#Jon Schaffer
tiredshadowscale · 1 year
i'm ripping my cd collection because i'm tired of spotify removing my obscure metal bands, and while they rip, i'm going through the booklets and i found this little gem
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now, i know what you're thinking, "Alex and Jones are super common names" and i know this because that's exactly what my sister said. but i have another picture for you
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that's Jon Schaffer! at Jan 6th! wearing an oath keepers hat! while the leader of oath keepers swears they have nothing to do with him which is incredibly funny.
anyway, i'm gonna go through the rest of my collection and see how many problematic people i can find in the thanks.
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leviabeat · 2 years
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metaladdicts · 12 days
JON SCHAFFER's Sentencing Hearing Delayed Again, Now Scheduled For Late October
The Republic reports that a federal judge has postponed Jon Schaffer‘s sentencing hearing for the fifth time, moving it from the previously scheduled September 13 to October 25. U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta also set a deadline for both prosecutors and defense attorneys to present their recommendations for Schaffer‘s sentence. Schaffer was the first individual to plead guilty in connection…
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sonic-emporium · 2 months
Here in the shadows There's no wishing well May the blessed one forgive me Like so many times before There's no savior at the door But it won't matter anymore
Touch me now while we reach the end, I wonder where you are right now Right now Oh my dear
She still has sunshine in her weary eyes A bed of roses to testify my love A promise made, now I will make it right There is no power on earth to tear us apart
Love's tragedy asunder I'll set your spirit free Love's tragedy asunder Do I believe?
Deep in the shadows There is no release I believe Deep in the shadows You won't find peace I believe We live in a dream But it's over now I'll take your hand Our time is sure to come On broken wings I try to fly I'm sorry I will get it right
All praise and glory to All praise and glory to love
I've buried sunlight when I shut her eyes Dead leaves to dust No seasons bloom A glimpse of Heaven has shown An angel bright Tenfold the price on Crack of Doom
Love's tragedy asunder What it means for me Love's tragedy asunder Will I be free
Love's tragedy asunder Will I be free? Love's tragedy asunder Caught in misery Love's tragedy asunder Do I believe? Love's tragedy asunder Still I believe
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mxdwn · 1 year
Iced Earth’s Jon Schaffer Officially Scheduled For Sentencing In Early 2024 Following Capitol Riot Investigation
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perfect-ly-island-y · 7 months
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All these people at the same event bring 2000s/ 2010s era vibes and I 'm here for this
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Dennis Draughon, CBC
* * * *
April 2, 2024
APR 03, 2024
Almost six months have passed since President Joe Biden asked Congress to appropriate money for Ukraine in a national security supplemental bill. At first, House Republicans said they would not pass such a bill without border security. Then, when a bipartisan group of senators actually produced a border security provision for the national security bill, they killed it, under orders from former president Trump. 
In February the Senate passed the national security supplemental bill with aid for Ukraine without the border measures by a strong bipartisan vote of 70 to 29. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) cheered its passage, saying: “The national security bill passed by the Senate is of profound importance to America’s security.”
The measure would pass in the House by a bipartisan vote, but House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has refused to take it up, acting in concert with Trump. 
On March 24, on Washington Week, foreign affairs journalist Anne Applebaum said: “Trump has decided that he doesn’t want money to go to Ukraine… It's really an extraordinary moment; we have an out-of-power ex-president who is in effect dictating American foreign policy on behalf of a foreign dictator or with the interests of a foreign dictator in mind.” 
On Thursday, March 28, Beth Reinhard, Jon Swaine, and Aaron Schaffer of the Washington Post reported that Richard Grenell, an extremist who served as Trump’s acting director of national intelligence, has been traveling around the world to meet with far-right foreign leaders, “acting as a kind of shadow secretary of state, meeting with far-right leaders and movements, pledging Trump’s support and, at times, working against the current administration’s policies.”
Grenell, the authors say, is openly laying the groundwork for a president who will make common cause with authoritarian leaders and destroy partnerships with democratic allies. Trump has referred to Grenell as “my envoy,” and the Trump camp has suggested he is a frontrunner to become secretary of state if Trump is reelected in 2024. 
Applebaum was right: it is extraordinary that we have a former president who is now out of power running his own foreign policy. 
For most of U.S. history, there was an understanding that factionalism stopped at the water’s edge. Partisans might fight tooth and nail within the U.S., but they presented a united front to the rest of the world. That understanding was strong enough that it was not for nearly a half century that we had definitive proof that in 1968 Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon had launched a secret effort to thwart incumbent president Lyndon Baines Johnson’s peace initiative to end the Vietnam War; Nixon had tried very hard to hide it. 
But the era of hiding attempts to undermine foreign policy ended in 2015, when 47 Republican senators openly warned Iranian officials that they would destroy any agreement Iran made with then-president Barack Obama, a Democrat, over nuclear weapons as soon as a Republican regained the White House. At the time it sparked a firestorm, although the senators involved could argue that they, too, should be considered the voice of the government.
It was apparently a short step from the idea that it was acceptable to undermine foreign policy decisions made by a Democratic president to the idea that it was acceptable to work with foreign operatives to change foreign policy. In late 2016, Trump’s then national security advisor Michael Flynn talked to Russian foreign minister Sergey Kislyak about relieving Russia of U.S. sanctions. Now, eight years later, Trump is conducting his own foreign policy, and it runs dead against what the administration, the Pentagon, and a majority of senators and representatives think is best for the nation.  
Likely expecting help from foreign countries, Trump is weakening the nation internationally to gain power at home. In that, he is retracing the steps of George Logan, who in 1798 as a private citizen set off for France to urge French officials to court popular American opinion in order to help throw George Washington’s party out of power and put Thomas Jefferson’s party in. 
Congress recognized that inviting foreign countries to interfere on behalf of one candidate or another would turn the United States into a vassal state, and when Logan arrived back on U.S. shores, he discovered that Congress had passed a 1799 law we now know as the Logan Act, making his actions a crime. 
The law reads: “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”
Trump’s interference in our foreign policy is weakening Ukraine, which desperately needs equipment to fight off Russia’s invasion. It is also warning partners and allies that they cannot rely on the United States, thus serving Russian president Vladimir Putin’s goal of fracturing the alliance standing against Russian aggression.  
Today, Lara Seligman, Stuart Lau, and Paul McLeary of Politico reported that officials at the meeting of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) foreign ministers in Brussels on Thursday are expected to discuss moving the Ukraine Defense Contact Group from U.S. to NATO control. The Ukraine Defense Contact Group is an organization of 56 nations brought together in the early days of the conflict by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and then–Joint Chiefs chair General Mark Milley to coordinate supplying Ukraine. 
Members are concerned about maintaining aid to Ukraine in case of a second Trump presidency. 
Jim Townsend, a former Pentagon and NATO official, told the Politico reporters: “There’s a feeling among, not the whole group but a part of the NATO group, that thinks it is better to institutionalize the process just in case of a Trump re-election. And that’s something that the U.S. is going to have to get used to hearing, because that is a fear, and a legitimate one.”
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mischief cast in the hatchetfield series (version 2)
hello. in january, i did a series of "mischief members cast in starkid shows" posts, which i did for most of their shows. i did a casting of hatchetfield during this series, but i only based the castings on the guy who didn't like musicals and black friday, as at this point in time, it had been a while since i had watched nightmare time season 1, i hadn't yet watched nightmare time season 2, and nerdy prudes must die hadn't come out yet. but now that i've watched everything, i figured i should update my casting. quite a few of these roles have been switched around from how i originally had them, because of how additional roles changed my perspective.
some notes that i made in the original series but will reiterate now, plus an extra one:
vocals did not play a part in the castings because i didn't want to limit myself and also because i can't tell what vocal types people are. so this is purely based on acting abilities.
i only used cast members from filmed shows because they're who i'm familiar with. so basically tgws and mmni cast members only. (there is a single exception to this).
now the extra note. i have cast all of them as if they're taking over a starkid members parts (aka someone will be playing all of jon matteson's parts, etc). however, if two different starkid people play a character during different shows (most notably the recasting of r*bert m*nion's roles in nmt2) i have changed it so that only one mischief actor plays that part. for which actor i gave these doubled up roles to, i gave priority to the stage shows over nightmare time. a good example of this is the lords in black - i have counted their actors as the person who played them in npmd, no matter who played them in nmt. the only character that this is a little complicated for is peter spankoffski, as he's been played by three different people, but i've put him as joey's character over r*bert's, as he has a more prominent role in npmd than in tgwdlm. hopefully that makes sense!
also you can see my original casting here. just so you can see what's changed. i would recommend reading this one first because the ones i kept the same are mostly just "see previous explanation".
casting under the readmore!
paul matthews / wiggly / gary goldstein / paul 23 / roman murray / boy jerry / daniel / richie lipshitz: jonathan sayer
this was hard because i moved my first choice for this role to a different character, but i think jono could do it! dennis has the awkward vibes paul does, and i feel like from what we see of him in mmni, jono is unhinged enough to play every other character /lh. my personal favourite character for jono to play is richie though.
emma perkins / donna daggit / linda monroe / madame iris / emdroid / mary / courtney / ruth fleming / blinky: nancy zamit
listen. nancy as linda monroe could fix me. okay. i just think she'd smash any and all of these characters.
bill woodward / frank pricely / solomon lauter / jason jepson / pokey: harry kershaw
this one is the same as my old casting, so i won't spend much explanation on it, but it's perfect, okay?
charlotte sweetly / nora / deb / colonel schaffer / sherman young / jane perkins / pamela foster / sheila young / marco: charlie russell
this is also the same as before, but the addition of sheila is the one that solidified this for me. we know she can play sexy villains. we've seen it in mmni. the prime minister in star paws, madame castaway in a dice with death (i know she isn't the villain in that one but she's got the same vibe). this also goes for jane. charlie russell playing villains for the win.
ted spankoffski / dan reynolds / wilbur cross / cineplex teen / malone / ezekiel / thrash / peter spankoffski: dave hearn
although he wasn't who i landed on previously, i had already strongly considered him for this role, and i eventually decided that he did fit this role better after all. i mean, we love villain dave in this house, so wilbur and ezekiel are covered. i also think he has the range to play pete as well, as we've seen him play those awkward kind of characters in mmni. i think he's definitely right for the part.
professor hidgens / ethan green / tony green: joshua elliott
same as previous casting and not much to add.
mr davidson / sam sweetly / general macnamara / barry swift / chumby the ape-man / papa sniggle / andy kilgore / gabe / skud: henry lewis
okay hear me out on this one. the initial reason i considered him for this role is because mcnamara's voice in tgwdlm reminded me of his chesney hawkes voice in light over the rocks. then i thought about it some more and i feel like he could really rock all of these roles? idk i just think he could do it.
alice woodward / greenpeace girl / melissa / zoey chambers / stephanie lauter / webby: rhyanna alexander-davis
same as previous. i think the added characters are really great for her as well. like rhyanna as steph??? come onnnn.
tom houston / gerald monroe / bob metzger: chris leask
okay listen. chris leask has that rugged dad kind of vibe that tom has. i said what i said. it works sooo well. you cannot tell me you don't see where i'm coming from on this one.
becky barnes / sylvia / jenny / miss holloway / girl jeri / karen chasity / miss mullberry / stacy / nibbly: lauren shearing
this was perfect casting the first time and i stand by that!!!
lex foster / lucy stockworth / snigglette / willabella muckwab / hailey / grace chasity: ellie morris
i also stand by this one! i feel like once again, she isn't the obvious choice for any of these, but i think she has a range that i want to see explored.
hannah foster / tim houston: susan harrison
idk how to explain it i just think it's a role i'd love to see her in.
howard goodman / jonathan brisby / duke keane / zach chambers / lumber-axe / eddie chiplucky / mark chasity / officer bailey / kyle clauger / tinky: greg tannahill
once again another example of perfect casting the first time. i am a genius /j. the most notable addition to me is duke, and i think he absolutely has the heart to play him.
xander lee / bob morris / watcher world barker / river monroe / noah / charles: niall ransome
it still fits. not much to add tbh.
rose / sophia / detective shapiro / brenda: bryony corrigan
okay, of all of these the only one i struggle to imagine her as is rose, but even then i don't think that's beyond her capabilities? like idk i just could really see her as shapiro tbh.
ziggs / kale: scott hunter
i did say there was a single exception to the "only tgws or mmni rule"! because ofc i have to cast non-binary icon scott hunter as non-binary icon jae hughes.
max jägerman: henry shields
this role was super hard to cast. partially because will branner hasn't played any other characters yet so i haven't seen his range, and also because will brings such a specific energy to this character that i think is hard to replicate? he's an excellent addition to starkid. anyway i thought shields was probably the best bet for casting this role, purely because max reminds me very slightly of kyle from primary cape crusader. there's just a specific vibe and shields was the only one i felt could fit that.
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theartofmetal · 2 years
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28. Burnt Offerings - Iced Earth (Power/Thrash Metal, 1995)
Art by Gustave Doré
I really don't want this blog to be political but I think this is important information, that is by now, very well known. I want to clarify that I do NOT sympathize with Jon Schaffer or anything that happened on that day. - I'm here for the music and art.
"Because of Jon Schaffer's involvement in the January 6th, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol Building, Century Media Records ended its collaboration with Iced Earth. In addition, Stu Block, Luke Appleton, and Jake Dreyer left the band. After having partaken in the terrorist act that left some dead, many injured, and countless traumatized, the drummer Brent Smedley condemned the Capitol riots along with the three departed members but hasn't made any statements afterward in regards to the band."
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year
Ending the four day convention for theater owners were studios Paramount and Lionsgate. Their slate?
Paramount: Franchise baby! Tom Cruise sent a video message and package of the stunts from MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: DEAD RECKONING PART ONE (Part Two is currently filming).
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Dominique Fishback and Anthony Ramos were on hand to show the final trailer for TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS.
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In other TRANSFORMERS news, the voice cast of the animated film, TRANSFORMERS ONE was announced. What is it about?
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The origin story is set before the events on Earth, with the Transformers in a secret world on their home planet of Cybertron, where a young Optus Prime (Chris Hemsworth) and young Megatron (Brian Tyree Henry) will go from brothers-in-arms to sworn enemies. Bots in the story include Elita (Scarlett Johansson), Bumblebee (Keegan-Michael Key), Sentinel Prime (Jon Hamm) and Alpha Trion (Laurence Fishburne).
The Rest
Also on the animated front: The announcement of a new SMURFS film with Rihanna voicing Smurfette, executive producing and providing a song for the film. There was also news of another SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS film; word that THE LAST AIRBENDER film should hit theaters i n October 2025, footage was shown from the PAW PATROL film and TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE: MUTANT MAYHEM.
Footage was screened of A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE starring Lupita N'yongo, Alex Wolff, Djimon Hounsou and Joseph Quinn; first footage of Martin Scorcese's western KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON.
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While Leonardo DiCaprio is featured in all of the stills, its rumored that Jesse Plemons is the true lead of the film. and first footage of the Bob Marley biopic, produced by his son Ziggy, BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE starring Kingsley Ben-Adir and Lashana Lynch.
Lionsgate: Had a spotlight on JOYRIDE as the cast was being honoured with the Best Comedy Ensemble award; The first trailer dropped for THE HUNGER GAMES: THE BALLADS OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES showing star Rachel Zegler, Jason Schwartzman, Hunter Schaffer, Peter Dinklage and Viola Davis.
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As expected they teased Lionsgate’s slate for 2023 includes About My Father (May 26), The Blackening (June 16), White Bird: A Wonder Story (August 18), The Expendables 4 (September 22), Ordinary Angels (October 13), and Saw sequel, which is a co-production with Universal (October 27).
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aci32 · 5 months
BLIND GUARDIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey folks sorry for running 72 hours late, better late than never, here's my 4th review of 2024, Blind Guardian!!!!! It had been 8 years since I last saw them which was at Wacken Open Air 2016 and that show was absolutely electric. It had been 9 years since I last saw them in Toronto and that was at Danforth Music Hall with Gravedigger as the opening act. This was also the 4th different venue I've seen Blind Guardian play, which I will elaborate later on.
Let's begin the festivities!
Firsr band up was NIGHT DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had heard of this band via seeing their name circulate around social media but never checked them out beforehand. I will say they had a great live show as frontman and bassist Jarvis Leatherby, who if you asked me looked like Jonathan Davis and Glen Benton had a love child together, and guitarist Armand Anthony, who looked like Rotting Christ frontman and guitarist Sakis Tolis, had great stage presence and energy. My only disappointment was the lack of banter, but I suppose the reason for that was time limitation in which their set lasted for 45 minutes, which is a great amount of time for an opening act. At one point their mascot came out with a chalice to pour invisible red wine or blood. Here's their setlist:
1. Outsider
2. Screams in the Night
3. Escape From Beyond
4. Dawn Rider
5. The Howling Man
6. Beyond the Grave
7. The Wrath
8. Welcome to the Night
9. The Chalice
10. Night Demon
After Night Demon it was time for BLIND GUARDIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 4th time seeing them and as I mentioned earlier, I last saw them 8 years ago at Wacken Open Air when they were one of the headliners alongside Twisted Sister, Iron Maiden, and Whitesnake, and it was the day after I saw Maiden play and the day before I saw Twisted Sister play, and I remember that show was absolutely awesome as I got to see BG play in their home country and the crowd was electric especially during The Bard's Song and Valhalla, which was their last song at the time. I also remember half the field being empty during Ministry and Testament's sets as the crowd was spent after BG finished. Also before BG, Tarja was performing and the crowd grew impatient as they were craving BG. This show was great but definitely not as great compared to seeing them at Kool Haus when the sound was crystal clear, same with Danforth Music Hall when the sound was clear, once again Rebel dropped the ball with their muddy sound. Hansi Kürsch not only sounds phenomenal live especially since he's pushing 60, he's hilarious in between songs because before Blood of the Elves he said the following "Another tough night for me *crowd laughs* I'm sure we will get you sooner or later. We do everything possible, what exactly? I do not know IT'S GREAT TO BE BACK HERE TORONTO!!! *Crowd roars* This is how we imagined a Canadian welcome. *crowd cheers* You approve I know. *crowd laughs* We will help you on that, why so confident on that? It's quite easy because of the guys behind me. That's all the praise thinks of you're right. Well but (Marcus) him he knows all the tricks, he's a great guy. He's not wasting too much time on music anymore. He's indulging in his 'Witcher' career *crowd laughs*. A role model for almost everyone, apart for the people who want to play guitar. But uh maybe when we come back next time, he will improve. He's also not that good a Witcher as we will find out on the next one. But he's good for having that. Even you do not know whatever you're cheering now right? And it means all the hard work for you, let's protect the Blood of the Elves" man that was amusing how Hansi had said that Marcus Siepen having gone totally grey was cosplaying as the Witcher as a means to roast him. I'll also highlight this was the 6th time overall I've seen Hansi Kürsch live as I saw him twice with Demons & Wizards 5 years ago before Jon Schaffer's legal woes which would lead to D&W breaking up in the process. In conclusion this show was great, but Wacken Open Air 2016 tops them all. Here's their setlist:
1. Imaginations From the Other Side
2. Blood of the Elves
3. Nightfall
4. The Script For my Requiem
5. Violent Shadows
6. Skalds and Shadows
7. Into the Storm
8. Secrets of the American Gods
9. The Bard's Song - In the Forest
10. Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill)
11. Lost in the Twilight Hall
12. Sacred Worlds
13. Bright Eyes
14. Valhalla
15. Mirror Mirror
Overall a great show and a great way to spend a Thursday night.
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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leviabeat · 2 years
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metaladdicts · 2 years
District Of Columbia Attorneys Struggling To Find ICED EARTH's JON SCHAFFER
District Of Columbia Attorneys Struggling To Find ICED EARTH’s JON SCHAFFER
Process servers tasked with hand-delivering notice to ICED EARTH guitarist Jon Schaffer that the District of Columbia was suing him in federal court related to his actions during the January 6 insurrection have been unable to notify the musician that legal action was being taken against him, The Republic has reported. At least 25 separate attempts to serve Schaffer at seven different addresses…
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sonic-emporium · 5 months
Here in the shadows There's no wishing well May the blessed one forgive me Like so many times before There's no savior at the door But it won't matter anymore
Touch me now while we reach the end, I wonder where you are right now Right now Oh my dear
She still has sunshine in her weary eyes A bed of roses to testify my love A promise made, now I will make it right There is no power on earth to tear us apart
Love's tragedy asunder I'll set your spirit free Love's tragedy asunder Do I believe?
Deep in the shadows There is no release I believe Deep in the shadows You won't find peace I believe We live in a dream But it's over now I'll take your hand Our time is sure to come On broken wings I try to fly I'm sorry I will get it right
All praise and glory to All praise and glory to love
I've buried sunlight when I shut her eyes Dead leaves to dust No seasons bloom A glimpse of Heaven has shown An angel bright Tenfold the price on Crack of Doom
Love's tragedy asunder What it means for me Love's tragedy asunder Will I be free
Love's tragedy asunder Will I be free? Love's tragedy asunder Caught in misery Love's tragedy asunder Do I believe? Love's tragedy asunder Still I believe
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mxdwn · 1 year
Iced Earth’s Jon Schaffer Sentencing Date To Be Set For Role In U.S. Capitol Riot
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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