#Joo won is just a girl
sadnexx-cat · 1 year
JW is my favourite type of girl.
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xiaohuayaos · 3 months
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I am not unaffected.
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chaoticfandomthot · 1 year
The multiple shots of the same night with different suspects is making me go crazy btw if you even care
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i-am-baechu · 7 months
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Chapter Six
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
Previously on Wishes
“Bambi, I’m not angry. I’m worried about you, Joo Won is looking for you.”
She nodded her head slowly at this and gave him a questionable look, “Why do you know that?”
“Word gets around.”
She looked at Namjoon and her face scrunched up in confusion, “Word gets around? I don’t really talk to anyone...”
“Bambi, you said you trusted me. I need you to trust me now.” 
She looked at Yoongi and the staring contest started. She stared into his dark brown orbs as she was searching for an answer but she knew it wasn’t going to happen. Yoongi crushed his cigarette and their contest was ended, “Trust me. Please.”
“I trust you but what’s going on?”
“Joo Won might have something to do with the murders....you might be next.” 
Guilty. How can a word make someone throw up? Yoongi saw the fear in her doe eyes and his chest ached at the sight before him. It’s the thought that Joo Won has been doing this for years and Y/N could’ve been killed. The thought makes his stomach turn. The woman before him could’ve been killed and he would just continue his life without knowing her. It made him sick. The thought of never meeting her...it was a thought that he wasn’t pleased with. 
“Yoo-Yoongi? How do you know this?” 
It was clear that she was trying to be strong but he saw her eyes sparkle. He sighed and closed his eyes, “Namjoon’s dad is part of the police force. We overheard him talking and I heard your name.” Half true but that didn’t matter at the moment. He watched her nod her head and glanced at Namjoon and then back at him. He watched a small tear form and he reached forward to wipe the tear away gently, “Y/N, please don’t cry...I’ll protect you.”
She stared at him and glanced down at the ground, “How can you protect me?” 
“That’s for me to know.” 
“I-I...I don’t know how to process this. I’m worried about Joo Won. He’s always getting into trouble and I don’t want him getting hurt.”
You shouldn’t worry about that asshole, “Y/N, my focus is on you and only you.”
“But Yoo-”
“No, I need to protect you.” 
Y/N stared at him and nodded her head, “Please...please make sure Joo Won is going to be okay. Please.” 
Yoongi sighed and glanced at Namjoon who was already looking at him, “We’ll keep an eye from afar...okay?” 
“Okay...are you going to walk me home every day?” 
Yoongi let out a small snicker and nodded his head, “Yeah, is that okay with you, Bambi?” 
He watched her demeanor change and she softly smiled, “I am okay with that.” 
Yoongi turned towards Namjoon and nodded his head. Namjoon nodded his head and walked away without saying goodbye to Y/N. Yoongi rolled his eyes and knew that Namjoon was going to give Y/N a hard time. It makes sense why he was. He turned back to Y/N and gently grabbed her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. He watched her glance down at their hands but his eyes never left her face. She slowly looked up and all he saw was an innocent face thrown into a dangerous situation. He rubbed the top of her knuckles and gave her a reassuring smile, “I’ll become your protector. Call out to me, Y/N.”
“Okay, Yoongi.” 
“Let’s go get noodles and talk about happy things.” 
“Happy things? Such as?”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and let go of her hand, “Things that make you happy...you know, like the piano.” 
She smiled and nodded her head, “I do like my piano and so do you. One of the things we have in common.” 
They started walking down the pavement as the leaves made their way down to the floor. Yoongi glanced down at Y/N and nodded his head, “Judging by the way you play, you’ve been doing this since you were a child. Right?” 
“Very observant, tyrant. Yes, you are right.” 
“Was it by choice or forced?” 
With the way she looked at him, he knew he fucked up, “Force? Do you think my parents would do such a thing?” 
He let out a small cough and shook his head, “I-I wasn’t saying...I just know some rich parents force their kids to do stuff. I didn’t mean to insult.”
“You’re very judgemental, aren’t you? Always thinking you know things but you're only going off of what personal experience.” 
Yoongi sighed and nodded his head, “Yes, I’ll admit. I’m sorry if I insulted you.”
She shook her head and continued to look forward, “You didn’t...I understand the implications. My parents saw my interest in it and well here we are. I’m also interested in other things.”
“Like what, Bambi?” 
“Painting, dancing...arts in general.” 
Yoongi looked her up and down, “What kind of dancing?” 
Yoongi snickered at this and ran his fingers through his hair, “I can see that. You're delicate.” 
“I wouldn’t say delicate. Well, what about you?” 
“What about me?”
They stopped at the stoplight and Y/N looked up at him with a soft gaze, “What do you like Min Yoongi?”
His throat felt dry hearing her say his full name. He tried his best to shake off the feeling but he couldn’t. She was the only person that had this effect on him. He felt so small and vulnerable but not weak. She made him feel stronger but under her gaze, he felt like it was okay to be small and vulnerable. Even the big bad wolf can have his days. 
Yoongi let out a small cough and looked away, “I like writing down verses...” 
“Really? The tyrant knows how to write?”
Yoongi turned back and glared at her, “Oi!” She let out a laugh and his glare disappeared. He shook his head and grabbed her wrist walking towards the other side of the street, “You talk too much.” 
“You talk too little.” 
They continued to walk until Yoongi stopped in front of a familiar place. He glanced down at her and then back at the door, “You're going to meet someone.”
“Someone who’s an idiot.” 
He opened the door and sighed to himself. He waited to hear the voice and then glanced at Y/N, “Cover your ears.”
“What? Why?” 
“Hi, welcome to-Eh!? YOONGI!!!” 
Yoongi's eyes twitched as he closed his eyes to keep his composure. He opened them and saw the older woman looking at him with a wide smile, “Hi, Lana.” 
Lana was a Korean-Mexican that Yoongi met by accident. He saved her after she was getting scammed by a food booth. She had tan skin that others looked down upon in Korea but she didn’t care what other people thought of her, with the darkest black hair that Yoongi had ever seen and the length reaching to her hips, she was taller than Y/N but she was shorter than Yoongi, and she had bright hazel eyes that could capture anyone’s soul. 
Lana has a crush on Hoseok and she would always cook for him. They were very similar but also very different, Just like how I am with Y/N. She would often cook meals for them or patch them up whenever they needed. Hoseok would lie to her and say that he would get into fights with random people. Yoongi could tell that Lana knew that was a lie but she never pressed forward about it. He wasn’t sure if they were together but they were something. 
Lana glanced at Y/N with a curious look, “And who are you?” 
Yoongi looked at Y/N and then at Lana, “This is L/N Y/N, my...my friend.” 
Yoongi felt Y/N’s eyes on him but he didn’t bother to look. Instead, he kept his eyes on Lana who was looking between the two with mischievous eyes, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lana.” 
He glanced to see her bowing and he couldn’t help but have a soft smile. She was always polite to strangers and always showed respect. Well everyone but him. 
“Likewise. Are you guys hungry? I just made some ramen.” 
Lana walked away as Yoongi glanced down at Y/N, “Have you ever had birria ramen?” 
Y/N shook her head and glanced at the menu, “I’ll try anything.”
“That’s good to know.” 
“Why is that, Yoongi?” 
Yoongi pushed some hair behind her ear and she watched with wide eyes as he chuckled, “So I can take you out. Let’s go.” 
Yoongi stirred his noodles as he watched Y/N eating the ramen. His eyes felt relaxed as she happily slurped up her noodles. His eyes weren't used to being this relaxed but he wasn’t going to fight it. Y/N wiped her mouth and looked at Yoongi, “You’ve been quiet.” 
“I didn’t know you could do that.” 
Yoongi clicked his tongue and leaned forward making Y/N’s eyes widen. He picked up his napkin and wiped off some juice that she missed, “Don’t be smart when you can’t even wipe your mouth.”
“Shut up.” 
He sat back in his seat and glanced at Lana who was on the phone. He figured she was on the phone with Hoseok with the way her face was beet red. He looked back at Y/N who was staring at her noodles with a blank expression. He sighed and put some noodles in his mouth, “You look like you're thinking...it’s not good.”
Y/N sighed and took a sip of her water, “I know...do you think they’ll kill me?” 
Yoongi dropped his chopsticks and stared at her with a shocked look, “Don’t you ever ask that question.” 
“I can’t help it-”
“Don’t ever form that sentence to me.”
She sighed and nodded her head, “I’m sorry...I keep thinking about this morning. It’s scary...I could d-”
“You won’t. Nothing will happen to you. I will do anything to protect you.” 
She looked at him with a shocked look and slowly nodded her head, “You're persistent...I don’t know if that’s a good thing.”  
“When it comes to you, it's good. After you're done, I have to go to the store.” 
“Okay...who’s Lana?” 
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at him and leaned back in the booth, “She's a friend.” 
“A friend? She seemed so happy to see you...”
Yoongi let out a small chuckle and shook his head, “She’s with Hoseok.”
He could’ve sworn he saw her eyes lit up but it could always be the lighting, “Oh...that’s good.”
“Why is it good?”
“Hoseok seems nice. I’m glad for her, you said you needed to go to the store. We should go before it gets darker.” 
He watched her leave the booth with her purse and he couldn’t help but smirk. He put the dishes together and headed towards Lana who was looking at him with worried eyes, “You okay?”
“Hoseok told me that Y/N’s in danger because of bullies. Is she going to be okay?”
Yoongi's face turned serious and nodded his head, “She’s going to be okay. Don’t worry about her.” 
“I hope she’s not like Chin-Mae.”
“Trust me. She’s nothing like her. I’ll see you later, Lana.” 
“Be safe, Yoongi...” 
Yoongi walked outside to see Y/N looking up with a blank expression. When she heard the door close, she turned her head towards him, “What do you need from the store?” 
“Something for the future.” 
Yoongi closed his front door and leaned against the door staring at the ceiling with a frown. Having so many thoughts can only kill a person. He should know. He took the travel mouthwash out of his pocket and smiled. 
Yoongi quickly put it back in his pocket and stood up straight. He saw Namjoon with his arms crossed staring at him, “What is Namjoon?” 
“You came home late.”
“I was out.”
“Hwan called.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow and placed his hands in his pants pocket with annoyance, “Why?” 
“He said his guys captured someone from Demony na Zapade and it wasn’t Joo Won.”
Yoongi sighed and hit the back of his head against the door, “When's the meeting?” 
“Tomorrow night.” 
“So be it. Get some sleep until then.” Yoongi went to walk past Namjoon but was stopped when he felt fingers around his wrist. He glanced at Namjoon with a raised eyebrow, “What?” 
“You shouldn’t be messing with someone that could be evidence.”
“She’s not just evidence.”
It was Namjoon’s turn to raise his eyebrow, “Then what is she?” 
Yoongi sighed and ripped his hand away, “Leave it. Goodnight.” 
He walked up the stairs feeling the eyes of his best friend. He was sure if someone was in the room they would smell the burning flesh from the intense stare. Yoongi closed the door and kneeled in front of the pictures with his candle. The smell of Y/N filled the room and he closed his eyes with a smile. 
The room was dark and Yoongi was standing alone. He turned his head and saw his parents fading away and he tried to reach out to them but he wasn’t quick enough. He let out a silent scream and he saw his older brother walking away as he cried out his name. Yoongi fell to his knees as the darkness consumed him. 
It wasn’t until he heard the familiar sound of heels clicking away. He slowly looked up and saw Y/N with her hand out, “You look like you need help.” 
He glanced at her hand and then at her face. He slowly placed his hand into hers and she helped him up, “Y-Y/N?”
“You’ve been alone for so long that when someone actually cares for you...you don’t want to believe it.” 
“What you are talking about-” 
She leaned forward and placed her lips on his. His eyes widened and he closed them, returning the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. When they pulled away their foreheads touched, “The more you ignore, the more complicated things get.”
“Are you my conscience?” 
“I’m whatever you want...the more you push it away...” She placed her hand on his heart and looked at him with a frown, “The more hurt you feel.”
He placed his hand on top of hers on his chest and shook his head, “You could never love a monster like me.”
“You never gave me a chance. You didn’t even give yourself a chance to love me.” 
He whipped his head up and stared into her doe eyes, “Lo-Love?” 
“That’s what your mind has been begging you lately. It’s annoying really.”
He let out a laugh and rubbed her knuckles, “I can’t say it.”
“Yes you can. For once in your life, don’t be scared.”
Yoongi woke up when he heard a knock on the door, “Boss? Are you alright? You were yelling?”
Yoongi sat up in his bed and wiped the sweat from his forehead, “I’m fine Taehyung. Go back to sleep.” 
He heard footsteps walking away and he sighed to himself. He stared down at his chest and brought his hand up to clench the fabric covering his skin, “Fuck.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Why the sadness?” 
Yoongi hit the last key and glanced to his side to see Y/N looking at him with worry. He let out a puff of smoke and shrugged his shoulders, “Felt like it today.”
He heard her dropping her bag and walking towards the piano seat. He moved to the side giving her enough space to sit next to her. He looked at her and saw her frown, making him feel sad, “The weather is beautiful today but here you are being sad. Why?” 
He watched her roll her eyes and he had to stop himself from snickering, “You say that so much. Is it your catchphrase now?” 
“I guess I’m just like Woody. Pull my string.”
He let out a small laugh as he touched the keys gently. When he didn’t hear anything from her, he glanced at her. He saw with a shocked face and he raised his eyebrow, “What?”
“You just joked with me.” 
“Okay and-”
“That was the first time you truly joked with me that didn’t make me upset.” 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, “You remember what I said to you now?” 
“Yes...we’re friends. Right?” 
He glanced at the ivory keys and wanted to smash them. He scolded himself in his head and turned towards her, “Y-Yeah.”
She smiled at this and nodded her head. She glanced at his fingers and frowned, “Why do you have so many cuts?”
Because I had to punch someone this morning. He let out a puff and shrugged his shoulders, “It was from the woodshop.” 
“You build things? You do have the fingers for it.”
“What do you mean by that Bambi?”
She gently took his hand off of the piano keys and placed her hand against his. He stared at their hands with an unknown feeling in his chest, “Your fingers, you have a creator's hand. You like to build things whether it’s music or wood...that’s interesting.”
She took her hand away and took her phone out of his pocket. He stared at his hand for a minute before bringing it to his side, clenching it tightly. He finished his cigarette and she watched with annoyance, “I hate-”
“I know Bambi...I know.” He bent down and took out his travel mouthwash. He brought the cup to his mouth and he started to swish it around his mouth as she watched. He spat in his empty water bottle and he turned towards her, “I know.”
“You carry mouthwash now?” 
“You don’t remember what you told me that one night?”
He watched her face turn red and she looked away from him but he stopped her. He gently turned her head and rubbed her chin gently with his thumb. Her doe eyes staring into his harsh brown eyes made him feel like ice. Melting away, slowly. “I would kiss one. If they had mouthwash...remember?” 
“I-I remember...” 
He smirked at her flustered state and rubbed her left cheek softly, “Good.” 
Just then his phone started ringing and he let out a loud groan. He stood up and gave Y/N an apologetic smile. He walked away and answered his phone in annoyance, “What?”
“Hyung!? You need to get down here!” 
Yoongi glanced at Y/N over his shoulder and then back at his shoes, “Why?”
“We know who runs Demony na Zapade. We need you down here now.”
“I’ll be there, Jungkook. Just be patient.” 
He hung up his phone and sighed. Sometimes he wished his life was normal but this was the life he chose to do. He turned around and walked towards her, time felt slow and it was as if she was going to disappear. She turned towards him with a frown, “Is everything okay?” 
Yoongi shook his head and grabbed his backpack, “I have to help Jungkook with something. I’ll text you later Bambi.”
“Yoongi? I thought we were going to get food together?” 
Fuck, “I can’t Bambi. I’ll do it next time.”
He watched her sigh and nodded her head with a fake smile, he hated it, “Yeah...I’ll see you later. Be careful.” 
“I will Bambi, I promise. I’ll send Namjoon to watch you.”
He quickly sent a text to Namjoon and looked at Y/N with a frown, “Please don’t be mad at me, Bambi.”
“Just go help Junkook. Make sure you guys are safe.” 
Yoongi sighed and nodded his head. He wanted to say so much more but he didn’t have time to speak with his chest. He took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders, “To prove to you, I’ll have lunch with you. I’ll text you, Bambi.”
He ran out of the building not wanting to see Y/N’s reaction. He ran to the parking lot ignoring the stares from the students as he tossed his stuff in the trunk of his motorcycle. He put his helmet and gloves on and was off. At every stop light, he thought about Y/N’s red face. The softness of her skin under his fingertips. 
“You never gave me a chance. You didn’t even give yourself a chance to love me.” 
He shook his head and parked his bike in the garage. He ran into the house to see Jin with a frown, “Boss.”
“Who's the leader?” 
“Cha Eunwoo.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @secfir @amberpanda99
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming Kdrama August 2023 ❤️
4/8: My Dearest with Nam Goong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo. 20 episodes; historical, romance. trailer
4/8: First Responders 2 with Kim Rae Won, Son Ho Joom, Gong Seung Yun. 12 episodes; action, drama. trailer
9/8: Moving with Han Hyo Joo, Jo In Sung, Go Yoon Jung. 20 episodes; action, supernatural. trailer
10/8: The Killing Vote with Lim Ji Yeon, Park Hae Jin, Park Sung Woong. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery, horror. trailer
12/8: Behind Your Touch with Han Ji Min, Lee Min Ki, Suho. 16 episodes; rom-com, supernatural. trailer
18/8: Mask Girl with Go Hyun Jung, Nana, Ahn Jae Hong. 7 episodes; thriller, comedy. trailer
21/8: My Lovely Boxer with Lee Sang Yeop, Kim So Hye, Kim Jin Woo. 12 episodes; youth, sports. trailer
23/8: Destined With You with Jo Bo Ah, Ro Woon, Ha Joon. 16 episodes; law, romance, fantasy. trailer
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Just in time for my summer holidays 😅😅
Planning to watch at least 5 from these... What about you? ☺️
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gwenchana-gwenchana · 11 months
Kdrama MCs that are truly ride or die for their significant other.
1. Goo Seung Jun from Crash Landing On You. The redemption arc was so good for him. But then he proved to be the ultimate ride or die by SPOILERS -- literally dying for his SO. --SPOILERS
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2. Ahn Min Hyuk from Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. SPOILERS — lots of stuff happens and then there is a bomb. Bong Soon is tied up and strapped to a bomb and he can’t get to her and then he just refuses to leave her to die alone. He says, “Let’s go together.” The very definition of ride or die. — SPOILERS
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3. Joo Joong Won from The Master's Sun. Literal sunshine girl and grumpy boy trope and you will love every minute of it. Even though he's always telling her to get lost he was gone for her by the third episode, he just didn't know it yet.
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4. Choi Dal Po/Ki Ha Myung from Pinocchio.
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5. Seo Jung Ho from Healer. He can kick all the ass and will do it for Young Shin.
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6. Kang Ho Goo from Fool's Love. He was on her side from minute one and never swayed. He tops the list for ride or die.
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7. Noh Ji Wook from Suspicious Partner.
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8. Yoo Shi Jin & Seo Dae Young from Descendants of the Sun. Sure they love their ladies but these two are ride or die for each other.
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dangermousie · 1 year
A pusher post: What Happened in Bali (2004)
This monster hit of a drama (also known as Something Happened in Bali) starred three about to become huge stars - Ha Ji Won, Jo In Sung and So Ji Sub. It's one of my favorite kdramas of all times and was HUGE when it aired, but because it's almost 20 years old, is nowadays less known than it should be.
My elevator pitch for it would be: "What it's like to be the object of (adult) Domyouji's obsession in real life." Answer - misery and self-destruction.
The plot seems fairly straightforward and revolves around four individuals, all of whom are damaged and none of whom are that likeable but some of whom (if you are me), you end up loving anyway.
Ha Ji Won is Soo Jung, a poor girl working as a tour guide who ends up being torn between attentions of two very different and very damaged men - the icy, ambitious, poor one played by So Ji Sub and a volatile, abused car crash about to happen wealthy one played by Jo In Sung. (In possibly my favorite performance of his ever.) The fourth main character is a wealthy young woman played by Park Ye Jin who was in love with So Ji Sub but threw him over for the status and money of arranged engagement with JIS.
Bali is a very dark drama, in a way dramas really aren't today. Yes, of course there are dramas with damaged or even negative protagonists, tragedy, and darkness. But what old kdramas sometimes had is a certain grinding every day aspect of misery, if it makes sense. It is not larger than life, there is no message, it's not healing. It's broken people trying to get through soul-crushing darkness and being ugly about it and often failing.
Ha Ji Won, the pivot of the story, is not happy or noble. She is desperate and grasping; she wants money and she wants love and she wants everything, anything to feel the gaping hole in her soul. I knew the story wasn't going to be your usual one when I saw the scene where Jo In Sung's character Jae Min offers her $$$ for a one-night stand and she calls him a jerk (and you see by his reaction he doesn't even understand that what he said was insulting - he is puzzled. In his world, everything can be bought and sold, and there is no such thing as affection) and then asks whether he is going to pay before or after. In her world, there is no room for the grand gesture, for throwing money in his face. She leaves only because he kicks her out (giving her money but not doing anything - which is so telling) telling her to buy her new shoes (hers are broken) and saying "it's not fun any more" (the first of many instances she really throws him off any usual ways he deals with things). And then she trips on her broken heels walking out, sprawling in the lobby, inelegantly grabbing and picking up money.
When we first see her, she seems mostly well-adjusted but the more the story progresses, the more we see she is just as broken as Jae Min, who just be the most broken kdrama ML that I have come across. (So Ji Sub's character In Wook has frozen himself and somehow avoided some damage that way; it doesn't hurt that his damage unlike SJ and JM's isn't reinflicted over and over; and Yeong Joo, our secondary girl, is largely content - she mostly accepts the devil's bargain she made for money.)
One of the biggest pleasures of this drama for me is contrasting in the way Jae Min is going to be with Soo Jung eventually - utterly desperate and brought down and willing to beg and beg and beg, and the way he is at the start - emotionally detached, with all the 'power' on his side - I mean, contrast his propositioning her for that one-night stand and the scene where they finally make love, a dozen eps from then.
BUT! And I think this is one of the reasons I love this drama so much - it is not a story of love as salvation, it is the story of love as damnation. As far as Jae Min is concerned, this is the story of devolution. His soul wakes up and he falls in love and he commits himself utterly and that breaks him down more and more and eventually makes him a broken destroyer of himself and the woman he loves. Because, the drama seems to say, in his environment, only a true cold monster can thrive or at least survive; the moment he loves someone, he's done. The whole this drama shows abuse is so telling. His monster father beats him regularly even if Jae Min is a grown man (there is a scene in his office in ep 2 where daddy is practicing golf in his office and Jae Min flinches any time the golf club is in his vicinity, and almost stutters and it's a small preview of what we are going to get.) But his mother who spoils her "baby" even though that "baby" is a grown man, but only if he does what she wants; he's supposed to have as much self-determination as a poodle, is as bad.
And there is Ha Ji Won - she is so desperate, so alone, so grasping, so greedy, so alive. She is a rare kdrama FL who sleeps with both her leading men (not at once, it WAS 2004 :P) and takes so long to decide that she loves Jae Min because she doesn't want to let go of even a crumb of what she can have because she's been so starved in every way.
And then there is the infamous ending
Where Jae Min (who has been through total hell by then; god the scene where he's on his knees begging his father to spare Soo Jung, trying to convince the man he never loved her) believes wrongly but reasonably that Soo Jung never loved him and played him to take all the family's stuff in cahoots with In Wook and goes into their room (where they just finished banging) and shoots them both right after she just finished telling In Wook that she is going to go back to Jae Min despite the risk because that's who she loves is !!!!! And as she dies, she tells Jae Min, for the first time, she loves him. And he goes out and the last shot (no pun intended) is him on his knees putting a gun to his temple and a shot ringing out. And that's the ending; our main three dead (and Jae Min never knew she never betrayed him and only finding out she loved him when it was too late), the sole survivor is the ice cold secondary girl. All people who had some humanity dead and destroyed by the monsters heaping constant wrong and abuse on them until they broke and said monsters continuing with their nice lives.
And the thing is - the drama does not condone anyone - not the family abusers who break Jae Min down bit by bit in the drama, not Jae Min who does the most monstrous thing at the end, going from a man willing to die body and soul so Soo Jung could live to the man who himself kills her, not In Wook who steals everything who wasn't nailed down, nor secondary girl who will never be touched by anything, not even Soo Jung who got into all of this because of her greed - it just lays it all out and presents their humanity and goes "watch. watch. watch."
Nobody would make this nowadays. They'd need a message or a cynical tint or w/e. Not just - sometimes there is no moral, no message, sometimes you watch people self destruct and love them as character even if not as people anyway.
There has been a rumored remake (shudder) for years but it has never taken off the ground and thank god. Without cast and with modern way of doing dramas, it would be terrible.
PS Speaking of terrible, the clothes in this drama oh my GOD.
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seamayweed · 6 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
tagged by @illwynd & @mid-n0vember, ty so much - this was very fun to do!! <333
Half of Your Fate (mctna, concubine!seon-ho au) Seon-ho finds out he can get pregnant after the exam that should have never happened and before the war that can never happen.
The Earth Still Burns (ff7, cloud strife/sephiroth) Mother, I love you, he said, the way she had told him so many times.
Streuner (mad dog, choi kang-woo/kim min-joon) “I’m home,” Kang-woo says as soon as he unlocks the door and steps into his apartment, but he pauses when he sees the lights on.
coffee date (bloodhounds, kim myeong-gil/kim gun-woo) Mrs. Yoon’s face falls as soon as he enters the café.
Number One (the killing vote, kim ji-hoon & kwon seok-joo) Father is a man in glasses walking next to a girl holding up a pink umbrella shielding Ji-hoon né Tae-yang from the rain.
a higher power (sweet home, jung jae-heon/pyeon sang-wook) When the monster attacked Sang-wook, all he could think of was Jae-heon.
which the sons of men had built (vincenzo, jang han-seo/jang han-seok) The world burned.
the candles burned out the light (bloodhounds, kim myeong-gil/kim gun-woo) Violence is an art he has mastered.
limbo (mctna, bangseonhwi) The next time Hwi sees Seon-ho is when he’s leaving from another meeting with Bang-won, reporting to him like the good, obedient dog he is; even just the mere thought has his jaw and wrists rolling, hands itching for arrow and bow.
and bloodless again (mctna, bangseon) By some fluke, Bang-won walks into the room Nam Seon-ho is in, still in his saheonbu uniform as though he never takes it off.
gosh, that's a lot of different fandoms i've been writing and posting fic for lately... anyway, looks like i usually prefer to start with short, simple sentences!
tagging @pondsphuwin, @convenientalias, @blueberry-cheese-pizza, @godotismissingx, @rhaenys-queenofkhyrulzz, @nubreed73, @lostemotion, @argents-huntress, @holographings, @laireshi, @fuckingferalhawks, @itsza, @noona96n, @lvsifer, @haraxvati, @sadviper, @rhysiana, @talesofsorrowandofruin and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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survivalistghost · 2 years
Top 10 kdrama friendships that had me bawling
#10 - alchemy of souls : mu deok/bo yeon + the boys
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the only reason this doesnt get a higher rating is because they just didnt have enough scenes together. it was always pretty secondhanded, like the boys helping her with her servant exam in s1, or scenes between seo yul and mu deok/bo yeon. however, their friendship was amazing, and just adore this show in itself.
#9 - doom at your service : tak dong kyung, na ji na and cha joo ik
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okay, they weren't a trio, necessarily, but they had such a great friendship through indirect interaction. joo ik and dong kyung had such a wholesome excited little sister and passive older brother relationship. and dont even get me started on the cuteness that was the friendship between na ji na and tak dong kyung.
#8 - strong girl do bong soon : do bong soon and gyeong shim
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i wrote about this in my review of strong girl dbs as well, and the friendship between gyeong shim and dbs was so cool because both women were willing to go to such lengths for each other. one of the lesser-highlighted friendships of kdramas.
#7 - crash course in romance : nam haeng son and kim young joo
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it takes a lot to sacrifice your national sports for your friend, and young joo made that sacrifice like a pro. their friendship was so cute, a bit annoying at times, but cute nonetheless. they were there for each through the goods and the bads, and that's all we really ask for.
#6 - lovestruck in the city : lee eun oh, suh rin i and kang geon
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why! are! they! not! talked! about! ultimate peak best friendship, no romantic subplots to this gang, absolute delights. everyone should give lovestruck in the city a try.
#5 - twenty five twenty one : the gang
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how could i say friendship and not have these people. this gang singlehandedly and platonically had enemies to besties, childhood besties, sunbae besties and just everything. right in the feels.
#4 - weightlifting fairy kim bok joo : the trio + the boys
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the 'swag' trio. every time they did the swag thing it made me cringe so bad but they were very cute. the rooftop scene was legit so cute and the addition of the boys was even better. nothing beats these weightlifting girls and we stan.
#3 - extraordinary attorney woo : woo young woo and choi su yeon
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this was sosososososo cute. the way su yeon was literally always there for young woo. she couldve easily been a villain, young woo took the guy she had a crush on, was higher in grades and well known. had an influential background. such telltale signs of bad women in kdramas. BUT this amazing person really was so good with young woo and totally spring sunshine su yeon.
#2 - the fabulous - the gang
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everyone seems to hate the fabulous. genuinely, come at me. i dont give a shit about cinematic art or marketing strategies or whatever, this is my opinion gonna stick to it. i ADORED the fabulous. their gang was so amazing, the definition of supportive, cute and somehow maintaining that joke around stuff. they had their little pairs in the middle as well, but that didnt take away the overall love. go watch it.
#1 - hospital playlist - the band
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im a recent to hosplay bandwagon, but. i fell in love. finished the (almost) entire show in nearly a week, an achievement considering it's my finals rn. we've got the piggies, buddha who is catholic, the guy who knows everybody and his dad. it was the little things with them for me, really. when they called jeong won andrea like that was so cute. when jun wan called seok hyeong ik jun's dad it made me laugh so much. and the fact that they're really not that close when u think about it but they still are? like that is adult friendships and we love.
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kdramacrybaby · 1 year
My favorite actresses
In no particular order
Kim Se-jeong
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What I've watched: Busted, A Business Proposal, The Uncanny Counter
What I want to watch: School 2017, Today's Webtoon
Okay, so though I said it was in no particular order, Se-jeong is definitely my top pick. I just love her, both on- and off-screen. She can nail both a bubbly rom-com protagonist and a hard-core, ass-kicking action star. And off-screen, she's just so happy and excited about everything in variety shows. I'm definitely hoping for a lot more dramas to come from her in the future.
Han Hyo-joo
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What I've watched: The Pirates; The Last Royal Treasure, W, Happiness
What I want to watch: Treadstone, Masquerade, Moving
This woman is just so goddamn cool in every role I've seen her in, as well as from what I can tell of her other roles. I'm not really sure what else to say tbh. She's amazing, end of sentence. I cannot wait to see her other projects as well, I'm sure they're fantastic.
Jang Na-ra
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What I've watched: The Last Empress, Sell Your Haunted House
What I want to watch: V.I.P., Family; The Unbreakable Bond
The Last Empress was one of the first dramas I watched where I was like; "oh so that's what a kdrama can be" - and her role as Oh Sunny is still one of my favorite characters ever, even years later. Just for that alone, she gets a spot on this list. SYHH was fantastic as well, only adding to my point here.
Kim Ji-won
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What I've watched: Arthdal Chronicles, Descendants of the Sun, The Heirs, Fight For My Way
What I want to watch: Queen of Tears
This is a case where she somehow just ended up in dramas I had planned to watch, without knowing she was in them. And in every one, she just stole the show. I don't know what it is about her, but she just stands out in the best ways. I was so sad when I found out she wouldn't continue as Tanya in Arthdal, as I just think she was perfect in that role.
Park Bo-young
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What I've watched: Strong Girl Bong-soon, Doom At Your Service
What I want to watch: Abyss, Concrete Utopia
She was so heart-shatteringly amazing in Doom At Your Service that I just had to put her on this list. Though the others actors were fantastic as well, she just carried this entire drama on her back. And Bong-soon is just an iconic character all around. It took me a while to realize they were played by the same actress, she's that good.
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hughungrybear · 7 months
Well, comparing the two dramas, I find Yi Joo extremely irritating. I mean, Ji Won has her rare moments of idiocy. But Yi Joo is frustratingly pig-headed to the point that I want to ask her why the fvck did she ask Do Guk to side with her then not ask for help when she truly needs it? Just to make Yoora jealous??? All for a quick win?
Girl does not know how to strategise 😑. At least Ji Won's actions are all calculated to get the maximum benefit.
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i-am-baechu · 2 months
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Chapter Ten
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of death, guns, and injury. Also sorry this chapter is a big one and this is where the story will start to pick up :D
Author’s Note: Hey guys! I went to a work party and I got drunk. I spent the whole day recovering : D. If you are under the age please don’t drink and if you are at the age, don’t be fucking stupid like me for fuck sakes <3
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
Taking a chance in life can lead you down paths that you didn’t even know existed. There’s always good in the bad and vice versa. Even the smallest chance can change your life. Even when things seem so confusing, it's going to make sense. One way or another, it's going to make sense. At least that’s what you tell yourself because everyone just wants clarity in life. 
“Will you have this dance with me?”
Y/N glanced down at Yoongi’s hand and smiled, “I suppose.” 
“Please Y/N, one dance.”
The look on Yoongi’s face made Y/N nervous. It was a face that held secrets and those secrets were bursting out. Secrets that she knew he was hiding from her. Was it his guilt? Was he finally going to tell her the truth? Y/N nodded her head and placed her hand in his, “Okay..but I want you to tell me something.” 
Ten Hours Ago 
Yoongi stared at the screen and then cracked his neck. He turned his head towards Hoseok with a tense look, “He’s going to be there at the party with Joo Won?” 
Hoseok nodded his head and closed his laptop, “It appears that Joo Won has been working with Eunwoo for six years.” 
“When did Joo Won become known?”
Jimin let out a small cough and put his hands in his pockets, “He killed someone four years ago. The person was just random.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and took his phone out of his pocket, “In nine hours, we will have the party. Eunwoo will be there and this is going to be our chance.”  
Jungkook put his gun down and turned towards Yoongi with a worried look, “What about Y/N? Does she know what we're doing?” 
Jin glared at him and flicked his forehead, “Don’t mention her name.” 
Yoongi sighs and sees that Y/N called him four times. He knew there was something wrong with her but he didn’t want to pressure her. Ever since two days ago, he has been worried. It was as if the soul was sucked out of her and she wasn’t living that day. He waited for her at her school but she never came out. Taehyung was the one who found out that she stayed home. He told him that Y/N didn’t leave her room and it looked like her parents were struggling to talk to her. Whatever was on her mind, it was bad. 
He put his phone back in his pocket and turned towards his group, “No fucking up.”
“Yes, boss!” 
Y/N sighed and tossed her phone. She wasn’t shocked that Yoongi wasn’t picking up her calls. If she was hiding something, she would avoid the person she was lying to. It’s that simple but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less. 
She turned around and smiled at Dawon. Dawon gave her a worried look and sat next to her with two cups, “I made us tea.” 
“I appreciate it.” Y/N took the tea and took a small sip of the golden liquid. She placed the cup on the coffee table and stared at the cup with a frown, “What would you do if you were being lied to?” 
Dawon raised her eyebrow and placed her cup down, “You've been lied to?”
Dawon nodded her head and looked at Y/N, “Knowing you...you would do anything to find the truth. Y/N, please be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.” 
“Would you still talk to that person?” 
“No, a person that lies will continue to lie. No matter what. They see it as a tool in a relationship, it makes them think they're the ones in charge.” 
Y/N bit her lip and looked away, “Even if they're protecting you... per se.” 
“Y/N, what’s going on?” 
Y/N shook her head and picked her tea up, “Sorry...it’s just mental gymnastics.” 
Dawon placed her hand on Y/N’s knee with a worried look, “You can tell me anything.”
“I’ll tell you when I figure it out myself.” 
Dawon sighed and nodded her head, “Don’t keep me in the dark.”
“I don’t even know what’s going on, Dawon. I think it's just my mind...”
Dawon went to say something but Y/N’s mother came in with a wide grin, “Are you girls ready to get ready?”
Y/N nodded her head and took another sip of her tea, “Yes.” She sat up and stared at her phone that was on the cushion. She picked up the phone and let out a sad chuckle, nothing. 
Y/N asked her mother if she could have a breather and her mother finally agreed after her father begged her. Y/N walked towards the park and she tilted her head when she saw someone familiar, “Yoongi?”
He looked up from his phone and gave her a soft smile. The rare softness from Yoongi sent warmth to her heart but she tried to erase this feeling, “Hey.” 
Y/N scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, “Hey? Is that all you can say to me?”
Yoongi frowned and got up from the swing. He walked towards Y/N and unfolded her arms. He intertwined their hands together and rubbed her knuckles, “I’m sorry...I’ve been busy.”
“Been busy? With the case?”
“Stop bringing up the case.” 
Y/N let go of his hand and shook her head, “Yoongi, I have every right to know. It’s my life.” 
“I know it's your life.”
“Then tell me.” 
Yoongi sighed and stared down at the grass below, what the hell was he supposed to say? He couldn’t give her the whole truth because it would break her heart. Especially when it involves Joo Won. That little fucker has been ruining her life even before Yoongi entered. Y/N could’ve gotten killed like that random person. Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head, “You make things so hard.”
“Then make it easier! Just tell me something.”
“Fine, the person that’s trying to kill you is going to be at the party tonight.” 
Her eyebrows furrowed and she frowned at this, “Wh-What?”
“I didn’t want to tell you anything...the person who wants you dead is going to be at the party.” 
“Wh-Who is it?” 
I can’t tell her...fuck I can’t, “I’m not sure yet. We’re still figuring it out. I’ll take care of it.”
“How do you have the jurisdiction to do this?”  
“I told you, Namjoon-”
Y/N shook her head and looked away, “I know but what gives you the jurisdiction to take action?” 
“Well, we’re rookies.” 
“You're a cop?”
Yoongi nodded his head and grabbed her hand, “I’ll protect you.”  Even if I have to lie to you. I’ll protect you no matter what. 
“Why didn’t you tell me this in the beginning?” 
“You would put yourself in more danger.” 
“Are you hiding anything else from me?”
Yoongi shook his head but Y/N saw his eyes. His eyes told so much and she doesn’t even think he realized it. She sighed and looked away, “I have to go...I have to finish getting ready.” 
“In an hour, meet me here. I want to take you to the garden.” 
She nodded her head, “Fine, you do remember that you're my date. Right?” 
“I do remember. That’s why I want to take you to the garden before I take you to the party.”
“What am I going to tell my parents?” 
“Tell them the truth. You're meeting your date somewhere and coming to the party.” 
She rolled her eyes and scoffed, “You make it sound like it's easy. I’ll tell my dad then...he’s more on my side.”
“I’ll see you then.”
“Yoongi, please don’t hurt me.”
Yoongi saw her eyes and they pleaded for security. Security that he wasn’t sure he was giving her at this moment, but he was going to try. “I won’t hurt you.” 
She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, “Promise?” 
She walked away and Yoongi watched with a smile on his face. Y/N covered her mouth, stopping herself from crying. She knew Yoongi was lying but she couldn’t stop herself from caring about him. Maybe there were some lies that needed to be set to protect her. She wanted to see him in a good light and everything but it didn’t sit right with her. 
She entered the house and her father was waiting for her, “You okay flower?” 
“Dad...I have to leave an hour early. I’m meeting my date somewhere.” 
Her dad's eyes widened and slowly nodded his head, “Is this person you're falling for?” 
“I think...I don’t know but I guess I’m giving it a chance..” I hope that choice doesn’t crush me even more.
“Taking a chance can open new paths, I’ll support you. I’ll tell your mother that you had last-minute changes in the dress.”  
Y/N smiled at this and kissed her dad’s cheek, “Thank you, dad.”
“Of course my flower. Now go get ready before your mother gets mad.” 
“Y/N! Are you back!?” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and looked at the stairs, “Too late...Coming!” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
She did what Yoongi told her to do. She left the house and went to the garden. It was harder to walk the path when you have heels on but she tried her best to keep her heels clean. She opened the gate and the smell of roses hit her nose. They were begging her to enter the garden, it was as if Yoongi told the flowers about her arrival. She closed the gate and her fingers gently traced the cold metal.
“You look beautiful.” She turned around and saw Yoongi wearing a suit and tie. She felt her heartbeat go faster when she saw the tie color, blue like her dress. He slowly walked towards her and fingers gently traced the tulle shirt that was over her embroidered dress, “Beautiful.” 
She looked up at him and gently pushed some hair back, “You look handsome.” 
“Handsome enough to get your parents to like me?” 
“One can hope.”
He brought her to the middle and they laid in the grass with the flowers around them. They stared at the night sky and it was beautiful tonight. The night sky was bright with the moon being the main attraction. The sky itself was dark but it had a hint of blue. Van Gogh would’ve painted this sky over and over again. Y/N looked away from the sky and toward Yoongi with a soft smile, “I like moments like this.”
Yoongi gave her a tight smile and she knew his mind was clouded. She didn’t want to ruin their moment by asking, “I do too.” 
She rubbed her fingertips on top of his knuckles and looked back at the sky, “Just stay with me.” 
“I’ll stay with you, Y/N.” 
“No matter what?” Even if you lie to me?
“Yes, no matter what.” Even if I have to lie to you.
He leaned towards her and placed his lips on hers. She closed her eyes and returned the kiss with their foreheads touching. When they separated, she couldn’t stop staring into his dark brown eyes. Brown eyes that held lies and her heart. Why did this happen to her? 
He glanced at his watch and sighed, “We have to go to the party.” 
The ride to the party was quiet. To Yoongi, the silence was comforting but to Y/N, it was choking her. She just wanted the truth of everything but she was scared to hear the truth. She liked Yoongi a lot but Dawon was right, she didn’t know Yoongi. She doesn’t know Yoongi the way she knew Seungcheol. She knew what Seungcheol’s favorites were while she barely knew what Yoongi's favorite color was. The most basic question you ask a person but here she was, realizing that she never asked him. It was so hard to get him to talk to her that she didn’t bother with the small talk but is she the one to blame for this too? 
“Y/N, did you hear me?” 
She looked away from the mirror and saw Yoongi looking at her, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, I am. Sorry.” 
Yoongi grabbed her hand and rubbed her knuckles, “Are you nervous for tonight?” You have nothing to worry about, I’ll protect you.
“It’s a mixture of things.” Nervous about you mostly.
They walked into the party and Yoongi's eyes became wide. He knew Y/N’s parents were rich but seeing it in real life was different. The place was bigger than any place he owned and it was most definitely bigger than the orphanage. Everyone was dressed in the most expensive dresses and suits while he was dressed in a suit he took from Jimin. It was still a nice suit but compared to everyone, you could see the difference. 
Taking a chance in life can lead you down paths that you didn’t even know existed. There’s always good in the bad and vice versa. Even the smallest chance can change your life. Even when things seem so confusing, it's going to make sense. One way or another, it's going to make sense. At least that’s what you tell yourself because everyone just wants clarity in life. 
“Will you have this dance with me?”
Y/N glanced down at Yoongi’s hand and smiled, “I suppose.” 
“Please Y/N, one dance.”
The look on Yoongi’s face made Y/N nervous. It was a face that held secrets and those secrets were bursting out. Secrets that she knew he was hiding from her. Was it his guilt? Was he finally going to tell her the truth? Y/N nodded her head and placed her hand in his, “Okay..but I want you to tell me something.” 
They twirled around and Y/N glanced at Yoongi, “Are you telling me the truth?” 
Yoongi glanced down at her with a raised eyebrow, “Is that what you want me to tell you? If I’m telling you the truth?” 
“Yes, Yoongi I need to know.”
Yoongi leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead, “I am telling you the truth.” 
After the song ended, she looked around and saw Dawon drinking champagne in the corner. She let go of Yoongi and smiled at him, “I’m going to talk to Dawon. I’ll be back.” 
“Okay.” He glanced over at the food table and saw Jungkook eating a piece of cake. He looked back at Y/N and placed a kiss on her forehead, “I’ll be by the food table.”
Yoongi watched her walk off and his face turned to stone. He walked towards Jungkook and stared down at the white table cloth, “Is Eunwoo here?” 
Jungkook lifted up a napkin to wipe his mouth and nodded his head, “He’s been talking to Y/N’s father. Taehyung said Y/N’s father has been trying to get away from him all night.”
“Predictable. What about Joo Won?”
“No sign but Jin is looking at the cameras to make sure we don’t miss him. Hyung, what about Y/N?”
Yoongi wanted to smoke a cigar to have this pain in his chest disappear. He picked up a deviled egg and glanced at Jungkook, “Right now, my eyes are on Eunwoo and Joo Woon. Y/N is my third priority.” 
“Hyung, you can’t do that to her.” 
“Jungkook, don’t forget I’m your boss. We kill our enemies.” 
“You're going to be alone forever if you don’t start with the truth.” 
Yoongi swallowed the food and glanced over his shoulders to see Y/N talking to Dawon, “Alone protects me.”
“No, friends protect you...love could protect you if given a chance.” 
“Don’t let Eunwoo leave your sight.” 
Jungkook sighed in disappointment and nodded his head, “Yes, boss.” 
Y/N glanced at Yoongi and saw Jungkook was there. There was something wrong with this party. Everything was the same but there was this air to it that made her feel sick. Something was going to happen and she wasn’t sure what. She finished off her glass and looked at Dawon with a frown, “I need time alone.” 
Dawon glanced around the room and then back at her, “Is everything alright?” 
“Yes, just need a moment.” 
“If you need me, I’ll be here.” 
Y/N walked away and headed towards the bathroom but something caught her eyes. She turned her head and she saw Ana Jeon talking to someone. She quickly left the area and went straight to the bathroom. She leaned forward on the sink as she tried to gather her thoughts. Why was Ana here? Her parents hated her parents and well Ana never liked Ana. There would be no way that she would be on the list. Something is wrong tonight. 
She heard footsteps and she ran into the furthest stall. She heard heels clicking away and she kept silent. She didn’t know why she needed to be silent but her gut was telling her too, “Y/N?”
“Dawon?” She opened the door with a grateful smile but it quickly faded away and her eyes widened to see Dawon pointing a gun toward her with shaky hands, “Da-Dawon?”
“Where’s Yoongi?” 
“How do you know his name?”
Dawon gave her a tight smile and opened the door further to show Joo Won, “Y/N, you should’ve stayed away from him.” 
Yoongi looked around the room and cursed under his breath. He picked up his phone and dialed Jin, “Where is she?” 
“I don’t see her anywhere, Yoongi.” 
Yoongi clicked on Y/N’s number and waited. Y/N’s phone started vibrating in her clutch as she stared at Dawon in betrayal, “Dawon? What’s going on?” 
“Eunwoo told me if I didn’t work with him then he would kill me. I don’t want to die. He didn’t give me a choice...Y/N, I’m so sorry.” 
Y/N glanced toward Joo Won, “Why me? What have I done to deserve this pain?” 
“You got involved with the wrong people.” 
Yoongi looked around one more time and nothing. There was no sight of her, Eunwoo was still talking to Y/N’s parents and there was no sight of Joo Won. There was a piece that he was missing. He glanced by the drinks table and saw that Dawon wasn’t there. He knows girls go to the bathroom together and decide to look there before shit hits the fan.
Dawon gave the gun to Joo Won and looked away, “I did what Eunwoo wanted me to do, no leave me alone.” 
“She’s still my best friend. I can’t do it and I won’t do it. Y/N, I hope one day you can forgive me.” 
Y/N stared at Dawon and didn’t know what to say, “Who’s Yoongi?” 
Joo Won turned around and looked at Y/N with a shocked look, “He hasn’t told you?” 
“Tell me now.”
“Y/N, he’s the leader of The Seven.” 
Yoongi walked down so many halls that he didn’t even realize he was lost. He took out a smoke and started smoking away. The stress was getting to him and it was annoying. How can Y/N travel so fast?
Dawon saw Y/N’s shocked face and looked away. She didn’t want to see the hurt. Y/N glanced at the gun and then back at Joo Won, “Are you part of a gang?” 
“Answer me.” 
“Yes...I am.” 
It happened in a flash, Y/N attacked Joo Won. Five punches is what she got in and five punches is what he let happen. Joo Won didn’t fight Y/N. He deserved it. He caused so much hurt to her that he deserved so much more but the universe isn’t ready to give it to him yet. Blood went across Y/N’s face as she started crying. The tears landed on his shirt. Joo Won let out a cough and looked away from her, the hate in her eyes was killing him, “Go. I'll tell Eunwoo, it was a false alarm.” 
Y/N glanced up at Dawon and tears slipped down, “I thought you were my friend.”
“I did everything for you! I loved you like a sister...how could you?”
“My life was on the line. He had a sniper on my head and called me, I-I-I didn’t know what to do.” 
Y/N slowly got up and shook her head, “This isn’t done.” 
She ran out of the bathroom and down the hall away from the loud music. It wasn’t until she bumped into someone. The person wrapped their arms around her waist, she looked up and saw Yoongi's eyes widening when he saw the blood, “Y/N, are you-”
“Don’t touch me. You-You fucking liar!” 
She pushed him away but Yoongi was too strong, “What are you talking about?” 
“A fucking gang leader?” 
Yoongi felt his soul leaving his body and he looked away from her eyes, “I did it to protect you.” 
“You're not even denying it...oh my god.” She pushed him away and leaned against the wall while she looked up at the ceiling, “You fucking liar. I knew it. I knew you were lying about something so serious.”
“How could I tell you the truth!? I’m a gang leader. Will you let me kiss you? How the hell was that going to work?”
“Don’t blame this on me...You're the one that lied to me!”  
“Fuck, I’m not blaming this on you..it’s my fault. I just wanted to protect you.”
“How does it feel to hurt the one you're protecting?” 
There’s something about the silence that's comforting. It’s this unspoken feeling that makes you feel at home. There’s no one to take it away and it's something that never changes. It’s always there. No matter how hard you try. Even in moments when you're with people that make you feel something, silence is always there. You're the one to blame for the silence and you have to take responsibility before things get worse. Before things get worse...
Y/N stared at him and it was a look that he never wanted to see, “Y/N...” 
“You lied to me...You’ve been lying to me.” 
“I did it-”
“Don’t repeat it. I trusted you...all this for what? To make me look like an idiot?” 
Yoongi shook his head and brought her into him as she tried to push him away, “You're not an idiot...don’t ever say that about yourself.” He glanced down at her to see her standing still and he wiped the blood off of her forehead, “Y/N, I couldn’t tell you.” 
“Let. Me. Go.” 
“I won’t...I will never let you go...Never.” 
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@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @secfir @amberpanda99
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nepobabyshowdown · 1 year
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setting this up was exhausting btw. i'm never doing a 64-person bracket again
matchups below!
Quadrant A (april 9)
Jesus Christ (the Bible) vs. Kang Tae-mu (Business Proposal)
Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs. Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus)
Spandam (One Piece) vs. Michael Corleone (The Godfather)
Asami Sato (Legend of Korra) vs. Jon Kent (DC)
Bruce Wayne (DC) vs. Abigail Bellweather (Motherland: Fort Salem)
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson) vs. Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Diluc Ragnvindr (Genshin Impact) vs. Dee and Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Light Yagami (Death Note) vs. Charley Witherspoon (BoJack Horseman)
Quadrant B (april 10)
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs. Jorgen Weight (Skyward)
Gretchen Wieners (Mean Girls) vs. Carmen and Juni Cortez (Spy Kids)
Rufus Shinra (Final Fantasy) vs. Janine (Pokemon)
Will Stronghold (Sky High) vs. Mark Grayson (Invincible)
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh) vs. Jack Knight (DC)
Loona (Helluva Boss) vs. Richie Rich (Richie Rich)
Jack Zimmermann (Check Please) vs. Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) vs. Cordelia Goode (American Horror Story: Coven)
Quadrant C (april 11)
Kendall Roy (Succession) vs. Han Joo-won (Beyond Evil)
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) vs. Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl)
Jason Grace (Heroes of Olympus) vs. Jay Ferin (Just Roll With It: Riptide)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY) vs. Sterling Archer (Archer)
Kuroto Dan (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid) vs. Sebastian Debeste (Ace Attorney)
Damian Wayne (DC) vs. Jack Shephard (Lost)
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid) vs. Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
Cheryl Tunt (Archer) vs. Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Quadrant D (april 12)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Victoria Dallon (Worm)
Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. the Bluths (Arrested Development)
London Tipton (Suite Life) vs. Richard Gansey (The Raven Cycle)
Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls) vs. Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
Glimmer (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Nathaniel Plimpton (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Steven Stone (Pokemon) vs. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Hercules (Hercules) vs. Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 3)
Tim Drake (DC) vs. Porsha Crystal (Sing 2)
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katierosefun · 1 year
just got emotional thinking about what hjw might've had to go through in the year away from manyang, he was probably pestered by medias, having to deal with the trials and all the talks and whispers behind his back or even straight at his face. If i got the context right betraying his father was abig deal, yes many would praise him but many would shame him for being disrespectful and not filial. I'm sure hkh had big supporters in the force, corrupted people that wanted influence, power and wealth, they probably got mad at hjw for cutting short their connection and the future career advancement. All this might have reminded hjw how his life was before everything happened (my god something like "good things aren't bound to last") but after the time spent in manyang he changed, he got to experience love and closure, a found family and going back to his old habits might have felt so alienating now? he'd realize how cold and lonely that life was and struggling all the more due to it. I'm so glad he managed to fight his anxiety and fear and return to manyang + I'm fairly sure that once he saw that the people there still love him and welcomed him with open harms, he'd go back to stay. sorry if i wrote a lot but i wanted to share my feelings with someone who could understand and loves hjw too❤️
yeah, i was always incredibly fascinated by what might have happened in that year han joo won was away, and why i also just. think that han joo won probably really couldn't show his face not just because he probably felt a lot of shame, but also like. i dunno. my personal thought is that he was a fuckign mess for a little bit--like, the man you're in love with is also the man that you arrested, and the little community of people who cared about you can't possibly still love you now, not when you're the reason why their favorite person is going to go away . . .
and i feel like there definitely were a lot of people who probably looked askance at joo won to be like "how could you do that to your own father" or maybe other people who tried to swoop in and promote joo won for the sake of saving face, and i like to think that joo won was just like. blank-faced through it all. and just like, the thought of him running away from seoul and trying to go to a place where no one knows him is. yeah.
and also, i forget who might have said it, but there's also some speculation about whether joo won's the one turning down promotions or maybe joo won just never gets a promotion because maybe his name's also lowkey blacklisted since everything that happened with his dad. i like to think that it's joo won who keeps turning down promotions--maybe he's terrified that he'll ever really turn into his dad, because i don't think he ever will, but i do think that a small part of joo won will always still think about what greed and power can do to people, and he probably doesn't want even the littlest taste of that. (granted. han ki hwan was always a bad person, i think--you don't clamber up to the top with that kind of attitude unless there's already something broken inside of you, but i think. joo won would still. try to run from it.)
(especially since like. i think a lot about joo won hearing han ki hwan's conversation, what with han ki hwan being like "oh, joo won wants to think he's like me, but he's actually more like his mom", and seeing the fury but also the genuine pain on joo won's face because. yeah. as much as joo won scoffed at the mention of his dad even in the beginning, i think. it's the curse of certain children--the only child, the eldest child--to be like the father, especially when the mother is deemed weak or just out of the picture. little boys and little girls want to be the behemoth of a man that their father is; they want to be cold, logical, infallible. and i think as much as joo won hated talking about his dad, i look at how, esp. in the beginning of the show, he tried so hard to project that kind of attitude, with the whole "i don't need friends / i don't trust anyone / you have to be logical" when we so clearly see. how lonely he is and how he. still trembles a little bit when his dad yells at him and how he peers in through the windows of the shop like he's an alien. or maybe a very curious, kind of timid cat.)
so all that to say: yeah, i feel you anon. i love han joo won so much, and i love how beyond evil is just as much a story about joo won learning to fall into this beautiful (but slightly broken) community, and how i think. he must have healed along the way :'))
#answered#anon#beyond evil#i just!!! han joo won . . .. is so . .. . i love him so much#and i just. yeah.#something about how in the script book#han joo won had never seen his dad but when he graduates to the top of police university#his dad claps for him and joo won just thinks 'is that all it took.'#and joo won thinking that was funny but also in an awful way#i could write circles and circles around joo won's relationship with his dad#something about 'i hate you' 'i want to be like you' 'i will never forgive you' 'i talk to people the way you do now'#'you are the reason why i don't have a home' 'i still hated it when you pretended not to know me'#'i can't ever ask you for help' 'i am begging you to just tell me the truth let me help you' 'you are the devil himself'#'please. redeem yourself for ONCE' 'i hope you die i hope you die i hope you die' 'i will shoot you in my childhood house'#'i will still ask to be updated on the rest of your life' 'i hate you. i hate you'#'i don't love you but i also feel responsible for you somehow and is that the closest we'll get to familial love? is it?'#or whatever whatever whatever!!!#something about how han joo won's relationship with his dad. is probably the realest one to me out of all the kdrama family relationships#with objectively awful fathers#something about fathers who are awful and absent and greedy and yet#the child still. still desperately wants something even if they hate their father. like.#everyone hush i know this because han joo won rants to me when he's sad
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seolinah · 6 months
some plots/dynamics i would love to have under the cut. like and i'll message you about making us a starter maybe? or plotting things out if that's your jam
always up for (and prefer) making any of the things f/f, but otherwise fine with whatever; put some muse ideas to use in it, but always up for using someone else or making someone new !
joe g*ldberg x love qu*nn dynamic from you; or a toxic and dangerous couple with murderous tendencies. can be obsessed with each other, one could be straying and the other is pissed about it, or they can not know (or one not know) about what the other is actually like ↪ wouldn't mind using: samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), freja (rebecca ferguson), wren (ben barnes)
polyships; give me a couple in love with their best friend or maybe best friends that are always on the verge of being more and then both end up liking the same person or frenemies/rivals that go after the same person ↪ wouldn't mind using: elizabeth (reina hardesty), jasper (alex fitzalan), noah (zoey deutch), tori (kim yoo jung), belinda (havana rose liu), daria (jessie mei li),
ancient / immortal being and a time traveler that keep running into each other throughout different periods of history ↪ wouldn't mind using: androméda (marisol nichols), anele (gugu mbatha-raw), tereza (angela sarafyan), liam chung (henry golding)
nerd x popular; more so just from this → i should be riding some nerd’s thigh while he gropes all over my body & tells me i’m the girl on his dreams ↪ wouldn't mind using: ye-jun (song kang), chan-yeol (lee dohyun), daria (jessie mei li), holly (abigail cowen), raven (tati gabrielle), belinda (havana rose liu), kenny (fivel stewart), eden (willa fitzgerald), jia (han so-hee)
all the horror related things pls and thanks; being haunted, someone going after them, killer x target, killers duo or killers competing against each other ↪ wouldn't mind using: camilla (amanda seyfried), cora (kim go-eun), florence (brianne howey), jonah (olivia cooke), joo won (choi sooyoung), priscilla (kate siegel), samantha (ana de armas), sinn (davika hoorne), alex (maggie q), bernie (halston sage), edie (rachel weisz), yu-mi (seo yeji), jane (melissa barrera), melanie (song jihyo), tereza (angela sarafyan), willow (victoria pedretti)
someone give me “you live in the apartment across the hall and you’re so fucking hot but i get so awkward around you even though you act completely normal and i stutter every. time. you’re out of my league anyway but then one night my stupid roommate locks me out and i forget my key and you see me sitting the hallway so you invite me in. and obviously i say yes but holy crap what is happening” plot pretty pls ↪ wouldn't mind using: zoey (adelaide kane), raven (tati gabrielle), presley (samara weaving), cassandra (vanessa kirby), barbara (suki waterhouse), tasmin (jessica alba), sebastian (felix mallard), mj (shin hye-sun), lucy (amy adams), ye-jun (song kang), ezmeray (demet özdemir), elizabeth (gemma chan), carmen (kylie bunbury), caria (melisa pamuk), adrian (seo kang joon)
ghost x human; where they're the only person that can see them (maybe bc of where they live or maybe they're connected somehow) and they work together to try and deal with the ghost's unfinished business or they're the reason they're a ghost or maybe the ghost has grown obsessed with them and wants them for themselves ↪ wouldn't mind using: willow (victoria pedretti), jane (melissa barrera), bernie (halston sage), cora (kim go-eun), yu-mi (seo yeji), theresa (rachel mcadams), edie (rachel weisz), zillah (mookda narinrak)
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theadusa · 8 months
Everything I watch in Jan 2024
I was going to post my annual everything I watched in 2023 post but I feel like I missed my opportunity, so here is my everything I watched in January 2024... (Be Warned there are some spoilers, I do try to mark them throughout the review)
My Lovely Boxer (2023, Kim Min-joo)
Main leads: Lee Sang-yeob, Kim So-hye, Park Ji-hwan, Kim Hyung-mook, Kim Jin-woo, Ha Seung-ri, Chae Won-bin
Country: S. Korea
Run: August 21 to Oct 2, 2023 (KBS2, Monday and Tuesday @21:45 (KST))
Episodes: 12, 70 min
Thoughts: Lee Kwon-sook (Kim So-hye) is a boxer who is forcibly thrown back into the world boxing that she has retired from by a sports agent Kim Tae-young (Lee Sang-yeob). I really liked how they balanced the characters. Lee Kwon-sook is a cheerful girl who is constantly haunted by her past. And she is allowed agency to do what she can do, despite the efforts of others. And the relationship between Lee Kwon-sook and Kim Tae-young, though slightly toxic, works in an odd way. I did have problems with how they reconnected her with her father.I personally wouldn’t have forgiven him. However, I loved the relationship with Han Ah-reum, and just how that story ends. I thought it was done very well. Overall I have really enjoyed this drama. Rating: 
Unlock My Boss (2022-2023, Kim Hyung-min)
Main leads: Chae Jong-hyeop, Seo Eun-soo, Park Sung-woong
Country: S. Korea
Run: Dec 7, 2022 to Jan 12, 2023 (ENA, Wednesday and Thursday @21:00 (KST))
Episodes: 12, 60 min
Thoughts: Oh wow, this is more enjoyable than I imagined. Chase Jong-hyeop as Park In-seong is so fun. He is adorable, down to earth but capable. Jun Se-yeon (Seo Eun-soo) was amazing and I loved her complexities as a character. And the trio of Kim Seon-joo (Park Sung-woong), Park In-seong, and Jun Se-yeon, was so fun and I loved the little family they formed. I literally cried so much during this show for no reason. Like the zoom into the phone literally made me sob each time for no reason. Rating: Who knew electronics can have that much range?
Night Has Come (2023, Kang Min-Ji)
Main leads: Lee Jae-In, Kim Woo-Seok, Choi Ye-Bin, Cha Woo-Min, Ahn Ji-Ho, Jung So-Ri
Country: S. Korea
Run: Dec 4,, 2023 ( U+mobiletv)
Episodes: 12, 35 to 40 min
Thoughts: This started off really good. A class gets thrust into a mafia game to the death. You along with the characters are wondering who is the mafia among the students and who is forcing this game. It is really interesting, but the episodes follow the same pattern. The end you find everything out, and it's kind of stupied. They had a classmate who committed sucide due to a badly edited image of herself on a skimply clad woman’s body. Which is yeah bad. Then her parents take revenge on the whole class. They are placed in this mafia simulator to repeat the game over and over again. It ends with Lee Yoon-seo able to remember everything, but still trapped in the simulator. Like where their parents are. People must be concerned right. Rating: Sisphyus boulder, I guess…
The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract (2023-2024, Go Nam-jeong)
Main leads: Lee Se-young, Bae In-hyuk, Joo Hyun-young, Yoo Seon-ho, Jo Bok-rae
Country: S. Korea
Run: Nov 24, 2023 to Jan 6, 2024 (MBC TV Friday and Saturday @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 12, 70 min
Thoughts: This was a cute drama. It starts off with a cute romance between a progressive woman in Joseon and a sick scholar. However, it quickly becomes a tragedy and she is sent to the year 2023 with her hand maid Sa-wol (Joo Hyun-young). It quickly becomes a fish out of water for Park Yeon-woo (Lee Se-young), but luckly she meets the recacrante of her late husband Kang Tae-ha (Bae In-hyuk) and they make a deal. It is a cute drama and I loved the cast of characters. Yeon-woo is easy to root for. Sa-wol is adorable, and adapts quickly. Kang Tae-ha is prickly but has a heart of gold. It's dramatic and fun. It's nothing special, but oh is it so good. My favorite part is Yeon-woo and Sa-wol’s relationship. Literally there is a scene with those two that reflects a romantic scene in Perfect Marriage Revenage (2023) which I can’t stop thinking about. Overall I just really enjoyed my time. Rating: butterflies everytime I think about you…
Joseon Attorney: A Morality (2023,Choi Jin-young)
Main leads: Woo Do-hwan, Bona, Cha Hak-yeon
Country: S. Korea
Run: March 31 to May 5, 2023 (MBC TV Friday and Saturday @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts:  This was a lot like Taxi Driver. In the way you have an episodic feel with a charismatic male lead seeking revenge and helping people. I had a lot of fun with this show, and I don’t use the comparison lightly either. I really had fun with it. The romance was okay, but I liked the different stories, and the main revenge plot was easy to follow along with. Woo Do-hwan is a great actor and meant to be a leading man. It's definitely  not my favorite and there are a few things that needed changing but it was fun overall! Rating: Who do you call?... Joseon Attorney!!!
KBS Drama Special 14 (2023, Choi Ja-won, Yun Tae-woo, Cho Il-yeon, Choi Yi-kyung, Wi Jae-hwa, Kwon Oh-joo,Park Eun-seo, Jo Soo-yeong, Kim Ik-hyun)
Main leads: Lee Jae-won, Choi Seong-won, and Kim Kang-hyeon,  Kim Won-hae, Min Ji-ah, Ahn Se-bin and Park Ji-ah, Lee Min-jae, Kim Hyun-soo, and Kang Na-eon,  Moon Woo-jin, Park Seo-kyung, Park Ha-sun, Kim Joo-heon, Kim Do-hoon, Chae Won-bin, Kim Dong-hwi, Jo A-ram, Shim Yi-young, Joo Seok-tae,  Ren, Park Sang-nam, Hong Seung-hee, Hahm Eun-jung,  Kim Kang-min, Yoon San-ha, Baek Sung-hyun
Country: S. Korea
Run: OCT 14 to Dec 16, 2023 (KBS, Saturday 21:50 to 22:50 (KST))
Episodes: 10, 60 to 80 min
Thoughts: This is a yearly anthogolgy series that follows various characters in various time periods with various goals. I thought a lot of them were really cool and interesting. “Love Attack” was by far one of my favorites, but I also really liked “The True Love of Madam” which was shocking for me.  It was also hard to find any subs for “Overlap, Knife, Knife” so I had to rely on visual cues and the small amount of Korean I know. But I thought this was a fun anthrologie series, and the stories are fun and fresh. Rating: I love getting short and quick stories like this, its the reason I love short films so much.
A Good Day to Be a Dog (2023-2024, Baek In-ah)
Main leads: Park Gyu-young, Cha Eun-woo, Lee Hyun-woo
Country: S. Korea
Run: Oct 11, 2023 to Jan 10, 2024 (MBC, Wednesday 21:00 (KST))
Episodes: 14, 70 min
Thoughts: Apparently it is very different from the webtoon ( which I have never read), but I found it entertaining. It is cute and lighthearted. I always like when its past lives, I think it adds a fun element to romances. Though I do think the schedule of the show hindered my enjoyment, because it would be so long between episodes. They also lost me at the end, I can not lie. Rating/Spoiler: Also I would be so angery if I found out my family curse passed down for generations was over a misunderstanding. I would want an apology, reparations, and revenge. On another note, I would also be so pissed if I killed myself to save my servant's baby; then my boyfriend finished off the dying father, then cursed the child and its offspring. I would be pissed, like my scarfice was for not. Go off mountain spirit I guess…
My 20th Twenty (2023, N/A)
Main leads: Choi Yu Ju , Jung Su Bin
Country: S. Korea
Run: April 21 to may 27, 2023 (Wavve, Friday and Saturday)
Episodes: 12, 15 min
Thoughts: This show was good for what it was. It has the vibe of a college student film with a mix of those youtube series made by middle schoolers back in 2009. And I mean that with the highest praise. The sound mixing was off, they had limited cast (background actors is what you are looking for), no interesting lighting (but very well light- i.e the student film vibes), and the actors new to the scene. I loved every motherfucking moment. It was so cheesy, the script was bad, and nothing made sense. But I knew that it was made with passion. Rating: It would be horrifying being 20 forever
Taxi Driver Season 2 (2023, Oh Sang-ho)
Main leads: Lee Je-hoon, Kim Eui-sung, Pyo Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk-jin, Bae Yoo-ram, Shin Jae-ha
Country: S. Korea
Run: Feb 17 to April 15, 2023 (SBS, TV Friday and Saturday @22:00 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: Back in action the second season is so much fun and entertaining. I actually like it better than the first. And I said this once and I’ll say it again Lee Je-hoon is made to be an action star. He’s as great as Kim Do-gi. I also liked that Ahn Go-eun (Pyo Ye-jin)  had a larger role this season. I also just love the friendship in the Rainbow Taxi service. Just so fun. Rating: imagine being taken down by a taxi service…
Taxi Driver Special (2023, SBS)
Main leads:  Lee Je-hoon, Kim Eui-sung, Pyo Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk-jin, Bae Yoo-ram, Shin Jae-ha
Country: S. Korea
Run: Feb 16 to March 4, 2023 ( KBS)
Episodes: 2, 60 -120 min
Thoughts: This was fun seeing the cast reflect on the episodes and their characters. Its also cool just seeing a reply of everything that happened. You could tell how much Lee Je-hoon loves playing Kim Do-gi. Rating: I am excited for the 3rd season…
Brain Works (2023, Park Kyung-seon)
Main leads: Jung Yong-hwa, Cha Tae-hyun, Kwak Sun-young, Ye Ji-won
Country: S. Korea
Run: Jan 2 to Fe 28, 2023 (KBS2 Monday and Tuesday @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 75 min
Thoughts:This show is weird. I think most cop shows are weird but this one especially. I did like the bromance in this, between Shin Ha-ru (Jung Yong-hwa) and Geum Myung-se (Ch Tae-hyun). I did think neuroscience was weird and defies logic. The only good thing about it was when they didn’t completely vilify Pyschopaths, because it tends to be more complicated than the mainstream likes to show. It still left a lot to be desired but it was there. Also when he lowkey kidnapped and torture that kid, oh my god, like he was a little punk and deserved to go to trail but my god. Rating: This is lowkey giving Minority Report tbh…
My Cuteness is about to expire!? (2022,  Tanabe Shigenori)
Main leads: Yamada Ryosuke, Yoshine Kyoko 
Country: Japan 
Run: April 16 to June 11, 2022 (TV Asahi, Saturday 23:30)
Episodes: 9, 23 to 47 min
Thoughts: Maruya is your typical male narcissist who works in sales. He uses his cuteness to stake by in life, to make up for his average skills. One day he is visited by his future self, whom he deems ugly, tells him that his cuteness is going to expire. He decides, after relizing his crush, the only way to prevent this is to date Sanada, a robotic newbie to the sales team. It is cute and Maruya and Sanada are fun as a couple, plus if you have the time you could watch this in a day. Rating: I’m Ichinose calling every single person every 10 seconds sobbing…
My Dearest Pt 1 (2023, Hwang Jin-young)
Main leads: Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun-jin, Lee Hak-joo, Lee Da-in, Kim Yoon-woo, Lee Chung-ah
Country: S. Korea
Run: August 4 to Sept 2, 2023 (MBC TV, Friday and Saturday 21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 10, 60 to 90 min
Thoughts:  I was not expecting to like this more than I did. The angst in every episode is so insane. Episode 10 was actually unbearable. I also want to take a moment and appreciate Yoo Gil-chae (Ahn Eun-jin), she is such a complicated  character. She would do anything for her friends, she is willing to do the things that no other women (noble) are willing to do even during times of war. She will stab the man assualting her friend and cover it up. She would cut the amicable cord, she would stab the mother’s hand. She isn’t pure of heart, she neveer claimed to be. I love her so much. And her relationship with Lee Jang-hyun. The ending of episode 10. I was sobbing. Rating: I am trying to hype myself up to watch the next 11 episodes, people had to wait inbetween…
The Escape of the Seven (2023, Kim Soon-ok)
Main leads: Um Ki-joon, Hwang Jung-eum, Lee Joon, Lee Yu-bi, Shin Eun-kyung, Yoon Jong-hoon, Jo Yoon-hee, Jo Jae-yoon
Country: S. Korea
Run: Sept 15 to Nov 17, 2023 (SBS TV Friday and Saturday 22:00 (KST))
Episodes: 17, 70 to 80 min
Thoughts: This was an insane ride. Literally no one in this likeable except for a few, like I didn’t think Min Do-hyuk (Lee Joon) was as bad as the others but oh lordy. It is so melodramatic, which took me off graud for some reason. Going into it I thought it was going to be a serious thriller, but oh boy was I wrong. It was Makjang. Which is fine, and also coming back in style apparently. I’m sat for season 2, but not with much hope. Rating: I actually don’t know the timeline of any of these events, does it expand years months, idk…
My Demon (2023-2024, Choi Ah-il)
Main leads: Kim Yoo-jung, Song Kang, Lee Sang-yi, Kim Hae-sook
Country: S. Korea
Run: Nov 24, 2023 to Jan 20, 2024 (SBS TV,  Friday and Saturday @22:00 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: I was excited for this drama. I really liked Doom at Your Service which promised to have a similar vibe. Which it did to an extent. I actually hate Song Kang in romances and only really like him in nonromance shows. However I think he did really well as Jeong Gu-won. I liked the overall Romance in the show. But I did think the revenge plot got uninteresting and confusing after a while. I do like the ending, I was pretty satisfied with where everyone ended up, which has been a long time since I’ve been this satisfied. 
Welcome to Samdal-ri (2023-2024, Kwon Hye-joo)
Main leads: Ji Chang-wook, Shin Hye-sun
Country: S. Korea
Run: Dec 2, 2023 ti Jan 21, 2024 (JTBC, Saturday and Sunday 22:30 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: This was cute and was far above my expectations. I am always uneasy with Ji Chang Wook, I can’t forgive him for the Melting My Heart drama a few years back, but I would do anything for Shin Hye-sun. So I gave this drama a go, and I liked it. I loved the vibes, and I didn’t mind that revenge wasn’t the main plot. It's like the one line “my enemies will take themselves out before you get a chance to swing.” It was heartwarming and I’m glad that Cho Sam-dal was able to find peace in her hometown. I loved the feel of community. I loved all the Friendships. It was very lovely. And I’m happy at the ending. I will also give my entire heart to Cho Hae-dal and Cha Ha-yul. I loved their mother-daughter relationship. I wanted more screen time for both. Rating: I’m glad there is a little piece of heaven…
 Game of Witches ( 2022-2023, Lee Do-Hyun)
Main leads: Jang Seo-Hee, Kim Kyu-Seon, Lee Hyun-Seok, Oh Chang-Suk. Han Ji-Wan, Ban Hyo-Jung
Country: S. Korea
Run: Oct 11, 2022 to April 14, 2023 (MBC, Monday to Friday 19:15 (KST))
Episodes: 119, 25 to 28 min
Thoughts: *Major Spoilers+ Rant ahead.* This show makes me unneccsarly angery. It is a daily drama and a Makjang to boot, so literally put any and all expectations in the gutter. Everything is nonsensical, and drawn out to reach the 119 mark. Storylines get dropped or move way too fast. It has a strange family tree and for a moment every single person was supposbly related. They have so much evidence agsaint the scheming Kang Ji-ho (Oh Chang-suk) and Joo Se-young (Han Ji-wan) but it goes nowhere. Speaking of Kang Ji-ho, he was just straight up dispicable. I would say more than Se-ypung of Ma Hyun-Deok (Ban Hyo-Jung). He was a terrible partner and father from the start. He literally tossed his entire family out the door for Se-young and eventual power. He only paid attention to his daughter Kang Han-Byeol (Kwon Dan-A) when she was able to benefit him. He was at best neglectful and at worst abusive towards her. Han-byeol was the true victim. Hye-soo (Kim Kyu-Seon) actually had a motive in the beginning. She was just pathetic and weak but once she returned they weirdly sidelined her. Also I don’t know why Kang Ji-ho never got prosecuted for trying to kill Hye-soo. Like I find that to be one of his more egregious crimes. Like that is the mother of your child. You gave your child so much trauma, for what? Power? Like when they tried to redeem him at the end I was just fed up. You can’t make hime out to be the big bad guy for 118 episodes, and then have him do one good thing. He is a bad father, and when Han Byeol grows up she will resent him. Rating: Fuck this show, like actually.
 My Dearest Part 2(2023, Hwang Jin-young)
Main leads: Namkoong Min, Ahn Eun-jin, Lee Hak-joo, Lee Da-in, Kim Yoon-woo, Lee Chung-ah
Country: S. Korea
Run: Oct 13 to Nov 18, 2023 (MBC TV, Friday and Saturday 21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 11, 60 to 90 min
Thoughts: More devastating than the first part. Gil-chae is probably my favorite character I have watched. Her journey in this part is absolutely devastating but she survives. I enjoyed the refutement from blame, that people who experienced the worst horrors known are somehow blamed. Gil Chae pushes back on this sentiment herself. This entire time I just wanted Jang-hyun and Gil Chea together. Which took the entire part for them to finally be happy. I do think the ending was kind of wobbly, and they only really needed 10  episodes not the 11. But who am I to say? Anyways I enjoyed the show overall. Rating: My Dear Husband… 
Kokdu: Season of Diety (2023, Kang Yi-heon, Heo Jun-woo)
Main leads: Kim Jung-hyun, Im Soo-hyang, Kim Da-som, Ahn Woo-yeon, Kim In-kwon, Cha Chung-hwa
Country: S. Korea
Run: Jan 27 to March 24, 2023 (MBC TV Fridays and Saturdays @21:50 (KST))
Episodes: 16, 70 min
Thoughts: You must be wondering why did you watch this? It only has bad reviews- which is a lie, it is actually a polarizing show. And I can understand. If you go into this show with the lowest expectations imaginable and it might be fun. The scenery is pretty and they make decent use of it. Main Romance is actually not good, I felt no chemistry between Kim Jung-Hyun and Im Soo-hyang. I did like the romance between Tae Jeong-won (Kim Da-som) and Han Cheol (Ahn Woo-yeon) other than that The show overall fell flat. I did like the scenery and the setting. I thought it was fun. Also episode 16 was the most enjoyable episode, which is good for an ending. Rating: I would skip…
I am currently watching:
Marry My Husband
Doctor Slump
Because of Love
Do You Like Brahms?
The Real Has Come!
If you have any kdrama recommendations, please let me know!
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