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blushherron · 4 years ago
Fallin’ by Why Don’t We
(solo parts)
Corbyn Besson
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Daniel Seavey
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Zach Herron
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Jack Avery
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Jonah Marais
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– ive been waiting for this for so long now. it kinda made me emotional a little. i just miss them posting and dropping new songs. if only they have tumblr, they would probably see this.
oh, btw, i posted my reaction of the mv on my twitter, if you want to check is out, dm me, i’ll give you my twt handle ( i dont really want to put it on here)
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blushherron · 5 years ago
First Night Together | Zach Herron
A/N: Okay this is some cute Zach one shot for all of you out there!! I got this idea that morning and I just had to write it directly. I hope you all enjoy and please make sure to leave me some feedback and share if you liked it! And now let’s go 
Warnings: None! This is PURE FLUFF
Zach smiles up from the bed as he sees you walking out of the bathroom wearing shorts and some t shirt, “You look gorgeous babe” “Zach I’m wearing pjs.” “Doesn’t matter you always do and now come here cuddling.”
You make your way over to his bed sitting down on the soft mattress, “Is it okay when I sleep on the left side? I always do, in every bed”, you say and lean your back against the headboard.
Zach nods his head as he lifts himself up more wrapping one arm your shoulders, “Of course whatever side you prefer love. I’m just so happy you are here tonight. I wouldn’t have let you sleep next to the door, I mean just in case someone wants to murder us, you have the higher chance of surviving”, he nods all serious but you can’t help but laugh at his silliness, “sure thing yeah. But I knew you would protect me.”
He grabs the remote and turns on the movie you two decided to watch before going to sleep. It is some part of the Avengers you haven’t seen yet, not your favourite movie series but all you want to do is snuggling with your boyfriend. You grab the sheets placing them over both of your legs before you tangle yours with his making him grin at you.
It was the first night Zach and you ever spend together and you have to admit you are a bit nervous. You are dating for a few weeks now but staying at his place is really something else again. Do you sleep the same as him?  Is it okay for you when he holds you the entire night or does he even want you so close while he is asleep? Questions over questions go through your mind the entire day already, also about all the horrible scenarios that could happen.
You getting your period and staining his sheets, impossible though as you had it just a week ago but still. Then he could push you off the bed or you could take too much space. And what if he wants to kiss you in the morning but you got a bad breath?
“Are you alright?”, Zach asks his head turning over to study your side profile. He feels you aren’t as relaxed as usual. He places his hand on your thigh stroking gently over it, “I won’t pressure you to do anything tonight baby. We won’t do things that make you uncomfortable, I also won’t touch you in any inappropriate ways you don’t want me to okay. We will just cuddle.”
You slowly nod your head, “No, no Zach I trust you with all that. It’s just I’m a bit anxious. It’s our first night together and I don’t wanna mess up”, you mumble playing with one of the bracelets on his wrist.
He chuckles some lifting your chin with his index finger so you look into his eyes, “Y/N… you worry always way too much you know”, he says with the softest voice, “You can’t do anything wrong like you just sleep and we will snuggle that’s all I want and I hope you do too. I’m the happiest when you are around and having you in my arms the entire night just makes it all a hundred times better.”
A wide smile spreads across your face as his words make your heart flutter. There hasn’t been a guy before that treats you with so much care like Zach does, “You are the best”, you whisper and press your lips to his full ones.
“I’m pretty great yeah”, he smirks, one hand cradling the back of your head as he kisses you back, “But nothing compared to you.”
You can’t help but laugh at his comment but a small whimper leaves your lips as he squeezes your upper thigh, fingers stroking along your skin. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Your skin is way too soft.”
After the movie is over you both walk into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Zach standing next to you making you laugh constantly as he makes funny faces at you through the mirror, “Stop or I will choke myself with toothpaste”, you smirk and bump your hip against his almost making him stumble over. He spits out and grins at you, “You will get this back babe.”
Zach leans against the sink watching you curiously as you put some moisturizer on your face, “And you do this because of?”
“So my skin is soft and not so dry. You should give it a shot as well”, you put some on your finger and tap it onto his nose leaving a white spot, “Perfect”
He laughs and spreads it over to his cheeks, “Feels nice and now I smell like some sexy coconut.”
“Sexy? Really?”, you roll your eyes and put your hair up in a bun as always when you go to bed. “Exactly, you got it. You can’t deny that fact though”, he comes up behind you squeezing your butt playfully just to hear your adorable giggle again.
Back in his bedroom you both crawl under the sheets. As you are settled in he turns off the lights only the moon just shining a little through the blinds. He lays on his back while you rest on your side, your head is placed on his chest and his arms are both wrapped around you.
“Are you comfortable enough?”, he whispers earning a nod from you, “Yeah and thank you for letting me stay here tonight”, you place a kiss on his skin as he is shirtless.
“Always baby. Sweet dreams and if you need anything just wake me”, he presses a kiss on your forehead while you close your eyes falling asleep faster than ever in his arms.
This definitely isn’t the last night you will spend at his place.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
mr. & mrs. claus
pairing: zach herron x female!reader
requested: kind of (you guys wanted zach but nobody really requested this imagine)
word count: 2,069 words
warnings: none i believe (i don’t think i cursed in this one..hmm)
summary: mr. and mrs. pay young reese and ryan a visit. before that, however, the holly jolly couple struggles to get ready for said visit.
y/n’s p.o.v
“it’s cold outside, but you melt my heart away. it feels so right, it’s the perfect holiday,” i softly sang as i was applying finishing touches to my makeup.
i grabbed the bright red lipstick and began applying it to my lips.
i continued humming to the boys’ song when i felt someone wrap their arms around my waist.
i looked up to see my boyfriend grinning at me.
“can i kiss you this christmas?” his beautiful voice sang out, causing me to giggle.
he leaned down to kiss my cheek before releasing me, allowing me to finish applying my lipstick.
“i would kiss you on the lips, but then we’d probably be rocking the same lipstick color,” i turned around to look at him.
“i’ll take that risk,” zach said pulling me closer to him.
i grinned and leaned up to peck his lips.
“no, i want a real kiss.” the rosy-cheeked boy whined.
i smiled.
he leaned down and reconnected our lips.
i grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck, not breaking the kiss.
once we parted i look down to see he was still in his regular clothes.
i frowned, “why haven’t you changed?”
“i don’t know,” zach shrugged.
“zach, we, well santa claus and mrs. claus, have to be at your mom’s in like 30 minutes. can you please go change?” i asked sweetly.
“are you even ready?” he sassed.
“well, not necessarily but i’ll probably get ready faster than you.” i sassed back.
“is that a bet?” he asked getting closer to me.
“you bet it is, herron.” i furrowed my eyebrows. 
zach only glared at me before he dashed into our room.
“hey! no fair! you got a head start.” i whined rushing after him.
“sucks to be you!” the brunette teased.
i rolled my eyes before i rushed to our closet.
i quickly pulled out my costume and began stripping down, not caring that zach was in the room.
i turned to look at zach so see he already had his red pants up and he was currently struggling to slip on his shirt.
i laughed at the sight, slipping on the long red dress. i walked back to the closet and removed a white apron from a hanger. 
i slipped it over my head and attempted to tie the string behind my back.
but, i struggled to do so.
i huffed in frustration and turned to look at zach, who was also struggling to put a pillow into his shirt.
“hey, babe?” i asked my boyfriend in a sweet voice.
“what, y/n?” he responded, frustration laced in his voice.
“can you help me tie my apron?” i pouted at him.
he turned to look at me, “please don’t give me that look.”
“what look?” i pouted even more.
he sighed before coming over to be gently securing the string around my waist.
“thank you, baby,” i exclaimed kissing his cheek.
“yeah, yeah, whatever.” zach grumbled before resuming his struggling.
it was now my time to sigh.
“come over here you dork,” i mumbled, the bet now forgotten.
zach only grinned at me.
“you were supposed to put the pillow in first, and then the shirt.” i looked up into his brown eyes. “can you take your shirt off?”
zach complied with my order.
i reached down and pulled down the top of his pants a little.
instantly, zach’s cheeks went from pink to red. “woah, babe. you were just scolding me of not having enough time, and you want to this now?”
heat rushed to my face this time, “zach, that’s not what i’m trying to do.”
he smirked noticing that i, myself was flustered as well. “so, what are you trying to do?”
“i’m trying to stuff this pillow down your pants, to make your santa belly more real,” i explained as i put the pillow near the top of his pants.
“very well then,” zach giggled.
after i adjusted the pillow to make it look like a big belly, i asked zach to put his shirt back on.
“so, what happened with that bet?” he teased.
“it’s done with, we’re both in need of each other to the point where we cannot function without each other.” i nonchalantly told him as i was walking back to the bathroom, a white wig in hand.
“hey, can you get the red bonnet that’s on the bed? thanks,” i spoke.
a few more minutes went by and i had successfully put on the white wig, making it look somewhat believable. i took the bonnet and placed it on my head, tying it.
i made sure i looked fine and i went to look for zach.
“zach, are you almost ready?” i asked.
“yeah! i’m just putting on all this fake hair,” he shouted from the room.
“do you need help?” 
“…no?” he questioned.
i chuckled but went to go help the struggling boy.
i walked in to see him battling with the long white beard, that should be on his face, but for some reason was on his arm.
“what are you doing?” i raised an eyebrow at him.
“putting on my fake beard?” he shrugged his shoulders.
“yeah, no you’re not. here let me help,” i told him.
i walked to him and untangled the beard from his arm, swiftly pulling it through his head so it now sat on his neck.
i pulled it up gently applying the strings behind his ears, the beard resting on his pale skin.
“now, where’s your wig?” i asked looking around the room to see the wig was on his dresser.
i took it into my hands and placed it onto his head, putting on a red hat on top of the wig.
“and, there we go! you’re now santa claus!” i exclaimed hugging him gently.
zach stared at me intently.
i looked back at him, “what? did i mess up my makeup?”
thinking i had smeared my makeup i turned on my heels, trying to get to the bathroom when zach pulled my back into his chest.
“no, it’s just you’re so pretty. even dressed up as an old lady, you’re so gorgeous.” he spoke in total awe.
“aw, zach. you’re so cute.” i pinched his already rosy cheeks.
“i love you,” he whispered before closing the space between us.
“i love you too,” i spoke in between the kiss.
i pulled away momentarily, “c’mon, let’s head over to your mom’s.”
he grinned at me before dragging me out to the car.
we walked to the car hand and hand, as zach led me to the passenger side of the car.
he opened the door and gently guided me into the car.
“thanks, babe.” i smiled at him and he gave me a flirty wink.
he walked over to the door and put on his seat belt, backing away from the driveway, in directions to mama herron’s house.
“hey, i forgot to thank you,” he gently spoke.
“for what?” i turned to look at him.
“for dressing up for reese and ryan. it means a lot to me. that you’re able to put on an ugly costume to make my siblings happy,” he leaned over to hold my hand, intertwining our fingers.
“aww, zach. it’s not a problem. you know i love your siblings, i would do anything to make them happy. putting on this so-called ugly costume to make them happy, is nothing. i love them.” i squeezed his hand gently.
“i love you,” he kissed my knuckles.
“i love you too, santa claus.” i joked.
15 minutes later and we were parked outside zach’s house.
“you sure your siblings won’t notice your car out here?” i asked worried we were going to be exposed.
“nah, they don’t check the front yard. they’re always in the back or in the living room, so we should be fine,” he reassured me. 
i smile him, and we made our way to the front door.
“you ready?” i asked zach, who was fixing his beard.
“of course!” he chuckled in a deeper voice.
i giggled and knocked on the door.
“well, who could that be?” i heard zach’s mom question behind the door.
i heard small steps rush to the door and i grinned, knowing it was reese and ryan.
the door slammed open and shrieks of surprise were released from the children.
“santa claus!?” reese gaped.
“hello, children!” ‘santa’ heartily exclaimed.
i warmly smiled and waved at the children.
in an instant, the pair rushed over to us and embraced us in a tight embrace.
“what are you guys doing here?” mrs. herron said through slight giggles.
“well, mr. claus and i decided to stop by and check to make sure all your gifts arrived. because the big guy over here sometimes forgets to leave a certain gift. besides that, we’re here to talk to some of our favorite good boys and girls!” i smiled at the kids.
“please come in!” reese dragged zach and i into the living room.
i let out a chuckle but followed the eager 6-year-old.
“wait here!” she exclaimed before running off into the kitchen.
ryan smiled at us before saying, “i know it’s you guys, zach and y/n.”
my eyes widened before remembering the boy was 13, the age in which most kids stopped believing in santa.
“but i won’t tell reese. she’s genuinely happy to see mr. and mrs. claus,” he promised us.
zach smiled at his younger brother, “thanks, ryan.”
reese came back with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.
“look santa! i brought you milk and cookies! do you want a glass of milk, mrs. claus?” she looked at me, brown eyes filled with life.
“no thank you, sweetheart. santa, however, cannot eat too many because his belly is getting bigger.” i teased patting zach’s fake stomach.
“ho, ho, ho! mrs. claus needs to mind her own business.” he teased.
we both began to laugh. 
“santa, do you want to come to my room?” reese asked zach excitedly.
“why of course!” zach exclaimed.
once they were out of sight, myta came over and embraced me.
“thanks for doing this, y/n. i don’t think i’ve ever seen reese this happy on christmas.”
“it’s not a problem, mrs. herron.” i politely spoke.
“please, sweetie, just call me myta. you’re a part of the family, besides, mrs. herron makes me feel old,” she told me.
i laughed, “okay, myta. as i was saying, i didn’t mind dressing up. seeing reese all happy made it all worth it.”
“well, thank you anyway. i know how uncomfortable those costumes must be. let them come back downstairs and you guys can head back home to dress back in your clothes. you will be coming back right?” myta asked.
“yeah, we’ll be changing into something nicer. then we’ll be back here.” i told her.
as if on cue, zach and reese came back downstairs in a fit of giggles.
“reese, baby. santa and mrs. claus have to get heading back to the north pole. say goodbye to them, before they go.” myta informed the young girl.
“aww, do you guys really have to go?” she asked a frown forming onto her face.
“sadly, we do. santa still has to a lot to do back at the workshop,” i sadly told the youngest herron.
“oh, well okay.” she weakly smiled.
zach knelt down and pulled his younger sister into a tight hug.
“we’ll be back next year, i promise,” he kissed her forehead.
reese then come over to me and hugged me.
“thank you for coming,” she grinned at me.
i knelt down beside her and kissed her cheek, “it’s not a problem, reese.”
“you know my name?” she said, brown eyes wide.
“of course, i do! you are my favorite little girl,” i explained.
“thank you!” she explained.
zach and i said our goodbyes before heading back into the car.
“your sister is so cute,” i gushed to zach.
“you were being cute. i can’t believe you went through all this trouble for her.” he chuckled.
“once again, it’s not a problem. this was honestly fun.”
“thank you, like this means so much to me. my siblings are everything to me. i love you.” he leaned over to kiss my cheek.
“i love you too, mr. claus.” i lightly snickered.
“and i love you, mrs. claus.” he laughed.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
dallas sunsets - zach herron
pairings: reader x zach
warning: none
requested: yes by anon
summary: y/n and zach are in his hometown for a bit. they decide to check out the amazing sunsets.
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not my gif
you had flown out to dallas with zach. you were going to meet his family for the second time. you met them when they came to los angeles to visit him so you weren’t as nervous as last time. 
zach just got back from tour and was ready to be in his hometown again but wanted you to come with. he had been clingy ever since he walked through the door of your apartment after 3 months. you didn’t mind it at all. he was the cutest thing.
“baby, let’s go,” he pouted as you slowly dragged your suitcase along the airport floor.
zach had a neck rest around his neck and baggy sweatpants with an oversized t-shirt. his hair was flat but still had some volume to it. 
“i’m coming,” you yawned and tried to catch up to the eager boy.
“are you tired, babygirl?” he asked you, kissing the top of your head.
you mumbled a “yeah” in response and yawned again, continuing to walk to the exit of the huge building. there were cars buzzing past and giant buses that held tons of people.
zach grabbed your hand that wasn’t holding your luggage and walked with you across the street to some buses that were driving to the rental car section. once you loaded the bus, zach took both your bags and stored them with everyone else’s. 
you choose a seat at the back of the bus that was more elevated than the rest and situated yourself in the seat. your head slowly made it to zach’s shoulder and you instantly fell asleep.
the car came to stop at the herron’s household. you smiled at how cute the house was. it had a stone path to the front with flowers along each side. they had a darker red front door that complimented the house perfectly.
you turned to look at zach but realized he was already looking at you. you gave him a confused look.
“you’re so beautiful,” he smiled at you and kissed your cheek.
“it’s 7 am. i look like trash,” you laughed at him.
“shut up. you look stunning,” he chuckled a bit. a blush rose to your cheeks as you smiled. this boy was amazing.
zach got out of the car and grabbed your suitcases. he handed you yours and he intertwined your fingers.
you knocked quietly on the door, hoping you didn’t wake anyone up. zach laughed when you insisted you knock instead of barging in but he didn’t push it.
“y/n? zach? why didn’t you just walk in?” laughed mrs. herron. she engulfed you in a hug and then hugged her son. you walked in and tucked your suitcase in a corner to deal with later. 
“how are you two?” she smiled at you guys, zach had his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist. 
“great. how are-” you got cut off by reese screaming your name and running towards you.
your smile grew 10 times larger at the little girl. you picked her up and spun her around. once you set her down, you kissed her all over her face.
“hey, reese’s pieces,” you said to her.
“what about me?” zach asked with hand over his heart to look hurt.
“zachy!” she yelled and jumped into his arms. you melted at the sight of your boyfriend and his little sister.
“what is going on?” a groggy ryan asked when he came out of his room.
“ryan! what’s up?” you asked him and hugged him. 
“babe…babyyyyy,” zach kept trying to get your attention while you were playing with reese.
“what, zach?” you giggled.
“let’s spend some time with together,” zach goofily smiled at you.
“i’m playing with reese right now.” you were on the carpet of her room with dolls and little clothing items littering the floor. zach was her bed watching you two, clearly bored.
“but you’ve been playing with her all day, princess. it’s 5,” he stuck his bottom lip out, hoping you agree.
“okay, you are such a baby.”
“am not!”
zach managed to pull you into his childhood bedroom. posters covered his room and blue and red was the “theme” of it all. it was a typical teenage boys room.
he plopped onto his bed and stuck his arms out so he could cuddle you. you got on the bed with him and buried your head into his chest, taking in his warm scent. 
“i love you,” he whispered into your ear.
“i love you back,” you told him.
minutes passed by in silence, it wasn’t awkward at all though. you both were enjoying each other’s company and glad to be in each other’s arms. 
“i love you,” he whispered again.
“you just told me a few minutes ago, dingus,” you replied.
“i can’t say it enough.”
“you are so cheesy, herron,” you laughed. 
“c’mon, let’s go explore,” he sat up and to detach your bodies.
he pulled you out of the house and onto the sidewalks of his neighborhood. you two walked and talked for a long time until you reached a park. the sun was setting and he grabbed your hand and ran to a picnic bench.
you watched the golden sunset and you noticed he wasn’t looking he was staring at you. your hair was illuminated by the golden light of the sun. he was mesmerized by your beauty.
“what are you looking at?” you asked.
“you are so gorgeous,” he leaned over and pulled you in for one of the best kisses you’ve ever shared. 
this was perfect.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
holding hands - z.h.
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summary: zach finds out that reese was holding hands with a boy and freaks out. 
(inspired by a video i saw on instagram) 
warnings: cuteness?? 
word count: 391 (so short, sorry!)
a/n: also im so sorry if this is rly bad, its my first imagine since like 2 years?
“Thanks for picking me up from school today, y/n,” Reese said. “But I do have to tell you something…” she said suspiciously. “Okay, spill the beans,” I told her while keeping my eyes on the road. “Well, when I was in recess, my crush Alex came up to me on the swings and held my hand!” she exclaimed. I pulled the car into the Herron residence, and Reese bolted to my side. We walked into the house, and she told me: “Whatever you do you can not tell Zach!”. 
“Tell me what?” Zach asked curiously.
 “Nothing!” Reese was quick to answer. Zach gave me a look, and I shook my head, signaling that I wasn’t going to tell. He frowned and turned to Reese, “Please tell me! I won’t tell anyone else!” Zach promised. 
Reese paused before saying: “Okay, today at school Alex held my hand at recess!”. 
Zach’s jaw dropped as he looked at me, clearly shocked by the news. 
Zach picked Reese up and carried her into the kitchen, “We are going to wash your hands now.” he told her. “Boys are gross, and you’re way too young for boys holding your hands.” he continued. Zach grabbed the hand soap and poured almost the whole bottle on Reese’s hands. I giggled and pulled my phone out to snapchat what was going on. 
“No Zach, stop!!” Reese yelled with laughter coming out. 
“What’s going on?” Josh asked, walking into the kitchen. “Reese held hands with a boy!” Zach responded, loud enough for the whole world to hear. Josh immediately ran over to the sink and helped Zach. 
“Please tell me this is a funny prank,” Zach said to his younger sister. 
“Nope, I admit it! I held hands with Alex!” she exclaimed. 
“Oh my god she admits it!” Zach screamed and poured more soap on her hands. “Hey, how come you can kiss y/n, but I can’t hold hands with Alex?” Reese asked Zach. “She has a point…” I joined, “Oh shhh,” Zach sassed knowing that his sister did have a point. “Y/n and I are older than you and are allowed to kiss, but you’re too young to hold hands with a boy,” Zach explained. 
“Who said you were allowed to kiss, Zach?” Josh piped in. 
Reese and I burst out into laughter as Zach’s face turned bright red. 
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Protective | Z.H
Requested? Yes!!
Summary: Ava’s best friend, Y/n, has a crush on Zach, but her honorary big brother Jack has something to say about it
Warnings? None
Word Count: 1.1k
Tags: @adorkableavery @averys-headass @seavveywdw @averysgarl @jackaverysboo @lovableherron @lovableseavey @yagirlcammm @im-on-something-different
A/n: Hey guys so I’m super sorry I haven’t been uploading as consistently as usual, if you’ve left me a request I promise I’m getting to them!! I have a friend/almost boo from out of town who’s visiting so I’ve been busy and also a lot of shit going on that’s just mentally exhausting me so bare with me. Anyway I hope you enjoy this imagine!!  It’s a bit short and it’s a Zach imagine technically but he’s actually not in it much but whatever
“Ugh, is it cool if I stay at your house for a few days?” my best friend, Ava, huffed as she flopped onto my bean bag in the corner of my room as I sat on my bed in front of her.
“Sure, why? Everything okay?” I asked worriedly.
“Everything’s fine,” she confirmed, “just Jack’s band is staying at our house for a few nights and they’re always so loud and I can never sleep and I’ll probably have to give my room up to one of them.”
“They sleep in your bed?” you laughed, imagining one of the boys on Ava’s bed with her purple bed sheets and decorated walls.
“Sometimes, yeah,” she chuckled, squishing her hand into the bean bag out of boredom, seemingly mesmerized.
“Well, yeah, you can stay here,” you reaffirmed, giving her a smile as you tossed a pillow at her, causing her to gasp.
“You know what this means, right?” she asked.
“Zach’s gonna be here,” she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“I should have thrown that pillow harder,” you joked, sticking your tongue out at her as you flopped onto your stomach, covering your face with your hands in case you were blushing.
“Come on, we know you’re totally crushing on Zach. I’ve known for forever you just won’t admit it,” she winked, throwing the pillow back at me gently as I caught it in my hands.
“Am not,” you lied.
“Shut up you totally are,” she repeated, seeing right through your lies despite the fact that you kept trying to convince her you didn’t like Zach in that way.
But you did.
Since you and Ava had been so close, you had met Zach on multiple occasions. Either when they were visiting, or you had gone with Ava and the rest of Jack’s family to see the boys.
Jack was like a brother to you, and he considered you his sister so he always liked seeing you.
You had never intended to fall for one of his bandmates, and you felt stupid about it. You always thought to yourself how could someone like that ever be with someone so normal and average?
Regardless, you liked Zach. You got so excited whenever you saw him. There was just something about him that drew you to him right away, and you couldn’t forget about it. You knew Jack could never know. If Ava liked Zach, he would freak out, and it would be the same for you.
“Jack doesn’t know, right?” you asked after thinking about the whole situation, looking at Ava intently.
“I mean I’ve never told him,” she shrugged, “but I don’t think it’s that hard to tell considering how blushy and giggly you get whenever Sir Zachary is around.”
“I do not!” you countered.
“You do, stop being in denial,” Ava chuckled, standing up and sitting next to you on the bed, laying across your back and hugging you as best as she could from the odd position you guys were in.
You sat in Ava’s living room, watching episodes of Gilmore Girls for probably the 20th time as you snacked on popcorn you had made.
The door opened and both of you whipped your heads in the direction of the front of the house, hearing the loud sounds of the 5 boys entering the house, Jack calling out for his mom and his sisters.
You paused the show and placed the popcorn on the coffee table in front of you, walking with Ava to the front door to greet the boys, giving them all tight hugs.
“Hey sistah sistah,” Jack grinned as he opened his arms, squeezing you tightly as you wrapped your arms around him.
Lastly, you looked at Zach, who flashed his award winning smile as he opened his arms invitingly and you walked into them, a huge grin spread across your face.
“Hey y/n,” he said, squeezing you before letting go.
“Hey Zach,” you said, trying not to blush.
Ava gave you a wink, and Jack furrowed his eyebrows at the exchange between the two of you before averting his gaze back to his mom, smiling happily as he told her about their trip here.
The boys went upstairs with all of their bags and you and Ava made your way back to your spots on the couch, legs curled up in front of you.
“That was quite the greeting,” she laughed, nudging you with your elbow.
“Shut up I was nervous!” you exclaimed, nudging her back as you thew your head back, embarrassed at how awkward you probably looked s sounded once you interacted with Zach.
“It was cute it’s fine. Just ask him out at this point,” she laughed, reaching for the remote but was stopped when a voice interrupted.
“Ask who out?” Jack asked as he walked into the room slowly, his eyebrows raised.
“No one!” you and Ava both exclaimed simultaneously, looking at each other and knowing you were both praying to something that he did not hear any of the conversation beforehand. 
“Hm,” he nodded, giving you both a strange look as he watched your expressions of nervousness.
“I saw you wink at Y/n when she hugged Zach, Ava,” he pointed out, your heart racing as you tensed up.
“I didn’t,” she denied, shaking her head and trying to pull it off.
“You totally did,” he chuckled.
“No, it was about something else,” you butted in, plastering a smile onto your face in hopes it was convincing.
“You guys are terrible liars,” Jack pointed out, making you both exhale loudly.
“You’re not allowed to date him, Y/n,” Jack said, half joking.
“Yeah she can. If he likes her, she can,” Ava retorted.
“No, you’re like my sister, band members are off limits. I’m gonna let him hurt you or be dumb and mess things up,” Jack said, shaking his head.
“Jack, stop, you guys aren’t even related,” Ava said.
“We basically are,” he answered, sitting on the arm of the couch.
“Doesn’t matter, Jack. She can be with whoever she wants as long as it’s mutual,” Ava laughed, pushing her brother slightly.
“No! Something’s gonna go wrong and then I’m gonna have to punch him or something,” Jack said.
“Whatever, Ava, it’s okay, he doesn’t even know and probably doesn’t like me back,” you whispered, putting a hand on her shoulder as she stopped bickering with her brother.
“You’re not dating Zach, Y/n, I’m too protective over you. No boys until you’re 30,” he laughed as if he was a dad.
Your eyes widened as you saw the familiar brown haired boy walk into the living room, a confused expression on his face.
“Oh my god,” you muttered under your breath, humiliation flowing through you.
“Everything okay?” Zach asked.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Proving a point to my parents
reblog if the why don’t we boys are more than just pretty faces.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Zach Herron Imagine.
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Title- Cutie Caught.                                                                                
Warnings - None.
Type - Cheeky Fluff.
Summary - You walk in on your boyfriend in the act of snapchatting himself dancing. 
Your long drive back to the boys hotel room had finally come to a finish, meaning all you had to do now was take the late night snack run back up to the room. Zach insisted on joining you, but you assured him he could stay in and rest whilst the other boys were out doing their own thing.
You pulled the key out of your pocket, a bag of snacks hanging from your fingers in a loose grip before unlocking the door and strolling in. You bumped the door closed with your hip and called out to your boyfriend. “Zach, baby, i’m back!” Yet a reply was not returned. “Zach?” You called again walking further into the hotel room. You drop the bag softy onto the kitchen bench and walk around into the small bedroom hallway. You can hear music faintly starting, and worried but curious about interrupting something, you peek past a wall to meet a shirtless Zach. A shirtless Zach dancing in front of a mirror, the flash of his phone on and his white sweat pants hanging dangerously low on his waist, causing a smirk to appear on your face. Needless to say, not a disappointing sight. You walk around the wall to lean against it, arms folded and watching with a smile as your boyfriend lip syncs, snapchats and looks like he’s loving every bit of himself. Being lost in admiring your boyfriend snapchatting what he’s doing, you hadn’t realised he turned around with an embarrassed look. “Oh please, don’t let me interrupt.” You raise your hands in a surrendering manner, bite your bottom lip and stroll over to your boyfriend who’s now pursing his lips and has a blush on his cheeks. “How long were you standing there?” He spoke lowly, looking down at his phone in his hands. “Long enough to know that any of your fans about to see that little mirror tease are very lucky people.” You walk closer to him with each word, deciding to take full advantage of your boyfriend now smirking, his eyes darting up and down your body. “But I think i’m luckier.” You whisper, running your hands up his exposed chest, reaching until your hands wrap around his neck. Goosebumps arising on his body as your smaller cold hands make their way up, hearing his breath hitch slightly. You feel one of Zach’s hands slip into the back pocket of your jeans to pull you closer and his face nuzzles into the crook of your neck. “Debatable, because I have you,” He kisses your neck softly. “But I really don’t think it’s fair that i’m the only one here without a shirt on.” His lips meet your ear and his warm breath sends chills down your spine. Before the moment could get too heated, you decide to have a little fun with him. Playfully you push Zach away from you, running into the open bedroom space with two single beds taking up most of the space before yelling out, “If you can catch me you can have me!” You giggle hysterically at your now flustered boyfriend grunting and shaking his head. You watch as Zach drops his phone into his pocket, lowering his pants even more causing you to strain your eyes away and run behind one of the beds before you get too lost in his very minimal attire. A white pillows suddenly flies across the room and makes contact with the curtains behind you. You shoot back up from crouching with furrowed brows and let out an exaggerated gasp. “Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!” You mimicked a teasing voice, shaking your hips side to side, which you could instantly tell drove Zach crazy, noticing his eyes go a darker shade of brown and his stare become more seductive. “Is that a challenge, sweetheart?” Zach folds his arms and speaks in a low tone, strolling slowly and closer to where you are. “More like a statement.” You shrug, trying to hide your smirk. Zach huffed a wide smile before crawling over the bed in front of him, running around to embrace you in a warm bear hug and pulled you down onto the bed, giggling into your shoulder and rolling over on top of you.
Thank you for reading! Requests are always welcome. Let us know if you enjoyed. Until next time, stay mean, green, fighting beans. Authors note - Lately Zachary has been personally attacking me and I don’t want him to stop. 
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Cuddle Bun | Z.H
Requested by @hobidara (sorry this took forever, love!)
Summary: After not having a day alone with Y/n in a while, Zach becomes very clingy and needy
Warnings? None, just super fluffy
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: @lovableherron @jackaverysboo @dailydoseofherron @averys-headass @yagirlcammm @averysgarl @jackaverybabe @samithepixie @adorkableavery @ishouldtakeyoutothemoon @ijustreallylovethem @jjeepersnutss
A/n: I was gonna merge this with another request but there weren’t really any that could fully go with this one so it’s on it’s own! Hope you guys enjoy fluffy Zach, Daniel will be next, in fact, most of my requests are for Daniel! SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS BLOCKED AND BLEH AND NOT HAPPY WITH IT
You sat in your room, sighing loudly as you stared at your laptop, a blank document open as you tried to start your essay for one of your classes. You pushed your glasses up the bridge of your nose as you took another sip from the ice water glass on the table beside you, the chill running down your throat and refreshing you.
“Okay, Y/n, just do it,” you told yourself, exhaling loudly as you began typing, not even sure if what you were doing was good or absolute garbage. Sometimes it was really hard to tell.
You jumped slightly at a loud knock on your door, breaking your concentration. You set the laptop aside and stood up, the hardwood floors cold under your bare feet as you walked to the front door, squeaking as you opened it slowly, revealing your boyfriend, Zach, who stood there with a goofy grin across his face.
“Hey you,” you smiled, stepping aside to let him in as you smoothed out your shirt as a reflex, not expecting him.
“I have nothing to do today and we haven’t hung out just us in a while so I figured what better time than now?” he asked, shrugging his shoulders.
“You didn’t even text me first, you goof,” you laughed, dragging your feet across the floor as you went back towards your room, Zach following closely behind you.
“I mean, I knew you were home so I didn’t think I need to. You never leave,” he joked.
“Shut up,” you laughed, pushing him lightly as you sat back on your bed, pulling your computer back onto your lap as you stared at the paragraph you had written, thinking of what to do next.
As you stared at the computer, Zach leaned his head on your shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to the crook of your neck before leaving another on your cheek, the warmth lingering on your face once he pulled away. You turned and kissed him back quickly before turning back to your laptop.
“Babe come cuddle!” he said, opening his arms in front of him, waiting for you.
“I have to do a bit more of this assignment first, gimme a few minutes!” you replied, your gaze not leaving your essay.
Zach reached over you, closing your laptop screen, smirking at you as you rolled your eyes.
“We never have a day together, you can finish it after,” he grinned, his big brown eyes making you melt as he stared into yours before quickly pecking your cheek.
“Fine,” you caved, standing up to put the laptop away before crawling back onto the bed where Zach was already waiting for you with his arms wide open. You let out a small chuckled before flopping into his arms, your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, giving you a few squeezes.
“See? Isn’t this SO much better than writing an essay?” he questioned, lifting his eyebrow as he looked down at you as you poked his nose.
“Obviously,” you winked, “but if I don’t finish it in time or don’t sleep for days trying to finish it I’ll blame you.”
“I don’t mind, as long as I get cuddles,” he shrugged.
“So needy today,” you laughed as Zach continued to kiss you all over your face and shoulders every few seconds, not loosening his grip on you at all the entire time.
“Maybe,” he said, pressing his lips to yours again, making you smile.
“Thanks babe,” you grinned, “I really needed this, I’ve been so stressed recently.”
“I know, that’s what I’m here for,” he said proudly, lifting his chin up slightly as he flashed you a goofy smile.
“I love you,” you said, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips like he had done to you, deepening it as you sat up slightly so that the position you were in wasn’t straining your neck.
The thick soft fabric of Zach’s sweater brushed against your bare arm, his hands on your waist as he kissed you back passionately. You pulled away for a second before Zach tugged you back towards him,attaching his lips to yours once again.
“What’s with you today?” you asked jokingly once you had both pulled away.
“Nothing, I just miss you is all,” he smiled before wrapping his arms around you tightly, breathing in the scent of your familiar shampoo as he rested his face on the top of your head, his smile still lingering as you both sat there quietly for a few moments.
Really wanting to get snacks, you wiggled out of Zach’s grip, the fuzzy carpet under your feet as you started towards the kitchen, but were stopped by Zach wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up, causing you to squeal as he walked back to the bed and flopped down, you on top of him.
“I’m hungry,” you mumbled into his chest as you stayed with your legs sprawled out behind you.
“I don’t wanna let go,” he whined.
“It’ll take less than 2 full minutes, you’ll survive,” you joked, trying to pull yourself away again as he kept a tight grip on you.
“I won’t though, I think I’ll die of Y/n deprivation,” he joked, causing you to giggle.
“Such a baby today,” you winked, tickling him on his stomach, causing him to flail and loosen his grip on you, giving you just enough time to break free and sprint for the kitchen, almost slipping as you turned the corner sharply and ran down the hallway to the kitchen.
Hearing loud footsteps coming from behind you, you opened the cupboard and frantically grabbed the snacks you wanted before you saw Zach in the doorway of the kitchen, staring you down with a serious grin. 
As he approached you, you pivoted and moved out of the way, running away from him, loud laughs escaping you as you circled the apartment.
Zach caught up to you and threw you over his shoulder, making you squeal as he began walking back to your room, causing you to drop the cookie box that you were holding.
“BUT THE COOKIES!” you screamed, reaching out for them desperately as you watched them get farther and farther away.
“Too bad,” Zach laughed as he put you back down on the bed gently.
“We can’t have a day in cuddling with Netflix if we don’t have the cookies,” you stated sternly, staring at Zach as you crossed your arms, causing him to let out a loud sigh as he jogged back into the hallway, picking up the cookies and coming back into your room.
“Catch!” he exclaimed, tossing them at you and accidentally hitting you in the face, making you gasp as you began laughing.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” he said through his giggles, kissing your face where he hit it, trying to stifle his giggles as he grabbed the cookie box and put his arm around you again, leaning back onto your pillows.
He opened the box and took a cookie out, hovering it over your mouth as you rolled your eyes and took it, thanking him sweetly as you ruffled his hair, cuddling into him as you finally settled, grabbing the remote to scroll through Netlifx for something to watch, although you knew you probably wouldn’t pay much attention because you and Zach laugh and talk to much that you always end up missing the majority of the movie.
“Boy’s gotta fight to get love around here, huh?” he asked.
“Never,” you winked, “you have my love all the time, sometimes it’s just fun to see you work for it.”
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blushherron · 5 years ago
clueless - zach herron
pairings: reader x zach, reader x best friend!jack
warning: none but this is pretty sucky
summary: y/n and jack speak the language of love and zach gets jealous of you two.
a/n from future: this is the first imagine i’ve ever written for these boys. tears.
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not my gif
both of your parents spoke fluent french and taught you it as well. when you found out your boyfriend’s friend, jack, spoke some french we immediately bonded over the unique language. 
jack, zach, and you were currently watching a movie in the why don’t we house. zach’s arm was draped around your shoulders. his cologne was sweet but a little heavy and you had to point it out to jack. 
“aidez-moi. sa cologne est si forte [help. his cologne is so strong],” you laughed. jack laughed as well while he processed what you were was saying. 
“il essaie de vous impressionner [he is trying to impress you],” he said and you snorted. 
“il n'a pas besoin de le faire. il est si mignon et je suis tellement heureux de l'avoir [he doesn’t need to. he’s so cute and i’m so glad to have him],” you looked to zach and he his lips were pursed clearly thinking hard. 
“can you guys be quiet? i’m trying to watch the movie,” he said and moved his arm from my shoulder to his side. 
“yeah, one second i’m going to get my charger,” jack said and left the room. 
“zach, what’s wrong?” you asked him, curiously. 
“zach,” you stated. if he thinks he can get away with not telling you, he’s wrong. “wait a minute, is the zach herron jealous?” 
“no,” he hesitated. 
“he is!” you laughed at him. he kept his eyes locked on the screen that played grown-ups two. 
“you and jack speak the language of love! i have no clue what you’re saying! sometimes i think you’re going to leave me for him who can speak your language!” he told you, throwing his hands in the air in defeat. 
“oh baby,” you leaned in and kissed him. “you’re the only man i want. the only one.” 
you guys kissed each other passionately until jack walked in and made a gagging noise. 
“vous êtes dégoûtants [you guys are disgusting],” jack said and walked to the couch. you laughed and we continued watching the movie. 
 a couple minutes later zach whispered in your ear, “what’d he say?” 
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blushherron · 5 years ago
tease // zach herron
request: goddamn y’all want some dirty zach so here it is
you guys wanted it, i’m just here to provide. enjoy my loves.
pairing: zach x fem!reader
triggers: uh it’s dirty and cursing n shit
tags: @confusedzach @jonahgarl @5sosmusic1d @boomboomboomwayhoo
disclaimer: zach is aged up in this fic. i personally imagined him around 18-19, so hopefully that makes this more comfortable to read!
y/n bit her lip as she stared at her boyfriend, who was currently running around on stage, singing his heart out. a few strands of his perfectly styled hair had gone astray, and were stuck to his forehead. sweat glistened on his forehead and neck, his cheeks rosy from the amount of running around and dancing he had done during the show
he looked practically god-like, but what was new. he was zach herron after all.
zach looked over to backstage, catching his girlfriend staring at him. he winked at her before running off to another part of the stage, sending a rush of warmth down y/n’s body.
she rubbed her sweaty palms on her jeans, biting her lip so hard she nearly drew blood. he knew he was riling her up, that damn tease.
his hand was wrapped tightly around his microphone, making the veins that she loved oh-so-much far more prominent than usual. zach’s hands were one of y/n’s favorite features of his, with their sheer largeness and prominent veins. his hands were skilled, with years of guitar playing making them slightly calloused, yet still soft. they were magic makers, in more ways that just for music.
she rubbed her legs together, trying to create some friction to relieve the heat forming between her legs. seeing him sweaty and breathless, reminded her of those time when—no. she couldn’t let herself think of that and go farther down the rabbit hole she was already falling into.
their set was almost over, and y/n couldn’t have been more impatient. the whole show had consisted of consistent winking, lip biting, and stares from zach, and she was fed up with it.
the final note of the last song rang out, loud cheers ringing throughout the venue. the boys said their goodbyes, blowing kisses and touching the hands of the fans before finally exiting, the screaming still as loud as ever as the stage emptied.
“you did incredible babe,” y/n approached zach, wrapping her arms around his neck. she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, her fingers playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck.
“thanks baby, you look amazing tonight,” he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “really amazing,” he whispered to her, sending heat through her veins.
“get a room,” corbyn yelled at the couple, eliciting eye rolls from both zach and y/n.
“maybe we will,” zach smirked at his bandmates, taking y/n by the hand and leading her down a hallway. they ignored the whoops and wolf-whistles coming from the boys as he opened a door, revealing an empty dressing room.
y/n wasted no time in pressing her lips against zach’s, kissing him hungrily. he kissed back with just as much fervor, slipping his hands up her shirt and resting them on the small of her back. he backed her up against a wall, detaching his lips from hers and placing them onto the column of her neck. he kissed down her neck, stopping occasionally to suck lightly on the skin.
“you were being such a tease on stage today,” y/n breathed out, savoring the feeling of his lips working magic on her skin.
“i know,” he spoke cockily, pausing in his actions to speak for a moment. “i couldn’t help it when you looked so beautiful, and don’t think i didn’t catch you staring at me the whole time,”
“i can’t help but stare when you look so good, all sweaty and breathless,” she mumbled, pulling him back up from her neck to reattach their lips. they kissed passionately for a few seconds before she pulled away and began pressing kisses down his jawline.
“jump.” he managed to breath out, and she obliged. she wrapped her legs around his waist, his hands going to support her body as he carried her over to a table. he set her down carefully, going to pull her shirt off.
he hands fumbled slightly, but he had finally managed to pull her shirt off, revealing the lace bra she was wearing underneath.
“fuck,” he whispered to himself, taking in the sight before him. “you’re so beautiful,”
“you’re wearing too many clothes babe,” y/n pouted, her hands reaching out to play with the hem of his black t-shirt. he smirked and removed it in nearly one move, when the fabric got caught on his head. but he quickly remedied his action, pulling the t-shirt all the way off his body.
his bare, toned chest was now on full display, and y/n ran her hands down his skin before pulling him back in closer.
zach threw the shirt somewhere in the room and reattached their lips, his hands resting on the bare skin of her waist. she looped her fingers through his belt loops, pulling his body even closer than it was before.
his hands trailed up her back, resting at her bra clasp. he pulled away from their kiss, looking to her for permission. she nodded, and he struggled with the clasp for a moment or two before popping it open, letting the fabric fall from her chest.
he bit his lips, taking in the sight of her bare, beautiful chest. he kissed his way down her neck and down the valley of her breasts, leaving lovebites and marks in his wake.
his lips had finally reached the edge of her jeans and he was about to pull them down her legs when y/n beckoned him back up to her level.
“you’ve done all the work babe,” she kissed him, pulling away before he could deepen it. “let me have a turn,” she kissed down his jawline, swiftly unbuttoning his black jeans.
he sucked in a breath at the sensation. “fuck baby,” he groaned threading his hands through her hair. he tugged at it lightly as she pulled his jeans down his legs, the fabric pooling at his ankles. he kicked them off, sending them flying across the room. he was left in his boxers, a bulge being prominent through the fabric.
“now you’re wearing too many clothes baby,” he bit his lip, moving his hands to unbutton her jeans when his phone went off. he ignored it, managing to get the button undone when his phone went off again.
“just ignore it babe,” y/n mumbled, pulling zach up into yet another feverish kiss. but it seemed like whoever was texting zach was persistent, because his phone went off at least 10 more times in the next thirty seconds.
zach grumbled, picking up his phone and turning it on silent. “finally,” he smirked, approaching y/n and kissing down her neck when the door to the dressing room slammed open.
y/n let out a scream, her arms going up to cover her chest as corbyn walked in, his eyes covered with his hands.
“hey, sorry to interrupt whatever you horny teenagers were doing in here but we are gonna order pizza and you weren’t answering your phone so we were wondering if you guys wanted any so we could order,” corbyn asked, his eyes still clamped tightly over his eyes to obscure his vision.
“get the fuck out corbyn,” zach hissed, his cheeks turning a bright crimson color.
“okay okay, i’ll leave you guys to your little sexy time session. but for real, do you guys want pizza? i’m sure you guys will be hungry after you guys fu-”
“yes, we would love some pizza corbyn,” y/n cut off the blonde boy before he could go any further.
“sounds good,” corbyn began backing up out of the room, his eyes still closed tightly. “and make sure to use protection, we don’t need any why don’t we babies running around any time soon.” corbyn called out before running away, slamming the door behind him.
“well he totally ruined the mood,” zach mumbled, walking over to where his discarded clothes were and tugging them back on.
“he really did,” y/n retrieved her own clothes, getting dressed before sitting down on the couch in the dressing room.
“but hey, at least we’re getting pizza.”
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blushherron · 5 years ago
million years // zach herron
 request: flustered!big crush on you zach please
this was a lot of fun to write! it’s such a cute concept and thinking about zach getting all nervous and embarrassed around you and nhuewhfewhfweh it’s so frickin cute agh. i hope you guys enjoy!
triggers: none i think
she’s so beautiful.
a thought that entered zach’s head every single time he laid eyes on her. from the way her hips swayed when she walked to the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed.
she was perfect in his eyes.
her hair, her eyes, her body, her personality. everything was absolutely, 100%, perfect. he wanted her to be his more than anything in the whole world.
but he never stood a chance. y/n was stuck in her own world, and with her being jonah’s favorite cousin, well, zach was screwed.
he was hopelessly in love.
his lungs stopped working whenever she walked by, his already rosy cheeks became an even deeper shade of crimson when she said hello. his words caught in his throat when he even tried to say hello back.
and there he was, sitting almost three feet away from her, his hands clammy as he stared at her longingly. y/n was undoubtedly the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
“zach,” jack tried to get the younger boy’s attention, but to no avail. “zach!” jack practically yelled in his face, finally succeeding in grabbing his attention.
“w-what?” zach fumbled over his words, still in his daydream world about y/n.
“bro, if you want to stare at y/n, at least try and make it less obvious. you’re practically drooling on yourself, and she’s right there,” jack whispered, making zach choke on air.
he sighed heavily, running a hand nervously through his hair. “am i that obvious?” he whispered back.
“basically, it’s like your eyes actually form little hearts when you look at her,” he snorted. zach nearly groaned out loud. could he be any more stupid?
“hey, if it means anything, i don’t think she’s noticed. and plus, she likes you back,” jack commented quickly, but zach heard his words. and he had nearly choked once again.
“wait what?” he managed to say. jack laughed and patted his back.
“yeah dude, she likes you too. she told me last week,” jack said casually. but zach was anything but casual. his heart began racing a million miles an hour, sending his mind into a frenzy.
she liked him back. the girl he had been pathetically crushing on for nearly a year liked him back.
“s-should i tell her? that i like her i mean,” zach’s eyes drifted over to y/n again, who was talking animatedly to daniel. her arms gestured wildly about as she was telling her story, her eyes sparkling.
“yeah, make your move dude. i am 100% sure she likes you as much as you like her,” jack told him, boosting up his confidence.
“alright, i’m gonna do it,” zach stood up and walked over to y/n with clammy hands. she sat there looking beautiful as ever, now alone because daniel had excused himself to go to the bathroom.
“hi, uh, y/n, can we talk for a little bit?” zach stammered, a crimson color beign painted on his cheeks. y/n looked up at him shocked for a moment, before her cheeks heated up as well.
“yeah of course,” she stood up, leading the way to the backyard. they sat together on a lounger outside, the warm la sun washing down on their faces.
his heart raced as he played with his fingers, trying to put his feelings into words. “y/n, i-i really like you. a lot. you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen, and i understand if you don’t return these feelings but i thought you should just know in case you do and-” he couldn’t bring himself to look at her expression, fearing it would be a look of disgust.
she laughed lightly, cutting off his incessant ramblings. “zach, hey, listen. i like you too,” he stopped immediately, looking at her in shock.
“y-you do?” he managed to sputter out, making her laugh once again.
“yes you adorable idiot, i like you too.” she remarked, causing zach’s face to heat up even further than it was before. a wide grin spread across his face. she liked him back.
“so since we like each other, would you be okay with me kissing you? if you’re uncomfortable that’s fine but-”
“yes zach, i would love it if you kissed me,” he smiled and leaned forward, pressing his lips on hers. she sighed happily as she kissed back, relaxing into the kiss. zach’s hand went up to cup her cheek, the feeling of her silky lips on his was practically heaven.
they broke apart, breathing heavily as they stared adoringly into each other’s eyes. but their moment was quickly ended when loud cheers rang through the space, and the pair looked to see the rest of the band run outside to where they sat.
“i told you she liked you,” jack smirked at zach cockily. he brought zach into a hug and ruffled his hair, causing the younger boy the groan and place his locks into their former position.
“zach,” jonah spoke up, causing him to freeze up. “you better not hurt my cousin,” he said sternly. zach took y/n under his arm and kissed her cheek, making her cheeks flame up.
“never in a million years.”
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blushherron · 5 years ago
tea time // zach herron
 request: babysitter y/n babysits reese, and zach develops a huge crush on her.
this was super fun to write and this cONCEPT IS GREAT I LOVE IT so i hope y’all like it :))) (PSA: THIS IS LIKE IF ZACH STILL WENT TO REAL HIGH SCHOOL AND DIDN’T TOUR 24/7)
triggers: none i think
y/n was greeted with a bright smile the moment the door of the herron household opened.
“oh y/n! please, come in,” mrs. herron ushered her in, seating her in the living room. “i’m so sorry we called you so last minute, but the business dinner we were called to is mandatory. we’ll pay you extra to compensate,” mrs. herron was dressed nicely, obviously looking like she had an important place to go.
“no, you don’t have to pay me extra mrs. herron. i’m completely fine with getting the normal, and it’s no problem, i love hanging out with reese,” she smiled brightly.
“oh y/n, you’re such a doll. and how many time do i have to tell you that you don’t have to call me ‘mrs. herron’, please, it’s myta. you’re practically family to us now,” mrs. herron sent y/n a heart warming smile.
“reese is upstairs right now, but i’m sure she’ll be down any minute. i have to leave now, but you know the drill. call if there’s an emergency, and zach will be home sometime in the next hour or so,” she paused, trying to think of anything else she needed to say. “that’s all for now i believe. i better get going, the car is running. bye, and thank you so much y/n!” and with that she was out the door, leaving y/n alone in the living room.
she stood for a few moments, processing all the information she was just given.
wait, zach is going to be here?
her heart began racing at the mere thought of the brown haired boy. she’s always had the smallest crush on him, and the fact that she was at his house almost every day babysitting reese didn’t make it any better.
y/n was jarred out of her thoughts by a little girl with long brown hair barreling into her.
“y/n!” reese yelled in delight, tackling y/n in a hug.
“hey there reese,” y/n laughed, catching the young girl in her arms. she spun around for a moment before gently settling reese back on her feet. y/n bent down to her level, a smile on her face. “what do you want to do today?”
reese didn’t respond, but simply grabbed her by the hand and began dragging her upstairs. they arrived at reese’s room, which was a pink paradise.
reese guided y/n to a set of child sized table and chairs in the corner of the room, seating her and immediately rushing to the closet.
y/n waited patiently as reese rifled through her closet, returning with two crowns, an a plethora of feather boas and tutus. reese carefully placed one of the tiaras onto y/n’s head, then placed one on her own.
“y/n, we’re having a tea party today,” the smaller girl announced, placing a plastic tea party set onto the table.
“sounds delightful madame reese,” y/n said in a posh voice, making reese laugh. reese draped a hot pink boa across her own shoulders, before taking a light pink on and giving it to y/n. she wrapped it around herself, taking a plastic tea cup in her hand.
“cheers,” y/n raised the pink cup in the air, clinking it against reese’s. together in sync, they put the cups to their lips “drinking” the tea inside with their pinkies out.
“that tea is fantastic, isn’t it lady y/n?” reese mimicked the posh voice y/n was sporting earlier, dissolving into giggles right after the sentence left her lips.
“it is indeed madame reese,” y/n laughed, clinking the plastic cups once again and sipping more “tea”.
zach unlocked the door, stepping into his seemingly empty house. well, he thought it was empty until he heard the laughter ringing from upstairs. zach set his backpack on the floor before walking upstairs, locating the noise.
reese’s door was wide open, giving zach the adorable sight of his little sister playing with y/n. they had tiaras on their heads and feather boas on, sipping on fake tea from plastic china.
y/n had always mesmerized zach in the best way possible. she was amazing with his sister, but not only that, she was so beautiful. whenever zach would come home after practice and see the gorgeous sight that was y/n in his living room, well, it was the highlight of his day. he was completely in love, no matter how much he denied it due to the endless nagging his mom would ensue about the girl.
he stood in the doorway for a few moments, simply admiring the scene before him when reese spotted zach.
“zach!” reese ran up to her brother, hugging him tightly before pulling him over to where y/n sat in the small chair with cheeks tinted red. “zach, wanna have a tea party with us?” zach hesitated for a moment, but the small girl shot him a pout that zach simply couldn’t resist.
“sounds fantastic,” zach told her, and reese immediately shot back over to the closet to go find him a tiara and boa. she returned a few seconds later, placing the crown on top of zach’s head and draping the purple boa around his neck.
“you look fabulous,” y/n laughed furthering zach’s rosy cheeks.
“thank you, you look quite ravishing yourself,” he complimented her, making both their cheeks go red.
“oh my gosh, you guys should just date already,” reese commented absentmindedly, taking another sip from her plastic cup.
“w-what?” zach sputtered out dropping the cup he had picked up.
“that’s what mom always says, and i agree. you guys would look cute together,” reese smiled innocently, but y/n and zach were rendered speechless. “plus, it’s so obvious that zach has a crush on you, y/n.”
“reese!” zach hissed at his little sister, who gave him a wide smile. “y/n i-”
y/n felt a surge of confidence flow through her body, her embarrassment and nerves washing away.
“well reese, if what you say is true, i would love to date zach,” y/n said, directing her comment to reese. zach sat in his chair, completely silent and slack-jawed at what y/n had said. she wanted to date him.
the girl he had a crush on from the moment he laid eyes on her, had a crush on him. she liked him back. wow.
“i promise i wouldn’t lie to you, pinky swear,” reese held out her pinky, and y/n linked their pinkies together. “well zach, ask her on a date!” reese whispered loudly to zach, shaking him out of his daze.
“oh-” he cleared his throat. “well i guess i can’t deny it now, because reese is right. i really do like you, and if you would like, i would love to take you out sometime,” he managed to formulate a sentence, his hand going up to rub the back of his neck.
“i would love to go on a date with you zach,” y/n replied, leaning over the small table and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“great, is saturday good for you?” zach has managed to calm himself on the outside, but his insides were jumping for joy.
“saturday sounds wonderful,” y/n’s insides were bubbling in excitement, the grin on her face not lessening in any way,
“so now that you’re going on a date, would you guys like some tea?” reese held up the plastic teapot, smiling widely.
“we would love some tea.”
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blushherron · 5 years ago
deal // zach herron
request: Can you do something where [Zach] cuddles you but you have to go somewhere but you have to bribe him with food for him to let you go
lmao this is basically the zach version of sleepy but i hope it turned out different. also this is kinda shorter than i wanted it to be but i hope it’s okay lol. enjoy!
triggers: none
y/n opened her eyes, squinting slightly at the brightness entering through the curtains. she yawned, rubbing the sleepiness out of her vision before blindly reaching out for her phone. it took a few tries, but she finally was able to locate the device and turn it on. she looked at her latest notification, seeing that it was a message from christina, corbyn’s girlfriend.
christina: hey babe! i know you’re forgetful, so i just wanted to remind you about brunch today! can’t wait to see you <3
y/n: you know me too well. i’ll see you soon babe! love ya <3
y/n sent the message, stretching slightly before attempting to get out of bed. emphasis on attempted.
zach’s arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, making any pursuit of leaving his grip nearly impossible. y/n huffed in annoyance as she tried for the umpteenth time to escape his embrace, but to no avail.
“y’know babe, i’m never gonna let you leave this bed now,” y/n nearly shrieked in surprise at the groggy voice of her boyfriend speaking into her ear.
“babe i have to meet christina in an hour for brunch, i gotta get ready,” y/n tried once again to wriggle out of his grasp, only to be pulled in tighter.
“she’s visiting here for the whole week, i wanna stay in bed with you,” his grip loosened slightly, giving y/n enough room to turn around and face him.
“exactly, she’s here only for a week. i haven’t seen christina in such a long time, c’mon babe,” she finally broke out of his clutches, swinging her legs over the side of the bed to stand up.
“no,” zach carried out the “o”, making y/n roll her eyes. zach sat up, wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist from behind. he began to place light kisses along her neck, trying to convince her to stay in bed. she sighed in content, involuntarily leaning into his body at the sensation. just as zach thought he had won, y/n snapped out of her trance.
“as much as i love this, i have to get ready now.” zach groaned, pulling her closer. she laughed, breaking out of his grip once again and standing up.
“baby please, just stay with me. five more minutes?” he gave her his best puppy-dog eyes, his chocolate brown orbs making y/n’s heart melt. she sighed and leaned down to place a kiss on his rosy cheek, staring straight into his eyes.
“no zach, i have to get ready,” she turned to walk to the bathroom, but zach reached out just in time and caught her wrist, making her groan and turn back around. he shot her another heart melting pout, making her sigh.
“if you let me go to brunch, i’ll buy you chipotle,” she bargained, making zach pause and contemplate her proposal.
“deal,” zach replied, finally letting y/n go. she got ready for brunch in record time, seeing that trying to get zach to even let her out of bed took far too much time.
“bye babe,” y/n called out, picking up her purse and opening the bedroom door to leave.
“aren’t you forgetting something?” zach spoke back from the bed, making y/n shake her head and smile. she turned around, going over to where zach still sat on the bed and pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling at the warm feeling it sent down her body. her heart fluttered as she pulled away, walking back to the door.
“thank you, now go have fun with christina, baby. i love you, and don’t forget my chipotle,”
“i wouldn’t dream of it.”
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Winner ♡ Zach Herron Imagine
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Title: Winner
Pairing: Zach x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 424
Summary: You catch Zach’s eye at an award show.
Warning(s): None that I can think of! Message me if there’s something you see that I don’t!
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, @anodyneviolet! Sorry that it’s kind of short, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! If anyone else would like to request an imagine, you can do so here: x
Also, this is the first of EIGHTEEN imagines I shall be posting today! Why eighteen, you may ask? It’s because today is my eighteenth birthday, and I’m feeling extra af! I hope you all enjoy!
(Also, I had no idea what award show to use, hence why the description of the show is so vague. Sorry, not sorry)
Zach had a tendency to embarrass the fuck out of himself whenever he was around pretty girls. He couldn’t help it, but every time he was around a pretty girl, he’d trip over his words (or his feet) or do something so incredibly stupid that every suave guy that ever existed would turn over in their graves. 
When he saw you on the red carpet, he knew that tonight would be no different.   Him and his friends were in the middle of an interview when he happened to look over his shoulder, spotting you just a few feet away. You wore an elegant dress, and looked like you were straight out of a movie. Zach didn’t want to believe you were real. Imagine his shock when he found out that you would be sitting beside him for the entirety of the show.
His hands immediately became sweaty when he saw you sitting beside him. He kept licking his lips, trying to decide if he should try to talk to you or if he should just keep to himself.
The award show was about to start when he worked up the courage to talk to you. He leaned towards you and said, “Hey, I’m, uh, I’m Zach.” 
You looked over at him, a smile on your face. His heart skipped a beat. “Hey, I’m Y/N.” 
“You have a pretty smile,” he blurted out, his face turning blood red.
You laughed. “Aw, thanks. I like your smile, too.” 
If his face could’ve turned any redder, it would have. “Uh, thanks…Are you, uh, up for an award?” 
You nodded. “Mhm, Best New Artist…You?”
“Same,” he said, and motioned back to his friends. “Me and my band are, anyways. We’re called Why Don’t We.”
“Oh, cool!” you said. “My friend absolutely loves you guys. She makes me listen to your music, like, all the time. It’s really good.” 
“Thanks,” Zach grinned. “I’ll be honest, I’ve never heard of you before, but I think I’m definitely going to check out your music later.”
Your smile widened. “Well, that’s good. Glad I could promote myself while I was here!”
For the rest of the award show, you two talked to each other, giggling and accidentally getting on everyone’s nerves. When the show came to a close, and neither of you had won Best New Artist, you didn’t care because you just became friends with one of the most amazing people in the world. 
So, maybe Zach didn’t get an award, but he definitely got the best prize.
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Caught His Eye ♡ Zach Herron Imagine
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Title: Caught His Eye
Pairing: Zach x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 696
Summary: You’re at one of Why Don’t We’s concerts and you catch Zach’s eye.
Warning(s): Some cussing
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, anon! If anyone else would like to request an imagine, you can do so here: x
Also, this is the sixth of EIGHTEEN imagines I shall be posting today! Why eighteen, you may ask? It’s because today is my eighteenth birthday, and I’m feeling extra af! I hope y’all enjoy!
Y/B/N = Your/Best Friend/Name
You didn’t know if you were imagining it or not, but it seemed like every time you looked his way, he was staring at you. You and your friend were at a Why Don’t We concert and for the entirety of the concert, you felt someone’s eyes on you. Every time you looked around, you saw that Zach, the youngest in the band, would be watching you. You tried to not think about it and tried to enjoy the concert, but you couldn’t help but wonder why you had caught his eye.
At one point, you were feeling particularly outgoing so you gave Zach a smile and subtle wave. A smirk curled on his lips and he sent you a wink. Your face turned red and your Y/B/N asked what was making you blush so hard. You shook your head, watching as Zach grinned at your reaction.
You could hardly believe your luck. You had taken up residence in Zach’s lane ever since you became a limelight, and you always said that you’d freak if you could ever see Zach in person. But for him to wink at you? And stare at you the entire concert? You were convinced that you’d died and gone to Heaven.
As the concert came to an end and the crowd began to leave, your friend dragged you out of the venue. “Where are we going?” you laughed, trying to keep up with her.
“I want to meet the band!” she said. “I did some research, and I found out which exit the boys are going to be coming out of!”
“…Remind me to never become your enemy.”
She laughed and winked at you.
The two of you stood outside of a door for the longest time. A small crowd had formed around it, but more that the crowd seemed to grow, the more you were convinced that your friend had found false information.
Then, like a sign from God, the door opened and the boys came out. You immediately reached for your phone and opened the camera app, then grabbed a pad of paper and pen from your purse.
As the boys passed you, you asked Zach, “Hey! Do you mind if I get a picture with you?”
He nodded, grinning. He posed for a few selfies with you, and then you asked, “Could I also get your autograph? If you don’t mind, of course.”
“Sure!” he said, taking the pen and paper from your hand. As he scribbled his signature on the paper, he asked, “So, what’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you said, a blush coming to your face.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he said as he handed you the notepad back.
“Thank you. I got it for my birthday,” you said before you could think.
He laughed. “You’re funny. I like that.” He looked over, seeing that his friends were making their way through the crowd and said. “Hey, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you!”
You watched as he took pictures with other fans and made his way through the crowd. When you couldn’t see him any longer, you looked down at the paper he signed and gasped.
Your friend looked at you. “What?”
“Zach fucking Herron just gave me his fucking number!!” you whisper-shouted.
“What?! Really?!” “Yes! Look!”
She looked at the paper, seeing his signature and a note that read “Hey Y/N, you should give me a call sometime ;) (***)***-****”.
“Holy fuck,” she said. 
“Best. Day. Ever.” 
“Wait, you’re actually going to call him?”
“Well, I’ll text him, but yeah!”
From: Y/N
Hey this is Y/N
From the concert
From: Zach <3
Hey! How r u?
From: Y/N
I’m good! U? :)
From: Zach <3
Pretty good cause a pretty girl is texting me
From: Y/N
Oh? Ur talking to someone else?
I’ll just go…
From: Zach <3
U know I was talking about u ;)
From: Y/N
It’s not good to lie..
From: Zach <3
I’ll fight u on this.
From: Y/N
Lmao okay
From: Zach
Wanna go out sometime so I can see ur pretty face again?
From: Y/N
It’s a date
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blushherron · 5 years ago
Dating Zach Herron Would Include... ♡
“could you do dating zach herron would Include??”
-Being called “Princess” and “Baby Girl” 24/7
-Him spoiling the fuck out of you
-Forehead kisses
-Him always wanting to cuddle, even when he has to be somewhere, or doing something
-Always taking his sweaters to wear on tour because “they smell like him”
-Him at first being angry that you stole his hoodies, and then getting over it and buying more
-Having movie nights with his family every night when he’s home, and him always letting reese pick because “Zach picks boring movies”
-him always holding your hand, or giving you some display of affection in public so everyone knows you’re his.
-Hugging forever when you finally see him when he gets off tour, making the boys wait because you’ve missed him so much.
-Him talking about you so much the boys get annoyed.
-Him wanting to go on younow/ig live with you, but you’ll be too shy, so you’ll just sit their why he talks to his fans and then he’ll randomly point the camera at you and talk about how much he loves you
-When he’d want attention, he would come sit by you, and bother you in any way possible. like, laying his head on your shoulder, and messing up your hair on purpose.
-Him wrapping his arms around your stomach and placing his head on your shoulders 24/7
a/n: everyone always loves these, so I decided to make my own! I hope this isn’t like anyone else’s on tumblr, but if it is, credit goes to them :). and, as always don’t forget to leave requests/feedback here :). 
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