#Jeffrey Meek
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ggswaywardgifrepository · 4 months ago
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This is the best version of Raiden the world will ever know. Jeffrey Meek was absolute perfection in the role.
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kwebtv · 6 months ago
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Daniel Bernhardt, Kristanna Loken, Jeffrey Meek and Paolo Montalban in "Mortal Kombat: Conquest"
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dead-gay-wizards-society · 1 year ago
the fact that todd’s mum introduces him as “our youngest” implies that he is not the younger out of two brothers, but the youngest of several siblings.
and the fact that mr nolan and everyone else only talks about jeffrey, implies that todd’s other older sibling (or siblings) is a sister and therefore didn’t attend welton
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Songs that remind me of DPS characters✨✨
neil: daddy issues (remix)- the neighborhood, syd (this is the only song I have on my playlist for him and I intend to keep it that way)
todd: love me more- mitski (my baby boy deserves the world)
charlie: karma- taylor swift
knox: pink triangle- weezer (song is literally a man crying over a lesbian, so you, knox)
pitts: fearless- taylor swift
meeks: space oddity - david bowie
cameron: cars- gary numan
ginny: sophia- clairo
chris: lover- taylor swift
sticks: bejeweled- taylor swift
jeffrey: oh no!- MARINA
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finneyneilperrykisser · 9 days ago
I feel like to add for todd ,he was really close to jeffrey ,like he used to look up at him and alway stay with him . You could not let todd away from jeffrey or he would started to cry . And jeffrey was like hella proctetive at one point ( still is) . Growing up ,he stopped slowly going to his brother
Dead Poets as Kids
-Meeks knew how to read and write before everyone else in his grade. This boy would read himself to sleep ☹️. Not that his mom didn’t want to, but he insisted on being a big boy and doing it himself! We love an independent king.
-Knox and Charlie were neighbors and were kind of forced to be friends, but they eventually got used to each other’s company.
-I have a feeling Knox is a middle child (wild take, but hear me out). He has an older and a younger sister, but he’s the only boy. That would make him closer to his dad, leaving the girls closer to their mom.
-Neil was such a messy kid—one of those little boys who always had messy hair and food around his mouth. Despite his mom’s constant efforts to keep him clean, he would get dirty again in no time. But that didn’t stop him from having fun!
-Todd had imaginary friends. Yes, I know that sounds sad, but as someone who had imaginary friends, it really isn’t! He talked to them regularly and told his mom about how they encouraged him to be braver and make more friends ☹️😭.
-Pitts, as the lovely @/goodnightbirdy said, was raised by his grandmother. No, his parents weren’t dead, but they worked too much and didn’t have the time to be with him all the time. And yes, I said “them” because Pitts is the only one in the group who, canon or not, seems to actually have siblings. And there are a lot of them! He’s in the middle but is the oldest of the boys.
-With Charlie, we know he has a little sister. Oh god, this man is SO older-brother coded. He asked for a little brother for so long, and after his mom got pregnant, he was so excited. When he found out it was a girl, he was a bit disappointed at first, but then he loved her. He played with her, and eventually, as they both grew older, she started to pick up on his attitude. He slowly realized he had created a little monster—but a monster, nonetheless.
-Cameron is really difficult for me—not because I hate him, noooo! But he reminds me of a boy from my high school who was the ex-boyfriend of my friend, so we didn’t like him one bit. Anyways! In the movie, he said he loved the clarinet, and that’s because one of his neighbors used to play it all afternoon in his neighborhood. He always wanted to learn, but his parents couldn’t stand the noise, so he never really got the chance to play.
-Neil and Charlie were each other’s first roommates!!!! They were super messy and had dirty socks and laundry lying around everywhere. It got so bad that one time Knox stepped into their room and gagged so hard they thought he was going to puke. After that, they became a little more cautious about cleaning their room.
-Meeks and Knox were also each other’s first roommates!!!! Now, to me, this is an interesting duo. I feel like Knox was extremely talented at folding clothes, and Meeks wasn’t. One day, Meeks was way too desperate to fold his laundry but didn’t want to ask Knox for help, even though Knox clearly knew what he was doing. Knox noticed the mess Meeks left once he stepped out of the room and folded everything for him! Such cuties 😭.
-Now! If you hadn’t guessed, Pitts and Cameron were each other’s first roommates!!!
Wow, what a surprise.
• Cameron = only child / Pitts = too many siblings.
At first, they were not compatible at all. Over time, though, Pitts started seeing Cameron as one of his siblings and did the same things he did with his brothers—tying his shoelaces together, wrinkling his freshly made bed, or hiding his things. But don’t think for one second that Pitts did these things out of malice—no! It was his way of showing warmth and respect for Cameron. And Cameron didn’t mind because, eventually, he got the hang of it.
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nectarinesinthesun444 · 15 days ago
Changes I would have made to make dead poets society three hours long
1. More Meeks and Pitts dancing and listening to music on their radio
2. Todd and Charlie having more conversations and their friendship developing more despite their differences
3. Neil and Todd kiss around the 2 and a half hours into the movie
4. Charlie and Ginny kiss
5. More in depth look into Charlie’s struggles
6. Neil’s suicide is an attempt and we see his recovery
7. The poets spend Christmas together <3
8. Meeks and Pitts get along well with Todd
9. More Neil and Todd pining (there was lots of pining in the original movie but more especially so it builds up to the kiss)
10. Charlie hosts a sleepover with all the poets at his house in the Christmas break
11. Jeffrey Anderson appears at some point 👀
12. Todd reads in the cave more times and Neil is there to witness it when he comes back to welton when he’s recovered from his attempt
13. Todd being more confident towards the end of the movie
14. Movie ends on graduation day
15. Charlie takes Todd under his wing while Neil’s absent from welton recovering
16. Knox isn’t a creep to Chris
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knoxoverstreetluvr · 2 months ago
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my introduction to how i write the dead poets boys ꩜✧˖°.
disclaimer 1: this is all my opinions and guesstimates on random things about them that are never specified!
disclaimer 2: the YEAR of the birthdays i set will depend on the year/time period in which i specify the fic to be in (usually modern), that being said the boys are juniors in high school (usually around 17) but if i do a college AU they’ll be 21. and the occupations i give them would be when they attend university not at Welton.
disclaimer 3: feedback is appreciated :)
Neil Perry
Full Name/Nickname: Neil James Perry
Physical Info: Brown Hair/Brown Eyes/6’0”
Age: 17/21
Birthday: September 17th
- Song: No Surprises by Radiohead
- Movie: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
- Color: Forest Green
- Artist: Radiohead
Career Path/Occupation: Actor
Best Friends: Todd Anderson/Charlie Dalton
Love Language: Words of Affirmation
- Father: Thomas Perry
- Mother: Marie Perry
- Sibling(s): N/A
- Status: Well Off
Todd Anderson
Full Name/Nickname: Todd Ethan Anderson
Physical Info: Dirty Blond-Brown Hair/Blue Eyes/5’10”
Age: 16/20
Birthday: November 2nd
- Song: Cherry Wine by Hozier
- Movie: Donnie Darko
- Color: Brown (Neil’s Eye Brown)
- Artist: Hozier
Career Path/Occupation: Writer
Best Friend: Neil Perry
Love Language: Physical Touch
- Father: Chris Anderson
- Mother: Lilith Anderson
- Sibling(s): Jeffrey “Jeff” Anderson (19/23)
- Status: Well Off
Charlie Dalton
Full Name/Nickname: Charles Nathan Dalton, Charlie/Char/Nuwanda
Physical Info: Brown Hair/Brown Eyes/5’9”
Age: 17/21
Birthday: July 17th
- Song: Under Pressure by Queen, David Bowie
- Movie: Bohemian Rhapsody
- Color: Red
- Artist: Queen
Career Path/Occupation: Musician
Best Friends: Neil Perry/Knox Overstreet
Love Language: Acts of Service
- Father: Charles Dalton
- Mother: Elizabeth Dalton
- Sibling(s): Mickey Dalton (21/25), Lincoln Dalton (12/16)
- Status: Rich
Knox Overstreet
Full Name/Nickname: Knox Alexander Overstreet, Knoxie/Knoxious/Lover Boy
Physical Info: Brown Hair/Brown Eyes/5’11”
Age: 17/21
Birthday: April 20th
- Song: Lover, You Should’ve Come Over by Jeff Buckley
- Movie: The Notebook
- Color: Maroon
- Artist: Jeff Buckley
Career Path/Occupation: Marriage Counselor
Best Friends: Charlie Dalton/Gerard Pitts
Love Language: Quality Time (basically all of them)
- Father: Alexander Overstreet
- Mother: Adrienne Overstreet
- Sibling(s): Faye Overstreet (18/22), Michelle and Sabrina Overstreet (12/16)
- Status: Rich
Steven Meeks
Full Name/Nickname: Steven John Meeks, Stevie
Physical Info: Red Hair/Brown Eyes/5’7”
Age: 17/21
Birthday: January 9th
- Song: Sunday by The Cranberries
- Movie: Stand By Me
- Color: Blue
- Artist: The Cranberries
Career Path/Occupation: Doctor
Best Friends: Gerard Pitts/Knox Overstreet
Love Language: Gift Giving
- Father: Barry Meeks
- Mother: Valerie Meeks
- Sibling(s): River Meeks (22/26), Harry Meeks (20/24)
- Status: Rich
Gerard Pitts
Full Name/Nickname: Gerard Evan Pitts, Pittsie
Physical Info: Brown Hair/Brown Eyes/6’0”
Age: 17/21
Birthday: June 25th
- Song: Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears
- Movie: The Shining
- Color: Yellow
- Artist: Tears For Fears
Career Path/Occupation: Art Director
Best Friends: Steven Meeks/Knox Overstreet
Love Language: Quality Time
- Father: Peter Pitts
- Mother: Zoey Pitts
- Sibling(s): Victoria Pitts (11/16)
- Status: Well Off
Richard Cameron
Full Name/Nickname: Richard Don Cameron, Cameron
Physical Info: Red Hair/Green Eyes/5’9”
Age: 17/21
Birthday: March 14th
- Song: Vienne by Billy Joel
- Movie: Practical Magic
- Color: Purple
- Artist: Billy Joel
Career Path/Occupation: Mathematician
Best Friend: Charlie Dalton (barely)
Love Language: Words of Affirmation
- Father: Richard Cameron
- Mother: Donna Cameron
- Sibling(s): Lilliane Cameron (16/20), Dexter Cameron (10/14)
- Status: Well Off
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cimacally · 11 months ago
Dead Poets Society headcanons: what do they do when they can't sleep
Neil starts reciting theater lines in his mind because he remembers all of them. Sometimes he obviously can't recall some and he gets angry at himself cause he can't read the script without turning the light on, and he doesn't want to wake up Todd. Eventually, he falls asleep, after mumbling the line he was stuck at for 20 minutes.
Todd usually thinks of poems which he won't remember in the morning either way. When he really can't create any good work, he gets frustrated and doesn't sleep all night, thinking about his parents and Jeffrey, drowning in insecurities.
Charlie aggressively wakes up Cameron and complains to him. At first, it was really annoying to Richard, but he got used to it and now they both enjoy it (they will never admit it tho).
Cameron just stares at the ceiling and lets his mind wander off. He thinks about pretty much everything, and sometimes it leads to very weird conclusions, so he tries to sleep every night (he even stopped drinking coffee) (it does not help).
Meeks quietly hums some melodies and imagines various scenarios. He likes making stories so he often doesn't sleep on purpose, just to create them in peace.
Pitts almost never has problems with falling asleep, but when he does, he wakes up Meeks and they talk about everything and nothing. He feels guilty doing so, but Meeks assures that it's not a problem.
Knox gets up and walks around the room until he's at least a little tired. If it doesn't help, he thinks of Chris till morning. The Poets told him that it's kinda creepy but he doesn't give a shit.
I know it's not great, I have never written headcanons before and English isn't my first language but I always wanted to try it so here we are <3.
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cr33pz-mck3nna · 3 months ago
Some facts about my creepypasta au/rewrites
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(^the name of the au, this is my main au, I have many ocs in this au, if you wish to hear about them just consider supporting by liking, commenting, following, reblogging or just submitting a request and feel free to comment or request a vers for my ocs)
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, mvrder, sewerslide, abvse, assault, substance use/abvse, Offenderman-
Characters this is about: Jeff the Killer, Eyeless Jack, Homicidal Liu, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Laughing Jack, Slenderman
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• Jeff and Liu's full names are Jeffrey Warren Roberts and Liu Michael Roberts and they are half brothers with different mothers, they also have a baby sister(also a different mother) named Amber-Rose, and they had a happy life before moving next door to the Meeks family and Cargile family
• Jane and Nina Cargile are twin sisters from Louisiana, they have a younger brother Christopher Cargile who went missing after the infamous JTK(Jeff the Killer) incident, Nina was Jeff's girlfriend
• Jane married a woman in college named Catherine Mary(to pay homage to canon Jane's wife) Harkness who changed her last name to Cargile, Catherine's apartment caught fire shortly after receiving a letter from Jane and attempting to send multiple to Nina
• Slenderman has an adopted ghost son named Lucid(shapeshifter) who manipulates people through dreams and thoughts, Slender is a good entity(atleast he tries), Lucid is the one who gives him a bad rep, but Slender has more children too such as Sally and his three somehow biological(?) humanoid children Vixen, Vivianna and Snow
• Laughing Jack(prns He/They/It) is made up of parts and pieces of the souls of many dead children and teenagers, some entities such as Slenderwoman refer to him as "The puppet of Artemis", he was created by the gods to be a protector of human children but Zalgoid corruption switched his "programming"
• Eyeless Jack's real name is Jackson Nelson but start praying if you call him anything other than E.J. or mention his twin, Jamison or Jamie as they call him, the perfect child of course..
• After the JTK incident Jane and Nina never truly got better, Nina all but lost her mind and Jane became an addict who eventually all but gambled away her soul and was found by Lucid who gives her dreams about Jeff's location with false pictures of her brother with him to manipulate her and keep her chasing him
• Slenderman(prns They/He) was a being who did not know how he came to exist but just knows he woke up one day and they were themself(Jack Frost ROTG style-), he has always loved human children and admired humans like a curious puppy but they haven't always been kind to him, he has no knowledge of the other Slenders but they know about him(Offenderman likes to pretend to be them, making humans fear him even more)
• E.J., Liu and Nina bonded when they all met over the fact they have all tried to "slide the sewer" before, they wear matching safety pins that Nina made them
• After both Nina and Jane eventually met Slender and went to the mansion, Jeff and Liu already having been there for awhile, it was a combined effort of Slenderman, E.J., Slenderwoman, Clockwork and Nurse Ann but eventually Nina and a very reluctant Jane forgave Jeff
• Laughing Jack has a sheer hatred for and MASSIVE beef with BEN, he looks just a bit too much like Isaac for his liking and BEN knows that his appearance has an effect on him and uses that to torment him
• Slender is possibly the biggest LGBTQIA+ supporter out of all the crps, in their mind "Why would you not like and support them? They're still a person." and he's literally the epitome of all lives matter, he does not like killing and like the Slender is the games he only kills when provoked or someone is on his territory and won't leave, as I said Lucid is the bad one
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Tag game: Answer these questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Thank you so much for tagging me @hl-obsessed !!! ♥♥♥
Last song? Manic Street Preachers - Rewind The Film (I saw they released a new single recently, then I went back to listen to some faves, and the music video for this one, about a dying mining town in Wales, is heartbreaking)
Last book? I'm not currently reading any book just for fun, apart from fanfiction ^^ But the last book I read several chapters of for research is Queer Voices in Post-War Scotland by Jeffrey Meek :3
Last movie? Alien: Romulus (it was okay for an Alien movie, I liked the setting with the mining colony with horrendous working conditions)
Last TV show? Some episodes of What We Do In The Shadows
sweet / spicy / savory: spicy :3
Last thing googled: variations of "the ship inn sheffield interior" hehe (I couldn't find any pictures of its ~1960s interior in my research, but it will feature briefly in my Sheffield 60s AU fic ♥)
Current obsession: I guess in general One Direction T^T ♥, and maybe in particular right now the above mentioned fic that I'm writing, Blue Eyes Look My Way (I'm maybe halfway or two thirds through at ~40k? I don't want it to end T^T)
Looking forward to: My dog's birthday ♥ And Zayn's tour (I hope so much that he's okay and that everything will go the way he wants it to)
Bonus question since Shay brought it up:
Last fic? Remember Me Before You by kingsofeverything (it's almost 300k but now I'm on the last chapter?!) And the last fic I saved in my folder with my most favourite fics, that I haven't recced before, was No Surprises by louislittletomlintum ♥♥♥
No pressure, only do it if you want to, if you have fun doing it, and if you haven't already :D I will tag: @savebylou @piccolotiranno @adrenalinepearls @statementlou @srldesigns6277 and everyone else who sees this and wants to do it too :3
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apenitentialprayer · 3 months ago
Judgment Day: A Rectification of Injustice
And though, as I said a minute ago, Our Lord in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats painted a characteristically Christian picture [of Judgment], in another place He is very characteristically Jewish. Notice by what He means by 'an unjust judge.' By those words most of us would mean someone like Judge Jeffreys or the creatures who sat on the benches of German tribunals during the Nazi régime: someone who bullies witnesses and jurymen in order to convict, and then savagely punish, innocent men. Once again, we are thinking of a criminal trial. We hope we shall never appear in the dock before such a judge. But the Unjust Judge in the parable is quite a different character. There is no danger of appearing in his court against your will: the difficulty is the opposite — to get into it. It is clearly a civil action. The poor woman (Luke 18:1-5) has her little strip of land —room for a pigsty or a hen-run— taken away from her by a richer and more powerful neighbor [... a]nd she knows she has a perfectly watertight case. If once she could get into the court and have it tried by the laws of the land, she would be bound to get that strip back. But no one will listen to her, she can't get it tried. No wonder she is anxious for 'judgment'. Behind this lies an age-old and almost world-wide experience which we have been spared. In most places and times it has been very difficult for the 'small man' to get his case heard. The judge (and, doubtless, one or two of his underlings) has to be bribed. If you can't afford to 'oil his palm' your case will never reach court. Our judges do not receive bribes. (We probably take this blessing too much for granted; it will not remain with us automatically.) We need not therefore be surprised if the Psalms, and the Prophets, are full of longing for judgment, and regard the announcement that 'judgment' is coming as good news. Hundreds and thousands of people who have been stripped of all they possess and who have the right entirely on their side will at last be heard. Of course they are not afraid of judgment. They know their case is unanswerable — if only it could be heard. When God comes to judge, at last it will. Dozens of passages make the point clear. In Psalm 9 we are told that God will 'minister true judgment' (8), and that is because we forgetteth not the complaint of the poor (12). He 'defendeth the cause' (that is, the 'case') 'of the widows' (68:5). The good king in Psalm 72:2 will 'judge' the people rightly; that is, he will 'defend the poor'. When God 'arises to judgment' He will 'help all the meek upon the earth' (76:9), all the timid, helpless people whose wrongs have never been righted yet. When God accuses earthly judges of 'wrong judgment', He follows it up by telling them that the poor 'have right' (82:2, 3). The 'just' judge, then, is primarily he who rights a wrong in a civil case. He would, no doubt, also try a criminal case justly, but that is hardly ever what the Psalmists are thinking of. Christians cry to God for mercy instead of justice; they cried to God for justice instead of injustice. The Divine Judge is the defender, the rescuer.
- C.S. Lewis (Reflections on the Psalms, pages 12-14). Italics original, slight change to paragraph breaks to avoid a wall of text.
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kwebtv · 6 months ago
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Mortal Kombat: Conquest - Syndication - October 3, 1998 - May 22, 1999
Action / Adventure / Martial Arts (22 episodes)
Running Time: 43 minutes
Paolo Montalban as Kung Lao
Daniel Bernhardt as Siro
Kristanna Loken as Taja
Tracy Douglas as Vorpax
Bruce Locke as Shang Tsung
Jeffrey Meek as Raiden and Shao Kahn
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groundzer0s-art · 6 months ago
Not to be a complete weirdo (I mean, I'm on tumblr, so...), but I love your art and I love how much you love Andorians! I've been writing about an Andorian OC who falls for a human and it's taking all of my willpower not to drop a bunch of unsolicited ao3 links on you and running away! 😅
I appreciate the love <3 I blame my love of Jeffrey Combs on why I love Andorians so much tbh. That and Talas, because I'm gay as hell and oh man was she fine. But yeah I probably wouldn't have gotten into Enterprise had I not been looking through Jeff's IMDb page. Shran has gotta be one of the best roles he's played. It's hilarious watching him play a more meek character before seeing him play Shran, like god damn that acting range....
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years ago
Do you ever wonder where Shao Kahn learned the phrase “You suck.”
Now I’m just imagining a version of MK Conquest where he says “How do they say it in Earthrealm? Ah, yes. You suck.”
Jeffrey Meek could’ve sold that line, I don’t doubt it for a second.
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churrosbitxh · 5 months ago
My headcanons of the boys' siblings, and their relationships with them:
Neil - Only Child. Which explains all the burden and pressure he had all throughout his life, and I don't think he really had any friends except for Charlie growing up. He had other boys to hang out, but not really 'friends' kinda thing. His parents (his dad, obviously) never allowed him to do sleepovers or play out with kids when he was young. Neil never experienced nor seen anybody around his age with siblings, so he didn't know if wanted one or not, until he came to Welton and saw some brothers with different age gaps, and in some ways having their backs for each other, making Neil desperately wanting one- more likely a brother. Personally, Neil would've have been the best brother if he had either one. (I'm going to die now)
Charlie - Also an only child, but a baby sister/brother coming. He also gives me the vibe of an only child- but in a good way. If Neil was more of the repressed and pressured type, Charlie wasn't treated the same way, though he was taken to social parties and other fancy-schmancy places his dad took him (and he hated), which kinda explains his knowledge for women at his age- since he grew up watching different types of older, high class people. Kinda head canoning that his father made him to play the clarinet so he could do recitals infront of his guests, which made Charlie hate it even more (will rant about this soon). I think he might get a baby sister or brother- but after he's all grown up so basically he doesn't have anything to do with it, he'll probably act like the cool uncle kind of way.
Todd - Youngest of Three. Aside from Jeffrey, I like to think that he has an older sister, who married young and left home when Todd was probably around 5 or 6, so he doesn't have significant memories of her except that she liked to read. All the books Todd read at home was definitely hers- mostly literatures and poems, which she left when she left. That and the only memories Todd have with her will only be her reading the poems for him when he was a baby, even before he knew the words because his parents were busy taking care of the Golden child- Jeffrey, and she basically took care of Todd when he was an infant (will also rant about this soon).
His relationship with his brother is complex, but I don't think Jeffrey is a bad brother for Todd. Todd feels he's under the shadows because Jeffrey was so good at everything- so perfect, but I think Jeffrey also kinda has his own problems, he might have Golden Child Syndrome, which I will deal in an another post, but Todd and Jeffrey would probably get along around their 30's.
Meeks - Youngest with three sisters, all different age gaps. Meeks, our sweet little boy gives the youngest baby boy aura, but with sisters, which is very important explaining his behavior towards others. He's more of an empath than the other boys- and also catches how Todd feels awkward and alone on their first meeting. He is the type who doesn't like people being left behind, and this is infleunced his sisters growing up. Though he shows awkwardness when it comes to girls, he doesn't really have fantasies about them- since he saw the reality of women from his sisters. He's the only boy in the siblings, so he does have the pressure to excel academically, but not as much as Neil does, but he doesn't really mind it since he finds studying enjoyable. He's not good at sports, though- since he grew up reading more than working out. I love to imagine one of his sisters taught him Latin.
Pitts - The middle child, with an older brother and a younger sister, a little age gap between both. He probably has an older brother who graduated college and works now, and a younger sister starting grade school. He doesn't have good nor bad relationships with his siblings, they just don't have much in common, and shares different interests. But their family is pretty tight, so though his brother moved out, he visits home every now and then, giving Pitts advice or encouraging him about his love for science, though he has no idea about it. He doesn't get along with his sister, but he is protective of her since she's the youngest. Pitt's is the good case of being the middle child.
Cameron - Oldest with a young baby brother. He has a baby brother around 7 or 8, and has the need to impress him. As much as his relationship with his parents, he wants to show his brother how successful he is and will become, wanting him to follow his footsteps just as much as their father did. Cameron definitely has a goodboy complex and a perfectionist, over working himself and thinking what he does is always for the greater good. I personally think his relationship with his brother will fail when he comes to a certain age, with some miscommunications and different ideals.
Knox - Oldest of Three, a younger brother and a baby sister coming soon. He is the older brother of two younger siblings with age gaps, which explains his father's wishes of Knox becoming a lawyer just like him. He wants him to take over the family job, which he doesn't have a reason to say no- though he's not very fond with the idea but he doesn't have any other passion, so he just goes for the money and stability the job gives him. Since he has so much age gap between his siblings, he didn't really have much time with them since he came to Welton from a young age. Though he has a sister he never had any interactions with girls or what so ever, and he only met his father's clients or colleagues (which are middle aged or old, white males), he acts awkwardly around women. Though romantic at heart, I personally think he doesn't know how to show his feelings towards girls since all he never knew how to court them- and the most women he have seen were the ones who wanted to divorce their husbands. (This is my personal favorite head canon don't judge me pls)
I have more head canons and stories I want to say but that's going to be on a separate post because it is going to be LONG, so this is my thoughts about it lol
Disclaimer: This is only my HEADCANON, has nothing to do with the original story.
Please tell me if you want to hear me rant more about this things I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY😏😏😏
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prodigyfangirl89 · 2 years ago
knuckles spin-off series cast
Vector the Crocodile - Bruce Campbell, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Micheal B. Jordan, Seth rogen
Espio the Chameleon - Daisuke Tsuji, l.j. benet
Charmy Bee - Colleen o'Shaughnessey, Jacob Tremblay
Mighty The Armadillo - Micheal Mando, Micheal B. Jordan, Brady noon
Ray The flying squirrel - Tara Strong, Hudson Meek
Fang The Sniper - John Patrick Lowrie, Hugh Jackman, Karl Urban,
Bean The Dynamite - Aziz Ansari, Steven Ogg
Chief Pachacamac - Danny Trejo Sofía
Tikal the Echidna - Díana Bermudez, Ana de la Reguera, Selene Luna, Sofía Espinosa, Isabela Merced, Salma Hayek, Nisa Gunduz
E-102 Gamma - Corey Burton
Wendy Witchcart - Mia Goth, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Harriet Samson Harris
Battle Kukku XV - Nolan North
Speedy XVI - Maria Bakalova
Dr. Fukurokov - Mark Ivanar
Breezie The Hedgehog - Regina King, Janelle Monáe, Jena Malone, Pollyanna McIntosh
Vanilla The Rabbit - Maggie Robertson
Amy Rose - Kimiko Glenn, Anna kendrick
Big The Cat - Dave Fennoy, Patrick Warburton, Micheal B Jordan, Kevin Chamberlin
Cream the Rabbit - Melissa Hutchison, sabrina glow
Sticks the Badger - Margot Robbie, Paola Lázaro
Gerald Kintobor - Ron Perlman
Maria Kintobor - Mkeena Grace
Commander Abraham Tower - Frank Anthony Grillo
Subject Shadow The Hedgehog (Terios Kintobor) - (Paramount stated they want an A-list celebrity to voice Shadow) Keanu Reeves, Robert Pattinson, Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Micheal B Jordan
Rouge The Bat - Chloé Hollings, Marion Cotillard, Mélanie Laurent, Camille Cottin, Jordana Lajoie, Scarlett johansson
Tom Wachowski’s father - Bob Odinkirk, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray, Micheal Keaton, Kurt Russell, John Goodman
Metal Sonic - Ben Schwartz(robotic filter)
E-123 Omega - Micheal B Jordan, Terry Crews, Jon Bernthal
Hazard The Bio-Lizard (Marzanna Kintobor) - Ivana Miličević
Void TrapDark - Jude Law, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way, Scott Williams, Freddie Highmore,
Lumina Flowlight - Tabitha St. Germain
Blaze’s Mother - Janina Gavankar, Sakina Jaffrey
Blaze The Cat (Indian/British accent) - Priyanka Chopra, Devika Bhise, Varada Sethu, Simone Ashley, Ulka Simone Mohanty, Natasha Chandel
Marine the Raccoon - Sia, Katie Bergin, Bella Heathcote, Isla Lang Fisher, Rylee Alazraqui, Kendal Rae
Blaze’s Rival: Frost The Axotol(example)- Michelle Yeoh, Fala Chen, Antony Starr
Jet’s Father - Matt Ryan, Iwan Rheon
Jet The Hawk - Tony Hawk, Aaron Paul, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Dante Basco, Ken Jeong, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jimmy O. Yang
Wave The Swallow - Sarah Margaret Qualley
Storm the Albatross (pacific, Oceania) - Dave Batista, Taylor Wily
Emerl The Gizoid - Augus Imrie, Kendal Rae,
Clutch The Possum - Micheal Rooker, Benjamin Byron Davis, Robert Allen Wiethoff
Tangle The Lemur - Lauren Keke Palmer, Brenda Song
Whisper The Wolf - Stefanie Joosten, Ana de Armas
Mimic The Octopus - Richard Colin Brake
Doctor Starline - Troy Baker, Hugh Grant,
Starline’s Love interest and partner -
Rough and Tumble the Skunks - Will Ferrell and John C. Reily, Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key
Surge The Tenrec - Rachel Bloom, AJ Michalka
Kitsunami The Fennec Fox - Michael Cera, Kyle McCarley
Zavok - Christopher Judge, John Cena, Jon Bernthal
Master Zik - Frank Oz, Randall Duk Kim, Dustin Hoffman
Zeena -Mindy Kaling
Zor - Jaeden Martell, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way
Zazz - Danny Brown,
Zomom - T.J. Miller
Black Doom -
,Keith David https://youtu.be/9LmOwEfPHUo
, Jackie Earle Haley - https://youtu.be/sF8zxctevXc
, Jon Bernthal - https://youtu.be/sDp4AuNen0Y
, Sean Schemmel -
, Ray Porter - https://youtu.be/aR8p4DIpxxE
,Karl Urban - https://youtu.be/ccF3uvpJ96I
Eclipse The Darkling - Norman Reedus
Callisto The Darkling - Carrie-Anne Moss
Dark Oak - Jeremy Irons
Black Narcissus - Angelina Jolie
Pala Bayleaf - John Leguizamo
Yellow Zelkova - Terry Crews
Red Pine - Pat Casey or Josh Miller
Cosmo The Seedrian - Carol Anne Day, Liliana Mumy
Lyric The Ancient(Owl like Longclaw) - Jackie Earle Haley
Johnny Lightfoot - Taron Egerton
Tekno The Canary - Paula Burrows
Porker Lewis - John Boyega, Daniel Radcliffe
Shorty “Shortfuse” The Cybernik - Cillian Murphy, Barry Sloane
Ebony The Cat - Gratiela Brancusi
Sonia The Hedgehog - Kiernan Shipka, Evan Rachel Wood, Isabella Merced, Jena Malone
Manic The Hedgehog - Joe Keery
Sally Acorn - Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman
Antoine D’Coolette - Tomer Capone, Bradley Cooper(hes fluent in French)
Bunnie Rabbot - Alex McKenna
Rotor The “Boomer” Walrus - John Cena
Nicole The Holo-Lynx - Ashly Burch
Lupe The Wolf - Amber Midthunder
Dulcy The Dragon - America Ferrera
Chip - Tom Holland, Freddie Highmore
Professor Dillion Pickle - Ian McKellen
Imperator Ix - Gary Oldman
Shade The Echidna - Lady Gaga
Infinite The Jackal - Kit Harington, Jon Bernthal
Silver The Hedgehog - Steven Yeun
Gold The Tenrec - Simone Ashley
Professor Von Schlemmer - Matthias Schweighöfer
Dr. Negan Robotnik a.k.a Eggman Neo - J.K. Simmons, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Giancarlo Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Pedro Pascal
Dr. Grimer Wormtongue - Ian McShane, Jackie Earle Haley
Chris thorndyke - Graham Verchere
Frost the hobidon - Dakota lotus
Juliet suter - Sydney Scotia
Antia/tania - Cassie glow
Perci - Stephanie lemelin
Preteen bokkun - Brett Gray
Park ranger - Patrick Warburton
Ashe - peyton r. perrine iii
Burst wisp - cherami Leigh
Uncle Charles - David Lengel
Bernadette - Melanie Zanetti
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