#Just Good Omens 2 and cooking shows
chaoticelement · 1 year
Tagged by @grargll RE: PEOPLE I WANNA KNOW BETTER Thanks! :D
Last Song: Purple - Andrew Stein (according to my spotify anyway)
Favorite Color: >> also purple :D
Currently Watching: RelaxED colony Oxygen Not Included VODs by EchoRidgeGaming on youtube
Last Movie: Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet! The dangerous thing is I work in a bakery >>
Relationship Status: :3c (taken)
Current Obsessions: uh... RPing, Stacklands, I really should be playing other games but this $10 game has taken over my life currently
Last Thing Googled*: sever (I was checking the spelling cause discord spellcheck hates me)
Tagging: Eh, you do you mydudes
*I literally can't put the last few things googled cause they are private information I refuse the share with the internet, but this is the last thing I can share at least
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melbatron5000 · 5 months
Maggie, Maggie
#1 Do not take my theories to Neil! None of them, nohow!
#2 Big fat spoiler, which I suppose I should have said on my previous theories, but hey. Big fat spoiler!
Here we go, I think I know something new.
I've seen a few blogs where people have suggested that Maggie is Jesus 2.0. I didn't think so at first, but now I do. Maggie is Jesus 2.0, and Crowley and Aziraphale damn well know it. Here's my evidence:
See this post about how I think Crowley and Aziraphale are hiding something. Hiding someONE? Yeah, I think so. Who the hell would they be hiding? Who would an angel and demon who averted Armageddon be hiding, especially if they are expecting a second go 'round? The BIG one, as Crowley says? Fucking Jesus, that's who. Okay. Now we're cooking with gas.
Maggie is clothing-coded as both a demon and an angel. Y'know, much like Adam is described in Good Omens the novel. "Part demon, part angel, all human."
Maggie is a bit of a goodie two-shoes. "Never was that sort of teenager, never wanted to drink, no judgment." Oh, yeah? A little better than other people, are you? Not in a hoity-toity way, just, a little better than others. A little.
Loved that record store since she was a baby, huh? How did she remember it since she was a baby? Much like Adam remembered the other two babies he was in the hospital with, as described in Good Omens the novel. "You never forget your first friends."
Maggie calls Aziraphale an angel. Not as if she knows, but as if she subconsciously knows. If she is Jesus 2.0, I don't think she's come into her powers yet.
Aziraphale expects her to be able to sense the archangels when they come to ask about Gabriel and the 25 Lazarii miracle. And the whole time he's asking her about the record, he's looking out the window very nervously, repeatedly. I've seen a few people note that a car horn sounds and he looks at it anxiously, and that does happen, but he is anxiously looking out the window the whole time. What is he watching for? In case someone notices him talking to Jesus, maybe? And when she doesn't understand what he's talking about with the archangels, he shrugs it off and refuses to explain, as if he has suddenly remembered that of course she won't be able to sense them, not yet, anyway.
The ball: Not only does she want to stay behind and help without knowing what's going on (very brave and generous), she invites the demons in by mistake, AND Aziraphale can't miracle her to go with Crowely and forget all about this. He tries in a bit of a panic, then gives up, as if he's remembering that oh yeah, he won't be able to miracle her, she's freaking Jesus.
That's why "miracles don't work like that." It's not that Aziraphale can't miracle people to fall in love, it's that he can't miracle Jesus. At all.
The main reason Crowley and Aziraphale are so nervous about Gabriel showing up is because they are scared he is spying on them and will notice Jesus. The audience assumes Gabriel is scary enough on his own, and pay no attention to the fact that A/C are trying to keep him clear of noticing ANYTHING out of the ordinary.
That light in her record store. You know, the one that looks EXACTLY LIKE ADAM'S LIGHT in the first season? (Thank you @youryurigoddess for pointing out that you had these screen shots!)
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11. Look who else wears orange and blue:
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I'm inclined to believe there's more going on with the people on Whickber street, but I'm not sure what, and some of Maggie's behavior gets a little questionable and hard to explain, but this image is what keeps me up at night. Why are Jesus and Maggie the only two people in the entire second season to wear orange AND blue?
The question that I do have is: What did Maggie do that had the same power as a 25 Lazarii miracle?? Because my entire theory revolves around Crowley and Aziraphale knowing -- or suspecting? Or searching for and being closer than even they know? -- that Maggie is Jesus, or will be; Saraqael being in on it; and them hiding whatever the BIG miracle was actually for and the audience assuming they are hiding the Gabriel miracle -- which they are not, although they are ALSO hiding the Gabriel miracle.
If Maggie didn't do the 25 Lazarii miracle, who did? And why? Where the hell did Maggie come from? Why would Jesus 2.0 just show up in the form of a woman who inherited a record shop the happens to be next door to the one being in the whole world who would most want to know where Jesus 2.0 would be?
So much more to know.
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benny-the-spaceman · 11 days
A LOT ACTUALLY. I'll leave it the characters I do the most with for now BUT YES ANON I HAVE MANY HEADCANONS
Wasian (specifically japanese and white [totes not projecting])
Everything he likes is the most average response possible (basically canon) and people do use this constantly. If you want to know the most basic, agreeable sandwich to buy for someone you don't know, ask Emmet.
After TLM2, Emmet takes up gardening as a hobby. Of course he always had planty, but now he has an entire front garden. His favorite flowers are sunflowers and daisies.
Emmet is a surprisingly good singer! He doesn't sing much unless someone asks him too though. He was definitely in choir during high school.
Speaking of high school, Emmet was on the wrestling team. He never medalled or anything, but he was there.
Emmet has tried to learn other languages. That's the end of that conversation. He's monolingual.
The type of guy to make the most awkward jokes. Not in a weird way, just in an unfunny way. He tells those rly boring jokes that u at most half chuckle at but otherwise u just kinda stand there awkwardly and the conversation falls flat.
This isn't to say he *isn't* funny, he's just not funny when it comes to jokes. When he's just naturally speaking he's very entertaining to have conversations with.
Emmet is the master of pointless small talk.
Emmet's favorite food is waffles with whip cream and strawberries!
He secretly doesn't have his ACI certification but still handles concrete anyway. Tsk tsk
He's been in charge of a lot of reconstruction efforts after armamageddeon, really putting that construction background to use.
Emmet is wicked good at monopoly and uno but no one knows why.
He's tall and buff. this man is like pushing 6'7" and is jacked, that's hidden under a bit of chub though.
Emmet is a heavyweight drinker. No one knows why this is either. He can keep going for ages and he'll still act completely sober. Doesn't really like drinking though.
Youngest sibling haha, point and laugh
Not young though, this guy is like in his 50's
I am a firm believer in non-conventionally attractive Benny. Hair's a tangled mess, horrible fashion sense, you name it. Also he smells bad. No one has or probably will dissuade me from this. Sorry to mars specifically
Often spends days at a time working on projects, often with little to no sleep. When he focuses he *focuses*. This ties back to the previous statement about him.
Absolutely stacked education. Phd in aerospace engineering and a certified welder, mahcinist, pilot, and avionic technician. He does it all.
He may be smart but he is not a good cook. If he serves you glop do not eat it you will get the worst food poisoning of your life, Lord knows how he survives.
Has a pet miniature automated mirror cart named Castor. This is how he gets food and drink during his several day work periods.
Metalbeard is his best friend! They have Tuesday draft reviewing sessions where they show their latest ideas and critique each other. Despite the major differences in what they do, these critique sessions help both of them improve.
They also have tea parties with Unikitty. Unikitty tends to convince Metalbeard to participate in shenanigans and Metalbeard tends to force Benny into those same shenanigans. When those 3 are together it's an omen.
He's my favorite. The URL wouldn't make you think so but he is.
Wicked good dancer. The robotic body does not hinder his ability to do a fun little jig.
Metalbeard has had 3 ships, his parent's old ship, the first ship he built himself, and the sea cow.
He's stubborn as a mule. Once his head is set on something you will not convince him out of it.
Does not have any official education. He's a 15th century pirate for crying out loud.
Swears...Surprisingly little? He's a pirate so you'd expect him to have a pretty bad sailor mouth but no. He's pretty tame in that regard.
His favorite food is pineapple
Not a big risk-taker. Firm believer of calculated decision making. I mean it's in the rules of the sea: Always abandon a lost cause. He isn't looking for fights all willy nilly.
Old as shit. I covered it in my thread on Metalbeard's ship but based on the age of it he's several centuries old.
Unlike Benny, Metalbeard is quite good with and also quite likes newer technology. His 15th century currack has a steampipe coming out of it for a reason.
Knows Spanish and Portuguese.
When he was younger, he used to go fishing with his parents very often. He doesn't get to go as much now, but he tries to go fishing with them at least a couple times a year.
The one thing he misses the most about having his limbs is swimming. His present-day body being made of wood and metal doesn't it make it very amicable to swimming. He'd kill to paddle around in the ocean again.
Incredibly mischievous. Has a habit of roping people into little pranks or games.
Eats mostly sugar
Misses her homeland often. She doesn't talk about it much, but she wishes constantly to have Cloud Cuckooland back. As much as she tries not to hold it against GCBC and Lord Business, she does.
Surprisingly strong. She can lift Metalbeard in his full robotic body like it's nothing.
Impromptu cuddles are her jam. If Unikitty is rushing towards you, it's a 50/50 shot of whether if she wants a hug or if she wants to tackle you like a linebacker.
Has a diary that she does not let anyone touch. Except Wyldstyle.
Her, Wyldstyle, and Mayhem have girls nights where they mostly just hang out build stuff together. They more or less are used for talking about their feelings, Wyldstyle started them after she realized none of them had particularly good outlets for their emotions.
Unikitty's tail is edible.
Sometimes Unikitty will glow if she's having a good day.
Unikitty can speak every language. She was just born that way.
Sometimes Unikitty feels as if people don't take her seriously, mostly on account of being a cat. This does bug her a lot but she tries not to let it get to her.
Unikitty's favorite thing to do is make people happy (:
She gives Benny haircare tips constantly and he ignores most of them much to her dismay.
Mr. Money Launderer
Wears really stupid graphic t-shirts with dad or golfing or fishing jokes on them.
His first name is Jolly! (I stole this one from superpeeboy, lol)
Cares A LOT about his appearance and is very meticulous. Wakes up at least an hour early to get ready.
OCD king. He really should do ERP therapy but he won't because there's absolutely nothing wrong with him how could you dare imply that.
Cheats at golf.
Gets all of his clothes ironed and drycleaned.
Absolutely not gay. Never. He'd never be gay. He doesn't know what you're talking about. He's normal. Not to say being gay isn't normal but he's not that. Totally. 100%. He isn't in denial
Does the white mom thing when they go to a restaurant and are like yknow what? I'm gonna be *bad* today.
Says he's 50 years young (I also stole this from superpeeboy)
Picky ass eater. Doesn't like spice and also really likes how mayo tastes but don't put too much mayo and his sandwich shouldn't have too much bread and why is the steak cooked so little and why does the meal have flavor but also why doesn't the meal have flavor.
Also here's some other posts of mine related to hcs I have. I really like. making headcanons.
How Masterbuilders Draft
Emmet Construction Certifications
One of My Favorite Post Chains Ever Please Look at All the Reblogs on This
Metalbeard's Ship
Emmet's Internal Clock
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fruity-cryptid · 1 year
Okay so, I forced my boyfriend to watch good omens with me and he decided to write some small headcanons and he was okay with me sharing some soooo yea, I also put some of my own hcs warning season 2 spoilers
Genderfluid / Gay / Any pronouns
Used to smoke a lot to cope but Aziraphale helped him quit, though he started to smoke again after the kiss, he also drinks a lot more to try and cope
Normally doesn't cry but after the events with Aziraphale in season 2 he cries more often and easily
Doberman type of partner
Not a huge fan of Taylor Swift but really likes the reputation album + anti-hero
Wears cropped shirts sometimes
Has bad separation anxiety
Didn't talk about his emotions much until after he met Aziraphale + he mainly talks to Aziraphale about his emotions
Repeatedly listens to The World We Knew by Frank Sinatra and cries
Would often go to spots he and Aziraphale would hang around and just think
Had a slight punk phase in the 90s
Nail biter, especially when anxious
Rants to Nina often about what happened
Wears eyeliner ( my hc)
Hated himself for kissing Aziraphale like how he did since he always wanted their kiss to be perfect but now he ruined it ( my hc)
Secretly loved Aziraphales magician costume (my hc)
The Bentley sometimes gets small yellow bits and he just leaves it (my hc)
Is very jealous of Beelzebub and Gabriel but tries to hide it (my hc)
Sees Muriel as their own child and teaches them about earth (my hc)
Agender / Gay / He/They
Huge fan of Taylor Swift, Queen, and The Cardigans
Loves baked goods and is a huge fan of baking shows
Orange cat type of partner
Loves the nickname 'Angel'
He truly loved Crowley back but doesn't' want to admit it due to deep religious trauma
Is a huge people pleaser and was bullied often in heaven
Terrible at making decisions
Eats ice cream when sad
Really regrets leaving Crowley and wants to go back
Most of his decisions made are heavily based on what he thinks Crowley would have wanted hoping somehow Crowley would find out
Very oblivious
Whenever he'd go back to earth and saw black, grey, or red things he would immediately tear up and stare at said object
Hates working in heaven since its too empty ( my hc)
Sometimes gets angels to check in on Crowley (my hc)
His personality becomes much duller in heaven ( my hc)
Hates himself for the fact he didn't kiss Crowley back (my hc)
Nonbinary / Pansexual / They/Them, Zi/Zer
Black cat type of partner
Has body dysmorphia
Dresses gender neutral, masc, and fem
Fell for Gabriel almost immediately
Listens to Everyday by Buddy Holly all the time and never gets sick of it
Loves their flies like they were their children
Can't spell for shit
Loves causing drama
Still keeps in touch with Crowley who introduced them to Muriel who quickly grew on them ( Gabriel and Beelzebub become like uncle figures to Muriel since they Crowley is like a parent to them )
Hates hugs except from Gabriel and Muriel ( sometimes )
Eventually tried food and grew a liking towards it, very frequently watched cooking shows ( my hc )
Loves nicknames and comes up with new ones for Gabriel constantly; my sweet, dear, angel, etc (my hc)
Them and Gabriel have a garden together filled with plants that attract flies and just flowers Gabriel finds pretty ( my hc )
Has anger issues ( my hc)
Trans (FTM) / Gay / He/Him
Loves plushies and owns tons
Also has anger issues but Beelzebub helps him with it
Loves hot coca
Can't be trusted in a kitchen whatsoever so Beelzebub does most of the cooking
Loves cuddling and often clings to Beelzebub
Loves knitted sweaters
He and Beelzebub moved into an apartment on earth
Loves Marvel
His memory is still sometimes slightly foggy and he has trouble remembering things (my hc)
He found out he loves sleeping and takes naps often ( my hc)
Takes Beelzebub on dates often to pubs and cafes ( my hc)
Huge fan of romantics ( my hc)
Goes hot coca tasting with Muriel and Beelzebub sometimes (my hc)
Non Binary / Bisexual / They/Them
Really enjoys Beebadoobee, Mac Demarco, and The Neighborhood
Knits and crochets
Has trauma and is also a people pleaser
Would be shocked if people found them cool
Certain things on earth interest them that most people don't care for
Loves sweet things such as chocolate chip cookies, hot coca, and tea with absurd amounts of honey and sugar
Loves hugs
Was glad to befriend Beelzebub and sees them and like an cool uncle type figure
Becomes close with Nina and Maggie over time and often visits the coffee shop to help out ( my hc )
Somehow meets Eric the disposable demon and forms a quick friendship over how they both feel out of place ( my hc )
Adores the rain ( my hc)
Stargazes with Crowley who tells them about the different constellations (my hc)
Loves ducks like Crowley and goes with him to the park to feed ducks (my hc)
Likes painting Crowley's nails, they painted them yellow one time and it made Crowley cry bc it reminded him of when Aziraphale turned the Bentley yellow (my hc )
Loves learning about different emotions and especially loves the concept of love (my hc)
Eric The Disposable Demon (mainly my headcanons):
Demi-Boy/ Bisexual / They/He
Loves avocado toast
Loves smokey eye makeup looks
Is terrified of Crowley but also looks up to him (my hc)
Finds Muriel very pretty but doesn't feel worthy of being near them sometimes since they're so angelic and hes a demon (my hc)
They like to buy Muriel sweets anytime he visits them (my hc)
Very traumatised and is used to throwing himself towards danger (my hc)
Bonds with Muriel at the same park that Crowley and Aziraphale goes to (my hc)
Asks Crowley for advice sometimes on how to get closer to Muriel (my hc)
Female / Lesbian / She/Her
Loves doing latte art
Makes tiktoks sometimes of herself making drinks or doing latte art, mostly to promote the cafe but also for her own enjoyment
Loves 70's and 80's music
Loves ABBA
Her ex partner made her worry over unimportant things constantly
Was sad but relieved when her ex partner broke up with her
Listens to music while cleaning
Black cat type of partner
Watched Stranger Things
Loves halloween and fall
Loves horror movies ( my hc)
Eventually warmed up to Muriel and gives them free food and drinks sometimes since they help around the cafe ( my hc)
Feeds stray cats that live near the cafe (my hc)
Female / Lesbian / She/Her
Loves flowers
Summer is her favourite season
Likes pop music
Golden retriever type partner
Loves sitcoms
Has crocheted stuffies
Has tons of records and plants at home
Goes to the cafe all the time to see Nina
Has a great skin care routine
Loves cats
She taught Crowley about eyeliner and helped him learn to apply it ( my hc)
She loves Muriel and teaches them about different musicians ( my hc)
Really likes Taylor Swift (my hc)
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artificialbreezy · 4 months
i desperately need small headspace hc with ruffilo 🙁 cuz he just 🙁🙁 gives off such good daddy/caregiver vibes idk 🙁🙁🙁 (if thats fine)
im so passionate about this *cracks knuckles* here we go
Nicky is THE caregiver okay?
has juice boxes in the green room for you at every show you’re at
has a hidden coloring kit for during sound checks
picks 2 outfits for you every morning to choose from (bc he knows you’d live in your pj shorts and his shirt if he let you)
LOVES taking you the the theater to see every and all disney/pixar movies
talks about getting a tattoo of one of your little doodles
calls you “itty bitty” and “littlest baby”
doesn’t mind being called “daddy” but overall prefers “poppa”
always braids your hair before bed so it’s not all snarly in the morning
brushes your teeth for you
cooks all your meals
zoo dates are so important to him and you bc he just wants to see you squeal and point to the tigers and hear all the names you give them
makes special bad omens merch for you
your name in his phone is “little puppy”
forever says “you’re too small to do that, why don’t you ask poppa for help?”
“oh! poppa is so proud of you!!”
“are you my best girl? of course you are!!”
gives you an out and about collar that is really just a necklace that has a N pendant
has a collar for at home use that he totally has a matching leash too bc his puppy likes to wander
loves when you look at him with those big doe eyes when you want something
can’t say no to you
gives you weekly baths just so he can sit and watch you draw on the wall with bath crayons
washes your hair when you shower together
he knows there’s some things you CAN do, he just likes for you to need him (bc he needs you way more than you think)
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foolishlovers · 10 months
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SOCIAL MEDIA AUs: Below you'll find a list of Good Omens fics that contain elements of social media such as Instagram, Youtube & Co.
You can request more fic recs here.
twitter cryptids by doctormissy (T, 36k)
Crowley's latest brilliant idea involves ranting about his undying love tiny crush on Aziraphale on Twitter instead of actually dealing with his feelings now that the world didn't end. Because he will never find out, right? Right?
Press L in the Chat (for Love) by Djapchan, Phoenix_Soar (E, 29k)
Bickering fan-content creators Aziraphale and Crowley only have three things in common — they are both avid fans of a new revolutionary TV series about pirates, they are popular for their fantastic fanfiction and fanart… and they are members of the same discord server. Neither of them likes the other, but across the chaotic virtual world of a discord chatroom, who knows what can happen when these two unlikely fans are paired up for an exciting collaboration? Us. We know ;) Discord Server AU — a collaboration between Phoenix_Soar (fic) and Djapchan (multivoice podfic organization & editing) for Pod-Together 2022
Angelic Whispers by AppleSeeds (T, 20k)
Crowley runs a very popular ASMR YouTube channel, but is considering applying for a job at a real life ASMR spa. He books an appointment as a client to try out the experience for himself, but becomes completely flustered when he meets the ridiculously gorgeous ASMR therapist, Aziraphale, who will be spending the next hour giving him unrelenting personal attention.
No Picture Can Express by nutmeag83 (T, 12k)
Ezra Fell prefers books (and discretely watching the lovely florist down the street) to social media, but takes up the hobby at Madame Tracy's urging. Anthony Crowley has been pining after his neighbor for ages, happy to keep his distance until Ezra asks him to tutor him in using Instagram. They find they have more in common than just having shops on the same block in Soho.
your smile speaks books to me by laiqualaurelote (T, 5k)
Aziraphale's bookshop becomes accidentally famous on Instagram, to his great distress. Since Crowley invented Instagram, it's also his problem.
it's a new craze by attheborder (T, 5k)
CROWLEY: I try not to make a habit of gratitude, but I must give our appreciation to everyone out there who’s been listening and subscribing to The Ineffable Plan. AZIRAPHALE: Ooh, yes, we’ve become quite popular, haven’t we? CROWLEY: Yeah, just hit number eight on the advice charts … No advertising at all. AZIRAPHALE: Mm. How … miraculous. CROWLEY: … Aziraphale. You did not.   *** Crowley and Aziraphale are very possibly the people least qualified, on the entire planet, to start up an advice podcast. But what else is there to do when the world isn’t ending anytime soon, you’re technically on indefinite sabbatical from your lifelong careers, and you need a plausible excuse to spend more time with your best friend who you’re definitely not, absolutely not, maybe just a little, actually maybe overwhelmingly in love with?
You've Got Kudos by curtaincall (M, 4k)
Aziraphale and Crowley both write fanfiction. As it happens, they both write Good Omens fanfiction. Of course, neither of them would ever admit this to the other. (A love story told primarily in AO3 comments)
London Book Shop Recommendations? by nothankyoudear (G, 3k)
A.Z. Fell and Co. is recommended as a local London bookshop on a Reddit post. Chaos ensues when someone actually takes the recommendation and goes there, only to find that: 1. They don't get to buy books 2. The gentle bookshop owner apparently owns a giant python And 3. The bookshop owner is 100% in love with his best friend with the sunglasses OR Ineffable Husbands told through Reddit posts.
Parsley, Thyme, Sage, Daffodils by MostWeakHamlets (G, 3k)
Aziraphale has a cooking show on the internet. It started out with three viewers, but now he's known as the happy grandfather that blew up overnight. Crowley occasionally makes cameos, has dedicated his garden to giving Aziraphale fresh herbs and vegetables, and struggles with living after the apocalypse. _ “Taste this, my dear,” Aziraphale said. He held a spoonful of jam to Crowley’s lips with his free hand cautiously under it, ready to catch any dripping. Crowley leaned forward to wrap his lips around the spoon. Most likely his shyness came from the small tender moments Aziraphale was not afraid of showing the world. It had been the topic of many long conversations after Aziraphale took Crowley’s hand in St. James Park, causing Crowley to freeze and break out in a cold sweat. Being discreet had always been their top priority. For 6,000 years, someone would have surely seen them if they embraced in the middle of London. But now, Aziraphale had assured Crowley, things were different. They no longer needed to hide, but Aziraphale would go as slow as Crowley needed him to. It was almost funny how their roles had switched after the apocalypse.
Crowley Invented Youtube Recommended (Parsley, Thyme, Sage, Daffodils remix) by flibbertygigget (T, 1.9k)
After Aziraphale's video on crêpes makes it into Youtube recommendations through a little demonic intervention, he quickly goes viral. Cue college students just trying to make it work, a bunch of young queers who see A.Z. Fell and his husband Anthony as "goals," and quite a few comments from one Newton Pulsifer.
Get Connected by AgentStannerShipper (G, 1k)
Crowley signs Aziraphale up for social media. Even if it's a slightly outdated one.
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hikarry · 5 months
Since I didn't communicate clearly earlier:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39
Oh, God lord, Sam
Okay, yes, yes, sure
Just, be prepared for a long post I guess then. Ill skip the ones I already answered
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
The Imitation Game, The Muppet Christmas Carol and Corpse Bride
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
Ah...a evil version of "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story with one of my friends
5. what made you start your blog?
Honestly? No idea. Technically I've been here since 2014 and I kinda just joined to see pretty pics in the beginning. And now here we are, neck deep in the Good Omens fandom
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
The best is honestly the interaction. You guys really have no idea how nice the Good Omens fandom is. I used to be a "creator" for the Yuri on Ice fandom and it didn't used to be half of this. It's very exciting.
The worst? Maybe the pressure to post new stuff? Which is not exactly no one's fault but mine, but alas
7. what scares you the most and why?
Ah. Dying in pain? I don't like pain and I don't appreciate dying so, yeah. Kinda logic
8. any reacquiring dreams?
I don't think so?
9. tell a story about your childhood
We went to the beach this one time and I, for some reasons, made friends with this one guy I never saw again in my life. Somehow he caught a big ass fish (or big in toddler scale) and gave it to me and my first reaction was toss it back into the ocean. It was a magnificent throw, lemme tell ya. For a 3 year old, anyway
10. would you say you’re an emotional person?
It depends on how mentally stable I am and who I am with. But yes, overall, I would say so
11. what do you consider to be romance?
Small things, like sleeping cuddling, cooking together, drinking coffee together at the window in a sunday morning, kissing in the rain. My idea of romance is very...fairytale-y. And not realistic. That's why I am very very good by myself
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Don't look for yourself in other people. You're good enough to make yourself happy. You don't need anyone else so don't think you do. Other people are a bonus, not a requirement
13. what are you doing right now?
Answering this long ass thing thanks to you, Sam
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
Piercings. I've conquered my fear of tattoos and piercing are next, write what I'm telling you
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
My grandma's house
16. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Physically? My weight. Because I've been fighting it ever since I was like 4 and so I could go under surgery and change my chest.
In general? Just...I would like to be more simple. I feel like other people in the world are way simpler than I am. Think and feel in a simpler way. Or I'm too complicated, depends on how you want to see it. I would like to feel simple
18. do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
No, to both. If I allowed myself to believe in any of those I would become way too paranoid and that's a no no
19. favourite thing about the day?
Getting home after a long day
20. favourite things about the night?
Actually getting to sleep properly, which is being an impossibility at the moment
21. are you a spiritual person?
No. I don't believe in any god or religion or entity. I max believe that the universe has my back and everything will work out somehow. But that's it
22. say 3 things about someone you love
My grandma is an amazing cook. I love her snuggles. I miss her every day
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
My uncle was assaulted last week, aparently. Not to be mean, but he could have died. I wish he had died
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Not having killed myself when I really really wanted to. Living is super nice and I enjoy it quite a lot
25. fave season and why?
Autumn. Because it's when I was born and it's spooky season! And hella cozy! I love cozy!
26. fave colour and why?
Blue. Because it feels calming and reminds me of the ocean and/or water in general
27. any nicknames?
My friends used to call me "Mouse" when I was in school. It was an inside joke
28. do you collect anything?
I collect books and military jackets
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
Honestly? Without being sappy, you guys. Every time I'm having a shit day and I come here to complain y'all manage to cheer me up. It's very sweet and I thank you very much
31. are you messy or organised?
I am proudly organized in my messiness
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
On pc? 4
On the phone? 48. 47 of those are fanfics
33. any hobbies?
Mainly reading and writing. I don't have time for much else
34. any pet peeves?
When people are slow. Not only walking, but in general: thinking, moving. It annoys the shit out of me
35. do you trust easily?
Oh no. Not at all. I think the only people I currently trust are my grandma and my therapist. And one of them I pay them to trust them so-
36. are you an open book or do you have walls up?
Way way too many walls up. I've been broken more times than I care to count and that does something to someone, lemme tell ya
37. share a secret
I stole a Hello Kitty necklace from a girl I hated when I was like 7. I still have it, as a trophy. I really hated that girl
39. youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
Pinely! He's so fucking funny and I love his accent. Besides, his videos are amazing. Go watch it!
Ooof, okay. That's it, right? I tried to give short answers so it wouldn't get too annoying, but there we are. Hope you're happy, Sam!
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jnjlen-ou-skinjbir · 1 year
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La Passe-Miroir/The Mirror Visitor ask game: give me a character's name and I will give you three headcanons + an AU! one for them
1 - Whenever there is an insect, a spider or a scorpion in the house, he doesn't kill it (not because he doesn't have the coordination for it nor because the smell of freshly killed arthropods is unbearable to his Olfactive nose, but because he doesn't want to kill animals if he can help it), he uses the glass + paper method and releases it outside
2 - He began practicing yoga, hoping it would help him less clumsy; and while it didn't do miracles for his coordination (he regularly falls in the middle of asanas), he kept practicing because he felt better afterwards
3 - He can tell when a dish is done cooking only by the smell (to his parents' dismay, his powers are the most efficient when it comes to food)
AU! - His parents wanted him to follow their steps and become a nose for luxury perfume brands, just like them; so they were réal mad and disappointed he didn't nothing of the sorts and began working in a library because the smell of books was one of his favourite
1 - He isn't a morning person, he is definitely a "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" (nor after the coffee for that matter) type
2 - He easily gets freckles when he spends too much time under the sun (which never happens given he spends his time scooped up at the Secretarium, the Good Family, his home or Blasius')
3 - He is secretly a cat dad (yes, the irony to not like canines when you're named after one) and can't resist petting cats, even if it means spending half an hour picking all the feline hair out of his black garments
AU! - He would totally be a military historian and, convinced what actually happened around the Tear is a heavily curated version, would be spending his time trying to get special exemptions to consult the relevant archives.
(because why not, we need moar content for them!)
1 - It's no secret that Wolf is perpetually grumpy, even around Blasius; hence the latter's surprise, when he realized that Wolf almost always smiled when they kissed ( when he pointed that out, Wolf blushed a bit and grumbled an unintelligible answer)
2 - The first time Blasius went to Wolf's, he saw a black cat on the doorstep and immediately began to wonder if it was a bad omen. Turns out, it was just a stray cat that hangs in the block and that Wolf often feeds and pets (and despite his wariness of cats, discovering Wolf was a doting cat dad just made Blasius fall a little more in love with him).
3 - Wolf never once complained about Blasius' clumsiness, no matter how many times he got harmed or his things got damaged as a result
AU! - They'd be both into alternative music: Wolf more into hc punk and black metal, and Blasius into post-punk/wave/goth stuff (Wolf makes a whole show of groaning every time before going to a goth/alt night with Blasius, but once there he actually enjoys himself there and eventually began to two-step on certain Sisters of Mercy songs)
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arctic-hands · 9 months
I love making plans for the weekend like
"Well they're not going to schedule for an inspection or even email you about one over the weekend, so I can take it easy!"
"Maybe I'll hit the livres en français a bit harder after doing Duolingo, nice way to decompress and learn at the same time!"
"Maybe I'll watch the rest of the Interview With A Vampire series."
"Maybe I'll finally finish up reading Good Omens then can move on to watching the show!"
"Oh well I'm in the E.R. now but surely with chest pains I'll get a bed soon and sorted out and once I get an actual room I can read Good Omens as I recuperate from whatever this is!"
"Well I guess I'm in the lobby for twelve hours this very cold saturday."
"Well I guess I'm back home after never being seen but hey I didn't die and it's only 3 p.m all I need is a light meal and maybe a nap then I can do fuck all!"
"Oh I slept until ten a.m Sunday."
"Oh. It's already 2 thirty p.m and I don't even remember spending the morning on anything."
"Oh. I don't have energy to even cook. I'm just sitting here."
"Oh well."
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thedupshadove · 3 months
M*A*S*H/October Daye Crossover
And by "Crossover", I don't mean "The two sets of characters interacting with each other" (although I suppose, thanks to extended lifespans, that's also possible), but rather, "What if we infuse M*A*S*H with the worldbuilding and lore of the October Daye novels? Who should have what kind of lineage?" (I figure none of them are Purebloods, because as far as I can tell, Purebloods don't have to fight in mortal wars if they don't want to, and it's been a very long time since any of them wanted to. Whereas Changelings are sufficiently connected to Mortal society to need to worry about things like draft boards.)
Hawkeye: Ellyllon Changeling. "Healers and hedonists who enjoy pain and pleasure in equal measure" Yeah, that's him. His mother's supposed "Death" was actually her running off in order to spare him from the Choice, so he has no idea what he is or that Faerie exists. Magic Signature: Gin and Cranberries (will have shifted to Gin and Blood by the end of the war)
Trapper: 1/4 Satyr, 1/8 Gean-Cannah, 5/8 Human. I figure 1/8 is a small enough percentage that he'll have a muted form of the Gean-Cannah allure, but won't have the day-to-night sex-shifting. Magic Signature: Hickory Smoke and Mustard Powder.
Frank: Fetch Changeling, which would be possible as long as it was a Fetch in the form of a man, who found the time to impregnate a married woman and didn't have to carry the baby to term before the doomed person they were anchored to died and took them with him. It would explain why he's the worst Doctor in the camp (born from a literal death omen), why even people who agree with him usually don't like him (death omens seem like they wouldn't be the type to make friends and influence people--May is probably the exception), and his tendencies toward conformity and social jockeying (all Fetches used to be Night Haunts, and we know the Night Haunts have a tight-knit pack structure that picks their leaders through challenge, combat, and continually-reinforced submission. No wonder he can't stand Henry, the Least Leader-y Leader ever to hold military rank.) Magic Signature: Vinegar and Mildew
Margaret: 1/4 Banshee, 1/4 Siren, 1/2 Human. (Am I saying she might be related to the False Queen of the Mists? Well I'm not not saying it...) Magic Signature: Orange Blossoms and Black Pepper
Henry: 1/4 Cù Sìdhe. He's not stupid, he just wants for things to be pleasant and everyone to get along, you guys. Magic Signature: Oak and Suede
Radar: 1/8 Bannick, 1/8 Hob, 1/8 Faun, 1/8 Roane, 1/2 Human. Magic Signature: Sweetcorn and Soil
Mulcahy: Human. I haven't seen much evidence of this in my read-through so far, but I know that some folklore shows Fae Folk being repelled/bound by crosses/prayers/other Catholic symbology, so letting the Catholic Priest stay human was just too good a potential plot to pass up.
Klinger: 1/8 Glastig. Blood strong enough to make him instinctively want to solve his problems with bald-faced blarney, but not strong enough that it actually works. Magic Signature: Rosewater and spiced meat
BJ: Human, but even before getting drafted he was caught in a Fairy story and didn't know it--did somebody say Tylweth Peg? (That explains why deliveries of her cooking are always treated like such an event by the whole camp, and yes, this makes Erin a Changeling. Better hope the Choice doesn't come for her before you get home, BJ.)
Potter: 1/4 Tuatha de Dannan. Unconscious short-range portal-ing must surely have protected him well across the two World Wars. Magic Signature: Cast Iron and Wild Grass
Charles: 1/2 Daoine Sídhe, although it would maybe be more accurate to say that he's 2/4 Daoine Sídhe--his father was a more "typical" Daoine Changeling and so was his mother. Their whole little corner of Boston high society consists of Daoine Changelings who have decided that, as they are cast out and disrespected in the magical halls of their mothers and fathers, they must be content to conquer the Mortal world instead. As such he's maybe the only person in the camp who knows what he is and knows about Faerie. Magic Signature: Maple and Snow
Sidney: 1/4 Adhene. Admittedly I haven't encountered an Adhene up-close in my read-through yet, but I'm hoping that cutting the blood down to 1/4 strength will remove the "violent response to untruth" aspect, and it would be really useful as a psychiatrist to be able to intuitively be like "You're lying. I don't know what the truth is, but I know you didn't just tell it." Magic Signature: Coffee and Honey
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a-very-fond-farewell · 9 months
"your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality!"
@wangmiao (who is very talented and very kind) tagged me in this lovely thing which gives me an opportunity to list my fav shows and drama of all times! taking inspiration from kun’s system, I’ll put different fonts/colors for different categories:
cdramas, kdramas, jdramas, european dramas, american dramas (with the added bonus of a bold font for queer under/overtones but more often only from yours truly’s pov, so don’t come at me: cut is for mlm & smol is for wlw)
let’s go!
winter begonia (2020)
word of honor (2021)
poirot (1989-2013)
hannibal (2013-2015)
evilive (2023)
couple of mirrors (2021)
killing eve (2018-2022)
beyond evil (2021)
the devil judge (2021)
meet yourself (2023)
little women (2022)
h/ouse of the dragon (2022-?)
good omens (2019-?)
cherry magic (2020)
she loves to cook and she loves to eat (2022-?)
honorable mentions (either because I just started watching them and I really enjoy them so far OR bc I re-watched them frequently as a comfort show to rely on):
three body problem (2023) (just started, but it’s very thrilling so far *-*)
tomorrow (2002) (includes one of the few hetships I will be ride or die for)
my b/rilliant friend (2018-?) (it’s an italian series, very touching. could be gayer)
crash course in romance (ok maybe hets can have 2 spots in my heart alright)
business proposal (2022) (look. it’s not that great. couldn’t finish it. but Kim Se-jeong is amazing here)
fleabag (2016-2019) (it’s fleabag. what else there is to know)
castle (2009-2016) (around season 7 is not great but season 4 smashed)
coffee prince (2007) (can’t rewatch without crying but a classic: it is gay and it isn’t at the same time tho)
under the skin (2021) (Tan Jianci is great in this. some art history is *vague* but the series bangs)
b/erlin station (2016-2019) (i re-watch season 1 from time to time, but it do be triggering sometimes)
gentleman jack (2019-2022) (I just ogle at the pretty dresses most of the time but. neat)
begin again (2020) (in my heart this is about a lesbian woman and a gay man getting fake married for mutual benefits. it is not. it was too long for me to watch. I want Zhou Yutong to kabedon me on the daily. and she’s younger than me. I am fine)
tagging: @goaheadandflysomeplane and @fismoll7secinv and @amethystina (if they want to do it or if they just want smth to read, no pressure whatsoever!)
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
WOW AL does not miss a single thing! Good Omens 2 news date just came out and she’s already posting pictures of her promoting the show using a water bottle with the name on it. Also, GT. PLEASE PLEASE go look on her story RIGHT fucking now because she actually said that people have dmed her saying that she’s burning food on purpose for instagram content and she talks about it!! ALSO, radio silence from Anna for a while now and she decides to break the news with promo for Good Omens. I truly truly truly hope this isn’t some way relating to her being in the show. SO MUCH HAPPENING AMY PLEASE TALK ABOUT IT
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Hi, Anons! I did indeed see all of the posts that you have mentioned, so yes, quite a lot going on today. I'm going to divide this response into two parts, first starting with the GO 2-themed Insta stories. Let's get the visuals up so we can discuss:
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I know there's been some content over the past week or so that I haven't gotten to talk about--AL posting that terrible picture of her and Michael on May 1st barely an hour after Georgia had posted a new picture of David; a few days after that, Georgia posting a picture with Birdie and AL immediately following it with a picture of her and Mabli; and the weird pictures Georgia posted of David looking pissed off/annoyed after the RSC event--so I do apologize for falling behind a bit. But obviously this is all relevant to today's events, so here we go.
First of all, it seems pretty clear that these posts were planned and coordinated ahead of time. The water bottles, the sunglasses, even the striped shirts all seem deliberate and purposeful (one of my followers even suggested the black/white contrast may have been done to reflect Aziraphale vs. Crowley). The word "opportunistic" comes to mind, as well as marveling at (to quote @daziechane) AL telling people to stay hydrated "when she's the thirsty one."
But I think what you said is very interesting, Anon #2, in that Michael and David (and Ty/Peter) are not promoting the show, while Georgia and AL are. This certainly could speak to them not being it (which I hope is the case), as well as them showing off their 'consolation prizes,' so to speak. I particularly got that vibe from AL's post--a very "Look what I have that you don't" bragging sort of vibe, which I also usually get from her pictures with Michael--but mainly what it feels like to me is that Michael and David are busy having actual careers and don't need to constantly remind us how they feel about GO, whereas Georgia and AL are still trying to prove something.
It just feels desperate, and in AL's case, a bit stupid, as she didn't even mirror her camera when taking the picture, so the words on the bottle are backwards, and if this is meant to be PR/promotion, why wouldn't you be sure the writing is legible? Also, I'm not sure what Georgia is doing to the bottle, but I think we can safely say that David has less of a gag reflex than she does:
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So, now let's go on to part 2 of this answer, which is regarding the videos Georgia posted about burning food. For those who haven't seen the video, you can watch it here:
I think it's worth noting that prior to the videos, she posted yet another picture of burnt food, so it seems as if the picture was just an excuse to post the subsequent videos.
I'm glad to know that other people have been calling her out for this, though. And the excuses she gave in the video seemed like exactly that--excuses for the fact that she is self-involved and can't be bothered to check on the food she is cooking. It also seems incredibly hypocritical to me that Georgia has previously reposted an Insta story about the cost of living crisis in the UK and the absurdity of spending money on the Coronation while people are going hungry, while having no problem wasting food herself.
Ultimately, my takeaway from the videos is that Georgia has and will continue to do whatever she has to for the sake of content, regardless of how hypocritical or tone deaf it comes across. But it seems clear that others have noticed what we all have, and I'm hoping that the willingness of folks to call her out will maybe--maybe--make her think twice before posting such content again. I'm not entirely hopeful, but, well...you never know.
As for Georgia/AL having Tumblr and seeing what we say, I honestly am not sure, though I tend to doubt it. My guess is that people are calling Georgia out on Instagram, where she can readily see it, and that's what spurred this response. (I'm 94% sure though that Michael did visit my blog once like four years ago when he was still heavily into the fandom, and that he sent me this Anon in response to a het fic I wrote about him.)
But Georgia and AL would have us believe they're too busy/too important to be caring what fans say, so if for some reason they have nothing better to do than wander over to Tumblr to read what people are saying, my take is that none of us can control what they do--we can only control what we do. And I'm not going to alter my blog or the honest conversations I try to facilitate on it just on the minuscule off-chance that one of them might be lurking.
So those are my thoughts on the events of today. Notable developments all, yet none of them hold a candle to the news of the GO 2 release date, and the wonderful new promo poster. It'll certainly be interesting to see where things go from here on out...
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tryan-a-bex · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @bazzybelle and @hardly-an-escape for the tags!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
38,639 (I started writing March 2023, so this is happy.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sandman primarily, lots of crossovers, and one for DND Honor Among Thieves which is not a crossover (The Ring Bear). I also have several done for Fuckboi Dream, but I'm waiting to post them until it is finished (if you ask nicely I might let you see them).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
King of Night and Prince of Day (based on Nathanwonderwolf's amazing art)
Five Guesses Why Hob is Immortal and One Broken Plate (this is a Scooby Doo crossover; yes, you heard that right.)
Social Media (Delirium delivers a preteen to Dream to raise; it's his counterpart, the personification of the collective consciousness. This was supposed to be pure crack idk why people like it?)
Well... Why Not? (400 words of Hob and Crowley egging each other on to ever greater heights of recklessness.)
Heavenly Hijinks (Hob, Dream and Calliope are stuck in the elevator to Heaven, a Good Omens crossover.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Because I don't get very many and I love them! Thank you to everyone who comments and gives kudos, it means so much! I write for myself, but it helps a lot to know I'm not shouting into the void.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write sweetness and fluff -- there may be a little bit of angst in the beginning or middle, but certainly not in the end. Maybe you'd like the one that ends in consensual punishment (bdsm fade to black)? The Dragon's Tongue
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
May I bring to your attention The Dragon Rider? All my endings are happy, but this one makes me particularly happy because Dragon!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. I don't really write anything controversial I think? And I'm not well known. And Sandman fans are kind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have attempted but I end up fading to black mostly. My smuttiest ones... Fucking Helm Fucking (Hob and Dream discuss "protection"), The Dragon's Tongue (bdsm scene fade to black), Naga No-Go ("awkward sexual situations" tag), and that one chapter of A World where children won't cry (a Hob and Dream scene in a Spy x Family crossover).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Apparently I love crossovers! Space Buns is the first one in my Sandman x Spy x Family crossover series. Five Guesses Why Hob is Immortal and One Broken Plate is the first of my Scooby Doo crossovers. Well... why not? is the most Good Omens of my Good Omens crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Two of my fics came from a tumblr post discussion/based off someone's tags with permission -- Ring Bear with @witheringfears and Well... why not? with Avelera. Several of them are based on other people's art -- King of Night, Space Buns, Butterflies, Halloween, Well... why not? Comic/show character switch, Karaoke, and June 7th, 2389. A couple I commissioned art for: Sometimes when you fall, you fly and Fireflies and a Missing Person! Dinner and a Play I wrote so @carnelianmeluha could cook to it, including several of her requested favourite food items! I've also done art for other people's fics a few times!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I'm not sure I can answer all time, but I love Gaulcienne (Gault x Lucienne from The Sandman) a lot!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I want to write a Sandman x InCryptids (Seanan McGuire) crossover, but I'm not sure it will happen. Just in the mulling ideas stage still.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I enjoy writing dialogue. Sometimes I do a good job making people laugh, or finding just the right words, or characterizing a blorbo just right.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't seem to get the smut to carry on (yet?) and I don't write much description. I'm not sure if I just don't like it, or if I don't do it because I can't/am bad at it? Anyway, I'm not going to worry about it, it will come eventually perhaps.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Go for it! Making it clear from context or including a translation is considerate, but really. Doesn't hurt us English speakers to realize there are other languages in the world.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Sandman: Pottery (a post-Wake Destruction and Dreamling fic)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I love all my children! How can I choose? No really. A Quiet Love with Wings is my Gaulcienne series, and I really love it. It gets less attention than the other fics, I think because people sort for Dreamling. Give it some love for me?
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fondantythoughts · 9 months
Thanks @tentoriumcerebelli for the tag from forever ago.
I am actually super fearful of interacting on this site--the fear of being known or saying the wrong thing. I've been a passive user for many, many years afraid to do much else.
It's time I got braver, so, let's start small!
1. 3 ships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Jessi/James (Pokemon), Kurama/Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
2. first ever ship: Joey/Seto (YGO was my first fandom I wrote for, but I never actually wrote any stories about them-- just read a lot!)
3. last song: The Ocean, Against Me!
4. last movie: Fellowship of the Ring (I've done a rewatch of all the extended commentaries, so now I'm rewatching the extended movies without any commentaries)
5. currently reading: Been around Good Omens fanfiction lately with a stopover in YYH.
6. currently watching: Rewatching old Great British Baking Show when Mel and Sue were hosts.
7. currently consuming: Anything that I can vaguely taste (Wildberry poptarts, orange juice, etc.)
8. currently craving: Taste. I got COVID after years of avoiding it and lost my taste. I'm crushed about this because I love to cook, and usually I make some of my favorite recipes around this time of year.
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blood-priest · 1 year
Might I interest you in the 'Essay theory'?
Now it might not solve all your problems but it's worth a try, eh?
In case you hv already read plz ignore
hey, thanks for sending this to me! so I read through all of this and I like the theory OP presented. Admittedly I haven't really engaged in any of Neil Gaiman's work besides Good Omens so his writing style isn't something I'm familiar with.
Still, I think S2 felt kinda bullshit. It almost feels a little bit like grasping for straws to make sense of it since there's no reason for the viewer to be suspicious of the situation themselves (and if they notice anything wrong, it's really easy to just write it off as general poor writing that seems all-too-common with book adaptation shows nowadays. (looking at you, Netflix Witcher ...))
also the fact that metatron wasn't introduced until the very end of the season makes the "he was editing everything the whole time!" theory a little annoying to me at the very least, since there's no pieces for the viewer to put together themselves as they're watching. from a casual perspective, at least
some other gripes I had with the season also wouldn't really be explained by this (why the Gabriel & Beelzebub situation?)
assuming metatron is essentially all-powerful and can rewrite reality as he sees fit there is really no reason any of the events in season 2 should be happening to begin with, although I suppose the same can be said for an omnipotent God
idk I *would* watch a season 3 but I'll raise my eyebrow suspiciously the whole time. maybe Neil Gaiman's cooking something or maybe it's just Some Bullshit
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chai-ky · 1 year
This is a long shot, I know, but I need help finding a fellow Good Omens fan. I went to Austin Pride on August 12th and it was 107°. I mean, ass crack of Satan hot. My phone kept overheating and dying in the heat. Anyway, I met this person (won't say their name bc privacy) wearing Crowley's glasses and I complimented them and we chatted about season 2 for a bit while we slowly cooked alive. I tried to give this person my Instagram handle but their service wasn't working, and the sun was making it hard to think, so I just typed it in and they tried to screenshot it and we parted ways. I don't know if they actually managed to get a screenshot of it, or if I typed it in wrong, but they haven't followed me or tried to message me :(
Anyway: Crowley Glasses, if you're out there, I had a great time talking with you! No one I know in real life has ever seen the show, and it was great to be able to talk about it with you! I'm sorry climate change prevented us from talking further!
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