#Jerry pjo
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apollocabinrep · 3 months ago
Austin: They only boil for 8 minutes
Kayla: I know it's gonna be undercooked
Kayla: Did you get this video from Tiktok?
Austin: Yeah
Kayla: So I know this food is gonna be undercooked for sure
Lee: Why are you in my kitchen?
Michael: Because I can..bitch
Ethan, about Luke: He's just giving me a bitch look
Lee: That's because he's a bitch
Alabaster: Dead ass look, he's spacing out
Kayla: Shut the fuck up, you ugly oompaloompa
Will: Language!
Kayla: I didn't say anything wrong?
Nico: Yeah you did
Kayla: Huh?
Will: You said, shut the f--k up
Kayla: Oops
Clarisse, hits Annabeth: Shut up
Annabeth: What'd I get hit for? Because I can read!?
Will: Are we good?
Cecil: Mentally? No.
Lou Ellen: Physically? No. Psychologically? Hades no.
Michael: Don't blame me! Your dad is the one that ran you over
Clarisse: And he'd do it again
Michael: He can't
Luke: You want me to run you over?
Yan: This cheese tastes better than it smells
Drew looking at Nyssa: Why are you wearing Halloween pants on Thanksgiving?
Jake knowing she's better off than him: Because she's poor
Connor: You know what I put on my Winter Solstice list? Bill money!
Nico: I thought you said bail money..
Jerry: I was trying not to get your feet
Cecil: Oh yeah...not for free
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melz-367 · 5 months ago
sat on my school bus rn and I've just had possibly the cutest but most depressing idea ever
what if Lee used to have a habit of collecting ducks?
like, plastic, glass, metal, whatever, just yellow ducks
hats, spots, stripes, accessories, this man has a whole army
and he made a habit of hiding them around cabin seven and the infirmary and when any of his siblings were sad or needed distracting he'd send them to find a specific duck and they'd be searching for the next hour for a fucking yellow and pink polka-dot duck with a tiara
and when he dies, everyone completely forgets about this until Will rummages through a drawer in the infirmary one day and BOOM
cowboy duck✨
and suddenly everyone's finding ducks everywhere, in shoes and drawers and the archery range storage cabinet and that one part of the strawberry fields where Lee and Castor used to hang out and whenever someone missed him they'd all go on a hunt for a duck until they had over a hundred of the fucking things
but still, even years later, after the TOA, Jerry finds a duck with a grapevine hat and a guitar, and Will, Kayla and Austin burst into giggles while he looks at them in confusion
'what? why are you laughing?'
'nothing. nothing at all.'
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t0p-1-sidecharacter--fan · 8 months ago
Apollo Cabin Headcannons! ☀️☀
• Gracie glows like Will. Her hands also glow when she heals people and her emotions influence her glow too
• Austin's dreams can show the future and are usually prophetic
• Apollo kids have sore throats the first time they heal because of the hymns
• Gracie was different tho, her hands burned instead. It's because she only heals with her hands by just holding the wound
• Another Gracie HC: Gracie's hands burn when she uses too much of healing
• Yan's specialty is Musical Abilities
• Gracie's is archery, healing is a close second tho
• Jerry's is poetry
• Speaking of Jerry, he's a hopeless romantic, he writes romantic poetry and love poems to people he crushes on
• Michael and Kayla were the archery experts
• Will and Lee Fletcher have matching bracelets
• Yan is practically a mini Lou Ellen (got this from @ask-will-solace)
• Speaking of Yan and Lou Ellen, Yan looks up to Lou Ellen A LOT, they're close and pull pranks together
• saw this somewhere else but Austin had a dream that if Michael Yew went to the bridge, he'd die
• Will is 16, Kayla is 13, Austin is 15, Jerry is also 13, Yan is 12 and Gracie is 11
• While Yan looks up to Lou Ellen, she also really looks up to Kayla.
• Gracie looks up to Will
• Jerry looks up to Austin
• Kayla and Yan are the most troublesome of the Apollo Cabin
• Lee Fletcher and Will look the same, like, they look like full siblings
• Kayla had long hair before tlo but the cut it short and dyed it because Lee Fletcher told her before that hair held memory and the memories of Lee and Michael Yew dying was too much for her
• I saw this somewhere but Kayla accidentally shot Drew in the knee the first time they met
That's all for now! I'll probably make a pt. 2 but yeahhhhh
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thestarstoasun · 11 months ago
The question that had ignited a change in Will had come completely out of the blue. It was just like any other day, a day spent in the comforting familiarity of the infirmary. The only patients were a daughter of Ares and Connor Stoll of Hermes – who had to be put on opposite ends. Nico was cutting bandages while Will lectured Connor on reckless pranks on the Ares cabin that ended up with him in the infirmary.
That was when Gracie walked in. Gracie and Will were close, mainly because she had clung to him – much like he had clung to Lee when he was claimed as a son of Apollo. “Hey Will! I have a question.” She looked up at him with the innocence a child should have. An innocence that was stolen by the rest of them through wars and death.
Gracie's green eyes reminded him so much of Lee, it was almost unnatural. Lee had gotten his eye color from his mortal mother, while Will’s blue eyes came from Apollo. The shade of green was something Will had never been able to put into words. Though, the many girls and guys at camp who had crushes on his older brother had plenty for them.
Will shot one last, narrowed look at Connor before turning his attention to his sister with a much brighter expression. His eyes softened and he ruffled her hair. “What’s up, Rapunzel?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Will could see Nico raise a questioning eyebrow, which reminded him they still had so, so many movies to watch in order to catch his boyfriend up on everything he missed because of the Gods.
“Jerry, Yan, and I were in the attic of the cabin-“ Will could feel his body tense up and tried to make them at least appear natural. “The boxes up there had a bunch of names up there. Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Isabella Nightshade, Mckenzie Ayers, Juliet Solbello-“
“That’s Italian.” Nico interrupted, noticing that with every name Gracie innocently listed Will looked closer and closer to breaking a apart.
“It is?” Gracie looked his way with brimming excitement in her eyes, directing her attention to Nico. Will flashed him a distant, but appreciative small smile. Nico nodded, a reply to them both, so as he distracted Gracie, Will slipped away through the side door of the infirmary.
He knew what Gracie was going to ask as soon as she started to list the names of their siblings she had never, would never, get to meet. She wanted to know who they were and what happened to them, but Will wasn’t brave enough, or strong enough, to talk about it. Five…only five of his thirteen dead siblings, and he could hardly handle hearing the fact his younger siblings, (they had never met them. They shouldn’t be touching their stuff. What if it gets lost? Or broken? What if there’s nothing left of them to remind Will that they lived?) had found the Apollo kids' biggest secret. The last remains of a shattered family with a father of healing that couldn’t be bothered to save them.
Will went straight to Cabin 7, ignoring the looks of other campers. He saw Jerry and Yan looking at a picture a much younger, more innocent Will Solace drew of him and his big brothers (big brothers that would never hold him again. Not until he joined them in Elysium). “Put that down. I told you guys not to go in there.” He couldn’t help but wince at the harsh tone in his voice. Snapping at them wouldn’t help the situation. Will Solace had a responsibility to his living siblings first, as their big brother. His own feelings could be pushed down into the suffocating box where they threatened to drown him. “Sorry, please . I don’t want it to get ripped. It’s pretty old.”
Yan at least had the decency to look guilty. “I’m sorry, Will. You guys just never talk about any of them, and you, Austin, and Kayla always find excuses to not be in the cabin.”
“We all noticed, so we figured whatever you were hiding in the attic was why.” Jerry added, finally looking a bit ashamed.
Will took a deep, shaky breath and grabbed one of Lee’s flannels. Most of the ones he wore now were once Lee’s that, when the time came to pack his belongings, Will had taken for himself because he knew it was the closest he would ever get to one of his older brother’s hugs ever again. “It’s not because of these. It’s because of why they’re there. Why the people they belong to aren’t..” Will clutched to Lee’s flannel and put it on, despite the temperature outside being the reason he hadn’t worn one today at all. “Please, put the boxes and all their belongings back in the attic. They belonged to our older siblings. And I promise, I-“ Once again, Will had to pause and clutch onto the sleeves of Lee’s flannel. “I’ll tell you guys all about them.”
Will’s gaze landed on the old video camera that neither he, Kayla, nor Austin had had the heart to look at the recordings after Manhattan left them feelings emptier than ever. But, Will Solace couldn’t let his younger siblings see how much this really hurt him, so he looked over at them and smiled brightly. “Don’t feel bad, we all make mistakes. I gotta go check on Neeks, since I may have left him with Gracie.”
Will walked out of cabin 7 with a heavy heart hidden by a porcelain mask that was covered in cracks plastered together by the sense of responsibility and becoming head counselor and the oldest sibling, after being a former youngest, in the matter of hours during a war. Other campers looked through at the cracks in his carefully crafted mask wondering how long until it shattered leaving whatever Will Solace could be underneath it exposed for the world to see.
Part 2
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un0peia · 9 months ago
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Jerry, son of Apollo
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moodyseal · 4 months ago
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Cabin 7 kids 🥺 they appeared for only one second in TON but I would totally die for them
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bugwolfsstuff · 6 months ago
I love giving minor characters little quirks, interests and backstories it's so fun :)
Like yes, Lacy from the Aphrodite cabin writes fanfiction and regularly commissions Leo to draw fanart for her.
Yes, Christopher and Nyssa Barrera from the Hephaestus cabin were made from clay like Pandora (Christopher's mortal dad was bi and he has a cool step-mom now)
Yes, Travis Stoll from the Hermes cabin saw Hermes take his mom to the underworld at 4
Yes, Shane from the Hephaestus cabin absolutely loathes lore olympus and will angrilly rant about it for hours. (my boy has a powerpoint about it)
Yes, Kayla Knowles from the Apollo cabin has beef with Shane from the Hephaestus cabin (tho she's the only one that'll listen to him rant)
Yes, Drew Tanaka from the Aphrodite cabin is best friends with Pollux from the Dionysus cabin
Yes, Porkpie the pegasus was Castor from the Dionysus cabin's pegasus before Castor died
Yes, Jerry from the Apollo cabin makes badass video edits and music for his friends (and the seven)
Yes, Harley from the Hephaestus cabin watched his mortal family get killed by monsters and that's why he's at camp so young!
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 1 month ago
hc that Nico (known pirate fan as a kid) has never seen pirates of the Caribbean. upon discovery, he, Meg, Apollo, and Cabin 7 set up a movie marathon, where the whole camp ends up watching with them.
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jkschanel · 1 year ago
apollo cabin family dynamics… save me apollo cabin family dynamics…
but seriously… the grief that comes with being a child of apollo… more siblings than you can count is all the more to lose, counsellors barely making it past 16-17
the inherent tragedy of being a cabin of healers and fighters and poets, never knowing if the next body you have to bandage will be your sibling… born to hold a pen, forced to carry a bow
a cabin as bright as the sun, smiling faces that give hope to wounded children soldiers, singing songs around a fire even when you don’t know if you’ll make it to tomorrow
seeing the numbers dwindle, what used to be a full house becoming half empty and then barely used
but at least you have each other… whoever survives
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tsarinatorment · 8 months ago
Do you have any backstory headcanons for the other canon Apollo kids?
Not to the extent I did for Michael, but most of them I have at least something, yes!
Going in age order...
Will [disclaimer here that I do not consider TSATS canon; most of this contradicts the weird stuff TSATS tried to claim which didn't actually make any sense...] We know Apollo met Will's mother, Naomi Solace, in Austin, and I do headcanon that Will grew up there. Like most demigods, school wasn't fun for him, although Will was never actually in enough trouble that he got expelled - he was too much of a generally sweet kid for that, who got on well with the other kids in school. His home life was... fine. Naomi loves Will a lot, but trying to make ends meet with her music career whilst raising a son as a single mother was a lot (especially a son with ADHD and dyslexia) and Will often ended up not quite being given all the attention he needed at home.
However, we also know from canon that Will is an unusually powerful son of Apollo, so the monsters picked up on his scent much earlier than they usually do. His first attack was an entire hoard of snakes when he was seven, and with no-one else around close enough to intervene in time, Apollo snatched him away from the attack in person, before telling Naomi that it was probably time for Will to go to camp. She didn't protest, guiltily relieved that looking after Will wouldn't be on her shoulders anymore and that she could fully follow her music career again, and Will ended up at camp aged seven.
He remains a year-rounder because Naomi's career keeps her too busy to give him the attention and stability he should have, although they remain in frequent contact and Will has been known to leave camp for a weekend or even a week, occasionally, to stay with her while she's free between career commitments.
Austin Austin's mother, Latricia Lake, is a music theory lecturer (canon) who met Apollo while she was lecturing at Oberlin College (canon). I have her as being a guest lecturer, who moves around various colleges and universities on demand, which leaves her lifestyle rather an unstable one for raising a child. So instead of lugging around baby!Austin everywhere with her, Austin was mostly raised by his maternal grandparents (location not entirely certain but I'm kinda leaning towards Louisiana, maybe?) to give him a stable place to call home. He ended up at camp the same way most Apollo kids do - the snakes came crawling along and a satyr identified him as a demigod and brought him to camp. Austin got rather a nasty bite (or few) from the snakes on the way, which almost killed him, so his phobia of snakes is worse than most Apollo kids'. He arrived at camp in the period between BOTL and TLO, so he never knew Lee and was still a fresh camper for the Manhattan battle. He now stays at camp year-round because his grandparents are getting a little too old to really raise a hyperactive teenage boy, and Austin doesn't want to bring the added danger of monster attacks to them.
Kayla Kayla, as we know, has two fathers. She's one of the less common children of a male god who was birthed by their godly parent, but Apollo and Darren Knowles had several long conversations about it before she was conceived, because Apollo doesn't do the "drop random unexpected kids on partners" thing. Darren did really want a kid, though, and Apollo was more than happy to oblige. She calls Darren 'Da', while Apollo is 'Dad', and always knew that she had two fathers, and that her other father was an amazing archer. Darren kept her with him most of the time - Kayla's been around archery her entire life, has been shooting bows ever since she was big enough, and is well-known amongst the Olympic candidates in Canada, who are all eagerly awaiting her sixteenth birthday, when she can join their ranks - although they're a bit worried that now she's away at 'boarding school' in America, she's not getting as much training time (if only they knew!) She stays at camp all year because Darren's coaching career does take him across the country, and in some cases the world, to various tournaments, and it's safer and more stable for Kayla to live in one place. (Darren also tries not to let it reach her too much, but not everyone is particularly accepting of a girl with two fathers; she's also away from the bigotry in camp.) She will visit him as often as she can get away with, though!
Yan Yan is canonically from Hong Kong. As they're never given a gender in the books, to me they are nonbinary. They also don't have a canon surname, so I use 'Cheung', which has the same roots as Zhang and means archer! When they were twelve, their mother made the decision to evacuate them from Hong Kong due to the political unrest, and they went to live with a host family in England, enrolling in a local school. This was fine for a year, but then they found themselves being attacked by monsters and were forced to be displaced again, this time to Camp Half-Blood. Their host family knew nothing about them being a demigod - most of it was arranged by proxy of the mother of a kid the year below them in their London school. They later discovered that said kid was also their younger half-brother!
Jerry Jerry is a London kid (canon!). As 'Jerry' is usually a nickname, and considering the fact that he's British, I have his full name as being Jeremy (not that he ever goes by it) and gave him the surname Allen (meaning 'harmony'). Jerry's mum is a massive stress baker by the name of Gwen Allen. Her actual job is that she's a nurse - which is a stressful job, so Jerry was never short on homemade goodies as a kid! Jerry is a huge cricket fan, and grew up near Lords Cricket ground; his dream is to play for England one day. When he was twelve, he and an older kid at school were attacked by a monster and saved by the school's janitor, who was revealed to be a satyr. Jerry did not take well to the idea that he had to move to America for several years (not least because it meant he had to stop playing for the local kids' cricket teams, but also because it meant leaving his mum behind), but Gwen arranged everything with Chiron - and for Yan, too - and saw them off from Heathrow Airport. The pair of them were escorted by an adult demigod onto American soil, but unfortunately the last leg of their trip was rather eventful, culminating in the satyr guide that had picked them up at the airport being killed protecting them, and leaving both Jerry and Yan rather traumatised when they finally reached camp. The pair of them are thick as thieves.
Gracie I don't have much for Gracie yet - we know she's from Idaho, and at this point that's really all I've got, except the headcanon that she's a drum kid. Give her something to bash rhythmically and she's delighted! I'll work something out for her eventually, though! As for her name, like the rest of the TON trio we're not given one, so I gave her the surname 'Crowe' as an acknowledgement of corvids being sacred to Apollo.
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sweetsdereese · 3 months ago
The Apollo cabin garden is open again!
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toasecretsanta · 2 months ago
Christmas is best spent/with friends and Family, A/pollo proves this fact
For @heresronnie21 from @peishathebookity using the prompts Meg grows a perfect tree... then decorates like a meg, Cabin 7 karaoke with dad and Waystation Family gift giving
I smiled. the voice of my demigod companion, Meg McCaffrey, came into my mind in the form of a prayer. Ever since she figured out I could hear prayers, Meg had been talking nonstop.
"Can you come here?"  Meg asked, or more fittingly prayed. "I need help."
I smiled. A part of split off to the Cistern.
Meg was standing in the living room, in front of a big Evergreen. The tree's dryad stood next to it, hands on hips.
"You called?" I said.
Meg grunted in response. She grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to the tree.
Ah, Meg had called me to assist me in decorating the Cistern's Christmas Tree. (A note, just because I am a Greek god and a pagan, does not mean I cannot celebrate christmas. Though, dad doesn't like it much when we do.)
Well, lucky for her, I have decorated MANY trees. I could her help with that.
"Sure," I said, and she grinned. I gulped a bit at that, but it couldn't be THAT bad.
Turns out it was.
Meg did not call me for my awesome and creative artistic abilities, nooo, she called me because of my "goddy abilities."
"Apollo, summon blue candy canes." She ordered.
I raised an eyebrow at her. Who used blue candy canes for their tree? It was usually red and white or red and green. And trust me, I know. I see a lot of things from the sun chariot.
Meg stomped my leg, "c'mon, dummy!" I caved.
I summoned ten blue candy canes in my arm, and handed it to her. She looked at them, then at me, then nodded approvingly. I did not get punched in the knee.
Then Meg bit into one. I winced. Meg frowned as she pulled it out.
"This isn't a candy cane!"
"Yes it is, it's a candy cane ornament," I reasoned.
"I was asking for candy canes. Not ornaments." Meg punched my knee. But I was a god so it didn't hurt.
"I thought we were decorating."
Meg looked up at me. "Why would you think that?" I gestured at the tree.
The dryad scoffed. "No one is decorating ME. Don't you know how heavy ornaments are?"
I did not how heavy ornaments are.
"Not even for Christmas?" I asked.
The dryad shot me a look, then sighed. "I'd love too, it's the holiday season and all, but ornaments are really heavy!"
Well, that would be easy to deal with.
I motioned for Meg to hand me the candy canes (which she was trying to suck on, again.)
She reluctanctly handed me them. The I vanished them.
Meg stared at me.
Then I summoned ones that were hollow made of light materials.
"Help me decorate?" I asked. Meg smiled.
The first of the decorations were done, and several blue candy canes we littered (terrible wording, I know) on one side of the tree (no one would look at the back).
I stretched my arms. Meg had asked to put on the higher spots, but didn't reach. Instead of asking me to do it like a normal person, she asked me to carry her so she could do it, instead.
"How does it feel?" Meg asked.
Evergreen went out of her tree. "Not too bad," she bedrudgingly replied. Meg smiled, and turned to me. And I wonder once again what I had gotten myself into.
"You aren't adding fairy lights?" I asked.
"NO!" Evergreen protester.
"Yeah no we don't do that here." I turned around. Joseph, a male dryad, was leaning on the door. "The electicity bill is expensive." On that, I could agree.
Meg stepped on my foot, "summon green ball thingies." Joseph left after that.
"Ornaments," I corrected. Meg rolled her eyes, muttering about potatoes and tomatoes, which was NOT how the saying goes. I still summoned ten of them.
Meg tried to put them up, then realized she was, once again, too short.
"You need to get more calcium," I told her. She stamped my foot. I, by the way, have nothing againt short people. Short people are cute! Why, I have dated many. Still, Meg was a growing girl.
I carried her up. Meg did not weight much, though this was probaly because I was a god. She put a lot of the green ones on top, no, she put all ten of them on top.
"Now for yellow," she said. I stared at her. Green and yellow... hmmm...
I summoned them for her. Meg could put half of them just fine, but needed my part for some higher ones.
"Why did you call me and not just ask Lu?" I asked her after helping her put on a pink - that's right, pink - star on top of Evergreen.
Meg shrugged. "I wanted to hang out with you, I guess." My heart warmed.
Then Meg asked me to summon red ones. And she put them on the bottom half. She walked back and admired her work.
Meg had decorated her tree as a street lamp, with a glow in the dark pink star on top.
I was having a really hard time processing this.
Evergreen seem to share my sentiment.
She stepped out of her tree, and looked at our job. Dumbfouned and shocked.
She turned around at us. "Whose idea was this?" she demanded angrily.
Meg pointed at me. I protested. Evergreen believed Meg over me, though, and sent me a stink eye.
She sighed, "oh well, I guess it's too late to do anything." But then she looked at me.
"Well, I gotta go," I said and dissapeared, not wanting to deal with an angry dryad.
After that fiasco, I decided to visit my kids, and drop their gifts while I was at it.
When I teleported into the Me cabin, the whole place was still bright and alive. The sound proof walls were up (after several complaints from the rest of camp, the row of 5-7-9 were given sound proof walls to use at night) and all my children were wide awake.
Jerry, Gracie, and Yan were playing a vicous and extreme round of Uno on the floor (a game that was one of the reasons why Olympus no longer held game nights, another reason is that dad is always right, and therefore the best at everyting, but we also cannot just give up, and oh the fights that erupted from it.) Gracie and Jerry were doubling down laughing as Yan picked up card after card with a mournfull expression.
Austin was playing a love song using his saxophone in its full glory, while Kayla faked gagged at Will and Nico from her perch on the top bunk. My son's skin had gotten darker with the blush, while Nico sat on the bed with a deadpan expression.
None of them had seen me yet.
It was my youngest that did.
"DADDY!" Gracie screamed and stood up, throwing away her stack of 14 Uno cards in the air. She pushed her siblings and jumped, enloping me in a hug. I scooped her up and twirled her around, smelling her cherry scented hair, the sound of her giggles music to my ears.
Jerry groaned, as he was about to win. Yan was not sad at all, seeing as they had 36 cards. They threw down their stack and walked over to me, much to Jerry's chagrin.
Austin stopped playing, and Kayla jumped up from her perch, which I winced. Luckily my ginger daughter was fine. Will stood up and dragged Nico, staring at the younger three's mess disdainfully.
"Hey dad," Austin greeted. I gently dropped Gracie and hugged her siblings and  brother in law.
"How are my sunshines doing?" I asked.
"I was about to win but somebody had to run off," Jerry sent a side eye at a certain blonde with pigtails. Gracie, being the mature twelve year old she was, stuck out her tongue at him. Yan shook their head at their antics.
"Gracie don't tease your brother, and Jerry we can play later," I chided.
Jerry lit up, "can Yan get 36 cards in one round again?" Yan groaned and playfully punched him.
Then Jerry stamped on their shoes.
Then Yan pulled his sleeve.
I realized they were about to fight and quickly dissolved it. Gracie was the one that shook her head, this time.
Kayla held my hand and brought me to the rug in the middle, waving at the others too follow.
Jerry grabbed all the Unos with help of Gracie, and brought them to the rug.
"We're doing 7 each," Jerry said and started to dividing them. Nico tried to leave but stopped when Will pulled him in.
"You're not leaving me with Jerry and Uno."
Nico and Will sat together, with Austin on Will's right. Kayla sat left from Nico, with me on her left. Yan was beside me and Jerry and Gracie sat next to them with Gracie next to Austin (because Austin and Jerry should not sit next together)
And thus, the game of Uno began
"Uno!!" Jerry exclaimed cheerfully as he placed down another plust two card.
Yan's color drained from their face. Turns out, their last card was not a plus one.
It was sad watching them get 36 cards. Gracie was laughing again. Will shook his head.
Nico had about 19 cards. Kayla had raged quitted after getting a stack of 28. Austin was content with his 7. Will did not care. Gracie and Jerry were tied in five, and Yan had 37. I had 3.
Jerry's card was blue, and I placed down a blue +2
Somehow, Yan won. And Jerry was last, much to his dismay.
"I want a rematch," he proclaimed to his sibling. Will shook his head.
"C'mon," Austin said, "karaoke time!"
He pulled my hand and asked me to set up the karaoke set. Will, Gracie, and Nico sent scared looks of eachother. My youngest did not know what to fear.
Austin turned on his speaker and played THE Christmas song. Nico had gone, much to Will's dismay, as soon as the song started. Kayla is searching for something to cover her ears with, and Will is done.
Yan is confused. Jerry is insulted by Austin's choice in music. Gracie though...
"-IS YOU!" she sang, joining me and Austin in karaoke (Will shot me betrayed looks when i joined my other son in his fun.)
The song finished, and Jerry turned to look at his brother. "Austin, what the bloody hell was that."
"Language," I reprimanded as Yan asked him to donate into the swear jar.
"It's your turn, now," Austin said and smiled. Jerry slinked away but Austin caught him before he could.
Gracie turned on her song choice, and started singing along.
"LAST CHRISTMAS I GAVE YOU MY HEART, BUT THE VERY NEXT DAY-" she stopped for Jerry, giving him a look.
"You got fanum taxxed." He sang, seemingly enjoying himself.
Gracie and Austin both stopped, staring at him as if he had grown another head.
"THIS YEAR, TO SAVE ME FROM MEWING," Jerry continued on, completely oblivious from his siblings' stares. Will looked done with him, and Kayla's jaw was dropped. Yan just shoon their head, seemingly used to Jerry's antics.
Gracie shook out of her daze and clamped Jerry's mouth shut, and shook him.
"What was that?" She demanded.
"How, where have you heard rizz from?" Austin wondered out loud, wondering how Jerry, who was white, heard the AAVE word. (AAVE, mind you, is slang Blacks made to talk about things without alarming the oppressors)
"...gen Alpha version?" He said unsure.
The others just stared at him as if he was summoning an ancient primordial by turning into a dog and dancing (long story don't ask)
Jerry was panicked that his siblings had no clue.
"Dad that was future stuff, wasn't it?" Jerry's thought prayer asked, since he couldn't say it out loud and his siblibgs couldn't know, yet. And Jerry wasn't comfortable with people knowing.
I shook my head, and he blushed at my gesture.
Austin shook his head, "just, how do you know rizz?"
Jerry shrugged. "It just came to me."
"Well, don't say things if ya don't know the meaning, okay?" Jerry nodded dutifully.
"Can I choose a song now?" Austin hesistated before letting his brother choose, hopefully nothing like the monstrosity of the one before.
Jingle Bell Rock played, and I heard a snippet of Will and Kayla'a conversation.
"I think he's too far gone, Will"
But Will and Yan were singing along, then Kayla joined, and it lasted until I forced them to go to sleep (they were still kids after all.)
As I rised the sun, this prayer greeted me:
"Hey Apollo,"  the voice of my friend Jo came into my head "We're opening the gifts."
I split off a part of me to Indiana. This year, Jo and Emmie thought it would be a good idea to do a secret Santa. Me and Meg were invited. Meg couldn't come though since she was spending Christmas in the Cistern.
The Waystation was bright and colorful. Red and green fairy lights were intertwined with fake bushes on the walls. Mistletoes were everywhere, and all sorts of Christmas decorations were on the walls. All the inhabitants were in the living room.
"Hello, Waystation," I greeted.
The Waystation's tree was (thankfulky) decorated normally, with ornaments and cady canes and red string around. The star was a celestial bronze throwing star. The gifts were under the tree.
Jo waved me over. "Hey Apollo," Emmie greeted, leaning on her lover.
I walked over and sat next to Leo. "Hey guys," I greeted back.
"Okay now that everyone's here, let's get started, eh?" Leo said, grabbing a red gift. He read the tag, "Georgie this is for you." He tossed the gift to the eight year old sitting on Lit's lap, next to their moms.
Georgie caught the gift and giggled. She opened it up and found a coloring set and book. Her eyes lit up and teared.
Calypso smiled from where she sat next to Sssssarah, happy Georgie enjoyed the gift she got her.
Georgie put her gift next to her, then walked over to the tree and grabbed a green, giving it to Olujime.
The pretty man took the present, and inside it was a key chain of an ax, with a note attached. "From Stan," Olujime read the tag.
He opened the note and scanned the page, his eyes widening after. He took the keychain, and flipped.
The keychain, turned into a lifesize ask.
Stan, for your information, was also a son of Hekate, and was being mentored by Jo to take care of the Waystation after she and Emmie dies.
Olujime grinned at the ax before minisizing it, shooting a thanks at Stan. The boy was very proud of this.
Olujime grabbed a colorfull paper wrapped box, and handed it to Leo.
Leo opened it gingerly, and opened the brown box inside it. It was filled with bits and bobs and a drawing of Festus, by Georgie.
Leo sniffed and wiped his eye. "It's beautiful," he said rather melodramatically.
Stan had an equally dramatix reaction to Lit's gift, a book on the history of Magical Mechanics by Hardy Long from RMRAR Publishings, the only publisher of the Greco-Roman world (other titles you may know would be Camp Half Blood Confidential or the Demigod Files)
The Lit in question scratched his neck at the Stan who had tears and thanking him really really extravagantly.
Lit could not relate. Sssssarah had given him a new cornhusker shirt and corn seeds, with a note saying, "reap more corn and less men."
Suffice to say, Leo will not let that die down. Sssssarah was rather proud at her idea.
Jo must've known about the Snake's parctical joke since all she gave her was eggs in cups.
It didn't work well though. Sssssarah loved it, and ate it all up in a couple of bites.
Stan stared at her in disgust.
Olujime gifted Calypso a hand made book full of note sheets for her band practice. Calypso was really happy, even if she was losing interest in band. Not that Olujime knew that, of course.
Emmie's gift was the best, of course. She had given me a picture book filled with pictures of time I spent with my loved ones, with empty slots for more. I did not cry, my eyes were watering from the dust.
The gift Deacon (and me. I helped xey out) gave to Emmie was also really good. She got artifacts from way back when, something to remember with.
I don't know if it was a good idea, though.
Leo got Deacon a lot of toys, and I gave Jo handmade sweaters.
It was a very nice present opening. And I had to leave for goddy reasons and Calypso wanted to spend time with her bandmates and Olujime wanted to hang with his girlfriend. Leo and Deacon went to their work.
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mrsoftthoughts · 9 months ago
Pjo hair headcanons pt II; Apollo cabin
-Will Solace
- Honey blond, it turns more towards a medium/light Caramel in the low, maybe and just maybe the light of the lyre when he was claimed has something to do with that
- a really tight 2c
- how tf is his haircut called? No one knows, is just a medium length that reduces the volume more you go down ( it can be similar to surfer curtains though)
- 30in1 and that's all, in especial days a little bit of foam ( 100% don't stealed from his siblings)
Kayla Knowles
- probably if you put a carrot at the side i would be the perfect mach... In fact Will and Austin confirmed that theory
- is barely down her chin, isn't supposed to be like that tough, no because it looks bad, in fact she likes the look, but it's uncomfortable to tie when she is in the archery range because half of it still loose and end up in her face, how the fuck it end up like that? Well, the battle of Manhattan,big and heavy things in bad situation, and a knife, that's all you need to know ( btw it used to be 2 hands down her shoulders)
- 1b and really thin
- Pantene color protec... It works for her ( that doesn't stop the Aphrodite cabin of trying to convince her to use anything but that thing)
- she already have the middle to points bleached to light blonde when she came to the camp, but the green was after a joke of the hermes cabin with blue dye, she end up liking it when it turned green a week before, it kinda reminds her to his Dad eyes.
-Austin Lake
- Really Dark brown, almost black, he has intrusive thoughts about dying it or getting some strikes every once in a while but he's scared of it end up fried so... Thanks, but no thanks.
- that isn't stopping him of putting some fake color strikes in his braids
- 4a
- half of the hair products in the cabin bathroom are his, it's not even that many things, but hes the only one that uses more than just shampoo and conditioner
And some quick ones for yan gracie and Jerry
- Yan
-Black and straight with a medium length Pixie ( i really don't have a headcanon for yan's gender but i always think of them as someone androgynous)
- belt length Golden Bronze curls ( the Aphrodite cabin had the best time of their lifes styling that thing, it was a bit messy because her mortal father was doing his best but not enough)
- Light reddish brown straight (1c) long fringe
(part 1)
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tsarisfanfiction · 11 months ago
Absent No More
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Apollo, Cabin Seven Not much changed, after Zeus was destroyed, but for a certain group of people, they got the change they'd always wanted. TOApril day 3 - Divine Intervention! Some credit goes to @fearlessinger for today's prompt interpretation, because she was the one to suggest the Ancient Laws, so here we are!
Most things didn’t change.  It was weird, for the mortals in the know, the demigods that knew the king of the gods was gone forever, that Olympus was without her ruler.  It felt like there should be some sign that things had changed, but rain still fell, lightning still lashed across the sky, and whatever power vacuum may or may not have been going on in Olympus never touched their lives at all.
If not for the gap in the original horseshoe of the twelve Olympic cabins, where cabin one had once stood, they could almost, almost forget that Zeus was gone.
Except for one thing.  One small thing, insignificant in the grand scheme of things, barely worth a mention, hardly a footnote in the story of the Olympian uprising and subsequent consequences.
Small and insignificant to most, but not to all.  To some people, great in number but barely a splash in the ocean that was the human population of the world, it was huge, on a scale they’d never dared to dream before.  For many of them, it was all they’d ever wanted.
For the woman in South Korea with her own dance studio that accepted students of any age and taught some of them how to turning fighting dances into fighting, it was the helper that regularly came by to give all her students an extra bit of guidance.  It was suggestions on who needed more help, or dance props that happened to include aspects of certain rare, celestial metals.
For the man in Canada, it was procedures that went perfectly and the doctor that never left his side, holding his hand as he woke up slowly with the knowledge that he was never going to feel sick if he caught sight of his bare body in a mirror again.  It was celebrations and affirmations and whole-hearted acceptance, gentle hugs light enough not to agitate still-healing flesh but firm enough to be all-encompassing anyway.
For the royal bowman in Scotland, it was the company he found waiting at home after a long day of practice, either parade or combat, with a warm meal and chores all already done.  It was hair ruffles and a large, bright smile, and the soothing of aching muscles with simple touches.
For the librarian in Germany, it was the patron that came by every day, smile as bright as the sun and always a stack of books to return.  It was long conversations on authors, on recommendations, and the fresh stack of books checked out at the end of the day, right before she clocked out to go home, and the way she was always walked to her door.
For the actress pulling long hours to make ends meet, it was the dedicated make-up artist that always ended up working on her, no matter the role, and told her stories as she watched her transformation in the mirror.  It was the way the ugly scar on her face from where she’d once tried to fight for what was right never counted against her in auditions, and smoothed away to nothing with a simple touch of foundation.
For the lawyer that had had to fight every step of the way to her position because of her gender and the colour of her skin, it was the assistant that floated past her office every day to bring her drinks and make sure the case notes were always in order, even when her dyslexia made her want to throw them out the window.  It was forced breaks and warm rolls straight from the oven of her favourite bakery for no reason other than being loved.
For the brothers that played basketball for opposing teams because their greatest challenge had always been the other, it was the cheering in the crowd for both of them equally, because no matter how serious it got it was still just a game, and family didn’t pick sides.  It was post-match celebratory drinks, always on the tab, no matter the result, just because.
For the doctor it was the shoulder to try on whenever he had to give a patient bad news, when all the training and skill in the world couldn’t spare patients trauma.  It was the way he never, ever got sick despite the near constant exposure to illnesses, so he could always be there to give others the best care possible.
For the farmer that had fled from war to raise sheep instead, it was dawn wake-up calls and an extra pair of hands when the animals couldn’t settle.  It was lambs surviving their birthing and thriving even when other farms struggled with high mortality rates and animals struggling to adapt to the ever-shifting environment.
For the poet tearing her hair out over her latest publishing deal, it was soothing hands massaging away the headache while a melodic voice recited her writing back at her, assuring her that her words were flawless.  It was the way the deals always made it through, in the end, and made her enough money that she never had to give it up in order to find another, better, job to make ends meet.
For the healer surrounded by children with weapons they were still learning to use, it was a helping hand in the infirmary, and a bright hug when the last mischievous teenager that had thought they knew how to handle weapons better than they did was gone.  It was falling asleep during nighttime vigils and waking up with the sun to find blankets and golden company keeping watch while he rested.
For the saxophonist it was the accompanying instrumentalist giving him a proud grin that had teeth too white to be natural as he came off stage, because the performance had gone off without a hitch, and the second, private recital for just the two of them.  It was the way his instruments always stayed perfect and in-tune, never suffering misfortune on journeys from venue to venue.
For the Olympic champion it was a beaming face in the crowd as she won competition after competition, toppling world records and making them her own, and two male voices proudly claiming her as their daughter for the world to hear.  It was one-on-one shooting, where they did things most mortals didn’t dream could be done with a bow and laughed the whole way through.
For the historian always finding themselves in the deepest depths of archives, it was the gentle light that was always bright enough to read by, but never damaged the precious manuscripts they poured over.  It was the listening ear as they recited what they’d discovered, to make sense of it, and the quiet confirmations of someone that had been there when the history had been written – or knew someone who had.
For the bowler who also picked up a bat, because not everyone in the team could bowl but they all had to be able to hit the ball, it was the perfect lighting whenever he made the run, always in his favour and never in the batsman’s.  It was the same person catching the ball over and over, when he hit a six and it sailed into the crowd.
For the drum teacher, it was the way she always had new students signing up to learn whenever she had a vacancy, eager to learn from her.  It was the way she could always talk about them, celebrating when they worked hard and got to where they wanted to be with their music, or asking for help when a student was struggling and she didn’t quite know how to help them, knowing that there was always help available for her.
For Apollo’s children, whatever walks of life they ended up taking, it was their godly father finally being there in their waking hours as well as their dreams, wherever and whenever they needed them.  They’d always known they were loved, but knowing it and experiencing it, it turned out, were two entirely different things, and while he never explained exactly why he’d started being more around after his own father’s destruction, they all had their suspicions.
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thestarstoasun · 1 year ago
Will has special nicknames for all of his younger siblings. They don't necessarily have to do with a physical trait, sometimes even just being the name of a plant (ironic) or their favorite character. He started doing it subconsciously for a few siblings after the BotL. Lee had a special nickname for him, Sunshine or Sunflower, and he never failed to make Will feel better whenever he used it.
I think Austin wasn't as close with Michael or Lee, but I also hc that he came after the Labyrinth while Kayla came a few months before. Kayla was closer with Michael due to her skills with archery.
Anyways, Will's nicknames for his siblings is like his own living connection to Lee.
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Okay but like, how were Jerry, Gracie, and Yan claimed in Tower of Nero. Because it's implied they'd already been established as Apollo kids, but Apollo wasn't really available to claim them.
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