#Jean-Luc Cappozzo
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Dave Rempis Percussion Quartet — Harvesters (Aerophonic)

Harvesters by Rempis Percussion Quartet
Saxophonist Dave Rempis is joined on Harvesters by bassist Ingebrigt Håker Flaten and two drummers, Tim Daisy and Frank Rosaly. The group last recorded in 2013, and the double CD is from their first tour of France in March 2023, a live evening at Le Petit Faucheux in Tours (The English translation of the venue’s name is “Little Daddy Long Legs”—Harvester is another name for the spider). Rempis and company spent a week visiting five venues in France. The set from Tours, their first night in the country, is extraordinary music-making.
Two pieces are on the first CD. “Everything Happens to You” is a half-hour long piece that presents an interesting reversal. It begins with trills and shrieks, out of which, after considerable free improv, a tune emerges. This setup is the opposite of traditional jazz performances, where the tune begins the proceedings to be followed by solos. The drummers create a welter of polyrhythms, rather than interlocking, complementing and responding to each other. Listening again, one can find scraps of the melody that eventually appears: Crafty construction and passionate execution.
Trumpeter Jean-Luc Cappozzo guests on “The Exuberant Aubergine,” playing high, breathy, glissandos while Rempis once again plays fleet trills. It is a slow tempo piece that is also a slow burner. The percussionists, for the most part, keep their powder and the dynamic level low. Cappozzo unfurls a wide-ranging solo and Rempis responds with bent notes and high glissandos of his own. Håker Flaten contextualizes the harmony with scalar passages and chromatic passagework. Cappozzo and Rempis trade riffs, sometimes imitating one another and at others doing their own thing. Duet becomes a trio with bass notes double-timing, moving through all the registers of the instrument. Solos are exchanged in the next section, with the percussionists pressing the action with muscular playing. Midway through, the surface calms, bass notes repeated instead of the previous scalar movement, misterioso melodies from trumpet and saxophone, and a general slowing down. Pops, clicks and slurps from the winds are responded to by accentuations in the percussion. A gradual accelerando and the return of Rempis’ trills signal a return to the demeanor of the opening volleys. The intensity ratchets up, with the drummers becoming more prominent than the winds, despite their altissimo held notes. Once again, riffs are traded, with a call and response between Rempis and Cappozzo responded to by intense playing from the rhythm section. The conclusion sees the drums move back to a simmer, the bass playing repeated notes against a decrescendo by the winds. Exuberant indeed.
CD 2 chronicles the second set. “Spooky Action” begins with a drum duet that introduces a syncopated rhythmic pattern. Rempis is buoyed by the drumming to soaring solos. Håker Flaten adds yet another layer of metric ambiguity. The rhythm section maintains its energetic performance, Rempis exploring and melding various melodic cells of material, creating flurries of ostinatos. Once again, a soulful melody is saved for late in the piece. At the last, the drums drop out, the bass plays repeated pitches, and Rempis builds the repeating patterns into a caterwauling climax, with the percussionists only then edging back in. Rempis concludes with a bluesy cadenza, punctuated by aphoristic gestures from the other players.
“Little Fascists” begins with Cagean percussion improv. Rempis enters similarly, with disjunct riffs and rasping, sustained pitches. He then builds overtones with perfectly tuned harmonics. Håker Flaten contributes a long high register arco trill, adding to the sense of experimentation. Rempis adds keening wails at the end of the piece. While the free jazz blowing on other tunes is exciting, “Little Fascists” has a distinctive sound world that is fascinating.
The final tune, “Fat Lip” opens with a bass solo in which harmonics are juxtaposed against a pizzicato solo that ranges the whole instrument. Håker Flaten has been a keen collaborator throughout the concert, and his solo brings this style to the fore. Rempis joins him with an undulating melody that begins brawny and slow and proceeds to mercurial runs. The drummers alternate between pulsation and freely constructed fills. Rempis returns to his mid-register melody, embellished with quick scales. The saxophonist savors an intervallic sequence, tweaking it here and there with half step variations. His solo quickens and takes up a stentorian tone. The rest of the group recognizes his intentions, pressing forward and creating a sweltering density. With raucous howls and undulating lines, Rempis fragments “Fat Lip’s” melodic contours. He eventually settles on two short riffs, that he repeats as the drummers add still more fills and Håker Flaten plays a modal ostinato. The conclusion is a decrescendo with a sizzle of cymbal at the end.
One hopes that more of the France tour might be committed to disc. This is Aerophonic’s tenth anniversary, and there are few better ways to celebrate than more of Rempis’s Percussion Quartet.
Christian Carey
#dave rempis percussion quartet#harvesters#aerophonic#christian carey#albumreview#dusted magazine#dave rempis#Ingebrigt Håker Flaten#tim daisy#frank rosaly#jazz#Jean-Luc Cappozzo
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Jean-Luc Cappozzo & Géraldine Keller - Air Prints
Ayler Records
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HDO 229. Joëlle Léandre: A Woman’s Work (II) [Podcast]
HDO 229. Joëlle Léandre: A Woman’s Work (II) [Podcast]
En HDO 229 continúa el repaso a la caja de 8 CD a woman’s work que en 2016 publicaba el sello Not Two para celebrar el 40º Aniversario de la actividad de la contrabajista Joëlle Léandre en la improvisación, que comenzábamos en HDO 226. En este segundo programa se puede escuchar a esta artista en solitario abriendo el programa, y a continuaciónen dúo con el trompetista Jean-Luc Cappozzo (en dos…
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#Audioblog#Fred Frith#Free Improvisation#free-jazz#Hablando de Oídas#HDO#HDO el podcast de jazz de Pachi Tapiz#HDO el podcast de Pachi Tapiz#HDO Hablando de oídas#Improvisación#Improvisación Libre#Jazz#Jazz en España#jazz en español#Jazz libre#Jazz Podcast#Jean-Luc Cappozzo#Joëlle Léandre#José Francisco Tapiz#La actualidad del jazz en España#Libre Improvisación#Pachi Tapiz#Podcast#podcast de jazz#Podcast de jazz en España#Podcast de jazz en español#Toma Jazz#Tomajazz#Tomajazz Toma Jazz
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Gaël Mevel - Mat Maneri - Jean-Luc Cappozzo - Thierry Waziniak chez Hélène
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Quelques photos © JJG FREE Jérôme Noetinger, Natacha Muslera, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, Isabelle Duthoit, Lionel fernandez, Liz Rasz Octobre 2020, aux Instants Chavirés, Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule et hors les murs, au Théâtre Berthelot, Théâtre Thénardier...
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♫ Listen: Cécile Cappozzo Trio - Sub rosa
Document smeared the top dollop on the mix to warm tape. When there’s that dollop, the fantasy of recording is apparent; the desire to be there increases, sweating under the collar. Here, there equals “Chaos (complete),” over 37 minutes of surge from Cécile Cappozzo, Patrice Grente and Etienne Ziemniak; and Jean-Luc Cappozzo somewhere in “Sub rosa.” Hot mic! Hot mic! Above the wing, the fire walk sears the brain. Below, feet. Longform footage from torso of the UAV traced poem in the backyard wildfire, no elevator in the country. Sub rosa by Cécile Cappozzo Trio http://j.mp/2C7Vlqm
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Happy Axe Kyoto Tour 2018
昨年に続き、Happy Axeことエマちゃんが来京します。以下の予��で一緒にやってますので、是非おこしください。

7/18 (wed) at ほんとレコード
open 20:00 start 20:30
Happy Axe, 山内弘太, Nice Legs (duo)
Visual: 井上理緒菜
charge ¥1,000-
ドリンク持ち込み自由 BYOB
7/19 (thu) at Urbanguild
“Living Arts vol.49″
◇ OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30 ◇ adv.1800 yen + 1drink / door.2000 yen + 1drink
Happy Axe, Puma, Thé à trois “茶三”トリオ:( Ying-Cheh Wang (Erhu) / Hugues Vincent (Cello) / Kumi Iwase/ Sax, Clpuma) 棒棒鼓鼓(bangbang gugu バンバングーグー)
7/20 (fri) at Len Kyoto Kawaramachi
open / start 19:00
charge free *投げ銭 Happy Axe, 山内弘太, sa/wa

Happy Axe
Happy Axe is multi-instrumentalist and musical polymath Emma Kelly. On her forthcoming debut album Dream Punching, Happy Axe weaves layers of vocals, violin and musical saw into a vibrant fever dream of ambient pop music. Listening to Happy Axe is a hypnotic experience. Deft melodies and atmospheric loops cascade and fold themselves around you.

1986年生まれ、京都市在住。quaeru、puma、yamathなどのギタリスト。2016年11月、ソロでオーストラリアツアー敢行。2017年、銭湯で録音したソロギターの音源をhoge tapesよりカセットリリース。

Nice Legs (duo)
Nice Legs is a candy-coated duo that blends magical dream-pop with the sinister and strange
ドリームポップバンドのNice Legs、この日はボーカルとギターのデュオでアンビエント。

ターンテーブルの改造など、自作した装置から作 り出される映像をカメラに取り込んで投影するVJパフォーマンス、また独特な手法で作られるインスタレーションや映像作品はデジタルとアナログの間の妙な 質感が特徴的。


棒棒鼓鼓(bangbang gugu バンバングーグー)
・nabeprodeath Lainy J Groove/シンプル浜田とnabeprodeath/Heavy ensemble of kyotoなどで叩いて歌うマルチタレント と ・LONGLEI Yusuke オーストラリア民族楽器ディジュリドゥにエフェクトやビートボックスを無茶に吹き込む変な人。from magomago/Heavy ensemble of kyoto によるドラム&ディジュの新ユニット 棒棒(bangbang バンバン) にはちょい過剰なほめ言葉な意味が有るアル。 你好棒棒(おめースゲーけどやり過ぎじゃね?)的な。

some silent footsteps, not a cat, a wild family , an animal , as pop, organic xp, xxx , a smile step down on the grass, a warm , green smell, in the forest a beast

ユーグ・ヴァンサン(Hugues Vincent)
クラシックチェロをデニス・チェレ(Denise Cherret)に師事、ジャズをl’edim音楽学校(パリ)とモントルイユコンセルバトワールで学び、音楽理論の学位と、中学高等学校音楽教員資格をパリ第8大学で取得。インプロヴィゼーションを研修やマスタークラス(とりわけソフィア・ドマンシッシ(Sophia Domanchich), ディディエ・ルヴァレ(Didier Levallet), レジス・ユビー( Régis Huby), ヴァンサン・クルトワ( VincentCourtois), バール・フィリップ( Barre phillips), アーネスト・ライジンガー( ErnstReisjeger)などと)で学ぶ。グループ参加として Bolitz のほかに、トリオ 「チルボル(Tilbol)」 、デュオ 「セルロイド(CelluloÏde)」(フランク・スミス(Frank Smith)エレクトロニックと。オディオロルネット(Odiolorgnette)レーベルからCDをリリース) 、ジョエル・レオンドル(JoëlLeandre)率いる「ストリング・プロジェクト(String Project)」、大友良英の 「ニュージャズアンサンブル」、 デヴィッド・S・ウェア(David S Ware)の「弦楽アンサンブル 」、デゥオ「ボウブン(Bobun)」(フランツ・ロリオ(ヴィオラ)) 、チェロ奏者森重靖宗とのデュオ、盆ノ窪セプテット(フランス/日本人の即興アンサンブル)、スカグループ 「ペリカンフリゼ(Le Pélican Frisé)」(ディスク3枚リリース)など。ほかにも ローランド・トッポー(Roland Topor)作「ルシアンに四本のバラを(Four Roses For Lucienne)」のための音楽制作、ジャンリューク・カポッゾ(Jean Luc Cappozzo)、ヴァンサン・クルトワー(Vincent Courtois)、クロウド・チャンミッチャン(Claude Tchamitchian)、ジャンフランソワー・プーブロワ(Jean François Pauvros)、 ルークエックス(Luc Ex)、 佐藤真、沖至 他との即興演奏共演、コンテンポラリーダンスカンパニー( 「アンアンスタン・カンパニー(Compagnie « Un Instant »)、チア・イン・リン(Chia Yin Ling)、ベルナルド・モンテ( Bernardo Montet))や、舞踏ダンサー(今貂子,イメル・テルマン(Imre Thormannのための作曲、即興。 ソロではアコースティックまたはエレクトロアコースティックでの即興、CD« Phonoscope &Fabulettes », « Tales of Noboru », « Onkyo no Hako »)制作、様々な舞台クリエーションなどで、世界各国(ドイツ、スイス、ベルギー、オランダ、イタリア、アメリカ、モロッコ、エジプト、日本など)で活躍。
Information ;http://www.myspace.com/huguesvincent
WANG Ying-Chieh / Erhu
Erhu virtuoso Wang Ying-chieh was born in Taipei, Taiwan. She first began her studies in piano, violin, and composition under the Western classical music tradition, then moved to Erhu and Traditional Chinese music. She served as the concertmaster of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra. Starting from 2012 she began her solo career, collaborating with artists from various fields and establishing Erhu as a solo instrument in diverse and non-traditional contexts. She was invited numerous times as a soloist and performed with ensembles such as Regensburg Philharmonic Orchestra in Germany, Ensemble KNM in Berlin, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Jiangsu Traditional Orchestra, National Chinese Orchestra of Taiwan, Taipei Chinese Orchestra, and the Kaohsiung Chinese Orchestra. She has also collaborated with the improvisation group MAFIA ensemble, and was the feature artist of the French contemporary music association TPMC’s “new works for Erhu” project. She was chosen by the Taiwan Music Institute for its innovative performer-composer commissioning partnership program. She has also been awarded by the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan for a residency at the Cité Internationale des arts in Paris. She received her Masters of Performing Art from the Chinese Culture University College of Arts in Taipei. Currently she is a member of the Pan Project Ensemble, an ensemble featuring traditional instruments from Chinese, Korea, and Japanese cultures; moreover, she serves as the artistic director of the Yunshuyachi Ensemble in Taiwan.
WANG, YING-CHIEH 王瀅絜 二胡綺想王瀅絜 二胡綺想injei.wordpress.com
岩瀬 久美
2000年に渡仏しエヴリーコンセルヴァトワールにてサックスフォーン科(2004年)、ジャズ科(2008年)、作曲科(2011年)、エレクトロアコースティック科(2013年)を卒業。ギョームロワ氏、イザベルデュトワ氏、ジャックディドナート氏、ニコラヴェラン氏、フィリップポルトジュア氏などの影響を受け、作曲とインプロヴィゼーションの関係、アコースティックとエレクトロニックの関係などについて興味を持つ。 画家とエレクトロニックとサックスのグループ『Iki no ato』やチェロとドラムとサックスのトリオ『Yasai』や、コメディアン、ダンサー、映画、文学や詩、数多くのミュージシャンと即興やコラボレーションを経験し、主にフランスや日本で演奏活動を行っている。https://soundcloud.com/kumi-iwase
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Zik Jazz : "João Camões, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, Jean-Marc Foussat" https://t.co/n0QXFUuLfb via #zyvaradio : https://t.co/n0QXFUuLfb
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João Camões / Jean-Luc Cappozzo / Jean-Marc Foussat – Autres Paysages (CLEAN FEED RECORDS 2017) Republic of Jazz The years spent in Paris by Portuguese violist João Camões prove to be fruitful once again with this new CD, his third with French synthesist Jean-Marc Foussat (the first one was a trio with Claude Parle and the second one a duo).
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FRANCE: Sea Song(e)s Freely inspired by the universe of the album of Robert Wyatt "Sea Song", in 4tet with Sophia Domancich, Bruno Tocanne, Antoine Läng and Rémi Gaudillat.
Sea Song(e)s Freely inspired by the universe of the album of Robert Wyatt "Sea Song", in 4tet with Sophia Domancich, Bruno Tocanne, Antoine Läng and Rémi Gaudillat.
« So beautifully refined - abstracted essences...The whole sound you make together is magical ! »Robert WYATT 23/04/2017
« So beautifully refined - abstracted essences...The whole sound you make together is magical ! » Robert WYATT 23/04/2017 Encouraged by the enthusiasm sparked by our work on the Carla Bley's "Escalator Over The Hill", approved by the composer herself at the end of a concert of our "Over The Hills" in Nevers Jazz Festival, then after listening to our album released in December 2015 (CHOC Jazz Magazine), we wished to work around another monument that had a lasting influence on the artistic and intellectual approaches of the actual music of these last 40 years: Robert Wyatt's "Rock Bottom" . Decades after its release in 1974, this album still appears as a disk with a mystical splendor, a burning issue, a UFO of music which offers a perfect view of the synthesis between pop-rock, jazz, psychedelic, between writing and improvisation ... with an emotion in its purest form! The presence of Sophia Domancich belonging to "the School of Canterbury" which includes several British artists including Robert Wyatt, Daevid Allen (Gong), or Hugh Hopper (Soft Machine) is not obviously not due to chance. Bruno Tocanne, initiator of "Over The Hills", artistic director of imuZZic network and Sophia Domancich know each others since a long time and have registered the first disc of her trio "Funerals" with John Greaves , already very close to Robert Wyatt universe. How to imagine a project around the universe of Robert Wyatt without trumpet? Rémi Gaudillat, musical companion of Bruno Tocanne since ten years, one of the pillars of the network imuZZic, accepted this new challenge with the enthusiasm that characterizes him, as Antoine Läng, Swiss singer-improviser perfectly mastering the electronic effects, that many have discovered with enthousisam in France with "Over the Hills". As we usually do with imuZZic network, we present here a collective project, a project where each one brings his sense of the game, his ideas, his partitions, his emotions ... Sharing the music, combining the singular to the plural. The thematic is close to the work presented around Syd Barrett with the I.overdrive trio or more recently - with a work on voice and electronic effects - on the Opera of Carla Bley: an extension, anchored in the avtuality, of the creative ferment of 60'-70' This was first a common wish to work on an emblematic song of the album of Robert Wyatt: "Sea Song", which will determine the direction that will take this new adventure. The idea was then to decline this song, to make it evolve in a spirit similar to that of Wyatt, both pop, rock, jazz, improvised, psychedelic. Then, progressively, we decided to include more personal texts, like those proposed by Antoine Läng, but also some of Marcel Kanche (to whom we owe some tubes of Matthew Cheddid or Axel Bauer ...). Domancich, who worked with singers such as John Greaves and Robert Wyatt himself, was then proposed to add a few songs wich she wrote the music So this is not there a recovery but rather a creation with a large majority of personal compositions and original texts, based on a free interpretation of the universe proposed by Robert Wyatt in the 70s. The album will release on November 2017 (Cristal records) TEASE
Musicians Sophia Domancich Piano, Keyboards, compositions Determined musician, digging the groove of piano on the borders of jazz and improvised music, Domancich cultivates requirement and fidelity lasting collaborations ...His meeting with drummer Pip Pyle will bring her to play often with English progressive rock musicians (Canterbury School) like the bassist and vocalist John Greaves, the saxophonist Elton Dean or bassist Hugh Hopper (Soft Machine ) with whom she participates with Didier Malherbeto « Equip 'Out » (Album1986). Having listened his first record ( "Funerals", 1991, with Bruno Tocanne), the English drummer Tony Levin invite her to play with him three weeks at the Ronnie Scott's in London with the bassist Paul Rogers. This is the beginning of a fruitful collaboration - four albums testify of that - that , for eight years, will allow them to fully explore a repertoire mainly written by the pianist... Domancich always gives the measure of his sensitivity, his sense of melody, attentive to the silence, revealing some controlled thunderstorms... In this music listening and breathing with impressionist qualities, refusing automation, writing is closely interwoven with improvised music in exploring the virtues of slowness and of the atmospheres of mystery... In 1995, she formed a quartet with two trumpeters, Jean-François Canape and Patrick Fabert. Part of the National Jazz Orchestra directed by Didier Levallet, she develops an accompanying activity, while keeping links with British musicians (Evan Parker, Paul Dunmall), the closer to the French scene ( Eric Barret, Jean-Jacques Avenel, Claude Barthélemy which prompted the creation of Barthématiques...) In 1999, the Academy of Jazz awarded him the Django Reinhardt prize which salutes the French musician of the year. In 2001, she is refocusing on its own musicand form a new trio with bassist Claude Tchamitchian and drummer Simon Goubert, exploring forms more open to improvisation.Michel Marre and Jean-Luc Cappozzo will join them for the quintet Pentacle (2003 Sketch label) whose originality is based mainly on the association of sounds of euphonium and trumpet. She works again with John Greaves and with Vincent Courtois in 2002 , then with Elton Dean and Hugh Hopper, participated to the creation of "Soft Bounds" in 2005 with Simon Goubert on drums, a group explicitly included in the heritage of Soft machine ... " Vincent Bessières Rémi Gaudillat Trumpet, flugelhorn, compositions After studying music at the Conservatoire of Lyon, Rémi Gaudillat created in 2003 its first formation, the trio "No violence". A disc has been recorded in 2004, which involved trumpeter Jean-Luc Cappozzo. He then joined the quintet of pianist Joachim Expert, with whom he won the Jury Prize "Suivez le Jazz". In 2005 he created "Dr. Lester", a brass band inspired by the Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy. The brass band won the springboard "Suivez le Jazz." in 2006. Three discs appear, the last, "No Way !" welcoming Glenn Ferris as guest. In 2010, Rémi Gaudillat writes "Orpheus", a show combining theater and music around the famous myth. In 2012, he created a quartet with Fred Roudet (tp), Loïc Bachevilliers (tbn) and Laurent Vichard (cl). A first recording, "The Song of the Possibles", was published in 2013 under the label IMR then they took the name of "Possible (S) Quartet". Alongside his personal projects, Rémi Gaudillat joined in 2006 the imuZZic network. Fe particpate to mosy of the projects : the first series of Bruno Tocanne 's "new dreams" , the Libre Ensemble, the I.Overdrive trio with Philippe Gordiani, "Round about 68" wiyh Hassse Poulsen, the I.Overdrive this trio with the singer Marcel Kanche around songs of Léo Ferré. In 2012, he recorded also in New York with the French-american's quartet of Bruno Tocanne (In a Suggestive Way). In 2014, he participated in the project imuZZic Grand (s) Ensemble, "Over The Hills" as a musician and arranger and he co-directs "Canto De Multitudes" with Bruno Tocanne (inspired by the Canto General of Pablo Neruda), command of the Montbrison's Theatre. The imuZZic network was also the occasion of musical encounters with Louis Sclavis, Jean-Philippe Viret, Domancich, Daniel Erdmann, Hasse Poulsen, Quinsin Nachoff (Can), Russ Lossing (USA), Michael Bates (USA), Samuel Blaser (Switzerland), Russ Johnson (USA), Stefano Risso (IT), Frederico Casagrande (IT), Banz Oester (CH), Denis Beuret (CH). It also occurs occasionally with the big bands "The Very Big Toubifri Experimental Orchestra" and "Bigre ! " Antoine Läng Vocal, electro, compositions Born in 1975 in Switzerland, Antoine Läng tackles very early his first instrument, the voice, in many aspects, fascinated by the plasticity of voice, his approach to the instrument now extends to several registers - spoken, sung, noisy - and includes some vocal's technique at the border of the lyrical sophistication and the brute animality. His debut in the rock band "Ilkhah" led him to develop some versatility in the use of voice in various registers such as singing, yelling or rap. This taste for hybridization and experimentation then the wish to use electronics to the voice permit him to extend the field of possible. Initiated with rock and metal groups, this process momentum is now more and more directed towards the experimental and improvised music. His most recent projects, his solo performances and the occasional impromptu meetings in which he took part are opportunities to show the possible combinations of electronics and voice. Active in the Geneva Association Akouphène since 2008, Antoine Läng is involved in the festival program of the same name. It is also part of the Insubordinations association whose activities focus on the development of improvised music scene in Switzerland. Antoine joined the imuZZic network via his active amazing participation and in the "Over The Hills" project. Bruno Tocanne drums, artistic direction "A sensitive colorist whose deep sense of listening is the mark of an artist in a constant state of arousal ... Many beautiful things have happenedsince the early 90s in particular when he played alongside Sophia Domancich and imprinted his mark on the album "Funerals" (with John Greaves) then with the Trio Résistances and its three feverish albums whose melodies, like hymns,remain imprinted in you a long time; Bruno Tocanne told us about his dreams with the series of "new dreams" with a few notable musicians like Rémi Gaudillat, Quinsin Nachoff (Canada), Michael Bates (USA), Samuel Blaser (CH), Fred Roudet ... he leaned happily on a certain art of suggestion with "in a suggestive way" by recording an album in New York with pianist Russ Lossing (companion of Paul Motian to whom is dedicated to this album), he told about his freedom in a vital album "Libre (s) Ensemble", has made beautiful improvised album with pianist Henri Roger, he delivered electricity in his music with the guitarist Alain Blesing for an explosive" Madkluster "... Co-pilot of an I.Overdrive trio taut as a bow, he recorded with his accomplices Philippe Gordiani and Rémi Gaudillat a tribute to Syd Barrett, founder of Pink Floyd, before crossing the road of Léo Ferré with complicity of Marcel Kanche; never satiated new landscapes, he lent the support of his skins and cymbals to the bewitching song of Senem Diyici... The list is not exhaustive and continuous history " Denis Desassis - Citizen Jazz Bruno Tocanne founded the imuZZic network in 2000 following a three-year residency at the Elysee - Lyon (Agapes) 2014 - 2017 Bruno Tocanne is at the initiative of "Over The Hills", a reinterpretation of the iconic Opera of Carla Bley "Escalator Over The Hill" with the imuZZic Grand Ensemble, which receives support of the composer, in addition to the invaluable help of Steve Swallow. He also co-directs the Gaudillat - Tocanne / "Canto de Multitudes", participates in the new Marcel Kanche's project (including a CD released in November 2015 for Pbox - Caramba Productions), he plays with musicians among the most creative of the jazz and improvised music in Europe, such as Federico Casagrande, Didier Levallet, Daniel Erdmann, Michel Benita, Francesco Bearzatti, Stefano Risso. .. Not to mention a memorable tour of over 40 concerts across Siberia in the summer of 2014, with Fred Roudet and Alain Blesing. The creations of imuZZic network are suppoorted by «L'Affiche» with the help of Drac Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Région Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, Spedidam, Adami, Sacem L'Affiche – imuZZic 12, rue du bourg 16730 Trois Palis France [email protected] 06 16 26 24 09 via Blogger http://ift.tt/2skNAcl
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João Camões, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, & Jean-Marc Foussat - Autres Paysages
Clean Feed
#João Camões#Jean-Luc Cappozzo#Jean-Marc Foussat#Autres Paysages#Clean Feed#2017#album art#jazz#Free improvisation
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Zik Jazz : "Daunik Lazro, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, Didier Lasserre" https://t.co/jvh7J4xVJA via #zyvaradio : https://t.co/jvh7J4xVJA
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Daunik Lazro, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, Didier Lasserre - Garden(s) (2017)
Daunik Lazro, Jean-Luc Cappozzo, Didier Lasserre – Garden(s) (2017)
2017 Ayler Records Daunik Lazro baritone, tenor saxophone Jean-Luc Cappozzo trumpet, flugelhorn Didier Lasserre drums 1. Sophisticated Lady 4:23 2. Joy Spirit 7:14 3. Garden 1 10:25 4. Lonnie’s Lament 5:31 5. Garden 2 2:59 6. Angels 7:15 7. Garden 3 14:28 8. Hop Head 3:12 ▼
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Zik Jazz : "Workshop de Lyon & Jean-Luc Cappozzo" https://t.co/YU3ibAAzPx via #zyvaradio : https://t.co/YU3ibAAzPx
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Zik Jazz : "Workshop de Lyon & Jean-Luc Cappozzo" https://t.co/FwbpyXkVdQ via #zyvaradio : https://t.co/FwbpyXkVdQ
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