#Jenari Ashaa
rainofaugustsith · 3 years
The non-romanced Felix Iresso reunion is an absolute tear jerker. Along with Vette, maybe Akaavi and Talos...this is one of the few times the reunion really relays just how much these two mean to each other and that they really are friends. And Felix Iresso and the JC both have voiceover actors that are so good here. Even the expressions they animated the JC with are so poignant. (headcanon is that Felix knows 100% that Jenari is a lesbian, supported her fully as the Jedi Consular and that Felix and Jen were BFFs). Oh and one more thing WHY ISN'T FELIX IN THE MAIN STORY AND WHY DID YOU LEAVE HIM OUT OF KOTFE WTF BIOWARE FELIX IS AWESOME
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Captions: (not the entire reunion conversation, just some to avoid spoilers) 1. Jenari Ashaa: If I'd known, I'd have stopped at nothing to free you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. 2. Felix Iresso: I know. It feels like you're the only one I can trust. 3. Felix: "Missing in action," they called it. Wrote me off, just like that. I gave my life to the Republic and they just...turned their backs on me. 4. Jenari: Felix... 5. Felix: I'll stand by your side, through whatever comes. 6. Jenari: I don't need a soldier, Felix. I'm just happy to have my friend back. 7. Felix: I don't know what tomorrow will look like. But as long as you have my back...I'll stand and fight.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
There are only three M/F relationships in SWTOR that I like at all and oddly they’re all in the same mirror classes: Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular (Urtel the Sith, Andronikos and Felix). This is hands down, no questions, the best IMHO. Felix Iresso is such a sweet man, and he deserved SO MUCH MORE from the writers. There’s no reason this guy shouldn’t have been in KOTFE or KOTET. Especially since he would have had so many conflicting emotions about both the Republic and Empire had had a history with Aric Jorgan.   IIRC there’s another letter from Felix where he says that the Jedi Council is questioning him. After all that the Council asks of the Consular? They can waive the “no attachment”/”no love” mandates IMHO. Seriously. Let the Jedi have her love, damn it.  Headcanon for me is that Felix knows Jenari is a lesbian, so there’s no romance, but the two of them grow to deeply love each other as platonic friends. They’d totally live together. Headcanon is also that when Jenari finds out what the Republic did to Felix, it’s her final straw in never wanting to help them again, and that when he’s brought to Odessen, she helps him heal from his ordeal. I can see her spending day and night in Suvia’s library to make sure that the holocron won’t hurt him.
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Captions: Email from Felix Iresso Subject: For you I didn’t really have much to say, I was just thinking of you, and I thought you might like this. I was going to say, think of me when you see it, but then it just goes in circles (I’m kidding).  Be safe, sweetheart.  F.  Photo:  Felix Iresso: I love you. I want to spend my life with you...if you’ll have me. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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This never would have worked during the class story IMHO, but now, 13 years later? They have found each other. <3  Nadia’s response to this conversation made me laugh so hard, too. Is that not a classic response for a wlw right there? Nobody makes the first move.  Nadia: I sensed it but you never...so, I never...even though, you know, I wanted to, but...it all seems a bit silly now, doesn’t it?
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
And also Jenari we didn't heard a lot about them!! :)
Thank you so much for the ask! ^_^
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Full Name: Jenari Ashaa (yes, that means "Sith Victory" in Sith! Jenari's parents were very angry and upset about having to give her to the Jedi and the name was their only means to protest) Gender and Sexuality: Female; lesbian Pronouns: She/her Ethnicity/Species: Mirialan Birthplace and Birthdate: Coruscant, 3665 BBY (36 as of Onslaught)Guilty Pleasures: Sleeping in, luxurious clothes, building things. Phobias: Acklays, Force-facilitated plagues What They Would Be Famous For: Their charm and diplomacy.  What They Would Get Arrested For: Their short temper if the diplomacy doesn’t work.  OC You Ship Them With: None. She is with Nadia Grell. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Rorjhana.  Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Romance.  Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Anything done just for shock value. Talents and/or Powers: Polesaber; healing; stealth; telekinesis. Force adept.  Why Someone Might Love Them: Jen is a healer. She was a perfect candidate for the Alliance because she’s a natural peacemaker.  Why Someone Might Hate Them: Jen is very disillusioned with the Jedi Order to the point where she renounced her title and has permanently joined the Alliance. She doesn’t consider herself a Sith. If the Revanites hadn’t gone nuclear she would have done well with them.  How They Change: Jenari learns to speak up for herself as she goes through the class story and beyond. She knows now that she wants the Alliance, not the Jedi or Sith, and never again wants to be involved in political angling. She works with Suvia Kallig in Force lore, artifacts and alchemy and enjoys it immensely. Her mentor is Somminick Timmns.   Why You Love Them: Jen is outwardly very cool, but she feels so deeply. She has a lot to say and has a lot of talent in trying to understand all perspectives. Given that she isn’t afraid to speak up when she disagrees and will not toe anyone’s party line. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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Gaden-Ko: I swore to the Republic I would protect them from danger. After witnessing the darkness in you, I believe you are the danger.  Jenari: I risked my life to save you, and this is how you repay me?  Gaden-Ko: I have placed an obstacle in your path. Should you live, we will be waiting. I’m sorry, my friend.  Gaden-Ko appearing for my Consular has to be the weirdest Nathema “reunion” yet. He’s very right, she IS dangerous to the Republic and worked against them on Iokath (and will be a saboteur on Ossus and 6.0), but nonetheless...
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
OCs: Speeders
So do your SWTOR OCs have any special speeders? Viri (Sith Warrior): 
Viri likes unique speeders with a lot of flash, so her favorites are the Roche Gangster and Gurion Volcano. She loves her sleen, Lou, but doesn’t actually take her anywhere dangerous. 
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Suvia (Sith Inquisitor) Suvia has a regal ride, the Lonspur STAP Royal. She also favors this Rark K-133T. Suvia was the character who got the Ziost achievement for doing every mission so of course she will use that speeder proudly. 
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Jia (Sith Inqusitor)  Jia favors this silly Meirm Iguana and this luminous Adno Saberwasp. 
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Amedria (smuggler)  Amedria got this Meirm Moth early on and it became her favorite, hands down. 
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Ikina (Imperial Agent) Ikina likes stomping things, so you will find her tromping around town in her walker. 
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Jenari (Jedi Consular) Jenari prefers her Hinterland Whitefang.
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
From a discussion yesterday, I’ve been thinking about my Jedi. I’ve made no secret that I intensely dislike both the Jedi Order and the Republic (and my saying that isn’t a slam on anyone who does like them - just stating a personal like/dislike, folks), so playing those characters has been challenging, to say the least. I’ve mostly played them out of curiosity to see the stories, romance certain companions and get the achievements for completing all classes and getting all eight classes to 300 Command Level. 
All of them have made a variety of DS/LS decisions but have gone against the Order/Republic and sided with the Empire on Iokath and after. Would they be Sith? Not necessarily. In thinking about it:  Lira: She would have become Sith, one way or another. She would have wanted to rediscover her heritage as a red Sith and try to find any family left in the Empire. Lira’s not in Viri’s universe at all. 
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Rorjhana: She has become my canon Jedi Knight. I think she would have been happiest as a Revanite - the Dromund Kaas vintage, not the militant ones later. I’ve headcanoned that she has a fascination with Revan, Bastila and Darth Traya. 
In lieu of that, I think she slipped away from the Order after the class story and re-emerged in the fight against Zakuul to join the Alliance. She’s going to be happy there, where she isn’t bound by any Force order. If pressed she’d lean Sith and she likes the Dark Side, but she’d rather remain officially independent, and if the Alliance were ever absorbed into either faction, she’d leave.  On the Alliance base, T7, Rusk, Lana and Viri know her past as the “hero of Tython” and at her request, they have kept it quiet. She deeply wishes she had expressed her love for Kira before they separated and hopes she will have another shot. 
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Jenari: My canon Consular just wants to find a library somewhere and settle down with Nadia. I have her also sneaking off after the class story, somehow getting separated from her crew, and joining the Voss Mystics. When Sana-Rae was recruited to head the Force enclave she thought of Jenari and invited her to come along to Odessen. Jenari now works in the Alliance with Suvia on Force lore and artifacts, and if she ever chose to return to a Force order, it would be the Mystics again. Felix and Qyzen are in the Alliance with her, so she is happy. 
In Viri’s story she will also be reunited with Nadia, but not yet. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
After playing through the Felix Iresso romance (yeah, Jenari accidentally triggered that one too, and I just went with it) I’m honestly confused as to why it is not one of the most popular M/F romances in SWTOR.  He’s so. fucking. sweet. He cares about the Consular’s feelings and respects her. He isn’t pushy and lets her make the moves in their romance. He’s a badass fighter. He’s extremely handsome. He’s got cool tattoos. He sends her an email about wanting to share goofy childhood Holonet shows with her. He gets along with the rest of her crew.  I’m still going to head canon that Felix knows full well that Jenari is a lesbian and the “I love yous” are because they are BFFs4Eva and love each other deeply as friends, because all roads will lead to Nadia for Jenari, but this romance is great. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
OC lightsabers
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Viri (Sith Warrior) went through several lightsabers before she found “hers.” She did not want to use one stolen from a dead person, so the first thing she did after her Sith apprentice trials was to return the Warrior’s Saber to its owner in Naga Sadow’s tomb. She then forged two different sabers and used them for a time before designing one that was red, blue and gold and very elaborate. Her crystal is blue-indigo. She wanted blue because she loves the color but did not want to be mistaken for a Jedi - hence the very dark core. Metaphorically it also represents how she uses many aspects of the Force but always is Sith. She carries the Revanite’s lightsaber MK-2 in the game. 
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Suvia (Sith Inquisitor) is a sorcerer in the game so she has a single saber, but in headcanon she carries a polesaber. She carried Zash’s saber until her quest to recover Lord Kallig’s weapon, and now she uses that. For Suvia, who grew up without any family or keepsakes, having this lightsaber from her ancestor is extremely meaningful. She guards it carefully and uses it well. In both the game and headcanon, Suvia did switch out Kallig’s red crystal for her own hazel and gold one. Kallig approves and hopes it will remind Suvia of her worth (the weight of gold!) and power (not many people can imbue a crystal with this color scheme). In the game she carries Kallig’s saber. 
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Jia (Sith Inquisitor) carries a polesaber with a black core and red outline. She forged her own saber and based its design on other family members’ weapons. Her rationale was that she wanted something that was hers and hers alone (and not a weapon handed down by family), but paid tribute to those who had gone before her. In the game she carries Kallig’s saber. 
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Jenari (Jedi Consular) has a polesaber with a lavender core. It appears white in certain lighting, and from a distance, but if you look closer, you see the purple. Metaphorically it indicates that Jenari marches to her own beat and is open to aspects of the Force and politics outside the Jedi Code. Her polesaber itself was forged outside Tython, in private, and is more colorful than the average Jedi saber. It is inlaid with some precious stones that were given to her as gifts by various planets for her work with the Rift Alliance. She didn’t feel comfortable wearing elaborate jewelry but felt it would be acceptable to incorporate them into her weapon. In the game she carries the Revanite’s saberstaff MK-2. 
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Lira (Jedi Knight) is pure chaos. When she left the Jedi to join Timmns’ enclave on Nar Shaddaa, she tossed her old lightsabers and made these, which radiate with Dark Side energy. She has always had the orange and green crystals, which raised some eyebrows on Tython, but were explained by Lira’s desire to stand out. In the game she carries Dread Mystics’ lightsabers. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
So. My Jedi Consular Jenari has found her way into Eternal Wrath and Viri’s world, where she’s an ex-Jedi and part of Somminick Timmns’ Force-user group. I’ve added her to the OC master list: https://rainofaugustsith.tumblr.com/post/178440354797/updated-oc-sheet
I think I may have figured out how to get Nadia back into this circus, too. Not yet, but eventually.  Her name, Jenari Ashaa, means “Sith Victory” in Sith. I originally gave her that name to reflect how much I dislike playing Republic side (no disrespect meant to anyone who likes that faction. I just don’t like those stories very much). I have this idea that only a few people in the Jedi Order realized what it meant, and they very strenuously insisted that she had to be referred to as “Jen” and never her full name.  She and Nadia both seem to be a fan of pastels. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
I am trying to figure out why Felix is saying goodbye to my JC and why Aric Jorgan’s voice is appearing with a battle cry in her meditation on Rishi. How far ahead was KOTFE mapped out...? 
FWIW my Consular is so aligned to the DS (her name literally means “Sith Victory” in Sith) that after the brain scan in this mission, I was halfway expecting that Jedi to be horrified and decide that her holocron should be locked away forever. Surprised that he didn’t say anything, actually. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
OC Kiss Week
All of my OCs have their own universe and partners, so I am not open to shipping them, but for AU art these ladies will be around:   Viridana Dragoi “Viri” (Sith Warrior, main, and where all my attention is, LOL): Demisexual and sapphic. Only open to friendly kisses on the cheek. Married to Lana.
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  Suvia Kallig (canon Sith Inquisitor; Darth Nox): Lesbian, and could use some love right now because of the whole breaking up with Ashara thing. Currently single. 
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Jiani Jiaasjen “Jia” (Sith Inquisitor; Darth Imperius): Bisexual and happy to participate. Prefers ladies. Eventually partners with Darth Hexid after Zakuul attacks Korriban. 
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Jenari Ashaa (DS Jedi Consular): Lesbian and will be happy to participate. Is an AU and is not in the same canon as the others. Will eventually be with Nadia. 
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Taran Walrez (Bounty Hunter): Lesbian and very married, but will be happy to get kisses on the cheek. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
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I’m torn as to what to do with Jen. Right now she’s holding after Ziost.  The original plan was to take her through KOTFE/KOTET/Traitor story eventually, without doing the Lana romance, so she could be with Nadia.  But... Jenari’s name means “Sith Victory” in Sith, literally. She’s DS-aligned, even though, like almost all my characters, she makes gray choices. She will side with the Empire on Iokath and work as a saboteur against the Republic on Ossus.  I actually feel guilty about romancing Nadia under those circumstances. She’s so sweet and enthusiastic and Jenari will have to lie through her teeth to her the entire time they’re on Ossus, and after, and unless there’s a place in 5.10.3 or 6.0 to either switch sides officially or tell one’s romanced companion, she will have to keep lying. “Sure, Nadia, we’re helping the Jedi, heh, yes, of course we are.”  Yes, I know they’re just pixels, but I hate playing pixels doing shitty things to characters I like, such as Nadia. I really can’t stand the idea of doing the JC story again so whatever Jenari does, that’s my only Consular. My choice, but even though I adored 4/5 of Jenari’s companions, I hated the story after the first chapter.  I’m thinking that maybe I just hold Jenari where she is, see how 5.10.3 and 6.0 unfold, and headcanon whatever I want. She’s not in my main OC universe, at any rate. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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I didn't think much of Qyzen Fess when I played through KOTFE with Viri and others, and his Alliance Alert is easily my least favorite. I don't even bother with it sometimes now. My goodness, though, my opinion of him has improved so much now that I've seen him in the class story with the Jedi Consular. He is the Consular's biggest cheerleader and has so much faith in her. I really like him. And he also approves when my Consular gets all stabbity (her name means ‘Sith Victory’ and all...), which is an added perk.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
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So Jenari and Nadia are taking on Makeb, and they’re kicking ass and taking names. This “Embassy Visitor” on the left isn’t ruffled in the least by that. Even though Jenari and Nadia are killing the embassy security guard, he’s politely keeping his place in the queue, hands folded, calm as can be.  Points for tranquility, Random Visitor! 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
Updated OC sheet
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Viri) Darth Viridana Sith Juggernaut; Empire's Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 39 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries  Colors: Blue, purple, red
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Suvia Kallig  Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 32 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Ashara (former); currently single Western Zodiac would be: Leo Colors: Red, black
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Brynn Sullyh (alias) Cipher Nine Operative, Sith Empire; informant network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Sniper rifle; poison Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'4" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Vector Hyllus (husband) Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Blue, silver
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Taran Walrez
Bounty Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 43 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries Colors: Black, white, red
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 41 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius Colors: Green, silver
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 37 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Colors: Blue, black, red
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Liara Rux (Lira) Jedi Knight Jedi Sentinel; Sith apprentice, Timmns' enclave Weapons: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 34 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'0" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Cancer Colors: Red, yellow
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Jenari Ashaa Former Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order; member of Somminick Timmns’ Force enclave Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5′10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Eventually Nadia Grell Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Light blue; light purple 
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