#Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
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marzipanladyart · 1 year ago
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Io (she/her) comm for @coldshrugs, thank youuu <333
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confessiononadancefloor · 5 months ago
i dont fuck with trends most of the time but i do love the polka dot revival that has been going on for a while now.. why did we even stop polka dotting everything its so much fun
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aura951 · 1 year ago
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POLSKA GUROM RAAAHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱❗❗❗❗❗
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dotdsv · 9 months ago
af corse #83 dnf in le mans, sztuka dropped from red bull juniors, loosing 1-2 to netherlands in group stage... what a weekend to be polish
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jenniedrawsandroleplays · 2 months ago
Sprites of Napoleon's Marshals from weird mobile games: Prince Józef Poniatowski (?)
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Why did they do this to Pepi? I ask WHY? Dlaczego? It looks like a very bad AI generated image.
@le-bayard-polonaise i to "jeszcze Polska nie zginęła" 💀
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hasdrubal-gisco · 2 days ago
Eurovision '25 Semifinal 1 Early Review
Content and spoiler warning for Estonia, Iceland, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, Albania, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Norway, San Marino, Italy, Spain, Switzerland
Estonia - One of the few ones I've heard in advance of this review, have also been a fan of Tommy Cash for years. I heard he had to change the song because it was racist against Italians (it is). At time of writing, I think this will be in my Top 3. Based/10
Iceland - This is not good. This is nostalgia-bait for millenials and I will not fall for it. You are not Lindsey Stirling, you will never be Lindsey Stirling. For some reason they are flying the flag of the American State of Greenland. I thought this was for Europeans. This should not advance to the final/10
Poland - [Guy who just watched The Substance] Hooooly fuck okay guys listen I've got it. If the background dancers were not fat, it'd be a better performance but that still wouldn't fix the song. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła/10
Portugal - Need to know why the Lusitanians are so sad about everything all the time. This is nice and I hope you guys don't use this as a pee break. It's not a winner but it belongs in the competition, I want it here. Saudade/10
Slovenia - Wow this is like Portugal if it was dogshit. "I don't want to be here" yeah we don't want you here either. I like the visuals of the performance, and I like that they pulled Slovenian David Duchovny out for this, maybe they should have given him a better song and made it in Slovenian. Slovenians in the chat, did this win like a local competition, or is this just someone's uncle ? Disappointing/10
Sweden - I kind of like this, I hope they make it a little more Hitleric for Eurovision, and that they make that guy look less like Johnny Depp. Also you should not cover with a towel in the sauna. Your balls should be out. This will advance into the final because it is Sweden and not because it's good. After glancing at the Wiki, this also appears to be an irredentist entry as the evil Swedes try to sate their thirst for their settler-colonialism on native Finnish clay (permafrost) <- joke, obviously. Tree emoji in display name/10
Ukraine - Nth year running of Ukraine sending a banger. Once again, I hope they keep the costuming and the set. Lead singer is a great option for any lesbians thinking about giving men a try. $100b worth of weapons/10
Albania - I say this every year but I love love love that Albanians just love to look evil. They should keep doing it. This is good and ethnic and I love her weird bald evil sidekick. Good, same as every year/10
Azerbaijan - Get Lucky by Daft Punk feat. Pharell Williams if it was bad. Strumming a Turkic banjo doesn't make it a different song dude. Didn't even have any zoroastrian subliminal messaging. I hope Armenia bombs you/10
Belgium -
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Negative one trillion points for looking like an annoying He/They woman. Might as well wear a septum piercing at this point dude. ?????/10
Croatia - TikTok music, you just know he does the half-turn cut between his Good and Evil versions. Croatia is on a multiyear run of sending the worst songs in the batch. Reverse Oluja/10
Cyprus - This is also awful, I hope the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus becomes the Turkish Republic of Whole-Ass Cyprus/10
The Netherlands - This would be a normal entry if it was for a real country like France or Belgium (<- real, not fake, country) or Luxembourg (<- real, not fake, country) or Switzerland (<- real, not fake, country). They sent this guy because last time they sent a 6'3" blond white guy and got disqualified. This is obvious to everyone with eyes. DEI/10
Norway - Engineered in a lab to appeal to women on hormonal birth-control, which is not what I am. This could sweep the illegitimate judges, and if it does, I want that twink obliterated. Nothing/10
San Marino - This is also racist against Italians somehow. This is good and this year I will make an exception and not suggest that San Marino should bring Pitbull (American singer). Woah mamma mia/10
Italy - Italian Michael Jackson ending explained. Jokes aside, this is what Eurovision is about. Watched San Remo for like 15 minutes, glad this won instead of one of the not so good performances I caught. Top quartile/10
Spain - The song is passable, but don't let that distract you from the more sinister thing going on here. They are trying to normalize being attracted to women with fetal alcohol syndrome, but we simply aren't. Stop trying, it's never going to happen. This would have maybe just barely scraped its way into the final if it did not get there by default and should place in the lower half in the final. Learn from your depressed younger sibling/10
Switzerland - This is good and belongs in the final. Nice to see a serious entry, we love a #normalgirl. #normalgirl/10
Final conclusion - Wide spread of quality, the ones that are bad are really bad, and the ones that are good are really good. Sparsely populated middle. Crazy how Italy themed songs are three for three. I think there are 10 songs here that actually deserve to advance, pleasantly surprised.
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chaberkowepole · 10 months ago
Okej raz i na zawsze:
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council-of-beetroot · 10 months ago
Feliks During the Partitions
Forcing myself to write this because I said I would and I am trying get myself back to a place where I enjoy participating in fandom and also not abandon my own fucking fic week.
Some history of the partitions themselves
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So the commonwealth was in decline Feliks was just in denial about it, not really ready to accept that the golden age of Poland has far passed and what's left is the specks of gold in the horizon before sunset. First partition means that Feliks loses much of Northwest Poland. but this is fine they still have eastern Poland, but not east east Poland because that was taken by Russia. Feliks: This is fine. Who needs Bydgoszcz anyway? I'll be like totally fine... right?
The land that Gilbert acquires was the backbone of the PLC's trade Economy at 80% and Ivan's rulers have slowly been obtaining control of the Political sphere of the commonwealth and can easily influence the part of the PLC that remains
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The 1780s came and things were falling apart. But in 1791 in an attempt to save the commonwealth the May 3 constitution was signed in an attempt to reform the country. This constitution is the second or third oldest after the United States so it was quite revolutionary. To this day it is considered incredibly important and a source of pride. My school even had a whole poster about it
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Anyway why I'm mentioning this is that Russia that was putting a lot of energy into orchestrating Poland for lack of a better term saw this radical liberal agenda as a threat and so they would then invade to solidify Poland's erasure rather than have it might not fall.
Polish Prussian Alliance
In the Hetalia schema of things, Feliks makes a pact with Gilbert because Ivan's being his usually creepy self and Feliks isn't sure he can face Ivan's advancements alone. Gil is like sure! with no intention of following through.
Anyway second Partitions
Well we don't have Bydgoszcz but i'm over Bydgoszcz! Toruń is better anyway!
Advisor whispers something in ear: pspspspspsp
Feliks: Kurwa, nie mamy już Torunia!
So regarding Gil, well he's like that person that promises to back you up when you're playing a game but sees your losing in the fight so then switches sides and starts attacking you because you have good loot.
Or according to Wikipedia
Russia invaded Poland to ensure the defeat of the Polish reforms, with no overt goal of another partition (it viewed Poland as its protectorate, and saw little need to give up chunks of Poland to other countries).[4][5][6][7] Frederick William II of Prussia, however, saw those events as an opportunity to strengthen his country. Frederick demanded from Catherine that for his country's abandoning Poland as a close ally, for Prussian participation in the War of the First Coalition against revolutionary France, because Russia had encouraged Prussian participation, and because Prussia had recently suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Valmy, Prussia should be compensated – preferably with parts of the Polish territory. Russia soon decided to accept the Prussian offer.[4][5]
But wait Poland still exists
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła right?
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Round three!
Poland is no more!
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So I have some ideas on why Feliks responded the way he did.
1. Feliks is delirious as he is gravely injured or dying.
2. Feliks is shown to have very poor social skills. And unfortunately having your best friend slash partner being abducted right before his eyes isn't something he's had previous social experience with.
3. Feliks is attempting albeit poorly to make light of his situation using humour to distract himself and liet from the reality that Kościuszko was right when he fell off a horse in battle that this truly is:
Finis Poloniae
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sourcreammachine · 1 year ago
jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
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elektrischemaidchen · 3 months ago
Weihnachtsbaum XII: Polnisch
The last song of the Christmas tree. Thank you again for having us, @franzliszt-official !!!! You can always count on us for any further challenge, right Lacelove??? ;)))
And since it's not only XII but also ‘Polish’, this one is a bit more personal.
The story of my family. And that of many others.
It's about migration, finding identity and loss. In other words, the typical cheerful Christmas themes. ;)
It's a nice Wigilia custom to set out an empty chair and an extra place setting to remember those who are no longer here.
Christmas isn't always the best time for me, people.
Three generations
At one table
Remembering the
Two of them
Did never know it
‘Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła!’,
Says granddad
But he hasn't been there
since a long time
Chopin , hero of the nation
He does not know
Not a note of the music
And there is again
Twelve meals
For two hours:
Latin masses
Mazurkas they love very much
There are twelve chairs
And one remains empty
Antoni Kasztelan
Hanging on the wall
This god died for the
With the Zielinskis
German is spoken
In here: Poland is still
And there is again
Twelve meals
For two hours:
Latin masses
Mazurkas they love very much
There are twelve chairs
And one remains empty
The children can
not understand the language
The Germans should not take them for "Pollacken"
A role model for immigration
Which German
Understands the hardships?
And there is again
Twelve meals
For two hours:
Latin masses
Mazurkas they love very much
There are twelve chairs
And one remains empty
Kasper has renamed himself
Because as Okrągłowski
he didn't find a good job
Babcia tweaks examiningly
In my arm
She says
Child, you're too thin
Are you sad?
Then I'll make you
Something to eat!
She loves to fatten me up
And there is again
Twelve meals
For two hours
Latin masses
Mazurkas they love very much
There are twelve chairs
And one remains empty
Mum says
Take it all
Not so hard
It's Christmas
And that's our heritage
Today there aren't
twelve meals
Not two hours of
Latin masses
I love mazurkas very much
But out of twelve chairs… Eleven remain empty.
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asbestgid · 8 months ago
20 июля 1797г. - Впервые исполнен гимн «Еще Польска не сгинела...»
Он стал основой нынешнего гимна Украины - «Ще не вмерла Україна». 20 июля 1797 года была впервые исполнена песня «Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła» («Еще Польша не погибла...»). Мелодия песни была позаимствована у «Марша Домбровского» - народной песни о генерале Яне Генрике Домбровском (1755-1818), который в 1794 году был одним из предводителей освободительного восстания в Польше Тадеуша Костюшко (1746-1817). Текст песни написал борец за независимость Польши, политик, публицист и сподвижник Таде... Читать дальше »
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radiorampa · 1 year ago
Polska strażniczka przejścia dla pieszych pośmiertnie awansowana przez NYPD from RAMPA on Vimeo.
Pani Krystyna Naprawa została pośmiertnie awansowana na stanowisko „community coordinator” w NYPD. Zginęła tragicznie wykonując swoje obowiązki strażniczki przejścia dla pieszych, w październiku 2023 roku. W ceremonii nadania awansu, która miejsce miała w czwartek, 22 lutego, w siedzibie głównej NYPD, udział wzięła córka, syn i rodzina zmarłej, a także, główne władze NYPD oraz grupa strażników przejść dla pieszych w Nowym Jorku.
Śmierć Pani Krystyny, doprowadziła do zmian w zasadach pracy strażników przejść dla pieszych w Nowym Jorku - nowe narzędzia i nowe zasady bezpieczeństwa zostały wprowadzone w pracy osób na tych stanowiskach, m.in. wydłużono trening, wprowadzono nowe - odznaczające się - odblaski na mundurze.
Aby uhonorować Panią Krystynę, na skrzyżowaniu gdzie zginęła - Woodhaven Blvd. i Atlantic Avenue na Queensie - pracować będzie teraz dwóch strażników przejść dla pieszych.
Jak powiedziała nam rodzina zmarłej, nie wiadomo jeszcze, jaka kara spotka kierowcę śmieciarki, który śmiertelnie potrącił Panią Krystynę. 
Zapraszamy do obejrzenia relacji wideo. Radio RAMPA wzięło udział w ceremonii. 
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froggydrawz · 3 months ago
Idk what to post anymore so have an image of Poland
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hasdrubal-gisco · 1 year ago
eurovision '24 semifinal 1 early review
content and spoiler warning for croatia, cyprus, ireland, lithuania, poland, serbia, ukraine, australia, azerbaijan, finland, iceland, luxembourg, moldova, portugal, slovenia, germany, sweden, united kingdom
croatia - it's not easy going first but this is a bad way to do it regardless. already the woke agenda has us singing about anxiety attacks. if you are prone to anxiety get off the stage and let real warriors conquer the hearts of evropa. "my presence fades to black" yeah i wish it would. qorban/10
cyprus - many have said this before but i think cypriots should launch missiles at ankara just to see what would happen. singer is very serbian looking with the ironed long hair, very 2008 romcom looking music video (complimentary), forgettable song, thus has got to be someone's niece. mid/10
ireland - thank you god for making our enemies this embarrassing. i just know she had a self harm tumblr blog in 2013. very sincerely sending this to eurovision is comparable in national humiliation to the treaties of trianon and versailles. 30 year old antisemitic pagan themlet/10
lithuania - this is nothing. lithuania/10
poland - kinda of a normal pop song, i can see myself hearing this on the radio while stuck at a red light. good to see a weird looking woman. jeszcze polska nie zginęła/10
serbia - #JUSTICE FOR BRESKVICA. zorja or zejna or breskvica would have mopped the floor with her. this will lose and it will deserve it, hopefully all the PZE jury members including sajsi will be executed in a public square. bad/10
ukraine - hate to say it but the loathsome ruthenians have once again sent a good contestant. if my last name was Shemaieva i would simply not use Heil as an artistic name. i can hardly believe i'm saying this but i think it would be better without the fat girl rapping. critical support for ruthenian autonomous oblast/10
australia - my opinion is colored by the fact that i was viewing the music video, which is a consistent two and a half minute face closeup of the white guy cumming. the song itself is not bad, but i could do without the white guy cumming, actually. australia gets a pass this year/10
azerbaijan - you can always count on the iranic people to sneak in subtle references to sun-worship. oldest trick in the book. considering this was the last song picked, this was maybe not worth the wait. don't want to doxx anyone but one of the backup dancers looks like a beloved tumblr user. eeh/10
finland - random xD WAFFLES. the "what does the fox say" candidate of the year, and of course its from the turbo-autistic finns. total opposite of tact and taste. the west has fallen to its far-easternmost asiatic enemy (the mongols (finns)). beyond repair/10
iceland - based for sending an older woman. this is pretty good, nothing much to add. will maybe listen to the icelandic version. top quartile/10
luxembourg - israeli broad with skinny arms singing in french ? *wiping the sweat from my brow*. finally something worthwhile out of europe's last grand duchy. am yisroel chai/10
moldova - pleasant surprise out of the illegitimate romanian province of moldova. dignified in an atmosphere where others have been deliberately embarrassing. not impaling anyone's heart/10
portugal - this is nothing. portugal would benefit from being brazil's european vassal state. meu curaçao :(/10
slovenia - the best of the three of this exact performer that we've seen, not that that's very high praise. eeh/10
germany - pleasant surprise in an otherwise very mid year. not the worst guderian i know. germany/10
sweden - i can feel the martin x marcus x reader spam in the tags already. usually they at least send something that's listenable under normal circumstances but not eurovision-material,but not even that this time around. as always, marg bar sweden/10
united kingdom - (watching the official music video) lol that's probably 4k/mo in london. nobody cares about the failstate of the united cringedom, they should have been excised from the contest when they left the eu. nice trainspotting references in the clip tho. bleh/10
final conclusion - overall very disappointing year, luxembourg stands in a separate category, even without the ethnonarcissism. germany, moldova, iceland, ukraine are okay but nothing to be thrilled about. the plague of appealing to jury votes at the cost of anything interesting is crushing this competition. seeing what got passed up in serbia instead of teya dora makes one wonder what the situation is like in other countries. help me, zejna. zejna, help me. i hope semi 2 will be better but there's not many heavy hitters
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sq4ps · 1 year ago
14. Marsz Niepodległości za Nami!
Tegoroczny Marsz Niepodległości, zorganizowany został pod hasłem „Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła”. Rozpoczął się odśpiewaniem Hymnu Narodowego o godz. 14:00, chociaż patrioci zjeżdżali na Rondo Romana Dmowskiego już od wczesnych godzin porannych. Zgromadzenie otworzył Bartosz Malewski, który na funkcji Prezesa Stowarzyszenia Marsz Niepodległości zastąpił Roberta Bąkiewicza.
Tekst: https://niezaleznemediapodlasia.pl/14-marsz-niepodleglosci/
Zdjęcia: https://fotodabrowski.eu/index.php?/category/200
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mastemamothpriest · 1 month ago
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In case anyone missed it
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