#Joseph seed imagine
turbo-virgins · 2 years
far cry 5 would be 573% funnier if Joseph was just divorced
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thepachy · 24 days
My brain started to imagine a sort of prison Au for Eden’s gate because idk it’s fun but with their influence the brothers still grew the cult inside the prisons with the guards and all
Like Joseph using his usual charisma, John manipulation and Jacob violence
And i think Jacob in a prison would be WILD
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lulu2992 · 11 months
So Greg Bryk regularly goes live on Instagram to chat with his followers and answer a few questions, and almost every time, someone asks if he’d like to play Joseph Seed again if he had the chance, to which he used to always reply that, yes, he absolutely would. However, in early 2022, he didn’t seem so sure anymore and said it would depend on the script (the question was specifically about a potential Far Cry 5 movie) and the writer(s). Then, a few months later, he implied he didn’t feel like playing the Father ever again because he thought the character’s story was “finished” and that Ubisoft should focus on creating new things instead…
Well, on October 14, 2023, he once again went live on Instagram and, when people mentioned Far Cry 5 in the chat, he revealed that he had reached out to Dan Hay and Drew Holmes, two of the game’s three main writers he’s become friends with, and that they had visited him “on set” (I’m not sure what he was shooting) the day before. In the past, he had already explained several times that he had loved working with them and thought the story they wrote (along with “JS”, Jean-Sébastien Décant, the game’s third main writer) was fantastic. This time, he added that Far Cry 5 was really “special” to him because the writers “cared a lot” about creating something great with amazing characters, and that he thought the whole Seed family was really well-written.
A few minutes later, when he was asked which character he would like to play again if he could, he said it was hard for him to choose because he loves them all, but he eventually picked Jeremy Danvers (Bitten) and Cobbs Pond (Frontier).
Then, surprisingly, he also mentioned Joseph.
I don’t know why he changed his mind again or if the fact he contacted Dan Hay (who doesn’t work for Ubisoft anymore) and Drew Holmes (who recently became the new IP Director for Far Cry) means anything, and I’m not sure I want more Far Cry 5 content to be released anyway (for continuity reasons), but I guess the Seed family’s return, as equally exciting and truly terrifying as this eventuality sounds to me, isn’t completely out of the question anymore in Greg Bryk’s mind!
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valenli · 1 year
Headcanons for some of my favourite men in franchises (Games)
As I said I made more, and i need more ideas from games. However here are a few
Jacob Frye (ACS)
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Jacob loves being sarcastic. He often teases his S/O lady with his funny remarks, though he does his best to time them right
Jacob goes drinking with his S/O in order to have fun, and fight off any templar crooks who may try harming her
Even when he's older, his charismatic nature doesn't hide from his S/O. He let's her know by telling her jokes quietly or with letters filled with jokes
He boasts about his S/O to Evie though he used to tease her about 'Greenie'. However he does seem very compassionate about his S/O
Jin Sakai (GOT)
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Jin is pretty protective of his S/O. He let's her know this by holding her wrist in dangerous places or by holding his blade handle
Jin enjoys visiting hot springs with his S/O. Often to recover after his many battles with the Mongols and to get through his worries
Jin brings S/O with him to shrines they visit. Petting foxes is a must on their travels when passing through nature
Jin limits himself when drinking to make sure he's always sharp, but he let's S/O drink comfortably, even joking with her
Ignis Scientia (FFXV)
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Ignis often makes S/O her favourite dishes in order to avoid having to go to expensive places, also because S/O prefers his cooking
Ignis takes S/O around Altissia when possible, showing her the nicest areas and buys her small gifts with significant gifts
Health is important to Ignis. He makes sure his S/O is maintaining her health and staying clean
Even after losing his vision, he often let's his S/O know that it doesn't stop him from his old hobbies and he still does his best
Joseph Seed (FC5)
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Joseph often does bible studies with his S/O. They share their favourite verses together or discuss meanings
Joseph talks about his S/O to the followers, but mainly to his siblings. It's clear he loves her as he describes her in great measures
After the collapse, he'd probably live with his S/O. Enjoying the beauty of the Eden tree or the water from the waterfall
Joseph and his S/O would help the village against the highwayman as they'd have experience through the years against the foes
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rookisaknight · 7 months
Not to discount the importance of mental health services but it is a little funny to me when people explain their no cult AUs as like "The Seeds went to therapy" like the only thing needed to interrupt that chain of events was some twice a month talk sessions. Maybe a little CBT thrown in for flavor. Damn guys you almost overreacted there :/
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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The Seeds as Don't Starve Together Characters | Edits
Okay, so this edits started with me thinking how Jacob would look as a character in one of my favorite games, Don't Starve Together. I love the artstyle and would sometimes find myself playing it for hours. I ended up making Faith and John as well. The results are far from perfect, but I still felt like sharing them, because I kept imagining those three running around ingame and how cute they'd look. Especially Jakey with a tiny Judge, enough said... 😂
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seedofjoseph · 2 years
I bet John would tattoo his name into your skin and pick a visible spot, too.
And Jacob would either want you wearing his dog tags over your clothes for everyone to see, or a harness underneath that only you can feel.
But I'm not sure how Joseph would choose to mark you, but I can see him picking out clothes for you, or at least expressing disapproval of your own choices until you are starved for his approval.
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lethalchiralium · 2 years
Almost Is Never Enough | Joseph Seed x Reader
a/n: all of the attention i’m getting from my ghost content is making me want to actually write, what??? this is old anyway.
warnings: joseph coming back to life?? joseph himself is a fucking warning.
summary: when he fought himself, the voice overcame. he didn’t realize just how much it would affect you.
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“I’m so glad you’ve chosen to allow me in again, Joseph. Stray again and the consequences will be more severe.”
“Yes, Lord.”
Joseph stayed in the dark between his subconscious and conscious, the warmth of the Lord’s light still holding him tight - yet he could hear your voice.
“Father, wake up.“
Deputy, he called. I hear you.
He felt pressure upon his shoulders, but when he looked down there was nothing.
“Wake up, this isn’t funny.”
The light was intense upon his body, he could still see this void - still feel. Yet there was nothing here to feel, see, hear of the real world; how could he still hear you? Feel you? Joseph was sure that if he closed his eyes, he would be able to see you too.
Deputy, I’m here - is what he wanted to say, to let you hear him, but it appeared you couldn’t.
“Father, this isn’t funny anymore, you-“ A sob-like sound came from your voice. “Please, please, I can’t lose you too.”
There was pressure on his neck, his chest - beating on his chest. What was happening?
“Joseph- Joseph!”
Joseph’s eyes opened, coughs raked his throat as he leaned forwards, sitting up and the hands that held onto his arms were removed. His own hands went to his throat, fire had invaded it and it was hard to breathe.
“Joseph.” His eyes darted to his Deputy, but you barreled into his chest. Sobs left your lips and arms tightened around his chest. “Joseph, Joseph…”
He couldn’t breathe right but that didn’t stop the ache in his chest from remembering what the Voice had told him, what you were to become. His Judgement, instead of something more, something more to Joseph instead of the Father. His own arm held onto your torso tightly, taking in the scent of the soap and your shampoo that you let him use. He was home.
He remembered being hunted by his followers, killing his brothers, his sister… and the Lord never showed him hurting you. And he was grateful - he just didn’t know how much you wanted him dead on the inside.
Copyright © 2022 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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afarcryfrommymain · 2 years
When I finished fc5 I remember opening it up and like, part of me knew this wouldn't be the case but part of me was like "what if I opened it up again and its just still me in the bunker with Joseph" (think like, ddlc and the "just Monika" segment) and like. Thinking about how if they added that how it would work.
You open it up the second time and the deputy wakes up again, it looks like its been a few weeks? Joseph is reading out the chapter he finally wrote out again, since he's re-writing from scratch. You have the options to try and break out but its futile, you close the game again once he finishes talking.
You open it again, the room looks visibly worse and so does he, its been a year. He's finished writing the book and reads the final chapter to you. You close the game again.
Time skips again when you open it and you're half way through your time in the bunker. It looks like you're free to roam the bunker, its different from when it was Dutch's. There's paint on the walls, the furniture is moved, the TVs and radios are destroyed. You hear Joseph behind a locked door, its implied he hasn't left in days. You have the options to try and break down the door or call to him but either way there's no point. You sit down and eat and you close the game again
Its the scene from the DLC when you open the game up next, you're on the floor and there's blood all over you and your arm and the knife your character is holding. The scene ends from your perspective with the mask. You're crying as he holds you and you hold onto him.
Maybe there's one more thing you can see if you open your save a final time. You're being asked to pack belongings, Joseph is doing the same. It feels uncanny how comfortable he is with you. You pack as much as you can, no guns, he asked you not to grab them, and you make your way to the entrance. Where the game cuts off before you get to see outside.
(If yall have anything that would also be a good short scene I would like to hear it tbh that'd be sick)
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Rook excusing herself from the table during dinner with the Seed family so she can go to the bathroom and do this
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baptst · 2 years
john when the drubman’s enter the town hall meetings:
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lazypinkpig · 1 year
"Fics + Drabbles Commissions"
-types of story : fluff, nsfw, dark content, angst, OC/character, OC/OC, character/character - I can do fanfictions or original story
-price : $0.02 per word so for 1000 words it's $20, payment upfront no refunds. Paypal.
-types of headcanons : fluff, angst, nsfw, dark content, anything, suggestions and preferences is welcome.
-price : $10 per characters. Paypal, payment upfront no refunds.
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general-kalani · 1 year
That's it that's the post.
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lulu2992 · 1 year
If you don't mind and haven't done it before could you show examples of the seeds being interested in the deputy? The only one I really remember is faith talking about the life her and deputy were supposed to have together or something along those lines
In my opinion, there isn’t really indisputable evidence that the Seeds are romantically interested (I assume it’s what you meant) in the Deputy. It’s not that there isn’t anything in the game that suggests they could be or that those ships don’t have potential, but I think it’s a matter of personal interpretation and preference. In short, nothing is certain… but there are “hints”!
To me, Faith and Joseph don’t seem to have this kind of interest in the Deputy; they’re mostly focused on making them see the Project’s truth and join the Family so they can all survive the Collapse. That said, I can see how Faith saying, “I had big dreams for us. Together we could have saved an entire world. We could have shared a life together in the new Eden” can be interpreted in a romantic way. I’ve always thought she meant that more in a “you could have followed the Father and become one of his children too if you weren’t so stubborn” kind of way, but maybe I’m wrong and she was hinting at something and being seductive. She also takes their hands and caresses their cheek, so I suppose that can be seen as flirting.
As for Joseph, he had visions of the future(s) and knows the Deputy is supposed to play a big role in his prophecy, so he wants them alive and hopes they can become one of his followers (which is also why his siblings are so focused on converting them). He makes it very clear that the Deputy is special to him and he’s quite tactile, so even though he’s the Father, calls them “child”, and it’s not how I personally interpret their relationship, I get why his behavior can be seen as an indication that he’s possibly attracted to them.
Out of all the Seeds, I think the one who has the most ambiguous attitude towards the Deputy is John. Sure, he’s primarily interested in catching and converting them because Joseph thinks they’re important, and what John really wants is to impress him, but he then becomes so obsessed with them, so unable to properly function because of them that it’s sometimes… a bit weird. The way he looks at them and talks to them, seems to admire them, or decorates the church for their Atonement... I’ve written about that and so have other people, NPCs in the game talk about John’s strange behavior, and Adelaide and Sharky both draw the same conclusion about it. Whatever his actual feelings are, clearly, they are intense, and it appears the ambiguity was intentional on the developers’ part. But does John become obsessed with the Deputy because he starts developing unexpected romantic feelings for them... or simply because he’s an emotional and relentless individual who won’t rest until his mission is accomplished and Joseph is happy? That’s up to interpretation.
Jacob is way less effusive than his youngest brother, but I think people believe he might be attracted to the Deputy because he too clearly starts developing a personal interest in them that goes beyond what Joseph originally asked of him. NPCs noticed that as well. As much as he tells the Deputy they’re neither special nor strong, he really seems to think they are, and this was even more apparent in some of his deleted lines. He also conditions them using a love song and, just like John, gives them a few nicknames some fans think sound flirtatious in combat/Arcade. So again, there’s no hard evidence that Jacob (or any of his siblings) is romantically interested in the Deputy, but there’s room for speculation!
And they even joked about this on the official Far Cry Twitter account, so there’s that.
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Jojo’s kink hc (except for minors)
Jonathan Joestar
praise: Jonathan loves praising you. “You’re such a good girl, y/n.. your body is so cute, quivering for me..”
He also loves spanking though he doesn’t want to hurt you he does enjoy doing it while he praises you.
“Why are you acting up, darling?” Smack! “You’re usually such a good girl for me~” he lifts your chin to look back at him and kisses your cheek as he rubs your red ass
Size difference: seeing your tiny form take his big cock just does something to him. He loves feeling you tighten around him as he breaks your tight cunt.
Breeding: Filling you up while he praises you, imagining you full of him and his child so you two can finally start a family together. It’s not just because of the possibility or risk if you getting pregnant but the fact that you two can be one and creat a family together
Joseph Joestar
Loves dirty talk, anything he can say, he will.
“You slag, you know I love it when you toy with me like this! Don’t you!? You know what you’re doing to me!” As long as you two are fucking expect him to call you whore, slut, dirty bitch, he just loves degrading
Roleplay: loves when you dress up for him and just make up something on the spot, boss x secretary is especially his favorite. “Well, looks like you want that promotion real bad, huh? Well you’ll have to work for it~ good girl..”
Bondage: seeing you tied up or vice versa is just a turn on in general, but if you’d like to tease him while he’s tied up he’ll be cumming in minutes. If he ties you up then you’d almost always end up being teased and overstimulated until you can’t even properly think.
Toys: using a vibrator on him while he’s being forced not to cum until you tell him to would have him shaking. If you use a vibrator in front of him, he’ll get hard from just watching you, watching you please yourself to the sight of him watching you.
Master/ mistress kink: you calling him master or him calling mistress depending on what you two are doing that night will get him more than in the mood to rock your bed springs out of place.
Jotaro Kujo
Spanking: loves spanking you for being a bad girl and disobeying him. He can’t get enough of seeing your ass red from him spanking you and pussy soaked while he does so. You can obviously feel his buldge in his pants beneath your tummy as your say over his lap.
Degrading: calling you names while he plows into you as he’s gripping onto your hips, “you slut. I know you like this, beg me for it. Beg me to let you cum” calling you whore, cumslut, etc..
Fingering: fingering you in public or private just turns him on. Maybe because you’re getting so worked up over just his fingers, or it could be because he’s eager to feel your right, wet pussy on his big cock. Either way he loves doing it, especially in public, if you wear a skirt he take advantage of it immediately. Taking you to a fancy restaurant and pulling your panties aside so he finger you while you’re ordering.
Breeding: filling you up while he uses however he wants. You begging him to fill you and fuck you full of seed and give you his baby are just a few reasons why he likes doing it so much<3 otherwise he just loves seeing his seed drip out of you while you whine.
Daddy kink: calling him daddy switches something on inside of him for some reason, maybe because he likes being power.
Jolyne Cuhjo
Pussy eating: she gets off to pleasing her partners more often than not. Hearing her partner whine and whither under her because of her talented tongue. Lapping at your needy cunt while she’s taking in tasteful noises.
Edging: either giving or giving, she doesn’t really care. In cooperating it into foreplay almost every time seeing you fall under her spell of ecstasy, begging to cum while she takes complete utter control of your pleasure. Now if you do it to her she’s definitely gonna be whining and begging you to let her cum already, she might start hurling insults but they don’t mean anything.. it’s the edging talking.
Mommy kink: same as jotaro, doesn’t really know why she likes it so much but it’s just the position of power.
Johnny Joestar
Doing it in public: the thought of getting caught is so thrilling it’s almost enough for him to cum on its own. Having someone seeing you both in such a submissive state together.. it’s too much!
Body marking: kissing and nipping on parts of your body he knows people see most definitely see while he fucks you. Thinking about how people will react and how flustered you will be when people notice.
Mutual masturbation: jerking off to the thought of you when he’s right next to your sleeping form. When you awoke, you didn’t move or say anything you stayed still and listened to his moans. A pool began forming in your panties, you couldn’t take it anymore so you reached down your panties and started toying with yourself, eventually gaining Johnnys attention and leaving his shocked.
“Keep going, don’t stop now that you’ve been caught”
Buy me a Kofi! ☕️
Definitely not required but they do help:)
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Imagine if Far Cry 5 took place in 2024 and Faith, being 24, is now part of Gen Z. She would be sitting around the table with the 3 Seed brothers and Joseph and Jacob have no damn clue what she’s saying meanwhile John’s like “I think I can translate” because he’s only slightly older than Faith
Jacob: one of my soldiers is as stubborn as an ass and refuses to follow orders! If he doesn’t smarten up I swear I’m gonna feed him to the damn judges
Faith: Bet
Jacob: the fuck is that supposed to mean?
John: she’s agreeing with you
Joseph: so, what did you guys think of the sermon I delivered tonight?
Faith: you slayed tonight Father!
Joseph: uhhh
John: *sighs* she means you did well Joseph, not that you killed someone
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