#Jax npc theory
skekilla · 2 months
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so anyway developments in the au plot hehe
when the gang all try to leave the uncanny world pomni made, the key she programmed in to get them out doesn't work. they kinda glitch and no-clip as a result, all scattered throughout the bottom of the map---amidst all the assets! now remember this world was originally created by caine a really long time ago and pomni just reused it as a base? well the original setting and plot had to do with anthropomorphic animals. a certain rabbit character had been sculpted and programmed, but scrapped and forgotten by him as he made the world. but that npc still existed ! and so, forgotten and having nothing to do in the world, he had snuck into the circus when the adventure was done oooo
he was hiding there for a long time before he witnessed kinger appear in the circus. that gave him an idea: he'd fake being a human coming in and just hope for the best. so he did, and caine, having forgotten all about him, just kinda accepted it and called him jax! and jax has been hiding this ever since :) until everyone, underneath the map, stumbled right across his model :))))
everyone is very disturbed and things will not go well, but for now, everyone's agreeing to go back to the circus and pretend nothing happened hahaha
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iri-desky · 5 months
"the Jax NPC theory doesn't have a lot of evidence!"
... I'll admit we don't have a lot of evidence for it YET. But have you considered how he's the only character out of the "humans" who isn't based off of an object or toy, but instead an animated rubberhose rabbit? A thing that fundamentally "isn't real" in comparison? Have you considered that wee little inconsistency that more than likely was intentional?
Also not to mention his very first line in the series was "Caine, is this a new kid or another one of your NPCs?"
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fungi-rat · 5 months
another NPC Jax thing
so now that more theories are out here’s some theories I wanted to mash together for something.
so @pixelated-moon made a post mentioning how the normal npcs in the circus are marionettes, which could imply that they can “wear” the avatar skins like they are premade and the npcs simply wear them and act out the role they are coded.
but how does this connect to Jax being an NPC? If a NPC pretended to be him real Jax would know. Well,
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This theory by @stardust948 gave me an idea that
-Caine accidentally kills real Jax and doesn’t know
-a Marionette NPC finds a way to wear the Jax model
-he blends in with the rest of the cast
this is how Jax has a door despite being an NPC. Caine just didn’t get a chance to mark Jax as dead and so the NPC replaced him and just made Caine think he was human.
I think this would make sense and I think it’s pretty fun. That’s all. Thank you to both of these people great theories!!
Links to posts under cut
marionette npcs
Caine killed Jax
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spiritxxd · 4 months
Here's random Jax art I made for no reason
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aalien-s · 4 months
im seeing a lot of the npc jax theory and though i must say i like it (literally just cuz hes my fav) i can see it more being Kinger than Jax.
short rant under the cut
Kinger has been here the longest- Long time for Caine to forget and none of the current squad to know (someone that abstracted mighve known)
Kinger calling himself a royal in the pilot- he wouldve probably been coded as a king and seems to genuinely think he is one.
Hes been there for so long, is literally insane and yet, he hasnt abstracted. Im guessing NPCs cant abstract.
i think itd be funny if Caine just made an npc specifically for Queenie during one adventure and maybe Queenie got so attatched that she brought him with her and maybe abstracted soon after. So when Caine found Kinger he thought he was Queenie (as in: Queenie never existed instead it was Kinger all along)
anyway i dont really care what happens. it would also be extremely hilarious if the creators put that Caine line where he said that he can forget whos an NPC and whos human, just because they knew ppl would go crazy with the implications lmao. ik its been said that theres a lot of hidden secrets and forshadowing (if im not wrong ofc), but not everything has to be.
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almadash · 5 months
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she knows
(continuation to the NPC Jax comic)
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askdemotivatedmod · 5 months
I just wanna confirm, does anyone remember when the first time the word "NPC" was brought up in TADC?
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... ok, just double-checking. Carry on.
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oldcloroxcasserole · 5 months
“Jax is an NPC” theory post with a bunch of evidence.
‼️most of this came from other posts, I’m just compiling it‼️
@fungi-rat made this post
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Here are the pins so you can see what these posts are talking about
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@cccccccoooooo made the below post
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Also, as many people have been pointing out, Jax was really upset when there wasn’t any violence. This could either be the fact that he just.. likes violence.. or (the one that proves my theory), since this is about him being an NPC, that would make him from an adventure, and maybe the reason he craves violence so much and does something that led everyone to believe him to be getting angst in this episode, along with getting the most villain-arc looking shot towards the end, this might be because he was a villain in that adventure that he was from. Or he was supposed to be violent or it happened after he became self aware. Or I’m reading way too far into this.
Also in the pilot he just kinda.. teleported? I don’t know but it doesn’t seem like any of the other cast can do that, other than Caine, who isn’t a human. So yeah. @skekilla made the points below
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Another point is that Jax breaks the fourth wall by looking at the ‘camera’, and referring to pomni as “a new character”. I also might be reading too far into this but it’s something that just... due to goose confirming that there’s a lot of symbolism, I don’t think they’d do that for no reason. Plus how he said “another one of your NPC’s” which is strange, because NPC’s aren’t allowed in the circus, and so there aren’t any. Maybe, if he is one, he thought that they were allowed in the circus .
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Plus this point 👆🏼 I didn’t make it but I don’t remember who did
and the one below made by @zooblenation touching on the same topic.
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Point below made by @strawtebby
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Below points by @akumax666
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Will hopefully add on to this eventually.
as I said in a post saying I would make this, I said I like this theory because of the angst potential. also because I had an au about it in November that I never posted about and I just got excited when I saw people theorizing about that.
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
Warnings!: The “npc” theory, Jax being super creepy, discomfort, more oc content
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cinnamon-stixs · 4 months
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NPC jax theory...
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grapebritain · 5 months
Jax is not an npc
I've seen the idea of Jax being an npc being floated around after ep2's release, which while i ADORE this idea in concept (as some parts of it explain certain parts of his character )that doesn't mean that this is the answer as to why Jax is the way he is.
Jax is a self absorbed, sarcastic, and non-serious character who seems to know far more than he actually should so far with what we've seen. He is the only human who has broke the forth wall , not just once, but twice, and has a very performative 'vibe' to him. Like he's on some sort of stage a bit like Cain does. Due to this, and with the plot of episode 2, people have drew the conclusion that this MUST mean Jax is an npc which, eventho it is deffo plausible , there are several reasons why i do not think this is the case, and people are trying to jump to conclusion too quickly to find an explanation to these questions.
1.Pop culture reference
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Jax in episode 2 makes an offhaded joke about Charlie and the chocolate factory, a popular piece of media that most people do know about. It seems pretty insignificant but boy is this a really important detail.
With the recent release of other teasers of the next episodes that are yet to come, in terms of copyrighted media showing up in the game, we can see that Cain INTENTIONALLY makes off branded versions of popular parts of our world such as McDonalds and other fast food brands
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So for Jax to make a pop culture references, the names would likely have to be inaccurate from the actual piece of media, being...well...off branded versions of them. The fact he literally uses the accurate name "Augustus Gloop" adding an "ed" on the end for comedic effect shows that he HAS seen or heard of the actual piece of media, which would be impossible if he was an npc.
furthermore, say even the offbranded version was due to glitch themselves not being able to use actual brands in the show visually (which is also highly likely), the implication that Cain made an ai that was aware of these sorts of things is almost nonsensical considering that gummigoo didn't know anything outside of the established plot he needed to serve his in game purpose. When another npc doesn't even have a visual memory of his own mother, something closely linked to the established motive of an npc, why would Cain give an ncp knowledge of random pop culture reference for no reason ?
i would say this is a pretty strong point to put the argument forward Jax is not an npc.
2.NPC's immersive feature
this point is a little less strong, but is still a very important one to make.
I think people are forgetting that Gummigoo is intentionally meant to be far more immersive compared to pervious ai. We are going on the basis of Jax being an ncp , based on how intelligent Gummigoo is, which with the timeline we have, would not exactly work out that way.
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Obviously, Cain establishing that the ai SHOULD be more immersive, doesn't mean it will be, but if we take into context the episode prior, it does actually seem to be somewhat more advanced in a way than it wasn't before, dialogue being a bit less generic and more fluid . With the consideration this is only Pomni's second adventure, and the ai already seemingly at least, being far better than the last, that could imply that going back a couple of adventures before Pomnis arrival , this ai was much more primitive.
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Looking at when Jax arrived could give us some idea of how good the ai was at the time, and with gooseworx establishing jax arriving before zooble (who already seems to have grumpily adjusted to the world) , i would imagine that Jax, if he was an npc, would be far less advanced then he currently is and much more one dimensional as a character to hint at him being an npc....which brings me onto my next point.
3."Jax is violent and impulsive " argument
I've seen the occasional argument that Jax being violent and impulsive could be an argument for him being an npc. He realized he has no purpose, so started being violent and uncaring of the world around him, but this argument completely disregards the fact that...the human characters kind of have that 'reality shattering' moment too. Pomni does, which is why she can relate in the first place to Gummigoo.
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All of the human characters have to come to the scary realization that, they are stuck here. Stuck in a fake world. Most of the characters draw closer to each other people that are real because of this as some form of comfort such as Pomni and Ragatha, but Jax is own person, and different people react differently to different situations. Jax just happens to react in a rather emotionally distanced way to the seriousness of the situation.
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He seems to be the most emotionally immature character, so it makes complete sense as to why he would react in an immature manner. Not to mention he is the youngest out of all the cast, and may have been even younger when entering the digital circus.
When an emotionally immature, impulsive , frankly not very morally amazing person is told they can basically do whatever they like with little to no repercussions to their actions, what are they going to do? Cause chaos of course, which is exactly what Jax does.
he even more so causes chaos by breaking one of the only rules he's can't break, the whole keeping everything family friendly.
This seems to be his way of coping with the situation and seriousness at hand, brushing it aside and acting impulsively instead because he knows full well he couldn't do this in the real world, it also keep him emotionally distant from everyone else, which seems to be an intentional move by him as he doesn't go to Kaufmo's funeral despite briefly seeming upset about the matter.
He cares in his own weird way, but he refuses to show that to the rest of the cast (unimportant but i wanna add as well, it is common for men to be emotionally closed off due to the idea vulnerability for men esp is a bad thing, which ofc it is not ).
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Which also builds up off my pervious point that despite his exterior, Jax isn't one dimensional or flat as a character, which if he was an old ai npc he probably would be 1d, and we wouldn't have this small moment of slight care from him, despite still trying to stay distant.
Final thoughts
So what about the forth wall breaking? him owning keys to all the rooms? Well quite honestly, i don't think we know enough about him or anyone to fully know why Jax is the only one to do this. It could be for some deep lore meaning, or it could be simply he is the comic relief character so is the one to do this more consistently than the rest.
Personally, i DO think it's something deeper, what that deeper thing is yet is something i'm sure will be explored in future episodes, but rn, i think jumping at the first thing is not an amazing idea (eventho it is a super interesting and exciting one).
Just thought i'd share my feelings as this is the only theory i've seen around rn abt my fav stupid purple bunny.
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randomly-dollie · 3 months
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randomclod · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about the 'jax is an npc' theory recently and I've seen a couple things about it so far. They mostly involve the others finding his spare model under the map or him slipping up and saying 'you humans' or something like that.
But I have a different idea.
Picture this: they escape. The humans somehow crash the game and get their souls out of the computer or whatever and they all wake up in some kind of game room in the real world. 'All' includes the ones who were abstracted before, Kaufmo, Queenie, everyone. They're reunited with their real bodies and with each other, there's lots of crying and hugging and reintroducing themselves. They learn each other's real names and marvel at the fact that they're still alive and they made it out. It's really sweet.
Then there's a lull in the conversation, and someone (maybe Gangle) asks, very quietly:
"Where's Jax?"
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bookishbrewer · 4 months
If NPC!Jax becomes canon, I hope his catchphrase would be "I love doing anything!" to call back to N from Murder Drones :}
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pockethep · 5 months
TADC Theory...One of the Characters could be an NPC.
Even before episode 2 dropped people were theorizing that one of the main cast could be an NPC. With episode 2 having come out yesterday a very specific line said by Caine only fuels that theory....
"I know you guys love your NPCs but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows what could happen..."
I LOVE this idea for the drama. If the main goal is everyone escaping from the circus, there’s a lot of potential for a scene where everyone leaves but one of them physically can’t make it out because they aren’t a real person. (Very Wreck It Ralph like.)
Just based off what we know from two episodes I'm trying to decide who is most and least likely.
We know it probably isn't Pomni or Ragatha, they both glitched out in the pilot plus Pomni has outside game knowledge. She's been saying "collision" and "glitch" and "we're somewhere under the map", these are video game specific terms. And although NPCs can glitch as well (The Gloinks glitched in the pilot) Kinger remembers Ragathas arrival and how hard it was.
Jax can be ruled out in a similar way for the same reason as Pomni. He referenced Augustus Gloop, the child from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this episode. This is real world knowledge that would be a very specific reference for an NPC to know let alone make.
I can somewhat rule out Kinger just based on the fact that Queenie was a character who (presumably) abstracted. Based on naming conventions and design alone (weak defense but there's only two episodes out) they could have come to the digital circus together. With all the characters having such random designs it feels intentional for two characters look similar. If this is just a coincidence it would be cool for his erratic and paranoid personality to be a result of being an NPC. His spontaneity comes from the fact that he's in an area he isn't supposed to be in. Also he's been at he circus for so long and hasn't abstracted which is very very interesting.
My bets are on Zooble and Gangle. Although mainly because we don't know much about Zooble and the mask gimmick with Gangle is both something no other character has and feels like something from an actual game. Gangle is cheerful with the happy mask and more emotional and depressed with the tragedy mask while the other characters are more permitted to show emotion without something actively filtering them. Also my own bias thinks it would be cool for Gangle to snap, it'd be fun to watch the characters try to avoid getting grabbed by the ribbons while hiding around the circus.
HOWEVER we could look at what Caine said in a different way. Mainly the "who knows what could happen...". What if it was a warning about an actual event that happened? He actually couldn't tell the difference. What if him not being able to tell a human and an NPC apart led to the death of an actual character?
Gummigoo looked very distinct from all the other characters in the circus. He was more gelatinous, had an accent, and was very much from the candy world that Caine had created. It was easy to rule him out from the main group design-wise.
But Kinger and Queenie who look VERY similar...
It would be interesting if the real reason Queenie disappeared was because Caine mixed up the two because of similar designs and blasted the wrong one.
Probably more in tags but TL;DR someone in the main cast could be an NPC and Caine could have accidentally killed a human because he couldn't tell them apart from an NPC. RIP Gummigoo
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