Well, in the joyous rush that follows releasing Kaleidosonic I have been truly blessed. It has been a very long saga of work, and I really love celebrating its release and getting to know what it means to listeners.
I’ve found lots of people who appreciate the Album Artwork for the limited edition Kaleidoscope packing, helped into print by my Sister, Jenny.
I’ll be talking to Keith Fabrique on Hillz 96.8FM, Coventry. I’m looking forward to airing some information about the messages on the album, as well as perhaps talking about the process of making a solo/session project...
Stay Tuned!
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August Efforts
It’s now August, somehow, and I meet with the calendar month of Kaleidosonic’s completion. I am optimistic and have 3 and a 1/4 songs to get recorded and sent to Jake Willmott, the Jedi Mastering Engineer. I may not be releasing videos for a little while as I focus on/panic about album Artwork, CD Duplication, Budgets, Postage, Praying people still buy CDs, etc.
#August#Music#CD#Production#kaleidosonic#Album#Homemade#Home Recording#Videosongs#Videosong#Psychedelic#Psychedelia
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High Priestess
High Priestess is a song I wrote whilst spending some time in a family hideaway in North England. I’m very grateful to have that space, by the Sea, where I can retreat and think, reflect & write music.
High Priestess is to do with Tarot Cards; the Druid craft (Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm) deck in particular. I had been recently ‘initiated��� by a Mentor, David Sutch, a practicing Druid.
I was fascinated by the story and context of the High Priestess. Here was this mysterious wild-banshee Shamanic character who understands the inner realms.
The lyrics were enjoyable to write, particularly where to place line breaks in order to create double meanings;
“I know the Future.....isn’t really ours to see...until we open up the Present (Prescience), that is the only way. In Witch in can be”
I had personally become so obsessed with Divination and Fate/Destiny that I had robbed myself of the present moment. Every now and again I witness a synchronicity that appears to me to be some personal prophecy. I do not view myself as a ‘chosen one’ or any such hierarchal figure, but I do believe it wise to follow ones messages and lessons in Life.
The song celebrates, in whatever way, our humble ignorance in understanding indeed how Life is possible at all. In Shamanic trances and practices, the only way to ‘experience’ what Life is, is to induce (via whatever means), Ecstasies ~ or out-of-body sensations. This holds true in the line;
Where all this comes from, you can only understand when you’re willing to die.
#High Priestess#Kaleidosonic#Tarot#Druidry#Druidcraft#Phillip Carr-Gomme#Stephanie Carr-Gomm#Shamanism#Shamanic Repression
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Wish I had explored Op(tic) Art and Green screens earlier on for Kaleidosonic, this would make such a great backdrop. #ilikehashbutidontlikethetag
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Humble Pie (Porridge)
I’m back on the Coventry scene, having performed at The Nursery Tavern. It was the first time unveiling my ‘costume’; bare feet and harem trousers allows me to use my yogic approach to performance. A feather strapped to my head to allow my thoughts to fly. I always look out on to a sea of bewildered faces, and never know what people make of my performances, but I did see an old student who has come a long way, and met Steve & Tim, a wonderful banjo/electric guitar duo who also put on nights at EGO Performance Theatre, also in Coventry. I hope to perform there some day.
Having recorded more drums for Kaleidosonic and now editing together more video, I’m finding that funds are very low so I am glad to be off my one-week break from teaching, but I will have to live off porridge every morning from now on out, I think. No more clothes, no luxuries, no holidays, just graft! Ah, what a strange thing to be so in Love with making music, in itself it is a reward!
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‘Til I make it to Elysium
And so the journey begins...I have finished recording and filming the first track from Kaleidosonic; ‘Til I make it to Elysium.
I recorded the main part of the track at home, and had help with the Drum recording from Sam Poole. It’s great to work with other people, though it’s rarely something I can afford to do; and I believe in a fair wage.
Samantha Hunt helped out on Soprano vocals. What I have done for the entirety of Kaleidosonic is recorded almost complete demo tracks and performed all of the parts...then I re-record everything in one take, and film it too. This method includes no real audio-editing, auto-tuning etc. It’s a really lengthy process so I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
At the start of Kaleidosonic writing process I bought a notepad from DeadBeat Art (Fargo Village, Coventry). The artwork on Bandcamp is by Joanne Ostrowska. I love supporting local and independant talent anyway, but what sold me was the Peacock on the front...
For those of you not well-versed in Greek Mythology, Elysium is a warm balmy vision of paradise where Peacocks grove upon mossy beds by silver lakes. All is peaceful, all is calm. I took a verse from Virgil’s Aenid “rest on easy, and thence descend, the path conducts you to your journey’s end..”. I hope he doesn’t sue me for copyright. I think that runs out after a few millennia, right?
#greek mythology#elysium#peacock#aenid#virgil#psychedelia#neo-psychedelia#music#videosong#kaleidosonic
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DAY OF LOVE ~ Today I offered these cards to individuals on the street. I have been single for a long time, but I know a lifelong Love is Kindness.
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I have today begun the recording of the first video & song for my next album release.
It's been a long time coming, after around 8 months of writing and preparing, it feels almost strange to be recording.
Recorded the 12-String Acoustic Guitar and Bass parts. Next will be to locate a venue and engineer to record the Drums...
#Recording#Home Recording#Acoustic guitar#12-string#Coventry#Spiros Abatis#Spiros#Abatis#Kaleidosonic#Elysium
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Before the beginning
As we make this turn into 2015 I have distilled 12 demo tracks for an upcoming album. Recording video will commence next week, and from there on I shall be aiming to push out 12 video songs by early July. Looking now over this vast task leaves me excited and anxious in equal measure as I have no idea how the process will roll out. After finishing 12 videos I will be getting the songs remastered and made into a feature length album, entitled 'Kaleidosonic' Here's to a productive and joyous new year!
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"The Only Step we need Plan is the Next.."
I was having a conversation with a friend recently, and a mutual concept was expressed; 'I feel older than I am. I wish to achieve so much in my life, I feel as though I'm moving too slowly.'
It's such a more welcome sensation to me to sing alongside those who are afraid (or terrified) to sing. It's a lesson in patience to teach others who reflect the impatience I have held.
And, I sometimes realise that, recording these demos for my next album, in my bedroom, becoming excited about the process and conceptualising the end result is wonderfiled...
It may be the chariot to taking a UK tour, it may be something to look on for posterity, but the Only step we need Plan is thE Next.
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Pleased to know you.
Dear Universe,
It is nice to realise this form for communicating with you. Today, I am going to work on Music & Majik. The sky is clear, cloudless, and pale blue here. There is a chill, the sort that keeps a tired fellow awake & feeling alive. I like what you've done with the place.
Yours Eternally,
#Universe#cosmic consciousness#cosmic connection#Love#Peace#Psychedelia#Music#Majik#Magic#Autumn#Elysium
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