#Joe Beau Ties
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JANVIER Se réveiller tôt. "Non mais je veux juste que cette année soit bof, pas de hauts, pas de bas, juste bof". Les copains. Thomas. "Ta veste, c’est parce que tu pars à la chasse ou bien ?". Niquer. Un canapé qui ne passe pas dans l’escalier. "Pivot! Pivot!" Un film sur une île en Islande. Niquer. Gorbatchev. Le premier doute. Un anniversaire plein de paillettes. Fidji. Une IRM en mode Kraftwerk. Niquer. "Mais du coup t’es ma meuf ? Oui". L’homme providentiel. Le jeu de la bouteille. Mitski et les aboiements d’Ecco. "Toi, soit tu es l’homme de ma vie, soit dans 6 mois je découvre qu’il y a 150 meufs derrière et que t’es taré". L'instinct putain. Niquer. J’ai eu la fève. Le ministère de la galette. Un chien mignon et une couronne. Un bœuf bourguignon. Le rejoindre au milieu de la nuit. Les petits papillons dans le taxi. Niquer. Des centaines de messages par jour. Cette impression de s’être trouvés. Poser des portes de placard. Une casquette bite. Des illuminations. Lui prendre la main dans le froid. Niquer.
FÉVRIER Se faire accueillir sur le quai de la gare avec un petit chien et des ballons. Je ne savais pas encore qu’il était hyper malin. Construire une scène dans le vide. Buffy. Une vidéo pour la Thaïlande. Ranger des placards. Milkshake. Une expo photo un peu nulle. Jouer au billard dans un hôtel vide. Jouer au yams dans un hôtel vide. Baiser jusqu’au petit matin. Ses mains. Un mariage en mode Ken Loach à Londres. "On ne sait pas quoi dire donc on va faire un solo de flûte". Ils l’ont fait. Son premier anniversaire sans lui. Le cœur brisé d’avoir dû le quitter. Une immense engueulade par sms. 9h de train. Ne jamais sortir avec un musicien. "Elephant Gun" ta mère. Je déteste Berlin. Se faire voler toutes nos caméras. Du Fervex. Une nouvelle passerelle. Retrouver un jardin. Refaire le monde avec un gamin. Il faut visiblement bac +7 pour poser une porte de lave-vaisselle. Une demande en mariage à l’autre bout de la Terre. Les Libertines. C'est moi ou il ne s'intéresse pas aux gens ? L’Australie me manque.
MARS J’adore avoir les mains dans la terre. Mon salaire en honoraires de véto. Dormir avec son t-shirt RATP. Stranger in my own skin. Une faille en forme de vulve. Zazie dans le métro. "The best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich". Joe Talbot et Aymeric Lomperet ne sont pas la même personne. Ricky l’adolescent a 20 ans. La maison qui redevient celle des copains. Un passeport français. Jouir si fort. "Tu savais pas que je pouvais squirter ?". Attendre Aya. Rigoler avec Aya. Parler signes astrologiques avec Aya. L’Atlas des Îles Abandonnées. Lighter stealer. "If I give you a Chanel necklace and you choke on it, that’s your problem, not mine". Perdre ma boucle d’oreille préférée. Les Raclures. Dire au revoir à sa glycine de trente ans. Des plantes. Plein de plantes. Non, vraiment, beaucoup de plantes. Une porte de frigo. Des stores gris alors qu’ils devaient être blancs. Adam Green ou Bill Ryder-Jones. Ce ne sera finalement ni l’un, ni l’autre. Mon premier tatouage fête ses 12 ans. L’heure d’été, enfin.
AVRIL Une araignée. Deux araignées. Trois araignées. Trop d’araignées. Planter des trucs. Elle est partie il y a deux ans. Putain, deux ans. Ripley. Il est si beau quand il jouit. Il ment déjà, mais je ne le sais pas. Un camélia. Une nouvelle glycine. "Dimmi quando tu verrai, dimmi quando, quando, quando, quando". Le regarder hurler des chansons italiennes en faisant des pâtes carbo. Tomber amoureuse. Me faire un peu pipi dessus en pogotant au concert de Kneecap. "What are we gonna do tomorrow night? The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take… drugs". Camille. Le cœur qui lâche. Reconnaître cette immense tristesse dans les yeux de mon amie. Sauter sur un lit habillée en licorne magique pour essayer de la faire rigoler. Un nouveau meuble. "Les naufragés" pour s’endormir. Trop de ti punch. Un parkour ivres à 19h30. 40 ans. Les boucles d’oreilles que j’avais repérées. Il est très fort. Je ne savais pas que j’allais bientôt les détester. Tous les gens que j’aime réunis au même endroit. Caro, Marine, Valen, Juju, Sarah. Des chorégraphies improbables. Un ballon requin. Un voyage à Naples. Le sac que je ne m’étais jamais offert. Une bague avec six pierres. De la plongée. Les Chatputes. Une chanson ego trip 3000. Un trauma crânien. Un DJ set cramé. Je les ai tous couchés.
MAI Le jeune part à New York. Une infection à l’œil. Un mal de crâne à se taper la tête contre les murs. Je crois que mon chien ne l’aime pas. L’émotion qui submerge en écoutant Mahler. Des squelettes de dinosaures. "Did you see the stylish kids in the riot"? La fameuse veste rouge. Aelred. Finir ivres au Connetable. Le meilleure plot twist d’amitié de l’année. Visiter les catacombes en gueule de bois. C’est silencieux en bas. Trois nouveaux maillots de bain. Repeindre le vert en blanc. Lui offrir une brosse à dents. Hyères. Baiser en oubliant de fermer la porte de la chambre d’hôtel. "T’as vu, on est encore habillés pareil". Se baigner dans l’eau glacée. Le vent. Des photos de mon cul. Il occupe même mes fantasmes, c’est inattendu. Des orgasmes. Plein d’orgasmes. Me sentir dépassée. M’abandonner. Une galère de passeport et des visas oubliés. Un retard d’Eurostar. Faire des câlins à des bébés. C’est beau le Royal Albert Hall. Faire du trampoline sur le toit. Le vertige. J’ai toujours aimé monter aux cimes des choses. Josh Homme en pyjama. Commencer à douter.
JUIN Être fascinée par la bassiste de St Vincent. Avoir 8 ans au Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Londres. Suki. Sabrina, Jonny et leur tatouage bite à Clermont-Ferrand. Mon père et sa casquette bite à la pêche. Porto. Se sentir en sécurité entourée de gens bienveillants. Un tattoo pas cicatrisé. Manger du poisson au bord de l’océan. L’anniversaire de Nicolas. Des paillettes. Se baigner. La pluie. Être trempée. Danser. Me faire cueillir par un concert sur le fil de The National et pleurer parce que je sais que j’ai bien fait de le quitter. "The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness". Retrouver mes certitudes. Me retrouver. Des montages Photoshop limites. Des fous rires. Un puits. Des crânes. Sa randonnée. Je suis tellement heureuse qu'on se soit trouvés. Travailler, travailler, travailler. Ecco sur son transat. "J’aime bien la musique de ces jeunes garçons". Pete Doherty en djellaba. Passion feux d’artifices. J’aurais dû me douter qu’il y avait un problème puisqu’il n’a pas aimé. Marielle et Colette. Une fausse couche. S’approcher du burn out. Tenir parce qu’on n’a pas le choix. Voter.
JUILLET Des chiens. Du soleil, enfin. Terminal 1. Dublin. J’aime bien les Irlandais. Porter une prod, porter des gens, porter des caisses. Nicki Minaj ne s’est jamais pointée. Tracer des cercles dans l’herbe. Un téléphone lancé et rattrapé. Alice, Élie, le fils de Cillian Murphy. "Hold your mistake up" qu’il disait. Chialer devant les résultats des élections. Ma vie a basculé le jour où j’ai découvert l’existence du "kids temperature" pour le café. Un vol à 5h du matin pas annulé. Le RER, le royaume des morts. Le mec est le sex appeal incarné. "À chaque fois qu’il chante, je crois que j’ai un début d’érection". J’aime bien quand il dit mon prénom. Ne plus sentir la fatigue. Non en fait ok je suis épuisée. M’endormir la tête posée sur ses genoux. Se dire je t’aime bourrés. L’aéroport, encore. Un écran sur Times Square. La bouche géante d’Ana qui se reflète sur le toit. Je vois bien que les gens ne pigent pas ma passion pour les crashs d’avion. "Je viens d’avoir un pilote qui décollait, il a dit que ça ne le dérangeait pas". Le jour J. Les nerfs qui lâchent aux premières notes. Anousonne. On l’a fait. Putain, on l’a fait. Le fantôme sur le toit, c’est moi. "Playground Love". L’amour ivre. L’ivresse amoureuse. Le COVID. "T’es toujours avec ton mec ? Oui, pourquoi, qu’est-ce qu’il a fait ?". La descente d’organe. Dali. "Mon dimanche typique ? Voter NFP". Il ment. Mais il ment très mal. Mais il ment pour rien. Ma naïveté m’emportera. "Mais du coup, tu veux quoi, toi ?". La théorie des quatre saisons. Des promesses. Se projeter. S’aimer. Lui pardonner.
AOÛT Le doute. Un doute plein de certitudes. "Non mais t’inquiète pas, je me suis fait tester". La cathédrale, noire. Mes yeux, noirs. Son cœur, noir. Vouloir y croire. Le silence absolu, un refuge. Darcy, Joe et Myola à Royat. Mon vernis fond sous la chaleur. Se cramer le cul sur un toboggan aquatique sans eau. Ecco a toujours été très douce avec les enfants. Le sommet du Puy-de-Dôme. Un après-midi à faire des chorégraphies dirigées par une môme de trois ans. La légèreté. "Ondine, I love you". La transmission. Nos 114 ans. Le sang. C’est toujours bizarre qu’elle ne soit pas là. Boire trop vite. Finir cuitée comme une ado. Des plongeons dans la piscine. Des plongeons dans le lac. Du pédalo. Du canoë. Pagayer. Le doute bordel, ce doute. Jonathan, Orso et Déborah à Vulcania. "So long as men aren’t stepping up, women’s empathy needs limits". Il est là, mais il n’est pas vraiment là. L’emmener dans mon endroit préféré. Baiser. Douter. Rock en Seine. Massive Attack les yeux fermés. Est-ce que je savais que tout aller basculer assise à la table de la cuisine à 6h du matin, cramée ? Scroller. La nausée. Le vertige. La tachycardie. Vouloir le fracasser. Il n’avait même pas de code sur son téléphone. "Combien de meufs putain ? Je sais pas, j’ai pas compté". M’effondrer dans des bras familiers. Romain, Sylvain. L’incompréhension. Et puis, la sidération. Il me dég, c'est immédiat. Aurèl, Jenni. Des messages, des mensonges, des voix que je ne connais pas qui me racontent mon année. La sororité. L’afficher. La tête qui tourne. Ne pas dormir, ne pas manger. Allongée sur le sol de la véranda les mains pressées dans le sol. Il nous baisait toutes pareil, putain. "Tu es sûre qu’il était présent ?". Non, il occupait le terrain. Adrien, Aliénor, Élodie, Coralie, Laurie. "Ça va aller". Mais ta gueule ça va aller. Chaque minute était une illusion, un mensonge organisé. Même ses weekends chez sa mère, c'était pas vrai. Il ne s’est même pas protégé, il ne m’a même pas protégée. Pleurer avec un spéculum dans la chatte. Des prénoms, tellement de prénoms, ne plus s'y retrouver. "Non mais toi, tu es forte". Je n’en peux plus d’être forte. L’Homme aux mille visages. Me faire border par mon père à 40 piges. Cette horrible impression d’avoir été contaminée par un virus. En fait, c’est pas mal le Xanax. Rester sidérée.
SEPTEMBRE Les yeux dans le vide, incapable de penser. Raconter. Re-raconter. Performer la même histoire sans fin. La représenter. Biarritz. Un coucher de soleil. Le voir partout. Julie. Me sentir totalement déconnectée de ma garde rapprochée. Rire sans y croire. Nager. Finalement, il n’y a que l’eau qui m’apaise. "Je ne sais pas comment j’ai pu me contenter de ça, de toi". Putain mais en fait je me faisais déjà chier avec lui. Marie. L’imposteur. François, Jérémy. L’Italie. Revenir pour la première fois dans ma ville, vingt ans après. Fouler ses pavés. Retrouver les mêmes têtes, inchangées. Parler italien. Reprendre des tics de langage oubliés. Danser dans la rue jusqu’au petit matin. "Je me souviens plus de la porte de ton immeuble, mais ça, je te garantis que c’est la fenêtre sur laquelle on avait baisé". Je ne sais pas si tous les chemins mènent à Rome, mais ma vie ne fait que m’y ramener. Des pâtes, du limoncello, des pizzas. Laure. Il a toujours été comme ça. Même à 20 ans, il mentait. Partir en furie d’un bar. Mon ex qui me court après. Pleurer sur les marches d’un immeuble à Belleville. Lui raconter, se tenir la main, se dire à quel point, nous, on s’aimait. Danser sur Kiasmos. "Si j’avais su, j’aurais emmené de la MD". Clémentine ? Elle m’a sauvée. "Tu vois ce moment où il déconnecte et qu’il n’est plus là ?". Un peu que je vois. Ses poils et sa putain de salade de riz. Les quinze ans du meilleur chien du monde. Raconter, encore. Cet immense besoin de vérité. Ne pas pleurer, ne plus pleurer, ne plus en pouvoir de pleurer. Il a faké le COVID pour aller se bourrer la gueule avec ses potes, ok. Partir sur un coup de tête à Tanger. Partir à l’arrache. Aller à Larache. Là où l’océan Atlantique et la mer Méditerranée se rejoignent. Laurence, Victoire. "Évidemment". Sexter le passé sans conviction. Le meilleur poisson que j’ai jamais mangé. Savoir qu’il a déjà recommencé.
OCTOBRE Un pyjama en soie. S’offrir des fleurs. Composer des bouquets. Tout brûler. Des collants avec "bite me" écrit sur les fesses. S’emballer comme des ados appuyés contre la vitrine du Five Guys de Répu. Du bleu cerclé de noir, j'avais pas vu. La cuite du vendredi soir. Pisser dans la rue et parler à des inconnus. "Our Lights". "Pink Matter". Nique le travail. Il est aussi manipulateur qu’il est manipulable en effet. Les 50 ans de Chryde et un nouveau DJ set flingué. Des confettis. Se brosser les dents côte à côte comme si on se connaissait. Il a la peau aussi douce qu’une murène. Se plaire mais ne pas se désirer. Habiter à la Gaité Lyrique pendant cinq jours. Produire un festival avec la crève. S’allonger sur des tables. S’allonger par terre. S’allonger. Du Fervex. Un café, deux cafés, trois cafés, trop de cafés. Des selfies dans les miroirs. Se réfugier dans les coursives, toujours. Andine. Pierre. Mon t-shirt Britney. "Si t’as des attentes, prends tes jambes à ton cou et fuis". Ok. "Tu es une grande respiration dans ma vie" alors que j'aime pas trop l'idée d'être expirée. Je dois vraiment avoir une résilience en béton armé pour continuer à ouvrir mon cœur après ce qu’il m’est arrivé. Hurler sur "L’Envie d’aimer". Tenter d'admettre l’impossible. La dernière fois que je suis allée à Anvers, c’était pour niquer. Cette gare, Esther, Nick Cave. Des larmes qui coule sur mes joues. Pour une fois, je crois que j’étais belle en train de pleurer. Mercredi Addams. Une fiole de poison au spritz.
NOVEMBRE Beaucoup de films. Un puzzle. Lancer une bûche dans le feu pour faire comme si je le brûlais. Des space cookies. "On est d’accord qu’il est 13h30 et qu’on est tous cramés ?". Darkside, collés, et des baisers. Pogoter sur Metz comme si ma vie en dépendait. Ne pas le reconnaître alors qu’il était juste devant moi. Son fond d’écran. Je pensais qu’on passerait le concert ensemble, main dans la main, comme avant, mais ce n’est pas comme ça que ça devait se dérouler. Avoir la conviction profonde que j'ai bien fait. Flotter dans le bain pendant des heures. La longue route de Bernard Moitessier. It’s a good hair day! Gagner 2 euros au Banco. S'emballer dans le métro. "Love in Rimini" m’obsède, c’est ce changement de tonalité dans le clavier. Rentrer à une heure indécente. Oublier mon collier. Des bleus sur les genoux. L’amour sans objet. Me boire. Il est super doux son gilet. Je voulais juste un câlin, mais il ne comprend vraiment jamais rien. Faut que j'arrête de croire que les autres lisent à travers moi comme un livre ouvert il paraît. C'est tellement sidérant d'avoir été autant trompée. Finir par enfin dévisser complet. Traverser Paris la nuit en écoutant WU LYF et Money à m’en péter les tympans. Le ha��r pour m’avoir arraché un peu d’espoir et d’innocence. Non mais vraiment, je sais que ça va aller. Jumo. "La Ville", "L’Exode". Bordeaux. Puissance de la douceur. Lire cachée derrière une tombe du Père Lachaise. Le silence des cimetières me fera toujours son petit effet. Jim Jarmusch. "Terrible Love" de The National en boucle. Mater Under the Silverlake dans ses bras la nuit de ses 28 ans. J’étais où moi à 28 ans ? Oula, je crois que je ne préfère pas m’en rappeler. Des robes de mariée. Aurèle est né. Les répétitions de Marguerite Duras. Berlin, encore. Des heures de train ensemble et une immense complicité. Ça fait du bien. Le petit frisson avant de créer de la beauté. Rigoler. Vraiment, rigoler. Dormir dans un lit qui a servi à tourner des pornos. Des nudes dans les miroirs. "I Can’t Believe We Never Went Out Dancing". Un besoin de retrouver sa place dans le monde quand on ne sait pas très bien si on l’a déjà eue. Il a disparu.
DÉCEMBRE Encore un train. Un neuvième train. Un énième train. Partir s’isoler pour faire un truc pour soi. Se rendre compte qu’on ne sait plus être au milieu d’inconnus. Colorier sans dépasser. Beaucoup de fenêtres. Un lit superposé. Écrire, écrire, écrire, ne pas s’arrêter. Lui donner le prénom de l’enfant que je n’aurai jamais. Des étourneaux par milliers. "T’as une tête de pain au lait". Relire le discours que j’ai fait pour ses funérailles et pleurer. Re-raconter. Mon premier fou rire depuis que tout a basculé. Le calme. Le vert. L’eau de source. Revenir aux sources. Ça fait si longtemps que je ne suis pas rentrée. La fuite en avant, ça me connait. Encore un anniversaire manqué. L’influence d’un prénom. "Tu offriras aux hommes ce qu’ils détestent le plus. La fidélité ? Non. La transparence. Ils en ont peur". Dire non. Dire stop. Une raclette. Charles, Floriane, un resto géorgien. Un resto italien. "Ça recommencera". Mouais. Les papillons se sont envolés. Amaretto. Mon père qui part m’acheter des feutres. "Tu veux un coloriage Mickey ?". Un jolie date improvisé. "T’es cute. Toi-même". Des dinos illuminés. Un froid de fdp. Un mariage annulé et un enfant pas encore né. Je déteste Noël, mais va bien falloir se le farcir. S’assoir en terrasse par moins 6000 degrés. Gratter des Astro et ne jamais gagner. Trop de bières. Christopher. "Mais toi, toi, t’es quoi sans leur regard ?". L’amour, puis la violence. Il ne reconnaîtra jamais l'ampleur de ce qu'il m'a fait. Se marrer comme des baleines devant What we do in the shadows emmitouflés sous la couette. Encore un dîner. En fait, il est complètement autocentré. Se rappeler par quoi je suis animée. Et puis rester tétanisée devant du poulet. "Alors on se quitte ?". En fait, je crois qu'il ne sait pas quitter. La maison, enfin. Ecco. Le spritz de Noël sans elle. "It takes an ocean not to break!", ouais. J’aime toujours pas le saumon fumé. J'arrive toujours pas à croire ce qu'il m'est arrivé. Le sang. La garde rapprochée. Le cercle fermé.
Quelle putain d’année.
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This is gonna be the pinned post where I list all the polls as they go up! So it's gonna change! Give me a minute if im slow to update this post because I'm BUSY. I have THINGS TO DO.
Shitty tournament diagram pls enjoy my terrible handwriting.
Active polls:
Round 2:
Shino v Bruce
Chief v Audie
Amelia v Sunny
Meow v Apollo
Pierre v Walt
Vesta v Bob
Butch v Coco
Bam v Beau
Kabuki v Lolly
Kitty v Ankha
Tangy v Purrl
Willow v Bow
Petri v Molly
Sasha v Shep
Fauna v Lopez
Sherb v Chevre
Skye v Kyle
Marshal v Cheri
Etoile v Pietro
Olivia v Marina
Agnus v Pekoe
Gayle v Roald
Goldie v Whitney
Merengue v Margie
Dotty v Judy
Muffy v Cherry
Sprinkle v Chai
Stitches v Rosie
Punchy v Diana
Cephalobot v Lily
Ketchup v Lucky
Gladys v Maple
Completed polls:
Round 1:
Nindori, Wolfgang, Marshal, Hans, Epona, Frita, Ed, Eugene, Ace
Croque, Drift, Bertha, Ankha, Eunice, Bonbon, Hopkins, Diva, Leopold
Ozzie, Analog, Anicotti, Roscoe, Stitches, Cranston, Kiki, Megan, Boris
Megumi, Pancetti, Drake, Zucker, Etoile, Ione, Gen, W. Link, Deena
Rizzo, Pecan, Leonardo, Hugh, Alice, Henry, Chai, Cyrano, Curlos
Flurry, Vivian, Genji, Fang, Kit, Wendy, Azalea, Tammy, Beau
Tasha, Pango, Sprinkle, Kidd, Egbert, Barold, Lobo, Del, Pate
Mott, Peck, Robin, Margie, Chops, Hippeux, Big Top, Flip, Annalisa
Woolio, Rodeo, Rodney, Lulu, Nate, Eloise, Bam, Beardo, Cleo
Inkwell, Paula, Sheldon, Shep, Lucha, Sandy, Jeremiah, Bill, Benedict
Mint, Elmer, Tia, Dobie, Lucy, Betty, Goose, Sasha, Muffy
Sue E, Stu, Petunia, Lyman, Bella, Gloria, Doc, Bruce, Jane
Rolf, Sylvana, Melba, Tammi, Lionel, Murphy, Frett, Samson, Coco
Cupcake, Limberg, Fruity, Dotty, Iggly, Bluebear, Louie, Annalise, Olivia
Vladimir, Rudy, Sven, Shoukichi, Liz, Purrl, Holden, Moe, Dozer
Angus, Broccolo, Blaire, Dizzy, Jay, Frobert, Norma, Lucky, Renee
Tex, Violet, Skye, Sly, Medli, Otis, Kody, Reneigh, Graham
Nosegay, Maddie, Quillson, Shari, Teddy, Sunny, Sally/Hazel, Walker, Snake
Nan, Peaches, Madam Rosa, Lily, Dora, Freya, Cole, Iggy, Bettina
Shino, Spork/Crackle, Scoot, Pompom, Flossie, Knox, Dom, Frank, Anabelle
Pashmina, Piper, Octavian, Lolly, Drago, Bree, Bessie, Alli, Benjamin
Sherb, Tutu, Rooney, Rocket, Diana, Pinky, Curly, Mitzi, Admiral
Tucker, Velma, Sterling, Nibbles, Baabara, Flash, Champ, Joey, Chief
Stella, Wade, Punchy, Poko, Ike, Pierce, Aurora, Boyd, Canberra
Puck, T-bone, Opal, Mallary, Bob, Hank, Blanche, Cyd, Axel
Ketchup, Kevin, Monique, Francine, Astrid, Bitty, Antonio, Hamphrey, Becky
Klaus, Meow, Hector, Hamlet, Belle, Filly, Clay, Emerald, Cobb
Plucky, Valise, Mathilda, Mac, Cephalobot, Ken, Carrot, Filbert, Claude
Victoria, Willow, Zoe, Ursala, Moose, Olaf, Grizzly, Gwen, Chico
Marty, Phoebe, Maelle, Keaton, Freckles, Katt, Carmen, Judy, Cece
Savannah, Poncho, Stinky, Gayle, Billy, Elise, Bangle, Bud, Avery
Truffles, Zell, Tabby, Shinabiru, Petri, Ricky, Maggie, Raddle, Flora
Prince, Tybalt, Vesta, Patricia, Chow, Nana, Chevre, Gonzo, Chadder
Oxford, Jitters, Peanut, Jacques, Felyne, Aziz, Claudia, Apple, Apollo
Miranda, Molly, Tom, Marcel, Clara, Harry, Bones, Maple, Cesar
Quetzal, Whitney, Winnie, Joe, Ganon, Patty, Bea, Mira, Groucho
Ribbot, Sparro, Ruby, Midge, Biff, Marina, Anchovy, Papi, Camofrog
Quinn, Pierre, Spike, Merry, Gladys, June, Gruff, Olive, Carmen
Paolo, Lulu, Vic, Juubei, Lopez, Gala, Deidre, Elvis, Gabi
Sprocket, Static, Marcie, Marlo, Goldie, Julian, Felicity, Huggy, Ellie
Rowan, Viche, Twiggy, Greta, Puddles, Penny, Cally/Sally, Bow, Chuck
Penelope, Slyvia, Pekoe, Peewee, Fuschia, Leigh, Jambette, Masa, Boots
Simon, Weldon, Queenie, Kitty, Curt, Amelia, Agent S, Pigleg, Alfonso
Rocco, Toby, Tiansheng, Rhoda, Hambo, Naomi, Bunnie, Hazel, Audie
Rollo, Yodel, Kyle, Tipper, Flo, Kabuki, Candi, Colton, Broffina
Tiffany, Weber, Gaston, Chelsea, Elina, Bubbles, Boone, Buzz, Agnes
Peggy, O'Hare, Yuka, Monty, Chester, Cookie, Celia, Koharu, Butch
Sydney, Rory, Wart Jr., Pudge, Kid Cat, Merengue, Fauna, Pippy, Cube
Rex, Timbra, Tank, Rasher, Cheri, Faith, Ava, Huck, Chabwick
Poppy, Roswell, Pietro, Phil, Hopper, Kitt, Clyde, Erik, Boomer
Twirp, Rod, Rosie, Rhonda, Rio, Portia, Julia, Coach, Cousteau
Tangy, Tarou, Tad, Hornsby, Daisy, Deli, Buck, Chrissy, Al
Rilla, Snooty, Marcy, Cherry, Biskit, Carrie, Bianca, Caroline/Bliss, Aisle
Soleil, Tiara, Roald, Jakey/Jacob, Friga, Gigi, Charlise, Derwin, Cashmere
Raymond, Walt
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s son Hunter will plead guilty to federal tax offenses and avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge in a deal with the Justice Department that likely spares him time behind bars.
Hunter Biden, 52, will plead guilty to the misdemeanor tax offenses as part of an agreement made public Tuesday. The agreement will also spare him prosecution on a charge of illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user, as long as adheres to conditions set by prosecutors. It's somewhat unusual to resolve a federal criminal case at the same time charges are filed in court, but it's not totally unheard of.
The deal ends a long-running Justice Department investigation into Biden’s second son, who has acknowledged struggling with addiction following the 2015 death of his brother Beau Biden. It also averts a trial that would have generated days or weeks of distracting headlines for a White House that has strenuously sought to keep its distance from the Justice Department.
While it requires the younger Biden to admit guilt, the deal is narrowly focused on tax and weapons violations rather than anything broader or tied to the Democratic president. Nonetheless, former President Donald Trump and other Republicans are likely to continue to try to use the case to shine an unflattering spotlight on Joe Biden and his family business dealings and to raise questions about the independence of the Biden Justice Department.
Trump, in a post on his social media platform, likened the Hunter Biden deal to a “mere traffic ticket,” adding, “Our system is BROKEN!”
The White House counsel’s office said in a statement that the president and first lady Jill Biden “love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life.”
Two people familiar with the investigation said the Justice Department would recommend probation for the tax charges, meaning Hunter Biden will not face time behind bars. But the decision to go along with any deal is up to the judge. The people were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.
The gun charge states that Hunter Biden possessed a handgun, a Colt Cobra 38 special, for 11 days in October 2018 despite knowing he was a drug user. The count carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison, but the Justice Department said Hunter Biden had reached a pretrial agreement. This likely means as long as he adheres to the terms of the agreement, the case will be wiped from his record.
Christopher Clark, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, said in a statement that it was his understanding that the five-year investigation had now been resolved.
“I know Hunter believes it is important to take responsibility for these mistakes he made during a period of turmoil and addiction in his life,” Clark said. “He looks forward to continuing his recovery and moving forward.”
The agreement comes as the Justice Department pursues perhaps the most consequential case in its history against Trump, the first former president to face federal criminal charges. The resolution of Hunter Biden's case comes just days after a 37-count indictment came down against former Trump for mishandling classified documents on his Florida estate, another case with even more dramatic political implications.
That indictment had already brought an onslaught of criticism from Republicans, accusations of “politicization” of the Justice Department and a renewed crescendo of questions about Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Meanwhile, Congressional Republicans continue to pursue their own investigations into nearly every facet of Hunter Biden’s business dealings, including examining foreign payments and other aspects of his finances.
Republicans on Tuesday called the federal charges another example of “a two-tiered justice system.”
Rep. James Comer, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said the younger Biden is “getting away with a slap on the wrist,” despite ongoing investigations in Congress that they say show — but have not yet provided evidence of — a pattern of corruption within the family’s financial ties.
“These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal have no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation,” he said in a statement Tuesday.
Attorney General Merrick Garland has said the Trump charges came from a special counsel he appointed specifically so the investigation would remain independent. The Hunter Biden charges, meanwhile, were filed by the U.S. attorney for Delaware, Trump appointee David Weiss.
The Justice Department investigation into the president's son burst into public view in December 2020, one month after the 2020 election, when Hunter Biden revealed that he had received a subpoena as part of the department’s scrutiny of his taxes. The subpoena sought information on the younger Biden’s business dealings with a number of entities, including Burisma, a Ukraine gas company on whose board he sat.
Hunter Biden said in a statement at the time that he was “confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors.”
Since then, a federal grand jury in Delaware has heard testimony related to his taxes and foreign business transactions, including payments and income he received while on Burisma’s board.
Justice Department officials, per protocol, have generally avoided discussing the status of the inquiry in public, and the White House has assiduously steered clear of any questions about it. Still, there have been periodic reminders of its activity.
In February 2021, for instance, the department sought the resignation of Trump-era U.S. attorneys but made a point of noting that it was leaving Weiss in place as a way to ensure continuity in the probe.
And at a congressional hearing last August, FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed that the investigation remained active out of the bureau’s Baltimore field office and said it was a matter that “I expect our folks to pursue aggressively.”
Garland pledged not to interfere in the probe at another hearing in March. An unnamed IRS special agent, though, later alleged mishandling of the investigation in a letter to Congress in which he sought whistleblower protection.
The younger Biden joined the board of Burisma in 2014, around the time his father, then Barack Obama's vice president, was helping conduct the Obama administration’s foreign policy with Ukraine. Trump and his allies have long argued, without evidence, that Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine influenced the Obama administration’s policies toward the Eastern European nation.
Senate Republicans said in a 2020 report that the appointment may have posed a conflict of interest but did not provide evidence that any policies were directly affected by Hunter Biden’s work.
Years before the case was brought, Hunter Biden surfaced as a central character in the first impeachment case against Trump, who in an apparent bid to boost his own reelection bid had asked Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in a telephone call to announce an investigation into the younger Biden.
Republicans later sought to make Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine a prominent issue during the 2020 presidential election.
In October of that year, the New York Post reported that it had received from Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani a copy of a hard drive of a laptop that Hunter Biden had dropped off 18 months earlier at a Delaware computer repair shop and never retrieved.
The story was greeted with skepticism due to questions about the laptop’s origins, including Giuliani’s involvement, and because top officials in the Trump administration had already warned that Russia was working to denigrate Joe Biden ahead of the November election. No evidence has emerged since of any Russian connections to the laptop or the emails, and several news organizations have said they have substantiated many of the emails on the device.
Hunter Biden later asked the Justice Department in a letter from his lawyer to investigate Trump allies who accessed and disseminated personal data from the laptop.
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Part 8 - Incoming Text for Liv Tyler (@misslivalittle) and Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth) and Jessica ‘Simply Jess’ Marquez (@iamjessmarquez): “An Idea Worth a Billion Dollars”
Can you provide full information on the movie The Family Man (2000), including the following details?
Actors – Who starred in the movie?
Director – Who directed the film?
Screenwriters – Who wrote the screenplay?
Producers – Who were the producers of the film?
Film Studio – Which studio produced and distributed the movie?
Budget – What was the budget for the film?
Box Office – How successful was the movie at the box office?
Intellectual Property Ownership – Who owns the rights to the film's intellectual property?
Source Material – Was the movie based on a book or original idea?
Negotiation for Reboot – If I want to reboot the film with a reimagined version, who do I need to negotiate with to add new elements to the story and build a new world around the original concept?
ChatGPT Answer:
Sure! Here’s the comprehensive breakdown for The Family Man (2000), including all the key details you're looking for:
Here is the Wikipedia page for the film The Family Man (2000):
The Family Man - Wikipedia - (click on the blue link)
Film Overview
Title: The Family Man Release Date: December 22, 2000 Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy Director: Brett Ratner Screenwriters: David Diamond and David Weissman Producers:
Beau Flynn
Tracy Falco
Joe Caracciolo Jr.
Brad Krevoy
Key Cast
Nicolas Cage as Jack Campbell
Téa Leoni as Kate Reynolds
Don Cheadle as Cash
Jeremy Piven as Arnie
Saul Rubinek as Store Manager
Harold Ramis (cameo) as The Man in the Mall
Film Studio and Production
Production Companies:
Beacon Pictures
Saturn Films
Universal Pictures (Distributor)
Estimated Budget: $60 million
Box Office
Worldwide Gross: Approximately $124 million
Intellectual Property (I.P.) Ownership
The intellectual property rights for The Family Man are held by Universal Pictures, which distributed the film. Since the film was not adapted from a book or any pre-existing intellectual property, the rights are tied to Universal, including any potential reboots or reimaginings of the film.
Was the Film Based on a Book?
No, The Family Man is not based on a book. It is an original screenplay by David Diamond and David Weissman. The concept explores the "what if" idea of a person experiencing an alternate life based on choices they didn't make.
Negotiating for a Reboot
To negotiate for a reboot or reimagined version of The Family Man, you would need to contact Universal Pictures. They own the distribution and intellectual property rights to the film, which would give them control over any potential reboots, sequels, or adaptations. In terms of reimagining the story with new elements and world-building, it’s essential to involve both Universal Pictures and the original screenwriters, David Diamond and David Weissman, as their involvement would likely be key for maintaining the tone and core elements of the original story.
Here’s how the negotiation process might unfold:
Universal Pictures – As the rights holder, they will be your first point of contact. They can help with approvals, potential changes to the story, and any legal permissions for reimagining the project.
David Diamond and David Weissman – Since they wrote the original screenplay, their involvement might be necessary for adapting the film into a reboot, especially if you want to add new elements and expand the original world. They would likely be consulted or hired to rewrite the screenplay.
For a reimagined reboot, you'd likely need to present a detailed proposal that includes the direction for the story, how you plan to modernize or expand the world, and how the reboot will differentiate from the original while maintaining core themes.
Further Considerations
Director: While Brett Ratner directed the original, you may want to consider if you want to retain his involvement for a reboot or bring in new talent to add a fresh perspective.
Producer: The original film had producers like Beau Flynn and Joe Caracciolo Jr.. Rebooting the film might involve collaborating with the same producers or bringing in new producers who specialize in reboots or franchise-building.
To pursue a reboot with reimagined elements, you’d need to engage with Universal Pictures and the original screenwriters, David Diamond and David Weissman. Their involvement is key to securing the rights and the essence of the original film, while Universal Pictures holds the final say on any legal and distribution matters. With the right vision, this project could expand the world and add new dimensions to the story, potentially opening the door for sequels and further success.
Here is the Trailer: The Family Man OFFICIAL TRAILER (Nicolas Cage, Don Cheadle)
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Fluffbruary 2025 Somewhere In the Crowd There's You
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3fcc7c00372041fcaf6e5ac305bf41bd/b528a8c0ff5b5001-cd/s540x810/2ce03e592df87f1aabe7f167bcf30c6c2decfa19.jpg)
𝐃𝐚𝐲 #𝟔: 𝐃𝐮𝐞𝐭 ����𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠-----𝐓𝐍𝐀 𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲 𝐱 𝐀𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 (𝐨𝐜) 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟔𝟕𝟗
The early morning sun filtered through the small window above the kitchen sink in the small apartment that Alyssa Stevely called her home, and she gave a gentle yawn as she padded about for her morning routine. Her long blonde hair hadn't been combed yet, a messy tangle on her head. Her pink fuzzy robe was tied at her waist in a bow, the fuzzy slippers on her feet a matching color. As she waited for the coffee to brew in the nearby coffee pot, she hummed the song that had woken her up that morning, letting out another tiny yawn halfway through. It had been a long trip back to Orlando after the latest TNA tapings.
And oh, what a taping it was.
"Yer up early, love," came the tired voice from the doorway, thick with the ragged accent of their homeland. She gave a tiny little squeak of surprise, turning to see her beau Joe Hendry leaning against the frame. Broad arms crossed over his muscular and hairy chest, the only ounce of clothing from the night before being his gray sweatpants, "Coffee brewing?"
"I forgot tae turn off my alarm," she blew a strand of her hair off of her round face, "wha' ye thinking fer breakfast?"
Joe moved to stand next to her, pressing a kiss to her cheek before leaning against the counter next to her, "I could whip something up. Wanna turn on some music?"
"Don't ya dare touch the stove, Joey," she chastised as she crossed across the little kitchen to get the eggs out of the fridge. On the way back to the stove, she pulled her phone out of the robe pocket and placed it on the counter, connecting to the Bluetooth speaker they tucked on top of the microwave. The opening chords of the same song she had woken up to playing once again. She reached to change the song, but Joe pressed against her from behind, gently taking her hand to stop her.
"Now it's my turn tae tell ya don't ya dare," Joe chuckled, pressing gentle kisses against the back of her neck. He nuzzled her shoulder, voice sounding low as he began to sing close to her ear, breath ghosting against its shell and causing a shiver to run down her back, "𝑆𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑒…"
A gentle giggle left Alyssa as she joined him in the next few lines, swaying as he rocked with her, "𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐼 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑑𝑜, 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑤𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑑 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢…"
"Ya know…I couldn't have done any of this withou' ya," Joe gave another charming nuzzle of her neck, his beard making her shiver yet again.
"Oh…I…" she turned as pink as her robe, turning her face away in her embarrassment, "Tha's nae true, Joey. You did all this yerself. Yer the one who kept pressing, even when the world tried tae keep ya down. Its why ya deserve tae be champion."
She stood on her tiptoes to try and reach the pans that hung over the stove, only for Joe to let go of her waist and grab it from her. He playfully stepped away, holding it over her head, "Are ya going tae listen tae me?"
"If ya want breakfast, I need that!" Alyssa huffed, stepping forward to try and take the pan back from him. Joe took another step back, a playful smile across his perfectly kissable lips, "Joey…"
"Nah-uh," Joe shook his head, ever so stubborn, "ya either listen tae me or let me cook breakfast, yeah?"
Alyssa planted her hands on her hips, "Fine, I'll listen, champ."
Joe gave a triumphant laugh, setting the pan on the stove top before stepping closer to her and taking her hands in his own, "Without ya in my life, Alyssa Stevely, I don't keep pushing for more. Ya push me forward with yer support. My life, it ain't meant to be a solo act. It's meant tae be a duet. And there's no one I'd rather duet with than ya."
#diskay writes#fluffbruary 2024#fluffbruary#fluffbruaryno6#fluffbruary: duet#joe hendry#c: alyssa stevely
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CNN's Jim Acosta Inadvertently Exposes Biden-Harris Incompetence on Abbey Gate Anniversary
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4a29aabfa61d6454d063dc531a92e7c1/a21e254fe5e1c16b-65/s540x810/2b3c0831923ca9b955c4c7c30d5ae1492654ab78.jpg)
It looked bad for Democrats, so, of course, the liberal media pounced on former President Donald Trump for honoring the 13 service members who were killed in the suicide bombing at Abbey Gate in Kabul three years ago. It was during Joe Biden’s shambolic and ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan which led to total chaos and hordes of US military equipment falling into the hands of the Taliban. These service members were forgotten by the Biden administration, which is in keeping with how Democrats, especially Biden, view the military.
Biden may say “God bless our troops” at the end of every slurred speech he delivers nowadays, but he’s always hated the brass. Don’t get me started about how he drags dead Beau around to score points or use him as a human political shield from criticism over his disastrous foreign policy. Biden is the undefeated champion of egregious international endeavors. Whatever happened to that pier in Gaza?
CNN's Jim Acosta
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/631094f2b41aa3e0e271ca93df80d6b8/a21e254fe5e1c16b-d2/s540x810/dacc355cf0e935a983a0458f54119b7aa8a71bb1.webp)
suggests Trump is "politicizing" the deaths of the thirteen service members by visiting Arlington National Cemetery. Biden is currently on vacation. pic.twitter.com/DV2QNg4ubv— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 26, 2024
As Trump laid a wreath at Arlington Cemetery yesterday, Biden and Harris were AWOL. Again, Biden is on vacation because that’s what old, slow, and unpatriotic presidents do. CNN’s Jim Acosta seemed to have no problem that the president was on vacation, absent from this ceremony, whereas he lambasted Trump for exploiting this tragedy. Jim, as I said, Biden exploits his dead son whenever possible (via Associated Press):
Former President Donald Trump on Monday tied Vice President Kamala Harris to the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal on the third anniversary of the suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members, calling the attack a “humiliation.” Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, laid wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of Sgt. Nicole Gee, Staff Sgt. Darin Hoover and Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss, who were killed alongside more than 100 Afghans in the Aug. 26, 2021, suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport. He then traveled to Michigan to address the National Guard Association of the United States conference. “Caused by Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, the humiliation in Afghanistan set off the collapse of American credibility and respect all around the world,” Trump told an audience of about 4,000, including National Guard members and their families in Detroit. […] In his speech to the National Guard in Detroit, Trump said that leaving Afghanistan was the right thing to do but that the execution was poor. “We were going to do it with dignity and strength,” he said. He called the attack “the most embarrassing day in the history of our country.”
Biden, weak and frail as ever, needed a boost by the Secret Service to enter an SUV yesterday. The country is on auto-pilot.
"God bless our troops," Joe? Where were you today?
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..."Though some Republicans may blame House oversight committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) for their failure to impeach President Joe Biden, the real reason is simple: The whole party bought into long-debunked conspiracy theories peddled by their leader, Donald Trump.
And the impeachment inquiry has been a true team effort, with backing from leadership and Comer sharing investigatory duties with House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) and especially House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).
The inquiry spanned a wide range of topics, from Hunter Biden’s million-dollar business deals to his budding art career and to the Justice Department’s alleged failure to lock him up for not paying taxes. Comer and company have highlighted payments to the younger Biden by foreign nationals from all over the world and shown that Joe Biden would occasionally meet and greet his son’s benefactors.
Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian gas giant Burisma, however, received special attention, because when he took a board position with the company in 2014, his father served as the face of U.S. policy toward Ukraine. The Ukraine connection offered Republicans the only potential example of the elder Biden taking an official action benefiting his family.
But the Ukraine corruption story has been repeatedly investigated, starting in 2019 after then-president Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into announcing an investigation into the Bidens, withholding military aid and getting impeached in the process.
“It was stale, moldy pizza left over from the Ukraine shakedown,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the top Democrat on the oversight committee, said in an interview. “The whole Burisma lie has this overwhelming stench of Russian disinformation and propaganda.”
Nevertheless, one Republican lawmaker told CNN this week that people wish Comer had “reined in” his rhetoric about the Biden investigation, so as to temper expectations. Another complained that he should have sent out subpoenas faster. Comer said he wouldn’t have done anything differently.
In a development foreshadowed by the Trump administration’s warnings about the Russian agent who peddled the Burisma story in 2019 and 2020, the Justice Department said in February that the FBI informant had totally made up his conversations with Burisma’s founder — and said that he had ties to Russian intelligence services. He’s now in a California jail awaiting trial on related charges, to which he’s pleaded not guilty.
The impeachment inquiry has since lost all momentum, with Republicans publicly acknowledging that they lack the votes to try to throw Joe Biden out of office and Comer saying he will instead refer Biden family members and associates to the Justice Department for prosecution.
Hunter Biden, for his part, has claimed that he was immensely qualified for his Burisma gig, and said that he joined the board to help it send a defiant signal to Russia. He has also conceded that the work was light and paid well. He wrote in his 2021 memoir that he did nothing unethical but also that he wouldn’t have taken the job had he known what backlash would follow.
In a deposition in February, Hunter Biden recalled a 2015 meeting with Amos Hochstein, a State Department official with a focus on energy affairs. (In his own interview with lawmakers in 2020, Hochstein said that he had been monitoring an uptick in pro-Moscow media outlets using Burisma “to create some kind of rift between the U.S. and Ukraine” and that he had made then-Vice President Joe Biden aware of it, adding that Hunter Biden had subsequently asked for the meeting.)
According to Hunter Biden, the two talked about the recent death of his brother, Beau Biden, and the toll it had taken on his family. Then Hochstein offered a stark warning about his Burisma job that Hunter Biden relayed to the roomful of Republicans trying to impeach his father: ”You have no understanding of the Russian disinformation and the way in which they could potentially weaponize this.”
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Wednesday, June 21, 2023
The Places Most Affected by Remote Workers’ Moves Around the Country (NYT) In prepandemic times, the few Americans who worked from home appeared relatively settled there. They were less likely to move than other workers. The abrupt rise and shifting nature of remote work over the last few years has upended this pattern. During the pandemic, people who worked from home became significantly more likely to move—and more likely to do so than all other workers. In the first two years of the pandemic, one in four workers who moved long-distance was working remotely in a new home—a previously unheard-of scale of remote migration. In the two years leading up to the pandemic, for example, about 20,000 remote workers moved away from the San Francisco metro area. Then during 2020 and 2021, 110,000 did. In those prepandemic years, about 40,000 remote workers moved away from metro New York. Then, 200,000 left in two years. The rise of remote work meant that many such workers moved into these places, too. But for New York, San Francisco, Washington and Los Angeles, significantly more remote workers left than arrived. By contrast, Austin, Denver, Dallas and Nashville all attracted a net influx of people working from home.
Hunter Biden will plead guilty in a deal that likely averts time behind bars in a tax and gun case (AP) President Joe Biden’s son Hunter will plead guilty to federal tax offenses but avoid a full prosecution on a separate gun charge in a deal with the Justice Department that likely spares him time behind bars. Hunter Biden, 53, will plead guilty to the misdemeanor tax offenses as part of an agreement made public Tuesday. The agreement will also avoid prosecution on a felony charge of illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user, as long as he adheres to conditions agreed to in court. It’s somewhat unusual to resolve a federal criminal case at the same time charges are filed in court but not unheard of. The deal ends a long-running Justice Department investigation into Biden’s second son, who has acknowledged struggling with addiction following the 2015 death of his brother Beau Biden. It also averts a trial that would have generated days or weeks of distracting headlines for the White House. (President Biden’s son failed to pay income tax in 2017 and 2018, despite owing more than $100,000 each year. The deal is the denouement of an investigation launched in 2018 that began by examining the junior Biden’s foreign business dealings.)
Multiple tornadoes leave 1 dead and nearly 2 dozen injured in Mississippi (AP) Multiple tornadoes swept through Mississippi overnight, killing one and injuring nearly two dozen, officials said Monday. State emergency workers were still working with counties to assess the damage from storms in which high temperatures and hail in some areas accompanied tornadoes. The death and injuries were reported by officials in eastern Mississippi’s Jasper County. The small, rural town of Louin bore the brunt of the damage. Drone footage and photos showed wide expanses of debris-covered terrain, decimated homes and mangled trees.
Biden to fete India’s leader (AP) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is, on many counts, a curious choice for President Joe Biden to honor with a state visit. Since Russia’s Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine 16 months ago, India has boosted its economy by purchasing increasing quantities of cheap Russian oil. Human rights groups and political opponents have accused Modi of stifling dissent and introducing divisive policies that discriminate against Muslims and other minorities. And India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, has espoused a worldview in which there are no allies or friends, only “frenemies.” But Biden, who will welcome Modi to the White House on Thursday for a state visit, has made clear he sees U.S. ties to India—one of the world’s fastest growing economies—as a defining relationship. New Delhi, as Biden sees it, will be essential to addressing some of the most difficult global challenges in coming years, including China’s growing power in the Indo-Pacific.
U.S.-China ties (Washington Post) Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s two-day trip to China arguably went about as well as it could. The United States’ top diplomat said he had “constructive” and “substantive” conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his other interlocutors in Beijing. Both sides indicated their desire to stabilize a relationship that seems to be locked in a “downward spiral,” as top foreign policy official Wang Yi put it. Still, for those hoping for happier relations, there’s a long, winding road ahead, littered with obstacles. Whatever the rhetoric during Blinken’s time in Beijing, strategists and policymakers in both the United States and China see the other as a rival power, and view competition of some substantive form as inevitable. “It is symptomatic of how bad the relationship has gotten that it’s an achievement to talk,” John Delury, a China expert at Yonsei University in Seoul, told the Financial Times.
Tropical Storm Bret moves west in Atlantic, with possible hurricane threat to Caribbean islands (AP) Tropical Storm Bret formed in the central Atlantic Ocean on Monday, with forecasters saying it could pose a hurricane threat to the eastern Caribbean by Thursday and the Dominican Republic and Haiti by the weekend. “Everyone in the Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands should closely monitor updates to the forecast for this system and have their hurricane plan in place,” the hurricane center said.
Once Scorned, Far Right Secures Foothold in Spanish Cities (NYT) Spain’s far right took office in a string of Spanish cities and in a powerful region over the weekend by forging coalition agreements with the moderate right, in a move that may foreshadow a broader alliance to govern the country after next month’s general elections. The agreements came about three weeks after the center-right Popular Party crushed Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’s left-wing coalition in regional and local elections. To secure control of dozens of cities, the Popular Party struck coalition deals with the far-right Vox, which also performed well, embracing part of the party’s nationalist, anti-migrant agenda. Both parties will now govern together in some 25 cities of more than 30,000 residents, including five regional capitals, giving Vox, a party once considered anathema by most voters, crucial political leverage. They have also teamed up to run the wealthy Valencia region, which accounts for 10 percent of Spain’s population. The growing popularity of Vox, which is already the third-largest political force in the Spanish Parliament, has coincided with the rise of the far right in Europe, at a time when the continent is grappling with fierce identity debates, the economic fallout of a pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine.
In Rush to Arm Ukraine, Weapons Are Bought but Not Delivered, or Too Broken to Use (NYT) Ukraine has paid contractors hundreds of millions of dollars for weapons that have not been delivered, and some of the much-publicized arms donated by its allies have been so decrepit that they were deemed fit only to be cannibalized for spare parts. Ukrainian government documents show that as of the end of last year, Kyiv had paid arms suppliers more than $800 million since the Russian invasion in February 2022 for contracts that went completely or partly unfulfilled. Problems are inevitable in an arms-acquisition frenzy the size of Ukraine’s. Since Russia invaded last year, Western allies have sent Ukraine tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons. As of last week, the United States alone had committed about $40 billion worth of military aid (and more in financial and humanitarian assistance), and European allies have also contributed tens of billions. In addition, Ukraine has spent billions of dollars of its own on the private arms market. Many of the transfers from Western allies have involved modern weapons like American air defense systems that have proven highly effective against Russian drones and missiles. But in other cases allies have provided stockpiled equipment that, at best, needed extensive overhauls.
India Heat Wave (1440) The death toll in northeastern India continues to rise, with reports saying nearly 170 people have died from heat-related illnesses caused by an intense heat wave. The recent scorching temperatures, reaching highs near 113 degrees Fahrenheit over the weekend, have been consistently above normal. Power outages have further compounded the issue, prompting the government to call for electricity conservation measures—only 12% of India’s population of 1.4 billion people have air conditioning and many units are often inadequate. Increasing heat waves have overwhelmed the country in recent years, including an incident in May that claimed the lives of 13 people in western India. Additionally, Asia experienced its hottest April on record.
Jordan’s prospects (AP) Visitors to Jordan this month noticed a new addition to the royal portraits over highways and hospitals. The 28-year-old Crown Prince Hussein and his glamorous Saudi bride, Rajwa Alseif, now beam down at motorists stuck in Amman traffic. Their royal wedding represented the pinnacle of the monarchy’s efforts to establish Hussein as the face of Jordan’s next generation—a future king who can modernize the country, slash the red tape and set loose the talents of its bulging young population. Of nearly 10 million people in Jordan, almost two-thirds are under 30. But in the dilapidated streets of the poorer districts in the capital, Amman, and in the dusty villages of the countryside, there is little hope for change. Almost half of all young Jordanians are jobless. Those with means dream of lives abroad. Many blame corrupt officials—and, increasingly, the palace—for their misery. “The base of support is fraying,” said Tariq Tell, a Jordanian professor of political science at the American University of Beirut. “Hussein has a difficult task on his hands.”
As Israel seeks West Bank expansion, a controversial outpost is revived (Washington Post) A controversial white trailer has been returned to an abandoned outpost in the West Bank. Serving as a pop-up religious school, it is the first concrete sign of a controversial move by Israel’s new right-wing government to allow Jewish settlers back into Homesh—a remote hilltop settlement Israel demolished 18 years ago as part of a limited, U.S.-backed retreat from parts of the occupied Palestinian territories. The drive to restore Homesh over American objections is being driven by far-right government members, who have demanded an expansion in settlement activity in exchange for supporting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition.
Indian police retain carrier pigeons as backstop against disasters (Reuters) When all else fails, India’s pigeons have your back. On Monday, the eastern state of Odisha announced it would continue to preserve a flock of carrier pigeons for use when disaster strikes and more modern communication devices—such as instant messaging, video calls, cellphones, and the internet—go kaput. The state’s more than 100 Belgian Homer pigeons have already proved their worth during the country’s 1999 cyclone and 1982 floods.
A daytime nap is good for the brain (BBC) Regularly finding time for a little snooze is good for our brain and helps keep it bigger for longer, say University College London researchers. The team showed nappers’ brains were 15 cubic centimetres (0.9 cubic inches) larger—equivalent to delaying ageing by between three and six years. “We are suggesting that everybody could potentially experience some benefit from napping,” Dr Victoria Garfield told me. She described the findings as “quite novel and quite exciting”. Napping has been shown to be critical for development when we are babies, becomes less common as we age and then goes through a resurgence in popularity after retirement, with 27% of people over 65 reporting having a daytime nap. Dr Garfield says advice to nap is “something quite easy” to do in comparison to weight loss or exercise which are “difficult for a lot of people”.
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Reaping short terms benefits...
before marital savings bond matured as a then quinquagenarian. Courtesy gerontologists medical practitioners allowing, enabling, and providing the elderly population to live longer and healthier lives. Linkedin with longevity loosely translates to resurgent libido spurring older folks predilection to participate in sexual intimacy. The downside (if such be the proper word) regarding senior citizens becoming or remaining flush with embodied physical attraction Gerontophilia barely alive as buzzfeeding colloquialism, nevertheless advertently, intermittently, and unwittingly received jump/kick starting excitement
here at Highland Manor, especially scooter bound population looking to spice her/his life courtesy young stud or hottie (stepping out pages of some sexy glamourous magazine) secretly strategizing how to entice lure, and understand "grandma" or "grandpa" as ideal bed fellow. An old geezer like yours truly, would roll out his Scottish welcome mat (comprised of Harris tweed material) readily and willingly welcoming respite from a young gal responsive to such juvenile, trashy, material devoid of absolute zero with neither, pride and prejudice apropos of maturity, sense and sensibility, nor wit and wisdom as the following banal folderol nominal representative sample exemplifies what he frequently posted on the fledgling Internet back during the heyday
of electronic chat rooms.
desktop (little tower - revolutionary computer back in 1999 -)
chugged along (think the engine that could exhaustively repeating the mantra "I think I can, I think I can" in order to facilitate wheels that go round n around like a twirling clown
or a psychedelic school bus
while painted ponies go up and down... optimally operating like well greased levers to reverse a frown analogous to gingerbread man happy as a clam satisfactorily baked to perfection a colorful character uniformly imbrown
similar to persons of color
found within outer limits
along edge of night
of twilight zone in the heart of motown.
No harem meant by the following excerpts amalgamated, doctored, hewn, linkedin, and sanitized version from outdated prefabricated plundered digital broadcasts talentless dearth as profundity and/or qualifying as reasonable rhyme, I do forthrightly bewail paucity of thought provoking perspective dill liver rd by Clyde S Dale
whimsical wordy zesty email
nothing ventured equates to no gain nor any cause to fail searching far and wide for something akin to a holy grail in the guise of a femme fatale
wherever she may hale
even if my search finds me ferreting out jail masterfully baited ...ha...ha...hmm...
this steely irony male
merely Joe King riddler,
one lone ranger high in his blazing saddle exclaiming "Hi-yo Silver"
cuz tis a violation of pure innocence
to snatch Vestal Virgin before age of consent, and also ill eagle, whar rum may n daze existence
locked behind iron rail
bars with razor wire
in n attempt to scale
the bulwarks n escape -
bush whacking a trail
only to return to bedlam and discover vis-à-vis
a perspicacious wife who did bemoan and wail yours truly his indiscretion.
Fingers property handsome beau thrum while poetic feet quiver like fingers on a taut bow with anticipation to hear soft sure footed white or black crow
sitting on telephone wire talons didst flow
and crackle with electricity thru wired connection courtesy smooth bore little arquebus and spindleshanks characterized bozo weird friendship can grow like a super fresh field viz organic olive garden of eat'n plump with organic food
betwixt yar thatch n my lil hoe
property of common Joe
fully cognizant and in the know scheming to experience whet dreams are made analogous to tightly, lovingly, and exquisitely fit together game pieces manufactured by lego finished product resembling mistletoe illicit affair indubitably, ineluctably, invariably causing woe.
After primal desire fired away
I returned home
to the missus without delay
the scorned wife mine hide she did flay when divorce sought, she did nay say.
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Just a thing I noticed…
Almost every person Taylor has worked with or interacted with since this pandemic began is tied to her boyish beau’s agency CAA.
girl in red (talking about Taylor on stage), Fletcher (talking about Taylor drinking the old fashion), Bleachers (folklore and evermore), Big Red Machine (folklore and evermore), Hayley Kiyoko, Hayley Williams, Beyoncé (who sent flowers after the Grammy win), Shania Twain (tiktok), Conan Gray (album promo reciprocity), HAIM (gasoline remix and joint bday party to subtly promote Licorice pizza), Avril Lavigne (sent flowers), Anita Baker (whom Taylor tweeted congratulating about her own re-recording plans), Gorillaz (band member Damon Albarn whom she tweeted at after he said that Taylor didn’t write her own songs)
Antoni Porowski (bday party in March and her bday party in December), Reese Witherspoon (Crawdads movie), Anya Taylor-Joy (went with Cara to Taylor’s SNL performance), Hailee Steinfeld (Dickinson), Joe Jonas, Lena Dunham (titans of the industry thank you’s), Gwyneth Paltrow (the video with the sex toy Christmas gift to Taylor), Jemima Kirke, miles Teller (IBYTAM mv)
Tom Ford is signed to CAA
Netflix (Ginny and Georgia callout) and Formula One have brand/licensing deals with CAA
Almost feels like her contract includes something about helping to promote CAA talent and Brands. Like being seen at CAA’s party.
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I wrote this story about meeting Joe Biden as a reply to a comment a couple days ago. Several of you asked me to share this as its own status and given that he's accepting the Democratic nomination tonight, I'm happy to oblige. This is why I'm supporting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for President and Vice President of the United States of America: --- I met Joe for the first time while he stood next to his son's flag-draped casket in Dover. I thanked him for raising a son with the character of Beau because when Beau as Delaware attorney general successfully fought to pass a trans rights bill, he was fighting for people like me. Despite being exhausted from spending hours greeting well-wishers, Joe rested his hands on my shoulders, looked me in the eye and said, "We mean that. *We* mean that.* He then kissed the back of my right hand and gave me a hug. Two years later in October 2017, when I was tied dead-even in the polls against a 26-year incumbent, Joe endorsed my campaign and donated from his PAC, which gave us a huge momentum surge right before our first GOTV dry run. On Election Night 2017, when 19/20 precincts had reported and I was just waiting on Prince William County absentees, my phone rang. I answered it and the person on the other end asked if I would like to speak to Joe Biden because he wanted to talk to me. He was the one who broke the news to me that I won and that we changed what's possible in American politics. He told me he remembered meeting me that day in June 2015 when he, as the sitting vice president of the United States of America grieving the loss of his son, was willing to tell a trans woman her rights were worth protecting. When I finally saw him again in person the following year in 2018, when Joe saw me, he walked directly over to me. He remembered who I was. He gushed over how proud he was of everything we had accomplished in Virginia, especially since we were able to expand Medicaid to now 452,000+ Virginians and counting, which was made possible under the Affordable Care Act that Joe was tasked with shepherding through Congress. Then in 2019, when everyone assumed my race was safe and I didn't need help, everyone started turning me down for help. It might not mean much the first few times it happens but after months and months and months of it, it starts to freak you out as a candidate when you're on the verge of not being able to afford to execute your full campaign plan for the final six weeks. Joe didn't forget me. He was the *only* national politician who endorsed my re-election campaign, the *only* one who took the time out to help down the home stretch. There is no national, state or local politician with whom I agree on every issue. I'm the only member of the Virginia General Assembly who shares my voting record, which is the way it should be. I could pick apart every single national presidential candidate who ran this year and identify their flaws and sins of the past -- all of them. Not one of them was or is perfect. But the thing is, I don't expect perfection. I don't expect to agree all the time and definitely know there will be policy positions taken, votes cast or statements made that are really, really hard to accept because they'll hurt people. What I'm looking for is someone who's learned, someone who's as close to honest as there is, and someone who's genuinely trying to do what they think is best while working to make our country more inclusive. With his platform that includes a $15/hr minimum wage, a genuine commitment to infrastructure, prioritization of the Equality Act and a Medicare public option, I'm not planning to settle on anyone when I cast my vote. I'm voting *for* Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, not just against Donald Trump and Mike Pence. I don't expect to agree with them on everything but I do expect those of us who want them to be bold to have a seat at the table. I expect them to default to doing the right thing to help people more often than to hurt people. I expect them to make progress, even if it's more incremental than systemic. I expect them to understand loss, to understand grief and to understand that we're counting on them to serve their constituents, so we have an administration that stops singling out and stigmatizing the very people they're elected to serve and starts figuring out how they can help us instead of hurt us. I understand if you feel differently and disagree with my rationale and how I personally feel. I respect you and your viewpoint and appreciate you sharing it. Warmly, Danica
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Detroit Tigers-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
5.23.22-Beau Brieske RHP (0-3) 5.13 ERA Vs. Chris Archer RHP (0-1) 4.10 ERA
5.24.22-Elvin Rodriguez RHP (0-0) 13.50 ERA Vs. Sonny Gray RHP (1-1) 3.48 ERA
5.25.22-TBA Vs. Dylan Bundy RHP (3-2) 5.14 ERA
The Tigers At A Glance- Everyone thought the Tigers made a big leap forward in 2021 with 77 wins and some first round picks reaching the Major League level. Detroit has went 8-14 since the Twins last saw them and are tied for last with the Royals in the American League Central. The Tigers split what turned out to be a two-game series in Cleveland this weekend. Saturday’s game got postponed due to rain. Since we last saw the Tigers, Tyler Alexander is out with an eblow injury, Michael Pineda broke his middle finger on his pitching hand, Eduardo Rodriguez has a left ribcage sprain, Will Vest was put on the injured list, Austin Meadows has vertigo, and Victor Reyes has a right quad strain. Detroit claimed lefty Sam Howard from the Pirates and Brendon Davis from the Angels. Akil Baddoo was struggling so bad that he got sent to Toledo. Harold Castro has been the most consistent hitter with a .288 average. The Tigers have just twenty-one home runs in forty games. The pitching staff has been decent with a 3.63 ERA as a whole. The Twins will miss Tarik Skubal, who’s been really good. Wily Peralta has allowed just two runs over 16 1/3 innings of work. Alex Lange, Andrew Chafin, and Will Vest have been good in the bullpen. Gregory Soto has locked down seven saves on the year.
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins keep on finding ways to win games and Sunday’s game proved to be another point. They have won six of their last seven games and lead the division by four games over the White Sox. Trevor Larnach returned to the lineup on Sunday and went 0-for-5. Luis Arraez went 5-for-8 in the last two games of the Royals series and has a .336 average on the year. Carlos Correa and Byron Buxton were out of the starting lineup on Sunday after the Twins had won the first two games of the series. Gary Sanchez has smacked three homers and driven in thirteen runs in May. Danny Coulombe is set to begin a rehab assignment in Wichita this week. Josh Winder will get some rest after being placed on the injured list with a sore shoulder. He was pitching through the pain and the Twins want to rest him arm for a bit. The Twins starting staff owns a 3.25 ERA, which is fifth-best in baseball. Joe Smith has not allowed a run over 13 2/3 innings of work. Jhoan Duran hasn’t allowed a run over his past 7 2/3 innings.
What To Watch For- The Twins swept the Tigers in the first series of the year in late-April. Chris Archer is (2-3) with a 3.66 ERA in eleven starts against the Tigers. Miguel Cabrera has homered off him twice. Sonny Gray is (2-1) with a 3.23 ERA in six games versus the Tigers. Jonathan Schoop is 6-for-18 against Gray. Dylan Bundy is (0-2) with a 4.70 ERA in five games against the Tigers. The Tigers have not announced a starter for Wednesday, but that game could be postponed due to rain in the forecast. The Tigers are here in early-August when a makeup game could be played. The Twins were forced to finish the night game with the Dodgers and played a suspended game with the Astros earlier this month. The Twins need to continue to beat up on bad teams within the division this week.
-Chris Kreibich-
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OK, March 15
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Britney Spears' revenge
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Melissa and Joe Gorga during a beach day in Miami
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Page 4: Tiger Woods on the mend -- Tiger is counting his blessings as he recovers from a terrifying car crash
Page 6: Queen Elizabeth announced in a statement that her grandson Prince Harry and his pregnant wife Meghan Markle wouldn't be returning as working royals, noting that it was no longer possible for them to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service, and almost immediately, Harry and Meghan shot back with a seemingly rude reply, saying we can all live a life of service and service is universal -- no one was more disappointed in Harry's response than his brother Prince William and William finds this behavior both baffling and sickening and he can't get his head around it and William feels the family has been understanding and fair while Harry and Meghan continue to sit on their high horse flinging insults and from William's perspective there is simply no excuse for snide and ego-driven swipes made towards the queen -- especially right now, since three days prior to Her Majesty's statement, Prince Philip was rushed to a London hospital and the queen's been worried sick about her husband and should not be dealing with this added stress -- the whole situation has left William feeling hopeless and he fears Harry is too wrapped up in his own self-importance to see the hurt he's caused and that is unforgivable in William's eyes
Page 7: As Soleil Moon Frye's messy divorce drags on, a loyal pal from the past is providing a shoulder to cry on in Brian Austin Green who she reconnected with while shooting her upcoming documentary Kid 90 -- Brian can feel her pain because he's still hashing out his split from Megan Fox so he knows exactly what Soleil is going through -- they've been friends for more than 30 years and they're going to see each other through this tough time
* Tom Cruise got all pumped up for Mission: Impossible 7, but now that filming has wrapped, he's desperate to stay in fighting shape for the next installment -- Tom was thrown for a loop when the studio postponed filming M:I 8 instead of shooting the movies back-to-back so now he's putting himself through the wringer doing crunches, pullups, squats and weights but Tom's brutal, military-style workouts have friends and loved ones, including his rumored new girlfriend, M:I7 costar Hayley Atwell, worried that he could be pushing himself to the breaking point and everyone wants him to take it down a notch, but he won't listen -- physically, Tom still thinks he's invincible, but the fact is he'll be turning 60 in less than two years and if he keeps going at this pace, there's a big change he's going to do some serious damage
* Life has been twice as nice for Christine Quinn since she found out she was expecting -- the Selling Sunset star, who's pregnant with her and businessman husband Christian Richard's first child, isn't holding back when it comes to treating herself -- the famously free-spending realtor has been splurging on designer maternity clothes and lingerie to lounge around in at her L.A. mansion and she has flowers delivered daily for every room in the house
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars rock statement-making halter dresses -- Lili Reinhart, Camila Morrone, Brie Larson
Page 11: Chrishell Stause, Naomi Campbell, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Uzo Aduba vs. Drew Barrymore, Charlize Theron vs. Kaia Gerber, Bella Hadid vs. Naomi Scott
Page 14: News in Photos -- Steve Martin did what he does best while filming scenes of his upcoming mystery-comedy series Only Murders in the Building in NYC
Page 16: Nicole Scherzinger stepped out for lunch with beau Thom Evans in West Hollywood, a casually dressed Reese Witherspoon matched her shirt to her Draper James canvas tote while boarding a private plane in L.A., Paris Hilton and Carter Reum
Page 17: Rebel Wilson stopped by the gas station to fill up her car in L.A., Mariska Hargitay took a selfie while shooting Law & Order: Organized Crime in NYC
Page 18: Sarah Jessica Parker assisted customers at her eponymous shoe line's store in NYC, Chrissy Teigen at lunch at Wolfgang Puck in L.A., Naomi Osaka with her trophy for winning the Australian Open in Melbourne
Page 20: The Masked Singer panelist Jenny McCarthy in a golden tiara and caped dress before taping a new episode, for a recent date night Outer Banks stars Chase Stokes and Madelyn Cline whipped up a cozy plant-based dinner in L.A., Jason Sudeikis filled up on a sandwich on the set of Ted Lasso
Page 22: Bella Hadid strutting around Manhattan, Helena Christensen and her dog Kuma in NYC
Page 23: In partnership with Ziploc Janel Parrish created the Hot Mess Makeup Line in Vancouver, Cara Delevingne in Puma's new eco-friendly line
Page 24: Usher stopped by the dry cleaners West Hollywood, Padma Lakshmi and her pooch braved the cold weather in stylish jackets in NYC
Page 25: Tia Mowry for Late July Tortilla chips, four days before filing for divorce from her husband Kanye West of nearly seven years Kim Kardashian looked somber while out and about in L.A., during a stroll Busy Philipps stopped to check out something on her phone in NYC
Page 26: Scott Disick matched his 'do to his drink at the Sugar Factory in Miami, Justin Long stocked up on groceries in L.A., new couple Mod Sun and Avril Lavigne were inseparable after a date night in L.A.
Page 28: Inside My Home -- Claire Holt's airy abode
Page 30: Zooey Deschanel and Jonathan Scott have taken the next step in their almost two-year relationship: they've secretly tied the knot -- they've been talking about getting married for about a year and just decided to go for it and the intimate ceremony took place in front of a few family members at Jonathan's Las Vegas home on Valentine's Day and it was spur of the moment, but that's how Zooey likes to do things and now Jonathan too and they put it together in a matter of days and everyone got a verbal invite to come -- Zooey wore a Bohemian-inspired gown and flowers in her hair while Jonathan wore an all-white suit and Zooey serenaded Jonathan with a love song she had written -- guests including Jonathan's twin brother Drew Scott and sister-in-law Linda Phan were treated to a gourmet buffet and video and arcade games -- now the couple's eager to grow their family and Jonathan will be a great stepdad to Zooey's children Elsie and Charlie but he's been saying for months that he can't wait to have kids of his own and they've already started trying
Page 31: Blake Lively and husband Ryan Reynolds are one of the most charitable couples in Hollywood and now the big-hearted duo are ready to take the next step by adopting a baby in need -- Blake and Ryan who share daughters James, Inez and Betty have donated millions of dollars to organizations working to protect the rights of immigrant children separated from their families and awaiting deportation -- day by day they've been warming up to the idea of providing an orphan with a forever home -- Ryan jokes that Blake is a baby machine who would have no trouble getting pregnant again, but their hearts really go out to these kids
* Ever since Bridgerton became a monster hit, the sizzling chemistry between Rege-Jean Page and costar Phoebe Dynevor has fans convinced that they're an offscreen item as well, but Rege-Jean's girlfriend Emily Brown is fed up with keeping their real-life romance under wraps and she's starting to feel like Rege's dirty little secret -- Emily has been dating Rege for two years and shares a home with him in East London -- the show's producers have been happy to let the rumors about Rege and Phoebe fly because it made their steamy sex scenes that much more believable -- Emily, a part-time soccer player and copywriter from Manchester, loves to go to pubs and party, which she and Rege used to do before the show came out -- Rege insists that keeping their relationship on the down-low is no big deal, but Emily wants everyone to know that the hunky Duke of Hastings is spoken for
* Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have got the parenting thing down pat, and they're ready to share their know-how by penning a how-to manual -- their friends have been begging them for advice for years and Mila and Ashton make having kids look like a fun adventure and for them, it really is -- now that Ashton has wrapped up shooting his new thriller Vengeance, he and Mila finally have a little downtime and the handbook will include the duo's dos and don'ts for raising their children Wyatt and Dimitri like they never argue in front of the kids and make sure to treat them equally -- Mila's the stricter one and Ashton's the softie, but it's a team effort and it works and they admit it can get a bit chaotic, but they don't sweat the small stuff
Page 32: New parents Kit Harington and Rose Leslie may be in baby heaven, but they're dealing with the home renovation from hell -- the Game of Thrones alums, who recently welcomed their first child, have been up to their ears fixing up their 15th-century country manor, which is turning out to be a huge money pit -- Kit and Rose bought the $2.4 million spread shortly before tying the knot in 2018 and had no idea what they were getting into and the couple got hit by sticker shock when they finally got their plans approved to put in a new kitchen, master bath, pipes and flooring and it's going to cost them an extra half a million at least -- they still think it's the perfect place to raise a family, but overseeing an army of builders and designers with a newborn at home is leading to some serious sleep deprivation
* As Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' romance heats up, the couple is planning a heart-to-heart with her ex-fiance Jason Sudeikis -- after filming wrapped on their movie Don't Worry (for the love of all that's holy, please put in a comma) Darling, the lovebirds flew to London to meet with Jason, who's been on the set of Ted Lasso in England because Olivia, who shares two kids with Jason, wants to clear the air and have a calm conversation about how everyone moves forward from here, and she wants Jason to realize that Harry is here to stay and Olivia needs Jason to understand this is a serious relationship, whether he likes it or not
* Baby Boom -- these celebs recently welcomed little ones -- Wilmer Valderrama and fiancee Amanda Pacheco welcomed a baby girl, Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahones and fiancee Brittany Matthews welcomed a daughter named Sterling Skye, Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith welcomed a son named August Harrison
Page 34: Cover Story -- Britney Spears fights back -- she is ready to reclaim her life and she's looking to take down anyone who stands in her way, starting with her father, Jamie Spears
Page 36: In the wake of the #FreeBritney movement, Justin Timberlake who dated Britney Spears from 1999-2002, and publicly insinuated her cheating ruined their relationship, took to Instagram to offer a mea culpa, saying he wanted to apologize to Britney who he cares for and respects and he knows he failed -- he also contacted Britney directly to express his regrets over how he handled their breakup because he wanted to do the right thing and Britney accepted his apology and she was touched by the gesture and thought it was absolutely sincere and they had a nice little chat and it made Justin feel better knowing that Britney didn't hold any grudges
Page 38: They're So Grown Up -- the kids of some of Hollywood's biggest celebs are striking out on their own -- Ava Sambora is the daughter of Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora, Maya Hawke is the daughter of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, Damian Hurley is the son of Elizabeth Hurley and Steve Bing
Page 39: Lily Sheen is the daughter of Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen, Jack Depp is the son of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis, Lola Consuelos is the daughter of Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos
Page 40: Interview -- Dwayne Johnson -- with a new TV sitcom based on his early years, The Rock reveals all about his rollicking adventures growing up
Page 42: Slim Down for Spring -- how these stars got their best bodies ever just in time for the warmer weather
Page 46: Style Week -- Sara Sampaio is fronting Michael Kors' new campaign for its latest perfume, Gorgeous
Page 48: What's Hot Right Now -- break a sweat stylishly in LoveShackFancy X Beach Riot's limited-edition collection -- Nina Agdal
Page 49: Preppy Tennis Fashion -- Lele Sadoughi turns to '70s and '80s country club looks for its spring/summer 21 accessories
Page 50: Gift Guide -- self-care session -- pampering gifts that benefit body and mind because, hey, there's never been a better time to treat yourself -- Miranda Kerr
Page 52: Chrissy Teigen is a fan of affordable de-puffing and brightening holographic foil eye masks
Page 58: Buzz -- costars reunited -- Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay for Law & Order: Organized Crime, 13 Going on 30's Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner reconnected on the set of their upcoming movie The Adam Project
Page 59: Rachel Bilson shared a snap of herself with O.C. costar Melinda Clarke, Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel who played a beloved couple on Boy Meets World starred in Panera Bread's new commercial for Valentine's Day, Rebel Wilson and Adam Devine of Pitch Perfect met up during Super Bowl LV game in early February
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Jennifer Love Hewitt on her night out with Betty White, Henry Golding on expecting his first child, Drew Barrymore on never going under the knife, Salma Hayek discussing billionaire husband Francois-Henri Pinault
Page 61: Tiffany Haddish on taking a chill day, Colin Jost on letting Scarlett Johansson plan their wedding, Cameron Diaz on whether she plans to return to Hollywood, Kehlani on feeling sexier as a mom
Page 62: Horoscope -- Pisces Connie Britton turned 54 on March 6
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Ana de Armas
#tabloid#grain of salt#tabloid toc#tabloidtoc#britney spears#sam asghari#jamie spears#justin timberlake#dwayne johnson#the rock#dwayne the rock johnson#ana de armas#tiger woods#prince harry#prince william#queen elizabeth#soleil moon frye#brian austin green#tom cruise#christine quinn#claire holt#zooey deschanel#jonathan scott#blake lively#ryan reynolds#rege-jean page#regé jean page#rege jean page#phoebe dynevor#emily brown
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HBO Max New Releases:. July 2021
LeBron James might be out of the NBA playoffs, but he’s still angling to be a big part of the summer entertainment season. That’s because HBO Max’s list of new releases for July 2021 is highlighted by a very special sequel.
Space Jam: A New Legacy premieres on July 16. will find LeBron teaming up with the Looney Tunes in a Warner Bros. IP-extravaganza. Can ‘Bron and the Looney Tunes beat the Goon Squad before Warner Bros.’ server steals LeBron “Bronny” Jr.’s soul (or something)? Let’s hope so. The two other major WB releases this month, No Sudden Move and Tom and Jerry in New York, both come to HBO Max on July 1.
HBO Max is also bringing some fun TV shows to its stream this month. The long-awaited Gossip Girl revival premieres on July 8. That will be followed by Mike White’s satirical limited series The White Lotus on July 11. Ronan Farrow’s excellent book Catch and Kill gets a docuseries adaptation on July 12.
July 1 will see the arrival of library titles like Planet of the Apes, Reservoir Dogs, and Scream. Recent hit Judas and the Black Messiah comes to HBO Max on that date as well. It’s a good month for geek TV with the Doctor Who 2020 Christmas Special (July 1), Nancy Drew season 2 (July 3), and Batwoman season 2 (July 27) all coming home to their streaming residence.
HBO Max New Releases – July 2021
TBA FBOY Island, Max Original Season 1 Premiere Romeo Santos: King of Bachata, 2021 (HBO) Romeo Santos Utopia Live from MetLife Stadium, 2021 (HBO)
July 1 ¡Come! (aka Eat!), 2020 8 Mile, 2002 (HBO) All Dogs Go to Heaven 2, 1996 (HBO) All Dogs Go to Heaven, 1989 (HBO) Behind Enemy Lines, 1997 (HBO) Beneath the Planet of the Apes, 1970 (HBO) Bio-Dome, 1996 (HBO) Black Panthers, 1968 Blackhat, 2015 (HBO) Brubaker, 1980 (HBO) Cantinflas (HBO) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, 1972 (Extended Version) (HBO) Cousins, 1989 (HBO) Dark Water, 2005 (HBO) Darkness Falls, 2003 (HBO) Demolition Man, 1993 Dirty Work, 1998 (HBO) Disturbia, 2007 (HBO) Doctor Who Holiday 2020 Special: Revolution of the Daleks, 2020 Duplex, 2003 (HBO) Escape from the Planet of the Apes, 1971 (HBO) Eve’s Bayou, 1997 Firestarter, 1984 (HBO) First, 2012 For Colored Girls, 2010 (HBO) For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada, 2012 (HBO) Full Bloom, Max Original Season 2 Finale Ghost in the Machine, 1993 (HBO) The Good Lie, 2014 (HBO) Gun Crazy, 1950 House on Haunted Hill, 1999 Identity Thief, 2013 (Extended Version) (HBO) Ira & Abby, 2007 (HBO) Joe Versus the Volcano, 1990 Judas and the Black Messiah, 2021 (HBO) Laws Of Attraction, 2004 (HBO) Lucky, 2017 (HBO) Maid in Manhattan, 2002 Married to the Mob, 1988 (HBO) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, 1997 Mississippi Burning, 1988 (HBO) Monster-In-Law, 2005 Mousehunt, 1997 (HBO) My Brother Luca (HBO) No Sudden Move Pleasantville, 1998 The Prince of Tides, 1991 Project X, 1987 (HBO) The Punisher, 2017 (HBO) Punisher: War Zone, 2008 (HBO) Rambo, 2008 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Reds, 1981 (HBO) Reservoir Dogs, 1992 (HBO) The Return of the Living Dead, 1985 (HBO) Return of the Living Dead III, 1993 (Extended Version) (HBO) Rounders, 1998 (HBO) Saturday Night Fever, 1977 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Scream, 1996 Scream 2, 1997 Scream 3, 2000 Semi-Tough, 1977 (HBO) The Sessions, 2012 (HBO) Set Up, 2012 (HBO) Snake Eyes, 1998 (HBO) Staying Alive, 1983 (HBO) Stuart Little, 1999 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 2003 Tom and Jerry in New York, Max Original Series Premiere Trick ‘R Treat, 2009 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls, 2007 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman, 2005 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All by Myself, 2009 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes To Jail, 2009 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family, 2011 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Family Reunion, 2006 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too, 2010 (HBO) The Watcher, 2016 (HBO) The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, 2007 (HBO) Westworld (Movie), 1973 White Chicks (Unrated & Uncut Version), 2004 The White Stadium, 1928 Won’t Back Down, 2012 (HBO) Zero Days, 2016 (HBO)
July 2 Lo Que Siento por Ti (aka What I Feel for You) (HBO)
July 3 Let Him Go, 2020 (HBO) Nancy Drew, Season 2
July 7 Dr. STONE, Seasons 1 and 2 (Subtitled) (Crunchyroll Collection) Shiva Baby, 2021 (HBO)
July 8 The Dog House: UK, Max Original Season 2 Premiere Gossip Girl, Max Original Series Premiere Human Capital, 2020 (HBO) The Hunt, 2020 (HBO) Looney Tunes Cartoons, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
July 9 Frankie Quinones: Superhomies (HBO)
July 11 The White Lotus, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
July 12 Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes, Documentary Series Premiere (HBO)
July 15 Tom & Jerry, 2021 (HBO)
July 16 Betty, Season 2 Finale (HBO) Space Jam: A New Legacy, Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021 Un Disfraz Para Nicolas (aka A Costume for Nicolas) (HBO)
July 17 The Empty Man, 2020 (HBO)
July 18 100 Foot Wave, Documentary Series Premiere (HBO)
July 22 Through Our Eyes, Max Original Documentary Series Premiere
July 23 Corazon De Mezquite (aka Mezquite’s Heart) (HBO)
July 24 Freaky, 2020 (HBO)
July 26 Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes, Documentary Series Finale (HBO)
July 27 Batwoman, Season 2 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
July 30 Uno Para Todos (aka One for All) (HBO)
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Leaving HBO Max – July 2021
July 3 The ABC’s Of Covid-19: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Parents Part 2, 2020
July 4 Annabelle, 2014 Annabelle Comes Home, 2019 (HBO) The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, 2021 The Curse of La Llorona, 2019 The Nun, 2018
July 5 Lost And Delirious, 2001
July 8 Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015
July 10 It: Chapter 2, 2019 (HBO)
July 11 An Elephant’s Journey, 2018 In the Heights, 2021 Thanks for Sharing, 2013
July 15 Burlesque, 2010
July 17 The Notebook, 2004
July 26 The King’s Speech, 2010
July 31 17 Again, 2009 A Clockwork Orange, 1971 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, 1985 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, 1988 A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child, 1989 A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street, 2010 Adam’s Rib, 1949 America’s Sweethearts, 2001 Anaconda, 1997 The Apparition, 2012 (HBO) Are We There Yet?, 2005 Argo, 2012 (Alternate Version) (HBO) AVP: Alien vs. Predator, 2004 (Alternate Version) (HBO) Badlands, 1973 Beau Brummel, 1954 The Benchwarmers, 2006 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2, 2011 (HBO) Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta!, 2012 (HBO) Billy Madison, 1995 (HBO) The Book Of Eli, 2010 (HBO) Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 1992 Bringing Up Baby, 1938 The City of Lost Children, 1995 The Color Purple, 1985 The Comebacks, 2007 (Alternate Version) (HBO) The Conjuring 2, 2016 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, 2002 (HBO) Don’t Let Go, 2019 (HBO) Downton Abbey, 2019 (HBO) El Angel (aka The Angel), 2018 (HBO) Eyes Wide Shut, 1999 Fool’s Gold, 2008 Fort Tilden, 2015 (HBO) The Four Feathers, 2002 (HBO) The Gay Divorcee, 1934 Get A Job, 2016 (HBO) The Goonies, 1985 Grand Canyon, 1991 (HBO) Hairspray, 1988 Happy Gilmore, 1996 (HBO) Hellboy Animated Collection, 2006, 2007 The Hurricane, 1999 (HBO) I Know What You Did Last Summer, 1997 Iniciales SG (aka Initials S.G.), 2019 (HBO) J. Edgar, 2011 Jackie Chan’s First Strike, 1997 Jacob’s Ladder, 1990 (HBO) Jeremiah Johnson, 1972 Keeper Of The Flame, 1943 Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO) Kung Fu Hustle, 2005 The Lego Ninjago Movie, 2014 Less Than Zero, 1987 (HBO) Life Stinks, 1991 (HBO) Lincoln, 2012 (HBO) Little Children, 2006 (HBO) Little Man Tate, 1991 (HBO) Lovely & Amazing, 2002 The Lucky One, 2012(HBO) The Madness of King George, 1994 (HBO) Marisol, 2019 (HBO) Me 3.769, 2019 (HBO) Michael Clayton, 2007 Mickey Blue Eyes, 1999 Monster-In-Law, 2005 Mulholland Dr., 2001 Muralla (aka Muralla, The Goalkeeper), 2018 (HBO) Murder on the Orient Express, 1974 (HBO) Music and Lyrics, 2007 My Dream Is Yours, 1949 My Girl 2, 1994 My Girl, 1991 My Sister’s Keeper, 2009 Now, Voyager, 1942 Old Dogs, 2009 (HBO) The Opposite Sex, 1956 The Pledge, 2001 (HBO) Precious, 2009 (HBO) The Producers, 1968 The Prophecy, 1995 (HBO) The Prophecy II, 1998 (HBO) The Prophecy III: The Ascent, 2000 (HBO) Prophecy IV: The Uprising, 2005 (HBO) Prophecy V: The Forsaken, 2005 (HBO) Pulp Fiction, 1994 Rachel and The Stranger, 1948 Radio Days, 1987 (HBO) The Reluctant Debutante, 1958 Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, 1987 (HBO) Revenge of the Nerds IV: Nerds in Love, 2005 (HBO) Revenge of the Nerds, 1984 (HBO) Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, 1991 Roger & Me, 1989 Rollerball, 2002 (HBO) Romance on the High Seas, 1948 Rumble in the Bronx, 1996 Safe House, 2012 (HBO) Salvador, 1986 (HBO) Shall We Dance?, 2004 Shallow Hal, 2001 (HBO) Shocker, 1989 (HBO) Sinbad of the Seven Seas, 1989 (HBO) Sprung, 1997 (HBO) Stop-Loss, 2008 (HBO) Sunshine Cleaning, 2009 (HBO) Swing Time, 1936 Tea for Two, 1950 Thief, 1981 (HBO) This Is Spinal Tap, 1984 (HBO) Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2011 (HBO) Top Hat, 1935 Trapped in Paradise, 1994 (HBO) Troll 2, 1990 (HBO) Troll, 1986 (HBO) Two Minutes of Fame, 2020 (HBO) Underdog, 2007 (HBO) Untamed Heart, 1993 (HBO) Up in the Air, 2009 (HBO) The Visitor, 2008 Waiting for Guffman, 1997 The Wedding Singer, 1998 Wendy, 2020 (HBO) Wildcats, 1986 (HBO) The Wings of Eagles, 1957 Without Love, 1945 Woman of the Year, 1942 Worth Winning, 1989 (HBO) Young Man with a Horn, 1949
The post HBO Max New Releases:. July 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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Victoria Arbiter: The Prince Harry photo 'debate' that reflects our era of misinformation
By Victoria Arbiter| 11 hours ago
According to Britain's Daily Mail, a "transatlantic row" is brewing over Joe Biden's recent decision to remove a bust of Sir Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, several years after Barack Obama provoked a similar storm.
Suggesting the move a "snub to the UK", critics claim it also indicates a further dwindling of the nations' "special relationship", which has been in existence since WWII.
Joe Biden at Oval Office desk wearing mask
US President Joe Biden in his newly-decorated Oval Office - sans Winston Churchill bust. (Jabin Botsford/Getty Images)
While it's imperative to ensure close ties are maintained, ministers demanding America's head of state display the bust of a former British PM seems arrogant in the extreme. Surely extolling the virtues of one's own citizens takes priority over honouring the international elite.
Likewise, those featured in last week's inauguration represented the very best of America, not the rest of the world. For that reason alone, it was baffling to see many pushing the idea Dr. Jill Biden had requested a photo of Prince Harry to serve as part of the backdrop to her husband's big day.
A close friend of the Bidens, the Prince's achievements speak for themselves, but still it's a stretch to think any president would use an inauguration to give a shout out to a royal. Nonetheless, multiple parties chose to repeat random musings as fact with zero regard for the role they were playing in perpetuating fake news.
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As the sun began to set on Inauguration Wednesday, Clinton staffer, Jon Davidson, posted a photo to Twitter revealing Bill and Hillary Clinton deep in conversation with Joe Biden. Clearly instructed to document the day, he took the snap shortly after the former president laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery alongside Obama, Bush Jr. and the newly inaugurated Joe Biden.
Though the shot merely captured an innocuous exchange, its background — revealing a large wall mounted image of Prince Harry in Ceremonial Dress — immediately led to an online debate. Given the Prince's close association to the current First Family, some observers were swift to credit the Bidens for featuring the Prince on an opulent scale.
Were it an accurate assumption it would be prestigious indeed, but the picture in question was not hung on the day, nor was it there at the Bidens' request; rather it forms part of a permanent exhibition dedicated to preserving the history of Arlington National Cemetery. Housed in the Memorial Display Room since 2013, it's a fitting reminder of the day Harry laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on behalf of the Queen, the British armed forces and as a representative of the UK.
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Prince Harry at the Arlington National Cemetery on May 10, 2013.
A photo of Prince Harry at the Arlington Memorial similar to the one spotted in Jon Davidson's photo. (Getty)
As misinformation goes it was fairly benign, but as the narrative gained traction it spoke to the speed with which fake news now spreads; a problem Prince Harry is especially keen to stamp out. In an interview for Fast Company magazine published a week ago Friday, the Prince spoke of the digital landscape and the role it plays in furthering hate and toxicity in public debate.
Believing social media platforms responsible for helping propagate "an avalanche of misinformation" and "a barrage of mistruths", Harry said, "What happens online does not stay online – it spreads everywhere, like wildfire: into our homes and workplaces, into the streets, into our minds. The question really becomes about what to do when news and information sharing is no longer a decent, truthful exchange, but rather an exchange of weaponry."
In a hard-hitting speech in 2018, Prince William expressed a similar concern. Accusing online firms of being distracted by profit he said, "Technology companies still have a great deal to learn about the responsibilities that come with their significant power."
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Prince William and Prince Harry
William and Harry have both condemned the societal impacts of misinformation via big tech. (Getty)
By failing to tackle fake news, division, trolling and privacy, 'Big Tech' arguably shoulders much of the blame, but it's up to users to ensure their digital dialogue is factually based and not a misguided means to promoting a cause. Considering the vitriol unleashed by Harry's inauguration day sighting, we have a long way to go if we're ever to eliminate the endless cycle of hate.
Prince Harry's friendship with the President and First Lady is one built on shared experience and support. Having tragically lost his wife, young daughter and later his son, Biden is all too familiar with the agony of grief. He regularly talks of his personal sorrows as a way to connect with others in pain.
The Bidens' late son, Beau, was an active member of the military and like Harry, he too was deployed to a warzone. A National Guard family, the Bidens have been advocates of the Invictus Games and they've consistently shown their appreciation for veterans whose sacrifices have helped keep the nation safe.
Committed as both parties are to fulfilling public service, their mutual respect should be echoed and admired. Even so, had the Bidens opted to install large scale images of public figures to mark the inauguration, they rightly would have plumped for prominent Americans and not as some intimated their good friend, Prince Harry.
The issue, of course, is a vast hypothetical, but it illustrates the need for a healthy dose of common sense before hitting 'tweet'. Instead of jumping on a bandwagon in which misinformation reigns, it's worth reviewing the objective before being a conduit to bitter arguments and hate.
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Jill Biden and Prince Harry attend the wheelchair basketball final on day 8 of the Invictus Games Toronto in 2017.
Harry's friendship with the Bidens is one built on shared experience and support. ((Photo by Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/WireImage)
Where Twitter used to be littered with cat videos and witty hot takes, it's since descended into a cesspit of rage. Yet, as the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States got underway there was, for a moment, a small glimmer of hope.
As hilarious memes featuring a mitten-clad Bernie Sanders quickly gained steam, so too evolved a collective sense of camaraderie and joy. Positive commentary fueled by an abundance of goodwill created a feeling of unity sorely lacking in years: Kamala Harris was lauded, Michelle Obama hailed and after her jaw-dropping performance, Amanda Gorman was lavished with praise. Granted the enthusiasm didn't extend to all, but still negativity was largely overruled, proving it's possible to engage in civil discourse even when certain groups vehemently disagree.
Despite its many drawbacks, social media's here to stay, but when used constructively there's tremendous potential for good. In order for it to provide a safe forum, however, it's imperative seismic changes are made. Harry's not, as some have attested, calling for censure, nor an end to free speech. He's using his platform to push for reform. While he undoubtedly has a significant battle on his hands, should he be successful the resulting impact could be huge.
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pictured in 2018.
Harry declared in a recent interview: "What happens online does not stay online – it spreads everywhere, like wildfire." (AP)
"It's a false choice to say you have to pick between free speech or a more compassionate and trustworthy digital world," he said. "They are not mutually exclusive… there can be disagreement, conversation, opposing points of view – as there should be, but never to the extent that violence is created, truth is mystified, and lives are jeopardised."
Put more simply, perhaps we could all subscribe to the wise words of Rumi, the 13th-century poet and theologian, who once said, "Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates. At the first gate, ask yourself, 'Is it true?' At the second gate ask, 'Is it necessary?' At the third gate ask, 'Is it kind?'"
A simple philosophy it may be, but it's one as potent today as it was centuries ago.
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Your guide to the singer-songwriter’s surprise follow-up to Folklore.
When everything’s clicking for Taylor Swift, the risk is that she’s going to push it too far and overtax the public appetite. On “Mirrorball” from Folklore, she sings, with admirable self-knowledge, “I’ve never been a natural/ All I do is try, try, try.” So when I woke up yesterday to the news that at midnight she was going to repeat the trick she pulled off with Folklore in July—surprise-releasing an album of moody pop-folk songs remote-recorded in quarantine with Aaron Dessner of the National as well as her longtime producer Jack Antonoff—I was apprehensive. Would she trip back into the pattern of overexposure and backlash that happened between 1989 and Reputation?
Listening to the new Evermore, though, that doesn’t feel like such a threat. A better parallel might be to the “Side B” albums that Carly Rae Jepsen put out after both Emotion and Dedicated, springing simply out of the artist’s and her fans’ mutual enthusiasm. Or, closer to Swift’s own impulses here, publishing an author’s book of short stories soon after a successful novel. Lockdown has been a huge challenge for musicians in general, but it liberated Swift from the near-perpetual touring and publicity grind she’s been on since she was a teen, and from her sense of obligation to turn out music that revs up stadium crowds and radio programmers. Swift has always seemed most herself as the precociously talented songwriter; the pop-star side is where her try-hard, A-student awkwardness surfaces most. Quarantine came as a stretch of time to focus mainly on her maturing craft (she turns 31 on Sunday), to workshop and to woodshed. When Evermore was announced, she said that she and her collaborators—clearly mostly Dessner, who co-writes and/or co-produces all but one of these 15 songs—simply didn’t want to stop writing after Folklore.
This record further emphasizes her leap away from autobiography into songs that are either pure fictions or else lyrically symbolic in ways that don’t act as romans à clef. On Folklore, that came with the thrill of a breakthrough. Here, she fine-tunes the approach, with the result that Evermore feels like an anthology, with less of an integrated emotional throughline. But that it doesn’t feel as significant as Folklore is also its virtue. Lowered stakes offer permission to play around, to joke, to give fewer fucks—and this album definitely has the best swearing in Swift’s entire oeuvre.
Because it’s nearly all Dessner overseeing production and arrangements, there isn’t the stylistic variety that Antonoff’s greater presence brought to Folklore. However, Swift and Dessner seem to have realized that the maximalist-minimalism that dominated Folklore, with layers upon layers of restrained instrumental lines for the sake of atmosphere, was too much of a good thing. There are more breaks in the ambience on Evermore, the way there was with Folklore’s “Betty,” the countryish song that was among many listener’s favorites. But there are still moments that hazard misty lugubriousness, and perhaps with reduced reward.
Overall, people who loved Folklore will at least like Evermore too, and the minority of Swift appreciators who disapproved may even warm up to more of the sounds here. I considered doing a track-by-track comparison between the two albums, but that seemed a smidgen pathological. Instead, here is a blatantly premature Day 1 rundown of the new songs as I hear them.
A pleasant yet forgettable starting place, “Willow” has mild “tropical house” accents that recall Ed Sheeran songs of yesteryear, as well as the prolix mixed metaphors Swift can be prone to when she’s not telling a linear story. But not too severely. I like the invitation to a prospective lover to “wreck my plans.” I’m less sure why “I come back stronger than a ’90s trend” belongs in this particular song, though it’s witty. “Willow” is more fun as a video (a direct sequel to Folklore’s “Cardigan” video) than as a lead track, but I’m not mad at it here either.
Written with “William Bowery”—the pseudonym of Swift’s boyfriend Joe Alwyn, as she’s recently confirmed—this is the first of the full story songs on Evermore, in this case a woman describing having walked away from her partner on the night he planned to propose. The music is a little floaty and non-propulsive, but the tale is well painted, with Swift’s protagonist willingly taking the blame for her beau’s heartbreak and shrugging off the fury of his family and friends—“she would have made such a lovely bride/ too bad she’s fucked in the head.” Swift sticks to her most habitual vocal cadences, but not much here goes to waste. Except, that is, for the title phrase, which doesn’t feel like it adds anything substantial. (Unless the protagonist was drunk?) I do love the little throwaway piano filigree Dessner plays as a tag on the end.
This is the sole track Antonoff co-wrote and produced, and it’s where a subdued take on the spirit of 1989-style pop resurges with necessary energy. Swift is singing about having a crush on someone who’s too attractive, too in-demand, and relishing the fantasy but also enjoying passing it up. It includes some prime Swiftian details, like, “With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from your door,” or, “At dinner parties I call you out on your contrarian shit.” The line about this thirst trap’s “hair falling into place like dominos” I find much harder to picture.
This is where I really snapped to attention. After a few earlier attempts, Swift has finally written her great Christmas song, one to stand alongside “New Year’s Day” in her holiday canon. And it’s especially a great one for 2020, full of things none of us ought to do this year—go home to visit our parents, hook up with an ex, spend the weekend in their bedroom and their truck, then break their hearts again when we leave. But it’s done with sincere yuletide affection to “the only soul who can tell which smiles I’m faking,” and “the warmest bed I’ve ever known.” All the better, we get to revisit these characters later on the album.
On first listen, I found this one of the draggiest Dressner compositions on the record. Swift locates a specific emotional state recognizably and poignantly in this song about a woman trapped (or, she wonders, maybe not trapped?) in a relationship with an emotionally withholding, unappreciative man. But the static keyboard chord patterns and the wandering melody that might be meant to evoke a sense of disappointment and numbness risk yielding numbing and disappointing music. Still, it’s growing on me.
Featuring two members of Haim—and featuring a character named after one of them, Este—“No Body, No Crime” is a straight-up contemporary country song, specifically a twist on and tribute to the wronged-woman vengeance songs that were so popular more than a decade ago, and even more specifically “Before He Cheats,” the 2006 smash by Carrie Underwood, of which it’s a near musical clone, just downshifted a few gears. Swift’s intricate variation on the model is that the singer of the song isn’t wreaking revenge on her own husband, but on her best friend’s husband, and framing the husband’s mistress for the murder. It’s delicious, except that Swift commits the capital offence of underusing the Haim sisters purely as background singers, aside from one spoken interjection from Danielle.
This one has some of the same issues as “Tolerate It,” in that it lags too much for too long, but I did find more to focus on musically here. Lyrically and vocally, it gets the mixed emotions of a relatively amicable divorce awfully damned right, if I may speak from painfully direct experience.
This is the song sung from the POV of the small-town lover that the ambitious L.A. actress from “Tis the Damn Season”—Dorothea, it turns out—has left behind in, it turns out, Tupelo. Probably some years past that Xmas tryst, when the old flame finally has made it. “A tiny screen’s the only place I see you now,” he sings, but adds that she’s welcome back anytime: “If you’re ever tired of being known/ For who you know/ You know that you’ll always know me.” It’s produced and arranged with a welcome lack of fuss. Swift hauls out her old high-school-romance-songs vocal tone to reminisce about “skipping the prom/ just to piss off your mom,” very much in the vein of Folklore’s teen-love-triangle trilogy.
A duet with Dessner’s baritone-voiced bandmate in the National, Matt Berninger, “Coney Island” suffers from the most convoluted lyrics on Evermore (which, I wonder unkindly, might be what brought Berninger to mind?). The refrain “I’m on a beach on Coney Island, wondering where did my baby go” is a terrific tribute to classic pop, but then Swift rhymes it with “the bright lights, the merry go,” as if that’s a serviceable shorthand for merry-go-round, and says “sorry for not making you my centerfold,” as if that’s somehow a desirable relationship outcome. The comparison of the bygone affair to “the mall before the internet/ It was the one place to be” is clever but not exactly moving, and Berninger’s lines are worse. Dessner’s droning arrangement does not come to the rescue.
This song is also overrun with metaphors but mostly in an enticing, thematically fitting way, full of good Swiftian dark-fairytale grist. It’s fun to puzzle out gradually the secret that all the images are concealing—an engaged woman being drawn into a clandestine affair. And there are several very good “goddamns.”
The lyrical conceit here is great, about two gold-digging con artists whose lives of scamming are undone by their falling in love. It reminded me of the 1931 pre-Code rom-com Blonde Crazy, in which James Cagney and Joan Blondell act out a very similar storyline. And I mostly like the song, but I can’t help thinking it would come alive more if the music sounded anything like what these self-declared “cowboys” and “villains” might sing. It’s massively melancholy for the story, and Swift needs a far more winningly roguish duet partner than the snoozy Marcus Mumford. It does draw a charge from a couple of fine guitar solos, which I think are played by Justin Vernon (aka Bon Iver, who will return shortly).
The drum machine comes as a refreshing novelty at this point. And while this song is mostly standard Taylor Swift torrents of romantic-conflict wordplay (full of golden gates and pedestals and dropping her swords and breaking her high heel, etc.), the pleasure comes in hearing her look back at all that and shrugging, “Long story short, it was a bad ti-i-ime,” “long story short, it was the wrong guy-uy-uy,” and finally, “long story short, I survived.” She passes along some counsel I’m sure she wishes she’d had back in the days of Reputation: “I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things/ Your nemeses will defeat themselves.” It’s a fairly slight song but an earned valedictory address.
Swift fan lore has it that she always sequences the real emotional bombshell as Track 5, but here it is at 13, her lucky number. It’s sung to her grandmother, Marjorie Finlay, who died when Swift was in her early teens, and it manages to be utterly personal—down to the sample of Marjorie singing opera on the outro—and simultaneously utterly evocative to anyone who’s been through such grief. The bridge, full of vivid memories and fierce regrets, is the clincher.
This electroacoustic kiss-off song, loaded up with at least a fistful of gecs if not a full 100 by Dessner and co-producers BJ Burton and James McAlister, seems to be, lyrically, one of Swift’s somewhat tedious public airings of some music-industry grudge (on which, in case you don’t get it, she does not want “closure”), but, sonically, it’s a real ear-cleaner at this point on Evermore. Why she seems to shift into a quasi-British accent for fragments of it is anyone’s guess. But I’m tickled by the line, “I’m fine with my spite and my tears and my beers and my candles.”
I’m torn about the vague imagery and vague music of the first few verses of the album’s final, title track. But when Vernon, in full multitracked upper-register Bon Iver mode, kicks in for the duet in the middle, there’s a jolt of urgency that lands the redemptive ending—whether it’s about a crisis in love or the collective crisis of the pandemic or perhaps a bit of both—and satisfyingly rounds off the album.
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