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TV: Skins (2007-2013)

Pocas series enfocadas en el mundo adolescente han dejado un legado tan imperecedero como el de esta joya británica. A diferencia de otros exponentes más actuales, el drama, la comedia, el desparpajo e incluso cierto sentido de inocencia recorren los 61 capítulos, repartidos entre siete temporadas, de esa gran serie emitida por la señal E4 entre 2007 y 2013. Titulada "Skins" ("Pieles"), esta producción de Bryan Elsey y Jamie Brittain tuvo su remake americana emitida por MTV en 2011 con pobres resultados: duró sólo una temporada.
La trama se centra en un grupo de jóvenes de Bristol, al sudoeste inglés, Dada su extensión es obvio suponer que sus personajes principales eventualmente madurarían y continuarían sus historias fuera de foco, siendo reemplazados por otros tantos. La primera tanda, conocida como "primera generación", estuvo constituida por actores de dispar fama: Nicholas Hoult (Tony Stonem), Joe Dempsie (Chris Miles), Hannah Murray (Cassie Ainsworth), Mike Bailey (Sid Jenkins), Larissa Wilson (Jal Fazer), April Pearson (Michelle Richardson), Dev Patel (Anwar Kharral), Aimee-Ffion Edwards (Lucy Sketch) y Mitch Hewer (Maxxie Oliver). Posteriormente, el foco se centraría en Kaya Scodelario (Effy Stonem), Jack O´Connell (James Cook), Luke Pasqualino (Freddie McClair), Dakota Blue Richards (Franky Fitzgerald) o el cantante Ollie Alexander (Jakob).
Como suele suceder en proyectos vinculados a la adolescencia, "Skins" trató problemáticas tan variadas como la depresión, la ansiedad, los desórdenes alimentarios, el suicidio, el bullying, el abuso de sustancias, las familias disfuncionales, el trastorno bipolar y, claro, el ejercicio de la sexualidad, incluyendo la homosexualidad.
A continuación, una breve pincelada por algunos de los personajes LGBTQ+ más representativos de la serie:
El arco de Maxxie Oliver abarca las primeras dos temporadas. Es un muchacho carismático, talentoso para el baile (en especial, el tap), gran amigo de Anwar (a pesar de su origen musulmán) y con una vasta experiencia sexual.

Cassie Ainsworth es otro de los personajes esenciales de la serie, participando en las primeras dos temporadas. Allí encarna el rostro de los adolescentes afectados por enfermedades mentales, ya que padece anorexia nerviosa, problemas de baja autoestima y pensamientos suicidas, además de su paso por la adicción a drogas. En el listado positivo, es inteligente, excéntrica y divertida mientras que su extenso listado amoroso, de sexo indistinto, incluye a Sid Jenkins.

Tea Marvelli (Sofia Black D'elia) aparece sólo en la temporada inicial, adonde se destaca su origen italiano y su personalidad abierta, desprejuiciada y, hay de decirlo, altanera. Ya en el episodio dedicado a ella ("Tea", el segundo capítulo) se la ve teniendo relaciones con una chica que ya tiene novio. Aunque no suele tener intimidad con chicos, su presencia deja prendado a Tony.

La efímera historia de Sophia Morton (Amberley Gridley) destaca por la tragedia, ya que muere tras caer del techo del club nocturno en el que trabaja Thomas (Merveille Lukeba), uno de los protagonistas del nuevo grupo. Su deceso, acaecido al principio de la cuarta temporada, complica la situación de Thomas debido a que Morton, que era lesbiana y había tenido un encuentro amoroso con Naomi Campbell, estaba drogada al momento de su caída.

Idealista, y apasionada por la política, Naomi Campbell (Lily Loveless) también sufre un triste destino tras su paso en la tercera, la cuarta y la séptima temporada. Ya sabemos que tuvo un affair con la infortunada Sophia Morton, pero, además, gozó de una relación más seria con Emily Fitch.

Mini McGuinness (Freya Mavor) es la siguiente dama de la lista. Presente en la quinta y la sexta temporada, su declarada dulzura sólo es aparente: tras su amena fachada se esconde una chica ambiciosa cuyos intereses recae en el "shopping, el calzado, el sushi y el sexo". Así y todo, esta chica que ha tenido un flechazo con su amiga Frank Fitzgerald, también ha conocido las mieles de la maternidad merced a su relación con Alo Creevey (Will Merrick).

Alex Henley (Sam Jackson), aparecido en la sexta temporada, es un gay abierto, orgulloso y, al parecer, también algo promiscuo, pero también es una figura esencial que ayuda al grupo de chicos que acaba de conocer a lidiar con la pérdida de Grace Blood (Jessica Sula), una de ellos.

Personaje secundario (pero importante) de la quinta y la sexta temporada, Rider (Daniel Black) disfruta de una gran actividad sexual con chicas y de antagonizar con el grupo protagonista. No obstante, se da por supuesto que es, al menos, bisexual: tal idea se deduce de la serie especial "Skins: Lock-In. Whore Wars", en la que su personaje se acuesta con el ya mencionado Alex.

La ya mencionada Emily Fitch (Kathryn Prescott) tiene la particularidad, que comparte con la actriz que lo interpreta, de ser hermana gemela de Katie (interpretada por Megan Prescott). Sin embargo, ambas han desarrollado una relación tóxica debido al bullying de Katie y a su personalidad dócil. La presencia de Naomi Campbell la conmueve e incita a concentrarse en sí misma, en pensar cuál es la dirección de su vida y de su sexualidad. Es un personaje importante cuya historia se desarrolla en la tercera, la cuarta y la séptima temporada. Casi siempre, junto a Naomi.

No por aparecer último es el menor: aunque es cierto que el listado de sus relaciones tiene a las féminas como figuras excluyentes, Tony Stonem, hermano mayor de Effie y figura esencial en la primera parte de la serie, ha tenido sus escarceos con el sexo masculino. Manipulador y carismático, hasta su amigo Maxxie Oliver debió ceder a sus encantos.

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Today, Tomorrow, Forever
SMAU with writing
Nicholas Hoult x Reader
Yn and Nicholas Hoult have known each other since their Skins days, but it wasn't love at first sight. How did they go from a one sides rivalry to dream marriage in 17 years?
Movie release dates/years have been edited for the sake of the story!
Idea sent by @ateliefloresdaprimavera
nicholashout with ynhoult

liked by user12, aarontaylorjohnson, ellefanning, and 902,104 others
nicholashoult 17 years ago made the worst mistake of my life, 11 years ago I had the best conversation ever, and 6 years ago I married the love of my life. I never imagined that one person could be the reason my world turns, but here she is. Happy anniversary my love 🤍
tagged no one
aarontaylorjohnson happy anniversary!!
elliefanning best couple ever!!
hughgrant happy anniversary! I'm so happy to have met little you and watched as you've grown into an amazing man
scarlettjohansen beautiful!!
sebastianstan 6 years is no small accomplishment, I hope its a good ones guys!
mikebailey here from the start!!
joedempsie so happy for you guys, happy anniversary!
aprilpearson most beautiful bride ever!!
user1 they're the only couple ever
user2 stop the way he looks at her 😭🤭
user3 its the fact he still looks at her the same now as in that photo
user4 Nick putting Yn first in his own post is the most Nick thing he's ever done
user5 Yn is everything and he's just Ken
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A laugh rang loud and clear across the busy set. My ears perked up at it and my eyes immediately rolled. There is only on person who has a laugh like that, a laugh that carries through the air with an annoying volume: Yn Ln. I glance towards the noise and notice a small gathering; April, Mitch, and Mike stand around with her laughing at something. Yn looks proud, so it must've been her joke.
"Oi! Nick come join us!" Mitch calls to me.
"I'm good mate, there's some lines I was hoping to review before we start filming again!" It was a lie. There were no lines, I reviewed everything exhaustively yesterday, a bunch of 'Michelle I'm sorry this' and 'Sid get laid' that. I just can't go over there. I can't imagine anything more dull than flocking around Yn and listen to whatever nonsense she spews into conversation.
"Alright we're going to pick up at scene 6. It's our last of the day so let's make it good!" Calls our director. We all fall into place, April by my side, and the others in a semicircle.
"After we're done for the day we should try that place for dinner," she says to Yn.
"Oh yes!" replies Yn with a cheery smiles. I can't help but scoff under my breath.
Across our fake circe, over the chatter of set I hear Nicholas scoff. It stung somewhere deep in my chest and tripped up my good mood.
I was over the moon to book this gig. Like almost every actor here, Skins was my start; from here I'd book more and more until I've reached the stars. My character was an awkward, ugly duckling but she was mine and I love her. This experience has been the best things thats happened to me ever; I've made so many great friends. There is only one problem: Nicholas Hoult. He's a phenomenal actor and a wonderful guy to everyone but me.
I can't recall what I've done over the past months to make him dislike me; at our first read throughs we were cordial and made wonderful small talk, but as filming progressed he distances himself and always has a noise or eye roll to accompany my words. The worst part was he's cute and seeing how hardworking he is around set doesn't help the school girl crush I have for him. And the nail on the coffin? He's a gentleman and so kind to everyone else, just not me. I'm a lucky girl, I suppose; you can't please everyone, so having 7/8 actors be my friends was fine by me. Plus his negatively was only ever a stumble in the road, not a ruin to my day.
user1 he's so whipped, like Yn did not need to be mentioned for The Menu quote but she was
user2 no cause why did he go on longer about her and the Skins quote than any other line
user3 I'm crying why does he remember the entire Skins line off the top of his head
user4 get yourself a man that talks good about you even when you're not there
user5 the smile he had when talking about Yn makes me wanna cry
user6 he is so in love
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"Cheers!" A round of glasses clinking filled my ears. The core cast got together to celebrate the wrap of season 2 for Skins; we were currently tucked away in the back of some local restaurant in Bristol. I was sat at the end of the table, with Mitch on my right and Dev on my left; everyone was joking and sharing stories, it seemed every member at the table was holding at least 3 conversations. As Cassie would say, it was lovely. The warm lights reflected off of the wooden table and casted a gentle glow on everyone, including Nicholas at the other end of the table. We made eye contact as the table erupted into a roar at something Kaya said; I felt my cheeks burn with the stretch of my smile, but Nicholas's quickly turned from a bright laugh to a tight lipped smile. I rolled by eyes and chose to ignore him; I've let go any wish I had to understand his dislike of me.
I tore my eyes away from Nicholas's direction and looked around, my heart grew heavy. I am so glad we are all geared up to start new projects, but I'm so sad to see everyone separate. I hope we'd all be able to keep in touch. The conversations slowed down so I grabbed my almost empty glass and tapped on it, "Not to make this a cheesy movie moment, but I wanted to let you all know how grateful I am for Skins. Not only has this shown given us a jumping point, but its connected us all..."
"...connected us all..." there she bloody goes, killing the mood with some dumb speech. Yn's words soon sounded like the parents from Charlie Brown. Yet, I looked forward to pretend to listen. This is the first time I've really looked at her out of character. I've gotten used to her brush out curls that would frizz out in the English humidity and the hideous fake glasses they'd put on her. All apart of the ugly duckling role she plays. Off set she looks fine, I wouldn't say anything special.
I look down and watch the condensation drip down my glass and onto the table; as the droplets raced I couldn't help but wish Yn was just a little funnier and more interesting.
user1 they def went home and screwed after this
user2 I felt like I was interrupting something
user3 imagine having to be apart of the crew to film this
user4 Yn was way to excited there's no way Nicholas isn't getting slapped in bed at some point
user5 its the way he gave his answer away with the ask me off camera
user6 also Yn calling Nicholas instead of Nick when she asked 😭 girlie knows how to get what she wants
user7 they're both so possessive but polite
user8 I've never seen a celebrity be so comfortable and laugh (enjoyable not uncomfortable) at these, I love it
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My bed felt softer and fluffier than a cloud when I flopped into in face first. It had been a long few months; Warm Bodies finished it wrap, I went straight into auditioning for new projects, and before I could blink I was swept up into press for the movie. I'm living the dream, but sometimes I just want everything to slow down.
My eyes just fluttered closed when my phone let out rapid buzzes, one at a time. I sighed in relief when it went silent, but was quickly disappointed when it started again. I rolled over to retrieve it from the bed beside me. Messages from the old skins group chat filled my lock screen; we made it after a meet up a couple years ago, but it was only ever active on someone's birthday, that was until today. The messages informed me that our old show was trending on twitter with fans pulling old photos, clips, and interviews from our time. I smiled and replied quickly before loading up the app for a quick trip down memory lane.
My room slowly grew darker as hours passed. Hours have passed as I went down the rabbit hole of Twitter reminiscing; at some point I ended up clicking on different links to interviews the cast has done. The current one was Yn answering a question that I can't remember. A pit formed in my stomach, she was beautiful inside and out. Every interview I saw her in, she had nothing but praises for everyone else and took every compliment with such humility. I was in awe of her answers, despite being formed on the spot came out with the poise of a well rehearsed speech. I made a horrible misjudgment.
"Whose do I most admire of the cast? I'd have to say Nick," the guilt in my chest grew, "he's so talented that you'd think he was a pure asshole if you only watch the show. We're not the closest, but I've seen from being around him he is an absolute sweetheart. That's what makes him admirable, his absolute kick ass work as Tony while being a fantastic cast mate."
I wished she was lying, but I can tell it's all genuine. I spent those years annoyed by her and mentally tearing down this girl, but she wasn't a girl. Yn was a poised young women who was down to Earth and spent her time raising people up. She was right we weren't close, because of me, but she still through so highly of me. I wanted to hit myself, she could've been an amazing friend and I was too dumb to let go of stupid stereotypes from a fictional show to see it.
I turned my phone off and rolled over. Tonight, I fell asleep with the beautiful sound of Yn laughing in my ears.
It was warm inside the event hall; I was currently sitting at my assigned table at the EBA Awards. I was nominated for my role as R in Warm Bodies, but seeing as I wasn't a huge name I was at the beginning of the carpet. I looked around to see other people mingling to pass the time as everyone makes their way in, but no one stood out so I stayed seated. Somewhere in the distance I heard a loud laugh; it was eerily familiar and certainly beautiful but I couldn't seem to place it. I pulled out my phone someone stopped near the table causing me to look up.
A breath got stuck in my throat as Yn Ln stood in front of me looking like a picture of perfection,"hey Nicholas! I saw you and wanted to catch up..."

liked by user4, user1, user83, and 892,820 others
celeb_updates just days after the EBA Awards, former cast mates Yn Ln and Nicholas Hoult were seen on a supposed date! It's the first time they've been seen together/publicly interacted since the last Skins event they attended in 2008
tagged: no one
user1 omg the bad boy and good girl??
user2 we used to pray for days like these
user3 I'm thrilled with the idea of them just being friends much less ON A DATE
user4 OMG GUYS I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY! I was hoping we'd get some content with them both attending the EBAs!!
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Marie Antoinette (directed by Sofia Coppola) Premiere
X-Men: Dark Pheonix (directed by Simon Kinberg) Premiere

liked by user1, aprilpearson, ajcook, and 892,203 others
ynln secrets out 💍
tagged nicholashoult
nicholashoult I love you so much 🩵
ynln right back at ya 🩵
ajcook so excited!!
aprilpearson the scream I let out-- congrats guys!!
mitchhewer never saw it coming but you two work so well together!
user1 omg omg omg omg
user2 that first photo is giving total romcom vibes
user3 right?? I love the shot through the window
user4 part of me is so so excited, but another part just died because wdym Tony fell for C/N??
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liked by mitchhewer, nicholashoult, larissawilson, and 928,029 others
ynhoult allow me to reintroduce myself...
tagged: nicholashoult
aarontaylorjohnson absolutely stunning bride!! Here's to a long, wonderful marriage
larrisaawilson party like no other! Many congrats
aprilpearson what a night!!! Love you both
user1 im actually crying
user2 ok my turn now...
user3 their personal cake is too cute
user4 the third picture 😭
user5 they're back in their skins party era
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liked by mikebailey, ellefanning, hughgrant, and 893,924 others
nicholashoult today, tomorrow, forever
tagged: ynhoult
hughgrant Congratulations! I hope its a long and happy marriage
ellefanning beautiful ceremony and killer reception
mikebaily congrats mate!
user1 the polaroids of the guests are so cute
user2 between the two of them there were more famous actors as guests at their wedding than the oscars 😭
user3 I want a love like this
user4 they're so intimate its adorable
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#actor smau#nicholas hoult instagram au#nicholas hoult imagine#nicholas hoult x reader#nicholas hoult#celebrity smau#celebrity instagram edit
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Why does it sound like he's holding back his tears in every voice line... Also people have pointed out that is Ardbert's voice actor https://twitter.com/joedempsie
#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#ffxiv endwalker#ff14#ff14 endwalker#endwalker#endwalker 6.5#ardbert#oschon#thaleia#myths of the realm
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Well excuse me...
[Photography by Eric Frideen]
#joe dempsie#Joedempsie#gendry#gendry baratheon#gendrya#harry clarke#chris miles#skins#skins uk#not mine#portrait#photography#male
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#Gendrya#Gendrywaters#gendry baratheon#Aryastark#arya x gendry#Houseberatheon#housestark#GOT#Gameofthrones#Gendry#soulmates#shipping#arya#maisie williams#Joe Dempsie#Joedempsie
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hello mr. baratheon
#gendrya#arya x gendry#arya stark#asoiaf#game of thrones#gendry#got#arya#a song of ice and fire#house stark#joedempsie
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is really hard to see but im want to believe that they give him the storyboard of him rowing
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TODAY THE BIRTHDAY OF THE MOST SEXUAL WESTEROS MEN! Joe Dempsey, who embodied on the screen the king's bastard son, the hot blacksmith Gendry Baratheon in #GameOfThrones, thanks for the wonderful game and creative success of Joe Dempsie! Hurray СЕГОДНЯ ДЕНЬ РОЖДЕНИЯ САМОГО СЕКСУАЛЬНОГО МУЖЧИНЫ ВЕСТЕРОСА ! Джо Демпси, воплотившего на экране внебрачного сына короля, горячего кузнеца Джендри Баратеона в #GameOfThrones ,спасибо за прекрасную игру и творческих успехов Joe Dempsie!Ура

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Interviewed and photographed the charming fellow gemini @josephdempsie from @gameofthrones for @abookof Styled by the lovely @ririrabbit Groomed by @simonegrooming Produced by @phillldotcom #Gendry #joedempsie #gameofthrones #GOT #grahicsmetropolis #portrait (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwiW6AMHg5v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fujhio47wimc
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Joe speaks - Part 3

There has never been a more supportive husband 😍😂
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We all stand one Queen and her name is Arya Stark. @maisie_williams 👑 . . . . . . #braime #gendrya #gameofthrones #aryastark #gendry #gendrybaratheon #jaimelannister #brienneoftarth #jonsnow #branstark #daenerystargaryen #sansastark #samwelltarly #gameofthrones #maisiewilliams #joedempsie #brienneoftarth #sandorclegane #jonerys #braime #cerseilannister #gotmemes #jaimelannister https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw4aVN5HklQmfwu6ygoQU-Aq9VfLwCxjS3TUlw0/?igshid=1nysyoq2rsuv0
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Joe Dempsie & Gabriella Wilde crackship requested by anon Please like or reblog if using :)
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How is he so hot???😍
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“You´re not forgiven.”
#joe dempsie#deep state#deepstateonfox#deepstateonepix#deepstate#harry clarke#joedempsie#gendry#chris miles
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Omg so hawt. #ardbert #ffxiv #joedempsie https://www.instagram.com/p/BzoYsJThWt4/?igshid=l1b7avmcwqyn
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