#qtvtp spoilers
chilling-seavey · 3 years
Ok qtvtp - the moment that Jonah admits his feelings to Ava/ her reaction
↳  A/N Time to learn more about Jonah's character :)
↳ Word Count: 1357
↳ Disclaimer: This story is in no way meant to portray any characters’ associated real-life counterparts in a negative or unpleasant light; all of this writing (characterization, plot, etc.) is strictly fictional.
↳ QTVTP Masterlist
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February 15, 2019
“Well, it’s nice to see a friendly face this morning. It’s been a slow shift.” Avalon grinned, clicking her pen in her hand as she stopped at the table of two, “What can I get you?”
Jonah glanced up from his menu and sent her a tight smile, “Good morning, Avalon.”
“Morning, Jonah.” she replied, unable to wipe the grin from her face.
It was due to the diamond ring that she wore on her left hand and captured Jonah’s attention right away. He let his gaze linger on it and then looked back up at her.
“I heard congratulations were in order. Daniel told me this morning.” Jonah said flatly.
“Oh,” Avalon flushed pretty pink and she looked down at the large ring on her hand, twisting it slightly around her finger, “Yes. Thank you.”
“It was nice? The proposal?” Jonah asked.
“So nice. It was perfect. He took me to dinner and then the beach and there was a whole setup as the sun set. Couldn’t imagine anything better.”
Jonah barely let her finish before rushing out a, “Nice. I’ll have a BLT with egg and a caramel iced coffee.”
He held the menu out between them, his lips pulled into some sort of a tight smile on his face. Avalon’s own smile faltered a moment but with her experience in the service industry, she played the interruption off coolly and took his menu.
“Of course.”
Her eyebrows furrowed to herself as she turned her back to him to go ring in the order. It wasn’t odd for Jonah to be a bit stand-offish but over the last months she only seemed to notice it more. Being around him gave her a pit in her stomach but she couldn’t quite place why. She watched him from her place behind the register as she waited for his lunch to be made, how he lined up his cutlery neatly at his place setting and stood perfectly straight as he stared out the window of the café.
When she brought over his lunch, he thanked her and gestured to the empty seat across from him, “Join me?”
“I’m on the clock.” Avalon protested politely.
Jonah looked around the otherwise empty restaurant, “You’re not busy.”
“Few minutes…just while I eat. I wanna talk to you.”
“I guess.” Avalon sent him a tiny smile and pulled out the metal chair across the table from him. She sat and smoothed her apron down over her lap, watching as he took a bite of his sandwich.
Through his bite, he spoke, “So…Daniel’s treating you well?”
“Yeah.” Avalon nodded. “He’s amazing. But I’m sure you know that. You’ve known him longer than I have.”
Jonah chuckled and nodded, wiping his mouth with his napkin before setting it back on the table, “That is true.”
“Did he tell you about his plans to propose?” Avalon couldn’t help but ask.
“Of course.” Jonah answered.
Avalon smiled to herself.
“But, listen,” Jonah took a sip of his coffee, “I have my own proposal for you.”
Avalon looked back up at him, “Alright?”
Jonah rested his arms on the table and smiled friendly at her, “You’ve said yourself that I know Daniel best because I have known him longer than you.”
Avalon nodded gently.
“So you won’t be too surprised if I tell you that he’s not the marriage type. In fact, if he had it his way, he wouldn’t have proposed to you at all.”
There was a pause during which Jonah took another casual bite of his lunch while waiting for his words to sink into the girl across from him.
Avalon processed his information but brushed it off, “Doubt that.”
“Daniel’s a womanizer, Aves.” Jonah continued. “He doesn’t want to settle down, he doesn’t want to be stuck with one girl for the rest of his life…he’s going to get bored and he’s going to sabotage everything to get the hell out of this.”
Jonah pointed to the large diamond ring that Avalon wore. She dropped her hand to her lap and out of sight. Jonah wasn’t done.
“I’ve seen him go through girl after girl these last few years without shame and he flirts religiously with clients even still now. He’s not the one for you, Ava. I knew I had to tell you before it was too late.”
“But you helped him plan the proposal?”
Jonah held his hand up politely to correct her, “Didn’t help plan. I knew of his plans and I tried to talk him out of it as kindly as I could. I don’t want to see you get hurt, Aves.”
“Sounds like you tried to sabotage us.” Avalon chuckled humourlessly.
“Ava, come on.” Jonah said gently, “I’m trying to help. I’m trying to give you an out before you get hurt. He is going to hurt you.”
“No, he won’t.”
“You don’t mind his long nights at work? His short temper from lack of sleep? How he doesn’t listen to you…forgets your dates…that doesn’t hurt you?”
“We’re not perfect but no one is.” Avalon argued. “But I know he loves me and I know he’s going to be my husband.”
“You’re trying to live a fantasy.” Jonah said. He reached his hands across the table towards her and stared her right into her eyes. “I can be your out.”
“I don’t need an out.” Avalon said sharply.
“I haven’t dated because I’ve been waiting for someone special and you, Avalon, are so special.” Jonah said gently, a sweet smile coming to his face as he stared at her. “I can treat you so much better than him. I want to be there for you, always.”
She couldn’t meet his eye as she spoke strongly, “Jonah, this is making me uncomfortable.”
“I love you.” Jonah said. “Do you hear me? I am in love with you.”
“You hardly know me.” Avalon retorted quickly.
“I know enough. I know your soul, Ava. I know what a caring and selfless and genuine woman you are and you deserve so much more than Daniel. You deserve someone who would be willing to give their life for you.”
“Jonah. Stop.” Avalon said sternly. “This is goddamn ridiculous. He’s your best friend.”
“I would choose you over him.”
She laughed humourlessly, looking away from him with a shake of her head. She slouched back in the café chair and pushed both her hands over her blonde hair in disbelief before dropping them to her lap.
“Just think about it. Think about the life we could have together.”
“Jonah!” Avalon turned to him, her voice dripping in annoyance and she set her hands down loudly on the table, showing off her diamond ring. “I am not even twenty-four hours into my engagement to your best friend and you are asking me to throw him away for…what? For you? Jonah, we are barely even friends. I’m not dropping my husband for some guy who thinks he knows what our relationship is without even being a part of it.”
“He’s not your husband.”
“He’s going to be! He’s going to be my husband and the father of my children and-”
“Daniel doesn’t want kids.”
“I’ve had enough of this. Keep your nose out of my relationship.” Avalon stood up from the table with enough force to scratch the metal chair over the laminate floor.
Jonah reached over quickly and grabbed her wrist with a snug grip so she couldn’t walk away. The seriousness in his eyes sent a chill down her spine.
“This stays between us. Think about it. You’re not married yet, just engaged, there’s still time.”
Avalon tugged her arm out of his tight hold, “You’re fucked. Stay away from me.”
“Avalon!” Jonah called after her as she hurried behind the front counter and into the kitchen out of sight. He sighed softly and turned back to his lunch, focusing on the fading scent of her perfume that lingered behind in her hasty exit. A calm smile came to his face as he lifted his iced coffee to his lips again and let his dreamy stare turn out of the windows of the café.
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Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @hiya-its-amber @tempus-ut-luceant @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @randomlimelightxxx @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @jonahlovescoffee @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23 @xkelsev
Please click the link in my bio to be added to the taglist!
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
For the character ask thingy: qtvtp Jonah ~T
Oo a good choice
Favorite thing about them: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
Least favorite thing about them: ...what do you think? Maybe that he's a psycho? LOL
Favorite line: "What a Romeo and Juliet love story: Daniel Seavey killed his wife and then killed himself"
brOTP: I would say Daniel but...
OTP: @jonahlovescoffee LMAO
Random headcanon: Mans probably got dropped on his head as a toddler
Unpopular opinion: He honestly could have had some backup with Christian if he really wanted to. I'm sure Christian would have backed up any story just for the sake of getting Avalon 'out of the picture'
Song I associate with them: Psycho Killer by Talking Heads
Favorite picture of them:
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?: honestly @jonahlovescoffee had such a good heckin sequel idea about jonah having gotten off clean and how he kinda falls in love again with his assistant while running as sole CEO of the studio and has to try and keep this secret of his dark past but eventually confides in her and phew it was genius.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qtvtp blurb - for some reason I felt like I had sent this earlier when I hadn't 😂 Jonah really asked her a question, interrupted her and presented his proposal dang he's got the nerves and confidence to pull it off LOL “focusing on the fading scent of her perfume” whoa chill!! Avalon went from “friendly face” to “stay away from me” within a few minutes + the line about Jonah neatly lining up the cutlery - was he paying close attention to the knives by any chance? ~T
LOL qtvtp is one big “whoa chill!!” 😛💟
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Toum Perdit - The Murder
A/N: I realized I never wrote the actual murder that QTVTP is focused around! I spent this afternoon writing it all out...dedicated to @jonahlovescoffee​ 😌✨
Summary: He has had enough. He wants his answer or he wants nothing. 
Warnings: This story is centered around a murder and this outtake in particular is VERY GRAPHIC. Descriptions of blood, death/manslaughter, dealing with corpses, and other possibly heavy or triggering topics. Please read at your own discretion.
Disclaimer: This story is in no way meant to portray any characters’ associated real-life counterparts in a negative or unpleasant light; all of this writing (characterization, plot, etc.) is strictly fictional.
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Monday, August 10, 2020 – 7:19pm
Jonah pulled his hood up over his ball cap and hurried down the street, having parked around the corner to not be seen. As the sun had set, he was left in mostly shadows and his black jeans and hoodie made going unnoticed a bit easier. The front porch light was on at the Seavey residence and Jonah stopped just at the edge of the property line. They were home.
Faint shadows moved through the kitchen window and Jonah ducked beside Daniel’s white Tesla to slide down the side of the house and around the back. The yard was left in darkness which permitted Jonah to step up onto the porch undetected. Through the sliding glass doors, he could see directly into the single-storey house, across the living room and right into the kitchen where Daniel and Avalon stood.
Jonah stayed to the side to avoid being seen as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
Their voices were muffled from the closed door separating them but Jonah could make out their obvious fight with the volumes they were reaching.
Daniel spoke loudly, “My brother always told me you were too fucking weak to be my wife…couldn’t handle the baggage that comes with the job.”
Avalon, only a few paces away from him at the kitchen island retorted easily, “Leave Christian out of this. He doesn’t know bull-fucking-shit about us and especially not about me. Neither of you know how hard it is!”
“It’s not hard, Avalon! You sit here and look pretty and I buy you sparkly things! It’s not fucking hard! You’re just being an obnoxious brat about everything, and you always have!”
“You invalidate my feelings all the time!” she yelled.
“You’re too goddamn sensitive! It’s not a big deal!”
They only got louder as they tried to out-scream each other and Jonah watched silently from the darkness that surrounded the house. Silence fell as their fight came to an end and Jonah leaned closer to the door to try and hear anything else. There was only a smash of the glass that Avalon was holding and when Daniel went to reach for her she yanked her arm back. Just how Jonah expected.
He only moved when he heard her stomping across the wood floors and calling out, “I’m sleeping in the studio tonight.”
Jonah slunk farther into the darkness of the patio, ducking behind the wicker furniture, and watched as the back door slid open and Avalon stepped out without a glance back to her husband. She sniffled back tears as she closed the door and hurried across the porch and down the three stairs to the yard and across the stone walkway to the studio door. Jonah got up from his hiding place and hurried after her, setting his hand against the frosted glass door before she could slam it shut.
The sudden interruption had Avalon turning with a gasp but the sight of Jonah lingering in the darkness of the night didn’t do much to ease her momentary fears.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Avalon said sharply, trying to hide the tears that were staining her cheeks.
“You didn’t answer my letters.”
“Maybe because I don’t want to fucking see you, Jonah. God fucking dammit.” Avalon grumbled, trying to push him out of the studio doorway with a hand against his chest. “Go home. Now is not a good time.”
“He’s always making you cry, huh?” Jonah raised his hand to her cheek and brushed his thumb over her damp skin before taking her chin in his hand. “He’s an idiot.”
“It’s none of your business.” Avalon breathed, turning her head away from him and stepped farther into the dark studio.
Jonah closed the door behind them but didn’t bother turning on the light.
“I would never dream to make you cry.” he stated gently.
Avalon laughed humourlessly and crossed her arms over her chest, “So you’ve said.”
“You are a beautiful and generous and perfect woman who deserves to be treated like a princess. Avalon, I can give you that. He can’t. Obviously. I know him. His first love is music and you won’t be able to surpass that no matter how much you try.”
Avalon only sniffled.
Jonah continued pleading his case, “I have the money he has but I know that’s not what you care about. I have a whole heart for you. It can be all yours. I will put all my love into you, morning, noon, and night.”
He took her hands and raised them up to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. Avalon pulled her hands back quickly and stepped back from him.
“Please, go. I told you to leave me alone.”
“Avalon, I am in love with you and we belong together.”
“I can’t fucking deal with you right now! Both of you are fucking insane!” Avalon snapped, turning away from him for a moment as her hands pushed through her hair. “I just wanna be alone for one goddamn second!”
“That’s the problem.” Jonah stepped closer, “Daniel always leaves you alone. He didn’t have to do all that work but he insisted. He nearly begged me for work so he didn’t have to go on stupid tours with you.”
Avalon shook her head, “I don’t want to hear this shit, Jonah, I’m serious.”
“I would never-”
“Jonah! Shut up!” Avalon nearly begged. Her tone wasn’t angry despite its volume. She was tired. “I don’t care! I don’t! I don’t love you and I’m not even sorry about it! I love Daniel. With everything in me…no matter what stupid decisions he makes. I love him and I will always love him most. Not you.”
Jonah’s jaw clenched and he turned his head away from her and to the crisp box of kitchen knives that rested on top of the stack of wedding gifts that was piled over the studio couch. He had planned this confrontation for weeks, having placed that box on top of the pile for a very specific reason when he brought home the gifts for them. The faint light from the back door of the main house faded in gentle stripes through the small window of the studio and sent a hazy warm light across the twelve engraved silver knives tucked in their bed of velvet and framed in wood.
“That’s your final answer? You don’t love me?” Jonah asked slowly.
“How many times do I have to say it?” Avalon snapped. “I. Don’t. Love you.”
Jonah took a few slow steps over to the nearly stack gifts and unclasped the box. He reached in and pulled out the largest of the row; a shining silver chef’s knife that glinted prettily as he lifted it into the direct stream of muted light.
“Well,” Jonah spoke gently as if needing to console her, “If you don’t want me…then you can’t have anyone.”
Avalon’s saddened and tired face fell into an expression of shock and she took a step away from him, “What the hell does that mean?”
“It means that selfish bitches like you get what’s fucking coming to them.” Jonah started right towards her, knife held in his white knuckled grip.
Avalon fell backwards against the back door of the studio and grabbed the handle, yanking it open to run and the security alarm beeped loudly. She was sure this was her saving grace for whatever evil Jonah had planned to her fate but he grabbed her by her throat and pinned her back against the door, using his other hand to type the security code into the system on the desk, 1202.
The alarm went quiet. The dark studio was back to silence.
Jonah’s breath could be felt against her face and he was breathing hard. Avalon tried to fight back, clawing at his arm and kicking at him until he pulled her right off the ground by her throat and shoved her back against the wall harder. She gasped at the grip his large hand had her under, her brown eyes wide and fearful.
He thought she was beautiful.
“Daniel.” Avalon choked out, manicured fingernails pressing into Jonah’s forearm to try and get him off of her.
“Cry for him.” Jonah encouraged quietly. “He can’t hear you. He won’t came save you. It’s just here. You’re mine.”
“Please.” Avalon cried softly. “Please don’t hurt me.”
“This all could have been avoided.” Jonah raised the chef’s knife to her throat just above where his hand was gripping. “If you just chose to love me back.”
Avalon forced out a piercing scream as the cold blade of the expensive knife touched her neck, echoing through the studio and, to her hope, into the main house, “Daniel!”
With a sharp swipe of his arm, Jonah sliced the knife clean across her throat.
It took three long seconds for the pain to set in and by the time Avalon’s face screwed up in agony, she was bleeding warmly right down his arm and down her body. Jonah stared right into her eyes, watching as she struggled for breath, coughing up blood until it was choking her. Her face was falling pale and he stepped back from her and let her drop limply to the paisley rug below, standing over her as she clawed at the floor and gasped desperately for breath, blood pouring down her body.
The sound of the back door of the main house sliding shut had Jonah’s head snapping up. He hurried across the dark studio and tucked himself up in the corner behind the door. Daniel opened the door, only concealing Jonah further from view, and reached for the light switch.
“Ava? I thought I heard you scream, are you-”
Jonah swore under his breath at nearly being found out, and as the studio lights turned on and Daniel was subject to the scene in front of him, he knew he had to work fast. Jonah watched carefully as Daniel stepped slowly into the studio, towards Avalon who was still clinging onto the last moments of life as she suffocated and drowned in her own blood, falling quiet as her hand tried to inch towards her darling husband and her eyes fell glazy as she stared at him.
“Aves.” Daniel breathed. He took another cautious step into the room. Then a second. “Avalon, honey…”
As Daniel walked ever so slowly across the paisley rugs, Jonah slunk out of the corner in perfect silence and stepped up behind him. Daniel was oblivious.
Jonah quickly wrapped his arms around his best friend, slapping his hand over his mouth and grabbing his arms tightly with his other. As expected, Daniel tried to break free, thrashing in Jonah’s fierce grip as they stumbled a few paces across the studio. Still undedicated and determined to keep it that way, Jonah  swept Daniel’s feet out from under him, making sure to get the perfect angle to slam his head against the edge of the piano.
Daniel fell limply to the floor, knocked unconscious, and Jonah stood over him motionless for a moment just to make sure. When there was no way he would be waking up anytime soon, Jonah hurried over to the discarded bloody knife on the floor and kicked it over towards Daniel. The amount of blood that Avalon was losing was enough to seep across the rugs and right towards Daniel’s body, linking him easily to the scene of the crime.
Jonah stepped over the growing pool of blood and opened the security cameras, deleting the recordings and turning off the system before he washed his hands and forearms free of blood and made his exit. He didn’t even look back as he slammed the studio door behind him and pulled off his blood splattered hoodie on his quick escape down the side of the house. The silence of the suburban neighbourhood echoed in his mind, ringing in his ears, and the moonlight led him back to his car.
With the sweater to be washed in his passenger seat, Jonah headed back towards home. He reached over to switch on the radio and turned up the music, letting a smile tug at the corner of his mouth as one of his lyrical masterpieces filled the car and he merged onto the freeway.
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Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @hiya-its-amber @tempus-ut-luceant @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @randomlimelightxxx @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @jonahlovescoffee @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23
Please click the link in my bio to be added to the taglist!
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Qui Totum Vult Totum Perdit (d.s.) - 16
A/N A small ‘epilogue’ to smoothen out some edges after the final chapter posted this morning 
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NBC4 Los Angeles - 5pm Daily News Coverage
“Breaking news this afternoon from LAPD in a recent homicide case. Please be forewarned that clips and content of his case are graphic and may be upsetting to some viewers.
Daniel Seavey and co-CEO Jonah Marais had fled Los Angeles some time last night without a trace, only hours after Seavey and his wife, Avalon, returned from their honeymoon. Detectives had found hints of struggle and DNA in Seavey’s home studio that changed the case over from missing persons to a homicide investigation.
This morning, officers had traced Seavey’s cellphone to southern Nevada on the Las Vegas Freeway I-15 about eight miles west of Bunkerville. It was there that they found his car, belongings including a blood soaked carpet and a set of kitchen knives, and both Seavey and his wife unresponsive. Medics pronounced both Seavey and his wife dead at the scene. Reports at this time state that it appears he had killed her some time yesterday evening in their home and, then today around 2pm pulled off the side of the road to end up killing himself with a handgun.
Officers found the newlyweds lain side by side on the sand, Seavey in a custom denim jacket ordered by his wife from a local small business, and herself, wearing one of his sweaters over her blood soaked clothes. They were both found by officers unresponsive, but still wore their weddings rings and were found holding hands.
Jonah Marais, Seavey’s business partner, appears to have been held hostage by Seavey and forced to partake in this pursuit. He trekked eight miles to the nearest gas station, dehydrated and shaken up, and reported the suicide and the murder to the authorities on a payphone. He has been taken in for questioning but is cooperating with the authorities and is expected to be sent home by the end of the day.
Only The Beginning Studios is expected to close its doors for the time being while the case is still being investigated and Seavey’s family makes funeral arrangements. Please respect the families of the deceased in this time of mourning and detectives state that anyone who appears at the Seavey residence at any time will be prosecuted.”
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Detective Team: @jonahlovescoffee @randomlimelightxxx @stuffofseaveyy @hopinglimelight @tempus-ut-luceant @br4nd1s @xkelsev @hiya-its-amber @the-girl-who-cried-wolf​
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
If Christian Did It: A conversation with Daniel about killing Avalon
I see this as if Christian and Daniel were leaving the state together and they stopped by the side of the road to have a chat when the truth comes out. Of course, Christian would never kill his brother like what the real killer did in the original novel but his sudden...evil that is rising to surface throughout him is chilling Daniel to silence. He’s unrecognizable. 
Christian definitely finishes this monologue and then starts to head back to the drivers side of the car, tapping gently on the trunk of the car on his way, before turning back to Daniel once more, biting his apple, and says, “You’re welcome.”
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
LOL i was looking to see what qtvtp blurbs i have that would have happened this month in their universe but then i remembered there are none because theyre dead- oops
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
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Story time: When qtvtp was still being posted I promised you a Scooby-Doo themed meme so just dropping that off 😂 ~T
{LOL perfect!!}
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
The qtvtp murder blurb was intense!! It's actually terrifying how calm Jonah is about the whole thing. I love the attention to detail with everything. The placement of the knife set on top of all the gifts because he anticipated she would say no. The contrast between “her brown eyes wide and fearful” and “He thought she was beautiful” phew!! + “The silence of the suburban neighbourhood echoed in his mind, ringing in his ears, and the moonlight led him back to his car” pure brilliance!! ~T
Ahhh thank you!!! I wasn’t sure about it when I posted it but I’m glad yall think it’s sufficient 😅
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
so....bank man was just....some random stranger daniel bumped into at a bank 😐
Honestly while writing, yes, he was a random dude lol. But you could also argue that it was Corbyn just doing some errands and when he saw Daniel and Jonah he was like 🤨 and followed after them to Palm Springs
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
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Jonah also has his own hitman, Wes. I think we’ve got some pretty solid evidence against this man
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
I was waiting for her to read it so I didn’t spoil it for her but:
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@hiya-its-amber got the closest guess! She basically got it spot on in the middle of her comment on an earlier chapter 😂
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
I really thought Corbyn did it and made up this whole plan about the team work and how Jonah would pay him-
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
Does Jonah opening the can with a knife symbolize how he killed Ava?
Yess. Not even sure if @randomlimelightxxx remembers her lil chat with me a whiiile ago talking about if Daniel killed her he could have a whole monologue while slicing an apple and his knifework could be a hint...well Jonah cut up their apples for lunch and opened the can with a knife since they didn’t have a can opener so...there ya go...hehe
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
so in chapter 5, we learn that daniel and avalon changed the passwords on their phones without telling the other. did this have any significance? was it more so to throw us off a little but also show how their relationship was?
Avalon changed hers so Daniel wouldn’t somehow see anything about his jacket! Daniel changed his just because he’s a petty bitch and wanted to lol
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