#Jobs in Tema
rimaakter45 · 11 months
Employment Opportunities in Tema: A Thriving Job Market
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Tema, a vibrant city located in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, is known for its bustling port, industrial zones, and a rapidly growing economy. As a result, it offers a diverse range of employment opportunities for both locals and expatriates. This article delves into the Jobs in Tema, highlighting the sectors, companies, and skills in demand that make this city an attractive destination for job seekers.
The Maritime and Port Sector
Tema is home to one of the largest and busiest ports in West Africa. The maritime sector is a significant source of employment in the region. Job opportunities are available for port workers, customs officials, freight forwarders, and logistics professionals. The demand for skilled labor in this sector is expected to continue growing as the port's expansion and modernization projects are underway.
Manufacturing and Industry
Tema boasts a thriving industrial sector, with various manufacturing companies setting up operations in the city. This sector offers numerous jobs in production, quality control, engineering, and management. Some of the prominent industries include food processing, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and automotive manufacturing. Skilled workers in these areas are highly sought after.
Oil and Gas
Ghana's oil and gas industry has been on the rise, and Tema plays a pivotal role in the sector. Many international and local companies operate in and around the city, creating a demand for professionals in areas such as petroleum engineering, geology, project management, and environmental sciences. Additionally, there are various opportunities in support services like catering, security, and transportation for oil and gas workers.
Information Technology
The IT sector in Tema is rapidly expanding, offering a wide range of job opportunities. Software developers, network engineers, data analysts, and IT consultants are in high demand. As companies digitalize and adopt modern technologies, the need for IT professionals continues to grow. Tech startups are also on the rise, making Tema a promising location for budding entrepreneurs.
Finance and Banking
The financial sector in Tema is well-established, with various banks and financial institutions operating in the city. Job opportunities include roles in banking, investment, accounting, and financial planning. The city's strategic location as a major economic hub in Ghana ensures a steady demand for financial experts.
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Tema has a burgeoning healthcare sector with several hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies. Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and medical laboratory technicians, are in demand. The city's proximity to the port also facilitates the import and distribution of pharmaceuticals, creating opportunities in logistics and distribution.
The education sector is another area offering a range of employment opportunities. Tema is home to various schools, both public and private, and has a growing population of students. Teachers, administrators, and support staff are consistently required in this sector.
Agriculture and Agribusiness
Agriculture plays a significant role in the economic landscape of Tema. The city's proximity to fertile land and its access to the port make it a hub for agricultural activities. Jobs are available in farming, agribusiness management, and food processing. The government's initiatives to promote agriculture further boost employment prospects in this sector.
Real Estate and Construction
Tema's rapid urbanization has fueled growth in the real estate and construction sectors. Architects, engineers, builders, and real estate agents are in demand to meet the city's expanding infrastructure needs. Projects range from residential developments to commercial complexes, making it a dynamic field for job seekers.
Tourism and Hospitality
Tema's strategic location on the Gulf of Guinea and its scenic attractions make it a growing tourist destination. This has led to an increase in job opportunities in the hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants, and tour operators. Roles such as chefs, tour guides, and hotel management are consistently in demand.
Skills in Demand
In addition to the specific sectors mentioned above, several skills are universally in demand in Tema's job market. These include:
Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential in almost every profession, from customer service to project management.
Multilingual Abilities: Given Ghana's linguistic diversity, being proficient in multiple languages, including English, Twi, and Ga, can be advantageous.
Technical Proficiency: Many jobs require technical skills, whether it's operating machinery, programming software, or conducting laboratory tests.
Adaptability: The ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and work environments is highly valued.
Problem-Solving: Employers seek individuals who can find innovative solutions to complex challenges.
Tema's diverse economy and strategic location offer a wealth of employment opportunities for individuals with varying skills and backgrounds. Whether you are looking for a career in the maritime industry, IT, healthcare, or any other sector, Tema provides a dynamic job market that continues to grow with the city's expanding economy. As the city evolves, so do the opportunities for job seekers, making Tema an exciting destination for those in pursuit of a fulfilling career. Please visit here Jobs in Tema for more information.
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tornoaserjo · 29 days
who died and left me in charge of els pressupostos municipals
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kelp-my-beloved · 1 year
Uno aca queriendo legalizarse y comprar la version oficial, y microsoft mientras queriendome cobrar el juego de a riñones
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underground jewish courier bela hazan got a job in grodno's gestapo office as translator, and then she took tema schneiderman there to visit her office over christmas. earlier, bela had lied to her gestapo boss and told him that her brother had died in vilna, so she could get some leave for the "funeral." and then she went to vilna to get updates in the mass murder operations in ponar, and deliver materials for document forgeries. when she got back to grodno the notice of her brother's death was still up in the gestapo office.
when tema was visiting, bela pointed out the notice, and tema laughed at it
in the gestapo office
during the holocaust
at christmastime
i love them
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jartita-me-teneis · 3 months
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La película se estrenó el 31 de octubre porque el single se escuchó por primera vez el 31 de octubre de 1975. Se titula así porque una "Rapsodia" es una pieza musical libre compuesta en diferentes partes y temas donde parece que ninguna parte tiene relación con la otra. La palabra "rapsodia" proviene del griego y significa "partes ensambladas de una canción". La palabra "bohemian" hace referencia a una región de la República Checa llamada Bohemia, lugar donde nació Fausto, el protagonista de la obra que lleva su nombre escrita por el dramaturgo y novelista Goethe. En la obra de Goethe, Fausto era un anciano muy inteligente que sabía todo excepto el misterio de la vida. Al no comprenderlo decide envenenarse.
Justo en ese instante suenan las campanas de la iglesia y sale a la calle. De vuelta a su habitación, se encuentra que hay un perro. El animal se transforma en una especie de hombre. Se trata del diablo Mefistófeles. Este, promete a Fausto vivir una vida plena y no ser desgraciado a cambio de su alma. Fausto accede, rejuvenece y se vuelve arrogante. Conoce a Gretchen y tienen un hijo. Su mujer e hijo fallecen. Fausto viaja a través del tiempo y espacio y se siente poderoso. Al hacerse nuevamente viejo se siente desgraciado otra vez. Como no rompió el pacto con el diablo, los ángeles se disputan su alma. Esta obra es esencial para comprender Bohemian Rhapsody.
La canción habla del propio Freddie Mercury. Al ser una rapsodia nos encontramos con 7 partes diferentes:
1er y 2o acto A Capella
3er acto Balada
4o acto solo de guitarra
5o acto ópera
6o acto rock
7o acto "coda" o acto final
La canción habla de un pobre chico que se cuestiona si esta vida es real o es su imaginación distorsionada la que vive otra realidad. Dice que aunque él deje de vivir, el viento seguirá soplando sin su existencia. Así que hace un trato con el diablo y vende su alma.
Al tomar esta decisión, corre a contárselo a su madre y le dice...
“Mamá, acabo de matar a un hombre, le puse una pistola en la cabeza y ahora está muerto. He tirado mi vida a la basura. Si no estoy de vuelta mañana sigue hacia adelante como si nada importara...” Ese hombre que mata es a él mismo, al propio Freddie Mercury.
Si no cumple el pacto con el diablo, morirá inmediatamente. Se despide de sus seres queridos y su madre rompe a llorar, lágrimas y llanto desesperado que proviene de las notas de guitarra de Brian May. Freddie, asustado grita "mamá no quiero morir" y empieza la parte operística. Freddie se encuentra en un plano astral donde se ve a sí mismo: "I see a little silhoutte of a man" (veo la pequeña silueta de un hombre).. "scaramouche, vas a montar una disputa/pelea?
Scaramouche es "escaramuza" una disputa entre ejércitos con jinetes a caballo (4 jinetes del Apocalipsis del mal luchan contra las fuerzas del bien por el alma de Freddie) y sigue diciendo "Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me" (truenos y relámpagos me asustan demasiado). Esta frase aparece en la Biblia, exactamente en Job 37 cuando dice... "the thunder and lightning frighten me: my heart pounds in my chest" (el trueno y el relámpago me asustan: mi corazón late en mi pecho). Su madre al verle tan asustado por la decisión que ha tomado su hijo, suplica lo salven del pacto con Mefistófeles. "Es sólo un pobre chico... “Perdona su vida de esta mostruosidad. Lo que viene fácil, fácil se va ¿le dejarás ir?" sus súplicas son escuchadas y los ángeles descienden para luchar contra las fuerzas del mal." Bismillah (palabra árabe q significa "En el nombre de Dios") es la primera palabra que aparece en el libro sagrado de los musulmanes, el Corán. Así que el mismísimo Dios aparece y grita "no te abandonaremos, dejadle marchar".
Ante tal enfrentamiento entra las fuerzas del bien y del mal, Freddie teme por la vida de su madre y le dice "Mama mia, mama mia let me go" (madre, déjame marchar). Vuelven a gritar desde el cielo que no van a abandonarle y Freddie grita "no, no, no, no, no" y dice "Belcebú (el Señor de las Tinieblas) es posible que haya puesto un diablo contigo madre". Freddie rinde aquí homenaje a Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart y Johann Sebastian Bach cuando canta... "Figaro, Magnifico" haciendo referencia a "Las Bodas de Figaro" de Mozart, considerada la mejor ópera de la historia, y al "Magnificat" de Bach. Termina la parte operística e irrumpe la parte más rockera. El diablo, colérico y traicionado por Freddie al no cumplir el pacto, le dice “Crees que puedes insultarme de esta manera? Crees que puedes acudir a mí para después abandonarme? Crees que puedes amarme y dejarme morir?”
Es estremecedor cómo el señor del mal se siente impotente ante un ser humano, ante el arrepentimiento y el amor. Perdida la batalla, el diablo se marcha y se llega al último acto o "coda" donde Freddie está libre y esa sensación le reconforta. Suena el gong que cierra la canción. El gong es un instrumento utilizado en China y extremo oriente asiático para sanar a personas que están bajo los efectos de espíritus malignos.
5:55 minutos dura. A Freddie le gustaba la astrología y el 555 en numerología está asociado con la muerte, no física, sino espiritual, el final de algo donde los ángeles te salvaguardarán. 555 está relacionado con Dios y lo divino, un final que dará comienzo a una nueva etapa.
Y la canción suena la víspera de los Santos por primera vez. Una festividad llamada "Samhain" por los celtas para celebrar la transición y apertura al otro mundo.
Los celtas creían que el mundo de los vivos y de los muertos estaban casi unidos, y el día de difuntos ambos mundos se unían permitiendo que los espíritus transitaran al otro lado. Nada en Bohemian Rhapsody es casual.
Todo está muy medido, trabajado y tiene un sentido que trasciende más allá de ser una simple canción. Ha sido votada a nivel mundial como la mejor canción de todos los tiempos.
Este tema supuso un cambio radical en Queen como si realmente hubiera hecho un pacto con el diablo, les cambió la vida para siempre y los hizo inmortales.
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identitycrysisart · 11 months
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🐮Life In The Valley🐴
This was my piece for the @lifeinthevalley zine all revolving around Harvest Moon! It was such a lovely experience and I loved seeing and reading everyone's entries. Plus the mods did a great job of putting it all together. It's a free downloadable zine, link at the bottom!
🐮Life In The Valley🐴
Este fue mi ilustración para el @lifeinthevalley revista que tiene la tema de Harvest Moon! Fue una experiencia muy linda y me encantó ver y leer todas las entradas del grupo. También los mods hicieron un buen trabajo en organizar todo. Es una revista gratis para bajar:
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lovelyvogrincic · 1 month
He looks good with kids.
Felipe Otaño x fem! Reader
Warnings: none, pure fluff 🥺 mentions of food I guess?
Note: this is the second attempt at writing this! Hope it’s good, I’ve been so tired w everything 😭
The smell of the steak and chorizo argentino were all over the place, you inhaled it, anxious to grab a bite of it, the music was blasting, and as you got out of the car, your sister’s voice greeted the both of you.
-¡Llegaron los Otaño!- your sister announces as you and your husband arrive holding hands.- Hasta que llegan, morimos de hambre.- your sister says greeting you with a hug and then your husband.
-Hola Sara, ¿cómo estás?, había demasiado tráfico.- Felipe greets- pero trajimos un pastel, espero les guste.
You walked into the garden where the family gathering was taking place, you were greeted by your parents, your siblings and cousins, after leaving the cake, the both of you, sat down next to your sister and your brother.
-¿Y, cómo va la vida de recién casados?- your brother asked you, smiling at seeing you happily sitting with your husband, cuddling.
-Va bien, como podes ver.- Felipe said.- Siento que valió la pena la espera, soy muy feliz, ¿y vos?- he asked turning to see you, who was blushing by now.
-Yo también soy muy feliz, mi amor, en serio que me haces muy feliz. -you saw him and gave a him a little peek.
-Como extraño esa etapa- your sister teased you- no, pero en serio me alegro que estén felices, lo merecen.
The chat continued for a while, the two couples talking about marriage and their kids, which was something you couldn’t participate on, you have been dreaming on being a mother since ever, but that wasn’t a chat that you and Felipe had touched, and with him being away a lot because of his job, you knew the theme was not up to discussion, only once you had brought it up, but was quickly shut down by Felipe’s appearance on Bayona’s new movie.
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Liked by pipegonzalesotano and 78,676 others.
Juntada con la familia 🩷
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SaraPerez: que bueno que vinieron! Los queremos muchísimo 🫶🏻
User1: mis papis y mi familia 😭
User2: @user1 nuestros* papis
YnOtano: @user1 @user2 pásennos sus papeles de adopción y vemos!
-Pero bueno, ¿ustedes cuando nos dan la noticia del bebé?- your brother asked and you shook your head.
-Luis, no empieces, ¿eh?- you told him a little annoyed.- Dejá el tema, por el momento somos felices siendo tíos, ¿verdad, amor?
Felipe just nodded, he really thought that was how you felt about the subject, and even though he wanted to be a dad and see you as a mom, he wasn’t gonna push you to talk about something that could lead to a fight.
-¡Tía (yn)!, ¡Tío Felipe!- a boy’s voice said while running to the newly wed couple, who received him with a hug.
-Hola Mati, ¿cómo estás?- you asked the boy while still hugging him.
-Muy bien tía, ya se me cayó un diente- the kid smiled proudly so you could see the gap where the teeth was, you smiled at seeing him.
-¡En serio! Vos ya sos un niño grande, entonces- Mateo, nodded at being recognized as a “big kid”.- ¿y tu hermano?
As you said that, the 3 year old came running as well to Felipe’s arm, who caught him, and hugged him.
-Ah, pero, ¿cómo estás vos?- Pipe said to his nephew.
-Bien tío, mi papá me enseñó a patear la pelota- he told proudly pointing to his dad- Ya puedo jugar futbol con vos y con Mateo.
-Me re encanta la idea, ¿jugamos ya?- he asked while getting up, with the youngest in his arms still, Mateo nodded and before anyone else could say anything, he was in the grass, with the ball in position to play.
-¿No comes primero?- you asked your husband.
-Un juego rápido, amor, y ya vengo a comer, ¿si?- he told you as he left and gave you a kiss.
-¡ew!, no la beses, te podes contagiar tío.- Tomás, the youngest, said to Felipe making everyone laugh.
-Pero, me gusta mucho tu tía, no puedo evitarlo- He told the kid while leaving the table, walking over to Mateo.
You rolled your eyes funny, if you knew there was something Felipe loved more than you, was futbol, and it was no surprise your nephews reached out to him so much, he always played with him, taught them tips, even took them to watch some games at the stadium… how that man wasn’t a father yet?
-¿Pero, en serio, hermana, cuando van a hacernos tíos- Luis, your brother asked you again, receiving a slap on the arm by his wife.
-Cállate Luis, ya te dijo (yn), no molestes más.- you thanked your sister in law with a smile.
-Y a todo esto, ¿dónde está Mía?
Mia was your only niece, so far, and you were head over heels for her, she was the perfect combination of your brother and your sister in law, she was always laughing and hugging you, well, when she was a baby, but since she turned two years old, the only thing that existed for her, was her Tío Felipe.
-Mi mamá la traía.- Luis told you- Ah no, ya encontró a Pipe- he said while pointing at the garden where she was already being held by your husband, while he ran after the ball with the kids.
-Con razón, yo no existo para ella desde que descubrió a Pipe- you said without taking the look of them.- antes yo era la favorita- you sighed.
-Lo seguís siendo- Sara reassured you.- Mateo te seguí amando con locura, eres su favorita.
-Y bueno, tres de uno, no está tan mal.- you said finally returning your attention to the adults on the table- Pero, Mia es mi princesa, y ella preferí a Pipe, yo llegué primero.
Your siblings laughed at seeing you jealous of your husband.
-Es que el juega con los niños futbol, y con Mia hace todo lo que ella quiere, aparte, siempre la trae en brazos, ¿cómo no querés que lo prefieran?- Luis teased you again, receiving another slap on the arm.- Yo solo digo.
You rolled your eyes and turned again to see your husband, who was still running with Mia on his arms, while Mateo and Tomas ran behind him, you smiled at seeing him with them, it seemed natural how he played with them, how he talked to them, everything he did, seemed so natural, like it was in his dna to be good with the kids.
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Liked by vogrincicenzo and 89, 544 others.
Que lindo estar con ellos. ❤️⚽️
gracias por las fotos @YnOtano.
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YnOtano: ay! Me volví a enamorar 🫠
User1: Gracias por tanto (Yn), perdón por tan poco 😔
User2: Pipe con niños>>>> Que ya sean papás.
Pipegonzalesotano: @user2 yo también lo espero!
After a few minutes chatting with your siblings and their partners, a kid cry interrupt the gossip, everyone turned worried to check on the kids; it was Mia, she had fallen down running, and was now crying, and before her parents could ran to her, Felipe was already on his knees, checking everything.
-Ay princesa, ¿estás bien?- he asked the baby girl, caressing her knee.- Sos muy valiente, ¿sabes?
Mia parents as seeing that Felipe had the situation under control, they stayed on their seats, still watching her.
-Duele- was the only thing the baby said while sniffing and Felipe nodded.
-Se que duele, pero, no pasa nada, mira- he kissed her knee lovingly making your heart melt.- ¿mejor?
Mia nodded, wiping her nose with her hand.
-¿Queres una bandita para la herida?- She nodded again and Pipe lifted her up, walking towards the inside of the house.
-(Yn), ese hombre quere ser un papá demasiado, y vos crees que no quiere- Sara finally told you.
-Yo no sé, no hemos hablado del tema, Sara, solo una vez antes de que grabara La Sociedad de la Nieve pero, después de la película, ya no lo hablamos de nuevo- You told her lifting her shoulders.- Pero igual, no sé.
Your sister shook her head, and then Pipe entered walking holding hands with Mia.
-Se cayó, pero nada grave, está bien, ya tiene una bandita- he said while they approached your brother.- igual, ahí la dejo con ustedes.
They thanked him, Mia sat on her father’s lap and Pipe sat next to you again, with his arm around your shoulders.
-Te ves muy bien con niños- you whispered to him before kissing his cheek.
He just smiled at your comment.- Gracias por notarlo, porque- he looked at your family who were on their own thing, so the conversation was only between you two- muero por ser papá.- he finally confessed.
Your eyes opened wide, finally he told you what he had been suppressing on his chest, and mind, his eyes met yours after a seconds of avoiding them, you could see a new light on his eyes, he was smiling corner to corner, you were smiling as well, and finally having the courage to speak.
-¿De verdad?-he nodded- yo también quiero ser mamá, y más que nada verte como papá. Pero no sé, pensé que no querías hijos- he laughed and sighed.
-¿Estás bromeando? ¡Yo quiero tener mi propio equipo de futbol!- you laughed loudly at his comment.- O bueno, con unos dos, está bien.
You nodded- Empecemos con uno.
You kissed to hear after a few seconds an “ew” coming from all the kids, making you and your husband laugh.
A year later…
YnOtano with Pipegonzalesotano
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Liked by franromerofran and 89,675 others.
No podíamos esperar más para compartir esta noticia! ❤️
El primero de todo un equipo de futbol, dice Pipe 🫣
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User1: Por fin!!! Que bonito todo 🥰
Juanicar: GRITÉ! Ya quiero conocer al bebé 🥺
FranRomeroFran: No puede ser! Que bonito todo! Pipe va a ser papá 😭
Vorgincicenzo: muchas felicidades chicos! Tendrá muchos tíos que le amaran ❤️
fercontigiani: La mejor noticia que me han dado, mil felicidades chicos.
Filmbayona: Estoy viendo crecer a mis chicos!
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desultory-suggestions · 7 months
Is it necessary to induce guilt and shame for people to care about this war? Is it necessary to make people feel guilty for being alive in a situation that we have no control over? I understand the emotional response to motivate people and call to action. But on a holiday that we can't control either, to induce guilt and shame for enjoying freedom is something we also cannot control. Is it really necessary to remind us every single waking second of every single waking moment that we are free while others are dying? Is there no acknowledgement for the fact that we as bystandards are equally as traumatized by these things and that people have legitimate reasons to not be involved or to step away because we are already facing our own wars of guilt and shame? To the point that our mental health suffers from posts like that? Is there not a better way to promote freedom for Palestine without inducing shame for what we can't control?
Yes, we must have a constant and meaningful awareness of the state of the world and our relationship to it. This is not a world-bending concept. Every moment we can have a coexistening awareness of our world and our current place in it. This doesn't have to be constant suffering, in fact, we must take those feelings of powerlessness and grief and channel them into becoming stronger and more loving people who are willing to take action.
No one is making you aware of this every second. In fact, if you really wanted to you have the privilege of turning off your phone, of blocking the tags of people trying to raise awareness. I think that would be wrong. I think that would be a cheap excuse to place your comfort over others. Do you?
We are not "as bystanders equally as traumatized by these things" and you should be ashamed of yourself for believing that. In no way is seeing a horrible image of what is being done the same as living it. In no way is seeing photos of dead children the same as seeing your dead child, as pulling emaciated bodies from the rubble, as hearing the constant deafening drones, as trying not to fall asleep because at any moment you could be bombed or shot or bulldozed. Don't ever try to compare what we as bystanders see to the reality of the Palestinian people.
Your post reeks of shame and guilt, and that is for you to deal with. What are you ashamed of? If you are doing everything in your power, to the best of your abilities, then you truly have nothing to be ashamed of. We will all struggle with these feelings as we ask ourselves how we can help, and if it is ever enough. It is our job to deal with those questions.
If you have a legitimate reason to be unable to help right now you know this post isn't about you, don't you? That isn't why you sent this.
The Characteristics of White Supremacy outlined by Dr. Tema Okun is a useful guide for times like these, where we must examine how our culture and society have taught us to think. I would encourage you to go read the section on Right to Comfort.
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playableoctolingsnow · 7 months
~The Splatfest results are in~
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Congrats to Team Friday for the victory
Team Saturday and Team Sunday did a good job on battles too [Tho, 99% of my battles were mirror matches with Tema Saturday XD]
Shiver likes to work at Grizzco on Fridays
La chambeadora
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Pedir, buscar y llamar
(Lee al final el estudio contextual del versículo de hoy)  Ha sido agregado estudio de referencias cruzadas por palabras y términos de versículo al final del Devocional. Esperamos sea de bendición para ti.
«En cuanto a mí, el acercarme a Dios es el bien; 
He puesto en Jehová el Señor mi esperanza, 
Para contar todas tus obras» (Salmos 73:28)
Nos gusta que las cosas sean sencillas: seguir algunos pasos, y alcanzar el resultado elegido. La oración, sin embargo, no puede ser reducida a una simple fórmula. No es una actividad estática, donde la repetición de ciertas palabras trae la solución deseada. Es una comunicación permanente con el Padre celestial que implica escuchar, hablar y actuar de acuerdo con lo que Él nos diga.
Dios ha prometido responder las oraciones de sus hijos, pero normalmente espera antes de respondernos, y lo hace por muchas razones.
 A veces, Dios tiene que prepararnos para que podamos recibir lo que quiere darnos. Podemos tener algunas actitudes o comportamientos fuera de su voluntad (Stg 4.3). Él se ocupará de ellos antes de concedernos nuestra petición.
Crecimiento espiritual.
 El Señor puede usar la demora para poner a prueba nuestra fe o hacer más profunda nuestra relación con Él.
Momento oportuno.
 El cronograma de Dios normalmente no coincide con el nuestro. El Señor sabe lo que quiere lograr en nuestra vida espiritual y en nuestra relación con Él. Podemos confiar en que Dios hará buen uso del tiempo que hay entre nuestra petición y su respuesta.
Dios incluye la demora como parte de la vida de oración del creyente. En ciertas situaciones, tenemos que seguir clamando como lo hizo la viuda perseverante, antes de que Dios nos responda (vea Lc 18.1-8).
Jesús nos llama a “pedir, buscar y llamar” —un estilo de vida caracterizado por la confianza en la promesa de Dios de responder a sus hijos. ¿Qué tan perseverante es usted?
Señor, confío en tu fuerza cuando creo que no puedo más, confío en tu bendición y protección porque eres el Soberano, creador de Todo lo que existe y amoroso Padre que guarda del mal a cada uno de Sus hijos.
Estudio Bíblico Contextual del Devocional de Hoy:
Resumen de Capitulo Salmos 73:
Este salmo es el primero de una colección que corresponde al Levítico y al tema general del culto. Asaf, que escribió el Salmo 73, confiesa que ver la prosperidad entre gente malvada le trajo amargura y envidia. Eso casi le hizo perder la confianza en Dios. Considerar cuidadosamente a Dios y su verdad eterna llevó a Asaf a una fe más fuerte. El capítulo 21 de Job, en el que Job, cargado de pruebas, también se queja del éxito de algunos malvados, menciona muchas de las mismas ideas que el Salmo 73.
Referencias cruzadas por término – Salmos 73:28:
En mi angustia invoqué a Jehová, Y clamé a mi Dios. El oyó mi voz desde su templo, Y mi clamor llegó delante de él, a sus oídos:
Salmos 40:5 – Has aumentado, oh Jehová Dios mío, tus maravillas; Y tus pensamientos para con nosotros, No es posible contarlos ante ti. Si yo anunciare y hablare de ellos, No pueden ser enumerados.
Salmos 118:17 – No moriré, sino que viviré, Y contaré las obras de JAH.
Salmos 84:10 – Porque mejor es un día en tus atrios que mil fuera de ellos. Escogería antes estar a la puerta de la casa de mi Dios, Que habitar en las moradas de maldad.
Salmos 71:24 – Mi lengua hablará también de tu justicia todo el día; Por cuanto han sido avergonzados, porque han sido confundidos los que mi mal procuraban.
Salmos 71:17 – Oh Dios, me enseñaste desde mi juventud, Y hasta ahora he manifestado tus maravillas.
Salmos 66:16 – Venid, oíd todos los que teméis a Dios, Y contaré lo que ha hecho a mi alma.
Salmo 25:5 – Encamíname en tu verdad, y enséñame, Porque tú eres el Dios de mi salvación; En ti he esperado todo el día.
Salmo 33:22 – Sea tu misericordia, oh Jehová, sobre nosotros, Según esperamos en ti.
Salmo 130:5 – Esperé yo a Jehová, esperó mi alma; En su palabra he esperado.
Romanos 5:5 – Y la esperanza no avergüenza; porque el amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo que nos fue dado.
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zy-murge · 1 year
For your safety, please just assume everything has flashing lights (gunshots, really fast motion, etc. i've tried labelling some though JIC)
Contains: Flashing text EXCELLENT WORK by everyone involved, I loved the characterization I saw in each person's character and every kill was just so smooth & buttery
One of the much more consistent collabs i've seen, the theme of dreaming really makes these inconsistencies between and in the clips work as a gimmick to the overarching theme! AWESOME character designs and AMAZING story.
This collab focuses on hank trying to kill the sheriff! Inbetween for 2 & 3 maybe? GREAT kills, GREAT choreography, a really fun one.
Another hank-centered piece!! this one has GREAT set design, and some pretty gnarly kills emphasized by these sound effects and pretty detailed gore. Despite the modern look, this animation is chock full of homages to the original animations from 1-4! REALLY cool attention to detail!! The collaborators did an amazing job making this as consistent as it is (set, style of animation, sprites, etc)
Contains: Flashing lights (just as Blue Oyster appears) WONDERFUL little callback to the OG animation, very nonsensical and fun and honestly loved the humor + soundtrack a lot. Has it's own little plot too, but I can't really make anything of it LOL. Love the Sun as a character in this
WONDERFUL little mix of spritework and hand drawn animation for this short animation of a Nexus Core siege on some town! Overall, great work and VERY enjoyable, I really hope for a sequel.
this one is interesting, focusing more on a horror aspect rather than fighting! ALSO another that i'm very curious to see where it goes w/ this idea.
A fun run n' gun short of two guys acquiring some delicious liquor. Fun action, good designs, and some nice characterization of the group!
REALLY cool hand drawn animation!!! a lot of style with some cool tricks and cool interactions between the characters!!
JE BE DI AH the savior of nevada who will save the city from phobos ^_^
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filapi · 21 days
Barbara Blue - What To Do
Keşke çözebilseydik. Biliyor musun, bebeğim, her şeyin bir anlamı olsun. İşlerin nasıl yürümediği komik değil mi? Hayır yürümüyor, hiç yürümüyor. Ne yapmalı, ne yapmalı, aşkın düştüğünde ne yapmalı, aşkın düştüğünde. Pittsburgh Pa'da doğup büyüyen Barbara, doğduğu günden beri blues'a sahip. Taj Mahal & The Phantom Blues Band, Jeff Healey, Marcia Ball, Delbert McClinton, Maceo Parker, Al Jackson, Pinetop Perkins, James Cotton, Tab Benoit, The Nighthawks, Ronnie Baker Brooks, Big Mike Griffin, Rev. Billy Wertz, Trudy Lynn, Carol Frann, Gay Adegbaloba, Zack Harmon ve Candye Kane gibi çeşitli birinci sınıf sanatçılarla sahne aldı. Pittsburgh'dan Detroit'e, Chicago'ya, Boston'a, New Orleans'a, Los Angeles'a, Karayipler'e ve Memphis'e. Barbara, 1989'da kendi grubunu kurduğundan beri blues yolunda ilerliyor. İlk CD'si "OUT OF THE BLUE"nun yayınlanmasıyla Barbara, dünya çapında daha geniş bir blues tutkunu kitlesine ulaştı. Şu anda Tennessee'deki Memphis'te yaşayan ve son 13 yıldır tarihi Beale Caddesi'nde her gece sahne alan Barbara'nın Blues'a dair anlayışı ve gelişimi her zamankinden daha derin ve zengin. Barbara ayrıca Sony Records Nickelodeon projesi "Peanutbutter and Jam" (merhum büyük Tom Pompesello'ya çok teşekkürler) için stüdyo kayıtları ve ulusal bir kablolu TV programı olan "Lucille's Car Care Clinic" için tema şarkısı yaptı. Ripete Records, Barbara'nın Denise LaSalle'in Temmuz '06'daki "MAN SIZE JOB" şarkısının cover'ını içeren bir derleme CD yayınlamaya hazırlanıyor. Ripete, America, Beach & Dance kulüplerinin R&B DJ'lerine hitap ediyor.
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By: Tabia Lee
Published: Mar 26, 2023
DR TABIA LEE: Accused of 'whitesplaining'. Told students are either 'victims' or 'oppressors'. And then fired as diversity chief... my grim story of how woke extremists are taking over America's colleges
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs on college campuses are being turned on their heads.
Instead of promoting creative new ideas, fairness and welcoming spaces, DEI departments have been hijacked by ideological extremists to enforce ideological compliance.
Believe me, I should know.
In August 2021, I was hired to lead an institution wide transformation as a faculty director for the Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education at De Anza Community College in Cupertino, California. As a life-long teacher, dedicated to pursuing diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and equity and equality in education this was a dream come true.
Unfortunately, my dream job quickly became a nightmare. And ultimately, I was fired.
I have now come to recognize that adherents of 'critical social justice theory' at De Anza College, who view all social dynamics through a lens of power and privilege, also use it as a cudgel to beat down and silence anyone with whom they may disagree.
Even I, someone who some may assume would be on the side of so-called 'social justice warriors,' was too heterodox in my thinking. And I was bullied out.
To be clear, I am not a liberal or a conservative, nor a Republican or a Democrat. I don't identify as a radical, progressive, or feminist. I have spent my life avoiding labels. I am an educator, scholar, humanist and critical thinker. And it is people like me who are – sadly – being chased out of education.
During the hiring process at De Anza, I was told that the previous leadership running the Office of Equity was 'too woke' and alienating people. Their approach was apparently very aggressive. They would 'call people out,' and accuse them of racism.
It was a sentiment echoed by multiple individuals in over 60 hours of conversations that I conducted to assess the needs of the campus. Many expressed discomfort with the college's intellectually oppressive culture and rigid ideologies.
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So, I assured the hiring committee that my approach would be different. As I have all my career, I pledged to create spaces of inquiry where diverse and even divergent viewpoints could be heard would be welcomed and accepted. It is my belief that through this process, people can find areas of commonality and work together in the best interest of students.
Little did I know that this approach would be considered a threat by De Anza College ideologues. And conflict erupted almost immediately after I was hired.
I discovered that fellow faculty and administrators were using definitions for White Supremacy that I was not familiar with. To me, White Supremacy is associated with White Nationalism, the KKK, and Neo-Nazi organizations.
Instead, at De Anza College, White Supremacy was often associated with qualities, such as being on time, objective thinking, using written communications, setting an agenda, and demonstrating a sense of urgency.
These beliefs were aligned with the work of a scholar named Tema Okun and these re-definitions of White Supremacy were not only perpetuated at De Anza College but throughout the California Community College system.
I set out to engage with the De Anza community to develop a better understanding of various words and practices.
I questioned why De Anza's official communications capitalized some student racial categories and not others. For example, the word 'black' was capitalized, while the word 'white' was not. I questioned the use of terms like 'Latinx' and 'Filipinx' to refer to people of Latino and Filipino descent. In my years of experience working with Spanish-speaking and working-class communities, not once did the community ever use those terms to describe themselves.
I believe that terms like 'Latinx' are manipulations of language that originated in the Ivory Tower of academia.
But when I raised these topics for exploration, there was never constructive engagement. Instead, I was put under the spotlight and accused of being aligned with right-wing extremists.
For attempting to set an agenda for meetings, I was accused of Whitespeaking and Whitesplaining and supporting White Supremacy.
As a faculty director, not an administrator, I assumed that I would be permitted all of the academic freedoms of speech and expression that a tenure track position is usually afforded. I was wrong.
In fact, my tenure review process was subverted by ideological extremists, who used it to harass, bully and eventually fire me.
I now have a better understanding of the dominating ideology at work at De Anza College and throughout many of our California Community Colleges.
Unfortunately, a few bad actors working under a banner of 'Critical Social Justice' are subverting the tenure review processes and creating an ideological litmus test for career advancement.
A tenure review process, or any teacher evaluation process should be an objective, evidence-based process. In my case, it was used as an authoritarian enforcement mechanism.
It is my great fear that if folks pushing Critical Social Justice ideology have their way, faculty in California Community Colleges will be required to profess allegiance to certain rigid ideas.
Faculty will be forced to commit to embedding these ideas into their course curriculum. They will be compelled to state their pronouns and demand that all members of their classroom do the same. They will have to view every student as a victim or an oppressor.
There is a reason why these faux-academics insist on chasing free-thinkers out of their midst – it is because they cannot defend their own ideas.
I hope that by sharing my story, I can shine a light on this issue. And since coming forward, I have been contacted by many people, who say they've experienced the same treatment.
Too many faculty members in California Community Colleges are afraid to question this emerging Critical Social Justice ideology. Too many are afraid to question or resist lest they be labeled a racist or worse. 
History has shown us that authoritarianism advances through a reliance on intimidation and the compliance of a majority that cowers in fear.
To the educators out there, I encourage you to keep asking questions and promoting critical thinking. There are resources out there to protect your civil liberties. And I want you to know that you are not alone.
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((It's August 13th, which means… Koopa Week has come to an end.
To commemorate that event, here are some facts about Kamek, Bowser's Magikoopa servant:
• His full name is Karmelo Krystal Koopa.
• His shortened name is derived from his first name and the initial of his middle name.
• His middle name was derived from the color of his shell, which is light blue and without spikes.
• He is 59 years old. His birthday is December 21st.
• His sign is Sagittarius and his stone is turquoise.
• In terms of height, he is taller than Morton and shorter than Morton and Wendy; in terms of weight, he weighs the same as Jr.
• He has been nearsighted since he was 40, since then he has had to wear high magnification glasses. As he gets older, his vision becomes more blurry because he develops cataracts.
• His favorite dessert is rum raisin ice cream.
• His favorite color is gray.
• His shell is smooth, with no spikes on it.
• He walks semi-hunched over because his tunic is somewhat heavy. If he took it off he would feel lighter and would be upright like the rest of the Koopalings
• During his adolescence he wanted to study magic, being one of the first Koopas to be a Magikoopa. His love for it was born when he played “Dungeons and Koopas”, almost always being the role of a magician.
• He has an older sister, being only two brothers.
• He is a great lover of reading, he knows many things. One of his topics of interest is medieval fantasy literature.
• His first job was being the assistant of Bowser's grandfather, who at that time was the king. From there he has served the royal family uninterruptedly until the present. From the beginning Bowser's grandfather saw potential in him with his powers and magical abilities, teaching the young princes magic.
• He saw Bowser's father and Bowser himself grow up, knowing everything since they were both young.
• You could say that he is like the Koopalings' “grandfather”, since he treats them with tenderness and scolds them in equal parts. He helped in the birth of each one
• He met Mykey and Bobby's parents in person, being very close to them.
• Shortly after Bowser's father was crowned king, he met a Koopa with whom he fell in love. However, things did not go so well and nothing came of it. Since then, he has not wanted to start a relationship with anyone, even today.
Es 13 de Agosto, lo que significa que... la semana koopa ha llegado a su fin.
Para conmemorar ese hecho, aquí algunos datos sobre Kamek, el magikoopa sirviente de Bowser:
Su nombre completo es Carmelo Krystal Koopa.
Su nombre abreviado deriva de su primer nombre y la inicial de su segundo nombre.
Su segundo nombre fue derivado del color de su caparazón, es cual es celeste y sin pinchos
Tiene 59 años. Su cumpleaños es el 21 de diciembre
Su signo es sagitario y su piedra es la turquesa.
En cuanto a estatura, es más alto que Morton y más bajo que Morton y Wendy; en cuanto a peso, pesa lo mismo que Jr.
Es miope desde los 40 años, desde entonces ha tenido que usar lentes de gran aumento. A medida que su edad avanza, su vista se torna más borrosa debido a que desarrolla cataratas.
Su postre favorito es el helado pasas al ron.
Su color favorito es el gris.
Su caparazón es liso, no presenta pinchos en ellos.
Camina semi-encorvado porque su túnica es algo pesada. Si se la quitara se sentiría más ligero y estaría erguido como el resto de los koopalings
Durante su adolescencia quiso estudiar magia, siendo uno de los primeros Koopas en ser magikoopa. su gusto por ella nació cuando jugaba “Calabozos y Koopas”, siendo casi siempre el rol de mago.
Tiene una hermana mayor, siendo solo dos hermanos.
Es un gran amante de la lectura, sabe muchísimas cosas. Uno de sus temas de interés es la literatura fantástica medieval.
Su primer trabajo fue siendo el asistente del abuelo de Bowser, quien en ese momento era el rey. Desde ahí ha servido a la familia real ininterrumpidamente hasta el presente. Desde el principio el abuelo de Bowser vio potencial en él con sus poderes y habilidades mágicas, enseñándoles a los jóvenes príncipes la magia.
Vio crecer al padre de Bowser y al mismo Bowser, conociendo todo desde que ambos eran jóvenes.
Se podría decir que es como el “abuelo” de los Koopalings, ya que los trata con ternura y los regaña a partes iguales. Él ayudó en el nacimiento de cada uno
Conoció en persona a los padres de Mykey y Bobby, siendo muy cercano a ellos.
Al poco tiempo de que el padre de Bowser fuese coronado rey, conoció a un Koopa del que se fue enamorando. Sin embargo las cosas no salieron del todo bien y no se llegó a nada. Desde ese momento no ha querido entablar una relación con nadie, incluso en la actualidad.
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palmiz · 5 months
Ce l'hai lo SPID?
Mettetevi comodi, perchè questo è un post lungo.
Questa mattina ero in Poste Italiane per pagare il bollettino postale per il passaporto elettronico (e già qui non commento...).
Mentre compilo i miei moduli, assisto a questa scena.
Un signore (molto anziano) si presenta allo sportello n.3.
"Dovrei fare lo SPID"
"Ce l'ha l'appuntamento?"
"Allora deve prendere l'appuntamento"
"Mi può prendere l'appuntamento?"
"No, deve farlo sul sito"
"Quale sito?"
"Ho qui con me il computer"
"Deve farlo lei, non posso farlo io"
L'impiegata scrive l'indirizzo di un sito su un foglietto e congeda l'anziano signore.
Premetto che nell'ufficio postale c'erano quattro sportelli aperti ed era praticamente vuoto. Gli impiegati stavano guardando il cellulare...
Pago il mio bollettino postale e dopo mi fermo dal signore anziano.
"E' riuscito a prenotare?"
"Non riesco a collegarmi al wi-fi con il computer"
"Aspetti, la aiuto"
Inserisco l'indirizzo del sito fornito dall'impiegata.
Ora, mi ritengo un utente digitale mediamente avanzato. Visitate quel sito (https://posteid.poste.it/): vi sfido a capire dove effettuare una prenotazione per lo SPID. Io immagino una pagina con un bottone con scritto "PRENOTA" ed uno spazio per inserire il numero di cellulare per la conferma. Niente di tutto questo. Ci sono 6 diverse opzioni, ma nessuna prevede la possibilità di prenotare immediatamente. Tanto che torno dall'impiegata allo sportello 3 e le chiedo di indicarmi dove effettuare la prenotazione.
"Qui, ma si deve registrare"
Alla parola "registrare" mi scorre un sottile brivido lungo la schiena.
So già cosa succederà.
Passo la successiva mezz'ora in questo inferno. Inserisci indirizzo e-mail, codice OTP, codice OTP non corretto, reinvia codice OTP, codice captcha, codice captcha non corretto, reinvio codice OTP, ora funziona, inserisci numero di cellulare, conferma numero con codice OTP (ancora?!?). Al terzo inserimento di codice OTP comincio ad avere la bava alla bocca.
Il signore mi guarda mortificato:
"Mi scusi sa, ho 87 anni, a volte faccio un po' fatica"
"Guardi, non è colpa sua. A lei lo SPID immagino serva per prenotare le visite"
Annuisce sconsolato.
A quel punto si palesa l'impiegato dello sportello n. 2.
"Siete riusciti?"
"Guardi - rispondo - non è possibile una roba del genere"
"Se vuole, possiamo fare la procedura adesso, allo sportello. Ma il signore deve poi pagare on-line"
"....(ma non potevate farlo prima?). Quello che sto facendo io per il signore, dovreste farlo voi"
"Eh, ma non è nostro compito. Comunque, se vuole venire allo sportello (sempre lo sportello 3...), abbiamo già fatto noi la prenotazione"
"Ce l'ha la carta di credito? - chiedo al signore"
"Sì sì, ho tutto"
Lo lascio nelle mani degli impiegati degli sportelli 2 e 3 ed esco da Poste Italiane.
Io mi chiedo se chi ha progettato questo sistema, lo abbia mai utilizzato e su quale tipo di utente sia stato progettato.
Quando Steve Jobs ideò il primo Mac, diede ai suoi designer un brief molto preciso per il libretto di istruzioni: deve essere comprensibile ad un bambino di 7 anni.
Io ritengo che il digitale debba semplificare, non sovra-complicare. La sovra-complicazione si raggiunge quando con il digitale si aggiungono livelli di interazione, senza eliminarne nemmeno uno.
Questa mattina in Poste Italiane c'era una processione di signore e signori un po' attempati che si presentavano per richiedere lo SPID. L'appuntamento era stato preso per tutti dai propri figli. Mi chiedo se sia giusto e corretto tutto questo. L'intero sistema dovrebbe essere progettato su un utente di 80 anni di età (non su uno UX designer di 35), per rendere queste persone più autonome.
Se questo non è possibile, allora prevedere un modo per venire incontro alle esigenze di ogni utente. Ma questo è un tema di formazione dei dipendenti, slegato dalla tecnologia, e collegato al modo con cui ci si relaziona con l'utenza.
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jazzandother-blog · 4 months
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(English / Español)
Kenny Dorham, (August 30, 1924, Fairfield, Texas, United States - December 5, 1972, New York, United States), was an enormous and magnificent trumpet player while he lived. Gifted with a lyrical phrasing in the hardbop style of music, he was always characterized by a spectacular trumpet phrasing. His musical beginnings were neither more nor less as an outstanding trumpet player in 1945 in the orchestra of two bebop musicians such as Dizzy Gillespie and Billy Eckstine. The magnificent work developed in those formations, earned him that Charlie Parker himself incorporated him to his quintet during the years 1948 and 1949. His next job was with drummer Art Blakey, who incorporated him into his newly formed combo "The Jazz Messengers".
At that time he formed a small group he called "The Jazz Prophets" and when Clifford Brown died, the great drummer Max Roach called him to take his place in his quintet, which he did during 1956 and 1958. In spite of this formidable competition, Dorham always kept the bar high and his time in the quintets of Charlie Parker first and Max Roach later on, elevated him to the top of the hard bop trumpet players' podium.
Kenny Dorham left for posterity a song entitled "Blue Bossa" that has become part of the repertoire of modern jazz classics and, together with numerous arrangements for other musicians, earned him a well-deserved reputation as an efficient and inspired composer.
Kenny Dorham, (30 de agosto de 1924, Fairfield, Texas, Estados Unidos – 5 de diciembre de 1972, Nueva York, Estados Unidos), fue un trompetista enorme y magnifico mientras vivió. Dotado de un fraseo lírico dentro de un estilo musical duro como es el hard bop, siempre le caracterizó un espectacular fraseo a la trompeta. Sus comienzos musicales fueron ni mas ni menos como trompetista destacado en 1945 en las orquesta de dos músicos del bebop como fueron, Dizzy Gillespie y Billy Eckstine. El magnifico trabajo desarrollado en esas formaciones, le valió que el mismísimo Charlie Parker lo incorporara a su quinteto durante los años 1948 y 1949. Su siguiente trabajo fue con el batería Art Blakey, quien lo incorporó a su recién formado combo «The Jazz Messengers».
Por aquella época formó un pequeño grupo al que denominó «The Jazz Prophets» y cuando murió Clifford Brown, el grandioso batería Max Roach, lo llamó para que ocupase su lugar en su quinteto, lo que hizo durante los años 1956 y 1958. A pesar de esa formidable competencia, Dorham siempre mantuvo el listón alto y su paso por los quintetos de Charlie Parker primero y de Max Roach después, le encumbraron hasta lo más alto del podium de los trompetistas del hardbop.
Kenny Dorham, dejó para la posteridad un tema titulado «Blue Bossa» que ha pasado a engrosar el repertorio de clásicos del jazz moderno y junto a numerosos arreglos para otros músicos, le valieron para ganarse una merecida reputación de compositor eficiente e inspirado.
Fuente: apoloybaco.com
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