#Jen 24
msbarrows · 8 months
Jan 24 - got my repaired laptop back! Happily spent the rest of the day doing things like updating software and backups, and then gamed for a few (too many) hours.
Decided to cook some of the lasagne I made yesterday, rather than taking the time to tackle making something else.
Jan 25 - mostly spent more time updating other things on the laptop and gaming.
Made a vat of soup for supper, using up some of the chicken stock I had made recently plus the last tub of tomato vegetable base from the freezer. Used mild Italian sausages for the protein, and a 13 bean mix to bulk it out, as well as carrots, potatoes, celery, and the contents of the freezer bag I throw small amounts of leftover veggies into rather than composting them.
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mrsfitzgerald · 3 months
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dublin 🏳️‍🌈
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dailyawfc · 9 months
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Barclays Women's Super League match between Arsenal FC and Chelsea FC at Emirates Stadium | December 10, 2023
📸: getty images
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timechange · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — video rental.
JUNE 12, 1984
“Hey Doc, can we watch this one next?”
Most sixteen-year-olds, on the anniversary of their births, would mark the occasion with a sweet sixteen party. They would not celebrate by spending the night in a garage smelling of oil, fries, and flame-broiled burgers in the company of a crazy old man and his dog.
Then again, Marty wasn’t most sixteen-year-olds, and Emmett had never been more grateful for that.
“Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” he recites, squinting a little to see the cassette tape case as Marty waves it around, offering a bemused smile. “That over American Graffiti? Or Star Wars?”
“Those are great!” Marty’s quick to defend. “But I think this one might be my favorite. I mean, all of these are my favorites, but this one…” He grins. “It’s outta sight, Doc.”
“You might even say it’s… out of this world?”
“Jesus, Doc, that was terrible,” Marty rolls his eyes and groans, but his grin doesn’t fade. If anything, it brightens. “I kinda walked into that one, huh?”
“You did,” Emmett agrees. “But go on, go on. Tell me more.” He’d seen the movie before, of course; he’d gone to see it when it first came out in theaters. Ever since he’d first seen Frankenstein as a boy, he'd tried hard never to miss a science fiction release, but seeing Marty’s boundless enthusiasm makes him want to see it all over again through his eyes.
“My dad took me to see it,” Marty explains. “I must’ve been about… nine?… And yeah, it’s about aliens, and that’s cool, but it’s about way more than that. Connection, love, and music, Doc. How music brings us all together. How it can help us save the world. That’s why I think it’s my favorite movie— if I had to pick just one, y’know? Plus… I think it’s the first— hell, maybe the only— time I remember my dad being happy. Really, actually happy. I, uh… I guess that doesn’t make any sense, does it?” He runs his hand along his upper arm, looking away as a shadow clouds his features.
“Marty, my boy, it makes all the sense in the world.” Emmett gives him a reassuring smile, squeezing his shoulder firmly. “Let’s make some more popcorn and get started.”
Marty’s smile returns in an instant.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
no but you see. yesterday after the concert i was just talking about how the end of D-Day finally made the hiatus feel real to me. like, that felt definitive. we’re not going to get anything as big as this until they’re all back together. solo album releases don’t feel as big as a whole tour. yoongi really gave us something that momentous before he left :(
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novantinuum · 10 months
there's an essay in my head somewhere about how arwen isn't AT ALL a boring and meaningless woman in the wider lotr film narrative (bc i feel so many unfairly compare her to éowyn simply bc one is a woman who gets to actively fight on the battlefield and one is a woman who... if you're only looking on the surface... doesn't have an ACTIVE role in the physical battles) and that actually her story and the role she serves is PIVOTAL to the survival of middle earth
this all stems deeply around the concept of connections and people's (and kingdom's) bonds with others being what ultimately saves them
and it's isolation and paranoia and distrust and hopelessness and inaction that are the enemy's tools
and in my mind the biggest ripple arwen creates... is that she refuses to follow suit with the inaction of the rest of her people and simply leave the denizens of middle earth to suffer and die under this wave of darkness. she refuses, because she- unlike many of the elves- actually has formed a deep connection with one of these mortals. it's dangerous for her to stay- it's perhaps even futile. but she has her connections, and she has hope in those she loves, and it's that very love that convinces her to fall back and to urge her father to reforge the shards of narsil into a new blade for the rightful king of gondor to wield. and it's that very reforged sword that is what turns the tides of the war in man's favor when aragorn convinces the dead of dunharrow to fight by his side in the siege of minas tirith
you see these kinds of ripples literally everywhere in this story and it's just. gosh. that's literally the point of all of it, huh? little moments of rebellion, little moments where singular people say "no, it simply Cannot happen this way" and because they stand up for what they believe is the right thing to do, someone else does... and then that impacts another person, and another, and then another, and- and suddenly, in the greater context of the tale, one woman's quiet decision to not leave this world forever, to stay in support of the one she loves, is one of the most powerful decisions made towards the story's outcome entirely.
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janetsnakehole02 · 2 years
My Karedevil shipper heart watching Matt in She-Hulk like
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gif creds @mayclairlumax
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mkjulian · 5 months
⚠️Sensualized content ⚠️
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More furry content
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strelitzien-gewaechs · 2 months
getting fully back into naddpod means im now filled w the need to relisten to c3 (for the 3 new animatics i want to do), to c2 (for the ill luck henry animatic thats been on my mind for 2+ years) and c1 ( minor arcana tarot)
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Bruce Jennings & Bob Johnson - Chaparral 2F-Chevrolet - Chaparral Racing - 24 Heures du Mans 1967. - source Ici les 24H du Mans.
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musubi-sama · 3 months
i get to do Much Adulting tomorrow.
Need to reschedule my toddler's dental checkup at the health center
Sign up for NHI
Visit one of the drivers license centers to get an IDP for my upcoming trip. I don't trust that anyone in the US will let me use my JP license without an official translation.
I hope it all doesn't take too long so I can treat myself with something for being Such An Adult.
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mrsfitzgerald · 2 months
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Frankfurt, das war grossartig! Vielen Dank an 119.731 Fans für drei ausverkaufte Shows! (x)
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jenoutof10 · 11 months
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she doesnt know i miss him monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday a week monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday seven days a week every hour every minute every second
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timechange · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — playing hooky.
MARCH 8, 1983
“Hi Doc, sorry I’m late.”
The fourteen-year-old greets @doctorbrown as usual, sliding the key under the mat and leaving his skateboard by the door. Einstein immediately bounds over, tail wagging, and Marty scratches him behind the ears.
“What’s on the list for today?” the boy continues, completely oblivious to or deliberately ignoring the fact that it’s Tuesday at 12:03 PM and he should most definitely be in Mr. Johnston’s fourth period geometry class right now. “More welding, maybe some circuitry? Dreamin’ up some new schematics?”
As if sensing his best friend’s discontentment and knowing he’s been found out, he groans, flopping onto Einstein to give the canine an impromptu hug. The sheepdog, pleased at the attention, thumps his tail more vigorously and licks the teenager’s face.
“C’mon, Doc,” Marty wheedles. “Linda’s skipping today too! It’s not like I got any tests or anything. Anyway, I learn more from you. You know that.”
What he’s pretty sure the scientist also knows is that, other than Doc himself, nobody actually gives a shit if he’s at school or not. Not his parents, especially not after last night. They probably don’t even realize, and sure as hell don’t care, that he’s gone.
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jeonqkooks · 7 months
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tolerateit · 1 year
the top ways taylor says ily polls so far are debut, evermore, and rep JKSKJADSGKJDGJK
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