#Jean values the people he’s with and want to remember them
starry-night-ly · 5 months
You know my personal theory on why tsc doesn’t have the exy rulebook in it is because Jean doesn’t give a shit about it in the same way Neil does. Instead we get the Trojans lineup, in order.
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huiyi07 · 4 months
hey so do you guys ever think about how often Diluc is referred to as the ‘uncrowned king of Mondstadt’ since he’s like the only male heir to the noble families and like it or not, where Jean is the authority of the nation, he’s pretty much the symbolic face of Mondstadt and the values the nation projects— and despite his temperament, Diluc has learned to embrace it wholeheartedly. He’s charismatic, extremely righteous, and he blazes bright and gives the people of Mondstadt a fire that guides them in the dark, quite literally. Like he’s literally Bruce Wayne lmao
But he doesn’t want this, no, and here’s the proof- maybe he did, once upon a time, before everything happened— but he doesn’t really care about wine, he only cares about the winery because of the people in it and his father. He’s righteous but doesn’t give a damn about the rules and the knights of favonius. After what happened to him, he’s clearly a rebel at heart now, not some charming superhero who does everything expected of him, unlike before. In summary, Diluc was someone who was quite literally ready to become an (uncrowned) prince, pretty much royalty in every way except title- and on surface level, he still is, but he throws that mantle away in secret whenever he can.
And then look at Kaeya, his brother who’s always lived in his shadow. It’s easy to see that now, people don’t really project Mondstadt’s values onto Kaeya the same way they do onto Diluc, since lots of people hardly even remember that they’re brothers. And yeah people still think kaeya is reliable and nice, but also because of how Kaeya built his image after Diluc left— an excessively over the top personality that pretends to be sadistic, mean, and at the same time dripping with false charm. So despite that people still find him approachable and nice as expected of a knight, hardly anyone would call him befitting of a prince.
But Kaeya is actually so painfully and authentically ‘princely’ and kind, deep down— the way he deals with children, his fierce loyalty and willingness to protect people at all costs, his self sacrificial tendencies that most often appear for Diluc’s sake. Even the tidbits of lore we get about him scream aristocracy- his ‘ceremonial’ bladework, Alberich family secrets that reveal just how central they are to the kingdom of khaenriah. This is kinda obvious to any player who’s bothered to learn anything about kaeya, but to the characters in game, there are very few that know that side of him.
And whereas Diluc is forcibly projected the title of royalty and secretly rejects it, Kaeya was actually born into it- his family is very important to Khaenriah, and much like how he does with anything related to his past and heritage, he loudly and outwardly rejects anything to do with ‘royalty’. Diluc outwardly rejects what Kaeya shows (a darker, more ‘means justify the end’ nature), and Kaeya tries to hide what Diluc projects (a sophisticated and aristocratic upbringing).
Honestly? It’s as if they were swapped at birth. Kaeya’s real hidden nature, even after everything that happened to him, remains to be so unwavering and people-oriented, while Diluc’s true personality changed drastically over time. Not that Diluc isn’t unwavering or whatever, but Diluc mostly actively rejects relationships and prefers to do everything alone, obsessed with the idea that he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt, whereas Kaeya always, always yearns for companionship and for people to be by his side- solidarity.
Diluc is the poster image of royalty, but his brother who hides in the shadows is a real king. They complete each other, balance each other out, represent the parts that the other hides. I don’t know if hoyoverse always meant them to be that way, but damn they basically represent each other’s parts of themselves that they lost. Yin and Yang, two halves of the same whole.
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WIBTA if I tell a couple I'm a mistress for both of them?
this is a long one and a very weird situation but here we go. I (28F) have been seeing two people recently. I've been seeing C (30F) for a little over 5 months and M (29M) for almost 6 months. both relationships are currently in a state of non-commitment, even though I've expressed feelings in both relationships and theyve been reciprocated, but I'm naturally not a super commitment-focused person and both of the people I'm seeing have respected that a lot, so yeah.
anyways, both relationships have been great and I'm incredibly happy w them, and since neither are committed to me I've kind of just assumed that both C and M were likely seeing other people as well even if we haven't talked about it.
WELL. about a week ago C came over to my place to spend the night, which she does like once a week or every other week. she goes to take a shower and I start gathering laundry and grab her stuff to throw in with mine and take her phone out of her jeans. I glance at the screen and see a few texts from a contact called "my love <3"
I was kinda surprised by this because while not talking to me about casual relationships is not something I would care about, the contact name made me think she had a more serious relationship going on, which I don't mind but would like to be informed about.
soooo okay I did an admittedly asshole thing and read the text. and then read a few more. and it became apparent that this was a REALLY committed relationship. like, I love yous, I'll be back home soon, please remember to grab so and so from the grocery store, stuff like that.
the contact picture looked kind of familiar too so I clicked on it to see better and it ended up being a picture of M.
I kind of flipped at this bc this is kind of a ridiculous situation, and I left my apartment for some air. I came back like 30 minutes later and C was waiting for me and confused where I'd been (she didn't see/hear me leave since she was still in the shower).
I apologized to her for looking at her phone but told her that I saw the texts from her partner, and that I was feeling kind of hurt that she hadn't told me that she had a more serious relationship going on, since she knows I value transparency. I specifically did not mention that I was also dating M or knew who he was because I felt I needed to scope out the situation more.
she ended up breaking down in tears and spilled everything. told me that M is her husband, that he doesn't know she's been seeing me, that shes felt so conflicted and guilty because she loves him but has really grown to love me too, that she feels wrong and dirty for keeping everything secret. I'm upset that I've been made into a mistress without knowing, but I try to talk to her about everything, we end up staying up super late talking and crying and pouring our hearts out. I still don't mention that I'm dating M too because I feel like I need to talk to him about this before any big decisions are made on my part.
I ended up inviting M to stay at my place a few nights later, and I confront him about the fact that I know he has a wife (made up something about my friend seeing them out together) and ask why he's kept this from me. his reaction was really similar. guilt, not understanding why he's attracted to two people at once, saying he very deeply loves C and doesn't want to leave her but really loves me too, says he's confused and doesn't know what to do. I don't mention to him that I know C or that I'm dating her.
I asked him if he's heard of polyamory before, and he said yes but he doesn't know anything about it really. I ended up encouraging him to maybe talk to his wife to see if that's something she'd be interested in, but he was terrified that she'd be hurt by the suggestion.
I really do love both of them and don't want to leave them. I've been poly for a long time and am very familiar with navigating ethical non monogamy, and to me this feels a lot like two poly people struggling to come to terms with and accept a facet of their sexualities, and they're just navigating that confusion and self discovery in ways that are...not great. but, I want to give them grace for their mistakes I guess?
so this is the part where I think I might be the asshole if I go thru with it. I've talked with both C and M separately about talking to their spouse about what's been going on and about polyamory in general, and they're both fucking terrified and really don't want to. so, I was thinking of inviting them both to my place at the same time to hash it out (without telling them that the other person will be there, since they still don't know I'm dating both of them). I think once they realize they've been dating the same person things might be easier to navigate, and will force them to confront what's been going on?? but also idk if springing this on them is the best thing I could do, but I really have no idea how to navigate this differently.
to be frank, if they love each other and both love me, my ideal outcome is that we continue things as they have been but with no secrecy and 100% transparency. I'm also afraid that even though they've both been seeing the same person and have expressed interest in polyamory after talking about it with me, they might feel personally betrayed by each other and everything could backfire spectacularly, AND I could possibly explode their whole marriage.
so, WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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ithebookhoarder · 9 months
(BAU Headcanons) Spending a day off with your S.O.
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Aaron Hotchner
Ok. So. First of all... Aaron's casual wardrobe is sinful and I feel like I need to mention it when talking about days off. After all, he's not going to turn down the excuse not to wear a shirt and tie, knowing jeans and his usual polo shirts are better suited to both relaxing and possibly chasing after Jack.
If you two ever got a rare day off then he would do his best to make you breakfast in bed, knowing that having an excuse to stay in bed is a luxury.
If Jack is with you, and not at Jessica's, then you know Jack would be right next to him in the kitchen, begging to help. I mean, if you watch Bluey, picture the episode where Bingo is trying to make that omelette for Bandit on his birthday... that's basically the vibe here.
Hotch wouldn’t try to force you out of the house if you didn’t want to go, as he’s perfectly happy to stay in and play with you and Jack. After all, you have the most recent lego set, which you bought him for his birthday, to finish building.
"You up for that buddy? Six hands are better than four, after all."
Or, if you don't have the energy or patience, then you three can curl up on the sofa together and watch movies and the backlog of tv shows you’ve missed out on whilst you’ve been away working. 
Fun Fact: Aaron would rather die than admit to the rest of the BAU that you got him hooked on reality shows like The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills or Below Deck -but he is. He finds them fascinating case studies in human behaviour... or that's his excuse anyway when you call him out on it.
However, if you do want to actually leave the house and get outside then he’d be pretty relaxed about whatever it is you wanted to do, as long as you could all do it together. 
He'd also love it if you both got the chance to go for a run, enjoying the rare opportunity to race you through the nearby park. You can just soak in the sunshine and watch the other people as they make their way through the world, before grabbing a coffee on your way home.  
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David Rossi 
Rossi is a man who knows the value of creature comforts, as we've seen repeatedly in the show. You know this man enjoys having time off to indulge himself - and you too.
As soon as he knows he has the day off, you can bet he's driving you to the local farmer's market to buy all the ingredients needed for a home cooked feast. 
Despite promising to be there only an hour, you know he's the kind of person who would talk to each and every vendor, learning all their names and asking after their families as if they've been friends since birth.
You'd end up spending almost the entire morning - and part of the afternoon - shopping, sampling various treats and wares, and buying several bag's worth, before you're finally able to drag him back to the car.
As he's cooking, Rossi would definitely play his favourite records. He alternates between crooning along and telling you tidbits about the artists - and the many crazy memories he has about these records.
"Did I ever tell you about the time I first heard this? We were in this tiny little motel, in the middle of a horrific blizzard, and several whiskeys in..."
It's hard not to get distracted, drawn in as he pulls you close and starts dancing about the kitchen. You'd get so distracted that you almost let dinner spoil and only remember it's even there when you start to smell something burning.
"Ah! Merda!"
After dinner you know you'd end up outside on his patio, enjoying the view as the sun goes down, over a cocktail of his choosing.
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Derek Morgan
You know this eager beaver would not be spending a day off with you doing nothing or letting the day ‘go to waste’.
He’d be at your doorstep bright and early, looking unfairly energetic for someone who has been running on minimal sleep all week.
Thankfully, he brings coffee and breakfast with him which is his way of bribing you to get your ass up and out with him. 
As for the day itself, he’d either have the day planned to a ’t’ or he’d have nothing planned at all. 
“Relax, sweetness, we’re letting the day take us where it may. Enjoy the ride.” 
He'd love having a reason to take you to whatever property he's renovating, hoping to share his vision for the place and getting your opinion on it all.
He'd even let you have a swing or two with a sledgehammer if there's a dry-wall that needs taking down. It's a great stress-reliever for you both, and there's nothing like hammering along in the time to beat of whatever playlist he's chosen.
He'd also order you a pizza, or whatever take-out you fancied, as payment for all your hard work.
You know he'd also been keen to help you wash up later, running you both a hot bath to soak in as you actually have the time to enjoy it.
And just between us - he knows Hotch and Rossi would have his guts his they found out - but he may or may not have left your cellphones on the bed-side table just to ensure you get an hour of peace, undisturbed...
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Emily Prentiss
Ok. So. Emily loves having a day off almost as much as she enjoys working.
She doesn't require much in the way of plans. In fact, her ideal day off from the BAU involves you, a crossword puzzle, and your usual table by the window at the coffee shop around the corner.
It's right by the window, so you can bathe in the sun whilst you nurse your way through coffee after coffee.
The whole place reminds her of one similar that she spent her time in, in Paris. Just like then, she loves reading books, and completing the daily crossword with your help.
"Damn it. This is what time in Europe gets you - I forgot there's no 'u' in color. No wonder it wasn't fitting."
Emily also has a game she likes to play, watching the people around you, guessing what their stories are and imaging outlandish profiles for them all. It's a privilege to enjoy it when it's for entertainment and not out of a need to be aware of your surroundings or an ongoing threat assessment. 
Afterwards, you'd go for a stroll around the park and most likely visit the shops you rarely get a chance to.
You both spend ages going through the racks and modelling outfits for one another, knowing you need some new things to fill out your wardrobes other than work-attire. It's a like private treat for yourselves.
Once you're home again, I feel Emily would want to cook and would do a pretty good job when she has the energy. However, she is not above ordering takeout when you both can’t be bothered. 
After all, it gives you both more time together to lie in bed, with Sergio curled up between you, purring loudly as you take it in turns to pet him.
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Depending on when you two got together (before or after Will), she would love to have a chance for the both of you to spend the day with Henry.
You're her family and the most important thing in the world to her. It's why she can't stop beaming as you spend the afternoon at the park together, running rings around the place and clambering all over the playground.
"I swear this kid is faster than most of the Unsubs we chase - and more sneaky too."
JJ would bring all your favourite snacks with her so you can all lie out on the grass and feast once your energy levels drop. She doesn't even mention the sugar content or how many E-numbers there are. You all deserve a treat, Henry included, so she's willing to put her 'mom hat' aside for a minute.
I feel like she'd also try and put her mom hat aside so you two can have some time without a child in tow. She'd try and make a last minute arrangement to get a sitter so you two can have some 'adult' time.
This normally involves making a reservation at your favourite restaurant, and insisting on you both dressing fancy just for the fun of it.
After all, you never get to play at being grown ups and just enjoy wearing something because it looks nice and not because you can run around in the field in it.
"I've had these heels for years and I swear I've only got to wear them like three times - and this skirt! I love this skirt."
Once you get to the restaurant, you spend hours just talking, drinking, and eating before taking a stroll on the way home.
You then curl up in bed and fall asleep to the sound of the TV playing your favourite movies, safe and warm in each other's arms.
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Penelope Garcia 
This girl is the queen of relaxing. If she doesn’t have to be awake before noon then you can bet your ass she’ll be tucked up and toasty till 12:01. 
Once she's awake, however, she's a flustered mess, struggling to pick between her various plans for your time off together. There's just so much she wants to do with you and never enough time.
"What? I'm the queen of fun and I just want to make sure we make the most of our time together, sugar plum. I can't help it. I'm excited to have a day just you and me, not that I don't love the others too. I do, but you know, just having it be us is rare -"
You stop her rambling with a kiss, which of course makes her melt.
I feel like Penelope would always try and spend part of the day with you in the kitchen, baking a new recipe to take to work for the others to try.
She'd also love spending the day on the sofa with you, watching either a Rom-com or a Sci-fi marathon (depending on your moods).
Once the decision has been made, she'd insist on gathering supplies - AKA: onesies, takeout and face masks.
"It's the holy trinity of self-care," she explains, holding up your choices. "Now, do you want the tea-tree or coconut face mask?"
However, if you do feel like getting out of the house, then Penelope would take you on theatre trips - which are booked last minute but with amazing seats (courtesy of Penelope’s connections and slightly unorthodox know-how).
The others are still jealous after finding out she got you tickets to Hamilton, front row, with the original cast.
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Dr Spencer Reid
You know Spencer is the kind of person that has a list of things the size of his arm that he’d love to do with you on a rare day off. 
You’d probably have to negotiate with him to figure out which ones you could reasonably do in just 24 hours - and you try to find a balance between appeasing his interests and yours. 
For example, you don’t mind sitting through a Russian movie festival if afterwards he agrees to let you wander around your favourite bookshop and spend as long as you want exploring the shelves - without him critiquing or spoiling the endings before you even have a chance to read the blurb. 
If you also happened to let it slip that you'd never watched every single episode of Doctor Who that's ever been made, then you know your future days off will be spent marathoning on the couch. 
"I'm just saying that he's underrated as the Doctor as arguably the narratives of his episodes are far better developed and reflect the point of the show, which is that the Doctor isn't perfect but rather a time-travelling refugee who acts as a healer, counsellor, and protector of the universe. It's why he calls himself 'The Doctor' ..."
He always looks so adorable when he gets excited about something he loves. It's hard not to fall in love with him all over again.
Apart from watching TV, you both also love spending days off on that couch, curled up together, reading your way through the stack of books you both had in your never ending ‘TBR’ pile. 
Spencer would love listening to you discuss whatever you're reading, doing his best to memorise the characters, plots, and your thoughts on both. It's the least he can do when you listen so patiently every time he starts rambling on about whatever his latest hyper-fixation is.
"Can I... can I borrow that when you're finished? I'm now curious - just don't tell the others, ok?"
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˗ˏˋ Arthur Morgan Modern!AU Headcanons ´ˎ˗
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To answer this ask from the lovely @crystalofmoon19 , I got to think a bit more deeply about what a modern!AU Arthur could be. This absolutely stunning Arthur pic is from @arthurmorgan-vp!
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JOB ´ˎ˗
Has a job that means a lot to him and is totally dedicated when doing it.
Arthur flourishes when helping others. I saw a Chartur fanart that portrayed him as a nurse and god I love this idea. He's emotionally VERY tough, making him efficient even in difficult and stressful times when a patient's life is in his hands. He's also a practical person who needs to have a concrete, manual aspect in his work. On top of that, we have the whole "service to society" aspect.
Police officer could also fit this dynamic. (I know it's pretty ironic considering he's a criminal in the canon but it's one of these jobs where he could put his strength into action to help others).
Also, without the need to survive and do criminal acts, with a caring family who could push him in the right ways, he also could have a job in arts. Arthur canonically is a curious and inventive person, he draws every little thing he finds interesting around him and cares for places, characters and events most people wouldn’t. I could picture him as an illustrator/concept artist. Or tattoo artist too? Why not.
Sooooo artsy.
If he works at the hospital, he needs to have a sketchbook to just write and draw like in the canon. With other mediums being way more accessible nowadays, I think he could also paint and even sculpt from time to time.
Art helps him to get dark thoughts out of his head and focus on something when life gets hard.
However, if he already works in an artsy field, I think he would need to get up and move after a whole day sitting and would love to just go jogging, hiking, and taking long walks in nature. A combat sport could also do the work, as Arthur has an important code of honor: a discipline like Judo or Wrestling could help him get all his pent-up energy out while respecting his opponent; boxing could work too.
100% have a Polaroid and takes pictures of good times and his close ones every chance he gets. His bedroom/apartment is full of objects that carry an emotional value to him.
Would wear the ugliest apron and cap while doing them btw. And doesn't see what the problem is.
Classical rock music and vinyl. Thinking about Led Zepplin, The Stones, The Doors. Vintage music all the way. Has a secret soft spot for Lady Gaga though. Don't tell John. And (not-so) hot take, it's Hosea who introduces him to his old blues and rock records (Dutch prefers Jazz music.)
Camping and long hiking trips. Trekking when he feels really adventurous.
Going to the cinema. (100% eats salty popcorn and messes with John during the film if it's a family outing.)
In modern days Arthur would have been born in 1988. This means he was a '90s kid: he fondly remembers VHS tapes, baggy jeans, his old PlayStation One, maybe watching the first episodes of Pokémon, too. He's canonically such a nostalgic.
Would 100% make his own mix on cassette tapes btw
Flannels. I picture him with comfy rather than fancy clothes. He would also have a big leather jacket or vintage bomber for winter. And a leather bag like this one where important work papers are mixed with random trinkets found on his hikes.
Arthur is so messy (I mean look at his tent). His car (Hosea's old one) is also a complete mess, cups, leftovers from meals, CDs, work stuff and random objects cover every possible inch of it.
Talking about it, looooves to drive. Totally do it with one hand on the wheel. And with good music ofc. (He would put his other hand on your thigh)
Has a dog. Or wants one deeply. A big one. And he definitely wants a lot of animals once he has a bigger house with you.
I said he could be a tattoo artist. I think he would have a tattoo, of an animal. Of course, we as a fandom thinks of the deer, but it has to be something meaningful to him. Maybe the animal who inspires him the most, or one they have seen in the wild with John during a walk in the woods.
Arthur is not a good cook. Buys a lot of food telling himself this time, he will succeed at making this damn dish. Biggest mess ever, ingredients everywhere on the floor, the walls, his body and hair. Pure chaos. Everything burns. Kitchen ends up on fire. Uses the internet as last hope, tries to watch as many tutorials as possible but it doesn't help+his phone ends up covered in egg white, flour, and wet ingredients. Throws away the food and gives up, orders a pizza.
Repeat previous paragraph every time he wants to try a new dish he saw somewhere.
(The phone is okay because he has the strongest and largest phone case ever. The kind of enormous one made to protect phones in building zones, for his hikes. It's pitch black.)
Overall I'd say a Modern!AU Arthur would probably be a bit happier even though still very nostalgic and melancholic at times (without the constant need to run away and kill people, his mental health would be much better.)
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Important disclaimer: these are my personal thoughts, they could totally be shitty, I'm not at all claiming this is the absolute truth about him. A character is always subject to a personal interpretation, therefore anyone could picture him differently! Btw, I would love to hear your thoughts about it!
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked my silly little ideas.
I'm thinking about doing a part.2 where we could dive into his habits, his relationships with family, friends and s/o and other little fun facts. Let me know if I should! -Pine 🌱
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tumblingxelian · 5 months
Chloe & Heroism
Chloe Bourgeois as a hero early on is a premise that often evokes either questions, like "How" and "Why". Or expectations that she is either already on a path to self improvement, or will be forced onto within a short timeframe.
These are not bad questions and the former definitely are necessary to consider for a story. However the expectations I tend to feel a bit murkier and while I have no issue with how some authors handle this topic.
I want to outline why I think you could do a good "Hero Chloe" story before she gets character development, but first, house cleaning!
1: I have not watched and largely ignore everything post season 3, so don't bother bringing up Derision. Remember, season 1 Kim was afraid of spiders.
2: In canon. Chloe only revealed her ID publicly because her abusive mother she is obsessed with pleasing (who killed her the day before) chose a girl other than her to take to New York & then tore her to shreds in front of everyone. 
With all that in mind let's examine where Chloe's values and understanding of the world comes from and how she perceives them! 
1 - Media/Social Media 
This would be a mixed bag, because on one hand they have Mighty Majesta comics that try to instill good values, but also shows built around lying to and humiliating people are evidently popular television and the internet seems similar in regards to pranking VS trying not to be terrible. So she's gonna get mixed signals at best. 
2 - Her family & Circle 
This is where 90% of the problems come from. Of the important adults in her life, her father, mother, Gabriel and Nathalie are all varying shades of corrupt, abusive, cruel and ruthless, while the lesser evils like Jean and Emilie are largely consigned to the role of enablers. 
Worse still, even if we ignore the emotional abuse, neglect and other elements that led to her both having trauma and her trauma response manifesting in aggression. We still have issues like Andre, during the brief periods he bothered to parent, explicitly teaching Chloe that, Stealing, extortion and threats are all appropriate ways to succeed in life.
IE, she isn't compromising her morality when she does these things, she is very much doing what she is taught was right at least consciously. This isn't helped by a 24/7 Audrey impression as Audrey deems being in her vicinity as reason enough to hurt people unless she deems them useful. 
Long story short, the values and people she was brought up around are all explicitly some shade of bad, or enabler, or outright teaching her to harm others. 
3 - Societies & Class 
However, we know from season 2 that Chloe is not entirely unaware that there are issues with this. Because while she spends much time boasting of how she's beloved and brilliant, when stripped of that and exposed to someone she trusts she is entirely willing to confess that she knows everyone hates her and that she feels she has no worth. She may not be able to articulate why or how this came about but she knows something is wrong. 
Despite this, school is not the best place to figure this out, especially for someone who obviously struggles with social cues and the like. The teachers run the gamut from indifferent and unpleasant, to extremely gentle and accommodating, to simply not wanting any form of drama and usually caving to whoever makes the most noise and none of them have the authority to do much outside of class hours. 
The class is not significantly better, because students like Kim and Alix can and do casually throw around snark or do pranks and at worst only get brief bursts of anger while Chloe's garner a more intense response. This is because her relationship with the class and motives are varying shades of different, but for someone with issues reading social cues, it's just going to seem like a confusing double standard. 
We can also see all this demonstrated in her relationship with Adrien, as Chloe clearly takes the lead in their relationship in Origins and outlines her logic behind the pranks, but is then surprised when Adrien seems to turn against her. What's more, it seems Chloe is aware that Adrien is more gentle/naive than her given she tried to educate him on these matters & turns to him for comfort and protection at times, while seeing no inherent contradiction between her expectations for their relationship and how she treats others.
Adrien does not help matters with seeming indifference to how she treats staff. 
Thus, while she knows 'something' is terribly wrong, actually being able to understand it and work through it is another matter. 
4 - Chloe's Conclusion 
So, what is the conclusion Chloe comes to in order to square all of these circles when she isn't just in full denial mode? The answer is quite simple and even demonstrated in the show itself, playing one's role. 
IE, Chloe the mayor and style queen's daughter is different to Chloe the hotel owner's daughter and we see this in her being able to stamp down on her usual instincts and slap on a customer service role when Jagged Stone enters the hotel and guide her father into doing the same. VS how she conducts herself during a class election, IE explicitly threatening and extorting people, to how she conducts herself day by day with her Audrey impersonation. 
A separate example and way she'd view this for others would be that Marinette the baker's daughter of course has to be nice and sweet and giving because that is how customer service roles work, while Marinette the aspiring fashion designer or would be class president is sneakier and will lay traps so people trying to steal from her are sabotaged. This isn't wrong, this is how she expects people to behave when in these circumstances and roles. 
Final Conclusion 
Which is why Chloe could easily play the role of a successful hero, because she would not be "Chloe Bourgeois, mayor's daughter, hotel heiress and Style Queen's daughter" as Queen Bee, she would just be Queen Bee, a superhero.
They have wonderfully defined roles that would be easy for her to pick up & follow through on: assure the public, save people from danger, protect allies, defeat monsters, all things Chloe was shown doing very well when chosen as a Miraculous Holder. 
I think that eventually the contrast in how she is received as Queen Bee VS Chloe Bourgeois would start grinding on each other and bleeding through both sides of the mask. 
But the infectious nature of empathy and a larger support network that don't have the worst impression of her would give Chloe the room she needs to explore and grow.
If she is too snippy as a hero, or shows a ruthless side, these won't be taken in the context of "Chloe that person I dislike" but "Queen Bee my ally" and can allow for more honest and even handed reactions that give her the necessary breathing room to grow and change. 
So yeah, I think season 1 Chloe could have, under the right circumstances, done a great job as a hero be it Queen Bee or another hero even before any outside circumstances or internal changes might have forced her to chart a new course in life.
Provided the role of Chloe and the role of hero do not intersect and become one almost immediately, because in that case it gets a lot harder for her. 
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abiatackerman · 16 days
If he wasn't cold hearted and had some thoughtfulness he would have remembered or talked about Farlan and Isabel in flashbacks even after their deaths. But he acts as if they never existed, let alone died. The idea of opening an orphanage and taking children from the underground was Historia's idea, not Levi's. Levi just approved and supported it. The fact that he cares more about the tasks/orders than you, erasing your importance to him, does not mean that he will only throw you to option 2, it means that he will be willing to throw you into the mouth of a titan without even thinking about you. Regardless of your opinion or consent. That's treason and considering his order follower, he'd even keep secrets from you. If that's not betrayal, what is? All this means that he is not very loyal and you cannot have a healthy relationship with him. He is also very prejudiced and high-minded. For example, he dislikes weak people and generalizes every rich person as a greedy asshole. This is not the perspective of a thoughtful and caring human being. If Levi had a romantic relationship trope, it would be toxic relationship. I think any real man or fictional man would be more considerate and loyal than Levi. This must be one of the reasons why Isayama finds it strange to even ask "women?" about Levi and women. It is pure speculation to think that he would have a healthy and loyal relationship with him. To realize that be a better person than Levi, you either have to touch the grass and meet real people, or you have to stop being stuck in a fandom and look at other series/fandoms and discover the characters there, and get to know people and characters who look stoic like Levi, but who have more realistic potential to be more thoughtful, selfless, loyal, who will value you as a priority than Levi.
I'm feeling so lazy to write a huge answer so I'll keep it short.
Isabel and Furlan were shown in the OVAs and just like how the stories of other OVAs weren't mentioned in the main anime or manga, the topic of "no regrets" OVA was neglected too. That's a commercial thing in my opinion. But the one time when Eren, Mikasa and Armin were talking about the sea and Levi was listening to them quietly with a sad mood, that represents Levi remembering them.
About the orphanage, you yourself said that Levi supported it XD, so you admit he helped Historia too even when Levi got no benefits from it.
About the next fact, I truly disagree. That's a thing Levi would never do. He saved Mikasa twice and in the female titan arc, he even twisted his ankle. He will never play with people's life, he even hated Erwin because he used to do that. He has always hated "unnecessary" deaths. He would never throw a person into the titans mouth unless the person agrees and wants to die willingly for the betterment. Imagine Erwin is planning you to die in a process and he has no intention of telling this to you (though I don't think so he would do something like this) and Levi knows about this. Do you think he'll support it? If you still think so I would suggest you to re-read the manga and rewatch the anime, you haven't understood Levi's actual character yet.
In the battle of Shiganshina, he told Erwin that he'll charge towards the beast titan, ALONE (he didn't even care about his life, he was thinking about the life of his comrades) just so the others will be able to escape easily and later he supported Erwin's plan because since that was a situation were everyone was about to die. He thought by this he'll at least be able to save someone. Saving some life is better than everyone dying. He even tried to stop Hange (silently) when they sacrificed themselves. He saved Connie and jean in the final battles and lost his leg due to the process... You would still say that he would throw you in a titan's mouth?
Also you say that hiding classified plans and information is a betrayal? That's hilarious, dear. He would do it for your safety. What if someone kidnaps you just because you know about the plans? The less you know, the better. Just because you are the girlfriend of Levi Ackerman doesn't mean you can know about all the plans and classified information. Fix your morals.
Also dear anon, did you just say he hates weak people? When he fought during his whole life just to save them, the weak humanity from the titans????? Also I support Levi calling rich people "greedy assholes" because most of the rich people in AOT were actually described as "greedy assholes".
About the last topic we both know Levi is a "Famous as hell between women" character. That's why Isamaya never mentioned anything about Levi's sexualities and romantic interests. Also dear Isamaya likes to tease us so what you mentioned isn't something important.
At last I would like to say that Levi avoids being close with people. But once someone becomes dear to them, he'll do his best to save them. Sure he won't be lovey-dovey or sweet as sugar boyfriend, but he'll definitely support you and silently will show his love for you. We all know he's bad with his words so he'll show his love through work. He's a mature person after all!
That's it anon, have a nice day!
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imagitory · 3 months
I say every time a Republican tries to make out that Donald Trump is a victim because someone tried to shoot him with an assault rifle, let's challenge them on their well-worn stance against gun control legislation. Will they give a damn about the rampant gun violence in this country and the ease with which people can purchase assault-style weaponry now that their wannabe-dictator was threatened by it?
No. No, of course not. Because they're just upset the gun violence in question was targeted at their man, rather than used by their man and his supporters against those people who don't agree with him. Because they're totally fine with any and all kinds of violence so long as they're the ones wielding it to get their way. Either that, or it helps line their pockets and boost their egos, damn however many schools have to get shot up for them to keep their pwecious AK-47's. That's how utterly heartless these people are.
I'll be perfectly honest -- I actively hoped that no one would do something this stupid. As much as I wouldn't feel any sort of sadness if Trump died, I did not want anyone to try to assassinate him, because the last thing I wanted was for Trump to become a Jean-Paul Marat-style martyr of this new Fascistic movement in the GOP. And considering how much these creeps get off on playing the victim card, we really don't need them having any story that they can spin as proof of them and their candidate being "persecuted." I want Trump to die a pitiful, lonely, natural death in jail where he belongs, not by an assassin's bullet. Because now his side has the perfect propaganda it can use to set the hearts of their Kool-Aid-drunk supporters ablaze. Just look at the photos circulated of the event, and you've got MAGA's version of The Death of Marat: an image set to depict a person who became powerful through demanding violent vengeance against those aligned against him politically as some sort of wronged, patriotic saint.
But as I said before -- every time someone tries to act like Trump is a victim, just remember this: Trump supporters don't care if bad things happen. They only care if bad things happen to them, and most especially, to their "Supreme Leader." And they especially hate it if the bad things that happen to them are partially caused by their own words and actions.
Republicans have refused time and again to reinstate the old Federal Assault Weapons Ban that we enacted back in the 90's and that Republicans let expire back in 2004 during the Bush Administration. If they -- Donald Trump included -- hadn't been so in bed with the NRA, the shooter almost certainly would not have had such easy access to the gun that shot Trump. And if it weren't for the Secret Service that protects him -- the government employees that rose through the ranks on merit rather than out of subservience, the way Project 2025 proposes government employees should be selected -- he very likely would've died.
Donald Trump was targeted by gun violence. But he's also an assailant on the democratic values that our country has always been so enamored with, but consistently fails to live up to despite our best efforts. He's hardly a "victim" by any metrics. After all, there were multiple attempts on Adolf Hitler's life too, back in the day.
No matter how much I don't condone the assassination attempt against Trump, he's unworthy of any pity or compassion in the face of this.
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magicxc · 1 year
Call On Me
Pairings: Idris Elba x Black!Reader
Word Count: 1523
Warnings: Exhibitionism, Fellatio, Choking
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BBJ Masterlist
“C’mon angel, put it in all the way.”
“Idris, it wont fit and I’m not about to make it either.”
“Just let me help you push it in, you’re not doing it right.”
“No, cause then it’ll stretch.”
“It’s elastic, so it’ll snap back.”
“We’re still here daddy, I can just get another size as opposed to destroying this one.”
“I mean if you want your jeans to fit like sweatpants, then go for it.”
“You’re so dramatic, it simply doesn’t fit, and you’ll love me either way; sweat pants or not.”
“I mean yeah, of course but it’s drip or drown; and if you're gonna be with me, then you’ve got to be drippin.”
Sometimes it’s best to ignore him. God knows I love my boyfriend, but I can’t with the shit that comes out of his mouth. It’s like somebody teleported him back to 2017 and he’s readjusting to the present life. 
Albeit fashion is a big deal to Idris, I’ll give him that. But I, for one, value comfort over everything. It’s just one of those things we’ve come to meet in the middle about, though he’ll still try and rearrange my wardrobe if given the chance. 
“Idris, can you add this to the ‘maybe’ pile in the corner please?”
Taking the pants from me, he neatly hangs it up in the corner of the room, uttering how even tho my clothes aren’t dripping, he can be.
“Oh my goodness,” I laugh. “Really? Tell me you’re joking.”
“Now why would I do that mhmm? In fact I remember a time when stargazing in public was on both of our bucket lists.”
“Yes, in the car or under a moonlit beach not the damn mall,” I gushed. “Idris nothing about this says private.”
“Is that not the point of PUBLIC stargazing,” he enunciated.
Ahh yes, stargazing - an act in which one can observe the many stars of the galaxy sometimes as a hobby or sometimes for scientific research. Of course our star gazing meant something vastly different. Even though we didn’t need a telescope to see them, there was still that warm and fuzzy feeling when they did appear. 
You see Idris and I have a thing for code words. It’s used mostly when gossiping about people or situations. But recently it's become a fun new way for us to describe sexy times in front of others. 
How real would it be to blurt out amongst your friends that you just want to take your lover home and become one with the sheets? I’m sure they’d understand but I’m not tryna let people know every time I want my back blown out. So instead we came up with a way to state our intentions without having to dance around certain words. 
For example, Sunday dinners with the family goes something along the lines of 'do you want to go stargazing afterward?' Similarly to how it's socially acceptable to tell your loved ones that you and your partner are trying for a baby but not that their pussy turns into a mini day care every night; except our family hasn’t quite caught onto the the fact that neither of us so much as own a telescope; though I fear it’s only a matter of time until they do. 
I’m not as sexually daring as Idris but I refuse to punk out of this. He thinks that I’ll back out of stargazing simply because we’re in a public place where people can hear us? Let's be clear, I absolutely would, but the way my competitive nature is set up, I’ll stargaze with him. Shit, he better be ready to see the milky way too, cause I’ll be damned if I don’t make him cry for me. 
“You know what daddy, drop em,” I demanded, chin pointing toward his pants. “Gone ahead and give me something shiny to see.”
To say that he was shocked would be an understatement, bug eyed and eager as he runs his tongue across those juicy lips. He doesn’t let that falter him for long and makes quick work of the buckle of his pants. And my God if that action isn’t my personal little aphrodisiac. 
Knees hitting the floor, I watch in awe as his dick springs free, pre cum slowly dribbling from the tip. 
“You this wet already for me?” I tease. “Tell me exactly how you want it.”
“Use your mouth.”
“Nuh uh, use your words,” I insist. 
“Start by getting the tip nice and drenched for me angel,” Idris lamented. 
Inching closer to the head, I open my mouth and spit on it, watching intently as it trails down to the floor. 
“Now what?”
Smirking, he asks me to drain his balls entirely and I work on doing just that. 
Gathering the tip of his penis in my mouth,  I use the wetness to help me suction him. Cheeks hallowed and teeth tucked, I make sure to maximize on his sensitivity; tongue twirling around that mini slit lined at the head. 
His thighs quake ever so slightly, which only pushes me to suck in earnest, making sure to keep the tip nestled against my tongue. 
Fingers cradled behind me, I lock them together, opting instead for hands free head so I can really talk my shit once we’re done. 
Deciding it’s time to show some love to the rest of his lengthy member, I slow my ministrations and softly run my tongue along his shaft; tracing each thick and hardened vein - starstruck at Idris’ skin, a rich shade of chestnut. 
This part always gives me some trouble, but I’m willing to sacrifice a little comfort if it means I can hear him sing for me; and quite frankly he’s not doing enough of it. 
Bobbing my head steadily, it takes a minute for me to gain some traction, mouth now sliding along his dick with ease. His hips start a slow thrust and I bounce my head a little quicker, twisting from side to side as I do so. 
Finally, it’s drenched enough for me to take the entirety of him, stopping only when I reach the base of his shaft. His dick is properly lodged down my throat and I do everything I can to breathe through my nose, slight gagging noises making its way past my lips. 
As quiet as he tries to be, the harsh hissing that meets my ear encourages me to make quick work of him, bobbing in short, rapid successions, listening intently as his groans turn into quiet moans. 
Face planted against his coily pubes, they’re trimmed to perfection, the tropical notes of his coconut body wash lingering inside my nose. The deep, onyx color glistens with a mixture of precum and spit, similar to that of stars littered against the never ending black hole of space, as they softly tickle my cheeks.
Dislodging him completely to take a much needed breath, the cool air feels icy against my drool ridden chin. Tears brimmed at my eyes and pussy clenching against fabric, this dressing room is fixing to see way more than just changing of the clothes. 
“You wanna cum?” I taunted. “Make those pretty noises for me and I just might let you.”
Dick jumping in anticipation, I decide to head down south and give a little love to the overlooked - his ball sac. 
Slurping them in my mouth, I swish them around, mapping over the textured skin. His girthy member sits on my forehead, wet and dripping; adding to the soaked mess down under. 
I get a light hum in return and suction him to a the very fine line of pleasure and pain. A breathy moan follows and his hand soon finds itself planted at the root of my scalp. 
Thankfully he cant see the smirk that lines my lips and I give his balls a few more swirls before I set them free with a loud pop. 
“Haaaah”, is the desperate whine that I hear above me, but somehow I need more. 
Dick once again at the bottom of my throat I remove it until I get to the very tip and slam it back down again. 
“Just like that daddy, keep it up and I can make it real good for you.” 
“What’s my name? Huh? Let these bitches know who’s making you quiver like the slut you are.”
“C’mon and cum for me like I know you can, Idris.”
The fingers once tangled in my hair soon find themselves wrapped around my throat, squeezing me with just enough pressure to remind me how little control I actually have here. And while it was fun while it lasted, feminism doesn't exist with his hand around my neck. 
“Open wide for me angel.”
Tongue slithering past my teeth, I lay it flat for a full display, watching intently as he jerks himself to the finish line and in my mouth. 
He shouts his release, a little higher in pitch than I expected, chanting my name like the prayer it is. 
“Now close your mouth and swallow like I know you can,” he grunted. 
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baby-alien11 · 11 months
Memories: First meeting and date (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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June 2022
After the ending of filming of Scream 5 on 2020 and the many delays due to the pandemic and the different variants of the virus, the film was already out which gained a good reception, and the sixth one was green lighted to film, you and your dad traveled to Montreal (due to both of you being on the movie) to reunite with the cast and meet the new additions of the cast
Arriving at the hotel where the rest of the crew will be staying, you and your dad left your luggage in your asigned room before going to the terrace where everyone will be there
"Don't you think is funny that they are going to let us stay during the whole filming even though we're only going to appear for a few minutes?", you asked your dad while walking to the terrace
"It's a bit funny, but it would be better than be her only for a day", Skeet pointed, "We get to hang out with everyone, and you are now free of doing homework"
"So this would be my graduation trip?", you joked, "With people who are a bit older than me, and some even married?"
"Yeah!", Skeet exclaimed, "We could call your friends and invite them to come here and hang out, and maybe there's going to be someone your age, remember that are some new actors"
"Dad, Sarah, Abby, Scott and Noah are already on college or doing what they wanted", you replied, "And maybe you're right, besides, I haven't seen who the new actors are, I was kinda focused on the fact that aunt Neve isn't going to be here"
"It's going to be difficult to have a movie without her, but she made a good decision by rejecting a payment that isn't worth her value", Skeet pointed, "That's a lesson I want you and your siblings to have no matter what you do in your future, understood?"
Nodding in response, both of you continued to walk until the door to the terrace was seen, which both of you crossed seeing the whole cast in the lounge area
"There's the freshly graduated!", Melissa exclaimed the moment both of you enter her camp of vision
"Half fictional sister!", you exclaimed running to hug her, "I missed you"
"I missed you too", Melissa replied, "Congratulations on the graduation and the campaign with H&M"
"Thank you, also congratulations on the Clinique ambassador"
After saying a general hi, and seeing how there wasn't any apparent seats because your dad took the only one left, you stood akwardly in the middle of the lounge
"There's a space next to Jack", Melissa said pointing behind you
Turning around, you saw a curly haired (and cute) boy smiling and waving at you, at what you walked there to sit next to him while he made more space for you to not be too thight
"Hi, I'm Jack", he presented himself handing out one of his hands, "Nice to meet you"
"I'm Y/N", you responded taking his hand, "Nice to meet you too"
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After knowing Jack more after that first night and the first week of filming which started with the Halloween party (in which you had a small interaction with Jack and Mason's characters), yours and Jack so awaited date was on saturday (in which both of your parents were going to be there but giving you space)
Early that day, after having breakfast, you recieved a floral arrangement from Jack with a small note that read:
Can't wait for our date tonight, in the meanwhile, I send you this arrangement that made me think of you
Due to the bit of chill weather of Montreal during afternoon, you decided to use a light blue drawstring long sleeve crop top and washed black high waist straight leg jeans with white nike air force ones and your hair lose on the back
"Hey dad", you called him getting out of the bathroom, "Do you think I'm underdressed for a date?"
"Nah, you look good to go to an amusment park", Skeet shrudded, "Wait a minute, are you nervous?"
"A bit", you sighed returning to the bathroom to do your eyeliner, "I mean, this is my first date after Spencer and I broke up, and that was a three month relationship during sophomore year, so yeah, I'm nervous"
"You like Jack", that wasn't even a question
"Maybe", you admited, "Do you think the black Prada nylon purse is too much?"
"That's a cute bag, goes good with the outfit"
After being ready and taking your purse and 'folklore' cardigan, both of you went down to the hotel lobby where Jack and his mom, Anna, were waiting for you
"They're here", Anna said to Jack brushing his hair a little, "She looks beautiful"
"Hi", Jack greeted when you stopped in front of him, "You look gorgeous"
"Hi", you replied with a smile, "Thanks, you look good as well, and thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful"
"I'm glad you liked them"
A few minutes later, the four of you started the way towards La Ronde, which was the most popular amusement park in the city
Arriving there, both of you entered the park with your parents following a few metters behind
"I like your cardigan", Jack said pointing at the piece of clothing in your arms
"Thanks", you smiled, "It's from Taylor Swift's album 'folklore', she has a song in that album named 'Cardigan' and she had them on the website"
"So, you like Taylor?"
"I love her, she's one of my favorite artist, she has amazing songs and the fact she always rises up whenever someone or something tries to drag her down is inspiring"
"In that case, what's your favorite album of her?"
"Reputation, followed close by Speak Now and folklore, so, what's your type of music?"
"Like angry hip hop, Meek Mill is awesome and Drake's old music, and basically every kind"
"I've heard some Drake songs, but nothing of Meek Mill"
"I could send you some of his songs, what do you think?"
"Sounds good, and I could send you some of Taylor"
"I love the idea"
Walking around the place and talking, both of you stopped in a game of knocking down silly clowns
"Which one do you want?", Jack asked refering to the stuffed animals
Seeing the display of toys, a red plushie caught your eyes, "The red dragon is cute"
Paying to play the game, Jack started to throw the balls towards the silly clowns until the time was over
"Nice arm", you smirked while the employee went to get the prize
"It's what happens when you live in Pandora for four years", Jack joked making you laugh, slightly interrupting the moment, the employee gave Jack the red plushie, at what he knelt like he was a knight with the red dragon in front of you, "Will this gorgeous princess accept this dragon as a gift?"
"I'll gladly do it", you laughed taking the plushie from his hands, "And fun fact, people calls me 'ghostface princess' or 'serpent princess' because of Scream and Riverdale"
"In the Avatar future movies, people call my character 'monkey boy'"
"I like it"
Continuing with the date, both of you went to some rides like the Disco Ronde, La Grande Envolée, Orbite, Bateau Pirate, Condor and Vol Ultimate (in which most of them both of you held hands), eating some snacks and playing in a game of jungle climb where none of you won but it was fun
(A/N: yes, I did search what rides are in the park)
Taking a moment to have dinner, which were corndogs, sodas and an ice cream from the food stands, both of you sat in a small picnic table while discussing which attraction was next and last because it was getting late
"I think we should go to the Boomerang", you thought while sharing a cotton candy ice ream
"Let me guess, to leave with a gold brooch", Jack smiled
"Yeah", you laughed, "What do you think?"
"I think it's an awesome idea"
Finishing the ice cream and throwing the empty vase on the trash, both of you went to your parents, who were sitting in a bench a few metters behind to let them know
"Hey, we're going to the Boomerang", Jack announced
"Are you sure?", Anna asked with concern
"Yeah", you nodded giving Skeet your purse, cardigan and plushie
"Guys, you just ate", Skeet pointed
"We're going to be good", Jack insisted while you put your hair in a low ponytail
"There's a bit of line, so the food will be digested by the time it starts", you shrudded
Assuring them once again that both of you will be fine, you left towards the ride with Jack's arm over your shoulders and yours circling his waist
"We should start searching for a trash can", Anna said, "Just in case"
Looking around, Skeet noticed a trash can not so far from the bench, which he was quick to get closer to the bench
At the line for the roller coaster, it wasn't a lot of time of waiting before it was your turn, ending up seating in the first line of the fourth cart
After the coaster staff secured your seatbelts and the ride started at what you started to feel a little nervous, something Jack noticed which made him take your hand in an attempt to calm you at what you hold him tighter
Noticing why the name of the ride was 'Boomerang' because of his fast speed, curves and turns, both of you spend most part of the ride trying not to scream and holding each other
After it ended and you were free of the seatbelts, both of you practically sprinted towards the closest trash can to start throwing up, feeling a few seconds later how your parents aproached to you see if both of you were okay, finishing vomiting a few minutes later
Making sure that the puking was done, they led you to the bench they were sat before going to get some water
Getting some kleenex from your purse and giving one to Jack so he can clean and do the same, both of you started laughing
"I really had fun", you said when the laughs were over, "We should do this again"
"Seriously?", Jack asked with a bit of surprise
"Yeah, I mean, except for the vomiting part"
"I also had fun with you"
Still smiling, you got a little closer to him to put your head on his shoulder at what he put his head on top of yours
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Valentine comes a-knocking again, now in a blue button-up and slacks, with a clip-on bowtie, more for the meme value than for the fanciness factor. Their hair's combed a bit nicer than the last time you saw them.
They're nervous.
Not that it'll go wrong, but that it'll go too right. That this Wade will end up being perfect for the Atelier. That they'll fall for him and have to turn him in to their bosses anyway, to be enslaved, killed, or worse.
But, hey, cute date night, right?
Wade was feeling a similar bout of anxiety as he awaited his date to arrive. He’d spent the last thirty or so minutes in front of his mirror, trying on different shirts until he settled for the least gaudy looking button up he could find out of the bunch. It was a relatively loud top, one that you’d think would be more fitting for a Hawaiian tropical vacation than to a dinner date, but hey, give him props because he was trying. He paired it with a simple pair of blue jeans and the least beat up pair of shoes he owned. He figured it was a good enough balance; not too desperate, but also not too lazy. He didn’t want to come across as overly ambitious, even if he was practically vibrating in anticipation.
There wasn’t much he could do about his face situation. He could attempt to apply some makeup, but really, that would only be for his benefit. Valentine knew what he looked like. Maybe he could spare the people that would be around them from being subjected to his ugly mug while trying to eat? He remembers Logan saying something along those lines the first time he’d met them. Whatever. The contemplation ends with him deciding against it, instead grabbing one of his laughably bad wigs yet still trying to style it to look at least somewhat presentable. “Dear god I look like Melissa McCarthy—“
The knock at the door signifies that he doesn’t have time to switch out his shitty hairpiece. Maybe this is a good thing. It can show just how tolerable Valentine will be to his… not so physically attractive features.
Wade opens the door, his eyes scanning over the other for a brief second before he smirks. “Nice bowtie. Where’d you get it? Party city?”
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Abandoned Driveways
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Alex Keller x GN!Reader
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2019 / 2022 Masterlist |
| Series Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part |
TW for eventual angst, light swearing and flirting, mostly a fluff
Chapter 02
“Uh, stupid question.” He awkwardly chuckled, rubbing over the back of his neck as he stepped back to let you in his house.
“How fancy should I be going? These are my nicest jeans I have on, I have some button downs and flannels in the closet. Or I have the makings of a suit somewhere, I'd need a few minutes to find it though.” The anxiety clear in his tone, his rambling getting softer as he trailed off. Ending with a panicked smile.
“Depends on what you're thinking for food. Unless you want to find one of the fancier restaurants, what you have on now is fine. I like it.” You shrugged, guesting toward the retro Nintendo shirt he wore.
“Ohthankgod.” He breathed, chuckling as he grabbed his wallet and keys. Telling you that he was driving since you insisted on paying. Quickly locking his front door, and grabbing his sneakers he led you to his garage.
Sharpie marked boxes lined one wall, flattened cardboard stacked neatly in another corner. Allen was busy these last few days.
Sliding into the passenger seat of his Jeep, you watched as he started the vehicle and opened the large door behind you. Then turning his attention to the screen inbetween you, opening Google Maps. Holding back a soft laugh, you lightly placed your hand over his. Flinching softly as he pulled back, looking at you confused.
“I have no idea where I'm going. I barely made it to the grocery store earlier.” He admitted, cheeks flushing as he busied himself with adjusting the fan speed.
“I do?” You offered with a shrug, playfully glaring when he laughed. “What?”
“You also strike me as someone who would tell me about the turn I missed 3 blocks after I missed it.” He pulled back as you lightly smacked his shoulder, feigning offense.
Looking out the passenger window as he reversed you mumbled. “You're not wrong, but that isn't the point. Now what do you feel like having tonight?”
“Food.” He answered bluntly, turning out of the neighborhood. Ignoring your faux annoyed expression. “What do you recommend? Nothing too fancy, neither of us are dressed for the occasion and that would feel too much like a date.”
“Agreed! There's a cute coffee shop on main street with pastries and drinks. Or a little ma and pa place.” You shrugged, watching as he nodded. Gaze set to the road in front of him.
“I like ma and pa restaurants, and I am an enjoyer of caffeine.” He offered, sparing a glance in your direction. “Just like you're an enjoyer of staring into people's windows at night.”
You felt your heart sink as he chuckled. All week you thought you were off the hook.
“For starters, shut your curtains. Anyone could be watching! Secondly, that was my idiot best friend, I was in my kitchen minding my own business.” You defended, sinking lower into your seat as you watched the scenery pass by.
“Not the most compelling argument, but did your friend enjoy their view at least?” He asked, volume dropping toward the end of his sentence. Your cheeks burning as you desperately tried to formulate a response.
“They did. And I know this sounds like asking for a friend. But it genuinely was not me, I promise.” You laughed, relief flooding your system when he joined. Running a hand through his hair as he shook his head playfully.
“It totally sounded that way.” He laughed, pulling into a parking lot and shifting the vehicle into park. His full attention now on you. “I'm normally pretty good at remembering those things, the curtains and privacy I mean. I’'m not a total playboy, fuckboy, whatever kids these days call them. I prefer an emotional connection before I dive into a physical one.”
You were in awe at his honesty, how his values aligned with yours in a world where…..you were in a grocery store parking lot?
“Allen. Where are we?” You asked, leaning down to scan your full surroundings through the windshield as he stated your name in the same tone.
“I told you, I don't know my way around except to the grocery store. And someone, you, said don't worry about Google Maps. I'll tell you where to go!” He mimicked you, fingers wiggling as he spoke.
Scoffing, you smiled at him. “I sound nothing like that!”
Mimicking you again, he laughed. “Last time you said I was wrong about you; I was right. You suck at directions.” He gave you a cocky smirk before leaving the vehicle. Locking the doors as he wandered into the store.
“Excuse me, why are we here?” You laughed, jogging up behind Allen as he scanned the isles. Basket hanging in the crook of his elbow as he shopped.
“Excuse you, why didn't you give me any directions.” He teased, pulling food items out of a cooler. “Since you failed your job, and left me to my own sad devices. I'm making supper.”
“Well, then I'm paying. And buying us drinks before we head home.” You stated firmly, trying to peek into his basket. Which seemed to always be pulled away from your view.
Glancing over at you, basket pressed against his opposite hip Allen chuckled. “Supper is now a surprise, and we'll see about drinks. My standards for the night have changed considerably.”
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“So, what type of caffeine do you enjoy?” You asked, scanning over the menu. Despite already knowing what you would order.
You felt the man beside you shrug and ask for recommendations. Clearly overwhelmed by the options laid out for him. 
Taking charge, you smiled at the barista and ordered 2 of your usual drink. Eyebrows raising when you heard him ask for a croissant to be added to the order.
“We're literally going home to have supper.” You mumbled in awe, paying for the order as the barista smiled politely at the two of you.
“I'm literally starving and want a snack for when you forget to give me directions and we end up hopelessly lost and in the woods. Are there woods around here? Probably.” He defended, eyes lighting up when the small parchment bag was handed to him.
Handing you the receipt, the barista laughed softly. “You two are adorable, literal relationship goals.”
Before either of you could correct her, she busied herself with making your drinks. Leaving the two of you standing in awe.
“We don't give off that vibe, we met last week and hit it off as best friends. This is casual best friend banter.” You whispered, understanding the mistake -- yet feeling like you had to defend yourself to the man beside you.
The man who was already eating his croissant and shrugging at you. Mumbling something along the lines of “is it the worst thing though?”
Staring at him with an exasperated look he held his free hand up at you in surrender. Moving it to pat his stomach, signaling again that he was literally starving.
General Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
Alex Keller Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @deadbranch @gcing-back-to-505
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Not to switch pirate fandoms for a sec (I know ofmd has been the focus lately as it deserves to be), but I rewatched "Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl" and I noticed some stuff I wanted to analyze a bit.
One of the things I love about Captain Jack Sparrow, especially in the first film, is how attached he is to "his affects."
The hat, the sword, the compass, the gun with one shot, the beads in his hair, the rings, the eyeliner, the bandana. Some of these have actual uses and are important to the plot, but so much of his look is simply for his look, and with how much value he places on them, one could find implication that they are also, in fact, part of his identity.
Like, how much of what he has, does Jack keep because he likes how it looks on him or because he found some sort of significance to it in terms of how it makes him feel?
It makes me think of queer culture, or actually most if not any cultures, because most people in general have some sort of meaning behind their looks whether the meaning comes from traditions upheld, fitting into the society around you, NOT fitting in to the society around you, showing where you come from, showing the parts of yourself that are not easy to communicate or that are simply invisible if you don't put something in your appearance to make it visible.
For so many people, our appearance is tied to our identity to a variety of depths. The reason I singled out queer culture, specifically, is partly because that's what I think of most often when it comes to how I want to present myself each day. Because of this, I know that deciding things like whether to wear binders or bras, whether to cuff your jeans, paint your nails a certain way, cut your nails, have your hair short or long, etc., while all being ways or having been ways for queer people to signal to each other that they are part of the lgbtq+ community, are also just a few examples of ways that people experiment with their looks to find what makes them feel the most like themselves. To feel like they know themselves more. To feel like they aren't hiding anymore.
But, like I said, it doesn't have to mean that looking a certain way means you are a part of any one community. There are plenty parts of my own look that I don't really have an explanation or meaning behind at all, at least not one I can put into words.
Your identity is more than just x number of things. It's more than a list of groups you're in or facts about yourself. I personally wouldn't call it a list at all. But being queer can still be such a huge part of your identity, and being able to show it is so important.
"How does this tie to pirates again?'
Ah yes, I had a point, didn't I?
I don't really know any facts about what actual pirate culture was like, so I want to make a disclaimer that here, I am mainly talking about 'pirate culture' as the sort you find in media: movies, TV series, books, social media, etc. Pirate core is a fairly popular thing and my point is centered around how I think that's greatly because in pirate stories and maybe some history, a lot of the aesthetic are things like great hats, swords, jewelry, and other things that make you feel like your most badass self.
I love that part in one of the last scenes of "Curse of the Black Pearl," where Jack compliments Will's hat. You know the big one with the feather that looks suspiciously like a pirate hat? And then, remember how Will immediately smiles about it? I know that smile so well. It's the same exact one I get whenever someone compliments something that I wore just because I liked it, and it felt right to wear it for myself.
This is such a big deal to me from a story-telling and character development angle as well because at the beginning of the film, Will hates everything to do with pirates and is deeply offended at any implication that he is or could be so much as associated with a pirate. Then, throughout the movie, he discovers he's the son of a pirate, he finds that he acts a lot like one. See the scene where he and Jack try to sneak up on Barbosa's crew and save Elizabeth and Jack tells him all the ways his actions scream "pirate." "Busted a man out of jail," "completely obsessed with treasure," etc.
To me, that sounds a lot like many an LGBTQ+ person's journey to growing and/or busting their way out of the closet. Will is discovering more about his identity.
And by the end of the movie, he wears that fabulous hat, which, yes, marks him as a pirate (which is likely the main reason Jack commented on it. I like to think it was an "I see you" moment,) but more importantly, it shows that Will has at least started embracing who he is.
Not to mention Elizabeth. She always loved anything to do with pirates. She had her home attacked by pirates, and her plan to save her home happened to include getting aboard a real-life pirate ship surrounded by real-life pirates? I know her story throughout the movies could have been so much better. I really could go on for ages about it. But despite people like her father and Norrington urging her to stay away from pirate life, and the writers passing up a lot of the opportunities she had to become more of a pirate and therefore more of herself... Despite this, she still leads crews into battle, devises plans as a Captain would, and even becomes the motherfucking Pirate King. She has always known who she was, even if her creators and many of her fellow characters tried to hide it or take it away from her.
I also have to mention the scene where Elizabeth and Jack are drinking on the beach. Jack is talking about the song he'll get the whole crew to sing once he's Captain again. Elizabeth tries to appeal to his pride (pardon the pun) by saying he will be "the most fearsome pirate." When she says this, Jack pauses. He doesn't shoot down the idea, but he does clarify that what is important to him is the Pearl, but not just because it's a vessel and a powerful tool to have at sea. That's not all the Pearl is to him. "What the Pearl is... What the Black Pearl really is... is Freedom."
Throughout all the movies, we see Jack let people think he's after power, and he may take whatever power he falls upon, but ultimately, that isn't his goal. That isn't what he's truly living for. He wants a life at sea, where he can do as he pleases, live by his own rules, and be who he is. Because the sea is a part of who he is. The Black Pearl is a part of who his, just like his hat, rings, eyeliner, and everything else. Whenever these things are taken and kept from him, he is captured. He is not free. Then, when he is free again, he always comes back for these things because they all represent freedom. And they represent freedom because so long as he has these things, he is free to be himself.
All this is really just to say that I love this movie so much, and I love pirate stuff so much because, like Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, and eventually Will Turner, I know myself and will do everything I can to not have that taken away from me. And I believe everyone has the right to know themselves and not have it taken away from them either. We all deserve to know ourselves and know freedom at the same time without fear.
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Hey. What do you like about older men? What do they make you feel?
Hello there, mysterious person!
In a previous post, I mentioned being asked a similar question by a friend, but I couldn't find a satisfying answer.
This might take a bit to explain fully. Most people assume that the reason why younger women like older men is because they are financially stable or maybe because we have daddy issues. That would be partially true but not exactly the reason why. If you asked women who have dated both younger and older men, you would get a response from them saying that they find older men more mature, mentally and emotionally, confident, knowledgeable, and wise, and these women are not wrong in thinking that.
Personally, though, what really gets me is charisma. I find it incredibly appealing. Honestly, if a guy has that special charm, he can just go buy a leash because I might end up following him on all fours like a dog if he asked me. woof woof
Older men, compared to younger guys, have already discovered themselves. Most of them are not here to play (well, not talking about that kind of play ;p, I love an older naughty gentlemen!!! swoon). They tend to be more assertive and know what they want, and isn't that just extremely magnetic?
Now, let's go back to your original question: what do I like about older men? I'll start by saying, I don't exactly know what daddy issues are. So I really wouldn't say that's what caused me to be more attracted to them. However, I do look for a protector in a partner, someone who shows authority but also care,wait a second.. those attributes are something you will find in a father figure... maybe I do have a father complex. That's a topic for another time ;). FYI, I am my dad's little princess, but i am not into calling someone Daddy. I am a Sir kind of girl.(∗´ര ᎑ ര`∗)
The whole time that I have been writing this, I have been thinking about 3 characters. 2 I will share, the 3rd will be mine to keep.
A grumpy man once called me an ADHD poster child. So expect I go in and out of topics. Chaos is my second name :P.
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1.Nagato from Sesame salt and pudding. A very cute manga about Haruhi, a 22-year-old machine operator, who wakes up one day to find that she drunkenly married an older man the night before. They make a deal and end up living together. I don't remember much about it besides that he was a lovely grump and he took care of her. I remember him talking about his salt and pepper hair, and since then, whenever I see an attractive older guy with that hair, I am instantly in love. I can already imagine my friend sighing and thinking I am hopeless xD.
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2.Jean Girardi by saagelius
Oh man, this is divine! I wish I could repost every piece of art about him. I just found out that there is an official fanfiction about him that I will definitely read today.
The first time I saw the art, I was captivated. It was exactly what I envisioned. I won't disclose any more; the images speak for themselves.
All I'm going to say here is that they confirmed my preference. It wasn't just a fantasy; it was what I truly liked and wanted...
Enough distraction!!! Man, these men make me a mess!!!
I adore the appearance of older men. They exude the warmth of a comforting embrace. A warm hug <3. They give off an aura of reliability, as if you could wholly surrender to them, entrusting them with complete control, knowing they understand what's best for you through their experience. they can guide and lead you. I find older men's natural protectiveness endearing, and their wrinkles and white hair are quite attractive to me.They embody qualities like patience, love, and a strong appreciation for women, thanks to their extensive life experiences. Regarding your second question, it seems I've already provided a broad answer. But let me elaborate. Older men make you feel heard and valued. They can also make you feel empowered with their guidance and mentorship. You can have genuine conversations with them. They usually handle things more carefully than younger men who are still learning.
Wow... well that was a long answer. I hope i didn't make you regret asking. well thank you for asking. This was really fun to write about.
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101flavoursofweird · 11 months
Title: Soulless
Description: “When I was alive, you said you wanted to save me, as you hadn’t been able to save your daughter. Was any of that true?” -Aboard the Detragon, Melina opposes Descole. (AU)
Spoilers: For Eternal Diva, and slight spoilers for Azran Legacy
Set: AU, set during Eternal Diva 
Warnings: Referenced character death… and Descole isn’t perceived in the best light here— at least, from Melina’s perspective. His actions might be more understandable with context from Azran Legacy
Note: Written for Day 3 of @layton-npc-appreciation-week for Eternal Diva… Descole’s not under-appreciated but Melina and Janice most definitely are.
“You must sing if you want to save them, Melina—“
“Was it true?” Melina interrupts him. 
She‘s not sure where this newfound courage comes from (maybe it’s from Janice), but she stares at Jean Descole as they’re lifted into the air with the stage and the Detragon.
“W-when I was alive,” Melina recalls, “you said you wanted to save me, as you hadn’t been able to save your own daughter. Was any of that true?”
Below her, she hears Luke yelping and the wolves growling. 
If Melina angers Descole, he could easily order the wolves to attack her father and her friends, but she can’t help it. 
She’s angry and she wants to know…
What could drive someone to such lengths— to value an ancient city over human life?
Descole doesn’t deign to answer her.
The stage stops moving. They’re so high up now— high enough for Melina to see the whole island, and inside the castle.
The wolves have her companions surrounded. One has poor Luke pinned to the floor…
Descole turns to the Detragon’s keyboard with a toss of his cape.
“I didn’t think so,” Melina huffs. 
She might as well be poking a dangerous bear right now, but still, she persists. (Maybe she can buy the others some time to escape from the wolves!)
“How could it be true? A loving father would never kidnap o-other people’s daughters— let alone steal their lives—“
“I haven’t stolen anyone’s life,” Descole spits, spinning around to face her again. He seems so incensed that Melina is startled for a moment. Is this sore spot for him?
(Luke had whispered to her, while they were being ‘escorted’ to the dungeon earlier, about the masked man’s deeds in Misthallery…)
“It was your ‘dear father’ who invited those girls to host your memories,” Descole sneers, as if Melina needs reminding. “I simply provided him with the means—“
“You’re right,” Melina agrees. 
The love and the gratitude she feels for her father clashes with the shame in her heart, but the latter conquers all else.
Amelia was lured here, with the hope of winning eternal life for her dying granddad.
Little Nina dreams about returning home to her family.
Janice’s parents don’t even know their daughter has been dormant for a year.
“M-my father must face punishment for what he has done,” Melina says firmly. She glares at Descole. “And so will you.”
Melina has gone too far, this time. 
Descole surges towards her. Terrified, Melina takes a small step back— only to remember how close to the edge she is.
Melina swallows. Surely a drop of this height would kill her. It would kill Janice. 
Descole realises this too.
He grabs her by the wrist. 
Before, when he was discussing the songs of Ambrosia, he had almost been gentle with her— as if he were handling a delicate ‘instrument’…
Now, he grips her arm as if he wants to shatter her bones. 
“Sing A Song of the Sea,” he breathes, “or I will throw your beloved’s body off this machine.”
Melina quivers— all of her courage crumbling away in an instant.
Janice… I’m so sorry… 
Melina doesn’t even care about the kingdom of Ambrosia. Descole can have it! Anything, as long as he lets Janice, Father, and the rest of them go…
“Don’t make me do it,” Descole says through gritted teeth.
“P-please…” Melina is ready to submit to his demands, but then, Janice rises to the surface of her mind and mutters, “You’re a soulless monster—“
Janice, stop! 
Melina clamps her free hand over her mouth. She hates having to stifle Janice, but she’s going to get them— herself— killed!
Descole stares at her, his mouth slightly open. Melina imagines his eyes widening as well. Would he be any less intimidating, if she could see his eyes? 
Much to Melina’s immense relief, Descole releases her and storms back to the Detragon’s keyboard.
He starts to play A Song of the Stars. 
“Sing,” he orders once more, “and I swear, on my daughter’s memory, that I will send your loved ones home, unharmed.”
“A-Alright,” Melina concedes. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose, unless she complies.
You’re doing the right thing, Janice assures her.
Melina nods, takes a deep breath, and begins to sing. 
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storiesofaot · 2 months
heeey! what do you think about Hange and Jean's relationship? 👉🏻👈🏻
Hi anon! Ooh that is a great question! I have to admit that, even though I really liked Jean’s development over the four seasons, I unfortunately haven’t given much thought to his relationship with the people around him in general. So I apologise in advance if this may not be the (in depth) answer you might have wanted! 🫣
Something which I think connects both Hange and Jean is their wish to do the right thing. They may have different ways to approach things (she can be quite impulsive, while he is more on the analytical side) but they both are willing to give everything in order to save the people around them.
I always like to remember that scene where they are fighting Kenny’s squad and Jean simply couldn’t bring himself to kill that woman who was attacking them (even though Levi had told them not to hesitate). He put a word in for Reiner when Hange wanted to kill him and she gave in; he saved Hange from being killed by the cart titan - he doesn’t want to lose any more people to death, which is also one of the reasons why he joined the Survey Corps, right? Because of Marco’s death. Only one human life is incredibly valuable to him. Hange is very similar, she was willing to do everything to stop bloodshed (Genocide is wrong), and when she had to kill some of her (former) comrades while she was hiding with Levi, we could clearly see how much in pain she was when she cried. Also, I believe that Hange decided to join the Survey Corps because she too had strong feelings about titans and wanted to do everything to stop them, so there’s another parallel.
Hange definitely values Jean’s opinion a lot, like in that scene with Reiner which I mentioned above, where we can see that she trusts him. And she is willing to face the consequences of that decision because she is convinced/he convinced her that it was the right thing to do.
Jean respects her a lot, which we can see in that scene in season 4 where he struggled with the decision of which side he wanted to be on and is tempted to simply “take a step back”. It was her talk about their fallen comrades which convinced him, and again we have that as a connection between the two of them. They both wanted to live a happy and peaceful life, but they decided against their dream, gave up on their dream, in order to do the right thing.
They are both great leaders in their own ways, and I’d like to imagine that Hange might have considered him as the next commander as well, for she knows his strengths and his way to approach difficulties, and those would have definitely made him a great leader!
(And they have both fallen in love with an Ackerman 🤭)
I think I focused more on their parallels rather than on their relationship per se, but I still hope you liked this little analysis 🥺 And thank you so much for your question, I really enjoyed thinking about this!!
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