to another room to answer it.
"What happened?" I ask once I've answered the call.
"Mammon's lost the coin," Satan quietly responds on the other end. "The dumbass kept tossing it in the air, and it ended up rolling off somewhere."
"So you've haven't made it back to the House yet?" Satan sighs.
"No. We're still in the forest. He's making us look for the stupid thing."
"Asmo, I don't care about your fucking nails! We're not leaving until my lucky coin is back in my hands!" I've never heard Mammon scream that loud, and he's one of the more noisy ones in the bunch when he's arguing with someone.
"We're literally on our hands and knees, combing through every single thing on the ground. It's fucking ridiculous, if you ask me." I sigh.
"This is probably going to be a stupid question on my part, but has anyone tried to tell him to let the coin go so that you can get home safely?"
"Belphie." He pauses. "His statement caused Mammon to go berserk, and somehow he used magic to force us to the ground. If we even try to stand up, he makes the most excruciating pain shoot down our bodies." A faint whipping sound cuts through the air on his end. "And that would be due to him spotting someone taking a rest." This isn't good. Not at all.
"I'm assuming you've found a place to hide?"
"Yes, but I'll have to move soon. I hear him getting closer." Something suddenly starts rattling loudly, followed by various objects shattering on the ground.
"Lucifer, I think that's coming from your end," Satan nervously observes. "Did you at least make it to the cabin?"
"We did. Listen, I'm giving you permission to use whatever means necessary to knock Mammon out. Just make sure it's not fatal. Call me when you've done that." I quickly end the call and rush back to Solomon and MC, only to find the room they're in to be an absolute wreck.
"Let me go!" MC yells. Solomon looks like he's walked through a minefield with his hair in disarray and his clothes torn.
"As I keep telling you, I can't do that--"
"Whose side are you on, Solomon?! His?!"
"Look, I think it's unfair that he stole the coin from you, but--"
"But what?! You don't think he deserves to get punished?!"
"That isn't what I'm saying--"
"MC." They snap their head, focusing their attention on me. "Pull yourself together. You're being unreasonable." The air around them begins glowing.
"How dare you!" MC screams.
"Great, Lucifer," Solomon complains. "I was trying to calm them down, not provoke them even further."
"And how well is that turning out for you?" Silence. He may know MC better than I do, but I've dealt with Satan on the warpath many times before. Explanations mean nothing when someone is in this state, so the best thing to do is to be simply firm and wait for them to tire out on their own.
"Let me at him!"
"It's my coin, and I want it back!"
"No." Is it my imagination, or are the ropes starting to break?
"Of course you would side with Mammon."
"I will deal with him accordingly."
"Then why are you still here?!" In a nearly blinding flash, the ropes fly off MC, and they lunge themselves at me, knocking me down to the ground. I quickly spin us around so that I'm able to pin them down. They're thrashing about, but that's to be expected.
"Sleep." Their body quickly goes limp as the magic behind the command takes over them. I stand up and dust myself off. I don't have to look at Solomon to know that he's glaring at me.
"They'll be fine," I tell him. "It'll just be a few hours before they're awake again. Help me get them in bed." He's still seething, but he at least comes over and assists me. It's not until we've gotten MC tucked in and leaving their room that he reacts by slamming me against the wall.
"What the fuck is going on?" he whispers threateningly.
While I certainly have enough strength to throw him off me, I'm not about to get into another fight. Plus, I do understand why he's upset at me. In his eyes, I'm currently a threat to his loved one's safety. He has every right to protect them.
Especially since I'm trying to do the same thing. It'd be hypocritical of me to hold his feelings against him while experiencing them myself.
"Growing pains." If I gave that answer to someone else, they'd probably demand a more detailed explanation after chastising me for being so vague.
Thankfully, Solomon's smart enough to read between the lines of my short answer.
"They're affecting MC."
"Yes." The fact that he doesn't pose that as a question makes me suspect that he knows something that I don't. Then again, he did know MC back when they were human, so perhaps it makes some degree of sense.
Solomon steps away from me, allowing me to move freely.
"How much time do you have?" he asks.
"Good. Fancy a trip back to the castle?"
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @budbuddnbuddy
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royalphantompain · 1 year
Probably gonna private this later
TW Illness and cancer warning
#I haven't been doing well the last week.#So uhh after a nice week of having fun with my family I got a job that I don't know if I'm fit to handle#So yeah that was eating up all my free time for the past few weeks and I was just stressed and had no more free time for art#Also I felt very unsafe at the job and I was never given any safety warning if something happened#I just felt too guilty to say anything but I did and I feel bad because that place there is short staffed and the people there where nice#But still. I just don't feel safe and I don't think I can handle it#And while that has been happening uhh my biological texted me that he has cancer#I feel comfortable enough to say that I hate him but I can't help but feel awful and terrible about it#I don't know I sort of feel guilty for feeling that way after what she did to me and my brothers and my mom#I keep him at arms length but I don't know#I'm scared of him because of what he did to one of my brothers that made him cut content with my dad#And that said brother is also going through a lot medical wise#Just been not in the best place it may get better soon. I'm trying my best to get something animated#But yeah my dad has only said he had cancer but not a certain type#He's a piece of shit but I don't think he will lie about that and he said we shouldn't get it in the future#He also hasn't mentioned what stage of cancer he has or anything he mentioned something about healing#But he also hasn't said he doesn't know how long he'll feel well for#I just don't know how o feel anymore
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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 ||Stanley Pines||
A/n: Stan would be an amazing father, and him being a girl dad! Just 👏
Request: found here
So, like Stanley Pines is a girldad, we know that (he and Mabel are so🥺) and have twin girls. The dude starts to bawl his eyes out when he finds out when you tell him you are pregnant.
Even more when he finds out you are having girls
Bonus if they have inherited the sixth finger from Uncle Ford(as soon as he has his little nieces on his arms, he won't let his brothers take the girls from his arms)
"Ford, give me back my daughters!"
"I need to check if they are alright!"
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Stan knew he must have hit the jackpot when he met you, after years of failed relationships the man had honestly given up of even dating.
And then his brother pulled your car off the road. It could have been a fling, sure he liked you. You were a beautiful woman, you were kind to Mabel and Dipper. To be honest, he couldn't help but feel his heart race a bit fast when he saw your interactions with the 13 year olds.
Sure it was painful knowing you were leaving, you did spend weeks with him.
But you didn't...when it came time for you to leave, for you to just pack your things and go instead you stated and he couldn't have been more happier because while he may not believed it back then, he had found his soulmate.
Maybe he actually owed Edna an apology for her saying it would happen one day.
Though this....this was even better. If he was being honest, this was a better feeling than when Ford stepped through that portal.
"You're what?" His voice croaked, he swallowed thickly.
"Pregnant." You gave him a weak smile, you didn't know how to tell him, part of you scared not knowing how he would even react to this sort of news.
Stan's eyes went wide, his heart nearly coming to a stop. 'Pregnant'
He stared down at you for a long while, trying to get his thoughts in order. After a few moments, Stan pulled you even closer against his chest, his arms wrapping around you. His eyes closing for a moment as he buried his nose into your neck.
"How...how long have you known for?" His voice was soft, a mixture of panic and excitement in his tone.
Blinking a few times, shocked at his reaction you looked up at him the best you could. "A...a few days...I wanted to make sure..wait...you...you're not upset?"
Stan could only chuckle. 'Upset? He was ecstatic!'
"Why in the world would I be upset? You're kidding, right? Dollface, you're gonna have my baby. I'm the luckiest man alive."
He leaned down and pressed several soft kisses against your head. Then gave you a smile as he let his finger glided across his cheek though his eyes then went wide as he stepped back looking you over making sure you were okay.
"I didn't hurt ya did I?"
Letting out a snort, you gave him a grin placing your hand on his cheeks. "No you didn't hurt me Stan, I'm fine...I'm wonderful actually." You muttered resting your head against his chest as the man slowly wrapped around your body.
"I'm feelin wonderful too sweetheart....I'm the happiest man alive right now." Blinking back some tears, he smiled as he placed a kiss to the top of your head.
Months passed and Stan did his best to help you out with all your needs. Ford helping his brother and you move into a house near by knowing it would be safer for you and the child.
But it was one ultrasound that had the man bursting into tears. His eyes glued to the screen as the Obstetrician applied the jell to your belly. He felt your hand holding his but it still did not feel real, especially when the woman informed him that he was not only having twins, but twin girls.
"I'm not cryin! You can't prove nothin!"
Grinning you tucked your phone away as you tugged the dress down. "The video I have saved on my phone say's other wise." Shaking your head you took a deep breath in placing a hand on your belly, the sonogram photos securely in Stan's wallet. "Now let's go home...I am tired." It would explain the excessive kicking you've felt.
Sniffling, Stan cleared out his throat then brushed his tears away as he placed his hand on your belly doing his best to sooth you. "You two hear that...your mother is tired so let her rest."
Smiling, you let your fingers run through Stan's hair, the man leaning into your touch. "They love your voice Stan."
Still holding your hips, he gave you a watery smile as small tears ran down his cheeks. "Thank you."
It was a hard birth, but Stan never left your side. The man letting you hold his hand, squeeze it whenever you were in pain. Him often telling you jokes to make you laugh, or stories of him and Ford, the things the saw, things about his childhood then soon his little girls were in his arms. "Ha can you believe it...six fingers...just like your Uncle Ford."
Relaxing into the hospital bed, a weak chuckle escaped your lips as you let your gaze focused on Stan. It was an adorable sight, to see someone who held his emotions in to break down from just holding two infants. "They're gonna be daddy's little girls aren't they?"
You can see he held so much love for them, that he would do anything for them.
Shaking his head for a moment, Stan blinked away his tears as he slipped his glasses off due to them fogging up. "Damn right they will be. Nothin will be out of their reach..." he wouldn't hold them back, he wouldn't scream or yell at him, he wouldn't kick them out for a little mistake.
He wouldn't be like his father...he will be better.
"....hehe...I can't wait to show em off to everyone. Mabel said she made em little hats...gonna be adorable."
He muttered looking down at the twins asleep in his arms until his gaze landed on you. "Get some sleep beautiful...I got em."
Stan knew everyone wanted to see the twins and while he let the people he trusted take a look at them he refused to let anyone hold them that was not him or you. Oh no they will have to wait until his precious beans were older.
"Just let me hold them Stanley...it's been a month." Ford glanced at his brother rolling his eyes. "You're being a baby hog."
Scowling, Stan glanced at you. Giving him a smile you nodded your head. "Just...be careful." He muttered reluctantly.
Once in his arms, Ford smiled down at his nieces as he then spotted their six tiny fingers. "How adorable....I will protect you both with my life...you will not be bullied like me."
Shifting his weight from one foot to another, Stan then cleared out his throat. "Alright give'em back Ford."
"I think not! I would like to spend time with my nieces Stanley." Turning his back, the man powered walk away.
"Stanford! Give me back my daughters!"
"I need to check if they are alright!"
"What! Ford! Get your ass back here!"
Sighing, a smile tugged at your lips as you watched Stan chase after your brother. Shaking your head you sat down in the plush chair closing your eyes. It was good to be home.
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eternalmoonlight18 · 21 days
Please please Shanks or Law taking care of sick!reader
Ouuuu I always wanted to do headcanons based on sick!reader!
Law and Shanks Taking Care of You When You're Sick
GN!Reader x Trafalgar Law and GN!Reader x Akagami no Shanks (pre-established relationship)
Your immune system is usually strong, so you usually don't get sick
But one day, you suddenly fell ill, like super SUPER ill and you're bedridden
But you don't let the others find out, and everyone thinks that you're sleeping.
But once the crew finds out you're down with a sickness for the first time they freak out and tell their captains.
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Trafalgar Law
Once he's alerted that you're down with illness, he heads straight to your room
He's pissed that you didn't say anything to him but he couldn't stay mad once he saw how sick you really were
He's a doctor so of course he knows what to do! He comes back to your room with a blood pressure monitor, thermometer, and an IV
Yeah he kind of goes overboard
But I think he would have an innate fear of his loved one getting sick or ill because of what happened to his family and friends with the White Lead disease and it triggers him
So he does everything under his power to make sure you're okay
"Hold still I'm trying to take your blood pressure"
"Law, this is fourth time you've done this in the last hour"
He would make sure that you're well fed with hot soup
Makes sure that you're taking your medication even though they taste terrible
"I don't want to take it"
"(Y/n)-ya, I will literally cut you in half and place that pill directly in your stomach so help me God"
He would refuse to leave your side and will sleep on a chair next to you
Will make sure that you're hydrated
Expect a 2-litre jug of water in your room and he will make you finish one a day until you better or else he threatens to hook you up to an IV
"How many times did you pee today? If you pee a lot it means you drank a lot of water which will help you recover"
"Uh I didn't go yet"
"You have 1 minute to drink 1 litre of water or else I'm hooking you up to this IV right now"
Once you're better he will force you to do checkups with him every month from now on
"I hate the infirmary I refuse to do monthly checkups. Also, isn't supposed to be annual?"
"I don't trust your immune system anymore"
He may be overbearing and too much but that's because he loves you very much and hates to see you sick <3
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Akagami no Shanks
The man beelines it to your room as soon as Benn alerts him that you're down with an illness
He starts freaking out because he thinks you're dying because you've never been sick before until now
"Omg please don't die yet we have to get married first"
"Shanks, darling, I just have a flu"
Y'all know that scene where Luffy tries to make Nami feel better on Drum Island when she was sick and he makes a silly face
Yeah, Shanks does the same thing
His face is scribbled with blank ink and his hair is tied up into two ponytails as he tries to make you laugh. Hongo walks in on him and accidentally stabs Shanks with one of his needles in shock
While Hongo does the actual healing since he's the doctor, Shanks tries his best to assist him even though he was no help
"Captain can you not use my stethoscope on their asscheeks please"
"Sorry I was trying to see if I could hear their heartbeat from there"
Shanks would try to cook soup for you but for some reason it tasted like beer
"Is it delicious? I tried to make soup for you so you'd feel better!"
"Why does it taste like beer? And is that a dead fly?"
While you're sleeping, he'd put cold damp towels on your forehead and change them every hour on the dot
Shanks will also refuse to leave your side as well. He will be glued next to you until you got better
He'd give lots of forehead kisses and will cuddle with you, much to your dismay
"Honey, it's getting too hot"
"I know, it's cause I'm here"
"No you loveable idiot you're hugging me too tight, let me go before I cough on your face"
Once you're fully recovered the man is stuck to you like velcro and smothers you with his love and kisses
"Shanks stop it you're going to make me sick with all of your germs!"
"Then let's both get sick!"
He may be clueless but he does his best to take care of you because he loves you <3
LOL this was fun to write
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kjdkive · 7 months
it's a date — mark lee.
"i know! but i think frank ocean is gonna have an amazing musical comeback." mark tells you very excited as you are scooping ice cream for this charity event you volunteered to work at.
mark is not someone you would call a friend, he's a friend of your friend and you also like him a lot but in secret. you're not trying to date johnny's friend or maybe you are. you can swear there's this tension between you but not one of you dares to make a move.
"honestly, don't you think people are hyping it too much that it may disappoint turning everyone into a hater?" you ask him.
"they could never make me hate my father frank. dude, it's like sza, how many years did she leave us to dry and when she came back it was an amazing album?"
"yeah, i guess you're ri-" you don't finish the sentence "shit."
"the guy that has been bothering me for a while is here and i think he's coming our way." you turn your back to the counter and face mark awkwardly.
it's a funny story of how this guy started to bother you, asking you out every single time, one would dare to call him a fan but you don't want anything to do with him. not so funny anymore.
"hey, y/n! care to give me a vanilla ice cream?"
you quickly scoop the ice cream without greeting him back and hand it to him.
"aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend, y/n?" the weird guy asks.
"sup' man, i'm her boyfriend." he fully stares at him, the other guy with the ice cream getting uncomfortable.
you look at mark and then look at the guy whose name you don't remember, you try your best to not laugh and to also try to not feel a zoo in your stomach.
"oh, i-" the guy starts.
"what? you got a problem?" mark asks him, holding you by your waist and turning you to him, making you turn your back on the weird guy.
you place your palms on mark's chest and just turn around a little to see your basically stalker finally giving up on you.
"not a problem, man, just wondering. guess i'll go."
"yeah, that's better." mark says back.
you start giggling as soon as the other leaves, making mark look down at you and smile.
"i'm your girlfriend now?" you ask him.
"yeah, you're my dream come true." he's still caressing your waist and back.
"don't you think you have to ask me out for a drink first?"
"you don't like drinking, y/n." he smiles "i was thinking about taking you to that pizza place you're always recommending to everyone but me."
"are you finally asking me out on a date?" you smile too.
"i am." and he can't stop smiling and giggling "will you go out on a date with me?"
"i'd love to, mark."
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akutasoda · 1 month
Hey! I've never requested anything like this before but I saw that your requests were open and I thought I'd give it a go. I've been really sick for the past two weeks and I've had this terrible insomnia and I've just felt really kinda alone and abandoned lately. Can you write a soft Alhaitham x reader thing where he tucks reader into bed and cuddles and holds them and reassures that they're loved and safe and wanted? It would be really nice if you could also have reader relax into little space and be referred to as a guy, but if you aren't comfortable writing that then don't worry about it.
But yes so soft Alhaitham comforting needy and hurt reader please and thank you
his way of comfort
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synopsis - he's noticed you're not quite yourself lately, so he tries to help
includes - alhaitham
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, maybe ooc, wc - 705
a/n: this was actually req by @c1evererer, i hope you get better soon! no matter how alone you may feel, there will always be someone there for you!! please take care of yourself!
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if alhaitham was anything, it'd be observant. he could have a keen eye on anything around and still pay attention to what he was doing, although sometimes he did choose to block out his surroundings with the trusty help of noise cancelling. although, alhaitham wasn't exactly a people's person. he couldn't care less about others around him, those that he associated with were barely excluded even though he'd still deny it.
however, no matter what, he would care about you. he never imagined caring about someone the way he did for you, but sometimes love made you do crazy things. alhaitham would willingly keep an eye on you at any time and even more so when he started noticing your mood shift into something sour. admittedly, he wouldn't intervene for a while as you may have simply had a bad day. but he couldn't ignore it after you seemed to get worse by the day.
your usual demeanour seemed to disappear by the day, in its place was a kind of sadness that seemed to make you slightly distant. alhaitham wouldn't pry, he knew it probably wasn't his place to, but he couldn't stand seeing you in such a state for any longer. he wasn't the best, or even knew where to start, when it came to comforting people but he wanted to try. something was plaguing your mind and he wouldn't sit there and do nothing.
he soon found you swiftly after returning home, immediately he asked if you had anything left to do for the day and at one shake of your head, he urged you to come with him. you weren't going to reject his offer, even if you would, you simply didn't have the energy.
you followed behind closely as he brought you to your shared bedroom. you let him lead you into bed and indulged in the way that he tucked you in, doing whatever would make you comfiest, uncaring for his own later - it didn't matter what he wanted, if it would help you feel better he'd do it. it felt nice. your usually stoic lover being so caring.
it wasn't too long after before alhaitham himself laid down beside you and brought your figure, covered in blankets, into his embrace. one hand found its way to yours as he laced his fingers with yours while the other reached to cradle the back of your head as he gently rested his on top of yours.
you two laid in a comfortable silence for a while before he broke it. “if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to” he paused slightly in hesitation before adding “as long as you know that i'm always here for you, whenever and for whatever”
another beat of silence. he pulled away slightly to look at you, “right now, i just want you to know that you're here, you're safe and loved” you could see his features softening ever so slightly.
“i don't know what i’d do without you sometimes, how dull my life would be without you, i never imagined it but now that i have you, i wouldn't have it any other way” he leaned in again, pressing a small kiss to your forehead, and letting you rest. eventually, you both drifted off in each other's embrace listening to his words of affirmation - alhaitham would claim it was the worst sleep he's ever had, but you would say the opposite and that's all he cared about.
alhaitham wasn't a people's person. he wasn't the best at comforting someone, but when it came down to you, he would try his damn hardest.
(for the following weeks, alhaitham became incredibly doing. ensuring that you returned to your normal self that he fell so hopelessly in love with)
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 months
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Imagine your first wash day at Joe's...
word count: 1.1k
a/n: JB9 taglist is now open, if you’d like to be on it comment 'tag me🏈’ and you’ll be added. If you want to be taken off at any point dm me -babe :)
main masterlist
When you first started dating, Joe had only ever seen your hair in a protective style or wrapped in a scarf, granted you met in the summer so those were your safest options.
As time went on and you grew closer, you began to wear your hair out more which required much more work, so you left a mini hair care bag at his place. It only had a few essential items like a leave in, edge control, mini spray bottle, some hair oil and a pack of silk scrunchies. Since you spent the majority of the time at his place he believed that was all you needed to maintain your 4b/4c hair.
You moved in with him a month ago, and today is your long awaited and very much needed wash day. The weather in Cincinnati finally cooled down enough for you to let go of the braids, so you planned to do mini twists. You wanted to start as soon as possible, so when Joe left at 8 in the morning you gathered your bucket of haircare products and locked yourself in the bathroom.
♡ ♥︎ ♡
It was about noon when Coach Taylor let his players out, they had a game that Sunday so he didn't want to run them too ragged. Joe, Tee and Ja'Marr decided to grab a bite to eat before heading to Joe's to cool off.
The moment the 3 men enter your living room is the exact moment you remember that you may have neglected to tell your boyfriend of today's significance.
"Hey babe, we stopped by that place you liked so I brought you- woah." Joe looks wide eyed at the organized mess of different combs/brushes, gels and bottles of hair products with you in the center of it.
You nervously smile at the trio. "Hi." You quickly finish the twist you're on and pause the movie you're 'watching'.
"Are we interrupting something- ohhh yea mhm got it. Let's go, Tee." Ja'Marr says assessing the situation.
"Yo wait, can you do mine next? You know, when you get a chance." Tee asks.
"Man, she aint doing yo crusty ass fade. I'm definitely next."
"There ain't nothing wrong with my cut." The two wide receivers argue on the way out.
You chuckle before turning back to your boyfriend, "I may have forgot to tell you today's wash day." You say sheepishly.
"You think?" He shakes his head and takes a seat on the cleanest spot next to you. "This is a lot, when did you get all of this?"
"I've had it the whole time, most of it stays in the closet a majority of the time." You shrug moving around some of the products so he can stretch out. He gladly scoots in closer and analyses your work in progress.
You had just finished the back before they walked in, your hair is pretty thick and a decent length so washing it took about 2 hours. Then you decided to make your life easier by making the process harder and blowing out the entire thing, that took another hour.
"The line in the back is crooked, but its look pretty nice overall."
You immediately smacked his chest. "Joey, what the hell."
"What'd I do? Do you not want me to be honest?" You glared at him.
"You've been hanging out with Ja'Marr for too long."
He chuckles and presses a kiss to your head, "baby you are the most talented, amazing and most beautiful woman I've ever had the pleasure to meet. And you are doing an absolutely fantastic job on your hair."
"Much better, now let me wash my hands before I see if you actually got my order right." You teased.
"I know you better than I know myself Y/n, you need to stop doubting my 'boyfriend skills'."
While you're gone he couldn't help but look at every single product in his vicinity. Trying not to knock over any of the open bottles of oil, he spots a bright blue gel-cream and reaches for it.
"Doo Gro, well I am growing out my hair." His curiosity getting the best of him, he scoops some out of the jar and sniffs it for safety reasons. Unable to place the scent, he rubs it in his hands then rakes his hands through his hair.
"Joe, what are you doing?" He jumps at your voice, effectively knocking over your bag of combs.
"Shit, baby. What does it look like?" He says now cleaning the mess of combs, in shapes and sizes he'd never seen a day in his life.
"It looks like you wanna be a giant grease ball." You snort picking a handheld mirror off the floor and putting it in his face.
"Jesus, I didn't put that much in." The dollop he picked up had somehow multiplied and made it look like he'd meant to slick back his hair.
"Aww my poor greasy baby, I hope you rubbed it into your scalp as well." You said picking up your plate and shoving the food in your mouth.
"I think I got that covered, does this stuff wash out- Y/n baby calm down it's not going anywhere." He stares wide eyed at the plate that's been half eaten in mere seconds.
"I know, I just haven't eaten since like yesterday. It probably does, just not all of it. At least you'll get thicker hair out of this," You can't help the giggles coming out as you continue to look at your boyfriend's head.
"It's not that funny." He bites his bottom lip as his own start to take over.
"You look like the kids that cover themselves in vaseline and peanut butter." The room's completely filled with your laughter to the point that everything has been forgotten.
"If doing your hair has always been this fun, let me help all the time." He smiles as the laughter subsides.
You shake your head, "I'll let you wash it next time and we'll see if you still wanna be included. Even with your giant football arms, you'll be tapping out before we get to deep conditioning."
He smirks, "all I hear is that you like my arms."
You scoffed and gave him a good once-over, "oh I like more than your arms." Biting your lip, you sit yourself in his lap.
"Oh yea, tell me more." His eyes blazed with desire as your hands run up his arms and down his chest.
"I love how big you are, but you already knew that." You smirk.
"Fuck." He growls pulling your lips flush against his.
₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
a/n: inspired by my HS self making the fact that I learned to do my hair during quarantine and mastered mini twists enough for it to become my entire personality. she was very humbled when they became a trend lol, I still love them tho and my nephew who covered himself in vaseline not once but 3 times. :)
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theauthorunicorn · 11 months
1 A.M. | Gojo Satoru
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an unmistakable angst festering within me that I need to let out.
note: if i was to be asked what type of drabbles, fanfic that i could and would read in my lifetime, I'll choose angst, that undescribed feeling that you wanted to punch the wall and angrily shout at someone. anyway, enjoy! reblogs, comments and like is really appreciated :)
not proof read
word count: 1128 word (wow)
Gojo Satoru x Reader
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Satoru can't be explained in few words, if you can describe him, you'll be lost in your own words. Before, there were days that you only look at him, afar, adoring and silently loving him. But, for the past few years he is, was yours and you were his.
It didn't take long for him to fall in love with you, with his best friend out of the picture you gladly fill out the empty vastness within him. Shoko was there as well but you gave him the kind of attention that he needed that time.
For the past few months, you've been noticing the distance between the two of you. You assured yourself that you may be feeling this way since you've never seen each other and spent time together. Satoru also promises that the missions had been taking him to places and made him tired, so he'll just stay on his apartment to rest and will see you soon - this promise were also accompanied by mumbled I miss you and whispers of I love you's.
Late Saturday evening you're both watching the TV. You leaned comfortably in the sofa scanning the channels to land on a perfect show while Satoru was laying on your lap maybe asleep.
A long sigh broke the silence, "I'm sorry," you lowered down the volume, "I just can't find a good show."
He hummed in agreement, "Nah, your good." He said as he traced line over your skin.
"Do you think I changed?" Satoru asked without looking at you.
"What do you mean? Physically or what?" You played together with his antics.
"I mean, you spent a lot of time waiting for me and then I'll just call or text you that I will not be coming or even ditching our dates just because I was busy."
He noticed it too, "Uhm, I guess I understand your tired and missions had been longer and tiring, you know, so, I also try to understand it." You answered him.
"I just want you to know Y/N that I still feel the same way as when I first met you." He muttered. You can see that his trying to give you the assurance through his words that he can't physically show you.
But how long can you stay.
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You're both standing face to face as you bit your lips as you hold on to your tears, "You know what Y/N sometimes, no, honestly you suffocate me!" Satoru shouted, "How many times did I told you that we were just out drinking and you're here at my house demanding why I did not spend time with you instead? I do get a chance to choose how I spend my time right? I did not sign up for being with you all the time. Fuck, you're so annoying and clingy."
Long arguments with Satoru had been frequent. You're hurt, his word hurt, his gaze towards you hurts everything right now with Satoru hurts. You look at him trying to compose yourself if you should yell at him too, slap him, punch his pretty face, or just say -
"I'm sorry Satoru," you sighed, "I should not come here and demand your attention," you said slowly, "Yeah, missions and stuff is always the priority, right? We need to do that. I understand and I'm really sorry about -"
He looked at you without any emotions, maybe even regret about earlier instead of stopping he continues, "I hate that sometimes I get sick of you, Y/N. Fuck." He curses. The last words he said was so cruel and potent.
"I'm sorry again, Gojo." You look at him one last time trying to hold your tears. "I better get going, you need to rest." You walked away from him with a deep sigh and tears falling on your cheeks. It's one a.m. he should be asking you to stay and fix this mess, but he didn't. You walked away from the man that you loved the most that you let him break your heart a thousand pieces.
Thirty minutes passed you arrive in your apartment you phone pings, "Text me if your home, Y/N." You read it as tears falling in your screen. You left Gojo on read.
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You avoided Gojo after that night like a plague. Shoko asked you if everything was fine since Gojo had been asking about you through her. You simply smiled at her with hollow eyes and said that you just had a small argument with him, and everything is fine.
You lied to Shoko, and she knows that too.
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A week after that night you are avoiding Gojo had come to an end. A meeting was arranged to all staff to discuss an important matter. You tried to prolong your current mission to miss the meeting but -
"The meeting won't start without you in it." Shoko said softly over the phone.
"Why?" You chuckled, "It's not that I'm that important. You can just take note the minutes and pass it along."
"Yeah, I tried to stall them, but everyone is here waiting for you. Nanami is annoyed why your ass is still not here, Y/N."
"Fuck." You curse, "I don't want to be there, -"
"Are you coming or not?" Satoru asked you as he snatched Shoko's phone, that's only the reason why you're hearing his voice after a week.
You sighed, "I am. I'm just finishing this. Tell them to give me 15 minutes and I'll be there." You answered plainly.
"Where are you? I could come and get you instead."
"No, no need. I'm done." You end the call.
You were panting as you run across the Jujutsu Tech. You know you're a mess, hair in a messy bun, a cut on your cheeks, a bruise in your arm and thighs.
You opened the door and all eyes on you, "This meeting better be so important that you all required me to sit in after a fucking mission." You rolled your eyes and grab the nearest chair to sit between Nanami and Shoko.
Gojo stood up and walked towards you, "Are you even okay, Y/N. We could let Shoko check you first -"
"No, I'm not okay Gojo," you hissed at him, "just fucking start this meeting so I could rest." You tried to smile sweetly at everyone.
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"You are calling Satoru, Gojo is not heard for years, babe. What happened?" Shoko asked as you let her tend your injuries at her clinic.
"I'm just tired and that meeting could have been an email, you know, Kento even agrees." You motion to Nanami sitting across.
"And humor me, why Satoru is off limits here? He's like a stray cat outside waiting for you."
"Let him be."
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You walked out and thanked Shoko for her assistance. True to her words Gojo was there sitting like a stray cat waiting for you. You did not acknowledge his presence and walk on the opposite way to which he was sitting. He noticed you while closing the door but the lack of attention to him proves that you're not really talking to him.
Instead, he followed you through the halls of Jujutsu Tech and stopping as well when your students stopped and said hi to you.
"Y/N-sensei, how are you?" Nobara asked, "I heard that you were hurt, and they still let you attend a meeting." She pouted.
"I'm fine." You assured her, "and were still watching that movie tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay sensei, and why is Gojo-sensei following you like a lost cat." She whispers. You shrugged and smile and continue walking.
You can still hear his steps following you. You completely ignored him. You wanted to do this to let him taste his own medicine. You stopped your tracks and grabbed your phone to call a cab.
Gojo snatched your phone, "I already called one. Let's just wait for our ride here."
"What do you mean our ride? I'm going home to rest, I'm tired." You demand him to hand your phone back.
"Yeah, were going home -"
"What the fuck, Gojo." You snarled at him.
"It's Satoru, Toru, babe or baby for you, love." He corrected his own name.
"You're so self-centered, you know that don't act like you fucking love me when you fucking told me about many nights before that you're re sick of me, that I'm so annoying and you're tired. I'm tired right now so can you please leave me."
"I know I was self-centered that night and I got so mad and lost my cool but it's because I'm just tired. I wanted to talk to you, but you avoided me like a plague, I don't even know what you were up to. I had to check with Shoko or Nanami to check what are you doing. I hate myself for saying such cruel things to you, you know it's not true right? You know that I feel the same way for you every day, even if I failed to show it to you, it's still the same. My heart aches when I think about you. The things that I have said - I'm really sorry, love."
"How much longer do you want me to be in pain, Gojo?" You asked him.
"It's Satoru even if you're mad at me," he shakes his head, "what? I don't want you to be in pain."
Gojo saw your pretty eyes saying that everything is over, you and he are done but he denies it. Your indifferent now, cold and as if you're digging a grave to bury all the memories that you had with him. Gojo still denies it.
"We're done. I'm breaking up with you and you don't get a chance to say anything after what I've been through. I think about this for a past couple of days, Gojo. I'm done with you, I'm not sorry for this."
Gojo Satoru remained on his foot as he watched you walking away. Although all of him is breaking down because of you he doesn't have anything as of now to let you stay. But he knows deep down in this life, journey and world in which nothing last forever -
It's only you for him.
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hyuuukais · 6 months
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-`♡´ - APARTMENT 143
pairing -> lee minho x fem reader
synopsis -> after a bad breakup, y/n needs to find a new place to live. although she's grateful for her best friend, up-and-coming model hwang hyunjin, for letting her stay at his, she can't keep living with him and his model roommates. so when an opening for somewhere nearby with cheap rent opens up, she jumps on it, despite knowing next to nothing about the 3 other tenants, only that one owns 3 cats. the three quickly learn of her breakup, determined to help get her back on her feet. but what happens when one of them begins to develop feelings?
warnings -> gen, hospitals, food mentioned, feeling sick/throwing up mentioned
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE -> COMFORT ME (partially written, wc: 535)
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That... isn't Soobin.
None other than Lee Minho is sitting on a waiting room bench to greet you with a soft smile and a paper bag held tightly in his arms. He sets it down next to him and stands, letting you come to him. There are fresh tears cascading down your face as you practically throw yourself into his open arms, one of his hands smoothing your hair. Just the feeling of him holding you is enough to break you completely, barely able to keep yourself standing up.
"Shh," Minho guides you to sit on the peeling leather bench. "Breathe."
"She's awake," you gasp into his shoulder, still holding onto him tightly. "She's awake."
After a long time, you're able to peel yourself away from his now wet t-shirt and look up at him with wet eyes. His own glance between yours and you don't notice the way his heartbeat thumps louder, or the way his breathing picks up when you break into a smile. Minho brings his hand up to wipe your tears away and you can't help but lean into his palm, closing your eyes with a sigh. Against better judgement, Minho leans in and places a kiss on each of your eyelids, lips so soft you barely feel it. When your eyes flutter open, he can't look at you.
"She's doing better then?" Minho clears his throat, removing his hand from your face and shifting slightly away; you try not to be hurt by this.
"Yeah. The doctors say she should recover pretty quickly now and can go home by the end of the week hopefully." You eye the paper bag still sitting next to him. "What's that?"
"Oh!" He perks up, passing the bag over to you. "I almost forgot."
He watches you open it with a smile on his face, your own features mimicking his as you peer inside. It doesn't take long for you to scarf down the croissant, offering Minho a bite, but he shakes his head and delights in watching you savour it. This is the first moment you've had since you came down where you've just enjoyed something, not having the worry of whether your sister will still be alive when you walk into her room at the front of your mind.
"How have you been?" Minho asks once you're done eating, taking a sip of the guava juice.
"Really terrible?" You shrug. "It's like, there's this guilt eating away at me constantly for multiple reasons, and I haven't been able to cry until today. Instead, it's just been this feeling in my stomach and in my chest, all heavy and foreboding. My head's been killing me and my mom's been killing me and my sister could have been killed and I just-" Taking a deep breath, you debate your admission. "...I can't stop thinking of him, Minho."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," his voice is quiet, one hand sliding over your knee in an act of comfort. "Why don't we get you home? Have the hospital call when you can see her?"
"I'd like that," you sigh, sliding your free hand over his. "I'd like that a lot."
notes -> we r getting closer and closer to y/n revealing what happened to her dad... maybe minho can get it out of her? speaking of minho, bro finally left his ex for good! is this really the start of minyn (minion, if u will), or will there be more obstacles in the form of people to keep them apart? oh, and i'm thinking i may close the taglist soon? idk yet !
taglist -> @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom @puppyminnnie @tfshouldidohere @kangaracha @chlodavids @whitney190 @thisisnotjacinta @borahae-reads @brooklynie @gini143 @kayleigh-28 @skz-streamer @babyphotos0325 @scallywag1299 @venusmoonxnight @naomisosoup @fertiliezedtoesw @s00buwu @realrintaro @anothershorthuman @stayatinykatsy @ilovejeongin007 @btswestan @multifandomedsimp @ihrtlix @raehawthorne @euphoric-univers @catchingskzzzs @evermourning @satsuri3su @jazziwritesthings @minhwa @wyzminho @fic-for-readers @dreamerwasfound @imsiriuslyreal @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lixie-phoria @aalexyuuuhm @sunflowerbebe07 @st4rhwa @lukeys-giggle @jabmastersupriseee @judeduartewannabe @gaysontheprince @stepout-09-15
^^^ orange means i can't tag you
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astonmartinii · 1 year
Heyy! Can I request more vettel insta AU? Honestly I have no preference for the reader I just enjoy reading vettel a lot because of how less we get to see it but I'm happy to discuss suggestions 🤩 hamilton y/n + roscoe, charle's sister anything really
family ties | sebastian vettel instagram au
pairing: sebastian vettel x leclerc!reader
seb may be retiring, but he's not gone from the paddock completely, though the reason is not exactly what you'd expect
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 110,067 others
tagged: sebastianvettel
ynleclercart: it's been a rollercoaster of a ride but i am beyond grateful to have been able to design helmets for such an icon of the sport. seb will always be missed on track, but if he ever wants to return, he knows where i am <3
view all 21,450 comments
user49 noooo can people stop posting their goodbye posts for seb i'm still in denial
sebastianvettel no one else i'd rather work with, thank you for always supplying the beautiful lids
ynleclercart always - come visit soon
sebastianvettel i'll be there
user12 ^^ this is just digging the knife deeper PLS DON'T GO SEB
charles_leclerc what about your loving and devilishly good-looking brother?
ynleclercart eh, seb is better
user35 most iconic leclerc and it doesn't even come close
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liked by charles_leclerc, sebastianvettel and 31 others
ynleclercpriv: sometimes babygirl is a fully grown man who hikes in his free time
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charles_leclerc tell him if he comes to monaco i'm shaving it
ynleclercpriv over my dead body charlie
charles_leclerc that can be arranged
sebastianvettel thank you for the compliment (?) my love, charles stop threatening her or i shall have to intervene
maxverstappen1 get his ass seb
ynleclercpriv max why are you involved in our family domestic?
maxverstappen1 idk seemed fun
sebastianvettel can we all go back to the original point of the post - admiring me?
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liked by 2,130 others
f1gossipandtea: seb spotting!! anon sent me this picture of recently retired sebastian vettel in monaco of all places. why do we think he's there?
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user45 my king is looking so good, retirement unfortunately suits him
user10 my sebchal heart tells me that he was there to see charles but it's not likely :(
user09 no let's be delusional
user22 i saw a post that he was later seen with a woman??? a girlfriend mayhaps?
user49 pls no i can't take retirement and a girlfriend in a month
sebastianvettel added to their story
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[caption: had to commission the best in the business - thanks y/n]
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liked by sebastianvettel, pierregasly and 35 others
ynleclercpriv: goofing around in the wilderness
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sebastianvettel it's not goofing, we're serious hikers
ynleclercpriv sure we are and i'm also a professional boxer
maxverstappen1 y/n can you get seb to come back? it's a shit show here without him
charles_leclerc i agree with him for once
ynleclercpriv lmao they gagged ur ass @lewishamilton
charles_leclerc y/n i'm being serious !!!! he'll listen to you if you ask
sebastianvettel i can literally read all of this
maxverstappen1 so you'll come back?
sebastianvettel nope
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liked by ynleclercpriv, charles_leclerc and 702,088 others
sebastianvettel: vacation and all that jazz
view all 98,237 comments
user78 seb using instagram like a normal person after retiring, my prayers were heard
charles_leclerc you're 1000% going to be a crunchy dad
sebastianvettel i don't know what that means but i don't think a person can be crunchy
charles_leclerc that's exactly what a crunchy dad would say
ynleclercpriv don't try and trick him with online terminology
user30 i love the domestics in this comment section i didn't know the leclercs and seb were that close
user40 call me a conspiracy theorist all you want but that's defo y/n leclerc
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liked by user45, user10 and 404 others
f1gossipgirl: another seb spotting, the german made a surprise appearance in melbourne... and in a ferrari jacket. our sources say that he was accompanied by a woman but he wasn't seen again other than his entrance. do we think seb will watch from ferrari? does he have a new job? does he have a girlfriend? what do you think?
view all 38 comments
user10 omg he's so mysterious but like i need him to be straight up with me right now
user39 my brain: he's probably just there to support, my heart: seb for ferrari team principal
user88 omg imagine seb as team principal helping charles win a championship
user67 so someone commented on seb's post that he might be dating y/n leclerc (charles' sister, seb's old helmet designer and artist) and that would make sense that he'd accompany his gf to support her brother
user11 omg the thought of charles and seb being brother-in-laws
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liked by sebastianvettel, charles_leclerc and 35 others
ynleclercpriv: forgive me friends but i am so in love with this man
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charles_leclerc believe me we know
sebastianvettel i love you too honey 🍯
pierregasly where did you get the last photo... asking for a friend
ynleclercpriv it's from norbert - you snooze you lose pear
maxverstappen1 omg parents
charles_leclerc STOP
sebastianvettel i'm not sure we're your parents but yes you can come visit for christmas
charles_leclerc wait i thought we were coming this year
ynleclercpriv more than one family can come at a time - grow up charlie
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liked by ynleclercpriv, charles_leclerc and 1,023,566 others
sebastianvettel: doing melbourne right
view all 101,677 comments
user45 sebastian... you don't know what a soft launch is
user13 he's an influencer now baby
charles_leclerc i thought social media was stupid ?
sebastianvettel let me appreciate the love of my life in peace
charles_leclerc okay romeo
user19 the last two posts + charles commenting on every post + seb being seen in the paddock IN A FERRARI JACKET = i'm losing my mind
redbullracing can't wait to see you tomorrow champ!
user48 they're fuming he's being seen with ferrari
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 772,303 others
tagged: scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc & sebastianvettel
f1: a familiar face back in the ferrari garage! seb made his return to the scuderia in melbourne surrounded by former coworkers and the leclerc family.
view all 96,236 comments
user48 AND THE LECLERC FAMILY ??? they know what they're doing f1 admin is a seb x y/n truther
liked by f1
charles_leclerc he loves me too much to stay away for too long
ynleclercpriv *us
user97 i need them to confirm it i love them so much
user21 the way y/n has commented - her account is priv but there's over 1,000 posts HOW MUCH OF IT IS SEB PLS GIVE US THE CONTENT
ynleclercpriv i don't kiss and tell xoxo
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liked by ynleclercpriv, sebastianvettel and 1,304,778 others
charles_leclerc: congratulations on officially joining the leclerc family seb!! thank you for putting up with me and i expect great birthday and christmas presents xx
view all 211,056 comments
sebastianvettel of course you spoiled this, i love you but you are an unfortunate by-product of my relationship with y/n
pierregasly CHARLES NO
danielricciardo CHARLES NO
landonorris CHARLES NO
maxverstappen1 CHARLES NO
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liked by charles_leclerc, ynleclercpriv and 2,134,677 others
sebastianvettel: happy engagement to the love of my life, your brother may have spoiled it, but i'm prepared to deal with his annoying ass if i get to be with you for the rest of my life. you make life worth living and i can't wait to explore the world with you x
view all 301,451 comments
user39 when will it happen for me god?
maxverstappen1 bagsy flower boy
danielricciardo pleasse let me plan the stag
aussiegrit congrats seb!!
christianhorner congratulations seb and y/n
ynleclercpriv i love you so so so much seb, i'm so glad i met you. you've changed my life and finally showed me what love truly means x
note: omg this post has posted so many times unfinished im gonna lsoe my mind
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 4 months
Just Take It | Bonus Drabble 4
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Summary: You come home after a hard day at work and despite your best efforts you can't hep but let it upset you but he's always there to comfort you no matter how big or small your problems are. (A little glimpse into their future together) Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.2K~ (y'all back to back hella long drabbles damn I'm on one tonight lmaoo) Warning: Some suggestive language but nothing crazy lol a/n: Damn I'm spoiling you guys but idk since I was able it get them done so quickly I thought why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ I promise I'll get back to the main storyline soon but these drabbles have been so cute I cant 😭 (written in one sitting and not edited cuz I need to go to bed lmao) Requested by: @pamzn 💜 Start from the beginning
I take a deep breath before getting out of my car after pulling up to the house.
I don't know why I'm so upset about what happened today. It wasn't even a big deal but something about it just struck a nerve.
Walking into the house I'm greeted by the sight of Jungkook already making dinner and just from that first glance I'm already feeling better.
"Welcome home Bunny. You're pretty late tonight" he says, focusing on the food that seems to be something that may or may not burn if he doesn't pay attention to it.
"Yeah I had some extra work to do so I figured I would just stay later tonight and get it all taken care of so I won't have to worry about it on Monday" I say, giving his a short version of what happened without telling him exactly what happened.
"Look at you, my darling little girl has been working so hard lately" he says as I walk up to him and give him a kiss. Glancing down at his adorable apron he's wearing.
"Maybe you should be my house husband. You look so cute wearing that and making me dinner. Could get used to this" I say getting up on my tippy toes to kiss him again and he smiles into it. "You know I would make a great one" he teases, rubbing his nose up against mine.
"Can you set the table for me baby? It's almost ready" he asks, turning back to whatever he decided to make us tonight. "Of course Daddy" I tease and he gives me a smirk before nodding towards the cabinet to do as he says.
"You still have enough time before it's ready if you wanna go upstairs and change. I know you hate wearing your work clothes all day" he says after I finish the task he had given me.
"Okay" I say and make my way upstairs to do just that but once I'm alone again that playful attitude dissipates and the emotions from before start creeping up again.
I make quick work of getting changed and once I head back downstairs I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind, resting my head against his back, hoping that the feeling of being close to him will take it all away and it does but I can't help but let out a few tears to get some sense of relief.
"What's the matter Bunny?" he asks, the few tears I've let fall having fallen on his shirt and dampened it and soon I let out a soft sniffle which then has him turning around to face me. Caressing my cheek, seeing the sadness written all over my face.
"Baby tell me what's wrong" he says, trying to coax the answer out of me but when the tears start to fall more freely he pulls me in and rests my head against his chest, rubbing my back and telling me to let it all out.
"I should've known something was wrong when you called me Daddy. You only do that when you're upset and not feeling well" he mumbles to himself. He places a kiss on the crown of my head before grabbing my hips and setting me on the counter, trying to make us be at eye level so he can talk to me.
When he does that though I just pull him in closer, letting out a few more cries into the crook of his neck before I start to calm down, my sniffles becoming less frequent and my tears running dry.
He leans back and tilts his head to the side trying to catch my eye and when I still don't look at him he straightens back up and tilts my chin up so he can look at my face, studying me to see if he can read any signs before asking me any questions.
"Did the other interns leave the rest of their work for you to finish up?" he asks, hitting the nails right on the head and I nod while he wipes off my tears, grabbing one of the tissues off the counter to help.
"You gotta tell someone about that. It's not your job to pick up the slack for everyone else" he says, reminding me of the fact that I'm only there to do what I'm responsible for.
"I know but I'm still the new girl so I don't wanna rock the boat already" but he shakes his head at my answer. "You can't let people take advantage of you like that love, they're there to work too so they should be able to finish up their workload just like you do everyday" he says and I nod my head, knowing that in theory but still not wanting to get anyone in trouble.
"Weren't you guys all supposed to go out for drinks after work tonight?" he asks, remembering how excited I was about finally getting invited to spend time with my coworkers outside of office hours.
"Yeah but they said something along the lines of 'Go ahead and finish this up and when you're finished text one of us and we'll let you know if we're still hanging out. Although I think we're probably gonna finish up early tonight'" I repeate what the clearly self appointed queen bee of the total of five interns in our department said to me.
"Oh Bunny" he says, pulling me in for another hug as I let out a sob, still a little emotional about it. "You've had a hard time at work all week and then they go and do this. If you don't tell somebody then I will" he says trying to come to my defense but I just laugh at his protective nature.
"It's alright. I'll email our supervisor and let her know what's been going on" I say and he pulls back and looks me straight in the eyes. "You promise?" he says pointedly and I nod my head, leaning in for a kiss, "I promise" I reassure and he looks at me clearly still suspicious but letting it go for now.
"Honey" I say, grabbing his attention when he decides to head over to the sink and get me a glass of water. "What's up?" I asks, and I look over at the stove before looking back over at him.
"I think your sauce is burning" I say with a cringe and he places the cup that he had been holding down before hurriedly going to turn the stove off, taking it off the heat and assessing the damage.
"I'm sorry" I say, feeling bad for taking his attention off the food he had clearly put a lot of time and effort into based off of all the dirty dishes I see littered around the kitchen.
"It's alright Darling you have nothing to be sorry about. I should've been more careful and turned the stove off" he admits and I take the spoon out of the pan and taste the sauce, doing my best to keep a poker face as he watches me attentively, waiting to see if it's completely ruined.
I place the spoon back into the pan and he waits with bated breath. "So?" he says and I nod my head and swallow down what I had in my mouth. "Yeah it's good" I say and grants me a shocked expression.
"Really?" he asks and then does the same thing I did, surprised that it's still edible. "No" I giggle once he closes his lips around the spoon leaving him yanking it out of his mouth and rushing over to the sink to spit it out, grabbing the cup nearby and using it to gargle and hopefully get the taste out of his mouth.
"That's disgusting! How did you even eat that?" he asks, truly impressed with my tastebuds. "I didn't try very much. Plus I think your reaction was a little dramatic don't you think?" I tease while he gulps down a whole glass of water.
"We clearly have very different pallets because that is horrible" he says, filling up his glass one last time and gargling one more time before placing it in the sink.
"I really am sorry it got ruined" I apologize again but he shakes him head. "You're more important to me than any wacky new recipe I was trying out" he says, cupping my face in both hands and placing a big dramatic smooch on my lips.
"Should we order your favorite?" he offers, pulling up the food delivery app we tend to use. "You don't wanna pick this time?" I ask, remembering that I was the one who chose last time.
"No it's okay you had a bad day so you can pick this time. I'll just choose the next two times we order out" he says and I nod my head. "Sounds fair. Just please, don't pick anything weird again" I cringe, remembering the last time we tried something new.
"Hey! I liked those vegan shrimp burgers" he says, crossing his arms over his chest making me laugh at his pouting face. "Whatever you say Honey. Now hurry up and put your order in too I'm starving" I admit, remembering that I skipped lunch.
"You didn't lunch today huh?" he says, reading my thoughts as soon as they pop in my head. "I swear you're some kind of mindreader" I say, walking past him to get finally get that water that had been promised to me on my own.
As soon as I turn on the faucet I'm granted a slap on the ass making me yelp from the surprise of it. "What was that for?" I groan rubbing the tender flesh and he giggles pulling me in for a kiss running his hands down my back before resting on my ass giving it a squeeze.
"I told you if you wear those little pajama shorts around the house I can't be held accountable for my actions" he smiles against my lips and I hum into the kiss when he pulls me in a bit closer.
"Mmm nope I'm too tired and hungry" I say, pulling away from the kiss and he tries to chase my lips but I turn my face to the side so he ends up kissing me on the cheek instead.
He kisses my cheek a few times but then when I think he's finished he licks a long stripe from my jaw to my cheek bone and it try to wiggle out of his hold but he's got an iron grip around my waist.
"Ew you weirdo let go of me" I say squirming while he laughs, thoroughly enjoying my reaction. "Aw come on I thought I was Daddy tonight" he says, switching to ticking my sides now, no doubt a distraction and a thorough effort in keeping me from getting upset again.
"Okay okay fine Daddy please s-stop" I call out, still trying to get away from his poking and prodding and when he finally lets go I run to the other side of the room to make sure he can't get ahold of me again and just when I think I'm safe he's tackling me down onto the sofa.
"Okay okay I give up you win!" I say, hoping that this tactic will get him to leave me alone. "What do I win?" he asks, amusement written all over his face and when I lean in to whisper all kinds of naughty things in his ear his face goes from amused to seductive real quick.
"Oh yeah?" he rasps and I nod my head and he gets off of me and pulls me up by my hands and starts to try to pull me upstairs. "No no no I didn't say right now! We've got food on the way!" I say trying to remind him of what we've been waiting for this whole time he's been playing.
"Come on they won't be here for like another fifteen minutes" he argues and as soon as he completes his sentence the doorbell is ringing leaving him groaning at the contradiction to his claims.
"See I told you!" I tease while he walks over and opens the door to get the food and thank the driver.
"Yes! Come on let's eat!" I say grabbing one of the bags and rushing over to the kitchen table and start pulling the food out.
"Well I guess I know where your loyalties lie" he sighs and trudges over to the table. "Oh come on you crybaby. First eat this and then you can eat me later if you want to" I taunt and his eyes light up at the though and I swear I can see him drooling.
"Deal!" he says and we spend the rest of the night laughing and loving until the sun comes up. What did I do to get so lucky? No matter how long we've been together that is always my last thought before I go to bed and the first thought I have when I wake up next to him in the morning.
Our relationship might not be the most conventional but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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motherraid · 5 months
I can’t find any rules so if your uncomfortable plz feel free to ignore this but I recently found out that when a afab person sits on someone else lap, they can feel the *throb™*
So I’m currently thinking what would Sebek do if during the Masquerade s/o fem!reader ended up sitting on his lap and he felt the throb. What would he do? Would he get hard or would he wonder what it is?
Can I be ✨🎀 anon plz? If you do those kinds of anon thingies lol
Omg of course???!?!?! It's been so long since I've taken an ask from a named anon what you're so nice 😭😭😭
((Grinding, manipulation/gaslighting(??), boners (lol), slight exhibitionism(?? If you squint i think) more big boy words and can't really think or anything else as a description, IM SORRYYY I NEED CHARACTER EXAGGERATION IT'S AN ADDICTION))
Well, well. Back to lap sitting. It seems you all have a certain taste.
Boring answer is he feels it, gets embarrassed, and asks you to get up before he even begins to feel anything. He'd probably offer you his seat and walk off to find another seat he can sit down in. He's red faced, but that's it.
Fun answer?
I believe that Sebek WILL know where it's coming from. I'm sure he has some knowledge in sex ed or smth and if he doesn't, he's still very smart. He can make the connection and what was causing it easily. And when he looks up at you in concealed confusion, he can tell by your nonchalant expression that you aren't doing it on purpose. He assumes it's a natural thing that you shouldn't be ashamed of. So, by that logic, if you feel something hardening under your ass, surely you can understand that it's just natural, right? It's nothing to freak out over, I mean, who wouldn't get hard when there's such a darling sitting in his lap?
And who could possibly have known that something as simple as a pulse could be so alluring?
I mean, if we're talking sweet ol classic Sebek, he'd probably be aaaaabsolutely mortified. His immediate reaction would be to politely tap you on the shoulder and ask you (in the quietest voice he's ever had in his life) to stand so he can use the restroom. He won't even make it to full erection by the time he's flown from the room lol. And as soon as he makes it into semi-privacy, you won't see him for a good while. Well, at least until he can either will his erection to die or pathetically rub one out in a restroom stall like a loser (lmao). Most likely the former. His pride wouldn't allow him to do something so humiliating. If someone heard or caught him whimpering while he spazzes with his dick in his hand mid orgasm he'd truly never show his face in public again.
If you two are in a relationship then maybe he won't be so quick to run away and pitifully consider jacking off to the feeling of you throbbing in his lap- wishing he could feel your throbbing while deliciously stretched around his dick and welcoming every inch deeper into your warm cunt until either he runs out of inches or you run out of space.
No, no. He may just steadily place both hands on each of your thighs and bury his face into the back of your shoulder. Or the crook of your neck depending on how tall you are.
("Please... Just stay here for a moment. I swear that I'll let you up soon.. But for now I need you to stay put... and try not to move too much." )
And uhm.. Mk so you know it's not a Duke post without some sort or freak in there, and I just can not write something without going feral about it and the only way I can go feral about it is if I exaggerate his character so PERVY SEBEK
So if you somehow had managed to sit down in his lap and he feels his zipper area becoming a bit uncomfortable, you'd better have a strong will. The absolute degrading filth this boy will spew into your ears will either have you grinding into his crotch and begging him for more or trying to muffle your hurt/confused sobs. Best believe he ain't going nowhere, and neither are you for your little stunt. Sure, you may not have been intentionally trying to arouse him, but you are the one who insisted on using him as a seat when there are plenty of places to rest. That must have been what you wanted, huh? To see him all red faced and bothered? You probably like seeing him breaking a sweat, lip between his teeth and digging his digits into the underside of the seat. You must loove making him horny. It's like you get a kick out of it. Is it funny for you? To see him in agony?
Well, two can play at that game. Don't even bother acting surprised when he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you tight to his chest. He might wait for a person or two to pass out of view before his tongue sneaks a quick swipe against your earlobe. His breath is heavy on your neck while he nuzzles his face into your hair. Thank the Seven for the loud(ish) music echoing off the walls, or else anyone a good few feet from you would be able to hear him groaning in your ear. All while one of his hands slowly slides towards the inside of your thigh and gives it a good squeeze.
And don't even think about saying anything. It's all your fault, you know. You just casually decide to sit in a guys lap and act surprised when he gets hard? Just like your enticing second heartbeat, an erection is something that can not be helped sometimes. They can happen anywhere, and every guy can agree to that. So what will it look like when you purposefully sit in his lap, throbbing against his thigh with your ass sat firmly against his crotch? Did you forget you're in a school of boys? They'd understand him in a heartbeat. Some may even say you did it on purpose. You'll only embarrass yourself. So stay still, stay inconspicuous, and stay silent.
Let's be honest, though. He's hanging on by a thread. He's just so embarrassed that you've managed to get him this vulnerable and he's taking that out on you. You feel so warm and smell soo good. It's taking every ounce of restraint to hide his gasps and grunts from the spread crowd around you both. Trust they can't be concealed from you, though. You can hear everything. Not to mention feel everything. It's impossible to ignore him spreading his legs a bit and slowly rolling his hips into you.
If he's miserable and desperate, he'll make you feel even worse. Unless you'd rather sneak away and give him the blow job he deserves for putting up with you. Lend him you pussy for a while and he might even spare you a lecture about public decency once this trip is over. (How hypocritical.)
And he's lying. Of course you'll be getting properly disciplined when this is all over. A hands-on lecture is a must. Best not to worry about that now, though. Just enjoy the moment. He sure is.
("I should have known better than to humor you. To think I actually believed you might have been behaving decently for once.")
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goatpaste · 2 years
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Alrighty, this has been something I'v been putting off for awhile because I really just wanted to save all the money myself but I just dont think its gonna be able to happen anytime soon and I'm tired of putting it off for Daisy's sake
but this is officially the Donation Post for us to start pooling together money to move daisy up from Texas to Pennsylvania. I'll bore you with the details under the cut but in the mean time here is links and info on the ways you can support the move!
[My commissions are Open] [My Etsy is Open]
[My Kofi were i offer PWYW commissions as low at 3$]
[My Toyhouse has designs for sale on it]
[You can Donate here and all the saving made toward this will be going directly into savings]
These are all the ways you can directly support us and help us work toward the goal of getting Daisy into a safe and better environment! I know not everyone is going to be able to chip in but anything helps even reblogs and sharing around! We've been talking about this move for over a year and I want to try and move her by the end of this year at the latest.
For more info on our specific situation and bit more details, please read under the cut
Daisy has been my friend since we were 6 years old, she is like a sister to me! We've been at each others side through thick and thin and I care about her so much.
Daisy's home life has never been the best and her parents are nightmare people who are a blight on the general public but as well as Daisy's home life.
Daisy doesnt have the ability to drive, work or save her own money even when she did work as her mother would take the money she earned constantly, and was ultimately the reason Daisy was unable to keep her job.
So for Daisy's end she has no ability to save and moving funds, it will primarily be on me to round up the money.
We are not 100% sure how much we are going to need at this moment in time but have a rough estiment.
Were hoping to get Daisy's mother on a good mood and have her pay for Daisy's plane ticket. We are going to be unable to move all her stuff and will just have to pack as much as she can into a large suitcase and fly up. So we will not have to pay for the plane, but will have to pay for bedding, and everything else she will need once up here. we have some temporary arrangements Via my bed and couch and potentially picking up a blow up mattress. But my current apartment is extremely small and not much room for two people let alone just me. Not sure how long I will be in this space while Daisy is up here if at all.
I may potentially reach out to my step father and ask him to dip into the savings he has kept for me to get Daisy furniture and necessities. But im avoiding that for as much as i can as im not on the best terms with my dad.
I will start looking for a bigger place for us to live together once we start getting in a comfortable area on savings. As the only money maker currently i will be needing savings to afford a place for us to share that will of course be much more expensive than where i am right now. Daisy will start looking for a job once she is/has moved up here and hopefully we will be able to support ourselves at that point, it will just be the first little bit of time we will need a cushion.
this is one of the areas im not 100% sure how much were going to need but certain in the thousands area knowing rent for a place big enough for two individuals.
after that its just gonna be us figuring it out.
but this is the situation as it stands right now, we are trying to help a trans woman out of her shitty living situation and across the country where her friends who love and care and want to support her are. We dont know exactly how much its going to be, but its going to be a lot and were really just looking for a bit of support!
thank yall so much!
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taggedmemes · 9 months
i think you're past the point of saving.
together we might survive.
get me out of this damn thing.
we have no time for stragglers.
do you intend to die for a stranger?
i thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin.
you keep dangerous company.
we can watch each other's backs along the way.
enough of this chatter.
who put you in charge?
i'll trust my own judgement.
a miracle, given everything you've been through.
it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon.
you're alive. i'm alive. how is this possible?
seems like we're the lucky ones, judging by all the corpses strewn about.
anything's an improvement on where we just came from.
'we'? you want to stay together?
we need each other.
i can't think of better company.
i wanted to thank you again.
you should be furious, shouldn't you?
kill it yourself — you look capable enough.
i was hoping for a kind soul.
let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece.
no need for this to get messy.
i need her alive.
and to think i was ready to decorate the ground with your innards.
please, allow me to introduce myself.
of course it'll turn me into a monster.
you should travel with me.
our odds are better together.
i was ready to go this alone.
maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea.
you seem like a useful person to know.
let's hope any future acquaintances don't hold a blade to your throat by way of introduction.
no harm in a little mystery.
conversation shouldn't be made, it should be grown.
maybe i'd like to get to know you better.
i'm usually better at this.
couldn't have phrased it more repellently myself.
you don't happen to be a cleric, by any chance? a doctor, surgeon? uncannily adroit with a knitting needle?
it's not exactly a common affliction.
a parasite shared is a parasite halved.
you're both twice as tall as me but have half the bloody backbone.
no point getting killed.
second worm gets the cheese and all.
nobody's getting any damn cheese.
she obviously sees your kindness as weakness.
don't let her take advantage.
a simply 'thank you' wouldn't go amiss.
your friends abandoned you.
i've got plenty of friends who aren't soft.
let's just hope she reserves those impulses for any common foes.
what a curious way to awaken.
what is the worth of a single mortal's life?
something the matter?
you must have thoughts about our little stowaways.
thinking about it won't help.
i suppose we'd go our separate ways — not a slight on your company, of course.
no reason for us to not stay together if we get on well.
if we do survive, we'll have separate lives to return to.
let's just say it's a very person, very private acquaintance.
you're not the kind of company i'd keep willingly.
perhaps i'll return the favor at some point.
she's delightful, in a very 'look at me twice and i'll dismember you' kind of way.
i understand much beyond your comprehension.
you'd do well to observe more and question less.
and they didn't cut you from navel to neck?
i am still getting used to people like you.
that large, fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake.
best to keep quiet, lest any drivel leak from your lips.
i do not intend to stay long in this place.
may your actions express the same mettle.
anomalies lead to surprises.
what hasn't happened may yet come to pass.
not a collaboration i'd have anticipated.
can't you tell me something real about you?
i have a great respect for privacy, especially my own.
i have a very disciplined mind.
those tricks won't work on me.
please don't try that again unless i invite you to.
we meet again, as predicted.
care to explain why you're helping me?
what kind of services can a skeleton offer?
a monster forms inside us, and you care to be idle?
i knew your kind to be fragile.
don't you know an exhausted warrior is an ineffective one?
it's a thickheaded notion in a complex circumstance.
what were you two talking about?
if that was any of your business, we'd have called you over.
your business is mine.
we're entwined.
if we're to survive, we need to trust each other.
you seem reliable.
we're overdue some good fortune.
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buckyalpine · 2 months
Here is a list of things that make me mad in no particular order. Angry ranting. Pls ignore this, I'm just screaming into the void. These example apply to very specific situations I've encountered with people who are perfectly capable of doing better.
People who lack common sense. Social awareness. Common courtesy. Saying "Oh my God, I'd never do that" when they've never been even close to said situation but they're now experts on how they'd act while sitting on their pristine Thoroughbred horse, sipping on English tea with their pink so high it may as well be in their nose.
People who say "Well I wouldn't care if it happened to me" or "I'm just being honest" when you point out something they did/said.
When autocorrect/spellcheck decides it cannot for the life of it figure out what you're trying to spell OR it gives you suggestions for every word under the sun except the one you want. All you did was leave out a single letter with the rest of it spelled perfectly and spellcheck decides to go into a coma. So you fix the mistake and the little squiggly red line goes away. Fuck you.
Gnats. WTF is you're problem. I've Googled this shit cause I want to know why tf you can't just fly straight, why do you have to buzz all over the damn place near my head of all places.
Flies. Same thing as above. Why tf can't you just fly straight. WHY NEAR MY EAR. You have the entire world and you decided my room is the place to be? And now we're both miserable because you keep hitting yourself against the window after noticing your grave mistake. I leave the door wide open but you want to keep body slamming the glass.
Giving me life advice on something you know nothing about.
People who don't love their pets. Yeah, you take care of them but you do it as a chore and then complain about it. Those little fur babies deserve it all, give them the best or don't have pets at all.
Holier than thou attitude.
People who laugh at those who are visibly upset and tell them they're being too sensitive.
Allergies. IDK Why tf my body acts surprised as hell every single spring. It's just fucking pollen. Why are you trying to fight it. Do you understand that in your brilliant plan to try and fight the little evaders you actually make me want to end it all because my nose is itching and my eyes are watering and I can't breathe. Food allergies are another level of bullshit. I'll never forget the day this one girl tells me she wished she had allergies? Like it makes you special, mf what??? She was being serious too.
Thin, straight, fine black hair. Can't do anything with it. It doesn't hold hairstyles, doesn't curly, gets heavy as soon as you use any product and 90% of the time it just looks like Snape cosplay. Ask me how I know
Parents who buy their very young children shoes with laces. This is inconvenient for all of us. why tf would you do this when Velcro exists. Your 4 year old doesn't need laces when they have no clue how to even eat cheese with their crackers, mf why did you buy this shoe for them?!
Bananas. Hate them with a burning passion. The smell. The texture. I hate the peel is left out and about like it isn't making the entire room smell. Don't even get me started on banana breath. (Keep in mind this is not me saying I think they're gross. I wish I liked them because they're a super convenient snack and very healthy)
People who lie and say you can't taste the banana in a smoothie. Yes, I can. You always can. You can have 1000lbs of any fruits and that single banana will still stand out.
People who don't understand mental illness/ act ignorantly to those suffering.
Big companies who ask you to donate to stuff. You're going to use this as a tax write off, stfu.
People who laugh at others for not knowing something. Maybe that thing had 0 relevance to their life. Maybe they learned about that because they were taught something else. Either way, how is it funny.
People who laugh at those learning a new language. You're the fucking worst. They are LEARNING. Let them get used to the pronunciation, let them get accustomed to sentence structures, let them make mistakes without being embarrassed. You're the embarrassing one cackling you're damn ass off while they're trying to do something new. You're discouraging them from wanting to continue because you feel the need to be an asshole.
People who make everything a serious debate/conversation.
People who steal. Not out of necessity but just because they can. I'll never forget overhearing this group of kids in my high school bragging and laughing their asses off over how much candy they stole from other kids. They also stole phones. These were not troubled kids mind you, they were doing this for shits and giggles.
Eczema. So fucking itchy, why can't skin just act right. It feels awful, looks awful and just comes and goes as it pleases.
People who clown you for who you find attractive. Why. If I find this person attractive, what in the ever loving flying fuck does it have to do with you. It's just so unnecessarily rude. I don't even get how its funny or why you find it okay to call someone ugly as if this is something they personally have control over.
I'm going to add more to this list.
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bisexualchaosdemon · 17 days
After their press conference, Kevin has time to kill before his flight back to South Carolina.
"Thanks again for coming along for that shitshow, Kevin." Jeremy said, a sheepish smile on his face as he lead the way outside.
"It's the least I could do," Kevin answered, with a glance to Jean. Jean didn't know what to say about that, so he said nothing.
"What would you like to do with the rest of your time with us in the great L of A then, Mr Kevin Day?" Cat asked from her place on Jean's left.
As soon as Kevin and Jean were released from the press room in the Trojans' Court, she and Laila had tucked themselves into either side of Jean as if to steady him. He was too drained to protest, and neither woman had moved since.
"I don't care where we go, so long as boba is involved!" Laila chimed in.
Kevin frowned confusion. "Boba?"
"Y'know, bubble tea?" Laila said. "Or are you like our resident Frenchie here in refusing to try anything off of his meal-plan?"
"I don't know what it is," Kevin clarified. He thought about it for a moment before adding, "But I'm willing to give it a go,"
Laila cheered, but Jean shot Kevin a baffled look. "You can not be serious. Tell me you aren't filling your body with garbage now that you are with those street rats in Palmetto?"
Kevin rolled his eyes a little. "We aren't in the Nest anymore, Jean. Your diet does not need to be so restrictive now. It never should have been in the first place."
"I understand that," Jean said through gritted teeth. "But you can not ignore fact, Kevin. The Ravens' nutrition plan works."
"That may be true, but the Foxes still beat the Ravens last year, and we don't have any kind of meal plan. Andrew has maybe the worst diet I've ever seen, and he's the best goalie in the NCAA." Kevin paused and looked to Laila. "No offence. His save rate is slightly better thanks to your good sportsmanship at our last match."
"Oh, none taken," Laila laughed. "That man is terrifying in goal."
"So you really just threw all of your knowledge on nutrition out of the window when you left the Nest?" Jean still couldn't believe it.
"Not totally," Kevin allowed. "But with the amount we practice, a little ice-cream won't cost me my game."
"See, even Kevin says it's okay," Jeremy walked backwards so that he could flash a bright smile at Jean. "You should try some too, Jean. We'll get you something that's not too sweet, but you should have a treat after today."
Jean glanced around his friends and heaved a sigh. "I will try it, if only because I know you will never give me peace if I do not."
And Jean did finally try boba. It wasn't bad, even if he was too stubborn to admit that he liked it outloud. Maybe he could allow Laila to rope him into getting some with her occasionally. Maybe.
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