#Joe D&039;Amato
cannibalguy · 3 years
Eat your heart (ETC) out: ANTROPOPHAGUS (Joe D’Amato, 1980)
Eat your heart (ETC) out: ANTROPOPHAGUS (Joe D’Amato, 1980)
Joe D’Amato was a prolific director of around 200 films in a wide range of genres, but is best known for his horror and erotic ones. Antropophagus is not one of his ‘best’ (if that word even means anything in these genres) but has developed a cult following in the forty years since its release. D’Amato did not make many cannibal films for some reason – we have previously reviewed his Black…
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moviesandmania · 2 years
DEEP BLOOD (1990) Reviews of sharksploitation schlock - now free to watch online
DEEP BLOOD (1990) Reviews of sharksploitation schlock – now free to watch online
Deep Blood is a 1990 Italian action horror film about some boys who make an oath to kill a monster – a Great White – when they are older. Directed by Raffaele Donato [as Raf Donato] and Aristide Massaccesi [as Joe D’Amato] (uncredited) from a screenplay written by George Nelson Ott. The Filmirage production stars Frank Baroni, Cort McCown, Keith Kelsch, James Camp, Tody Bernard and John K.…
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healed1337 · 2 years
Hilariously Bad Movies Month 1 - Troll 2
Hilariously Bad Movies Month 1 – Troll 2
Ahh, so bad it’s good. Movies of this sort are the reason I started blogging in the first place, even if I never link to my old blog because I’m not a fan of my older posts. Anyway, this sort of movie isn’t for everyone, and even for someone like me, who’s enjoyed hilariously bad movies for at last 15 years now, I need to be in the right mood. For the month, I’m going to introduce to you this…
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flashfuckingflesh · 3 years
Don't Mind the Glowing, Ominous Hole in the Wall. That's Just a Gateway to Evil. "Beyond Darkness" reviewed! (Severin / Blu-ray)
Don’t Mind the Glowing, Ominous Hole in the Wall. That’s Just a Gateway to Evil. “Beyond Darkness” reviewed! (Severin / Blu-ray)
A witch acolyte of Ameth, an underworld demon, is executed on multiple counts of child murder.  The priest who oversaw the witch’s last rites came in with a doubtful heart and upon researching Ameth through an unholy book, disavowed his own religion only to fall into a near drunken stupor of atheism.  Months later, a new priest and his family move into a home arranged by the archdiocese, but soon…
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thebutcher-5 · 3 years
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati dopo molto tempo a parlare di letteratura e l’abbiamo fatto grazie a Il segreto del Bosco Vecchio di Dino Buzzati. Buzzati è uno dei miei scrittori italiani preferiti in assoluto e grazie a quell’articolo non solo ho potuto dimostrarlo, ma ho potuto anche discutere di tematiche molto ricorrenti nelle sue opere. Attraverso…
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thecraggus · 3 years
Deep Blood (1990) will give you cinematic thrombosis. #SharkWeak4🦈 Review
Deep Blood (1990) will give you cinematic thrombosis. #SharkWeak4🦈 #Review
Reaching deep into the chum bucket of bad shark movies for Shark Weak 4, I’ve managed to dredge up the cinematic equivalent of a decomposing fish head in the form of 1990’s spectacularly awful Italian sharksploitation flick DEEP BLOOD. Four friends head off on vacation but when a killer shark starts to terrorise the beach community where they’re staying and kills one of their number, the…
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cultfaction · 3 years
Preview- Zombi 5: Killing Birds (Deluxe Collectors Edition Bluray)
Preview- Zombi 5: Killing Birds (Deluxe Collectors Edition Bluray)
A group of college-aged ornithologists have taken a class trip deep into the wilderness on a quest to find and study a rare and possibly extinct species of bird. Despite receiving ominous warnings, both human and avian, they set up camp in a musty old house, only to find themselves under siege from mysterious supernatural forces. But it’s not just the house or the hoards of hungry birds that they…
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gbhbl · 3 years
Horror Movie Review: Absurd (1981)
A solid horror flick that perhaps borrows too much from Halloween to be taken seriously.
Earlier this year as part of our ‘The Nasties’ series, we checked out Joe D’Amato 1980’s low-grade, Italian horror movie Antropophagus. It delivered a solid cast, decently paced story, and classy finale. Resulting in easily one of the video nasty highlights. Why mention Antropophagus? Well, D’Amato and star of it, George Eastman, would reunite for the 1981 horror movie Absurd. Also known as…
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deepredradio · 4 years
Ator - Herr des Feuers
Ator – Herr des Feuers
Story: Der böse Spinnenkult beherrscht das wilde Land und sein Hohepriester unterdrückt samt seiner Kriegertruppen die Bevölkerung, doch eine Prophezeiung besagt, daß ein Kind mit dem “Zeichen des Thoran” den Tyrannen stürzen wird. Als das Kind mit Namen Ator geboren wird, läßt der Priester zwar das komplette Dorf niedermetzeln, der Krieger Griba bringt das Baby in Sicherheit und verbirgt sein…
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thegeekshow · 6 years
Cinema Eclectica 161 - Vera Drake in 4DX
In a week that includes a new Star Wars film then that’s what you have to do, which is why we can’t ignore the release of “Solo: A Star Wars Story”. Unfortunately Graham, Aidan and Sarah are all at very different levels of the Star Wars fandom, so what will they make of it?
More importantly, who paid extra to see it in 4DX and was it worth it?
After that it’s business as usual with Off the…
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moviesandmania · 3 years
DEEP BLOOD (1990) Reviews and overview of sharksploitation schlock
Deep Blood is a 1990 Italian action horror film about some boys who make an oath to kill a monster – a Great White – when they are older. Directed by Raffaele Donato [as Raf Donato] and Aristide Massaccesi [as Joe D’Amato] (uncredited) from a screenplay written by George Nelson Ott. The Filmirage production stars Frank Baroni, Cort McCown, Keith Kelsch, James Camp, Tody Bernard and John K.…
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andersonvision · 7 years
BEYOND THE DARKNESS REVIEWED “Beyond the Darkness” is a Joe D’Amato movie that straddles the lines of good taste. Yeah, I know…another one. This is a film about a taxidermist turning his dead wife into a doll. He still kinda wants to have sex with it, but he wants the body to hold. Then, he replaces her eyeballs with pieces of glass. All the while, Goblin music blares as you wait for the horror…
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dikotomiko · 6 years
Antropophagus, di Joe D'Amato. Fetus, pollutions.
Antropophagus, di Joe D’Amato. Fetus, pollutions.
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Mi si nota di più se scrivo enne volte alla settimana, o se scrivo una volta sola? Ok, pubblico un post ogni sette giorni. No guardate, ho cambiato idea, pubblico solo quando mi va, perché blogger vuol dire libertà. Oggi è il giorno, sento l’urgenza morale, pedagogica, escatologica, di battere un colpo a favore degli obliviati, di quelli che vivono e vivranno sempre nell’ombra come un senso di…
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cultfaction · 5 years
Cult Movie Essentials: Antropophagus (1980)
Cult Movie Essentials: Antropophagus (1980)
Directed by Joe D’Amato, Antropophagus opens with a two German travellers enjoying a remote Greek island. They decide to hit the beach but meet a grizzly end due to a man that came out of the ocean. Meanwhile, another five travellers are preparing to tour the same area. They are soon joined by Julie (Tisa Farrow) who bags a ride with them to an island her friends live on.
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thecartoonphysicist · 8 years
Schlock & Terror: A Retrospective of Video Nasties - Anthropophagous: The Beast
Schlock & Terror: A Retrospective of Video Nasties – Anthropophagous: The Beast
Dave returns! In a…not so thrilling adventure. Umm…there’s a cat in it? Oh, well. Just listen to us b*tch about the movie. Thank you, Dr. Hell, for this episode’s outro.
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thegoregoregirls · 9 years
Halloween Slasher Blog: Deliria
Halloween Slasher Blog: Deliria
Regia – Michele Soavi (1987)
Uno dei talenti più cristallini del cinema italiano di genere (almeno prima che finisse a dirigere fiction a rotta di collo) è stato Michele Soavi, a cui tuttavia non è mai stato dato il credito che meritava. E io di questa cosa non mi capacito, perché si ricorda certa gentaglia improponibile, mentre uno come Soavi, che aveva una personalità fortissima e una capacità…
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