#Jupiter transit to Aries in 2023
alokastrology1 · 1 year
What to expect from Jupiter’s Transit to Aries in 2023
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Guru Maharaj or Planet Jupiter would change its way from Pisces to Aries on April 22, 2023. Let’s see what might be the effect on your zodiac sign due to this zodiac rotation.
Know more about Jupiter Transit 2023 Date, Time, Predictions, and Remedies. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Jupiter represents the “Guru” in native’s birth chart. It rules over ninth and twelth house in Kaal Purush Kundali in Vedic Astrology and is the significator of second, fifth, ninth, tenth and eleventh house. Second house is the house of wealth, Jupiter bestows native with lots of wealth and prosperity if placed in second house. Fifth house is for wisdom and education, Jupiter bestows with good education and children. Ninth house is for higher learning and Gurus, Jupiter confers the path of higher learning and wisdom through spiritual Gurus. Tenth house is for career and profession, Jupiter does well if holds tenth house as it may confer a reputative and respectful job. Eleventh house is for income and gains, Jupiter is always beneficial and hence good for this house also.
A Glimpse into The Jupiter Transit in Aries (how long does jupiter transit a sign)
The planet Jupiter, that is known as the Guru of all the Gods and whose aspect is considered the most auspicious in the Vedic astrology, will transit in Aries on 22 April 2023 at 3:33 am. Jupiter will enter Aries in a combust state because on 28 March 2023, it will have transited in Pisces in its combust state, and then it will rise again on 27 April, at 02:07 am. When the transit of Jupiter will occur in Aries, the planet Rahu will already be situated there and with the conjunction of Rahu and Jupiter, the effects of Guru Chandal Dosh will be seen.
On 4 September at 04:58 pm, Jupiter will come into retrograde motion, and on the last day of the year 31 December 2023 at 07:08 am will move out of this state. According to Vedic astrology, the changing of zodiac signs by Jupiter is known to have a significant impact because the vision of Jupiter is considered as auspicious as holy water. The houses upon which Jupiter put its aspect, get showered with progress. The planet Jupiter is the factor and harbinger of success and prosperity. Accordingly, the transit of Jupiter will have different kinds of impact on all the zodiac signs.
Read also:- Weekly Rashifal from 10th April to 16th April 2023
Jupiter transit in Aries 2023: Impact on zodiac signs
So, let’s take a leap and know all the effects Jupiter Transit 2023 will have on your zodiac sign!
Jupiter Transit in Aries 2023: Significance
Planet Jupiter brings auspiciousness, expansion, growth and abundance in natives life. It makes the person intelligent and knowledgeable as it gives higher learning skills and makes the person highly spiritual. If the Jupiter is good in one’s native chart then the person must possess strong moral grounds.
Jupiter mostly has a positive impact on an individual but it depends upon the position of the planet in one’s chart. The person becomes more interested in religion and spirituality under the influence of Jupiter.
Remedies for effects of Jupiter transit in Aries 2023
Sure, here are some astrological remedies you can practice to minimize the negative effects of Jupiter transit in Aries:
Wearing a yellow sapphire gemstone on your index finger can help appease Jupiter and attract positive energy.
Performing a Jupiter pooja on Thursdays during this transit period can help strengthen the positive effects of Jupiter and reduce any negative impacts. Perform the rituals with yellow flowers, yellow cloth, and offering turmeric, jaggery, and gram dal.
Reciting Guru Beej Mantra “Om Gram Greem Groum Sah Guruve Namah” can help appease Jupiter and reduce the ill effects.
Donating to a charitable cause or offering food to the needy on Thursdays can help balance any malefic effects of Jupiter.
Performing Brihaspati Homa or fire ritual can help strengthen Jupiter’s positive effects and reduce the effects.
Fasting on Thursdays or refraining from certain foods or activities on this day can also help appease Jupiter and reduce any effects.
It is important to avoid negative behavior such as lying, cheating, or engaging in unethical practices during this transit period, as this may increase the ill effects of Jupiter.
Wearing yellow or gold-colored clothing or jewelry can help appease Jupiter and attract positive energy.
Read also:- Astrological Remedies for Success in Love and Compatible Zodiac Signs
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saturniandevil · 1 year
April 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's April Forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and guest host Robert Weinstein. Mundane recap: Pluto's ingress into Aquarius heralds the integration of AI-generated text and images into larger parts of life, impacting industries, job markets, warfare, and more. The TikTok ban bill is another manifestation of Pluto's power struggle significations. Saturn in Pisces has also hinted at some of the upcoming themes: the recent banking crisis and a shift in public policy re: covid. The Saturn-Uranus cycle has served as an indicator to economic booms & busts, with eclipses especially igniting this--the 1929 stock market crash happened with the Nodes on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and the FTX crash can be seen as a final crisis from Saturn square Uranus around an eclipse. Chris predicts eclipses will continue to affect finance. In popular culture, Everything Everywhere All At Once won many awards and was released during the Pisces stellium, which thematically fits.
Additionally, many planets change signs and put themselves in aspect to Saturn or Pluto for the first time since the outer planets entered these new signs, setting the tone for the next few years (or decades, in the case of Pluto). We've got a lot of beginnings and motion with the cardinal sign emphasis (we begin the month with an Aries stellium and Mars having just entered Cancer, and end it with an Aries eclipse).
April 3rd - Mercury enters Taurus From here Mercury squares Pluto, sextiles Saturn & Mars, conjoins an eclipse point and approaches Uranus, putting it in a difficult position to do the planting & planning to which the first decan of Taurus is normally conducive. Slow down and be methodical about what we're doing. Between Pluto's underground machinations and Uranus's unpredictability, it's hard for us to make decisions. In the sign of Taurus this will almost certainly have financial implications as well. Mercury will start slowing down around the 10th or 11th, with the retrograde shadow beginning at 5Taurus soon after an eclipse. Funnily enough, he will retrograde over these same degrees later in the year.
April 6th - Full Moon in Libra Here's the chart:
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The Moon is at 16Libra, with the Sun within 4 degrees of conjunction to Jupiter (♈). The Moon is coming off a square with Mars (♋), part of a larger shift towards tension in cardinal signs during the Red Planet's transit. Chiron at 15Aries is very close to the Sun (conjunction) & Moon (opposition). The Moon's ruler Venus has just left a conjunction with Uranus, and in her domicile of Taurus, indicates some fervent and moderately successful attempts at stabilizing matters. We may also find stability through contracts and deals, which are associated with the second decan of Libra. Venus is also approaching Jupiter, whose proximity to the Sun makes him combust (too close to the Sun to be visible) and less able to provide the optimism & reassurance we seek. Alternately, hopeful events may be happening behind the scenes while our optimist planet is invisible for 2-4 weeks.
April 10th - Selected auspicious election
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This occurs around 2:10PM local time, with Leo rising and Ascendant ruler the Sun in the 9th whole sign house, which for a day chart is extremely fortuitous. It takes advantage of the Sun-Jupiter cazimi about to occur, with the former in exaltation making things even more auspicious. The Moon in Sagittarius applies to a trine with domicile lord Jupiter. Venus is in the last degrees of Taurus, so Leo rising charts earlier in the month can take advantage of her presence in earlier degrees. 9th house topics (Jupiter) include education, travel, higher learning and publishing, while 10th house topics with Venus can indicate art & creativity. With the Moon in the 5th house this can also be good for leisure or fun & games.
April 11th - Venus enters Gemini, Sun-Jupiter conjunction (♈) The Jupiter cazimi (exact conjunction to Sun) occurs around 21-22Aries: there is still something to believe in. Not only is this fortuitous as a heightening of the greater benefic's energies, but the Sun is also in exaltation. Think optimism, expansion, and hope (Jupiter) and doing something at a level of excellence (exalted Sun). This is the seed point for new ideas, leadership and following your own path. Unfortunately the next week brings a damper on otherwise great events.
Upon entering Gemini, Venus immediately trines Pluto (♒) and soon after squares Saturn (♓), the last major aspects leading up into the eclipse. Venus trine Pluto in air signs can signal intensifying personal relationships as communication delves deeper, or perhaps enjoying the new technologies that are otherwise scary. However, Pluto is rarely light and Saturn makes things significantly heavier. Venus square Saturn indicates significant boundaries or obstacles in personal relationships, something that may keep the relationship from happening at all. In Austin's words, Saturn either locks you out or locks you in. This is also the time when Mercury starts slowing down to a speed slower than average in preparation for retrograde (figuratively tiptoeing up towards Uranus and deciding to turn around).
April 20th - Lunar eclipse in Aries, Sun enters Taurus This is the first eclipse both of the year and in the Aries-Libra axis, but we're not totally out of the woods yet for fixed signs.
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The eclipse has a very close out-of-sign square to Pluto, and immediately after, the Moon ingresses into Taurus and squares Pluto, as does the Sun soon later. We'll get insight into what the next 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius has in store. Eclipses have indicated dramatic shifts in leadership since the earliest days of astrology, and Austin says in Aries this indicates actual heads of state. This lunar mansion/nakshatra is also associated with medicine, the public figure(s) in question may be in that field. Pluto at 0Aquarius (degree where pandemic lockdown measures intensified at various times) weighs in via a sextile to the moon, and this eclipse is also square the US Sibly chart's Pluto with Mars, eclipse ruler, on the US Sun. Thus Chris and Robert both expect significant financial events during this upcoming eclipse season.
April 21st - Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus This station occurs closely conjunct Uranus, so technological snafus and freak accidents are certainly in order. Mercury in Taurus helps the trains run on time, so we can expect further disruption and chaos on that front. Avoid messing with electricity if you can, and generally we may feel a shock to the collective nervous system. The Sun-Mercury conjunction marking the retrograde's halfway point will occur around May 1st, so we can expect to start moving towards a resolution then. On May 5th we get the answering eclipse to this one, Mercury stationing direct on the 15th, and Jupiter entering Taurus soon after. These events in mid-May will help stabilize things, though Mars will form a T-square with Jupiter and Uranus... Overall we feel eclipses for a couple weeks on either side. Pay attention to the parts of your chart where the eclipses occur: new beginnings and endings are in order as the nodes move!
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astromeena · 1 year
Transit of Jupiter in Aries from April 22 2023 to April 30 2024 – Beneficiaries
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alokastrologyy · 1 year
Jupiter Transit in Aries 2023 | बृहस्पति का महापरिवर्तन मेष के लिए बड़े धन लाभ | 22nd April 2023
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter is finally in Taurus, now is the time when all those fast paced decisions and rewards with Aries energy will be solidified and made more permanent.
A/N: I am so excited because it is my Jupiter return which will happen in a week! Usually a Jupiter Return starts with things working against you in order to align you to your destined path.
Here is my short analysis on how transit Jupiter influences you based on the house its stationed in your chart. Please note this is just a general theme, situations may change due to Natal and other transit aspects.
-> Do not copy/plagiarize my work <-
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1st House
Major glow up, feeling more encouraged to try out new things to change your appearance etc. Channeling a lot of self-love energy and focusing on self development.
2nd House
Lots of financial gains and benefits. You may even spend more on some luxury products or make significant investments. Your surrounding aesthetics and style may change.
3rd House
Your communication and speech will become more profound and you may read and write a lot of spiritual and enlightening stuff. Possibly reconnecting with your school friends, siblings and childhood friends.
4th House
You may either out of home or relocate. Familial bonds which don’t serve you anymore may either break or get better. You will feel more connected to your roots and feel inclined to learn more about your ancestral heritage.
5th House
You will want to have fun and truly romanticizing your life. You will get into a serious romantic relationship and/or meet your soul family. Creativity will be at its zenith during this period. Lots of opportunities and doors opening up for you.
6th House
Lots of new changes to your daily routine, health and dietary habits. Will get improvements in aspects related to job and money. Your productivity levels will be higher than usual so be sure to care for your mental health.
7th House
Your existing relationships will get much stronger and reach a new level of commitment such as marriage, living with your S.O. also possibly relocating depending on other aspects. You will also have favorable outcomes when it comes to legal/business matters.
8th House
Major spiritual awakening. You may feel very enlightened and focus on soul-searching. Getting into occult and esoteric practices. Lots of shadow work and healing yourself. Learning to be more intimate and vulnerable with your partner/yourself. Major Karmic cycles ending for you.
9th House
You may want to pursue higher education or learn something new. You may tend to question beliefs and traditions you were taught. Your optimism and outlook on life is unmatched. You can settle abroad or migrate for work/studies. Lots of traveling in general and meeting foreigners.
10th House
Rise in career and social status. You may work or meet very impactful and powerful people. You will gain recognition for your hard-work and achievements.
11th House
A very social year! Joining a friend group or being part of a large community. Can meet your platonic soulmates/soul tribe.
12th House
Spiritual transformation and massive change of your own beliefs. Connecting to your higher self. Betrayals and hidden enemies coming to light but in a more of blessing in disguise.
©️saturnianprincess 2023 | Pictures from Pinterest
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seafoamreadings · 10 months
week of september 3rd, 2023
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: venus in leo finally goes direct, and your creativity and fun start to amp back up. a spark of life returns to your aura. be advised venus is still in "shadow" for a few weeks and some precautions should remain in place for that time, but the fire is being stoked again.
taurus: all in all this is a very auspicious week for taureans, even if jupiter does turn retrograde in your sign. simply be careful not to be overly generous, but also there's no need to be stingy with others nor with yourself. love your inner child, and celebrate the direct motion of venus, your ruling planet.
gemini: although mercury remains retrograde, its conjunction with the sun this week marks a turning point metaphysically and mentally. use that energy to change a neural rut you've carved in your mind, so that you traverse intellectual paths you prefer. you're more neuroplastic than usual.
cancerians: retrograding activity is aboil but it affects you less than many others. the wane of the moon may have your energy a little low but this is easily remedied with good sleep and nutrition. don't skimp on that self care.
leo: venus finally ends her long retrograde in your sign this week! still don't go too wild as there is about a month of a shadow period afterward. but the chaos - or utter crushing boredom as has been the case for some - recedes starting now.
virgo: those who are wise will continue to take mercury retrograde seriously, and you also have a sober ceres transit taking place this week, but even with all that, the money aligns for you all week. try to remember that mercurial money loves to be fluid and in exchange; while you can build wealth, do not hoard.
libra: ceres is at the precipice of leaving your sign to head into scorpio. for you that will be financially nourishing, but this week she's still in your first house and it may be tempting to shell out unnecessary expenses. avoid the temptation. other financial blessings are in place, perhaps a loan or a gift or inheritance come through.
scorpio: your career and/or public image have undoubtedly been a focus all summer. the direct motion of venus brings about one last sweep of those recurring themes. if you feel you've been observed under harsh lighting so to speak, it improves from here, but be sure to integrate and implement the things you've learned through those trials.
sagittarius: your ruling planet jupiter moves retrograde in your 6th house of sacred routines while venus in leo, your 9th house, shifts back to direct motion. the more sacred, holy, and *interesting* you can make this week, the more auspicious it will be for you!
capricorn: the mermaid goats may well be in for a fiery romantic week this week, grounded in that good taurean energy as jupiter turns retrograde. if you don't see it on the horizon already, it's still a great idea to do some art and if paint and pens or a composition are not really your thing, consider how you can turn your life into an artistic expression in itself.
aquarius: venus direct in leo FINALLY means big!! things in your committed relationships, not just the romantic ones but especially those if you have them. the cycle isn't over for another month or so while venus leaves the shadow of that retrograde, but the pace picks up and the fun returns to your seventh house again. remember other people are a reflection of you in so many ways. what have you seen in the mirror since june?
pisces: the period does still have a melancholy tone and some will be panicking over a large number of retrogrades, but for you it's nevertheless an auspicious week. you may feel sad, but no amount of sadness can actually subtract the joy in life. try to make room for both simultaneously. all will be well.
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elminx · 6 months
Energy Update: January 2024
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January is a "9" month [1 (January) + 8 (2+0+2+4=8) = 9] in an "8" year. Though we are on the edge of something new - both represented by some of the astrological transits of the month and the beginning of a new year - we still have some stuff to wrap up before we can truly move onwards. A lot has changed since the beginning of 2020 - everything really, if you want to look at it that way. As our lives slowly bend and adapt to the changes that have been wrought in the world, we still have to live in it.
Numerologically, 9 is our last number as each multi-digit number gets added back together again. In this way we know that February is a 10/1 month: 2 (February) + 8 (2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. February is not the beginning, but February is a beginning. Now we just need to get there.
The Details
We begin January with the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn, retrograde Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Jupiter and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This is an unusual alignment of planets and worth noting here. We know that the Sun, Mercury, and Venus travel together but right now they are being joined by both Mars and Pluto as they cross over Sagittarius and Capricorn this season. Additionally, our other planets are congregated together as well in Taurus and Pisces. It's also worth noting that all of this (/crazyhandwaving) began four years ago when all of our planets except for Uranus and Neptune were in the sign of Capricorn.
This month the last of our planets from this 2020 transit, Pluto, finally leaves Capricorn for good. This is one of the big gong crashes that denotes time. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043.
Additionally, our Sun enters the sign of Aquarius, and Mercury, Venus, and Mars will enter the sign of Capricorn. January also marks the end of retrograde season for the next four months as Mercury and Uranus station direct.
The Nitty Gritty
January begins with a bang as Jupiter stations direct on 12/31/23 and Mercury stations direct on 1/1/24. This is a great omen for both January and 2024 as a whole as the first day of the month/year will set the stage for the energy of the time ahead. All signs point to "go" as we only have one single planet left in retrograde (Uranus). Uranus also stations direct this month (on 1/27); we will not experience another planetary retrograde until April.
That said, many of us are still carrying some of the weight of our pasts and it may be hindering our progress. As mentioned above, January is a "9" month of endings that will lead to February being a "10/1" month of beginnings. In this way, January can be seen as a series of releases that can help to unburden us of the things that we do not need to bring with us into the future we see ahead. This process may be triggering for some, especially those who are lost in the past or unduly holding onto something that has passed its expiration date.
The big release dates to watch out for include: 1/1 when Mercury stations direction, 1/4 when Mars enters Capricorn, 1/11 our new moon in Capricorn, 1/13 when Mercury enters Capricorn, 1/20 when BOTH the Sun and Uranus enter Aquarius, 1/23 when Venus enters Capricorn, and 1/27 when Uranus stations direct.
Any of the above dates can be used magically to speed this change along if you are so inclined. Each of these days may be a relief or triggering depending on your life circumstances and general personality. Stay prepared and aware.
There are also a few days of the month where life may seem to "help" you along on this release process, whether you wish it to or not. As our personal planets move through the sign of Capricorn, each will make a cardinal t-square with our lunar nodes of fate (in Aries and Capricorn). Each of these transits will carry with it some of the energy of eclipse season. Some doors may open during this time and some will inevitably close. When the lunar nodes are involved we sometimes find that it is too late to make certain choices, but also that new and interesting choices have become available to us. Our Sun will form a t-square with the nodes on 1/10, Mercury will on 1/28, and Mars will on 1/30. In February, Venus will form one final t-square to complete this process.
For transits like these there is one simple piece of advice: don't hold on too tightly. With our North Node in Aries, we are being asked to stand up for ourselves and that often means letting go of prior conditioning from our childhood or society that keeps us small and forces us into conformity. This can trigger a lot of deep-seated defenses and unhealthy coping mechanisms from our past. The big flex is to name it and bring it into the light rather than letting these things control or destroy us. If you have Aries or Libra in the 12th house this may be especially difficult for you, but this makes this work especially important.
Chiron, also sitting in Aries, shows us that being our unique selves can be quite a painful process. Each of our personal planets will also square off with the Wounded Healer during this time and each of these dates (Sun square Chiron on 1/6, Mars square Chiron on 1/25, and Mercury square Chiron on 1/28 plus Venus in February) is another chance to reexamine our core wounding surrounding standing out versus fitting in. This shit leads deep back into our childhoods and often is the center of our deepest fears. If you are into shadow work, these topics will likely prove especially fruitful during these times. A word to the wise about Chiron: the way out of the pain is always through examining it and learning to understand and create adaptive strategies for management and mitigation. Many people who have Chiron highlighted in their natal birth chart find that healing "out loud" helps them to deal with and make sense of more ouchy moments like these.
In this way, the month may feel very cyclical. You see a way forward and grab for it. It's painful beyond what was expected as it sparks deep wounds. From there the work is to transcend and release the wounds. Rinse and repeat.
It's certainly not work for the faint of heart. But that's not a surprise, we're in Capricorn season - a sign known for almost being compelled to work. This isn't the summer work of planting seeds, tending, and bringing them to harvest. This is the winter work of reexamination and reclamation. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is sitting in a supportive sextile in Pisces to help us along in this process but it WILL be work. The big flex all month is to keep moving, to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and to keep on keepin' on. With some many chances, you CAN get it right.
Our two lunar events for the month are a new moon at 20° Capricorn on 1/11 and a full moon at 05° Leo on 1/25.
The new moon will be more supercharged as 1/11 is 111 reflecting an influx of 1/new beginnings energy which will also be in close square to our lunar nodes. If you do not set intentions for the year on 1/1, 1/11 will be another strong time to do so. The new moon's numerology is 2/2 [2 (10 Capricorn Sun + 10 Capricorn Moon = 2), and 2 (2 Capricorn new moon + 9 January = 11 = 2] which shows that it is a powerful day for creation and togetherness.
Our full moon in Leo carries the energy of 7/7 [7 (11 Aquarius Sun + 5 Leo Moon = 16 = 7) and 7 (7 Aquarius full moon + 9 January = 16 = 7]. 7 is the number of spirituality and is generally associated with intuition and inner understandings of all kinds. This is a great day to divine on your journey through January and will aid in any magic designed to align you with where your path is leading you.
If you're looking for a day to do money magic or other prosperity work in January, Friday 1/12 is your day when Mars in Capricorn is in exact trine with Jupiter in Taurus. Work that earth money magic - Capricorn is seeing to their future and Taurus loves the finer things in life. This is a big luxury day - this is a day to treat yo' self even if you're not doing any magic. But do that money magic if you've got it - earthy trines like this don't come around every day.
I see two days to watch out for during the month.
On Saturday, 1/20, the Sun meets up in its yearly conjunction with our planet of death and transformation, Pluto and they both enter the sign of Aquarius in lockstep with one another. This is a big change of the guard and it's likely to be reflected both in the outer world at large and in our personal lives. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn for more than a decade and its force has been slowly eroding our outdated systems of government and bureaucracy. Now, it shifts its gaze to Aquarius where it will remain until 2043.
Pluto moves on a glacial scale so we shouldn't expect to see the effects of its ingress initially but what we should expect to see is the fallout of what has been left behind. Given the planet and its namesake, I use the term fallout very intentionally here. Capricorn rules the governing systems of our lives; in truth, it rules all things that are contractual like government bodies, businesses, and even marriage. Anything that requires signing a contract is in some way controlled by Saturn and Capricorn as Saturn's emissary in this world. Pluto has been shaking up these systems for quite some time and not all of them will survive the release that comes as our dwarf planet finally exits the scene.
Sometimes you don't know how bad the disaster is until it's over and the dust has settled. I would expect to see governmental shutdowns, businesses failing or entering bankruptcy, and the dissolution of marriages as the energy slowly begins to shift away from Capricorn and into Aquarius. In this sense, any structures that are held on by a thread will be most at risk through the beginning of the year. If this is you and it impacts your life specifically, I will guide you back to the words above: Don't Hold on too tight.
Sometimes things need to fall apart. Sometimes you can't pick up the pieces.
The second day of interest is 1/29 when Mars in Capricorn meets up in trine with Uranus in Taurus. I have found that it is best to keep an eye on when these two planets meet, regardless of the aspect that they make with one another. Mars is our planet of action and war and Uranus rules the unexpected disaster. This is Tower weather; it is best to do less and avoid any overt dangers if you can. It's a day to stay away from explosives of all kinds. Uranus in Taurus is especially eruption-prone, make of that what you will. We are nearing the end of Uranus's transit of Taurus (something that we should be very grateful for) but it's not over until it's over.
January is the cosmic right time to put in the work to better your life. January is the cosmic right time to take accountability for where you are the problem. January is the cosmic right time to let that shit go so that when February rolls around, you are ready.
The Details
1/1 - Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius, Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (repeats on 10/28) 1/4 - Mars enters Capricorn 1/6 - Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/8 - Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces* 1/9 - Sun in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/10 - Sun in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, cardinal t-square 1/11 - New moon 20° Capricorn 2/2, Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries (repeats on 11/3) 1/12 - Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus 1/13 - Mercury enters Capricorn 1/15 - Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces, Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries/sextile South Node in Libra 1/18 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/19 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces 1/20 - Sun enters Aquarius, Pluto enters Aquarius, Sun conjunct Pluto, Mercury exits their post-retrograde shadow 08° Capricorn 1/23 - Venus enters Capricorn 1/25 - Full moon 05° Leo 7/7, Mars in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/26 - Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 1/27 - Uranus stations direct 19° Taurus, Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury conjunct Mars 17° Capricorn 1/28 - Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square), Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces 1/29 - Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 1/30 - Mars in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra (cardinal t-square)
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saturnianoracle · 3 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆ASTROLOGY MASTERLIST⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
◦ I started properly getting into astrology in 2023, after superficialy dabbling in it since 2021. Iniitally, I looked into it to debunk it. However, through approaching it with a critical lens, I came to realise the truth and significance behind it. What previously closed my mind off to ever taking astrology seriously was the garbage pop culture astrology permeating the internet, and its modern day link to spirituality and understanding it solely as a psychological tool (more of this will be disucssed in the first post). ◦ As I've been learning, I wanted to create a place to consolidate my thoughts, hence me creating this blog. The information derives from an amalgam of different sources, and I will try to cite where necessary/possible. I consider myself a forever student, however, and it is still very much early days in my astrological knowledge. ◦ Below is a list of the content I plan on writing about as I continue to learn. The titles will be clickable links when they are done. ◦ P.S. I use the tropical zodiac, whole signs, traditional rulerships, and practise by using a blend of traditional and modern techniques and ideas. All my information is taken from various sources e.g. reddit, tumblr, tiktok, discord, websites, youtube etc.
Just for fun, I have a:
ׂ╰┈➤ pisces sun, virgo moon, gemini rising, aquarius mercury,pisces venus, aries mars, cancer jupiter (rx), gemini saturn, aquarius neptune, aquarius uranus, saggittarius pluto, gemini north node
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Introduction to astrology:
✦ How to learn real astrology - astrology as an observable science; what it is and is not.
✦ Tropical vs Vedic/Sidereal astrology - why I use tropical
✦ Whole signs vs Placidus house system - why I use whole signs
✦ Traditional vs Modern rulerships - why I use traditional
✦ The different and important astrology charts
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The foundations of chart interpretation:
✦ The 12 zodiac signs
✦ The planets
✦ The houses (angular,succedent, cadent)
✦ The houses (1 - 12)
✦ How to interpret empty houses
✦ Modalities
✦ The nodes
✦ Aspects (major and minor)
✦ Essential dignities
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✦ How to read and interpret chart transits
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Astro ramblings:
✦ The debate of free will in astrology
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cleopatre31 · 1 year
-Saturn is now transiting pisces, that means that the world is again connecting to universe!!! People will listen to the mediums, psychics, astrologers and their predictions will mostly come true! There could be some progress about medicine (maybe a cure for untreatable diseases and mental problems). During this transit, we will all be really intuitive and we have to pay attention to our intuition and instincts to make right decisions. Especially to our dreams!!! Big secrets and the truth can be revealed. Look at which houses rules pisces in your birth chart for more informations about how this transit will affect you.
-Let's talk about fixed stars:
-If you have personal planets/major angles at 26/27/28/29° of gemini, that means that you can make a lot of money, to succeed thanks to women or by working with women.
-Uranus in 9th house people often drop out of college when young and return to school years later on a whim lmaoo
-Jupiter in 6th house= Those people succeed at work mostly after their 2nd jupiter return around 23-25 years old ( that makes since a lot of people working in health field have this placement and they start working around those ages).
-Venus rx= Having trouble finding love and once they found "true love", being very jealous/possessive of his/her partner.
-With nodes entering in aries/libra (1st/7th house axis) on july 17th 2023, this year is "love and marriage" year. Especially for libra rising, with total solar eclipses in april!!!
-I have sag pluto squaring my virgo asc and everyone think i am either a virgo or scorpio sun lol.
-Moon in leo (if there is also a harsh aspect with mars) people have serious anger issues or are a bit aggresive/ act impulsively.
-Moon conjunct neptune= Daydreaming vibes
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Jupiter Transit Feedback
So as Jupiter completes its journey in Aries (sidereal) tomorrow, I want you to share what changes you had in the last 1 year starting 22 April 2023.
Write about it in the comment section.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid's Guide to the Stars: Astrological Predictions for April 2023
April Calendar
April 3rd to June 11th - Mercury in Taurus
April 21st to May 15th - Mercury Rx in Taurus
April 6th - Libra Full Moon
April 11th to May 07th - Venus in Gemini
April 11th - Sun and Jupiter conjunction in Aries
April 13th - Waning moon in Capricorn
April 20th - Solar Eclipse/ New Moon in Aries
April 20th to May 21st - Sun in Taurus
April 27th - Waxing Moon in Leo
You can understand the basics of how to read astrological transits here (it's being updated little by little)
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Aries Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! The predictions for April 2023 are pretty intense and will bring about some significant changes in various areas of your life. After possibly feeling a bit down in March, you'll find your energy and strength increasing, putting you in top form for the month. Your focus will shift to material and financial matters as Mercury moves these issues around for almost two months until June 11th. However, be careful of financial fraud from April 21st to May 15th as it's a prime time for cloning, loss, or confusion with credit cards.
In April, you'll have some time to reflect on your values, both personal and material, and Mercury might even help you come up with some new ideas for increasing your income. Take this time to think about your financial path so far and brainstorm ways to boost your income.
On April 7th, the Full Moon in Libra will bring some containment and clarity to your relationships, business, and work. If you're married, you may have discussed a big change or step with your partner recently. However, one of you might be hesitant about this expansion. If you have a business partner, they may also be resisting progress or starting a partnership.
April 11th will be a special day for all signs as Jupiter and the Sun are in conjunction in Aries, bringing some unexpected and positive events. For your sign, it'll feel like a crown has been placed on your head. Use this day to decide how you want your life to change and make it happen!
On April 20th, a Solar Eclipse will occur in Aries, bringing a window of opportunity that will transport you to a new reality of life. This eclipse will highlight your career and self-image, and you'll be thinking about the direction your life has taken so far and what you need to do to continue growing. This eclipse may also reset your self-image, leading to changes in your appearance, name, or relationship status. Pay attention to the week before and after the eclipse date, as it can bring significant changes to your love and work life. Also, keep an eye out for events on March 20th and May 20th, as they may reveal themselves as related to eclipses and may require adjustments and changes for the next 6 months.
On April 20th, the Sun will also begin its annual passage through Taurus, emphasizing your focus on material and financial matters. Be prepared for May to be just as busy as April.
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Taurus Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! So, in April, your energy levels might be low which can affect your immunity. To avoid getting sick, make sure not to overwork or pack your schedule too tightly. Mercury moves into Taurus on April 3rd, which means it's a good time to focus on your health and self-care. However, during the retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th, it's better to reflect and analyze rather than making any drastic changes to your appearance or personal style. Keep an eye out for any old health problems that might resurface, and take care of them right away.
Don't go buying new clothes or changing your appearance during this time, as you might regret it later on. Remember, Mercury's stay in Taurus isn't all negative - it's an opportunity to reflect on your health and well-being. You'll start to realize how important taking care of yourself is, and that you can't ignore it. It's time to review any unhealthy habits and behaviors.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th might bring some resolution, but it could also hold you back from any promotions or advancements in your career. If you're planning to retire, you might need to wait a bit longer. But, this moon can also bring some stability, which is always a good thing.
The Sun-Jupiter conjunction on April 11th is going to be the luckiest day of the year! This day will bring unexpected and positive events, and it's a great time to start something new or put in some extra effort towards your goals. The Universe will take care of the rest.
The Solar Eclipse on April 20th could bring some major changes to your lifestyle and personal beliefs. It's important to pay attention one week before and one week after this date, as it might reveal some important events. This eclipse falls in the most secretive part of your chart, so there's a chance that you might uncover a secret someone has been keeping from you. But don't worry, eclipses usually work to protect us. It's also possible that this eclipse will help you see things in a new light, and make some changes to your beliefs and philosophies.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun moves into Taurus, which is great news for your health! You'll start to feel stronger and more energetic. Don't worry if you felt a bit low in April - things will start to pick up again in May.
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Gemini Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! April is going to be an exciting month for you! You'll be receiving invitations to events, parties and making new friends. You may feel a strong desire to be more active socially and embrace new experiences. However, you may also find that you want to focus on your mental health and wellbeing. Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd and stays there until June 11th. During its stay, it will be in retrograde from April 21st to May 15th. This could be a great time to evaluate your emotional and psychological health and research available therapies, but avoid starting any new therapies during this period. Instead, Mercury can help you become more intuitive and creative.
On April 7th, the Full Moon will be in Libra and may bring about a containment accompanied by a definition. Venus enters Gemini on April 11th and stays there until May 7th. This will be a great time to improve your image and appearance, but avoid any aggressive cosmetic procedures after April 21st, as Mercury will be in retrograde.
Also on April 11th there will be the Great Conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in the sign of Aries. Being in the sign of Aries, this period is more than perfect to start something new in your life, start on that day the lifestyle you want to live in the future because the blessings of it working out are much greater.
A Solar eclipse occurs on April 20th in Aries, coinciding with a New Moon. This may represent a window of opportunity for you to open a new chapter in your life, particularly related to your groups and friendships. The eclipse may also bring about changes to your social circle, allowing you to make new friends that align more with your lifestyle. Eclipses are always powerful events, and you should pay attention to the week before and after that date, as well as the events that occur on March 20th and May 20th.
Finally, on April 20th, the Sun begins its annual passage through Taurus, where it will remain until May 21st. This is a great time to focus on your emotional and psychological health, and allow yourself to withdraw when needed.
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Cancer Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! This month is all about celebrating your success in your career and work life. March was a blast with all the training, courses, advertising and even work or study trips. You must have felt like a total superstar in your career, but now it's time to switch gears and focus on having some fun and socializing.
For the next 2 months until June 11th, Mercury is going to be all about helping you make new friends and strengthening your existing relationships. It's possible that you've been so busy with your career that you've forgotten the importance of having a good time with your buddies. This period might be the perfect time to catch up with old friends and even make new ones. Who knows, you might even bump into an old friend you haven't seen in ages and feel a wave of nostalgia and joy.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th is going to bring a major decision regarding your home and family, like maybe moving or buying some real estate. If there was any family drama in March, don't worry, it will all be sorted out this month. Maybe your folks need your help moving, or they're considering a big change in their lives. Whatever it is, it's going to be important and it might even have a significant impact on your future.
When Venus enters Gemini on April 11th, it's going to be all about self-care and enjoying your alone time. You might feel like taking a break from your routine and spending some time meditating or reflecting on life. You might even start to appreciate your own company more than ever and find peace in being alone.
On April 11th, the Sun and Jupiter are going to be in conjunction in Aries, which is going to bring some exciting opportunities for all signs and ascendants. This day is going to be like hitting the jackpot, with unexpected and positive events happening all around you. It's the luckiest day of the year, so don't waste it! If you're looking for a new job or want to start a new project, this would be the perfect day to do it.
The solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th marks a new beginning in your career, but it might require some sacrifice. This eclipse is asking you to give up something in order to achieve something bigger and better for your career. You might have to quit your current job or take on more responsibility, but it's all for the greater good. Keep an eye out for events related to eclipses in the week before and after the eclipse date, as they could have significant consequences.
The Sun in Taurus from April 20th to May 21st is going to highlight the importance of having fun, socializing, and making a difference in the world. This is the time to enjoy life and focus on making a positive impact in the world. So go out there and have some fun while making a difference!
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Leo Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! March may have been about travel and studying, but April is about putting what you've learned into practice and achieving your professional goals. Mercury enters Taurus on April 03rd and will remain in this position for almost 2 months, which means that it's an excellent time to reflect on your career trajectory and create new solutions for your professional life.
However, from April 21st to May 15th, it's essential to be careful when signing any work-related document and avoid making presentations or attending interviews. This period isn't suitable for new beginnings, so it's better to steer clear of it. Also, ensure that you have understood everything you are reading before signing any document, and by all means, don't sign anything without reading it.
Despite these precautions, Mercury's long stay in Taurus can help you reflect on your career path and create new solutions for your professional life. During this time, you can think of new ways to use your skills in the world and make progress in your career. It's a time of deep review of your vocation and purpose in the world, and Mercury can even help you plan a career realignment.
On April 7th, the full moon in Libra may bring some setbacks to your plans to study or move to another city or country, but it's not an obstacle. The restraint indicated by the moon can ask you to slow down or delay some accomplishments, perhaps to resolve an issue involving contracts or documentation.
On April 11th, Jupiter and the Sun will be in conjunction in the sign of Aries, bringing unexpected and positive events that reveal situations that for many would be impossible to happen. This day will be special for all signs and ascendants and will shed light on foreign people and places. Even amidst setbacks, like those brought by the full moon, you may be on your way to the trip of your dreams or at least buying it. You're likely to come across a travel offer or package that you won't want to miss.
The Eclipse on April 20th will arrive in Aries, come close to Jupiter, and tense for Pluto and will probably touch on issues such as long-distance travel, immigration, citizenship, and foreign residency, as well as college and postgraduate opportunities and legal processes. If you were discussing a legal issue or in a judicial process, you will likely receive news about the case that benefits you in some way. If you were waiting for some foreign document or even the ideal date to move to another state or country, then the path to that change will open up now.
Starting on April 20th, the Sun is gonna cruise through Taurus until May 21st, which means something important! This month, you've been getting a nudge to pay attention to your career and work life, and this is gonna crank that up a notch. Take a minute to think about what your heart truly desires, and where you wanna go with your professional goals. It's a time to really reflect and get clear on what you want.
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Virgo Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!So, in April, you're gonna be all about the cash, money, and material things, especially after dealing with all those fees, taxes, financing, and debts in March. But don't worry, those worries will start to go away in April, and you can finally focus on getting your finances all sorted out and secure for the future.
As for your thoughts, they're gonna turn to travel and long-distance relationships, because Mercury is entering Taurus on April 3rd and it's gonna stick around there for almost 2 months. However, it's gonna be retrograde for the entire time from April 21st to May 15th, so don't plan any trips or vacations during that time, 'cause it could mess everything up. Instead, use that time to reflect on your life and maybe learn something new, like a new language or something cool about yourself.
On April 7th, the Full Moon in Libra might mark the end of a business partnership or a source of income. It might be a stressful time, but sometimes things have to end for new things to start.
On April 11th, Jupiter and the Sun are gonna be in conjunction, and that means unexpected and positive things are gonna happen related to money and material things. It's a super rare event, and all signs and ascendants are gonna feel its effects. Money might even fall from the sky that day, bringing good news about loans, credit, insurance, and even inheritances or property. Just be careful though,if you're thinking about quitting your job, make sure you've got other sources of income to support yourself.
On April 20th, there's gonna be a solar eclipse in Aries, and that's gonna bring some rewards your way, like a good chunk of money or something else valuable related to your past. It might be related to something you've been working on for a long time, and now you're finally gonna see the payoff. But be careful, because this eclipse is gonna be tense for Pluto, and that might bring up some tough feelings or require you to let go of something.
The month ends with you dreaming about vacation and travel, with the Sun moving into Taurus on April 20th. This is gonna keep reinforcing the trend from the rest of the month, and you can start planning a nice, relaxing trip.
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Libra Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! In April, you might be feeling a bit exhausted and emotionally drained after putting a lot of effort into dealing with other people in March, especially when it comes to marriage, work partnerships, and business. But don't worry, these things will still be important in April, and you'll start to see them as a resolution to live by.
The first few weeks of April will focus on debt, spending, and all things money-related. Mercury will be in Taurus from April 3rd to June 11th, which is a pretty long time! Just keep in mind that from April 21st to May 15th, Mercury will be retrograde. So, be careful when closing contracts, especially those that involve money. If you take on a debt during this time, you might be surprised by additional fees and charges. It's best to wait until the second half of May to make any major decisions.
But don't worry, Mercury's stay in Taurus isn't all bad news! It can actually help you reflect on your finances and identify areas where you're overspending or bleeding money. You can even use this time to organize your finances and negotiate with creditors. Just don't rush into anything.
On April 7th, there will be a Full Moon in Libra, which will help resolve any issues related to changing residence that have been on your mind since the beginning of the year. If you're in a committed relationship, this decision might have caused some disagreement, but now you'll finally come to a consensus.
April 11th is going to be the luckiest day of the year! The Sun and Jupiter will conjunct, bringing unexpected and positive events for everyone. So, take advantage of this day to start something new, make an extra effort towards your goals, or take a first step towards something you've been wanting. You might even be surprised by a marriage proposal, a date invitation, or a business partnership offer. Venus is entering Gemini on April 11th too and staying until May 7th. It's a good time to start a new life in a new city or country. If you're single, you might meet someone from far away who makes your heart skip a beat. If you're planning to move or travel in April, do it before April 21st because Mercury is going retrograde and things might get crazy.
The solar eclipse on April 20th will bring new beginnings in relationships and business partnerships, but it might also mean the end of something to make way for something new. This eclipse will happen in Aries, close to Jupiter and tense for Pluto, so expect some changes in your romantic or business life. You might get married, or you might decide to end a relationship that's been holding you back. This is also a great time to find the right business partner or expert to help take your work life to the next level.
On April 20th, the Sun will also start its annual passage through Taurus, where it will stay until May 21st.This reinforces the importance of paying attention to your finances, especially debts and investments. The Sun will help you clarify any issues and prepare the ground for a new beginning.
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Scorpio Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!In April you'll probably start feeling more energized thanks to the new diet or workout program you started last month. As you get stronger and healthier, you'll start thinking more about your relationships, both at work and in your love life.
Mercury's gonna be in Taurus for a loooong time this month - almost two months, from April 3rd to June 11th. But from April 21st to May 15th it'll be in retrograde, which means you gotta be careful with starting new projects, signing contracts, or getting married. Take this time to reflect on past relationships instead.
The full moon in Libra on April 7th is a sign that you're finally finishing up a work project you've been working on for a while. You might still need to tweak a few things before it's ready to show off, though.
On April 11th, Venus is moving into Gemini and it's a great time to see some financial growth. You might get a bonus or a prize if you're working for someone else, or if you have your own business, you could see some major profits.
This is a really special month because April 11th is the luckiest day of the year! Jupiter and the Sun are gonna be in conjunction in Aries, which means good things are coming your way. If you're thinking about starting a new job or business, this is the perfect day to do it. And it's also a great day for your health, so you might see some improvements there too.
But watch out for the solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th. It could bring some changes to your work life over the next six months. Keep an eye out for events a week before and after the eclipse - they could reveal some important information. On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun moves into Taurus, which means you'll be focusing on your committed relationships. Use this time to figure out who's really there for you and who isn't.
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Sagittarius Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! April is going to bring some changes in energy from what you've been feeling in March. Your focus is going to shift to your routine and work gradually, so keep that in mind. Mercury is going to enter Taurus on April 3rd and stay there for almost two months until June 11th. If you plan to change your work routine, start a new job, or adopt healthier habits, it's best to do it before April 21st or after May 16th.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th will bring some closure to a situation that started in March. This situation may involve a close friend or an adult child, and it could be related to a confirmed pregnancy or change of residence. This Moon may bring some distance into your life and might change some plans you made for the future. Perhaps you and your friend were thinking about participating in an event or developing a project together, but with the pregnancy, change of residence, or commitment assumed by this person, your plans will need to be redirected.
On April 11th, the Sun will meet Jupiter, which is considered the luckiest day of the year, and it will bring positive energy to love and romance. If you are already in a committed relationship, take the time to do something romantic with your partner. If you are single, it is possible that you will meet someone special that day. Also, it's a good day to place a lottery bet or participate in some sort of raffle, as your luck will be at an all-time high.
On the same day, Venus will enter Gemini, benefiting committed relationships. If you are married, it will become more romantic. If you are in an informal courtship or romance, you may feel the relationship evolve and become more committed.
The solar eclipse in Aries on April 20th will be a powerful event that could bring significant changes in your romantic life. If you are dating or in an informal romance, you may have a falling out with someone you are in a serious relationship with, and this may involve money. If you are not in a relationship, it's possible that you will meet someone new with whom you will end up having a strong relationship in the future. Also, if you already have children, you may be surprised with a school or welfare need that demands unexpected expenses.
Starting on the 20th of April, the Sun will cruise through Taurus, and it's all about work and routine. You might find yourself feeling more productive, organized, and healthy during this period because these things will be on your mind. It's a great chance to take a good look at your work routine and see how you can make it healthier and more productive.
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Capricorn Rising/ Sun
Hey siren! So, in April you might be getting a new home or selling your property, or even moving into a new house. March might have been an exciting month for you when it comes to real estate and family matters. Now that these issues are resolved, you can focus on your kids and personal projects that bring out your inner child. You can even take some time off for leisure now.
Mercury enters Taurus on April 3rd and it will stay there for almost 2 months.During this period, you might realize that you've been too focused on real estate negotiations and family issues, and you forgot to take some time for yourself. The retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th could be marked by a comeback of personal projects that you do for fun and pleasure. If you have kids and you haven't seen them in a while, this could be a great time to get back in touch with them. You could also use this time to resolve conflicts that may have caused some distance between you and your children.
On April 7th, there will be a Full Moon in Libra, which might be tense with Jupiter. This could mean that you're closing a chapter in your career and professional life. Maybe you're leaving an old job to start a new one or leaving a company to take a new opportunity. This Moon might be a bit heavy because it also talks about distance. Sometimes, to continue a professional relationship, you need to be in a certain place in the world, but you can't or don't want to be there anymore, so you decide to end it.
On April 11th, Venus will enter the sign of Gemini and stay there until 05/07. This will help you improve your health and make your day-to-day life healthier. You might feel a considerable reduction in stress, and your day might become lighter. You might even reduce your workload, which will give you time to take care of yourself, your health, and your well-being. We spend so much time working and producing that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. This is your opportunity to rest and review your life.
April 11th is going to be special for you and your family. You might receive some awesome news, like a new addition to the family, or finally getting the keys to your dream home! This is a time to think big and see your life taking a big step forward in terms of home and family.
On April 20th, there will be a solar eclipse in the sign of Aries. Don't worry, not all eclipses are scary. This one is actually going to be a gift! Solar eclipses always bring new opportunities and changes, and this one will be no different. It might ask for some adjustments in your life, but that's just part of the process.
This eclipse might bring news that you have to move suddenly, but it's not going to be harmful. Maybe you'll find the perfect new home, or a roommate might suddenly move out. Also, be prepared for the possibility that a family member might need your help or advice.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun will begin its annual passage through Taurus. This will be a great time to focus on leisure, romance, and fun. If you have a lover, your passion might increase, and if you're single, this might be the time when a new romance starts to develop. So, get ready to have some fun!
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Aquarius Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!In April you'll be all about family and home! March was a pain with all the paperwork, but now you're looking for stability and security. Mercury's entering Taurus on April 3rd and will stick around for almost two months.During this time, you should avoid signing any documents related to real estate or housing. From April 21st to May 15th Mercury will be retrograde, so you might end up regretting the contract or getting tricked. If you've got any paperwork to sort out, try to do it in the first half of April or leave it until later.
Mercury's extended stay in Taurus might help bring you closer to your family. If you haven't seen certain family members in a while, now is the time to reconnect and hang out. The Full Moon in Libra on the 7th is a good time for closure or maybe even changing where you live or work.
Get ready for April 11th, when Jupiter and the Sun will be in conjunction in the sign of Aries, bringing lots of luck and success in communication. It's the perfect time to present a thesis, write a book or article, apply for something that depends on your communication skills, or even take a test or exam.
Venus enters Gemini on the 11th, which is a great time for romance and fun. Your relationship with your partner might improve a lot during this time, and if you have kids, you can spend some quality time with them.
The Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20th opens up the possibility of an unexpected trip or some good news related to teaching. Solar eclipses always represent a new opportunity that opens up, but they also require some adjustments to be made.
On the same day as the eclipse, the Sun will start its annual passage through the sign of Taurus where it will remain until May 21st. This transit reinforces the theme of family and home. You might be thinking about settling in a particular city for a more permanent stay.
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Pisces Rising/ Sun
Hey siren!So April is gonna be a good month for you to focus on getting some extra cash flow. The stars are saying that you might have been stressing about money in March, but things should start looking up now. You could even consider taking a little break or learning something new to help you relax and improve your skills.
Mercury's gonna be in Taurus for almost two months starting on April 3rd, so you might end up traveling more than usual. Just watch out for any bumps in the road during the retrograde period from April 21st to May 15th.
Now about communication, this could also be a great time to reconnect with your siblings or work on your public speaking skills. Just make sure to do it before or after Mercury's retrograde period.
On April 7th, there's gonna be a Full Moon in Libra, which could help wrap up any legal or partnership issues you might have been dealing with. If you've been going through a property dispute or inheritance battle, this Moon might bring some resolution.
Venus is moving into Gemini on April 11th and staying there till May 7th. And this move will totally upgrade your living space! Your home's gonna be prettier, cozier, and even more luxurious. But if you're planning any renovations, make sure you do it before April 21st.
And get ready for some big financial news on April 11th, when Jupiter and the Sun team up for some unexpected opportunities. This could be the perfect day to ask for a raise or start a new money-making venture.
But be aware that on April 20th, there's gonna be a solar eclipse in Aries, which could bring some sudden changes to your financial situation. It might seem scary at first, but this eclipse could actually be a good thing and open up new doors for you. Just keep an eye out before and after the eclipse to make sure you're taking advantage of any opportunities.
On April 20th to May 21st Sun will be in Taurus. This is gonna make you more open to new learnings, which has been a theme throughout the month, and it'll be back in focus again as the month draws to a close.
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[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Dividers Arts//Dividers Wings
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Venus in Sagittarius Dec 29 – Jan 23
Dec 29, 2023 – Jan 23, 2024
Venus: goddess of art, romance, pleasure, and beauty. Venus speaks to the heart. In Sagittarius, the heart can finally breathe, soar, run wild. Everything unfolds quickly in Sagittarius. This archetype invites space, freedom, adventure, and spontaneity.
This is all very welcome after swimming with Venus in Scorpio. With Venus in Scorpio, we often scramble to remain in control when things start to feel less than perfect in our relationships. Inevitably we learn that we cannot force or manipulate the path. Instead Scorpio teaches agency and self-empowerment. I hope you’re feeling stronger and sexier. We are learning to strike a balance between power and vulnerability.
That ferocious need we feel, the need to love another, to have them as our own, that hotblooded passion? It’s an addiction and obsession, this delicious desire which keeps us awake at night. And ultimately it begets more pain and chaos because it is channeled into other rather than Self. Turn it to gold inside you, let it fuel the metamorphosis. It is worth asking: what would happen if I “lost control”? What would that really look like? We need to look at our patterns, truly, and then break the fuck out of them. Venus in Scorpio is ultimately about self-discovery rather than sex or lust. The passion (complication/chaos!) we seek in interpersonal relationships is really intended for self-love.
Let the healing begin! It’s time to ascend with Venus to sparkling Sagittarian skies. This transit will carry us blissfully into the new year 2024. With Venus in Sagittarius, the heart glows like a joyful bonfire. This is an exuberant, festive cycle. Sagittarius the Centaur is spirited and vibrant, helping us move forward and close the scorpion chapter. No need to dwell in pain or resentment anymore. We can embrace the winter holiday season with inner warmth and optimism.
There are a few challenges waiting for us here, too. It is wise to remember that Sagittarius belongs to the fire element and shares the same traits as Aries and Leo: impatience, restlessness, impulsiveness. When life feels like too much, Sagittarius quickly boils over – or looks the other way.
Sagittarius enjoys being so light and carefree that dark or heavy things get overlooked on purpose. This is problematic when a situation calls for an assertive response or when something important needs to be finished. Sagittarius can be flighty and avoidant. He hates confrontation and discord. He just wants to dance in his rose-colored glasses all night long.
In our relationships we just need to slow down a little and inhale some fiery courage. Let’s dance in place for just a moment to see it all, acknowledge the whole. And then we can race off again into the rainbow disco star kingdom see you there! And happy new year!
Heads up: Mercury will still be retrograde for the first 4 days of this transit.
Jan 1: Last day of Mercury Retrograde + Venus square Saturn in Pisces. Though you might be feeling really amped to start the New Year 2024 off on the right foot, a square to Saturn makes us feel lazy and averse to routine. The key is to just go with it.
Jan 19: Venus square Neptune in Pisces + Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus. Exhaustion & physical discomfort. Not a good time to socialize or go out. This Neptunian square may also coincide with natural disasters like floods or heavy rains. The trine between Mercury and Jupiter should bring some levity, however.
Jan 20: 1st day of Aquarius Season + Pluto returns to Aquarius! Craaaaazy day, expect the unexpected.
This transit is an especially favorable time for natal Sagittarians, as well as Aries, Libra, Leo, and Aquarius. If you were born with Venus in Sagittarius, this is your Venus Return.
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 months
Transiting Sun enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, December 22, 2023
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights, the good cheer, the hot chocolate, the buying or making presents, all of it. I love the feeling of the old year coming to a close (great memories!), and the anticipation of what the coming year could bring.
It’s just going to be a little more challenging to enjoy it, this time. The Sun makes few “flowing” aspects (sextiles and trines) during its 2023 trip through Sagittarius. We’re all going to be prone to the less positive Sagittarian traits. Jumping to conclusions, oversimplification, commitment-phobia, excess, insisting that one’s own traditions are the only valid traditions.
Maybe you can’t decide which holiday party to go to, and your refusal to commit results in you sitting home, alone. Maybe you’re determined to have a lavish holiday, and you overspend. You could quarrel with someone over when to open gifts. (A teenaged Ms M was horrified to learn that not every family opens presents on Christmas morning.)
What can we do? Keep in mind that this Sag season brings challenges, and rise to the occasions. Work hard to avoid materialism and competitiveness. Cut everybody a ton of slack, including yourself, during this especially stressful time of year. The whole point of Sagittarius is to be resilient and tolerant and wise - and the best way to develop those traits is to get experienced.
Give all these aspects a day or so on either side.
Thursday, November 23:
Sun/Sagittarius square Saturn/Pisces, 0°49
Sun/Sagittarius (0°57’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (15°57’)
This is Thanksgiving Day in the US, and it’s easy to imagine these aspects manifesting over the dinner table. Disappointment and hurt feelings.
Friday, November 24 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 2°25’. Wanting to be strategically sneaky about something, but not having all the information.
Monday, November 27 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Vesta Rx/Cancer, 5°16’. Back to work or school, in the US, and difficulty with concentration and focus.
Wednesday, November 29:
Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 7°14’
Sun/Sagittarius (7°34’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries (22°34’), semi-square South Node/Libra (22°34’)
These are excessive. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and him being in Taurus points to material excess. We’re trying to force our viewpoint and it isn’t workkng.
Friday, December 1 - Sun/Sagittarius (9°18’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (24°18’). A lot of bluster. (If Geminis are “blarney” then Sags are “bluster.”) We’re trying to shout our own way.
Tuesday, December 5 - Sun/Sagittarius (13°37’) semi-square Pluto/Capricorn (28°37’). The outside world intrudes. Trying to make a profound change but running into problems and delays.
Thursday, December 7 - Sun/Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 15°37’. Here’s where we can try to make it up to people we may have hurt or offended. And where we see that forgiving is healing.
Saturday, December 9 - Sun/Sagittarius square Juno/Virgo, 17°53’. Probably some disagreement about how to celebrate the holidays.
Monday, December 11 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°56’. Another occasion to be wary of going overboard with material things.
Wednesday, December 13:
Sun/Sagittarius (21°07’) sesquiquad Jupiter Rx/Taurus (6°07’)
Sun/Sagittarius trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 21°49’
We may not be getting our own way about something, but we can handle it.
Saturday, December 16:
Sun/Sagittarius trine Eris Rx/Aries, 24°13’
Sun/Sagittarius square Neptune/Pisces, 24°55’
Trying to get into that “holiday spirit” a little too aggressively?
Wednesday, December 20 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto/Capricorn, 29°01’. The final degree of their respective signs - intimations of the future. Their conjunction will be at 29°59’ Capricorn, and both move on into Aquarius immediately afterward.
Thursday, December 21 - Sun/Sagittarius opposite Vesta Rx/Gemini, 29°38’. Distraction &/or lack of focus, as we try to finish up the Sag-type business, most likely in the form of another person. (Or are we the ones distracting them?)
The Sun’s trip through Capricorn will yield us many opportunities and blessings - so hang in there!
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growwithmeastrology · 7 months
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Monday, December 18th 2023 Sun in Sagittarius ♐️🔥Moon in Pisces ♓️🌊
Mercury retrograde is really hitting me, ya’ll. It’s sitting at 5° of Capricorn today and guess where Mercury is in my own chart? I can’t seem to form the words for a post today but I’ll try.
Mercury and Jupiter, both in retrograde are in a trine today. Typically these two in a harmonious aspect allow for philosophical thinking and an expansive thought process with more tolerance of others but in retrograde it’s more about reevaluating what we believe in and taking a second look at the relationships we’re in.
The Moon is in Pisces so do your best not to romanticize what could be. Ground yourself in the facts of your situations and not the illusions of them.
Mars in Sagittarius is also in a trine with Chiron in Aries. This transit can be empowering but requires you to face your wounds so you can act accordingly and appropriately.
Retrograde periods are about introspection when it comes to ourselves. It asks us to do this a few times a year and almost always tries to slow us down in some way. But we’re always on the move with so much to do that we can’t stop for a second when the universe asks us to. That’s when we encounter the obstacles that frustrate us so much.
If you’re experiencing hiccups in certain areas of your life, that is the topic you need to be putting some focus on because it requires reworking in some way. Don’t ignore it, don’t fight it. Go with the flow of what it’s asking of you. 💚💫
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Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
📸: Fernanda Meier Photography. Check out her work at FernandaMeier.com
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jupiter in aries • december 20, 2022 - may 16, 2023
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ohemgeeee, 2023 is gonna be hot! jupiter re-enters aries on december 20, 2022 at 8:32 AM CST. for the next 5 months, we are going to be experiencing life in the nu - nu beginnings, nu ventures, nu perspectives. those who are ready to take a chance on themselves will be receiving jupiter's blessings full of luck and prosperity. just like with this sagittarian energy we've been experiencing, this transit is giving major fool card vibes (for my tarot grls). make the move and have faith that it will work out. if you've been prioritizing your body, jupiter in aries is also here to bring good health to you and you will be seeing results in the body you've been working hard to achieve. aries rules war so don't be surprised if we see a lot more action in regards to violence and retaliation - especially while mars is still retrograding until january 12, 2023.
remember that fear is your worst enemy. if you can envision it, then you are worthy of experiencing it. we're going to be more concerned with our lifestyles and investing into the life we want to experience for ourselves. take a risk with that business venture. more people are going to be quitting their jobs and dropping out of college - especially those who want to pursue teaching a skill, life coaching, or any spiritual work.
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how to alchemize with jupiter in aries:
be patient with yourself
don't bite off more than you can chew
make your own money!! you don't need someone else to determine how much money you're worth
invest into healthy habits
come up with a 2023 plan
journal prompt: where has not being able to trust yourself gotten you?
remain open minded
when Spirit calls, you answer!
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