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v-bits-fits · 3 hours ago
Hello out there, future me or otherwise
Wow, February was a busy month. I got sick with the flu, I went on vacation to Colorado, and obviously work never stops being busy. I even deleted the Nuka World DLC on my game accidentally and ruined my playthrough on my ps4. I'm honestly surprised I was even able to get Chapter 8 out before the month was up.
Luckily, I'm able to play FO4 on the gaming laptop my partner got me for Christmas. I was able to mod and cheat a new game so that my character is approximately where I was in my last playthrough. It's honestly better, because while grinding on my previous game I went through some story lines I might want to explore later. I think it's also better I can use mods and console commands. As I said previously, this story isn't really a narration of my playthrough anymore. Rather, FO4 as a game has become a tool I use to write my story.
I plan on writing a lot more in March. I'm trying to enjoy my home more and go out less. So writing gives me a good reason to stay home and not spend money. It's also a good way to keep myself distracted until this awful winter ends.
I am so ready for summer; I just bought two beach chairs for me and my partner. I'll warn y'all now. As soon as the weather is 75F+, I'm not sure how much writing I'll get done. I do plan on reading a lot at the beach, and I haven't been reading a lot of FO4 fanfiction like I said I would. Perhaps I'll download some onto my paper reader and read fanfiction at the beach.
Anyways, back to Fallout: Genesis. I did get some feedback that not everybody likes to read their fanfiction on AO3. I think I'll spend tonight looking into Wattpad and Fanfiction.net. I have no experience with either of these sites, but if they're simple to work with I'll probably start posting there as well as AO3. Also, I'm probably not going to do any editing like I said I would a couple weeks ago, at least not any time soon. I got a bunch of negative feedback on that. And while I still think I want to someday, I think I'm more interested in pushing the plot forward. Maybe when I finish this arc.
If you have any questions, suggestions, criticism or anything feel free to ask or comment! I'm new to writing, and my education is in STEM, so I acknowledge I'm not the best writer. But I want to improve and welcome feedback! Anyways, as always thank you for reading!
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v-bits-fits · 6 hours ago
Hi! I just wanted to know if your fanfiction is just on ao3? Ao3 is great but not my preferred place to keep up with works.
It is! I'm totally open to posting on other platforms though. Do you have any suggestions? (I'm pretty new to writing fanfiction, so AO3 is really the only platform I know of)
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v-bits-fits · 22 hours ago
💛Fallout 4 Fanfiction New Chapter Alert💙
🚇 “You were so ready to send me in earlier, 🚇
Hey guys! I just finished my final edits and posted Chapter 8: Gladys' Hole
This is the 8th Chapter of the fanfic I am currently working on, Fallout: Genesis
Fallout: Genesis is a fanfiction about survival, loss, and the weight of choices in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
If you're not sure if you want to commit, here is an excerpt from my chapter!
The man had a pitiful expression on his face, as if he suddenly had regret about sending Gladys to what he was sure would be her demise. He pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it over to Gladys.
“There is a terminal in that control room just over there.” he said with the same solemn expression on his face, “You can use that to restore power to the monorail. The monorail is programmed to take you to Nuka-World.”
Gladys took the piece of paper out of the man’s hand and looked down at the password, ‘5unny_d@yS’. She then looked up at the man.
“You were so ready to send me in earlier,” she started. 
The man seemed to understand what she was getting at. He sheepishly looked down to the ground and awkwardly put his hand on the back of his head.
“I suppose this is the first time I’ve looked someone in the face and told them where they are going.” he replied. He then looked up at Gladys. “I think I’ve killed a lot of people. I guess I hope you’re not one of them.”
Gladys decided to reserve her judgement of the man. 
“If I was in your situation, I’m not sure I would have acted any differently.” she replied. 
The two shared awkward eye contact for a brief moment. 
“Well, good luck.” Gladys said, as she turned towards the control room.
Click Here to read Fallout: Genesis
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v-bits-fits · 30 days ago
Hello out there, future me or otherwise
I haven't gotten any progress done on the fanfiction.
I haven't been focusing on personal things, and it's been keeping me from doing things like writing, cooking and working out. Nothing serious. Just things like renewing my driver's license, getting caught up at work, checking in on my parents, etc. Just a lot of stuff I've been putting off. I hope to spend a little time at home this weekend and work on the next chapter then.
Not everything is boring! I am also preparing for a trip, and that's exciting! I can't remember if I mentioned it, but a relative of mine sent me a very nice film camera. I bought a lens for it today along with some film. I think I want to go through a roll of film very quickly and get them developed before the trip. That way I know everything is working properly.
Btw, did anyone know that a lot of drug stores won't return your film after you get it developed? I knew they would probably send it out; the demand for quickly developing film probably isn't worth staffing a photo lab in every store. But I want my film! Not a digital copy! I'll need to find some online services that sent the film back. But for this first roll, I'll just take it to the drug store.
But I hope to take a lot of photos of our trip! I do think about making my laundry room into a part dark room. I'll have to look into how much those [projectors they use I can't remember what they are called] cost. Probably a lot, but if it's manageable I'll save for it.
Anyways, I mostly just wanted to talk. That's what's going on. I'll get to the chapter as soon as I can. Thanks for listening.
OH. My god, I almost forgot. I deleted Nuka World! I accidentally deleted my Nuka World DLC, and I can't figure out how to reinstall it on my ancient-ass ps4. I'm gonna keep trying, but I'm honestly a little worried I won't be able to reinstall it.
It's not the worst loss. I think I can play it on my partners ps5 (I think?). But honestly, if I were to switch consoles, I would probably go to my partners gaming pc. Or I might be able to play it on my laptop. We'll see.
It shouldn't be too hard to catch up where I was. I'm a little disappointed, cuz I grinded quite a lot in that game. But though my grinding, I accidentally went through some story lines that I really wanted to use in the story.
But honestly, this started as a "Fanfiction based on my playthrough" to "A Fanfiction, and I use the game Fallout 4 to help me write it".
Anyways, peace 💛💙
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v-bits-fits · 1 month ago
Hey y'all,
So I actually read my fanfic a lot, and I'm noticing a lot of inconsistencies. Particularly in Gladys and how she interacts with the wasteland. For example, it seems like she's quite trusting when it's convenient, but suspicious when it's not. She's curious when it's convenient, but extremely cautious when it's not. I don't know if anyone else has noticed it, but it jumps out at me every time I read my work.
I think at first, I hadn't exactly established what Gladys' personality was going to look like. So, I was essentially writing about a blank slate reacting to the world around her chapter by chapter. I think it made it so her personality was whatever I need it to be for the chapter, but as a whole made her a really confusing character as far as motivations are concerned.
I want this story to be something I'm proud of. I'm just getting into writing, and I feel like I'm improving with every chapter. My education is in STEM (ask any close friend of mine. If I didn't have a college degree, they'd think I'm illiterate.), so writing fanfiction doesn't exactly come naturally to me. But I'm having fun doing this, and I want Fallout: Genesis to be a legitimately good story to read.
So, I think I'm going to go back to previous chapters and make some edits. Not right away, I think I want to get to Chapter 10 before I do this. But I think for this story to look how I want, I need to do this. In a lot of ways, I suppose this is what it's like when you write a story and aren't posting a chapter every two weeks for an audience.
I'm new to reading and writing fanfiction, so I have to ask. Is this something that happens a lot in the fanfiction community? Are there other authors who regularly go back and edit their work in order to build a more cohesive story? Is this frowned upon in the community? I don't think these answers are going to change my mind, but I am genuinely curious. I can kinda see how going back and editing already-posted chapters might be alienating to those who have already been reading the story, and I would feel a little bad for that. But who knows. Maybe there are readers who would love to reread my story after some improvements. If anyone out there, Fallout fan or otherwise, has tips or helpful advice, please feel free to share!
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v-bits-fits · 1 month ago
💛Chapter 7 is out💙
“Target locked. Enemy detected. Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System engaged.”
Hey guys! I just finished my final edits and posted Chapter 7: [Enemy Detected]
This is the 7th Chapter of the fanfic I am currently working on, Fallout: Genesis
In this chapter, Gladys’ journey to Nuka-World takes a dangerous turn when she encounters the Gunners—a ruthless, militarized faction armed to the teeth and accompanied by a deadly assaultron. Outnumbered and outgunned, her survival depends on her wits, a damaged power armor suit, and the unpredictable V.A.T.S. system. Click Here to read Fallout: Genesis
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v-bits-fits · 1 month ago
✨ Fallout: Genesis – Chapter 7 Teaser ✨
Gladys pulled the army green duffle bag off of her shoulder and dropped it on the ground. She then clumsily fumbled the zipper open with her extra large, metal digits and pulled out an intimidating looking laser rifle and a fusion cell. Suddenly, the Vault-Boy loading icon flashed itself across her visor while highlighting the gun in her hands in amber. After a few seconds, the loading icon disappeared before a message appeared at the top of her vision, as if being typed in real time. 
Sorry I couldn't get Chapter 7 out yet guys. In the meantime, here's a sneak peek! Explore the tension and chaos of a post-apocalyptic world as Gladys learns to adapt to her newfound tools—and enemies.
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v-bits-fits · 1 month ago
Hey y'all I said I would have Chapter 7 out by this weekend, but I don't think that will be happening. I'm done with my first draft, but I think it's going to need some heavy editing and additions. I don't love where it's at right now, but I'm losing motivation to write, and it's making my work sloppy. So, I think I'm done writing for the day. I think what I am going to do is spend tomorrow morning writing and editing and release it before I head to work in the afternoon. In the meantime, I'll probably post an excerpt from Chapter 7 a little later. That way y'all can have a little taste of what's to come (and evidence that I have written something lol).
If you've come across this post and have no idea what I'm rambling about, I'm writing a fanfic based on Fallout 4! I'd love for you to check it out! It's called Fallout: Genesis. It follows my protagonist, Gladys, after she escapes from Vault 111 and has to find meaning in this new world. It's [loosely] based on my current play through of Fallout 4. If that sounds at all interesting to you, please click the link below and give it a try! And if you're not sure you want to commit, check out some of the excerpts I've posted on my Tumblr page and see if it's something you're interested in! As always, thank you to anyone read. I'll be updating soon! 💙💛
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
Hello out there, future me or otherwise
I'm so happy it's the weekend! I had a particularly rough week at work, so I am happy to have a break. Full disclosure, I probably won't get a ton of writing done this weekend. Me and my partner have had opposite schedules this whole week, so I haven't got to spend much time with them. So, I think we're gonna go out this afternoon and grab some food and drinks. And I doubt I'll be in the mood to write much when I get home. But who knows. I wasn't expecting to get Chapter 6 out until this weekend, so maybe I'll have another spurt of motivation. I did write a chunk of Chapter 7 though; I typed about 1000 words of it this week. I think I can say with confidence that I will have Chapter 7 out by next weekend, if not sooner.
Thank you to all my new readers! I'm thrilled to see my story is attracting a little attention! If any of you out in tumblr-land are one of the people reading my story, I truly appreciate you! Feel free to ask me questions, comment on my story, give me [kind/good-faith] criticism, etc.! I'm honestly not used to interacting with online fandoms, so I'm trying to read a lot of other Fallout fanfiction and be more active in the community. I guess that's another goal to add to the list for the New Year.
Below is a doodle I drew this morning on procreate. It's a little easter egg from Chapter 7.
🔸⚫Click the link below to read FALLOUT: GENESIS⚫🔸
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
Hey y'all! I'm super excited to share my Fallout 4 fanfiction: Fallout: Genesis! ✨
This story follows Gladys, a Vault 111 survivor, as she navigates the harsh, post-apocalyptic Commonwealth—a world filled with danger, loss, and tough choices. I would love for you to join her as she uncovers her past, battles her demons, and fights to survive in a world where hope is hard to come by.
Exciting news: I released Chapter 6: Full Metal Chemist today! Gladys takes a bold step forward, fueled by determination and anger, in her fight to rescue a loved one. Here's an excerpt from the chapter:
Gladys had her head down. She knew what Trudy was saying was probably true. In fact, Trudy’s words held more truth than Trudy herself probably knew. Trudy wasn’t down in the vault. Trudy knew Gladys was a vault dweller, but she had no idea that she was from a time before the bombs even dropped. The commonwealth post-war was Trudy’s home. Despite how hard life can be here, everyone she loved and everything she knew was here.
Gladys, however, had nothing. Worse than nothing. Everywhere she went in this post-nuclear landscape, she saw the shadow of her old life. What she had lost. Physically, this was her home before the war, but the wasteland that resulted from the war might as well be a different planet.
Then the one person who helped her, the closest thing she had to a friend in the wasteland, was taken from her. Trudy’s logic and pragmatism might have appealed to Gladys, the scientist from before the war. But today, none of Trudy’s words had the power to change her mind.
“I’m going after her,” Gladys said, finally looking up. I’d love for you to give it a read, and if you enjoy it, let me know what you think! Your support means the world! 💛
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
I started working on Chapter 6 of the fanfic a little bit, but I likely won't get a lot of writing done today. I was supposed to get a tattoo yesterday, but circumstances changed, and my appointment got moved to today. I'm honestly relieved. I was at work all day yesterday, and the idea of going straight from work to a tattoo studio and being tattooed for several hours sounds like torture. Not to mention this piece is pretty big, so I was likely gonna be there late into the night.
In the meantime, here is an excerpt from my fanfiction, Fallout: Genesis. In this excerpt, Gladys [my protagonist] first meets a kind stranger/ scavenger only a few days after emerging from Vault 111. If you like it, please consider reading the 5 chapters I currently have out! Gladys kept her pistol raised to the doorway, but she felt herself calming down. Only a little bit, though. “This lady probably isn’t the same as those raiders,” the rational side of her brain thought. “Those raiders wanted to hurt you, and they didn’t seem to care if you knew.”
“Jump out the window and freeze yourself in the vault again!” the irrational part of her brain thought.
After sitting in mostly silence, apart from their heavy breathing, Gladys heard the woman say, “Okay, I’m leaving. I’m getting up now.”
“No,” Gladys exclaimed.
She had no idea if this was a person she could trust, but it seemed to be the first person she’d be able to have a conversation with. If Gladys was going to survive out here, she needed more information and resources. “No, please. I’d— I’d like to talk.”
Gladys could hear the lady making an effort to get up on her feet. “Could you stay out there, please?”
The woman plopped back down.
Gladys paused for a moment, realizing she hadn’t had any questions prepared. Or more accurately, she had so many she didn’t know what to ask first. “Are you another survivor?”
“A survivor of what, sweetheart?” the woman replied, seemingly perplexed by the question. “Did something happen to you?”
Gladys, stunned, replied, “The BOMBS. The nuclear BOMBS.”
“...I mean, I guess we all kinda are, right?” the lady replied.
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
Hello out there, future me or otherwise
Happy New Years! Hopefully whoever is reading this got to do something fun. I went to a brewery with my partner, and it was pretty cool. Most of the people in the brewery left before midnight, I'm assuming to go to other places to celebrate. Bad news for the bar, but I honestly prefer it when the bar isn't super packed.
I'm don't usually make New Years resolutions, but I have some things that I have been working on that I want to prioritize going forward into 2025.
I have been going to the gym more often. I've always been a pretty active person. I like to run, I love riding my bike, and I'm a pretty avid yogi. However, I have always felt super self-conscious at the gym. Especially when it comes to lifting weights. I can't really put my finger on what has happened, but recently that has changed. Lately when I go to the gym, I don't really care what the people lifting around me think. And as I go more, I get less self-conscious. Not necessarily because I'm getting stronger (though I am), but I'm realizing that nobody actually cares about me [at the gym]. Just like I don't care what workouts they are doing, they probably do not care at all about what I'm doing. Also, I'm noticing that most people have terrible form. So, who are they to judge? lol. In 2025, I want to keep going to the gym somewhat regularly. I'll probably get bored eventually and move on to something else that is physically stimulating. But even if I decide I want to go back to doing yoga 3 times a week or I want to increase my milage on the bike, it'll still be nice to add weight training to my repertoire of workouts.
I also will be going on more trips in 2025. Me and my partner already have several events planned, including a concert in March that I am SUPER excited about. We decided we want to plan things to look forward to. I find when I'm stressed at work, thinking about a trip I have planned or a band I'm going to go see helps me to not feel so miserable.
But more than anything, I have been trying to find ways to feed my creativity. I was always very artistic as a teenager, and I think everybody around me thought I was going to go to art school. I ended up getting a STEM degree. While I definitely don't regret it, I do miss just...being creative. I miss being given a prompt and creating something out of it. I used to do film photography in high school, I used to sew, I used to paint. But as I got older, I got focused on life and left a lot of that behind. So, in the latter half of this year, I've been really putting an effort into fueling my creative side, whether or not it's profitable. I've been drawing just to draw, I got into digital embroidery so I can make my own patches, and I've been making my own holiday decorations. My uncle is even sending me one of his film cameras, and I'm super excited about the idea of getting back into film photography. My laundry room has no windows and a utility sink, so I'm tossing around the idea of using it as a dark room. And of course, this fanfiction is part of that too. I've never been big into writing, but I have always wanted to be. I'm definitely guilty of buying extravagant journals, just to leave them on my shelf and never writing a word in them. Even though this is fanfiction and not my own intellectual property, I'm having a lot of fun writing my story.
On that note, I will probably not be writing anything today. I'm a little hungover, so me and my partner are spending the day lounging around the house and not being productive. I have the weekend off (and my partner works all weekend) so I will probably get a lot of Chapter 6 written then. I think after reading Chapter 5, y'all know where we are headed on the map. I'm not sure if we'll get there in Chapter 6; Gladys has some prepping she needs to do. However, we will definitely get there by Chapter 7.
Thank you to anybody reading my story. Whether it's just 3 people, or 300 people, it means a lot to know that a few people are taking the time to read something I have written. I hope you kind people have a great year!
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
Hey guys! Just dropped chapter 5! Hope y’all enjoy!
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
Chapter 5 is finished!
I think I'm finished editing, so I think I'm ready to post it on AO3. Unfortunately, I have work today. Then after work, I'm probably gonna go out and socialize for a little bit. That means I probably won't be posting it until tomorrow morning.
Still, I'm super excited about this chapter, and the twists and turns it will add to the story. It finally feels like I'm finished with the "set-up" of the story and I'm about to start writing the story I want to tell. Super exciting stuff!
Anyways, if anybody's actually waiting for this, thanks for your patience! No matter how many people read, I think this is the most time I've devoted to a writing project and that feels really neat. Sometimes, I just need a creative outlet.
Anyways, I will see y'all tomorrow. In the meantime, here is an Aisha in power armor that I have been doodling on procreate for the past few days! Ad Victoriam!
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v-bits-fits · 2 months ago
Hello out there, future me or otherwise
I'm making progress on Chapter 5. I think I'm gonna keep working on it on and off throughout the week, and hopefully I'll have it out by this weekend [or maybe even Christmas!]. I really didn't get started on it until yesterday. My work schedule has been absolutely insane, and I don't even pretend like I'm going to get any fanfic writing done on work days.
I'm really excited about this Chapter, and I think from this point on the story is going to take a pretty big turn. This is super exciting for me, as up to this point most of my gameplay has been grinding. It's actually a little surprising; I thought my gameplay was going to be the main driver of this story. Instead I've found that I'm using the game as a tool to tell the story I want.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm having to come up with motivations for my character and the actions they take. It shouldn't be that surprising, but it's weird how different you act as a character when you aren't afraid of death and consequences. Now before I talk to somebody, I have to ask myself questions like "Does Gladys want to talk to this person? What is Gladys trying to get out of this? Is Gladys being an open book with this person, or is she trying to hide something.
These are obviously important questions to ask when you're trying to tell a story, but it means my gameplay tends to be grinding (which I don't consider to be actually part of the story), or when I do move the plot forward, it's very slow and intentional and has been panned out.
Anyways, I just wanted to ramble into the void for a little bit. Happy holidays to those who celebrate. I'm gonna go back to drinking tea and typing.
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v-bits-fits · 3 months ago
Fallout: Genesis
Hey y'all, pretty big change So I feel like it's difficult to choose a title for a project before you even write it. Even if you have an idea in your head for the direction you want your story to go, it will probably change as you write it. So when I titled this story "Another Fallout Story" I was well aware the title sucked and intended for it to be a temporary placeholder. I think since I have four chapters out, it's probably a good time for me to choose a title that fits the story better. And quite frankly, I wanted a title that sounds cool. So I spent some time this morning brainstorming a title, and I think I've come up with one that I like. The new title of my story going forward is going to be "Fallout: Genesis". I named it this for a few reasons. 1. A big part of Gladys' story arc will be her finding purpose in this post-nuclear world. In fact in a lot of ways, I predict Gladys will thrive and find meaning in this world more than she ever did before the bombs dropped. I thought the word "Genesis" evokes the idea of new beginnings and self-discovery. 2. Genesis is just a cool sounding word. 3. I wanted "Fallout" in the title. 4. "Fallout: Genesis" kinda sounds like a video game title. And that's pretty cool.
In other news, I haven't started chapter five yet. I have the next three days off, so I will work on it then. I doubt I will have it posted by Friday, but I think I can have a first draft typed by then. I have something exciting planned for chapter five, so I'm both nervous and excited to get started writing it. Anyways, thanks for reading.
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v-bits-fits · 3 months ago
Hello out there, future me or otherwise
I finally posted Chapter 4, only five days later than I said I would. I really meant to post it on Friday. Unfortunately, I smoked a bowl before I started editing. Turns out, editing while high is something I am NOT capable of. Then I had to work all weekend, so yesterday and today were really the only time I had to work on my story. I also edited this one a little more than usual. I went through it about four times before posting it. Usually I only go over it once before I post it, but with all the mistakes I found I should probably do a little bit more editing in the future.
Granted, I'm not super concerned with it. I want my writing to be high quality, but if I hold myself to too high of a standard I might burn myself out and stop writing altogether. I figure putting out a badly written story is better than not putting out a story at all. Besides, I'm an amateur writer by every sense of the word and I'm just doing this for fun.
As I said before, I'm still in Gladys' "tutorial phase" and I likely will be for at least two more chapters, probably more. It's kinda driving me crazy, because I have a whole "plot" in mind. But I need to figure out a way for Gladys to naturally progress to that plot, and that's taking a lot longer than anticipated. So it's starting to feel like I'm writing a Fallout themed slice-of-life story. However, we are slowly getting there and I think I am happy with how Gladys' story is progressing so far.
Anyways, I think I like typing my updates and thoughts here instead of AO3. So I think from now on I'm going to type my notes here instead of in a notes section on my fanfic.
Hopefully somebody is reading and hopefully somebody is enjoying it. Cheers!
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