#OC: Ikina
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years ago
100 Days of Writing Thank you @the-wip-project for this continued project! It's helpful! What worldbuilding idea did you come up with that you would have loved to use but just couldn’t get to work?
Not so much worldbuilding, but I really, really wanted Suvia and Ashara to have a happy ending together. I tried writing it that way a few times, but it always felt like my characters were standing there shaking their heads, saying "but Rain, that's not what happened." It felt awkward and forced until I wrote the chapter with Suvia being crushed to discover that Ashara has moved on. (If you have not read The Eternal Wrath: Suvia and Ashara are a couple before KOTFE begins. During the attack on Marr's coalition, Darth Nox (Suvia) is there with her entire fleet. She is captured and placed in carbonite at the same time Viri is. She's not found for seven years, until Viri accidentally discovers her hanging on a wall in the Zakuulan palace. Her remaining ghost, Horak-Mul, kept her alive all that time. The Alliance eventually tracks down Ashara, and discovers that she's now married to a woman named Ikina, with a daughter, living on Voss. Needless to say, Suvia is devastated. From Ashara's side, she actually meets Ikina during her search for Suvia. Ikina is a slicer, and Ashara hires her to help search for Darth Nox/Suvia across the galaxy. She tries to find Suvia. She tries so hard. But after years and years of not finding even a hint of Suvia's whereabouts, Ashara resigns herself to the realization that Suvia is likely dead - and she has fallen in love with Ikina along the way. So they get together, eventually marry, and Ashara adopts Ikina's daughter) Ikina
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years ago
Well, I already have some of these. :) They're all playable characters in the game so I have visuals of them (and have excuses to play through the stories again) and some use the Darth names given by the game. - but are not class story characters. Sith: Shasi (Shastokun Ashaa - Darth Occlus) is the younger sister of Jenari. All she knows about her sister is that the Jedi stole her away, and she carries her family's rage about it. She joins up with the Alliance and finally meets her sister after Ossus, when Viri convinces her to come to Odessen.
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Jia (Jiani Jiaasjen - Darth Imperius) came from a large, close-knit red Sith family. She was closest to her younger brother Jax- ironically the only one in the family who was not Force sensitive, but was destined to be a doctor. Jia was working on Korriban as a saber trainer when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid pulled themselves from the rubble and joined forces. Jia hates Zakuul and anything to do with it. On Odessen she still works as a trainer, since she's exceptionally good at it.
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Jedi Maeli Bex - Disenchanted with the Jedi order, she left and joined Sommnick Timmns' group to fight on Yavin 4. After Yavin she joined Timmns' enclave on Nar Shaddaa, and later the Alliance. She is neither Jedi nor Sith.
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Lira - A red Sith raised as a Jedi, Lira ran away from the Order as a teenager. She later joined the Alliance because she thought it would be a perfect place for her - neither Jedi nor Sith and bound by neither faction.
Others Lucinda Walrez - A brilliant microsurgeon, and the wife of Taran, winner of the Great Hunt. Lucinda met Taran when they were introduced by Judah, the accountant at Nem'ro's palace. Lucinda served as ship physician for her wife's crew for years. When Taran retired from hunting on Odessen Lucinda became the chief surgeon at the Alliance's hospital.
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Ikina Marks - A brilliant slicer and data broker, Ikina has almost never met a computer she can't slice. She was hired by Ashara Zavros to search for the missing Darth Nox. The search was fruitless, but Ikina and Ashara fell in love. They married and settled on Voss with their daughter, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Auyrini and Amedria - both smugglers/mercenaries who are valued members of the Alliance's underworld supply chain.
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HELLO LADIES! This is the second time i write this shit cause my pc went ded. So im kinda angry. So lets GO!!!!!!!!!
WE ALL LOVE SWTOR. Yes. we love it. BUT. After a dozen OCS i have notive a bunch of you have a itty bitty problem. YOU ALL BOXED. You are all boxed on the game. Does anyone remember Star Wars Galaxy? I DO! And i want to honor the freedom we have there
SO! New style of ocs. Stereotypical characters of starwars but not PLAYER CHARACTERS FROM THE GAME
Number 1 The imperial Gobernator vs The republic Senator
The political OC. The one that has archieved a high position in either the Empire or the Republic Senate. They care for their people. But are those people the entire plannet or city, or just a small group of friends? Do you share you frtune or fill your pockets. The political OC will need to use CHARISMA, INTELLIGENCE and MONEY to succeed
NUMBER 2 The Imperial Star vs The Republic Idol
The entertainment OC. From the most exclusive stages of the galaxy to the most treasure pieces, your OC will come up with whatever their talent is and make it big. Maybe they are a beautiful dancer, a talented painter or a great Musician. This oc will need to PERFOM everywhere they can to make it big. As an added idea. Make a crew? An idol needs a band. A dancer needs friends and more bodies if they are going to host a party. Will they take them to the end? or replace whoever falls back
Number 3 and 4 The mirror side
SWTOR already gives us plenty of the archeotypes we know from starwars. But they arent mirrored. You only see republic troops or Imperial spies. So here i leave to you to make a OC with a twist
The Republican hunter. A job harder than in the empire due to the heavy restrictions on the state of the bounty. But they have grown a big heart because of it
The imperial Pirate. When your boss does not care where do you got the loot, or why there is blood on it, its hard to keep a moral code. The pirate will look and plounder anywhere without regards of the rest
The Empire’s finest. The empire has a lot of capable soldiers. But they face many challenges. Any day, a young or evil sith lord might decide your life is theirs, and will toss you out the window. Those who survive not only are capable on the battelfield but also outside of it
The Republic’s Shadow Hand. The SIS can be as cruel and cold as Imperial Intelligence. Their operatives lurk on the shadows waiting for the seante to give the green light. We know what they are capable and its a lot
Number 5
Random ideas.
Tech Side Both the empire and the republic have dozens of heavy machines and droids. And so they need a good ammount of technicians to keep everything smooth. Make an OC that works as a technicians. Be the one to tell that random jedi that approaches you to go fetch those dangerous schematics to the hell hole while you tinker with your machines. 
The healing hand. The war rages on the galaxy but somehow both sides keep fighting even when sith and jedi go around the battlefield injuring everyone. How? Well medics of course. Make an OC go around the battelfield helping soldiers or staying in a clinic and making sure the civilians survive, or the latest mounstrosity your boss made you create wont kill anyone
Number 6 The obvious idea
@thebreadtree @grandninjamasterren @keirangoldenwatch @swtorpadawan @shabre-legacy @thedinalixlegacy @vienna-fae @revanisadumbass @halethebop @theladynoir @swtor-legacy-sitcom @swtor-lewau-legacy @kifariel  @sithsandstardust @rainofaugustsith @raven-of-domain-kwaad @chaoticspacefam 
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exmateriadead · 5 years ago
I’m not sure if I was ever asked this, but my favorite original character I’ve ever written, - firstly this has a loaded answer. But to make it clear, my time writing my oc Ikina Yukazi was the best times I’ve ever had thus far. Although a n/arut/o  oc she was and is the most practical yet mysterious muse I have. I loved her so much because as I wrote her I also realized a lot of things about her which in it self is  a process and something all writers should go through (imo). In other words I SNAPPED. It was on a very random day that I decided to create her and on that whim I wrote a lot of introspective things and really developed my writing back in 2018/2019. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years ago
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I made an Ikina clone who is a Sith Inquisitor Sorc. Ikina in headcanon is not even Force sensitive and has no part whatsoever in ANY of the eight class stories, so this is way off for her - but this way she can eventually run around with her wife, Ashara. And the basic robes you get on Korriban look damn good on her and dye really well.
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
I finally took Ikina through Onslaught, so now all of my Imperial classes have gone through - and all of my classes in general, except for Jedi Consular. Oddly enough JC is also the only class where my PC has not married Lana.  This scene, though...OMG.  *** Onslaught/SWTOR 6. SPOILERS*** Empress Acina: Come be the new Keeper! It’ll be fun! Ikina, remembering all she went through as Cipher Nine, remembering how Keeper was treated by various Sith and recalling all the additional horror stories Lana told her about Sith Intelligence and the Intelligence practices she found in their files: 
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Her face kind of says it all. 
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Caption:  First GIF: Blonde white woman shaking her head and saying “Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope”  Second GIF: White man in a suit backing gingerly out of someone’s office, subtitle reads “I would prefer not to”  Image: Ikina (Mirialan Imperial Agent with dark hair in a bun, blue eyes, tattoos and scars on her face) standing in front of a Sith Empire emblem, looking disgusted as Empress Acina says: “Covert operations would be split out of Darth Xarion’s Intelligence organization and placed under your direct supervision - as Keeper.” 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years ago
I saw a post where a mutual was mentioning which of their characters was married (not tagging bc I can’t find the post now so I don’t know if they deleted it). But it inspired me to list my own OCs’ relationships. Everyone is childfree except Ikina.  Viri - Um, this one is obvious. 
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Ikina (slicer) - Married to Ashara; they're raising their daughter Tomi together on Voss.  Taran (canon bounty hunter) - Married to Lucinda, a surgeon in the Alliance hospital.  Marlena (canon smuggler) - Married to Risha Drayen.  Jenari (canon Jedi Consular) - I feel as though she and Nadia would eventually be married even though I have not mapped it out for them.  Not married but partnered long-term:  Jia (Darth Imperius) - In Viri's official world she's with Darth Hexid long-term; in AU she's with @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond​.’s Luhcy.    Ror (canon Jedi Knight) - She's with @vespertine-legacy​ ‘s Zuvi but I don't think a formal commitment ceremony would do anything but scare her.  Suvia (Canon Sith Inquisitor; Darth Nox) - I think she and Jaesa are going to stay together, but like Ror, I think a formal commitment ceremony would be intimidating to her.  Not partnered, or I don't know where they will land:  Shasi (Darth Occulus) - Lesbian, but I don't have anyone in Viri's canon that is jumping out at me for her.   Brynn (canon Imperial Agent) - Bisexual. I had originally had her married to Vector, but I don't think that would last when she became a 'ghost.' I don't think Brynn is in a place where she can trust anyone anymore so any encounters she has are fleeting.  Amedria (smuggler) - Ace/aro and she's completely not interested.  Keilla (canon trooper) - Lesbian. She saved Jaxo but given Jaxo's trauma afterward, the relationship did not last. She helped Jaxo move to Kaon and then parted ways with her. I think Keilla would actually like to marry and find a lifelong partner but she's off in the Tion Hegemony and I don't even know who is around her, really.  Auyrini (bounty hunter) - Lesbian. I honestly have no idea. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years ago
Halloween OCs!
Thank you so much @chaoticspacelesbians​ and @chokit-pyrus​ for the tag! This is a really fun one.  Tagging um @tishinada​, @vespertine-legacy​ @dreamy04​
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Dresses Up: Jia (Sith Inquisitor): I could see her finding the grandest, most elegant costume she could find. She’s the sort of person who would show up in a full Renaissance gown or something.  Viri (Sith Warrior): I can envision Viri getting really excited about Halloween and going out of her way to dress up, decorate her home and surroundings, do a yard haunt, etc.  Keilla (Trooper): Keilla has a pretty dark, irreverent sense of humor and I think she’d enjoy dressing up.  Goes to the Halloween Party: Viri, Auyrini (Bounty Hunter), Ikina (Slicer), Jenari (Jedi Consular). I don’t think Auyrini or Jenari would ever plan a party but they would attend, Ikina I think would be all about making Halloween fun for her daughter, Tomi.  Eats Candy Until They Pass Out: This would be Viri; she comes close anyway; and Shasi (Sith Inquisitor) because she would.  Goes Trick or Treating No Matter How Old They Are: Ikina and Shasi. Really I think Ikina would only go with her daughter, not on her own as an adult. Shasi I could see hiding in a costume and going out for free candy indefinitely.  Binge Watches Horror Movies: Auyrini, Marlena (Smuggler); Suvia (Sith Inquisitor); Taran (Bounty Hunter). I could see Marlena snuggling on the couch with Risha to watch the campiest, silliest monster movies they could find and laughing and offering snarky commentary the whole way through.  Suvia would find the most chilling psychological and supernatural thrillers she could find; not blood and guts but just as frightening in their way.  Auyrini, Taran and Lucinda would probably marathon whatever the latest horror movies of the year were, since they didn’t see them when they were released.  Scares the Shit Out of Children: Ror (Jedi Knight): She might do this deliberately. It might just be because she’s Ror. I don’t want to ask, and neither do you.  Summons a Demon: Ror, Shasi, Suvia.  Ror would summon a demon because it’s a shocking thing to do, and because she’s a dumbass.  Shasi would summon a demon because she’s a dumbass, and what could go wrong? Suvia would actually have a deep curiosity and perform some specific Sith ritual to converse with the demon in a controlled setting with no consequence to her or others. And she would not allow Shasi or Ror to be present for said demon summoning because OMG they are dumbasses. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
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I love the way the Imperial Agent’s immediate response is to be completely suspicious of anyone offering assistance or allegiance. She’s not wrong. And Zavrasha doesn’t mince words here, LOL. Even funnier, this chronologically is only the second or third planet in the Agent’s story, depending if you play Nar Shaddaa or Balmorra first. The bad shit hasn’t even gone down for the agent yet but she’s no fool.  Ikina: I was previously assigned to Hutta, my lord. Free assistance from the Hutts should be considered highly suspect.  Lord Zavrasha: Those bloated sacks of filth know who they should side with. Better to be the Empire’s friend than its enemy. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
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So I love the little flirron pet you can earn for your entire legacy by doing the Flirron Friend achievement on Onderon. If you have not done this quest I wrote about it here: https://rainplaysswtor.tumblr.com/post/190237387205/rain-plays-swtor-flirron-friend I do not love how the little critter enjoyed hovering directly in front of my PC when she was fighting. It may be a little hard to see in this photo, but the flirron is literally right in front of Ikina and the enemy NPC is right behind it.  I finally had to put the flirron away and summon another pet, because yikes. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
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All of my characters start the game with at least one walker (from a Twitch promotion; it’s granted to all characters at creation), and I buy this one from Yavin 4 for some toons. Ikina in particular seems to love stomping around in it.  It’s really interesting  - and ironic - that walkers as vehicles are so much fun to stomp around the game in, are mildly annoying when you’re fighting them on foot, and are hellish exercises in futility when you have to play in one. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
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There’s a very nice new craftable jacket for Synthweavers (dyed black and blue for Ikina and black and gray for Marlena) - War-forged Mender. Ikina needs gloves that don’t put...whatever that is...on the arms so I’ll need to switch that out.  
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
Thank you very much for the tag @vespertine-legacy​! I can’t remember who has been tagged so @cyrraluu​ @shabre-legacy​ @shimmersing​ @tishinada​ @abbienormal​ @mimabeann​ @dreamy04​ @soulparticle​ @levelofdepth​ NO PRESSURE, only if you want to!  Viri (you know she’s always first because she is)
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Do their bra and panties match consistently?  Yes | No | Not applicable (and in Viri’s case they are usually completely clashing neon orange or stripes or smiley faces)
Do they wash their makeup off before going to bed?  Yes | No | Sometimes | Doesn’t wear makeup
Do they wear socks? Yes | No | Sometimes (and just like the underwear, they are usually the most garish yet comfortable socks she can find. After Viri lost her foot, Lana tried to cheer her up by knitting her new socks that were ridiculously bright and would fit her cybernetic foot)
What do they usually wear to bed? Nothing | Undergarments | Pyjamas | Pyjama pants | Tomorrow’s clothes (Viri does like comfortable pajamas but they usually end up being worn to lounge around the house. By the time she actually goes to bed she’s *cough* taken them off)
Their clothes are usually… Stained | Raggedy | Like new | Well worn | Depends (If Viri loves a specific piece of clothing she will wear it until it’s rags, but she also is very sharply dressed when she is working and has to make an impression)
How do they handle their bills? Sets aside bill money each check | Pays them right away | Pays them last minute | They’re frequently overdue | Paying? Bills? What a concept. (Viri doesn’t like loose ends or owing anything to anyone, so if something’s due she will pay it ASAP if she is able)
Most likely to pay with? Raw currency (or barter) | Check/paper trail | Debit | Credit (the Star Wars equivalent of transfering credits electronically. If she pays by credit she will try to pay it off immediately)
What are they most likely to buy? Food | Clothes | Hobby supplies | Work supplies | Trinkets | Movies | Games | Bills | Spend it on others | Charity | Books | Alcohol | Drugs | Technology (since her Wrath days Viri quietly gives a lot of her credits to T.H.O.R.N. and the charities Vette has recommended for helping former slaves and survivors of assault. She’s also far more likely to buy extravagant gifts for Lana, Vette or other loved ones rather than herself. Unless it’s an antique book in which case...). 
How often do they get exercise? Frequently, from work | Frequently, from a hobby | Somewhat, from a hobby | Somewhat, from work | Never (Viri spends hours every day exercising, conditioning, sparring and working on forms. She also dances for fun. And there’s that exercise she and Lana always have together...*cough*)
Do they drink? Always | Often | Somewhat | On rare occasions | Never (Viri can get drunk just *looking* at a bottle, it seems, so she completely avoids it)
Do they do drugs of any kind? Yes | Sometimes | No
Do they smoke? Yes | Sometimes | No
What ailments do they have? Blind | Deaf | Physical handicap | Bipolar | ADHD | PTSD | Psychosis | DID | Gender dysphoria | Body dysphoria | Depression | Anxiety | Learning/developmental disability | Asthma | Food allergies | Other allergies | Insomnia | Migraines | Mute | Epilepsy (Viri also has chronic pain)
What education have they reached? None | Elementary/Primary | Middle/Secondary | High/Tertiary | College, bachelors | College, masters | College, PhD | GDA | Workforce training | (Viri went to Imperial schools and the Sith Academy from the time she was a small child, and her parents also educated her in their fields of science and math. The Sith sent her to get a degree at the University of Corellia because she was so strong in some disciplines of science. She also reads and seeks out knowledge from anyone who will teach her). 
Do they frequently learn new skills? Yes | On occasion | Only as needed | Not usually (as noted above if you have something new you can show Viri, she’s all ears. Tying knots, learning sabacc tricks, silly jokes, new Force skills, slang she doesn’t know in other languages...anything)
How do they learn best? Visually | By ear | Hands-on | Logically | Socially | On their own Rorjhana
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Do their bra and panties match consistently? Yes | No | Not applicable (the Jedi ones matched, but they were drab. Now she wears whatever she likes and it’s usually racy)
Do they wash their makeup off before going to bed? Yes | No | Sometimes | Doesn’t wear makeup
Do they wear socks? Yes | No | Sometimes
What do they usually wear to bed? Nothing | Undergarments | Pyjamas | Pyjama pants | Tomorrow’s clothes (Ror did not have her own room until she was assigned her ship at the beginning of the class story. Once she did, she quickly learned that if she walked around naked or topless, people wouldn’t barge into her space anymore. She’s kept that up because it’s more comfortable and ahem, if she’s not sleeping alone there’s no need for clothes...
Their clothes are usually… Stained | Raggedy | Like new | Well worn | Depends 
How do they handle their bills? Sets aside bill money each check | Pays them right away | Pays them last minute | They’re frequently overdue | Paying? Bills? What a concept. (Ror tries to avoid even getting a bill. When she was a Jedi she paid everything up front so the Jedi Order wouldn't find out and there wouldn't be a paper/cyber trail. That practice has stayed with her even though she's no longer a Jedi and the Alliance is much more chill.)
Most likely to pay with? Raw currency (or barter) | Check/paper trail | Debit | Credit (Ror never had anything other than raw currency as a Jedi and she had to hide it, since the Jedi aren't supposed to own things. She still has not figured out how to use an account, and both Somminick Timmns and the Alliance have agreed to give her cash.
What are they most likely to buy? Food | Clothes | Hobby supplies | Work supplies | Trinkets | Movies | Games | Bills | Spend it on others | Charity | Books | Alcohol | Drugs | Technology
How often do they get exercise? Frequently, from work | Frequently, from a hobby | Somewhat, from a hobby | Somewhat, from work | Never (There are some very enjoyable hobbies Ror partakes in...)
Do they drink? Always | Often | Somewhat | On rare occasions | Never (Ror enjoys cantinas. It’s another thing the Jedi banned for her and she feels like it’s an extra ‘fuck you’ to enjoy wine, women and song. 
Do they do drugs of any kind? Yes | Sometimes | No
Do they smoke? Yes | Sometimes | No
What ailments do they have? Blind | Deaf | Physical handicap | Bipolar | ADHD | PTSD | Psychosis | DID | Gender dysphoria | Body dysphoria | Depression | Anxiety | Learning/developmental disability | Asthma | Food allergies | Other allergies | Insomnia | Migraines | Mute | Epilepsy
What education have they reached? None | Elementary/Primary | Middle/Secondary | High/Tertiary | College, bachelors | College, masters | College, PhD | GDA | Workforce training | I don’t know | Other (Since the Jedi grabbed her as a young child she's never been to school other than the Jedi Academy. That gave her a high literacy level and a strong handle on the Republic's government and perspective of history, but not much else. Since leaving the Jedi she's tried to read and learn on her own.)
Do they frequently learn new skills? Yes | On occasion | Only as needed | Not usually (Ror is usually very prickly to strangers and doesn’t make friends easily, but if you offer to teach her something or help her learn, you can often reach her and gain her friendship)
How do they learn best? Visually | By ear | Hands-on | Logically | Socially | On their own Ikina
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Do their bra and panties match consistently? Yes | No | Not applicable (sometimes)
Do they wash their makeup off before going to bed? Yes | No | Sometimes | Doesn’t wear makeup
Do they wear socks? Yes | No | Sometimes
What do they usually wear to bed? Nothing | Undergarments | Pyjamas | Pyjama pants | Tomorrow’s clothes
Their clothes are usually… Stained | Raggedy | Like new | Well worn | Depends (Iki lives in the Star Wars equivalent of well-worn jeans and T-shirts)
How do they handle their bills? Sets aside bill money each check | Pays them right away | Pays them last minute | They’re frequently overdue | Paying? Bills? What a concept. (Ikina and Ashara run their own tea house, and they’re acutely aware that they have to cover costs so they budget as closely as they can)
Most likely to pay with? Raw currency (or barter) | Check/paper trail | Debit | Credit 
What are they most likely to buy? Food | Clothes | Hobby supplies | Work supplies | Trinkets | Movies | Games | Bills | Spend it on others | Charity | Books | Alcohol | Drugs | Technology (Ikina reads the trades and if there are new tech toys, she wants them. She also spoils her daughter and Ashara quite a bit)
How often do they get exercise? Frequently, from work | Frequently, from a hobby | Somewhat, from a hobby | Somewhat, from work | Never (Ikina likes to take long walks. As a slicer she’s at a desk a lot; as an owner of a tea house she runs around a bit more)
Do they drink? Always | Often | Somewhat | On rare occasions | Never
Do they do drugs of any kind? Yes | Sometimes | No
Do they smoke? Yes | Sometimes | No
What ailments do they have? Blind | Deaf | Physical handicap | Bipolar | ADHD | PTSD | Psychosis | DID | Gender dysphoria | Body dysphoria | Depression | Anxiety | Learning/developmental disability | Asthma | Food allergies | Other allergies | Insomnia | Migraines | Mute | Epilepsy (Ikina gets a lot of bad headaches and migraines that probably are not helped by stress and staring at her computer console)
What education have they reached? None | Elementary/Primary | Middle/Secondary | High/Tertiary | College, bachelors | College, masters | College, PhD | GDA | Workforce training | I don’t know | Other (Ikina went to school on Miralai up through her Masters and did very well.)
Do they frequently learn new skills? Yes | On occasion | Only as needed | Not usually
How do they learn best? Visually | By ear | Hands-on | Logically | Socially | On their own
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
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So can we talk about how Talos Drellik, the Sith historian and archaeologist, knows how to recognize covert Intelligence operatives? There is observant and then there’s observant.  Love his philosophy, too.  Captions:  1. Talos: ...especially not one bearing the hallmarks of a covert operative. Sith intelligence? 2. Ikina: Formerly Imperial Intelligence. Now, more independent.  Talos: I’m no stranger to unconventional career paths myself. Life prefers winding paths, and they really are more scenic anyway. 
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
For the reblog and tag with your oc names: Ikina!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)Ikina is one of my OCs who exists outside canon class stories. She’s an IA sniper in the game. Outside of the game, in head canon and Viri’s world, she is an expert slicer and data broker much like Mako, and never had any interaction with the class stories. She has a daughter, Tomi, who is 6 years old as of 3629 BBY. She and her wife, Ashara, run a teahouse in Voss-Ka. 
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Full Name: Ikina Marks-Zavros Gender and Sexuality: Female; pansexual Pronouns: She/her Ethnicity/Species: Mirialan Birthplace and Birthdate: Mirial, 3664 BBY (35 as of Onslaught) Guilty Pleasures: Chocolate; long bubble baths; hours surfing the HoloNet for complete nonsense. Phobias: Anything happening to her daughter; large bodies of water; bombing sounds What They Would Be Famous For: Slicing the Imperial Citadel and the Galactic Senate’s databases. Shhhh, they don’t know she did it. What They Would Get Arrested For: The above. OC You Ship Them With: None. She is married to Ashara Zavros. OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Suvia (Darth Nox) - Ashara’s ex. She wouldn’t, but she isn’t fond of Ikina at all.  Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Horror! The scarier the better. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Everyone being saved by the dashing (male) hero. Talents and/or Powers: Expert sniper; extremely gifted slicer.  Why Someone Might Love Them: Ikina is extremely sweet natured, quiet and kind. She tries to see the best in everyone and wants nothing more than to nurture those around her. One of the reasons she runs a tea house is because tea is comforting. Why Someone Might Hate Them: Any of the above. When Ikina is working, there’s almost no computer she cannot slice, so if you’re on the receiving end of that treatment, your data is hers. How They Change: Ikina is forced to leave her home when she is pregnant because of an attack from the Eternal Empire. It causes her to develop a very hard outer shell and learn to defend herself. That shell only cracks when she is hired by Ashara Zavros to search for the missing Darth Nox. When it’s clear that they will not be able to find Nox, Ikina helps Ashara learn to grieve and falls in love with her. They settle on Voss, a place Ikina never could have imagined that she would love after life in the big city. After Vaylin’s assault on Voss, where Ashara joins the fighting and is injured, Ikina becomes even more defensive and protective of her wife and daughter. Why You Love Them: Ikina’s a sweetie. She’ll get you a cookie and a cup of tea and honestly cares.
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years ago
OTP Song Meme
Thank you so much for the tag @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond!  Tagging @chokit-pyrus @a-muirehen @tishinada @cyrraluu @metriorhynchus
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Come Undone - Duran Duran
Lost in a snow-filled sky We'll make it alright to come undone now We'll try to stay blind To the hope and fear outside Hey child, stay wilder than the wind and blow me in to cry Who do you need, who do you love When you come undone?
They are deeply Force bonded and in it forever, and this is their song. It's not a light love song; it's as intense as they are. They are both strong Sith to the rest of the world, but together they're just themselves, and the emotions run high. Lana is essentially Viri's first and only. It's the only time in either of their lives they've felt so strongly about another person, and if they were ever separated, the other really would not be able to go on.
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Hella Good - No Doubt
You got me feelin' hella good So let's just keep on dancin' You hold me like you should So I'm gonna keep on dancin'
Taran is my canon bounty hunter. Lucinda is a surgeon and Juda's sister (remember the accountant at Nemro's palace on Hutta?). Juda thought that Lucinda needed to meet Taran, and she was right: from the moment they were introduced, they liked each other. It's been a very no-nonsense, no-drama relationship: they liked each other, they were attracted to each other, they both knew it and they moved on it. Now they're married and travel together. Lucinda is secretly glad that Taran recently retired from hunting for a less dangerous life in the Alliance, but she supported Taran every step of the way when she was still taking bounties (and patched up all her battle wounds).
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Chains of Love - Erasure
Come to me, cover me, hold me Together we'll break these chains of love Don't give up, don't give up Together with me and my baby Break the chains of love
Ashara is from the Sith Inquisitor story; Ikina is a slicer she recruited to look for Nox after the Eternal Empire destroyed Nox's fleet. They were never able to find Nox, but they fell in love along the way. Ikina helped Ashara deal with her grief and realize that after so many years, it was okay to be happy - and perhaps to find new love. Ikina has a daughter, Tomi, and Ashara has adopted her now. They run a teahouse on Voss and raise their daughter together. Ashara still helps out with the Mystics when she is needed, but Ikina is relieved that she doesn't do a lot of fighting these days.
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Jia/Darth Hexid
Get Lucky - Daft Punk
We've come too far to give up who we are So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars She's up all night 'til the sun I'm up all night to get some She's up all night for good fun I'm up all night to get lucky
My decadent Sith pair; Jia (Darth Imperius) and Hexid. They're tight but it's not a forever thing; while it lasts they will fully enjoy each other's company and raise a glass.
I love the song @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond chose, Eight Days a Week by the Beatles!
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years ago
Imperial Agent, Take Two
I finished Ikina’s run through the Agent class story. I still really don’t like this story very much and think it’s my least favorite of the four on the Imperial side. 
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Ikina as a character doesn’t exist as an agent. In headcanon she is a slicer who helps Ashara as she travels the galaxy searching for Darth Nox (my Suvia Kallig). Eventually they reconcile themselves to the fact that they can’t find Nox, fall in love, and settle down on Voss together to raise their daughter and run a teahouse.  Ikina is the only character of mine who is a parent (and likely that will not change, since none of my OCs want kids). As of 3630, her daughter Tomi is five.  So in way playing through this story was very freeing; nothing mattered since it had nothing to do with this character’s canon background. Having said that:  Companions. I still felt that most of Cipher Nine’s companions would have slit her throat in the middle of the night, aside from Vector. Ikina got on well with Kaliyo until the Wheezer incident, but after that, the trust was broken forever. She’ll still hang with Kailyo but will never trust her. 
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Vector, on the other hand, may very well become the only class story romance that doesn’t get tossed aside for Lana. I really only like three of the class story romances (Andronikos, Vector and Felix) but my ladies go for Lana as soon as they can (in Felix’s case, I head canon that he knows my JC is a lesbian and they are BFFs). I can’t do that to sweet Vector, and for once I feel like he’s a better match for my agent than anyone else. 
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Story. I still despise Hunter. The endless taunts about the brainwashing, the lurid remarks, the insinuation that Hunter would take my agent away - all of it made me very angry. I didn’t even let Hunter tell me their big secret this time; I just shot as soon as I could. 
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Ikina did not defect to the Republic. During her time with the SIS she saw nothing that impressed her or made her feel changing sides was a good idea.  Ikina opted to keep the Black Codex for herself and erase all traces of Ciper Nine’s existence. She wanted that leverage. As she goes through SoR the only reason she will help the Empire, instead of being a ghost, is because people like Lana and Darth Marr are asking for her assistance, as opposed to people like Darth Jadus. 
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