#John Preston imagine
mlmxreader · 4 months
Fallout + pet names/terms of endearment
these are ALL m!reader - please don't be weird abt it if you aren't mlm/nblm
jncludes: MacCready, Preston, Hancock, Nick, Cooper Howard/The Ghoul & Maximus
handsome, trouble, sugar, bad boy (playfully)
MacCready rolled over from his place on the left side of the bed, a soft groan coming from the back of his throat as he noticed the sunshine starting to trickle in through the cracks in the wall; he couldn't believe it was morning already, but when he set his eyes on you, still fast asleep next to him, he couldn't help but to smile as he gently nudged you.
"Morning, handsome," his voice was quiet and low, still thick with sleep. "C'mon, it's time to get going."
sweet, General (playfully), husband, Prince charming
It was getting late when you and Preston finally got back home after helping out a settlement in need; the stars were shining brightly, almost as if the world hadn't turned to utter shit around you. Preston couldn't help it, stealing a fond glance your way as he smiled and allowed his shoulders to drop all their tension for the first time that day.
"We're almost home," he said softly. "Not long now, sweet."
love, beloved, sweetheart, casanova, sunshine
Hancock had been locked in his office all day, dealing with the various goings on in Goodneighbor and hardly speaking to anyone at all except to ask for the odd bit of Jet here and there to keep him going; he was completely oblivious when you sat yourself down opposite his desk, tilting your head to the side and raising your brows expectantly. You had to clear your throat to get his attention, and when you did, he looked up at you with the upmost fondness.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he almost laughed. "I'll be right there."
honey, old man, beau, darling
The music was playing loudly as you and Nick sat down at what you could only guess was a pub, although there was hardly anyone around except for a few regulars. It was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Diamond City, as well as the nastiness from its residents that weren't exactly kind about your relationship with Nick. A quick look around, and you hummed under your breath at the realisation that nobody actually cared or even noticed.
"Alright, beau," Nick said as he lit up a cigarette. "You sit here, and I'll go get your drinks."
cowboy, daddy-o, hot stuff, romeo
At best, Cooper was difficult; selfish and violent, he didn't exactly care what anyone else said or thought about him. He was always the shoot first, ask questions never type - whatever brought him whatever it was he wanted at the time. But even still, as he worked on getting a fire started for the night, he did find it difficult to take his eyes from you; you were the most fucking handsome guy he had ever seen in all his years, and at night, it seemed like the stars became trapped in your eyes.
"C'mon, cowboy," he said suddenly. "Sit down an' eat somethin'."
sweetheart, angel, pumpkin, tiger, teddy bear
Maximus grinned as he sat down beside you, thankful to have some spare time just for the two of you; a little bit giddy, he handed you the glass bottle of Nuka Cherry. Outside, the weather was hot and almost sweltering, but amongst the wooden walls of the abandoned shack, it wasn’t so bad.
"I managed to find the last one," he told you, nearly laughing. "What'd you think, angel?"
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weniswastelandwenis · 2 months
Companions React To Sole Announcing Her Pregnancy
She was neither happy, nor sad for Sole. She offhandedly told her “Congratulations on the wee one” when they swapped out guard shifts. Months upon months passed, and finally little Shaun 2 was born.
Cait’s heroine business was getting lean in the resource department, so she snuck into Sole’s house when she was sleeping, slipping through the back window. She shuffled quietly through the kitchen, checking closet to closet, until finally, jackpot. Baby powder. “Finally, I’ll be able to turn a profit!”
 The next day Sole asked around if anyone had seen her missing baby powder. She was within the vicinity of cait’s house, and passed by an unsafe looking individual that swapped items with cait. ‘Can’t judge a book by it’s cover!’ Sole thought, a smile on her face.
Cait spotted her and attempted to shut her front door, but Sole got her boot in it first. “Heyyy Cait! I was just asking around, did you happen to see a bottle of baby powder anywhere? Mine just abruptly went missing.” Cait’s gaze shifted to her desk, then back to Sole, then to the desk. “Uhh, no, why’r you asking me that? What would I need baby powder for? I don’t like what you’re implyin’. Get out me house!” And with that, she shoved Sole out the front door and slammed it in her face.
From that point on, whenever Sole would miraculously find another bottle of baby powder, it would strangely disappear in the night. Cait’s front yard had a mile-long line of drifters and ne-er do wells on it at all times, and Shaun turned to dust due to improper infant care.
He knows this is his own doing. Codsworth realizes with a heavy heart that he now has another set of lives to worry about and protect in the wasteland. He’d already lost sole once, and ever since his heart had turned to stone.
Codsworth goes to the local chapel and prays for forgiveness for what he was about to do. He’d never forgiven Sole for dying and for leaving him behind in the blast. Codsworth tells sole he’s going out to buy diapers for the little toaster, and all he leaves behind is a pack of cigarettes and a puff of smoke. Between a wave of hookers a booze, Codsworth is never seen again. 
She cooed that a young human child, Sole’s child, would be joining them all shortly. She had always loved babies, and Dr. Collins and her frequently tested on them to find ways for humanity to survive the irradiated wasteland in the future.
One day, Sole and some of her companions had to leave and help one of the settlements. Curie was entrusted to watch the baby, to which she agreed to do with extreme fervor. “The little one will be safe with me Mademoizelle.” Sole tossed the toddler like a football and Curie went long. “So long!” Curie almost squealed.
Immediately she took the baby to her test chambers which she had been secretly building in a shack, not too far from Sanctuary. The child was given many different experimental vaccines and medicines, which didn’t do much of anything. Curie started losing hope. Then, something happened.
The baby started growing. And growing. It bust out of the flimsy tin shack they were both in. Then it kept growing to the size of a skyscraper. Curie began crying happy tears, and fell to her knees. “Humanity finally has a chance to survive! Mr Collins, we did it!”
Was excited he would have the opportunity to brainwash another unwilling victim over to the brotherhood. “It’s time to stay with Uncle Danse, Shaun Jr. Be good!” Sole said on the way out of the house, off to her go-go dancing. The baby and Danse locked eyes. “Let’s begin.”
For non-stop 13 hours, Shaun Jr was to perform Brotherhood drills, which were demanding on his baby body. Danse custom-built him a tiny power armor suit. The pair of them traveled the wasteland, going door to door and handing out pamphlets about the danger of ghouls and feminism.
Sole finally arrived home, and the baby she left was not the baby now in front of her. His brow was furrowed. His fist, clenched. He had been indoctrinated. Sole wept.
Deacon has always felt insecure and unsure of his place in soles life. When he hears she is with child deacon is overjoyed at first, he cant wait to have a baby around to put tiny sunglasses on and teach to spy. But deacon soon realizes that if the baby is born, then deacon will be replaced as the bald man in soles life and sole wont have time for deacon anymore.
Deacon spends hours and hours waxing and polishing his bald head so that it would stand out as the most bulbous and waxed head in the world- even better than the new born babies. Sadly, deacon doesn’t realize that sole loves him for more than his bald head and deacon spends so much time waxing and polishing his head that he neglects his friendship with sole.
Sole runs away and gets attacked by a deathclaw as Deacon stares in the mirror, transfixed by the glow of his own bald head. 
In the midst of all the cheers and laughter, Hancock is silent. He is seen tugging at the collar of his mayoral shirt, and sweating ghoul bullets. Weeks pass, and Sole finds he is being distant and avoiding her.
Finally, she confronts him as he’s taking a leak on an irradiated tree, making him stop mid-piss. “Ok, it’s time to end this!” She screamed. Hancock zipped up his jorts hastily and turned around, attempting to look charismatic and casual but failing. Sole could tell in his inky, black eyes that something was bothering him, deeply. He sighed.
“You’re right. You don’t deserve this, Sole. It’s just that… What if your baby… Looks like me?” A ghoul tear fell from his empty, soulless eye and dropped, joining his piss on the ground.
Soul walked over to him, and put a friendly hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm his quiet, shaky breaths. “Hancock… No matter what my baby looks like, I’d love them. Just like I love you.” Then she smirked. “Besides, it’s Strong’s baby.”
Maccready knows an opportunity when he sees it. Caps are his main priority, and when the going is tough he’s willing to get down in the dirt and be a street rat like every other wastelander.
That night after throwing Sole a party to celebrate her pregnancy (and wearing a sinister smile the whole time) Maccready changes into an outfit of all black and sneaks out in the dead of night. He makes contact with Jeanie May, and hands her a certain contract… Sole and the baby are sold for fifty caps and Maccready has a few free rounds of beer. 
After Sole essentially saved the commonwealth and beat the Institute threat, business had been slow. Upon hearing that Sole was with child, the lighbulb attached to his robo-head went off. 10 months pass and Sole had a perfectly healthy baby boy, whom she oddly named Shaun. For many days and many nights, the other companions would give Sole gifts and attention, leaving the old detective to collect rust in his office. He tented his metal fingers. “It’s time.”
(1 day later, 16:00) A flurry of footsteps is heard outside, and Nick wore a wry smile. Bells jingled as the door slammed open. Sole looked beside herself, in an unkempt state, and more manic than he’d ever seen her. “It’s Shaun! Nick… He’s-He’s gone!” She clenched his desk and let out a massive, eight wheeler, tractor trailer-size fart. “I can’t do this again Nick, I just can’t!!!” 
“Calm down Sole, it’s going to be alright. Thanks to my handy-dandy detective skills, we’re gonna get your boy back. For real this time.” That seemed to ease her anxiety, just a tad.
For many days and many nights they made fliers, and Nick’s business was more popular than ever before. He was able to afford an irradiated limousine, yacht, and robo-wife. Life was good. He finally decided he had acquired enough material goods, at least for now, to be satisfied.
Making sure no one was following him, he walked behind one of the houses in Sanctuary to the hidden bunker no one knew existed. Inside was baby shaun. The thought of her child not being lost after all, and right under Sole’s nose made him chuckle darkly with glee. That bitch.
Picking him up disgustedly, he began walking to the square of sanctuary only for a blur of color to appear in his peripheral vision. His orbs weren’t as strong as they used to be, and when he recognized what it was, it was too late. A deathclaw swallowed Shaun whole, burped, and walked away. 
She knows there's a story here, there just has to be. Piper frets long hours of the night in front of her evil magic mirror, plotting a way to get publik occurrences on the world map.
Through extensive research and bribing Piper finds out that Sole has a serious disease from being cryogenically frozen and she will die soon. Piper waits until the baby turns 18 to announce in a tell all article that the baby has blood poisoning from their mothers cryogenic freezing.
She had been studying the effects on a human from birth ever since the baby was born, and now her research has made her millions of caps. She also adds that soles child has two days left to live and sips her wine from her pimp chalice with a smirk. 
Preston decides to raise this baby just like he was raised, to protect and serve the minutemen. He tries to raise the baby with the best values he can, but soon shaun starts to act out. First its a stolen candy bar, then it’s vandalism. Preston has a good talk with them every time and he tries to reinstall those values, but shaun never listens.
One day shaun acts out again by leaving the kitchen door opened with the air conditioner on, and preston makes them go outside and count the flowers. 
Smashed the baby, killing it instantly.
Sees this baby as an opportunity for the institute, which is quickly failing with no leader. He tracks down Edward Deegan, and forces him to hand over the mystery serum, which he reverse engineers into an aging serum.
One quiet night, he sneaks into Sole’s house and babynaps her child. “Welcome back, Father. My creator.” He says in a quiet prayer before injecting the child. It happens in a flash; where once there was a baby, there now was an old man.
The issue was, he still had the mind of a baby. X6 strangely did not consider this before carrying out this plan, and picked up old-man baby Shawn and set him back in his crib. Back to the drawing board, he thought.
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nukaberries · 2 years
Fallout companions react to sole telling that they don't want to even lose them and then breakingdown. I need all the angst!
God, me too. As much as I say I hate angst, I'm definitely a sucker for it! This idea, especially, is super exciting for me since I feel like the Fallout 4 companions have a lot of opportunity for angst (I play through Nick's personal quest just to cry at the ending) Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one and it was worth the wait!
Companions React to Sole Breaking Down - TW: Mentions of Addiction and Suicide
(Includes: Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick, Piper, Preston and X6-88)
Cait She isn't really sure what brought this on. Cait knows she isn't great at keeping herself safe or even having much concern for her own wellbeing, but she hadn't realised that upset Sole so much. Was it the chems? Maybe how she often charges head first into battle. Whatever it is, she admittedly feels guilty, not realising Sole cared so much about her. She isn't the best at comforting people, but she tries her best to make Sole feel better and reassure them that she isn't going anywhere. It may result in some awkward shoulder pats, but it's the thought that counts, right?
Codsworth It's probably not the first time that Codsworth has seen Sole break down. After all, he was the first living being they ran into after escaping the horrors of Vault 111. Still, this particular breakdown takes him by surprise, he didn't know he mattered that much to Sole. He's probably the best at comforting Sole, considering he knows them so well. Later on, he'll likely bring up how touched he is to know that he's important to Sole and promises he'll stand by them.
Curie She's extremely apologetic when she realises Sole's breaking down, at first thinking she'd done something wrong, before they explain that they can't stand to lose her. She understands where Sole is coming from, they're the most important person in her life and she doesn't want to begin to think what things would be like without them. She apologises if she ever scared them and reassures them that she's much more formidable than she seems
Paladin Danse He immediately panics when Sole starts to break down. Being in the Brotherhood, he's never known how to deal with his own emotions, let alone the emotions of someone else. He'll try his best to comfort Sole, but he definitely won't succeed. If he's still in the Brotherhood and him and Sole aren't extremely close - or romantically involved - he'll only insist that, due to his training, he's confident nothing bad will happen to him. However, if they're closer, Danse will go out of his way to make sure Sole knows they won't ever lose them, he loves Sole and he'd keep surviving so long as it made them happy.
Deacon He has no idea how to react at first. Sure, he'd been travelling with Sole for a while now, but he figured it was just out of convenience, since he was showing them the ropes in the Railroad. He'd figured his lying would've annoyed them by now and yeah, they were close, but he didn't know he mattered this much to them. He wants to crack a joke, but even he knows it's bad timing. Instead - because he understands how devastating loss can be, and he knows what Sole's been through - he actually does his best to comfort them, which he's actually good at, much to both his and Sole's surprise.
Hancock Like Cait, he initially thinks it's down to his reckless behaviour when it comes to chems and almost immediately promises you that he knows not to overdo it and if chems were going to kill them, they would've by now. He assures Sole that so long as he has them by his side, there's no way he plans on dying early, even though life hasn't exactly been kind to him in the past. Sole gives him a reason to keep going and he'd rather not ruin that.
MacCready Similarly to Deacon, he understands - maybe better than anyone - just how hard losing the person you love can be. The death of Lucy still haunts him, in spite of how much he cares for Sole, so he feels terrible that they share concerns he once had to suffer the aftermath of. He promises them over and over that they'll never lose him, no matter what happens. He even goes the extra mile and makes sure to be careful when they're outside the walls of a settlement, just to give Sole some peace of mind.
Nick Valentine He's better at comforting Sole than most, he knows a lot about their past and how they ended up in the Commonwealth, widowed and searching for their child. Besides, he's used to dealing with people breaking down in front of him - albeit, it's a little different since Sole means a lot to him. He knows he and Sole have grown close, so he understands completely why they'd be worried about losing another loved one. Nick will jokingly point out that if he's survived this long with only a few - a lot of - bumps and scratches, they have nothing to worry about. If Sole brings up their concerns again, he'll be more than happy to reassure them further.
Piper Wright She understands that with her line of work, she's a lot more likely to meet an untimely demise, but who doesn't die young these days? She's surprised she's made it this far with the amount of attempts on her life. She can stand seeing Sole cry though and instantly wraps them in a hug, telling them that as long as she's got them by her side, she'll be fine. Piper trusts Sole completely to protect her, just as she'd protect them. It breaks her heart to see them so torn up though and she almost feels guilty, deciding she'll find a way to make it up to them soon, even if she hasn't necessarily done anything wrong.
Preston Garvey As someone who often struggles with seeing the meaning in his own life, Preston is completely taken aback by Sole's worry towards his wellbeing. He instantly feels terrible for having any thoughts about taking his own life and apologises profusely to Sole, insisting that nothing bad will ever happen to them. He hasn't had an easy time recently, but having Sole by his side has helped more than he could've ever imagined and if they care about him enough to want him to keep fighting, then he will, without question.
X6-88 To nobody's surprise, X6 doesn't really know what to say or do. He simply clarifies that coursers were designed to be near enough formidable, so the likelihood of anything happening to him is extremely low. He does show some genuine concern, by asking if Sole would benefit from speaking to someone professionally, it's not enough to comfort Sole, but he's trying his best.
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fallout-fucker · 1 year
Fallout 4 really coulda made the 'Living by the sea' vibes so terrifying. Of course, people know of mirleurks and stuff. But what about the things they don't know about. The fear of the unknown.
We know that sea life was also affected by radiation. We've seen the size of a mirelurk queen. We know that sharks exist from the corpses.
So. How do we know megalodons aren't back in the Falloutverse. Or krakens don't exist. Sea life enlarged and at an unimaginable scale, unknown to the survivors of humanity as they lurk beneath the waters.
What if Sole had been told not to cross the ocean to Far Habour. What if there's a reason that, after 200 years, no one has brought back voyager boats and sailing the oceans to reconnect the world. What if they know better. Or maybe they realise they don't know anything at all.
What if Sole set up a nice base at Spectacle Island, and is confused when Hancock refuses to see it. Sole jokes that he's paranoid, but he reminds them he grew up on the waterfront. He helped his dad fish when he was younger. Boats don't scare him. The water doesn't scare him.
"It's what's in it," He explained coldly. He sat down in the sand, shotgun in his arms. Sole asked him to elaborate, he said he couldn't. "You wanna go after the Institute, fine. I'll help. That's an unknown I can handle. But, I ain't getting in that boat, and neither should you."
"I'll...Ask someone else."
"Can it be Danse?"
Sole thought he was being dramatic but quickly realised that none of the companions were keen to travel across the water.
There was that time Sole once jumped off the Prydwen and into the deep sea, so far from shore, only to hear a guttural noise around them. They couldn't see anything. The water dark blue, and filthy, almost black from when the world was scorched. But whatever it was, it was large enough that its voice vibrated through their entire being. They convinved themself it was a whale. They know whales don't sound like that.
On the days Sole is at the castle, they like to look out at the ocean. Or did, until today when they saw a large boat in the distance become capsized. They almost sent their own boats out to help, but Preston placed a firm hand on their shoulder. His eyes told Sole everything he wouldn't. Preston's not the type to let people die. So, Sole turned the radio up so none of the other soldiers could hear the distant screams for help and distress calls. And to drown out their own guilt, watching as the last fisherman attempted to swim desperately to shore, only to be dragged down below the waves. Sole didn’t look away until the boat finally sank. When they did, their eyes landed on the East Wall, which was under reconstruction from when the mirelurk queen had emerged. Sole wonders if that was even the largest sea creature out there.
When Sole's getting ready for bed, Preston knocks at their door gently. "Even I can admit when something is a lost cause," There was a guilt dripped into his tone. A silent apology to the fallen men. "I'll tell our guys to stay out of the water for a few days. We can rely on the nets for fish."
"We should set up a limit for how far out our boats can go."
"We will. Tomorrow. For now, get some rest." He's halfway to closing the door when Sole speaks again.
"I jumped off of the Prydwen once..."
"Excuse me?"
"I was fine. I wanted to go into the water. I did."
"Excuse me?"
"I couldn't see anything. But I heard something. I felt the sound go through me. I think it was a whale."
"Think or hope?" Sole doesn't say anything. Preston gets his answer regardless. "Was it close to you or do you think it was fine?"
"Think or hope," Sole mirrors. "I don't know. It was large."
"That seems to be a theme with the ocean."
"...Is that why no one has tried to cross the ocean again in 200 years? I thought...I thought there'd be pirates again out there. Or something. That massive wooden ships had made a comeback somewhere."
"I can't say. For all we know, maybe people have tried." Sole doesn't want to think about the connotations of that.
"No one wanted to go to Spectacle Island."
"I'm sure it looks nice but...To be honest, neither would I. I'm Sorry."
"It's fine. I get it now...I don't think I do anymore, for a while...John wouldn't get in the boat."
"Hancock...Is a smart man. Sometimes."
"Sometimes? You're saying that to the person that jumped off of the Prydwen."
"True, you do make Hancock look like Einstein."
"Thank God people still know Einstein," Sole mumbles. "John's smarter than he let's on."
"He once showed up to my door, drunk, asking if I thought Nick had a penis. Then, if he did, if it could be classed as a vibrator. I refused to answer or ask the context for why he wanted to know."
"...On that note, goodnight Preston."
"Goodnight, Sole."
Sole stares at the ceiling as they try to sleep that night. The sound of the waves crashing against the walls keeps them awake.
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fallrimxreader · 2 years
Companions react to sole going AFK
Cait: Goes and leans against a tree or building. Keeping eyes open for anything alarming.
Curie: Stands by Sole and takes notes of what they do. (Nothing)
Codsworth: Begins to groom sole, cleaning them of dirt and brushing hair. Then checks the area for enemies.
Deacon: Depending on what sole is wearing, like a hat or jacket, Deacon will take it off sole and put it on himself. Then he will wait for sole to come back and notice. 
Dogmeat: He sits in front of Sole, looking up to them whining, his head tilted.
Danse: Keeps his guard up and patrols the area for enemies.
Hancock: Checks sole out, admiring the view. (If romantically involved he makes a mental note to make love to that beautiful frame.) Then starts trying to move their limbs to put them into a funny position.
McCready: Sits against a tree, takes a drink, then a nap.
Piper: Looks around for a new story, taking notes, leaning against sole as they are more comfortable than a tree.
Preston: Sticks right next to sole assuming they will be back soon. He’ll sit when his legs get tired, but usually he’ll just walk circles around sole.
Strong: He nudges sole trying to get them to move. But when he realizes they are an immovable force he will leave. Just to get himself some food, then he comes back to munch it while watching sole.
Valentine: He takes a seat, pulls out a book, and reads until sole returns.
X6-88: Times exactly how long they go AFK for. As soon as sole gets back he lets them know how long they were gone for and tells sole all the things they could have done in that time. 
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Behind Bars….Again
Series Masterlist
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Summary: Ever since Sam went to college, Dean has been having a hard time. Drinking, gambling, driving recklessly, the works. If it weren't for Y/N covering his ass everytime and bailing him out everytime, he would've been tossed in jail by now. Or worse yet, John and F/N would've dealt with it.
Y/N is 19, Dean is 23, Sam is 19 years old but is away at college)
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
(Ps. I imagine Xander as Drew Van Acker. He played Jason DiLaurentis in Pretty Little Liars)
Lake Preston, South Dakota
•November 2002:
Dean had been arrested and he called the only person he knew he could count on to get him out. After practically demanding his phone call from the officers who were all too familiar with him, he was whispering into the phone pleadingly,
"Y/N, you don't understand, you have to get me out of here!" he whispers into the phone as a police officer looks on suspiciously. Dean just smiles innocently and waits for her answer.
"Fine but you owe me something!" She answers annoyed.
"I swear, I'm gonna kill this asshat one day" Y/N grumbles to herself as she slides on her fuzzy pink bunny slippers and her robe, not bothering to change from her pajamas because right now that was the least of her worries. Sam had run off to college a little over a year ago, meanwhile Dean was taking it especially hard.
She misses her best friend too but Dean has been getting into trouble a lot lately. And it's beginning to worry her.
Dean waits patiently in the police station's holding cell, fiddling with a paperclip he somehow managed to find. Every now and then a police officer walks by, eyeing him suspiciously before continuing on their way.
As Dean hears footsteps approaching, he perks up, hoping it's y/n.
Y/N creeped down the stairs to see her dad passed out on the couch, half-cradling a bottle of Jack in his lap, the tv still on showing late night informercials.
John went on a hunt alone and F/N stayed back for god knows what reason, she had a feeling it was to keep an eye on her. Which irritated her even more, his breathing down her neck is starting to get to her and she's sick and tired.
You'd think, for someone who was willing to send his 14 year old daughter out on her first hunt with the Winchester boys, he wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. A couple of teenagers taking down a Wendigo on their own? The man is beyond a hypocrite.
Since her dad got plastered the night before, she knew he wouldn't be up until the next evening. So before she left, she made sure to gently take the bottle out of his hands, making sure not to wake him up. Before laying him on his side, she then unfolded the blanket on the single couch and threw it over him.
"Sweet dreams, daddy. Love you" She whispered before laying a gentle kiss on her fathers forehead. He stirred a bit but remained asleep. As much as he fucking annoys her, she loves her old man.
Y/N grabbed her wallet from the kitchen table before lightly creeping out of the kitchen and out the back door. Thankfully, Dean left his Baby at the house before he went out drinking since John gave it to him.
When he went on the hunt, he borrowed her fathers truck. She didn't want to take Quinn in risk of waking f/n up.
The Impala drives through town, passing various shops and buildings before coming to a stop in front of the police station. She made sure to pass and pick up a burger, fries and milkshake for Dean, knowing that he was probably starving. The greasy diner food sat in the backseat along with the takeaway-milkshake in the cup holder.
She finally made it to the station, pulling into the lot before putting the car in park.
Y/N pushes open the police station doors and walked inside, her fuzzy bunny slippers making a slight shuffling noise against the linoleum floor. She made her way to the receptionist, flashing her a sweet smile. "Hi, I'm here to bail out a Winchester. Dean Winchester."
The receptionist glances up at her, raising an eyebrow at the fuzzy bunny slippers y/n sported before checking her computer screen. After a moment, she looks back up at her"
"Ah, Mr. Winchester. He's in holding cell three," she says, gesturing towards an aisle of cells behind her. Her eyes landed on Dean who was playing with a paper clip. Deans drunken smile brightened upon seeing her by the receptionist's desk, flashing y/n a cheeky grin and lifts a hand in a wave hello.
"Great, how much for the bail?" She asked, beginning to dig into her purse but her jaw dropped at the response. The receptionist glances at the information on her screen again before replying, "The bail is set at $500." Y/N glares over at Dean before looking back at the receptionist.
She didn't have that kind of cash in her, and she didn't think to take her father's fraud credit card.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Did he kill someone?! 5 hundred bucks???" She exclaims at the preposterous amount. The receptionist shakes her head, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "No, no. It's a bail for public disturbance. Your friend caused quite the scene. And it's not his first time in here."
Dean just shrugs innocently from his cell, feigning innocence. "Hey, it's not my fault they can't handle a little fun." Y/N's rage filled eyes snap over to him, a firm finger pointed in his direction.
"You shut your mouth, Winchester. I'll deal with you later" She grits her teeth at him. Dean holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Can't I have a little bit of fun every now and then?" he grins, clearly enjoying riling her up.
The receptionist watches the exchange with some amusement, raising an eyebrow at her interaction with Dean. Y/N flipped him off, mouthing 'You're dead meat' before turning back to the receptionist with a tight smile. "That still doesn't amount over the fact that it's $500." She crossed her arms over tank-top clap chest before politely asking,
"Can I speak to the arresting officer??" The receptionist nodded, "That would be Officer Thompson" She stated before picking up the phone and dials a number, her eyes drifting to Y/N's bunny slippers again. The name rang a bell in her head. After a moment, she speaks into the phone, explaining that she wanted to talk to the officer who arrested Dean.
"Thompson?" Y/N asks, the receptionist nodded in confirmation before she internally groaned, the one Thompson she knew was Alexander Thompson. Her ex boyfriend from high school when they went to Sioux Falls High in the late 90s before Bobby's falling out with their dads.
They dated for no more than 6 months before parting ways. They surprisingly ended on good terms, however. Both deciding that they wouldn't be able to make it work due to y/n lying and telling him she wanted to go to California to study and Xander wanted to stay in Sioux Falls to join the force right out of high-school.
She assumed he transferred to the Preston Lake department, if it were him.
The truth was the nature of the family business, it pained her to leave but she had to tough it out. In her mind, it's her fault for getting attached to someone. Knowing they they weren't gonna stay there for long.
It also got to her because he was the first person she ever felt a connection with, her first real relationship. They lost their virginities to one another, that's connection no one could come between.
To his knowledge, she's probably back 'home' for Christmas break but that's the furtherest thing from the truth.
"You can go see him in the bullpen, desk 19" The receptionist told her, y/n muttered a low "Thanks", before shuffling her bunny coated feet over to the bullpen. There he was, sat filling out paper work.
Officer Thompson looks up from his paperwork and spots Y/N approaching, a surprised expression on his face. "Hey, y/n/n," he says, setting down his pen. "How can I help you? You wanted to speak with me?" he asks, eyeing her curiously.
Dean, watching from his cell, grumbles something under his breath as he sees Thompson.
"Hey, Xander. I don't mean to yell but $500?!"
Alexander Thompson smiled softly, his heart swelling when she called him "Xander," an old nickname she gave him when they were dating. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
"Listen, I had to set the bail high. Your friend here was making a scene and causing a disturbance. Got into a bar fight, broke a bottle over a man's head. He's gonna need stitches but he'll live. Plus, he resisted arrest," he explains, gesturing to Dean in the cell behind them near the receptionist desk.
"Come on man, you know how he is. And you know I can't afford $500" Y/N says exasperatedly. Thompson rubs his neck, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I know, I know, but protocol is protocol. And your friend hasn't exactly been cooperative."
He glances over at Dean, who is now whistling and twirling the paperclip he was playing with earlier. Y/N's eyes flickered back over to Dean. She groaned at the man child infront of her. "Please, I've never asked you for anything Xander" She pleaded with him.
Thompson sighs heavily, his resolve weakening at the look on Y/N's face.
"You're right, you know how to get to me," he mutters, shaking his head. "But this is a one time thing, got it? I can't let him off easy next time he gets arrested."
"I'm asking you as a friend, and nothing more." She stated him. Thompson rubs his face, considering y/n's plea. He looks over at Dean, who grins widely at her knowingly.
"Fine," he says finally. "I'll lower the bail to $50. But this is a one time deal, understood? And if he gets arrested again, I won't be so lenient." Thompson agrees, but firmly states as he got up from his chair.
"Thank you!" Y/N exclaimed in relief, thanking him gratefully before giving him a hug. "I promise, he won't" She assures him. Thompson is surprised by the hug, initially stiffening before graciously returning it.
He melted into her touch, "Yeah, yeah," he mutters, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Just make sure he stays out of trouble."
Dean watches the scene from his cell, rolling his eyes.
"I'll see you around" She said sweetly before walking over to the receptionist and handing her the money.
Thompson watches Y/N walked away, a mix of disappointment and lingering affections on his face.
The receptionist takes the money and starts processing the paperwork to release Dean. After a few minutes, she calls out, "You can release Mr. Winchester now."
A police officer unlocks the cell and Dean steps out, a smug grin on his face. "Thanks for bailing me out, princess," he teases.
She narrows her eyes at him before snatching him by his ear and dragging him out of the station. Dean protests loudly as she dragged him by the ear out of the police station, a few officers watching the scene with amused grins.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he hisses, trying to pry her hand off his ear. "Dammit, ease up on the grip!" She pinched harder before letting go. "You dumbass!" She exclaimed in frustration before smacking his chest.
Dean winces as she pinched his ear even harder before finally letting go. He rubs his chest where y/n slapped him, a pout on his face.
"Alright, alright, I get it! I messed up, alright?" He glances at her fuzzy bunny slippers and grins. "And what's with the slippers? Couldn't leave fuzzy at home" He snorts. "1. Leave fuzzy out of this" She stated firmly, pointing a finger at him while he had a cheeky grin plastered across his face.
"2. Why slap to his chest did slap you slap have slap to slap go slap and slap get slap arrested! slap slap slap" She smacked him with each syllable, he didn't dare protest before he knew this time, he was wrong.
"What the hell is the matter with you, charming?! This is the 4th time! If John and dad knew, they'd have our fucking heads!" Y/N exclaims lowly with a warning tone.
Dean winces with each slap, trying to shield himself with his arms.
"Hey, hey, hey! Stop slapping me!" he protested, trying to keep a straight face. "I didn't mean to get arrested, okay? It just sort of happened..."
He glances at y/n again, taking in her grumpy expression and the fuzzy slippers. "And seriously, the slippers? Don't you have some real shoes?" He raised an eyebrow.
Dean holds up his hands in surrender, trying to avoid another slap.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten arrested. But seriously, the slippers? They make you look like a bunny."
This earn him another smack but this time across the head.
Dean winces again, rubbing his head where she slapped him. "Ow! Hey, quit hitting me, princess!" he protested, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
He glanced at the fuzzy slippers again, a smirk spreading across his face. "But seriously, those things are ridiculous. You look like a character from a children's cartoon."
"Jesus..." Y/N huffed, rubbing her temples. "Just get in the car" She grumbled. "Fine, fine" he says, a hint of resignation in his tone. "But can you seriously stop hitting me now?"
"Shut up before I hit you again" She quipped up before jumping into the drivers seat of the Impala and starting the ignition. Dean still stood where he was. An amused grin on his face, his hands buried in his pockets.
She was worried about him, she cared deeply. So deeply that she tucked her tail between her legs and pleaded with her ex boyfriend to lower to bail so he didn't have to spend the night in jail and have their dads find out. He appreciated it. He admittingly felt a little jealous when she hugged Xander but he shoved it to the back of his mind.
The honk of the Impala's horn snapped Dean out of his daydream, "GET IN BEFORE I RUN YOUR ASS OVER!" Y/N yelled through the drivers side window.
Dean jumps at the sudden shouting, quickly climbing into the passenger seat of the Impala and buckling his seatbelt. "Alright, alright! I'm in! Damn sweetheart, you don't have to threaten me with violence."
"Oh, just like you did that guy in the bar?" She retorted, referring to his reason for getting hauled in cuffs as she put Baby in reverse. Dean rolls his eyes. "That guy had it coming. He was being an ass," he retorts, wincing as he realizes he's about to get reprimanded.
"And I already said I was sorry about getting arrested. Thank you for bailing me out, princess but I didn't mean to cause such a scene." Dean shrugged, thanking her for her kindness. He knew she'd come get it, also expecting to get reprimanded.
"Yeah well you did. I just had a very awkward conversation with my ex, thanks to you." She grumbled, pulling onto the road. Dean raises an eyebrow at her mention of her ex. "Oh, the cop from before? That Thompson guy, right? I remember you guys dated for a while last year." Dean rolled his eyes, a burning feeling appearing in his chest at the thought of Y/N and Alexander.
"Before you start to mock me, no we're not getting back together" Y/N chimed, knowing how Dean was around her boyfriends. He'd either mock and tease her about them or blatantly dislike them. In this case, it was both when it came to Xander.
Dean smirks at her statement. "Oh really? Then why was he giving you that sad, lovesick puppy look when I walked out? Seemed like there was still something there." He teased, masking the burning feeling with a smirk.
"Shut up" Y/N rolled her eyes, pulling into the freeway, just a couple miles from the house. Dean chuckles, enjoying teasing her. "Oh, come on. You can't fool me. I know a lovesick loser when I see one. And that Thompson guy fit the bill perfectly."
"Speaking from experience?" She retorted back with a smirk. Dean's smirk faltered slightly at her remark. "Hey, hey, hey. That's not fair," he protested, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "I'm not lovesick. I just enjoy the ladies, that's all. No strings attached." Dean defended with a shrug.
"Mhhhmmm" Y/N rolled her eyes, keeping it trained on the road as they drove back to the house. Dean leaned back in the passenger seat, his arms crossed over his chest.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked sarcastically, noticing the doubt in her expression. But it was anything but doubt, "You don't believe me?"
"No, I do" She stated before grimacing in disgust, "I just don't wanna imagine it" Y/N gagged, shaking her head. A similar burning feeling appearing in her chest at the thought of Dean with someone else.
"What? Don't wanna hear about my conquests with many ladies?" Dean teased, a wicked smirk painted in his lips at Y/N's clearly disgusted face.
"I will crash this car. Do not test me." She puts her finger up warningly. Dean holds his hands up in surrender, a chuckling. "Alright, alright. Don't bring Baby into this. I'll lay off. No more talk about my conquests. Sorry for ruffling your feathers."
"Good" She huffed, both hands on the wheel as swerved into the left lane, before bending the corner to the dirt road the house was two miles in.
She then remember the food she had for him, "Oh, here I almost forgot" She reached to the backseat, picking up the brown bag with food with her left hand. She handed it to him and when Deans eyes landed on the greased bag, his heart softened. "You- you got me food?"A smile tugged at his lips, "Yeah, I thought you'd be hungry" She shrugged before pointing a finger at him.
"That doesn't mean your off the hook. Now eat. There's a milkshake there for you" She pointed to the cup holder, occupied with her milkshake and his.
Lord, thank you. Dean thinks to himself.
His heart swelled in his chest as he dug into the bag, taking out the burger and unwrapping it. He instantly dove it, but not before offering y/n a bite, which she declined since she had eaten before bed. "You want some fries then?" He asked her with a mouthful of food, "Yeah, sure" She nodded, he then took out one of the fries from the bag and put it out to feed her.
She snorted at the gesture but accepted it graciously with her mouth, she chewed on the salty chip contently as Dean dove back into his burger.
Dean grins drunkenly at this, happy she didn't just snatch it out of his hand and fed herself finding her grumpy demeanor from earlier amusing. "You know, you're cute when you're mad" he teases, reaching over to poke Y/N's cheek lightly.
"Yeah, and you're an idiot when you're drunk, charming" She snorted, gently smacking away his finger that was pressed into her cheek.
Dean feigns hurt, holding his hand to his chest dramatically as he let out an exaggerated gasp.
Y/N rolled her eyes at this, trying to bite back her smile.
"Hey, now you're just insulting me," he protests with a mouthful of food, unable to keep the grin off his face. "I'm not always an idiot when drunk. Just most of the time."
He gives Y/N a cheeky smile before glancing out the window at the passing scenery.
She couldn't help but chuckle at this, "That you are, charming. That you are" She laughed as she pulled up in-front of the house. Putting the car in park, Dean had finally finished his burger and milkshake, tossing the discarded contents in the paper bag.
"Before we go in, I need to talk to you" She stated seriously, turning to him in the drivers seat.
Dean frowns slightly, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "Okay. What's up?" he asks, turning to face Y/N in the passenger seat.
She took a deep breath before beginning. "I know since Sam left for college it's been bugging you. And I get it, I do. I miss him like crazy, but you're getting yourself into trouble. You need to be careful because if our dads find out, we could get in a lot of trouble and that's worse than having the police in our ass" She lectures.
Understanding how much it bothered Dean now that Sam was away at college but also in a warning way that it would not end nicely if John and F/N found out.
Dean grits his teeth, clearly not thrilled about being lectured.
"I can handle myself, princess," he retorts, his defensiveness kicking in. "I don't need you to tell me how to deal with my feelings. I'm a grown ass man, not a child."
He crosses his arms over his chest, looking out the window broodingly.
"Charming..." She sighs exasperated. "I'm not trying to tell you how to deal with your feelings. I'm your friend and I'm gonna be honest, you're saying you're a grown ass man. That you are but you're crossing your arms at me and acting like a child" She points out with brutal honesty.
Dean scowls at her comment but deep down, he knows Y/N's right. He was clearly annoyed at being called out on his behavior. He was acting childish, but he wasn't going to admit that.
"I'm not acting like a child," he protests, even though his body language says otherwise. "I'm just... frustrated, okay? I miss Sam too, and it sucks that he's off at college having a blast while we're stuck here with our dads always on our asses." He grumbles in frustration, shaking his head.
"I get it, sweetie. I do" She says gently, using her pointer finger and thumb to turn his face by his chin to her. "But I'm always here if you wanna talk. It's better to do that then get arrested and in trouble"
Dean huffs, grudgingly meeting her gaze deep down, her words hit a nerve. He knows shes right, but he can't bring himself to admit it. He's too damn stubborn.
"I don't need to talk," he mutters gruffly. "I can handle my own problems. I don't need your help."
Her face hardened, he was being stubborn as always. She didn't want to just give up because he never gave up on her, he always had her back and she always had his along with Sam's. But the man was arrogant, he needed some tough love. And that's what he's gonna get.
"Alright, then how bout. Next time you call me in jail, I'll leave you to rot for the night and let John pick you up.....That is, if he does" She spat angrily, leaving the keys in the ignition before jumping out of the car. Feet padding heavily towards the porch.
She tightened her grip on her robe from the chilly air.
Dean's eyes widened at her words, a mix of anger, disappointment, and disbelief flashing across his face. He was not expecting that reaction. He was used to her usually coddling him and being understanding. But this time it was different.
"Wait, wait, wait!" He called out, scrambling out of the car to follow her. "Hey, come on, princess. You don't mean that!"
She turned to him, arms crossed over her chest. "No, I do. Because that's what you wanted right? Me to leave you alone, here you go!" She grumbled back lowly, fishing her house keys out of her pocket.
Dean's heart sank a bit at her response, realizing he had gone too far this time. He hated it when she was mad at him, especially when he was the one who caused it.
"No, that's not what I meant," he protested, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just... I just don't want to be lectured at, okay? I can handle myself. I'm not some kid you need to look out for."
"I'm your friend, Dean. I'm care about you. We've always had each others backs, what's the issue now?" She says exasperated, a bit hurt but she swallowed it down.
Dean hesitates for a moment, swallowing the lump in his throat. He didn't want to admit it, but she was right. They had always had each others' backs, no matter what.
"I... I don't know," he mutters, looking down at his shoes. "I guess I just feel lost without Sam here. I miss him, and I've been taking it out on you. I'm sorry, princess." He finally admitted, her heart softened.
"I'll try and do better, I promise" He sighed, his head dropping with shame. "That's all I wanted to hear, charming." She smiled softly, glad her tough love got the truth out of him.
Reaching over to hug him, Dean lets out a small sigh of relief, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. As he returned the hug, "Thanks" he says softly, squeezing her tightly whilst caressing her hair. "Sorry for being such a dick tonight. I didn't mean to take out my frustrations on you." He apologized.
"We're family. It ain't supposed to be perfect" She chuckled, her arms around his midsection. Dean chuckles, his arms wrapping around her shoulders as he pulled her closer. He agrees, resting his chin on top of her head as a fond smile crept onto his face. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered, pulling away from the hug to look at her. "Family."
"Come on, let's go. It's cold out. Dads passed out on the couch plastered. I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa" She whispered as she opened the door, checking to make sure her father was still passed out.
Authors Note: This one has been sitting in drafts for the longest time. So why the hell not post it, huh? I've mentioned before but the book isn't really gonna be in order much it's gonna have a few time skips Eg, it'll go from them being kids, to adults, to teens, back to kids etc. But I'll fix it up when it's completed and put it in order you will understand.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
Lol, hope everyone liked!🫶
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m1ssunderstanding · 8 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 15
The beautiful mess that would’ve been The Beatles plus Yoko Ono plus Billy Preston plus Bob Dylan plus whoever else. Although I guess that is sort of what George went on to do. He really did just want a group of friends that cared more about each other than the product, and that’s what he created for himself. 
John: And the dream I had was you. The camera: zooms in on Paul’s wounded puppy eyes. John: *staring at Paul* d’you get my meaning? Imagine doing that to literally any other human being. I would not be that intimate with my best friend, my husband, my sister . . . anyone. Let alone my ex, (not literally, you all get what I mean) in front of my current SO and multiple cameras. This kind of thing really makes me wonder what kind of insane shit he must’ve said/done when they were alone, especially in happier times. 
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George painted his own psychedelic guitar, and it looks gorg. Who painted Paul’s. Anyone know?
How can I Not assume “Stand By Me” is *meaningful* if, firstly, this is the second time you’ve sung it at each other during this project, and secondly, if you look at each other like This while singing it? Then again, when are they not uncomfortably intense when singing together?
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“Oh, help me, Daddy. I don’t even know how this thing works.”  He says about the instrument he plays in the most successful band of all time. Paul can play whatever he needs to to get what he wants out of someone, and that includes dumb.
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John’s little “Ookaay.” At Paul’s weird carrying-on about his insecurities with his bass playing. It just screams, “You’re delusional and I’m not getting into this right now.” Which is 1000% valid. Imagine being Paul McCartney and second-guessing your bass skills. Reminds me of that quote where John’s like, “He’s an egomaniac about everything else, but he’s coy about his bass playing. Which is stupid because he’s one of the most innovative bass players . . .”
John and Paul nail the harmony on “HoooooohOoOoOme.” And the LOOKs, you guys.
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But also the nonverbal vocal communication! It’s one of my favorite parts about them, really. One of the things that reminds me of how special their relationship is. John makes a face. Paul goes, “brroop”. John replies with a beaming, “Yeah!” To which Paul adds another “brrrrip” as they simultaneously continue the song. It’s just unreal. Nobody does that. They are magical and they were right to think they had special telecommunicative powers. 
The lunch orders today are everything you need to know about the Beatles. John: Sparrow on toast. Paul: Boiled testicle. George: Uh, Mal? So, we’ll have whatever the vegetables are, and if they’ve got any cheese sauce for the cauliflower. Ringo: Mashed potato. That’s it. That’s them.
“Then there’s another one,” says Paul, doing a shit job of pretending he hasn’t rehearsed this to sound like some accidental discovery. “Don’t let me down. Oh, darling,” sung suddenly, and forcefully, directly at John, “I’ll never let you down.”
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John, beaming like the star quarterback just told him he looked pretty, tucks his hair behind his ears and says, barely hovering in the safety of a joking tone, “Yeah, it’s like you and me are lovers.”
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John has of course taken Paul’s game of gay chicken an arm’s reach farther than Paul’s comfortable with, at least in front of cameras, so he can only nod, and brush his own hair back. Stiff, expressionless. "Yeah."
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(Of course, Peter Jackson cuts out what eventually evolves into John and Paul singing “we’re a couple of queers” and talking about wearing skirts for the performance) 
Am I the only one getting the vibe that John genuinely dislikes Teddy Boy? Not because he thinks it sucks or anything but because he doesn’t like the obvious similarities to his relationship with Julia? Personally, I love it. It was my anxiety song a few years back.
The original lyric to “fancy me chances” was Not “frock” I absolutely guarantee. 
Love Paul checking on Billy. Love that they're all, even with everything they've got going, making sure he's set up and taken care of.
Sorry not sorry that I’m so thirsty over literally every woman in this show, but. Hello, Pattie! She just walks in, ignores everyone else, kisses him Like That, whispers something, and gets out to go live her own life. Queen. Gorgeous. Obsessed.
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George Martin praising his children for "working so well together." I love that he refused to produce them after the white album, not because they were being disrespectful to him or anything, but because they weren't getting along. And that, although he's not producing, technically, he can't stop himself coming in to make sure they're okay. He's such a good dad, literally.
John over here being emo af by himself, playing “I Feel Fine,” because he definitely does Not feel fine and he’s just as nostalgic as Paul, which is way too fucking nostalgic. Poor baby. 
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Whenever | Tagged by @stacispratt and @adelaidedrubman ❤️
A snippet from Chapter 1 of John's misadventures as a lawyer. Leslie and other familiar faces are in this universe too, baby.
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"Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Portland. Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate. In preparation for landing, be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened.  Please secure your carry-on items, stow your tray table, and pass any remaining service items and unwanted reading materials to the flight attendants. Thank you.", the long-awaited announcement was music to John's ears as he looked through the window at the city and its twinkling lights below. 5 hours had passed in what he could only describe as torture. His day before that hadn't gone too well either, it felt like anything that could go wrong had, in one way or the other. His alarm not going off and almost making him late. Showing up at the firm only to find out Preston Manning, his second chair on the case, had called in sick and wasn't going to be making the trip with him. Penny slipping him her number for heaven knows what time and offering him a "quickie" in the bathroom for "good luck". More like a quick and proven way to get me a meeting with HR. Traffic and a flight delay (not unsual but still absolutely nerve-grating paired with everything else). The TSO officer taking way too long fondling him, as if he could have been hiding anything under a simple suit. The airline double booking his seat and giving him another last minute, which had doomed him to sit next to a menace of a passenger. In many ways he was happy to have left Manning behind in Atlanta, but he also couldn't deny the fact despite all his flaws he would have been more tolerable than the man that was currently using his shoulder as a pillow. He had lost count how many times he had shifted in his seat, tried to shake off the pesky passenger, hoped eventually he would stir up and move away, giving back his personal space. He better not have drooled all over my suit, or I'd be meeting with my client in jail sooner than anticipated. And we'd be wearing matching outfits.
It's all he could think about as he nudged the man away yet again and absolutely not-so-gently with his patience worn completely thin. "We're landing.", John muttered under his breath when an annoyed look was sent his way, like he was the one being out of line. He brushed off his dark gray pinstripe suit before crossing his arms over his chest, and focused his gaze outside once more, refusing to pay further attention to the crude individual next to him. Deep down, he didn't mind having to fly over to meet with the people he would be representing, he found a certain type of thrill in being up in the sky, had dreamt of becoming a pilot for as long he could remember, but being forced to share such a tight space with others was definitely testing his limits and making him deal with not so pleasant thoughts. "Ladies and gentlemen, our crew welcomes you to Portland. The local time is 10:22 pm. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate. The Captain will then turn off the “Fasten Seat Belt” sign, indicating it is safe to stand. Please use caution when opening the overhead compartments and removing items, since articles may have shifted during flight." The man next to him yawned over the voice of the flight attendant, his hand almost smacking John in the face as he went to stretch after his long nap. Don't do anything. Don't say anything. The mantra played on repeat in his mind and he could already imagine himself in his hotel room. The promise of a shower and soft bed was the only thing that got him through the loud clapping from "Naptime Sam" and each slow step that led him off the plane and into the airport. John clutched the strap of his leather bag he always used as carry-on, ignoring the excited chatter around him, his eyes darting from suitcase to suitcase in anticipation of his own finally showing up on the baggage carousel. Just as he spotted it and moved ahead to grab it, a child rushed past, bumping into him in the process. "Ah, I'm so sorry, Mister.", the redheaded girl said quickly, sending a apologetic toothy grin his way as she clutched a small rainbow duffelbag. He waited for the annoyance that usually came from every human interraction to swoop in, instead he ended up returning the smile while he heaved his suitcase off the line and headed for the exit. "Savannah Mae.", the girl breezed past, running towards a sharp dressed woman and grabbing her outstretched hand.
Cool air hit his face as he stepped past the sliding doors of the airport, gaze shifting between the cars parked out front and his phone that for some reason refused to turn on. Goddamn it. I charged you, I know I did. Penny had sent him a message with the details of the driver that was supposed to pick him up, as well as his hotel reservation, and he had no way of accessing either. "Welcome to Portland, sir.", an older gentleman reached for his luggage, and he breathed out a sigh of relief, telling himself his night was starting to look up. The man hoisted his suitcase into the trunk of the black SUV and swifly jumped into the driver seat, peeling off down the road just as John reached out for the door handle. "What the-" "Mr. Duncan?", a voice came behind him, partly drowned out by the shock that coursed through his body and rooted him to the spot to watch the vehicle disappear out of view and take his suitcase with all his belongings along with it. "Mr. Duncan. I'm sorry I'm late, there was a traffic accident…", John swiveled around, doing his hardest to keep his temper in check. He breathed in deeply, his tone taking a dangerous note and making the man in front of him wince, "What did you say?" "I-I- I'm here to pick you up.", the driver gestured to his own car behind him and forced a smile, "You're Mr. Duncan, correct? You're traveling light." "FUCK.", the word broke free before he could stop it while a hand ran over his face. This isn't happening. No. Not to me. No. "Mr. Duncan?" He opened his eyes again, fingernails digging into his palm, grounding him as he spat out, "I was robbed." The man blinked in surprise, "Robbed? Here? Now? How?" "My suitcase.", he shook his head, letting out a bitter laugh, "My damned suitcase." "Someone stole your luggage?" "Yes.", it was all he could muster, already feeling done with the conversation, with the day itself, with Portland, with the onlookers staring his way, with "Naptime Sam" that chose the moment to walk through the doors.
"Oh my god, I-" John brushed past the driver, throwing his small bag into the backseat and slipping after it with a growl. Shitstorm. Ah, Clive? He watched the man scramble around the front of the vehicle in confusion, the car door slamming shut after him putting a stop to his line of thought. "Mr. Duncan,-" "Do you have a phone charger?", he asked impatiently, making it his priority to figure out which hotel he was supposed to be staying at without having to deal with Penny. Shaky hand reached for the glovebox, pulling out a charging cord and passing it over, "Shouldn't you talk to someone at the airport? Report the theft?" And watch them flail around and tell me I was technically on the street, find a damn loophole so it's not their problem? "Mr. Duncan?" "Drive me to a police station, I don't care which one, uh, I didn't catch your name…", he finally replied as he stared down at the device in his hand, waiting for it to turn on. The screen refused to light up no matter how long it stayed plugged into the car's port, making him release a sigh of defeat. You're dead, aren't you? "Robert. And are you certain, sir?" "Yes." The man nodded, turning the key in the ignition, "May I ask, how did your luggage-" "I don't want to talk about it.", John trained his gaze out of the window, pocketing his phone as the realization that his night was far from over set in. The idea he no change of clothes for his first in-person visit with Mooney in the morning and was probably going to get no rest before it, felt like the final straw. And knowing his luck since being handed over his newest case, he was about to deal with an incompetent police officer next.
The scenery outside passed in a blur, making him zone out while fatigue fough to take over his body. No matter how many hurdles life threw his way, he refused to give up, promising himself he was going to win the court battle, prove Clive he had made the right choice by naming him partner at "Westbrook, Harrison and Jones". "and Duncan", now. Robert cleared his throat to draw his attention, announcing, "We're here, sir." "Thank you.", John muttered as his fingers wrapped around the door handle, the man's next words giving him a pause. "I won't be able to wait around… I have another pick-up arranged and it's on the other side of town. Would you be okay on your own?" "Sure.", he would have been lying if he was to say had expected anything else as outcome. "Have a good night, Mr. Duncan.", Robert called out and drove off, leaving him in front of an off-white building, the silver letters above its entrance spelling "City of Portland Police Bureau" confirming he was at least at the right place. He muttered a silent prayer as he pushed past a set of double glass doors and stepped inside the precinct. One win. Give me one win tonight. No more tests. No run-ins with inadequate officers of the law.
He took in the beige and dark blue interior, noting the dead quiet ruling over the lobby as the doors shut behind him. His feet carried him over to the front desk, the human shaped silhouette behind its protective glass giving him hope despite the lack of greeting upon his entry. Any hope he harbored died a horrible death the second he reached it, and an unmistakable muffled snore carried over from the officer that was reclining back in his chair. "Excuse me,", John gritted out, frowning at his name tag, "Officer Bradley.", but the curt words failed to wake the man up. "Excuse me.", he tried again, louder this time around, yet the officer was as unresponsive as his phone. Just when his hand rose, ready to bang against the glass in another attempt to grab his attention, quick footsteps sounded behind him followed by a melodic voice calling out a simple, "Hello." that made him spin around. His narrowed gaze was met by the most expresive pair of hazel eyes he had ever seen, and he blamed the exhaustion for how they almost knocked the wind out of him for second. A wave of familiarity washed over his system as he scanned the woman standing in front of him, his baby blues running over the gray streaks framing her face then down to the freckles scattered across her nose until they stopped at her lips just as they parted, "Can I-" You... Detective Donovan.
He didn't know if he wanted to laugh or curse at fate and its idea for a joke. He'd read over the information on potential witnesses for the upcoming trial for weeks, had stared at her picture enough times to memorize her features, yet the grainy image he was presented with paled in comparison to seeing her in person. He'd expected to meet the detective in court, looked forward to it, in fact, especially after everything her personnel file had revealed. He wasn't supposed to come face to face with her when he was having an unarguably awful night and on the verge of cracking. Close to grabbing one of the lovely chairs you have for visitors and throwing it at your welcome desk. Because I'm not feeling very welcomed, currently. "Your colleague is sleeping on the job.", John interrupted whatever she was about to ask him, but her smile didn't waiver at his sharp tone and the demeaning way he had used the word "colleague". Like Bradley was beneath him. And she was too, just by assosiation. If it wasn't for the spark of defiance in her eyes, he would have guessed she was completely unbothered. "It's the first quiet night we've had in a long while, Mr-" "Duncan." Anticipation coursed through his system as he waited for her to say his name back, and he refused to think too much about what her presence alone was doing to him. How it was threatening to unravel his already fragile composure. And how much he wanted to hear his name again the second she uttered it out. "Mr. Duncan, what can I help you with?", she continued smoothly, biting down on her lip as she regained him. John crossed his arms, nodding to the messenger bag she had hanging over her shoulder, her attire hinting at the fact she was headed out, "Shouldn't that be Officer Bradley's job? Are you even on the clock?" "He'd point you to a division, just as I would."
His lips quirked up at her blunt reply, "I've come to report a crime." All he got this time around was a nod. She was expecting him to continue, to give her more than stating the obvious. "I landed at PDX and,", he paused, hating the idea he had to admit he had fallen victim to such ridiculous con, "a man blindsided me by pretending to be my driver and stole my luggage." "That's-" "Awful?" He was too keen on how he was drinking in every little mannerism she displayed, like how she pursed her lips in displeasure at the news, before saying, "Follow me." "And what about your colleague?", he remarked as he fell into step behind her. His gaze was drawn in by the belt of her black oversized coat tied in a loose bow swaying with every movement she made, and he couldn't help but scowl at how her body was almost completely covered by the garment and then at himself for even entertaining the thought, when he had more important matters to deal with. "Lenny's wife just gave birth recently.", she explained quietly, "Letting him catch some rest is the least I can do." A bleeding heart. It's what you have, Detective. On paper and in person.
Detective Donovan led him down a long hallway, moving past multiple doors that seemed to open up to offices for different divisions until she came to a halt and knocked on a door marked with "Robbery". Seconds passed without a reply from the other side, instead of rapping again, she grabbed the door handle and pushed it open, revealing a series of empty desks. Of course. She turned around with an apologetic look, "I think they're out on a case." John raised an eyebrow, "All of them?" "Understaffed. It's what happens when you get people retiring and on sick leave all at once." He exhaled in frustration, but aside from that kept his silence. "I can check who is on duty and call them…" "And you?", he ignored her suggestion, suspecting he wouldn't get anywhere at that late hour, especially with an offence that would be considered "low priority" in comparison to other cases. "Me?" "You didn't tell me your name or division." Another smile. He was becoming addicted to those. Why didn't you smile in your photo, Detective? That right there, is a robbery on its own. Then, a hand was offered to him, and he wasted no time, enveloping it in his. "Sabrina Donovan. I'm a Detective at Missing Persons. So I fear I won't be of much help with your case, Mr. Duncan." The handshake was getting past the line of socially acceptable, but he couldn't bring himself to let go, "I see, tracking down missing belongings isn't really among your duties."
Sabrina pulled her hand out of his grasp, walking into the office ahead of them and aiming for a large bulletin board at the far end. Her index finger traced over a sheet of paper pinned there before she was on the move again. "Give me a second.", she said as she stopped at the desks, picking up the phone receiver and dialing whoever was supposed to be reachable from the team. "Stockton. You or any of the others planning on heading back soon?", she was back to chewing on her lip while she listened to the man on the other end of the line, "And some kind of ETA for me?", there was a pause, "At PDX. A suitcase. No, and no as far as I'm aware. Vic came straight to the precinct." After what felt like forever where she listened intently about his potential options, she wrapped up the phone call with a quick thank you and walked back to where John was leaning against the door. Her face told it all - she wasn't bearing exceptionally good news. "They're unsure when they would be back, but a couple of hours at the very least." His eyes darted to his watch, "It's almost midnight." Sabrina winced, "I know. The suggestion was you either wait up for them here, return in the morning or-" "Or what, Detective?" "I can jot down notes for them, anything you can provide right now, take down the report and pass it along, to get your case moving as soon as possible…" He frowned, "Basically, do their job for them and deal with something below your paygrade? Weren't you headed home?" He hadn't missed the way she had avoided his question prior, how she had stayed behind when she appeared to be leaving in the first place.
"Won't be my first time of working overtime or helping a fellow detective. The sooner we have an official case started, the quicker they can locate the guy. I'm sure after flying, the last thing on your mind would be to sit around at a police station for hours, when you could be getting some rest." It was obvious she was prioritizing his wellbeing and that of the front desk officer before her own, and knowing her records by heart at that point, he suspected she wouldn't give up on the idea easily, so all he could do was agree, "Okay." She pushed past him at that, her scent teasing him at the closeness in the doorway and haunting his senses as he followed her further into the building and towards an elevator. "We're on the second floor.", Sabrina stated and pressed the call button, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. The doors opened promptly with a ding, and they both stepped on, the ride feeling disappointingly short for his liking. "I suspect my stolen suitcase wouldn't be much of a priority?", John guessed as she followed a similar path to the one on the first floor. "I didn't say that." "But simple larceny wouldn't be as serious as whatever case the on duty officers are following at that time of the day." "Ah, I'm not really at liberty to discuss that." "Naturally."
"And you, Mr. Duncan?" "Me?", he mimicked her earlier question. "What do you do for a living?" He could sense even the smallest amount of curiosity in her words, making him smirk, "I'm a defense attorney." She laughed, and he couldn't decide which was better - her smiles or her laughter, "That explains it. And judging by your attire, well, would have been my first guess." "Oh? Should I feel offended?" He was flirting. With, no doubt, a future witness. Clive would ask what had taken over him and why he'd even entertain things further. Good thing he's not here. And I'm not really someone to do things by the book. "No.", she shrugged as she stopped in front of her own division's sector, "You certainly have that aura about you." With that, she pushed the door, open, drawing the attention of a fellow detective inside. "Rina,", the man called out, "Didn't you go home already? Should I push you out the door?" "Ollie. Behave." The man's eyes stopped on John finally, noticing his appearance for the first time as he moved his feet off his desk, "Do we have a case?" "No, no, I'm doing Stockton a tiny favor." "Again?" The word piqued his interest, same for the strange looks "Ollie" kept sending his way. "Don't start, Oliver."
John paid the man no mind and took a seat in one of the chairs across Sabrina's desk as she removed her coat until she was down to a simple gray shirt that was unbuttoned halfway to reveal a dark turtleneck underneat it. His eyes shifted from her to her work space, noting how tidy it was, especially compared to her colleague's, and had a couple of framed pictures he wished he could see. "Fine. But you know, Leslie wouldn't be that easy to silence in voicing his concerns." She ignored the warning, gaze moving back to John's, "Name." "John Duncan." He noticed how she silently mouthed his name as she typed it, and doubted it was a habit she was aware of. The next minutes consisted of marking down his basic information, and he loathed having to recall the slip up, how he had fallen for such a silly trap, especially when he was anything but incompetent. "It's good you remember a partial plate. That, paired with the car's description, and, the fact, PDX would no doubt have footage of the incident…" "You're confident they'd find my belongings." "The perp, most likely. Belongings, I can't say. At least, the things of most value." Oliver walked over, placing a cup in front of Sabrina before leaning in closer to whisper something that caused her to giggle and mutter a quiet, "Stop it, Ollie. Absolutely not." She cleared her throat as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and took a sip of coffee when the man wandered back to his own desk, "Would you like a coffee, Mr. Duncan?" She was yet to say his first name, and he wondered how it would sound coming from her, if she would utter it out as playfully as she did Oliver's. Doubtful. "No, thank you." "Well, I think I have everything noted down. If you don't have any further questions for me…"
She was wrapping things up, sending him on his way, putting an end to whatever time he had in her presence. Then it hit him, "Can I ask to make a phone call?" "You're not under arrest, Mister.", Oliver remarked jokingly. He ignored the jab, his focus remaining completely on the woman in front of him, "My phone died, and I have no idea which hotel my reservation has been made at…" "Ah, I see.", Sabrina reached for her bag, pulling out her phone and passed it over to him after she unlocked it. At the same time he produced the little folded post-it note Penny had crammed into his pocket that morning, trying his hardest to hide the ruby red lipstick stain on it out of Sabrina's view. Her homescreen wallpaper gave him a pause. It was a candid picture of a familiar looking redheaded girl, Sabrina and a man that- What in the- If I squint I can almost convince myself he looks like me, Detective. He doubted she'd appreciate the observation, yet his curiosity about the man's identity and relation to her only festered while he punched in Penny's number. Just as he was starting to wonder if she would pick up, her voice came through, and he rushed to quickly get the needed information, trying to keep the interraction as short as possible. Sabrina pushed a notepad towards him, together with a pen to note down the address, Penny was relying in an overly excited manner despite the fact he had called her for assistance at almost 3 am. "Thank you, Penny. Have a good night.", he muttered flatly and hung up, returning the phone to Sabrina. "She must be worried." Are you fishing for information? "She's not my girlfriend, just an assistant at my firm.", he blinked at the confession that he had blurted out, despising the fact Oliver was there to witness his slip-up and laugh at it. My firm? "I, um, I wasn't really-", Sabrina shook her head, deciding against whatever she was about to say, "I sent over the report to Detective Stockton, he will be in touch soon. I will note down your hotel information since you're having phone issues, so he'd be able to call there and get a hold of you through reception for the time being…" "Thank you."
She rose up, quickly gathering her things and putting her coat back on now that she had sorted out his report, "I will see you out then." John followed suit, exiting into the hallway first as she announced to Oliver, "I'm heading home for real this time, Ollie. You better not snitch to Leslie." "We shall see about that.", he hollered back, "Good night to both of you." As they made their way down to the lobby, Officer Bradley was finally awake and staring at John with a similar to Oliver's expression, "Staying late again, Rina?" Sabrina only laughed as she passed his post, "Bye, Lenny. Hope things stay quiet." She pushed open the doors before John could do it, wrapping her hands around herself as they stepped out into the chilly night. "Thank you again.", his voice was even, perfectly hiding the disappointment he felt on the inside because they were parting ways. "Of course." He expected her to leave at that, especially with the hint of awkwardness that remained in the air after he had mentioned Penny. Seconds passed by in silence where he clutched his only bag and wondered if she'd look at him the same way and be so eager to help him if she knew he was representing one of the most hated men in Oregon. Someone she herself had a run-in with. You wouldn't, would you? You'd probably curse at me. Call what happened to me premature karma.
Instead of wishing him a cheery goodbye and leaving him to his own devices to watch her disappear like the car of the man that had stolen from him, Sabrina gave him another small smile as she stuck her hands in her coat's pockets in an attempt to warm up, "If you don't mind me asking… you do have a way to get to your hotel, right?" John quirked an eyebrow, taking his time to respond and enjoying every moment of where she shifted in place as she waited for him to reassure her he would be alright. It was too bad he wasn't about to do that. Not when it meant she would feel content to head home. Not when the alternative was stealing a few more minutes with her. And he liked his second option more. Field work. You'd call it a "stakeout", wouldn't you? Getting to know my future oppponent. The promising young detective that had apprehended Mooney and was bound to make defending him a challenge. There was no doubt the jury would love her. Feed on her genuity and charm.
"I do not.", he muttered out slowly, watching her face closely, memorizing how the street light above them picked up the gray strands in her hair, "I assumed I could grab a cab, despite my lackluster luck tonight." She nodded along to the idea, but made no move to leave, "You certainly could." John could sense an in, and he took it shamelessly, a step bringing him closer to her until her sweet scent invaded him again, "Were you about to suggest something else?" Cross the line. Offer your help again. "I-", a shake of her head cut off her words as she frowned. She was putting up a wall once more, guarding her thoughts just like she had on his oversharing about Penny. "Yes?", his hand reached out to tuck a piece of her hair that the wind had picked up behind her ear, voice growing huskier when he added, "Tell me." Her breath hitched the second his fingers grazed her cheek, probably feeling the same current that passed over his skin at the contact and still clutched him even when his arm dropped by his side. Sabrina blinked away the haze they seemed to be sharing, "I was going to offer you a ride, Mr. Duncan." "John. Call me John, Sabrina." Something flashed across her face at his correction, "Hm?" "It's my name after all." It was as if all the background noise ceased to exist as he waited for her lips to form the word and he suspected even if the detective he was supposed to wait on or the criminal himself that had wronged him showed up right there and then, he wouldn't care. She was the sole holder of his attention. "I was going to offer you a ride,", she paused, "John. But I'm not-" "Yes.", the word rushed out, cutting off whatever excuse she was about to make about it being a bad idea, probably thinking of the grinning man on her homescreen. Doesn't matter who he is, Detective. I can recognize interest when I see it. And damn, if I don't want to hear you say my name again. His eagerness seemed to be obvious and… amusing to her, "You sure?" "Are you planning on driving off with my carry-on, Sabrina?" "Cross my heart. I won't.", she gestured to the street behind her, hiking her bag further up her shoulder, "I'm parked over there." A smirk appeared at the fact he was winning, "Lead the way then, before you freeze."
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @strafethesesinners @strangefable @voidika @aceghosts @nightbloodbix @madparadoxum @jillvalentinesday @euryalex @corvosattano @poisonedtruth @purplehairsecretlair @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @cassietrn @chazz-anova @clicheantagonist @dumbassdep @thesingularityseries @theelderhazelnut @florbelles @simplegenius042 @shegetsburned @v0idbuggy and anyone that would like to share a little something this week
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
Texas authorities say a 12-year-old Houston girl who disappeared for over a week, allegedly with a 27-year-old kidnapping suspect, was using a dating app called Tagged.
The girl was reported missing Feb. 22, when she was seen getting into a vehicle in the 7700 block of Waterchase Drive in Missouri City, Texas, around 1:40 a.m.
On March 1, Columbus Police were informed the suspect may be in their city limits and ultimately found and "attempted to detain" Sirterryon Preston "in reference to having possession of the missing juvenile," Columbus Police said in a press release.
"Preston attempted to flee police custody but was captured and arrested," police said. The suspect is charged with evading arrest and was taken to the Colorado County Detention Facility. Authorities are eyeing more charges pending an FBI investigation into the girl's disappearance.
Tagged, a dating app for people 17 years or older, is owned by the Meet Group, the dating app network company behind MeetMe, hi5, LOVOO, Growlr and Skout.
"We were deeply saddened to learn the news of [the girl's] disappearance and are relieved by her safe return," the Meet Group told Fox News Digital in a statement. "Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of the community on our platforms every day. As such, we proactively reached out to Houston law enforcement to offer any assistance we could as soon as we became aware of the situation."
The Meet Group noted that Tagged's policies "prohibit minors" from using its dating apps, and the company utilizes "both technology and manual analysis to help check for minors who may have registered for our platform using a false age.
"Should we be made aware of any attempts to circumvent our process, we thoroughly investigate any report involving a possible minor user or child exploitation," the company added. "We invest significantly in these efforts, and while we know that, sadly, there is no way to make this process completely infallible, we are continuously evolving to stay at the forefront of best-in-class safety practices."
Dr. John DeGarmo, founder and director of the Foster Care Institute, told Fox News Digital children will often turn to dating apps and other platforms to get attention when they are not receiving enough love or attention at home. 
"I think all dating sites present a risk to children," DeGarmo said. "I know Tagged has some type of policy where they don't allow kids under the age of 17, but how many children, like this girl here, are on it? I imagine there are thousands of children on these sites."
Sexual predators are also on dating sites looking to groom minors, DeGarmo added.
The child safety advocate said parents should have regular conversations with their children about the dangers of dating apps and social media platforms in general, where predators may be seeking to connect with minors. Parents should also monitor their children's activity online, he said.
"Parents have to be vigilant with their children in a number of matters. … Parents have to form strong, healthy relationships with their children so their children are not looking for these relationships elsewhere," DeGarmo said, adding that children coming from broken homes or who don't have "loving parental figures" will look for "what they are lacking in their life" on social media and dating websites.
Kris Perry, executive director of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, told Fox News Digital "there is limited existing research into how many teens are using dating apps, much less the risks or outcomes of this use."
"There is evidence that predators target minors through social media apps, knowledge that has guided some of the recommended protections we see in legislation such as the Kids Online Safety Act," Perry said. 
"We can reasonably expect that dating apps are no different, except that for many of these apps, users are supposed to be at least 18. Without knowing many details, this case (and many like it) are examples of why we need a stronger understanding of how youth may be using these apps, what risks may exist and what changes can be made to create safer online experiences."
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aecholapis · 1 year
Watching Equilibrium (2002) this morning sparked the idea for a TFP AU - quite a weird one. John Preston reminds me a lot of Soundwave and the entire enforcer squad had serious DJD vibes.
What if Soundwave had been in charge of the DJD or a similar team in TFP?
He is a highly skilled fighter, precise to the point of appearing drone-like (inhuman), cold and calculating and holds a position of power. In this case, 'he' refers to both of them and that shows how alike they appear to be.
The only difference aside from their species and job is probably the fact that Preston works with a team under his command and they operate flawlessly, finding and eliminating people with ease, people who are accused of having emotions.
If Soundwave had been given a team to hunt down either traitors or Autobots, the war could have taken a very different course I imagine.
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art150class · 1 year
And Just Like That...is Cringeworthy, Not Binge-worthy
I have a new guilty pleasure: no, it’s not Riverdale, nor is it the umpteenth season of The Bachelor. It’s And Just Like That…, the reboot of Sex and the City starring Sarah Jessica Parker and her (mostly intact) group of gal pals as they help her move on from the death of her husband, John James “Mr. Big” Preston (Chris Noth). Where Sex and the City was a fun romp exploring the lives of Carrie Bradshaw (Parker), Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon) and Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) through singlehood and coupledom, And Just Like That is strictly a cringe watch, not a binge watch, as the reboot attempts to correct some errors, including the lack of diversity, of the original show. 
The cast of Sex and the City 
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The cast of And Just Like That…
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Over the course of the first season, we are introduced to Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte’s new friends, all of whom are a part of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community (Kim Cattrall did not reprise her role as Samantha due to an ongoing feud with SJP). There’s Charlotte’s new friend Lisa Todd-Wexley (Nicole Ari Parker), Miranda Hobbs’ hip professor Nya Wallace (Karen Pittman), Carrie’s podcasting partner Che (Sara Ramirez), and her realtor Seema Patel (Sarita Chodbury). All of these actors are wonderful additions to the cast–it’s just too bad the show squanders the opportunity to flesh out the characters beyond what they look like or identify as. 
As Deborah Willis discusses in the documentary Through a Lens Darkly, it’s important to have representation. She explains that “Black people were subjects for the photographers, but none of the photographers were African American.” The original Sex and the City had an overwhelmingly white writers room, and it seems And Just Like That...is making up for it with the introduction of BIPOC women behind the camera in both writing and directing positions. But despite the attempts at increasing diversity off-camera, that doesn’t mean the characters’ escapades at welcoming diversity on camera are any less cringeworthy. 
In the pilot alone, Lisa is referred to by Charlotte’s husband Harry as “Black Charlotte;” later, Charlotte and Harry attempt to befriend more Black people after fearing Lisa and her husband will be the only non-white people at their dinner party.  
Miranda’s attempts to befriend her professor may be more awkward. When Miranda first meets Nya, she spends too much time complimenting her braids, over-explaining that her compliment had “nothing to do with it being a Black hairstyle” and then insinuating she signed up for her class just because Nya is Black.
This whole video is just one giant face palm.
But the worst offender might just be Che Diaz, a Latinx nonbinary comedian who has become the subject of multiple think pieces. What should be an innovative character highlighting the joys of representation becomes the most annoying human imaginable, an unfunny comedian who introduces themselves to Miranda by shotgunning a joint into her mouth at a bar. Miranda’s coming-out story should be a point of pride, mirroring the real-life story of Cynthia Nixon’s own coming-out; instead, Miranda’s plot feels like an insult to her ex, Steve Brady (really the last good character on this show) and an embarrassing attempt at understanding real-life coming out stories in the queer community. 
And that’s the problem with And Just Like That: it doesn’t understand the people they are trying to write about. Sex and the City was largely white and heterosexual: while they did have excellent recurring gay characters in Mario Cantone’s Anthony Marentino and the late Willie Garson’s Stanford Blatch, the core four’s gay panic is unmistakable. In one episode, Carrie dumps a man because he is bisexual; in another, Samantha dates a woman, only to break up with her because they talk too much, which perpetuates stereotypes regarding female relationships.
Which is why And Just Like That…is so disappointing. It had the opportunity to create a new, updated spin on single life in NYC with perspectives that weren’t just white women; instead, it chose to make the white women awkward, Karen-like stereotypes that don’t know how to handle diversity and instead sound like soundbites that could be used on Fox News. What was once a hip show touting the female experience all set to a jazzy theme tune has now turned into a cringeworthy watch that makes you wince every time they even try to tackle a relevant topic. As Ronald Takaki explains in A Different Mirror, authenticity of experience is important, and AJLT does not feel like any of the characters’ lives are being explored in an authentic way. The struggle to “let America be America,” or to depict our multicultural history accurately, has been very real, and it’s only exacerbated more by the gratingly frustrating attempts for AJLT to be diverse without making diversity awkward. I can only hope that AJLT will learn to be more comfortable in depicting diversity as something incredible, not incredibly awkward, but 2 seasons in, I find myself even more let down with every passing episode.
Suffice to say, And Just Like That…I’ve given up on this show ever trying to tackle a relevant topic in a fashionable manner. At least we can all look forward to Samantha’s cameo in the season 2 finale. Maybe she’ll have something good to say. 
Works Cited:
Family Pictures USA, Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People, June 19, 2013, 8:14-8:19, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THZWSexAjgk.
Lesley Goldberg, ‘Sex and the City’: HBO Max Sets Writing Staff for ‘And Just Like That,’ Hollywood Reporter, February 5, 2021, https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/sex-and-the-city-hbo-max-sets-writing-staff-for-and-just-like-that-4128564/. 
And Just Like That…, season 1, episode 1, “Hello, It’s Me,” written by Michael Patrick King, Directed by Michael Patrick King, aired December 9, 2021, on Max.
And Just Like That…, season 1, episode 4, “Some of My Best Friends,” written by Keli Goff, Directed by Gillian Robespierre, aired December 23, 2021, on Max. 
Sex and the City, season 3, episode 4, “Boy, Girl, Boy Girl…”, written by Darren Star and Jenny Bicks, directed by Pam Thomas, aired June 25, 2000, on HBO. 
Sex and the City, season 4, episode 5, “Ghost Town,” written by Darren Star and Allan Heinberg, directed by Michael Spiller, aired June 24, 2001, on HBO.
Ajani Bazille-Dutes, “7 "Sex And The City" Samantha Moments That Were Ahead Of Their Time And 6 That Were Not Okay Then (Or Now),” BuzzFeed, June 3, 2023, https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/samantha-moments-satc. 
Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America (New York: Back Bay Books, 2008), 18. 
Takaki, A Different Mirror, 20.
Picture and video credits:
Sex and the City, HBO, accessed Jul 12, 2023, https://www.hbo.com/sex-and-the-city. 
And Just Like That…, Max, accessed July 12, 2023, https://www.max.com/shows/b9c27771-247a-459d-b751-85460d3fd5a2. 
The Cultured Queen, “Miranda Appears Racist on her First day of Class at Columbia AND JUST LIKE THAT HBO MAX,” December 15, 2021, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WriOpZkNFQM. 
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mlmxreader · 2 months
this post is for the faggots & only the faggots
women DNI, unless we're mutuals/friends, this isn't a post for you
minors DNI, this is an 18+ post.
Fallout 4 + Sex
includes: Gage, Preston Garvey, MacCready, Hancock, Valentine, Danse, Sturges, Mason (Pack alpha) & Old Longfellow.
all are done w male reader.
100% likes to have you bent over a surface when he fucks you, as long as you say you want him to; he especially likes it when you suggest that he should fuck you against a window for all the other raiders below to see. He loves how tight your ass is around him and he loves it when you lick his cock clean; he has a massive soft spot for seeing you masturbate, though. Watching your hand work your cock as those little moans of his name slip from your mouth as you beg him to join in or at least help you out.
"Don't worry, boss, I'll be there in a second."
Preston Garvey
While not massively kinky, Preston will admit that he likes the rush of outdoor sex; he likes to ride you and bite down on the skin of your neck to try and stifle his moans, hoping that no one hears and thinks that something's wrong. He loves the way you grip his hips as you thrust up into his ass, grunting out his name between gritted teeth in a vain attempt to keep quiet. Fuck, Preston would carry on forever if there wasn't yet another settlement that needed help. He has to admit, though, he's thought about having sex at the castle a lot and he does want to try it.
"Quiet, General, I think I hear someone coming."
R.J. MacCready
Do not let him fool you. MacCready fucking loves to tie you up, tease your cock until your eyes are filled with tears, make you beg for it - almost as much as he loves the slow, sensual nights with you riding him slowly. He'll fuck you anywhere you ask, as long as he's 100% certain there's no enemies nearby. His favourite is when you let him fuck you in the mornings; sloppy and slow, every stroke almost painstakingly gentle as you bury your face in the pillows and beg for him to cum in your ass. He loves it, he's not shy about admitting it, either.
"What's the matter, cowboy? You can't keep up?"
John Hancock
Get the Rad-X and Radaway, boys! Hancock can (and will) go all fucking day and night if you ask him to. He's got some reservations, like, he won't fuck you anywhere TOO risky mostly because he doesn't want to get you into trouble - bit otherwise? You just say the fucking word. And he's SO vocal, too, always moaning so loudly with his face buried in the mattress, your cock slamming into him as he grips the already torn sheets and just fucking begs for you to keep going. Hancock isn't fucking shy, either - he will ask you to fuck him whilst you're wearing the Silver Shroud armour. He will beg. Do the voice, too, and he'll be cumming before you even touch him.
"Aw, shit, sweetheart, is that for me?"
Nick Valentine
Classy, that's one word for it. Nick has a lot of old-world memories about pornography, and he isn't really all that keen on it. Sure, roleplay sounds fun - if you're down to be the guy delivering the extra sausage pizza, that is. But otherwise, Nick likes to take things slow; he's not exactly sure how much time he'll have before he needs to be repaired, so he wants to make the most of it. Whether you want to be top or bottom, he doesn't really care or mind - he'll take your cock just as happily as he'll fuck you in the ass. 100% has a consent kink, though, that man LOVES to hear you say how much you want it.
"And who said that this old bucket of gears and sprockets didn't have it in him anymore?"
Paladin Danse
Danse is very much the same in the bedroom as he is outside of it; he's collected, he's controlled, he's got a fat ass that he loves for you to bite and smack until it's raw and red and he's got tears in his eyes as he tells you to keep fucking going. Don't expect any less of Danse except for it to be a long, long session; he's so fucking good at taking your cock, you'll have cum 4 or 5 times once you're completely spent. He orders you around, telling you exactly how he wants you to fuck him, exactly what he wants you to do to him - like he's giving you fucking details for a mission. It's hot.
"Come on, soldier, you can fuck me better than that."
He's good with technology, that's for absolute sure. He'll ask you to test out some new dildo he made and he fucking loves it every time; watching how you cum and beg for him to fuck you, kiss you, anything as you've got his new toy inside you. Fuck, even just thinking about it makes him hard; but he's never mean, much like Preston, he enjoys giving you a lot of praise and encouragement. The few times that you've let him use his toy on you and fuck you at the same time were always his favourite, though; watching how well you take his cock and the toy at the same time was fucking priceless.
"C'mon, baby, you're doin' so well for me already."
Mason (Alpha/Leader of The Pack)
Y'know the Nine Inch Nails song 'Closer'? Yeah, that sums up Mason, really. He's a kinky fuck. Constantly happy to let you ride him and cockwarm him while he's sat on that fucking throne of his; he'll fuck you anywhere you ask, and the guy has a HUGE kink for marking you up. You want him to bite? Scratch? Smack you around? He'll do it! You just have to say the word and he's fucking on it. He isn't shy about it, either, he's fucking possessive and he knows you like it by the way you get hard whenever he shows off. He's also more than happy to have you sit on his throne while he kneels between your legs and sucks you off; doing his best not to grin, knowing that no one can make you cum like he does.
"That's it, good boy, taking my cock so fucking well in front of everybody."
Old Longfellow
Rough. Longfellow is fucking rough with you. He won't bite or smack you, although he's quite happy to spank you if you ask, but he'll manhandle you and throw you around and if you ask him to. Outdoor sex by the sea is commonplace - if it's a nice day at his cabin, he'll fuck you outside. Doesn't care if he might get visitors. He does also like to make it last as much as he can, though, and often finds himself reminding you of how much he loves you - he doesn't want to say anything to you he might regret, so praise and little reminders are constant. If it gets too much, though, just say and he'll stop - grunting and growling and moaning in your ear instead.
"Not bad for a mainlander, are you? You almost take cock as well as an Islander."
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Have a writing idea on your mind but too busy to put it on paper? Submit it here! Any fo4 companion imagine is welcome!
No rules.
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nukaberries · 2 years
Hey, could I have some reactions to the male companions *coughValentinecough* reactions to seeing a female Sole Survivor outside of their radiation suits for the first time?
This is actually a really cool idea!! and I'm loving the appreciation that Nick's getting right now (Bethesda make him romanceable NOW)
Male Companions React to Seeing Sole Outside Her Radiation Suit
(Includes: Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick and Preston)
Paladin Danse He can relate to always wearing a suit that hides most of his appearance. However, Sole has seen Danse out of his power armour a fair few times while they've been travelling together, he's never seen Sole in anything but her radiation suit. He won't say anything at first, wanting to keep their relationship strictly professional, but Sole may catch him staring for a little too long from time to time, before snapping out of it and pretending nothing had happened.
Deacon He'd definitely already made his guesses on what Sole looks like outside of the suit. His personal favourite theory - that Glory and Tom got sick of hearing about - was that Sole had six heads and fourteen arms coming out of her stomach. Still, he can't deny that he's somewhat taken aback when Sole eventually does take her radiation suit off. He'll make a comment on how he's relieved she has a normal amount of limbs, to which he'll refuse to elaborate on. If they're in Railroad HQ, Glory will definitely smack him across the head.
Hancock While he never would've openly admitted, despite a few passing comments about Sole's 'interesting get up', Hancock was so curious about what Sole actually looked like under her suit. He would've never outright asked though, not wanting to come off as weird. When Sole does take her suit off around him, depending on how close they are, Hancock might mention how he prefers them without the suit. He won't want to make Sole feel uncomfortable though, especially if they're not very close, so he'll leave it at that.
MacCready He has no idea why Sole insists on wearing her radiation suit everywhere. The Glowing Sea, sure. Boston Commons, maybe. But Diamond City? If MacCready ever brings up Sole's suit, it'll be more about how he doesn't understand why they wear it everywhere. When Sole finally takes off her suit in his presence, he's initially just relieved it doesn't look like he's travelling the Commonwealth with an alien, then he realises how beautiful Sole actually is. It makes travelling with her afterwards a little more awkward - for him - often finding himself quite flustered around her. He just hopes that Sole hasn't caught on yet, or that she ever will.
Nick Valentine With his own get up being rather unconventional - how often do you see a synth detective? - Nick actually appreciates that Sole only ever goes around in a radiation suit. It somehow balances out how unusual they both appear alone and makes him feel just a little less abnormal. Admittedly, he is quite curious as to what Sole actually looks like, but he'd never outright ask or make her feel like she had to show him. When Sole does take her suit off, he's pleasantly surprised, but he won't mention it, wanting to avoid making her uncomfortable, even if he does think Sole's a sight for sore eyes. Whether Sole decides to keep the suit off or she puts it back on right after, Nick won't mind either way, he's just happy to have the company.
Preston Garvey When Preston first met Sole outside the Museum of Freedom, he was almost dead certain she was an alien, seeing her take down all those raiders in her radiation suit. He's only ever mentioned Sole's choice in clothing a few times, mainly wondering how she got into that power armour when she took on the Deathclaw. He'd never actually ask Sole to take her suit off, worrying she might not feel comfortable enough to, so when she finally does, he's relieved that she trusts him enough to take it off around him. Sure, her beauty is a bonus, but he decides to keep that part to himself for now.
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Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Evan Rachel Wood, Rainn Wilson, Toby Huss, Julianne Nicholson, Quinta Brunson, David Bloom, Spencer Treat Clark, Dot-Marie Jones, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Will Forte, Scott Aukerman, James Preston Rogers, Tommy O'Brien, Nina West, Arturo Castro, Conan O'Brien, Jack Black, Jorma Taccone, Akiva Schaffer, Demetri Martin, Paul F. Tompkins, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Patton Oswalt, Thomas Lennon and Nat Faxon.
Screenplay by  “Weird Al” Yankovic and Eric Appel.
Directed by Eric Appel.
Distributed by Roku Originals. 108 minutes. Not Rated.
Screened at the 2022 Philadelphia Film Festival.
I’m not big on superlatives and I find it hard to believe I’m about to write this, but Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is the funniest film comedy I’ve seen all year. By a long shot.
Now I know that sounds strange. And before you ask, no I’m not a Weird Al superfan, although I like him well enough. (Who doesn’t?) I’ve never seen (or had much urge to see) his previous attempt at film stardom with UHF, although I have heard relatively good things about it over the years.
And yet, I say it again – Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is absolutely hysterical.
As you may get from the title, it is a takeoff on the traditional rock and roll bio pics, although it is very, very loosely based on the life of Yankovic. Or, as it is described online: “The unexaggerated true story about the greatest musician of our time. From a conventional upbringing where playing the accordion was a sin, ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic rebels and makes his dream of changing the words to world-renowned songs come true. An instant success and sex symbol, Al lives an excessive lifestyle and pursues an infamous romance that nearly destroys him.”
This deviation from pure fact is what makes it so funny. Imagining the goofy, good-natured, teetotaling novelty singer Yankovic as a surly drunken rock star is comedy gold. And imagining a world where a man can conquer the rock charts with a Hawaiian shirt, an accordion and a dream – to make up funny words to other people’s songs – is just so weird that it can only be true. Or true-ish.
I mean come on, just the idea alone of Daniel Radcliffe (aka Harry Potter) playing Weird Al is meta enough to blow your mind. And he does a damned good job of it, too.
And I haven’t even mentioned the Pablo Escobar and Madonna connections, nor when (according to Weird), Michael Jackson plagiarized Al’s magnum opus.
It’s silly, it’s stupid and it’s undeniably funny.
Weird Al himself even has a bit part as one of the Scotti Brothers, the record label owners who signed him and released his early records. (Other Scotti Bros. acts which became marginal stars included Survivor, John Paul Young, John Cafferty & the Beaver Brown Band and Leif Garrett.)
One slight caveat... Weird: The Al Yankovic story was made as an original production for the new streaming machine Roku, which very few people have, so it may take some work to track the movie down. You can stream it on Roku’s website as well. More to the point, having seen it on a big screen at the Philadelphia Film Festival with a hysterical crowd (and Weird Al in the house), I realize that a theater is the way that it should be seen. (With or without Weird Al.) Weird is a film that works a lot better as a community experience than it would sitting alone watching it at home. They really should have given it a brief theatrical release.
But see it any way that you can. It’s that funny.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 28, 2022.
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jkholmes · 2 years
Imagine turning round and seeing John preston doing this as you walk out of the room 😍😘😏
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