#Jeff Dye
bostonchris22 · 5 months
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Jeff Dye
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godsworstson · 3 months
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jeff tremaine's colorful hair
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jhsharman · 3 months
"Makeover Mixup"
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In her first appearance her hair was this brandy color, fitting her name. Then it was blue. Then it was green. Her original hair color has been kept in reprints of other stories, but not in this one, which I guess shuffles this one forward from the earlier ones or splits the continuum to allow this sequence where she suggests people would not remember her natural hair color.
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Lot of dyes.
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apollos-boyfriend · 8 months
Jeff Thekillsyou activates like. Dormant big sister instincts in me. Like 'I can fix him' but for siblings. I could comfort him after getting his shit wrecked bcus he was kind of a twat. I could try my best to connect with him thru incredibly edgy music despite not rlly liking it and give him the comfort of knowing that someone is Trying to understand. Slenderman let me into your house I will eliminate 90% of the mental illnesses in there through sheer willpower.
LITERALLY. as a kid i was so into the whole like. being adopted into the slender mansion but now that i’m an adult the tables have completely turned. they’re my shitass little siblings now. i’m taking them out for ice cream when slenderman isn’t looking and eating their clearly-labeled cereal. fixing all of slender mansion’s problems one shitty older sibling relationship at a time
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sweetwillow · 2 years
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Jeff’s manager said that one time Jeff gave him a list of things to pick up from the store for him and upon that list was black hair dye and peppermint tea 🖤☕️🍭
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jeffbiblesupremacy · 2 years
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jeffsatur: Just chilling in the right shade ✨🕶️ @ rayband #rayban
Jeff’s ig update
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Democrats' anger boils over after GOP witnesses testify without taking questions
Democratic lawmakers didn’t hold back their anger Thursday at a House hearing about social media and censorship when a pair of Republican witnesses delivered testimony and left without being questioned.
The shouting began after Sen. Eric Schmitt (R), the former attorney general of Missouri, and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry (R) testified before the House Judiciary select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government about what they claimed was the Biden administration’s effort to censor conservative voices online. After the two spoke, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the subcommittee chairman, dismissed them.
“We’ll let you move on to your other responsibilities and we’ll get to our next witnesses,” Jordan said. Democrats immediately interrupted, asking why he wouldn’t allow them to ask questions as Schmitt and Landry stood up and left the room. Democrats then tried to have the two witnesses’ testimony struck from the record.
“We aren’t able to probe the veracity of their statements, the truthfulness of their statements,” Rep. Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.) said. When Jordan told him, “You will be given your five minutes here,” Lynch replied, “They’re not here,” referring to the witnesses. “They’re absent,” he said, and they “scurried away, with your complicity.”
Jordan, speaking over Lynch, said: “They have not scurried away. They were dismissed like all witnesses.” As the two men traded remarks, Lynch fumed: “You can’t find two people to defend their statements. That’s pretty disgraceful.”
At times, the shouts and crosstalk was so fast that the C-SPAN camera recording the hearing could not show each person who was talking. At one point, a woman’s voice could be heard saying, “If allowing them to leave is not weaponization, I don’t know what is, Mr. Chairman.” A male’s voice responded, “Yeah, right.”
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) agreed to the creation of the select subcommittee as a concession to the hard-right faction of his conference in the deal he struck to secure the votes to become Speaker. The panel has faced criticism, even from some on the right, that its work has been lackluster and unfocused.
Jordan said at the hearing that it was common practice to have current or former members of Congress testify without staying for questions.
Russell Dye, his spokesman, said in a statement, “It has been a long practice of the Committee to allow current and former Members of Congress to present an opening statement without taking questions,” noting that Democrats recently had Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.) speak to the committee without taking questions.
Democrats said the comparison was inappropriate. Lynch said that the witnesses on Thursday may have presented “false” information and that “I would like the opportunity to cross-examine those witnesses.” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said Landry is not a member of Congress and, therefore, “is not entitled” to the kind of courtesy Jordan described.
Even by today’s low standards for congressional decorum, the hearing stood out for its rancor and animus. Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Congressional Integrity Project, a Democratic-leaning watchdog group, said in a statement that the hearing was “an embarrassing farce. Two of the Republicans’ witnesses didn’t even stick around to defend their lies, aided and abetted by Jim Jordan.” Jordan and the Republicans on the subcommittee, Herrig said, “are afraid of the truth.”
Dye said Democrats had put “on a partisan charade” in response to a routine congressional practice.
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ratleyland · 1 year
A trip down memory lane with this Martial Arts movie from 1991.
I don't remember it being so cheesy... but cheesy in a good way!
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gh0stsblogs · 2 years
Im dyeing my hair pink si my friends stop saying i look like jeff the killer after i sleep with my makeup on.
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
(little ask thing circulating) List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.<3
ooo thank you! <3
5 things that make me happy! That's a lot of narrowing down, but I think I can pick the cream of the crop.
My friends! <3
My cat Schroedinger, who has been especially snuggly with me lately.
My new home! I moved into a nice little condo, which means I have WAY less stuff to take care of (read: I don't have to take care of my own yard!) AND I live next to some cows and a donkey!
When the book I want is available as an audiobook on Libby. Hell yeah audiobooks from my library!
The almond croissants from my favorite sourdough bakery. Honestly, I could put just about anything from that bakery on here, but I want one of their almond croissants in particular. Sourdough croissants and danishes are just next level good.
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bostonchris22 · 5 months
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Jeff Dye
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wheneverfeasible · 2 months
He should probably get a new car.
He didn’t want to. He loved his car, but it wasn’t really cool, was it? Preppy cool, maybe, but not my-boyfriend-is-in-a-metal-band cool. It had certainly seen better days too.
He’d used to reprimand the kids whenever they trailed in dirt and food crumbs or spilled their milkshakes or whatever, but after he stopped doing the same to Eddie, he couldn’t really do it to them either. Besides, he didn’t want to be a stick in the mud.
It was why he’d thrown out all his Wham! and Tears for Fears cassettes, threw out anything that wasn’t Judas Priest or Iron Maiden or whatever else Eddie liked. It was why he boxed away all his brightly colored polos and now just wore the band tees that Eddie let him borrow, why he’d bought some of his own, as well as skinnier dark jeans that he knew Eddie liked the look of his ass in. He even got some bracelets like Eddie’s, and now he actually looked the part of Eddie’s boyfriend and not so much like a sore thumb when he went to all of Eddie’s shows.
The only thing he needed to change, besides his car, was his hair. He’d been putting it off the longest. He loved his car, but he loved his hair more. He didn’t make it quite as styled nowadays, but it was the last part of him that spoke of his former personality. Because he had to change, didn’t he? He knew what happened when you didn’t make your partner happy. Knew what happened when your love was bullshit and he never wanted Eddie to find him unworthy.
So he liked the things Eddie liked now, he dressed the way Eddie dressed, and he did what Eddie did. If he made Eddie happy, if he didn’t make Eddie do anything he didn’t want to do, then Eddie wouldn’t find fault in Steve. It was simple as that. He knew better now. Because Nancy had broke his heart, but losing Eddie? It would break his soul.
So he needed a new car. Maybe a van like Eddie’s, or would that be too much? A BMW was hardly metal, after all. He needed something cooler. And then…then he would change his hair.
He would need to figure out what Eddie thought was cool. Needed to figure out what Eddie liked. Should he buzz it? Should he grow it out? He didn’t know. Eddie had never brought up hair before. He didn’t know what Eddie would prefer. Maybe he could ask Jeff. He’d known Eddie the longest, after all.
Maybe he should dye it. That would look cool, right?
The others had noticed, of course. They’d commented on his new attire, the fact that he didn’t listen to his favorite music anymore, that he only seemed to be doing what Eddie wanted to do nowadays. But Eddie just looked happy whenever Steve agreed to whatever movie Eddie wanted to watch, or what to have for dinner, or what to do on Steve’s days off. That was the important part: making Eddie happy.
So Steve just brushed off their concerns, explained it away as saying that he was growing up and his interests were growing. He even played stupid Dungeons and Dragons now, always making certain he got the names correct, always doing his best to play it how Eddie would want him to play it, even if it always gave him a headache afterwards with all the numbers and words and strategizing.
He always put Eddie’s needs first, be it physically, emotionally, or even just recreationally. If Steve did that, if he was good enough, if he became exactly what his partner wanted, maybe he wouldn’t lose this. Wouldn’t lose Eddie.
Maybe, if Steve made his love good enough, Eddie wouldn’t ever say it was bullshit.
Now with a part two
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vanyatas · 29 days
Firm stance on him being scene/emo.
His fav songs are probably Helena(Mcr), Disasterology(ptv), Cirice & Mummy dust(Ghost), Ohio is for lovers (HTH), The ransom(ETF).
He’s 6’1.
Cigarette smoker.
HUGE ego. I feel like him being one of the top most popular creeps gives him a big. ego.
An asshole.
He cuts his own hair to keep the scene bangs.
Definitely wears eyeliner on his waterline.
FOR SURE has piercings, eyebrow, bridge, septum snake bites.
Brown hair. Dyes it black however.
JEWELRY UP THE ASSSSS, checkered belts, spike bands on his wrists, band shirts, rings, chokers, necklaces. Anything emo he can get his pale ass hands on.
His best friends are definitely; Ben, Toby and Eyeless jack.
He would definitely be obsessed with you.
Probably not in the healthiest way but he finds himself either stalking you throughout the day, or if you’re with him you and your interests are the topic of the conversation.
Expect pet names.
Babe, Doll, Sweetheart, Bunny, Baby.
Steals jewelry, things you like, trinkets just to make you happy <3. (Considering he cannot just go out in public n get a job 😭)
If you’re alternative he will be over the fucking moon, thinks it’s cute if you’re a “mini” him.
Gets possessive if anyone even tries it.
Arm around your waist, pulling you as close to him as he can.
PDA!!! He cannot get enough of that shit.
Kisses all overrr your face just because he can’t seem to get enough of you.
Keeps your clothes just because he loves the way you smell.
Pre-Dating, he’d mimic your actions to do his best to show he likes you
Definitely would just call you stupid before he finally told you he likes you.
Very playful bully behavior while you’re dating him.
“Ur such a fucking idiot omg.” “What :(“ “My bad.”
HUGEEE creds to bae (/plat) @kumcore !!
follows / likes / reblogs appreciated!
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silentwalrus1 · 25 days
Thinking about Kamino cloning primarily as a major planetary economic driver and thus extremely A Business and how that would interact with the clones’ existence as a product and more specifically with the whole thing about Quality Control. The enforcement of interchangeability has significant value in the same way the invention of the assembly line and mass produced components have value to industry, i.e. if one part of a large & complex system stops working, you don’t have to rebuild the entire damn thing, you just replace the part.
In a biologically engineered army, that interchangeability can most advantageously manifest in:
Size (smaller range of equipment, armor, housing etc necessary)
medical compatibility (you only have to stock one blood type, organ and tissue donation availability skyrockets etc)
capability (the more you can crosstrain Jeff A to do Jeff Z’s job, the easier it is to replace Jeff Z if he bites it)
So clones that look different but are otherwise to spec in the prioritized categories would probably be fine, because getting rid of them is a loss of product and thus loss of profit.
Of course, as businesspeople, the Kaminoans want their product to seem more high-end than it actually is. So you don’t want to scrap perfectly good stock, but you DO want to make sure those fucking primates don’t act up and pop the hood on their own shitty dye job while the warranty’s still active.
Cue the Kaminoans issuing hair dye, makeup, shitty 2-dollar cosplay contact lenses etc and a bunch of random mercenaries disinterestedly instructing auditoriums of 400 cadets at a time in how to haphazardly cover up your Manufacturing Defects. Half the Mandos are like “if you want an armor painting seminar i have a fucking PhD but i haven’t taken off my helmet in front of another living person in 20 years, for this we’re pulling up the first fucking makeup tutorial that falls out of Space YouTube”.
It turns out it is much, much easier and more efficient to give clones access to Space Youtube than it is to teach them things yourself.
Cue 5 years later the Jedi roll up for pickup and not only is every single clone perfectly identical, they have achieved this via having every face BEAT, hair COIFFED, skin (tone corrected & colormatched ofc) GLOWING, contoured to the GODS,
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 45
part 1 | part 44 | ao3
Nancy, Jonathan, and some guy with the longest hair Steve's ever seen are standing in a loose circle with Eddie and his bandmates, talking and sort of dance-nodding along to The Power of Love by Huey Lewis (a fact that Steve absolutely intends to mock his boyfriend for the second he gets the chance), and Steve, like, mentally girds his loins.
He and Jon are cool with each other, and he and Eddie are obviously, uh, plenty warmed up to one another by now, but the rest of them...
One's a stranger, one's an ex who seems drunk as shit and is currently so invested in spinning around to the music that she hasn't opened her eyes to notice him, and the other three are thawing to him at a truly glacial pace. Steve hasn't so much as been invited to watch a rehearsal yet because Eddie's 'still working on them' and needs 'a bit more time, but don't worry, they'll come around.'
They don't openly scowl when he and Robin approach, though, so Steve takes that as a win.
"Harrington!" Eddie calls, bowing deeply to add, "Lady Buckley."
Steve would feel stung by the surname if not for how downright giddy Eddie sounds. God, he loves tipsy Eddie; fucking Disney cartoon boy.
"Munson," he plays along, giving him a sly grin and a shoulder bump as he sidles up next to him. "Didn't know you were allowed to leave the basement at these things."
Jeff interrupts his air-guitaring to glare at Steve, bur Eddie holds out a hand and assures him that Steve's just fucking around. Before Steve can apologize or defend himself, Long Hair Guy leans in across the circle, his eyes wide and intense and bloodshot to hell.
"Dude," he greets. "You have. Such beautiful hair."
Steve barks a laugh. Robin rolls her eyes. Jonathan also rolls his eyes, but it seems more fond and less annoyed. "Can't take you anywhere," he mutters to the guy, then asks them, "You guys met Argyle yet?"
Steve holds out a hand. Confusion washes over him as he processes what Jonathan just said. "Uh." Argyle. "Like the sweater?"
"Yeah, man," Argyle smiles, dopey and slow. Sure. The guy in head-to-toe tie-dye and a neon green fanny pack is named Argyle. Why not? "My parents wanted a sheep, but they got me, instead."
Jonathan laughs like it's the funniest joke he's ever heard. Steve's pretty sure he's too sober for this conversation.
They exchange handshakes, and Robin asks if she can touch the guy's hair, and they all slip into easy, friendly conversation, naturally splintering into smaller groups of twos and threes. Steve's just getting the rundown on all the 'sick new gear' the band got for Christmas when the song changes, and god, this night just could not get better.
"Oh, fuck off!" Eddie groans in the DJ's direction.
Steve has to practically swallow his lips to keep himself from cackling, and then he gives up and does it, anyway, because Eddie looks like he just sucked a lemon while watching a dog die as his bandmates all start sing-shouting along. "We're talking away..."
"No." Eddie wheels around and points a finger at Steve, because Steve's singing, too.
Steve just sings louder. "I don't know what, I'm to say!"
"Oh, my god." He scrubs a hand down his face, dragging the skin down until Steve can see the pale pink of his inner eyelid. "Nobody I know has any goddamn taste!"
"Maybe you don't have any taste!" Robin teases, bouncing around and swinging her arms haphazardly to the music.
Nancy backs her up with a mumbled "Yeah!" but she's still spinning around in such tight circles that Steve doubts she has a single clue what's happening in the argument right now. Which is kind of endearing, actually. He likes how willing she is to stick up for people.
The chorus kicks in; Gareth air-drums the switch to half time just before Frank does an honestly super impressive falsetto of 'in a day or twoooooo', and Eddie despairs while Steve laughs his fucking head off.
part 46
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Hi hi !! 🎀 anon here! May I get some HCs of Laughing Jack, Tim Wright/Masky and Jeff the Killer with an affectionate clingy s/o please and thank you! 🥹👉👈
(An unrelated note regarding last time: My job and boss is actually super cool and they said I can dye my hair!! I’m so stoked eek! <3 magenta highlights, once again, after so many years, here I come! They have been missed…)
a/n: omg yay!! happy you get to dye your hair!! <3
with an affectionate and clingy gn!s/o.
includes: laughing jack, jeff the killer, and tim wright.
warnings: uh... none... i don't think.
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Out of all three, Laughing Jack is definitely the most stoked about having an affectionate and clingy significant other.
My guy has terrible abandonment issues, and he can be a bit clingy himself if the mood calls for it, so to have someone who doesn't want to leave his side? Might as well return him to heaven or something, because nothing will ever get better than that.
He is equally as affectionate if we're being honest.
Yeah, he's a big scary evil clown and all that terrorizes children but he knows how to be nice to the people he likes.
Knowing that you cling to him the way you do, it helps reassure him that you don't intend on leaving anytime soon. I mean, if you wanted to leave him, then you wouldn't be clinging to him like you always seem to do, right?
And so long as you keep clinging to him like you do, then his abandonment issues will rarely ever show up and everything will be all good and a-okay.
Hm... he can't decide if he likes you being clingy or if it annoys him. He won't lie, he loves the attention and it feeds his ego whenever you praise him or call him beautiful. You being affectionate is something he knows he likes. But he's not sure if he's fond of the clingy part or not.
When he first met Nina, she was pretty damn clingy as well, and that made him grow to hate her. To be fair, he didn't harbor any feelings for her. He does harbor feelings for you, however, and it feels different when you cling to him.
There are days when he can't stand you clinging to him, and he'll make it known in a rather rude way, to be honest. But there are also days when he wants you to cling to him because sometimes, your clinging to him feels a lot more genuine than your affectionate words.
He's very 50/50 on it, and it can change by the hour, to be honest. But he's fine with it more often than he's not. Only because he likes you.
But will he ever actually tell you that he likes it? Probably not.
It'll be fairly obvious though. Jeff may be rude, but he's not exactly the best at hiding his emotions around people he feel comfortable with.
Please give him time to adjust because holy shit there's no way he'll be immediately comfortable with you clinging to him. He can barely take a compliment without feeling uncomfortable, so there's no way he'll be fine with physical affection right off the bat.
He'll tense up whenever you throw your arms around him, and it'll be very awkward because he's not entirely sure what he's supposed to do. Does he hug you back or does he just stand there? He's never been super close to people like this before, so it's all still very new to him.
If he becomes too uncomfortable, he'll let you know and will definitely put some distance between the two of you until he no longer feels that way.
He doesn't feel suffocated by your affection and clingy behavior, it's just something he's struggling to get used to because, I mean, Tim does have the mindset of 'I don't deserve this type of love' so it's very hard for him to accept it.
He'll definitely distance himself from you entirely during the events of Marble Hornets because there's no way he wants you getting involved, and he already blames himself for everything that's happening. He doesn't want anything to happen to you.
And if you're still around after the events of Marble Hornets, then honestly he would need your clinginess to ground him.
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