#June jilychallenge
charmsandtealeaves · 3 months
@jilychallenge | June 2024 | partner(s): @vyntagewrites and @thelighthousestale | Prompt: Stuck on same boat, train, random deserted place, airport together because of the weather.
Take Up An Oar
Read it on AO3
Every September, first-year Hogwarts students entered the castle after crossing the Black Lake in a fleet of charmed row boats. It was a rite of passage that had been upheld for centuries, and thus it was only fitting that in their last year the seventh-years exited the Hogwarts grounds in the same way they’d once arrived.
AN: I don’t trust myself to not to forget to post before the month is out so no banner for this one 😂
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jilychallenge · 4 months
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Thank you for participating in this month's Jily Challenge.
@fiendishfyre & @eastwindmlk @charmsandtealeaves & @vyntagewrites & @thelighthousestale @elliemarchetti & @petals2fish @lemongrass77777 and @juniperpyre
Your prompts should be on Discord already and in your inboxes soon!
have fun!!
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elliemarchetti · 3 months
Through Whispers and Promises
@jilychallenge | Winter in June | partner: @petals2fish
Prompt: We're wet and however will we warm each other? Oh! By taking off our wet clothes and using body heat, ofc!
Plot: Voldemort rises to power while the Marauders are still at school, inevitably forcing them to flee to survive. After a daring escape through the Forbidden Forest, Lily finally manages to Apparate her and James to a safe place.
Words: 1406
It was a risky move, Lily knew it. They had just started Apparition lessons, and she didn't remember where she wanted to go as clearly as the instructor had said was necessary, but it was a matter of life and death, and she was sure the Ministry had more serious business to worry about. By the time the news had reached the Gryffindor’s Common Room, through whispers of paintings and ghosts, the younger students had already gone to sleep, and only a few of the older ones were spread across the chairs and sofas, trying to finish their homework before sleep took over.
“We have to go,” James declared, interrupting the History of Magic quiz Marlene was giving her.
“They’re inside the castle?” Remus asked, jumping to his feet.
James just nodded, no need to specify who he was referring to. Even if they had tried to ignore it, everyone knew that sooner or later the Death Eaters would get there, they had only hoped to at least manage to finish the sixth year, turn seventeen and have a shot at joining the rebellion. All fantasies and hopes shattered now.
“What do we do? We wake up the others?” inquired Sirius, ready to sprint towards the dormitories, but Lily could tell from the heartbroken expression on Potter’s usually cheerful face that there was no time and they had to exploit the relative quietness of the castle.
“Take this,” he said to his best friend, shoving a yellowed parchment into his hands. “We will use the Cloak.”
“What about Peter?” questioned Marlene, looking around.
“He went to the kitchen to get something to eat,” Remus replied, and a lone tear threatened to make its way down the pretty blonde’s cheek. They had been friends since they were children, long before school started and the Marauders became inseparable, yet she knew she would have to leave him behind if she didn’t intend to be the recipient of a killing curse.
“Between us, he’s the one with the best chance of survival,” Sirius tried to console her, and with that the decision was made. The two small groups split up as soon as they reached the stairs, James and Lily hidden as well as they could under the Invisibility Cloak, the others heading toward a secret passage only a select few knew existed. Once they safely reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the most unlikely pair of allies Hogwarts had ever seen started to run, determined to put as much distance as possible between them and the wards preventing Apparition within the grounds.
“I know a place!” Lily exclaimed once they were far enough, and without further explanation took Potter’s hand and dragged him along to a location she barely remembered from her childhood. She had been there with her family, and her father had called it a hidden Scottish gem, an unspoiled corner of nature with a lake surrounded by woods and pine forests. Petunia hadn’t liked it very much, but if Lily had to choose a place to die prematurely, she was sure she would’ve named that one, even if it had no proper name and no one would ever find her body, except perhaps an unlucky hiker looking for a picnic spot before resuming their walk. One thing she hadn’t considered, though, was how high the odds of Apparating in the middle of a frozen lake, with the solid layer too thin to support their weight, were. Probably thanks to a miracle, or maybe driven by the desire to see their friends once again, both of them managed to return to the surface and crawl to shore, where they promptly started to look for a shelter that would allow them not to die of hibernation. The cottage, if it could be called that, since it was nothing more than a room with a roof, had seemed like a mirage, as well as the little firewood half devoured by woodworms they found inside. She had no idea of who owned the place, but judging by the furnishing and the abundance of fishing rods, it must’ve been a Muggle who hadn’t been around for a long, long time.
“What are you doing?” she squealed as she noticed James not only took off his shoes and socks, but was also working on removing his jacket and tie.
“The real question is what are you waiting for,” he replied, ridding himself of the now almost transparent fabric of his shirt, exposing a slim waist and sculpted abs. Embarrassed, Lily looked away, determined to focus on anything but the Seeker’s athletic body and the cold she felt was penetrating to her bones.
“Take everything off and look for a blanket,” he instructed when she was shaken by yet another unstoppable fit of shivers. “I’ll turn the other way, and check the bed for bugs.”
The cot she felt they would sleep on regardless of its condition appeared unfit to accommodate two people, but the pillow was thick, seemingly soft, and the quilt neatly folded on a nearby chair all too inviting to stay unused, but first they had other priorities, and they carried them out in silence, without ever meeting each other’s gazes, too focused on their respective pieces of underwear laying crumpled in the centre of the room to speak.
“We should hang the clothes,” Lily finally suggested once she sat down in front of the fireplace, as close as possible to the flames to dry the hair she had hastily braided. “We have nothing else to wear but those.”
“Be my guest if you please, but I don't intend to get up from this mattress,” he muttered, too focused on looking into an old mirror to be observing his reflection. “I casted some protection spells on the door and the window, so don’t try to open them.”
Lily nodded, and rather than face he most inevitable discussion, got to work, stubbornly ignoring the pair of hazel eyes following her every moment. It was a strange feeling, in such an absurd situation, to worry about what they would wear the next day and make sure that the hem of James’s trousers or the collar of her shirt didn’t get strange creases, but at the same time it was a cling to normality, to routine, although before she would’ve never imagined herself taking care of Potter’s clothes while only an ancient blanket that made her itch all over covered her nakedness.
“Now that you’ve proven what a good wife you would be, why don’t you lie down and try to sleep?” James asked when she had nothing left to tidy up and finally, after almost and hour, Lily gained the courage to meet his gaze. She couldn’t understand why he went with her, why he hadn’t pushed her toward Remus and Marlene, picking his best friend as his partner for this misfortune.
“I have no interest in lying naked with you,” she hissed, still she moved closer, tiredness and the prospect of warming her feet taking the decision for her. They found a comfortable position, with her back pressed firmly against his chest, suspiciously fast and although she couldn’t see his face, she was sure he hadn’t fallen asleep, the silence just full of questions they had no answer to.
“How distant are we from society?” he asked after a while, ever the pragmatist.
“Wizarding? Enough to be safe, if they haven’t tracked us. Muggle? A couple hours by foot,” she answered, snuggling even closer to enjoy more of his body heat.
“Excellent. Tomorrow at dawn we should set out, buy some basic necessities, and look for another quiet place where no one can find us,” he suggested, as if he was accustomed to running away from armed people trying to kill him.
“And with what money?” she inquired, perplexed. In their haste they had been unable to bring anything with them except what they already had on hand, and there was no reason to keep change in their pockets at Hogwarts, everything they might need provided free of charge by the staff.
“You don’t have to worry about that. Until we reach the others and things settle down, I’ll take care of you,” he declared, and Lily felt a faint buzzing in her ears, as if a wire had been disconnected in her brain and she suddenly found herself blushing at the idea of Potter being protective of her.
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jilyawards · 2 months
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The Jily Fandom Rec List 2024 is a compilation of Jily stories our readers want to keep an eye on for this year's awards.
Genius (completed, 4.3k) by @petalsthefish. Rated M.
After Lily breaks her iPhone, she finds herself at the Genius Bar on Valentines Day, and an old flame is there to help her in all things technology and romance.
That Summer (WIP, 13.3k as of 31 July 2024) by @thecasualauthor. Rated T.
In which James and Lily spend the summer in a house by the sea. (and fall in love in the process)
to dream the impossible dream (completed, <1k) by @emeralddoeadeer. Rated T.
From Tumblr prompt asks: “I called you at 2am because I need you.”
Only Nineteen (completed, 2.2k) by @petalsthefish. Rated M.
Lily and James discuss what to do about Lily’s unplanned pregnancy during a forced holiday up north after a mission went wrong. My prompt for the May jilychallenge was “Skinny Dipping” and I decided to make it skinny dipping but with angst because I needed a good cry
The Bath of a Lifetime (completed, <1k) by @chierafied. Rated M.
James wanted a stiff drink, a hot bath and to lounge on the couch by the fireplace. The drink seemed unlikely. The couch was a possibility. But he’d definitely be getting that bath.
star light, star bright (completed, 9k) by @gigglesandfreckles-hp. Rated G.
It's seventh year, somehow, that clinches the case, claiming the grand prize in the annals of Lily Evans's misfortunes. Because, as it turns out, harbouring feelings for James Potter while also navigating the precarious terrain of friendship with him is a fate crueller than death. [or: James keeps accidentally touching Lily and she's about to lose her mind]
December's Valentine (WIP, 16.2k as of 31 July 2024) by @stonecoldhedwig. Rated E.
Sometimes, a one-night-stand with a guy off Tinder is just that: a one-night-stand. No lasting feelings, no strings attached. It's the kind of thing that's easy to get your head around when you're trying to get your heart around the end of a relationship. Sometimes, it's not that simple. Sometimes, you're a journalist, and you get assigned to write a piece on an up-and-coming restaurateur, who just might be that one-night-stand from Tinder that you can't stop thinking about. And sometimes, to make matters worse, the two of you get snowed in... **** Or: Lily shags James, and thinks she'll never see him again. Right? Wrong.
The Smallest Men Who Ever Lived. (completed, 7.3k) by ninazenikcult. Not rated.
The time has come for Lily to leave Cokeworth, and with it, two of the smallest men who ever lived; her father and Severus Snape. But leaving the town where she has been trapped for years and exchanging it for an idyllic new life with James proves more difficult than first thought.
My Life's Blood (completed, 18.2k) by @ohmygodshesinsane. Rated E.
James Potter, Duke of Peverell, lingers on the outer edges of the Prince Regent Regulus's court, steadfastly plotting his overthrow. When the Prince Regent's new bride, the lovely Lily of Innsbruck, arrives, a formal introduction leads to James's realisation that the folk tales are true -- and that if he fails to contrive a way to stay at the princess-to-be's side, their lives will be forfeit.
Check out the previous months' recs too: January, February, March || April || May || June
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petalsthefish · 3 months
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@jilychallenge || Winter In June || Partner: @elliemarchetti || Western AU
Prompt: Oh no! We got wet! However will we warm each other? Oh! By using body heat, ofc!
Fic Playlist Read on A03
It was almost sunup.
James had been planning on leaving, thinking it was what they both wanted, until she stripped down with him and jumped into the frigid lake. Her red hair glistened with water droplets as she ran back to the bonfire, screeching about the chill of the morning air. James lingered in the cold water, letting it bite his skin until he couldn't feel it anymore.
He loved her, that was all he knew now.
When he joined Lily by the fire, his pale skin was prickling. She quickly shared her warm woolen blanket around his shoulders, drawing him close. Under the midnight blue sky, her emerald eyes still shined, her chin tilted up towards him, offering that wild smile he had fallen for just a week ago.
"Don't go back to Florida," she pleaded, "stay here, in Colorado, with me."
"What about Snape's company?" James asked, "who will keep them from buying the land out from under you?"
"But who will keep me warm if you go?"
James touched her wet hair, tucking it behind her ear, and leaned down to kiss her. She tasted like the syrup they had poured on their pancakes. His lips had grown accustomed to hers. They hadn't been able to stop kissing since their first kiss on the field three days ago. He moaned and dug his fingers into her hips when she opened wider to catch his lower lip and tug it between her teeth.
Despite the warmth of their sweet kiss, she had began to shiver a lot and stopped kissing him to pull on her thick socks and tan boots under the blanket, her hot breath like fire on his skin. She grabbed her underwear next, sliding it over her boots, then added her bra, much to James' disappointment.
James followed her lead, awkwardly putting his socks and boots back on. He also grabbed his plaid shirt, the one he'd stolen from the barn hand upon arriving and realizing his suits wouldn't cut it on the working farm. James pulled his underwear on over his boots, noting his wet skin probably made it harder to get dressed, but he didn't care cause he was freezing.
"Get back under here." Lily opened her arms wide, the blanket fanning out with her like a cloak.
James practically ran back into her arms, letting the warm blanket envelop them both. He guided her backwards so they could fall onto the log they'd been sitting on before she had suggested they go skinny dipping during a game of truth or dare.
The fire crackled beside them, casting flickering shadows on their faces. As they settled onto the log, the warmth of the flames and the blanket created a cozy cocoon, shielding them from the chill of the night. Her body adjusted, Lily using her legs to lift herself into a straddle until she was pressed against him, and he could feel her shivering begin to subside.
"I promise the lake is much more enjoyable in the summer." She told him as she brushed his hair from his eyes.
James looked into her eyes, a tenderness shining in them that had been there since day one. “You’re crazy, you know that?” he said, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
She laughed, the sound like music to his ears. “It was your idea to play truth or dare,” she teased, her breath visible in the cold air. “I just made it interesting.”
“I can’t argue with that,” he replied, his fingers tracing the outline of her face. “My testicles might have frostbite though."
"Oh boo, you poor baby." Her smile was suddenly wicked. "Want me to warm them back up?" Her eyes teased, but her hand placement on his thigh said something else.
James let his nose meet hers, shuddering a bit when her hand passed over his lap suggestively. "You know, you don't have to convince me to stay that way.”
Her smile faded slightly, replaced by a more serious expression. “I know. But I want to show you what life could be like here. A good life. With me.”
James’s heart swelled at her words. He had come to Colorado looking to just help save another farm threatened by cooperate America, never expecting to find someone like Lily. She was wild and free, a breath of fresh mountain air. She was everything he didn’t know he needed, and now he didn't know how to keep her and save the farm...without possibly losing her when she realized what she'd have to do.
“I don’t want to go back,” he admitted softly, his forehead resting against hers. “Not if it means leaving you behind.”
Tears welled up in her eyes, but she blinked them away, her smile wavering. “Then don’t leave me behind.”
He kissed her again, the feel of her lips like coming home. Her hands clung to him, as if afraid he might disappear. He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes with determination.
"I love you."
"Whatever, cowboy," she teased, ruffling his hair and kissing him long and deep.
“I’m serious, Lily.” James said once they broke apart.
Lily's eyes shadowed for a moment before she said just as seriously, "then don't leave."
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tedwardremus · 3 months
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Midnight Train To London
An escaped yeti causes a magical snow storm that leaves the Hogwarts Express stranded without any power. Head students Lily and James take charge and bring a little holiday cheer to the students trapped on the train.
This fic was written for the June 2024 @jilychallenge Theme: Winter Prompt: Stuck on same boat, train, random deserted place, airport together because of the weather Partners: @charmsandtealeaves and @vyntagewrites
Lily moved to the window and pulled back the curtain, only to be greeted by a solid wall of white. Snowflakes clung thickly to the glass, forming intricate, frosty patterns. Beyond the window, the world was an indistinct, swirling expanse of snow and ice. It was as if the train had been transported into a snow globe, surrounded by an impenetrable veil of winter.
"It looks like a blizzard out there." she said, her voice tinged with worry. 
James joined her at the window, peering out into the swirling snow. "Fantastic," he muttered. "Just when things were going smoothly."
The lights of the compartment flickered and then were snuffed out, plunging the train into darkness. A murmur of concern rippled through the train, students' voices rising in confusion and fear. The cold seemed to intensify in the sudden absence of light, wrapping around Lily like a chilling cloak.
"Go up to the conductor," James instructed with a tone of calm authority as he lit the tip of his wand. There was a reason he was the leader of his group of friends. He was a natural, and Lily admired him greatly for how confidently he could command a room and get others to follow. It wasn’t out of narcissism or arrogance, he simply had a quality about him that made other trust his instruction. "I’ll rally the prefects. Meet back here."
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eastwindmlk · 3 months
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For this June @jilychallenge decided to add one more instalment to my Ren Faire AU!
Part 1 Part 2
Prompt: Under the mistletoe at a work event
Partner: @fiendishfyre
This month's Galavant Song:
Maybe it was something about it being a leap year and down sort of retrograde. She would have to ask Ginger about that when lectures started again. Because it was only some sort of freak occurance in the stars or an ancient type of course that led Lily to be dressed up in het another fancy dress.
In all fairness, this was for charity. Something about education for underprivileged victims of… Frankly, Lily could not remember and it did not matter. She was doing this for a good cause and if that meant donning a krinoline and bonnet, singing Silent Night until she was ready to toss the glockenspiel in the large bonfire in the square. So be it.
She was going to do it with grace.
The night before the Dickens Christmas Market, Lily's mother had curled her hair and made her sleep with a silk cap on to ensure the ringlets would set just right.
That morning Lily had complained about just how fanatically her mother has pushed the pins onto her hair, securing the Holly adorned headdress to said perfect curls.
Now, on one of her very generous breaks to explore the foar herself, she was wriggling them free. Idely strolling past the stalls lined with sweets and chotchkies. Baubles and figurines. All things Lily did not particularly want or need. But they were so lovely.
Once past the lantern lit shops one of the vendors offered her a hot chocolate and to warm her up he'd added a very generous pour of orange liqueur. Something she gladly accepted, her cold fingers clutching at the souvenir mug.
She took a cheerful stroll along the cheerfully lot Christmas trees, humming an off tune rendition of We Wish you a Merry Christmas and letting her feet decide where they were heading.
After a short stroll, it seemed that her feet were particularly interested in the horse and carriages. Not that she was surprised, she'd been rather charmed by the notion of carriage rides in the snow.
Admittedly, she was a lot less charmed after she'd actually met a horse. The wild thing she'd mounted at some distant family friends farm had tried to throw her off as she desperately had clung to it's mane.
Only to be told later that the one she'd selected had never been broken in and was practically wild. They'd been so impressed with the fact that she'd managed to coax her way onto it's back that theyd nearly forgot to come to her rescue.
Ever since the she'd regarded everything equine with a healthy dose of reluctance.
She'd been assured that these were well trained and their handler was the picture of professionalism. She had nothing to worry about.
And so it came to be thar a slightly tipsy Lily approached the great black and white beast with conviction. Strolling up to it conveniently, only to jolt when it neighed loudly just as her hand reached out to stroke the silken coat.
“Well, aren't you a beauty,” she placated, her finger tips barely brushing its large head. “There is no fear in you, is there?” She asked it and as if she was understood, the horse breezed. Making her pull her hand back for a moment. Almost melting when it turned into her touch.
Its wet nose pressed against her palm and for just a moment, Lily revelled in the fact that this horse seemed to like her.
“Gertrude, you little minx,” the familiar voice from behind her scolded. “You are not flirting your way to another snack, you are on a diet.”
Lily couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. One, the horse was named Gertrude. Gertrude! What kind of name was that? Certainly not something you’d call a horse. Two, was to feel a little betrayed by it. Her? For making her think she was after affection rather than a treat.
But all of that was overshadowed by the fact that she knew that voice, and that voice was not supposed to be here. That voice belonged to someone that looked far too dashing in his cape and top hat.
James. Sir James, if you will. Who she had thought about scandalously snogged the last time she had found herself at a costumed occasion. But despite there having been plenty of opportunities, they had not.
She looked at him with a coy smile, wondering how long it would take for him to recognize her with all these new trimmings. The hair and the bonnet really making a whole world of difference. “Should I start to worry that you’re stalking me?” she questioned after a moment of seemingly nothing.
There was something incredibly entertaining to watch the realization dawn on his face, like a light flickering on slowly, doubtfully at first. And then a bright smile lighting up his entire face. Suddenly leaning against the horse to inch just that little bit closer to her. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Lily knew that she should have rolled her eyes at this, but there was something about this man. Being around him made her want to be one of those swooning maidens, giggling and batting her eyelashes.
She rolled forward, balancing in the balls of her feet as she closed some of the distance between them. Her hand landing on his chest, pretending to pick a piece of straw off his lapel and running the thick fabric between her fingers. “So, what are you doing here?”
“Taking you on a carriage ride,” James answered casually, extending his hand to invite her to climb aboard. Motioning to the driver's bench and giving her a moment’s pause. Her heart was racing in her chest, a giddy feeling starting in her toes as he offered something she’d had wanted to do ever since she was a little girl.
The problem was that she was technically working. Could she really afford to be whisked awayHe reached to adjust the silk ribbon of her bonnet, playing his role of being brazen and charming bachelor. Smiling broadly enough to crinkle his eyes behind his lopsided glasses and flash a dimple that she had not noticed in their prior encounters.
He was still inching closer. Close enough to share the same breath, his finger curling behind the clasp holding her cape closed. Tugging her closer. “Where do you think you’re going?” James asked, his eyes flicking upward.
Lily followed his eyes upward, wondering what it was for. It did not take long to notice that dangling above them from the lantern dangled a bundle of delicate greens and pearly white berries.
She stared at it for a moment, wondering if she should make some excuse. She was working, he was working here too, it seemed. It was unprofessional and… Her train of thought disappeared when her eyes met his. In this light, she could see the flecks of green in the whirlpool of gold that drew her in.
Her eyelids fluttering, lashes brushing her cheeks before letting them close. The heat of his face close to hers was welcoming. The anticipation having build enough to ignore the musty scent of horse that clung to him.
Their noses bumped, his glassed pressed uncomfortably into her cheek but his lips met hers.
Lily knew that this kiss should have felt incredible and romantic and hard-earned. But honestly, it was a little awkward and too wet for her liking. Objectively, it was a terrible kiss. Maybe one of the worst ones she’d had in a while.
But when he pulled away, all that she wanted to do is claim another one.
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chierafied · 1 year
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Written for @jilychallenge August 2022. | Partner @wearingaberetinparis
Prompt: “One of the things your parents warned you about: Never pick up a hitchhiker. But she/he looked so lost and also a bit familiar so I did it anyway.”
Also for @gobletofweasleys' Jily week 2023 Meet Cute AU.
Thanks to @siriuslychessi for helping me out with this. 💖
Also on AO3
Tears burned in Lily’s eyes and choked sobs rattled in her throat. She paced the narrow shoulder of the four-lane motorway and kicked at the innocent grass. Her mind was whirling with stinging swearwords while in her heart the gut-twisting anger warred with the stranglehold of loss and grief. Her suitcase sat neatly near her feet while Lily walked a tight circle, stuck in the torrent of emotion.
Stuck here, on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, with nothing in sight but trees, grass, and the cars and lorries hurrying past. With nothing but her dark thoughts and hurt feelings to keep her company.
Lily’s breath stuttered in her throat as the enormity of her predicament crashed down on her and the tears finally tore free, rolling down her cheeks.
It hadn’t even been two hours and James was already bored. Even the guitar riffs of the classic rock playlist blasting in his car didn’t quite pump him up anymore. His restless fingers drummed at the steering wheel and he shifted in his seat. Maybe he should have stopped in Glasgow, after all. Taken a break. Stretched his legs. Got himself a big cup of coffee.
There was nothing in front of him now but hours and hours of driving south along the motorway stretching before him. There wouldn’t even be any big cities on the way for the next hundred miles or two. The mere thought of all the miles still ahead of him was enough to make him lose his bloody mind. How was he going to be able to keep himself occupied for so many hours on end?
He’d ring Sirius but that blighter was probably already on his way to Greece right now. Off to his stupid romantic holiday with his stupid boyfriend. Blowing off a road trip with his best mate like the right sod he was.
The long trip back home from uni was a complete snooze fest now that he was forced to drive through the day alone.
Although it took the whole day to drive to James’ parents’ place, back in June when they had gone back for the summer holidays the miles had flown by. They’d taken turns driving. Taken breaks in some of the towns and rest stops along the way. And all the while, the car had been filled with talk and laughter. Not James’ lonely playlist and frustrated sighs.
Maybe it was time to play a game. It wouldn’t be much fun by himself, but if it was a choice between a boring road trip game and the general boring everything, he’d rather pick the option that wouldn’t slowly turn his brain into mush.
“I spy with my little eye…” James muttered under his breath.
His gaze swept the scenery before him. There was the grey, endless road. Grass. The railing between the lanes. Trees lining the road. Cars of all makes, models and colours, interspersed with lorries.
Ah! Now there was something to break the monotony. An overhead bridge. That perked James up briefly, but as soon as he drove under it, the boredom started to creep back in.
More of the stretching road, more cars, more trees, and more inertia eating his brain until all that would remain was mush.
Hold on, what was that?
James switched lanes.
A person standing by the side of the road? In the middle of nowhere?
That was unboring. James started to slow down.
Their arm was outstretched. His parents had always warned him against hitchhikers — though James wasn’t sure why since he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d seen one — but any company would do right now.
Slowly, James pulled to a stop by the side of the road.
As he turned to look at the red-haired woman through the passenger-side window, a jolt of recognition jittered down his spine.
He knew that face. It was red and splotchy right now, but he knew he’d seen it, more than once. He just couldn’t place it, didn’t know who she was.
The woman hesitated for a moment longer. Then, she reached out and opened the door.
"Hi," she said and sniffed.
"Hi," James replied, offering her a smile he hoped was reassuring. "Need a lift?"
"Yes, please."
"Hop on in."
The woman picked up her suitcase and hoisted it into the backseat before climbing into the passenger seat next to James.
"Where are you headed?" James asked as he steered back into the traffic.
"Just drop me off at the nearest town with a train station."
James slanted her a quick glance. She was looking out of the window, turned away from him. Disappointment pressed tight around his throat.
"Ok, just tell me where. Don't have the railway map in my head."
"I'll have to look that up, too," she admitted. "Give me a moment."
While she fumbled with her phone, James turned down his music. Drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. Second-guessed himself at least four times.
Then, finally, he couldn't hold back the words anymore.
"It's too bad, though. I really could have used the company."
She looked up from her phone and frowned at him.
Great, now he'd probably come across as some kind of a creep.
"Just, it's a long drive home for me and in the previous years we've made a whole road trip out of it with my friend but this time it's just me and at this rate, I'm pretty sure the boredom will rot my brain before I reach Manchester."
"You're driving all the way to Manchester?" she asked, sounding surprised.
"No, I'm driving all the way to Devon."
She blinked. Stared at him. Slowly tilted her head.
"Are you crazy?"
"Yes," James readily replied. "But not the homicidal kind. I promise."
That startled a laugh out of her.
And that piece that had been puzzling and nagging at him at the back of his mind clicked into place. The red hair. The bright eyes. That easily recognisable voice. The laugh.
“You’re Lily, right? Remus Lupin’s friend?”
Her eyebrows rose sharply in surprise.
"Yeah. We have a lot of classes together. Are you a friend of Remus, too?"
"Yeah. I'm best mates with Remus' boyfriend. He also happens to be my flatmate so I see Remus around. A lot."
A smile tugged at Lily’s lips. "I can only imagine."
"I'm James, by the way. James Potter. I don’t think we've ever officially met though I've seen you around the campus."
"Nice to meet you, James. Officially." Her voice was warm and light with her smile.
Hearing it lifted his heart and made him smile at the road in front of them.
"Likewise. And it's nice to have someone to talk with. The time's already flying by," James told her.
"Well, I guess keeping your brain rot away is the least I can do," Lily quipped.
"That would be much appreciated," he said. "I also really appreciate this opportunity of playing a knight in shining armour. It’s doing good things for my ego."
"Nurturing male egos is the primary focus of any woman’s life," Lily spoke in a wry tone.
James burst into laughter.
"I can see why you're friends with Remus," he said 
"Yeah, we have a similar sense of humour." Lily shrugged.
"You have a brilliant sense of humour," James replied.
For a moment, a silence settled over them. Then, Lily asked: "So what's in Devon?"
And so the conversation took root again. They talked about their plans for the autumn break, about their studies, about university life. They complained about their assignments and exams. They shared anecdotes of their professors and classes and the antics of their friends. They confessed where all their favourite spots on the campus were.
They chatted so easily with one another that before either of them realised it, more than an hour had passed.
It wasn’t until James saw the signpost of Gretna Green that he jolted back to reality.
“Should we stop at Gretna Green?” he asked Lily, his genial mood starting to deflate.
He could feel the weight of Lily’s long stare.
“What for, an obliging blacksmith? You seem like a nice enough guy, James, but I’d like to get to know you a bit better before we put marriage on the table.”
James’ surprise burst out in a wild guffaw.
“You’re getting ahead of yourself, Lily,” he told her, trying to match her joking tone. “I’m the grand gestures type. When the marriage is on the table, you’ll know.”
He shot her a glance and winked, before turning his attention back to the road. “What I was actually after was, I’m pretty sure Gretna fits your definition of the nearest town with a train station. If I drop you off there, I’m sure you can get a train or a coach to take you home.”
While Lily stayed silent, James held his breath.
“I don’t want to be a bother,” she said slowly, after a long moment, “but if you’re really driving all the way to Devon, it wouldn’t be a huge detour to swing by Derby, would it?”
“Not at all, it’s practically on the way,” James said, perking up and breathing easy once again.
“I’m just concerned about the state of your brain,” she continued, deadpan. “We should keep it as rot-free as possible.”
“Definitely.” James nodded. “And seriously, I would appreciate the company.”
“Well then, looks like you’re stuck with me for a while longer.”
James grinned. And though he’d only just met her, he was starting to think that he wouldn’t mind being stuck with her for the rest of his life.
Lily was laughing so hard her cheeks were hurting. She wasn’t sure she’d stopped laughing since they’d crossed over to Lancashire. How strange it was that in the span of only two odd hours, her mood had taken such a complete and abrupt turn, from the bleakest, darkest pit into bright, boundless joy.
Really, it was all thanks to James. James, who was funny and nice and sweet and friendly and more than easy on the eyes.
And maybe a little crazy, yes, but definitely in a good way.
It was weird that their paths hadn’t crossed much on campus before. Sure, the campus was big and they studied in different faculties and had no classes in common. But Lily didn’t shy away from parties or pub quizzes or any of the varied events peppering the social calendar of student life. So they well could have—should have—met before today. Especially given the Remus-Sirius connection. James probably spent more time in the social scene of the campus than in class, too, Lily mused. Judging by their short acquaintance, James seemed even more outgoing than she was. After all, he’d been starved enough for company to pick up a stranger from the side of the road.
Which had been fortunate for her and very decent of him. A smile playing on her lips, Lily slanted a glance at James, wondering. Really, he was a decent bloke.
That thought combined with her returned good humour and the congenial mood in the car—as well as all the many miles still ahead of them—spurred her to speak before her brain had fully caught up with her tongue.
“Aren’t you going to ask?”
His eyebrows shot up. “Ask what?”
“How I ended up hitchhiking by the side of the road.”
James kept his eyes on the road and his voice even. “I figured you’d have a good reason for that and I didn’t want to pry. Felt like there was a story there and you seemed upset enough so I decided you needed space, not questions.”
Warmth bloomed in Lily’s chest even as a mirthless chuckle left her lips. “Oh, there’s a story all right. A long one.”
“You don’t have to tell me.”
“I know. But I think I want to.”
He gave her a slow nod, still looking at the road ahead, and muted the rock music that had been faintly playing in the background.
Lily glanced out of the window and took a deep, fortifying breath. “I was heading back home with a friend. He’s from my hometown; we’ve actually been friends since primary school.”
“Wow, that’s a long time,” James said.
“Yeah, it is. Which makes it all the more wretched.” She sighed. “We wanted to go to the same uni, though we have different majors. We haven’t actually seen each other much in the past year or two, which is why I hadn’t realised how much he’s changed.”
“People grow apart,” James murmured.
“We did. Since I started uni, I’ve been so busy trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be.”
“I know what you mean. It’s been the same for me. Living across the entire country from my parents has made me glad to at least have Sirius. I like my major and I feel like I’m on the right path but it definitely has me thinking about myself as a person in a way I haven’t needed to before.”
Lily nodded. His words resonated a lot with her, reassuring her once again that James, unlike Severus, understood. “I feel so, too. Except that for me, I’ve been exploring this side of myself more that I haven’t fully even realised was there before.” Lily had to pause then because her breath painfully caught in her throat. “I suppose I’m the one who’s changed. Or maybe just becoming more of myself, if that makes sense?”
“Makes perfect sense to me,” James replied.
“So maybe that’s true for him, too,” Lily mused, more to herself than to James. Her stomach churned as she finally fully faced the possibility she’d been shying away from since this morning. “Maybe he hasn’t actually changed for the worse. Maybe I just haven’t been paying attention and this is who he’s always been.”
As the awful certainty pummeled her heart, James’ fingers tapped against the steering wheel in a lulling pattern as he waited, silent and patient, for Lily to continue. She took a deep breath and steeled her mind. She’d be going over her and Severus’ fight several times in the near future, but right now she didn’t want to dwell on it. He’d ruined enough of her day and she wasn’t going to let him get the best of her. So she took back control of the narrative. Literally.
“Last November,” Lily said, her heartbeat kicking up as her nerves made their appearance, “I was at this party. Dancing with this girl. A few drinks in. She kissed me.”
Lily paused, but James’ fingers still kept tapping. His face showed nothing but curiosity.
“Did you kiss her back?” he asked.
That was it. A simple question, lacking any kind of judgement. Lily felt like crying and beaming at the same time but chose to go on with her story instead.
“I did,” she replied. “And it was like I was seeing in colour for the first time in my life.”
“I felt that way, too, when I had my first kiss,” James said. “Though I haven’t tried kissing blokes. I’ll leave them to Sirius.”
Lily laughed. “Well, long story short, I’ve been pretty openly bisexual since then. To the point that I forgot I hadn’t actually told my childhood friend about it. And today, we were driving back home together, as we’ve done a few times before. I don’t even remember what we were initially talking about but he made a really homophobic comment which I of course immediately called him out on but the whole thing escalated and I couldn’t deal with it, couldn’t deal with him anymore. So I had him drop me off by the side of the road.”
Lily had to swallow against the knot of bitter fury in her throat. It was too soon for recollections. She needed distance right now, both from Severus and her own emotions. With a grimace, she shoved Severus into a box and slammed the lid shut. It was time to wrap this story up and move on.
“I was pretty much a mess at that point,” Lily said, her voice neutral now. “His comments and beliefs hurt, the argument had been super draining. I was riding on the anger. It was easier being angry than admitting that I’d just lost a friend.”
“I’m sorry,” James murmured in a soft voice. “Sounds like you’ve had a really shitty day.”
“I have,” she answered, “but thankfully it’s looking up now. At this rate, I might be able to end this day on a good note.”
“I hope you will.” James spared her a quick glance. “And if I can help with that, let me know.”
She managed a small smile. “Oh, you already have. You picked me up from the side of the road. Offered to drive me all the way home. You made me laugh when I wasn’t sure I had any laughter left in me. And now you’re just sitting there, listening and letting me dump this whole sordid story of my life on you like some absolute madwoman.”
“Well, we’ve already established that I’m crazy, so you’re in good company,” James joked.
“I really am,” Lily agreed wholeheartedly. “Thank you, James. For everything.”
“You’re welcome. And honestly, I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to confide in me. I mean,” James fumbled. “I, at least, think better out loud. Helps me process. And when you keep something like this in for too long, it starts to fester. So I think it’s better for you to let it out.”
“You’re right.” Lily wasn’t all right yet. She probably wouldn’t be all right for a while yet. But she was in a much better place than she had been just a few short hours ago, and she couldn’t have got here without James.
“Also, the way I see it…” James paused, his ears growing a little pink. “You’ve also gained a new friend today. If you want one.”
“The way I see it,” Lily said, “I could really use a friend like you right now. Thanks, James.”
He grinned.
She smiled back and let her head fall to rest against the window. For the next mile or two, they sat in companionable silence.
The clock was slowly nearing six in the evening and they were getting closer to Derby. They’d taken a few breaks on the way, for food and coffee as well as rest. And while James was getting tired, it hadn’t really felt like a 350-mile drive. All thanks to Lily, who’d turned out to be the best company. She’d really saved the whole trip and he was already growing a bit gloomy and fidgety at the prospect of parting ways.
For more reasons than one, if he was honest with himself. But no matter how he felt about her, he was not gonna make it weird and be the creep making moves on a woman while he had her entrapped in a vehicle with him and while she was probably still in a vulnerable place emotionally speaking.
“Oh, I love this song,” Lily breathed out suddenly. “Turn it up.”
James did, and to his delight, Lily started singing along. He grinned at the road ahead, absolutely delighted with her and hoping he could imprint this moment on himself so he could always return to it. Speeding down the motorway, her presence beside him warm and bright like the sun, the song intertwining with her lovely voice swelling in the car and filling his heart.
“You sing really well,” he told her as the song came to an end.
A while later, they turned off the motorway. Lily started to give James instructions and to point out familiar places and while it was fascinating to get these additional glimpses into her life, the bottom of James’ stomach was sinking.
The end was getting near.
And then they were driving along a quiet residential street and Lily spoke up, her voice subdued, “It’s the third house on the right.”
A minute later, James pulled the car to a stop. They both stared at the ordinary-looking house in silence.
Lily turned to him. “Well, here we are.”
“Here we are,” James echoed.
“Thank you again for everything, James. You’ve been great.”
“So have you. My brain has remained fully rot-free thanks to you.”
Lily smiled. “I’m glad. Are you gonna be fine for the rest of the trip?”
James shrugged a shoulder. “I’ll manage, it’s only a couple more hours.”
Lily glanced back at the house. “Yeah… I’d invite you in, for tea or coffee or a bathroom break or whatever but it’s my parents’ house and I just don’t want to deal with all the questions they’d have.”
“I get it. It’s fine. I should get going anyway so it won’t be too late when I get home.”
“Right. This is a goodbye then.” Lily’s lips twitched into a small smile.
“For now.” James winked. “You agreed to be my friend so you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Lily laughed. If James could bottle the sound he’d always carry it around in his pocket.
“Fine with me.”
She opened the car door and James got out to help her with her luggage.
They stood by the side of the street, staring at one another, each of them seemingly unwilling to move. Finally, James held out his hand.
“Can I get your phone?”
Lily raised her eyebrow. “Why?”
He opted for humour. It was always so easy to hide behind. “If you get too concerned about the status of my poor brain which will surely start to rot in your absence, you could ring me. Or text me. If you had my number.”
Lily’s green eyes sparked. She unlocked her phone and handed it over to James. “I guess it would be good to have your number. I might stay up all night worrying about your rotting brain otherwise.”
James beamed like an idiot as he put in his number, then handed Lily’s phone back.
“There you go.”
“Thanks.” Lily tapped at the number and after a brief moment, James’ phone started to ring in the car. “Just checking that it works.”
“Never hurts to check,” James said, both comforted and giddy about the fact that he now had Lily’s number, too.
“Goodbye, James. For now. Drive safe.”
“Thanks. Take care, Lily.”
She nodded, smiled, and turned to leave. But after just a few steps, she was back, abruptly pulling James into a hug.
He held her close, barely having time to register the warm weight of her body against his and the softness of her hair under his hand and just the utter perfection of her before she had backed away again.
“Sorry. I guess I needed to get that out of my system.”
“No need to apologise. For the record, I love hugs.”
“Good to know. Ok. Bye. For real now.”
He stood by the car, hands stuffed in his pockets. When Lily reached the door, she turned back to wave. And before James could help himself, he called out to her: “You know, after the break, I’m gonna drive back to Scotland to uni. If you need a ride, I could use the company.”
Lily’s smile was so wide it lit up her face. She tucked a strand of her red hair behind her ear.
“Sure,” she replied. “It’s a date.”
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bronzeagepizzeria · 1 year
For @jilychallenge | @jilychallenge2023 My partner was @athenasparrow ❤️
June: winter
Prompt : i decided to walk outside shirtless (accidentally) but i forgot it's winter and why're you screaming at me like that? and oh gosh, you're very pretty.
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tinyluminaryzombie · 1 year
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Tried and True
@jilychallenge2023 @jilychallenge | Partner: @abihastastybeans | Winter in June (word count: 1,785)
Prompt: My friends dared me to jump in the pool/beach/lake/river in the middle of winter and those suckers took away the towel and only left my clothes and oh my god you’re standing nearby looking all beautiful and oh god, you’ve also seen me getting out of the water body naked
Good news: Lily finally has a few days off since she joined the Order. Bad news: She's spending her days off in a remote cabin with her ex and their friends. (Or: In which Lily grapples with ~feelings~, James gets some answers, and Wolfstar just gets some)
Read it on AO3
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June Jily Challenge '23: You Make Snow Melt
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Title: You Make Snow Melt
Theme: Winter in June
Partner: @diana-bookfairchild
Word Count: 4002 Words
Prompt: You’re a snow artist and I think you just made a snow man or snow woman that looks exactly like me… do you have anything to confess?
Lily’s favourite time of year was Autumn. She enjoyed the colours of the season, the way the trees shed their leaves, the cooler temperatures that allowed her to whip her Gryffindor scarf over her shoulders, but didn’t require her to wear a full-on winter cloak just yet. Not to mention, she had – from her very first day at the School for Witchcraft and Wizardry – loved the Hogwarts Hallowe’en Feast. She was – one could argue – fully in her element during this time of year. This could not, unfortunately, be said about Lily’s experiences in the middle of winter.
Short, but hopefully sweet. Enjoy this piece of winter fluff at the end of a very warm June, written for the Winter in June @jilychallenge.
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
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Ice Breaker
Read it on AO3. 2.3K
Summary: All James wants is to be warm in the Three Broomsticks with his mates, preferably with a pint. But a certain sculpture (or lets be real… a certain person) at the Hogsmeade Ice Festival catches his eye and stops him in his tracks.
@jilychallenge2023 @jilychallenge | Partner: @itsjamespotter |June: Winter | Prompt: I’m at the ice festival with my friends and I accidentally walked into an ice sculpture while staring at you and you decided to help me keep it stay upright.
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jilychallenge · 1 year
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Last year we celebrated a Taylor Swift June Jily challenge, and snow fell on beaches. This year in order to celebrate our Southern Hemisphere jily fans and writers who write wonderful winter vibes in their summertime, we decided there should be some more snow on the beach!
Theme: Winter in June. Expect wintery prompts (Keeping each other warm after a snowstorm, being stuck due to frozen railroads or closed mountain passes, teaching or learning how to skate, sharing the last hot chocolate and snowball fights.) Participate in the June Jily Challenge and give us some spicy winter jily moments⛸🕯🧊🥶❄⛄☃🏂⛷.
Each pair of creators will receive a prompt from us to spark your ideas. You are always free to use and interpret your prompt as loosely as you want.
how to enter:
please reblog this post by the 31 of May tagging with what you'd like to make (for example #one-shot, #writing, #art, #drawing, #mood board, #playlist etc. You can be as vague as or specific as you like)
At the beginning of the month, we will assign you a partner and you will receive your prompt (here or on JilyChallenge Discord). Keep an eye on this blog or Discord and please check your messages on Tumblr.
(optional) please follow the jilychallenge Tumblrblog and @jilychallenge2023 for updates.
(optional) join the Jily Challenge on Discord (send an ask for an invite) for beta help, chatting and mental support.
when posting: 
creators should try to post their entries by the end of the month (What to do when you miss the deadline?)
please tag your partner and the jilychallenge in your post (including the theme and your prompt, if possible)
we will reblog all entries tagged #jilychallenge
if you post your art or story on ao3, please add it to the collection of Jily Challenges 2023
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to send us a message or ask! If you have an idea for a theme for an upcoming month we'd love to hear it!
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abihastastybeans · 9 months
Crawling Back to You? 👀👀👀
Hello Chessi! Thanks for the ask :D
Crawling back to you is my June Jilychallenge (I love how almost all my wips are jilychallenges lol) and this is the fic I talked about once in the discord server about having an excellent idea for a title xD
It's Jily, they used to be FWB but then something went wrong and they haven't been in contact for a while BUT they run into each other again👀👀
I'm still not sure if the fic is going to feature the carpet smut i promised...
Here's a snippet for you!
Lily’s feet hit the bedroom floor just as Petunia lifted up an old T-shirt and all blood drained from Lily’s face at the sight of it.
Petunia wrinkled her face. “And where did you find this terrible thing?”
“That’s none of your business,” Lily wrenched the offending piece of clothing from her hands.
WIP tag game!
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elliemarchetti · 3 months
Hi.. how many to do prompts do you currently have in your inbox? I don’t want to flood you with more if there is already too much
Hi anon ❤️
Tbh, I don't have that many prompts in my askbox at the moment, so send all the ideas you wish to see written down and I'll gladly give it a try!
If you're interested (and if you're the one who submitted it, your wait is nearly over) tomorrow I'll post a cute Jily drabble, follow up of Training Wheels, and I plan to share my entry for Winter in June (the challenge @jilychallenge issued for this month) on Tuesday or Wednesday, but it all depends on how heavy the workload at my job is this week.
If you're not here for something Jily related, just know I'm brewing up some Wolfstar and a Sirius x Marlene x Remus drabble, meanwhile if you follow me because of ACOTAR, I' working on a multichapter for @gwynweekofficial I wish I'll like enough to actually submit
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
I Never Planned.
written for june @jilychallenge was given the Taylor Swift song Last Kiss with the lyric: "and i watch your life in pictures like i used to watch you sleep";
(shout out to the mods for giving me angst, much needed; adding that this song is one of my favs and the subsequent line of: and i keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are seemed to fit....all too well. this little challenge got away from me...so you have a dribble that is approx: 4k
enjoy my second jily foray, and an early early submission to this months challenge).
Lily tapped her nails on the table outside the cafe, only vaguely aware the sound was probably annoying to the gentleman trying to read the morning paper beside her. It was Sunday and far too early of a time for her to be awake, but the most devastating part of adulthood was having to learn to make appointments and schedule with people who used to be just across the room or down the breakfast table. Investing in different colored pens and muggle sticky notes just to keep track of her friends and her colleagues and social engagements she really should go to but really didn't want to. And every time she engaged in the furious writing of letters back and forth to SiriusandRemus (because they were the ones who made it out the other side unscathed and together), writing times in purple on her planner for the two of them, it was only a reminder of how far away she had gotten from the people who meant the world to her.
She used to just come through the floor, and before that, she would call up to a dormitory or else drag one to the library. Now she penciled in two-hour coffee dates.
She tapped her fingers again, only briefly before she was able to see her two friends approaching, hand in hand. It made Lily smile, unable to remember a time where Remus and Sirius weren't walking hand-in-hand, or arm to waist, or the moments Remus would slip his hand into the back pocket of Sirius's jeans, or Sirius would insist on walking behind Remus chin on his shoulder which always seemed to Lily to be terribly impractical, but they made it work. At some point, their bodies were glued together, permanently stuck and bonded the same way they both had wedding bands on their fingers and tattoos underneath the bands just in case the I Do's went sideways and they needed something else to remind each other where the love was.
Lily's own fingers were bare. Save the pink nail polish she got professionally done every other week because she could. A standing appointment in red on her planner.
"Sorry we're a bit late," Sirius said, reaching Lily first to embrace her from the side, not wanting to wake the sleeping baby that was strapped to his chest in a white and grey sling, brown curls peaking out over the top. "I would blame it on the baby but both me and him were up and we were waiting for someone to get dressed."
Remus rolled his eyes playfully, giving Lily a short hug as well, "It's early," he offered, before reaching his hand into Sirius's back pocket and pulling out his husband's wallet, "And I'm bringing you tea as a consolation prize."
"I don't think it's a prize if you're using his money," Lily said, arching an eyebrow with amusement as Sirius sat down at the table, "Seems he suffers twice."
"I think the Black vaults can swing it," Remus grinned, and Lily looped her arm through his, the two of them walking into the cafe to order, doubts about whether or not Remus wanted to be there at all disappearing as the slipped into easy conversation.
About the baby--Teddy, or Edward as Sirius consistently called him, who was sleeping through the night but only would nap if he was on Sirius.
About Lily's thriving career, her most recent publication in a Potions journal hung up on the fridge, and how she was going to celebrate (which these days consisted of a bottle of wine, on her couch, alone).
Remus talked about Hogwarts, telling tales of his students and the half-arsed essays he was now on the receiving end of, smile wide as he spoke of the mischief that mirrored the lot of them almost 15 years ago now. When they were sixteen and seventeen and young and careless at the start of a war, holding onto their youth with stupid pranks and endless summer nights. Back when there was a RemusandSirius....and a JamesandLily.
Now...there was just James. Who they didn't talk about and Lily had to avoid the name of the Quidditch Player for the Falcons every time she so much as opened a newspaper or wanted to order a sandwich outside of the hospital cafeteria.
And there was just Lily. And her pink nails and appointments made to see her best friends because that was the only way they could manage.
"We finally decided to have a warming-party," Sirius said, sipping tea around the top of Teddy's head, brushing down brown curls that had gotten ruffled in the wind.
"A house warming," Remus clarified.
"That's what I said."
"For your tiny flat? How is that going to work?" she asked.
"Oh, no, I guess we didn't tell you we moved about two months ago," Sirius told her easily, "You know, after realizing the hard way that a one-bedroom flat with leaky pipes and wood rot wasn't the best environment for a baby."
"Hm, now which parenting book did you read that in?" she responded teasingly over her cup of coffee, "The Joys of Fatherhood or Parenting from the Inside Out?"
"Hey! They have been informative."
"Believe it or not we figured that out on our own...and," Remus cleared his throat, "uh realizing that certain activities were a bit harder with an infant in the room. We actually just moved to Number 12. Sirius spent some time cleaning it up, we painted--"
"Teddy too?"
"One of his footprints is on the parlor door," Sirius smiled softly, "It's very cute."
"Absolute mush around a baby, Black..." Lily shook her head, but it was all in jest. It used to annoy her, in school, when Sirius didn't seem to want to put his mind towards a career, sitting with his 12 Outstanding OWLs and NEWTs and wanting nothing from them. It annoyed her the early years after Hogwarts when Lily was trying to figure out how a Healing Program at St. Mungo's fit into a war and Sirius was there, just wanting to spend time with Remus, and her and...
But now? Sitting across a table at a cafe from her, with his hair pulled up into a knot, tattoos down his neck, and a baby still soundly sleeping on his torso, Sirius wanting to spend his time like this was the furthest from annoying. Sirius moving back into his childhood home for his new family, smiling about footprints on doors, and writing Lily about fun new facts of child development he was learning, was endearing. Remus thought so too, leaning over and kissing Sirius on the side of the head quickly, their hands connecting yet again on the table.
"You should come, it's next Saturday. Teddy's going to be with Andromeda so we'll even have a night off to get properly smashed," Remus told her, "There will be china re-decorating."
Lily looked down at her cup of coffee, now nearly empty, "Suppose...he's out of town?" she hesitated asking, hating how quiet she got, and a silence fell between the three of them. Sirius and Remus exchanged a quick look. "What? If he's there, I won't go, you know this, it's been the same deal for 10 years."
"He...kind of lives with us, Lils," Remus told her evenly and she blinked in his direction several times.
"You're fucking joking."
"There's just so much space, and he spends most of his time at our place anyway, and it's nice to have him around our baby and....to grow up with him," Sirius explained, trying to douse the flames before they started, looking at Lily almost pleadingly to please keep it together.
"Unbelievable...." she muttered, and sighed, "I'm not...I'm happy for you both and of course, I get why you would want...him there. Some sort of Uncle but...that doesn't change where we stand and...I can't go to your party. That's how it is."
"Lily, it's been ten years."
"What's your point?" she asked sticking her chin out, mild irritation and sadness only exacerbated when Sirius snorted.
"Point, my stubborn Lily-Flower, is we're warming things and we want you there. I'll give you the good wine--my parents weren't good for much but their exemplary taste in alcohol--two whole bottles just for you and if it's awful you can leave but quite honestly we have a baby, I'm tired, and you two have already met the world record for longest-silent-treatment. Somethings got to give."
Lily resisted the impulse to shout and why is it always me? at Sirius. At the both of them, because the look on Remus's face told her he agreed and was probably just as tired of making appointments to see Lily when the rest of them just got to waltz into their home. James got the key. James got the wards clearance. Lily got letters and rainchecks. In the custody battle of who-got-what after the split, James had won in a landslide. James got their friends. Lily got the espresso machine.
Lily tapped her nails again, watching as the baby on Sirius began to stir, arms stretching, head moving, making tiny whining noises.
"Ah oui, mon petit amour? Ca va?" Sirius said softly, reaching to undo the straps of the sling so Teddy could stretch his arms higher, nearly hitting Sirius in the chin as he did so. It dissolved Lily some, and she took a breath, half thinking of how much life she was going to miss out on in favor her pride if this was how the next 10 years went. James would see first steps, first days of school, first missing tooth.
Lily would get photographs. The same way she got a lot of life now.
"Just think about it," Remus said, reaching one of his hands over to smooth down Teddy's hair as he woke up and marvel at the world around him.
"No need to think, you both know I'm going to come, especially after all the beginning the promise of good wine."
"The best wine," Sirius grinned, "I'll make those cookies you like too.
She laughed and then looked down again. Her coffee cup empty and she could feel the conversation expiring. RemusandSirius back to their own Sunday morning lives, that probably planting flowers in a spacious backyard and Lily would spend the rest of the day shopping around the area. Pampering herself and perhaps taking herself out for a nice dinner to hide the familiar feelings boiling in the pit of her stomach already. "Dare I ask how he is?"
"You can ask him yourself."
Her rose-gold dress was silky and expensive. She had done her hair, in loose curls all down her back, hands decorated in the gold jewelry she always wore, stilettos on her feet, and for lack of a better word, she looked good. Great even, and the early moments of the party had been the worst. When she stood there with spinach dip in one hand and a bag of fertilizer in the other (because what did you get two people for a housewarming who already had everything other than special fertilizer to help roses bloom?) awkwardly greeting her two friends, already hearing how bloody far James's voice could carry, knowing he was in the same vicinity as her and that was just going to be it for the rest of the night. But Sirius took her down to the cellar to pick out her wine, giving her a moment to collect herself.
He's just a guy, Evans.
And Remus had taken her on a tour of the house for the same reason, the two of them shamelessly gulping glasses of expensive wine out of sight of Sirius's rolling eyes. It got better after that, a house big enough that James was easy enough to avoid until people started leaving. Until the group started dwindling, and close friends and family lingered, and Lily moved rooms, attempting to help with the party clean up, giving herself something to do as she debated when the appropriate time was for her to clear out.
"Did Sirius put you to work?"
James Potter could say her name in a crowd of screaming people and she would be able to pick it out. James Potter could tell a joke in Scotland and she would laugh from wherever she was in London. Her memory served her so well most days, and some days, it was absolutely haunting.
Lily tossed the collection of napkins she had in her hand into the trash before turning around, "This is out of the goodness of my heart. You should know I won't listen to anything Sirius tells me to do..."
James smiled easily. As if he smiled at Lily's wry humor every day.
Like 10 years hadn't passed since they had spoken.
Like Lily didn't keep up with James's life through pictures in the daily prophet or anecdotes from their friends.
"Better person than I am. My plan was to lay on the couch while they cleaned up tomorrow, feet on the furniture, the whole charade," he teased. James still had a dimple on the side of his face and though there were more creases under his eyes, he otherwise still looked every bit of nineteen. Dark curly hair, hazel eyes with thick lashes behind glasses frames--the kind that were comically big and large and should've stayed in the seventies but James could always pull off. His bright magenta t-shirt pulled along his shoulders, all the years of playing Quidditch professionally visible, tucked into jeans. A tattoo on the inside of his forearm was new; so were the shoes on his feet, and the cologne he was wearing. Everything else....
Everything else.
was still so James.
"Nice of you, especially given their baby. I'm sure they really appreciate that level of support. Trust. Care...."
James smile grew, walking over to the counter and grabbing a few of the napkins Lily missed to toss into the trash. He was standing closer to her, and even in her stiletto's he towered over her. She remembered all the kisses she gave him barefoot at the end of long nights, standing on her tiptoes, pulling his face down certain he was going to throw his back out one of the days. He never did.
"Well, then this is my contribution. Collectively we're very helpful."
"Definitely," she nodded picking up her glass of wine and taking a sip, aware of how her hands were sweating. How did you start a conversation with your ex-boyfriend-fiance-love-of-your-life when you had crossed streets and made appointments to avoid doing so for 10 years?
"You look good, Lily."
"I know."
"I see your...publications on the fridge every morning. Read a few, even. I'm sure you don't need my.... long-time connections but Abba used to work with a Healer who specialized in after-effects of harmful potions and she's older now but we have tea every once in a while and I could make the introduction if you wanted me to. Healer Bones, have you heard of their work?"
Lily laughed a little, sipping her wine again, "I don't need your connections, Potter. And I don't need you to tell me that I look good either, you squandered that privilege long ago."
"I know you don't need them, I was asking if you wanted them."
"I don't," she said, "I know I'm at this party but its because I care about RemusandSirius, not because I've seen the light and finally decided to wave the white flag with you. I'm terribly uninterested in this conversation, actually."
James's posture dropped a little, eyebrows knitting together with concern, "I'm not looking for a white flag. I don't deserve that."
"You're right."
James smiled again and shook his head, looking down at their feet, "I'm not looking for forgiveness with...this. I mostly making conversation because my friends are currently snogging and you were in the place I usually hide out when that happens."
"The kitchen?"
"Yeah. Was going to make a cup of tea, and you were in here."
"Don't let me interrupt then."
"That's not what I'm saying."
"And this is exactly why we haven't been in the same room for so long...we can't not argue and--"
"We're not arguing."
"Sure," she said, walking away from James to sit at the table, "Make your tea, then. I'll finish my wine and I'll be out of your hair."
"I don't think I want that either..."
"We don't always get what we want," she said into her glass and took another sip, watching as James magically put the kettle on the stove, reaching into a cupboard to pull out a basket of tea. She started tapping her nails again on the table, looking around the other parts of the kitchen that were new. Photographs. A window that Sirius had put in, where there wasn't one before, with soft curtains. Their table had a floral arrangement as a centerpiece. Placemats were tucked away into drawers. They hand--
"Stop that."
"Your nails," James commented leaning against the counter with his arms folded over his chest, "That always drove me crazy. Everywhere we went..."
"And I suppose you've stopped ruffling your hair if we're talking about habits?"
"Not quite, press likes it though...."
Lily snorted, unable to stop herself, "Arrogant as ever..."
"Probably worse, actually."
"I don't believe that."
"No? You don't even want to be in the same room as me anymore, Lily."
"Not because of your ego. You broke my heart, James. In the middle of a fucking war...you...broke my heart. I had to take a ring off my finger and give it back to you."
"I didn't ask you to do that."
"And I was supposed to walk around half-engaged for the rest of my life because I liked the fucking ring? That's stupid." It had taken weeks for the imprint of the ring on her finger to go away; months for the slight tan she had developed to do the same, and even now there was still a patch of freckles around where the ring should've been. A cluster of memories permanently stained her skin. "I haven't wanted to be around you because you make me so...unbearably sad James Potter. I'm furious, sure, pride wounded but...it still hurts to look at you."
She was drunk, she knew it.
She was emotional, she knew that too.
But maybe something did have to give. She was at the party, she had made it this far, might as well get the last few words in before everything crumbled again and she had to spend the next month peeling herself off her sofa. Never expecting that the same boy with the big, bright smile and the even bigger heart would be the one to give hers a stress fracture that could never heal properly. Never thinking there would be a day their hands separated, or they shared a final kiss. Never anticipating that James would be the one to give up out of cowardice and fear. That he would change his mind.
We can't be together, Lily. I don't want to be with you anymore.
"It wasn't easy for me."
"You still did it."
"I'd do it again too because it means I'm this kitchen having a not-argument with you instead of visiting a grave every year like we do for Marlene and Dorcas and everyone else."
Lily had heard the excuse before. Had heard the apology twenty times over.
I just buried my parents, I'm not going to bury you. We're done.
"Didn't break up with Sirius..." she mused, "Still married to him..."
James picked up his cup of tea and walked over to sit across from Lily at the table. Resting on his elbows, dark skin brushed over with golden hues from all the time in the sun.
"I...think about you all the time. Ask about you...never stopped."
James laughed softly, "I still have the ring too."
Lily set down her glass of wine slowly at James's words, looking into meet hazel eyes and feeling a flush spread over the back of her neck. The heat, the brain fog, the swollen tongue, borderline illness that always came around James Potter. The real reason--not the bitterness, the resentment, or heartache she felt being in his proximity or attempting to have a conversation--she had avoided making appointments with him for the past 10 years. The real reason she had made excuses and waved him away was when the war ended victoriously and James asked to try again. He had permeated her bloodstream, and he was the fever she couldn't sweat out.
One look.
One sentence.
One stupid conversation at a stupid table, and Lily was there again hoping this boy, man, would promise her the world.
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