#Jo Maurer
craft2eu · 2 years
Kunst Handwerk Design Weihnachtsmesse: Karlsruhe vom 08. bis 11.12.2022
Kunst Handwerk Design Weihnachtsmesse: Karlsruhe vom 08. bis 11.12.2022
Wie für die meisten künstlerisch arbeitenden Menschen war die Corona-Pandemie ein harter Einschnitt, aber viele von ihnen nutzten die Zeit, um neue Entwürfe und neue Produkte zu schaffen. Und so ist jetzt die Freude groß, sie wieder in der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Auf der Weihnachtsmesse sind nach dereinjährigen Zwangspause neue und vertraute Aussteller*innen präsent, neu sind viele…
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nnjzz · 5 months
19:15 portes
19:35 action !
22:00 fin son au PCF Paris20 3, place des Grès 75020 au croisement de la rue Vitruve et de la rue St Blaise, dans le quartier St Blaise ( donc ) : pas loin du Flèche d'Or quoi quoi
M° Pte de Bagnolet ( p.ex. )
P.A.F. 6€ https://www.facebook.com/events/448818614191856
LIONEL MARCHETTI & LIONEL GARCIN Électronique / saxophone / et le jeu avec l'espace entre les deux...
"Le saxophoniste, entouré des deux haut-parleurs du synthétiseur, semble se fondre dans un champ expressif où l'on ne sait s'il est à l'origine de ce qu'il prolonge, ou si l'ombre sonore qu'il invente est sécrétée en son jeu par l'électronique, désormais respirant depuis cette tierce relation" (Lionel Marchetti).
Compositeur de musique concrète et musicien improvisateur (instruments électroniques analogiques et numériques divers, haut-parleurs modifiés), Lionel Marchetti développe depuis la fin des années 1980, en studio une poétique musicale permise par l'utilisation des technologies du son – de l'analogique au numérique –  l'utilisation du haut-parleur à l'enregistrement associé, jusqu'à l'interprétation acousmatique, et ce, dans la lignée de cet art spécifique. Pour définir sa musique, où la dimension corporelle tient une place importante, il reprend cette formule de l'écrivain géopoéticien Kenneth White : « Concret ou abstrait ? J'aime l'abstrait où subsiste un souvenir de substance, le concret qui s'affine aux frontières du vide. » Sur scène, il se consacre également à l'improvisation (dispositif analogique expérimental avec microphones divers, feed-back, ondes radiophoniques, magnétophone à bande magnétique, haut-parleurs modifiés, synthétiseurs analogiques) que ce soit en solo ou en osmose collaborationnelle avec, notamment, Jérôme Noetinger, Xvier Garcia, Seijiro Murayama, Carole Rieussec, Emmanuel Holterbach, Michel Donead, Nicolas Losson ou la musicienne et danseuse japonaise Yôko Higashi ( aka Hamayoko ). Lionel Garcin est saxophoniste tout-terrain ou presque aux nombreuses collaborations - incluant celles avec Barre Phillips, 
Benjamin Duboc, Hamid Drake, Daunik Lazro, Éve Risser, Catherine Jauniaux, Guillaume Orti, Frank Lowe, Ramon Lopez, Bernard Santacruz, Michael Zerang, Isabelle Duthoit, Christine Wodrascka, Thierry Madiot, Raymond Boni …
FORÊT FONTAINE Trio composé de la performeuse / poétesse sonore Camille d'Arc, Jeanne Gorisse à la contrebasse et Florent BLASON Delaboudinière au(x) synthé(s).
Encore un fruit succulent issu des souvent si fructueuses rencontres du 3ème type dans le cadre de la série BROKEN IMPRO au Chair de Poule.
L'acoustique et l'électronique s'affrontent et s'épousent, dans un processus fusionnel, organique et mouvant.
JAZ CORWIN " est né de longs cycles d’introversion. 
C’est difficile de savoir si c’est ici, maintenant, avec et pour nous que se déploie son étrange rituel et qu’il ne nous a pas déjà fait rentrer dans le temple de son crâne malade.
Temple ou prison, car on y fait grincer les barreaux de cellules abyssales, les choses enfermées là se vautrent en grondant et hurlant tandis que résonnent dans les corridors de noires sirènes d’alarme.
Une véritable jungle de sons froids et numériques où se tiennent d’inavouables cérémonies sous l’œil de dieux tordues et sadiques. "
MAURER " Différentes sources sonores – prises de son, synthés MIDI ou musique reproduite, modifiées ou non – sont transférées sur des cassettes audio 1/8 de pouce. Celles-ci sont jouées ensemble et/ou successivement sur des baladeurs, des dictaphones et un 4 pistes.
Au niveau du contenu, on est sur de la noise, du doom et avant tout de l’émotion. "
Fly - Jo L'Indien
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model-talks · 4 years
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“I was not really scouted [originally]. My friend Tom Newton sent some pictures of me to Elmer Olsen in Toronto because Daria was one of his favourite models and Elmer discovered her. With no reply from Tom after he sent the photos, Elmer called every Margaret Maurer he could find until he found out where I worked. Very extra …”
Maggie Maurer, russh.com
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lazorwulf · 3 years
Good News: Lazor Wulf Season 2 is now on HBO Max.
Bad News: We got cancelled.
Take this as an opportunity to support the artists that actually made this season happen:
Creator/Director: Henry Bonsu Art Director: Jeremy Sengly Storyboard Director: Jared D. Weiss Animation Director: AnnMarie Roberts
Designers: Jonny Payne, Abby Jo Turner, Cameron McClain, Sam Maurer, Rotimi Olowu, Loveis Wise, Eunbeal Cho, Adan Contreras, Nan Ni Pan, Hantine Hsu
Storyboard Artists: Natalie James, Jackie Snyder, Domitille Collardey Adebimpe
Animators and Layout: Michael Huang, Kevin Inciong, Victoria Wee, Kalvin Kulz, Emily Gerich, Chris Toms, Frank Macchia, Chase Michaels, and the team at Toon City.
Writers: Judnick Mayard, Sarah Bellardini, Quinta Brunson, Ellington Wells, Carl Jones
Music: Shawn "Arckatron" Kelly
Promos: Victoria Vincent, Jeron Braxton
And lastly a thank you to the producers/crew at Six Point Harness.
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lsmithart · 5 years
202 Artists with Possible Contextual Links:
Imprint piece:
Ana Mendieta - silueta series
Richard Long - imprint on grass
Vulnerability. The emotions and feelings. Woman. Expression. The imprint of the body. by
Inside ME-YOU - Saatchi. https://www.saatchiart.com/art/Painting-Vulnerability-The-emotions-and-feelings-Woman-Expression-The-imprint-of-the-body/943789/3307480/view
Yves Klein, Anthropometries - imprint on paper with paint
Shilpa Gupta - Gate
Lara Favaretto - concrete blocks
Rachel Whiteread - House - memory and absence
The Boyle Family - record trace, casting huge areas of ground. Comparisons between earth and human. Capturing aspects of existence.
Janine Antoni - ‘eureka’ bathtub filled with lard http://www.janineantoni.net/eureka/
Book - The Artist and the Body
Family / loss / personal exploration:
Ian Breakwell - Diary
Tracey Emin - Exploration of the Soul, Conversation with my mum, a fortnight of tears
Tracey Moffatt - Scarred for Life series
Njideka Akunyili Crosby - Predecessors
Doris Salcedo - Atrabiliarios & Unland
Louise Bourgeois - Maman
Yoko Ono - My Mummy Was Beautiful
Ilya Kabakov - Labyrinth (My Mother’s Album)
Damien Hirst - Mother & Child (Divided)
Jo Spence - Beyond the Family Album
Family Portrait Magazine
Family Secrets: Acts of Memory and Imagination - Annette Kuhn
Family Ties: Reframing Memory exhibition -https://aestheticamagazine.com/family-ties-reframing-memory-various-artists-peltz-gallery-london/  /  http://www.bbk.ac.uk/news/family-ties-reframing-memory-1
Family Ties Network
Nicky Bird - Family photographs - https://nickybird.com/#projects
Helmut Stallaerts: Last Supper - https://www.helmutstallaerts.com/work/last-supper
Daria Martin - revisits dreams and memories from her personal family history to create a complex portrait of migration, loss and resilience.
Bas Jan Ader - ‘I’m too sad to tell you’ film about private versus public, convention and embarrassment, and about the limits of language and representability.
Zarina Hashmi - making work about personal life. Letters from home.
“In her art Salcedo uses everyday domestic and personal items, such as furniture and clothing, and organic substances, such as bone, hair and animal fibre. These materials are brought together to make evocative works that address loss, grief, pain, memory, absence and mourning.” - https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/exhibition/art-now-doris-salcedo
Francesca Woodman - derelict settings, exploration of inner emotions through physical signifiers in the photographs
Ralph Gibson - naked body, shadows, aspects of distortion
Deborah Turbeville - dark undertones; derelict settings
Sarah Moon - dark undertones; animal references (La Mouette)
Jessica Backhaus - trace through objects and remnants
Gina Pane - demonstrating pain, vulnerability
Ralph Eugene Meatyard - dark undertones; exploration of the subconscious
Duane Michals - distortion; depiction of life and death
‘The Cabinet of Traces’ book - trace
’13 Traces’ book by Dora Maurer - trace
‘I Close My Eyes, Then I Drift Away’ book by Katrien de Blower - distortion through collage, self-portrait
Passage of time / Trace:
Edith Dekyndt - the passage of time
Anna Barriball - trace, imprint of objects wrapped with tape, memory through abstracted photographs and sculptures. Also passage of time. https://www.mkgallery.org/whats-on/anna-barriball/
Mona Hatoum - Hair Grid, 2015 ; Stream, 2013 ; Recollection, 1995
Perception of women:
Annette Messager
Contemporary loneliness exhibition:
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Novembre 06. Scattered Purgatory + Qian Geng + UVB76 + ruò tán – Le Cirque électrique 06. Minus Pilot + GNG + Thomas Stone + Kevin Buckland – Café de Paris 06. Mont Analogue + Les Halles + Bravo Tounky – Garage Mu 06. Guitar Wolf + School Disco – Gibus 06. Glacial – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Fred Terror + BLNDR + Paulie Jan + Panzer – Rex Club 06. The Murder Capital – Nouveau Casino ||COMPLET|| 07. Camilla Sparksss + Hyperculte [+ Xiu Xiu : ANNULÉ] – Petit Bain 07. Kælan Mikla + Leroy se meurt – La Boule noire 07. The Flamenco Thief + Fauna y Flora – La Ville d'Épinal 07. Randomer + Parallx + Parfait – Glazart 08. 10LEC6 + Mad Rey + Promesses (Salon Offprint) – École des Beaux-Arts (gratuit) 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Part Chimp + Gnod + Hey Colossus – Petit Bain 08. Sourdurent + Raymonde – Pan Piper 08. Jad Wio + Love in Prague – Gibus 08. Crystal Geometry + Monya + Size Pier + Kaya + Sina XX – La Station 08. Jennifer Cardini b2b Gerd Janson + Mouse on Mars + Fantastic Twins + Oko DJ + Miley Serious b2b Philipp Strobel (10 ans d’Arte concert) – La Machine (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 09. Trotski nautique (20 ans de l’Omadis) – Omadis (gratuit) 09. Molchat Doma + War Scenes – La Station 09. Fleuves Noirs + Thank + Drive with a Dead Girl + Panico Panico – Le Rigoletto 09. Leroy se meurt + Staatseinde – Le Zorba 09. Kwartz + ABSL + Toscan Haas – Glazart 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ólafur Arnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Nosfell : “Süanij, dans la forêt du songe” (fest. Paris en toutes lettres) – Maison de la poésie 10. ToutEstBeau + Mort né + Sebum XS + Stator + Nouveau Système – Les Nautes 10. Anetha + Talisman + Claudio PRC – Dehors brut 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan ||COMPLET|| 11. Friponnes de Porc + Flesh World + Sergej Vutuc – tbc 12. Deerhunter + Moon Diagrams – Trabendo 12. Up-Tight + Officine – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Mick Harvey & JP Silo, Steve Shelley, Glenn Lewis – Les Trois Baudets 13. Melania + Kiddo – Badaboum 14. Dinah Bird & Jean-Philippe Renoult (Inaudible Matters) – La Gaîté lyrique 14. Girl Band + Silverbacks – La Maroquinerie 14. Automatisme + Lacustre (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 14. Le Crabe + LR 666 + W 666 D + Insin – Café de Paris 14. Stella Chiweshe + Is a Fish – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Manni Dee + Remco Beekwilder + Mental Infection – Glazart 15. Von Pariahs + Nursery – Point FMR 15. Tendra Ael + City Dragon + Meryll Ampe + Divisas – La Pointe Lafayette 15. Scrtch + Feromil + Mistress Bomb H – Le Cirque électrique 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 15. Karenn + 16H07 + Antigone... (Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 15. Ron Morelli + Krikor + A.T. + Gabriel D.ko + Mad Pablo – La Bellevilloise 15. Kap Bambino – La Gaîté lyrique ||ANNULÉ|| 16. Princess Century + Grand 8 + The Disease – L'International 16. Magrava + ruò tán + Jesus Cry Stalin – Le Picolo (Saint-Ouen) 16. Kas:st + Agoria + Bambounou b2b François X + Charles Kenkler + Matrixxman + Remcord...(Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 17. Nitzer Ebb + Liebknecht – La Machine 17. Tropical Fuck Storm + Unschooling – Badaboum 18. Omni + The Gotobeds + Pleasure Principle – La Boule noire 18. Surf Curse + edgar déception + Fiasco – Supersonic (gratuit) 19. Earth + Helen Money – Petit Bain 20. Lucy Railton + Sean Baxter + Jessica Ekomane – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Cate Le Bon + Grimm Grimm – Petit Bain 21. Haco + Emiko Ota avec KiriSute Gomen – Studio Campus 21. Vincent Ségal, Clément Saunier, Odile Auboin, Jossalyn Jessen et Gilbert Nouno jouent des pièces de Peter Eötvös, Yan Maresz, Gilbert Nouno et Fausto Romitelli (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 21>23. Nosfell : “Le Corps des songes” (fest. New Settings) – Théâtre de la Cité internationale 22. eRikm + Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : “Chronostasis” (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 22. Rubin Steiner + Dombrance + Ambeyance + Meteo Mirage – La Maroquinerie 22. Kazu Makino (Blonde Redhead) – Les Étoiles 22. Vixen + Faast – Badaboum 22. Nursery + Casse Gueule + Tout de suite – Cirque électrique ||ANNULÉ|| 22. Drew McDowall – Protocol (Pantin) ||ANNULÉ|| 23. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d’Haeseleer : “The Island (part. 1)” + Cinna Peyghamy (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit sur résa) 23. Trio Sacher + Ensemble intercontemporain (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 23. Piloot + Spelterini + Rastrejo + Tachychardie – Espace B 23. Arrington de Dionyso – Le Zorba 23. Billy Childish + Le Villejuif Underground + Petausaure (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 23. 999999999 + Jawbreakrs + Nico Moreno + Perc + Sentimental Rave + Softcoresoft + Trym + Parfait + UR trax – tba 23. Crystal Distortion + Jeff23 + 69db + Ixindamix – Dehors brut 24. TR/ST + Ela Minus – Le Trianon 24. Mdou Moctar – La Boule noire 24. Midori Takada + Carla dal Forno + Felicia Atkinson (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 25. Unité d’habitation + Geography of Hell + Skin Crime + Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement + Becka Diamond – Le Klub 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. Poly-Math + Bruit ≤ + Maven – Supersonic (gratuit) 27. The Stranglers – Olympia 27. Silly Joy + Raskolnikov + Jupiter Jane – L’International 27. Le Singe blanc + Double Nelson + Putavelo – Le Cirque électrique 27. The Stranglers + Ruts DC – L’Olympia 27. Hélène Breschand, Tarek Atoui & Cécile Mont-Reynaud : “Pandore” + Ensemble Motus joue Tony Conrad et Elsa Biston (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 28. The Psychotic Monks – Trabendo 28. Artl + Powerdove – Petit Bain 28. OD Bongo + Richard Frances & Konpyuta + Domotic – 100ECS 28. Michel Maurer : “Collection de petites pièces” et “Fragments d’un journal intime” (fest. Mesure pour mesure) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. ABSL + Blush Response + Kuss + Ferdinand Prairie – Rex Club 28. Derek Holzer : “Vector Synthesis” + Cate Hope & Lisa McKinney : “Super Liminum” + Antoine Schmitt & Hortense Gauthier : “CliMax” (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 29. Le Syndicat + Entre Vifs – Les Voûtes 29. Balladur + Tôle froide + Poupard – Badaboum 29. Scanner & eRikm + Hélène Breschand + eRikm : “Le Piano englouti” de Brunhild Meyer-Ferrari (fest. Mesure pour mesure) – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil 29. Ulrich Krieger : “Raw” + Cellule d’intervention Metamkine (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 29. Maoupa Mazzocchetti + Filmmaker + Club Meth + Detective Unit + Jean Redonodo + Shlagga – La Station 30. Mondkopf – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 30. Aidan Baker & BOW Quintet + SEPL (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Ulrich Krieger + Natacha Muslera + Julien Desprez + Eryck Abecassis + Sylvaine Hélary avec Clyde Chabot, Jean Cagnard, Ismaël Jude, Nathalie Papin et Michel Simonot (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 30. Donato Dozzy + Max Cooper + Terry & Cyan Riley + Ensemble intercontemporain : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Ensemble Social Silence : "Music for Airport" de Brian Eno + Apollo noir + Récital pour marimbas (Marathon fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| Décembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 01. Ghedalia Tazartes & Rhys Chatham (Semaine du bizarre) – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 02. Carambolage + Galère + The Bardogs – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Belgrado – Espace B 05. Cent Ans de solitude + Kazehito Seki + Joachim Montessuis – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. The Flying Luttenbachers – The University of Chicago Center (gratuit sur résa) 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. dDamage + Arnaud Rebotini (dj) + Mondkopf (dj) + Sister Iodine + Krikor (dj) + White Heat + Dr(dr)one + Grorille (dj) + Panzer (dj) + Paulie Jan + Le Dogue (dj) – La Station 06. Nina Garcia & Maria Bertel + France Sauvage + Somaticae (Semaine du bizarre) – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 06. Answer Code Request + Regis + Raslan b2b Yoannis – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Kokoko! – La Gaîté lyrique 07. I Hate Models – tba 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Mark Lanegan Band + The Membranes – Le Trianon 10. White Bouse + Drone à clochettes + Thomas Zielinski + Thharm + Ex_Pi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. Boris – Le Gibus 11. Kaffe Matthews + Phil Minton, Audrey Chen & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Heldon + Duncan – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 12. Maya Dunietz + Jacques Perconte & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Bas Mooy + VTSS + Eklpx – Glazart 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 13. Contrefaçon – La Gaîté lyrique 13. Regards extrêmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les Voûtes 14. Ludwig Von 88 – Le Trianon 15. The Ex + 75 Dollar Bill – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Thomas Ankersmit + Gaël Segalen – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Amenra – Bataclan 20. Varg + Christoph de Babalon + Les morts vont bien + Powerplant + Fever 103° (fest. Magnétique nord) – La Station 20. Hector Oaks + Nene H + Nur Jaber + Parfait + Pawlowski – tba 21. Youth Avoiders + Chain Cult + Short Days + Bleakness – Espace B 21. A.N.I + Maraudeur + Raymonde + Ece Özel + Accou (fest. Magnétique nord) – La Station 21. Anetha + Introversion + Jacidorex + Parfait + Schake – tba 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Last Night + Euromilliard + Kumusta – Gibus 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple ||COMPLET|| 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 17. Dafne Vicente-Sandoval + Ji Youn Kang + Thomas Lehn : « Occam VI » d’Eliane Radigue + Tiziana Bertoncini, Antonin Gerbal, David Grubbs, Ji Youn Kang, Thomas Lehn, eRikm & Dafne Vicente-Sandoval : « Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue » de Luc Ferrari – Le 104 18. Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (Créteil) 24. Penguin Cafe + Lubomyr Melnyk + Peter Broderick + Anne Müller + Hatis Noit + Janus Rasmussen – La Gaîté lyrique 26. The Fat (cinéconcert pour enfants) – La Gaîté lyrique 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel 31. It It Anita + Mss Frnce + Flowers + Angle mort et clignotant + Casse Gueule + La Jungle – Petit Bain Février 02. Sunn o))) – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 10. The Murder Capital – Café de la danse 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 18. Biliana Voutchkova + Judith Hamann – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Molécule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + Kælan Mikla – La Machine 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 27. Caribou – L’Olympia Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La Légende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet Ouïr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien Négrier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-émergence » + Félicia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + Michèle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumière » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine Juin 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Kelly Jo Bowers | News, Sports, Jobs
Kelly Jo Bowers | News, Sports, Jobs
<!– SHOW ARTICLE –> Kelly Jo Bowers, 56, Altoona, passed away Saturday. She was born in Altoona, daughter of Ernest Edgar Schoening Jr. and the late Noami (Ackerman) Schoening. She is survived by three daughters: Julie Maurer, Ashley Avery and Lindsay Bollman; 10 grandchildren: Mia, Mckenna, Lily, Nikita, Elizabeth, Tyler, Katlyn, Anthony, Shayna and Ashtynn; sisters, Karen Smith and Kristy…
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nnjzz · 5 years
Le Non_Jazz
jeudi 25 AVRIL
20:00 portes 20:30 1st live set (pour de vrai)
(NB / couvre-feu son obligatoire ! = 23:00 OUI MADAME) Treize 24, rue Moret 75011 M° Couronnes 6€ https://www.facebook.com/events/609780076509909/
MULAN SERRICO / Chanson grenobloise avec boîte à rythmes et synthé. Crooner gothique et introspectif. Humour.
Son dernier LP est sorti en 2016 (?) sur SDZ Records.
Par ailleurs : l'individu derrière le label Stochastic Releases / l'individu derrière MACON, son "projet électronique" également, ainsi que derrière SPOR TRANQUIL, son « projet chill » et MAURER (son « projet noise » k7 : cf. sortie sur After Hours Eden Prostitute)
OuAIS ! !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laOvNawLuK4 https://vimeo.com/28289234
IBIZA DEATH / Électronique triple fermentation bidouillée maison / bandes + guitare lance-pierres faux contacts qui tire au jugé.
IBIZA DEATH est / sont Andy Bolus +Lionel Fernandez
VALERIE SMITH / est / futZ.B. AIDS estHendrik Hegray fut différents monikers* pour ses projets solo depuis une vingtaine d'années (Hélicoptère Sanglante, ThaÏ Horse..), également impliqué dans quelques "groupes", éphémères ou pas  (MINITEL, COBRA MATAL, HAINE, DRK, The Nightclub Toilet, Hit & Run...),
entre Daniel Johnston et Merzbow
entre soi
Utilisation de presets et sources préexistantes, rythmes + ou - squelettiques, stridence, jeu de société, dysfonctionnement, tension, rétention. aller/retour saliver ravaler. mélancolie et brèves auto-satisfactions, « loisir boire ». piscine Bruit pauvre. Synthétiseurs, ondes. perte de l’innocence,. Hobbies
Après diverses sorties K7, il publie en octobre 2017 "Music for Implantation", un impressionnant double album  - objet sonore unique,  déroutant, insaisissable et indispensable.
"Music for Implantation tente de créer un nouveau genre dans a famille électronique au-delà de l'indus, de la techno, de la noise et de l'électro. Complètement unique, en marge et inclassable ! "
"Hendrik Hegray’s lastest music project of pleasurably harsh ambient electronica is well-mixed cocktail of jerky, oscillating patterns speeding up and slowing down into both brutal and subtle textural sound waves. Hegray unpredictably jumps in and out of sloppy synth beats while jabbling, bending, and banging bubbly distorted noise effects."
(Cameron JAamie)
« His non-music is lava crackling and fluorescent, which moves from collage schizoid obsession for the drone, verging on parody burlesque. » (Hundebiss Records)
"François Truffaut devrait crever" (Hendrik Hegray)
"un peu comme l'astrée des oscillateurs et de la dépression" (UNDO (feu distro)]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpZ9UlKRuNc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMQ_QshBDG8
BORDIGAGA/ montreuil paris Trio internationaliste imperfectionniste performativiste non folk bancaliste : électronique-voix-samples-instruments. C’est hérissé d’aspérités / porosités / ruptures / cachettes à surprises / faux bonds et faux départs. (Le non_jazz).
Fly - Jo L’Indien
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walmat · 5 years
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Press conference @kuenstlerhauswien In the Exhibition 'And Sister Makart goes on a tramp' the encounters of six artists/artist duos with an artist of their choice, of any background, but of a different generation, are staged.  The goal is to initiate engaging public dialogues that build bridges. Six performances, lectures and artists’ discussions taking place until the end of December 2019. (Text Homepage Künstlerhaus) Swipe 👉 1 Evelyn Kreinecker meets Hubert Sielecki 2 Ashley Hans Scheirl / Jakob Lena Knebl meet Gerhard Laber 3 Anna-Maria Bogner meets Fritz Ruprechter 4 Klub Zwei (Simone Bader  and Jo Schmeiser) meet Yen Noh 5 Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe meets Pierre Molinier 6 Andrea Maurer meets Gerhard Rühm #Künstlerhaus1050 #KünstlerhausWien #artinvienna #EvelynKreinecker #HubertSielecki #AshleyHansScheirl  #JakobLenaKnebl #GerhardLaber #AnnaMariaBogner  #FritzRuprechter #KlubZwei #SimoneBader #JoSchmeiser #ElisabethBakambambaTambwe #PierreMolinier #AndreaMaurer #GerhardRühm #Contemporaryart #modernart #ArtsyVisualStorytelling #walmatwien #viennamylove #viennagoforit (at Künstlerhaus 1050) https://www.instagram.com/p/B29JFECg1Wy/?igshid=1nx1tdkybwfvb
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estherattarmachanek · 5 years
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Künstlerhaus 1050 Und Schwester Makart geht auf Wanderschaft Begegnungen im Künstlerhaus 1050 und wie es ab 2020 am Karlsplatz weitergeht. final Pressekonferenz: Dienstag, 24. September 2019 | 11 Uhr Eröffnung: 25. September 2019 | 19 Uhr Als Gesprächspartner: Tanja Prušnik, die neue Präsidentin des Künstlerhauses Tim Voss, künstlerischer Leiter des Künstlerhauses Peter Zawrel, Geschäftsführer des Künstlerhauses Elisabeth Bakambamba Tambwe - Pierre Molinier Anna-Maria Bogner -Klub Zwei/Simone Bader -Jo Schmeiser - Yen Noh -Evelyn Kreinecker - Hubert Sielecki -Andrea Maurer - Gerhard Rühm Ashley Hans Scheirl / Jakob Lena Knebl -Gerhard Laber 26. September - 21. Dezember 2019 Stolberggasse 26 1050 Wien https://www.k-haus.at/de/veranstaltung/914/pressekonferenz-und-schwester-makart-geht-auf-wanderschaft.html https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ylCpmo8po/?igshid=ytwtj975k2qh
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alwaysthebest111 · 5 years
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REFERENCES - IRSA A new renovated floor in the Hall C.1.1.1 of Stuttgart Fair: So that further classy events can still take place on a glamorous Occasion
The almost 3,000m2 great oak high lamella floor in the Hall C.1.1.1 of the Stuttgart fair area was sealed by the Parquet Expert Company Maurer of Geislingen/Steige with IRSA Platinum 3010 2C Water Varnish, silky-mat
Of course, many expert companies of the Parquet and Floor Laying Craft would have liked to receive the order to sand and seal almost 3,000m2. Due to his experience and competence, Dieter Maurer was able to receive the popular order by Jo Carle Architects.
From the left to the right: Dieter Maurer with his wife and son Markus (parquet laying foreman).
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Novembre 25. Floris Vanhoof + City Dragon + Thodoris Pistiolas – Re:voir 25. Unité d’habitation + Geography of Hell + Skin Crime + Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement + Becka Diamond – Le Klub 25. Api Uiz + Versolo – Espace B 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. Poly-Math + Bruit ≤ + Maven – Supersonic (gratuit) 27. Silly Joy + Raskolnikov + Jupiter Jane – L’International 27. Le Singe blanc + Double Nelson + Putavelo – Le Cirque électrique 27. The Stranglers + Ruts DC – L’Olympia 27. Hélène Breschand, Tarek Atoui & Cécile Mont-Reynaud : “Pandore” + Ensemble Motus joue Tony Conrad et Elsa Biston (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 28. The Psychotic Monks + Structures – Trabendo 28. Artl + Powerdove – Petit Bain 28. OD Bongo + Richard Frances & Konpyuta + Domotic – 100ECS 28. Drose + Fiasco – Espace B 28. Michel Maurer : “Collection de petites pièces” et “Fragments d’un journal intime” (fest. Mesure pour mesure) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. ABSL + Blush Response + Kuss + Ferdinand Prairie – Rex Club 28. Derek Holzer : “Vector Synthesis” + Cate Hope & Lisa McKinney : “Super Liminum” + Antoine Schmitt & Hortense Gauthier : “CliMax” (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 29. Quentin Rollet & Jérôme Lorichon + Jean Ray – Collective (Aubervilliers) (gratuit) 29. Le Syndicat + Entre Vifs – Les Voûtes 29. Balladur + Tôle froide + Poupard – Badaboum 29. The Plastic People of the Universe – Centre culturel tchèque 29. Scanner & eRikm + Hélène Breschand + eRikm : “Le Piano englouti” de Brunhild Meyer-Ferrari (fest. Mesure pour mesure) – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil 29. Ulrich Krieger : “Raw” + Cellule d’intervention Metamkine (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 29. Maoupa Mazzocchetti + Filmmaker + Club Meth + Detective Unit + Jean Redondo + Shlagga – La Station 29. H880 + Techno Thriller + Verset Zero + Agency + Limbus Puerorum – Sierra Neon 30. Mondkopf – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 30. Mika Oki + Omma + Clara! (Biennale Nemo) – Lafayette Anticipations (gratuit) 30. Aidan Baker & BOW Quintet + SEPL (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Ulrich Krieger + Natacha Muslera + Julien Desprez + Eryck Abecassis + Sylvaine Hélary avec Clyde Chabot, Jean Cagnard, Ismaël Jude, Nathalie Papin et Michel Simonot (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 30. Donato Dozzy + Max Cooper + Terry & Cyan Riley + Ensemble intercontemporain : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Ensemble Social Silence : "Music for Airport" de Brian Eno + Apollo noir + Récital pour marimbas (Marathon fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| Décembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 01. Ghedalia Tazartes & Rhys Chatham (Semaine du bizarre) – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 02. Carambolage + Galère + The Bardogs – Supersonic (gratuit) 02. Nathan Roche + Music On Hold + Jul Giaco – La Pointe Lafayette 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Belgrado + Going Away Party – Espace B 04. The Rita + Gabi Losoncy + Sw1n-Hunter + The Nightclub Toilet – Treize 04. No More + Hørd + Modern Men – Petit Bain 05. Cent Ans de solitude + Kazehito Seki + Joachim Montessuis – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. The Flying Luttenbachers – The University of Chicago Center (gratuit sur résa) 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. dDamage + Arnaud Rebotini (dj) + Mondkopf (dj) + Sister Iodine + Krikor (dj) + White Heat + Dr(dr)one + Grorille (dj) + Panzer (dj) + Paulie Jan + Le Dogue (dj) – La Station 06. Nina Garcia & Maria Bertel + France Sauvage + Somaticae (Semaine du bizarre) – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 06. Answer Code Request + Regis + Raslan b2b Yoannis – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 06. Manu le Malin + Madben + Möd3rn – Dehors brut 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Kokoko! – La Gaîté lyrique 07. The Briefs + The Scanners – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 07. I Hate Models – tba ||COMPLET|| 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Mark Lanegan Band + The Membranes – Le Trianon 10. White Bouse + Drone à clochettes + Thomas Zielinski + Thharm + Ex_Pi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. Boris – Le Gibus 11. Kaffe Matthews + Phil Minton, Audrey Chen & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Heldon + Duncan – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 12. Maya Dunietz + Jacques Perconte & Onceim – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Bas Mooy + VTSS + Eklpx – Glazart 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 13. Contrefaçon – La Gaîté lyrique 13. Regards extrêmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les Voûtes 13. Paskine + Between Sleeps + CAM – DOC 13. Charlène Darling + Nina Harker + Regis Turner – La Boule noire 13. Ellen Allien + Hemka – Dehors brut 13. Pearl + Toscan Haas + Mind/Matter – Glazart 14. Ludwig Von 88 – Le Trianon 14. Wosto + Air LQD + Gakona + Marrakech + Pharmacie – Espace B 14. Boolvar + Dalès + Otis – Le Cirque électrique 14. Paula Temple + Tommy Four Seven + Sentimental Rave + Giant Swan – T7 15. The Ex + 75 Dollar Bill – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. Sydney Valette + Sweat + Deep Tan – Supersonic (gratuit) 17. Thomas Ankersmit + Gaël Segalen – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Amenra – Bataclan 20. Uriel Barthélémi & Martin Bakero + Laurent Stoutzer – Folies numériques|Parc de la Villette 20. Varg + Christoph de Babalon + Les morts vont bien + Powerplant + Fever 103° + Pessimist + Shayu + Vanadis + Aeon Shaker b2b Stagiairism (fest. Magnétique nord) – La Station 20. Vile Assembly – Espace B 20. Hector Oaks + Nene H + Nur Jaber + Parfait + Pawlowski – tba 21. Youth Avoiders + Chain Cult + Short Days + Bleakness – Espace B 21. A.N.I + Maraudeur + Raymonde + Ece Özel + Accou + Fantastic Twins + Les Fils de Jacob + Dame Area + Silvia Kastel + DJ F16 Falcon + Ed Isar + Mechanical Heaven (fest. Magnétique nord) – La Station 21. WAPAII + Charlotte Leclerc + Clap 42 + Joël Hubaut + Romaric Sobac… – Les Nautes 21. Anetha + Introversion + Jacidorex + Parfait + Schake – tba 2020 Janvier 03. Under Black Helmet + Tommy Holohan + Fuerr + 1ndica – Rex Club 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 11. Last Night + Euromilliard + Kumusta – Gibus 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple ||COMPLET|| 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 17. Dafne Vicente-Sandoval + Ji Youn Kang + Thomas Lehn : « Occam VI » d’Eliane Radigue + Tiziana Bertoncini, Antonin Gerbal, David Grubbs, Ji Youn Kang, Thomas Lehn, eRikm & Dafne Vicente-Sandoval : « Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue » de Luc Ferrari – Le 104 18. Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (Créteil) 24. Penguin Cafe + Lubomyr Melnyk + Peter Broderick + Anne Müller + Hatis Noit + Janus Rasmussen – La Gaîté lyrique 24. Kode9 + Teki Latex + Cem + Barker + Crystallmess + Carin Kelly b2b Bob Sleigh + Christian Coiffure (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 25. DJ Marcelle + Stellar OM Source + Ploy + Clara! Y Maoupa + Black Zone Myth Chant + Theo Muller + Promesses + Gista (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 26. The Fat (cinéconcert pour enfants) – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Beak> + Vox Low + Abschaum + Maria Violenza (La Machine a 10 ans) – La Machine 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel 31. It It Anita + Mss Frnce + Flowers + Angle mort et clignotant + Casse Gueule + La Jungle – Petit Bain Février 02. Sunn o))) – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 10. The Murder Capital – Café de la danse 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 18. Biliana Voutchkova + Judith Hamann – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Molécule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon 24. The Legendary Pink Dots – tba Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + Kælan Mikla – La Machine 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio Avril 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La Légende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet Ouïr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Julien Négrier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-émergence » + Félicia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + Michèle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumière » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine Juin 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena
0 notes
your-dietician · 3 years
PREP BASKETBALL: South girls storm past Crater – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/sports/prep-basketball-south-girls-storm-past-crater-medford-news-weather-sports-breaking-news/
PREP BASKETBALL: South girls storm past Crater – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News
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CENTRAL POINT — South Medford wasn’t satisfied with its play through the first half of Thursday’s Southern Oregon Conference girls basketball game, and that spelled trouble for Crater in the second half.
The Class 6A Panthers used a 33-17 run in the third quarter to shake off any first-half woes and cruised to a 74-34 triumph at Crater High.
“It’s hard to say you’re happy after a 40-point loss,” said Crater coach Scott Dippel, “but I take a little pride in the fact that I thought we played hard. South’s a very good team. I don’t think people realize how talented of a ballcub it is.”
Eleven players scored overall for South Medford (9-0), with junior post Sierra Logue scoring eight of her team-high 16 points during the Panthers’ third-quarter onslaught. Logue also finished with eight rebounds and three blocks.
“We were very flat to start the game,” said South Medford coach Tom Cole. “I don’t think we rose to the level of energy we needed. I thought Crater’s focus and energy was greater than ours to start the game but we did a much better job of that coming out of halftime.”
Sophomore Donovyn Hunter scored 14 points and senior Emma Schmerbach added 10 points, with both South standouts also sparking their team from the defensive end.
Hunter finished with four of the Panthers’ 20 steals, while Schmerbach had two steals and five rebounds and Bella Stone had six steals and two assists.
“Emma Schmerbach and Donovyn Hunter, they are just so long,” said Dippel. “In the traps, even if they don’t get credit for the steals, between the two of them they seemed to be deflecting everything that came their way.”
Crater (10-2) trailed only 16-10 through one quarter, giving rise to hopes of a close competition, but the Panthers closed the first half up 29-15.
“We defended really well early,” said Dippel, “but you make a couple errors against them and it equals points. They can get a turnover and turn it into a lay-in real quick.”
Crater turned the ball over 15 times in the third quarter against South’s defensive pressure.
Kate Stidham and Chase Weaver each scored eight points to pace the Comets, with Weaver also adding three rebounds and two blocks.
Madison Dutkiewicz had seven points and Crater got four rebounds and two assists apiece from McKenzie Hirsch and Teya Amidei.
SOUTH MEDFORD (74): Chamberlin 4, Coleman 8, Hunter 14, Dillard 5, E. Schmerbach 10, Logue 16, Coley 6, Dahlin 3, Stone 3, Teague-Perry 2, Fealey 3, T. Schmerbach 0. Totals: 32 9-15 74.
CRATER (34): Sizemore 0, Amidei 0, Weaver 8, Hirsch 5, Stidham 8, Waters 2, Winslow 4, Dutkiewicz 7, Richardson 0, Gonzales 0. Totals: 11 9-13 34.
South Medford16133312— 74
Crater105172— 34
3-point goals — South Medford 1 (Stone 1), Crater 3 (Hirsch 1, Stidham 1, Dutkiewicz 1).
JV result — South Medford won.
BROOKINGS-HARBOR 46, EAGLE POINT 43: At Brookings, Eagle Point (3-10) used hot shooting to build a 30-19 lead at halftime but turned cold in the second half, with Brookings-Harbor taking advantage.
The host Bruins (9-2) outscored the Eagles 11-8 in the fourth quarter to rally for the regular season-ending victory.
Hailey Burcham tallied four of Eagle Point’s 10 3-pointers to finish with 12 points, while Kansas Raber made three shots beyond the arc for her nine points.
Haley McCornack added nine rebounds and six points and Emilee Nielsen contributed six points and six assists for the Eagles.
EAGLE POINT (43): Raber 9, Hogan 6, Nielsen 6, Burcham 12, Balero 2, McCornack 6, Hanan 2, Ar. Cabrera 0, Al. Cabrera 0. Totals: 16 1-4 43.
BROOKINGS-HARBOR (46): Fitzhugh 12, L. Schofield 9, Burton 3, Jirsa 12, Scott 3, A. Schofield 7, Peters 0, Marrington 0. Totals: 16 7-9 46.
Eagle Point141658— 43
Brookings-Harbor1361611— 46
3-point goals — Eagle Point 10 (Raber 3, Hogan 2, Nielsen 1, Burcham 4), Brookings-Harbor 7 (Fitzhugh 1, L. Schofield 1, Burton 1, Jirsa 4).
HIDDEN VALLEY 43, PHOENIX 23: At Talent, Phoenix sophomore Morgan James had 11 points, four rebounds and two steals but unbeaten Hidden Valley proved too much in a contest played at Talent Middle School.
Delani Parent knocked down a pair of 3-pointers to finish with six points for the Pirates (8-4).
Phoenix’s leading scorer, senior Josie Bolstad, grabbed five rebounds but was held to two points in a focused defensive effort by the Mustangs (9-0).
Senior Kaiah Fisher powered Hidden Valley with 22 points.
HIDDEN VALLEY (43): Powers 5, Tiffin 0, Bents 3, Noga 0, Jaa. Steele 5, Hurley 2, Lowry 0, Willey 6, Bennett 0, Fisher 22, Jaz. Steele 0, A. Yunker 0. Totals: 17 6-10 43.
PHOENIX (23): James 11, Skaff 1, Hernandez 0, Lumbreras 3, Potratz 0, Rector 0, Bolstad 2, Flores 0, Parent 6. Totals: 8 4-12 23.
Hidden Valley815137— 43
Phoenix6485— 23
3-point goals — Hidden Valley 3 (Powers 1, Bents 1, Fisher 1), Phoenix 3 (James 1, Parent 2). Technical foul — Fisher.
SUTHERLIN 55, CASCADE CHRISTIAN 36: Cascade Christian senior Katelyn Willard had 10 points and three steals and Liz White added eight points, nine rebounds and two steals in the Far West League loss.
Bella Williams chipped in with six points and four steals and Callie Sweem had seven points for the host Challengers (3-7), who wrap up their season Saturday at home against Douglas.
Three players reached double figures for Sutherlin (10-0), which led 37-21 at halftime.
SUTHERLIN (55): Dickover 11, Ja. Vermillion 11, Wagner 11, Gill 7, Wicks 6, Edmonson 3, Gary 2, Jo. Vermillion 2, Richardson 2, Burdett 0, Ratledge 0, Cardoza 0, Summers 0. Totals: 23 4-11 55.
CASCADE CHRISTIAN (36): Willard 10, White 8, Sweem 7, Williams 6, Joseph 4, Pierson 0, Dunn 0, Akins 0. Totals: 14 8-11 36.
Sutherlin1819117— 55
Cascade Christian912411— 36
3-point goals — Sutherlin 5 (Wagner 2, Ja. Vermillion 1, Gill 1, Edmonson 1).
DOUGLAS 65, ST. MARY’S 43: At Winston, St. Mary’s junior Ryker Rothfus scored a game-high 23 points, but the Crusaders were handed a loss in their 2021 season finale.
Rothfus was the lone Crusader to score in double figures, and hit her team’s only 3-pointer on the night.
Morgan Dole had five points and six assists for St. Mary’s (3-10), while Maddie Ward added five points and a pair of blocks.
Douglas (5-3) built a 29-21 lead at the half and was led by the tandem of Male’ata Polamalu and Adrianna Sapp, who both finished with 21 points. Kierra Bennett also scored 11.
ST. MARY’S (43): Dole 5, Bowdoin 0, Conner 2, Rothfus 23, Erickson 2, Ashland 4, Ward 5, Mejia 2. Totals: 17 8-17 43.
DOUGLAS (65): McWhorter 0, Perron 0, Bennett 11, Ma. Polamalu 21, T. Polamalu 0, Lund 2, Phillips 4, Mi. Polamalu 6, Sapp 21, Avery 0. Totals: 25 13-22 65.
St. Mary’s1291210— 43
Douglas12171917— 65
3-point goals — St. Mary’s 1 (Rothfus 1), Douglas 2 (Bennett 2). Fouled out — Ma. Polamalu.
ROGUE VALLEY ADVENTIST 55, TRINITY LUTHERAN 47: At Bend, four Rogue Valley Adventist players scored in double figures and the Red Tail Hawks went a perfect 8-for-8 from the free-throw line to secure a win in their regular-season finale.
Sophomore Emma Bischoff scored a team-high 19 points and pulled down eight rebounds to lead the way for the Red Tail Hawks (7-1). Fellow sophomores Michaela Porter (12 points) and Isabell Zamora (10 points) also finished in double figures. Porter added four assists and six rebounds, while Zamora recorded a team-high seven assists.
RVA senior Madelyn Bennett chipped in 10 points and five assists.
RVA, which led the game 23-16 at the half and shot 56 percent for the game, will take a three-game winning streak into the Class 1A postseason tournament next week. The Red Tail Hawks open against Nixyaawii Monday afternoon in Baker.
HIDDEN VALLEY 48, PHOENIX 33: At Talent, Jack Monroe and Jackson Selden each scored six points to boost Phoenix, which trailed 22-19 at halftime but a third-quarter lull led to an 18-8 surge by Hidden Valley in the Skyline Conference game at Talent Middle School.
Ezra McLean had 15 points to lead three Hidden Valley (6-3) players in double figures.
Phoenix dropped to 2-8.
HIDDEN VALLEY (48): D. Iwamizu 4, McLean 15, Klipfel 2, Stone 11, Griess 6, M. Iwamizu 0, Stever 10, Haley 0, Kanott 0. Totals: 18 6-11 48.
PHOENIX (33): Talbott 2, Ja. Selden 6, Monroe 6, Trenbeath 2, Stubbs 5, Je. Selden 2, Osorio 2, Harper 5, Loy 0, Bolstad 3, Garcia 0. Totals: 10 11-22 33.
Hidden Valley1210188— 48
Phoenix11886— 33
3-point goals — Hidden Valley 6 (McLean 2, Stone 1, Stever 3).Technical foul — M. Iwamizu.
CASCADE CHRISTIAN 65, SUTHERLIN 47: At Sutherlin, Cascade Christian senior Matt McPheeters scored a game-high 24 points to lead the way as the Challengers completed an undefeated regular season.
McPheeters scored 16 of his 24 points in the first half, helping the Challengers (12-0) build a 39-20 lead going into the break. He also had seven rebounds, five steals and a pair of blocks.
Cascade Christian also got 14 points from senior Morgan Law, while junior Cody Reece added 12 points, seven rebounds and four assists. Law connected on four of the Challengers’ seven 3-pointers.
Senior Josh Davis led Sutherlin (4-6) with 20 points, while Kolbi Stinnett and Trevin Wattman each had 11.
CASCADE CHRISTIAN (65): Reece 12, Marincus 7, Anderson 0, Coppedge 2, P. Maurer 4, Hess 0, McPheeters 24, Law 14, Nering 2. Totals: 25 10-14 65.
SUTHERLIN (47): Smalley 0, Davis 20, Bodine 1, Stinnett 11, T. Woods 0, Wattman 11, Parsons 0, Pacini 0, Cervantes 0, B. Woods 4. Totals: 16 12-18 47.
Cascade Christian2019818— 65
Sutherlin128107— 47
3-point goals — Cascade Christian 7 (Reece 1, Marincus 2, Law 4), Sutherlin 3 (Stinnett 2, B. Woods 1). Fouled out — Bodine.
ST. MARY’S 65, DOUGLAS 49: At Winston, St. Mary’s seniors Luke Bennion and Jonah Hadley each scored 16 points to lead four Crusaders in double figures during the regular-season finale.
Will Kranenburg added 12 points and Nathan Sternenberg had 10 for St. Mary’s (8-4), which led 38-25 at halftime.
Jacob Fay scored 16 for Douglas (3-2).
ST. MARY’S (65): Friesen 2, Kranenburg 12, Walker 2, Bennion 16, Delplanche 4, Hadley 16, Sternenberg 10, Patel 0, Foster 0, Haynes 3. Totals: 21 16-26 65.
DOUGLAS (49): Wilson 8, Anderson 0, Willard 6, Fay 16, Dunstan 0, Jones 10, Metianu 0, Page 9, Nielsen 0. Totals: 14 7-19 49.
St. Mary’s20181116— 65
Douglas1015159— 49
3-point goals — St. Mary’s 4 (Bennion 3, Hadley 1), Douglas 1 (Gones 1). Fouled out — Fay. Technical foul — Nielsen.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Bella Stone drives to the basket during the 2nd quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Sierra Logue shoots for two points during the 1st quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Emma Schmerbach and Bella Stone pressure Crater’s Kate Stidham during the 3rd quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Emma Schmerbach drives to the basket during the 3rd quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Toni Coleman steels the ball from Crater’s Abigail Winslow during the 3rd quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Donovyn Hunter gets foules as she drives to the basket during the 2nd quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Toni Coleman drives to the basket during the 1st quarter.
Andy Atkinson / Mail TribuneSouth Medford’s Donovyn Hunter steels the ball away from Crater’s Madison Dutkiewicz during the 3rd quarter.
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my-house-of-fashion · 5 years
Jorge Penadés fabricates Málaga Camper store from materials that match the brand's warehouse
Madrid-based designer Jorge Penadés has designed and fabricated a colourful shop for Spanish footwear brand Camper from simple perforated metal profiles.
The store in Málaga has a raw, industrial aesthetic that has been softened with a colour palette of bright blues, pinks and reds.
Penadés used just three basic elements – perforated metal profiles, corner plates and bolts/nuts – in the design and construction of the shop. The designer and four assistants built the store together.
“We did the whole shop in four intense weeks,” Penadés told Dezeen.
The three elements were used for everything, from seating units to the checkout counter and light fixtures in the store. Even the shoe sizes on the shelves are marked with numbers created from bolted-together corner plates.
Penadés chose different-coloured metal profiles for each area.
“I decided to create a code regarding the function of every area of the shop: wall displays are green, table displays are blue for men and women and pink for kids, seating is yellow and paying is red,” the designer said.
He also created brand logos and a new typography using the perforated metal profiles.
The design of the store is a nod to Camper’s warehouse in the small Mallorcan village of Binissalem, which is primarily used as a storage space for old Camper stores that have been refurbished.
The space also functions as an archive and contains pieces custom-made for the brand by designers including Michele De Lucchi, Gaetano Pesce, Ingo Maurer, the Bouroullec brothers and Konstantin Grcic.
When visiting it, Penadés was immediately drawn to the warehouse space and decided to use it as a temporary factory.
“It was this sort of irrational attraction that we sometimes have and we can not avoid!” said Penadés.
“When I entered and the Camper team started to open crates showing me all those museum-quality pieces from many maestros my mind was blown.”
“I could not get this image out of my mind of me working for a few weeks in this space, fabricating the entire shop myself, directly one to one,” the designer said.
Penadés moved to Mallorca with his team in the summer of 2019 to construct the store.
“At the beginning the brief was to make a shop with what I could find there and not adding anything new,” he explains.
“But I didn’t want to put some of those great works together and create a sort of ‘one-off’ store; I was more interested in generating a system that could potentially be replicated in other Camper stores in the future.”
The project is a part of Camper Together, a model of collaboration in which Camper teams up with designers to create unique stores and products. Previous collaborations include Jasper Morrison’s Ni-jo sandals that reference minimal tatami mats.
Penadés was born in Málaga and established his own practice in Madrid in 2015 after graduating from the city’s design and fashion school, IED. He has previously worked with repurposed materials, and used aluminium profiles to create a collection of fluted vases for furniture brand BD Barcelona Design.
Photography is by José Hevia.
The post Jorge Penadés fabricates Málaga Camper store from materials that match the brand's warehouse appeared first on Dezeen.
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from http://www.houseoffashion.co.za/jorge-penades-fabricates-malaga-camper-store-from-materials-that-match-the-brands-warehouse/
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darkammarketing · 5 years
Announcing 50 Rockstar Marketers that Made It to the Fearless 50
Great careers don’t happen by accident. A number of bright marketers are willing to get out of their comfort zone and take charge of their career development. At Adobe, we understand that it takes a lot of courage and passion to challenge the status quo and transform how you engage your audience. This is why we recognize the top 50 talented marketers to celebrate their success and share their mission-driven, inspiring stories with the world. This is how the Fearless 50 program was born.
About the Fearless 50
The Fearless 50 is a yearlong program designed for marketers that have one thing in common: unstoppable drive to lead digital transformation in their organizations. This mission unites members of the program, while criteria like years of experience or industry become secondary. 
The ultimate goal of the Fearless 50 is to sharpen members’ leadership skills and provide them with all the necessary tools for world-class digital transformation. Mentorship opportunities by senior leaders, webinars on a variety of topics, speaking and thought leadership opportunities – this is just a small portion of transformative experiences available to the program members.
One of our finalists, Enrico De Leon, hit the nail on the head in describing what the Fearless 50 is all about, “Fearlessness is not the absence of fear, nor does it make one immune to failure. It’s about being brave. Being part of the Fearless 50 is validation that trusting the data, embracing change, and growing through experience is the foundation of bravery. Being fearless does not equal carelessness.”
Check out what recognition as a Fearless Marketer means to the program members:
“A fearless marketer accepts the fact that opposite values are complementary to each other. Darkness glorifies the light, and challenges bring out the strength in people.” -Ajay
“Being fearless to me is to drive innovation and excellence. Lead by example and be courageous enough to take actions and make decisions despite the fear!” – Karan
“Once you become Fearless, marketing becomes limitless.” – Zenita
“The Fearless 50 know that to achieve extraordinary results, you have to take extraordinary measures – but you also don’t have to stand alone.” – Tricia
“It’s so exciting to be part of a group of marketing pioneers who are eager to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences to empower and inspire others to continue pushing creative boundaries.” – Nicol
“Being a member of the Fearless 50 means to keep pushing the envelope and doing new and exciting things.” – Kate
Meet the Fearless 50
Now it’s time to meet our Fearless 50 finalists! Having received hundreds of nominees that truly stand out in the field, this decision wasn’t an easy one. However, we managed to narrow down the list to the top 50 by picking the boldest and most fearless marketers that overcame the toughest business challenges. We are thrilled to introduce them to you: 
Abhishek Chandra, Marketing Ops Manager, Wunderman\MSC
Adele Miller, Global Marketing Automation Manager, IFS
Ajay Sarpal, Consultant
Amy Walls, Manager, Mar Tech & Ops for Planview, Inc.
Anju Visen-Singh, Acting Associate Vice-President, Marketing, University of Calgary
Anna McLauchlan, Head of Lifecycle Marketing, Trade Me
Ben Scott, Senior Digital Marketing Manager, Grant Thornton Australia
Caitlin Poliska, Sr Director, Marketing & Sales Ops, Adobe Practice Lead, The Pedowitz Group
Carole Elwell, Marketing Ops, Director/VP, Southwest Airlines
Chelsea Kiko, Senior Manager, Marketing Ops, Hileman Group
Cheryl Mason, Executive Director, Digital Marketing Strategy,  JPMorgan Chase & Co
Chris Willis, Global Marketing Operations Manager, Trimble
Christine Zeng, Marketing Automation Manager, American Express Global Business Travel
Clare Carr, VP, Marketing for Parse.ly
Cristan Hutto, Director, Marketing Ops, JDA Software
Delphine Tsiranana, Marketing Automation Consultant, Sportivemind Ltd
Dipalli Bhatt, Director of Marketing & Demand Gen, Enghouse Networks
Divya Jumani, Former Global Head of Digital Marketing Operations, Cochlear
Enrico De Leon, Associate Director, Marketing Operations, AMRI Global
Erin Bickford, Director, Global Digital Marketing Strategy, Manulife
Euan Howden, Director, Marketing Platforms and Campaigns, Education New Zealand
Grace Brebner, Product Manager, Marketing Automation & CRM, Tourism Holdings LTD
Jake Schlan, Senior Manager, Marketing Technology & Operations, Palo Alto Networks
James Chung, Senior Manager, Marketing Operations and Email Marketing, Uber
Jennifer Wong, Head of Marketing, Convoy
Jenny Robertson, VP, Technology, ANNUITAS
Kalina Bryant, Head of Customer Marketing, Signifyd
Karan Hari, Senior Product Manager, GlobalLogic
Kate Federhar, Sr. Marketing Operations Manager, CenturyLink
Katy Snyder, Director, Demand Gen, BitTitan
Kelly Jo Horton, Senior Engineer, MarTech, Docker, Inc.
Kimmah Shah, Director of Digital Strategy, Clutch
Kristina Schroffel, Senior Marketing Technologist, S&P Global
Lucy Alligan, Director, Sales Enablement-Global Marketing Automation, State Street Bank
Makiko Hultz, Program Manager, Marketing Operations, Honeywell
Matthew Gomez, Sr. Manager, Marketing Ops, Laureate Education
Nadia Milani, Digital Marketing Manager, Grand & Toy
Nicol Maurer, Email Marketing Manager, Balboa Capital
Rachit Puri, Global Marketing Automation Manager, Thoughtworks
Richard Wasylynchuk, Senior Director, Global Marketing Operations and Strategy, Visier
Ryan Worden, Global Digital Marketing Analytics Manager, Sealed Air Corp.
Sara McNamara, Senior Marketing Operations Manager, Cloudera, Inc.
Scott Merselis, Marketing Operations Manager, BusinessSolver
Scott Berns, Sr Director, Marketing Technology and Operations, Centurylink
Scott Wright, Marketing Automation Manager, Peak Media Properties
Shameah Abraham, Marketing Automation Manager, MISUMI
Stacy Blackman, Associate Director, B2B Marketing, Mspark
Susan Campbell, Marketing Group Manager, Panasonic
Tricia Saunders, Director, Marketing Operations & Technology, Trimble
Zenita Henderson, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, SCTE-ISBE
Join Our Fearless 50 List in 2020
Are you a marketer interested in joining this phenomenal development program? You may find this blog post about Keep an eye on Marketo’s blog and social channels – next summer, we’ll announce when nominations open for 2020. Subscribe to our blog today to keep up with the insights from our current Fearless Marketers and be among the first to see the announcement for the Fearless 50 next year.
The post Announcing 50 Rockstar Marketers that Made It to the Fearless 50 appeared first on Marketo Marketing Blog - Best Practices and Thought Leadership.
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thecomedybureau · 7 years
Here Are Your 2017 Emmys Comedy Nominees
Today, the nominations for the 2017 Primetime Emmys were announced. For comedy specifically, it’s probably what you expected.
Premium cable and streaming services continue to dominate the Emmys with Netflix and HBO coming out strong. FX also maintains its status as a premium cable network disguised as a basic cable network with its handful of nominations for Atlanta, Better Things, and Baskets. 
Colbert’s Election special and Sam Bee’s Not the WHCD thankfully were bestowed nominations here as well.
One thing that was a delightful surprise is Lauren Lapkus and Ben Schwartz gaining nominations for their performances in The Earliest Show, a web series that followed a morning talk show with one of the hosts going through all the stages of grief.
Take a gander at all the comedy nominees below.
*All comedy nominees are in italics
OUTSTANDING COMEDY SERIES Atlanta, FX Black-ish, ABC Master Of None, Netflix Modern Family, ABC Silicon Valley, HBO Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Netflix Veep, HBO
LEAD ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Pamela Adlon, Better Things, FX  Jane Fonda, Grace And Frankie, Netflix Allison Janney, Mom, CBS Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Netflix Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep, HBO Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish, ABC Lily Tomlin, Grace And Frankie, Netflix
LEAD ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Anthony Anderson, Black-ish, ABC Aziz Ansari, Master Of None, Netflix Zach Galifianakis, Baskets, FX Networks Donald Glover, Atlanta, FX Networks William H. Macy, Shameless, Showtime Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent, Amazon
VARIETY TALK SERIES Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, TBS Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, HBO The Late Late Show With James Corden, CBS The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, CBS Real Time With Bill Maher, HBO
SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES Vanessa Bayer, Saturday Night Live, NBC Anna Chlumsky, Veep, HBO Kathryn Hahn, Transparent, Amazon Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live, NBC Judith Light, Transparent, Amazon Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live, NBC
SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES Louie Anderson, Baskets, FX Networks Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live, NBC Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Netflix Ty Burrell, Modern Family, ABC Tony Hale, Veep, HBO Matt Walsh, Veep, HBO
VARIETY SKETCH SERIES Billy On The Street, truTV Documentary Now!, IFC Drunk History, Comedy Central Portlandia, IFC Saturday Night Live, NBC Tracey Ullman’s Shows, HBO
OUTSTANDING ANIMATED PROGRAM Archer, FX Bob’s Burgers, Fox Elena And The Secret Of Avalor (Sofia The First), Disney Channel The Simpsons, Fox South Park, Comedy Central
UNSTRUCTURED REALITY PROGRAM Born This Way, A&E Deadliest Catch, Discovery Channel Gaycation With Ellen Page, Viceland Intervention, A&E RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked, YouTube United Shades Of America With W. Kamau Bell, CNN
HOST FOR A REALITY/REALITY COMPETITION PROGRAM Alec Baldwin, Match Game, ABC W. Kamau Bell, United Shades Of America With W. Kamau Bell, CNN RuPaul Charles, RuPaul’s Drag Race, VH1 Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, Project Runway, Lifetime Gordon Ramsay, MasterChef Junior, Fox Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg, Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party, VH1
OUTSTANDING CHARACTER VOICE-OVER PERFORMANCE American Dad!, Dee Bradley Baker as Klaus, TBS/20th Century Fox Television Bob’s Burgers, Kevin Kline as Mr. Fischoeder, Fox BoJack Horseman, Kristen Schaal as Sarah Lynn, Netflix F Is For Family, Mo Collins as Ginny, Jimmy Fitzsimmons, Lex, Ben, Cutie Pie, Netflix Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane as Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, Fox The Simpsons, Nancy Cartwright as Bart Simpson, Fox
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM COMEDY OR DRAMA SERIES Brown Girls, Open TV Fear The Walking Dead: Passage, AMC.com Hack Into Broad City, ComedyCentral.com Los Pollos Hermanos Employee Training Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot, ABC.com
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM VARIETY SERIES Behind The Voice Epic Rap Battles of History Honest Trailers The Daily Show-Between the Scenes The Star Wars Show
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM NONFICTION OR REALITY SERIES Creating Saturday Night Live Feud: Bette and Joan: Inside Look Jay Leno’s Garage National Endowment For The Arts: United States of Arts Viceland at The Women’s March
OUTSTANDING ACTOR IN A SHORT FORM COMEDY OR DRAMA SERIES  Ty Burell, Boondoggle Alan Tudyk, Con Man Kim Estes, Dicks Jason Ritter, Tales of Titans Ben Schwartz, The Earliest Show John Michael Higgins, Tween Fest
OUTSTANDING ACTRESS IN A SHORT FORM COMEDY OR DRAMA SERIES  Mindy Sterling, Con Man Jane Lynch, Dropping the Soap Kelsey Scott, Fear The Walking Dead: Passage Mindy Sterling, secs & EXECS Lauren Lapkus, The Earliest Show 
OUTSTANDING SHORT FORM ANIMATED PROGRAM Adventure Time, Cartoon Network Disney Mickey Mouse, The Disney Channel Marvel’s Rocket & Groot, Disney XD Steven Universe, Cartoon Network Teen Titans Go!, Cartoon Network
DIRECTING FOR A COMEDY SERIES Donald Glover, Atlanta Jamie Babbit, Silicon Valley Morgan Sackett, Veep David Mandel, Veep Dale Stern, Veep
DIRECTING FOR A VARIETY SERIES Derek Waters & Jeremy Konner, Drunk History Andy Fisher, Jimmy Kimmel Live Paul Pennolino, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Jim Hoskinson, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Don Roy King, Saturday Night Live
DIRECTING FOR A VARIETY SPECIAL Paul Pennolino, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Presents Not The White House Correspondents’ Dinner Glenn Weiss, The Oscars Jim Hiskinson, Stephen Colbert’s Live Election Night Democracy’s Series Finale: Who’s Going to Clean Up This S—? Jerry Foley, Tony Bennett Celebrates 90: The Best is Yet to Come
WRITING FOR A COMEDY SERIES Donald Glover, Atlanta Stephen Glover, Atlanta Aziz Ansari & Lena Waithe, Master of None Alec Berg, Silicon Valley Billy Kimball, Veep David Mandel, Veep
WRITING FOR A VARIETY SERIES -Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Jo Miller, Samantha Bee, Ashley Nicole Black, Pat Cassels, Eric Drysdae, Mathan Erhardt, Travon Free, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn, Melinda Taub & Jason Reich -Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Kevin Avery, Tim Carvell, Josh Gondelman, Dan Gurewitch, Geoff Haggerty, Jeff Maurer, John Oliver, Scott Sherman, Will Tracy, Jill Twiss & Juli Weiner  -Late Night with Seth Meyers, Jermaine Affonso, Alex Baze, Bryan Donaldson, Sal Gentile, Matt Goldich, Dina Gusovky, Jenny Hagel, Allison Hord, Mike Karnell, John Lutz, Seth Meyers, Ian Morgan, Seth Reiss, Amber Ruffin, Mike Scollins, Mike Shoemaker & Ben Warheit  -The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Barry Julien, Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi, Stephen Colbert, Tom Purcell, Matt Lappin, Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Daniel Kibblesmith, Michael Pielocik, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack & John Thibodeaux  -SNL, Chris Kelly, Sarah Schneider, Kent Sublette, Bryan Tucker, Pete Schultz, James Anderson, Kristen Bartlett, Jeremy Beiler, Zach Bornstein, Joanna Bradley, Megan Callahan, Michael Che, Anna Drezen, Fran Gillespie, Sudi Green, Steve Higgins, Colin Jost, Erik Kenward, Rob Klein, Nick Kocher, Dave McCary, Brian McElhaney, Dennis McNicholas, Drew Michael, Lorne Michaels, Josh Patten, Katie Rich, Streeter Seidell, Will Stephen & Julio Torres 
WRITING FOR A VARIETY SPECIAL -Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Presents Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Samantha Bee, Jo Miller, Ashley Nicole Black, Patt Cassels, Eric Drysdale, Mathan Erhardt, Travon Free, Joe Grossman, Miles Kahn & Melinda Taub  -Louis C.K. 2017, Louis C.K. -Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust, Sarah Silverman  -Stephen Colbert’s Live Election Night Democracy’s Series Finale: Who’s Going to Clean Up This S—?, Jay Katsir, Opus Moreschi, Stephen Colbert, Michael Brumm, Nate Charny, Aaron Cohen, Cullen Crawford, Paul Dinello, Rob Dubbin, Ariel Dumas, Glenn Eichler, Django Gold, Gabe Gronli, Barry Julien, Daniel Kibblesmith, Matt Lappin, Michael Pielocik, Tom Purcell, Kate Sidley, Jen Spyra, Brian Stack & John Thibodeaux -70th Annual Tony Awards, Dave Boone, Mike Gibbons, Lauren Greenberg, Ian Karmel, Ben Winston & Justin Shanes 
WRITING FOR A NONFICTION PROGRAM Amanda Knox, Brian McGinn  Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, Anthony Bourdain  The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – The Touring Years, Mark Monroe  Bill Nye Saves the World, Prashanth Venkataramanujam, CeCe Pleasants, Sanden Totten, Mike Drucker & Flora Lichtman  13th, Ava DuVernay & Spencer Averick 
OUTSTANDING INTERACTIVE PROGAM Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Saturday Night Live Multiplatform Experience The Late Late Show with James Corden The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Get the full list of all this year’s Primetime Emmys nominees, including all of the Creative Arts Emmys here.
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