#Jimmy Sham
panicinthestudio · 1 year
China’s Rebel City: The Hong Kong Protests, December 7, 2020
Hong Kong's biggest political crisis since its return to mainland China, starts with an ill-conceived plan by the government for an extradition law to allow the transfer of suspects for trial to Taiwan, Macau and mainland China. It sparks a massive public backlash, drawing millions of protesters onto the streets. By the time the government agrees to drop the extradition bill, events on the streets have overtaken them and Hong Kong spirals out of control. The police, using tear gas and firing rubber bullets to disperse the crowds, find themselves overwhelmed by public resentment and hatred. Hong Kong descends into months of fiery street battles with anger and frustration touching every corner of the city. While the coronavirus pandemic brings a halt to anti-government protests, Beijing is determined not to allow a repeat of the past year’s chaos. But society remains fractured, the old resentments run deep, and the future is uncertain. South China Morning Post
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blueishspace · 17 days
The Watchers court p2
BigB: Defendant, who will be your defence?
Punz: I will.
Grian: Defendant, do you accept...
Punz: Punz.
Grian: Punz as your defence.
Dream: I do.
Pearl: Then so it will be, defence do you have an opening statement?
Punz: I do. May I?
BigB: Go ahead.
Punz: Thank you. I'm going to be quick, this court is all a sham based on the whining of a delinquent desperate for attention.
Tommy: Oh I'll show you delinquent you bitch! Come here you-
Grian: Order! Order in the court!
Tommy: But-
Grian: 👁️👁️👁️ORDER👁️👁️👁️
Tommy: ...
Punz: ...
Grian: My apologies, go on.
Punz: Y-yes, the defendant just did his job as an admin and the prosecution was just punished for breaking the server rules.
Pearl: ... Is that all?
Punz: ... Yes?
BigB: Ok then, It's time to bring the first witness to the stand.
*in the jury*
E1!Jimmy: Oh wow, you look so cool!
Kristin: Why, thank you dear.
Knight!Grian: Pay attention people. This is important.
Martyn: Bring the first witness.
Tommy: Wait...
Ranboo: U-uh... hi?
Tommy: Boob boy!?
Ranboo: Hi Tommy!
Tubbo: You're alive?
Tommy: How is he alive?
Pearl: Magic.
Grian: We needed him for the court so we took him.
Tommy: You can do that!?!?
BigB: Ehm ...can we go on?
Pearl: Right. Can you state your name, pronoums and occupation for the court mate.
Ranboo: Right! U-uh... Ranboo and uh... what are pronoums.
Pearl: How should we refer to you?
Ranboo: ... Ranboo?
Tubbo: Psttt, they mean if you use he/she/they or something else.
Ranboo: Oooh! Phil was trying to teach it to me! Uh, He/They ... I think?
Jimmy: Writing that down!
Grian: And occupation?
Ranboo: I don't really- uh... I worked at the burger stand for a while? I guess?
Grian: That works. Now you can begin with the examination.
Punz: Objection your honors, this isn't a valid witness.
BigB: Why?
Punz: Ranboo here is famously known to have a terrible memory.
Pearl: Is this true?
Ranboo: Y-yes m'am... but I... I have my memory book with me!
*He holds up a leather book*
Grian: I think it might still be helpful to hear from this witness, objection denied.
Tommy: Hello boob boy.
Ranboo: It's not... *sigh* nevermind.
Tubbo: Sooo... What can you tell the court about Dream?
Ranboo: He's evil! H-he destroyed the community house and put Tommy in exile.
Tommy: Damn right he is!
Ranboo: And he stole the disks right? I don't really remember why they are important but I know they are!
Grian: Anything else.
Ranboo: He ... Killed Tommy, I think I remember it! In prison!
Tubbo: And the book, you haven't made additions to it recently have you?
Ranboo: No! I... I didn't really use it after I died.
Grian: Can we take a look at this book of yours?
Ranboo: O-oh sure!
Pearl: Well... this is actually pretty small. How do you keep all your menories here?
Ranboo: I don't, I had another book before this but it got lost.
Pearl: Oh, that sucks... we'll copy it and put it in the evidence if you consent.
Ranboo: I ...sure?
BigB: Taurtis? Could you bring the book to be copied?
Taurtis: On it!
Grian: Now, is that all you have to say about Dream?
Ranboo: Y-yeah.
Grian: Defence, you can begin your cross examination now.
*in the jury*
Knight!Grian: Not exactly a strong start for the prosecution, all of these acts are hardly illegal.
Voice of The Star: Maybe so, but based on the testimony we may still look at a case of abuse of admin powers.
Kristin: Indeed, and we still have more witnesses after this one.
Punz: Ranboo, you have stated that Dream is evil, why?
Ranboo: What? I-I just said he destroyed the community house... And exiled Tommy.
Punz: Well that's untrue.
Ranboo: Uh?
Punz: Dream did not exile Tommy, that was Tubbo.
Ranboo: W-well, yeah... but Dream was behind it!
Punz: As the one who caught Tommy committing arson and the one who put him on trial, yes. Are either of these crimes, your honurs?
Pearl: ...no?
Punz: Exactly. As for the community house, there is no proof he was the culprit.
Tommy: Bullshit! He admitted it!
Grian: Order! ... Punz, is this true? Did ge admit it?
Punz: ...
Grian: Well?
Punz: He did. However, it was at axe point under threat of violence, his confession is therefore invalid as it was coerced out of him.
Ranboo: W-what about the disks?
Punz: Ah yes, did you forget that Tommy gave those disks over willingly as part of a trade?
Ranboo: I-
Punz: Cleary the witness doesn't know what he's talking about-
Tubbo: Objection!
Grian: ... To what?
Tubbo: All of it!
Jimmy: ...pstt...Can he do that?
Pearl: I don't know, but it sounds interesting.
BigB: Uh...go ahead.
Tubbo: Thank you bossman! First of all, Dream threatened L'Manberg and me into exiling Tommy. He promised the death of every citizien should we not exile Tommy, if his admission is invalid then so was the exile which he should have known as an admin!
Grian: It's true, when I was admin of Evo I had to learn a lot of laws so yes, he should have known.
Tubbo: More then that, he personally curated Tommy's exile! Nowhere in my decision did I ever say that Dream should have done anything more then bringing Tommy outside the country which means all actions Dream took during exile were done illegally!
Ranboo: wow...
Tommy: ... Holy shit.
Tubbo: Second of all, the disks were first stolen by Dream as punishment for Tommy not listening to Dream, what do the admin laws say about stealing players valuable as punishment?
Grian: ... Taurtis, please bring a copy of the admin codex?
Taurtis: Here you go G!
*Grian reads a bit*
Grian: It seems that you shouldn't have had the authority to do so ... however this is a minor offence...
Punz: Ah!
Grian: However you have hidden a lot of information, I suggest you do not do so again.
Pearl: You cunt.
*a lady in the back shouts*
Ianite: That's my son! Wooo!
Tubbo: Mom? Why are you here???
Ianite: To cheer you on! You're doing so good!
Tubbo: Mom...
Pearl: Lady Ianite???
Ianite: Oh greetings saintess.
Grian: Right, Ranboo you may leave the stand.
Ranboo: Y-yes sir!
Martyn: Alright, now there is going to be a 20 minute break before we go to the next witnesses.
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aspiffygoat · 7 months
what's your opinion on MOTHER 4/Oddity? I saw you post about eb before, so I figured to ask
Well for starters every screenshot and gameplay footage was faked. None of that was in-game ever. There's loads of assets made by so many talented artists. Many have yet to see the light of day. None of the artists were paid. The game promised to release in Winter of 2014. That was 10 years ago. We have yet to see a 2nd trailer for Oddity. We have yet to see any showcase of any mechanics ever. There is a DIFFERENT GAME called MOTHER 4 that is in the works, with many of its devs being former Oddity devs. While waiting for this singular game to come out: Undertale happened, and Undertale Yellow happened Deltarune happened, with Chapter 2 even, 2 LISA games were made, AND remastered, Hylics and Hylics 2, Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass, Omori -a game with a notably difficult dev cycle- released, and many more. Oddity's got some serious work to do if it wants to prove to me it isn't a sham.
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haveyoureadthispoll · 6 months
On a creepy island where everyone has a strange obsession with the year 1994, a newcomer arrives, hoping to learn the truth about her son's death--but finds herself pulled deeper and deeper into the bizarrely insular community and their complicated rules... Clifford Island. When Willow Stone finds these words written on the floor of her deceased son's bedroom, she's perplexed. She's never heard of it before, but soon learns it's a tiny island off of Wisconsin's Door County peninsula, 200 miles from Willow's home. Why would her son write this on his floor? Determined to find answers, Willow sets out for the island. After a few days on Clifford, Willow realizes: this place is not normal. Everyone seems to be stuck in a particular day in 1994: they wear outdated clothing, avoid modern technology, and, perhaps most mystifyingly, watch the OJ Simpson car chase every evening. When she asks questions, people are evasive, but she learns one thing: close your curtains at night. High schooler Lily Becker has lived on Clifford her entire life, and she is sick of the island's twisted mythology and adhering to the rules. She's been to the mainland, and everyone is normal there, so why is Clifford so weird? Lily is determined to prove that the islanders' beliefs are a sham. But are they? Five weeks after Willow arrives on the island, she disappears. Willow's brother Harper comes to Clifford searching for his sister, and when he learns the truth--that this island is far more sinister than anyone could have imagined--he is determined to blow the whole thing open. If he can get out alive...
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punkrockhistory · 1 year
A great line-up of famous punk/postpunk legends
Pauline Murray from Penetration, Jimmy Pursey from Sham 69, Pete Shelley from The Buzzcocks, Howard Devoto from Magazine, Rob Blamire from Penetration and Mark E Smith from The Fall
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#punkrock #postpunk #history #punkrockhistory
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saulwexler · 9 months
if 30 rock and bcs/brba characters had to meet each other what would they say/do
someone studied my header;) obsessed with this
Kenneth & Chuck
Kenneth is really the perfect match for Chuck. He does every errand, he's comfortable with high-strung perfectionists, and he would take experimental EHS drugs to test their side effects. Like Jimmy probably wouldn't need to be paid. Unlike Jimmy, Kenneth cannot tell a lie. As the Hill People say, "Parcell gaw say del go up de saw say."
Jack & Kim
Kim would be the perfect mentee for Jack - she has the perfect combination of drive, intelligence, humility and chaos (D.I.H.C.).
Best Jack advice? "what tragedy happened in your life that you insist upon punishing yourself with all this mediocrity". Kim would be immediately shamed out of Florida (which is basically a prison population. It's America's Australia) and climb the corporate ladder.
Liz & Kim
They would absolutely meet at a hotdog stand (or the dog house?) and bond over yelling at line-cutters. What, he thinks there's two lines and we're all in this line? He's the only genius who got in the other line? Can you believe this guy?
They agree on most things, like how valentine's day is a sham created by greeting card companies to reinforce gender stereotypes. Sadly their friendship would be short lived (both of them need a chaotic bestie).
Jenna & Jimmy
Oh my. It looks like we’ve got a slut off on our hands.
These two would be so chaotic together I think they'd be inseparable. The carvel cake scam? the kleptomania relapses? constantly hatching revenge schemes? screaming in bathrooms?? People are constantly underestimating their intelligence, maybe because they got their degrees from oceanic colleges with dubious accreditation statuses. Plus Jenna needs a shady lawyer.
Jimmy has a soft spot for blond con-women,  “They’re calling us ‘James,’ which is a combination of ‘Jenna’ and ‘James.'” but I think they would be strictly platonic.
Tracy & Jimmy
Tracy is a wife guy and when he heard about the breakup would bestow marriage advice: "Tell her you want her to donate her body to science and you’re science. Tell her, Jimmy!" Kim would never have divorced him.
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shamansbluezz · 2 years
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“Jimmy's antics were considered extreme even then. Nobody quite understood what he was up to or why he had to be so brazen at times. I know that he hated to sing. He didn't think he was any good and didn't like performing. There was always a part of him that was self-critical and questioning. As though he felt he was being a sham. It wasn't so much that he would rather do something else. It was as if he was very unhappy inside. It made him so nervous he had to get totally looped. He would smoke dope all day, drink at night, and then drop speed when he needed it. And he really loved acid and could get very far-out on it. He used to get up and pop amyl nitrates right onstage and then collapse over the piano, cutting off his own improvised lyrics. I often saw him outside, crazed on acid, bumping into telephone poles. I used to wonder what was holding him up.” — Mirandi Babitz, from “Break on Through: The Life and Death of Jim Morrison”
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lexix001 · 2 years
Like the movies PT 3 TW: death threat Body shamming
This week might be the busy week I've been through, I currently making a new show series, marvel currently on my dms, tonight I also have interview with Jimmy! AGHH
I walk to my closet finding a nice dress for tonight. I also ask my follower to pick which one is the best and they all really love the Classy black dress. Then dms slide in it was?? Mason.
He text, ofc it wasnt weird but still it was all too sudden. After what happened, I decide to left it to seen just for another person to slide into my dms again
'Gorg girl ❤️❤️❤️'
It was from Magnolia.
Wanted to left it to seen but it begin to type again.
'Soo I heard you been invited to Jimmy show! Im jealouss. And like since like he says that you can bring someonee Why not bring me? We been friend since forever in the set 😭❤️❤️ '
no cant do I already invite someone.
I reply back.
'Fat cunt, watch the Jimmy audience gonna leave the building bcs of you.'
the fuck was that?? I rolled my eyes and wear the black dress and get ready to the show.
Jimmy show!
"HEYY!" I greet. Also having Louis patridge beside me. I sat on the couch and look at the audience. "I wasnt expect so many people to come" I laugh. "Are you joking?? You're famous y/n" louis rolled his eyes. "So guys! This is y/n and their friend who currently making a new show series and also know as (charater name) from The black phone" Jimmy squeak.
I waved to the audience.
We started to talk about my new series and my personal life. "So y/n do you have ever get bad comment on set?,If so tell us" Louis asked. I smile weakly
"okay so there is the girl who always steal my friend which at first I don't really mind until that afternoon I decide to eat my lunch. Then she and my friend just straight off body shamming me" I vented. "WOA WOA SHE WHAT??" Jimmy yelled
I nodded. "She is blind look how gorgeous you are! ok continue babes" Jimmy say desaprate what happens next.
"Ok so Magnolia was like the queen bee and gets whatever she want" then it went dead silent.
"Magnolia fat shamming you??" Louis asked. Shit. "Since when did I say Magnolia??" I laugh nervously. Jimmy eyes about to pop out hearing the gossip.
I also forgot to put my phone on silent mode making a notification pops out. A thousand time. I quickly check who it was ignoring the fact that Louis gonna see the message too.
It was like a thousand message of Magnolia givinh me death threat at calls me such a name.
"We got her!" Louis yelled proudly. Taking my phone off my hand and screen shotted it.
What a night. Magnolia and me started to become trending on twitter, google, youtube. mostly her acc was banned she can't really talk shit now. I wonder how is the boys doing..
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
Hi Jimmy ^_^ The Spiral wanted to see if you had any pronoun or name ideas for things relating to madness, liminal spaces, spirals, and deceit? If that makes sense ^_^';; /nf
[ pt/ Hi Jimmy ^_^ I wanted to see if you had any pronoun or name ideas for things relating to madness, liminal spaces, spirals, and deceit? If that makes sense ^_^;; /nf /pt end]
madi, insani/inzani, delu, hystoria, faint, dream/driim, surreal/surriil, meta, myth, helix, vortex, coil, turbine, trick/trix, sham
dre/drea/dreamself, dri/drii/driimself, los/lost/lostself, fo/form/formless, tra/tran/tranceself, lu/luc/lucidself, huf/hufs/hufself, wil/wild/wildself, hell/hells/hellself, gone/gones/goneself, rile/riles/rileself, vile/viles/vileself, vex/vexes/vexself, he/hei/helixself, vo/vor/vortexself, co/coi/coilself, swi/swir/swirlself, tri/trix/trickself, lie/lies/lieself, fool/fools/foolself, hoa/hoax/hoaxeself
also some titles, because i got inspired ;
the maddening one, the twist, the twisted one, the lost, the eerie, the vortex, the deceitful one, the false one, the fraud, the decended
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i hope these were what the spiral was looking for. i tried my best!
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arch-whatscanon · 1 year
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@snaptwice asked : ∗ 13﹕ an  intoxicated  text .
[ TEXT : JIMMY ] : tel me to not marry him [ TEXT : JIMMY ] : what does marrigage even MEAN anywaysl mao [ TEXT : JIMMY ] : i know tWO marriages that are total shams after today [ TEXT : JIMMY ] : whats even the point
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soliloquivm · 1 year
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⸻ ASAMI ZDRENKA . SHE + THEY / have you ever heard of RUN BY DAUGHTER., well, it describes KEIKO SAKURA to a tee! the TWENTY SEVEN year old, and ESCORT / LOUNGE SINGER was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say SHE is more reckless or more SENSUAL instead? anyway, they remind me of the feeling of lace against skin , rose petal baths , jimmy choo high heels. maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
sex work tw
time in notting hill: 27 years birthplace : notting hill uk sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single
growing up in western london,keiko sakura and her mother barely scraped by. having lost her father at a young age, the daughter of a stripper grew up with the brightest of minds but the dullest of hearts. having taught herself to live on the far side of the spectrum of society, keiko had many friends, but most - if not all - were kept within arms reach. after all, nobody wanted to be friends with the poor girl from the bad side of town whose mother would bring home all kinds of men after work. with this impression of a ‘stable’ society set in her mind, keiko wanted initially to make the world a better place, thinking that if she went on to become a doctor… or even a politician as a way to help the poor. this was her intention, but with her grades not at the top of her class, and the chances of her getting a scholarship slim to none college was only slipping further and further away from her.
hopes drained, all else failed, it wasn’t until she was passing through the weekly paper to see ads in the back section of beautiful women posing in risque positions, a phone number in big letters underneath, this could be you! it said, and the vision came. with looks like hers , keiko knew how to make her money, and while they opted to avoid the clubs and poles, she picked her poison —— walking the streets at night, working for a mob boss that had no issues with the way the johns treated his girls . however , an opportunity struck and she was lucky to escape the tight grip of her pimp and move onto more high end clientele , beginning work at an underground brothel where most of her work consisted of accompanying rich men ( and women ) to events , etc .
it was one of those clients that overheard her singing one day , and introduced her to the lounge where she would be able to sing in front of a crowd for a little extra cash . with raw vocals like hers , she was a hit and continues to pick up gigs there between her job as a high class escort for the madam of the brothel .
keiko is a bright one with heart plated in gold. while defiant by nature, stubborn and sometimes all too abrasive for her own good, they have always had a talent for talking their way in and out of just about anything. having been raised with the idea that men were put on the earth for one purpose, and one purpose only –keiko learned quickly how to have a distrusting nature although that had never stopped them from having a lion’s heart in the sense when it came to protecting those she was close to. keiko has a bit of a martyr complex, and one that she doesn’t make known all too often, but having spent most of her life believing her entire existence had been a sham, she tends to dive face first into situations she often can’t get herself out of just simply for the need to protect people she finds deserves it while tossing others easily under the bus.
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urapunk2023 · 1 year
Sham 69
Josh Sabio
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“We’re just working-class lads singing about our lives. It’s not politics; it’s about what we see around us.”
When we think of influential Punk bands of the 1970s we think of The Ramones, Sex Pistols, etc., but we often overlook the band know as Sham 69. Known for their insanely raw energy, rebellious lyrics, and gritty working-class attitude, Sham 69 was formed in Hersham, Surrey in 1975. They found their name through a graffiti slogan they spotted on a wall in their hometown Hersham and are led by the front man James “Jimmy” Pursey.
Unlike more art-influenced bands such as Siouxsie and The Banshees and The Velvet Underground, Sham 69 is known for their music through their aggressive guitar riffs, pounding drums and most importantly their working-class, street-level lyrics. The lyrics are reflections of the social and political climate during the 1970s in Britain, touching on themes of unemployment, poverty, social injustice, and the experiences of youth culture in working-class neighborhoods as Jimmy Pursey says, “The working class is the backbone of society without them, we would have nothing.”
The band's breakthrough album, “Tell us The Truth” was released in 1978 and truly reflected the band’s punk ideologies of questioning those who were in authority and their establishment. Many popular songs that came out of that album were “Borstal Breakout,” “Hey Little Rich Boy,” and “Ulster” which were very powerful in spreading their message as they were provocative and attention-grabbing.  One of their most iconic songs known as “If The Kids Are United” was released a year later which advocated for a better world, free from the constraints of authority as they said “We don’t need no army / We don’t need no police / All we need is a little peace.”
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Not only was their music tied to the punk rock movement, but so was their aesthetics. Sham 69 embodied the DIY ethos, creating music and art based on their own terms. Jimmy Pursey once said, “Punk rock was all about taking control of your life and doing something with it,” proclaiming their association with punk at the time when it was looked down upon. Sham 69 used punk aesthetics and music to inspire and unite people as in the “Tell Us the Truth” documentary from 1979, Jimmy Pursey said, “Punk rock is a vehicle for change. It’s a tool to bring people together.” They utilized their own voice to represent many as they wanted to show their ties with their working-class roots as their Guitarist, Dave Parsons said, “We are all working-class, and we just wanted to say something. We wanted to have a voice.”
If their music already being great wasn’t enough, seeing them perform live was even better as they were renowned for their high-energy and raucous atmosphere, with fans known for their intense moshing and stage diving. These performances were legendary as music critic Jon Savage described; “Sham 69’s shows were like riots in progress. The band would whip up the audience into a frenzy, with Pursey often diving headfirst into the crowd.”
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Sham 69 was a pioneering punk rock band whose music and message continue to resonate with artists and audiences today. Sham 69 being a part of the skinhead movement with their raw and aggressive music and their wild performances with moshing and stage diving, eventually lead to Jimmy Pursey denouncing racism and fascism as far-right groups began to spread the wrong message about skinheads. Despite this, Sham 69 remained popular with skinheads and beyond as the band’s influence is still felt today. They truly embodied the DIY approach with their style and socially conscious lyrics. These lyrics helped inspire and voice many apart of the youth culture at the time as Jon Savage said, “Sham 69 gave a voice to a generation of young people who felt excluded from mainstream society. They were angry, they were passionate, and they spoke directly to their audience.” With their enduring legacy they leave behind, Sham 69 continues to remain an important cultural touchstone for both music and art.
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soulmusicsongs · 2 years
Big Band Funk
Big Band Funk in 13 tracks: Funky music performed by azz orchestras.
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Are You Ready For This - Kashmere Stage Band ‎(Bumper To Bumper Soul, 1970)
Breakaway - Part One - The Steve Karmen Big Band Featuring Jimmy Radcliffe (Breakaway - Part One / Breakaway - Part Two, 1968)
Concerto For Right Foot And Orchestra - Georges Hayes And Philarpopic Orchestra (Steeple Chase / Concerto For Right Foot And Orchestra, 1971)
Dirty Feet - Daly-Wilson Big Band Featuring Kerrie Biddell (The Exciting Daly-Wilson Big Band, 1972)
Italian Pears II - Giovanni Tommaso With The Healthy Food Band (La Banda Del Cibo Salutare, 1970)
Kahn El-Khaleely - Cairo Jazz Band (Egypt Strut / Kahn El-Khaleely, 197?)
Oh Saviour - Solid Rock Big Band (Born Again, 1979)
Sham Time - T. Honda and His Orchestra ‎(What’s Going On, 1971)
Soul Five - Klaus Lenz Modern Soul Big Band (Klaus Lenz Modern Soul Big Band, 1974)
Soul Mate - Soul Extravaganza ‎(Soul Extravaganza (The Big Band Soul), 1969)
Street Preacher - The Mike Hankinson Big Band (South African Safari, 1975)
Superstition - The Airmen Of Note (Brothers In Blue, 1974)
There’s A Promise For The Future - Helmut Pistor’s Big Rock Jazz Band (There’s A Promise For The Future / Into My Life, 196?)
More Soul Music
Saxophone Soul
Soul Jazz: 20 tracks
Funky Harp: 10 soulful harp tracks
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severingt · 12 days
The GT Radio Show 24th May 2013
Do You Love Me? - Contours
Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) - Frank Wilson
Hold On! I'm Coming - Sam and Dave
(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher - Jackie Wilson
How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You - Junior Walker and the All Stars
Womans Got Soul - Impressions
Gonna Make You An Offer You Cant Refuse - Jimmy Helms
I Cant Stop Loving You - Ray Charles
Let's Stay Together - Al Green
You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - Stevie Wonder
Float On - Floaters
I Wanna Know What Love Is - Foreigner
Softly Whispering I Love You - Congregation
Without You - Nilsson
Julie Do You Love Me - White Plains
Fooled Around and Feel In Love - Elvin Bishop
Waterfall - Stone Roses  
William It Was Really Nothing - Smiths
Waves Of Fear - Lou Reed
Size Of A Cow - Wonderstuff
The Next Day - David Bowie
Sweet Young Thing - Chocolate Watchband
School's Out - Alice Cooper
Psychotic Reaction - Count Five
Love Comes In Spurts - Richard Hell and the Voidoids
Louie Louie - Kingsmen
Incense and Peppermints - Strawberry Alarm Clock
I Had Too Much To Dream (Last Night) - Electric Prunes
Fire Brigade - Move
Fight Fire - Golliwogs
Brand New Friend - Lloyd Cole and the Commotions
(We Ain't Got) Nuthin Yet - Blues Magoos
Woolly Bully - Sam the Sham and the Pharoes
Heroes - David Bowie
Ocean Rain - Echo ad the Bunnymen
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punkrockhistory · 2 years
44 years ago today
Jimmy Pursey of Sham 69 at Carnival 2, Brockwell Park, Brixton, 24 September 1978
#punk #punks #punkrock #jimmypursey #sham69 #rockagainstracism #history #punkrockhistory #otd
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Jimmy Lai biographer: Trial is a ‘sham,’ but faith gives him ‘strength’
Mark Clifford, president of the Committee for Freedom of Hong Kong and the author of a forthcoming biography of Jimmy Lai, speaks with “EWTN News Nightly” on June 11, 2024. / Credit: EWTN News Nightly/Screenshot CNA Staff, Jun 12, 2024 / 15:00 pm (CNA). The president of the Committee for Freedom of Hong Kong and the author of a forthcoming biography of Jimmy Lai, Mark Clifford, calls the trial…
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