#Ju Peon
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stoneagedevil · 2 years ago
Coincidence | Anton Chigurh x F!Reader
TWs are sort of self explanatory, it’s a NCFOM oneshot. Guns, blood, drugs, death, etc.
He’d let himself get caught again, going through the paths taken that led him to where he was now; in a rusty, dusty warehouse in the middle of the desert, surrounded by cartel members.
“You been quite the troublesome hunt, ain’tcha?” The ringleader smiled snidely, sneering a silver capped tooth in Anton’s direction.
“Trouble for a few.” He replied, referencing the many replaceable peons the boss sent his way in an attempt to kill him. They’d all been shot to pieces, one bird falling out of the sky after the other. Even so, they hadn’t killed him yet, so perhaps sheer coincidence would kill them.
It’s what brought him here anyway, he supposed.
He heard the crunch of gravel and sand under rubber treads outside. He heard the infuriated slam of the door that followed after the engine was cut. The confusion in the room was palpable.
“Check.” The ringleader demanded to two pawns, and they set an explosive plan in motion they had no clue would be the end of them.
“It’s her.” Her. The one he was being paid to protect. A hotheaded spitfire who seemed to do well on her own. The one with the gift for cooking a product the cartel went crazy for. The one who he had left himself get caught for. He frowned.
This was the coincidence, wasn’t it? She’d never not had a plan cooked up in her clever mind. But when she was shoved into the building by two members without so much as a pocketknife on her, he felt that tight grip of anger around his heart.
She wasn’t stupid, she knew she’d have to be willing to die to do this job, and perhaps it was worth it for the money she made, but they both knew it wasn’t about that. It reminded him of himself. It reminded him of the first time he saw her kill someone.
“Please! I got money I can give ya, and we can jus’ walk away!” An older, white man in a business suit groveled at her feet, his hands raised in submission.
“Alright. How much is your life worth then?” She asked.
“I-I, however much you want!”
“What I want is your soul. What’s equal to that?”
“I, I got $20k in a lockbox around here and I-“
“$20k. Is that what your life is worth?”
“N-No, I-“
“Then it’s not good enough.”
She watched him for a moment. Watched the life drain from his eyes like sand draining through manicured fingertips. “Hm.”
She turned on her heel after holstering her pistol, and calmly walked out, and like the loyal guard dog he’d become, Anton calmly followed suit, seeing her in a new light.
But now this was different. She was on her knees with guns to her head, as was he, the only difference is he found cuffs hugging his wrists once again.
They’d emptied her pockets. The only thing she’d brought was the car keys.
“Evening gentlemen,” she smiled, “I thought I’d drop by since you got somethin’ of mine. I’ll take him, and leave, and that’ll be the end of it for y’all.” Calm as always, they made eye contact, and it never broke once.
“The end of it for us, huh, girly? Well I don’t know if you noticed, but you got yerself surrounded, with nuthin but a pair of beater keys.”
“Correct. You’re very observant.” She responded. “How about a trade then? My life for his? You keep me, you let him go. I stay, and I cook for your pack. How does that sound? Being the most successful cartel down south? You’re familiar with my product, ain’tcha?”
The ringleader eyed her suspiciously. “What, you love ‘im or somethin’? That it?”
“Something like that.” She said. “However, I do have one condition for this trade.”
“And what would that be?” He scratched his nose, huffing.
“You let me say goodbye to him.”
The room erupted in laughter, and Anton was thoroughly confused. Here you were, unarmed, valuable, and willing to trade your life for his in what you called an act of love? It’s not that he wasn’t familiar with the concept of love, just the thought of it being directed towards him, and from you of all people, was just not a possibility that had ever crossed his mind.
“Alright girly. We’ll let’cha say bye to yer boyfriend, but after that, it’ll be straight to cookin.” He turned to Anton, “And if you ever set foot on this property, I’ll put a bullet in her skull, got it?”
Anton’s dark eyes met the sinister bright blue ones of the ringleader. He nodded once.
She slowly got to her feet, her eyes never once leaving his, car keys in hand as if to hand them over to him so he could drive far, far away from here without her.
When she got close enough, she tackled him to the ground. Anton’s back hit the floor, and he grunted, bracing himself for his skull to smack onto the cold concrete. It never came, her hand cupping his skull in order to protect it, the other one pressing a button that popped the trunk to the car right outside. Suddenly, an onslaught of gunfire rang from outside, piercing the building’s corrugated metal exterior from side to side, and back again. Handfuls of bullets plunged into the cartel members each, and they dropped like birds, one by one out of the sky.
The gunfire lasted a few more moments, until the magazine was drained, and all was quiet except for the ringing in their ears, and the gurgling sounds that filled the room.
She got up off Anton, brushing herself off, she picked up one of the pistols the expendables dropped and pointed it at the ringleader, who made it out in one piece, but who was bleeding profusely.
“You think I was born yesterday? You take me for an idiot? I’m the most dangerous woman in the world, and you coulda saved yourself a world of hurt for just a while longer if you did well to remember it. Now look at you, I gotta make an example somehow, don’t I?”
“Please, I, I can give you money.” He groaned, tear filling his eyes as the pain became unbearable.
“That’s all I’m ever offered, but it’s never what I’m after.”
She bent down, fishing a set of keys from the newest corpse. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?”
“Not in the sense that you mean.”
“Good.” She walked over to him, unlocking the cuffs with one key, and picking another in hopes to find a new vehicle. “The car I drove here is shot, quite literally, so help me find a new one.”
She turned on her heels, and like the loyal guard dog he’d become, he’d follow suit, just as she’d followed him.
As they stepped out into the desert, Anton had caught a glimpse of the hidden contraption in the trunk of the beater. It was a machine gun on part of a bike with the pedal and chain, the wiring attached to a spare car battery helping the gun move back and forth. The passenger side of the trunk was shot to hell.
“It was a simple rig to put together. Trial and error though. The trigger was the car keys, the only thing I knew they’d let me have in my hand.”
“How’d you know it would work?”
“I didn’t. Coincidence.”
He looked down at her, one side of his lips quirking at her cleverness.
“Y’know, I’m thinking about quitting cooking. It’s just not fun anymore. I’m getting bored of it.”
She talked and he listened as they looked for a truck to match the new set of keys, finally finding one and getting in. She pulled a book out of a bag she grabbed from the beater, and continued where she left off as he began to drive like he always did.
“Your life is worth mine then?” He broke the silence, referencing the deal she was striking earlier. While it was unlike him to wonder about the past too much, choosing to focus on the present and the influence the past had, he was curious on if she had meant it, even if the deal was a ruse to begin with.
“Depends on if you think so too.”
“I do.”
She smiled to herself, eyes never leaving her book.
Okay I hope y’all liked that. I know key fobs weren’t invented till the early 80s, but I figured it would be alright for the sake of the story.
I’m currently reading No Country for Old Men, and I could probably recite the entire movie word for word, so I thought maybe the first thing I’ll write on tumblr would be an Anton x Reader. This oneshot was based on my favorite scene in Breaking Bad.
I pretty much choose to be quiet on this app, but I thought maybe I’d put my chips forward here and take a little risk. Let me know if you guys liked it, I know there’s not too many Anton people on here.
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salanaii · 1 year ago
Learn Korean with me - Week 6/Day 1
Day 1: Let's Speak Korean Chapter 4 - Shopping (1 - 50)
어서오세요. Eo seo o se yo Welcome.
무엇을찾으시나요? Mu eos eur cha jeu sin a yo What are you looking for? 
혹시반바지있나요? Hog si ban ba ji iss na yo Do you have shorts by any chance?
모자를 / 신발을찾고있어요. Mu ja reur / sin bar eur chaj go iss eo yo I’m looking for hats/shoes.
찾으시는스타일이 / 브랜드가있나요? Chaj eu si neun seu ta ir I / beu raen deu ga iss na yo? Is there a style/brand you are looking for?
도와드릴까요? Do wa deu rir gga yo? May I help you?
사이즈가어떻게되시나요? Sa I jeu ga eo tteoh ge doe si a yo? What is (your) size?
입어봐도되나요? Ib eo bwa do doe na yo? Can I try (this) on?
이사이즈있나요? I sa I jeu iss nay o? Do you have this size?
제사이즈는30입니다. Je sa I jeu neun 30 ib ni da My size is 30. = I’m a 30.
조금큰 / 작은것같아요. Jo geum keun / jag eun geos gat a yo I think it’s a little small/big.
딱맞네요. Ttag maj ne yo It fits perfectly.
얼마예요? Eor ma ye yo How much is it?
세일하나요? Se ir ha na yo Is it on sale?
재고있나요? Jae go iss na yo Do you have (it) on stock?
확인해주시겠어요? Hwag in hae ju si gess eo yo Could you check, please?
반품가능한가요? Ban pum ga neung han ga yo Is it possible to return? = Is it returnable?
얼마동안에반품할수있나요? Eor ma dong an e ban pum har har sui ss nay o (Literal) Within how long can I return? = How late can I return it?
환불가능한가요? Hwan bur ga neung han ga yo (Literal) Is a refund possible? = Can I get a refund?
반품하고싶습니다. Ban pum ha go sip seub ni da I’d like to return.
게품에문제가있나요? Ge pum e mun je ga iss na yo Was there a problem with the product?
아니요,사이즈가맞지않아요. A ni yo, sa I jeu ga maj ji anh a yo (Literal) No, the size isn’t right. = No, it doesn’t fit.
아니요,스타일이맞지않아요. A ni yo, seu ta ir i maj ji anh a yo (Literal) No, the style isn’t right. = No, I don’t like the style.
다른색상이있나요? Da reun saeg sang I iss na yo Do you have different colors?
이게마음에들어요. I ge ma eum e deur eo yo (Literal) This is to (my) liking. = I like this.
그냥둘러볼게요. Geu Nyang dur reo bur ge yo I’ll just look around.
구경해도되나요? Gu Gyeong hae do doe na yo May I look around?
탈의실이어디죠? Tar ui sir I eo di jyo Where is the fitting room?
남성용 / 여성용인가요? Nam seong yong/ yeo seong yong in ga yo Is (this) fir men/for women? = Is this men’s or women’s?
여기흠이있어요. Yeo gi heum I iss eo yo There is a scratch/nick/defect here.
원래이런가요? Won rae I reon ga yo Is this usually like this? = Is this normal?
할인해주실수있나요? Har in hae ju sir sui ss na yo (Literal) Can you discount it for me? = Can you give me a discount?
신상품있나요? Sin sang pum iss na yo Do you have the latest products?
정품맞나요? Jeong pum maj na yo Is this an authentic product?
매니저를만나고싶습니다. Mae ni jeo reur man na sip seub ni da I’d like the meet the manager.
계산해주세요. Gye san hae ju se yo (Literal) Please calculate (it) for me. = Please ring it up for me.
쇼핑백을주세요. Syo ping baeg eur ju se yo Please give me a shopping bag.
포장해주네요. Po jang hae ju ne yo (Literal) Please wrap (it) for me. = I’d like to have it wrapped.
영수증을백안에넣어주세요. Yeong su jeung eur baeg an e neoh eo ju se yo Please put the receipt in the bag.
영수증은저에게주세요. Yeong su jeung eun ge ju se yo Please give the receipt to me.
카드되나요? Ka du doe na yo Is (credit) card okay? = Do you take credit cards?
현금도되나요? Hyeon geum do doe na yo Is cash okay, too? = Can I pay with cash?
현금으로사면할인받나요? Hyeon geum eu ro sa myeon har in bad na yo Do I receive a discount if I buy with cash?
택스리펀드되나요? Taeg seu ri peon deu doe na yo Is it eligible for tax refund?
택스리펀드는어디에서하나요? Taeg seu ri peon deu neu neo di e seo ha na yo (From) where do I do (=file) tax refund?
이렇게작성하면되나요? I reoh ge jag seong ha myeon doe na yo (Literal) Is it right if I fill out like this?
배달도되나요? Bae dar do doe na yo Can it be delivered as well?
���드해주실수있나요? Hor deu hae ju sir sui ss na yo Can you hold (it) for me?
다시찾으러올게요. Da sic haj eu reo or ge yo I’ll come again to pick it up.
수선가능한가요? Su seon ga neung han ga yo Is alteration possible?
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oldpaintings · 2 years ago
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Xu Beihong (Chinese, 1895--1953)
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imagineallthecelebrities · 3 years ago
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Stroking the cat - Xu Beihong (1924)
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resultsofimagination · 3 years ago
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Stroking the cat - Xu Beihong (1924)
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sauccywitthavibes · 3 years ago
I jus feel like clockin other ppl moves real peon shit
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444names · 3 years ago
spanish forenames + ancient greek names - "ju"
Aachelos Aarbea Abruy Abutia Actimon Adinis Adislao Aenebo Aesseia Afacia Afyang Agard Agazzle Agelisimo Aggra Agoodor Agreutila Agualixo Agualo Aillagos Ailticiada Aimmead Aimon Aireilan Aittia Alagemion Alber Aledaro Aledo Aleduade Aleia Aleksalber Aleon Aleste Aletedan Aleterper Alica Alilope Alkyo Aluilibene Alviran Amato Amodia Anaki Ancing Andena Andis Andre Andro Anicto Anighth Anopio Antes Antos Anuthe Arcell Aricoveta Auria Azuciseeni Baron Beaste Begood Begoto Belana Belia Bellisto Benasis Bencen Benlyke Beralvana Beris Bernata Bernemos Bersalio Bertoria Biana Blexius Blophe Bribenita Caiantersa Calbe Calfo Caliana Callia Calota Cancia Caria Cenza Cesousan Chaliane Chamortan Cheka Chemele Cheria Chianda Chilalky Chria Cladio Clatike Clawn Clayet Clorde Clowierit Corger Crikearis Crion Cunita Cyantheron Dadiseilio Dadne Damicia Damphaine Dampos Danoe Defina Deirdor Deniakar Desta Deudidor Dikia Disces Dolosana Domel Dorideran Eadmo Ectio Ectonia Efactanila Eilberis Elaza Eleis Elfora Elilyxerto Emeldoxang Emenzal Encalena Eneaver Ennescelp Entorsund Eoffer Ercelyx Erectober Esall Estra Eucin Eudavida Eulria Eumbne Eupenite Euphataner Eupra Euprotis Euridey Euros Euseo Euses Euteo Evgenna Fabia Faegarcia Faegon Farkena Faronifen Faronit Fearon Fechea Felingo Femelpe Ferro Fersunced Fertore Fiaro Fileimo Flalowlet Flausto Flazuca Floweseft Folasa Foloruz Forife Frutriker Fulcad Fulcora Fuliang Fulis Fulising Gaila Garta Geres Gerna Gingo Godalixess Gonatons Goomaess Gophalia Goryssanto Gotinge Granthe Grata Grenicia Gretrindia Gundron Haine Hapos Harkertop Harne Hayando Hearaider Heate Hecti Hekleta Helay Herieli Heris Hilagodo Hilli Hoina Horcen Horiguis Horosencon Horyss Hotia Hyginaxi Idesta Ierpe Igena Iliandrona Ionesto Ippolisdon Ippyross Irgellia Ishorgo Isolga Jacator Jaiter Javesta Joaquela Jorgaia Josera Josmaytime Jospielia Josul Joyfulia Kadria Kalicess Karki Kartinta Kearis Keria Klesa Klethais Kloriana Klyxestruy Konat Leaga Lecato Lekly Leragon Lesta Litorto Lodola Loper Loriseury Lucene Luiter Lundrian Lysimmos Macian Macio Maide Maidona Maleio Malous Malyte Manchess Manta Manto Maraia Marceacruz Mateos Mathea Mayana Mearionata Meled Meming Menthearis Milline Monermy Moomelow Morila Myrro Nander Neracul Nicarcelia Nited Noelth Nurgairata Okrafarce Olene Opina Orilta Ovenather Paelia Paloy Panth Paqued Pardon Paria Pascatro Pascuante Pasimoneto Patana Patikephry Patilvios Patraines Paudawn Pelixtore Peone Pherting Phirter Phrisla Plario Plecor Polas Posta Pralfria Prato Precti Presmatria Prideat Ptorieve Puron Quelp Quine Raficia Rafro Ramanthil Ramarios Rampaba Ranata Raqueloodo Rasalf Rastos Rector Relistia Renarit Renathe Retakinia Rheacianna Rherna Rinad Rique Riquel Roelesmay Rotos Ruiloyful Ruita Rulianida Rulria Saacana Sabriceste Safaelia Salious Sandranoe Sanoina Santrad Santsea Sanuraya Sapos Seagdady Seenka Seido Selectoria Selyssona Senificen Sertio Sestied Shandios Sharcia Shrigne Sidrit Simois Skene Skenjaia Smoria Sokra Solowle Sonaxanat Sonto Sotia Sounda Spoiceaso Sporpe Stalisa Sternaca Sthero Sticios Stina Stito Strioncis Swato Swatrakis Tebon Tergona Thapha Thecher Thectop Thedgele Themegena Therthigus Thipe Thipus Thiteon Thonis Tinesa Tinica Tolomestra Trinbowis Trine Ulayancea Urdey Vetrutiana Vicana Vicark Vicome Vieto Vitos Watilias Weaudo Weaulrias Wessart Whilde Whipharto Wiethert Wineste Wisafate Wordes Xendricios Xenza Xesia Yerto Zonato Zuciden Zulate
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mivida-onfire · 3 years ago
Mi vida-Onfire.
Capítulo 1.
 Mi vida…comencemos por lo básico y lo principal: Nací en Buenos Aires, Argentina, un país que tiene una cultura magistral donde hay mucha gente buena y corrupta, las personas “buenas” son conocidas como: ‘Peones’ y las personas “corruptas” son conocidas como: ‘Políticos y militantes’ que consisten en cumplir su deber, ¿y cual es su deber? Ser víctimas de esta sociedad capitalista pero no vengo a hablarle de ellos, sino a contarles un poco de mí y si les interesa, bienvenidos sean a leer esta larga pero breve historia a la vez.
Como seguía, estaba centrándome en contarles un poco de donde soy y de la cultura de mi país. Provengo de un pequeño barrio llamado “Villa Lynch”, un barrio humilde y modesto, donde en aquellas épocas se podía atesorar el hecho de salir a la calle a jugar con tus amigos a la rayuela, al elástico, a la bolita, etc; donde no tenías que salir con un barbijo tapándote mitad de la cara o estar atento viendo para todos lados sintiéndote inseguro de estar solo en la calle pensando que te pueden robar o secuestrar y si, eran otros tiempos, otra época, otro año y otra vida a la cual tuve que resignarme y obviamente, seguir creciendo y ver como todo a mi alrededor se iba desmoronando más y más, muy de apoco.
Por allá, en el año 2001 se encontraba una mujer muy valiente, guerrera, trabajadora y por sobre todo, con un corazón enorme…se hacía llamar Lucía aunque su nombre era otro muy diferente pero ella prefería que la conozcan por su alías. Lucía era una mujer que tenía 3 hijos pero venía la cuarta en camino, oh bueno…mejor dicho, “las cuartas” y si, eran dos niñas; el obstetra de Lucía se llamaba Emanuel, él en su momento le había dicho a ella que tenía un embarazo de riesgo al cual ella no se quería oponer en lo absoluto, cueste lo que cueste ella quería seguir adelante con su embarazo y sus mellizas que estaban en camino y por salir en cualquier momento a la luz.
Los 3 hijos de Lucía no solían cooperar mucho con ella en su embarazo ya que la mayor parte del día la hacían renegar, más que nada Noelia, la primera hija de Lucía, la mayor y por supuesto, la más caprichosa; Noelia siempre pretendía que la madre si o si esté para ella en todo ya que ella fue la primera en llegar de sus hermanos —oh al menos esa era su excusa—, también exigía tener sus caprichos en el momento que ella quería y era muy autoritaria, le encantaba dar ordenes. Por otro lado, esta Matías, el segundo hijo en nacer, el más callado y ermitaño de los 3 aunque si lo buscabas, lo encontrabas, no por ser el más callado era el más tranquilo, al contrario, cuando se enojaba era capaz de cualquier cosa, se enojaba a tal punto que podía llegar a apuñalar a alguien…si, a ese nivel; y por último —pero no menos importante—Belén, la tercera hija de Lucía, la pendeja más rebelde, irresponsable y terrible de sus hermanos. A Belén siempre le gustaba acatar la atención de los demás, sea humillando a otra persona o tratando mal a alguien más solo para demostrar “ser mejor” y en realidad, lo único que demostraba era ser patética, pero en fin, no estamos para agredir a Belén sino para hacer un breve resumen de ella aunque ya no haya más nada para decir.
Estos 3 hermanos no estaban contentos del todo con la llegada de las mellizas ya que aparte de que no iban a tener la total atención de su madre también pensaban que era “innecesario” el embarazo de Lucía ya que se encontraban en una situación muy escasa y humilde y el simple hecho de saber que tenían que alimentar dos bocas más ya resultaba irritante para ellos.
Noelia se la pasaba estudiando y a veces solía trabajar con Lucía —más que nada para ayudarla un poco y de paso ganarse unos mangos—, Matías había dejado el colegio sin siquiera empezar el secundario, solo se quedaba encerrado en su burbuja mirando televisión y Belén era la mas callejera de todos, siempre le gustaba salir a donde sea, de día, de noche, de tarde, a cualquier hora aunque a veces la calle no era tan divertida para ella ya que junto a Matías se iban a pedir monedas o comida a los trenes y subtes.
La historia continúa por supuesto pero hasta acá llegó mi inspiración por hoy. Este va a ser un gran espacio para poder expresarme y escribir.
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jobkuberofficial-blog · 6 years ago
Junior Assistant Darwan Peon etc 116 posts at JU Last Date 15/02/2019
Junior Assistant Darwan Peon etc 116 posts at JU Last Date 15/02/2019
Junior Assistant Darwan Peon etc 116 posts at JU Last Date 15/02/2019
Junior Assistant Darwan Peon etc 116 posts at JU Last Date 15/02/2019
     Hi, dear visitors good news for all of you. Jadavpur University, Kolkata will recruit some officer through this notification. This article will help you to find all related information about this notification like as Last Application Date, Application…
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weaknessforgallantry-blog · 8 years ago
@milehighmechanic​ from this thing ages ago g OD
tony had thought he had a good thing going.
the mess with the accords had left him with less friends than ever, left him clinging more tightly to the ones that had stuck around. his friendship with remy had been easy, unexpected, someone different and new, a distraction. tony’s world had been collapsing around him and remy had genuinely, truly HELPED him.
but it seems he really knows how to pick the worst friends.
tony refuses to believe what he’s told at first. that remy could be responsible for the DEATH they describe, it doesn’t add up. he retorts angrily to his informant, redirects the conversation, tries not to think about it. don’t think about it. he believes it no more than he believes steve could do such a thing. ( he’s beenwrong before. ) but JARVIS, his suspicious, protective AI, he digs up the evidence, now that he knows what to look for. a ceramic mug shatters; tony is nearly sick, bile in his throat, with the thought that he had trusted this man.
they’ve ALL murdered. they’ve all killed. tony knows that better than most, he’s been there before. an ugly past — that is something tony is familiar with. but this level of premeditation, this massacre, he can’t believe it.
to start with he’s just numb. his anger is cold, itching under his skin with nothing to take it out on. does he have a reason to be angry? no crime was committed against him. but he feels hoodwinked. betrayed. tony has had enough friends that have betrayed him, kept secrets from him, he doesn’t need another. a liar, a thief, a murderer. he’s mostly angry at himself, for letting himself be deceived.
JARVIS doesn’t say i told you so, and tony loves him for that.
communications cut, angry messages, tony stays away. barricades himself in his work, spending more and more time at the avengers compound, working with his team, working, harder, too much. working himself raw because he is sick of investing in time and effort in people.
he thought he’d successfully distanced himself. ( keeping it from his thoughts is a little harder, frustration building every time his thoughts drift to his wayward friend. ) but clearly he’s failed. J tells him there’s an intruder in the tower, a thief in the night, monsieur lebeau, he says, and that anger surfaces again. tony takes a breath, takes a gauntlet, and goes to find the intruder.
If he could be elsewhere, he would be. 
If he had the luxury of never thinking about Tony Stark again, he would. He forget that he ever knew Tony. He’d forget that they were friends, that for a handful of months Tony made him feel better, not good exactly but at least more himself, more like a person, more like someone that deserved to live and breathe and feel. It’s not that he and Tony had been particularly close friends, but that hadn’t really mattered. It had been... uncomplicated. Remy had admired Tony, and liked his company, and enjoyed spending time with him. God  —  it had been so long since he’d enjoyed anything that just a few hours of forgetting himself with Tony had been overwhelming, the first time it happened. Dizzying, the same kind of vertigo you feel when you step out of a wild party and into a quiet side room. Suddenly being cut off from that had been... almost indescribable. He still doesn’t know what the fuck happened to make Tony cut off contact so completely (though he can guess) but the results had been... disproportionate, really.
He’d barely eaten. He’d nearly died stealing art and money and even weapons he didn’t even want, just for the thrill and the risk of the heist. No support, barely any planning. He broke into a bank in Germany with nothing more than tape, hairspray, ice, and tinfoil. He’d intercepted the sale of a bunch of guns, convinced the prospective buyers they were being cheated, and then because he certainly didn’t want to keep the fucking guns, he’d broken into the nearest ATF office after hours to leave a kind note about where to find the guns. He hasn’t been back to New York in months, to his landlord’s extreme worry, and he’s only back now, to see Tony, because there isn’t any other choice.
Getting into the tower to talk to Tony undetected was pretty much impossible. Maybe with a five- or six-man team, or by cheating with a magic user or a mutant -- or else by somehow taking the power out, although god knows that would probably be even harder, given that even blacking out all of midtown Manhattan would do nothing more than leave everyone and everything in the tower on high alert; as far as Remy knows nothing in the tower is connected to the city’s power grid anymore. 
He could probably have confirmed that by asking Tony, when they were still friends, but he hadn’t wanted to risk it sounding like he was now or ever had seriously cased anything of Tony’s. Which, to be honest, he hadn’t; before Tony was Iron Man, Remy had liked the man’s style and been pretty wary of taking on anyone whose legacy involved self-guided missiles. After Tony became Iron Man, Remy had frankly admired him, and been especially uninterested in doing battle with pretty much anything Tony had build, ever, let alone with the man himself. No, casing Stark Industries, or Tony’s Malibu house, or the Tower  — that had been more idle curiosity, a hobby. There’d never been a good enough reason to risk it before.
Remy’s risked it now because there’s no better way to get in touch with Tony without doing it in public, and that would be... a bad idea. A very bad idea. Better to risk Tony or Tony’s AI killing him without hearing him out first, and he at least manages to make it into one of the lower offices and wait without being noticed. They’re below the research floors, below the Avengers floors... it’s about as non-threatening as Remy can make his intrusion into the building. Additionally he has nothing on his person he could weaponize; hasn’t even brought his coat. Just the catsuit and boots. He’s not going to fight Tony. He doesn’t want to be here, but he doesn’t really want to be anywhere else, either, so if this ends in Tony killing him or having him arrested, well, at least he’s earned that kind of shitty ending.
And it’s probably good that he doesn’t plan on fighting Tony, because Tony shows up to confront him with just the one gauntlet. Tony’s not awful at hand-to-hand, but Remy has to wonder if the genius really thought through bringing one repulsor to a fight with someone like him. Maybe it’s a sign Tony doesn’t really feel threatened, but given the look on his former friend’s face, it’s likely he just didn’t think it through at all.
It’s weird to see Tony again, and in this setting: The managers’ private offices behind Remy are dark, doors closed and locked, but the bullpen where the peons have their desks is brightly lit. There’s a cardigan left draped over the chair of the desk Remy is leaning on, a jar of candy on the desk Remy supposes must belong to the admin assistant for whatever department this is, and a poster about some kind of fantasy sports draft on the wall by the door Tony enters through. Hopefully they aren’t going to trash this office. 
“I couldn’t find the doorbell and you ain’t been answering your phone fo’ me, so I thought I’d jus’ let myself in.” He spreads his arms a little, both in greeting (and he hates that his body language is still so open around Tony, that he’s genuinely happy to see him) and to show that he’s not holding anything and doesn’t have room for anything up his sleeves. He’d chosen the desk he’s leaning against because it has the least clutter, and therefore the least ammo.
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