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Finished this piece of Bradley piercing Jake’s tongue! (for @film-in-my-soul and my piercer bradley/professor jake au😎)
The fic this art goes with by @film-in-my-soul can be read here!! (GO READ IT RN🔫)
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marvelous-doom · 30 days
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Assortment of Wolverines
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snipesu-shipposting · 5 months
pantyhose by tv girl is so freedomfries coded
And when the bullets came, he didn't duck He wrapped her pantyhose around his neck And he could feel the magic work Keeping him from harm Away to someplace mystical and warm His lucky charm
like um. just look at it
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like.... look at them........
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muffdash · 2 years
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Warmth of you
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saltyspacecat · 4 months
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Daphne and Silas because I'm obsessed with them
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amberstormblade · 6 months
Hey! Here's part two for that TMSP fic I wrote earlier! I'll leave a link to part one here in a sec! Enjoy! :3
Edit: Here's Part One!
Ruby’s day had been going quite well! He was feeling a lot better and was finally able to get out of bed. Although he was still a bit achy, getting to just walk around with Vintage made everything worth it. Some of the other members of their little town even joined in, it seemed like only Viking was missing. It wasn’t until Vintage had mentioned that they needed some materials for a build they were working on that things went wrong.
Climbing down through the cactus farm left the little group scrambling to adjust after coming from the late afternoon sun and soon they were all stumbling their way over to the chests lining the wall when Box spoke up. 
“Do ya hear that? Mighty strange noises ya got down here.” He looked around as if trying to locate it but not immediately seeing anything. 
“What do you mean? I don’t-” Ruby started but they were quickly cut off by Vintage
“It sounds like… crying, almost. It’s faint, but I can definitely hear it.”
Ruby looked at Jay but he just shrugged, unable to hear anything either.
“Yeah! Maybe one of our neighbors is in a bit of trouble! Let’s go check it out.” Without waiting for an answer, Box ran over to the tunnel leading to the clock tower. The rest of them followed after, the sound getting louder as they approached. While the other three were distracted by the massive tower hanging from the ceiling, Ruby’s eyes locked onto something at the bottom of the cavern. The blue and yellow mass was shaking next to a pool at the bottom, tears in his clothes showing that he had most likely fallen down the side of the cavern at some point. He seemed to be weakly gripping his head, fingers tangled in his wild mess of hair, showing that this had been going on for a while. 
“Viking!” His name tore itself from her lips as Ruby saw her closest friend fall limp. Jay had to hold her back from practically throwing herself down the pit and instead, they all carefully rushed down the stairs haphazardly carved into the wall. Running over, Ruby collapsed next to Viking, his knees practically giving out as he rushed to make sure he was even still breathing. When that other person had told him to make sure Viking didn’t kill anyone, Ruby never imagined Viking himself would have to be put on that list. 
Placing a hand on his forehead, Ruby gasped. “He’s burning up! Ca-can you guys help me get him back to the surface? I don’t think being down here is any good for him. “
Box immediately scooped him up like he was nothing while Jay and Vintage helped Ruby back to his feet. Together, the group made their way to the surface, material collecting forgotten for the moment, and towards Ruby’s house as it was close and didn’t have a bed on the roof. No one really knew why he thought that was a good idea. Box placed him on Ruby’s bed and then took a step back as she sat down next to him. He was pale, dark circles under his eyes making it clear he hadn’t been sleeping well. His eyes were scrunched tight and his breath came out in short pants. It was clear that he wasn’t doing well.
After looking him over, Ruby spoke. “I-I didn’t realize, I mean- He seemed tired yesterday but not like this!? I need-” 
Vintage cut them off, “What you need to do is take a deep breath, and know that we’re here to help. What do you need us to do?”
“Okay, okay um- Jay, can you go to Viking’s house and see if he has any extra potions? I kinda burned through all of mine.” Jay nodded and dashed out the door. “Box, can you um-um-um oh! We should make some fresh soup! Can you help gather some ingredients for it! Lots of fresh veggies! And Vintage, you can help me make it! We can start prepping the broth!” Soon, everyone was working, doing their best to help out their fallen neighbor. A cool cloth had been placed on his forehead and the two in the house kept throwing glances at him but he never seemed to change. Box returned first and the soup was well underway when Jay came back. 
“Alright, so, I got the potions, actually had to brew up some more because he was running low but, it seems like he’s already taken a lot of them? There were empty bottles all over his house, it’s actually a bit concerning.” Jay gives a nervous laugh, not sure what to do with this information. 
Everyone seems to pause at this. If Viking had been using potions to combat whatever this was and they hadn’t worked then that was bad news. Any number of things could be happening to him and even Viking himself might not know what it is. Before anyone could speak, however, a groan suddenly came from the direction of the bed. All heads whipped towards the source as Viking started to shift, hands coming up to clutch his head. He started to violently shake as tears began pouring down his face. He started moving around so much that he almost fell off the bed, only stopped by Box jumping into action. The two were now on the ground with Box holding him up. 
“Hey there! Don’t be doing tha-“ Box cut himself off as he got a good look at Viking’s face. “Oh… now that’s- that doesn’t look quite right.” A twinge of concern leaked into his voice. “Eyes don’t normally change quite like that.” 
At this point, everyone rushed over to try and see what he was talking about. Viking’s eyes were wide and unseeing, almost as if someone was forcing them open. They kept darting around as if searching for something but never latching on to anything. The most worrying part was the color. His usually yellow eye seemed to almost be flickering, looking a bright green at times while the blue one seemed to have the same color slowly pulsing around the pupil. All the while, he was gripping his head tight enough that they all worried he was going to tear out chunks of his hair. 
His eyes caught onto Ruby. They reverted to normal for a split second and then went back to their strange and colorful battle as things seemed to get worse. He started whimpering through gritted teeth and thrashing around as much as he could. It almost looked like he was fighting with himself, and losing. Box had given up on trying to hold him still at this point and was just staring in shock along with the others. Ruby did her best to approach, trying not to get hit by his spastic movements.
“Viking?” their voice shook seeing him like this, but they pushed on. “Hey, I don’t know if you can hear me but I think I know what’s going on? Well, maybe not know but I have a guess? You- you need to sleep Viking, do you understand? Just- it would be for the best if you just went to sleep.” At this, he seemed to panic, frantically trying to put space between himself and Ruby while trying to cover his head. He tried to say something but his voice was still shot, the only noise coming out was a hoarse rasping thing. Upon trying to stand he slipped, slamming his head on a nearby barrel as he fell. “Oh gosh! Is he dead?” Shrieked Jay as Viking landed with a sickening thwack back on the floor. The poor farmer seemed stuck between rushing over to the body and backing away as quickly as possible, keeping him rooted to his spot. Vintage started making her way over to him but stopped when he dazedly sat back up. 
He rubbed the back of his head and groaned as he shakily got to his feet, eyes pinched shut. He then sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as tiredly opened his eyes. It was then that everyone noticed this was no longer Viking. A green eyed stranger stood in his place, a handful of signs at the ready for any questions that would be thrown at him.
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jaybuilds · 2 years
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Frankly, there is no “good” at drawing. Yes, some people are inherently artsy-types with years of experience that they can show for it. Yes, classes and other things can help you pick up on nuances and teach you basics. But if I’m being real here… Just doodle in your spare time, take inspiration from what you like, and try to draw something accordingly. Yes, it might look messy and you’ll probably hate it, but that’s beside the point; draw characters YOUR way, invent YOUR own anatomy for hands, draw what YOU want. As you keep at, and like any other niche skill out there, you’ll naturally just refine what works for you, and you’ll inevitably invent your own style. Just don’t be afraid to make something ugly.
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jayyydraws · 7 months
good afternoon all almost-20 of my followers, with this new drawing comes a slight rebrand, kaendraws -> jayyydraws (was GONNA do jaydraws like i wrote but its taken) to fit my preferred name James
that is all, enjoy mervessel
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is-this-plural · 6 months
twitch smp! come on down to aquarium gravel, we have:
vintageapplesauce, secretly an angel! angels are plural by default
therandomb0x, secretly an eldritch entity that feeds on people's negative emotions or may potentially be a person trapped in a pact WITH the entity! obviously, plural, the void is plural, anything with multiple eyes is plural
frankie fivvr/fivrrish, literally a fallen star! that's extremely plural to me.
jaydraws/jaygamesorsomething! he's probably human. he talks to a pumpkin named armando, armando has a wife and children. even without armando the proximity to everyone else in aquarium gravel would make him plural.
rubyco_! ruby remembers someone from another world (plural) and also shares their body (plural) with another version of them (plural) that happens to be an eldritch entity (plural) in control of time but stuck in a timeloop (plural)
vikingpilot! plural by default but does have a similar thing going on to ruby so, like, double plural
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Some twitter requests
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 5 months
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Driving through the night
My piece for the @waywardsonszine !!
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satanasvincit · 7 months
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snipesu-shipposting · 5 months
freedom fries doodle
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they r so important 2 me
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muffdash · 2 years
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Tesco meal deal
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saltyspacecat · 4 months
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WIP of Sebastien in Halloween costumes (I'm gonna draw Sam as tigger and starfire to go with :3 )
I haven't drawn regularly in a good while and my anatomy skills are sooo rusty and this is HARD but I'm DETERMINED
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