#zach herron fanfic
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mssmarais · 27 days ago
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im so sad 😭
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blueeyedbesson · 1 year ago
oh my lord. i completely forgot about this 😂
Here is the character’s “opening credits” for my story, ‘Big Plans’, a sequel to ‘Taking You’.
The story will be posted here when I finish at least 10 chapters.
Jack Avery as himself
Corbyn Besson as himself
Thalia Crawford as Angel Frantzich
Eben Franckewitz as himself
Gabbie Gonzalez as herself
Zach Herron as himself
Jonah Marais as himself
Indiana Massara as Maggie Franckewitz
Sydney Moon as Aubrielle Besson
Daniel Seavey as himself
Tyler Seavey as himself
Regan Wingo as Abby Avery
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inocent-as-a-rose · 5 years ago
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C: what would [YN] think if she knew what we were doing?
D: Probably that we're idiots.
C: Probably.
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chilling-seavey · 5 years ago
Passchendaele - XVII
A/N Listen to Brothers In Arms by Dire Straits on repeat while reading for a full experience x 
T/W Graphic descriptions of war related violence, blood, and death
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Light grey skies coated the horizon, soft rolls of thunder heard in the distance as the British army lined up along the front-line trenches under gentle rain, staring up to the edge of the wall of soil that they were about to be sent over. Each soldier had their bayonets secured to the ends of their rifles, pointed at the ready in two parallel lines, waiting for the whistle. Daniel kept his breathing as steady as he could, eyes focussed forward, watching a trickle of water run over the parapet into the trenches directly from the battlefield. Corbyn was on his right, his light eyes narrowed in intense concentration, steady hands supporting his rifle like it was second nature. Zach, on the other hand, stationed on Daniel’s left, was completely trembling, staring up at the parapet like it was death itself, waiting to grab him the second he set foot over its top.
The Lieutenant Colonel was stationed at the end of the double lines of men, eyeing them carefully, silently, making sure everyone was in order. He brought the whistle to his lips, letting it balance there a moment longer, eyes landing on his younger brother. A flash of lighting streaked across the sky, followed quickly by a crash of thunder. Christian glanced up to the grey sky and blew the whistle loudly.
In one motion, the first line of men climbed over the top, being met with a wall of bullets from the enemy front, a few men falling right back into the trenches. Dead. Daniel climbed over them, getting a good grip on the muddy parapet and hoisted his leg over the edge. He stayed low, ducked under the line of fire as he got the first glance of the battlefield since arriving at the Passchendaele front. The ground was a torn-up mess, nothing but thick mud spanning for miles, large shell craters filled nearly to the brim with rainwater. The few trees that once littered the area were nothing but charred stumps, a few sunken into the ground.
Daniel slipped in the slippery soil, falling flat on his stomach and he rushed back to his feet, now covered in mud as he continued on behind a few other men, crouched low with his rifle in front of him. The zipping of bullets through the air, puncturing men like they were nothing more than paper was all around them and soldiers dropped left and right. Then the shells started, dropping into the mud around them, shooting shrapnel and earth into the sky with loud explosions, killing men with each hit. The screams of agony were barely heard over the gun fire and explosions, drowned out by the rain. Daniel couldn’t tell what was thunder and what was weaponry.
He dropped down behind a coil of barbed wire, sliding his rifle through a gap to fire into the enemy lines, the mud soaking through his uniform. A shell landed nearby, and he tossed an arm over his head as it spewed mud yards off, nearly knocking his helmet off in the process. The Germans had the higher ground on Passchendaele Ridge, making the British easy pickings for their artillery.
Daniel knew he had to keep moving so he took a moment to reload his rifle before he was pushing through the gap in the barbed wire, running in a curving motion to try and dodge the bullets and shells that were raining down on them. It was hard to keep steady over the mud and he tried to stay on the few duckboards that had been placed over the land but even those were being swallowed by the rain.
Another man was close behind him but slipped into the mud. He struggled to pull himself back out as the ground was so easily pulling him under, shouting after Daniel to help him out. Daniel glanced back at him, hesitating a moment. He took one step towards him, but a bullet was put through the man’s head and he was dead in an instant. Daniel smothered his gasp and forced himself onwards, being extra careful where he stepped to not end up like that poor fellow who didn’t stand a chance against the torn up and flooded battlefield.
Daniel’s eyes landed on Corbyn who was huddled in one of the deep shell craters, hidden just enough out of sight from the Germans. Daniel dropped down next to him, fixing his helmet on his head as he took a moment to catch his breath.
“You alright, mate?” Corbyn asked loudly.
“Yessir.” Daniel muttered before turning around and lining up his rifle against the edge of the crater. He wasn’t ready to waste any time. Corbyn lined up beside him.
“Hold your fire.” Corbyn ordered loudly over the noise of the battlefield, peering through the sightlines of his rifle. “They’re coming over now too.”
Daniel followed his gaze through the rain where he could see shapes of the opposing men running towards them too. A few fell from British fire and shelling as well, their own generals shouting orders, but it was like a wave of them.
“There’s so many!” Daniel cried, wiping the rain from his eyes quickly.
“Sweep them down, Seavey. 30 steady rounds.” Corbyn ordered, pulling the bolt on his rifle. Daniel did the same and the two fired lines into the oncoming German lines, the casings dropping flatly into the mud beside them as they did so. Daniel slid down the side to reload, dumping a handful of bullets into the rifle before closing it and trying to cock it again. The bolt stayed stiff. He tugged it a few more times with no result. He looked up to Corbyn who was still firing at will, his bolt puled easily with each round.
“Sir, my rifle’s locked!” Daniel shouted over the noise of the battle around them, panic starting to raise in his voice.
Corbyn ducked down with him, keeping quick glances over the edge of the crater as he dug his finger in the magazine to try and pull out some of the mud that was lodged in there. With a sharp tug, the rifle clicked into place and he shoved it back into Daniel’s hands.
The two set back up, watching a few more men fall into the waterlogged battlefield, sucked up easily into the water and mud. They didn’t notice one of the German man sliding in beside them at first, but Daniel grabbed his wrist before he could stab him, struggling against the older man’s strength. Corbyn rushed to help him, dunking the man facedown in the deep pool of murky water, holding him there by a fist on the back of his uniform as he pressed the tip of his revolver to the back of his head and shot him, leaving him floating dead, red seeping into the brown water. Daniel stumbled back at the lack of hesitation from Corbyn’s hand as he tucked his revolver back in the hem of his trousers and got back to position.
“Where did you get that?” Daniel asked quickly.
“Perks of the promotion.” Corbyn replied dryly, although Daniel could see a hint of a smirk on his face.
The men were getting closer, a lot of the British resorting to their bayonets again as hand to hand battle was required, the machine guns and shell fire thrown over their heads in the process.
“Get your bayonet ready.” Corbyn tossed his rifle to the side and pulled his revolver back out, his other hand gripping the handle of the blade that he had disconnected, “They’ll come quickly. Don’t think. Just get rid of them.”
Daniel nodded, taking a breath before he turned over and leaned over the side of the crater. Corbyn stood up completely, firing his revolver into the wave of oncoming men. Daniel was truly a good shot as Corbyn had always told him he was, and he picked off man and after man, not even needing to use his bayonet.
“Good work, Seavey.” Corbyn called loudly as they were left with a bit of a gap to catch their breath.
A shell landed nearby and they crouched to avoid getting hit by the explosion, the sound echoing over the mud filled fields. Someone fell into the crater with them and they whipped around quickly, Corbyn with his revolver outstretched towards the new arrival, only to meet Zach’s blood streaked face, the rain drenching him as he panted heavily.
“It’s me! It’s just me!” Zach tossed his hands up in defence.
“Christ, Herron. Don’t sneak up on us like that.” Corbyn sighed over the noise of the battle going on around them, tucking his revolver in his belt again.
“Where’s your rifle?” Daniel asked, grabbing Zach’s arm and pulled him around the pool of water to hide him under the ledge of soil where they were.
“A German took it from me.” Zach whispered, he held out his hand that was sliced up and bleeding terribly, “I tried to hold onto it, but I grabbed the blade of the bayonet. He tried to shoot me but missed.”
Corbyn pushed him into the mud between them, tossing his leg over Zach’s body to keep him from slipping into the unforgiving water and pulled the strip of medical wrap from his first aid kid and ripped a long piece off with his teeth before wrapping it tightly around Zach’s hand. Daniel kept watch with his rifle situated over the edge of the crater, firing off a few steady shots as Zach was bandaged up.
Another shell exploded nearby, throwing a body into the crater with them, unmoving, his limbs torn off from the impact and Zach whimpered loudly. Corbyn tucked the bandage into itself and climbed off the boy, pushing the body into the water with his foot.
A flash of lighting was thrown over the battlefield, the thunder seeming to mute the cries of bloody murder from both sides for a fleeting moment.
“We need to keep pushing forward!” Corbyn shouted over the noise, ducking under the impact of another shell. He handed his rifle to Zach and the three of them climbed out of the crater and back into the muddy battlefield.
“Stay close.” Daniel said through his teeth, pushing Zach ahead of him as they trudged on quickly through the chaos.
They didn’t get far before a man lunged at Corbyn next, tackling him to the ground as they splashed loudly into the thick mud and he held his knife up to his throat. Corbyn fought against him, his revolver thrown out of reach. Daniel tried to fire a shot at the German man but his rifle was clogged with mud again and he tugged helplessly at the bolt.
“Do something, you bloody idiots!” Corbyn shouted, straining hard against the man over top of him.
Zach was frozen stiff, flinching hard under another explosion nearby, watching with wide eyes as the knife inched closer and closer to Corbyn’s throat. Daniel’s hands were slipping over his rifle that was caked in mud, trying to clear it, his panic rising.
“One of you fire your goddamn rife!” Corbyn screamed.
Zach looked down at the gun in his hand, cocking it to find it empty. He swore shakily, slipping onto the ground as another explosion shook the earth and he fell on top of the rifle, his face inches from the bayonet blade. He scrambled onto his feet again, nearly slipping again in the process as he clamoured over to the man and stabbed the blade through his back. Zach pulled it out again and stabbed him again in the side of his neck, screaming blindly as he flailed his blade again and again into the man.
“Okay, okay! Okay, Herron!” Corbyn finally shouted, grabbing Zach’s wrist to stop him, the younger boy opening his eyes again to be met with Corbyn’s friendly face, “He’s dead, boy. You’re done.”
Daniel watched with wide eyes as Zach stumbled back onto his bum against the mud, panting hard as the blood-soaked body was pushed off Corbyn. He stood up again, reaching to pick up his revolver and herded his men behind an overturned cart that was being partially swallowed by the mud. They looked ahead to the German lines, Daniel spotting a dark shape in the distance among the mud.
“What is that?” Daniel asked, more to himself than anyone.
“A bunker.” Corbyn replied, spotting it too. “Fortification.”
“Christ.” Zach breathed from between them.
Bodies littered the mud, drenched by blood and the rain, smoke raising from the ground from explosions as the gunfire started to calm down. There wasn’t as much screaming, more dead than wounded littering the ground, the remaining survivors still putting up a brave fight. Daniel glanced around the area, his eyes landing on a familiar figure a bit of a ways away and he squinted through the rain and smoke to see him better.
Christian was ordering men to hold fire as the Germans started to retreat back towards their front lines. His uniform was soaked like everyone else’s, his helmet missing and his dark hair was caked with mud and plastered over his forehead, but his blue eyes still shone, landing on Daniel’s from a few yards away.
He stood among the battlefield like a God, a crack of lighting hitting the ground in the distance as he directed his men back. Corbyn glanced around the cart, watching the German army rush back towards their trenches.
“Let’s go.” he said to the other two and the group of three got up and shuffled quickly and carefully back towards their battalion. 
Christian seemed to watch them over the bridge of his nose as they walked past him, silence falling over the battlefields except for the light and steady rain, splashing against the soft mud. Most of their men were lost and it was over before it barely began, or so it felt like, as if the lives lost were meaningless. They had to step over bodies on their trek back to the trenches, Daniel’s eyes scanning the ground cautiously to watch where he stepped, avoiding the dead or mud puddles that would suck him in.
A final gunshot rang across the battlefield and Daniel turned quickly over his shoulder in time to see Christian still standing a few yards away, a clean rip through his uniform jacket. The brothers made brief eye contact just before Christian collapsed to the mud, holding a hand to his chest.
“No.” Daniel breathed, his feet frozen in place as he watched his brother’s hand pull back, coated in blood.
The rest of their remaining battalion watched too but turned a blind eye, walking back towards the trenches as if nothing was wrong. He was an officer they didn’t care for anyway.
Corbyn and Zach watched helplessly as Daniel took off, rushing back across the mud to his brother, stumbling over bodies and slipping in the soaked mud before falling to his knees in front of him.
“Christian.” Daniel whimpered, setting his hands on his older brother’s shoulders.
Christian looked up at him slowly, tears brimming in his blue eyes behind dirty and stained skin, his right hand still pressed to the fresh wound on his chest. Daniel helped him sit back and unbuttoned his jacket to inspect the area, the older brother hissing in pain as blood trickled from the gunshot through his lower chest, coating his hand thickly.
“It’s okay. You’re okay.” Daniel whispered shakily, tossing his rifle to the side as he pulled his first aid kit from his belt and pulled out the roll of gauze, shuffling closer to cradle his brother over his lap as he pressed it against the wound.
Christian swore lightly, eyes screwed shut with agony as his head lolled back against Daniel’s arm that was supporting his head.
“I’m sorry.” Christian whispered, wrapping his fingers around Daniel’s wrist that held the cloth against his chest.
“Don’t. We’re not doing that.” Daniel said sternly, glancing down to his brother’s chest, moving the cloth back to see the trickle of blood staining down the front of his shirt.
“I was only mad because the General wouldn’t call it off.” Christian let out a small whimper as Daniel pressed down on the wound again. “It’s a suicide mission. So much loss of life for nothing. This won’t get us anywhere. I was so mad and I’m sorry.”
“No.” Daniel said through his teeth, pressing harder against his chest. Christian yelled in agony, gripping onto Daniel’s sleeve tightly, making the younger boy lessen the pressure a bit. Christian’s breathing was shallow as he struggled to catch his breath, staring up into Daniel’s frightened eyes.
“Dani.” he breathed.
Daniel looked back up to his face, haven’t been called that nickname from his older brother in an uncountable number of months.
“I’m sorry.” Christian whimpered, a tear falling from the corner of his eye. He pulled in a desperate breath of air, keeping his eyes on his little brother, so much older and mature than he once remembered. Almost more of a man than he ever could be himself. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Daniel finally whispered, brushing his brother’s hair back from his face and wiped the tears from his cheeks. “We’re okay.”
Christian kept his eyes open, struggling to catch his breath, calmed by the presence of his best friend who held him in his arms so gently and lovingly.
“Come on, I need to take you to the medics.” Daniel started to get up but Christian gripped the front of his jacket to keep him still.
“I can’t.” His shaky gasp was proof enough that he was losing breath fast. “Just stay with me.”
Daniel nodded quickly, swallowing back his tears, “Okay.”
“I should have…should have…” Christian coughed wetly, almost like he was choking and struggled to breathe, his words drowned out by the rain.
Daniel shushed him gently, holding him closer as he brushed the rain and the tears from his big brother’s face. Christian kept his eyes on Daniel’s, wrapping his hand around his weakly. Daniel offered him a gentle smile, running his thumb over his cheek as Christian’s breathing slowed, his eyes getting heavy as he struggled to keep them open. A trickle of blood slipped past his lips, dripping over Daniel’s head that was cradling his head. Daniel’s bottom lip trembled as he clung desperately onto his brother, watching as he choked up more blood, the red flowing down his chin with the rain and contrasting his scared blue eyes that were trying desperately to stay open.
“I love you.” Daniel whimpered, biting hard on his bottom lip.
Christian tried to open his mouth to reply, his chest jolting with lack of oxygen as he choked unpleasantly over the blood that was filling his lungs and his throat. Daniel felt him weaken in his arms, Christian’s grip on his uniform lessening as his eyes finally fell closed, his body giving up its fight. Daniel scrunched his eyes closed and hung his head but didn’t let himself cry, clinging desperately onto his big brother’s limp hand as thunder rumbled behind them.
Blood stained Daniel’s hands and both of their uniforms, coating Christian’s chin and trickling heavily down his neck until they were sitting in the blood-soaked mud. Daniel took a moment to breathe before he was reaching into Christian’s shirt to pull off his dog tags and then shuffled through his jacket for any belongings. He tucked his tags and rings into his pocket, trying to steady his breathing as he unfolded the two pieces of parchment that was tucked into Christian’s inside jacket pocket. The first was a letter from their mother and the second was his reply, the paper only scribbled with ‘Mum,’ in the top left and the date of December 20, 1914 in the top right. Daniel slid them safely in his own jacket to prevent the rain from ruining them, finishing up with Christian’s belongings as he tucked everything he could into his packs, including a ration of unfinished cigarettes.  
The last item was a single photograph laying alone in Christian’s breast pocket. Daniel swallowed back fresh tears as he stared down at the old family photograph, their childhood smiles tainted with the bullet hole through the center, their innocence now washed away with the Belgian rain.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
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smolboiseavey · 5 years ago
Pocket! Why don’t we 🥺
Inspired by @seungmin-jpeg and @jinyoungsir uwu
- okay literally
- Imagine how cute !!
- Tiny babie™️ why don’t we as tiny pocket people omg I cannot
- ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
- They could ride around in your pocket or sit in your hair and WKFKWKEKD so cute
- Anyway, onto the specifics
- You might be wondering, what would it be like living with pocket sized™️ why don’t we?
- Well, dear reader, it would be a mess, of course
- But a wonderful mess (๑>◡<๑)
- It isn’t unusual for at least one of them to travel around with you in your bag or pencil case when going to school
- Or when you’re running errands, they’ll sit in your hood or pocket
- How cute!
- It does tend to get a little annoying sometimes though...
- “Y/N!!! Look a puppy~ Can we go pet it?”
- “Y/N! Can we buy more snacks?”
- “No, we just bought some yesterday” d( ̄  ̄)
- “Pwease?”
- You never really minded, however, as they’re just too adorable !!
- Daniel likes sitting on your shoulder or in your hair the best~
- He’ll sing to you quietly while you make dinner or do homework
- Gives the best advice!
- And always asks you about your day and loves listening to everything you tell him about
- He’s clingy AF, and will hug your shoulder or neck when you sleep
- Almost never lets you go ANYWHERE without him
- “Where are you going? Can I come with you?!”
- Babie™️
- Will pout and give you puppy eyes until you give him what he wants
- He always tugs on your fingers or tries to grab your pencil out of your hand when you aren’t giving him attention
- “Pay attention to me~” ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
- Enjoys sitting down and drawing whenever he’s not out adventuring with you
- Even though all the stationary is twice his size
- Will sometimes write poems and songs for you uwu
- Has a ton of tiny instruments that he plays all! The! Time!
- “How was your day today, Y/N? Tell me everything!”
- You can usually find Corbyn sitting at your computer or tugging away your phone
- He just loves looking through your Instagram feed and playing games on whatever he can get his hands on
- Definitely will recite vines to you randomly in the middle of the night
- “Hey~ hey Y/N”
- “Corbs sweetie it’s 3am, what do you want?”
- “Road work ahead? Uh- yeah, I sure hope it does!”
- Then he’ll burst into a fit of laughter before telling you more vines lmao
- You also got him a tiny toy car he can drive around in
- It’s not uncommon to find him driving around your home with jonah in the passenger seat
- “Skrt skrt~ get in loser we’re going Sh0pPiNg”
- He likes sitting in your hood the most
- And if you’re not wearing a hoodie, he’ll usually find his way into your front pocket
- “It gives me a new perspective on the world~” he’ll always say
- Hypes you up!! So much !!
- Helps you with your Instagram feed
- ~tries~ to help you take pictures
- But usually your phone is wayyy too big for him to hold up ( ; ; )
- “They should make pocket sized cameras! Then I’d be able to take Instagram pictures for you.” ~_~;
- Jonah is like, the dad of the group
- He’s usually put in charge of the house whenever you’re gone
- Big uwu
- Once tried to drink coffee from a normal sized mug and almost fell in ∑(゚Д゚)
- So from then on you gave him his fix of coffee in those tiny porcelain mugs that usually come in tiny doll tea sets
- Loves when you read to him
- Like, so much
- Sometimes he’ll read too
- Everyone will sit around the book and you and him would take turns reading chapters
- Zach doesn’t really stay for long though, he has such a short attention span lol
- This man has NO shame
- He likes sleeping on your chest the best
- Will snuggle up in your boobs without warning
- Almost always trying to persuade you to wear low cut tops so he can just plop down on your chest
- “It’s so warm and soft here though~”
- If he can’t be on your chest, usually climbs into your back pocket
- Will sometimes try to help you cook
- But the most he can do is make tiny eggs and MAYBE mac and cheese
- You always let him help though uwu
- Jack is one of the rowdier ones of the bunch
- Is usually belting out lyrics or screaming about something
- If he’s not yelling, there’s either something wrong or he’s asleep
- Likes to pull pranks on you and the other boys
- Nothing harmful though!
- Loves sitting on your shoulder and braiding your hair
- Sometimes will get tangled in your hair when sleeping and stuff though
- “Y/N! Help!”
- “Are you stuck in my hair again?”
- “...maybe”
- Prefers the pocket™️
- Will snuggle into your hoodie pocket whenever he travels with you
- Likes to go watch movies with you~
- Will go with you to the store and ALWAYS asks for snacks
- Legit no matter what, he’ll ask for candies or a bag of chips or something
- And 99.99% of the time, you cave and buy him whatever he asks for
- Dramatic AF
- Sometimes will fall off the table (don’t worry, he’s okay!) just because
- “Stop doing that! I swear you give me a heart attack every time.”
- “Sorry Y/N! It’s just for the extra pizzazz I swear”
- Jokes around a lot and loves to make you laugh
- Loves sitting in your hair in the morning and helps picks out your outfit for the day!
- “Definitely wear that with this top! You’d look so good in that fit”
- Sometimes play fights with Zach ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
- Nothing too violent tho !
- Zach is the babie of the group
- Will pass for nothing but traveling in your hand
- And if he can’t be in your hand, usually is just as comfortable chilling on your shoulder with Daniel
- But he just loves snuggling into your palm
- Will sometimes cling onto your fingers too uwu
- A big jokester too
- Helps jack with his pranks a lot !
- Likes it when you play with his hair
- Unless it’s one of those days when he’s spent hours and hours on his hair
- Then it’s no touching !! At all
- He loves putting on little plays and shows for you
- A tiny actor™️
- Will sometimes force the other boys to take part in his productions wheeze
- Sings a lot too !
- Never not singing along to the music you play or harmonizing with the other boys
- You can usually find Zach doodling next to Daniel
- Or watching tv in the living room
- Or cuddled up in your palm 🥺
- They’re super cute and take care of you !!
- Even though they super annoy you sometimes you wouldn’t trade them for anything else
- In conclusion, pocket why don’t we needs to be real and I love them
Oh my god, Sammy wrote something?! And it’s about Why Don’t We?!?! Yes, dear reader, you heard that right! I’m back bitches ٩( ᐛ )و I wanted to try out the bulleted list style of writing and honestly it’s super cute and fun~ I might do it more often uwu
taglist uwu: @gracenadinelimelight, @katie-avery​, @seaveyssparkle​, @kvd963, @dagmara-mae, @jennasgolden, @helloatomicshadow, @sfx-bands, @only-stan-mendes, @whydontwenorway@boredombesson @fratnielluer @seaveylicious @daliseavey1 @aquigley24 @thisgrlrocks03 this taglist is super outdated please let me know if you want to be removed or added :))
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hookedonseavey · 7 years ago
Afterglow with Zach would include...
Warnings: swearing, discussion of sex. this one’s just a whole mess of softness, y’all.
And here’s number 3 out of 5! I’m so thrilled that you guys have enjoyed this little unanticipated series so much lol. Just a quick disclaimer so we’re all on the same page: while I do think that Zach is more comfortable as a top, I also think he'd be really into having you ride him so that's the physical set up for this okay cool let's go
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He'd make little hums and mewls as he comes back down, arching back into the mattress
Holding out his arms and making grabby hands "c'mere, baby"
Sighing as he pulls you tight against his flushed chest, your skin sticking a little bit with sweat
He'd slur his words a little, "I love you so much oh my God" and he'd kind of burrow his face into your hair
Your body would feel tingly and completely raw in the best way. Your skin would be hyper sensitive and you'd feel every little move he made
Completely spent, you'd whimper back "I love you too babe"
him pressing kisses to your temple and forehead, making soft little 'shhh' noises while he combs his fingers through your hair
Looking up at him from your place on his chest and seeing his cheeks redder than ever and his hair all messy from your hands running through it
"you look so good" you'd tell him, the words coming out on their own
He'd cock an eyebrow and smirk, "yeah?"
You'd blush and nod, pressing a kiss to his pec
He'd laugh a little "cutie" and pull you even closer, his hands squeezing at your sides like he couldn't get you close enough
He'd pull you up to lay next to him "c'mere baby, wanna kiss you"
Those big brown eyes being only a few inches away, looking at you like you hang the moon
"God, you're an actual angel, just look at you" he'd cradle your jaw in his palm, brushing his thumb along your cheek and sending tingles down your neck
He'd pull you in for the most sensual kiss of your life dear lord 
Slow, hot, open-mouthed kissing as you hike your leg up over his hip and his hand comes to rest on the back of your thigh
(is it like really hot in here all of sudden or is that just me?? damn sorry okay moving on)
Eventually pulling away, all out of breath
I feel like zach is absolutely the cheeky type and while he wouldn't intentionally try to start you up again, maybe hands would wander and maybe one would slide too far down your stomach or under your butt
And y'know sometimes he'd hit you right and you're up for round two
Other times you'd be too sensitive or tired and you'd let out a soft hiss at the contact
He'd sputter out a bashful "I'm sorry honey"
You'd laugh, "don't be, just means you did a hell of a job"
He'd get the cutest little grin because he'd be so pleased with himself lol
He'd rest his chin on the top of your head and rub a hand up and down your bare back in the most soothing way
Playing with hands/fingers!!!
He'd lace and re-lace your fingers together over and over, squeezing your hand every so often
Holding his palm flat against yours with his fingers spread out, tapping out a little beat on your fingertips
Him being in absolute awe of you "I didn't know it was humanly possible to love someone this much"
"aww, baby…"
"seriously, it's unreal. I'd do anything for you, love. To the ends of the earth."
he's definitely the type to sing to you after
I personally like to think he'd sing either perfect by ed sheeran or overwhelming by jon bellion bc those guys are both soft af and zach would be totally soft for u (and of course he'd sing your favorites by the band)
Being lulled to sleep by the sound and the vibrations of his voice
thanks so much for reading, i live for your feedback!
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duh-danii · 7 years ago
i can’t stop | z.a
summary: zach has found a outlet to relive himself from his stress but you don’t believe it’s the best for him but he can’t stop
warnings: prolly some curse words, angst ,drugs
a/n: based off of why stop now by chase atlantic i highly highly HIGHLY recommend you to listen the song and totally check out the band bc they are my favorite of all timeEeEeEe anyways that’s it enjoy wait also zach is aged up abt 2-3 yrs older okay byeeee (lowkey feel like this is super unrealistic but whatever)
“im floating around now my stomach is nauseous, and ill keep doing this until im unconscious.”
“ughhh...” zach grunted while he watched his ceiling fan spin around his room.
“babe!” y/n called out excited to see her boyfriend on his tiny break from tour.
“in here!” he yelled from his bedroom, immediately clutching to his head as it ached from him raising his voice.
he sniffed.
“hi, love! i missed you!” y/n said as she stood under the door frame to his bedroom.
“y/n.” He smiled.
y/n ran over to him and hugged him tightly as she buried her head into his shoulders.
“how have you’ve be—“
“what’s that smell.” she asked already knowing what it was.
“oh, it’s the—“ zach sniffed. “it’s the, the litter box, i haven’t cleaned it in awhi—“
“your cat died like five years ago....” y/n sat up and stood at edge of zach’s bed. “okay i know you smoke weed every once in awhile but you’re sca—“
“shhh!!!” zach said. “my head is pounding and my stomach hurts. please calm down.”
“zach. im worried about you.”
“y/n, im fine.”
“they call it a problem, but baby i already know,
this shit is reliable, people they just come and go.”
“i don’t like this. i don’t like this. it scares me.”
“god babe, im really fine. i can control myself quite nicely.” He said raising his voice slightly.
she scoffed. “i can control myself quite nicely” she imitated zach.
zach let out a long breath and chuckled slowly.
“your room is a mess, dude.” y/n said as she looked on zach’s bed and saw some white grains that looked like sugar from those airheads xtreme bite candies, zach’s favorite candy.
“hehe, yeah.” he repiled with a sniff then returned to blankly staring up at his ceiling fan while his left hand starting twitching.
“zach. you are obviously not fine. look at yourself i feel like i’m—“
“i know it’s a problem, but honestly i don’t care... i can rely on this shit, people just leave.” zach murmured with his eyes half open.
he sniffed.
“why stop now, tell me if i can’t come down ,then why stop now.”
“you don’t care? i don’t want to lose you to something as ridiculous as this! i tried to deal with it ,but i can’t take it anymore! you’re different.”
“oh...and you’re the same?”
“what are you talking about?”
zach sat up and looked at y/n .”god y/n! get off my damn back! im stressed out enough. i travel constantly i need something to help me. it helps me. that...” he pointed to the bag of weed on his dresser. “that helps me.” He clutched his head and winced in pain.
“zach, its not helping you if you’re acting like this.” she said tearing up from frustration. “i love you. i want to help you. we can—“
“sthut the fuck uppp, god you’re so fwrekin loud!” zach slurred.
“im just trying to help you! y/n tucked her hair behind her. “please just let m—“
“lord, can you stop fucking sniffling what the hell is wron —“ y/n cut herself off.
zach sniffed once more and rubbed his nose aggressively.
y/n looked back at the “sugar grains” on his bed and his desk. she looked zach dead in the eyes.
bloodshot, right eye twitching
“please, please, please no.” she sat back on his bed and put her hands on his thighs. “please tell me you’re not doing cocaine.”
“are you doing crack?!”
“maybe?” he giggled out of his mind as he abruptly layed back down on his bed and stared at the ceiling fan.
“baby, let me help you. you don’t have to stay like this.”
“i want too.” zach’s left hand stoped twitching as he relaxed his body on his bed.
y/n rested her hand in zach’s as she goes to help him stand up
“baby, grab my hand. we’re going somewhere.”
“zach, grab my hand.”
his hand was cold.
“you live and you die babe, its life in a fast way”
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majesticmarais · 7 years ago
Fanboy | Z.H
Requested? Yes!!
Summary: Zach brings Reese to see her favorite band for her birthday and ends up falling for one of the members
Warnings? Nothing it’s just kinda long LOL
Word Count: 1.8k
Tag list: @herrons-headass @adorkableavery @dreamypebbles  @lovableherron @im-on-something-different @samithepixie @averysgarl
A/n: I changed up a bit of the beginning but I kept it pretty much the same, hope that’s okay and you enjoy!!
That morning, as you were getting ready for an interview with a radio show, you had received a dm from someone other than a fan. The verified account had sent you quite a long message, so you sat down in order to read it.
“Why Don’t We...” you mumbled to yourself as you shrugged, scrolling through the dm.
The boy by the name of Zach had told you that your band was his younger sister’s favorite band ever, and her dream was to meet them.He had already bought his sister a VIP package but was wondering if there was any way she could maybe get to see backstage to make her dreams come true.
“Hey guys!” you called out, shuffling down the stairs as you searched for your other bandmates.
“What’s up?” Bella asked you, looking up from her phone.
“I got a DM from some dude in a band, his sister is apparently our #1 fan and he’s wondering if we could maybe show her backstage or something to surprise her for her birthday, would you be down?” you asked, showing them your phone so they could read it for themselves.
“I think that’s cute! We could totally show her around after the meet and greet!” Bella exclaimed.
“You don’t think fans will get mad because we’re doing it with her and not everyone?” you asked, feeling as though the situation could be potentially harmful.
“She just got lucky that you landed on that DM, it could happen to anyone I mean we read through what our fans send all the time. Don’t worry about it,” your other bandmate, Alyssa shrugged.
“Alright,” you mumbled, messaging the boy back on your twitter, giving him details about how you guys would arrange to show his sister backstage, who you knew now was named Reese.
“We should start doing this for a few shows, have it be like a contest or something for people to watch the show backstage,” you suggested.
“That’s actually super smart! We should do that!” Alyssa agreed.
After answering the boy back, he answered you quickly.
Wow you actually saw this!! Thank you so much, I’ll pay you, I just want her to have the best birthday ever! Thanks so much again! :)
After stalking him on social media and listening to a few of his bands songs too, you went to bed thinking about how cute he was, and were pretty excited to meet him and his little sister.
At the meet and greet, you met a whole bunch of fans, doing cute poses and smiling brightly, so happy to be meeting the people that always gave you so much support.
As the next person approached, you noticed that she was accompanied by the boy who had talked to you on Twitter.
“You must be Reese!” you grinned, opening your arms as she ran to you, hugging you tightly, which you reciprocated. “Happy birthday!”
“You guys are my favorite band!” she gushed, her face a light tint of pink, making her look even cuter than she already was.
“Thank you, sweetheart, love your shirt!” you complimented, making her smile even harder.
“Let’s take a picture!” Bella invited after you guys all spoke for a while. Reese chose a cute pose and you all smile for the camera, the bright flash going off.
“Zach wants a picture with y/n, he told me!” Reese whispered, cupping her hand over her mouth so her brother didn’t see what she was saying.
“Oh does he?” you asked, looking over at him and wiggling your eyebrows.
“Come here,” you said to him, opening your arms. He chuckled and gave you a hug, thanking you again for making his sister’s dream come true.
“Kiss him on the cheek!” Reese exclaimed, jumping up and down slightly.
You laughed as you put your arm around Zach, one hand cupping his cheek as you pressed your lips to his cheek, making him grin as the other girls stood around you guys smiling.
“We’ll see you backstage,” Alyssa smirked as the two walked off and you met the rest of the fans.
“Hey gorgeous!” you smiled when you saw Reese again backstage as you walked out of your dressing room.
“Hi y/n,” she blushed, standing right next to Zach.
“I have to go get my makeup and hair done, you wanna come see?” you asked, earning an eager nod from her in return.
“You can come too,” you mentioned to Zach, flashing him a smile as you turned around, guiding them to the dressing room as you sat on the chair, waiting for your hair stylist and makeup artist to be finished with Bella, who was chatting with Reese.
After doing your hair and makeup, you asked your stylist if she could do Reese’s too, which of course made her light up with joy.
“A makeover?” Reese asked.
“Yeah! Although you don’t need one with that beautiful face,” you winked.
As Reese got her makeup done and spoke to your bandmates, you walked over and sat next to Zach, who had been sitting comfortably on one of the chairs, smiling as you walked over.
“She’s so happy,” he said, looking over at his sister with bright eyes.
“You probably just won the best brother award,” you chuckled.
He’s even cuter in person, you thought as you looked over at him, his cheeks rosy and his smile brightening the room even more than it did in pictures.
“I’m excited to see you perform, I know all the words to your songs because of Reese,” he laughed.
“Suuuure ‘from Reese’,” you joked, doing air quotes.
“Okay I’ll admit the songs are good,” he smirked.
“That’s what I thought,” you grinned.
“Don’t get a big head,” he teased.
“Oh, I’m not. I’ve just never met a fanboy before,” you winked.
“On in 5!” the stage manager called, waving his hand for you and the girls to go side stage.
“Hang out after the show?” you asked, wanting to talk to Zach more.
“You bet, superstar,” he smiled.
You ran off stage with the girls, adrenaline still running through your system as the crowds cheers were still heard.
“That was amazing!!!” Reese squealed, clapping her hands for you and the girls.
“Thank you sweetie!” you smiled, giving her a hug and then Zach, who squeezed you lightly.
“You guys can hang out here for a while if you want,” you offered, earning a nod from Zach.
“Wanna maybe grab something to eat once I bring Reese home?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I’d like that.”
Upon returning home that night, you noticed that Alyssa had posted a picture of you and Zach on snapchat. You guys were both laughing and you had your head leaning on his shoulder, her captioning it with a ship name.
You laughed and let out a sigh as you went to twitter, seeing a whole bunch of your fans as well as Zach tweeting the picture and talking about it, wondering if there was something going on between you guys.
You laughed to yourself as you left all their questions unanswered since you yourself had no idea, and fell asleep almost instantly, a slight smile still lingering on your face from the eventful day.
“Are you guys ready?” Jack called to you and Zach as you straightened his tie, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah!!” you called back.
“You look amazing,” he smiled.
“As do you,” you winked. “I’m nervous to perform.”
“You’re gonna be amazing, just like the first time I saw you,” he blushed.
“Ah my little fanboy,” you joked. Since you guys began dating not long after you guys met at your show, you guys always joked about him being a fanboy. It never got old.
“I went for Reese!!” he defended, laughing nonetheless.
You laughed as you took his hand and walked downstairs to meet with the other boys and your bandmates to go to the award show together.
Yours and Zach’s relationship had still not been announced to the fans. It was still something new and fresh for both of you and you wanted to wait a little while before getting any judgement from supporters as well as haters.
You and your band performed right before one of the breaks, and you ran backstage to get yourself fixed up before going with the girls to sit in the crowd and watch the rest of the show.
You entered your dressing room and grinned when you saw your boyfriend, running up to him and jumping into his arms, pressing a hard kiss to his lips.
“You were amazing,” he mumbled against your lips, pulling you closer as he deepened it.
He leaned you against the wall, his tongue finding yours as your lips moved together, both of you feeling excited because of the awards show.
Little did you know that there was a fan who had gotten backstage because her dad was a stage director and had been filming pretty much the entire thing.
“We should go,” you breathed as you pulled away, breathless from the kiss.
“I guess, but I would really rather do this the rest of the night,” he laughed, pressing a soft kiss to your neck before pecking your lips again.
“Duty calls,” you shrugged, taking his hand as you went to the door to make your way back to your spots in the crowd.
“Uhm, y/n?” Zach said once you had gone backstage to change and get ready to head back home.
“Yeah?” you asked, looking back from where you were standing at the mirror, pulling a few bobby pins out of your hair.
“Have you been on Twitter...and instagram...” he said quietly, stepping closer to you.
“No, what’s up?” you asked, turning to face him fully as he showed his phone to you, a video of you making out plastered all over the internet.
“Oh god,” was all you managed to say, taking out your own phone to see for yourself.
“You guys are outed!” Corbyn laughed, putting one arm around each of you, a smile on his face.
“So much for keeping it on the down low, who even took that?” you asked, laughing slightly at the fact that this video had been posted everywhere.
“No idea,” Zach mumbled, “I guess we have to announce it now.”
Zach opened his Twitter and choose a cute picture you had taken together about a week prior, captioning it and tagging you, posting it quickly.
You were overwhelmed with mostly love from the fans, your ship name everywhere as you and Zach smiled.
“Not was I was expecting,” you laughed as you scrolled quickly, browsing through the tweets.
“I guess we’re cute,” he shrugged.
“You’re living the fanboy dream,” you winked, kissing him gently as all of you got ready to go out to eat and celebrate the night.
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21burritoseavey · 2 years ago
little daniel imagine, with the '“where’s the new coffee mix?” “i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?” “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' prompt <3
a/n: thank you for the ask, anon! hope you enjoy!<3🌼pick a prompt:)
you get up a few minutes past seven o’clock, shuffling out of bed behind daniel, out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. the sky, as the sun rose not too long ago, is still wearing its coat of muted pink and yellow, and natural light welcomes itself into your home in narrow streaks onto the floors and kitchen countertops. daniel is first to wake up, sleepily mumbling something about wanting to get to tour rehearsals early, and with the help of his convincing smile and guarantee of breakfast, you hop out of bed as well. 
it isn't unusual for the two of you to be grumpy in the morning, only sharing slight smiles and little morning kisses and a touch of conversation while you work through your routines to get ready for the day…at least until there is cooked food and warm drinks on the table. 
honestly, if it wasn't for the tempting promise of hot, home-cooked breakfast, which you gladly agreed for daniel to make, the pair of you would still be in bed, lured in under the warm sheets and blankets, fighting off the wintry morning chill. your slight grumpiness has progressed into an obvious agitation, furrowed brows and all, at the absence of your keys from their usual spot near the entryway. 
daniel’s cooking as you breeze around the house looking for them, showing half-hearted concern and asking simple questions that honestly tick you off even more. “are you sure you haven’t seen them?” you call, halfway across the living room as your eyes scan every possible fraction of space and object in sight. 
“yep, no idea” daniel dismisses, unknowingly receiving an annoyed huff in return, his voice muffled by the sound of the kitchen cabinets and drawers rolling open one by one only to be shut again as he tries to find the jar of coffee that would usually be sitting in one of the shelves. 
he puts breakfast on the table anyway, two two mini stacks of pancakes and berries for each of you, and although daniel is proud of his culinary work at such an early hour, his limbs still tired and eyes still groggy, you aren’t so pleased at the absence of your necessary cup of coffee. the edge of your voice is ever so obvious as you pace around the house, looking for other things you’d somehow misplaced from your shoes to your lip balm back to your keys, murmuring out a “thank you,” followed by a “where’s my coffee?” as you glance at the food in front of you.
“where’s the new coffee mix?” he counters. 
“i’ll tell you if you tell me where you put the keys?”
the two of you attempt a staring contest, a battle of who can hold their frowning expressions the longest without faltering, before you just decide to search together. daniel loses, sighing in frustration before he moves to check around the kitchen one more time, “i TOLD you i don’t know where—”' his words are cut off, eyes rolling at the sight of your keys in the cutlery drawer. “how did they even get in here?” he questions, keys hanging off his finger in the air. 
an easy smile graces your lips, as if a frown had never been there, and the morning grumpiness melts away as you cheekily pluck the keys from his hand before plopping down at your seat to eat….”the coffee’s in the pantry, first shelf on the right” you say through a mouthful of food.
taglist: @chilling-seavey​ @marthagryffindor​ @hiya-its-amber​ @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​ @hackerXavery @jonahlovescoffee​ @onlyangelavery @sadbitchfangirl @wiildflower-xxx @nichmeddar  @unitersmoonshine  @sbrewer21 @comatosedheart  @kaitieskidmore1 @sunlightinmyeyes​ @starlost-andfound​​@jonahmaraiscupcakelimelight
join my taglist!
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whydontweband · 8 years ago
The Little Sister (A Zach Herron Imagine) Pt. One
Why Don’t We Imagine
*As Requested by @daisy-hearts*
(so sorry that this took literally a million years to finish!)
Word Count: 3519
Have a lovely day!
Description: In which Logan Paul’s baby sister tags alone on his summer adventures with the WDW boys, falling for the youngest member in the process
Part One
      I took a deep breath, smiling as I took my first steps outside the LAX airport, the warm summer air hitting my face as I couldn’t help but break into a grin. Since I’d just turned 16, Mom finally agreed to let me spend the summer with my big brother, Logan, at his place in L.A. I’d been begging and nagging her for a couple years now, ever since Jake and him left Ohio to pursue acting, and finally that long-awaited day had come.
I scanned the crowd of people rushing from place to place, looking for that one familiar face. After a few minutes of searching, my eyes landed on the tall, muscular young man with blonde hair, and an American flag t-shirt draped across his chest. I broke into a smile, laughing as I sprinted towards him, his arms outstretched.
“Logan!” I screeched, giggling as he wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me around in circles as I dropped my suitcase in the process.
“YO IT’S MY BABY SISTER!” He laughed, finally setting me down as I fixed my now windswept hair, giving him a playful shove.
“It’s been forever!” He grinned, stooping down to gather my things as I nodded, adjusting the straps on my Maverick backpack (he would’ve killed me if I hadn’t been wearing it).
“It’s been 2 years, but that’s basically forever.” I retorted as he smiled, walking my things over towards the Uber parked along the street right outside the entrance.
“Yeah, well, Mom always said you were the smart one.” He quipped. I laughed, shaking my head.
“What does that make you?” He smirked, opening the passengers door for me before sliding in himself.
“The talented one.” I rolled my eyes playfully, shaking my head.
“And Jake?” Logan laughed, buckling his seatbelt and giving directions to the Uber before turning towards me.
“The other one.” I laughed, shoving him slightly for his chiding comment. Logan smiled, only shrugging.
“Soooo, it’s your first official trip to L.A.! What'dya wanna do!?” He asked.
“Hey, technically I’ve been to L.A. before!” I defended. Logan shook his head, pulling a bottle of water out from his bag and handing it to me.
“The airport doesn’t count.” I pouted slightly as he rolled his eyes.
“What’s this for?” I gestured towards the water bottle now in my hands.
“This isn’t Ohio, kiddo- it gets hot as hell here sometimes. Need to stay hydrated.” He commented, pulling an even larger bottle out for himself. I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
“Stop being such a dad.”
    After we got back to his apartment and I’d unpacked in the guest bedroom, I made my way out into the living room. Logan had left about an hour ago to do some promotional work with Jeff, but he’d planned on being back around 2 in the afternoon so we could go out exploring. I’d just turned on the T.V. which was, in my personal opinion, way too large to ever be necessary, when my phone buzzed. Pulling up my home screen, I found that it was a new text from Logan.
Just got outta the Uber- be there in a minute :)
Mkay, what’re we doing
I figured we could run by the boys and you could meet em, and maybe grab dinner w/ them
I raised an eyebrow in confusion, staring at my screen. Who’re “the boys”. Allowing my fingers to fly across the screen, I responded.
Who’re the boys?
WDW Boys- I’ll explain in 1 sec, coming up now
I sighed, turning off my phone and switching the T.V. off, Just as I heard keys unlocking the door. Logan stepped in, closing the door behind him and tossing his bag on the couch.
“Hey, Y/N” He chimed, grabbing a snack from the fridge before turning back towards me. Scanning me up and down, a frown crossed over his face.
“That’s what you’re wearing?” I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked own at my outfit. I’d changed out of my comfortable airplane attire once we’d gotten back to the apartment, but I wasn’t wearing anything out of the ordinary. I had on a simple light pink crop top with a few small holes in it, and shredded denim shorts, which I figured was fairly normal for L.A. in June. I shrugged.
“It’s just an outfit, why, are we doing something formal?” I inquired. Logan furrowed his brows in that way I’ve only seen on the handful of occasions where his protective big brother side had come out. He crossed his arms over his chest, fumbling for the right words.
“No, I just think maybe you should change. We’re heading over to the boys’ house in a few minutes.”
“So? That doesn’t sound formal- besides, it’s like 80 degrees outside.” I bargained. Logan didn’t budge however.
“What’s wrong with this outfit?” I finally caved. Logan shook his head, walking in to his walk-in closet where he kept his Maverick merchandise, coming out with a men’s extra-extra-extra large t-shirt that read “Logang” across the chest. I frowned.
“Here, you can wear this.” He handed the shirt to me, to which I only frowned, giving him a perplexed look.
“This isn’t my size.”
“Is it too small?”
“What? No, it’s too big. I’m not wearing this.” Logan crossed his arms over his chest.
“Why not?” I scoffed.
“Umm, because it’s gigantic- and makes me look like a sac of potatoes!” Logan smiled.
“What!? No- not perfect! Why do you want me to wear this thing?” Logan smiled.
“Because Mom told me you were my responsibility for the summer, which means I’m the one who has to keep you out of trouble.” I rolled my eyes.
“How is an outfit gonna get me in trouble? It’s not exactly like I’m parading around butt-naked!” Logan chuckled, shaking his head as he grabbed his bag.
“Y/N- put on the damn t-shirt.” I sighed, mumbling under my breath as I obliged, heading into the guest room to swap out t-shirts, and returning
with a scowl plastered on my face.
“It looks like a mumu, Logan.” He only smiled, nodding pleasantly.
“Then it’s doing its job. C'mon, grab your backpack- we’ll take my car.” I sighed, nodding as I slid my Maverick backpack back on, over the enormously sized t-shirt that was garbing my entire body. It might not be the most fashion forward outfit, but I’d wear an actual mumu if it meant I got to stay the summer in L.A.- so I was willing to let Logan set up a few ridiculous and seemingly unprecedented ground rules.
    We’d been driving for about 15 minutes or so, when we finally pulled in to a beautiful and rather larger Beverly Hills home. My eyes widened.
“Who exactly did you say lives here? The W-D-W boys?” Logan smiled, chuckling as he pulled into the car port, turning off the ignition.
“The Why Don’t We Boys. They’re in a band, I’ve been doing some PR with them. I directed a couple of their music videos, trust me- they’re cool guys.” Before I had a chance to reply, however, Logan turned back towards me, his face stern.
“Not THAT cool, ok? Just…just kinda cool. Not even kinda, they’re ok. They’re fine…don’t get any funny ideas!” I laughed, shaking my head as I stepped out of the car. His over-protectiveness was getting a little odd, I had no idea why. He gestured towards the door as we made our way inside the home. It was beautiful inside, and I was just about to explore further when I heard shouting and laughter coming from the backyard. Logan smiled, nodding towards the backdoor.
“C'mon, I told them I was bringing someone- they’ll wanna meet you.” I nodded, following him towards the sliding glass doors that opened
up to the spacious backyard that overlooked all of Hollywood. Logan ran out first, greeting several boys as they all cheered boisterously. I noticed that the boys he must’ve been talking about were substantially younger than Logan, probably close to my age. I stepped out the backdoors, making eye contact with an already smiling Logan as he ran over towards me. The boys, five of them in total, jogged over towards us, allowing me to get a better view of them. Oh my god- this is why Logan wanted me to wear the oversized t-shirt. Feeling suddenly self-conscious over the outfit I was wearing, I smiled shyly as Logan draped an arm over my shoulders.
“Boys, my lil’ sister, Y/N. Y/N- these are the boys!” Logan smiled, clearly momentarily forgetting his overly protective brother act as I smiled, waving at the five boys standing in front of me. One by one, they each introduced themselves to me, in what came across as a very “media-trained mega star” kind of way.
“Hey, I’m Jonah.” The tallest boy smiled, extending his hand which I politely shook.
“I’m Corbyn, nice to meet you.” The blonde boy waved.
“I’m Jack.” The boy with the curly hair winked. I laughed, waving politely as I caught Logan send him a quick glare.
“I’m Daniel, and I’ll just go ahead and say sorry in advance for my bandmates.” He chuckled. I returned the smile, waving it off. The final boy stepped forward, and I couldn’t help but feel my breath hitch in my throat momentarily when he smiled.
“Hey, I’m Zach- nice shirt.” He smirked. I blushed ever-so-slightly, not enough for Logan to notice, but probably enough to catch Zach’s eye. I laughed, nodding.
“It wasn’t exactly my first outfit choice for the day.” I laughed. He smiled, shrugging as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Well I think it was a good choice- you wear it well.” I smiled.
“Thanks.” I muttered, trying desperately to keep composure as I watched his gaze never falter from mine. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Logan’s voice broke through the atmosphere.
“Ooook- introductions? Check!” The guys laughed at this, getting back into the rythmn of things as a few of them started talking amongst each other. Logan walked over to me, smiling.
“Hey, they’re cool right?” I nodded, laughing slightly.
“Yeah, I mean, I think so- I don’t really know them.” Logan waved this off, shaking his head.
“No worries, you’ll have the whole summer to get to know ‘em. Starting right now.” He smiled as I gave him a cautious and concerned look.
“What do you mean by that?” Logan smirked.
“I meaaaaaan, there’s been a slight change of plans- turns out I have to be on set for ‘Logan Paul VS’, like, right now. So, you get to hang here for a few hours with the guys!” Still slightly confused, folded my arms across my chest.
“I thought you didn’t want me ‘getting into any trouble’?” I smirked. Logan rolled his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll admit, at first I was a little concerned, and don’t get me wrong- I’m still not sold. But I literally had to be at set, like, 5 minutes ago, and I don’t have time to drop you back at the house.”
I laughed, shaking my head as I nodded in compliance.
“Oh, I got it- so you need someone to babysit me.” I teased. Logan smiled, rolling his eyes playfully.
“You know what I mean, Y/N.” I nodded.
“I know. And hey, I do have my license, ya know. I can drive myself back to your place if you wanted.” Logan scoffed, shaking his head as he started making his way out towards the carport.
“Ahh, 1: You don’t have your full license, so legally I can’t let you drive yourself, 2: You don’t have a car to use, even if I did let you drive, and 3: You have no idea how to navigate downtown L.A. traffic- you’d be eaten alive out there. Conclusion? You’re staying here. But hey, don’t worry, the guys don’t have any big plans, so it should be a pretty lowkey day, and I should be back around 8 or 9 for a late dinner. Sound good?” I smiled, nodding. I’d hoped to spend a little more time hanging out with him, but I knew how busy he was, and besides- it didn’t seem like I was in such bad company.
    Shortly after Logan left, the boys headed inside to avoid the heat, where I reluctantly followed them. What else was I supposed to do?
“So, Y/N, Logan said you’re 16?” Corbyn asked, heading into the kitchen and grabbing a snack before making his way over towards the couch. I nodded.
“Yep.” I smiled. Corbyn nodded, smirking to himself as he made eye contact with Zach momentarily. Zach scowled, giving Corbyn a look that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
“That’s cool, Zach’s 16 too ya know. The rest of us are 18, except Jonah over there- he’s 19. Zach’s the baby of the group.” Corbyn teased.
I laughed softly, nodding as Zach turned red, giving Corbyn a slight shove. I giggled at this, and Zach smiled in my direction.
“Well that’s, umm, that’s cool. 16 has been a pretty good year so far.” I replied shyly, smiling. Daniel turned away from the Xbox logo that was loading up on their big screen television to face me.
“Hey, you can come sit if you want.” Daniel offered. I nodded, smiling as I walked around to the “L” shaped sofa. Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn had grabbed controllers for the video game they were preparing to play, and Jack and Zach had placed themselves near the edge of the sofa. I took a seat in the corner where the sofa curved, watching the screen as they loaded up the game. I glanced to my right and smiled when I saw that Zach, who was sitting beside me, was already glancing in my direction.
“So, uhmm, you’re staying with Logan this summer?” He asked, running a hand through his perfectly styled dark brown hair. I smiled, nodding.
“Yeah, Mom’s letting me stay the whole summer.” I smiled. Zach’s eyes lit up slightly at this, which only made me smile more. I swear if this boy got any cuter my face was going to freeze this way. Not that I thought he was cute or anything…I mean, he was, but I don’t mean in that way, but I mean, kind of in that way but not like-
“So, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of you then.” He commented, casually glancing up towards the screen to check in on the game.
“I guess you will.” I chirped. He didn’t look at me as I spoke, but his cheeks grew just a tad redder, which, for whatever reason, made me blush. Jack must have noticed this, because a keen smirk spread his face as he giggled, shaking his head.
“You guys need a room, or are the rest of us just gonna have to leave?” He chided playfully, making Jonah laugh lightly as he continued to keep his vision focused on the game at hand. Zach, however, had turned an unnatural shade of deep red, glaring daggers at Jack momentarily before our already uncomfortable gazes met. He chuckled softly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as we attempted to brush it off.
“He’s just kidding…about the room thing, I mean…and about the leaving thing.” I smiled softly, nodding as I suddenly grew far too aware of where I was placing my hands. Jack smiled, rolling his eyes as he gave Zach a playful shove, before getting up.
“I’m just messing with you guys, don’t worry Y/N. I’m pretty sure Z here has a girlfriend anyway.” He smiled playfully, sending a wink in Zach’s direction, whose eyes had gone wide from perplexity and shock. Daniel raised an intrigued eyebrow at this, eyes never wavering from the game at hand, within which he seemed to be doing fairly well.
“Whoa, you have a girlfriend, Zach? How come I haven’t heard anything about this?” Zach’s face was still retaining a look of pure confusion and shock, looking from me, to the other boys, to Jack- who had momentarily meandered into the kitchen for a bag of chips. As he returned, he smiled, nodding in Daniel’s direction.
“Yeah, dude- apparently things are getting serious.” My face fell slightly as he mentioned this. I mean, what was I expecting? To just walk into a room of cute single guys, my first day in L.A.? Unlikely. Of course Zach had a girlfriend, I mean, I’d only just met him today and I was already charmed. It seemed a little far-fetched to assume that he was single, just because he smiled in my direction. Jack once again winked in Zach’s direction, whose face was now redder than a sundried tomato. As his brows furrowed together, he seemed at a loss for words, shaking his head as he tried to construct a sentence.
“I’m, what? What’re, I mean- Jack I don’t know, wh-“ Jack just chuckled, smiling as he took a seat beside him, eyes now fixated on the television.
“Somethin’ you wanna say, bro?” He smiled. I tried to laugh at his witty remarks at an attempt of looking slightly less discouraged by the fact that Zach had, in fact, not been flirting with me. I doubt it was doing much good, I’ve never been very good at hiding what I’m feeling.
“I DON’T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.” Zach finally blurted, flustered and growing more and more frustrated as Jack smiled, giving him a pat on the shoulder. My eyes widened as I tried my best to stop the corners of my mouth from turning upward ever so slightly. Zach turned to me, a little too quickly, his voice lowered now as he reassured me.
“I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t what he’s talking about. I mean, not that you wanted to know or anything, I just, like, for clarification and-“
“We know you don’t have a girlfriend, Zach. Sorry if I startled you.” Jack smiled, shaking his head.
“Then why’d you say I did?” Zach asked, more casually now as the momentum died down. He chuckled slowly, clearly trying to blow off the situation as though he hadn’t acted so taken aback. Jack shrugged, glancing in my direction momentarily and smiling lightly. He looked at me as if he knew something, and he opened his mouth as though he’d planned on saying something, but he didn’t. He just shrugged, his gaze finally leaving mine as he casually reached for a handful of chips.
“Call it a social experiment.” Zach looked perplexed for a moment, but brushed it off. I don’t know why, but something about Jack holding his tongue on this one made me feel just a little bit grateful.
    We sat in silence for a while, well, at least I did. The boys got into their element, talking about the video game, while I sat at the edge of the sofa, fiddling absentmindedly with my nails and wishing that Logan hadn’t expected five teenage boys to automatically drop everything they were doing just to entertain me. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket, sending a quick text to my brother of the hour.
Hey, what time are you wrapping up set?
 My phone buzzed shortly after, but the text wasn’t exactly what I’d been hoping for.
I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Paul is currently unavailable and will not be contacting anyone until late this evening. You’ve reached his secretary, but Mr. Paul sends his sincerest regrets that he cannot make it to the phone. All messages, voice mails, business inquiries etc. will be forwarded to Mr. Paul at a later time.
Thank you for your cooperation,
The Logan Paul Team
 I rolled my eyes, sighing as I turned off my phone, shoving it begrudgingly back into my pocket. At least when he got home I’d have material to nag him about, I mean, who has a secretary to send automated messages to people while you’re working?
“You ok?” Zach mumbled softly, his eyes straying from the game that had been holding his attention as he turned to face me. I smiled softly, shrugging it off.
“Yeah, It’s all good. I mean, I’d kinda been hoping to spend a little more time with my brother today, but it’s ok. We’ve got all summer, so I don’t think I really have a right to complain.” I chuckled lightly heartedly. The other boys still seemed engrossed in their game, but Zach suddenly seemed to care less about the group activity. He nodded, smiling softly as he listened.
“Nah, I get it…it’s hard when you don’t get to see your family every day. Whenever I go home and get to spend time with my siblings? That’s everything to me, ya know? I’m sure it’s tough, having both of your brothers out here in L.A.” I smiled, nodding gently.
“Yeah, yeah it is. Thanks.” He returned the grin, squeezing my knee supportively before getting up off the couch.
End of Part One
If you’re interested in a second part, feel free to let me know, thanks!
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inocent-as-a-rose · 5 years ago
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Jo: ZACH! If we want to finish the song you'll have to stay awake!
Z: I'm sorry, I'm just really tired.
C: yeah, Jonah, the boy's tired
Ja: you can't expect him to be awake, [YN] got home last night.
Z: *blushing*
D: you'd be the same if Tate came over.
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chilling-seavey · 5 years ago
Passchendaele - XIX
A/N My posting schedule landed right on real life Zach’s birthday so happy birthday to him...you’ll always be sixteen in my eyes...
T/W Graphic descriptions of war violence and weaponry, blood, and death
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The men were sent over the top again the following day around mid afternoon, Daniel with a new ranking patch crudely sewn onto his left sleeve. He definitely didn’t have the careful hand that his sister did when it came to a needle and thread. Despite his pride of the higher rank, Daniel still felt uneasy, not quite his usual self, and he found himself smoking another cigarette from Christian’s old pack after supper. Thankfully he slept that night, although not very long, but it gave him just enough energy to head into their next battle.
His rifle was freshly cleaned, wiped down of the mud and grime from their previous fight, enough so he could almost see his reflection in the metal. The rain still fell, lighter now but still intense and it only made the flooding worse, the water now up to their knees in the trenches. The battlefield itself was no different, the shell craters still filled with water and the mud soft enough to suck men under.
Corbyn had to lead the group so they lost sight of him quickly among the smoke, but Zach and Daniel stayed together, picking off the enemy one by one. They were certainly more efficient when they worked together, huddling behind the line of barbed wire and firing two on one.
They pushed forward together, Daniel taking lead as Zach followed behind him, covering each other when one would crouch to reload. The mud was terrible and they struggled to stand steadily as they walked, boots slipping thickly with each step. They were covered in it too, caked in mud up to their heads and the heavy rain did little to wash it away. Bullets zipped past them, landing stiffly into the ground as they managed to dodge them, eventually resorting to crawling along the ground to keep low. As each shell hit, they threw their arms over their heads to protect themselves the best they could.
They made it pretty far across the field, taking cover behind a half drowned German artillery that was still a good way away from their front lines, most likely from a prior battle weeks before. Zach pushed himself over to sit back against the cold metal, adjusting his helmet breathlessly as he started to reload his rifle. Daniel peered around the side of the half-destroyed gun, eyes scanning the German lines in the distance, raised slightly above them. He could see the shadows of the town of Passchendaele in the distance. The rest of their battalion fought around them, shells from both sides shooting mud into the air, a few not even going off as they lodged themselves in the mud.
Daniel wiped the rain from his face as he turned back to sit beside Zach.
“See anything?” Zach asked loudly over the hard gunfire around them.
“I can see the town.” Daniel replied, digging his finger in the magazine of his rifle to try and clear the mud that was starting to lodge itself in the crevices again. “We’re bloody close.”
“Christ…are we taking it today?” Zach gaped.
“We can’t take the entire German front just the two of us.” Daniel retorted.
Zach sighed and shifted onto his knees to peek through a gap in the metal. A stray bullet hit right next to him and he threw himself back, nearly landing on Daniel in the process.
“What do we do now?” Zach asked quickly as Daniel pushed him off.
Daniel looked back around the edge, the sun starting to set so the dimming grey skies only made it harder to see. He sat back again, pressing a hand to his head in thought, trying to think of a logical next step as a Sergeant but also keep his mind out of it as to not really process the death that was surrounding them.
“Seavey?” Zach tried again.
“I-I don’t know!” Daniel said loudly, angry at himself for not knowing and for constantly letting his emotions get in the way. He got to his feet, staying ducked behind the artillery they were hiding behind, trying to pull the bolt on his rifle. It was stuck.
Zach watched him fight with it for a moment, Daniel grumbling angrily under his breath, finally opening the gun and pulling out the unused bullets with shaking hands.
“Piece of fucking shit.” Daniel tucked the bullets into his pouch again and unclipped the bayonet before tossing the rifle into the mud.
“What are you-” Zach started.
“You better cover me.” Daniel ordered sharply, pulling Zach to his feet. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, his anger only fueling it more. “We’re just killing as many as we can. It’s all we can do right now.” Daniel ordered.
“You can’t fight without a rifle!” Zach protested.
“That’s why you’re covering me, Herron!” Daniel snapped, grabbing the boy by the front of his uniform and pushed him out from behind their hiding spot. They both ducked quickly as a rain of bullets flew at them, hitting the mud messily with their heads down. They crawled quickly into one of the craters in the mud, keeping out of the water that would surly suck them under.
“This is your stupidest idea yet!” Zach screamed.
“Just start firing!” Daniel yelled.
Zach took position and watched as Daniel jumped back out right into the middle of the battle. It was like watching a hero, Daniel fueled by his emotions enough to use only his bayonet against a full army of loaded men. Zach made sure to carefully back him, eyes scanning the area and knocking off anyone who even looked at him for too long.
Daniel seemed to perfect the art of disassociating, digging the blade into man after man, watching them fall around him without a second thought. One put up a good fight as Daniel slung his arm around his neck from behind and dragged him to the ground, the older man easily pushing back. Daniel made it on top of him, straddling him, holding the man’s face down in the mud, his bayonet glinting in the moonlight as he pushed it right between the man’s shoulder blades.
“I need to reload!” Zach screamed across a few yards away, his last bullet finishing off the man that Daniel had pinned to the ground. Daniel came running back, sliding messily into the crater to avoid any gunfire from the German lines, panting hard as he regained his composure, tossing his well used bayonet to the side. Zach reloaded his rifle as quickly as he could, eyeing Daniel who sat next to him, staring his hands that were covered in fresh blood. They didn’t notice the gunfire slowing.
Daniel let his hands fall into the murky water that filled the bottom of the crater, his boots keeping him above the pool as he rinsed the blood off. His hands were shaking with adrenaline, feeling his eyes fill with tears again as realization started to set in. Whose brother or father did he just kill out there with his bare hands?
“Don’t think about it.” Zach said as if reading his mind, clicking the rifle back into place, “That’s what Corbyn always tells me.”
Daniel didn’t reply, sitting back against the side of the crater and closed his eyes for a moment, setting his hands over his face as he took a few deep breaths.
“If it wasn’t them it would have been you.” Zach mumbled.
Daniel paused a moment before dropping his hands. Silence filled the air around them.
“Why is it so quiet?” Daniel whispered, turning around to peek over the side of the crater. The dark landscape was only filled with the sound of the light rain hitting the mud puddles, the torn-up land spanning for miles, empty. Everyone was gone back to the trenches, only the dead piling across the field.
“Bloody hell.” Zach said.
“Do you remember which way our front lines are?” Daniel asked quietly.
They two of them scanned the area, the darkness and emptiness of the fields making every direction look the exact same.
“No.” Zach mumbled. “What do we do?”
“Wait until sunrise.” Daniel sighed, sitting back again with a tired sigh.
“They’re going to think we’re dead.” Zach protested.
“We will be if we go wandering aimlessly into the German trenches.” Daniel retorted.
Zach nodded in agreement, resting his rifle against the side of the crater. Daniel took his entrenching tool from his belt and clipped it together, starting to dig a bit of a ledge for them to sit on. The crater they were in wasn’t very big, only about two meters in diameter, and the distance from the top of the water to the edge gave them a good three feet. They had to keep their heads down just in case they could be spotted by the German lines and their voices soft to not be heard.
When each of them had a small ledge to sit on in the mud, Daniel set his shovel in the side of the dirt and leaned back.
“I’m hungry.” Zach broke their silence first.
Daniel reached into his jacket and pulled out a small ration of crackers, passing half of them over to the boy. Zach thanked him with a wide smile. Daniel turned onto his side; arms crossed over his chest as he stared into space again.
“What’s the first thing you want to do when you get home?” Zach asked through a mouthful of cracker.
“I don’t know.” Daniel mumbled.
“You can’t honestly tell me you’ve never thought about it.” Zach retorted.
“I wanted to have a nice supper with my family.” Daniel whispered. “But I can’t do that anymore so…”
Zach broke the cracker in half that he had in his hand and he nibbled on the corner, “You still can.”
“Not without Christian.” Daniel bit his lip.
Zach stared at his back that was facing him, “I don’t think Christian would want you to be sad. Would he?”
“Probably not.” Daniel sighed. He turned over to face Zach, curling an arm under his head as he looked at him, “It just hurts terribly.”
Zach nodded, finishing the last of his crackers and he dusted the crumbs off his hands on his trousers, “I don’t doubt that.”
The two fell into silence a moment, Daniel digging his finger into the mud haphazardly, the rain falling softly around them in a list mist.
“I didn’t tell Elizabeth.” Daniel finally whispered. “About Christian.”
“Why not?”
Daniel sighed lightly, “I didn’t want her to worry about me. Didn’t want her to worry about when I was gonna end up like him.”
“You’re going to go home to her, you know?” Zach insisted.
Daniel shrugged, keeping his eyes down, dragging his finger through the mud.
“I swear it.” Zach added. “You’re going to get out of his hell and be home with your girl.”
“You are too.” Daniel whispered, glancing up at Zach through the misty rain.
The younger boy shrugged, his legs tucked up to his chest as he picked at the mud himself now between his boots, his lips set in a small pout.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Daniel frowned, mimicing his shrug.
“I don’t know. I have nothing at home. No purpose. Wouldn’t matter if I died out here.”
“You’re sixteen, Herron. You have your whole life ahead of you.” Daniel sat up a little on his arms, narrowing his eyes with disbelief at what his friend was saying. “We both do.”
“I dunno. Maybe Christian was right...how am I supposed to look at my mother after what we’ve done out here? How am I supposed to tell her I love her every night after killing men in cold blood? What kind of son does that?”
“You can’t blame yourself for that.” Daniel tisked. “It’s the government’s doing.”
“Not for me.” Zach breathed. “I enlisted underage. Voluntarily. I did this to myself.”
“So did I. I enlisted voluntarily too. That fact doesn’t make us horrible people, it just makes us good patriots.”
“I dunno.” Zach leaned his chin on his arms that rested across his knees.
“Your mother isn’t going to love you any less because you were out here fighting. You’re out here fighting for a better future for everyone at home and that’s not something to be taken lightly.”
Zach ran the back of his hand under his nose and sniffled before leaning his head against his arms.
“We’re going to be okay.” Daniel said. Zach nodded lightly.
The nighttime air was brisk, and the mud and rainwater that soaked through their uniforms chilled them, both young men curling into themselves to stay warm. They sat there for a while in the shell crater, silent and forced to stay as still as possible. Daniel checked his watch for the first time in a long time, reading just past midnight and he sighed deeply, resting his head back agaisnt the dirt wall and closed his eyes for a moment.
“Can we keep talking?” Zach asked, his teeth chattering in the spring air as the water and mud they were soaked in was getting cold.
“Yeah.” Daniel turned his head to look the few short feet away to where Zach sat curled up.
“You gonna marry Elizabeth when you get home?” Zach asked, his warm breath coming out in light clouds as his mouth broke into a small cheeky smile.
“I plan to.” Daniel returned his friend’s smile, arms tucked around himself.
“Good. I like her.” Zach said softly.
“I’m glad I have your blessing.” Daniel chuckled.
“You definitely do.” Zach smiled, resting the side of his head against his arms again tiredly, facing him.
“Are you going to come to the wedding?” Daniel asked.
“If she says yes.” Zach teased, earning a kick from Daniel, making him smother his laughter into his sleeve.
“Bastard.” Daniel said through a light laugh.
“She’s gonna say yes.” Zach assured him.
“I don’t need you to tell me that.” Daniel tisked playfully as he shoved him, making the smaller boy nearly topple into the water. Their startled gasps filled the nighttime air as they tried not to make a sound, Daniel grabbing onto Zach just in time so he didn’t make a splash in the water.
Daniel sat back as they got settled again, sharing silent laughter stemmed from their exhaustion. Zach shifted against the mud to find a more comfortable position, curling up the best he could against the ground and Daniel did the same, both trying to get some rest before daybreak.
They didn’t even get a moment to sleep before a loud explosion in the distance startled them both back up.
“What was that?” Zach asked, panic apparent in his voice. Daniel peered over the edge of the crater, Zach grabbing his rifle in the process.
Daniel held his hand up to tell him to hold back, watching another explosion go off in the near distance, mud and rain water splashing up with it. Two dark forms were walking through the battlefield, matching the pace of each staggered explosion as they slowly got closer.
“They’re bombing the craters.” Daniel breathed, turning to Zach, “Making sure they’re empty.”
“Germans?” Zach clarified. 
“What do we do?” Zach asked quickly.
“Shoot them. It will buy us time.” Daniel whispered.
Zach nodded, pulling the bolt on his rifle. It didn’t budge.
The boys looked up at each other with wide eyes and Daniel snatched the gun to try it himself, sure enough, finding it jammed with frozen mud. Another explosion rang through the air and they could feel it shake the ground below them as the two men got closer.
“They have guns, we can’t take them with just the bayonets.” Zach whispered, his voice shaking.
“I know. Stay against the side and whatever happens, don’t make a sound.” Daniel ordered quietly, kicking the rifle into the water to hide it.
They pressed themselves up against the side of the crater, staying as still as they could and simply praying for the best. Zach was trembling and Daniel could see him shaking through the dark, close enough to still make out his terrified and uncertian expression.
Another explosion shook the ground, a few loose pieces spewing into their crater and they could hear the two men walking behind them, their boots squeltching in the mud. Zach held out his hand and Daniel held his hand tightly, Zach’s cold and soiled skin sending chills up Daniel’s arm. The younger boy bit hard into his bottom lip, eyes finding Daniel’s as they sat only two feet apart and shared silent reassurance to each other.
The men’s walking stopped for a moment. Zach pressed his finger to his lips, making Daniel’s eyebrows furrow for a brief moment just before the German grenade was thrown into the crater right in front of them. The fuse was dissapearing quickly and before Daniel could even flinch, Zach was tearing his hand from Daniel’s and throwing himself on top of it.
It all happened so fast, Zach tucking his body around the grenade and hugged his arms over his head, and barely two and a half seconds later, Daniel was alone.
His ears rang with the impact of the explosion, warm blood dripping down his face and soaking his entire uniform in thick splatters mixed in with the freezing cold mud. Daniel didn’t move. He was frozen stiff, his mouth parted with intense shock and hands held out stiffly in front of him as if waiting for something. The blood trickled down his cheek, trailing over his bottom lip before falling in silent drops onto his lap.
The explosions got distant again and only a few short minutes later the battlefield was back into perfect silence. Daniel took a jagged breath, his body starting to shake violently and he reached a hand up to wipe the blood from his face. It was everywhere; smudged over his cheeks and hands and contaminating the muddy water with deep red. The dismembered hand laying across the crater was the tipping point, Daniel’s body heaving him forward and he threw up against the mud as he let out a wracking sob that he smothered into his uniform sleeve. Tears poured down his cheeks, finally letting out all the emotions of the past weeks in one go.
He bent forward over the mud, crying hard into his palm to try and smother the sound as to not give himself away. A glint of silver caught his eye and he reached out to grab Zach’s dogtags that were wedged in the mud a few feet off.
“Oh, God!” Daniel weeped, falling back against the side of the crater, trying the best he could to still keep quiet as he cried uncontrollably, clutching the thin metal tags in his hands. His whole body was shaking and he was shivering with cold, hugging his arms around himself to try and keep warm, his wracking sobs kept silent by his teeth that bit hard into his sleeve.
Zach’s dogtags clinked together quietly in the cool wind, held tightly in Daniel’s blood coated grip as he cried himself to exhausion, sleep finally taking over.
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smolboiseavey · 6 years ago
My McFRICKIN Masterlist!!
Last updated: 01/06/2020
**:smut :0
•:personal favorite
~~: popular uwu
Crossed out: not published yet ://
I Think I Like You // Highschool AU~~: After going on a hike you accidentally confess your feelings for Corbyn, and soon find out that he has feelings for you too.
Hostage // captive AU•: Daniel is your captive and you decide to tell him a few things.
Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice // Werewolf AU: You and Daniel have been roommates for a month. Everything seems to be going great, until he starts acting suspicious and uncovers a big secret.
I Wanna Be Just Like You [continuation of Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice] // werewolf AU: Daniel and Y/N have been dating for a couple months now and he decides to take her back to his family's pack in Seattle. After learning more about Daniel and the werewolf culture, Y/N gets frustrated because she can't seem to fit in.
Stress**: You’re stressed because of school and in need of some relief, which Daniel gladly provides.
Daddy Issues: you pull a prank on Daniel just to have it backfire on you...in a good way ;)
Boyfriend Material // high school AU: a cute blurb featuring a pretty good pickup line and some cute Daniel James.
Lost in Your Eyes: another blurb featuring some fluff !! and another cheesy pickup line.
An angsty fluff: Late night thoughts with Katie and Jack take a dark turn uwu
Royalty // guard/princess AU: As a princess, you’re expected to marry a noble. But what will happen when you start to fall for your guard, Jonah?
Jealousy~~: you’re looking through Shawn Mendes’ Instagram and Zach gets a little jealous.
All five~
Untitled // highschool AU: the group decides to explore an abandoned hospital for Halloween. Their adventure takes a dark turn for the worse. 
Pocket! Why Don’t We // tiny! Why Don’t We AU: the why don’t we boys are tiny af and crawling straight into your heart uwu
Other people~
Cancer // Grayson Dolan x reader: small talks with Grayson lead to dark things.  
Songs for when you lose somebody you never really had in the first place~~
Songs for when your mom tricks you into going to work with her because you’re not allowed to stay home alone even though you’re pretty capable of taking care of yourself
Songs for when you’re in chemistry class burning stuff and your friend decides to ditch you
Songs for when it’s cold outside but you miss summer•
Songs for when it’s 4 am and you need to sleep but you’re too busy being angsty to do so (featuring commentary by yours truly)
Songs for when you fall madly in love with your high school crush (featuring commentary by yours truly)
Songs for when you realize you’re an extra in someone else’s story (featuring commentary uwu)
I Think I Like You
Official Taglist~
@gracenadinelimelight, @katie-avery​, @seaveyssparkle​, @kvd963, @dagmara-mae, @jennasgolden, @helloatomicshadow, @sfx-bands, @only-stan-mendes, @whydontwenorway @boredombesson @fratnielluer @seaveylicious @daliseavey1 @aquigley24 @thisgrlrocks03
Thank you guys SO MUCH for all the support on my works! I’ll be updating this as I write and create, so stay tuned! 
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jonahlovescoffee · 3 years ago
Sunflower Field Confessions | J.M.
a/n: i will fight anyone who argues that jonah doesn't look like a prince in this pic :') also, i was listening to taytay's fearless album while writing this so the plot might be all over the place sorry !!! ok bye now that i've posted lemme just casually go on a writing hiatus , happy reading <3 (and also, a big fat thank you to @the-girl-who-cried-wolf and @randomlimelightxxx for hyping me up to finish this cheesy fic that i hate so much)
summary: you might not be part of royalty like Jonah was, but you were certainly the queen of his heart.
warnings: fluff and kinda sorta bad writing because i suck
word count: 4865
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Upon hearing a rapid thudding of footsteps, the brunet prince turned to the direction of the sound just in time to see the girl he had been waiting for for quite some time at the sunflower field tripping over a stone and barreling towards him. He reacted quickly to stop her from plummeting onto the ground, wrapping a steady arm around her waist and pulling her into his chest on instinct. “Woah, woah, watch your footing next time. Don’t wanna ruin this pretty face you have now, do we?” He asked the girl who was currently in his arms, the teasing tone in his voice unmissable.
“Oh my gosh, I…I,” you stammered, unable to form a coherent sentence when your mind became a jumbled mess as your face reddened instantly at his indirect compliment. The crimson that dusted your cheeks vaguely turned darker when you realized how close you were to him. Shocked, you pulled away from his embrace, immediately missing his warmth (and the exquisite scent of him that reminded you of the finest herbs in town). “Work at the bakery ended so much later than expected and I was afraid you would’ve thought I forgot about our meeting and left before I arrived,” you blabbered, your nerves getting the best of you. “I’m so sorry for making you wait, your highness!”
Jonah frowned at the mention of the title. After years of knowing each other, your habit of referring to him with his royal status hadn’t changed one bit, no matter how close you had gotten with each other and it annoyed him. He loved being a prince more than anything, yes, but he didn’t like the fact that in your head, you always considered him as someone far more superior than you when you actually weren’t. To the others, maybe, but to him, you were his everything and the only one he swore to himself to protect with his life. If anything, that only proved that he was the inferior one.
Besides, he had decided long ago that he loved the way you say his name most.
“I told you, you don’t have to call me that,” he flicked your nose playfully, a familiar gesture that you’d grown so used to over the years. He seemed to never get tired of doing it to annoy you and well, you indeed found it annoying when you were younger but as time passed, it had become a symbol of your tight-knit relationship with him that most people would kill to have. “Plus, I’m the one who should be apologizing for not being able to hang out with you as often as I used to.”
“It’s totally fine, your—Jonah,” you changed your choice of words quickly when he shot you a glare. “Being the future King comes with tons of workload, I know. You have far more important things to do than spend time with…me.”
“Impossible,” he laughed and shook his head at your incredulousness. He threaded his fingers through yours mindlessly before starting to walk and you followed suit, trying not to get distracted by how nice his large hands felt enveloping yours. How on Earth does he manage to make your thoughts a mess with just a simple touch? You didn’t know, but you welcomed the unexplainable feeling all the same.
His voice knocked you out of your thoughts. “Who else is going to keep me sane, huh?”
“True,” you admitted, giggling softly. “Someone’s gotta remind you that it’s okay to put yourself first instead of the kingdom sometimes.”
“To be frank, I’m still having a hard time heeding to your advice,” he admitted sheepishly.
“I know,” your joined hands swayed slightly as you walked amongst the sea of sunflowers that bloomed so brightly as if each petal held a radiant memory. The meadow had a peripheral awareness of its own beauty yet would rather be at peace in this warm sun, you noted, just like the man beside you.
He could be anywhere else at this moment—busy studying law in the castle’s library, discussing politics with his father, courting remarkable princesses and duchesses—but he chose to be here, taking a pointless stroll in a sunflower field with plain old you.
He didn’t notice when you casted your gaze upwards towards his face, secretly admiring how effortlessly regal he still managed to look in casual clothes instead of his usual royal attire, his unruly brown hair on full display without the presence of his crown. You studied him closely, examining every inch of his side profile…and frowned when you saw the new eyebags under his eyes. You almost reached up to touch his face and trace them. Almost. “But it looks like I'm not doing a very good job at it because it looks like someone is insanely sleep deprived.”
“Yea…I might’ve not gotten as much sleep as I should this past month,” he shrugged nonchalantly like it was not a big deal. You sighed. He’s too selfless sometimes—okay, scratch that—most of the time it’s infuriating.
“You promised me that you’d take good care of yourself,” you said in an accusing manner. He turned to you to find concern written all over your features. The sight warmed his heart and he had to bite back a smile. You always care about him too much, in all the ways no one else did, not even his family members and…
God, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you to show how much he appreciated you. How much he loved you.
He could if he wanted to. Being in close proximity, your lips looked too devastatingly inviting, causing Jonah to wonder if it felt as soft as it looked, if he could claim it as his. Claim you as his, forever.
Jonah pressed his lips into a thin line, reprimanding his inappropriate thoughts about his best friend. You, however, mistakened his expression for annoyance so you added, “or at least try to.”
“I am, okay? There’s just too much on my plate lately,” he admitted sheepishly. “But I’m fine.”
“That’s exactly what someone who isn’t fine will say,” you nudged him slightly. “You’ve got anything to share with me, buddy?”
“It amuses me how one moment you’re all shy around me and calling me ‘your highness’ and the next thing I know you’re calling me ‘buddy’ and forcing me to tell you about my personal life,” he joked, earning an eye roll from you.
“Come on, cut the teasing and spill your problems to me already,” you whined pleadingly, dragging the last syllable, a childish trick of yours to attempt to get others to do what you wanted. Unfortunately, most people found it annoying yet Jonah never seemed to mind your ridiculous antics.
“Of course, I always do,” he ruffled your hair with his free hand, which you swatted away almost immediately. “Still have no idea why you haven’t gotten sick of me yet.”
I’d be the world’s biggest idiot to ever want to get rid of my crush—those were the words that were left unsaid by you. Your crush on him was your biggest secret after all. A secret that might threaten the precious platonic bond you both already had between each other. So instead of confessing your hidden feelings for him, you sent him a sweet smile that mirrored his and he took that as a sign to start reciting everything that had happened to him in the last month.
Being his most trusted person, he didn’t hesitate to confide every little detail of his life to you because unlike the others, you truly listened and never judged him for how he felt. You never interrupted him when he’s talking but instead you hung onto his every word, always listening to the entirety of his rants before offering genuine advice.
From the outside, it might look like he was an obnoxious spoilt prince who loved to talk about nothing but himself but in reality, Jonah was a man of few words, which was also one of the main reasons the prestigious women who his mother set him up with lost interest in him after not several, but one date. He was cold and closed off towards others (you had seen that with your own eyes so you knew that for sure), but with you, he was an entirely different person. He gladly shared with you every little detail of his life—his adventures abroad, his overwhelming workload and whatever juicy court drama he overheard the maids gossiping about—not just because he was comfortable with you, but mainly because he knew that you had been intrigued with the inner workings of court and what’s it’s like to live a lavish life as royalty since forever.
This time, Jonah told you about how badly his father wanted to hand him the kingdom but he couldn’t do that unless his son got married so too eager to play a matchmaker to help his son find the “love of his life”, the Queen started setting up dates for the poor prince every night. He found the latter absolutely absurd and a complete waste of time but he loved his parents too much to go against their will. That was how Jonah ended up juggling two things at once—running a kingdom and putting up with spoiled female royals who got on his nerves more than he’d like to admit.
“It’s not that bad,” you gave him a pitiful smile and squeezed his hand when he groaned frustratingly. You hated the fact that he had been seeing other girls but it’s not like he reciprocated their feelings so…you’re fine, you thought, but him not falling in love now didn’t mean that he wouldn’t in future. One lucky choice in girls made by his mother was all it took to accidentally knock him off his feet, his breath out of him…and his heart into the lucky girl’s hands. Simply put, the odds of him falling in love was thankfully extremely low but that didn’t mean it was entirely impossible. And if he did—when he did—you weren’t sure if you could deal with the heartbreak that’d definitely come along with it.
But that was something you would stress about another day.
“Dinners are fun though,” you tried to cheer him up. “Fancy food, fancy clothes and not to mention a fancy private dining hall with romantic lighting!”
“Yeah dinners can be fun if only the girls I’m dining with aren’t all such idiotic airheads with no personality whatsoever,” he complained and you hated yourself for feeling relieved. He shook his head. “Enough about me though, I wanna hear about your life. Anything interesting happened while I was gone?”
“Ummm, business at the bakery has been thriving, so that’s good and uhhh…” you trailed off, biting your bottom lip, contemplating whether you should tell him about the real highlight of the past month. You sucked in a breath as if the newly inhaled oxygen could give you more courage to speak. “Two boys have been sending flowers every morning to me. One even went as far as to ask me out on a date,” you blurted in one go.
You swore you saw his jaw clench for a millisecond. One blink and his tense demeanor was gone without a trace, replaced by his usual playful grin, which led you to believe that your eyes might’ve tricked you into seeing something that wasn’t there in the first place.
“Someone’s quite a catch in town I see,” he made a lighthearted joke but you hated it. You hated that it didn’t even bug him one bit that there were boys out there trying to win your heart; you hated that he was indifferent; you hated that he didn’t care the way you wanted him to, didn’t react the way you wanted him to.
You liking him doesn’t mean he’ll like you back, dumbass, you mentally scolded yourself for being a…well, a lovesick idiot. And not to forget an occasionally delusional one.
“Oh, shut up,” you prayed that you sounded unbothered enough to be passed off as unsuspicious and your disappointment (and a tad bit of sadness) couldn’t be heard from your voice. “It’s not like you don’t have the whole country of girls swooning over you.”
“We are not talking about me now, are we?”
“Ugh, go away, you’re being annoying.”
“Sorry, sweetheart, but I can’t because you’re holding me too tightly,” he brought your joined hands into your line of vision to prove his point and sure enough, you were gripping his hand like you were afraid he’d slip away. You let go of it abruptly with a huff, turning away in mock anger (and also to hide your blush of bashfulness and embarrassment for the pet name he chose and being called out, respectively). Unbeknownst to you, Jonah immediately regretted what he said earlier for he realised that he didn’t want your hands to detach from each other’s when they’re obviously the perfect fit. “Hey, don’t get mad, I’m just curious as to who you’re planning to choose.” So he could do a thorough background check on said guy to make sure he’s a suitable match for you…
…and to see what magical qualities he possessed to make you choose him over Jonah himself. To make you give him the privilege of being the special someone Jonah had always wanted to be for you.
“Neither. They’re both not my type.”
“Then what’s your type, exactly?”
His question didn’t really come as a surprise to you--it’s normal for him to be curious since come to think of it, you realised that you never told him about this before and vice versa--yet that didn’t mean you were prepared to give him the honest answer.
Is there even anyone on Earth who actually has the guts to confess their love for someone who they aren’t sure felt the same way? If there was, you were definitely not one of them, that’s for sure. You chose your next words carefully since you couldn’t possibly tell him straight to his face that your type was him, a prince who you knew you had no chance with and make things awkward between the both of you right?
“Honestly, I don’t really know, ‘cause,” you avoided his gaze, focusing on the ground instead where your shoe-clad-feet were kicking bits of dirt into the air. You didn't have to be looking at him to know that he was listening intently though. “I’ve fallen in love only once in my life and it’s with a guy who…I don’t think likes me back so I don’t think I have a type when it’s always been him alone and no one else.”
Jonah could feel an astounding amount of weights crashing down on him instantly, shattering his heart and he could barely breathe. Is this what heartbreak feels like? He had no idea it could be this painful. All he knew was it‘s stupid, really, for someone as cold-blooded as him to feel the way he felt right now because of…love?…when he didn’t even flinch or bat an eye when he witnessed the brutal executions of criminals alongside his father.
It’s always been him—your words echoed in his mind repeatedly. Jonah didn’t know who he was, but he might be—no, he was—the luckiest guy on earth to have your heart and a fool if he didn’t reciprocate your feelings.
“Jonah,” his train of thought crashed into a wall in an instant, the latter being the sound of your voice.
“What were you saying again?”
“I said that it’s terribly unfair if I’m the only one spilling my secrets out to you.”
“You kept the details so vague and didn't even mention his name so it’s technically not considered a secret!”
“And you haven’t told me what you want in a girl!” You retorted swiftly. “With how you closed off and curt you are towards them them, sometimes I can’t help but wonder if you’re secretly gay.”
“I’m certainly not gay, I can assure you of that,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “In fact, I have my eyes on someone in particular too--”
“It’s the Princess of Eldorra, isn’t it?”
Princess Gwenlyn--the heiress to the throne of one of the biggest kingdoms in the Southern Continent that Jonah’s father was nearly dying to form an alliance with through the marriage of their children; the princess whose name was spoken in nothing but awe and admiration by people throughout the lands about her remarkable beauty, her down-to-earth kindness--everything about her was deemed perfect by the public, including her love for the man of your dreams.
She could be seen latching onto him at every public event whenever she’s in the kingdom for visits to the royal family. Wherever he was, she was either standing awfully close to him or worse—with his hands all over him as if she wanted to tell—no, show—the world that he’s hers.
They’d make such a lovely couple! Ah, young love! They’re literally made for each other! Their kids would turn out so beautiful!
You heard the gossip, the hushed whispers among the older ladies on the street whenever the “young royal couple” came to town. You wanted to tune out the compliments, but you couldn’t, because there were too many; so you started to look for any sorts of hate towards them but there wasn’t any.
It was clear that everyone loved them and from the way he never pushed her away, maybe...he did too.
The thought of it made your heart twist in unimaginable ways.
“You don’t like her,” he stated bluntly, stopping in his tracks. Instinctively, you stopped walking too.
You didn’t expect him to call you out. Planning to lie your way out of this situation and realising that panic was probably written all over your face, you replied with a quick “no” and tried to recompose yourself.
However, one brief crack in your nonchalant facade was enough for Jonah to notice your blatant lie. “I’ve read enough faces to know that you’re not telling the truth.”
“Sorry to say that you’re wrong this time then,” you started to walk again. You never liked to talk about feelings because you knew yours was…pathetic, delusional and fucking meaningless when the one you fell for was somebody that was so far out of your league that it was a miracle that you were even here with him, getting interrogated by him about your thoughts on his potential betrothed. You didn’t know which direction you were walking towards, you just needed to put a distance between him and yourself.
Were you being dramatic? Maybe, but with how persistent he was to pry an answer out of you, you needed to show him how much you didn’t want to continue the conversation. Walking away was probably the most useless option one could ever choose but it’s the only thing you could think of at the moment. Yet Jonah, as always, wouldn’t back down until he got what he wanted.
“Oh my goodness, just admit it, you don’t like her,” you picked up your pace when you felt him walking after you.
“Hey,” the grip he had around your wrist wasn’t tight enough to hurt you, but it was enough to stop you from moving any further. “What’s wrong?”
You tried to ignore the way your skin was practically on fire from his simple touch. His hold didn’t burn but it sent jolts of warmth coursing through your veins, eventually making their way towards your heart, encasing it in a bubble of delicious heat.
You turned to face him, his soft eyes almost making you melt into a puddle right then and there. “Can we...not talk about her?”
“Why?” He asked but received no reply, so he added, “Y/N, you can tell me anything, you know that right? I’m your best friend...oh.”
A ghost of a smirk played on his lips as he suddenly managed to piece together the loose, mismatched puzzle pieces of what caused your sudden mood change. Best friends combined with sour feelings whenever someone else of the opposite sex was mentioned? That could only mean one thing. Still, he could be wrong but…there’s only one way to find out—by addressing the elephant in the room (or rather, in this circumstance, in the sunflower field).
“You’re jealous.”
“What?” A light shade of pink coloured your cheeks, which prompted him to take a step closer to you.
“You hate her being close to me,” another step. “You hate the way she gets to touch me freely anytime she wants while you have to hide in the crowd, pretending you don’t even know me,” and another. “Most importantly, you hate that I seem to enjoy her presence so much that it makes you think I might be in love with her.”
You stood rooted to your spot as he listed out everything you hated about their disgustingly sweet interactions in public, and got none wrong. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed for your ugly emotions to come to light or pleasantly surprised that he seemed to be unbothered—delighted even—that you felt this way about him.
“Tell me, am I right, Y/N?” He stopped walking when his body was a hair’s breadth away from yours. Up close, you could see the gold flecks in his green eyes and honestly speaking, you wouldn’t mind staring and getting lost in them all day.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t. He was your best friend and best friends didn't actually have the privilege to do that, nor the right to romanticize everything about each other…unless one of you chose to take a step further but that was out of the question.
He hadn’t remained as your best friend since the beginning for nothing. He was part of royalty, the future King, for goodness sake, whereas you were merely an ordinary baker living in a small town who earned just enough money to pass your days. The fine line between friends and lovers was clearly not meant for either of you to cross.
You both worked well as best friends who met up regularly in secret, and it should stay this way for the best.
“You can be too full of yourself sometimes, prince,” you held your gaze steady as his emerald eyes bore into yours. You weren’t sure if you were hallucinating when for a fleeting second, you saw flames of desire flickering in them.
“Same can be said about you, my dear,” he reached up to cup your cheek, his hand much more calloused than what you expected of a prince and the stroke of his thumb was gentle, light, as if you were something fragile that he was afraid to break. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe. “You sure are naive for thinking that I can't see through every single one of your lies.”
“So what if you’re right? It can’t--won’t change anything now, will it?”
“Depends,” his eyes zeroed in on your lips. He had been wondering how they tasted for a long while. “Do you want us to change?”
“I...I don’t know,” you stammered, your mind filled with uncertainty. If it was up to you, of course you wanted to be the one who had his heart, body and soul, the one he called his, the special one to him in a sea of millions but...those were all the things the Law and your status forbid both of you to do. Even if your friendship blossomed into something more, everything would still end up in flames.
So with an apologetic smile, you removed his hand from your cheek. “But I do know that this is wrong. There shouldn’t even be an us in the first place, Jonah,” you swallowed the lump in your throat. “You’re supposed to find your ‘happy ever after’ with someone better, someone with a royal background maybe, not with a nobody like me.”
“God, Y/N, can you not keep thinking about what’s best for me for once, and consider what I really want?” Jonah was annoyed at your stubbornness to give in. You were the one who always reprimanded him for always not putting himself first yet here you were, dismissing your feelings for him because you thought he deserved better. How ironic. When he spoke again though, his voice evidently softened, the frustrated edge gone. “Because news flash, Y/N, I’ve loved you since day one and all I want right now and forever, is you. Not Gwen, not anyone the papers claimed I’m dating, just you.”
You were taught to be prepared for whatever that came your way in life. Your parents insisted on you helping out at the bakery at a very young age, intending to prepare you well for the day it was your turn to run the bakery on your own; you had told yourself constantly that the one you loved didn’t reciprocate your feelings, to prepare yourself for the oncoming heartbreak. But no one had prepared you for...this. He loves you. The Crown Prince loves you. If it weren’t for the fact you could feel the sting of the light pinch you gave onto the back of your hand, you would’ve thought that this was merely a wild dream that you’d eventually wake up from. “Jonah I...I don’t know what to say.”
“So don’t say anything at all,” he breathed, slowly leaning in...
Then he kissed you.
Nothing else seemed to matter anymore once his lips clashed into yours. The world faded away, until all there’s left was you and him in your own little bubble, lips parting only to meet again and again and again, until you forgot everything save for the taste of his lips, his mouth, his tongue and how soft his hair was when you involuntarily raked your fingers through it. You had always wondered if your first kiss would be languid and chaste as you slowly explore each other’s mouth, or quick and urgent as if the world was about to end. This kiss though, was everything in between and more, fueled by the fiery passion that was bottled up for years and the intention of kissing the eight letters into each other’s bones over and over again. I love you, I love you, I love you...
“I think I love you too, my prince,” you unknowingly whispered into the kiss and you felt him smile against your lips.
“You do?” He asked teasingly and with your arms hooked around his neck, you could only pull him closer to emphasize your point. “Mhm-hmm,” you hummed pleasantly when his lips found yours again. He still couldn’t get enough of the lovely sensation of your lips on his but he didn’t mind that. He never wanted to ever get enough of you anyway.
“Good,” he mumbled and God, you were perfectly content to stay like this with him forever, just you and him sharing secretive kisses in a sunflower field without a care in the world...
But is there even a forever for you both?
“Not even a day into this new relationship and you’re already starting to worry about everything,” he said when he broke the kiss and pulled away because he felt the change in your previously elated mood.
“How do you even know?”
“You’re actually a very easy person to read if one knows where to look.”
“I am not!”
“And not to forget very defensive towards every comment made about you.”
“Oh my gosh, Jonah, cut it out!” You groaned dramatically, earning laughs from the prince.
“Okay, okay. Anyways, about us, we’ll take it one day at a time, see where life takes us,” he took your hands in his. “It’s going to be tough but we’ll make it, I promise.”
“What if I’m not capable of withstanding the challenges?” It was going to be hard. The cruel world would definitely find a way to rip and ruin your relationship and...you just weren’t sure if you were prepared to face it.
“Then I’ll be strong enough to fight for the both of us,” he assured you, pressing a kiss on your hair. “I’m tired of having to keep my love for you a secret when our love is something that should be celebrated.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his heartfelt sentiment.
“I won’t let anything get in the way of our happiness,” he squeezed your hands. “Do you trust me, my love?”
For what seemed to be the millionth time that day, you looked into his eyes. This time, they shone with nothing but love and determination, which made you realise that maybe things would be fine after all because you knew Jonah and how he never gave blank promises, said anything he didn’t mean or gave up easily on the things he had set his mind on.
This was going to be a wild, bumpy ride with him but...where’s the fun in life if it was smooth sailing, right?
So with a hopeful expression that mirrored his, you gave him your reply.
“I do.”
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taglist: @chilling-seavey @neralondon @randomlimelightxxx @kvd963 @cutiebandlover202 @savspersonalproperty @slowdownatthelotusinn @angelmarais @freakshows199 @my-fangirling-outlet @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @sadbitchfangirl @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @lokiandbuckylove @hometothecanyonmoon
98 notes · View notes
slowdownatthelotusinn · 3 years ago
Ardently (WDW Pride and Prejudice AU)
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Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the very person you cannot stand to be without.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
10 notes · View notes