#Julian Gerighty
al3abok · 9 months
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نفي Julian Gerighty أن تتطلب لعبة Star Wars Outlaws أكثر من 200 ساعة
Julian Gerighty denies that Star Wars Outlaws will require more than 200 hours
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accidentalismnews · 1 year
Ubisoft Open World Star Wars Game May Be Sooner Than You Think
Star Wars takes place in a galaxy far, far away. But Ubisoft’s first video game adaptation of the beloved sci-fi franchiseIt could be just around the corner. Kotaku has learned the French publisher’s open world game is currently targeting a projected release date in early 2024 as the company scrambles for a major win after a year of delays and projects trapped in development hell. An Anime That…
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pc7ooo · 3 months
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Ubisoft раскрыла продолжительность Star Wars Outlaws и ответила на критику журналистов — опубликовано 27 минут геймплея
Творческий руководитель Star Wars Outlaws Джулиан Герити (Julian Gerighty) в интервью Video Games Chronicle рассказал о продолжительности игры, а тем временем на YouTube появилось 27-минутное геймплейное демо проекта. Источник изображений: Ubisoft
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/12/829-ubisoft-raskryla-prodolzhitelnost-star-wars-outlaws-i-otvetila-na-kritiku-zhurnalistov-opublikovano-27-minut-geympleya-grss-315792355.html
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thatsgaming · 10 days
Star Wars Outlaws Patch maakt cross-save mogelijk
Star Wars Outlaws heeft niet de start gemaakt waarop Ubisoft had gehoopt, zowel qua kritische ontvangst als initiële verkoop, maar ontwikkelaar Massive Entertainment werkt nog steeds hard aan het verbeteren van de ervaring. Creatief directeur Julian Gerighty bevestigde onlangs dat een aankomende patch broodnodige aanpassingen zou maken aan enkele van de meer frustrerende stealth-secties met…
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fanthatracks · 15 days
Star Wars Outlaws' creative director Julian Gerighty and game director Mathias Karlson have spoken with Game Radar about the launch of the game, and their plans for the future. On the launch: While I suspect that neither Gerighty nor Karlson would come right out and say it, I think it's clear in Star Wars Outlaws that Massive Entertainment strived to deliver scale of detail at every single level, and experience with the clear potential to become a monster success. Launch has proven to be slightly more challenging, with Outlaws' Metacritic value sitting at a Generally Favorable rating of '76' as players begin taking their earliest steps across Toshara. "I'm a little disappointed with the Metacritic; recognition from critics is very important to us, but I do think players are really connecting with what we did," says Gerighty. "We had a very ambitious target, we literally reached for the stars, and I think we were successful from so many different angles. There's a magical, unique experience within Outlaws, whether it's Star Wars or not." On the future of the game: There may be nothing else quite like Outlaws out there, but that doesn't mean that Massive is moving on from its Star Wars adventure just yet. As disappointed as Gerighty is with critical reception, he also understands that there's room for improvement. "I think Outlaws has such long legs that this will be a game that millions of people are going to play for years and years, and we're never going to stop improving it… well, okay, that's a lie, we'll probably stop improving it eventually," he laughs, adding, "but today my mind is not on stopping." For the full feature and interview head over to Games Radar.  
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theclubhero-blog · 2 months
Ghost of Tsushima vira grande referência para jogos de mundo aberto
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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Diversos jogos recentes criaram o mundo aberto inspirados na aventura de Jin Sakai
Ghost of Tsushima, lançado para PS4 em 2020, tem sido uma grande influência para os jogos de mundo aberto na indústria. O diretor criativo de Star Wars Outlaws, Julian Gerighty, citou o título como sua “maior referência” durante o desenvolvimento. Apesar de ser o mais recente dev a nomear o game da Sucker Punch, ele não foi o único.
Em entrevista à GamesRadar, Gerighty até comentou sobre Red Dead Redemption 2, mas confessou: “Minha maior referência foi Ghost of Tsushima, que é mais inspirado em [Akira] Kurosawa do que no faroeste de John Ford”. Ele enfatizou como o jogo foca na fantasia do jogador e fica mais imersivo seguindo o tratamento dado a Jin Sakai.
Nos últimos meses e anos, outros desenvolvedores também destacaram Ghost of Tsushima. A Team Ninja, estúdio de Rise of the Ronin, viu o jogo como “forte motivação” devido aos cenários semelhantes. A Square Enix, em sua pesquisa para Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, também considerou o jogo para inovar na exploração.
Não apenas na questão do mundo aberto, a opção do idioma japonês em Ghost of Tsushima deu confiança à Ubisoft para incluir um cenário em árabe dos anos 800 em Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Isso mostra o impacto duradouro do jogo na indústria de jogos de uma obra da PlayStation.
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 months
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kammartinez · 2 months
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telodogratis · 2 months
Le critiche alla protagonista di Star Wars Outlaws sono in malafede, dice il creative director
Le critiche alla protagonista di Star Wars Outlaws sono in malafede, dice il creative director Le critiche rivolte da alcuni utenti a Kay Vess, la protagonista di Star Wars Outlaws, sono in malafede e non meritano risposta, secondo il creative director Julian Gerighty. Powered by WPeMatico Le critiche rivolte da alcuni utenti a Kay Vess, la protagonista di Star Wars Outlaws, sono in malafede e…
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rohitdangol · 2 months
Ghost of Tsushima was the Star Wars Outlaws Director's Main Inspiration for Creating an Open-World Game
According to Julian Gerighty, the creative director of Star Wars Outlaws, the game Ghost of Tsushima, which is a stunning open-world game for PlayStation, served as a definitive reference point for the game. I recently had the opportunity to play a hands-on preview of Star Wars Outlaws, and I noticed that the game reminded me quite a deal of Red Dead Redemption. This is rather fitting,…
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karaokulta · 2 months
🌟 ¿Qué pasa cuando las mentes creativas de Ubisoft se tropezan con la magia de Disney en una cafetería? 🎮✨ - Parece lejano aquel E3 de 2018, pero ahí estaba Julian Gerighty, listo para dejar a todos con la boca abierta con The Division 2. - Fuera de la atención del público y las cámaras, David Polfeldt, entonces director general de Ubisoft Massive, ya tejía las redes de un posible hit🔥. **Punto de inflexión en los cafés de Los Ángeles:** 1. Disney tenía una lista corta de estudios favoritos para colaboraciones y ¿adivinen qué? Ubisoft Massive brillaba en ella. 🌟 2. Mentirse de que no saltamos de el asiento al saber que el universo de Star Wars podía cruzarse con los maestros del gaming... eso sí veríamos con palomitas 🍿. 🎉 La posibilidad de un juego con la esencia de The Division mezclado con la narrativa épica de Star Wars nos pone la piel de gallina. ¡Imaginemos las posibilidades! - Galaxias lejanas, la detallada narrativa de Massive y las batallas épicas dignas de Luke Skywalker. 🛸⚔️ - Ya veo mis próximas vacaciones canceladas por maratonear este posible título en mi cueva personal. 🎮 **Mi visión de este sueño geek:** - Un win-win creativo de otra galaxia. 🎯 - El nacimiento de algo revolucionario, que podría marcar un antes y después en el gaming y en las adaptaciones de universos cinematográficos. 💥 ✏️ Imagínate lo que esta colaboración podría aportar a nuestras consolas y a nuestras pantallas. ¡Historias para no dormir y gráficos para soñar despiertos! 📌 ¡Queridos jedis y princesas del game design, les pregunto! ¿Cuáles son tus predicciones y anhelos para este tándem de gigantes? 📢 No te guardes tus teorías, ¡déjalas en los comentarios! 👇 Y si conoces a otro aspirante a maestro Jedi en el arte del gaming, ¡etiquétalo para que la fuerza de esta noti le llegue! 🌌✨ #Ubisoft #Disney #TheDivision #StarWars #Gaming #E32018 #ColaboracionesÉpicas #InnovaciónEnJuegos #FuturoDelGaming
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Massive garante que Star Wars Outlaws não terá o estilo da Ubisoft #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News Créditos: Ubisoft A equipe de Star Wars Outlaws segue revelando mais detalhes de seu jogo em novas rodadas de entrevista. O diretor Julian Gerighty, ao Games Industry, acalma os fãs garantido que o game não terá estilo marca registrada da Ubisoft, garantindo que o DNA da Massive Entertainment é diferente. “Originalmente, a Massive era um estúdio independente, depois um estúdio da…
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Star Wars Outlaws Preview - Exclusive Details About The Ashiga Clan - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/star-wars-outlaws-preview-exclusive-details-about-the-ashiga-clan-game-informer/
Star Wars Outlaws Preview - Exclusive Details About The Ashiga Clan - Game Informer
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In Star Wars Outlaws, protagonists Kay Vess and Nix must navigate the criminal underworld by interacting with the various crime syndicates thriving in this period between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Kay’s standing with these syndicates is primarily represented by the Reputation System, an ambitious mechanic that tracks her relationship with these criminal organizations. In the recently released story trailer, we hear the names of three of the syndicates present in Star Wars Outlaws: the Hutt Cartel, the Pyke Syndicate, and Crimson Dawn. During our trip to Massive Entertainment, I was able to learn more about the fourth syndicate with which Kay will have to balance her reputation: the Ashiga Clan. 
Massive created the Ashiga Clan in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games, just like other original elements like Kay, Nix, their ship, the Trailblazer, and the new moon, Toshara. “Every week, we have several calls with them where we share what we’d like to do, the intentions, and they challenge us; we do a back and forth like that over several weeks to be able to get the shape language right, to get the lore right, to make sure it becomes part of Star Wars canon,” creative director Julian Gerighty says. “The Ashiga Clan is part of Star Wars canon now. Toshara is part of Star Wars canon now. And that’s super gratifying when you help design a creature that’s as lovable and fierce as Nix and it becomes part of one of the most storied IPs in the world.”
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An Ashiga hive
The Ashiga Clan, which has a large presence on Kijimi (a planet most famous for its role in The Rise of Skywalker), finds itself at a crossroads as it pushes to expand beyond Kijimi. “They have a long tradition and certain events in the recent history put them at a fork in the road where there are different ways they could go forward, and they’re not necessarily in agreement with what the best path forward is,” associate narrative director John Björling says.
It operates as a hive of the Melitto species (first introduced in The Force Awakens with Sarco Plank) with an emphasis on function and survival. “You have these insectoid, humanoid, kind of very ant-like species and it’s taking that principle of, ‘What would a crime syndicate that is essentially operating like an anthill – what is that like?’ Björling says. “It’s a syndicate with a long tradition, they have a strong hierarchy, and there’s a lot about putting the hive before yourself. I think those aspects make it stand out as a unique kind of crime syndicate.”
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To learn more about how you’ll be interacting with the Ashiga Clan and its leader, Ashiga, head to our feature about how the Reputation System within the game works. Star Wars Outlaws comes to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC on August 30. Be sure to visit our exclusive coverage hub through the banner below.
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pc7ooo · 14 days
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Разработчики Star Wars Outlaws намерены исправить один из самых раздражающих элементов игры
На днях креативный директор Star Wars Outlaws Джулиан Герити (Julian Gerighty) заявил, что намерен так доработать последнюю игру Massive Entertainment, чтобы игроки хотели играть в нее годами. И первые шаги к этому уже делаются.
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/08/687-razrabotchiki-star-wars-outlaws-namereny-ispravit-odin-iz-samyh-razdrazhayuschih-elementov-igry-grss-339359378.html
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techstartro · 6 months
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enkeynetwork · 9 months
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