courtjesterart · 2 years
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Fursona vs Pokesona
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fddarchive · 2 years
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TsukiShojomon (RichelletheDarknessQ‘s character) and HypoJestermon getting married - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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atricksternamedteri · 3 months
Welcome to The Digital World
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El siguiente AU acompañará a nuestra niña elegida, Agatha, a través del asombroso (y peligroso) mundo digital, en compañía con de su compañera digital, Pom Pom, la última Jestermon en este caótico mundo de datos y códigos, guiadas por una entidad digital nombrada Caine, un Digimon del antiguo mundo digital, el cual, debe terminar con la aventura que el y su anterior compañero no pudieron concluir.
CH Indice/Index
Chapter 1: The Greatest Escapist
Pom Pom le cuenta a un fiel compañero su historia tras la amistad con su niña elegida, Agatha, momentos antes de la tragedia. ¿Podrán hacerle frente al amenazante Greymon (Black)? ¿Que fue ese llamado de ayuda?.
Pom Pom tells to her faithful friend The story behind her friendship With her chosen Child, Agatha, Moments before The tragedy. They can fight the threatening Greymon (Black)? What was this call for help?.
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thank-you-doggo · 6 months
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Another Jester bozo real, lets go. :3 Dazzle (Aka Jestermon, Jokermon, Trickstermon) the Royal Jester Digimon, basically just Super Dimentio-Nogo-Rascal with hints of Antasma (Dream Team) In there because why not. Also with bits of Magic Man as well for funsies because the shoes ere perfect for him :3
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arceusowo · 3 months
Dokeshimon evolution chain line (fan made digimon by mallydrawz) Using Impmon
Fresh: Keemon
In-Training: Yaamon
Rookie: Impmon
Champion: Mallymon
Ultimate: Jestermon
Mega: Dokeshimon
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Before you asked why mallymon? Since Dokeshimon is of the nightmare soldiers family Mallymon is also part of this family of Digimons and plus mallymon has a very prankster personality of Impmon and Dokeshimon, Jestermon and impmon have that demon touch same with Mallymon he's a "Demon beast" type digimon related to those who belong to devilish Digimons like Dokeshimon and impmon, Dokeshimon is a Demon man type digimon. Plush mallymon is inspired by an imp and they all have a relation with jester's
Jestermon and Mallymon both belong to me! Feel free to use both but give credits of course it's necessary 🔷
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fucknotfw2005 · 7 years
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goldacebear · 7 years
I can't believe jestermon used one for all in the new digimon
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Drawings of Jestermon and HypoJestermon
Jestermon attacking with Jester Blade
HypoJestermon BlastMode (colored)
HypoJestermon God Mode (colored)
- From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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MagnaJestermon redraw - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Father HypoJestermon (Jes) spending time with his son Tony - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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HypoJestermon in God Mode - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
“Based off a dream I had. Get ready for the LONGEST description EVAH!!!! This is a result from RP'ing too much.   ~~~~~~ The weird dream I had was where Jes and the gang are in Lord Scythe's village, and the village Seer, Juniper, reveals  that Jes is the reincarnation of an ancient God the Jestermon worshipped. The God's name is T'kori-RaJes (I made that up), and it was said that he banished the DarkJestermon to an alternate realm. And it was said that T'kori took a mortal Jestermon woman for his wife, and they had twin children. At first, Jes doesn't believe that he's  the reincarnation of T'kori, so Juniper leads him to a chamber and shows him a  carving of the Ancient God. And T'kori  looks JUST like Jes. And then Juniper reveals that the barrier that surrounds the portal to the alternate realm where the DarkJestermon have been banished is weakening, and if nothing is done about  it, the DarkJestermon will escape and cause mass destruction. Therefore, the gang have to go on a journey to get  hold of the Elemental Crystals that  will awaken Jes's hidden God Powers. Since Juniper already has possession of the Earth Crystal, the others have to find the Air Crystal, the Fire Crystal and the Water Crystal before it is too late. It gets better....once the crystals are located, everyone has to be transported  to the Temple of T'kori, where the Jestermon had errected a sancutary to house the portal that leads to the  realm of the DarkJestermon. Unfortunately, it seemed that SOMEONE (I don't know who, you choose the baddie) has found a way to free some of  the Dark Reptiles, and now the Spirtual Tamers have to fight for their lives to reach the Sacred Chamber, where Jes's  powers are to be awakened. The bad news  is, Jes gets badly wounded, and for  some reason Lisa is unable to Spirit  Digivolve to Floweramon so she can heal  him. In fact, any healing abilites the  gang has is rendered useless. And just  when you thought things couldn't get  any more interesting, DarkHypoJestermon makes an appearance. Everyone's afraid that he'll side with his own kind, because if that happened, then they  would have no hope whatsoever to send  the DarkJestermon back to the other dimension. But surprisingly, DarkJes becomes an ally, saying that if the DarkJestermon got loose, they would kill everyone and everything. (In other words, he's fighting against them to protect his family). Of course, this  pisses the DarkJestermon off, and they  attack DarkJes. The Demon Lord manages  to hold them off long enough for the others to get Jes (who is very weak by now) to the Sacred Chamber. The next part is kinda based of the movie 'The Fith Element', cause then everyone has to figure out how to  active the crystals so that they would awaken Jes's God Powers. And by pure accident, they find out how to do it. (blow air on the Air Crystal and it'll open, pour water on the Water Crystal, ect). And once all the crystals are open, all they have to do is wait for Jes's powers to awaken. But the DarkJestermon are trying to get into the Sacred Chamber, so there's not much  time. And JUST when it seemed that all was lost for the Spiritual Tamers, Jes's God Powers awakened, and he became HypoJestermon God Mode. (Which is, btw, very freakin' AWESOME!! I must draw a picture sometime) He gains all these awesome powers over the Elements, and he defeated the DarkJestermon with mindblowing ease. And everybody was pretty much struck dumb by how POWERFUL Jes has become. Then Jes used another power called 'Deliverance from Evil' to banish all the DarkJestermon back to their alternate realm. And finally, the dream ended with Jes, still in God Mode, offering a hand to TsukiShojomon, and a rose appeared and he said, "Fly  with me...." And when he took her hand, she went into Angel Mode and they flew  up and over the Temple of T'kori. I've been working out Jes's God Powers. He has powers over the Elements, and is able to attack with fire, water, air or earth, either individually or combined into one attack. (in one part of my  dream, the Elements became birds that  perched on his arms, then they became coils around his arms and he used these to attack the DarkJestermon). He also has the attack Deliverance from Evil, and that's kinda like the Dark Magician's attack, but it banishes an entire person, not just their soul. ~~~~~~ Typically, God Mode is almost like HypoJestermon Blast Mode, only Jes gains powers over the elements, and he's ten times as strong and fast. He has the powers equivalent to the Gods, after all. Name: HypoJestermon God Mode
Type: Ancient God
Attribute: Vaccine
Attacks: Elemental Blast, Deliverance  from Evil
Defence: Divine Shield“
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atricksternamedteri · 4 months
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Esto es algo así como un AU que se me ocurrió inspirando me en Digimon ^^
Si Ragatha no está, es porque será nuestra niña elegida jasjask
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Meet The digital gang!!
Jestermon, Jackmon, Royal Toychessmon, Geia Leviamon ^^ Abstract Kimeramon and Tanglemon
No olvidemos a nuestro anfitrión... ¡¡JAGGEDHOSTEMON!!
Use this Linked Names: Jestermon ENG Entry, Jackmon ENG Entry, Royal TChessmon ENG Entry,
Pom Pom
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atricksternamedteri · 3 months
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Pom Pom's Baby I & Baby II level :3
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atricksternamedteri · 4 months
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Nivel: Infantil.
Categoría Tipo: Marioneta.
Atributo: Data.
Familia: Desconocido
Un misterioso Digimon bufón, cuyos registros se encuentran perdidos o inexistentes en el Mundo Digital. Solo habiendo conocimiento sobre el rumor de que Jestermon nació como un Runner Botamon de un huevo en una aldea de Crocogummimon, se dice también que los Digimon que tienen contacto con dicho ser puede experimentar experiencias desde muy convenientes y positivas, hasta desastres digitales. Sin embargo, gracias a la destrucción de sectores del Mundo Digital, no existen registros o datos de más ejemplares, por lo cual se le considera el único Digimon de su especie.
Su unico movimiento especial es: "Escapist" donde tiene la capacidad de fugarse de cualquier combate o situación presentada dando uso de puertas o escotillas digitales generadas por su conciencia, esto sin importar efectos de sus contrincantes o el medio, sin embargo, puede fallar de usarse en repetidas ocasiones.
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atricksternamedteri · 3 months
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Nivel: Adulto / Campeón
Categoría Tipo: Desconocido
Atributo: Variable
Familia: Desconocido
Un antiguo Digimon artificial, creado a base de datos de páginas interactivas, cuyos registros se recopilan desde inicios del espacio digital.
También nombrado como "Caine.mon", Jaggedhostemon es un Digimon con la capacidad de liderar, influenciar y agrupar enormes bandas de monstruos digitales, se cuenta que perteneció a un programa de estudio de la red digital. Dicho programa logró hacerse con registros de como los Digimon que se relacionaban con el eran capaces de grandes hazañas, pero también de proezas muy peligrosas.
Se desconoce acerca de un movimiento característico de este Digimon, pero se sabe que era una especie de catalizador para otros monstruos digitales, a su vez que podía replicar unos movimientos, habiendo información acerca del "Sneak-Sneak Spinner" de Savior Jestermon, el "Hole n'Corn er'" de Bantyo Jackmon, el característico "Queen's orders" del antiguo Digimon Queenemon y el "Ketsue-Chain" del extinto Lassomon.
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"Volveremos a combatir juntos ¡Y terminaremos lo que empezamos...! ¿No es así Bubble?"
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atricksternamedteri · 3 months
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001 JaggedHostemon
002 YggedHostemon
003 Runnerbotamon
004 Frognymon
005 Jestermon
006 PompoJestermon
007 DokeJestermon
008 SaviorJestermon
009 Galamon
010 Ribbommon
011 Slatmon
011.5 Slatmon(Bonded)
012 Tieslatmon
013 Tanglemon
014 Ribbumon
015 Rabbitomon
016 JackLopmon
017 Raboomon
018 Jackmon
019 Bantyo Jackmon
020 RaggedyJackmon
021 WereLassomon
022 Gloinkmon(Baby l)
023 Gloinkmon(Baby ll)
024 Z-Gloinkmon
025 Gloinkmon(Rookie)
026 GooseGloinkmon
027 Gloinkmon(Champion)
028 Gloinkmon(Perfect)
029 Queen Gloinkmon
030 Abstract Kimeramon
031 Pawnymon
032 PawnyMotimon
033 Toy PawnChessmon
034 PawnKabuterimon
035 Royal ToyChessmon
036 Savior Kingmon
037 Lassomon
038 GainlyLassomon(Jester)
039 GainlyLassomon(Jack)
040 ToyOhimenamon
041 Queenemon
042 Dorcelnessmon
043 Loumon
044 NPCmon
045 GummyAgumon
046 Croccomon
047 Crocogummimon
048 Geia Leviamon
049 Geia WarGreymon
050 Slatmon(Ancient)
051 TieSlatmon(Ancient)
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