#Jinx seeing Vi again: never sure how to feel about this one
badluckgoboom · 6 months
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"Huh. Nice of them to not even give me a SCRAP of hope this time. No use even trying to have a sister again.
Not while S H E ' S here too. "
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unluckiestmember · 3 months
Arcane x Ransom! Reader
Summary: How would the Arcane characters react if the reader was held for ransom?
Characters: Jinx/Powder, Violet "Vi", Caitlyn Kiramman, Viktor, Jayce Talis, Sevika, Silco and Licker (mention).
Warning: Slight cursing and suggestive themes/implied sexual themes.
A/N: I literally got the idea for this request from Helluva Boss, particular episode 6 of season 2. I hope you all enjoy this though, I know I did!
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“You have who?! Where are they?!… You want me to pay you for them? Oh I’ll pay you alright!”
Jinx doesn’t take the idea of you getting hurt lightly. She already is super overprotective of her little trinket, so when she heard that you were being held for a price, she wasted no time grabbing Pow-Pow, Zapper and a bunch of chompers to aid her in her “heroic rescue” for her princess/prince. As soon as she is where you are held, you don’t have to see her to know she’s there for you. Don’t expect any talking, just laughter and hollers followed by gunfire, screams for mercy and explosions.
Before you know it, the Loose Cannon is standing in front of you, pulling you into the tightest hug ever and dressing your face with kisses. She will ask you countless questions while freaking out, beating herself up over you being in such a position. But when she feels you touch her and assure her you’re okay, she’s on cloud nine. As soon as she laces the area with bombs to blow it to kingdom come, she’s back at her hideout, being super affectionate and touchy the entire night. Don’t expect anyone to be touching you for months unless they want their head blown off.
Violet “Vi”
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“… What?… You… You just pissed off the wrong woman.”
First word that you were kidnapped, Vi wasted no time hunting your captors down and beating them to a bloody pulp. The woman is like a bull seeing red knowing you were somewhere cold and scared away from home and her arms. So until you were back to her, anyone was able to get a personal greeting from the pink haired fighter. Vi is pretty merciful, but in situations like this, she isn’t afraid to push the envelope by giving life threatening injuries to the bastards that hurt you.
When she found you, she didn’t bother asking any questions or giving any money to your kidnappers, unless they counted a mouthful of fists and kicks as payment enough. When she’s done with her punishment, she’ll immediately scoop you into her arms and take the both of you back home, where she checks you for injuries and asks if you are okay. Please comfort her. She may act all tough and cool, but the situation scared her due to thinking she lost you just like everyone else. As soon as she knows you are alright, she’ll promise no one will ever do that to you again.
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“You kidnapped Y/N? Why would- Who do you think you are? You better let them go right now!”
Caitlyn was used to people being kidnapped on the job, having to save them or negotiate with criminals for their safety. But she would have never imagined such a thing happening to you of all people. When she was told you were being held for ransom, she understandably panicked before taking deep breaths and thinking of how to get you back to her. The enforcer can easily scrounge up the money for you to be freed, because you were more important than any coin that reaches her pockets.
So when she arranges a meeting with your kidnappers and finds you so scared, she finds it hard to stop herself from grabbing you and making a run for it. If the kidnappers pull a fast one on her though, all bets are off and bullets are flying. When she has you back, she will watch you like a hawk and be on the defensive for a while. But if you assure her enough that you are okay, she will lighten up. On the bright side, after the incident she’s more romantic and spends more time with you in and out of work.
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“Look, I’m sure we can talk about this. I’ll get you the money, just. Please don’t hurt them…”
Viktor beat himself up when he heard you were taken away from him for monetary purposes. He just doesn’t understand how he would let this happen- How he would let someone easily take you under his nose and put you in harm’s way?! He could’ve waddled in his sorrows, but he couldn’t. He had to save you and he had to act fast! It would hurt him, but he would ask for assistance from Jayce and the council if he can. And if they can’t help him? Well. Maybe it was time to break out those so-called dangerous machines Heimerdinger warned him against using.
When he finds you, he’s wasting no time trying to negotiate a way around matters so you could be freed. And if those negotiations don’t go according to plan, then he’ll use his machinery and his brain to outsmart the criminals into freeing you. When you are back together, he’ll just. Hold you. Like you are a precious gemstone. He’ll promise you this will never happen again. No one will ever lay their hands on you again…
Jayce Talis
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“Is this supposed to scare me? If anything, you should be the one scared- Do you know who I am?!”
Jayce does not take threats lightly, especially when it comes to his family, friends and his loved ones. As soon as he was told you were held for Ransom, he let his anger and determination to get you back fuel him to do anything to send a message and bring you back to safety. You will immediately know your boyfriend got the message because in a matter of hours, enforcers are barging into the area you were held like they were entering a war, shooting, punching and slamming anyone who got in their way from their goal; You.
And Jayce is in the middle of it all, swinging his hammer without remorse before running to your rescue as your knight in shining armor. As soon as you grab his hand, he’s walking you back to his place casually through the enforcers destroying everything in their sights and leaving a message for the assholes that took you; Never. Ever. Touch the councilman’s lover. Don’t expect to go anywhere without guards following you if Jayce isn’t, whether you want to or not. Jayce just can’t take the chance for you to be taken again. Is it extreme? Yes. But it was worth it.
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“Ransom? Seriously? Please, that’s nothing. And I’m about to show you why.”
When it comes to ransom, Sevika wasn’t new to having her friends or past lovers be kidnapped for money. So when she heard you were being held hostage, she casually grabbed her poncho, fixed her arm for a brawl and headed outside to round her co-workers up. When she found you and the ones that took you, she wasted no time kicking in the doors and sicking her co-workers on everyone before she made her way towards you after knocking some skulls in. She’ll ask if you are okay and especially check you for any injuries before grabbing you and joking how you found yourself in this predicament.
The fight rages on as soon as she places you outside for safety. Saving you wasn’t enough. No, she needed everyone to know that when someone messes with you, they have to deal with her and the rest of Zaun. When everything is over and done, Sevika will take you both back home and treat any injuries you want before kissing your cheek and simply talking as if you weren’t kidnapped to begin with. If you think she doesn’t care, then hoo boy. The way she’ll treat you that night in bed will make you think otherwise.
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“Hmm… If I were you, I’d beg for mercy when I get there…”
Silco is never one to be threatened because he’s always the one making the threats. Hearing about you being held for Ransom made him immediately go on the move to round up Sevika to follow him in bringing you back to him. If he gets there and doesn’t find you anywhere, he will deliver a silent signal to bring the house down. But if you are present, then he won’t need violence to be delivered by his Right Hand. He’ll just need to put the fear of gods into your kidnapper.
He’ll paint them a picture of how he’ll find their families and let them listen to the melody of their bones breaking. How he’ll have Licker carve paintings into their bodies and let them choke on their own blood as they beg for mercy. What do they think of that? They wouldn’t like that at all. As a matter of fact, they would hate it so much that they would release you and fade from existence right there. As soon as you are back to Silco, he’s going to take you back home as if this was only a minor inconvenience. But as soon as you two are behind closed doors, he can’t help from keeping his hands to himself and make promises against your skin.
If you have any requests for Arcane, X-Men '97 or Blue Eye Samurai, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay safe, stay hydrated and have a good day!
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anymoon19 · 2 months
how they met
I brought you a story that I made a while ago and I really wanted to share, I hope you like it and my requests are open
I saw that Vi always felt something for you, even if she couldn't name what it was. Whether it was wanting to get your attention, finding excuses to touch you, or even hugging you for no reason.
But when she saw two women together, romantically speaking, she realized it was the same way you treated each other. The affection, the attention, and the looks. That's when Vi realized she was hopelessly in love with you.
Vi wasn't usually affectionate, only with Vander or Powder, and that was just because they were family.
You met when she was 15 years old, and since then, you never parted ways. You always found her beautiful, that rough and authoritative demeanor always attracted you, and over time, Vi began to notice it too.
That's when the flirting started, initially simple compliments, hands on shoulders or hips. But it evolved, what used to be a simple hand on the hip turned into a constant hand on your waist or the back pocket of your pants, the innocent compliments turned into increasingly bold and direct pick-up lines, the light hugs turned into long minutes of her holding you in her arms or keeping you close.
At first, it intimidated you because, even though you liked her, Vi was still intimidating and brave, and you weren't used to that kind of attention.
Even though Vi was sure of her own feelings, she wasn't sure about yours, heck, she didn't even know if you liked women. She decided to observe you, spend more time with you, even if sometimes Powder got in the way a bit.
A few weeks before that night, Vi had confessed her feelings to you, she couldn't stand not having you to herself anymore and decided to take a chance.
It was perfect, your relationship had never been better, the kisses you shared, the hugs you gave, and the love you felt were out of this world. Vi had never felt anything so intense in her life, and being with you like that seemed like a dream she never wanted to wake up from.
When everything went wrong, all your friends died, and Vi had disappeared, your world fell apart. You had begged her so much to forget that, and now you had lost her, your heart was shattered, and seeing what Powder was becoming only made the situation worse. In one of the attempts to make Powder, now Jinx, return to normal, you almost ended up dead from a fit of your former friend. Taking shelter with Ekko in his base, you decided to focus on caring for the wounded and warriors instead of going on missions.
Eight years had passed, and even while distracting yourself, you still found yourself thinking about Vi. What you felt for her you would never feel for anyone else, and the thought that you never would again bothered you. You often speculated where she could be. Unlike the others, her body was never found. The thought that she might have escaped and left you bothered your subconscious, but you quickly corrected yourself. Vi would never abandon you, never abandon Powder. But as each day, week, month, and year passed, that thought solidified in your mind, making you wish she had died in the accident rather than thinking she had left you.
However, when you saw her, standing right in front of you next to a Piltover officer, your world stopped. She was taller than you remembered and more muscular too. Aside from the new tattoos and haircut, she was the same Vi you remembered. Your body started trembling when she turned to you and froze in place, those beautiful blue eyes looking at you with guilt and longing, making the hurt in your chest grow.
You slowly approached, afraid she might disappear with a simple breath. Vi stood there, immobilized, waiting for some action or move from you. As you got close enough, you slapped her face, making her head turn to the side, and her cheek turned red.
"Why did you do this? Why did you abandon us?" Tears were falling from your eyes as you spoke those words, cutting your throat like glass and burning your insides with anger and resentment.
"I didn't abandon you," she whispered, finally looking into your eyes, letting her own tears form.
This reaction was far from what Vi expected from you, not due to your gentle and loving nature, of course. She didn't expect everything to go back to how it was before, but still, she thought at least you would welcome her with the love you once had.
"Lies!" you shouted with tears streaming down your face, "You left, you left me..." covering your face, "Why did you do this?"
Your words broke Vi's heart. Seeing you like this was like a stab in the chest. "I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't stop it..." she allowed herself to cry, making everyone around look shocked. "They caught me, S/n, they threw me in prison for the theft we committed before all this happened." Vi approached, lifting your face to her. "Not a single day went by without me dreaming of coming back home, back to you, thinking that when I finally had you, everything was taken from me."
The anger dissipated, giving way to a painful longing. You collapsed into Vi's arms, crying loudly against her chest, feeling her arms tighten around you. All the pain, longing, and nostalgia were in that hug. Your sobs were muffled by Vi's jacket as she hid her face in your hair, the tears streaming silently down her face as she tightened her embrace to the point of pain.
"I'm so sorry," Vi whispered repeatedly in your ear, sobbing quietly while holding you in her arms.
You stayed like that for a while, not knowing if it was hours or minutes, just wanting to stay in each other's arms and try to make up for the time that was taken from you.
When you separated, Caitlyn approached to check if you were okay. She introduced herself and explained her relationship with Vi and was happy to meet you.
It was difficult, but you both managed to establish yourselves. After all, your love had never faded, and the time you spent apart only intensified that feeling. It wasn't perfect, because nothing is perfect, but you loved each other and were willing to make the relationship work.
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Hey! Can I make a request for Jinx, Vi and Ekko? How they would react to seeing you hurt? When I mean hurt I mean ‘if we don’t get medical attention we will pass out but not die’ type (attack by (enemy), a bar fight happens and you end up getting involved even if you were just trying to leave and etc).
(This request if from wattpad By RainRin13, I just copy and pasted their request and added the characters I did for the request lmao)
Vi, Jinx & Ekko When Their S/o Get's Hurt Vi
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Vi hated when you get hurt
Especially because of someone else
She is pissed at them, she doesn’t care who it is
She always wanted to protect you
And you always scared her shitless if you fainted
Or got hurt in general
So when you got hurt by someone in a bar fight…
It’s no secret that Vi is fucking pissed
When the bar fight started she was cool, she wasn’t involved
She and you were just trying to peacefully leave before she did actually get involved
But then someone fucking punched you
That’s all Vi needed to get pissed
She doesn’t remember a lot about the fight
Just that she beat the shit out of them and they have a couple fractures to their face and probably a broken arm
Also that Vi threw them over the bar and into the barrels behind it
Once she got back to you she checked if you were okay
And once she saw you needed medical attention yeah, only fueled her anger more
But she had to actually get you the attention you needed
She actually was able to get you to a doctor
Courtesy of Caitlyn who, surprisingly, was also dragged into the bar fight
If you did end up fainting, Vi wouldn’t fight the one just yet
She’d get you the help you needed before going to find them to beat the shit out of them
Let’s just say it’s not pretty when someone hurts you and she’s there
It’s actually worse when she isn’t there and someone dares
Not pretty.
Not pretty, at all.
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Jinx always feel bad when you get hurt
That she wasn’t able to help you when you did or she felt that she hadn’t been quick enough to stop it from happening
But she always got so fucking scared when you fainted
She didn’t have enough time to process you had just fainted and not died
She was always scared shitless when you got hurt, even if it’s a small scratch
But when you and her got into a bar fight and you got hurt
Like Vi, Jinx is freaking pissed
Once she sees there's a bar fight, she gets kinda excited
She liked adrenaline of fights a bit too much
She probably got roped in by herself, probably punched someone
But once she saw someone lay a hand on you??
Oh boy
If they were stupid enough not to know you were her S/o, they will now
Because she might as well have shot the person
You weren’t able to witness it, you probably passed out from being hit with a bottle
But Jinx, while not looking it, is very strong
And beat the absolute shit out of them
Everyone watched it go down and made no attempt to stop her
Knowing that it’d be worse for them if they even tried
Once she decided they had enough from her, she would have Silco deal with ‘em later, she saw you on the floor
Was guilty she didn’t notice sooner
She felt so bad
She knew you needed help, so she ran to Silco, who then got Singed
She didn’t let him inject you with shimmer
She had him actually help you, medically
No way was she about to let him dose you with that
When you were finally okay and woke back up, she was so happy
While making sure you were okay she was also plotting on how to get to the one who did it to you
And let me tell you, you never saw them again
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Ekko hated seeing you hurt
It always made him feel guilty
Like he couldn’t protect you 
So, he always tried to avoid you from getting hurt, even sometimes putting himself in harm's way if it meant you were okay
Ekko rarely went to bars
But the firelights and you had managed to get him out of the hideout for once
He was never big with parties, if I’m being honest
He didn’t like how loud they got especially
But he was so freaking annoyed when a bar fight broke out
He thought it was stupid because someone merely bumped into someone and started an all-out brawl in the bar
He was even more annoyed, and sort of angry, when his friends got roped into it too
But then, he saw you in the corner of his eye be dragged back and punched
He didn’t get angry very often, but then he did
Like what the actual fuck?
The guy who hit you didn’t even get another hit in before Ekko tugged him back and punched the ever-living shit out of him
It wasn’t a big fight; Ekko wasn’t very big on harming someone unless necessary
He got about half a dozen good hits in before stopping
The firelights were actually very impressed by Ekko
But then he noticed you were passed out
He felt like his heart stopped before he had to rush back over to you to see you had fainted from the bottle cracked over your head
He had to find his friends, haul them back to the hideout and running to the healer
The healer for the firelights was very kind and very good at their job
So he wasn’t worried about you being permanently harmed
He just felt guilty he didn’t notice you on the ground sooner
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archangeldyke-all · 16 days
There’s so many things you noticed that I didn’t lol. I think that yes, the guy pulling the chain was ekko. He looks different cuz of no paint and new hairstyle but that him I’ve stared at it for hours.
Okay, I think I’ll just do that lol. It’s just that I prefer to talk with ppl person to person instead of like I’m groups with reboots and stuff. And arcane is going to make me sooo anxious? Excited ? Idk it’s gonna make my heart race and I want to rant about it really well knowing someone is reading yk ? I’m an anxious person and so many things happen in fandom that I barely interact when things are intense. I usually just wait for it to chill. But I can try that; watching as it comes out. It will be good cuz I also won’t be able to keep my excitement at bay hahaha.
This might be annoying, but I’m not a huge fan of Caitlyn, so I get what you mean by how she’ll probably be the character to annoy you the most this new season. I don’t hate her; I just really cannot stand her ignorance and naivety. It really irritates me how she really genuinely has not clue if he reality of things; while being overconfident in her opinions lol (like, “it looks like they bury dead ppl in there” when looking at VI’s home; or “what ? You don’t have parents ?”. Very small examples but the others are too long to talk about lol).
I won’t blame her for wanting to kill Jinx though. But if Ambessa really is manipulating her, I’ll never see her as anything more than a victim. An annoying victim lmao. I don’t know how to ignore abusive behavior, so it’ll be Ambessa then cait cuz despite being manipulated she’ll be doing some horrible shot that won’t help anything at all and it’ll be so frustrating to watch cuz that’s just one of the consequences of her naivety. (Also, how did you get the idea that Ambessa would ? I’ve seen ppl saying that too, but like I don’t notice all these small details all the time :(
And Viiii. There was this physical event organized by like RIOT or sth where they showed an exclusive sneak peak of Vi in her street fighter era (these are not the leaks since they’re official but it was a private viewing and no devices were allowed) and a YouTuber (schnee) that watched it talked about the clip and like made his predictions for the season. I’ve been so excited to see her since I saw his video (again, these are not the leaks but a sneak peak where the vibe was a you-had-to-be-there type vibe). I feel so bad for Vi, she doesn’t deserve anything that’s happening to her😪
I’m not a CaitVi shipper, but yeah I think I’d love to see their kiss too; or like, the start of their relationship being more than yearning. I don’t understand their ship fully but I’d like to see how they decide to be together after all this chaos. It would be very interesting cuz both of ‘em are entangled emotionally in a mostly negative way. What with the whole ‘my sister killed your mother and now you wanna kill her’ thing.
And ouuuu, I know Ambessa is hot but I hope she dies😞. She’s too obsessed with war smh. (I just thought of like, doing a character study on that lol. Like, why didn’t she think to actually do sth peaceful and productive? Why was her first thought ‘they’re must be war for peace to rain’ lol.)
Anyway, ppl were saying on the YouTube video that they aren’t showing Victor, Jayce and Mel to keep ppl in suspense or sth.
I really hope they don’t kill sevika off cuz I will actually also not want to watch much. Though I love the characters so I’d have to take a break if they do that. Even if they do, she’ll never be dead to me.
I don’t have any predictions for the season cuz I hate being wrong about them and wi to bathe way things are going, one can never be so sure tbh. I love your prediction though. It makes sense.
yes!!! i think the most fascinating thing about cait's character is her whole personality is trying to get out from under her parent's control, wealth, and influence-- but she's always falling victim to someone else's control, wealth and influence. whether it's by joining the enforcers-- piltover's military, essentially, where the lower levels are constantly controlled by their bosses, who are controlled by the council-- or by teaming up with ambessa!!! the writers are so fucking good at making characters make sense-- of course a naive rich girl would run from one system of corrupt power to another-- she doesn't know that they're all corrupt, she hasn't been hurt by them enough to see through the different facades because she's rich!! (but she will always have a special place in my heart... that scene where cait's out in the rain talking to jayce and she goes 'i suppose i've always been an outcast too' or something?? gets me everytime. tears streaming down my cheeks. that little lonely rich lesbian :( )
HAHAHAHA i agree with you 100% about ambessa, but i think unfortunately, she's the least likely to die this season. she's just too powerful and domineering and influential. but idk!! we'll see, arcane has a good way of killing off important, powerful characters.
i feel really bad for vi :( i wish she just had a few minutes to, like, breathe. she literally gets busted out of prison after 10ish years just to track down her sister, and the only reason she's not thrown back in is because of her relation to cait, which means she's indebted to her forever, but then cait goes and tries to kill her sister and her sister tries to kill cait and she's only been out of jail for like 72 hours!!! she needs a spa day. and some weed. give her a break omg.
i'm not a super big caitvi shipper either (mostly for the reasons said above, their relationship is so rushed and co-dependent) but i feel like i gotta root for lesbians life gives me lasjdflksa;dlfj. and i think it would be refreshing to see a show with writing like arcane's do a lesbian sex scene (or something intimate)-- because i have confidence the writer's wouldn't make it a cheesy lesbian porno hahaha
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argowrites · 1 month
Love and Legacy, Chapter 20!
“Are we sure we trust them to govern themselves?” Hoskel interrupted, as if the whole thing was an absurd joke.
When no one responded, he looked around confused, as if he’d expected laughter or someone to agree with him. To end the debate entirely so they could all go home.
“They…certainly do not have much experience,” Councilor Kiramman said hesitantly. 
“And whose fault is that?” Viktor muttered under his breath. He didn’t think he’d said it loud enough for anyone to hear, but he saw Jayce clench his fists ever so slightly on the table and Mel’s eyes flick to him.
“I am just suggesting that perhaps the Undercity will dissolve into chaos if given complete sovereignty,” Councilor Kiramman continued. 
“That is a good point. This…Silco. He will be running things?” Shoola asked, turning her gaze to Jayce.
“I—yes. They want to hold an election, but yes. And he already does run things, more or less,” Jayce replied.
“And look at the state of it now! Perhaps we should just send the enforcers down there. Clean it up, get rid of this ‘Silco’, and call it a day,” Hoskel said. 
Viktor clenched his fists this time. He didn’t want to stand again, he was not sure how long he could, but he could feel the impulse rising. Silco was right and for a moment, he could feel how it would be to stand and tell them exactly what he thought, let years of repressed vitriol for how they treated him, his people, spill out and poison all of them. But before he could, Councilor Kiramman raised her voice. 
“That seems a bit cruel. And it will be a declaration of war, or at least that is how the Undercity will see it,” she said.
“If it is, it will be short,” Hoskel said, waving a hand dismissively. “We have twice the firepower at least and—”
“No,” Viktor said, the firmness of his voice surprising even himself. 
All eyes turned to him, waiting. Viktor stared back, leaning forward against his cane, legs and back feeling too weak to stand. He was not one of them. He never would be. Silco was right, he was a son of Zaun.
Act IV of my Viktor Quartet
Fandom: Arcane: League of Legends
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 15/?
Characters: Viktor, Singed, Silco, Jinx, Ekko, Jayce, Mel, Heimerdinger, Caitlyn, Vi
Relationships: Jayce/Viktor, Jayce/Mel, Jayce/Mel/Viktor, Singed & Viktor, Silco & Viktor, Jinx & Viktor, Ekko & Viktor, Jayce & Caitlyn, Silco & Jinx, Minor Cait/Vi
Additional Tags: Angst, Viktor-centric, Author knows a little about League lore, Divorce Era (but short)
Next Time: Jinx has a party!
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sapphosdickandballs · 2 months
Dear Sapho- her dick, her balls (dont blme me blame amal El-mohtar)
I see you have taken my challenge and engaged me in battle. Now beholth! the arcane edition!
powder (note i did not say Jinx).
I look forward to your reply,
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How I feel about vi…I do feel like fandom has fucked her over a bit. I think she’s undergone hot and gay syndrome (fatal) when she’s actually a complex character. I’m super excited to watch her spiral into depression. I also think thatttt Caitlyn makes her better and more interesting
CAITLYN KIRAMMAN is there even any other answer
her and jinx
I…don’t think she’s that hot. I wanna look like her, for sure (gender envy like you wouldn’t believe) but like. She’s competing with sevika and mommy abassarda and Mel and jinx and Caitlyn and that’s just counting the women. So like. Also maybe it’s finding out the VA for vi is a Zionist. And I feel like her voice was a main appeal for her (at least to me) so
Canon caitvi. I wanted it in the first season. If it’s not in the second season I will genuinely cry
Caitlyn -
Literally number one cait fan here. She’s never done anything wrong and I love her and I also need her so bad. Girls with blue hair istg
Again. Vi. Best ship
Her and Jayce are actually pretty cute together I fear
She’s one of my favorite characters, which might be uncopular. And I like her more than vi, which is definitely unpopular.
I need angst. I need her to lose her mind. I need to watch her spiral into a terrible mess. Literally a requirement.
Jayce -
😴😴😴. He’s boring. I will give him the benifit of the doubt that he needs another season to cook, but like. Boring man
No one lmao.
Like I said, him and cait or him and viktor are sweet.
Idk. Probably that I don’t like Jayvik. Or that I think he’s silly looking.
Wanted him to smack his head on an open cabinet. The man needs that idk.
Uh. He’s okay. I think he has a lot of potential. I think he’s gonna eat in the second season. As it is I thought him a tad bit underwhelming. But I’m strapped in and ready for his arc to finish.
Him and Jayce or I feel like him and Jinx would get along
Hes not attractive to me 😭 I’m sorry. He looks malnourished I’ve never been into that
I want him to die
Trying very hard not to bark at my screen she’s so arugaidiajkekfn. She’s so fine i swear. Oh she’s done shitty things but who cares.
No one is good enough for her. Especially not Jayce 😭
Her and her mom should patch things up I feel like that’s very sad. And if she dies! If she dies and never gets to make up with her mom!!
That she can do no wrong. She’s the best
Living. I need her to live that’s what I want.
Silco -
Silco’s story I was slurping it up with a spoon. I love sympathetic villains. I love horrible people with soft spots. The character himself was horrid but did I cry at you’re perfect? Yes
Proud Vander and Silco shipper. Those two old men should kiss I fear
Him and Jinx >>>
Ugh idk. Ig that I think he should’ve died. That makes sense. That’s a natural conclusion that’s the only way his story could’ve ended
I wish he would’ve given up jinx bro. For the good of the nation. Or fucked nasty with Vander at least once
Powder (you’re devious for this one)
😭😭😭 She kind of reminds me of my sister so I was in PAIN watching her scenes. I love her and I miss her. RIP in peace queen
Shes. A child??
Her and vi or her and ekko
She was kinda dumb for the monkey bomb thing. Like she threw a whole ass bomb and was like oh yeah this will have a great result. Ik why she did it but girl
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ravenkinnie · 8 months
hihihi i wanna ask your perspective do you think jinx actually has no agency?? i remember seeing comments like that and i disagree bcs jinx never felt like a passive characrer, but im a bit confused bcs agency is when the character acts not just reacts and has their own ambitions/goals. jinx doesnt have personal goals of her own so would that automatically make her have no agency? she does rebel against her superior's wishes and does as she please but is that considered acting or reacting?
im very sure that agency works in more complex ways that is used for jinx's character that makes her feel more alive and active than any other character, i just dont know how to put my finger on it
she does have agency, I think the two reasons people remove her agency by either describing her like a passive character or saying she doesn't have any are:
a) we know the cause and effect of her choice, why she does the things she does and who influences her, jinx is probably the character we examine the most closely in arcane. but the fact that she's influenced by people around her and things that happened to her doesn't mean her choices aren't hers
b) the choices jinx makes are irrational and impulsive and not very good but they ARE internally consistent
in general, when we speak about character agency it means actions that affect the story, decisions that are meaningful within the story. jinx is really the main catalyst of most events in arcane, and you can trace it to specific choices such as going to the cannery to help out and setting off the monkey bomb or the whole finale that was set off just by her own actions. yes, they were influenced by other characters because these storylines have to interact and character arcs should overlap instead of being separate elements of one story but that doesn't mean they aren't HER choices and that they aren't pivotal to her character. a character doesn't need to be active all the time either, you can have things happen to them - like jinxs and vis parents dying or jinx being brought to singeds lab - and have their reactions to those things set off chains of events
agency in storytelling is a broad topic tho because some stories might be more unconventional - litfic might lean more passive in terms of characters (think about books where nothing happens like my year of rest and relaxation or a little life where things just kind of happen to the main character) while commercial fiction tends to follow broadly the storytelling beats we all know from blockbuster movies and fantasy books and whatnot
a character goal can also be something that isn't very specific, for example jinxs character goal is to keep people from abandoning her and that drives her actions - its not a specific goal like silco wanting independence for zaun or vi wanting to get jinx back but it is an emotional goal which can also be a story beat.
if you think of two lines going through a story you will have:
one line that is the plot so just the actual events of the story that happen in chronological order - these can include physical goals like idk, look at caitlyn and we see that we set off on a journey to get the stolen hex gem back and we go to stillwater to investigate or whatever. this would be the line where someone might not see the exact cause and effect and goals in jinxs character
a line that is a character arc, these are the emotional story beats and goals so using caitlyn again as an example - wanting to prove herself, connecting with vi, wanting to help vi and undercity etc etc will be the emotional threads that go through those plot beats. this is where majority of jinxs goals and motivations operate as she very marginally gives a fuck about zauns independence or hex gems - these are also the story beats that are most likely to resonate with the audience because you probably aren't out there saving the world but you've been lonely or abandoned or whatever before and you don't just understand those motivations, you can feel them on emotional level. this is also the layer of a story that will most likely look like ASS in your first drafts and if you're working on edits and think this shit sucks it's likely that something is not working in this layer
genuinely, character agency is really hard to define and write shshjs
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hungryistrying · 2 years
hungryistrying's fanfiction masterlist
multi-chapter fics:
jinx’s perfect guide to ruining loving relationships
"I'm going on a double date with my sister and need to bring my boyfriend."
"So?" Ekko frowns at her, failing to understand how he's part of her master plan.
"So, smartass," she flicks his forehead, hilariously causing his frown to deepen, "I'll need a fake boyfriend. Which would be you."
Ekko looks at her as if she's grown two heads. He opens his mouth. And promptly closes it. Then Jinx sees his throat bob as he swallows. Is his throat dry or something? Must be the warm weather. She'll bring him a water bottle later to prove what a considerate fake girlfriend she could be.
Jinx devises a brilliant plan to break up her sister and her girlfriend. All she needs is a fake boyfriend so she has a valid reason to crash all their dates. Easy peasy! (Un)fortunately for Jinx, things do not go as planned.
rating: teen
word count: 10073
status: incomplete
chapter one
read on ao3
multi-work series*:
*multi-work series meaning these are stand-alone stories that can be read by themselves, but reading all parts offers a more comprehensive overarching plot
modern au series: two parts | completed
part one: maybe we can try it if you let me
She’ll just show up – blow off the poor loser who Vi surely must’ve threatened into going on a date with a walking human disaster – and then she can go back to her regularly scheduled programming of watching Spanish telenovelas she doesn’t understand, but cheering every time the wife plans an elaborate revenge scheme on her cheating husband. All while ignoring the 30-page thesis paper she has only 2 weeks left to start on because she loves living on the edge.
In which Jinx gets set up on a blind date and is determined to have a horrible time. Until she actually meets him.
rating: teen
word count: 2558
read here or on ao3
part two: it takes you and me to make us
"This is kind of random,” at the sound of his voice, Jinx’s eyes flicker up at him, “but do you want kids?"
At his unexpected question, she abruptly sits up straight, looking at him in bewilderment while she can hear the Windows error sound play on repeat in her head as she tries to formulate a response. Ekko continues to play with her hair, patiently waiting for her answer.
"I have twenty-two cents on my bank account and a Dorito chip in my pocket," is what she ends up blurting, brain still empty.
They've been together for a year now, which is the longest Jinx has ever been in a relationship. Still, she wasn't prepared for Ekko to start talking about their possible future.
rating: teen
word count: 2593
read here or on ao3
reverse au series: two parts | incomplete
part one: and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands)
“We stopped being friends the moment you decided to work for Silco.”
“That hurts my feelings, you know?” He further closes in on her, barely a hairbreadth apart as he whispers. “I still care about you a lot.”
She glares at him, ignoring the painful pang she feels in her chest at his admission. “Did you care about the innocent people you hurt and killed for him too?”
“But not you." He leans in closer until his nose is brushing against hers. “Never you.”
They've been enemies ever since Powder established the Firelights and Ekko became Silco's left-hand man. But it could never be quite that simple between the two of them. For what are love and hate, if not two sides of the same coin?
rating: mature
word count: 3616
read here or on ao3
part two: and if you wanna go to heaven (you should fuck me tonight)
And rationally, she understands she should pay it no mind and give him the cold shoulder if he tries to proposition her again. Unfortunately, rationality tends to fly out the window when Ekko gets a little too close to her.
rating: explicit
word count: 6367
read here or on ao3
standalone one-shots:
i'm your one and only (only when you're lonely)
Jinx needs an easy distraction. But nothing ever goes easy for her, especially not with Ekko.
rating: explicit
word count: 8809
read here or on ao3
if they ain't talking we ain't doing it right
"You know," Jinx starts, one eye closed in concentration so she can focus on his makeup, "people are shipping us."
"Seriously?" Ekko replies, trying very hard to stay perfectly still so she doesn't get annoyed if his makeup gets messed up.
"Yeah, they even have a ship name for us. Timebomb."
He would roll his eyes if that movement didn't require too many facial muscles. "Now I know you're just fucking with me."
Their relationship is supposed to be a secret, but at this point, Ekko just wants to hold his girlfriend's hand when they walk outside.
rating: teen
word count: 2488
read here or on ao3
i'm so down for you
“I’m going on a date,” Jinx says as if she’s getting executed.
“Okay?” Vi confusedly asks, taking a seat on the edge of Jinx’s bed.
“With Ekko.”
“Oh,” Vi smiles at her, which is definitely not the reaction Jinx needs right now, “congrats. I’m sure you’re going to have fun.”
Jinx groans again, pulling at her braids in annoyance.
For reasons that were definitely beyond her control, Jinx ended up agreeing to go on a "practice date" with her lifelong friend Ekko.
rating: teen
word count: 4500
read here or on ao3
my roommate (f24) is trying to blue ball me (m25) to death
Jinx's head whirled back in Ekko's direction and she glared at him. "Oh, so I'm not sexy?"
After contemplating ditching all of them and just driving home by himself, he decided against it and deadpanned, "I literally didn't say anything."
"Your silence speaks volumes." She scoffed.
Jinx is his best friend and roommate, and he's been in love with her for as long as he can remember. That aside, she's also determined to put Ekko in an early grave.
rating: explicit
word count: 9248
read here or on ao3
you were the one (but you were born to say goodbye)
The dead girl that he had mourned, not dead at all, just lingering here looking like death warmed up. He can see it in her ashen skin; in those wrong, bright magenta eyes. They look like shimmer and at the sight of them, he nearly balks.
rating: teen
word count: 2728
read here or on ao3
stay cool, it's just a kiss
“So, you know…howI’veneverkissedanyonebefore,” she quickly mumbles, ignoring the way she can feel her face warming up.
“You realize I got no clue what you just said, right?” Ekko deadpans.
With a frustrated groan, she shoots upright and exclaims, “I’ve never kissed anyone!”
A beat of silence. He just blankly stares at her and Jinx is contemplating the quickest way to die. Then he bursts out into laughter.
Jinx is feeling a little insecure because she hasn't had her first kiss yet. Ekko helps.
rating: teen
word count: 3766
read here or on ao3
it would be a hundred times easier (if we were young again)
"How about," he swallows, and Jinx's eyes are drawn to the bobbing of his throat, "we call a truce?"
Her eyes snap back up to his face, and she mockingly grins. "Oh? You don't wanna kill me?"
"Haven't decided yet," he shoots back. "Let's make it out of here alive first and raincheck that." 
And Jinx's grin widens at his response. She's always loved playing with Ekko because he's so good at playing with her too.
Jinx loves picking a fight wherever she goes. Ekko just so happened to be along for the ride.
rating: mature
word count: 4796
read here or on ao3
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independentzaun · 1 year
❛ a circus? no way. not going. ❜ to jinx
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“Really? You… you don’t want to go?” It was one of the very rare moments in which Jinx’s mask actually slipped. Perhaps because her and Astarion had killed, or at least hunted someone together and she didn’t feel like she had to hide around him quite as much as she did other people. Regardless for a split second she looked every inch the young woman, practically the young girl really, that she was. Not just young, but disappointed as her eyes glimmering with shimmer met his crimson ones. Shoulders dropping down ever so slightly her lips parted as though to plead even as a thought flickered through her head.
Right. Of course. No one ever wants to do my stuff. Not really. Just the useful things. The violence.
She wasn’t sure why she’d thought it’d be any different with him. Whimsy, and her head being weird probably. People only ever wanted one of two things. Someone to protect like Vi wanting Powder, or someone that could kill for them like Silco wanting Jinx. Everything always came back to that. Runt, or monster. Protecting, or killing. Weakness, or strength. That was how it was in a world full of monsters. It was okay though there was no reason to be mad at Astarion about it as it wasn’t his fault she’d forgotten for a moment.
Jinx’s eyes flickered past Astarion for a second before suddenly she let out a soft laugh and waved a hand rolling her eyes. “Right! Of course not, a circus, pfh. You’re from Noxus I’m sure you’ve seen better stuff. More interesting things. You’d be downright bored. It’s alright Asty I get it. You enjoy yourself, and mayyyybe I’ll bring you back a treat! If I remember. See you later.” Maybe she’d bring him back a clown, or a “strongman” or something to feed off of.
Maybe she’d burn the circus to the ground just to laugh in the middle of the flames.
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Sampo His appearance was interesting. Stelle may not remember a lot since she "woke up" however she's sure she never seen hair (the two tone hair colour was nice.....was it natural?. Then again March have pink and blue hair sooooo) His eyes,and honestly, face in general made you wish to trust him (thought this is only her meeting).....or maybe trust isn't the word. He'll be there when it crunch time. no no trust IS NOT the word. He's not as he seem,and for some reason Stelle wonder if he's really from this world. .....Jarilo - VI has been closed off,right? Stelle's patience is wearing very thin. He keep talking about business. And we're naive. Whats with this dude. We told him we know no idea what he's talking about and point us to the nearby settlement. Can he just answer our questions and go? He's like stain that won't come out. (.....did sshe just jinx myself.....oh no) Stelle's pretty jealous of dan heng - one look and sampo changes his tune. She's going to have to work on her stare......or even ASK Dan heng how he does it. That's what these silvermane guards and this captain said. They didn't even know their own planet. Currently Stelle doesn't feel alot about this planet - she doesn't hate it,nor like it. The people, however, she feels as thought they are not right? did the snow do that to them? ...or the stellaron. Who walks stranger WHO helped thems,into guards here? Plus who randomly fights someone? Stelle March and Dan Heng were not hostile in any way to them. These assumption could get the guards killed. if that's what they wish, Stelle will help them with that. Welt and Himeko did tell Stelle "help people" "try to be less violent please" It's just, stupid people need to be bonked sometimes. It's the way of the world. Luckily blondie has a big brain moment and,once seeing the photo March shows him,takes the 4 of the to the city. But before that he says something about outsider coming to belebog. Now Stelle doesn't believe in fate or destiny but damn - that is some divine shit there. The three of them are proof. Stelle really not happy about this it goes back to kafka and,well, stelle WHOLE situation so far. Destiny's slave - that kafka was referring to some one else - Stelle feel like the real SLAVE to destiny....destiny has shat on her royalty since she woken. She feel the feeling of bitterness and angry coming back to the front again. She HOPES something goes wrong,so she has a chance to get these emotions out.
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sevikasmainwhore · 2 years
Heyyyy ummm I love your post and I was wondering if you could do a little post about the characters after they made you cry *cough* ran *cough*
i did not expect that last one to blow up the way it did. and i got a lot a request about it to. you guys are so sweet 💖
They Apologize
Requested ⇢ Yes/No
Type ⇢ Headcanons ❥
characters ⇢ vi, caitlyn, ran, jinx, sevika, vander, grayson.
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❤️ You had came out of the bedroom but you didn’t talk to Vi. She didn’t push you into talking to her either. She knew what she did and she knew her raising her voice and cursing at you was wrong. She fucked up. Vi being stubborn she thought she could do with the silent treatment but she missed the sound of your voice, she misses you being overly excited over the smallest things so she apologized. It was around night time when you were getting my ready for bed. As your about to lie down, she stops you. “Y/n…I-I’m sorry..I was completely in the wrong and I never meant to make you feel like that…” She kept going, never breaking eye contact. You hung onto her every word until she started tearing up. “and I promise to never ever put you in that position again..”. You couldn’t help but tear up a bit too. “Vi please, you were just being protective.” You bring her in for a hug. You accepted her apology with a lot of tears and kisses and spent the rest of the night of you babbling about things Vi misses you talking about . Vi really missed that.
💙 After the argument you decided it was best to stay with a friend for a while. What Caitlyn said had really sat with you. It also sat with Caitlyn. She was an absolute mess. She couldn’t eat right, sleep right or get her job done right. She had to take a few days off because of how terrible she looked. She knew she should apologize but she wanted to give you time and it was going good at first until she started missing you in bed with her. That’s when she went to find you. When Caitlyn arrived, your friend had opened the door but immediately closed it when they saw who it was. “Hey..Y/n…Guess who???” It was bound to happen but you didn’t think it would take her this long. “Do you want to talk to her?” They asked. After thinking it over you said yea but only at the door. You opened the door to find a moping Caitlyn, head down like a puppy being scolded. You crossed your arms, waiting for her to start. “um…er…Y/n…I’m sorry…I never meant any of those words and I never should’ve yelled at you like that. I don’t know what it was but I know I was wrong. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I wasn’t able to come back home to you…” By the end of it she looked up at you. “I really miss you Y/n…I’m sorry..” It felt genuine and you sure let missed her too, but you wanted to see something. “Anything else..”. “I miss having you in the bed with me.” “And?” “And I miss doing my routines with you..” “And?” “…and I miss…your amazing cooking..?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I miss you too Kiramman.” You brought her in for a hug. and she more than happy to accept. “If I ever put you into that position position again you have my full permission to shoot me” “Noted”
🖤 Ran leaving made you feel worse. You didn’t know if they were gonna come back or if they left you for good. Left you alone for someone way better. It scared you. It kept you up almost every night, you’d just wait, and wait. Until one night they came home. You were fast asleep but when Ran came into the room, they came to your side of the bed and sat there, watching you sleep while rubbing at your tear stained face. They woke you up with soft kisses and you just started crying again. “Ran…please don’t do that again…I didn’t know when you were gonna come home..” You cried in their chest and they couldn’t help but hug you, rubbing your back and just whispering how it’s okay. How they were here now and that they never should’ve left. “Hey..hey..it’s okay..you’re okay…I’m sorry baby..” Ran felt guilty. The argument was so stupid. That night Ran promised to never leave like that again. Especially without telling you.
💣 Jinx knew what she did. She couldn’t blame the voices for this one. She knew she had gone to far and she was scared she lost you. She couldn’t help but cry as well. She needed to find you and fast. You on the other hand was at a lost. You probably shouldn’t have left like that knowing Jinx but on the other hand you couldn’t help but feel the need to just give her some time to think or at least find that voice of reasoning. Jinx looked everywhere for you, even asked around where you were but she had no luck. Until she got the bright idea to look in Silcos old office. Luck must’ve been on her side because that’s where you were. “Y/n…?” Jinx voice sounded shakey, like she seconds from crying. “Jinx..?” “Y/N!!” She ran to you and embraced you in the biggest hug she could give you. “Y/n…I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry..please don’t leave again..” Her face was buried deep in your neck and you could feel the tears. “Oh Jinx, I’m sorry…it wasn’t your fault..it’s never your fault” You both were still in that old basement when you forgave each other. For the rest of night you both sat in silence with a few words here and there but just overall missing each other’s presence. You may not have been gone forever but to Jinx it felt as if the whole world dropped.
💜 Sevika felt horrible. You were just looking out for her, just wanted to make sure she was safe but she fucked it up. She tried to maybe look at it differently and say that you were in the wrong. That made her feel worse. Especially when she tried playing cards. It just wasn’t the same without you next to her. She lost at least 5 times. But that wasn��t what pushed her to apologize. It was her missing being close to you, being able to hear your endless ranting about nothing, and just overall you. She needed to find you and fast.You had been wondering around Zaun to find something, anything to distract from what Sevika had said. You didn’t worry too much about being bothered because almost half the Undercity knew you were off limits but it was still a bit scary without Sevika. No, you were upset at her right now. How could she say that?? Why would she say that??? Your thoughts were interrupted as you were lifted of the ground and thrown over a shoulder. “You’re coming with me.” Sevika??? “No, Let me down” You start hitting at her back, kicking trying to get off. “Y/n you’re gonna get killed. You’re coming home.” Her grip tightened, making sure you couldn’t get down. When you made it home, Sevika still wouldn’t let you go. You were glad she didn’t though. While she had you she spewed her whole heart out. She didn’t mean anything she said and she made sure to make no excuses.
🍻 Vander hated that he yelled. He ran you off and it was his fault. He felt horrible for putting into that position. He went out looking for you. First in the Last Drop, then somewhere Topside, then the Lanes. He found you by the docks. He should’ve guessed you were there since the fish brought you a bit of joy. “Y/n..” He started walking towards you, but as he got closer he heard sniffling. “Oh..Y/n…” He tried hugging you but you swatted him away “No, don’t touch me, I don’t wanna see you right now.” That stung him. “Y/n…I’m sorry..I was completely in the wrong..” He continued. “You’re probably the best thing that has ever happened to me and I blew it…” He kept going until he let you talk. After a few minutes you wiped away you’re tears, turning to face him with your head down. “You didn’t really mean calling me lazy like that?” Vander could’ve cried right there. “If you ever hear me say anything like that again, you have my permission to shoot me dead” You couldn’t help but laugh and Vander. missed that. “There’s that smile” He brings you in for a hug and it was probably the best feeling in the world. You may not have been gone for long but he missed you. A lot.
🧡 Grayson almost followed you out the door. She didn’t want you to go but she also knew you needed time but she also knew she needed to apologize. She didn’t mean anything she had said and she didn’t want to blame it on stress. She wasn’t sure what it was but she knew in her heart she could never mean what she had said and she needed you to know that immediately. Finding you was the hard part. Grayson had enforcers on every block in search of you. No where, No one building was left unlooked. You were no where to be found. That is until Grayson realized she hadn’t checked her home. Zaun. Grayson called off the enforcers and made her way across town. You were sitting at the last drop, just thinking. You hadn’t been here long maybe for a few minutes. You had no plans of going home so you just kept the drinks coming. “Here to make an arrest?” The bartender asked to someone beside you. “Not quite” You knew it. “You didn’t have to come get me Sheirff” “But I wanted to” You scoffed “Wouldn’t that be better if I didn’t come home..You could have the whole house to yourself.”. Grayson felt horrible. She should’ve kept her composure. You were just being cautious of her words . “What fun would that be?” She started. “I wouldn’t be able to wake to you, I wouldn’t be able to listening to endless conversations that I love too much. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy just watching you..” You looked up at her. “What else wouldn’t you be able to enjoy?” After that Grayson went on a whole rant about everything she’d miss about you. By the end of the night you both were laughing and just overall falling in love all over again. Grayson apologized and promised to never ever yell like that again.
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note: i probably should’ve posted this before my nap sorry 😭
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lady-griffin · 2 years
You know what always, ALWAYS, breaks my heart.
The fact that Jinx truly doesn’t believe she is loved; yet she is one of the most loved people in this entire show. It’s just so fucking tragic that she can’t see that.
Silco and Vi love her so goddamn much.
The climax of season 1, boils down to these two fighting for Jinx to pick them over the other, to stay with with them, be their family. 
Jinx has literally just kidnapped them and shown herself to clearly be a danger to their lives and general safety, and yet….
The thought of losing her is unbearable to both Silco and Vi.
Silco would never have given her up. Never!
This is a man who less than a decade ago, would’ve sacrificed anything and anyone for his cause; but now…
He would burn everything and everyone for his daughter. For her to remain at his side.
She killed him and the most important thing to Silco, in his last moments, was making sure she knew he would have never given her up, that nothing was worth her, to comfort her, and tell her she was perfect.
And Vi. My other poor, tragic and beautiful daughter.
I don’t know how anyone can say Vi doesn’t love her sister. Did you even watch the show?
I think it’s such a misjudgment of Vi’s character that people say because she freezes up and doesn’t try “harder” to reach out to Jinx that she doesn’t love her. 
Because think about that for a second -
Vi who is this seemingly unstoppable force of nature, completely freezes when it comes to Jinx.
She is so scared of losing her sister, of saying or doing the wrong thing, of hurting her again.
Vi blames herself so goddamn much to the point that Vi, VI, who is absolutely defined by her fighter response, just freezes when it comes to Jinx.
These two love Jinx so goddamn much and it breaks my heart how Jinx can’t see that; or at least not until it’s too late.
Then you have Ekko. Forget romantic feelings or crushes; this boy loved his best friend so goddamn much and had so much respect for her; that despite her (from his POV) choosing to be ‘evil,’ still put her on his mural of those he’s lost.
Jinx has killed people on that mural; and yet there is Powder in the center of everyone that Ekko lost that one awful night. She is one of three largest portraits up there. That’s an insane amount of love and respect to give to her; especially considering how their relationship devolved.
And then you get to their fight and Ekko who has been fighting Jinx and Silco for years; who has lost many of his people to them. Who is so angry and filled with pain and hates Jinx...
God, the look on his face when he realizes who he’s hurting, who is underneath him. This poor, beautiful boy goes through like several different stages of shock, pain, and longing in a matter of seconds, when he actually sees Jinx.
Then you have Vander. I know we don’t have much between him and Powder, but I am baffled by the idea that people think Vander didn’t love her.
His last words to Vi were - “Take care of Powder.”
In his dying moments, Vander thought of Powder; she was that important to him.
Now, if he has a few more sentences I’m sure he would’ve also told Vi to not seek revenge on Silco, because he wasn’t worth Vi and Powder’s lives and their safety, as well as reaffirm his love and pride for Vi.
But he didn’t get more time; so he said what was most important to him in that moment - “Take care of Powder.”
Don’t even try to say that Vander didn’t love Powder.
And while we don’t see much of them; you cannot tell me that Claggor and Mylo didn’t love Powder. Yes, even Mylo.
Mylo was an insecure, young boy who took out his anger and frustrations on his younger sister; because she was even more of a weak link than he was and he wanted to feel better about himself.
But, I can’t imagine he would’ve ever wanted to be such a source of pain and torment for her, that Jinx’s Demon!Mylo has become.
And, while we only see a few interactions between them, just the way Claggor looked at Powder tells me that he loved and cared for her.
This girl is so beyond loved (and has been loved) but yet, she can’t see it. Likely because she doesn’t love herself; she has a hard time imagining that someone could love her.
Which again, is just heartbreakingly tragic.
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okay! So my idea was that after the incident with the monkey bomb and after she was adopted by silco, powder felt alone and sometimes she just walked trough zaun by herself. And one day she found reader rummaging through the trash for fabrics (because she likes to do her own clothes let's say) and she reminded powder of herself, so after seeing her some more times after that powder decided to talk to her and then they become inseparable and IDK it's like some chaotic teenage romance where they do dumb stuff together like sneak into piltover or get themselves into jail accidentally, whatever you can think of
This was definitely longer than I thought, feel free to change anything you want!
(hello! So sorry this sucks but I had a major headache and felt like writing! Anyways, the idea for the booth/carnival came from @spice-bunny0-0 ! Enjoy!)
Never Again...Maybe
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So, this is what boring feels like.
Powder almost huffed, well, Jinx, did. Powder was getting used to the name Jinx for now, but mainly went by Powder.
It was just how it was at this moment.
She trudged along the streets of the Undercity, looking around for anything, anything at all, to do.
But there was nothing.
Before the…incident, Powder never felt truly bored.
There was always something to do, bug Mylo, hang out with Vi, bug Mylo with Claggor, or hang out with Ekko.
But…they weren't around, so she couldn't do any of that.
She didn't like the goons Silco hired that much, sure they were nice to her, but they had to be.
Unless they wanted the "big boss" to cut off a hand.
One of the perks of being taken in as a daughter by the Eye of Zaun.
Just as she was about to go back to the Last Drop, she stopped walking abruptly as a piece of metal hit her boot.
Powder tilted her head, curiously picking the scrap metal off the ground and examining it in her hand.
It was a piece to the others of the bombs she home-made, one she has been looking for.
With a small smile, she tucked it into her holster pocket before hearing more metal clicking and…shuffling?
It was coming from the alleyway, so as curious as she was, she followed the sound.
To her surprise, she found a kid around her age.
You were leaning over the dumpster, so much that your only body part visibly was your legs as you leaned down and tossed whatever you apparently didn't need out of the way.
"Come on…come on…aha!" Powder tilted her head confused, not moving as you exclaimed and quickly leaned back over onto your feet.
You held a spool of…fabric?
It wasn't ugly or in terrible condition, so much that even Jinx would take and use it for her clothes.
But now, Powder was in control. And Powder was curious.
You smiled, turning around quickly to leave with your treasure before jumping as you saw Powder standing almost right behind you.
"Oh! Hello…?" You asked, tilting your head as you held your find to your chest.
"What are you doing?" Powder cut quickly, not meaning to be rude but it came out like that.
"Oh, just finding fabric." You shrugged, like it was the most simple thing in the world.
"Why?" Powder asked, walking in unison with you as you left the alley.
"I make use of them for my clothes! I like making them." You smiled in pride, Powder now taking the time to look you up and down.
Your outfit was actually quite pretty, or more grand than you would find in the Undercity.
It was good for a home-made outfit.
"Those aren't from down here?" Powder asked, touching more fancy parts on your shirt.
"Yeah, they're not. I went Topside to get them." You smiled in pride, proud of the fact that you had gotten them in the first place.
"You did?!" Powder asked, her curiosity at an all time high at your almost bravery to sneak past enforcers up there.
Not that they scared her much anymore.
"Uh-huh! Now, I gotta go-" You broke the news, almost sad that you had to leave your almost new friend behind.
But you were cut off as Powder was suddenly In Front of you with a smile holding your wrist carefully but with a grip hard enough to keep you in place.
"I like you." Powder revealed, you raised a brow but laughed at her bluntness.
"I like you too." You shrugged, matching her smile as you adjusted your grip on your fabric.
"That's good." Powder nodded happily, before it faded ever so slightly.
"Because you don't have a choice." 
From the way she said it, it almost looked innocent, in fact, it did.
You were so surprised you thought you heard it wrong.
"Huh- woah!" You were tugged harshly by Powder, the girl suddenly having the energy to run and avoid bumping into others on the Undercity streets.
Powder was almost giddy, you reminded her of herself.
And with that, came an opportunity for a new friend for herself.
And she would not let it slip away.
The days with Jinx turned into months, which turned into years. 
You and her were inseparable, you didn't live with her. But to your surprise, Silco liked you, or tolerated you.
You kept Jinx happy. And a happy Jinx was always good.
You and Jinx grew up together practically, never leaving one side from the other.
When one walked by the other was soon to follow, jumping over each other and making a giggling, pink and blue mess wherever you guys went.
But Jinx's favorite thing to do was sneak around.
Sneaking around Topside, in fact.
So that's how you ended up here now, in a flee from the Enforcers Topside with a giggling Jinx practically being carried on your back.
"You sure this is a good idea, J.J?" You asked, laughing at her "disguise".
She was hard not to spot though, wherever Jinx went was a firecracker waiting to happen.
Her hair along with her outfit was always noticeable in a room.
But now, she had a coat so big that it almost covered her entire body, her hair pinned up with a hat on while wearing sunglasses.
It's not that she couldn't go Topside wearing "normal" clothes, but Jinx is Jinx. She did things the way she wanted.
"Of course it is! You got the balloons?" Jinx asked, tipping her sunglasses as you almost laughed once again before nodding.
"Perfect! Let's go!"
"You sure Silco will bail us out?"
"...Yeah, sure!"
You and Jinx were in the middle of a carnival, being pushed around by Topsiders as you both looked through shops' windows and booths for what you needed.
Jinx had run out of crayons, oil crayons and paint for her doodles, so she needed more.
But she hated the ones down below, they broke easily or were flat out ugly ass colors.
So she resorted to having Sevika getting them imported, but Sevika was on some away mission and Jinx didn't care enough to have others do it.
Sevika got the right colors, and only Sevika, she may be an ass but she's good at picking out crayons for kids.
"What about those?" You asked, pointing out some oil crayons to Jinx.
She picked them up, humming occasionally before she nodded.
She stuffed her hand into her pocket, trying to grab enough money for the price but turns out, yal spent it when buying else and your fabrics.
"Shit." Jinx cursed under her breath, she had to pay, you said so yourself.
You didn't want to be thrown into a jail cell on Monday, so she resorted to paying.
She didn't want to upset you and you be mad at her, no, no.
But, there was no choice in this. Especially since this was practically the only booth with her paints and crayons she actually needed.
"Hey, (Name)? We're out." Jinx broke bluntly, her giggle almost escaping once she saw you grimace.
"Really? Again?" You asked, feeling the oncoming headache and preparing yourself from what is about to happen.
"Yup. Sorry, you're up." Jinx smirked, you couldn't get another word in before she slipped away to get her paints.
"Really?! Ugh, fine." You sighed, preparing yourself and putting on your best fake smile before you walked over to the booth owner.
"Hello! Could you tell me about these crayons? They're…fascinating…?" You questioned, almost giving yourself away but the booth owner didn't notice.
"I would love too! You see these one's…" The booth owner's voice drowned out as you absent mindedly nodded, glancing back at Jinx as she stuffed her jacket pockets.
This went on for almost three minutes, the booth owner finally following your eyes to Jinx just as she stuffed another box in her pockets.
"Hey!" The booth owner yelled, alerting enforcers and people standing by.
"Put those back!" The enraged man yelled, going to stomp over but stopped as you pulled him back.
"Sorry for this." You winced, the man confused before you popped a balloon of paint onto his head.
You quickly ran to Jinx as the girl was giggling madly, grabbing her hand and yanking her just as enforcers made it to the booth.
The mad booth owner wiped paint from his face, yelling and pointing to you two as you booked it, running into citizens but pushing them out the way.
Enforcers yelled for you to stop, but you couldn't with Jinx on your back and the promise of not going to jail today.
"We're not doing this again!"
"That's what you think! This is fun!"
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caitlinsnicket · 3 years
˚꒰ pegging them for the first time {arcane preference}
╭・characters; jinx, vi, caitlyn, ekko, silco, viktor.
┊ warnings; nsfw, obviously. there's a link to a sex shop in each character, so be mindful of that if you click on it! afab reader.
╰・ a/n; i'm aware that these are dildos, not straps, but let's just pretend, for the sake of this hc. sorry for any typos. if you'd like to support me, here's my ko-fi.
| jinx
she's the one who suggests it
one morning while you two are talking about sex and things you's like to try out
"if you had a dick, that'd be so hot"
when you agree, she gets right into it
researches the best place to buy one and asks you about you favorite color and shape and stuff like that
whispers the dirtiest things in your ear
"i want you to fuck me until i can't walk"
shows up randomly with a huge package in hand
you open it and it's huge
huge huge
she got the biggest version she could
looks like a unicorn's horn, just less pointy
is so excited she forgot to buy lube, so it had to be put on hold for another day
but then the night came
she was splayed in the bed, legs up, her face glowing with excitement
you prep her and lube the dildo up, but she can't stop wiggling under you
"stop teasing me toots"
you enter her slowly, but she just can't help herself and she keeps trying to sink deeper
you don't want to hurt her, but she doesn't care
is sore for about a week
still asks you to fuck her silly all the time, but you need to look out for her because she can take it too far
rides you so fast you can barely keep up
melts after cumming a lot
her prefered aftercare is comfort food (a bunch of candy) and a fluffy blanket, with all the cuddles
| Vi
"i don't think you understand what you're asking for, kitty"
she uses the strap and other toys on you regularly, but it never crossed her mind that you'd be interested in that
takes some time to actually accept the idea, but eventually just thinks about it like 'you only live once'
acts all tough and flustered when you ask her to go strap-shopping with her
a brat tbh
in the end chooses one that doesn't look too much like an actual dildo and pays everything in a hurry
she's splayed in the bed, nervous as hell, and barely stretches the first time you try to prep her
she wasn't ready the first time
she feels like she'll get weaker if she let's go of control like that, also it's a bit of internalized misoginy
but after a night where you had her creaming her pants from how hot you looked riding her, she decided to try again
this time she's sitting on the edge of the bed, you kneeling in front of her, and she watches your every move
after preping her and stretching a little, you manage to push the tip in, and she throws herself back in the bed and wiggles her hips trying to get more friction
you just freeze
"please, kitty. don't make me beg"
you fuck her slowly, watching how se reacts, making sure she's comfortable and enjoying herself
when you start touching her clit though, she loses it
spasms her whole body, and as the strap hits her g-spot, it triggers a second orgasm
her brain turns into mush and she falls asleep right after, and doesn't even feel you cleaning her up and tucking her to bed
she asks you to use the strap whenever she feels vulnerable, weak or tired
it's good to feel taken care of
her favorite aftercare is cuddling, but she also appreciates it when you run her a bath
| Caitlyn
she wants to ask about it, but you're faster
"well, we can arrange that, love"
is both excited and shy about the whole thing
orders a custom strap for her, and shows you her idea to see what you think of it
when you two settle for a model, she finishes her order and awaits patiently
it's not lenghty, but it's thick, with a pointy and curvated head, a soft texture and a bunch of little balls
plus, it's a mix of pink and purple, so she thinks it's pretty
she had other toys, but she wanted something that would be yours too, to feel closer to you
so, she puts on a cute lingerie, preps herself and helps you put on the strap
she sits you back in the bed and lightly squeezes you throat, smirking at your whine
"easy there, love. let me guide you"
she places your hands on her hips and sinks down, riding you in a slow and deep way, almost not making a sound
then, you thrust upwards, and it's like something breaks in her head
she sits there, mouth open and eyes closed, holding on to your shoulders for dear life
bites down your shoulder as you fuck her silly, whining and moaning, until she sinks down completely and cums around the synthetic dick
it takes a while for you to realize that she squirted all over you, and even longer for her
you carry her to her bathroom and prepare a full bath for her, with scent and bubbles
she relaxes there as you clean up the place, and later she lets you brush her hair and make her a cup of warm tea
then you tell her what happened
"i did what?"
she blushes furiously, and apologises, but when you tell her how hot it was, she kisses your cheek, beaming with pride
takes you on her lap and you two fall asleep in a huge chair in her room, cuddled together
her favorite aftercare are a warm bubbly bath and pampering, +cuddling
| Ekko
you two are talking nonsense, just chatting
then the sex topic comes up
"i bet you can't last more than i can"
needless to say, you won
my boy can go a bunch of rounds, but he goes fast
then you said you wanted to fuck him with a strap he laughed it off, but then just got really flustered
"you for real babe?"
tries his best to hide his excitment, fails miserably
tells you to buy the strap and not tell him how it looks like, because he wants to be surprised, his only ask was that it wasn't too big, because he wasn't sure he could take it
you end up buying a model that would be easier to get inside him, in a small size, and custom it to be very comfortable and good for him
is actually fascinated by the whole process of preping his hole, and as you explain it all to him he just gets harder and harder
new turn on: you explaining things to him
he bends over in a table and closes his eyes, trying to relax
you just push into him and it hits all the right spots, he teaches your name to the neighbours
you just stay still and watch as he fucks himself, rutting his cock against the table and biting his own fist
he cums at least thrice that night
it's a common occurence from then on
looooves it when you fuck him hard and leave him with shaky legs
his favorite aftercare is cleaning up (usually too tired to bathe right away) and snacking, +watching something
it also becomes a common topic of conversation with his friends
"yo, have you ever been pegged before?"
| Silco
this bitch
you two are just hanging out, him working on some papers and you just reading
"have you ever though of pegging, my dear?"
you choke on air, eyes wide
he tells you how pleasurable it is and how good it makes him feel, how pretty you'd look with a huge cock attatched to you
you just nod and agree, because he's so close and he smells so good
he starts by fingering you and getting you wet, and then he leaves the room for a few minutes
turns out he'd already bought a strap for you, and had all the necessary things to be fucked
he ties your hands behind your back and puts the strap on you, taking off his clothes in the process
what happens next is the most erotic thing that's ever happened to you
he positions himself on top of the dildo, but doesn't actually sinks down, stroking his shaft in a lazy motion and stares at you
"who's a good toy?"
propusefully has you imobilized so he can fuck himself without your interference
you moan and whine but he just keeps riding you as he wishes, stroking himself and getting lost in the moment
you almost cum from the sight alone
he does cum, all over your face, and then he sets you free
pushes you to the wall and eats you out as if he's gonna die in five minutes
after finally letting you cum, you two fall asleep on the floor, shaky legs and all
his favorite aftercare is words of reassurance and physical affection
| Viktor
okay so viktor was bored one day and decided to test some joke projects
the hextech strp-on was the chosen one
so after projecting and building and tinkering, it was done
he didn't actually think it was gonna work, but it did
he just had to test it
then you came in his lab and he just had the perfect idea
cue you running back and forth bringing everything you two are going to use
he bends over and awaits, his ass bare and proud in front of you
he almost cums from your fingering alone, but tries to hild himself back because he has to pay attention to the strap
he's taking notes btw
tries so hard to pay attention and not doze off but your fingers just feel so good
then, after he's lubed up, you start fucking him with the strap
the hextech just enhances everything that he's feeling, and he can't get enough of it
the runes he choose do something else: they vibrate
oh boy
he get's overstimulated very quickly, especially after you start to jerk him off
when you prop his hips up a little, he cums automatically
hextech strap-on project: success
his favorite aftercare is being praised and being pampered (brush his hair and massage his hands, pls)
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eternal-armin · 2 years
arcane characters taking care of you when you're sick.
slight modern au. characters include: jinx, vi, caitlyn, viktor, and sevika. (more will probably be added as time goes on, but i like these guys)
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ₓₒ jinx. ₓₒ
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ if you get hurt/ill in any way she usually wants to kill whoever did it.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ but when you're actually sick, like flu sick, she has no reason to hurt anyone. so instead resorts to literally never leaving you alone
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ if you need tylenol, a heating pad, more tissues, more blankets, she still won't leave you. sevika can get it. what would she do about it? protest?
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ literally doesn't give a single damn about her work, getting sick herself, or whatever else silco tries to push. you are her number one priority. number one as in #1-#100 on her priorities list
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ you want for nothing.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ affection: she'll never let you go, she'll caress your hair and whisper to you (could be sweet things, could be innuendos, could be just like 'idc if you got sick because you forgot to take care of yourself, someone is still gonna die.)
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ she'll also just talk to you about anything and everything. when you speak she is heavily attentive.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ food: gets you whatever you want. no matter how many coins she has to give up, it's worth it for you. even when you shouldn't eat, jinx has a hard time saying no to you. like
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ "i s'pose one thing won't do ya much harm, toots. waitwaitwait- no! you can't eat! i can't give you anything, alright?"
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ breaks her heart to tell you no so she just doesnt look at you when she says it. anyway
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ time alone: i mean jinx'll go somewhere you can't see her, but no matter what, her eyes are on you. (not that that's any different than normal). she'll be damned if something ever happens to you while she's away for just a few minutes.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ watches over you while you sleep.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ once again, some things just never change
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ but you look like an angel when you're asleep, how could she not???
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ you're always just like "jinx, i'm fine, i don't feel sick" but she can tell when something is up. you have no choice but to accept her heavenly hospitality
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and for like at least three days after your temp comes back normal, she'll let you return to business as normal, but is constantly around you to be sure you don't get worse or get sick again. extra overprotective during those times, in all honestly.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ if anyone even dares to get near you, they will receive the death glare of their life.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ god forbid they touch you
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and you will get the most amount of cuddles feckin' ever
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ₓₒ vi. ₓₒ
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ scared to do anything at first, in all honesty
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ like, not only because she could get sick and doesn't want to get sick and need help, but it feels like any wrong move would make you get worse
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ usually consults someone before doing absolutely anything.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ hhahh- i picture her texting/calling cait at 6 in the morning like 'hey uh my s/o is sick what do i do'
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ she just has to be sure!!
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ but once she's confident that whatever she's doing isn't also detrimental to your health, she's such a loving caretaker omg
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ she'll tell you jokes and stories, anything to get that cute smile back
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ speaking of cute, vi will constantly. constantly compliment you
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ whether it's literally directly flirting with you or slipping in a just "you know, cutie, i remember this..."
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ tries to stay awake with you, or read to you to help you sleep. usually ends up falling asleep on the chair beside you. sometimes you'll wake up to her slouched backward, sometimes to her bent over and snoozing on the bed beside you
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and not wanting her to injure her back, you wake her up
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ (and maybe invite her into the bed so she can sleep properly)
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ once you start joking back with vi again, she knows you're getting better. something about your jokes is just a little different when you're ill, and so once you're back to your normal muses, she just gets so bubbly and happy
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ omg im gonna cry
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and when you get really bad, like body aches and throwing up bad, your wish is her command. anything under the sun you could possibly want, is yours.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ probably consulted a doctor the moment you started sneezing, but will do it as often as necessary to be sure her cupcake is okay
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ still endlessly cautious, but also still affectionate and loving
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ₓₒ caitlyn. ₓₒ
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ encyclopedic knowledge of flus, colds, and other seasonal ills. also encyclopedic knowledge of how to care for someone with said ills
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ very no bullshit. "i'm sorry, darling, but you're sick. you can't. there's no two ways about it."
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ still apologizes with stories and affection, and eventually, food, once you're all better. makes up for what you couldn't eat, definitely
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ hums lullabies to help you fall asleep dont @ me
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ sometimes they're established lullabies, and sometimes she just makes them up as she goes along. you try to hum along and harmonize, but when your voice is hoarse, it's hard
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ she still absolutely treasures it, though
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and you two share a laugh when you completely misread where the tune is going
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ strokes your hair gently and gives you butterfly kisses
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ tries to include you in the day-to-day even when you aren't doing your best. seeks your advice on things you know better, converses with you about the day's happenings, always tries to include you in things
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ has the most comfortable pajamas for you.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ on that note, helps you get changed, helps you bathe, makes sure you keep up on your hygeine and will drag you to the bath if you try to resist
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ her touch is so gentle. like damn. like vi is just scared to hurt you more; cait knows she won't, but still handles you like you're made of glass
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ gets a little flustered when you thank her. i mean, she kind of expects it, but seeing you saying it so gratefully and almost sheepishly, she melts
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ sprinkles your face with kisses every hour when you're no longer contagious. not sorry
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ₓₒ viktor. ₓₒ
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ gets sick pretty often and you're usually the one who takes care of him, so he gladly returns the favor
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ but you're what's known as "i work until i drop", so he has to bribe or drag you away from your desk to get you to sleep.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ but once you're in that bed, you're not leaving until you're better. it sounds like a prison sentence, but with viktor, it's more like a pleasant hospital stay where the nurse is also your lover
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ sounds like a porno movie. Anyway
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ has the knowledge of when and what you should eat/drink, and like an alarm clock, he always gently knocks on the door and enters with some water or food
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ sits and talks with you a lot. lighthearted jokes, the occasional caress of your cheek and 'i love you's included. also reads to you, or lets you read something on your own
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ a little protective. probably doesn't let anyone see you, so that they won't get sick and so they don't have the chance to mess with your health. and if someone talks about you, saying anything other than 'i hope they're well' or something akin, he may or may not read them to hell.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ im sorry ive just been incredibly gay recently
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ whenever you say something to insult yourself he immediately comes out with a dissertation on why you're the smartest, most attractive, most incredible person on each. this does not change, except he's a little gentler with it
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and the way your voice trembles when you thank him, he hugs you and does not let you go.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ you're usually more emotional when sick, but he is patient and loving all the same. this is not a surprise
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ more petnames than usual. probably because you're always in privacy
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and once you're better, he surprises you with your favorite food or something small like that. always with the most cheerful grin and a cute "i got you something~"
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ "can i pay you back this time?"
"i'm your boyfriend, love. it's my job. i wouldn't give it up for the world."
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-ˏˋ♥̩͙ makes fun of you for getting sick
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ nah but fr, a little bit teasing about it. like "you need some medicine baby?" in a condescending tone. and when you get flustered, she just laughs and ruffles your hair and apologizes
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ if you ever try and do something for yourself when you're super sick, she's just "oh no no no, you lay right back down, sweetheart. now what do you need, i'll get it for you."
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ just lowkey doesn't allow anybody to see you. you're physically weak, you're a little sensitive, she'll be damned if someone messes up your day when you're sick. possessive but she's sevika
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ diverse knowledge of healthy, hearty foods to help you get better faster. viktor has solyanka, sevika has kanji payar.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ does not leave you alone until you eat and drink all you need. will stand by you, arms crossed, brow raised, when you refuse to eat until you start eating. a little impatient, but her impatience outweighs your stubbornness.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ definitely softer when you're sick. of course, she's still sevika, but is more affectionate and kind and careful with you. she knows you're tough, but you're not at 100%, and that's okay
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ not the type to read aloud, but i feel like she's the type to be filled with campfire stories of all types. so she tells you tales, sometimes those of historic legends, sometimes spooky stuff (by your request, and she's always just like "babe are you sure"), sometimes heartwarming stuff (once again by your request, to which she responds "i don't even know how we're together")
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ you wake up a lot when you're sick. whether it's because you need the bathroom, water, or you just wake up randomly and get really annoyed, sevika is always close. sleeping in the room, in the room next door, wherever it may be.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ and she is always happy to help you. may be a little annoyed you woke her up at 2:36 during a cold night, but for you, it's whatever
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ sometimes, when you wake her up, you both just stay awake. you're itching to move around, so you do some laps around the place- slowly and steadily- and neither of you rush to fill the comfortable silence.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ then she lays you back down to sleep. usually falls asleep in the room.
-ˏˋ♥̩͙ you ask to pay her back and she responds cheekily. i will not write what she says because it is not appropriate for this blog
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