#Jurassic World Dominion
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wayward-delver · 2 years ago
Prehistoric Planet finally gives us the True Rival to the Tyrant Lizard King and it's NOT a Dinosaur.
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tsibeyantiger · 11 months ago
You know what I love about Jurassic World? That it makes the "We won't make the same mistakes again- No, this time you're making totally new ones" quote entirely come true. Jurassic Park failed because they put dangerous animals they hardly knew anything about in a theme park setting and thought they could control them- and then, surprised pikachu face, it turned out they couldn't. But the point is, they actually learned from it. In Jurassic World, they knew more about the animals, their wants and needs, their natural behaviour, and designed the park around it. They didn't try to control the animals in situations where they couldn't, and focused on avoiding these situations and keeping everything in a setting where they actually COULD keep them under control. And it worked AMAZINGLY WELL. While Jurassic Park already failed when it was still under construction, Jurassic World opened its gates for the public. Hell, they were able to allow people to go canoeing next to sauropodes without having a single accident. The park was open for a long time and was incredibly successful. And then, they decided to create a new spectacular dinosaur just out of pure spite. They didn't know what kind of animal they were creating, and neither they cared. And then, shocker!, said animal destroyed Jurassic World because no one could predict how it would behave.
Jurassic Park is not a series about the dangers of bioengineering. It is a series about how capitalist greed turns bioengineering into a catastrophe.
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orange-circuits · 2 years ago
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Utahraptor Ostrommaysorum is my second favorite dinosaur i think
i made these bc im obsessed with dinosaur horror and im still angry at jwd for not giving us shit like this
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neunhofferart · 4 months ago
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Some of my sketches and storyboard panels of Soyona Santos from Jurassic World Chaos Theory Season 2- you can see I studied some of Dichen Lachmen's expressions from Dominion and then changed her hair (shoutout to @natamouche-art for putting together that huge reference sheet of all those Dichen Lachman faces lol).
Also a Soyona sketch without her jacket for fun haha
I was fortunate enough to have been provided with some footage of her recording her lines to reference in some of my scenes! She was a very fun character to draw this season.
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swan2swan · 4 months ago
The Nublar 5 when they get to BioSyn's headquarters and find that the dinosaurs are controlled with chips in their heads:
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bethrip · 24 days ago
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Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire Dearing Jurassic World Dominion (2022) dir. Colin Trevorrow
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alltheboysandgirlsiloved · 1 month ago
Here's a short list of the most obvious things that should be properly explored, explained and resolved in jwct s3.
Soyona and Brooklynn – we have to see how far they will go together, we have to see what exactly makes Brooklynn back out and run away, and we need to see Soyona's reaction and her potential attempts at revenge,
the odd love triangle between Kenji, Brooklynn, and Darius – shipping preferences aside, I think that we can all agree that, it should be resolved properly as – the feelings of every party should be included and explained,
the mysterious conflict between Sammy and her parents – considering that Sammy's family has always been a massive part of her life, I think we deserve to hear the entire story (1 episode to tell the story, and at least 1 one to resolve the situation),
Ben's girlfriend explained. And by that I mean – how did they meet, is she somehow involved with Biosyn, how does she fit into the group (yes, I want to see her interact with the rest of them, considering how all of them were surprised with the fact that Ben has a girlfriend),
The Handler – it's not a need, it's a must. In Jurassic World Dominion all of the antrociraptors are under Soyona's "care", but as in Chaos Theory Soyona "has" only Red. They should explain how and why in Dominion all of artociraptors are with Soyona especially when we take into consideration the bond between The Handler and "her" atrociraptors,
Speaking of Soyona, I think we should see her at Biosyn; since this is most likely where she is heading, and we know that in Dominion she is already working with them. So it makes sense for Chaos Theory to show how "the deal was sealed",
last but not least – Brooklynn's reunion with the rest of the Campers. And this one is perhaps the one that should seriously span over nearly an entire season. There's a lot of explaining, a lot of forgiving, a lot of (justified) anger and tears. If they half-ass the campers trying to navigate through this complicated relationship with Brooklynn, I'm going to be soooo mad,
Bumpy's egg hatching,
Bumpy and baby Bumpy reunion.
feel free to add more but to sum it up: I'm terrified that we won't get a satisfying explanation and closure for half of these.
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arykyupidomi · 4 months ago
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Love how they still gave Madam Dichen Lachman her undeniable face card
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jurassicjoowan · 9 months ago
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Whistling handler lady who named every dinosaur princess.
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prins-maurice · 8 months ago
Strange Attractors - Ian Malcolm x Reader (smut)
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Strange Attractors - The Lost World (4423 words) by WizardToad
Summary: After recovering from the events at Jurassic Park Ian Malcolm signs an NDA, reserving himself to the somewhat quiet life of teaching. When you show up, however, you turn his life upside down. Giving into desires you both know you shouldn't, while a man called Richard Levine keeps pestering him about a so-called Lost World. (Smut in chapter 3)
Chapter 1: That’s Plagiarism, Young Lady
His lips make their way over your shoulder as his hair tickles your neck, sending shivers down your spine. His hands roam freely over your curves. The aroma of his cologne mixed with the coffee on his breath envelops you. He grips your waist and lifts you up, setting you down on his desk. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him flush to your core as your lips meet once again. His hands squeeze your thighs at the sensation. Your hands slide over his black shirt, almost ripping the buttons open-.
You manage to shake out of your chaotician-induced hypnosis just in time to see the one and only Dr. Ian Malcolm squinting at you in the bright sunlight. Shit, the whole auditorium is looking at you, he must’ve asked you a question. He knows he caught you daydreaming and a self-satisfactory grin appears on his face. A single ray of sunshine creeps in through the window, shining right on the man in front of you. Paying attention to Professor Malcolm's lectures was never easy, but the way the golden rays reflect off the stray gray hairs on the side of his head is making it entirely impossible today. You haven't heard a single word the man has said, too sucked up in your daydream.
“If you recall, miss (Y/L/N), we were just talking about the ways in which self-organizing behaviours of complex systems are of interest to the study of evolution.” He gestures with his hand, urging you to continue.
Fuck, you really should’ve been paying attention. You were a good student, you really were, but he had caught you off-guard now. He loved tormenting you like that. Dr. Malcolm had been talking your ear off about this a few nights ago when you were reading some papers from a freshman course. Racking your brain for something to spew out, you remember a bit he said about adaptation and the way complex systems seem to strike a balance between the need for order and the imperative to change, locating themselves at the edge of chaos. He raises his eyebrows and smirks, satisfied with your answer. You mentally wipe the sweat from your forehead as he continues his lecture.
Malcolm’s is the last class on Friday evening so the students practically storm out of the auditorium the second it's over. You, however, still have TA duties to fulfill. You deeply regret agreeing to spend the evening working on some stuff in his office. It seemed like a good idea at the time, the two of you alone. You've had a major crush on your professor ever since you stepped foot in his class. Hell, it's the whole reason you applied to become his TA. But now it just felt silly, and you’d rather be in a bar getting shit-faced with your roommate. 
As the others stampede out like a herd of buffalo, you saunter over to his desk at the front. He’s still packing away his papers.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you copying me word for word. That’s plagiarism young lady” He teases, sending you a lopsided smile 
“Well you did put me on the spot, I had to say something” You lean against his desk, cracking your back. If they’re gonna make people sit in them for two hours, they really should make those damn chairs a bit more comfortable.
“Or maybe you should just pay attention to the lecture next time” He closes his bag and you roll your eyes. He pauses for a minute, thinking. The curiosity kills him, he has to ask. “What were you so preoccupied with?” He comes around the desk and leans next to you, the height difference even more apparent now. 
You feel your ears burning red, recalling the daydream you’d had earlier. You couldn’t tell him the truth, obviously. You scramble for something to say, managing to come up with “Oh, just this assignment for Dr. Thorne’s class. He’s making us solve one of his impossible engineering mysteries again, you know how he is.” You laugh awkwardly, hoping he doesn’t inquire further about the non-existent assignment. He nods “Yeah, typical.” he hums. You let out a soft sigh of relief, he bought it. He swings his bag over his shoulder and ushers you toward his office “C'mon, we've got a lot of work to do tonight.”
As Dr. Malcolm’s TA, you were usually tasked with doing the shitty jobs he didn't want to do. You sometimes wonder why he even has a TA if he barely needs help with anything useful. So now you were stuck in his office, entering research data into the computer on his desk while your roommate was out partying. 
He paces the office with long strides, focused on the papers in his hand. He stares at them with a frown. "Can you believe this shit?" You look up from the computer, finger on the paper in front of you to keep track of the number you were just about to enter. 
"Douchebag" he mutters. 
"Everything okay Dr. Malcolm?"
He looks up at you, a glint in his eyes. He loves it when you call him Dr. Malcolm. He’d never admit it of course, but it made him feel strong and authoritative. For years after the park, he couldn’t go anywhere without his cane. He used to be known as the rock star scientist, and now people just looked at him with pity. Having to rely on others had made him feel weak, the way they looked at him as they helped him up, or held the door open for him, it drove him crazy. Everyone treated him like a sick puppy, except you. You still looked at him with that sense of wonder in your eyes, as if you couldn’t believe that you were standing in front of the great Dr. Malcolm, and he eats it up every time. It makes him feel like his work is still worth something. 
He appreciated that you never asked about this injury either. After the park, everyone involved signed an NDA, forced to keep quiet about what really went down in Costa Rica. Ever since then people haven’t stopped pestering them with their crazy conspiracy theories, some more accurate than others. Regardless, he had to keep to his story, and lie to the masses. Lie to you. His leg had been much better these days, though. He didn’t need his cane anymore, but he felt his reputation had been tarnished anyway.
"Remember that uh- scientist who interrupted my lecture last week? What's his name, uh- Levine. He's convinced there's a real Lost World somewhere." 
The Lost World hypothesis was one of the many theories scientists had come up with to try and answer the never-ending questions regarding the K-T extinction event. The hypothesis states that dinosaurs may never have fully gone extinct and that somewhere in the world, there's an isolated haven where there are still living, breathing dinosaurs. It's absurd, but then again most scientific theories are. 
"What? But that's just a theory. It's a fantasy."
"You don't have to tell me" he runs a hand through his hair sighing. You can tell he's bothered by it, maybe more than he should be, but you decide not to press it. 
"He wants me to help him research it. Find the supposed island, go on an expedition, the whole works. He's been bugging me about this theory all week but I didn't think he'd go this far."
"He's completely nuts." You shake your head.
"He's a pain in the ass is what he is" he grumbles, walking up to the desk and throwing the letter in the trash can. He leans on the back of your chair, hands nearly touching your neck making you shiver from the near-contact. You sigh audibly as you enter in the last data on this page, just seven more to go.
“You know what?” He suddenly exclaims, slapping the back of your chair ”We’ve done enough for tonight. We shouldn’t be holed up here all night. Go on home (Y/N)” You lean back in the chair, tilting your head all the way backward to look at him. “You’re the best, Dr. Malcolm. I think my fingers are about to fall off.” You sigh, your brows knit together. He laughs, turning the chair and shooing you out the door.
“Go on, go out and have fun or whatever young people do. See you Monday.”
“See you Monday Dr. Malcolm.” You wave him goodbye as you walk to your dorm. Your roommate had let you know which bar she was going to, and it was still early enough to quickly change and meet up with her there. Easy peasy, your Friday night could still be saved. 
- Chapter 2 -
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astridhoff03 · 3 months ago
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This is probably the best DreamWorks show ever
There are no words out there to describe how awesome Jurassic World: Chaos Theory IS. Its incredible. After the first Jurassic Park trilogy this is probably my favorite medium in the entire Jurassic universe because of its maturity, it’s way to show emotional conflicts, friendships and love, the way it brought back the awe and scariness of the dinosaurs, that was last present in Jurassic Park 2. The Score and Animation of the series is by the way fantastic.
I‘m so excited for the new season. I hope it will be as good and thrilling as the first two. These guys who made this shows are just geniuses. I wish they could also direct a httyd show, they would nail the maturing themes of httyd2 and 3 in a series in between Thats based on the comics from Richard Hamilton and Dean DeBlois. I know John Tellegen worked on Rtte but I don’t trust him anymore since the nine realms happened.
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wayward-delver · 2 years ago
Prehistoric Planet season 2 just aired and taught me the abject terror being pursued by a flock of giraffe-sized azhdarchid pterosaurs would be. 
(Each large enough swallow a person whole.)
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dichenlachmandaily · 3 months ago
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Scott Kreamer, creator of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory on the choice to introduce Soyona Santos in the show, after seeing a post-production screening of Jurassic World Dominion:
"It was COVID times, we were in our masks, and we're in a screening room over at Universal. And Bethany Armstrong Johnson, our head writer, and I just sort of came together after the screening, and it was just like, ‘We gotta get that character into the show.’ It was such an intriguing character, such a great performance. And so luckily we had Colin’s Blessing, and then they reached out and Dichen agreed to do the Voice. She's such a wonderful actress, and a better person than she is an actress. It's really exciting, and I think it elevates the whole thing."
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joanna-lannister · 1 year ago
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JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (2022) dir. Colin Trevorrow
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raptorladylover6969 · 4 months ago
If The Handler is still miraculously alive by the time the events of Dominion play out, I wonder how she’ll react to Ghost’s death…..🙁🙁
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amelia-mariee · 1 year ago
Is there any kind of active Jurassic park/world fandom on here? I feel like there should be and I've seen some good fanart but im not really seeing any blogs that are kinda centered around it like with other fandoms. If that is you, please step forward, i am fixating all alone. This is like the tumblr equivalent of me sending out smoke signals here
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