#Judah Maccabee
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evilhorse · 4 months ago
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Let my people go.
(Nexus: Alien Justice #3)
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septembergold · 2 months ago
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fdelopera · 1 year ago
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Here’s one to add to the weird Chanukah merch collection! I found it at my old job last year on clearance for $2.30 after the holiday season. It plays 3 songs: I Have a Little Dreidel, Chanukah Oh Chanukah, and Al Hanisim. I haven’t actually taken it out of the box and seen it in action but we’re going to test it out and see how ridiculous it is. Just thought you’d get a kick out of it!
OMG thank you! XD
This falls into the "so cheesy it's AMAZING" category of Chanukah merch.
10/10 I love Judah Maccabot 2.0. This is like the Maccabean Revolt meets Pacific Rim. Or maybe he's a Golem. Either way. I love him.
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cynicalclassicist · 6 days ago
It's hammer time!
ok well it has been real but i am going to kill you with a hammer now
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sweetiguessso · 1 month ago
Theres no hiding from me.
Matthew 25 41-46
Jude 1 8
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judahmaccabees · 7 months ago
You goys like power and light, right?
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secular-jew · 5 months ago
Unleash the Lion of Judah
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musicalrecs · 1 year ago
I happen to have exactly the song for all buff/jock Judah Maccabee headcanons:
I was searching for some pretty Hanukkah gifs to schedule a post tomorrow wishing my Jewish followers Happy Hanukkah and I found a fit/shape/body building site that posted this
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And I thought to myself, I simply must show my Jewish followers fit Menorah Man
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evilhorse · 5 months ago
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By the blessed bones of the Great One…!
(Nexus Volume 2 #71)
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jdsquared · 1 year ago
Time to re-post this at that time and in this time.
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erin-gilberts · 1 year ago
No one in 2023 cares particularly much about Ghostbusters fics this committed to exploring each person's individual childhood selves, but it actually means the world to me to imagine that while 8yo Erin was learning to shrink and silence herself until little remained, 8yo Abby was miles away and worlds apart learning how to stand up for herself and her community.
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infiniteglitterfall · 2 months ago
This is so cool and interesting
In what they called an “archaeological Hanukkah miracle,” a University of Haifa team discovered on Friday a rare hoard of some 160 coins, dating from the Hasmonean period, during a dig in the Jordan Valley, the university said Sunday.
The coins were discovered in what is thought to have been a roadside station, on what was then a main road along Nahal Tirzah that ascended to the Alexandrion Fortress, also known as Sarbata, north of Jericho in what is now the West Bank.
The coins were dated by experts to the reign of “King Alexander Jannaeus, whose Hebrew name was Jonathan… He reigned from 104–76 BCE. He was the son of Johanan Hyrcanus, [and] the grandson of Simon the Hasmonean (brother of Judah Maccabee),” the statement said, noting that the Alexandrion Fortress, near where the coins were discovered, was built by Jannaeus. ...The students and volunteer excavators were very excited to find such a Hasmonean hoard, especially during the Hanukkah holiday,” the researchers said. Dr. Yoav Farhi, part of the research team and an expert on ancient coins, had arrived on Friday at the dig site with a pack of “Hannukah Gelt,” the chocolate coins covered in gold foil that are a ubiquitous feature of the holiday, explained Dr. Shay Bar of the University of Haifa’s Zinman Institute of Archaeology.
Farhi passed them out to the staff and said, “This is so that we will find some coins today, and four or five hours later, the coins were found,” Bar said on Sunday, speaking to The Times of Israel....
This style of coin dates from 80/79 BCE and is extremely rare, the researchers said, who added that the cache is also one of the largest collections of ancient coins ever discovered in the Holy Land. According to Bar, in addition to the collection of 160 coins, other Hasmonean period coins were also discovered during the excavation, bringing the total number of coins found at the site to over 200.
...The site includes a mikvah (ritual bath), a cistern for storing water, and other buildings. It’s likely that the room where the coins were discovered was used as a kitchen or for food preparation, Bar said. “We discovered a Hasmonean site, on the ascent to Sarbata… It’s very Jewish. It’s important because this site was active for a limited period. The moment we have these coins, dating to the time of Alexander Jannaeus, with all the other finds there… it gives us a very exact time capsule, which doesn’t always happen in archaeology,” Bar said.
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space-station-nursery · 3 months ago
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◜ 🕎𓂃 Happy Hanukkah! ‧ ✡️◞
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Happy early Hanukkah to all my Jewish followers !! Whist me and my family are not Jewish, its still fun to learn about other holidays, especially one that feels under talked about [to me at least 🤭]
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★﹒┊What is Hanukkah? ⁔⁔
Hanukkah is a Jewish festival celebrated on Kislev 25 in December, reaffirming Judaism's ideals and commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Despite not being mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, Hanukkah remains a popular religious observance and reaffirms the Second Temple's significance.
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★﹒┊What does it originate from? ⁔⁔
In 175 B.C., King Antiochus prohibited Jews from practicing Judaism in his ancient kingdom which included Judea. He replaced the Temple of Jerusalem with an altar dedicated to Zeus, the Greek god. The Jews, led by Judah the Maccabee, rebelled and fought for three years to establish an independent region. In 164 B.C., the Maccabees defeated Antiochus and his troops. Upon return to their ransacked temple, they found only one jar of oil—just enough to light the temple’s candles for one day. The Talmud miraculously burned oil for eight days, allowing the Maccabees to find more oil for their sacred candles. The conflict continued for over 22 years, culminating in a peace treaty in 142 B.C., forming the Jews' own independent region.
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★﹒┊How is it celebrated? ⁔⁔
Jews celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a menorah, which holds 8 candles each, plus a shamash candle in the center used to light the other candles. The menorah is lit for eight nights, with one candle added and lit on the first night and so on until all 8 candles are lit. People recite blessings, pray, sing songs, and exchange gifts to celebrate the miracle in the temple over 2,000 years ago.
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★﹒┊Hanukkah Fun ⁔⁔
Before finishing up, i would like to give you guys some Hanukkah worksheets !
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18+ blogs // DD!LG, AB!DL and variants [even "SFW"] // 27 and older // DNI
Fact OTD: Hanukkah traditions feature deep-fried jelly donuts called sufganiyot and potato pancakes called latkes, both fried and symbolizing the long-lasting lamp oil.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year ago
@steddiemas Day 8: Hanukkah Traditions
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Steve was nervous. He'd moved in with Eddie and Wayne a month ago since his parents told him in no uncertain terms to be out by the time they got back. The past month had felt so warm and loving. But Hanukkah was beginning tomorrow and Steve was freaking out.
"Sweetheart, you don't need to stress out about it, you don't even need to join in the traditions if you don't want to. Plus Wayne and I are very chill about it, I think Wayne just likes to remember his mother's stories the most, she would've loved you."
"But it is important, Eds! You and Wayne have been so good to me and I want to show you that I appreciate that."
Eddie sighed moving towards him, curling Steve's clenched hands and intertwining their fingers.
"We know you appreciate it, Stevie, and we both love you so much, secretly I think Wayne prefers you." Steve has a quirk of a smile for a moment.
"Only cause I don't burn the toast when I make breakfast."
"It was one time and I was 12, sorry for putting effort into father's day for him," Eddie joked. "C'mon let's go help Wayne finish letting up."
Later, when the menorah was set and ready on the windowsill, cabinets stocked with ingredients for all the food they'd make, and gifts wrapped for the week ahead, the three men sat with mugs of coffee despite the late hour.
"You ready for your first Hanukkah, Steve?" Wayne asked.
"I think so, Eddie has told me a bit but I'm excited to learn."
"That's good of you, son, don't worry if you don't get it all right away, Eddie tried lighting all the candles at once when he was little."
"Can we lay off poor baby Eddie, he was a sweet boy."
"A sweet boy that brought toads home as pets."
"The frogs are mean to them."
Wayne chuckled at his nephews antics.
"Would you like to hear the story of Judah and the Maccabees, Steve? My memory isn't as good as it used to be but I'm sure I can make it as exciting as my Ma used to tell it."
"I'd love to," Steve smiled. Wayne smiled softly, getting comfy in his chair and began to tell the tale. Steve leaned into Eddie as he listened, he might not know all the traditions yet, but it already feels more like home and family than Christmas with his parents ever did.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year ago
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The late Capt. Eden Nimri, an officer from the 'Sky Rider' unit, fought bravely and saved lives on the seventh of October. When terrorists broke into the Nahal Oz outpost, she directed her female soldiers and observers into the shelter, stood in the doorway, and waited for the terrorists.
When they arrived, she killed the first ones of them. Under the protection of the shootout that Eden engaged in with the many terrorists who continued to arrive, many of the female soldiers managed to escape and be saved. Eden absorbed the fire but saved many of them.
Hanukkah is also a celebration of women's heroism. At Hanukkah, it is customary to celebrate Judith, who was seen by some as the sister of Judah the Maccabee. According to tradition, she killed the general Holofernes who was besieging her city. With cunning and courage, she killed the commander, causing the Greeks to flee and the city to be freed from the siege.
A thread of heroic women has been woven for thousands of years between Judith, the mythological heroine, and Eden, a heroine of our time, who will yet become mythology.
Source: חילי טרופר | Chili Tropper
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sweetiguessso · 1 month ago
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