#Jaunty i Pro
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amoelectricbikes · 18 days ago
AMO Electric Scooters in India: A Smart and Sustainable Choice
India’s transition to electric mobility is gaining momentum, and AMO Electric Scooters is one of the brands leading this transformation. With a range of stylish, efficient, and eco-friendly electric scooters, AMO aims to provide a sustainable alternative to conventional petrol-powered two-wheelers. If you are considering switching to an electric vehicle, here’s everything you need to know about…
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martin-cambell · 11 months ago
Amo Mobility Introduces Jaunty i Pro Electric Scooter at Rs 1.15 Lakhs with 120 km of range
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Amo Mobility, a key player in India's electric vehicle (EV) market, has made a significant stride with the launch of its latest electric scooter, the Jaunty i Pro. With a focus on advanced technology, safety features, and domestic manufacturing, the Jaunty i Pro aims to capture the attention of Indian consumers while contributing to the nation's emission reduction goals.
The Jaunty i Pro comes packed with features designed to meet the needs of modern riders. Sporting a sleek design available in white, blue, and grey, the scooter offers a commendable range of 200 km on a single charge from its 2.52 kWh battery pack. This, coupled with a fast charger capable of replenishing the battery in just 3.5 hours, ensures convenience and reliability for daily commutes or longer journeys.
In terms of performance, the Jaunty i Pro doesn't disappoint. It boasts a load-bearing capacity of 151 kg and can reach a top speed of 60 kmph, making it suitable for various riding conditions. The inclusion of three riding modes—Economic, City Ride, and Power Mode—provides riders with flexibility and control over their riding experience.
Safety is paramount, and the Jaunty i Pro incorporates features to ensure rider protection. With a combination braking system and a buzzer for battery temperature alerts, the scooter enhances safety on the road, giving riders peace of mind during their travels.
Amo Mobility's collaboration with Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn for the promotion of the Jaunty i Pro further underscores the company's commitment to reaching a wider audience and promoting the adoption of electric vehicles in India.
Founder of Amo Mobility, Mr. Sushant Kumar, expressed optimism about the Jaunty i Pro's potential to revolutionize the EV market. He highlighted the scooter's innovative features and emphasized its domestic manufacturing, aligning with the company's vision of supporting India's emission reduction efforts.
With its blend of advanced technology, safety features, and domestic production, the Jaunty i Pro stands as a testament to India's evolving EV landscape and the growing importance of sustainable transportation solutions.
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occamstfs · 1 year ago
Those Holi Days
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It's a tad early but so is the Spring, Here's a Holi inspired racial TF ! -Occam
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Robert is beyond nervous about going to the city’s Holi celebrations. His best friend Pranav begged him to come and have some fun but Robert absolutely hates sticking out which he is sure to do. Pranav swears there are always other white people there but Robert remains unconvinced as he looks through his closet getting ready. Shuffling through he sees dress shirt after dress shirt of a wardrobe meticulously designed not to stand out.
He sighs as he throws on a white t-shirt as recommended by his friend, best thing to wear for the chalk. He sighs thinking of how confident Pranav is as he ensures his shirt sits so no one can see his small gut underneath it. Feeling a pit start to grow in his stomach about going he rushes out the door before he convinces himself to stay in.
On the brief walk over he fights with himself in his head weighing pros and cons. He does not like how intimate it is sure to be, Robert does not like crowds or parties. He read up on Holi of course and this is sure to be quite a hectic event. He starts writing up paragraphs on his phone to chew Pranav out for getting him out of his comfort zone to go to something he’s so sure he will not enjoy.
As he approaches the park he hears some kind of Indian pop music blaring from speakers set at the center of festivities. He must have been quite absorbed in his phone as only now does he notice how thick the air has become from the colored chalk in the air. His heart freezes in his chest as he sees he has already arrived at the outskirts of the Holi block party.
As Robert looks out across the crowd however, he can’t hold back a smile seeing just how much fun just about everyone is having. Technicolor powders are flying through the air creating a storm of vivid blues and dazzling reds above the crowd. Dust begins to settle in Robert’s hair as he looks for Pranav at the event.
He doesn’t immediately find his friend, although to Pranav’s credit there are a not insignificant amount of other white guys present in the park, some of them even seemingly dressed in traditional kurtas. He even sees another one of his friends, John, out there seemingly having an absolute blast. John was always a quiet guy but is almost moshing in the middle of the colorful crowd. Robert almost starts to get his attention before second guessing himself, when did John start growing a beard? He was always the clean cut type but under the blue powder covering his cheeks there is some clear stubble. It almost looks darker than the hair on his head even which must from the powder staining it. 
Robert continues watching his friend have a blast smiling as the jubilee feels almost contagious before realizing, shit? Was he supposed to bring chalk for this? Pranav didn’t mention anything- As soon as his mind turns to Pranav however, orange powder is slammed on his head as if it were an Easter confetti egg and his vision is obscured. 
“Gotcha Robert!” Pranav shouts in a jaunty manner having successfully snuck up on his dear friend. He ruffles Robert’s hair shedding the powder down onto his clothes as he wipes the powder off his eyes as he switches into his prescription sunglasses. Pranav continues to shout over the music as Robert cleans himself off, “you’ve survived your first color attack friend! How are you liking the festivities so far?”
Finally able to see again Robert blushes as he is standing far closer than usual to Pranav to hear him over the crowd replies, “well I haven’t done much so far but it does seem like a lot of fun!”
Pranav smirks, hearing his friend inch closer to agreeing that he was right. He puts his arm around his friends shoulder and continues, “Ah! Sounds like a chance for me to say told ya so is approaching, my friend!” He starts to point around showing Robert all the stands and activities going on around the park though Robert subconsciously tunes him out as the din of the crowd rises in his ears.
He’s not anxious? Red chalk splatters the pair, Pranav laughs as Robert is suddenly feeling adrift in his own head, but not uncomfortable. It’s almost like he's sluggish which should be off putting at such a high energy event.  He should be incredibly anxious right now. But all he can focus on is the raucous revelry of the crowd ahead and Pranav’s arm resting on his back, even this intimacy should be causing him alarm.
The hair of Pranav’s arm brushes Robert’s neck and he stops just sort of moaning in response. Keeping quiet he continues to find his head increasingly groggy. Looking towards Pranav’s face as he sees his friend beam talking about pani puri as he wipes chalk from his beard. God, he’s just so hot, why can I not be more confident like him.
There’s a beat before Robert out loud says, “what the fuck,” catching Pranav off guard. “Oh sorry Rajert? Did you-”
“What did you call me?” Robert asks quickly.
Pausing, worried about his friend, “Robert? Your name?”
Now embarrassed as he was clearly ignoring the friend who invited him to take part in his own culture he quickly apologizes to Pranav and imploring him to continue. Which he does, “I was just saying, I told you that there would be other white dudes here dosti!”
Fighting off his fogginess to keep up Robert agrees, “Yeah you were right! I just saw my friend uh? My friend, uh, Janat?” He stares confused at the crowd scanning it to see his friend once more as Pranav glances down at Robert with a sly smile, eyebrows raised in questioning, “Janat is Bengali, Robert?” At this moment Robert finally sees him, no surprise he didn’t recognize his friend who in the few minutes since seeing him he has ripped off his shirt.
Janat who Robert would have sworn was a guy even more milquetoast than himself is now absolutely covered in chalk as it creates patterns down his now muscular back, sweat creating rivets of dye only seeming to increase the vascularity. Robert stares at a man he will never know as John again, as he creates a torrent of dust in the air, twirling t-shirt he must have ripped off above his head. The crew cut that once rose above his head has grown into a thick ponytail as a moustache pushes itself into existence. Robert cannot look away from his friend as he shows off his muscular body as powder continues to flow through the air. He tosses his shirt to the floor keeping his arm raised as he starts waterfalling some drink from his friend. Robert’s eyes trail down his veiny bicep to see his now-exposed pits. Knowing Janat constantly shaves to keep body looking tight, he watches as hair begins to poke out from under his pits.
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Pranav, almost out of jealousy, speaks up to get Robert’s attention away from their friend, “Ah yeah Janat is a real party animal huh? But we don’t need to do all that eh dosti?” His beard, tanned skin, and of course red Holi powder hide his blush as he blocks Janat from view and starts rubbing Robert’s shoulder. Robert in turn looks back to Pranav and smiles. Before hearing his Pranav speak up once more “Woah Rajert! When did you start growing out your own little beard! It looks nice” Both men move their hands to feel Rajert’s face as he freezes up feeling stubble on his hitherto perpetually clean shaven face.
Rajert reaches for his phone to see his reflection but doesn’t even need to as he sees his new appearance in his lockscreen. Now a picture of him and Pranav, which is in and of itself odd, he sees the two of them standing at a pier looking like he always does. Save for the stubbled face that will now always greet him. But, that can't be right? He’s blonde? Or at least brown right? His eyes dart again to his face in the photo and sees not only does stubble now darken his cheeks but the hair rising above his head is similarly black.
Rajert reaches to his head, once more shaking powder out as he tries to rip a strand of his hopefully blonde hair free. Pranav shouts seeing this, “Woah yaar! What are you doing? Is everything alright!?” The two of them see a long strand of midnight black hair between Rajert’s fingers. Pranav suddenly worried that Rajert is entering a state all too familiar starts to try and lead him away from the crowd before he starts hyperventilating. “I’m so sorry Rajert! I was wrong, this is too much for you here, let's go get you some shade!” Pranav grabs his hand and starts dragging him out of the crowd.
Rajert knows the crowd isn’t the problem though. He was having a good time, but something happened? It was something about his hair right? He struggles to audit why he has suddenly frozen up as he is pulled through the crowd. There is a buzz in the air as the music and cries of joy continue to crescendo. Rajert feels a warmth in his chest, as well as in the hand now clasped by Pranav. He smiles as he is led and looks at the arm pulling him feeling safer by the moment.
Neither of the two notice as Rajert’s arm begins to look starkly similar to the one dragging him. The hand begins to grow in Pranav’s grasp as the thin blonde hairs dotting Rajert’s arm begin to grow thicker and darker. It begins to spread up his forearm, curling as they look and feel remarkably like the arm that brushed his neck oh so recently. Neither notices though, as Rajert remains firmly in his own mind. Stuck with the image of Janat dancing in the crowd, he seemed so free. His shirt above his head as he shows everyone around just how much of a man he is. Rajert’s eyes start to glaze as he thinks again about his pits, man. I wonder what he smells like?
“Chod!” Rajert shouts as he again feels his mind drift to such horny thoughts. Neither man noticing as Rajert has just defaulted to a Hindi swear. Pranav in his part is just concerned about his friend. Yes, just a friend. He leads Rajert to sit against a tree, hiding how much tanner his arms have gotten in this short trek as he checks in. “Yaar? Do you want me to go get something to drink?”
Rajert nods as he responds, his throat feeling dry, easily attributed to the significant amount of chalk inhaled. “I’m a little lightheaded Pranav.” Concern is immediately painted across Pranav’s face even thicker than the dye as he plans to run off to get his dear something to drink and eat, it must be a blood sugar thing right? “I’ll be right back Rajer!” He watches as Pranav quickly makes his way through the crowd in search of the cure for his condition as his mind begins to swim even deeper. 
Rajer watches floes of Holi powder stream above the crowd, trying to distract himself from how weird his clothes feel against his body now that he’s sitting down. He feels his sleeves pushing against his biceps as if he’s ever lifted something heavier than a textbook. He pulls at his shirt to relieve the tightness, catapulting more dust into the air. His eyes glaze over as he watches the colors dance in the air. Across the pavilion Pranav nervously watches Rajer, easily noticing that he seems to be filling out his clothes much better. He reprimands himself for thinking with his dick while his friend(?) is in such a state, though this is the Festival of Spring after all with all that implies.
Back at the tree Rajer feels a thought burst through the fog to the forefront of his mind which he immediately puts to words. “Ah, this reminds me of my first Holi.” But no, this is my first Holi right? He sifts through his memories to assure himself. What he finds inside is impossible. 
He remembers being a young boy traveling into Delhi for the festivities. He remembers seeing the colors dancing in the air as millions of hands toss dye in the air. As he does he feels his feet begin to grow in his powder covered shoes. 
He remembers moving to the states with his older brother in late December. Feeling totally apart from hsi culture until that magical day in the Spring. Finally having Pani Puri once more with his community as he did his best to keep the chalk off the dough, laughing with his brother. He kicks his shoes off while he still can as he sees his larger feet start to rip apart his chalk-stained socks. 
“Offo!” He shouts as he strains to pull off his socks, revealing tanned feet covered in thick black hair, his soles already wider than the shoes he removed in the nick of time. Well it is certainly not his first time being barefoot at Holi! He laughs remembering how crazy he has been in the past! In fact, he was barefoot at the big Holi festival in college, the one where. The one where he met his yaar, Pranav?
At this Pranav returns and upon seeing Rajer now barefoot he forgets the dire state that he was left in. Instead Pranav eyes his thicker thighs straining the jeans. His calves seem to be sticking out farther than they should, Pranav wonders why his yaar has put on clothes so tight on a festival day before suddenly finding the most strained part of Rajer’s clothing, his crotch. It’s almost like he’s stuffed something in his pants. Pranav quickly changes the subject to avoid creating a similar bulge for all to see, “have you been working on your tan Rajer?”
Rajer smirks before answering, “Well only one way to see!” As he struggles to get his larger body out of the small shirt he put on this morning. Unable to even raise his arms without tearing he instead opts to rip the shirt off in its entirety. As soon as his sweaty skin meets the air it shows the same dark brown tint that Pranav sees when he looks in the mirror. Pranav stares at Rajer’s tight muscular torso as he flexes to show off. He doesn’t notice as Rajer’s eyes quickly darken from the light blue eyes once magnified by his glasses, to a brown dark enough that they may as well be black. “See! Same as I’ve always been Pran!”
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Pranav reaches down to help Rajer to his feet, finding him far heavier than when he was dragged by Pranav to this spot earlier. With a heave he gets Rajer up, only to find he is now looking up at him. Suddenly Pranav finds himself adrift in his own mind, the sight of the man before him immediately causing his cock to pulse in his pants sa he tries to reconcile what has happened. Seeing the confusion Rajer asks, “haan Pran? Everything alright?” Pranav hears a thick accent that he would have sworn Rajer didn’t have this morning. “Rajer, you are feeling better now?”
Rajer stops his flexing as he takes this in and answers in perfect Hindi, “did you call me Rajer? ‘S a weird pet name for Rajesh yaar.” Rajesh reaches to wipe chalk off the face of a man he can only describe as his love as he notices the growing bulges in both their pants and smirks, asking in Hindi. “Ah! Do you want to find our own way to celebrate the spring Pran?”
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In a reversal of this morning Rajesh puts his arm across PRanav’s shoulders and puts some of his weight on, which Pranav now struggles to carry. This knocks him out of his stupor, “Chod Raj you are so heavy!” Rajesh smirks and moves behind Pranav, pressing his bulge into his lover’s back as he whispers into his ear in Hindi, “why don’t we head back to our place eh? Maybe we could have Janat over?”
Pranav blushes at the idea and pushes Raj back as he eyes him hungrily. “Well we should certainly get out of here before your cock bursts your zipper off.” The two begin to head off back towards their now shared apartment, their pace increasing as the excitement in the air continues to get them going.
Pranav looks up at Rajesh’s chalk covered smile, “Glad you came after all eh yaar?” As they enter their apartment careful not to get chalk over everything they own they finish the little disrobing they have left to do as Rajesh replies in his true mother tongue, “wouldn’t miss it for the world.” As they forcefully begin smear chalk between their bodies, creating new colors as they celebrate Holi in a far more primal way than dancing in colored powder. 
They feel each other as if it were the first time they had fucked, not knowing it truly is. Rajesh feels his body continue to grow as he pushes Pranav into their bed. Pranav runs his hands across Rajesh’s powerful thighs as his hands are increasingly impeded by ever thickening hair as he prepares for another round of celebrating new beginnings.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years ago
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totally reasonable development to the American Dream plan, don't even sweat it
(and the 24+ sentences i owe to the pollers)
Toshinori bounces on his heels, feeling lighter than air with the anticipation of tonight’s activities buzzing along his nerves. He’s dressed in a dark hooded sweatshirt, denim jeans, and the sneakers Gran Torino had bought specifically for their high-quality rubber soles.
And speaking of, Gran Torino should be up on the roofs somewhere…
The front door to the Midoriya apartment opens, and Izuku slips out after a hasty farewell to his mother, which is paired with a lackluster promise to stay safe. Toshinori manages a single jaunty wave before Izuku shuts it, and then his attention is turned to give Izuku’s outfit a critical once-over.
“You don’t have any other shoes?” Toshinori asks, contemplating the red hue of his successor’s sneakers. The rest of the clothes are appropriately sturdy and dark in palette.
“No? Sorry…”
“Eh, it should be fine. There shouldn’t be a lot of traffic up top anyway. Come on, let’s move!”
They make their way to the stairs, but to Izuku’s obvious confusion, Toshinori leads them further up.
“Yagi-san, you said that this was going to be a special Basic Physical Fitness Training session,” the kid says. “Can I ask… who thought of it? You, or Gran Torino?”
“Oh, this is totally my idea,” says Toshinori breezily. “I know the beach clean-up is the ultimate goal, and it’ll stay as your focus before high school, but I realized today that there are some experiences that you just can’t replicate as a holder of One for All! Experiences that even our Quirkless bodies can manage!”
They head higher. Izuku gets more nervous, but gamely follows Toshinori up the fire safety ladder.
On the roof, Gran Torino greets them with a curt, “Boys. This is the stupidest thing I can imagine for you two to do, in the stupidest place possible.” He’s sitting on the ledge, and as Toshinori requested, two lengths of steel pipes are leaned up next to him.
“Musutafu’s perfectly safe,” Toshinori counters. “And with you here, Gran Torino, there’s minimal risk of, well...”
“Falling to your deaths?”
Izuku squeaks. He quivers beside Toshinori, and when Toshinori glances down, Izuku is staring at the pipes, aghast. “What are we doing, Yagi-san?”
“We,” Toshinori says with great dignity, “are training in the great art of parkour. The pipes are insurance for safety, supposing we see real trouble that a pro-hero won’t get to in time.”
“Legally speaking, vigilantism,” Gran Torino interrupts.
“But we’re not going to get caught.”
“Which makes you juvenile delinquents.”
“Gran Torino,” Toshinori complains, feeling delightfully young and unburdened now that he’s gotten accustomed to Torino’s incredible, mellowed-out approach to training Izuku. What trauma? What spars? Toshinori at fifteen didn’t know anything about that, and Gran Torino at his current age looked nothing like the pro-hero who haunted the end of his high school career!
“I’m enabling you, aren’t I?” the old man shoots back. “Don’t I get to express my own opinions?”
“Is it really safe, though?” Izuku asks.
“Of course!” Toshinori picks up a pipe, hefts it, and tosses it over to Izuku, who catches it while wearing a thoroughly beleaguered expression. Then he grabs the other. “Listen, Midoriya-kun. If it’s really going to be a year until you get One for All, then the American Dream plan can afford to be a little flexible! You want to be a U.A. student, right?!”
“Then we can’t just train your body!” he cries, lifting the pipe like a torch. “We’ve gotta train your willingness to get into a scrap!”
A little more wobbly, Izuku repeats, “R-right!” And because his successor is more polite, Izuku turns to Gran Torino and executes a little bow, adding, “Thank you for letting us do this, Gran Torino! And for keeping an eye on us!”
Torino sighs.
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luciferfemme · 1 year ago
What did you say?
a little drabble inspired by @unreasonablebanshee and their idea for someone being rude to Angel and getting their ass handed to them by Alastor
“Charlotte,” Alastor growled, his voice tense and full of static. It was clear he was trying and failing to retain his composure. 
“I’ve made up my mind, Alastor,” she said. “We can’t just turn Sinners away…” 
“Babe, even I think this is a bad idea,” Vaggie cut in. 
“Adam is a Sinner now, and if he wants to be redeemed…” she knew this was a losing battle. It had been less than six months since Adam had woken up in Hell, now a sinner. To say it was a rude awakening to suddenly be without his angelic power was perhaps an understatement. 
“He killed Sir Pentious along with untold thousands of your people, just in the last two exterminations alone. Not to mention that he destroyed your hotel, and your pet,” Alastor retorted. That he himself had almost been killed by Adam remained unsaid. “He has shown little remorse, and frankly I believe is only here for your protection because he believes you to be naive," a low blow and one Alastor felt guilty for but no less a concern.
Charlie sighed, “Alastor, when I created this hotel I decided that any sinner has the chance to be redeemed and that has to include Adam.” 
Alastor pursed his lips, as he adjusted his monocle. “One month,” he said. “And if in that month he does anything, anything at all, to any of us, including disrespecting any of our clientele I shall see to it that he finds kingdom come at my hands.” 
Adam didn’t even make it a day. 
He had barely been in the hotel lobby all of six hours before pandemonium broke loose. 
Angel had been walking through the lobby of the hotel, on his way out to spend the day with Cherri, now that he was a free man thanks to his boyfriend. Angel stepped over to the bar, pointedly ignoring Adam who was getting wasted. “Hey Husky, you seen Al anywhere?” He asked. “I wanted to say bye before I head out with Cherri.” 
“Your boyfriend’s in his office last I checked.” 
“Thanks babe,” Angel said, he turned on his heel, about to leave when he heard Adam scoff from behind him. 
“Can’t believe the Radio Demon is fuckin’ the two-bit crack whore. Nearly gets killed once and he’s that desperate.” 
Angel barely had time to react before Alastor had materialized in between himself and Adam. “What did you say?” Alastor growled. His eyes wild and radio dials. His antlers had grown to twice their size as the shadows were all closing in. 
“You’re in for it now,” Husk said as he disappeared beneath the bar counter. 
Alastor growled, a feral sound not unlike a very angry deer, which he was and a green chain materialized from the end of his staff and wrapped itself around Adam’s neck, yanking him back off the barstool and onto the ground at Alastor’s feet. 
“Let me remind you of something oh first man!” He growled. “You are a guest at this hotel, a guest of the Princess. And I have warned her that should you disrespect anyone at this hotel, you would meet your maker at my hands. She seems to believe you are redeemable but not a day in and you’re already a stain under my heel.” He had taken up half the size of the lobby now, and Adam looked throughly terrified. 
“Alastor,” Angel said firmly from behind him. Alastor turned. “He ain’t worth it.” Alastor deflated at that, and shrank back down to his normal size, before he leaned very low to where Adam was currently lying on the ground, trying to catch his breath. 
“Consider yourself very lucky that my beloved Angel Dust has a more forgiving heart than I. Not that your worthy of his forgiveness. Disrespect him again and I will not hesitate to eviscerate you and dine on your entrails,” he spat, whipping around to give his full and undivided attention to Angel. 
“Now then darling,” he said, suddenly playing  jaunty tune. “Do have a wonderful time with Cherri,” he pressed a kiss to his cheek. 
Angel blushed, he still wasn’t used to having the Radio Demon be so protective over him, especially with how terrifying he had become on Angel’s behalf. “Thanks babe.” Angel put on his sunglasses and slipped out of the hotel, just as Alastor made his way back towards the Radio tower. 
“Huh, you’re going soft,” Vaggie said with a clear grin to her voice. 
“Bite your tongue,” he hissed, and vanished into the shadows. 
Vaggie chuckled to herself, “Holy shit the Radio Demon is whipped for Angel. This is so much better than I ever could have imagined.” 
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beardedmrbean · 5 months ago
As if commemorating the first anniversary of the worst single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust wasn’t harrowing enough, we American Jews were treated Monday to a reminder that the marauders who want us dead are alive and well in New York City.
There they were, in Times Square and in Grand Central and in Columbus Circle and elsewhere in the greatest city on Earth, chanting for Hamas, Hezbollah and other death cults committed to raping, kidnapping and killing Israelis, Americans and Jews.
There they were, on American soil, cheering for the monsters who still hold four American citizens in captivity.
There they were, promising to globalize the intifada and bring the bloodshed that is their only true passion to these shores as well.
Watching the keffiyeh-clad thugs, many of my friends felt distraught. How, they wondered, could such hatred flourish here, in America? And why were the bullies permitted to carry on with their intimidation, turning our solemn day of remembrance into one of fear and loathing and expressing their admiration for organizations that our government had long ago classified as terrorist groups?
I understand these sentiments, but I do not share them. The sight of masked maniacs calling for my demise did not deter me. In fact, it gave me hope.
It gave me hope, because, an immigrant here myself, I believe in America. I believe in American exceptionalism.
And I believe that the jaunty little jihadists marching down the block are precisely the sort of wake-up call this great but slumbering nation needs to stretch its limbs and leap into the next big fight for freedom.
You hardly need to be Jewish, or a political scientist, to realize that the so-called pro-Palestine crowd isn’t really all that interested in Palestine.
Their main goal is America, that lone bastion of Western civilization, which is why they strategically chose all-American events, like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony, as the optimal settings to unleash their mayhem.
Trying to disrupt our favorite national pageants is a very strange way to win friends and influence people, but it’s not really our sympathy that the protesters want.
They want us to know that they hate us and everything we represent, and that, if allowed, they intend to do in Manhattan and Brooklyn and Queens what they’d done in Nir Oz, Kfar Aza, Be’eri and all the other Israeli communities hit hardest one year ago this week.
Now we know.
And now that we know, we won’t let it happen.
Normal Americans are finally realizing just how deep-seated — and how dangerous — this hatred truly is, and, as Americans always do, they’re taking action. It’s why we’ve seen donations to Columbia University, that renowned seat of Jew-hatred and bigotry, drop 30% this past year.
It’s why we’ve seen lawmakers demand that we take our own laws seriously and deport any foreign national who is openly and outwardly expressing support for terrorists.
And it’s why an overwhelming majority of Americans recently told the Pew Research Center that Israel had very valid reasons to keep on fighting until it defeated Hamas and Hezbollah.
Americans, hallelujah, understand that Israel’s fight isn’t Israel’s alone. It’s the Western world’s struggle against the so-called Axis of Resistance — Iran, Russia, China and their minions. It’s a civilizational fight, and though it may have started a year ago in some dusty corner of the Middle East, it is now being waged right here in Midtown.
The barbarians are at the gates. That’s bad news. But here’s the good news: So are we.
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windvexer · 1 year ago
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I think I finally unlocked the secret of crochet tarot bags.
This pattern is fantail shells worked in the round, bottom seamed shut, long strap added (in case you need to carry it over the shoulder ??) and finished with picot edging.
Pro tip: a jaunty knot at the end will help cover up the fact that you twisted the handle 🥸
I won’t be using a pattern with such large holes again unless I line it. The corners of the cards tend to catch on the holes and I’m afraid of bending them.
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rocketonthemoon · 1 year ago
If a screenwriter and a director came up to you and said "Rocket, we have seen the light, Katie McGraff is the hotness, you're clearly the man with the plan, please help us come up with a movie or TV show that best shows off her talents as the leading lady," what would your top 3 pitches be? Knowing you have complete creative control of The Thing.
First of all I want you to know that "Katie McGrath is the hotness" might just become my tag for her because I love that phrase SO very dearly.
SECONDLY WHAT A GOOD QUESTION. I feel like I'm going to do a mix of both what I would like to see her in and also what I feel like (from the little of what I understand) her genre preferences are:
PROJECT NUMBER ONE: You know initially I was going to say "Some sort of dark fantasy and/or period piece" but then I remembered that I can just fulfill all of our wildest dreams and do a mini-series (because fuck multiple movies this is a pro "the importance of letting stories breathe" blog) of The Priory of the Orange Tree and casting her as Sabran. She's the right age, the perfect look AND all of our favorite things of looking gay and stern in a period/fantasy dress!!! (I'd have to think more on the rest of the cast but I'm up to the challenge and would devote a substantial amount of the budget to costume design)
PROJECT NUMBER TWO: A contemporary paranormal/supernatural thriller maybe a la Midnight Mass or Bly Manor or maybe Crimson Peak? (haven't actually seen any of these cause I'm a weenie but that's the kind of vibes I want) and make her a vampire. Or a ghost actually I think that could be a lot of fun. If we're going Midnight Mass/Mike Flanagan then Rahul Kohli's there because I want to see what sort of chemistry they can actually work with that's not 12 minutes on a CW show. I want it to hurt and I want her to have fun running around screaming maybe! Or biting people! Or both!!
PROJECT NUMBER THREE: some sort of historical documentary. Get her a cozy sweater, get her in a castle or some old ass building somewhere and let her just Go. Put a jaunty little soundtrack over it and boom instant hit.
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amoelectricbikes · 2 months ago
AMO Jaunty i Pro: Best Performing Electric Scooter in 2025
The AMO Jaunty i Pro stands out as one of the best performing electric scooter in 2025. Designed with precision and packed with advanced features, it caters to riders seeking both efficiency and style. Here’s an in-depth look at what makes the AMO Jaunty i Pro a top choice: Exceptional Range and Performance The AMO Jaunty i Pro boasts an impressive range of up to 120*km on a single charge,…
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frogndtoad · 1 year ago
Do you have your favorite albums shared in a post somewhere? I've been trying to find new music and the only thing I wouldn't care to listen to are songs that tend towards vulgarity, so I'd really appreciate some recs if you've got some :,)
howdy anon! always happy to share new music - i don't have a post, but a few of my all-timers are:
Stars - Heart maybe my favorite album by my alternatingly favorite band; absolutely atmospheric indie pop mostly about love, for better or for worse (as in contextually. all of the songs rule). plus theres french horn!
Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Goes Numb the ska-punk album so good it took me over half a decade to get into ska fr because nothing else could measure up. absolutely epic horns quite good lyrics. wish i coulda made any of the anniversary shows this year
Clipping. - Splendor & Misery perfect afrofuturist noise rap concept album about a slave spaceship and the sentient ai that controls it and the human who breaks free. probably the least gory clipping album if thats an issue for u. i love listening to static dot jpg
The Mountain Goats - Beat The Champ if there is a theme in this list let it be my love of horns. other alternatingly favorite band, and if you havent checked these guys out what are you even doing sending asks to frogndtoad dot tumblr dot com. this is their concept album about pro wrestling - a lot bigger sounds than some of the earlier lofi stuff, plenty of lines still about getting stabbed or doing stabbing. but to a jaunty little horn feature! i have rotating top goats but this has been it for a bit
Willi Carlisle - Peculiar, Missouri one of my favorite if not my favorite finds of the year. truly truly beautiful folk album i dont even know what else to say here. absolutely so excited for Critterland next year
disclaimer also that i was taken a little aback by the use of the word 'vulgarity' here in my asks on tumblr dot com for a couple reasons but tried at the very least to take ur sentiment as best as i could and provide some good albums i stand by. might not meet your needs but its not esp gorey and its not esp raunchy and i hope that you enjoy
oh also!! i do keep an #album-log tag that i update periodically with roundups of what ive been listening to and how much; theres a few stats there. might try to keep a better maintained recs tag in the new year but mostly i do that at least for myself i just think its fun to share also
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tellurian-in-aristasia · 2 years ago
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Aristasian Slang H-P
Slang terms, marked with "a" to signify that these are terms adopted from the Motherland or "t" to denote specifically Tellurian words unknown in the Motherland.
HYACINTH a: To "give someone the hyacinth" is to refuse to speak to her.
JINKY a: Frivolous, jaunty, gay. Applied to people, activities, music, etc.
KINNIE a: A motion picture. ("Kinema" in more formal Aristasian speech.)
LEKKIEPOST t: What bongos call "email".
LEMON a: To "sleep like a lemon" or simply to "lemon" or "be a lemon" means to sleep during the day. It is probably related to the Novarian term zitronel, meaning a siesta.
MOME a: Moment. Abbreviations of this type are quite common and sometimes coined ad hoc, but "mome" is almost universal.
MOMELY a: Very soon, as in "I shall be back momely".
OLD TARRY ROPE, THE a: (Tarry rhymes to "sari", not "marry"). Usu. in the expression "Don't come the old tarry rope with me", meaning usually "Don't pretend to knowledge or experience you do not possess" but sometimes more generally "Don't give me any of your nonsense". It can be used positively as in: "do you think she knows what she is talking about?" "No, she was just coming the old tarry rope." or "Do you think you will pass the exam?" "Only if I can get by with the old tarry rope".
ORDIE a: Ordinator (Personal Computer).
PETTE t: A girl. Considered by some to have been originally short for 'chapette'; although this shade of meaning is probably less present in its usage than the pun on 'pet'. Its nuance, at once jaunty and ultra-feminine, is unique and purely Aristasian-in-Tellurian. A "pette", like a '20s "flapper" or a '60s "dolly bird" is a phenomenon specific to her time and place. The word also, with its overtones of ownership and obedience, stresses the ethos of ferocious group-independence and equally ferocious revolt against the false divide-and-rule Pit-cult of 'personal independence'.
PIPPSY a: A bright young thing.
PLIP a: To go. "I'll plip off now", "they were plipping all over the place", "I think she plipped to Ladyton", etc.
PLUMBING t: The elimination and reproduction mechanisms of schizomorphs, usually when taken as the main source of coarse language/"humour" etc. in Telluria. For instance: "Her talk was awful. Full of plumbing references", or "Can't these creatures forget their plumbing for five minutes?" Sometimes the word is used alone: "She became abusive, and, having no vocabulary, started plumbing". There is undoubtedly a degree of pun on "plumbing (the depths)" here.
PLUMBER t: An Outlander who swears. A coarse or lewd Outlander.
POP a: To break, destroy or disappear, literally or figuratively. "Don't pop that window". "I had a job at the library, but it popped".
POP t: To post on a forum or other online location. "I have just popped the notes on our meeting".
PROING a: To poke or penetrate: "She proinged the balloon and it popped". A hypodermic injection: "I had to see the doctor for a proing".
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flowcrbcds · 2 years ago
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dylan  o’brien.      he/him.      cis  man.      ›      spotted    at    the    met    steps    ,    isaiah    kensinton    ,    most    likely    listening    to    the  show    by    niall  horan    with    their    airpods    pro    .    the    twenty-nine    year    old    gained    quite    a    reputation    ,    known    to    be    -indecisive    yet    +jaunty    to    anyone    who    knows    them    .    you'll    easily    spot    them    when    you    hear    about    sleepless  nights  as  spent  in  front  of    a  computer  screen    and  researching    ,  always  wearing    mismatched    socks    ,    random    metallic  stickers  coming    out  hair  ,  taking  photographs    at    the  most    inopportune    times    ,    followed    by    gucci    mémoire    d’une    odeur    .    latest    nepoupdates    article    talks    about    how    he    was    seen    walking    out    of    a    room    that    was  later    said    to    be    a  crime  scene    ,    but    i    guess    any    reputation    is    good    reputation    .
FULL  NAME  :  isaiah  peter  kensinton  . NICKNAME  :    zay  . GENDER  :  cis  man  . AGE  :  twenty  nine. DATE  OF  BIRTH  :  january  20th,  1994  . ZODIAC  :  aquarius. BIRTHPLACE  :  new  york,  ny  . SEXUALITY  :  heterosexual  . OCCUPATION  :  photographer  /  podcaster  . HEIGHT  :  6'0"  . TATTOOS  :  tba. PIERCINGS  :  n/a  .
  —  the  kensinton  family  has  been  an  established  name  in  new  york  for  many  years.  they  are  known  throughout  the  upper  east  side  for  their  vast  riches  and  entitlement.  they  come  from  old  money  and  are  very  confident  in  their  place.  however,  isaiah  was  brought  into  the  world  by  the  black  sheep  of  the  family,  bridget.  his  mother  was  set  on  defying  their  family  in  any  way  she  could  and  rebelled  at  any  chance  she  had.  this  led  her  to  have  isaiah  way  too  young  in  her  life,  when  she  was  just  shy  of  eighteen  years  old.
  —  her  family  was  not  happy  with  that  and  judged  her  for  her  actions.  eventually,  she  left  them  to  raise  isaiah  on  her  own.  the  beginning  of  his  life  was  tough;  after  all,  no  one  wanted  to  hire  an  entitled  rich  girl  with  no  experience  when  no  one  was  vouching  for  her.  so,  his  mother  had  to  work  hard  to  provide  good  things  in  life  for  him  and  give  him  what  he  deserved.  his  mother  never  stopped  isaiah  from  meeting  his  family,  although  the  visits  were  few  and  far  apart.  but  bridget  was  still  too  proud  to  take  any  help  from  any  of  them.  his  great  aunt  was  the  one  in  the  family  who  mostly  reached  out  to  him  and  made  him  feel  a  part  of  it,  as  she  always  had  a  soft  spot  for  his  mother.
  —  as  he  grew  up,  he  grew  closer  to  his  mom.  it  was  them  against  the  world,  a  single  mom  and  her  son.  he  became  protective  of  his  mom,  and  although  she  had  boyfriends,  none  of  them  stuck  around,  and  isaiah  never  had  a  father  figure  in  his  life.  their  life  was  tough,  and  they  struggled  for  the  most  part,  but  it  was  a  good  life  once  his  mom  managed  to  get  things  to  work  in  their  favor;  after  all,  she  was  very  charming.  when  isaiah  was  a  teen,  his  mom  got  pregnant  with  his  little  sister  by  her  current  boyfriend,  who,  just  like  every  man  before,  flaked  on  her  when  she  needed  them  the  most.
  —  even  though  both  isaiah  and  his  mother  were  incredibly  excited  and  loved  his  sister  dearly,  her  arrival  in  the  world  put  them  in  a  bit  of  a  tougher  financial  situation,  and  they  were  no  longer  stable.  now  that  his  mother  was  older  and  more  rational,  she  accepted  the  helping  hand  of  the  family,  and  they  moved  in  with  isaiah’s  great  aunt  in  the  azalea  building.  suddenly,  he  was  thrust  into  the  expectations  of  old  money  and  a  higher  status.  his  great  aunt  insisted  that  he  transfer  to  the  best  private  school  in  town,  and  he  accepted  her  offer.  it  was  a  lot  of  change  to  take  in,  but  he  was  happy  to  go  with  the  flow  of  things.
  —  he  settled  well  into  this  new  environment.  he  was  always  a  happy-go-lucky  and  enchanting  person,  so  he  soon  won  the  favor  of  everyone  around  him.  he  had  a  better  understanding  of  the  world  than  your  average  stuck-up  brat  he  went  to  high  school  with  and  had  more  compassion,  which  led  him  to  be  liked  by  all.  just  as  he  was  with  his  mother,  he  became  extremely  protective  of  his  little  sister  as  she  grew  up.
  —  death  tw  not  too  long  after  his  eighteenth  birthday,  his  world  practically  shattered.  his  seemingly  healthy  mother  passed  away  with  no  rhyme  or  reason.  it  took  everyone  by  surprise,  and  isaiah  was  struck  with  a  pain  he  didn't  think  was  possible.  because  of  his  age,  he  also  gained  guardianship  of  his  little  sister.  even  though  he  wanted  to  let  the  pain  consume  him,  he  didn't  allow  himself  to  because  of  her.  thankfully,  their  great  aunt  was  still  happy  to  have  them  in  her  place,  so  they  didn't  have  to  worry  about  that  aspect.  however,  he  had  to  forgo  college  so  he  could  provide  for  his  sister  in  other  areas.  end  of  tw
  —  isaiah  always  had  a  curious  mind  and  wanted  to  figure  out  things  around  him,  even  if  he  sometimes  drew  the  wrong  conclusions.  his  mother's  passing  always  nags  at  the  back  of  his  mind  like  a  problem  he  could  never  figure  out.
  —  he  started  working  with  photography  before  even  graduating  high  school  and  always  had  a  passion  for  it.  he  absolutely  loves  capturing  the  world  through  his  lenses  and  showing  everyone  how  he  perceives  them  and  the  world  around  them.  however,  he  only  started  making  a  profit  from  his  artistic  pictures  (as  opposed  to  paid  photography  gigs)  more  recently  in  his  twenties  and  is  now  working  with  his  passion.  
  —  more  recently,  his  great  aunt  decided  that  she  wanted  a  change  of  pace,  so  she  moved  to  a  retirement  home  in  a  warmer  state.  she  left  the  apartment  for  isaiah  and  his  sister  and  visits  from  time  to  time.  her  move  shifted  the  dynamics  within  the  family  unit  once  again,  but  he  has  found  joy  in  the  way  things  are  going.
𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭    #𝟏𝟗  :  built  in  the  early  1900s,  the  azalea  is  one  of  the  grandest  apartment-style  homes  on  the  upper  east  side.  and  while  grand,  the  complex  has  been  rife  with  scandal  since  its  conception.  fraud.  embezzlement.  even  rumors  about  a  death  that  took  place  in  the  building  !  muse  trix  and  muse  isaiah  have  known  each  other  all  their  life,  recently  inheriting  their  apartments  from  their  respective  families.  muse  2n  moved  to  the  city,  renting  the  apartment  from  a  relative.  somewhere  along  the  way  the  three  bonded  and  muse  2n  is  looped  into  muse  trix  and  muse  isaiah’s  true  crime  podcast  dedicated  to  the  walls  of  the  azalea.  and  while  the  podcast  becomes  a  hit,  the  group  finds  themselves  being  drawn  into  different  directions.  muse  trix  has  another  podcast  that  they’re  focusing  on.  muse  isaiah  has  ideas  of  their  own  and  wants  to  expand  on  the  current  podcast.  and  muse  2n  is  quite  frankly  not  used  to  the  media  attention.  the  fate  of  this  podcast  remains  uncertain  with  conflicting  interests.  can  the  three  come  to  a  conclusion  or  will  this  be  the  end  of  the  podcast  trio?
  —  growing  up  in  a  challenging  environment,  isaiah  learned  to  find  joy  in  the  little  things.  his  mother's  ability  to  maintain  a  positive  attitude  even  during  tough  times  influenced  him,  and  he  adopted  a  carefree  approach  to  life  as  a  way  of  dealing  with  hardships.
  —  he  has  a  natural  charm  that  draws  people  to  him.  his  charisma  and  enchanting  demeanor  make  him  likable  and  approachable  to  others.
  —  being  raised  by  a  strong,  empathetic  single  mother  taught  isaiah  the  importance  of  compassion.  because  of  that  he  has  a  strong  sense  of  compassion  and  kindness.  he  will  always  show  understanding  and  empathy  towards  others  first  instead  of  judging  them.
  —  isaiah's  early  life  was  challenging,  and  he  learned  to  be  resilient  in  the  face  of  adversity.  he  is  determined  to  provide  for  his  family  and  create  a  better  life  for  them,  even  if  it  means  making  sacrifices.
  —    zay  is  someone  who  is  very  good-natured,  but  a  bit  clueless  at  times.  he  might  not  always  pick  up  on  subtleties,  but  his  warmth  and  sincerity  shine  through.
  —    he  embraces  change  and  new  experiences,  as  seen  when  he  transitions  from  his  old  life  to  a  more  affluent  one.  isaiah  is  open-minded  and  willing  to  go  with  the  flow  of  things.
  —    he is a bit indecisive and will gladly let other people take reigns on what to do next instead of having to face it on his own if he can.
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nepofm · 2 years ago
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SPOTTED   at   the  met   steps   wearing   last   season’s   jimmy   choos  ?   i’d   leave   the   steps   in   the   next   24   hours   before   nepoupdates   catches   them   !   if   it   were   me   ,   i’d   definitely   go   back   and  review   the   checklist   of   golden   rules.
isaiah  kensinton   dylan  o’brien  ,  muse  2m
dylan   o’brien.     he/him.     cis   man.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   isaiah   kensinton   ,   most   likely   listening   to   the   show   by   niall   horan   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-nine   year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -indecisive   yet   +jaunty   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you’ll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   sleepless   nights   as   spent   in   front   of    a   computer   screen    and   researching    ,   always   wearing    mismatched    socks    ,    random    metallic   stickers   coming    out   hair   ,   taking   photographs    at    the   most    inopportune    times   ,   followed   by    gucci   mémoire   d’une   odeur   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   how   he   was   seen   walking   out   of   a   room    that   was  later   said   to   be   a  crime  scene   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   j   ,   26   ,   she/her   ,   pst   .   )
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months ago
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I thought I had a whole au for this when in fact it is just one post from over a year ago but either way I am screaming about it at the top of my lungs.
Like a meet cute where Pro Hero Psyren and a vigilante try to stop the same robbery and are both taken into custody... or at least they try to take them both into custody. With a jaunty wave and a middle finger emoji on their mask, Izuku slips out of the quirk canceling cuffs mystifying everyone and parkours away. Hitoshi is both taken over by a deep need to know the vigilante and a blistering migraine because as the hero on scene when they escaped capture he is going to be the one in charge of finding them and kfhaglhdshfldslfhsodh
Thinking about the Barbie arrest meme with Tired Done With Life Underground Hero Hitoshi who wasn’t recognized and Little Shit Vigilante Izuku who was recognized for all the wrong reasons.
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idlesuperstar · 4 years ago
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Errol Flynn as Gunnar Brogge in Edge of Darkness [d: Lewis Milestone, 1943]
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trixeraptops · 2 years ago
My second ever commentary post how fun
This time it's Enola Holmes 2
This is a live reaction so there is no context, suffer.
Warnings for swearing and all capsAnyways let's hop in the carriage and travel back to Victorian(?) England.
Ooh letter burning for the logo fun
Ok I doubt any of this is true don't lie to me bitch
Why is she running away from the police?What did she do
I will say she looks good
Yeah you should explain and I do remember you
Oh yay she opened a detective agency
Awww she kept Dash how cute
But didn't she give it Sherlock in the end of the last movie?
She forgot how sexist and ageist her time period is lmao
Hah they all just want Sherlock221B!!!!!
Trying not to draw attention, blows up a mailbox
Tewksbury is champion for change and progress I love it
Girl you have time for a little distraction you fucking tsundere
Oh her agency is already shut down
2who is it
Aw a little girl she's so. Cute I love her scarf
Ooh the cinematic shot
Enola looks so out of place lol
I hope this is pro Bono I don't think this girl has much
Enola don't look so put off, not everyone is rich as you
Ew rat
We weren't sisters in the usual way, love that
It soesnt mean anything to the Lil one but to Mae it clearly does
Aw this is so sweet
The game is afoot Jesus your finding a missing person not hunting one
Changed her name to Hilda
They're looking for disease at the entrance omg
Bruv you're gonna get yourself and bessie in trouble bruv
That was smart tho
Ooh torn pages that's sus
She stole the pages?
Oh that woman has such a soft voice it's so pretty but I can't hear her
Mae definetely knows somethingMae was involves in the theft o.o
Haha 'young lady I'm afraid I'm married'
Damn she's in a bar and it's fucking rowdy in here
Mae is a showgirl isn't she?
She is
That was a fun jaunty number
The missing worked with Mae as a showgirl
Jesus Mae
Lol fake knife
False bottom! I knew she was a top lmao
It's a sappy romance poem
She ran away to marry someone didnt she?Ooh drama
Dun dunbdun mysterious blurred fellow in the background
Ew he's following her
He hid but he's very loud what is cane made of metal?
Sherlock! He's drunk
Lol roasted
His bullshit tips are everything
Now sh I'm thinking you should write that down
You shouldn't get so drunk ehen you have no way home write that down
Wait is she gonna live with her brother or is this is a John reveal?
Jesus christ he's really fucking observant even when drunk and hungover
I don't need tour help! But I'm still taking the food you offered
Don't speak with a mouthful
Ooh she sits where he walks to work so they can run jnto each other.
She looks so upset after making a joke
That was so awkward lmao
Feel a need?
It's a coded poem! Open mouth
She's so excited
You didn't have to say you don't sew bruv we get it your not like other girls
I doubt this case will get media coverage
The doors open o.o
Suspecious...But not as sus as her for breaking into someone's house
Oh this shows a struggle and abandonment
MAE she's dead!
This case just got alot more interesting
It'd mr.clangy
Sarah is wanted oof
Oh he tried to be respectful but superintendent is a bitch
I hate this guy I'm calling him mr.clangy forever now
Lestrade is so fucking calm, your boss just got punched in the gut
Hah he doesn't remember you bruv
Just a friendly visit cause your sis is running away from the cops
I cant I can't, maybe I can
He's such a fangirl omg
Damn she roof hopping
Shit she almost fell, she gone die
Wait what the fuck
Enola Holmes is turning all the men in England trans lol
I wonder if the cases are related
Wait Moriarty maybe?
I'm a slut for BBC Sherlock so forgive all the speculation that's purely based on BBC Sherlock, I know they aren't related
He has this walk
Immediate recognition lmao
Enola looks weirded out
You tell Sherlock! She made it bout herself, she wants media attention not to help
Haha callback
He just walks past them lmao
I think Poppy might be a chick but I could be wrong
A hat! Dun dun dunnn
It's not a date it's a place!
Williams for reds not a Poppy at all
I'm going to a ball yay! Ew
Smh Enola
I love her cloak
Her dress is so pretty
Why is the music so sus when they light the cake
Lol the chaperone
She keeps forgetting what her society is like
Bitch you live here how do you forget this shit
He's actually leading Sherlock in a dance lmao
Oh she gone get caught
Tabitha Timothy lol
Fan language!!! Oh thats so clever and cute!
But she doesn't know fan language hahaha she immediately messed up
Omg Tewkesbury
Of course he's doing something with plants
This is so weird and cute i love their little relationship
Haha I love her
You're a man when I say soShe's such a bitch
She's a natural at dancing or maybe just with Tewksbury
What does that mean lmao
Don't touch the ginger cake!
Wait dance cards are an actual thing lmao
ID the writing ON SIGHT
jealous bitch
Cicely seems nice, she complimented Enola even if she had an outdated dress
Dislocated and I'll scream, ICON
He knows Bessie!
Ooh a secret meeting how funBunch of random letters returns
I hope their as gay as the BBC
Not the police barging in
She gave him her evidence! How sweet
Cecily is the only one who looks concerned for her everyone else is making fun of her
Keep silent Enola!
Shut up mr.clangy no one likes you
Oh no he's gonna kill Bessie isn't he :(
His job is to kill match girls who are needling out the corruption?
Oooh mr.clangy stopped Sherlock from getting her
Those fingerprints are blurry at best
Ohmygod I was typing the last line then Sherlock kicked a fucking sign and scared a cat
It's the jujitsu woman!
It's ok you can say it
Ew I don't like how that guard looked at Enola
Wtf whyd they push her into the center?They're gonna hang her? Or beat her? What?
No its jujitsu lady
Prison break bitches
Her mom really likes bombs huh
Carriage chase carriage chase
Theure giving people typhus or something
He's gonna jump on isn't heNot anymore lol
Mr.clangy you bitch stop shooting st them
You go girl
Holy shit he just broke their wheel
I hope the horses are all right
Probably are they disappeared with the crash
Fuck off you bitch
Aw they changed her into new clothes how nice
Her mother is initiating boy talk
He ain't my Boi
I love that's she's acknowledging her part in Enola self isolating
She's encouraging her to get allies ♡
I love these women
She just winked? Why?
Get a haircut as your parting word lmao
I knew it
They're killing the match girls by giving them typhus through the MATCHES
And Sarah figured it out
She and Mae were expirementing eith it
They tested flies, mice, plants
Extraordinary I love them
She went to Tewkesbury!!!
His flat is filled with flowers and plants ♡♡♡♡
I love him
Yay their allies
Jealous bitch
Shut up you awkward bruv
To be fair they spelled it out
She sent Ily to William too
We live we laugh we love
Just tell em your a lord, I am, then they'll believe you omg
The contempt in their voices I love this sibling dynamic
I knew they were connected I KNEW
Is that guy dead
He is
Moriarty is dead :(
Haha Tewkesbury
It's a set up!
Is Moriarty actually alive
He is
Ooh William thankyou for golding onto that
It's a letter isn't it
Nope map
Dora Dora Dora the explora
He can't fight lol
She's just beating him up until he pussies up and fights her
After she punched him multiple times lol
They're so cute
Secret treasure
She was wearing a wig this whole time damn
Uh oh they have to tell her he's dead
Aww poor Sarah ♡
Ew mr.clangy
Tewksbury is getting fucked up
Ooh but he's got a sword now
Fuck off clangy
Did Sherlock just kill someone?
How many bullets has he got? It's a small gun can't be too many
Retractable knife for the win!
Ah shit she got knicked in the head real bad
Yes Tewkesbury fuck him up and get your girl
Shit clangy is dead Enola full ass killed him
Now that murder charge is valid
Sherlock you dramatic bitch
Go off queen! Tell him, dick him down verbally
Society creates yet another villain
For now at least, love thatOh no is the bad guy gonna win?
He paper burning is beautiful though
But the movie isn't over yet
Shut up boss man
Sometimes an inspiring speech doesn't work
At least not right away
Yiu go Bessie I love you girl
This is amazing I love this
I think this music was at the end of the other movie too
She runs her agency out of the fighting place now :)
Holmes and Holmes ♡♡♡♡
But I glad she refused
The running write that down gag ♡
They're gonna meet with jne another ♡
Ah they're so cute
I love them so much
Ohhhh the true part was Match Girl Strike that makes more sense
I thought I heard of match girls before
♡♡♡♡/5 I loved this movie
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