#Jonah marais oneshot
21burritoseavey · 2 years
little daniel imagine, with the '“where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' prompt <3
a/n: thank you for the ask, anon! hope you enjoy!<3🌼pick a prompt:)
you get up a few minutes past seven o’clock, shuffling out of bed behind daniel, out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. the sky, as the sun rose not too long ago, is still wearing its coat of muted pink and yellow, and natural light welcomes itself into your home in narrow streaks onto the floors and kitchen countertops. daniel is first to wake up, sleepily mumbling something about wanting to get to tour rehearsals early, and with the help of his convincing smile and guarantee of breakfast, you hop out of bed as well. 
it isn't unusual for the two of you to be grumpy in the morning, only sharing slight smiles and little morning kisses and a touch of conversation while you work through your routines to get ready for the day…at least until there is cooked food and warm drinks on the table. 
honestly, if it wasn't for the tempting promise of hot, home-cooked breakfast, which you gladly agreed for daniel to make, the pair of you would still be in bed, lured in under the warm sheets and blankets, fighting off the wintry morning chill. your slight grumpiness has progressed into an obvious agitation, furrowed brows and all, at the absence of your keys from their usual spot near the entryway. 
daniel’s cooking as you breeze around the house looking for them, showing half-hearted concern and asking simple questions that honestly tick you off even more. “are you sure you haven’t seen them?” you call, halfway across the living room as your eyes scan every possible fraction of space and object in sight. 
“yep, no idea” daniel dismisses, unknowingly receiving an annoyed huff in return, his voice muffled by the sound of the kitchen cabinets and drawers rolling open one by one only to be shut again as he tries to find the jar of coffee that would usually be sitting in one of the shelves. 
he puts breakfast on the table anyway, two two mini stacks of pancakes and berries for each of you, and although daniel is proud of his culinary work at such an early hour, his limbs still tired and eyes still groggy, you aren’t so pleased at the absence of your necessary cup of coffee. the edge of your voice is ever so obvious as you pace around the house, looking for other things you’d somehow misplaced from your shoes to your lip balm back to your keys, murmuring out a “thank you,” followed by a “where’s my coffee?” as you glance at the food in front of you.
“where’s the new coffee mix?” he counters. 
“i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?”
the two of you attempt a staring contest, a battle of who can hold their frowning expressions the longest without faltering, before you just decide to search together. daniel loses, sighing in frustration before he moves to check around the kitchen one more time, “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' his words are cut off, eyes rolling at the sight of your keys in the cutlery drawer. “how did they even get in here?” he questions, keys hanging off his finger in the air. 
an easy smile graces your lips, as if a frown had never been there, and the morning grumpiness melts away as you cheekily pluck the keys from his hand before plopping down at your seat to eat….”the coffee’s in the pantry, first shelf on the right” you say through a mouthful of food.
taglist: @chilling-seavey​ @marthagryffindor​ @hiya-its-amber​ @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​ @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee​ @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx @nichmeddar  @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21 @comatosedheart  @kaitieskidmore1 @sunlightinmyeyes​ @starlost-andfound​​@jonahmaraiscupcakelimelight
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upindreamland · 2 years
Cool Together - Jonah Marais
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Jonah Marais x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) oneshot
Summary: A fluffy scenario I imagined about you and Jonah painting each other’s nails.
Warnings: None. Let me know though.
AN: First time actually writing somethings in a while. Sorry if it's bad. Inspired by the picture above. Hope you enjoy!
“Babe! Have you seen my nail polishes?” I asked my boyfriend after not being able to find any in the bathroom.
Not hearing a response I walk out of the bathroom with a sigh.
When I turn around, the sight I’m met with makes a smirk appear on my face.
“And now I know where they went.” I tease him.
Jonah was sitting on our bed with the bucket of nail polish next to him, and different bottles surrounding him. In his hand he had the black polish.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes sheepishly.
“It’s just that whenever you do it, it always looks so cool and I just wanted to try it out. I just can’t seem to do it.” He whispers the last sentence.
“There is nothing you need to apologize about Jonah,” I reassure him.
“Can you help me?” He mumbles out.
“Sorry babe, I couldn’t hear that. Can you repeat?” I ask, knowing we both know that I actually did hear him.
I just wanted to rub this moment in. This is the first time he’s asked me to paint his nails so I’m going to make it worth it. And who knows, maybe this can be a recurring thing we do every Friday night.
Rolling his eyes at my antics he repeats louder, “Can you help me?”
“Oh of course I can babe. Why didn’t you ask sooner?” I say with a chuckle.
Rolling his eyes playfully, Jonah says “Yeah, Yeah. Just get over here.”
Plopping myself on the bed, next to him, I say:
“So what are we thinking?”
“Well I wanted to do something cool, but I think starting off simple with just black would be cool,” he responds.
Agreeing, we get to work. I explain to him my process and show him the best way to not get the polish on his skin. He somehow gets the hang of it pretty quickly.
“I finished!” Jonah yells once he paints his last nail. He looks at me with such accomplishment in his eyes.
“You did! They look so good.” I smile back at him.
“Thank you,” he says before kissing me deeply.
Giggling while I pull away I ask,
“What was that for?”
“Well, I was thinking that now that I can paint nails, we can paint each other’s. We can do that right? And I got so excited I just kissed you,” he answers.
“Oh okay and of course we can babe.” I happily replied.
And the smile that lights up his face makes what I agree to next so much more worth it.
“Yeah we will be so cool together. We can call it the Cool Together Club,” he looks at me hopefully.
“Maybe… but we might need to work on the name a little bit more.”
“Okay fine… but now it’s my turn to paint your nails. Come here.”
I start laughing while he pulls me up to sit on his lap and gets started.
Once he’s done, and we are both cuddled up under the sheets, I say the one thing I know will get him to really smile,
“Fine I guess we can call this the Cool Together Club. I am feeling pretty cool.”
He smiles and then suddenly pumps his fist in the air while yelling,
AN: I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you thought and if you have any feedback. Also sorry for the ending. I didn’t know how to end this.
kara (upindreamland)
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hollandsangel · 3 years
coloured leaves | c.b.
love back?? i’m screaming. genuinely.
so i wrote this for naf and forgot i had a fan fic acc lol
with that said pls don’t expect anything from me for at least another two months lol oopsie
summary: corbyn has the best date ideas
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the air was cold, biting at the top of your nose and the tips of your fingers, but the arm he had wrapped around your waist and the coffee in your hand seemed to balance it all out.
there was a book open in your lap, something the two of you had picked out at the library only an hour ago.
“i think it’ll be cute” was his initial invitation. “i’ll take you to the library, we can get coffee and sit in the park with all the leaves”
and of course you couldn’t deny his perfect smile and childlike enthusiasm. so you found yourself tucked between his legs as he leaned against an oak tree in the park, leaves dancing slowly from the branches to the ground. every once in a while he’s pull one from your hair, giggling as he placed it in his palm to show you before it joined the rest in the cool grass.
“are you even listening?” you wonder through a gentle laugh, the book you had been reading aloud falling into your lap again.
“of course i am” he blatantly lies, nose stuck between your neck and shoulder. he’d been distracting himself here, with the sweet smell of your skin and your conditioner. with light kisses pressing against the side of your neck and brushes of his nose to your ticklish spots.
“it doesn’t seem like it” you mumble as pull your shoulder to your ear in response to his antics. he pouts when he pulls away, his big hands squeezing your waist in displeasure.
“hey, you were keeping me warm” he attempts to bury himself back into you, but you squirm away again
“that’s what the coffee was for, babe.” he grin as you flip back to the page you’d been reading.
“but you’re so much better at it” he kisses your cheek, once, then twice, his lips moving to your temple and then back down to your jaw. your smile only grew, and so did his when you stayed in place for him.
his next kiss was just to the corner of your lips, his neck craning so he could reach. you aren’t quite sure if you turn your head for his pleasure or yours, but it doesn’t matter when your lips meet, both cold and sweet with coffee coating them.
maybe it’s supposed to be hard to kiss someone when you’re both grinning madly, but it was horribly easy with him.
@randomlimelightxxx @chanelwonders @baby-bearie @averysbestyears @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @g7aesthetic @babyzachyy @wdwjay02 @jocelyntheduckie @chilling-seavey @bessonbabie @my-fangirling-outlet @hiya-its-amber @jonahlovescoffee
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jonah-aesthetic · 3 years
Knotted Mess
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Jonah Marais X Black OC Willow
Plot: Willow takes a depression bath and asks Jonah for some help to get mats out of her hair.
Word count: 1.7K+
Author’s Note: Happy Black History Month! This piece deals with depression and isn't meant to romanticize mental illness. (Not my picture above)
Rating: 16+
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The hot water steamed along her dark body, melting away the stress from her bones. Exhausted strength held her knees against her tender chest, her head resting atop them. She felt secure as the position gave a soft caress to her deteriorating soul
Purple clouds rumbled into the sky, unleashing their lightening through the roots of the earth's soil. Trembling the small build of the two bedroom home. Soon dropping the pounds of rain onto the roof.
The bath was a small break from the constant numbness racing in her veins. It wasn't a solution, but it was enough to keep her sane to make it through the night.
She doesn't remember when this clouding feeling bloomed, only how fast it spread from her mind to her soul. Took everything she was and and who she wanted to be down the endless rabbit hole of depression.
Willow's fingers stretched around the brush sitting on the tub's ledge. Threaded the plastic bristles into her thick coarse black curls. Tending to the mat living near the top of her hair. With strict and aggressive brush strokes her hair yanked at her scalp, stinging in various places.
She could sense the warmth from his presence reach for her as the gentle taps of his knuckles landed on the door. Comforting heat wrapped her heart in a safety blanket and she almost felt whole again. Jonah. Her safe haven. Her anchor.
Her boyfriend laid his forehead against the bathroom door. reminiscing on the days he heard her putting on a whole concert in the shower. Preforming an after show in the den with only her underwear on. He didn't only see the change he felt it and his heart broke for her.
Willow is his everything, his lifeline. He'd bend backwards just to keep her afloat. She's brittle with sadness and Jonah grew the need to wrangle the fog away from her sweet arura. Things like this took time and he knew that, but he struggled to stay on the sidelines and watch her struggle till she needed hm.
"Are you okay in there, Low?" His voice muffled by the door. The question pulled the intoxicating thoughts and jagged emotion to release tears.
"Y-yeah." Willow's voice broke no matter how strong she tried to hold her tone. She was too tired to fight.
"Okay, let me know if you need me." Jonah reluctantly pushed himself off the door, leaving Willow to herself.
Realization of his dismissal dawned on her heavily. An unconscious reply was the result of her auto piloted brain. Unfortunately she needed him in here with her. To spill his warm arura into hers and give it light again. A mental recharge. Even if it was a little amount at a time.
"Jonah." Willow's call for him is urgent and high, a desperate call for help.
He had sat himself in the den with an impatient leg, his gut telling him to not linger too far from her this time. Jonah shot to his feet the second his name left her cracked lips. "Yes, Love?" Gentle words to encourage her. Tone was a big denominator to determine weather she would carry out her words.
"Could.." she paused, feeling the self doubt takeover her mind again. Was she asking too much from him? Willow wouldn't forgive herself if she burnt him out too.
"Whatever you need, I'm here." His tone never gave her a reason to think he wanted their disastrous relationship in the past. So why did her brain yell it to the stars? The toasty security blanket falling back into place chased the demonized thoughts away for a breath.
"Could you brush the mats out of hair?" Her voice quavered in its self. Jonah turned the brass handle in response, relieved he was finally up to bat. His green eyes laid upon her weakened frame and his own heart crumbled like the stone walls of a castle. Dull brown eyes gazed up at him and began to fill with comfort.
A small silence was shared between the two of them before he started peeling pieces of clothing from his body. Even in the depths of exhaustion she could still find herself admiring the man she loves. Grey ink peppering his light skin. Jonah removed the last piece and Willow scooted closer to the tub's facet. Making enough room for him to squeeze into his reserved seat behind her.
Stepping into the tub, his skin burned from the high water temperature. Jonah mentally seethed not wanting to raise concern in her and have her clam up and push him out to finish the job herself. Willow's done it multiple times before while Jonah stayed patient.
Once Jonah's legs framed her body Willow held the brush behind her for him to take. Fingers lapping over each other and a familiar soft shiver ran through her nerves just like they had when they first shared their love for each other.
Jonah held her black hair with caution, Never in the years that he had known Willow did she allow anyone to touch her hair. Told him her mother taught her that everyone's hair was sacred, it was never to be thrown out, but to be set aflame. He felt like royalty holding her hair in his palms.
His brush strokes were soft but effective. Putting all his concentration on her gorgeous hair. Removing batches of hair from the brush bristles and placing them on the floor for the fire ceremony later on. Willow was quiet for the time being, coming to peace with her inner demons as Jonah's arura kept them at bay. She began to believe he was her guardian angel.
"I Don't think I've ever told you this, but I feel absolutely lost." The breath she took in shook, Jonah saw it quiver in her brown shoulder blades. He didn't say anything, needing her to continue on, to open his mind to her pain.
".I feel like a fucking pothole in one of the main streets, a massive interference to everyone's day around me, a burden. And if you get close enough you'll bottom yourself out and be stuck. I don't want that to happen to you." It was a total miracle to find no tears slipping down her face, Willow always cried talking about her feelings from childhood trauma.
Jonah never saw Willow as a burden, he saw her as a strong black women that stood up for who she is and what she believed in. He saw her skin colour as shield of powerful strength, In his mind she will never be weak.
When you look at the big picture it's not too bad. In reality Corbyn or Daniel will drive on by, pull my dusty ass out and repair the damaged tire. Then I'll find you again and repair you." Jonah's heart grew sore for her, his chest tightening and felt as if he was going to tear up.
"Won't be long before I collapse into myself again." Willow's tone expressionless.
"let's not worry about the future and focus on this moment right here. What makes you feel good?" Jonah had brushed through half of her matted hair.
Willow kept quiet sorting through her various thoughts for the answer, it was difficult to find what didn't make her numb. normally she enjoyed hiking, the feeling of exploring in the wilderness with her best friend was irreplaceable. The want for the activity left her mind as she could barely make it out the door most days.
Her mind wandered off on the thought of the man behind her, "You. Whenever you're around me I can feel the warmth from your being reach me and wrap around me. You're my bright light, My anchor keeping me from slipping past this life."
Jonah said nothing as he processed her words, He had no idea just how much she needed him. "Is there anything else?" Jonah says not wanting to distract himself from the mission in hand.
"Adventure." This answer hit the air quick, no less the true. She already had time to ponder on her thoughts.
"Tomorrow let's go that coffee shop you've been dying to take me to for months. The one with the rescued guinea pigs."
"I don't know if I'm ready for something life that, Jo." Willow hug herself, wondering if Jonah wanted someone manageable.
"The quest is to get to the café, there's no requirement for getting dressed, taking medications, or brushing the pearls before hand." Jonah paid attention to the days she did carry on with those tasks and what she was feeling that day. Her mood in the mornings set her entire day.
"You'd want to get coffee with a bed troll?' Willow asked hesitantly. the amount of hair pooling on the ground held a small piece of concern in Jonah's heart.
"If you must know, yes, I'd love to take this powerful black women I call my girlfriend for a coffee date."
"I'm in love with you, Marias. Willow spoke the words her soul was screaming. He had confirmed the very thing her brain has been telling her was false.
"And I love every inch of you, Willow." He left a trail of kisses starting from one shoulder leading to the other. The tiniest of smiles etched into her lips for the first time in two months.
When Jonah finished curing her curls from the jungle of mats, he washed her dark locks with the last bit of conditioner stuck at the bottom of bottle. He had a sense it wasn't nearly enough for her hair but it just had to do for now.
After Jonah concurred her hair, Willow laid against his chest still in the tub. The water cooled through out the time they've spent in there. He hummed the melody of their song, and traced loving words into her brown skin with the pads of his finger tips. her delicate back laid into his broad chest and she never felt this close to the love of her live. The intimate moment is to be cherished for years to come.
The next morning the sun shone through the living room, Willow slept through till the late afternoon. Her body kept her from leaving the threshold of the house that day. She sat a few feet from the door and stared at it helplessly. Jonah was with her the entire time, supporting her decision.
They never left the safety of their home the next day, or the next, or the next.
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I wrote the main character black to celebrate black history month. I'm not black so please tell me if my writing felt offensive. I am a women of colour myself and find it extremely important to see representation.
I'm back to writing, But I'm going to publish at least on piece a month because it took me days to write this.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Ok qtvtp - the moment that Jonah admits his feelings to Ava/ her reaction
↳  A/N Time to learn more about Jonah's character :)
↳ Word Count: 1357
↳ Disclaimer: This story is in no way meant to portray any characters’ associated real-life counterparts in a negative or unpleasant light; all of this writing (characterization, plot, etc.) is strictly fictional.
↳ QTVTP Masterlist
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February 15, 2019
“Well, it’s nice to see a friendly face this morning. It’s been a slow shift.” Avalon grinned, clicking her pen in her hand as she stopped at the table of two, “What can I get you?”
Jonah glanced up from his menu and sent her a tight smile, “Good morning, Avalon.”
“Morning, Jonah.” she replied, unable to wipe the grin from her face.
It was due to the diamond ring that she wore on her left hand and captured Jonah’s attention right away. He let his gaze linger on it and then looked back up at her.
“I heard congratulations were in order. Daniel told me this morning.” Jonah said flatly.
“Oh,” Avalon flushed pretty pink and she looked down at the large ring on her hand, twisting it slightly around her finger, “Yes. Thank you.”
“It was nice? The proposal?” Jonah asked.
“So nice. It was perfect. He took me to dinner and then the beach and there was a whole setup as the sun set. Couldn’t imagine anything better.”
Jonah barely let her finish before rushing out a, “Nice. I’ll have a BLT with egg and a caramel iced coffee.”
He held the menu out between them, his lips pulled into some sort of a tight smile on his face. Avalon’s own smile faltered a moment but with her experience in the service industry, she played the interruption off coolly and took his menu.
“Of course.”
Her eyebrows furrowed to herself as she turned her back to him to go ring in the order. It wasn’t odd for Jonah to be a bit stand-offish but over the last months she only seemed to notice it more. Being around him gave her a pit in her stomach but she couldn’t quite place why. She watched him from her place behind the register as she waited for his lunch to be made, how he lined up his cutlery neatly at his place setting and stood perfectly straight as he stared out the window of the café.
When she brought over his lunch, he thanked her and gestured to the empty seat across from him, “Join me?”
“I’m on the clock.” Avalon protested politely.
Jonah looked around the otherwise empty restaurant, “You’re not busy.”
“Few minutes…just while I eat. I wanna talk to you.”
“I guess.” Avalon sent him a tiny smile and pulled out the metal chair across the table from him. She sat and smoothed her apron down over her lap, watching as he took a bite of his sandwich.
Through his bite, he spoke, “So…Daniel’s treating you well?”
“Yeah.” Avalon nodded. “He’s amazing. But I’m sure you know that. You’ve known him longer than I have.”
Jonah chuckled and nodded, wiping his mouth with his napkin before setting it back on the table, “That is true.”
“Did he tell you about his plans to propose?” Avalon couldn’t help but ask.
“Of course.” Jonah answered.
Avalon smiled to herself.
“But, listen,” Jonah took a sip of his coffee, “I have my own proposal for you.”
Avalon looked back up at him, “Alright?”
Jonah rested his arms on the table and smiled friendly at her, “You’ve said yourself that I know Daniel best because I have known him longer than you.”
Avalon nodded gently.
“So you won’t be too surprised if I tell you that he’s not the marriage type. In fact, if he had it his way, he wouldn’t have proposed to you at all.”
There was a pause during which Jonah took another casual bite of his lunch while waiting for his words to sink into the girl across from him.
Avalon processed his information but brushed it off, “Doubt that.”
“Daniel’s a womanizer, Aves.” Jonah continued. “He doesn’t want to settle down, he doesn’t want to be stuck with one girl for the rest of his life…he’s going to get bored and he’s going to sabotage everything to get the hell out of this.”
Jonah pointed to the large diamond ring that Avalon wore. She dropped her hand to her lap and out of sight. Jonah wasn’t done.
“I’ve seen him go through girl after girl these last few years without shame and he flirts religiously with clients even still now. He’s not the one for you, Ava. I knew I had to tell you before it was too late.”
“But you helped him plan the proposal?”
Jonah held his hand up politely to correct her, “Didn’t help plan. I knew of his plans and I tried to talk him out of it as kindly as I could. I don’t want to see you get hurt, Aves.”
“Sounds like you tried to sabotage us.” Avalon chuckled humourlessly.
“Ava, come on.” Jonah said gently, “I’m trying to help. I’m trying to give you an out before you get hurt. He is going to hurt you.”
“No, he won’t.”
“You don’t mind his long nights at work? His short temper from lack of sleep? How he doesn’t listen to you…forgets your dates…that doesn’t hurt you?”
“We’re not perfect but no one is.” Avalon argued. “But I know he loves me and I know he’s going to be my husband.”
“You’re trying to live a fantasy.” Jonah said. He reached his hands across the table towards her and stared her right into her eyes. “I can be your out.”
“I don’t need an out.” Avalon said sharply.
“I haven’t dated because I’ve been waiting for someone special and you, Avalon, are so special.” Jonah said gently, a sweet smile coming to his face as he stared at her. “I can treat you so much better than him. I want to be there for you, always.”
She couldn’t meet his eye as she spoke strongly, “Jonah, this is making me uncomfortable.”
“I love you.” Jonah said. “Do you hear me? I am in love with you.”
“You hardly know me.” Avalon retorted quickly.
“I know enough. I know your soul, Ava. I know what a caring and selfless and genuine woman you are and you deserve so much more than Daniel. You deserve someone who would be willing to give their life for you.”
“Jonah. Stop.” Avalon said sternly. “This is goddamn ridiculous. He’s your best friend.”
“I would choose you over him.”
She laughed humourlessly, looking away from him with a shake of her head. She slouched back in the café chair and pushed both her hands over her blonde hair in disbelief before dropping them to her lap.
“Just think about it. Think about the life we could have together.”
“Jonah!” Avalon turned to him, her voice dripping in annoyance and she set her hands down loudly on the table, showing off her diamond ring. “I am not even twenty-four hours into my engagement to your best friend and you are asking me to throw him away for…what? For you? Jonah, we are barely even friends. I’m not dropping my husband for some guy who thinks he knows what our relationship is without even being a part of it.”
“He’s not your husband.”
“He’s going to be! He’s going to be my husband and the father of my children and-”
“Daniel doesn’t want kids.”
“I’ve had enough of this. Keep your nose out of my relationship.” Avalon stood up from the table with enough force to scratch the metal chair over the laminate floor.
Jonah reached over quickly and grabbed her wrist with a snug grip so she couldn’t walk away. The seriousness in his eyes sent a chill down her spine.
“This stays between us. Think about it. You’re not married yet, just engaged, there’s still time.”
Avalon tugged her arm out of his tight hold, “You’re fucked. Stay away from me.”
“Avalon!” Jonah called after her as she hurried behind the front counter and into the kitchen out of sight. He sighed softly and turned back to his lunch, focusing on the fading scent of her perfume that lingered behind in her hasty exit. A calm smile came to his face as he lifted his iced coffee to his lips again and let his dreamy stare turn out of the windows of the café.
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Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @hiya-its-amber @tempus-ut-luceant @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @randomlimelightxxx @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @jonahlovescoffee @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23 @xkelsev
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inocent-as-a-rose · 5 years
A picture perfect family || Z.H.
Warnings: maybe some cursing?
Summary: inspired by the trust fund baby music video
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You were walking trough the hallway in school with your books in your hands and your camera in your backpack. Out of nowhere a sudden weight pushed you to the ground.
Your books and backpack fall around you. "No, No, no, No, no!" You sigh. You get up to your knees and open your backpack quickly. You release a sigh of relief when you see that your camera is stil intact.
"Oh my God, i'm so sorry!" A sudden voice exclaims. You look up to meet a pair of brown eyes. The eyes turn out to belong to a cute boy.
You just look at each other for a brief second before he gets pulled away by one of his friends. He the turns his head and looks at you. You smile at him and he returns it with a cute smile himself.
That was Zach Herron. You know him. You know every one. It's not like youpopular, not at all actually. You're the most important photographer for the yearbook. You are, in fact, the only photographer.
But you don't mind.
You still need to do some editing so youdecided to go the bleachers of the baseball field in my free period. You look at the field and see Jonah Marais training with Arya. You recognize him. He's the one who pulled Zach away from you this morning.
You edited the whole day and even skipped classes without even knowing it. You decided to go to the skate park with your friends. It's something you do a lot. You took the bus and met up with your friend Jamie.
She hasn't noriced you yet so you just sit on one of the ramps and take some pictures. Jamie was talking to a guy but now he left so she comes over to you.
"Sooo...who's the cute guy?" You smirk while wiggling my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes and laughs "So, his name is Jack"
"Jack Avery?" You ask her. Like you said. You know every one. "I don't know, girl, I just met him!" She laughs.
You see your friend Rose walking over to you. She climbs up the ramp and sit next to you "Hey, (y/n), how did you get here so fast, school ended like 20 minutes ago and I walked?" "The bus?" "Wait really, I tought he didn't drive today?" "He did"
"Sooo," Jamie says,"tell us about the cute guy" she blushes and says "well, I was waiting for you, but you didn't come and his car had a flat tire, and I helped him and his friend to replace the tire"
"oehh, what did he look like" you ask  "Well, he was cute, he had brown hair, and gorgeous blue eyes, and, he's sitting right there?" She says, but it sounds more like a question.
"WHERE?" You and Jamie yell in unison.
"There" she whispers  and subtly points to a group of boys "He really is cute" Jamie says surprised "why so surprised?" She asks "Rose, sweetie, no offence, but your taste sucks"
"Obvioisly," she laughs, "because you're, looking at the wrong guy" "then who are you talking about?" Jamie asks while laughing "I'm talking about the guy with the hamburger" "ow, then I'm also looking at the wrong guy" you laugh.
Just then you realise that Zach is part of the group of guys. He sees you looking at him and smiles so you smile back.
"Adios muchachos" Jamie laughs as she takes her skateboard and starts doing some tricks.
"What's up with her?" Rose asks "I've never seen her skate so good" "there's a cute guy she wants to impress" you smirks
"Ahh" she smirks as well
After half an hour of talking to rose about useless stuf you decide to leave so you can develop some of my pictures. You wave goodbye to Jamie and jump of the ramp.
Your house isn't that far so you just start walking. "HEY!"  hear someone yell behind you. You turn around and almost bump into someone. It's Zach again.
"Oh, i'm sorry!" You both laugh. "It's just, I wanted to apologise again for this morning." "It's okay, really" you smile. "Good...I'm Zach" he smiles. I know. "(Y/n)"
We both just awkwardly stand there for a moment. "Where are you going?" He asks touching the back of his neck.
"I, uhh, i want to develope some pictures at home" "great, can i come?" "Uhh, yeah, sure"
After a short walk we arive at your house. You open the door with my spare key. You take Zach's hand and quickley pull him upstears. Halfway the stairs you hear your mom yell. "[Yn]!! Come here and help your sister with her homework!"
"I can't help Aubrey mom," i sigh in defeat, "i have a guest
"Really? Come here and introduce her then!" Your mom says exited. "It's a him" you sigh. You shuffle down the stairs and enter the kitchen still holding Zach's hand.
"Hi! I'm Emily and that's Aubrey, it's so nice to meet you!" Your mom says. Zach lets go of my hand and shakes my mothers hand. "It's really nice to meet you too, i'm Zach"
"Zaaaachhh?" Your 7 year old sister says in a cute toddler tone. "Yesss" Zach answers in the same cute tone. "Are you my sisters boyfriieeend?" "Nooo" he says blushing.
"We should go, the pictures  won't develop themselves." You nervously chuckle. You pull Zach upstairs and close the door to your room.
"I'm so sorry about my family, i-" "it's okay," Zach smiles,"they seem nice"
Just now Zach looks around in your bedroom, it's small, like, really small. Your bed is set against the right wall. In the middle of your room there is a table where i usually develop your pictures. The room is always dark. You've came to the realisation that it's easier if you just leave it dark in stead of always cleaning your stuff up.
"Okay, so, first we need to mix the chemicals" you give Zach the measurements so he can do it.
While Zach is doing that, you make sure that the enlarger's ready. Zach is done with the chemicals and he stands next to you.
Zach touches the enlarger in all possible places trying to figureout what button does what. You lay your hand on zach's and twist the button he's touching.
You take out the paper from the enlarger and put it in the developer. "Now we have to wait a minute then take out the paper with this giant tweezers thingie and put it in the next tray" you say as you hand Zach the tweezers.
"Soo, um, are you- are you going to prom?" Zach asks. While putting the paper in the next tray "Yeah, but i don't have a date. I mean, i need to take the prom pictures and stuff so i don't really have time to dance and that wouldn't be fun for whoever would be my date" you say to answer his question, "but are you planing on asking someone?"
You could kinda hear the dissapointment in his voice when he says: "Nahh, here isn't really anyone i would want to go with sooo" he puts the paper in the last tray.
"[YN]!!!! Could you maybe help me for a second ?" You hear your mom yell from downstairs. "Okay!" You yell back.
"Could you, maybe, hang these pictures on the rope while I'm gone please?" You ask zach. "Yeah, sure, no problem!" He answers while he's already hanging up a picture. "Thanks Zach" you say and give him a kiss on his cheek.
You walk away quickly, maybe because you're  scared of his reaction. But zach just stands there and blushes even harder then he usually does.
You run down the stairs and jump of the last step. "What did you need my help with mom?" You ask when you walk into the kitchen. You stand next to her and smell the delicious food she's making.
"Oh, could you help Aubrey with her hair please, you know i'm not good at that stuff and she has ballet practice in an hour and-"
"It's okay mom, i will do it, by the way, the food smells amazing!" I assure her.
"[YN]?" You hear Zach say. You turn around to see him  come around the wall. "Hey, i'm done with the pictures..." his voice trails off near the end of the sentence.
 "Oh, hy zach! Do you wanna help me colour my drawing?" Aubrey asks whilst i'm combing her hair.
He looks at you with a surprised look on his face. You smile at him when he says:" Um, yeah, sure" he pulls out a seat next to Aubrey. "You can colour the princess' dress if you want"
While you make a bun in Aubrey's hair you watch her and Zach goof around. It makes you smile just to see how much they like each other.
And every once in a while zach steals a glance at you just to find you smiling at him.
"Zach, honey, why don't you stay for dinner?" My mom asks him. "If you don't mind?" Zach asks both you and your mom. "Of course not!"
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
"Thank you zach" i say while i jump of the ramp me and zach were sitting on. After you all ate dinner you and Zach offered to bring Aubrey to her ballet practice. It had become dark by now and you two were just talking about stuff.
"It was nothing" Zach brushed it off. "No, really Zach, you probably noticed that life is hard in ou house. My mom, being a single mom, depends on me a lot to help Aubrey and her. You made her evening a little bit easier by playing with Aubrey. 'Cause belief me, Aubrey can be be very annoying"
"Hey, i had fun too, and i would loveto help more often if it makes it easier for you ans your mom," Zach says while jumping off the ramp as well.
"Well, i should probably go now, I need to pick up Aubrey from practice as well" i say.
"Hey, um, [YN], can i maybe get your number?" He asks while looking at the ground. "Uh, yeah, sure" you answer.
You swap numbers and take pics to set with the contact names.
You both stand in front of each other. The passing of cars is the only thing you can here in the awkward silence. Neither of you want to go but you both know you should.
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"I guess i should..."
"Yeah, i should too..."
"Bye Zach..."
"Bye [YN]
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munchyn · 5 years
Hiya Jiyack| Jack Avery x Reader
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A/N: I haven't updated my Blue Eyes story lately so today instead I give you this Jack x reader story.
I flopped onto the couch next to Jack. I pulled out my phone and texted him.
Y/n: Hey Jack.
Jack pulled out his phone and read the text. He looked at me with a weird look and answered.
Jack: We're literally sitting next to each other.
Y/n: I know. Just don't feel like using my vocal cords.
I looked at him to see his reaction. He scrunched up his nose adorably and looked at his screen in confusion.
Jack: What the heck? Why not?
Y/n: I sound like I got my throat slit and it wasn't healed properly.
Jack: Slit throats aren't supposed to heal.
Y/n: Whatever. You get my point.
I turned my phone off and turned to look at my boyfriend, “Hiya Jiyack.”
He turned his phone off too and turned to look at me, “Why do you always say my name like that?”
I shrugged, “I said it as a joke one day and now it just comes naturally.”
Jack leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips, “You are so cute.” I smiled at him.
“So are you, Noodles,” I say and squeeze his face. His cheeks were smushed and it looked like he was making a fish face. I pecked his face all over.
“You know I'm never going to stop calling you Jiyack right? It's like your second name now.”
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dnly · 6 years
Omegle | J. M.
i'll be accepting requests (if you guys have hehz) just message me!
In which y/n had an interesting conversation with a stranger on omegle
warning(s): cursing(?), lowercase intended (for the most part)
word count: 1046
It was already one in the morning but you still couldn't find yourself to bed. You went to Twitter and scrolling on your timeline. When you found nothing but tweets that were posted few hours ago. Of course, it was already night and nobody's awake.
You found your fingers tapping letters for a tweet.
I lie awake on sleepless nights
You tapped tweet.
What to do when you're bored? Easy, talk to strangers.
It didn't take long when you decided to go to Omegle and typed Why Don't We in the interests.
Your heart has been captured by these five cute and talented boys. You were hyped and you loved their songs so much. It would be nice to converse with people who loves the boys too, you thought.
You're talking to a stranger. You both like Why Don't We. Say hi!
You: Corbyn Besson is my babyy
Stranger: uh corbyn who ?
Stranger Disconnected.
Well, let's try again.
You're talking to a stranger. You both like Why Don't We. Say hi!
You: Jack Avery is my sunshineee
Stranger: 19 M
Stranger Disconnected.
Okay. This is going to be the last, you said to yourself. You tried again.
You're talking to a stranger. You both like Why Don't We. Say hi!
You: Jonah Marais is my sunshinee
Stranger: what? haha
Finally, someone I can talk to. I guess? You thought to yourself.
You: hi so you're a limelight too??
Stranger: uhh yes, i guess you could say that. their songs are lit
You: i know right! they do deserve more recognition tbh
You: but i'm sure they'll get there, i know they can do it!
Stranger: wow thanks :) i'm jonah.
You: cool i'm camila cabello.
Stranger: no way that can't be
You: of course it can! if you can be jonah then i can be camila hmm
You: i'm y/n.
Stranger: oh hi y/n. well, have you met the boys then?
You: nope, i haven't but i was able to go to a show here in nyc. have you?
Stranger: i guess i'm meeting them tomorrow ?
You: wtf ?? really? tell jack i love him. thanks
Stranger: i thought you love jonah, and now you're saying you love jack?
You: don't get me wrong i love all of them, but jack robert avery has my heart. ❤
Stranger: how bout jonah?
You: you keep saying jonah, is he your fave?
Stranger: not really, but earlier you mentioned jonah is your sunshine.
You: I mean, jonah's great. he's very good-looking and has a great voice.
You: but i'm not really into him. sorry hehz. not like jack, his sense of humor damnnn
Stranger: but he's already taken
You: it doesn't matter. im stealing him from gabbie lol jk
Stranger: ohhh i'm telling gabbie to guard her man hahaha anyway, so jack it is?
You: of course! he's my baby and he's boyfriend material i cry
Stranger: jonah's a boyfriend material too. i mean, when you ask the boys, they'd say jonah's kinda dad in the group.
You: daddy hahahah
Stranger: haha very funny y/n
Stranger: what is something that made you admire jack so much?
You: he's a very caring guy especially to isla and dude jachary is damn real
You: i remember going to the first and only show I went of wdw, jack was making sure zach's okay as often as possible and i thought, it was the sweetest thing ever.
Stranger: well how about jonah? what are your thoughts?
You: i guess, jonah is very secretive. very mysterious.
You: but i feel like jonah is the kind of guy who can easily make you fall and then dump you afterwards, like a fuckboy. lol idk what i'm saying, but that's just what i thought. but he's cool but really though, i wanna know who the heck he is dating rn?
Stranger: uhm no one. i mean, i don't think he is seeing anyone.
You: well that's good news, so we have a chance on daniel, jonah and zach meheheh
Stranger: hmm i don't think jonah is a fuckboy, he seems to be a nice guy and gentleman like what other fans say. but yeah, you shouldn't judge him.
You: ohh it's just my first impressions tho lol
Stranger: it's already 3am, aren't you going to bed? what are you doing atm?
You: talking to you. I couldn't sleep. how bout you? wait, are you always here on omegle?
Stranger: same, couldn't sleep. and no, i just recently found this app cos i was more familiar with tinder hahaha
You: ohh i smell something fishy on youu haha
Stranger: y/n? it's already almost five in the morning. i'm sorry if i made you stay up all night.
You: yeah, i'm kinda sleepy now. i don't mind at all. i had fun talking to you :)
Stranger: me too (: you should sleep already.
Stranger: by the way, what's your twitter username?
You: @y/n/y/l/n
You: wait
Stranger: okay, thanks. i'll ahead now. good mornight :) it was a fun chat with you y/n! sleep well.
You: i never got the chance to get your real name
You: what's your user on twitter?
And before you even click the send
Stranger Disconnected.
You got frustrated from what happened, you almost gained a new friend but then again, unfortunately, you didn't get his name. After hours of talking about each other, it turns out he is a boy.
You sighed. At least you gave him your username. Maybe he'll find your account? You thought. But what if he doesn't?
What if it was only one time thing?
You checked your phone seeing that you have one percent left before your phone dies. Your phone went off when you received new notifications from Twitter.
Your eyes couldn't believe to what it is seeing right now.
@JonahMarais followed you.
Another notification pops, as you read.
@JonahMarais sent you a direct message.
Hey @y/n/y/l/n you owe me a dinner for calling me a fuckboy ;) see you on the next show there in nyc? and i guess i'll see you after show for our dinner? have a good sleep y/n :)
Then your phone went black.
Oh shit.
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smolboiseavey · 6 years
I Wanna Be Just Like You // Werewolf! Daniel Seavey x Reader
Summary: Daniel and Y/N have been dating for a couple months now and he decides to take her back to his family's pack in Seattle. After learning more about Daniel and the werewolf culture, Y/N gets frustrated because she can't seem to fit in.
I recommend you read Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice before reading this, but you don't have to read it to understand this one.
 Warnings: literally like not much lol just some angst, violence and werewolves. Maybe some cursing too.
 6,386 words (omg!!!)
Taglist: @gracenadinelimelight @softavery @katie-avery @seaveyssparkle @kvd963 @dagmara-mae @jennasgolden @helloatomicshadow @sfx-bands @only-stan-mendes @whydontwenorway
"How much longer until we get there?" You laid your head on the window, watching the scenery and snowflakes fly by as the car sped down the highway. Mountains lined the horizon, the sun casting brilliant orange and pink light behind them. You and Daniel were currently driving to his family's home town, making the 15 hour trip there on wheels.
Daniel let out a chuckle, one hand lazily resting on your thigh, his eyes trained on the road. "Maybe another half hour, love. We're almost there." He replied. You laced your fingers with his, smiling at him.
"So how do you like Oregon so far?"
"It's pretty." You say, turning back to the window. "Can we go for a hike sometime soon?"
"Definitely. Are you sure you'll be able to keep up with me, though?" He replied teasingly, making you scoff. "Just because I'm human doesn't mean I can't handle a little bit of exercise." He brought your intertwined hands up to his lips, planting a kiss on yours. "Sure you can." He chuckled, "Oh look! We're here."
Daniel turned to the left, driving into a small town. The buildings were very spread out, miles of forest behind them. Piles of snow lined the streets, a few people walking by here and there. The car came to a stop at a red light. "This is the town I grew up in." He said, breaking the silence. You smiled, looking through the windows at the location. "It's cozy." You replied as Daniel kept driving, the light now green. "God, it's been so long. You're gonna love it here, I promise."
You had just finished your current semester of school, so you were spending a month with Daniel in his home town for winter break. He drove down the road, houses looming in the distance. At the end of the path stood one house which towered over the others, brightness streaming out of all the windows. The sun was long gone, street lamps illuminated the pavement with soft yellow light. Daniel pulled up to said house, parking in the long driveway behind many other vehicles. "Ready?" He asked, his blue eyes bright with excitement and joy. You smiled, nodding in response. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Well, come on now. Mom said to just come in, some servants will be out soon to take our stuff in." He said, taking his seat belt off.
"Servants?" You asked as you clicked the red button to your left, letting the polyester strap slide off of your body.
He nodded, confused at your confusion. "It's a normal thing? This is the pack house, where most of the leaders and their families live. So yeah, servants."
"Oh. So I'm guessing your family is..."
"My dad's the alpha." He said casually, opening the door.
"T-that's cool." You stutter, getting out of the car and closing the door behind you.
Daniel started walking to the house, and you followed close behind. He waltzed right into the door, a wide grin on his face.
The house was very open, but cozy. To the left was the kitchen, where a few older ladies were bustling around cooking. To the right was a large staircase, spiraling up to the second floor. Children ran around the space, chasing each other through the halls. The soft hum of chatter and laughter filled the room. The room opened up ahead, couches positioned in a U-shape around a large flat screen TV. A few people sat there, deep in conversation. Large windows took the place of the back wall, revealing the midnight blue sky and silhouettes of the trees and mountains.
"I'm home!" Daniel announced loudly, smiling.
A swarm of people surrounded the two of you as you closed the heavy front door behind you. An older woman pulled him into a hug, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I missed you." She said, a smile tugging at her lips.
"I missed you too, mom."
"Did you bring a human with you?" A man asked suddenly, the room falling silent.
"Erm...yeah." Daniel grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to his body. "This is my mate, Y/N."
"I thought his mate was that wolf he brought back last time. Charlotte, I think-"
"How did you know I'm human?" You asked.
The man chuckled, the deep sound filling the room. "Your scent, dear. It's quite easy to tell." His voice was stern, but his blue eyes were bright with amusement.
"Dad, stop teasing her!" Daniel groaned.
"Alright, alright. Come on everyone, let's give the couple some space." He said with a smile. The crowd slowly dispersed, only two people were left besides you and Daniel.
"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. Daniel has said many good things about you." Daniel's mom said with a smile.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Seavey." You replied, returning the smile.
"Please, call me Keri." She said, giving you a quick hug. "I'll be in the kitchen making dinner if you need me. You'll be staying in Daniel's old room, and all of your things should already be there."
"Thanks mom." He said as she walked off.
"Danny!" A small figure hurled at him, landing in his arms.
A tiny girl, no older than ten hugged his torso tight as he spun her around in circles. "Reese! You've gotten so big." He said with a laugh, holding her.
"I grew 3 inches!" She said to him, holding out three fingers. "I even changed into my wolf yesterday!"
"Oh really? Congrats!"
You smiled at the sight of Daniel and Reese, stepping back to give them space.
"Who's that?" She asked, pointing at you.
"That's my mate, Y/N."
She stuck her tongue out at you and turned back to him. "Why is she human?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why isn't she a wolf too?"
"She's just...a little different."
Well, isn't that reassuring.
"Mhm. She's like Aunt Keri."
Reese nodded thoughtfully, her face contorting into a serious expression. "Interesting."
Daniel chuckled, setting her back down on her feet. "Why don't you go play with Isla and Svea? Y/N and I still need to unpack."
"You're staying?" She asked excitedly, her eyes lighting up.
"Yep! For a whole month."
"Yay! Come play with us when you're done, okay?"
"I will, Reese. Now come on, they're probably waiting for you."
"Bye Danny!" She ran off with a smile on her face.
Daniel is so good with kids.
You couldn't keep the smile off of your face as you watched him usher her away.
He sighed, turning back towards you. "What?"
"What? Oh- nothing." You reply, your cheeks red with embarrassment.
"I know that look, Y/N." He said as you followed him up the stairs.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh, come on Y/N. Don't deny it. What were you thinking about?" He pressed as you walked up to the third floor and down the hall. He walked past the rows of doors and windows before stopping in front of a door at the end of the corridor. He grasped the gold handle in his right hand, pushing the door open with ease. "I was just thinking." You replied as you walked in close behind him.
"Ah, exactly the way I left it." The spacious room was painted blue, a city skyline painted on one wall. A large bed was pushed to one side, a desk to the other. Two large windows let in some moonlight, illuminating the room with pale light. By the desk were rows of instruments, a microphone, and speakers, almost identical to his musical set-up at your house in LA. Daniel flopped down on the bed face first, letting out a loud, happy sigh.
“Come lay with me.”
You walked over to the bed, laying down next to him. He turned his face so that he was no longer facing the sheets and smiled at you.
“Don’t we have to unpack?” You asked, giggling. He pulled you onto his chest, wrapping his long arms around your waist. “We have time.” He replied, burying his head in your hair. “Let me spend time with my mate first.”
You smiled, drawing lazy circles on his shoulder.
“What’s it like being a werewolf?” You asked curiously after a brief moment of silence.
He stayed silent for a while, thinking. “It’s hard to explain.” He replied, “I guess it’s kind of like having a voice in your head that’s telling you what to do.” He laughed. “Oh, and the wolf thing. I don’t think I’d ever be able to explain that.”
You giggled, placing a small kiss on his cheek. “It’s okay if you can’t explain it, Danny. I just wanna get to know this side of you better.”
He nodded, drawing you closer.
Silence filled the room again, until you spoke up suddenly.
“What does it feel like to have a mate? In your perspective, I guess.”
“It’s the best feeling in the entire world.” He murmured, nipping at your ear with his teeth playfully. “But kind of annoying, at first.”
“What do you mean?”
“Having to wait so long, watching you date other people, not being able to be as close as I wanted to be for so long. God, seeing you with your scumbag ex made me almost lose it.” He let out a low growl. “I’m glad he left. Since you’re my mate, I can feel your feelings too. I could sense you were miserable with him.” He explained, “When you’re sad, I’m sad. When you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“Is that supposed to happen to me too?”
He shook his head. “You’re human, so your soul won’t feel it the same way mine does.”
“Oh.” You mumbled. “I’m sorry I made you wait so long. I wish I knew.”
“It’s okay, baby.” He replied, “I’d wait a million years for you if I had to.”
You smiled, kissing his cheek lovingly.
A knock interrupted the moment, making Daniel sit up. “God dammit Jack. What do you want?”
“Wow, Hello to you too Daniel. Dinner is almost ready. Come downstairs when you’re done doing um...whatever you’re doing.” Jack said with a chuckle, closing the door and walking out.
Daniel groaned, laying back down next to you. “I don’t wanna go all the way back downstairs. I wanna say with you.” He whined, playing with your hair.
You laughed, sitting up. “Come on, Danny. We should get ready and go.” He pouted and sat up.
“Fine, whatever.”
“She’s a quiet one. Now if Charlotte were here-“
“Myta, don’t tease her.”
“Y/N is just a little shy, that’s all.” Daniel said, standing up for you.
You sat at the large, round dining table, slowly eating your food as the families around you discussed whatever was on their minds.
“So when are you two going to have pups?”
You stopped eating immediately, almost choking.
“You know, when your mother and I were your age we-“
Zach cleared his throat, stopping Daniel’s father mid-sentence.
“I’m sorry for interrupting you Alpha, but we’re trying to eat? I’d rather not talk about babies right now.”
“I agree with Zach. Luna makes good food.” Jack said, his mouth full.
Daniel put his hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles into your skin with his thumb.
“Are you alright?” He whispered to you, concern lacing his tone. You nodded in response, sending him a small smile. “Yeah.” You replied softly, lacing your fingers with his. He gave you a smile back, rejoining the conversation his parents were having.
“Are Corbyn and Christina coming soon?” Jonah asked, looking over at you from across the table.
“Yep, she texted me earlier. They’re driving up now.” You replied with a smile.
“Corbyn and Christina are your friends from LA right?” Keri asked. The boys nodded.
“Oh, Corbyn isn’t apart of your pack?” You asked curiously.
Daniel shook his head. “He’s from a pack in Virginia. We met him in LA.”
“Ohhh okay.”
The room filled with the comfortable hum of chatter as you all finished your meals with no further interruptions.
“Anyone want dessert?”
You sat in front of a ceiling-high window in the living room, a cup of tea from Keri in your hands as you gazed up at the stars. Everyone else had gone off to their rooms, resting for the day ahead. You, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep. You had gone out of Daniel’s room and went downstairs, where Keri found you. She was just about to head upstairs so she made ginger lemon tea for you to try to help your restlessness.
Maybe it was the change in time, keeping you awake or the occasional howls from the wolves outside, but it was mostly your thoughts keeping you awake.
Would they like me more if I was a werewolf?
Who is Charlotte? Would Daniel have ended up with her if he didn’t meet me?
“Couldn’t sleep, huh?” A voice sounded behind you, making you jump. You turned to find Daniel walking towards you, his face contorting with concern.
You shook your head as he sat down next to you, draping a plush blanket over your shoulders.
“No. How’d you know?”
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I can feel when you’re not near me. Oh, and mom told me on her way to her room.”
You leaned into his chest, warmth radiating off of him. You took a small sip from the mug in your hands.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?”
You shrugged in response, your eyes drawing back towards the scenery outside.
He sighed, the moonlight making his blue eyes twinkle. “Come on, babe. You can talk to me.”
You shook your head, looking back up at him. “I was just...thinking. I’m not used to this whole werewolf thing yet, I guess.”
“Oh.” He mumbled, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “I know, it’s a little weird at first. You don’t have to stay the whole time with me if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No, no it’s fine. I just need a little time to get used to it.” You said with a smile.
“Okay.” He said, returning the smile with a toothy grin of his own. “Nothing else is bothering you?”
He sighed, the smile falling as soon as it appeared. “You’re lying.”
“Y/N, you may be good at hiding it, but you’re not going to get anything past me.” He chuckled. “When you lie, your heart speeds up a couple beats and you bite your lip.”
“Come on, you can tell me. Spit it out.”
“Who’s Charlotte?”
He froze, his tongue darting out and swiping across his lips. He looked down, taking your tiny hands in his large ones. “She...was a friend. We were really close, and everyone thought we were mates, or that at least we’d end up together. Then I found out she was only close to me because she wanted to be Luna.” He blurted out, “She only talked to me because of my status. I ditched her a long time ago and haven’t seen her since.”
“I’m sorry I asked.”
“It’s fine Y/N.” He pulled you closer and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “Lets go to bed now, yeah?”
You nodded, letting out a small yawn.
“Alright. Come on, sleepy.”
The next few days were quite uneventful, full of small conversations with family and watching Daniel train with the boys. You sat at the side of the field with Christina, watching as they playfully tackled each other.
“Daniel! Don’t hit me I’m wEAK-“
He laughed, running at Jack. “You’re not weak, Beta.”
“I’m weak compared to you, so sToP!”
“Cheeseitz, they’re so aggressive.” You said, shivering as snowflakes started falling from the light gray sky.
“Well duh, they’re werewolves.” Christina said with a chuckle, “You should see them when they’re actually being serious.”
Daniel grabbed onto Jack, pinning him down on the snow covered ground.
“Jonah! Help please.”
The older boy swooped in, pulling the curly-haired boy from Daniel’s grasp.
“Hey! Not fair.” He groaned, getting up.
Corbyn scribbled something down on his clipboard before walking over to the three boys. “Actually, very fair. You’re stronger than both of them combined, future Alpha. See, your endurance...” They continued talking about stats, looking over whatever data was written on the papers in Corbyn’s hands.
“Alpha?” You asked Christina.
She nodded. “You didn’t know Daniel was an Alpha?”
You shook your head. “I don’t think he’s ever mentioned it, besides the fact that his dad is one.”
“He’s always been so self conscious of his status.” Christina said. “We should go inside, it’s snowing harder and our puny human bodies can only last so long in the cold.” She joked, “I can tell you more about it inside.”
“Yeah, let’s go inside, I’m freezing.”
You walked inside with her, slowly peeling off layers of jackets the second you got inside and closed the glass door.
“So, what do you want to know?” Christina asked as you both sat down in the living room.
“Wait wait wait. So you’re saying I have to-“
“Whatcha two talking about?” Daniel walked in, wrapping his arms around you as he sat down next to you.
“Not much.” Christina said with a smile. “Oh look, Corbyn needs me. I’ll be back.” She got up and walked out of the living room, leaving you two alone.
“You’re sweaty.”
Daniel laughed, rubbing his cheek on your shoulder. “I’ll rub my sweat all over you then.”
“Ew! Go shower.” You giggled, pushing him away playfully. He pinned your hands above you and peppered kisses all over your face.
“You’re not getting away from me anytime soon.”
He pulled you into a tight hug, wrapping his limbs around your torso, his dripping hair and neck up against your chest.
“Hey, Daniel?” A servant walked in, his tone urgent.
“Yes? What is it?” He looked up, slightly annoyed.
“It’s your father.”
The annoyance went away quickly and he got up from the ground.
“Please, follow me.” The servant walked out of the room and down the hall, Daniel close behind. You got up, curiously following them slowly.
“-yes, it’s very bad. The healers might not be able to do much this time, Alpha.”
“Don’t call me that. He’ll be fine, we have the best healers here.” The door closed, their conversation now muffled. You slipped in, closing the door behind you. Daniel’s father lay in a bed in the middle of the room, his eyes closed and his skin papery and pale. Keri sat next to the bed, her hand in her husband’s, a grim look on her face. Daniel sat at her feet, his head in her lap. Doctors and servants rushed around the room silently, the only sound came from the beeping of the heart monitor in the corner of the room.
Keri looked up at you and gave you a small smile. As you walked over to them. You sat down behind Daniel, wrapping your around around him.
“Is he going to be okay?” You muttered, concerned. Keri shook her head and let out a sigh. “No.” She replied sadly, “Jeff is strong, but he’s an elder wolf and has had too much contact with silver over the years. He’s a bit weak and won’t recover for a while.”
Daniel turned around, burying his face in your shoulder, his tears leaving stains on your shirt. “I don’t want him to go.” he mumbled.
“It’ll be alright,” you cooed into his ear softly, massaging his scalp with your fingers. “He’ll live, I promise.”
Keri looked down at her son with sad eyes. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut. Her eyes drifted back to her husband.
A doctor walked over to you and Daniel and nudged your shoulder lightly. “You two should go.” He said, “Daniel needs some sleep, and it’s getting late.”
You nodded, getting up. Daniel got up with you, his movements sluggish as you walked him upstairs and to his bedroom. He stumbled into the room and collapsed on the bed as you closed the door. He looked over at you, his once bright eyes now a dull blue.
“Come here.”
You walked over to him and sat on the bed next to him. “Are you okay?” You asked, playing with a lock of his hair.
He shook his head.
“You know, your dad is in good hands. He won’t-“
“You’d think I’d know that, I lived here for 18 years. It’s not that.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
He shook his head again and took your small hand in his larger one. “Can you run me a bath, please?” He mumbled, “Like back in LA?”
You nodded, pulling him to his feet. “But talk to me, please? I can’t help you if I don’t know what you’re thinking.”
“Oh yeah, you’re not a wolf.” He muttered. “Fine.”
You frowned at his comment but quickly pushed your feelings away.
“Come on, you glum chum. You’re still sweaty as fuck from earlier.”
You dragged him into the adjoined bathroom, turning on the lights as you walked in. He plopped down on the closed toilet, watching you as you prepared a bath for him.
You got up after getting it ready, waiting for the water to fill the porcelain tub.
“So are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
He pulled his shirt off of his body and shrugged. “I guess.”
You let out a sigh and hugged him, his arms wrapping around your thighs and his head resting against your stomach. He nuzzled into your shirt lovingly as you massaged his scalp. “It’s not necessarily the fact that my dad is injured. It’s happened loads of times, he’s a strong wolf and always recovers. Besides, he’s got another like 100 years to live.” He tugged at his socks and pulled them off, throwing them into a pile of dirty clothes nearby. “It’s just the fact that he’s not strong enough to lead the pack anymore. When he steps down, I have to take over. It’s stupid.” You pulled away from him and turned off the water, the bathtub now full. You mixed in some bath salts as Daniel peeled away his sweatpants and boxers. He sunk into the water, only his head and shoulders sticking out. “Why don’t you want to take over the pack?” You asked as you sat down on the tile floor next to the tub. He sighed, leaning his head back on the wall. “Well first of all, we’d have to move here permanently and I know your family is in LA. Second of all, it’s so much work. I hate it. My stupid older brothers are off doing their own things so I’m stuck taking over the pack.” You frowned, pouring shampoo into your hand before lathering it into his wet hair.
“I know you don’t like it, but it’s your responsibility Daniel. How would your parents feel if you backed out?”
He stayed silent for a moment, thinking. He sighed, leaning into your hands as you washed his hair. “You’re right. I guess it’ll be fine.”
“You’re a natural leader, Danny. It really shouldn’t be too hard for you.” You rinsed the soap from his hair with water before getting up and retrieving a towel from the closet.
“Join me.” He said as you placed the towel on the counter.
You slowly stripped out of your clothes before stepping into the steaming water. You sat down on his thighs, pouring more soap into your hands and washing his body.
“You’re so spoiled.” You joked with a chuckle, running your hands over his chest.
“That’s only because people like spoiling me.” He replied, his eyes fluttering shut. “They just fall for my natural charm.”
“Yeah, sure.” You said, rubbing his arms, his biceps slightly bulging with muscle.
“Well you certainly did.” He said, his eyes opening again.
“That’s true.” You replied, “I guess you’re not that bad.”
He captured your lips with his, his arms around your waist. He pulled away, his eyes traveling up and down your body. “I’m glad you think so.” He mumbled, his eyes falling back on yours. He pulled you closer, chest on chest, your head on his shoulder.
“I’m gonna fill you up with my pups one day.” He muttered in your ear, his hand traveling down your back.
You felt your body heat up more despite the hot water surrounding you.
He chuckled, playing with a strand of hair that escaped your bun. “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.” He said, making you blush more. “Shut up.” He nipped at your neck playfully, his mouth suckling on your sweet skin.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Danny.”
2 weeks had passed since you arrived, everything seemed to have fallen into routine. Daniel usually woke up hours before you, sitting with his father in the morning before training outside for the rest of the day. You did your best to be useful, both you and Christina helping Keri with whatever you could.
“You do know you’ll have to take my place soon, right?”
“Wait, I have to become Luna?”
“You’re Daniel’s mate, aren’t you?”
You nodded, playing with the hem of your sweater.
She let out a small sigh, giving you a look of sympathy. “I know it seems a bit daunting, but trust me, you’ll do great.”
You nodded again, trying your best to believe Keri’s words.
The door opened, revealing a shirtless Daniel. Sweat dripped down his neck, his hair a disheveled mess. You smiled at him as he walked towards you. “How was training?” You asked him.
He flopped onto the ground in front of you and Keri. “Tiring.” He mumbled, “Mommy can I have some food please?”
She nodded and walked to the kitchen, leaving you alone with him.
“Being an Alpha is so much work.” He groaned, turning to lay on his back.
You chuckled and sat on the floor next to him, petting his hair. “My big, strong Alpha. You should take a break.” You mumbled with a giggle. He let out a small purr, leaning into your touch.
“Stopppp.” He groaned, trying to pull away.
“Why? You obviously like it.”
“True.” He sighed, “but if you tell anyone, you’re dead. No one can see me like this but you, okay?”
“Okay.” You chuckled. He turned his head to the side and placed a small kiss on your hand.
“Come on, let’s go get food.” He said, hopping up. “I’m hungry.”
“Would we be different if I were a werewolf?”
It was a late night, and you couldn’t sleep once again. Moonlight pooled on the ground where you sat next to the bed. Daniel laid half-asleep on the mattress, barely paying attention to what you said.
“No.” He mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut. “I don’t think so.”
He reached out weakly towards you, hooking his finger onto yours. You looked away from the window and at him. He slept peacefully, tiny grunts and growls leaving his parted lips.
“I just-“ you heaved out a sigh. “I’m just a bit frustrated, I guess? Even though I’m not the only human, I know almost nothing about the culture and stuff. How am I going to be a Luna if I don’t even know the basics?” You groaned, “Half of them probably don’t even like me.”
Silence. You and your dumb ass, you shouldn’t have said anything.
“Come here.” He mumbled, tugging at your hand with his finger. As you got up, he pulled you onto the bed and into his arms, your head on his chest, a hand in your hair.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, my love.” He whispered lovingly, nuzzling your cheek with his nose, just as he would in wolf form. “You’ll be great, I can feel it.”
“Yeah but-“
“No buts.” He mumbled into your ear, “if you’re still kind of iffy about it, you can talk to my mom. She was in the same situation as you are now.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to her tomorrow then.” You mumbled back, snuggling into his warmth. He smiled and kissed you softly. “I wish I could help you more, love, but I don’t know what it’s like being human.”
“It’s okay.” You smiled back, “we make it work.”
“Yeah, like always.” He said.
“Best friends against the world.” You replied with a grin.
“Of course.” He chuckled, nipping at your ear with his teeth. “Come on, my love, let’s go to sleep.”
The next day, you decided to talk to Keri while Daniel was out training yet again.
“Yes, dear?”
“C-can you help me with something?”
She nodded and put her mug down. “Is something wrong?”
“No- well, yeah. I’m scared, and frustrated about this whole ‘becoming the Luna’ thing. Daniel said I should talk to you about it.”
“Ah, Daniel told me about that this morning. Why are you scared?”
“Well, I’m different. Do I really have what it takes? I mean, I barely know anything.”
“If it makes you feel better, I was in a similar situation as you’re in now. If you want, I can teach you everything you need to know.”
“Thank you, Keri.”
“Of course.” She smiled, “is that all that was bothering you?”
You shook your head. “Is there a way to turn into a werewolf?”
“Yes, but,” she sighed, “it’s extremely dangerous. If you want to become a werewolf, you need to be bitten by one on the full moon. Your body will end up rejecting it and you’ll die. Very few people survive torture like that.”
Well fuck, never mind.
“But I’m a human. Don’t they deserve a strong werewolf to take over as Luna?”
“Being a werewolf doesn’t make you a good leader. In fact, I’m human too.” She said with a chuckle, “I’ve seen you interact with the pack. You’ll be a good leader, Y/N.”
“You’re human too?”
“Yes. I grew up around werewolves, but I’m human.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”
“Don’t worry too much about being a werewolf or not, Y/N. That would be like saying you can’t lead because of your ethnicity. It’s about what’s on the inside.”
You nodded again, taking in every word she said. “Thank you.” You smiled.
“Of course.” She pulled you into a loving embrace, which you accepted with open arms. “You’re family.”
The full moon. A time where all the werewolves in the house went into the woods for a few days to keep the few humans around safe. This was a normal routine you had gotten used to over the few months, but Daniel was always hesitant on leaving.
“I don’t wanna leave you.” He mumbled, hugging your waist tightly. He rested his head on your stomach, a pout on his lips.
“Come on, bro. We need to go before it’s too late.” Jack said, poking Daniel’s arm repeatedly.
He sighed and got up from his knees. “Fine.”
“You’ll be back before you know it.” You told him, placing a small kiss on his lips. “It’s only for a few days.”
He squeezed you tight, kissing you back passionately. “Be careful, okay? Don’t go outside until we get back.” He murmured.
“Okay.” You replied softly, sinking into his embrace. “You be careful too.”
He nodded, smiling. “I’ll see you in a few days, my love.”
You pulled away and watched him join his pack members, all running off into the nearby woods.
Soon after everyone left, Keri shut all the windows and doors, enclosing herself, you, Christina and Anna safely inside. You all sat in a circle, watching the sunset and eating small snacks.
“Wait, Anna you’re human? But your brothers are all werewolves.”
She shrugged and smiled. “I guess I got more human than wolf genes.”
“Ohh, makes sense.” Christina replied, “well welcome to the human club.”
Anna laughed, taking another bite out of the cookie in her hands.
Silence filled the practically empty house, a large contrast to how it had been hours before. The sun sank deeper and deeper below the horizon, the full moon shining in the distance. Time quickly passed and soon enough everyone had gone to bed, leaving you alone in the living room. Like almost every night, you were up late and couldn’t sleep.
I wonder what Daniel is doing right now.
Of course, having to separate for a few days each month was normal, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt every moment that you were apart. You felt a sharp pang in your heart just thinking about it.
Is this how he feels all the time?
A low growling noise interrupted your thoughts. “What was that?” You mumbled to yourself, getting up from where you previously sat on the ground. You tiptoed towards the sound, confused.
You quickly grabbed the closest thing to you, which happened to be your steel water bottle, and made your way down the hall. This feels familiar.
A dark blur flew by, caught in your peripheral vision. It couldn’t have been anyone who was in the house with you, as they were all upstairs asleep. You dashed quickly towards where the blur went, bottle in hand. You saw it run back into the living room, so you quickly followed.
You hid behind a wall, catching your breath for only a moment.
Okay, on three.
You jumped out from your hiding spot, swinging your weapon around wildly with your eyes screwed shut.
A low growl sounded from in front of you, making you open your eyes.
He was in his wolf form, of course, circling you. His once bright blue eyes turned to a deep blood red, his lip turned up into a snarl.
How did he get in?
You quickly backed away from him, the bottle in your hands pointed at him.
“Daniel…” you started, walking backwards towards the door.
He followed you, eyes trained on yours, stalking you as if you were a piece of prey.
“It’s just me, Y/N. Your girlfriend?” Your voice cracked as you spoke, making you cringe. “Come on, it’s okay bud.”
You bumped into a corner, effectively trapping yourself.
Daniel growled again, lunging towards you. You stifled a gasp as a pair of fangs sunk into your shoulder. You fell to the ground, blacking out from the pain.
“God, I’m so stupid!”
“It wasn’t your fault, dear.”
“But it kind of was, mom. I should’ve controlled him better, I can usually get him under my-“
“Daniel. Stop beating yourself up. She’s going to be okay. You can’t change what’s already happened.”
You laid neatly on a plush white bed, in a room you quickly recognized as one in the infirmary. Your left arm was wrapped in thick layers of gauze, two pools of blood slightly sweeping through. Your head spun, the bright fluorescent lights slightly blinding you.
“D-Daniel?” You croaked, weakly sitting up.
“You’re awake! Oh, god, lay back down please.” He replied, departing from his mother and kneeling at the bed next to you. He took your face in his warm hands and kissed you. “I’m so sorry.” He mumbled again and again between every kiss.
“It’s okay.” You mumbled back, resting your forehead on his.
He stroked your hair gently, looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
“What happened?”
He pouted and took your hands in his, rubbing small circles into your soft skin with his thumb.
“I-I bit you.”
“You...bit me?”
“Yeah. In my wolf form. You do know what’s going to happen to you, right?”
You nodded. “I’ll fight through it, okay? Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Everything’s not fine. I can’t lose you.” He whined. “The survival rate is like, 0.15 percent. It’s even lower if you get bitten by an Alpha and-“
“God, you’re going to be in so much pain for the next few days even if you  do survive I’m so sorry-“
“Daniel James Seavey. You can stop rambling.” You interrupted, a smile growing on your face.
“Right. Yeah...everything’s going to be fine. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.” He placed another soft kiss on your lips, filling you with warmth and happiness.
“Also, what’s with you and attacking me with water bottles?”
“I have no clue.”
The next few days were miserable for you. Even though you spent most of the day asleep, you were in constant pain and extreme discomfort. Saying that you’d be in immense pain was an understatement.
“Do you need anything, love?” Daniel asked for the tenth time today, sitting on the bed next to you.
“No, I’m fine.” You winced slightly from the pain in your chest.
“Feel any different today?”
“You mean besides the excruciating pain?”
“Besides that, love.”
“Kind of, but not really. Do you sense anything?”
He nodded. “You still smell human, but you have a different aura now. The boys think you’re going to turn into an omega, and it certainly feels like that.”
“What’s an omega?”
He chuckled and twirled a lock of your hair in his fingers. “An omega is the closest a werewolf can get to a human. They’re the lowest of the pack usually, and can’t change into their wolf form unless they’re in severe danger. They also don’t get affected by the full moon.”
“Mhm. But the status thing won’t affect you.”
You hugged your pillow close to your stomach, letting out a small growl from pain. “How come?”
“Your growls are so cute.” He muttered, placing a small kiss on your head. “And you’re with me, dummy. You’ll be Luna.”
“Shut up.” You replied with a chuckle, plucking his forehead.
“Ouch! That hurt.” He whined.
“I’m glad you’re finally back.”
“Me too.” You said, smiling. “Being in constant pain for multiple days in a row sucks ass.”
Daniel placed a large hand on your stomach, radiating warmth from his skin. “I wish I could help you more.” He mumbled.
“Just being here is enough, Danny.” You replied, lacing your fingers between his.
He grinned and slid into bed next to you, pulling the white covers over you both.
“I love you.”
“I love you Danny.”
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Surprise!!! - Jonah Marais
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Authors note: What a oneshot from me??? Wow. But seriously I dream about this happening
Finally I was getting to see my boyfriend after months on the road I decided to surprise him at his meet and greet before the show that night. Jonah was absolutely clueless to the fact that I was stood in the same rooms but the rest of the boys knew so they would keep him distracted when it was my turn to meet them. I was the last in line as to not take time away from his wonderful fans and I waited out the line by chatting with the girls in front of me. They were adorable asking about our relationship and fun times with the boys. As I approached the front I begged them not to ruin the surprise and so I turned and talked to Eben to hide my face as they moved in for their picture.
I was wearing a simple outfit that would make Jonah laugh when he saw me. Finally I was about to be reunited with the love of my life, he was stood in the middle of the line as I had planned with the boys in advance. Closest to me was Daniel then Corbyn, Jonah, Jack and Zach. After the fans left Jack and Zach instantly started distracting my boyfriend, I went in and hugged your dear friends that I genuinely missed. After hugging the first two boys I tapped on the tallest one’s shoulder he turned and I quickly went in for hug hopping to prolonge the surprise. He instantly smelled my perfume.
“Wow you smell just like my girlfriend” he said softly.
“Well I better” I responded giggling looking up at him since he’s practically a giant.
His faced gleamed with a huge smile when he saw my face. I could tell he was incredibly excited and shocked by my surprise. He leaned in for a kiss as everyone around laughed. He was still holding me tightly and didn’t seem to want to let go.
“So did I succeed in my mission to surprise you?” I asked grinning.
“Yes absolutely you succeeded!” He replied breathlessly, still in complete shock.
Suddenly we were pulled back to reality by someone tapping on my shoulder.
“Hey can I get a hug now” Zach asked looking at me with puppy dog eyes.
I couldn’t resist giving the sweet boy and the curly haired boy hugs. We ended up talking and laughing all night almost so much that the boys were late for their performance. The whole show Jonah kept glancing at me in the crowd with a child like smile plastered to his face. It was an amazing show and after Jonah and I snuck away for some much deserved alone time.
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21burritoseavey · 2 years
baby-proofing everything not because they have a child or are planning for one but because one character is clumsy as hell and the other is a worried mess alllll the time because of it with corbyn
a/n: thank you for sending this in anon! i don't know if it's just because i haven't posted in ages but i really like this one, and i hope you do too<3
Baby-proofing the house (c.b.)
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“This really isn't necessary, Corbyn.” You say matter-of-factly, your mug paused in the air below your lips as you watch him bring a filled bag to the counter. 
He glances up from the ‘unnecessary’ bag of items at your comment, absent of his usual sweet nickname, glowering. “Are you sure about that, Y/n?” His eyes dip to the fresh, worsening mark on your elbow - evidence of your clumsiness - and merely waits for your sigh of reluctant agreement before returning to unloading the items. 
“I’m not a baby.” You pout ironically, furrowed brows deepening wordlessly as you take another irritated gulp of your tea from across the counter. “I don’t need those...” you pause, unable to retrieve the name, settling on “thingies” as you wave a hand vaguely in the direction of the kitchen where he stands, edges and corners of cabinets being donned with foam protectors. 
“I just don’t want you getting hurt.” He meets your eye over his shoulder, half smiling, half biting back the chuckle trying to escape his lips. “You know I care about you.” Unfairly, the sweetness of his honest words sends a scorching sensation trailing along your cheeks. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Your gaze drops to your mug on the table, eyes inspecting the cluster of tea leaves floating on the surface, the heat upon your face lingering long after he turns away. 
It’s only a few minutes until Corbyn lurches back, standing before the newly embellished kitchen as if admiring the ‘Y/n proofed’ room. He feels your eyes on him, the hint of disapproval in your “is that it? I don’t want people thinking we have a baby when they’re over.”  
He turns, laughing lightly. “For now.” He scrunches the packaging in his hands before tossing it in the bin. “I’ll see if we need anything else around the house.” Behind the facade of annoyance, you can’t hide the small jump your heart makes as Corbyn swings around the counter to meet you, thumbs coming up to both sides of you face, softly caressing your skin, before he rests his smile on your frown, giving you a kiss. 
“Well, we won’t.” You pull back, your gentle smile straightening with seriousness. As you get up from your seat, your forearm hits against the cold hard edge of the counter.
“Ow!” As soon as the sound tumbles from your lips, the realisation sinks in, but you don’t bother to meet his eyes, and just turn to the bedroom without a second look, ignoring the string of his laughter in your wake. 
@chilling-seavey  @marthagryffindor  @randomlimelightxxx  
@hiya-its-amber  @the-girl-who-cried-wolf  @hackerXavery 
@jonahlovescoffee  @onlyangelavery  
@sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx  @nichmeddar   @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21  @comatosedheart  @kaitieskidmore1  @sunlightinmyeyes @Jonahmaraiscupcakelimelight
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imaginesfordayz · 7 years
Tickets ~ Jack Avery
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Request: Nope!
Word Count: 2,894
A/N: Now, Jack doesn’t make much of an appearance in this part, but I have plans for a part two or maybe more depending on how much you guys like this. Let me know! Part two won’t be posted unless anyone wants it. 
“Y/F/N, I’m telling you this time, I’m done.” You yelled storming into the apartment you shared with your best friend. You just got home from seeing your boyfriend, well, now ex-boyfriend, Carter, and you were fed up. You opened the closet door that was in the entryway to hang up your jacket. “All guys are the same, I don’t see what the hell I do wrong. I’m a good person, I don’t deserve this.”
“What did Carter do this time?” Your friend yelled from in the kitchen, where she was making dinner for the two of you. You walked into the room and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat down at the table to talk to your friend while she cooked.              
“It’s not just this time, it’s everything put together.” You sighed. “He’s just becoming increasingly difficult to deal with anymore and I ended things with him.”
Your friend gave you a quick side glance and you could tell she rolled her eyes when she turned back to the stove. “Is this like the last time you ended things with him? Or what about the time before that?”
“Okay, I understand the record of Carter and I isn’t the best, but this time I’m committed. I can’t take it anymore.” You almost yelled, taking your friend by surprise. You almost never got truly angry, let alone with her. She took the food off the stove and put it on two plates and walked over giving you one. She sat down across the table from you and the two of you ate.
“You actually sound serious about it this time, Y/N.” Y/F/N looked at you with a mouth full of food. “Normally you’d come home and he’d text you within the hour and the two of you are back together. But so far, I don’t see you on your phone. What did he do to make you so angry at him now?”
“So, you know how he’s absolutely in love with Drake?” You asked and Y/F/N nodded, the entire town knew how much Carter loved listening to the guy. “Well, I got a couple tickets to go and see him in concert so I wanted to surprise him with them today. The concert isn’t for another couple of weeks, but Drake’s someone you have to buy for well in advance.” You rambled.
“Believe me I know. You and I tried to see him a few years ago for your birthday and we waited too long and before we knew it, the concert was sold out.” Y/F/N said, taking a sip of her water.
“Exactly. And he’s been trying to get tickets to see him live, too. He’s been saving up for a ticket to see this concert, but by the time he had enough money the entire venue was sold out so there was no hope for him on going and he was really bumming it for a while.” You continued, Y/F/N gave you a confused look.
“If the concert is sold out, I can imagine how hard it would be to get a single ticket. So how did you manage to land two of them?” She asked you.
“You remember that kid we went to high school with named Kyle?” You asked.
“There were quite a few Kyles, you’re going to have to narrow it down for me, Y/N.” Y/F/N laughed and you rolled your eyes.
“He’s the one who was always super into music and he would walk up and down the hallway blasting music out of a little speaker that he would carry on his shoulder. Used to make all the teachers mad, especially if there was a room where students were taking tests.” You answered.
“Oh right, now I remember. He held the record for most detentions out of our entire senior class.” The two of you laughed. “Which now that I think about it, isn’t something he should have been too proud about.”
“Yeah, well he and I grew to be pretty good friends because he was also on the wrestling team and since I helped manage it, I grew pretty close to all the guys. He and I are the only ones who still keep in touch since graduation.” Y/F/N nodded, letting you know that she was following your story. “Anyway, he had a couple of tickets and he was going to see Drake with his cousin, but his family booked them for a vacation that week and he wasn’t going to be able to make the concert.”
“I can imagine how mad he must have been, that boy and his music.” Y/F/N smiled, thinking back on the days of high school. “So, he sold them to you?”
“Believe it or not, he actually wasn’t too mad about it because he’s already seen Drake a few times. But I didn’t even have to buy them off of him, he just gave them to me.” You laughed and Y/F/N gave you a look of disbelief.
“He just gave them to you? Drake tickets. To a sold out concert.” She repeated. “You didn’t have to pay for them at all?”
“Nope! I was just as surprised as you are when it happened!” You exclaimed. “He just handed them right over to me. He told me that if he can’t use them, at least someone can. That way he didn’t waste his money.”
“Well, he’s definitely changed in that mindset since high school. Back then he probably would have charged you double what he paid.” Y/F/N laughed and continued eating her meal. “But this still doesn’t explain what happened between you and Carter.”
“I was getting to that.” You took a few more bites of the food in front of you before you continued on with your story. “I wanted to go over to Carter’s house to surprise him with the tickets that he wanted so badly because you know how he and I have been fighting a lot recently. I was hoping that maybe this could pacify us, even if it would just be for a little bit. Anyway, when I get there, I saw his car in the driveway so I let myself in, just like I always do. I called out letting him know I was there and I heard him yell from the bedroom that he was a bit busy at the moment and to wait in his living room.”
“I’m assuming you didn’t wait in the living room.” Y/F/N smirked at you.
“I did for a bit, but then 15 minutes later I was still just sitting there with the tickets in my hand, and he had yet to come out of his room, plus I really needed to pee.” I started fuming at remembering the story. “So I got up to walk over to his bathroom which is past his room, and I heard noises.”
“Sex noises?” Y/F/N filled in the gaps.
“Yes, Y/F/N. Sex noises.” I confirmed. “At first I only heard him, so I figured it’s nothing I haven’t seen before and maybe if I helped him out a bit, with, well you know, that he and I could get to talking about the tickets a little quicker.” Y/F/N laughed.
“You always were an impatient one when something was on your mind.”
“But as I got closer to the room, I started hearing other noises. Female noises.” You stated slowly. “So I did what any sensible girlfriend would do, and threw open his bedroom door and saw him on his bed with some tramp on top of him, going nuts. I didn’t scream at him or throw anything. I just laughed and told him that we’re done and that I really meant it this time and walked out.”
“Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Y/F/N reached over and rested her hand on your shoulder. “No wonder you’re so upset.”
“But see, that’s why I’m confused at the moment.” You laughed sarcastically. “I’m not even sad. Yes, I’m absolutely furious at the asshole at the moment, but the thing I’m feeling most is absolute relief. I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”
“Well, the two of you have been fighting an awful lot lately, just like you said. Are you done?” She gestured to the empty plate in front of you and you nodded. Y/F/N slowly got up from the table to take all the dishes over to load them in the dishwasher. “Maybe this was just what you needed to finally get out of that toxic relationship for good. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.”
“I just feel like such an awful person. I mean we were together for three years, and I honestly don’t feel heartbroken at all about it finally being done.” You just stared at the table in front of you, bringing your hands to your head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Well, all the mini breakups that the two of you had probably gave you a little bit of practice without you realizing it.” She suggested, walking back over to the table.
  “I guess so, but it’s just so weird to be totally single again after so long. And now I have to find something to do with these tickets. I would use them, but I don’t have anyone else I can go with. Considering you’ve said repeatedly you’re not a Drake fan.” You said, taking the tickets out of your bag and throwing them on the table. “I should probably go call Kyle about it and give them back to him. He did pay for them, after all. Maybe he can find someone who would actually use them.”
“I’m sorry, if they were tickets to see Ariana Grande I’d go in a heartbeat, but Drake’s just not my thing.” Y/F/N looked at you apologetically. “I’d say calling Kyle is the best option you’ve got going for you at the moment.”
“Yeah, I’ll go do that. Thank you for letting me rant.” You smiled at your best friend. Standing up from the table, you turned to go to your room to call Kyle, but not before getting a bone crushing hug from Y/F/N.
“I’ll always be here for you, Y/N. You know that.” She smiled. “You’re stuck with me. I have reservations at a nursing home with two adjacent rooms already picked out for us.”
“You’re such a dork.” You shook your head. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.” She laughed. “Now go call Kyle about those tickets. The sooner you get rid of them, the sooner you can leave Carter completely in your past.”
You gave your friend one last hug before making your way into your room. You quickly got changed into sweatpants and a tank top and pulled out your phone. You sent a quick text to Kyle asking if he was available for a quick phone call and he replied within seconds saying yes. You dialed his number and he answered on the first ring.
“What’s on your mind, champ?” Kyle greeted. “How stoked is Carter knowing he’s going to finally see Drake?”
“That’s actually what I’m calling you about. I need you to take these tickets back, I’m not going to be able to use them.” You told him, knowing full well you’re gonna have to explain why.
“What the hell? Carter said no?” Kyle yelled in disbelief. “He loves Drake!”
“He doesn’t even know that I have them. He and I broke up about an hour ago.” You replied slowly. “Caught the fucker cheating on me. Now I have no one to go to the concert with, so you might as well take these tickets back.”
“No, tell you what. You like Drake, right?” Kyle asked you.
“I love him, one of my favorite artists.” You affirmed.
“Keep one of the tickets. My cousin is friends with this guy who’s been wanting to see Drake for as long as I can remember, I’ll give him the other one.” Kyle planned. “That way you both can see this concert. Someone has to use these tickets, Y/N.”
“So you expect me to go to a concert with a total stranger?” You laughed. “You’re out of your mind. Not to mention the fact that I just got out of a three year relationship and you’re sending to this concert with another guy.”
“He won’t be a total stranger!” Kyle laughed. “I can give each of you the other’s number and you guys can meet before you go. That way it wouldn’t be too awkward the night of the concert. And don’t get your panties in a bunch, Y/N. It’s not like I’m setting the two of you up. It’s just two people who enjoy the same musical artist going to a concert together. I’m sure the two of you could end up being really good friends.”
“What makes you so sure of that?” You laughed humorlessly.
“Because he’s literally you, just in male form.” Kyle chuckled. “Trust me, the two of you will get along famously. I’ll text him to see if he wants the ticket and explain the whole thing to him. If he says yes, I’ll text you his number. If he says no, which I know he won’t, I’ll just take both of the tickets off your hands and find someone else to go.”
“Alright fine, but just so we’re clear I’m not doing this for you.” You said bitterly. “I’m doing this for Drake.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. Now let me give him a quick call.” And with that the two of you ended your conversation and you sat on your bed, waiting to see what the outcome was. But you quickly got bored of just sitting there so you went out to the living room where Y/F/N was and explained the whole thing to her.
“So pretty much you’re getting set up on a blind date already?” She laughed. “You really can’t stay single for long, can you?”
“It’s not a date!” You exclaimed. “It’s just two people who would be going to a concert together. Nothing different than if it were you and I going together. Nothing romantic at all.”
“How is Kyle so sure that you and…wait, did you even get this guy’s name?”
“Come to think of it, no I didn’t.” You mumbled. “I got so worked up, I didn’t even think to ask.”
“Y/N!” Y/F/N yelled at you, pulling out her special ‘Mom-voice’. “This guy could be a total creep! You at least could have gotten his name so we could have found him on Twitter or Facebook or something!”
“Don’t yell at me, I’ve been through a lot today.” You said calmly. “I have a lot on my mind and I don’t need to worry about the possibility of me going to a concert with a psychopath.” You barely got your sentence out before you felt your phone vibrate. You looked down and saw that it was a text from Kyle, giving you the guy’s phone number and telling you to be prepared for a text from him.
A few minutes later your phone vibrated again letting you know that you got another text, but this time it was from an unknown number. You answered and you soon learned that your concert buddy’s name was Jack and that he was looking forward to the concert. Of course he wanted to meet you first so it wouldn’t be too awkward and the two of you arranged a time to meet at the café in town the next day.
“Well, I learned his name.” You glanced up and looked at your friend who was watching you with an intrigued expression on her face. “Jack.”
“Yanno, that really doesn’t narrow down the possibilities. The world is absolutely filled to the brim of boys named Jack. My uncle’s name is Jack.” You laughed.
“Well, I don’t think that Kyle is sending me to a Drake concert with a 40 year old man.” Y/F/N giggled. “But no matter what, Jack wants to meet up at the café tomorrow so we can get to know one another before the concert comes along.”
“Do you want me to come along? Just in case this guy does try to kill you?” Y/F/N asked, seriously.
“No, I think I’ll be okay with this one. I’ll text you every chance I get to let you know I’m still alive.”
“If I go longer than 10 minutes without hearing from you, even if it’s just the thumbs up emoji, I’m running my ass down there and finding you. Don’t think I won’t.” She got up and started heading to the stairs. “Now, so you’re not tired as hell and grumpy in the morning, I think you should head up and take a bath or something to relax and go to bed. The last thing you want is to meet this guy and be all moody.”
You stood up and gave your friend a hug before making your way upstairs. You took her advice and relaxed in the tub for a good 45 minute soak and settled yourself into your freshly washed bed sheets. Sleep didn’t come to you for another three hours because of the nerves for the following day. But after tossing and turning you eventually managed to drift off to sleep.
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hollandsangel · 3 years
gone | jonah marais
update! hey everyone, i just got home from living in the mountains for six months. i was living and spending all of my time with 4 of the most amazing people i have ever met. say good bye to them was one of the hardest things i have ever done and to be honest, i am a mess. so i wrote bc it comforts me. i love you all, and make sure to cherish and appreciate your loved ones a little more this holiday season <3
summary: he has to go, and you’re not sure when you’ll see him next, or if you ever will
warnings: angst. no plot. just angst. i am truly sorry
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it hurt.
it ached.
it was empty.
and it was bleak.
you know he tried to be quiet when he got out of bed that morning, hoping not to wake you because maybe slipping away would be easier.
of course you woke up though, the shift in the mattress and the fading of his warmth made you stir. once the consciousness flooded your brain you just felt empty. it was blank. you knew what was coming, you knew it was gonna be hard.
he left to put the last few things in his car, leaving you there in bed alone.
you stared at the ceiling but didn’t really see anything, the only way to describe how it felt was numb. there was no sensation.
he came back of course, standing in the doorway watching you, missing you already. finally you turned your head, his eyes meeting yours.
you had always told him his eyes looked like the earth, but maybe that’s just because he was your world.
“guess this is it” he muttered, voice thick and broken.
you were sitting up now, already pulling yourself to your feet and shuffling over to him, arms wrapping around his waist.
you hated goodbyes, and this was by far the worst one.
he held your shoulders and buried his nose against your neck. you could feel his intake of air against your skin and the soft back and forth motion of his thumb along your shoulder blade.
“bye.” it was so quiet, it was dreadful.
“don’t say that.” it was a soft cry from the back of your throat, begging him to stay.
“see you next time.” he tried again, kissing were your neck and shoulder connect and then all the way up to your lips, slowly and intentionally, as if searing himself into your skin.
“i love you.” you squeezed him a bit tighter, pushing into your toes to get closer.
“i love you more.” you didn’t think it was possible, but you didn’t say anything.
he finally let you go and you stared at each other for a second that felt like a lifetime.
his hand slid down your arm until his fingers met yours and he squeezed three times, one last way to say “i love you.”
you closed your eyes and attempted a smile, nodding gently. “be safe jo.” you told him as your own form of sentiment towards him.
“always.” he promised, kissing the back of your palm and holding your hand until he couldn’t reach anymore.
then he was gone.
tags! @randomlimelightxxx @baby-bearie @averysbestyears @would-you-tell-me-who-you-are @g7aesthetic @babyzachyy @wdwjay02 @chilling-seavey @bessonbabie @my-fangirling-outlet @hiya-its-amber @katie-avery @theduckgoesquack @coffearabica
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upindreamland · 2 years
Mother’s Day - Jonah Marais
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Jonah Marais x fem!reader (she/her pronouns) oneshot
Summary: Husband!Jonah and your kids surprise you on Mother’s Day. What I imagine Mother’s Day with him would be like (fluff)
Warnings: Cursing (not really). Fluff and Jonah being really in love. (Let me know if I missed anything)
Y/C/E: Your color eyes Y/F/M: Your favorite movie
Italics: Flashback
AN: MY SECOND POST!!! When you’re done reading come and talk to me if you want!! Please enjoy!
Jonah’s POV
Waking up next to my beautiful sleeping wife, I can’t help but smile. It only grows bigger when I realize what today is. It’s Saturday and today’s Mother’s Day. Y/N and I have four kids together and another one on the way. Our oldest Benjamin, or Ben, is seven years old. Next is Andrew who is five years old. The two youngest kids are twins Hayden and Amanda. They are only one years old. The little pea my wife is carrying has only been there for six weeks.
When I first met Y/N, I knew she was the one. We met at a movie theater. I was walking out of the bathroom looking for my band mates when I ran into something, better yet, someone. Popcorn flew all around us, and when I looked up, I swear my heart stopped for a second. Y/N was the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. I could get lost in her Y/C/E eyes if given the chance.
When I snapped out of my gaze, I started to apologize. Smiling, she told me that it was alright.
“It’s alright, it’s not like everyday I bump into a handsome stranger.”
Blushing, I quickly responded with:
“You’re right. I can’t believe I just ran into a literal goddess. You know what would make this even better?” I say gathering up courage to ask for her phone number.
“No… what is it?” She asked, eyeing me slightly.
“Your phone number….”
Needless to say, it worked out perfectly. I asked her out, and six years later we got married. Now we have this incredible family.
Quickly getting out of bed, but making sure I didn’t wake up Y/N, I walked over to each of our children’s rooms. Waking them up with the same phrase:
“Wake up bubs, we have to go make mama’s breakfast. It’s Mother’s Day.”
Going downstairs, I strap the twins into their seats so they can watch me and their big brothers work. Halfway through making Y/N’s favorite breakfast meal, I get a text. Before I even see the screen I know it’s my wife.
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After finishing up Y/N’s breakfast and putting it on a tray for breakfast in bed, I go to grab her gift. I also tell the kids to get their presents for her. When we have everything we need, we head upstairs. Like I told her to do, Y/N is asleep snuggling my pillow. Softly shaking her, her eyes start to open.
Feeling someone softly shake me, I slowly open my eyes. In front of me are my three boys, daughter, and husband. A smile quickly appears on my face. Sitting up and leaning against the headboard I ask:
“Hello my loves. What is all of this?”
They all break into a smile. As if they’re one person, they say in sync:
“Happy Mother’s Day!”
Jonah’s POV
Seeing Y/N’s eyes light up when she looks at us, makes my heart swell. She loves all of us so much and will do anything for us.
Walking over to her, I put the tray of food on her lap.
“We made you your favorite breakfast and we each have gifts to give you after we watch a movie together while you eat.” I inform her. Leaning over to kiss her, I can’t help but smile. After all of these years her kisses still make me have butterflies in my stomach.
She nods and I beckon the kids over to the bed. Putting on Y/F/M, we all snuggle together while she eats her breakfast.
*after the movie is done*
“Alright kids let’s give momma her presents. Like always, the youngest goes first.” I excitedly tell our kids.
Amanda gives Y/N a little drawing with her handprints that she probably did at school.
Hayden gives her a rock that has a face, clothes and hair.
Andrew gives Y/N a tiny jar with positive words that describe her.
Ben gives her a photo album full of his favorite images.
After each gift, Y/N gives each kid a kiss on the cheek. Thanking them, she pulls them into a group hug. Squealing they hug back. When they let go she turns to me.
“And what about you mister?” She teasingly asks.
Laughing, I pick up a basket full of things Y/N loves. Giving it to her, I wonder how it’s even possible that her smile gets bigger. Looking through everything, she puts the gift with the other ones and pulls me in for a kiss. It’s passionate and lovely until we have to pull away hearing our kids fake gagging. Y/N not being able to hold in her giggle let’s it out.
“Sorry kiddos. I just love your daddy very much. Thank you for such an amazing surprise.” She exclaims happily.
“Oh there’s more to come honey. It’s only the morning. Come on let’s go get ready so we can go to the next surprise.”
The expression on her face makes me chuckle. I couldn’t be happier with my wife and kids. This is exactly how I want to spend the rest of my life. I can’t describe the emotion I’m feeling, but I know I love my family so fucking much.
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Liked by yourinstagram, corbynbesson, jackaverymusic, imzachherron, seaveydaniel, jonah_yn_lover, and 95,786 others
jonahmarais: Happy Mother's Day to Y/N and all of the amazing mothers out there. All you mothers are such incredible and strong women. Y/N thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful family. I couldn't ask for anything better. I love you so much. Hope you all have a great day!
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram: Thank you so much baby! I love you. You are the best husband ever!
corbynbesson: Awww, you guys are so cute. Happy Mother’s Day Y/N!!
jonah_yn_lover: Ahhhhh!!! Omg the content we fucking deserve. Did Amanda make this? Y'all are just so cute.
↳ yourinstagram: jonah_yn_lover yes she did! I think she made it at school
seaveydaniel: You're making me want to have a child of my own. I don't know how you guys handle four and one more coming 😫
jackaverymusic: Lav misses you guys. Especially Amanda. Btw Lav says hi. She literally started smiling when I showed her this post
↳ yourinstagram: jackaverymusic AWWWW Amanda says hi too ☺️
imzachherron: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY BEST FRIEND!!! Okay sorry for yelling. I'm just very excited for no reason at all.
_limelight_fan: Ahh it's so weird to see Jonah as a dad of almost five. He was just a little baby a couple of years ago. I'm going to cry
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Liked by jonahmarais, imzachherron, seaveydaniel, corbynbesson, jackaverymusic, _limelight_fan, and 85,466 others
yourinstagram: I have such a wonderful family. Thank you to Jonah and my kids for making this day extra special. Thanks all of you for the wishes. I got some amazing gifts from my four children and husband. This is just one of them Love you all!
tagged: jonahmarais
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jonah_yn_lover: I'm so jealous. You have such a great family. I love you both so much. Have a great day Y/N.
jonahmarais: I love you too baby. It's the least that I can do to thank you for pushing four kids out of you and one more to come.
imzachherron: Those are some pretty flowers… but not as cute as my niece and nephews
seaveydaniel: Y/N can I come over and play with my niece and nephews? I also want to wish you a happy Mother's Day in person.
↳ yourinstagram: seaveydaniel of course. They want to see you too.
↳ jackaverymusic: yourinstagram seaveydaniel I'm coming too. Daniel might need some help watching them. Plus they're all so cute and squishable.
↳ _limelight_fan: seaveydaniel I love how cute and supportive the boys comments are. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day today Y/N. You deserve it.
corbynbesson: Dang it Jonah you beat me. I wanted to comment before you did. Oh never mind. All I can see is flowers but I can feel the love through the screen. Love you both.
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AN: THE END!! I hope you enjoyed. If you can’t tell I have a little bit of an obsession with fake Instagram posts lol. More posts to come. If you have any requests feel free to let me know!! Have a great day.
-Kara (upindreamland)
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Seasons Change (d.s.) - THREE
↳  A/N Let's see a bit more about what the farm and these gardens are all about...is everyone accounted for now?
↳ Summary: Everyone knows everything about everyone in this small rural town in east Connecticut and the handsome single father who owns the farm down the main street seems to always be the talk of the town. Balancing the care of his acreage, raising his school-age son, and coaching the local boys’ hockey team keeps Daniel busy; but his mind never strays far from the expansive and vibrant flower gardens planted outside his farmhouse.
↳ Word Count: 2356
↳ Warnings: This story touches on topics such as loss of loved ones and grief. Nothing too detailed but read at your own discretion x
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Daniel missed Jonah’s text message that Friday. The cold front had let up and Daniel jumped at the opportunity to plough the fields, leaving his cell phone by the barn as he did so. It was a warm day for mid-April so he drove the tractor along the rows of fields shirtless in only light wash blue jeans and black work boots. As he headed back down another stripe of land, he noticed a car pulling up the driveway in the distance so he pulled the tractor to the end of the plot and turned it off to greet whoever was approaching.
Jonah’s car stopped outside the farmhouse and Daniel dropped by the barn to grab his white tank top from where he had left it beside his phone, glancing down at the screen long enough to see the missed text and few missed calls.
“Daniel!” Jonah greeted as he got out of the car.
“Hey.” Daniel smiled lightly as he trekked across the dirt path to the gravel driveway, wiping the sweat from his forehead and chest with his shirt and smudging the dirt from his hands on his jeans. “Sorry I didn’t get your text…was trying to make use of the warm weather.”
“No problem.” Jonah assured him, the men sharing a handshake as Daniel approached.
Jocelyn got out of the car, followed by another woman about her same age. The two women walked around to the other side of the car to greet Daniel and he pulled on his shirt in their presence.
“Daniel, this is Blythe.” Jocelyn introduced, gesturing to the brunette girl at her side, “She’s the friend I was telling you about.”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” Daniel held out a hand, “Nice to meet you.”
Blythe smiled, squinting lightly in the bright afternoon sun as she took his handshake despite the soil that stained his callused skin, “You too.”
Her eyes lingered on the flower tattooed along his forearm under the light sheen of sweat that had formed from the day’s work. Said arm swiped along his forehead when their handshake broke and Daniel took a deep breath, his chest rising under the slightly damp material of his tank top.
“If you’re busy, we can come back.” Jonah said.
“No. No, no. That’s fine.” Daniel assured them, “I just got caught up…my fault. I would have put on a clean shirt if I knew you were on your way already.”
He took an almost nervous step back and set his hands on his hips for a moment in thought. Jocelyn and Jonah exchanged lighthearted glances.
“Why don’t you show us to the gardens?” Jocelyn asked.
“Right. Yeah. Of course.” Daniel agreed quickly and waved them after him around to the back of the red brick farmhouse and past the chicken coop.
The back garden was expansive, flower gardens plotted, dug out, trimmed, and planted by Marigold herself when they first moved in all those years ago. Every year she took precise care to make sure her gardens were at their best and over the last year, everything got a bit messy. Weeds were peeking up through the soil and the grass and early budding perennials starting to look a bit overgrown, empty spaces where the annuals had died off causing ungraceful cuts in the flow of the gardens.
Daniel cleared his throat as they stopped in the middle of the backyard for a moment, “This is most of the garden…as well as the ones lining the front porch and path out front. A lot of them are hydrangeas but they got a bit overgrown last summer…and the hedges.” Daniel led them around the gardens and pointed to each area and listed off what plants usually grew in each spot., “We have a little of everything usually…few roses over there, variety of tulips, hyacinth…a couple of chrysanthemums, snapdragons, m-marigolds, um, dahlias, geraniums…and the inpatients, petunias, and pansies are usually around the front gardens.”
“You sure know your flowers.” Blythe chuckled as they fell to a stop under the large oak tree in the centre of the backyard.
He glanced back at her and smiled politely, “Yeah…comes with the years of practice, I guess.”
“It’s good. Helpful if you want to keep it all the same. I know my way around a florist and garden store myself.”
“Good…yeah, good.” Daniel nodded, setting his hands on his hips as he forced himself to look away from her focussed green eyes and to take a breath.
New people weren’t often seen in Lincoln.
Daniel turned around in place and looked to the back of the backyard, “Oh…few sunflowers by the fence and the garden shed is over here.”
He led their little group over to the small white paneled wood shed by the back fence. He hadn’t opened it in over a year but he turned the unclasped the metal hook that kept the door closed and he pushed it open. A cloud of dust that floated in the streaks of sunlight pooling through the small window fell out when he opened it and they all coughed through it.
“Sorry.” Daniel said, braving the dust to reach in and pull the string to turn on the little light on the ceiling. The sunlight glinted off the gold ring on his left hand and accentuated the dark ink making up the marigold flower tattooed into his skin as he lowered his arm again, “Haven’t really be in here for a while.”
The shed was really only big for one or two people with lots of shelves and cubbies for gardening tools and supplies and there was a flat table bench for any potting or flower prep that needed to be done. A light dusting of soil was still on top of the wood top.
“Everything’s kind of all over the place.” Daniel said, his voice wavering as he looked around the shed, “All the tools should be in here though.”
“I can take of that. It’ll be dusted and tidied up in no time.” Blythe assured him.
He pulled a tight smile but couldn’t meet her eye as he nodded lightly.
As if the comic relief from Daniel’s own internal stresses, loud barking came from the direction of the house and the Jack Russel Terrier came barrelling down the back porch steps and across the grass. Daniel shuffled out of the shed to get to the dog but he was already jumping at Blythe’s legs, barking loudly at her.
“Hey.” Daniel scolded the dog, “Sidney, no. Sit.”
With a wagging tail, the dog still jumped at her until Daniel had to scoop him up.
“Sorry about that.”
“That’s alright. I don’t mind dogs.” Blythe smiled widely, “Can I pet her?”
“Yeah.” Daniel stepped closer so she could give the dog a scratch behind the ears, “And he’s a boy.”
“Sidney? A boy’s name?”
“Like Sidney Crosby.” Daniel explained, “The NHL hockey player.”
“I see.” Blythe chuckled as Sidney licked excitedly at her fingers.
Jonah and Jocelyn huddled up too to give a bit of love to the squirming pup who was loving the attention. When Daniel finally put him down and patted his bum to send him back to the house, their group continued on with their little tour.
“We also have a cat around here somewhere. Her name’s Lady. She’s very quiet.” Daniel explained casually as they headed back towards the front yard.
They stopped at the chicken coop, framed in mesh wire to keep them all inside their own little yard and a few brown chickens pecked at the feed that was laid out for them. Daniel had built the chicken coop himself as well…his first project when they moved to town. He set his hand on top of the hen house and then crouched down to see inside.
“My son is generally in charge of the chickens…he named then when he was small…mostly hockey names again: the hens are Puck, Bobbie, and Howie…and the roosters are Wayne, Mitch, and Jimmy the Second.”
Blythe chucked lightly, “Where’s Jimmy the First?”
Daniel cleared his throat awkwardly and rubbed a hand through his hair as he stood back up, “I, uh…accidentally ran him over with my truck about three years ago.”
The group of them laughed – Jonah and Jocelyn knowing the story well and Blythe shocked by hearing it for the first time – and Daniel pulled a tight smile at the memory of it as he tapped his fingers against the roof of the chicken coop.
“Yeah…” he sighed, “My four-year-old didn’t speak to me for a week.”
“Oh my…I hope he didn’t see it happen.” Blythe said.
Daniel cringed, “No, he certainly saw it. Never heard the kid scream so loudly.”
“I swear we heard it from our house.” Jonah agreed.
Daniel chuckled softly, “Yeah, probably.”
They continued the tour of the property from the barn where Daniel introduced the two horses – Apollo and Venus – and the milk cow – Hershey, cleverly named by a young Lennox – and then skimmed over the half-ploughed fields and down the rest of the property to show all the trees and islanding gardens the stretched down to the road.
“Think you can handle all this land?” Jonah asked Blythe as they made their way back to the house.
“Oh yeah. I’m already excited with even just the concept of working in this beautiful town.” Blythe answered easily. She looked over at Daniel, “Did you want to see pictures of some of my previous work? I’ve had a few clients in the past back home.”
“Yeah…that’d be great.” Daniel said with slight relief.
They stood by Jonah’s car and she flicked through a few pictures on her phone, explaining here and there her usual techniques and whatnot. Daniel couldn’t deny that she was certainly qualified for the work but seeing someone who wasn’t Marigold working in the gardens was going to be strange. He set a hand over the tattoo on his left forearm casually as he tried to focus on the last few pictures Blythe was showing him. He couldn’t let the gardens go another year without attention.
He spoke before he could second guess, “Can you start Monday?”
With his offer eagerly accepted, they all said their goodbyes and Daniel waved them off as Jonah drove the three of them back to town. When he was alone once more, Daniel set his hands on his hips and let out a heavy exhale, blinking back the tears that were forming in his light eyes. He bowed his head as he turned back to the fields that needed ploughing and swallowed back the strange feeling of guilt that was bubbling up inside him.
Lennox came home at 3:00 like every day and they had their usually routine of homework, dinner, and hockey practice. Since it was Friday night, they left the arena and headed across the street to the pub and restaurant, leaving their bags in the bed of the pickup truck in exchange for Daniel’s acoustic guitar. With a CocaCola for Lennox and a beer for Daniel, they shared a plate of nachos at their usual table up front by the small stage. Every Friday night, the pub ran a little open mic where a few townsfolk could play a few songs and Daniel was usually a big hit ever since Marigold pushed him up onto the stage on their very first night in town.
Daniel didn’t consider himself to be a skilled musician – he had a hint of stage fright that kind of got in the way – but he was familiar with his guitar and could carry a tune quite well and he found himself singing a few songs for the townsfolk every Friday night for the last nine years. A crowd favourite (and Marigold’s favourite)? ‘Thank God I’m a Country Boy’ by John Denver and the whole crowd would be clapping along as Daniel kept the upbeat tune on his acoustic and the cheer lyrics filled the building from the single crackling microphone.
Lennox loved watching his father play up on the stage and he always stood up on the bench to applaud after each song. Daniel just always looked so happy in the single spotlight on the small stage and Lennox loved seeing his father happy, the tap of his boot on the wooden flooring, the sparkle in his eyes, and the way his fingers plucked at the strings with ease.
After a few requests and a few more songs, Daniel’s few moments of weekly small town fame would come to an end and he would finish with the same song every time. Cover Me Up. He hadn’t played that song in over a year; and no one dared to ask him to. It was his song with Marigold…the song he danced with her to the night she died…and he hadn’t dared let his fingers form the chords without her.
With a final song played – this time it was some Luke Combs classic – the crowd applauded and Daniel returned to his table where Lennox was cheering loudly, already a little hyper on the large soda he drank.
“Thank you, thank you.” Daniel laughed lightly, setting his guitar against the wall and helped get his rambunctious seven-year-old sitting properly on the bench.
“Daddy, you’re gonna be famous.” Lennox stated as he shoved more nachos in his mouth.
“Nah, I’m never gonna be famous, Spud. But I appreciate your enthusiasm.” Daniel chuckled, passing over a paper napkin to wipe at the cheese that was smeared over his son’s face. “You’re gonna come up there and sing with me one day, right?”
Lennox munched his snack in thought, “Maybe.”
Daniel leaned his forearms on the table top and watched his little boy finish up the rest of the nachos while enthralled by the next person who had taken the stage. His light brown hair was getting long and was almost flopping in his wide blue eyes and when he pushed it haphazardly away from his face, he smeared some nacho cheese across his forehead. He was young still. And oblivious to his father’s complete, unwavering, unconditional adoration for him.
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Seasons Change Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @randomlimelightxxx @jonahlovescoffee @hiya-its-amber @hopinglimelight @midnightpsychic @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @bessonbae
Please click the link in my bio to be added to the taglist!
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jonahlovescoffee · 4 years
✰ masterlist ✰
a/n: hey lovelies! this post is made by yours truly for all of you so that it’s easier to navigate all my works on my page! happy reading <3
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jonah marais roth frantzich
night changes ★ hurt/comfort | oneshot
the death of his friend’s girlfriend made Jonah realize that nothing in life is permanent, including you.
mornings with you ★ fluff | oneshot
you would never, in a million years, trade the beautiful moments you shared with your beloved boyfriend for anything else in the world.
mistletoe ★ fluff | oneshot
all you wanted to do was kiss your boyfriend under the mistletoe, but things didn’t work out as planned.
better together ★ fluff | series | ongoing
the only thing jonah loves more than music is his little family.
one | two | three
“look at me” ★ smut | oneshot
you and your boyfriend sneak off to have some fun.
hearts don’t break around here ★ fluff | drabble
over and over again, jonah will always pick you.
grey ★ angst | oneshot | requested!!!
a happy ending isn’t always guaranteed, even when you love someone with every fibre of your being, because life isn’t a fairytale.
favourite t-shirt ★ fluff | oneshot
hidden feelings come to light when you and jonah spend one night in his car together.
multitasking ★ smut | oneshot
you wanted jonah’s attention and he’s going to give it to you, even though he’s on a phone call.
unbelievable ★ smut | oneshot
jonah’s outfit was unbelievable and so was his ability to pleasure you anywhere.
“sleep tight, darling” ★ smut | oneshot
jonah has a special way of putting his insomniac girlfriend to sleep.
on a bright summer’s day ★ smut | oneshot
why not do it on the pool deck when no one’s home?
his muse ★ fluff | oneshot
jonah’s love for you can be found within every love song that he writes.
needing you ★ angst+smut+fluff | oneshot
jonah realised that you were the one for him and vice versa.
sunflower fields ★ fluff | oneshot | royal au
you weren’t born into royalty, but you’re certainly the queen of jonah’s heart.
one last time ★ angst+fluff | oneshot | neighbour au
after countless painful heartbreaks, jonah swore to never love again but for you, he might give it one last try.
aftercare ★ fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!! | requested!!!
jonah just had to make sure you’re alright after losing your virginity to him (will definitely rewrite this shitty summary in future)
silver lining ★ smut | oneshot | coming soon!!!
your horrible blind date was a blessing in disguise.
when can you be mine? ★ angst+fluff+smut | oneshot | coming soon!!!
you couldn’t help but fall for jonah…even though you really shouldn’t.
what you’ve done, what i’ll do ★ roommate au | oneshot | serialkiller!jonah | coming soon!!!
in the demon’s arms, will the angel succumb into darkness or lead him back to light?
new year’s day ★ angst+fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!!
you are the only constant in jonah’s life.
this town ★ soulmate au | novel | coming soon!!!
the soulmate system doesn’t work well for everyone.
so it goes ★ unofficial qtvtp sequel | novella | coming soon!!!
jonah unexpectedly found love long after daniel and avalon’s death…but do murderers receive happily ever afters?
best with two ★ fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!! | requested!!!
you and jonah decide to go on a simple date at the park on your day off.
in glove with you ★ fluff | drabble | baseballplayer!jonah | coming soon!!! | requested!!!
what it’s like dating a baseball player :)
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daniel james seavey
bedtime ★ fluff | drabble | requested!!!
you and daniel get ready for bed on your first night of living under the same roof.
to be loved by you ★ angst+fluff | novella | coming soon!!!
there’s something about daniel that drew you in and now you’re in too deep to escape.
one | two
last summer ★ angst | oneshot | coming soon!!!
he was yours for the summer but he was hers once the seasons changed.
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jack robert avery
cuddles ★ fluff | drabble | requested!!!
jack cannot sleep soundly without you by his side.
best part of me ★ fluff | oneshot | coming soon!!!
love works in mysterious ways and sometimes it doesn’t make sense.
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corbyn matthew besson
late night drive ★ fluff | oneshot
your boyfriend drives over to your house in the middle of the night just to take you out for supper because you said you were hungry.
all too well ★ angst | oneshot | coming soon!!!
love sometimes fades away with time.
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zachary dean herron
(currently none so please do send in asks if you like!)
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special events
valentine’s day special ★ 2021
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✰ taglist ✰
@chilling-seavey @neralondon @mia-marais @randomlimelightxxx @hopinglimelight @kvd963 @cutiebandlover202 @savspersonalproperty @slowdownatthelotusinn @angelmarais @freakshows199 @my-fangirling-outlet @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @sadbitchfangirl @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @lokiandbuckylove @hometothecanyonmoon
399 notes · View notes