#Jayb drabble
kiestrokes · 1 day
Reading | Writing | Plotting
Masterlist Drabbles Idle Pitching (wip ideas that are circulating as a group effort) Review Thanks
FIC/TITLED WIP TAGS: astringe!AU / astringe!hyunjin Bad Chem!San Bouncy!AU / brothers biker bestie!hwa / be the light Cover Me!AU / EHL / ex husband!lino double take!Minho / Minhoe Eyes on Fire!AU / Eyes on Fire!duo Heatwaves!AU / Demon!HJ pink skies!au / pink skies!jimin / pink skies!mingi nostalgia!JayB Rock with you!Coups Say My Name!AU / Say My Name!Mingi Star Lost!Lix Tell Me What to Do!Chan Untouched, xo!AU / ex bf!Hwa
WIP Tag: #now watch me wip
WRITING RESOURCES: Writing Inspo Writing Memes Writing Resources
RECS: To Be Read Published Reads Fic Recs (takes you to my personal review library) WAP Wednesday Webtoons
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spacequokka · 2 years
💚 thank you for actually sharing your WIP folder with us!! mh, I'd really love to know more about Blue Moon, After Hours and JayB's Hair, would you tell us more about those?
These three are so wildly different. I'm cackling. Let's go.
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Blue Moon is a short fic (likely longer) about wolf!Yoongi finding his mate right before getting shot by a hunter. He's stuck in wolf form while she, a vet, cares for him.
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After Hours is just an excuse for me to write a threesome with Jooheon and Changkyun. Legit PWP.
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Jay B's Hair is a crack drabble I started when he took away the love of my life with a haircut. Then he runs off to the military without telling me.
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
40 and 43 with Lim Jaebeom from Got7
Hey, these kisses work beautifully together, so here is a drabble combining the two with our lovely JayB
Kiss #40 - Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
Kiss #43 -  Following The Kiss With A Series Of Kisses Down The Neck
Kisses Masterlist
You and JayB had only spent the night together a handful of times so any morning you woke up next to him still felt like a novelty.
On this particular morning you were the first to wake and you rolled over to simply watch him through your heavy-lidded eyes, still so pleased you could call him yours. You reached out a hand, gently toying with the hair resting on his forehead before lightly tracing his features.
JayB stirred then, letting out a deep gravelly hum, smiling slightly at your soft actions.
"Morning, handsome," you whispered.
He simply hummed again. You leaned over then, pressing your lips to his, causing his smile to grow. Your boyfriend stayed put, clearly still too tired to move, his eyes still closed but lips happy to return your affection.
You slowly trailed the kisses from his lips, along his jaw and down his neck.
"Don't try anything," JayB warned, opening one eye to scowl down at you, "Too tired. Maybe later."
You whined playfully, before resting your head on his shoulder, he was quick to wrap an arm around you holding you tight.
"I hope you know I'm taking that as a 'definitely later'," you told him.
"Ok, when I'm awake," he mumbled back, snuggling into the bed again with you caught in his embrace.
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sardonicallys · 3 years
home for the weekend ⇢ jaebeom
When the life long man of your dreams — though he didn't know that — asked you to visit his hometown with him, you were expecting the cheesy seasons greetings movie that aired around the holidays where the two leads finally fell in love with the nostalgic scenery scape of home. What you had not expected was that his family owned a farm and the whole weekend you would be sowing soil under the scope of the sun.
You finally realized where the rumors of Jaebeom not taking anyone home for the weekend came from, and now it felt less like a victory when he invited you and more like a punishment. Gyeonggi wasn't even what real country living was like, and yet his family seemed to match all the requirements of it. Unsteady and sore hands scooped the yogurt you were served by his mother into your mouth, as you released a sigh.
"I'm surprised my son finally brought someone," as the silence broke, you gazed up as she offered a smile, "he always comes back home alone on the weekends."
Yeah it's cause no one wants to be knee deep in cow shit, no offense to your hard work.
"It's my pleasure, really," you say back instead, smiling as you eat another scoop. With hesitance, she looked around before leaning in close and whispering, "...You know, I told him not to bring someone he was interested in, who wants to work on a field? But he insisted that he'd know if they were really interested back if they came."
You can't find the words to respond, hearing her being called from outside as she responded that she would be out in a moment, "Take care of him, okay? He's not really good at expressing himself."
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skz-jeha · 2 years
I want to spend everyday with you
Warning: Fluff, Soft! Jackson
Pairing: Jackson Wang x GN! Reader
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Description: If anyone asked Jackson what Y/N is to him, he would say the moon. If anyone asked Y/N what Jackson was to them, they would say the sun. For all who cared, these two were inseparable. True to word, they couldn’t spend a day without each other, much to the annoyance of the GOT7 guys.
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It is a calm Saturday afternoon. Everyone lazing around the GOT7 dorm room. Scattered around the room were the talented idol boys. Some sat on the floor, some on the couch, and others on the scattered bean bags.
The boys chatted about whatever while Jackson had an arm around Y/N's waist. The two lovebirds were snuggled together in their little bubble. Utterly oblivious to the knowing smiles of their friends.
BamBam and JayB used to tease Jackson relentlessly before he got together with Y/N, always off staring into space, daydreaming about the person who caught his attention and stole his heart.
Now imagine seven boys, all living together, all single, and only one of them is in a relationship. That someone is constantly praising their partner. It gets pretty annoying for the rest of the group.
iGOT7 gave the couple the nickname Sun & Moon because it seemed that the two revolved around each other.
iGOT7 adore Y/N. They are happy that Jackson found someone that loves and cares for him and has his best interest in mind. Of course, there was a backlash when Jackson and Y/N's relationship was announced. However, that soon changed when the fandom saw your interactions with the boys. How you always make sure they did not overwork themselves and took care of their health.
Many edits and videos have been made of you and Jackson as a cute and loving couple. The boy's favorite is the videos of Jackson looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
Honestly, the boys had no problem with your relationship or how lovestruck Jackson is. It gave them all an excuse to tease the rapper, especially the Maknaes, who relentlessly teased Jackson for months after they first met you at the studio.
You walked in with baggy jeans, a t-shirt that the boys knew for a fact was Jackson's, and a bag of takeout in hand. A bright smile graced your face as you set down the food on the table and hopped into your boyfriend's arms. Said boyfriend, who was frowning and sulking just a second ago.
The boys all saw how you affected Jackson's mood, making him happier. They also picked up on how he looked more relaxed and at ease when around you. They all made a vow to slap Jackson if he ever hurt you.
You are close friends with Mark and JayB. One time, while drunk, Mark asked you what you thought of Jackson, and you said he was your Sun.
Confused, JayB asked what you meant. Smiling drunkenly, you said Jackson brightens up your life, and then you promptly passed out. The two boys made sure to get you into bed safe and sound.
The both of them told Jackson about your conversation, and Jackson smiled and said that you were his moon, a stable pillar that he could rely on when life gets hard.
After that little love confession, the boys noticed that wherever one went, the other was soon to follow. BamBam made sure to point out whenever you were being extra cuddly with the other, causing both of you to embarrassingly get awkward, which prompted the rest of the boys to jokingly scold BamBam.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Ruined Proposal ~ Im Jaebum
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As soon as you walked into the studio, you could feel a slight tension as several eyes looked across to you. You looked round closely at Youngjae and Jackson as they exchanged a glance before reluctantly taking a seat on the sofa as you tried to figure out what was going on.
Neither of them spoke as you sat down and placed your bag down beside you, both keeping their eyes away from you in the hope that they’d wake up and realise that you weren’t in the room with them both after all.
“Have you two had an argument or something?” You quizzed them both.
“No,” Jackson muttered, keeping his eyes firmly on the ground, “but what are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, especially so as you looked across to Youngjae who could only shrug back at you, keeping himself quiet too. You checked the date on your phone too, knowing that your schedule was clear for the evening.
You waited a few moments, but when neither of them spoke, you pushed for answers. “Where am I supposed to be?” You asked, knowing something was wrong as both of their eyes went wide.
“Has Jaebum not got in contact with you?” Youngjae asked, surprised when your head shook back at him. “Have you checked your phone, just to be completely sure?”
You did as Youngjae said, looking through your texts and calls to see not a single one from Jaebum, your last message wishing him a good day as he dropped you off earlier in the morning.
“He’s going to be there alone,” you overheard Jackson mutter under his breath, leaning in towards him and nudging his arm. His body jolted yet again as you knocked him, giving him a questionable look. “Y/N, you’re supposed to be by the river.”
“Why?” You questioned, “it’s not my birthday or anything, what are you guys up to?” You laughed, quickly falling silent as you looked at the panicked looks on both of their faces. “Jackson, you better start talking before you end up digging a bigger hole for Jaebum to climb out of when I find out what’s going on.”
Across the room, Youngjae’s head shook as Jackson looked to him in search of hope, he had managed to give the game away, and now it was up to him to try and give you as few clues as possible.
“I can’t tell you what’s going on,” Jackson sharply responded, “it’s not for me to say, Jaebum needs to tell you for himself instead of me.”
“But I’m not asking Jaebum, I’m asking you,” you continued to push at him, “your face is obvious, so why can’t you just tell me? What’s the worst that could happen? A proposal?”
It was only supposed to be a joke, but as the two of them both looked straight to the ground, it seemed you had managed to figure out for yourself exactly what was going on. Before you knew it, the corners of your mouth turned up into a smile as you pushed against Jackson.
“He’s proposing by the river?” You queried, chuckling to yourself as Jackson’s head nodded back at you. “But why didn’t he text, or call? I’m not a mind reader to know what was going on.”
“I think he forgot,” Jackson smiled, rubbing his hand over the spot where you had hit, “but luckily for him, I have my car keys and I know exactly what part of the river he’s at, so maybe it might be Jackson to save the day after all?”
Before he had even finished his sentence, you had pulled him up onto his feet and on the way to the car park with Youngjae in tow. In record time Jackson had managed to drive you down to the river, finding Jaebum exactly where he expected with Jinyoung by his side.
As you climbed out of the car, you suddenly felt nervous as you looked across to Jaebum. His eyes were on Jinyoung, listening closely to what he said, but Youngjae had soon raced ahead of you, breaking the moment that the two best friends shared.
“What are you doing here?” Jaebum questioned as Youngjae dove in between the two of you.
“We had a little visitor at the studio, so there might be a slight change of plan,” Youngjae informed him.
“What visitor?” Jaebum quizzed, but his question was soon answered when Youngjae pointed across to you and Jackson walking down the riverbank.
As soon as he met your eyes, his smile grew, furrowing however when he noticed Jackson by your side. He was filled with confusion as to what the two of them were doing alongside you, especially during what was supposed to be a special moment between the two of you.
“I think I’ve got some explaining to do,” Jackson admitted as you reached Jaebum, “don’t be mad.”
Jaebum’s eyes widened as he followed your gaze straight to the ring box that was in his hand. “Please don’t tell me you’ve done what I think you have?”
An apology came straight from Jackson as he held his hands up in protest of his innocence, taking a step behind you to protect himself. He quickly explained the situation to Jaebum, letting him know that you had received no message from him.
“I did,” he instantly argued, fumbling for his phone in his pockets, “I text you to meet me down here at six, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show.”
“No, you didn’t,” you assured him, and as he found his phone and looked through his messages, realising that he had never pressed send on the text, Jaebum realised too. “I showed up at the studio thinking we could head out to dinner together; I wasn’t expecting any of this.”
A heavy sigh came from Jaebum, his shoulders dropping in frustration that his moment had well and truly been ruined. “This wasn’t how this was supposed to be,” he whispered apologetically across at you, “maybe I should propose again, when the moment is less ruined.”
Your head instantly shook back at him, “it might be the most unconventional proposal ever, but don’t you think that it ends up summing the two of us up quite well?”
“You still want me to propose?” Jaebum asked you, “even after just about every possible thing going wrong, it’s not even a surprise anymore, thanks to a certain someone.”
“If Jackson hadn’t have dropped you in it, I wouldn’t even be here,” you reminded him.
His eyes rolled as he remembered just how write you were, “I guess so, but I’m still mad that he ended up ruining things.”
Your head shook once again as Jaebum stared across at you. Perhaps it wasn’t the proposal you envisioned for yourself, but that didn’t make the moment any less special, or change what your answer was going to be.
“Just propose,” Jinyoung laughed beside Jaebum, “it’s obvious that she’s going to say yes, even if you proposed in a skip.”
Your head nodded in agreement with Jinyoung as Jaebum searched your eyes for assurance. “I can at least try and make the rest of my proposal goes as planned,” he laughed, “which means that the three of you can bugger off.”
“Let them stay,” you interjected, stopping the three of them, “we need to make sure we have witnesses who can testify the story when one day we tell our children just how terribly their father’s proposal went.”
Jaebum’s head shook as the three boys all excitedly stood to one side, allowing Jaebum to step forwards and take a hold of your hand before kneeling down in front of you with a wide smile on his face.
“Don’t mess it up,” Jackson teasingly whispered as Jaebum lowered himself.
“Shut up,” Jaebum retorted, “Y/N, I….”
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Jay B would include:
A/N: So this one has been in my notes for over a year and I would constantly add to it bc Jay B is just so consistent and such a weirdo (I love it tho). Everything is more fun than romantic. Purely based off observation/ my perception of him. Updated with texts and Snapchats: 1/10/22
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Watching romcoms and being like “that’s you” when the main character does something stupid
Conversations from the toilet
Weird conversations quickly turning into deep conversations and then going back
Having random spurts of energy but at different times and annoying the fuck out of each other 
Those silent laughs with each other where you’re both just clapping and gasping for air 
While he’s reading he’ll shut the book and say “do you know” bc he just learned something 
watching him fall over bc he’s mad clumsy
“You okay bro?” “ya bro. but are you okay bro?” “ya bro.”
going 🤟🏼gang 😳 🤘🏼gang 😔 To greet each other
He thinks that he’s flirting but what he said was not remotely flirty 
He’ll come in and watch TV shows with you and then get invested on his own 
serving you food first before he serves himself
“I have a crush on you"  “Ya I would hope so we’re dating”
“Why do you look so serious? Smile” “Don’t tell me what to do”
doing shit for you even though he’s tired out of his mind
He stares intently which is sometimes intense 
“stop looking at me” but he stares even more and closer
“Don’t get mad but…” when you know youre going to be in trouble with him and he tries his best to stay calm but he wants to WHOOP YOUR ASS
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“end the ft I need to go now” “No” “end it” “no you have your own hands end it yourself.” *looks at camera, sighing. “Okay bye I love you” “I love you too”
Doing something wrong so he takes it and fixes it for you
he finds out who casey frey is and can’t stop dancing like him “what’s poppin??? unhhhh”
Loves going on walks through nature // places that aren’t busy and quiet
Removes his socks any time he gets comfortable somewhere so there’s just a bunch of socks balled up in random places
You can tell he’s mad just by his eyes 
he’s originally very closed off and it takes a while to get him to open up, but eventually he can’t wait to share things with you
smaller fights turning into dance battles and then yall stop being mad at each other because you start doing stupid shit to make each other laugh
having quiet time away from each other
Staring contests just bc you randomly made eye contact and he’ll make his eyes as big as he can 
when you’re ranting he will let you go on for as long as you need to and THEN he’ll give you advice
his life is a mukbang. he’s just a dude who likes food 
Taking you to the places he went to when he was growing up
Sending animals memes to each other 
Has separate journals where he writes about his day, and dreams, and songs
Is the jealous type but will not admit he is the jealous type
his legs wrapping around yours when you sleep
feels like affection should be a private rather than public thing but will do a cute lil gesture every once in a while
Both being the funny one
switching between who’s the parent and who’s the kid in the situation
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Has to pull you away when you want to beat someone’s ass !!! 
Being super competitive with each other over stupid things 
Making To-do lists for each other
he makes breakfast shirtless
Always keeping you in check
cheering each other on whenever possible ,, literally being the loudest most obnoxious person
Playfully hitting him and he falls to the ground bc extra 
facetiming when one’s at the grocery store instead of calling because you want to show each other everything
museum dates
is always late to things
Taking sneaky candids of one another 
Taking selfies and he’s taking more pictures of you with different angles BC HE KNOWS THE MUTHAFUCKING ANGLES
Pointing out something only both of you would find funny and it’s usually at the most inappropriate moment so you have to hide your laughter but it makes it funnier 
not fighting often, but when you do fight it’s super intense and scary. Like you won’t talk for a few days, and you’ll sleep in separate rooms
And both of you will keep adding to the problems with irrelevant shit but shit that bothers them and the only way to solve it is having a long long talk to apologize and fix it
“Who can scream louder AHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Handwritten notes for birthday/ anniversaries
Will remember small details about you and bring them up later
standing on his back
He is just so clumsy JB please just watch where you’re going
footfiving ((high-fiving feet I KNOW this one is weird ok))
he’s a good listener and you can honestly go to him for anything 
Doing funny things with a serious face to see who will crack first
Honestly, he’s basically just your best buddy with the bitch face that has a heart of gold
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
~ 7 Drabbles for 7k ~
Hello my dears!! I’ve just hit 7k followers!! Thank you all so much for all the love and support for all I’ve done here on this blog. It really means the world to me you have no idea. It really blows my mind that 7 thousand people have followed me because of my silly little writings. I really never thought I’d get to this point. 
As I usually do, I’m doing a special thing as a little celebration for 7k! For a whole week, I’ll be posting drabbles for a variety of groups! I’ll be posting one drabble a day for a whole week! This post will be the masterlist of all the drabbles. I hope you like my little writings and thank you all again for 7k!
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♡ Mr. Perfect - roommates to lovers au with Mingyu
♡ Black Coffee - coffee shop au with Johnny
♡ Oblivious - fluff with Changgu 
♡ Love Yourself - hurt/comfort with Jaebeom
♡ Ice Cream - fluff/suggestive with Yuta
♡ Personal Heater - fluff with Seungcheol
♡ Legally Obligated - hurt/comfort with Seonghwa
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
This is for chelle cats, i mean chats! Omg!
First how are you and everything?
Secondly, any drabble of a scenario that fiest comes to your mind.
Hugs and kisses!!!
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I'm good thank you!
So I'm a bit shocked that I've just written something for the KOD world, and it's not even in the plans. Shoot. I can't really ignore this either. Looks like I'll need to return to Sheol sooner than I realised.
Pairing: Im Jaebum x female reader
Word count: 485
World: King Of Demons
You smiled wickedly as you listened to the rattling of the chains, clasping your hands behind your back as you slowly crossed the room.
He looked up at you then, his eyes pleading with you for a reprieve. You should've revelled in that look. Instead, it disgusted you. He had no right to expect mercy when he had given you none beforehand.
"Please," he begged, and you cocked your head to the side. "Please," he repeated.
"I've done you wrong," he confessed, his tear-stained cheeks seeming rounder. Dark eyes connected with yours, grappling with you to pay attention to his pleas. "I've been cruel to you. I had no idea... who you... what you are."
No, he wasn't meant to. You had no desire to show the world how deadly you were. You didn't wish to be reminded of it either. However, you had fallen for the man before you. His charms, his wiliness. He had captivated you with those beautiful eyes now searching for any clemency.
If you freed him, he would eventually forget this stain on his life. The fear he felt now would succumb to relief and instant gratification. Perhaps, he'd have nightmares that lingered for a short time, and then he would be off again, enchanting the hearts of the innocent and building his power again.
He was the mastermind of attraction. Whilst you were the deadliest hour of night, the harsh whisper upon skin in the coldest winter. He shouldn't have been tempted to make you his pet.
You would destroy him.
"Even those who aren't human feel, boy."
He was nodding rapidly, too easily agreeable. He would agree to anything if it meant you would release him.
"If anything, someone like me feels too much. And right now, I'm rather angry."
"Oh!" he gasped, darting his fearful gaze around.
"Someone like him shouldn't roam the streets again," another male purred, darkening your thoughts further. You didn't turn to face the newcomer, Jaebum stepping into your view a moment later. Leaning down to the shaking man, he clicked his tongue at him. "So many sins on his skin."
"That's rich coming from you."
"Well, where you like to try and remain pure," he started, eying you as if he could see your soul for something other than dark and tainted. Jaebum smirked when he reached your eyes. "I have no problems in raising hell."
"That would be because you're the king of that realm, Jaebum."
"And will you return?" he asked. He showed uncertainty for a moment before pressing on. "Sheol needs you."
Glancing at the shaking human, you released the chains, only for Jaebum to catch him in his escape, his end silent and swift.
You folded your arms over your chest. "What would the King of Demons want with me?"
"Change is coming. And we'll need all the help from your kind that we can get, Curse-Breaker."
My ask box is open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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dontbekoifish · 4 years
This IS a Love Song (Jaebeom Drabble)
Pairing: Jaebeom x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Summary: This isn’t a song Jaebeom usually writes, but you love it anyway.
Word Count: 198
“Babe, can you come here to listen to my song? I want to know your opinion before I send it to a producer,” Jaebeom calls from another room, and you sigh, making your way around the kitchen table.
“Jae, you know my taste isn’t quite like yours. I don’t think I would give very good advice. For the kind of song you’re writing, I mean.” Jaebeom looks at you as you round the corner but says nothing, instead just hitting the space bar of his laptop.
There's no sound for a while, but then you can hear a faint voice. Your voice. You scrunch up your nose. "Jae-" Jaebeom hushes you, and you sigh, sitting on the edge of his chair as you listen.
It's just you talking, laughing, joking around. How did he even get this footage? Before you can look at him questioningly, though, the audio stops and Jaebeom is off his chair, kneeling on the floor.
He has a box in his hand. "(Y/N), the love of my life-" he has barely started his sentence and you're already crying. You let him finish his speech, and yet, you already have an answer in your head.
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solarswonderland · 3 years
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updating soon!
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sighjaebum · 4 years
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�� SURRENDER, iii.
She has dyed blonde hair and a bumblebee tattooed on the inside of her wrist, the next girl you see Jaebum with. She smiles at him like he’s everything, and you cannot blame her for that. You know you smile at him the exact same way.
           You’re at another party at BamBam’s house, stolen from solitude by Jackson and his endless worrying. It’s the first time you’ve been with your friends since you and Jaebum ended things, had worried that he might’ve felt awkward with you around, when he’d made such an effort to cut you off entirely. You worried, even more, that maybe your friends would no longer want you in their lives, worried they’d cut you off, too, to make Jaebum feel less suffocated. It’s because of him that you know them, after all. You and Jaebum had been friends for years, but the others came later. The others came at the beginning of your college life, starting with Jaebum and Jinyoung’s first meeting in a lecture and ending with you being invited to a game night hosted by Yugyeom.
           But Yugyeom had hugged you as soon as you set foot in Bam’s apartment, had wailed how he’d missed you, already a little tipsy and as clingy as he always was.
           Jaebum, however, you hadn’t had the chance to talk to yet—and you didn’t think you’d get to. He’s standing with that girl in the corner, one hand on her hip and a smile on his lips. They’d been a thing since three days ago, according to a sheepish Youngjae, who’d offered you a drink as consolation as he explained this.
           Now, you sit with Jackson and the others in the centre of the room, in a world of your own despite the party raging on around you. He has an arm draped across your shoulder, and you can’t help but lean closer to his side, comforted by his presence in a way that makes your heart ache a little less. You wonder when Jackson became your best friend. Probably the moment Jaebum kissed you. Probably the moment you realised that your friendship with Jaebum laid amongst the ruination of your heart. When did everything between you turn into ruin?
He should never have kissed you, and you should never have kissed him back. Maybe then you wouldn’t be feeling like this; a little too heavy, with a weight pressing down on your chest, rendering you breathless in the most insignificant of moments. Why did you have to fall in love with someone who refused to do the same? Why do you have to hurt so bad when clearly he’s feeling fine?
“Do you want to leave?” Jackson asks, his voice a whisper and barely discernible over the thumping music. You lift your head from his shoulder and meet his worried gaze, his dark eyes flickering across your every feature, trying to find any sign that you need to get out of here. And even though you’d love to go home, to slip beneath the covers and block out the world, your pain, you know that you can’t. You don’t want to. Your friends have missed you, have spent twelve days worrying about you, sending text messages that go unanswered and phone calls that go ignored, and you can’t bring yourself to leave them when they looked so relieved to see you here.  So, you shake your head, and with it try to shake away all thoughts of Jaebum.
 It works for about ten minutes, until he steps into your eyeline with that girl on his arm, and she’s still smiling. Did you look this happy when you were with him? Or were your smiles overshadowed by the knowledge that this was only temporary? You wonder which is worse, the knowing or the not knowing.
           “Oh, hey!” Jackson greets the newcomers cheerfully, though his hand drops down to squeeze yours. “Miyoung, right?”
           The girl nods, enthusiastically, and it’s here you see that her cheeks have turned a little red from the alcohol. She sways where she stands but Jaebum keeps her steadied. How weird that he keeps her steadied when he always knocks you off balance. “That’s right,” she says, “I’ve heard so much about you guys that I had to come over and say hello.” Wrong move, you think, bitterly. Jaebum doesn’t like it when people push their way into his life. He has to let you in, has to be ready for these things himself. He needs to know he can trust someone before he brings them around his friends, has to know things won’t get messy on either end. It’s not for his sake, not really. He just doesn’t want to risk his friends getting hurt by someone he introduced them to. It’s happened before, happened to you. He’d been the one to introduce you to your ex, after all, and you both knew how that ended.
           Come to think if it, that’s when this started. This slow process, the trust issues, the rejection of love. Seventeen. Crying into his shirt because everything hurt so much. You were more concerned the blood on his shirt than you were the pain in your chest, the way you were trembling against his chest. Back then, six months felt like forever—and your forever had been thrown to the gutter, had exploded in a screaming match and Jaebum’s fist against his face, repeating apologies when he was gone and all that was left was the two of you. In ruins, always in ruins.
           You lift your eyes from your cup and meet Jaebum’s gaze. He watches you with his head cocked to one side, searching, pensive. Miyoung is talking animatedly with a slurring BamBam, but their conversation makes no sense to the others around them, and even if it did, you wouldn’t have understood, anyway. Not when Jaebum looks at you like that, not when his gaze slips to Jackson’s hand in yours and his jaw clenches. And you think, oh, that’s new, but you don’t say anything, don’t even move, because you’re afraid that this moment will be over and you will lose him to the silence again.
           You remind yourself that he kissed you first. It wasn’t you who lost him, but he lost you. He lost you, he lost you, he lost you. When he looks away, drawn into a drunken kiss by the girl in his arms, you begin to lose hope that he’ll ever find you again.
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spacequokka · 3 years
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Prompt: A figure appeared in the darkness: in the gleam of the moonlight, it was clear it was holding a knife.
“Jae, what the hell are you doing?” You paused, just about to put your mug of hot cocoa in the microwave. “You look like a friggin’ serial killer.”
He stepped closer, dropping the knife on the nearest counter. “I thought it’d scare you.” He leaned against the fridge. “Ever since you started watching movies with Yugyeom, you’ve been harder to scare.”
You shrugged. “I guess I’ve become desensitized. It’s gotten boring and cliche.”
Jaebeom nodded. “Figured that’d happen. Well,” he picked up the knife and took a step closer, close enough for you to feel his breath on your neck. “I could chop up some fruit for you while I’m here. Apples or bananas?”
You took your cup out of the microwave, handling it with care to avoid blisters. “No, thank you. I’ve got this. It’ll help me sleep and fight the urge to snack.”
“Then can I walk you back to your room? I have a little energy to burn off.”
“That’s fine. Though you could tire yourself out in the gym.”
He gave you a lewd grin. “I can think of better ways to do that.”
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
“I Lied” - Jay B (Jaebeom)
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A/N: For Jay B’s birthday. Things might get a bit emotional, but its still fluffy I promise :)
You felt incredibly guilty for lying to your boyfriend, but it just seemed easier than telling him the truth.
He'd invited you to what he was calling a 'GOT7 meeting' but was actually dinner with him, Jinyoung, Youngjae and Yugyeom. While you had met Jinyoung before, the thought of being out in a public place with a lot going on around you and meeting new people had you on edge.
After telling Jay B you were busy, you put on some low music to focus your mind on and started carrying out some mundane chores to keep your body busy.
When you heard a knock at the door you automatically went to answer it. Pulling it open you came face to face with Jay B.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, surprised that he wasn't with his friends.
"What are you doing here?" he put the question back to you. His voice was calmer than you expected, not accusing but almost... understanding.
"I'm sorry," you said in a small voice.
"I lied," you pointed out. "So I'm sorry, but I didn't know what else to say and I just can't today. I can't."
Finally, Jay B crossed the threshold, closing your door then pulling you into his embrace.
"It's fine, I knew you weren't telling the whole truth," he told you. "I could tell there was something going on with you. Why do you think I'm here?"
"But now I've ruined your day," you muttered as you clung onto him.
"I wouldn't have enjoyed myself anyway. I would have been too worried about you. Now, why don't we go and get comfortable, and you can tell me what's up?" he asked as he pulled away.
"I don't know if I can put it into words," you told him, letting yourself be led to your sofa.
"Can you try? Anything you can tell me, how you feel, how I can help?"
"I don't think you can help. I just need you to understand that sometimes socialising or being out in public, or somewhere that's too loud or busy, can be really overwhelming for me," you explained as best you could. "Not always. Had this dinner happened on a different day it might have been fine, but today, I can't cope."
"That's fine," Jay B assured you. "You don't have to lie, you can just tell me it's too much for you that day."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course," he replied, slightly incredulous that you'd ask that. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable, or have to feel bad about lying to me."
"Thank you," you said as you hugged him again. "I'm so lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend."
"I'd be the worst boyfriend if I wasn't understanding of your mental health or forced you into situations which could trigger you."
You simply squeezed him a little tighter to show him your appreciation.
"Is it ok that I'm here?" he then asked. "If you don't have the energy I'll leave, I don't mind."
"Just you is fine," you smiled. "But I would really like if we could just sit in silence and watch a film."
"Of course," he said wrapping an arm around you and placing a quick kiss on your temple.
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hotpinkhoshi · 2 years
see everything in my #writing tag!
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JAYB drabbles: playing with your hair delicate
MARK drabbles: closure / invisible string "it's always been you"
full length: kiss it better (discontinued)
JACKSON drabbles: snowfall
JINYOUNG drabbles: rough night (m) cold morning fate
full length: the pact (m) how it ends long hot summer (m)
YOUNGJAE drabbles: more than friends strangers to lovers
BAMBAM drabbles: wedding f2l peace rose
YUGYEOM drabbles:
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springday-aus · 3 years
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Fic Recommendations: ღ Grandma Recs - ღ Grandpa Recs
ღ Seonghwa: On One Condition by @ateezmakemeweep
➳ Bad Boy!AU? Yes, please. The spin on A Walk to Remember works so well (especially the angst portion), and this time it comes with a happy ending! It's one of those fics when you need an escape and need to feel something. I went through the same pain as I did when I watched the movie, but it definitely had its own twist and spin from the author that works so well. Frankly, I come back to this fic rather than watching the movie and it's such a better option.
ღ San: forgetting something? by @tbhchoi
➳ this was a very cute fluffy drabble that gives you a good chuckle. i’m a sucker for fluff (i need to escape pls hand the fluff over) so this was a really nice story to stumble across! san 🤝 me, sleeping through alarms.
ღ Hongjoong: Troublemaker by @kpophogwartsaus
➳ let me start by saying I AM A SUCKER FOR HOGWARTS AUS (we still hate r*wling), you’ll prob see a lot of recs from me that are like this. i had originally seen this and sent it to my friend who is a hongjoong stan and read it along with her. i love the banter between hongjoong and the reader, plus the comedy from both mingi and yunho (god i love them). if you like friends to lovers au’s, harry potter, a good laugh, and mild chaos, this is the fic for you.
ღ San: slytherin!au san by @warmau
➳ well would you look at that another hogwarts au who would have guessed. listen y’all everything from skye is so good i recommend literally anything and everything but this right here *chefs kiss*. some suggestive themes, little bit of angst, and a cute ending. i give this a 10/10. (Also would recommend bc Skye is a goddamned mastermind and I'm not even San biased. - Grandma)
ღ Seokjin: Pride and Fidget Spinners [M] by @kpopfanfictrash
➳ Enemies to lovers is my ultimate weakness. Out of all of Shanna's works, this is my ultimate favorite and I'm not even Seokjin biased. It's super cute as their relationship progresses because it's so petty but so relatable and I'm so soft for goofy Seokjin. 10/10 would recommend.
ღ Hoseok: Plant Boy by @gukyi
➳ We hate JK R*wling in this house, but we love a Hogwarts AU. This was just so soft and fluffy and I love works like this because it makes me so soft, especially when it comes to my boy Hoseok. This fic is great for a pick-me-up when you're having a shitty day. (I ALSO ADD THIS MY RECS I FUCKIN LOVED THIS FIC -grandpa)
ღ Hoseok: Occultation [M] by @jamaisjoons
➳ The way that this fucked me up... I felt so much as I was reading throughout like. It's fitting, considering how Armys perceive him as some kind of sun god and I.... pain. I'm telling you that this is a great read, but be warned of the angst that will hit. Hard. There are small times where I feel upset and this weirdly makes me feel better? It's hard to explain, but the emotions of it all really hit.
ღ Jimin: Nine-One-One [M] by @yminie
➳ Fun fact: I am a sucker for true crime and this fic was able to capture the thrill of the mystery of a dangerous killer. There was also the element of an ex-lover and it oddly worked really well. I'm not really into reading series, but this was one of the rare exceptions. However, I would note that you shouldn't read this alone at night in the dark because I got a little freaked out.
ღ JayB: College!AU by @warmau
➳ Okay, yes: anything written by Skye is wonderful, but this one has a soft spot in my heart. I'm not a JayB stan, but I am not a blind woman. The man is fine and we all know it. It's just a good storyline and I love how they end up getting together. It's just some good ol' fashioned romance and I. LOVE. IT.
ღ Johnny: Set Up [M] by @smileysuh
➳ I usually hate frat!aus bc it's frat aus and I get war flashbacks. But enemies to lovers man. It's my ultimate weakness. I love re-reading it because the comedy is top tier and I feel like it's very fitting for the NEO boys. It's a great read.
ღ Jaehyun: The Apple of My Eye by @sehunniepotwrites
➳ I'm an education major and this hit me so hard in the feels since I'm going into my internship this year. Fun fact: another weakness of mine is men who are good with children and it's so fitting for Jaehyun (considering he wanted to be a teen dad 🤡). I was totally weak in the knees for a lovestruck Jaehyun and then throw in that he's a kindergarten teacher..... pain. But it's the good kind.
ღ Jeno: Love & Letter by @asthmark
➳ Guess who secretly loves angst? Me, it's me. I loved so much of it: the pining, the letters, and the whole club supporting Jeno. And then there was Renjun. Wow, he was a piece of work and I had a feeling he was gonna be that shitty boyfriend as the fic was progressing. The writing was just so spectacular and that made the angst hit like a bitch.
ღ Yangyang: Lonely Hearts Columns by @naptaemed
➳ I love this fic; this is top tier in my category. It was just so funny and so fitting for the NEO boys. I loved each dynamic that was paired with the main character because you can see the difference in comparison to YangYang. I also thought it was funny watching the two dance around one another: we love an idiots to lovers!au.
ღ Mingyu: Walking Into Traffic [M] by @versigny
➳ I. LOVE. SOULMATE. AUS. It also has enemies to lovers!au in the best absolute way and I swear to god, this is just genius. I think this is the one that has stuck the most by me and it's absolutely hilarious. The progression of it all can all be in 6k words? Wow. I just love this fic and I constantly go back for it. I literally almost died inside when I realized I didn't officially have it tabbed/saved.
Stray Kids
ღ Changbin: lip balm by @lixesque
➳ THE WAY I WAS HOLLERING READING THIS LMAO. i would definitely go back and read this is i ever needed a little pick me up, it was downright hilarious. if you like fluff and comedy this is the one for you!
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