#Sasha and Jestermon
fddarchive · 2 years
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TsukiShojomon (RichelletheDarknessQ‘s character) and HypoJestermon getting married - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Drawings of Jestermon and HypoJestermon
Jestermon attacking with Jester Blade
HypoJestermon BlastMode (colored)
HypoJestermon God Mode (colored)
- From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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MagnaJestermon redraw - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Father HypoJestermon (Jes) spending time with his son Tony - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
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fddarchive · 2 years
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HypoJestermon in God Mode - From  yodana’s Deviantart account  
“Based off a dream I had. Get ready for the LONGEST description EVAH!!!! This is a result from RP'ing too much.   ~~~~~~ The weird dream I had was where Jes and the gang are in Lord Scythe's village, and the village Seer, Juniper, reveals  that Jes is the reincarnation of an ancient God the Jestermon worshipped. The God's name is T'kori-RaJes (I made that up), and it was said that he banished the DarkJestermon to an alternate realm. And it was said that T'kori took a mortal Jestermon woman for his wife, and they had twin children. At first, Jes doesn't believe that he's  the reincarnation of T'kori, so Juniper leads him to a chamber and shows him a  carving of the Ancient God. And T'kori  looks JUST like Jes. And then Juniper reveals that the barrier that surrounds the portal to the alternate realm where the DarkJestermon have been banished is weakening, and if nothing is done about  it, the DarkJestermon will escape and cause mass destruction. Therefore, the gang have to go on a journey to get  hold of the Elemental Crystals that  will awaken Jes's hidden God Powers. Since Juniper already has possession of the Earth Crystal, the others have to find the Air Crystal, the Fire Crystal and the Water Crystal before it is too late. It gets better....once the crystals are located, everyone has to be transported  to the Temple of T'kori, where the Jestermon had errected a sancutary to house the portal that leads to the  realm of the DarkJestermon. Unfortunately, it seemed that SOMEONE (I don't know who, you choose the baddie) has found a way to free some of  the Dark Reptiles, and now the Spirtual Tamers have to fight for their lives to reach the Sacred Chamber, where Jes's  powers are to be awakened. The bad news  is, Jes gets badly wounded, and for  some reason Lisa is unable to Spirit  Digivolve to Floweramon so she can heal  him. In fact, any healing abilites the  gang has is rendered useless. And just  when you thought things couldn't get  any more interesting, DarkHypoJestermon makes an appearance. Everyone's afraid that he'll side with his own kind, because if that happened, then they  would have no hope whatsoever to send  the DarkJestermon back to the other dimension. But surprisingly, DarkJes becomes an ally, saying that if the DarkJestermon got loose, they would kill everyone and everything. (In other words, he's fighting against them to protect his family). Of course, this  pisses the DarkJestermon off, and they  attack DarkJes. The Demon Lord manages  to hold them off long enough for the others to get Jes (who is very weak by now) to the Sacred Chamber. The next part is kinda based of the movie 'The Fith Element', cause then everyone has to figure out how to  active the crystals so that they would awaken Jes's God Powers. And by pure accident, they find out how to do it. (blow air on the Air Crystal and it'll open, pour water on the Water Crystal, ect). And once all the crystals are open, all they have to do is wait for Jes's powers to awaken. But the DarkJestermon are trying to get into the Sacred Chamber, so there's not much  time. And JUST when it seemed that all was lost for the Spiritual Tamers, Jes's God Powers awakened, and he became HypoJestermon God Mode. (Which is, btw, very freakin' AWESOME!! I must draw a picture sometime) He gains all these awesome powers over the Elements, and he defeated the DarkJestermon with mindblowing ease. And everybody was pretty much struck dumb by how POWERFUL Jes has become. Then Jes used another power called 'Deliverance from Evil' to banish all the DarkJestermon back to their alternate realm. And finally, the dream ended with Jes, still in God Mode, offering a hand to TsukiShojomon, and a rose appeared and he said, "Fly  with me...." And when he took her hand, she went into Angel Mode and they flew  up and over the Temple of T'kori. I've been working out Jes's God Powers. He has powers over the Elements, and is able to attack with fire, water, air or earth, either individually or combined into one attack. (in one part of my  dream, the Elements became birds that  perched on his arms, then they became coils around his arms and he used these to attack the DarkJestermon). He also has the attack Deliverance from Evil, and that's kinda like the Dark Magician's attack, but it banishes an entire person, not just their soul. ~~~~~~ Typically, God Mode is almost like HypoJestermon Blast Mode, only Jes gains powers over the elements, and he's ten times as strong and fast. He has the powers equivalent to the Gods, after all. Name: HypoJestermon God Mode
Type: Ancient God
Attribute: Vaccine
Attacks: Elemental Blast, Deliverance  from Evil
Defence: Divine Shield“
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Sasha thanking MagnaJestermon for saving her - From Yodana’s Deviantart page    
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Jesmon (Jestermon’s in-training form), drawn by yodana - From yodana’s Deviantart account
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Sasha and Jestermon - From Yodana’s Deviantart page    
“Let me get one thing straight: Sasha is  NOT Jestermon's Digital Partner. Jestermon has no Tamer. He wanders around on his own free will. But he will be refered as Sasha's Digital  Guardian. Thought I'd let you know. Righto, the whole story goes that Jestermon came into the real world to protect a girl called Sasha from evil sent by the Digital World. He became a sort of bodyguard for her while this evil presence was about, and he's saved her more than once or twice from danger. And even though Jestermon and Sasha aren't really partners, they have  a special bond between them. For you  see, Sasha is part Digimon (I can  totally imagined your confused expressions), and you might say that Jestermon has a bit of a crush on Sasha. Anyway, it's too long a story to tell right now, so I'll just move on to Sasha's data file right now. Name: Sasha Lourdes Eye Color: Light blue Hair Color: Bluish-black Age: 13 Grade: 10th Hobbies: Clubbing, dancing, shopping Likes: Rock music, shopping, horror movies Dislikes: Being called different, stupid people, math homework Digital Guardian: Jestermon Personality: Acts tough, but is very friendly to those who know her well. I might as well put down Jestermon's info while I'm at it. Digimon Information Normal Form: Jestermon Gender: Male Personality: Acts like your average guy in normal situations, but is ruthless in battle. Very loyal to his friends, but tends to get annoyed at them easily. Baby: Ubimon Vaccine Blob Attack: Bubble Blow In-Training: Jesmon Vaccine Large Blob Attack: Cute Charm, Body Slam, Defend Rookie: ChibiJestermon Vaccine Reptile Attack: Harlequin Stomp, Defend Champion: Jestermon Vaccine Reptile Attacks: Jester Blade, Silver Talon  Strike Special Ability: Telepathy, Super Speed Ultimate: MagnaJestermon Vaccine Dragon Attack: Jagged Slash, Needle Tail,  Shadow Glare Special Ability: Fly Mega: HypoJestermon Vaccine Humanoid Attacks: Plasma Blast, Shotgun Strike, Rapid Fire Special Ability: Telepathy, Super Speed“
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Drawings of some of Yodanaʻs Digimon
ChibiJestermon being cute
ChibiJestermon kicking butt
Sad ChibiJestermon
ChibiJestermon and Torkamon having a dance party
Jestermon drinking strawberry milk
Jestermon in a battle pose gathering energy
Angry MagnaJestermon
Dizzy MagnaJestermon
Torkamon and MagnaJestermon
- From Yodana’s Deviantart page    
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fddarchive · 2 years
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HypoJestermon chibis showing off how his eyes change colors with his emotions:
Red: Angry
Yellow: Calm and relaxed
Green: Normal eye color
Blue: Sad
Gold: When attacking opponents
Rainbow: When heʻs experiencing many different emotions at once
-  From Yodana’s Deviantart page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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Unmasked HypoJestermon experiencing various emotions:
Red eyes (angry)
Yellow Eyes (embarassed/disgusted)
Green eyes (normal, calm)
Blue eyes (sad)
Crazy eyes
Jes’ God mode
Bust shot
-  From Yodana’s Deviantart page
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fddarchive · 2 years
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“This is DarkJestermon, an evil version of Jestermon. He's similar to Jestermon  in body shape and height and weight, and they both have similar markings. But that's where the similarity ends. DarkJestermon is totally evil, while Jestermon's heart is pure. I figured that DarkJestermon is the great evil that Jestermon has to protect Sasha from. He certainly is villainous enough. And he's tough. So tough in fact, that even HypoJestermon, Jestermon's Mega stage, has trouble handling him!”
DarkJestermon and his various Digivolutions, drawn by Yodana:
Baby: Ebilmon
In-Training: DarkJesmon
Rookie: DarkChibiJestermon
Champion: DarkJestermon
Ultimate: DarkMagnaJestermon
Mega: DarkHypoJestermon
-  From Yodana’s Deviantart page
Name: Ebilmon
Name Inspiration: Misspelling of the word 'evil'
Digivolves To: DarkJesmon
Species: Dark Blob
Type: Virus
Height: 1'00"
Weight: 2lbs
Attack: Acid Bubbles
Name: DarkJesmon
Level: In-Training
Digivolves From: Ebilmon
Species: Large Blob
Type: Virus
Height: 2'05"
Weight: 5 lbs
Attacks: Poison Sludge, Raging Tackle
Name: DarkChibiJestermon
Level: Rookie
Height: 1'04"
Weight: 15 lbs
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark Reptile
Attack: Hyper Fang
Defense: Toxic Mist
Evolutions: DarkJestermon (Champion), DarkMagnaJestermon (Ulitmate), DarkHypoJestermon (Mega)
Name: DarkJestermon
Level: Champion
Type: Virus
Species: Dark Reptile
Evolutions: DarkHypoJestermon
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 200 lbs
Attacks: Darkness Claw, Red Flash, Skulls of Doom
Name: DarkMagnaJestermon
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 300 lbs
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark Dragon
Attacks: Slashing Strike, Pulverize,  Dark Flare
Evolutions: DarkChibiJestermon (Rookie), DarkJestermon (Champion), DarkHypoJestermon (Mega)
DarkHypoJestermon Name: DarkHypoJestermon Level: Mega, but his power is so great,  it's like three OMEGA Digimon combined! Type: Virus Species: Demon Lord Evolves from: DarkMagnaJestermon Height: 6'3" Weight: 250 lbs Attacks: Armageddon, Hell Beam, Poison  Gas”
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