#Jason smokes them just to show he can
haveihitanerve · 1 month
Cold take: Jason Todd smokes cigarettes because he’s the ‘bad boy’ ‘cool sibling’
Hot take: Jason Todd smokes cigarettes because Dick Grayson used to smoke them and even though he’s older now Dick is still his older brother and he’s cool so Jason still smokes them to prove himself to dick.
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inkdrinkerworld · 7 months
thinking about meeting the batfam for the first time as dick's gf...
Your palms are sweaty as you get ready, something simple Dick had said. ‘It’s just dinner, gorgeous.’
But you know of Bruce Wayne and simple doesn’t seem like what he does.
Still, you go with something classy and casual- a dress. A yellow spring dress that’s all the way to the floor and patterned with little green and blue flowers.
Dick comes in just as you finish your makeup and whistles. “Goddamn,” immediately his hands fall to your hips, pulling you into him the second you set your lip liners down. “You’re a smoke show.”
You giggle and will heat not to flush into your cheeks. “Dick,” he shakes his head. Kissing you quickly and then pulling away.
“It’s going to be great, don’t stress it. Everyone’s gonna love you.” He seems to think his words over as he looks you up and down again. “Actually, Damien might love you a little too much.”
“Dick, he’s a kid.” Damien is the youngest of the Wayne’s; only around thirteen.
When you get to Wayne Manor, you’re glad you’ve worn a dress, Jason is dressed up in soft pants and a polo, Bruce is wearing a black shirt and black dress pants, Dick is matching you a little- blue shirt and soft pants and Damien looks at least a little uncomfortable in the smart clothes he’s in.
“Dick, I really did think you were lying about having a girlfriend.” Jason says and he scowls good naturedly.
“Well, she’s real. Baby this is Jason,” he points to each of them. “Damien and the big guy’s Bruce. Guys, this is Y/N.”
“Hi, nice to meet you,” you say shyly and they all say the same. Damien who scowls and talks in mostly grumbles through the dinner seems to open up to you and takes pride in saying something flirty just to piss off Dick.
“So what do you do?” Bruce asks and you smile, setting your cutlery down to take a sip of your drink.
“I teach pre-school for now.” You answer honestly and Bruce’s eyebrows shoot up.
“For now?” You nod politely.
“I’m not sure if I want to venture into elementary or middle school or remain with the younger groups. They’re fun, but I also think teaching a group a couple years older would be fun as well.”
Bruce nods, “Maybe you can get a day in Damien’s school to see what it would be like.”
Dick smiles at the offer, knowing the old man doesn’t do that with just anyone.
“So I’d get to see you all day?” Damien asks with a smile and you take a peak at Dick to see him scowling.
“You’re pushing you luck Al Ghul.” Dick says and you roll your eyes.
“Ignore him, he’s all talk no bite.” You whisper to Damien who seems pleased with the fact that you are willing to mess with Dick.
“Want to take a walk around?” Dick asks after the plates are taken away and you nod, taking his hand as he helps you out of the chair and leads you down a hallway.
“They’re nice.” You whisper and Dick grins.
“Yeah? Bruce likes you a lot.” He says honestly and just to see if it’s a real or pretend annoyance you say,
“So does Damien.” Dick rolls his eyes.
“I told you he’d love you too much,” he sighs as you reach a landing. “But he is a kid and he likes being a little shit with me more than the others.”
“Is this your old room, Grayson?” You ask as he pushes open a door and you’re met with a bed, what looks like gymnast equipment and bare cupboards.
“Mhm,” his eyebrows dance and you scoff, slapping his chest making him laugh. “What? I just thought you’d like to see the room that gave me all these bulging muscles.”
You laugh as he flexes but Dick pulls you further into the room. “No but I thought you’d like a little quiet moment before Alfred brings out dessert.”
You raise an eyebrow. Dick smiles bashfully, “I haven’t kissed you since we left the house,” you smile and lean up to kiss his lips. Dick doesn’t let it just be a peck, he keeps you in place with a hand behind your neck and deepens it.
“Better?” You ask him and he nods, kissing your cheeks.
“I don’t like sharing you with them.” He says and you laugh loudly, sitting on his old, springy bed.
“Dick Grayson, I never thought you’d be jealous of your brothers.” He comes closer to you, moving over you till you’re laying on your back, your hair fanned out in the sheets as he hovers over you.
“Jealous? No, those idiots don’t scare me,” One of his hands finds the hem of your dress, stroking the skin of your thigh. “You know I just like you obsessed with me, I like when your eyes are on me only.”
“You’re a menace,” you breathe out and Dick laughs when you move his hand and straighten your dress. “An absolute menace,” you stand and take his outstretched hand. “Take me to see the garden?”
“Whatever you want, my gorgeous girl.”
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You're the exception to everything Jason Todd knows about himself. He'll deal with that later. ~1.2k words
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Jason Todd doesn't smile a lot. But with you it comes easy. It wasn't anything big that drew his awareness to the fact. You were just folding laundry with him while your favorite show played in the background.
It wasn't grand. It wasn't life changing. But he's grinning with all of his teeth, and he can't seem to wipe the expression off his face.
It's stupid, really, because all you did was offer to fold the sheets so he didn't have to. And now he's giddy. He'd be embarrassed, but he's too distracted by the melody you're humming softly.
He decides to be embarrassed about it later.
Jason doesn't talk a lot about himself. He talks to people, sure, talks a lot about cases and crime, and Gotham and the mission. But the deep and dirty personal stuff? He shies away from it.
Well, that's not completely true. Not with you.
He's talking about himself now, your head on his shoulder as you stare out at the city from the rooftop. He's not patrolling tonight, and you insisted on a picnic dinner to enjoy what's left of summer.
It's peaceful, and he hooks an arm around your back when you tug his hoodie tighter around yourself, staving off the slight chill in the air. He rambles a little more, he can't help it, he always wants to talk with you, listen to you.
He'd be insecure if you weren't so obviously engaged, prompting him to keep talking and sharing your own thoughts.
He decides to second guess himself later, and enjoy the shining lights of Gotham for now.
Jason doesn't hug a lot, but you're his exception. A hug hello, a hug goodbye, a thank you hug, a 'I'm glad you're okay' hug.
He cherishes them, wraps you up against him, and doesn't let go until he starts to worry he's making you uncomfortable. He'd probably never let go if he wasn't so scared of seeming desperate to hold you.
It's not– he doesn't mean anything by it, really. There's not anything more to it.
You're just warm, soft, and you smell like you. And Jason doesn't know anything more calming and soothing than you. So, if he craves the hugs you so freely give, isn't that okay? Wouldn't anyone feel the same?
He decides to wallow in his worries later, and focuses on the way you let him bury his face against your shoulder.
Jason knows a lot of things. Things about the world, life, people, space. Things anyone else would never even be the slightest bit curious about. But, sometimes, he just doesn't know what to do with you.
It's infuriating, the way you seem to care more about others' safety than your own.
There was no reason for you to go back into fire to try and help people out. There was no reason to put yourself in danger when he was right there to take care of it.
He has no idea what was going through your head when he hauled you out of the burning building. He would have dragged you by the back of your neck if it meant you just listened to him. If, for just a second, you considered that you could have died.
The thought makes him sick. The churning of his stomach isn't enough to distract from the angry look on your face. He wonders if he was too rough with you. He can't bring himself to regret it if he was when you start coughing from the smoke.
He knows he's too rough, this time, when he pushes you towards the paramedics and heads back to the fire.
He can break down later, throw his lunch up into the toilet later, because he's always too rough. But right now? He has a job to do.
Jason fights a lot. Breaks the bones of criminals, beats bruises onto thugs, shoots bullet holes into goons. But, he doesn't really fight with you. Tonight's different.
He doesn't think you should be so angry at him. He pulled you out of a raging inferno, after all. If anything, you should be giving him one of your hugs.
You're not doing that, though. Your face is scrunched up, and you're livid, and he can practically feel the tension between you two like a physical wall. He wishes he knew the right words to say that will make you see his side.
You accuse him of thinking you can't take care of yourself. (He's fully aware you can) You tell him he was reckless to go back into the fire. (You did it first!)
You snap that he was more preoccupied with pulling you out when there were other people in danger. (Duh. You're his priority. You could have had both feet out the door, and he still would have carried you out before anyone else)
You look completely fed up by the time you're done with your rant, and he's pretty sure he's only making the situation worse because he hasn't given you an answer.
It's not that he doesn't want to, it's just he doesn't have anything to say.
He wouldn't change what he did. He's sorry he upset you. But he's never been good with words or apologies, not even with you.
So he doesn't say a thing, just stares at you with clenched fists while he waits for the inevitable order for him to leave.
And he really is prepared to leave. He's surprised it hasn't happened sooner. He'll hate it. He'll probably even do something stupid over it. But he wouldn't force the weight that is his company on you.
He'll accept that this is what changes what he is to you. At least, he'll try. Later. Right now, he's focused on not crying as the silence drones on.
Your voice calling his name cuts through his thoughts, and his gaze snaps back up to yours. He hadn't even realized he'd dropped it. You step forward, and he braces himself for what's to come. The end of this. You and him.
But the end doesn't come. You cup his face– cradle his face and ask him why he looks so miserable.
Jason's good at running. Good at burying his emotions. He has to be. But you don't look angry anymore. You look concerned. You looked more worried than you did when he was last bleeding out onto your couch. So he spills his guts.
He stumbles out how he's too rough and too wrong and he knew you'd want him gone eventually but he's not ready to go and could you please just forgive him this once for not being what you needed him to be?
He waits for you to push him away. You don't. His shoulder slump when you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him so tightly that he has no choice but to believe that you want him to stay.
He doesn't hesitate to latch onto you and mumble nonsense into your hair. Promises that he'll be better. Different. Whatever you need.
You tuck yourself closer to his chest and tell him you don't need him to be anyone else but him. The rest of your reassurances are muffled into the fabric of his clothes when he clutches you tighter.
Jason isn't very good at admitting his feelings. But he wants to. With you.
He'll figure it out later. But for right now, he lets himself sink deeper into your hug, and all the serenity you bring.
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moonwayne · 29 days
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𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙭 𝙝𝙞𝙢 (𝙣𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙣)
- 𝙟𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙙/𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
warnings: smoking/drinking, injury, guns, blood, talks of religion???? idrk… for the sake of the story, let’s pretend jason has a little smokey-smoke from time to time, mkay?
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In the dimly lit and ever crowded bar, you watched with vigilant eyes as he brought the cigarette to his mouth. Watched the way he inhaled deeply and then exhaled the cloud which billowed out like a freight train through a small town. He had always had such a way with his words and his movements, it was hard to take your eyes off of him. To everyone else he was simply a reckless, loud and occasionally obnoxious man, with his crude jokes and blasé attitude wrapped in a leather jacket.
“Bit of a head case, ain’t he?” The woman sat next to you had leaned over, her tone of voice laced with judgment.
You chuckled and leaned back over, whispering, “Well, I am biased, he’s my man.”
You saw her shake her head and heard the quiet mumbling to the person next to her, picking up the small uttering of “God help her.”
Your good lord doesn’t need to lift a finger, you thought to yourself, coy grin splayed across your face, “Don’t worry, I can fix him.” She raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing your statement, “No really, I can.” You smiled, before returning your gaze to Jason, not noticing the judgemental look the woman and her friend had shot your way, thinking you yourself must be crazy too. And only I can.
“Ready, babe?” He asked, hand finding yours in the darkness. You nodded and he led you outside where he placed a helmet on your head, giving you a lopsided grin as he secured it, before climbing onto his bike. You followed suit, and wrapped your arms around his waist, beneath his jacket just as he liked. As you were on your journey back home, you saw the glint in his eyes appear as he raised his hands from the hike handles, lifting them up in the air and letting out a loud yell of excitement. You smiled and gently and slowly pushed his arms back down, burying your face into his back and reveling in the moment with him.
Up in your apartment, wrapped up in your sheets that had found themselves entangled around both you and Jason, you gazed lovingly into his captivating eyes. His hand, warm and so calloused from his pistol softly traced hearts on your face. You kissed him softly, hands roaming up to his hair and running your fingers through it.
He was a perfect case for my certain skill set. After all, you thought, he had a halo of the highest grade, he just hadn’t met you yet.
“What’s running through that pretty little head of yours?” He asked, voice low.
“Just thinking, I can show you heaven..” You leaned up close to his ear to whisper, watching as his skin rose with goosebumps. You pressed a finger against his lips as his face neared closer to yours and spoke softly “If you’ll be an angel, all mine.” You winked as he grinned slyly, leaning in again before his phone rang, signifying a request for his presence somewhere else in Gotham. He groaned and gave you a quick peck as you watched him put on his red hood attire. He sauntered over to your window and pushed up the screen before sitting in the frame, body halfway out and looked back to you.
“Be careful, please.” You pleaded, mind already filling with the worst scenarios.
“Always. I’ll be back soon, and we can pick this up again. I’m not done with you.” He spoke as a promise, before sending you a wink of his own and climbing down. You watched as he climbed onto his bike before returning your attention to your room. Looking around, you noticed he’d left one of his guns on your nightstand. I can handle a dangerous man. You said to yourself.
Later, a little while after you had made a cup of warm tea and settled in with your latest read, a loud and familiar thump thump! came from your window.
“It’s open.” You replied lazily. In came Jason, in all his glory, complete with a dazed look in his eye and marks that definitely were not there before painted on his body. It took you a second before realizing there was also a steady stream of blood running down his side. You gasped before rushing to his aid with a med kit. It took you awhile, the job not completed without a few winces and grunts, as well as some tears, although the last were from you, before he was all patched up.
“You said you were gonna be careful.” You reminded him, twirling a strand of his white hair around your finger softly. “I know babe. I’m sorry.” He apologized, “I’ll go lighter next time.” He told you, but the playful grin across his face told you he was not even considering it. You sighed and let your head fall onto his shoulder, exhausted.
I can fix him, no really I can. You reminded yourself again, thinking back to those ladies in the bar before letting reality creep in, like a dying wave across your feet at a beach’s shore. Woah maybe I can’t.
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did we like? first time writing for Jason.
let me know your thoughts 🤍
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creepy-friday · 3 months
can you write more general headcanons plss, thank youu‼️💕
More Mansion Headcanons
The creeps aren't talkative every other day of the week and you might find yourself in the eerie silence of the hallways.A casual wave of static can be heard with a glimpse of a pale figure behind certain corners remind you that he always watches.
Behind the mansion there is a training area and next to it is a dead garden who has a small cabin inside full of supplies.
Toby doesn't smoke and just got used to Masky's smell of cigarettes
He is also a grown adult and knows when to act all innocent and clueless to get what he wants.Most of the times he is a ticking bomb ready to explode.He gets progressively more anxious depending on how much the other person he talks to is willing to bully him.Extremly traumatized
The residents altough in their 20's to 30's(except Sally)they have very teenage-like moments because The Operator showed himself in their life mostly during their teenage years.
They aren't always angry or bitter.Masky won't shove nor curse you every time you make eye contact with him.Jeff has a sassy personality but won't try to creep you off every day of his life.He gets tired too
The calmest the residents are is when they are in the kitchen eating.They need to catch a break too and it's an unspoken rule to not disturb anyone when eating
There are three ideas that are up to the reader's interpretation.
That Masky and Hoodie share the same room.I write them having separate or the same room depending on the reader's preference,ideas,and fantasies regarding it.
That the reader and Slenderman either have a father-daughter relationship or a romantic one.It heavily depends on the daddy issues meter.
That the reader was either bought in the mansion before or after the main two proxies.
Altough the reader has a lot of nightmares involving Jason or Candy Pop,the others might have them too and get random flashbacks of their past.
Nina,Jane,Jeff and Liu have an extremely complicated relationship and they would rather ignore each other when tired.(excluding Liu who wants to talk with all of them)
It's very easy to gossip in this place.You can gossip about the small mistakes people make when they train to down bad talking shit about someone simply because you can't stand them.
Rumors are very easy to be spread.The least problematic people are Sally and Bloody Painter.
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Fentons and the joker
So the fentons are in gothem for whatever reason, yada yada yada...BUT rather than danny its JACK that went phyco on the joker???:)
Its just after danny revealed himself as phantom, it took some time to cope with it but the fenton parents support danny (as long as hes relatively safe) being phantom, in amity.
But right now Their in gothem, and jack and maddie are in protective mode, jazz and danny and a little annoyed since after danny revealed himself as phantom their protectiveness trippeled, usualy that wasent a problem, amity was their home, none of the ghosts really wanted to hurt danny, and they have access to resources and support when needed
But their not in amity, so if they get hurt they have limited options, and apparently jack and maddie take thay as :their children could be in danger, stay aware
Danny actually dosent mind it, he's outside of his haunt but he still feels as safe as can be
Jazz is trying to lecture them on the unhealthy coping mechanisms they've developed but that aside she dosent really mind
That was until they got a news report that their was a prison breakout
Danny and jazz are trying to keep their parents from pulling out the fenton bazookas
And jack and maddie are making sure the trackers on their children are working
Well suddenly the street is filled with smoke, there was screaming, laughing and the sounds of people getting knocked over
When the smoke clears danny and jazz are gone...
Danny amd jazz were being held hostage by some loon called the joker
Now its bad because jazz needs to focus all her attention on keeping danny calm, he's outside in haunt without any protection, his parents are gone, he cant use his powers without outing himself again and theres a FUCKING CLOWN 3 FEET FROM HIM MONOLOGING TO A FURRIE
He's this close to loosing it and (probably) turning this clown into sidewalk chalk
The clown kept talking to the furrie but they weren't paying attention, after a certain point the clown aimed his gun at danny head...
And thats when the fenton-family-car ran through the wall, maddie took one look at the situation and started beating the everliving shit out of anyone who got in the way of her and her babys... after 5 minues all the goons were making a path for her and the other hostages are scared of this woman
Jack on the other hand saw the position danny was in, had flashbacks to danny amd freakshow, and promptly went insane
He shoved batman, tackeled the joker, breaking the arm holding the gun in the processes, and proceded to(with his bare hands) remove all of the jokers teeth, he them puller out a fenton-net, strung him up like a fish and handed the netted-joker to batman with the instruction "watch him"
Half an hour later nightwing and batman are talking to the fentons, jack and maddie each cheaking for injuries on jazz and danny
Nightwing is the one to ask
:why did you do so much to the joker? Why didnt you just disarm him?
:huh, OH, y'see my youngest danny-O over there, had some...bad experiences with clowns that left some lasting trauma...and well, no one scares my children
Nightwing gave a pointed look at batman, and prepared to show the recordings to jason
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sugrhigh · 6 months
BACKSTAGE - ( m.s )
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summary- your best friend caught the eye of the bass player in a band local to boston, your hometown, so you’re invited to the second to last stop of their US tour. they can definitely put on a show, and all of them are very welcoming when you meet them backstage. then there’s the asshole grumpy drummer with the inflated ego, who can’t seem to stop staring.
warnings- cursing, smoking, drinking, ???
band au (triplets are in their mid 20s)
drummer!matt x fem!reader (this song ^^ inspired me and it’s good af so i’m including it)
a/n: this has been brewing for a while and i kinda forking love this concept, i hope i brought it to life well! hope u enjoy and as always my inbox is open for whateva #kisses ****part 2 to come
@fawnchives @55sturn @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick @sturnlova @cupidsword @junnniiieee07 @mattnchrisworld @cherrypostsposts
“are you sure you want to do this?” you ask her as you two linger by the bar at the back of the venue.
people are clearing out, all happily chattering after an incredible concert. you have to admit that it was a great performance, and the sold out crowd helped.
they’re a pretty talented band. and the bass player really wants your best friend.
all it took to get him interested was a single comment on one of his recent posts. adelaide is undeniably gorgeous, and she’s also built a decent following through her recent modeling jobs.
she stands out in any comment section and in crowds like these, so it makes sense that he hit her up. that’s why you’re here anyways.
mister bass player had invited you guys to the first of two sold out shows in this place. it’s the last stop on the band’s US leg, in their hometown, which happens to be where you and adelaide live.
“yes dude, for the hundredth time, im sure. and he’s waiting on us, so stop stalling. i know you have more balls than that.” adelaide gives you a pointed look.
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “i promise you i don’t care enough about what these guys think to be scared.”
“now that sounds more like you.” she teases as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket.
the light from the screen illuminates her face, and you watch as she taps something out quickly.
“chris said someone is gonna come get us.”
“can’t wait.” you smile sarcastically as you respond.
addy doesn’t even get the chance to yell at you about your attitude before a big buff guy dressed in all black approaches the two of you, dark hair slicked against his skull. SECURITY is printed across his jacket in bold yellow letters.
“you ladies enjoy the show?” his voice is deep, which matches his huge stature perfectly.
“oh, it was amazing! i’m assuming you’re jason?” adelaide beams at him, pushing her dark curls out of her face.
he nods once. “that’s me. you guys ready to head backstage?”
“yup, just lead the way.”
the two of you follow jason back down toward the front of the stage, around the protective barricade to a door that almost blends right in with the venue’s dark walls.
he knocks on it three times. another tall man opens it for him and ushers the two of you inside before people start to pay too much attention.
“dressing rooms this way.” the new guy leads you through the backstage area, down a narrow hallway until he stops in front of one of the doors. there’s a little placard with their band name on it, which is cute.
this time nobody thinks to knock, because it’s already pretty loud. once the door swings open the sound is even more overwhelming.
you count seven people, all sitting around on the couches and vanity seats in the dim lighting. three of them are nearly identical, which surprises you. you thought there were only two brothers in the band.
several bottles of champagne crowd the coffee table already, and they’ve only been off the stage for ten minutes.
all of them are watching the two of you now, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
“look who it is.” one of the twins (or apparently triplets) that’s sitting on the couch sets his glass down and gets up to greet you.
his brown hair is long, longer than the others, hidden slightly by a black boston hat. he’s dressed in a celtics jersey and baggy jeans, clearly happy to be representing his city tonight.
“good to see you, chris.” adelaide smiles into his chest as he pulls her into a tight embrace that lasts for a few seconds too long.
“i promise it’s better to see you.” he smirks as he finally pulls away, not even trying to hide his gaze as he admires the way her outfit hugs her body.
then he turns to you, and you suddenly feel like a spotlight is shining directly in your face.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. addy tells me you’re even cooler than she is.” chris says, wrapping his arm around your friends shoulder lazily.
“can’t argue with that.” you shrug with a grin, impressed that he remembered your name without having to ask.
he looks around and clears his throat, and the others stop chatting. “everyone, this is adelaide and y/n. introduce yourselves.”
one of the clones that was sitting beside chris speaks up now. “shouldn’t they know who we are?”
he looks directly at you with an uninterested gaze that’s somehow still so intense you almost lose your breath. he’s in all black, fluffy hair styled a bit shorter than chris’s.
his harley davidson muscle tee is cut off right above his black pants, revealing just the smallest sliver of his stomach as he leans back against the cushions casually. so many tattoos, so many rings.
it’s annoying that you notice this, even despite how pissed off you are at his stupid question.
“i hate to burst your bubble, but i wouldn’t be able to guess your name even if someone put a gun to my head.” you bite back without thinking, and laughter erupts around you.
“that’s exactly what you deserve for a dickhead comment like that, matt.” another currently-unnamed guy says.
he’s on the other sofa with the last of the carbon-copy brothers, arm around the waist of the beautiful girl that’s perched on his lap. the couple smile at you and adelaide.
“feel free to ignore him. i’m nathan, lead guitar.” he introduces himself.
“i’m his girlfriend jen.” the dark-haired woman chimes in, offering you a friendly wave.
“im nick,” the triplet sitting next to them finally reveals his name, “i’m not in the band, i’m just their tour photographer. my brothers got the musical talent.”
“kids a genius with a camera though.” chris adds, still sidled up against adelaide.
“names sam. i’m the singer.” a blonde boy with hair cropped close to his skull says with a nod.
he’s sitting on one of the vanity chairs that’ve been set up in a half circle, tipping the rest of his champagne back after he speaks.
“and i’m just his older sister gabby.” the girl beside him sticks her hand out, and you take a step forward to shake it.
“dont say just. and i love your necklace.” you compliment the barbed wire chain around her throat, and she waves her free hand at you, flushing slightly.
“you’re sweet.”
“it’s nice to meet you all. the show was fantastic, we had a blast.” adelaide addresses everyone with that award-winning grin you know and love.
chris leads her over to the couch and they sit down, pressed against each other like they’re attached at the hip. you have to admit it’s a little cute. you take the open chair next to gabby, opting to avoid sitting next to matt just to be near your friend.
“are you both from boston too?” sam asks, reaching to refill his drink.
jen gets up from nate’s lap to grab two more glasses from one of the cabinets, which is a kind gesture that you weren’t really expecting.
“yeah. we met in college and ended up staying in the city together.” you answer as he moves to pour your champagne next.
“that makes you what, 22? i am about to serve you alcohol.”
you can’t help but laugh, so adelaide answers instead. “we’re 25, but i’ll take that as a compliment.”
he puts his hands up in apology as you grab your glass. “so not recent graduates then, my bad.”
you can still feel matt staring at you, and when you meet his gaze over the rim of your drink he doesn’t shy away. your own eyes narrow slightly, because you dont understand why he won’t fucking quit it.
“what do you do for work?” nathan questions, and you finally break out of your trance to look over.
“i was in publishing for a bit, but i mainly model now.” addy responds first.
chris’s hand goes to grip her thigh endearingly as she sips her champagne. “can’t you tell?”
“stop it.” she nudges him slightly, though you can see a faint blush appear beneath her bronzed skin.
nate rolls his eyes before looking your way. “and you?”
“i’m a media manager for a few different brands.”
“really? like who?”
it’s matt speaking, you know even before you turn your head to meet his cold eyes once more. he’s challenging you, inked arms crossed over his chest defensively as he waits for an answer.
“well for one, those pants you’re wearing? i work with that company.” you reply bluntly.
you’d recognize those cargos anywhere, the faded star patches are a dead giveaway. matt’s face drops in surprise, and nick snorts, giving you a nod of approval that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“i can’t believe you work for vamped. we all get like, half of our wardrobe from there.” he admits.
“raiding her closet is a real treat, trust me.” adelaide makes it sound like a joke, but she actually does love to come over and steal all your favorite pieces.
it would be annoying if you didn’t love her so much.
jen smiles, cuddled back up on her boyfriend’s knee as she looks between the two of you. “i like you girls already.”
“yeah, and i respect anyone who can humble matt that quickly.” sam nods along in agreement, and you recognize that he’s talking about you in particular.
“oh, so i take it he’s like this all the time then?” your question is directed at sam, but you’re looking at the subject himself as you ask it.
“pretty much.” chris nudges matt with a silly grin, and he scowls in return, though he’s still watching you.
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling, what he’s thinking, and you don’t like it one bit. to be fair, you don’t know him at all yet, but you know the type.
you’ve met enough high profile people through vamped to understand that this kid thinks he’s some kind of god, probably because his friends tell him so.
but you’re not his friend, and you don’t owe him any politeness if he can’t bother to reciprocate it. you keep your eyes on him as sam redirects the conversation away from the two of you, another challenge of your own, and he finally looks away a moment later.
you take it as a win.
a few rounds of drinks later you can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, blissfully tipsy as you continue to swap stories about anything and everything with the rest of the group.
chris and adelaide are in their own little world, whispering shit back and forth to each other like school girls.
matt hasn’t said a single word to you since you name-dropped your highest paying client just to embarrass him. he watches the rest of you interact, though that burning gaze of his always seems to meet yours anyways.
its driving you crazy, and you’re itching for a quick pause from the socialization, as nice as (almost) everyone has been.
“i’m gonna go for a smoke.” you address the group, mainly adelaide, and you’re met with a couple nods.
“same.” matt replies gruffly, and your heart falters.
of fucking course.
he pushes himself to a standing position before you can protest, or say anything really. his shirt is even more cropped now that he’s stretched to his full height, and you’re staring straight at his exposed happy trail and v-line. you’re pretty sure you see the top of a small tattoo by his hip.
your mouth goes dry, and you busy yourself grabbing your little purse from the floor.
“hurry back, i wanna hear more about this PR box fiasco.” gabby points a finger at you as you get up next, and you smile even though you know it’s a weak attempt.
“i’ll be quick.” you promise her.
adelaide gives you a little wave goodbye, which doesn’t quell your nerves as you turn to follow matt, who doesn’t wait for you to catch up.
he just throws the dressing room door open carelessly, letting it swing back so you have to stop it with your hand before it hits you. you glare at the back of his head, though you follow him in silence because you don’t know the way outside.
another security guard stands in the hall, and matt greets him with a quick nod as he heads outside, once again neglecting to hold it for you.
you mutter a quick hello to the man before stepping onto the little back patio. it’s the end of summer, edging toward fall now, so there’s just a slight chill in the air.
he’s already leaned up against the brick wall, situated on one of the steps down to the gated parking lot. for the first time tonight, he’s actually not looking at you, and it’s somewhat of a relief.
you dig around in your bag to retrieve your crinkled carton of cigarettes, flipping the lid open to pull one out and stick it between your lips. you’re about to put them away when matt clears his throat.
“can i bum one?” he asks softly.
it’s the least aggressive he’s been all night, and it throws you so off guard you can’t find anything to say back so him. so you just nod slowly, grabbing another cigarette for him and passing it over.
“you got a light? couldn’t bring mine in.” you mutter, though your words slur because of the cig that’s between your teeth.
matt nods, ruffling his hair with one hand as the other slips into his back pocket. he pulls out a red disposable lighter and ignites it in one swift motion.
he holds it up to your mouth, burning the end of the thin roll of tobacco. he’s staring at your lips, thinking about how soft they look wrapped around that filter paper.
matt doesn’t want to be wondering what it would be like to feel them against his own, because you embarrassed him. he hates being embarrassed, especially by someone who walked right into his dressing room like she owned it.
you’re unlike any girl he’s ever met, and he’s fucking entranced.
you inhale, glancing to meet his blue eyes as the smoke fill your lungs, completely unaware of his thoughts. it’s familiar, and it calms you down a little bit.
you pull it from your mouth to exhale, watching as he lights his own before slipping the plastic device back into his pocket. he slumps back up against the wall, kicking one leg up to steady himself.
it’s silent again for a moment while you both enjoy the brief hits of nicotine, letting the clouds swirl up into the night. you both go to ash at the same time, and he breaks the tension first.
“so, what did you think of the show, sweetheart? your friend spoke for you, but i’m sure you have your own opinion.” he says, one side of his mouth tilted up.
you weigh up his statement, rewinding to an hour ago. you guys were in the upper wing, right by the stage in the front row. the view was great, and the energy was definitely there.
you remember matt, sweaty and focused as he banged on those fucking drums like his life depended on it. your eyes were drawn to him for a lot of the performance, to the intensity he brought to the stage.
that was before you knew about his superiority complex, though you should have been expecting it. he is, after all, a rising rock star.
“it was good.” you reply bluntly, shrugging as you bring your cigarette back to your lips.
he fully smiles now, though it’s not a warm one. then he follows your lead and takes another drag as well, his tattoos shifting as his muscles flex and relax due to the movement.
“don’t fucking humor me.” matt finally says seriously, and you narrow your eyes.
“i wasn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way. you think you’re the shit regardless.” you snap back.
matt softens a bit at your tone, but he’s also backed into a corner. you confuse him, because you’re impossible to read. that’s never happened to him before, and it’s annoyingly enticing.
“you don’t know a damn thing about me.”
“i know your type.” you argue sourly, sucking in another mouthful of smoke.
he turns his full attention to you now, shifting so he can look you right in the eyes. you wish it didn’t intimidate you so much, but the way he’s been leering at you all night makes you sweat.
“and what type would that be, hm?” matt goads.
you nudge at the concrete with the toe of your sneaker, pausing briefly to compose your answer.
“you’re arrogant, which either comes from the fame or the praise, or most likely both. in fact, you’re so cocky that you probably can’t be around anyone without patronizing them. i bet they all tell you how talented and badass you are, but you wanna know what i think?” you ask him, taking a hit of your cigarette for dramatic effect.
and it works. matt is hanging onto every word, waiting for you to deliver the final punch as you take a step closer, blowing the vapor toward him.
“i think that the whole time, they’re just waiting for you to shut the fuck up.”
for a second the world is still, and neither of you move an inch. he’s just studying you, eyes skipping across your face like he’s trying to commit it to memory.
“you want to know what i think?” he questions you quietly, and you can’t help but watch his lips as they move.
so pretty and pink, and you know he would taste like tobacco and sweat. you want to give in, but you won’t. one thing about you is that you’re stubborn, and you refuse to make the first move for this asshole.
“i think you like it.” matt finishes, so close to your lips now that he’s practically whispering his words against them.
just as you think he’s about to kiss you, to give you the power you crave, he tosses his cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out before stepping around you.
the only reminder that the moment was real is the door slamming shut behind him.
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
Cannon Danny, Danyal Au and CFAU met, waht does each other think of the other and do they get along?
Cfau Danny and Canon Danny get along, but Danyal and Canon abso-fucking-lutely do not. It's hillarious. Danyal is appalled that this fucking white boy is another version of him -- that Al Ghul arrogance and pride really shines through here, you can’t get rid of all of it.
Cfau Danny is a sleeper agent, honestly. I'm putting all three of them around the 15 age range because any younger and CFAU won't be as Sleeper Agent. Him and Canon get along pretty well because they’re both pretty similar to each other when CFAU's not in active grief. CFAU is a bit rough around the edges, and canon is surprised by his smoking habit and sharp tongue, but he’s a relatively friendly dude. Just snarky and no-nonsense at times, and intolerant of bullshit.
However the moment a ghost fight starts?? BAM. he shifts into a house of horrors who can and will rip out your throat with his teeth. Banshee boi haha. Canon is floating there all “???? HUH???” watching as Danyal and CFAU full on tackle the opposition.
Canon Danny watches in 4k as Danyal hunts Skulker down mercilessly and tears open the “damn poacher’s” suit with his bare hands. Vlad is only safe because he isn't showing his face (yet).
Frankly all of canon’s rogues are gonna have a blast meeting CFAU and Danyal. They’re both two different flavors of unhinged violence, and they’re on the opposite side of the spectrum. One is an elegant storm of blades with years of fine-tuned practice, and the other is the brutality of the backstreets and Gotham’s cruelty; messy, bloody, and merciless.
Canon and Danyal will eventually start getting along, but they’re pretty — well, correction, Danyal is pretty hostile to canon at first. Its a combination of tension, stress, and frustration with canon and what Danyal perceives as canon’s incompetence. Danyal struggles to understand how canon is anyway a version of him beyond the name and halfa status. He starts understanding better when he sees Phantom fighting and sees his resourcefulness and quick thinking.
I have this funny mental image of the three Dannys all in the quad at school (with Sam and Tucker). Danyal is sitting on the table giving off Major Gargoyle vibes, warding off Dash and other bullies through pure "Little Orphan Tom Riddle" Energy alone, while CFAU is standing off to the side with Canon showing him how to throw a proper punch. Sam and Tucker are staring at Danyal, or they're just casually eating their lunch.
Dash isn't going near Danyal with a ten foot pole, but he'll try his chances with Sleeper Agent CFAU who, despite the "edgy" smoking thing and more alternative style, acts and looks almost the same way "Fenturd" does. He gets socked in the jaw the moment he goes over and grabs CFAU's shirt, and CFAU releases the full verbal force of Crime Alley's fist down unto him.
To properly answer your question:
Canon Danny: Thinks CFAU is pretty cool, and views him as kind of like a cooler, terrifying version of him. He's off-put by the smoking thing and totally thrown off by CFAU being a banshee. He's only heard from word-of-mouth about them, and it sounds like a shitty existence to be in permanent grief. He's glad he's never had to fight one.
If this is purely canon Danny and not DPxDC adjacent-canon Canon Danny, then he's glad that Gotham doesn't exist in his world because holy fuck that place sounds like the home of nightmares. But he also kinda wishes there was a Jason in his world, the guy sounded like a really good friend if CFAU is to be believed, and Danny needs more of those in the world. He's infinitely more grateful that Dan is nothing like how Rath sounds. Because Rath sounds like something straight out of an apocalypse movie. (Granted, Dan could be argued to be the same, but he gives off more 'generic supervillain' vibes.)
He thinks Danyal is an asshole at first who needs to get that stick out of his ass, along with his head. But once they start getting along, he finds him rather funny and enjoys his dry wit, along with CFAU's. He's unnerved by Danyal's willingness to kill if necessary, but he admires his dedication and love for his little brother (if Danyal brings him up). He knows he'd be in the same boat with Jazz or Ellie if he was in Danyal's shoes. He recognizes that their core fundamentals ring the same, even if the both of them tend to show it differently.
CFAU Danny: Thinks Canon is pretty cool too. Is thrown off and very unsettled by the idea that Jason might not exist in this world, and that he and this other Danny aren't friends. He genuinely just. cannot comprehend the idea that well, and if he thinks about it too hard he's going to go into a Banshee-Grade Level Grief Spiral and nobody is gonna wanna see that. Soothes his own nerves by telling himself that this other him will meet Jason eventually.
Kinda thinks Danyal is also a jerk, but he recognizes that it comes from a place of fear and general self-defense. He's seen other kids do similar stuff in crime alley where they completely close themselves off from other people -- hell, he does it. It's a safety mechanism, so he's more empathetic with him. They're not buddy-buddy with each other at first, but they're certainly not hostile like Danyal is with Canon. Is entirely baffled and thrown off by the fact that Danyal is related to Bruce fucking Wayne when Danyal tells them about his brother Damian. Can't help but ask about Jason and if he's alive, and is insanely jealous but so happy when Danyal confirms that he is.
Danyal Al Ghul: Homie hates this fucking white boy at first. Canon Danny's general playful behavior and inexperience drives him up a wall because he's incredibly tense and in an alternate dimension. He unintentionally slips back into a League Training mindset, and criticizes Danny's every move during a fight. He eventually apologizes, but just like his father, it's like pulling teeth because he's emotionally constipated. Canon asks Danyal if he was in pain while saying anything, Danyal readily admits to yes, he was. But not because he wasn't sincere about it. Afterwards, Canon still kinda annoys him, but once DAnyal reframes his mindset into viewing him more like a civilian and being more like Ella, rather than being an alternate version of himself, his mistakes become easier to bear.
likes CFAU! They both took one look at each other and thought "wow there is something Fucking Wrong With You" and instantly shared solidarity in that. CFAU is still a sloppy fighter in Danyal's eyes, but he recognizes his own bias, and at least CFAU is ruthless and swift with it compared to Canon. He silently.. mourns??? pays respects?? He Has Somber Emotions about CFAU being a banshee, and offers him basically the Danyal Equivalent of "that's rough, buddy". He's very weirded out about how neither of these Daniels are related to his father, and are not Damian's brother. Has no idea who this "Rath" and "Dan" are because he doesn't (to his knowledge) have an alternate evil self.
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
friday the thirteenth |eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: you and eddie go to the drive in. a small blurb that's apart of the oneforthemunny's spooky story series! also eddie edit made possible by @eddiemunsonsmum :)
Friday, October 13th, 1989 
“Hey, make sure you hide those snacks, ok?” Eddie muttered, a ringed hand gripping the wheel, blowing smoke out the open window.
“I don’t think they’ll all fit in the glove box.” You frown, shoving the crinkling wrappers of honey buns and kit-kat under miscellaneous papers, a few lighters that were stored away in there. 
“Just put ‘em under the blanket, sweetheart.” Eddie nodded, flicking the cigarette out the window, arm craning behind him for the blankets you’d thrown in from home. 
“They won’t look?” Your eyes cut to Eddie’s carefully, grabbing the aged quilt from his grasp. 
“No, they’re not gonna search the van, baby.” Eddie grinned. “Just look in. Just make sure it’s covered, alright?” 
Undoing your own seatbelt, spreading the blanket over the snacks, feet tucked under your legs. Eddie tapped on the cracked leather of the steering wheel with excitement, rolling to a stop on the gravel behind the line of cars. “I’m so fuckin’ excited.” He admitted, eyes sparkling through the gloom dullness of the gray Indiana sky. 
“Yeah?” You giggle. His smile was infectious, made your heart warm with an overwhelming sense of adoration. “I can tell.” 
“This was a good idea. Coming early, because look at this line, babe.” Eddie tilted the rearview mirror to look at the piling line of cars behind him. All swarming to the Hawkins Drive-In for the double feature of Halloween and Friday the Thirteenth… on Friday the thirteenth. 
“Good call with that.” Eddie smiled over at you, heat spilling over your cheeks at his praise. Eddie’s hand fell on your thigh lightly, squeezing your thigh playfully.
 “Oh, shit. Look at that guy. Shoulda brought my mask, huh?” Eddie nodded towards the teenagers parked in the back, running around in their Jason and Michael masks. 
“Yeah… maybe don’t park over there, though.” You cut your eyes at the teenagers, screeching and jumping off their tailgates. 
“Why?” Eddie smirked, van rolling in line slowly towards the ticket stand. “You scared? Afraid they’ll get you-” 
“-Because I get it, babe. It is Friday the thirteenth. It’s a very scary night. I’d be scared too.” Eddie teased. 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re scared, Munson?” 
“Maybe. Maybe ‘m just excited.” Eddie smirked, long lashes batting at you sweetly. The van creeped towards the ticket stand. “I wasn’t gonna park there anyways, but they did take my spot, fuckin’ assholes.” 
“Your spot?” Your brows lifted in amusement. 
“Yeah, good makeout spot.” Eddie smirked at your scoff, stopping in front of the ticket stand. 
Your head rested against the seat rest, Eddie’s curls illuminated in the bright light of the ticket stand. Rings catching in the light when he handed them the money, bracelets peeking out from the leather of his jacket when he took the tickets. He looked so pretty; so content. 
“Can you put it on the station?” Eddie muttered, shifting gears so the van rolled with a low grunt over the gravel. “You wanna be more towards the front?” 
“I’m fine wherever, Ed.” You hum, turning the dial slowly. “You’re the expert, right, baby?” 
A huff of a laugh left his lips, curling in a small smile. “Yeah. Think there’s a spot up here if this jackass in a wagon doesn’t take it- Christ, who’s taking kids to this kind of movie? Fuck that, we’re not going there. I’m not listening to screaming the whole time.” 
“Maybe they’re older kids?” You grin, the comical tune of the pre-movie show tune playing through the speakers. “Or could be big horror fans. You didn’t like scary movies as a kid?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not fun going with your parents.” Eddie rolled his eyes, reversing into a back spot slowly. “Gotta sneak it or it’s not fun.” 
“Like the candy, hm? That’s the thrill of it?” 
“Exactly.” Eddie smirked, jamming the gear to park. 
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“Shit, this part is good, baby. Look.” Eddie whispered, lips still pressed to yours, hand sliding from your jaw slowly. 
“I don’t wanna look, just-” You pawed at his jacket collar, pulling him closer, back into your kiss. 
“-Wait, wait, this is the good part. Hold on.” Eddie muttered, eyes zoned in onto the screen, sitting back onto the van’s floor. 
You huffed, pushing up on your forearms to look at the screen, lips numb from the cold air and Eddie, just in time to see Michael Myers take a victim- a brutal slashing that had the entire lot grimacing out loud. 
“Oh, that’s fucking sick.” You cringe, looking at the van’s floor instead of the movie, stomach twisting uncomfortable. 
“Very fuckin’ sick. Wonder how they do that, huh? Like the special effects shit like that.” Eddie grinned, body buzzing with adrenaline and excitement. 
“I don’t know. They better have won whatever award there is for that, because that,” You nodded towards the screen, the dismembered, bloody body lying there. “Is disgusting.” 
“Wait until you see Jason’s victims. Makes Michael look tame.” Eddie grinned, head falling against the pillow, shoveling a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Can’t believe you’ve never seen these.” 
“No way.” You wrinkle your nose at the screen. “More of a Beetlejuice fan or Elvira. I always liked that movie.”
“Yeah? Me too.” Eddie smirked. “Really liked that one.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Of course, you did.” 
“I like a spooky babe. Can you blame me?” Eddie pulled you close to his side, lips smacking against your cheek. 
“Oh? So you don’t like me, huh?” You glare at him lightly. “Just wasting my time, Munson?” 
“No way.” Eddie shook his head, looking over at you. “You’re a total spooky babe.” 
You roll your eyes, scoffing lightly. “‘M serious.” Eddie squeezes your thigh gently. “You’re doing this with me.” He nodded towards the screen. “Yeah.” You hum, eyes cutting to the screen, grimacing at the chase scene. “Guess I must love you or something to sit through two of these.”
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dakotalun · 1 year
You Belong With Me | Eddie Munson
pairing: Modern!Eddie Munson X Fem Reader
summary: Part 2--Eddie gets a special visit...but it hurts more than it helps.
warnings: drug use, language, mentions of cheating, sad Eddie
word count: 4.2k
a/n: I've estimated about 7 or so parts to this series and I will be working on them for the next couple of weeks.
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“Yeah I’m coming!” Eddie says from his room, getting up from his bed and pressing the butt of his blunt into the ashtray on the nightstand. He had been laying in bed, listening to Ozzy, smoking and drinking a beer after he got back from the basketball game a little while ago.
He was pissed at you for yelling at him earlier and bailing on him when it was so out of character for you to do so. But it was nice just sitting under the bleachers alone, oogling the love of his life. Another knock comes as he exits his room, “I said I’m coming-” He swings the front door open and it reveals a sad and red eyed Chrissy.
“Shit Chrissy, are- are you okay?” Eddie steps aside and allows her to enter the trailer.
“Hey Eddie. Sorry to just come over unannounced and all,” Her voice is strained but steady, as if she’s used to speaking after crying.
“No no it’s fine. What’s going on?” He walks over to the couch and sits down, Chrissy following after.
“Jason and I got into a big fight after the game tonight,” Eddie’s ears burn at the thought of Jason being a dick to such a sweet girl then return to normal after thinking about the fight he just had with you, “And I couldn’t be around him anymore so I went for a walk. I thought about things on the way then noticed that I was almost to here and decided to stop by.”
Eddie’s surprised at the words coming from her. She thought of him and decided to stop by, could this be his lucky day?
“Aw I’m sorry that sucks. What can I do to help? Do you need me to go beat him up? Cause I will, I’ll do it right now.” His tone is upbeat and happy but he means every word.
A smile creeps onto Chrissy’s face showing her perfect teeth, “No, no. Nothing like that. I was just wondering if you could, um,” She hesitates, nervous to ask the question.
Eddie puts a reassuring hand on her knee, this being the second time in 2 weeks that they’ve touched. “I’ll do anything, just say the word.” His doe eyes wide and full of truth.
“Can I get some weed or pills or something? I’ve not been in the best headspace lately and I just need something to take the edge off.”
Those were not the words he thought she would say, not in a million years. His face grows warm, nervous about selling to Hawkin’s most famous IT girl. He needs the money but he feels bad for taking it from her, she doesn’t look like she’s taken anything stronger than a baby aspirin in her life, and now she wants weed or pills.
“Are- are you sure? Have you ever smoked before?” She shakes her head, “I know I said anything but I don’t know if I can,”
“Oh,” Her head falls down, clearly disappointed at his words, “That’s okay. It was stupid for me to come here anyway. I’ll get out of your hair, let you get back to whatever you were doing.” She stands up, hands running over her short skirt, both out of nervousness and to cover her ass.
Eddie shoots up quickly not wanting her to leave, “Wait! I mean if you really want some weed then I’ll give you some but on one condition.”
Her baby blue irises meeting his dark brown ones, liek two oceans colliding, “What condition?”
“You gotta smoke it with me. Can’t have you choking to death after taking one puff incorrectly, so? We gotta deal?” He holds his hand out for her to shake, needing another form of touch with her.
“Deal.” Her tiny hand is engulfed in his, the warmth of her skin seeping into his palm.
Eddie tells Chrissy to stay in the living room while he goes and gets a joint and lighter from his room. Returning only a few seconds later he plops down on the couch, exhaling a loud sigh.
“So I’ll start it off for you then I’ll show you how to take a hit correctly,” Chrissy nods at his words.
Eddie puts the blunt into his mouth, cupping his free hand around it to shield the imaginary wind as he lights it, taking a few short puffs just to get it started for her. Once he’s satisfied with his work he pulls it from his lips and hands it to her.
Chrissy looks at it weirdly, not even knowing how to hold it. Eddie notices this and opts to just guide the butt just past her lips, her strawberry lipgloss covering the paper. She looks at him every step of the way, not wanting to do it wrong.
“Alright now all you’re gonna do is breathe in slowly,” She follows his words, taking a slow, deep breathe in, “Good. Good, now,” He pulls his fingers and the blunt away from her lips, “Hold it in for a second until you start to feel that burn in your chest, then exhale.”
She holds for a short second before falling into a coughing fit. Eddie goes to rub her back, soothing the burn he knows all too well from his past. She takes a little to regain her barings again before sitting back up and leaning into the worn out couch.
“Okay that is not as easy as you make it look,” Her voice is hoarse, which Eddie only finds attractive.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, the more you do it the less it hurts,” He takes a long hit, letting the smoke fill his lungs for far too long.
“Okay then, guess I’ll have to try again then,” Eddie just nods and takes another hit before handing it back to her. She follows his steps the same way, only this time she isn’t coughing up a lung.
“Nice job. You’re a natural.” Eddie smiles and the two of them sit there just enjoying the peace and sharing a smoke.
Once it’s down to its last little bit, Eddie puts it out and leans deep into the couch, spreading his legs wide in the process. He lays his arms over the back and looks up at the ceiling. He’s always loved doing this after a good smoke, just sitting there, staring at the ceiling and allowing his mind to wander and eventually go blank.
Chrissy is sitting beside him still, more relaxed than before which brings a smile to Eddie’s lips. The room has been quiet for a while and Chrissy has a question that she’s been meaning to ask.
“So, why do you do it?” SHe says after clearing her throat a little.
“Do what?” He doesn’t look at her, still focused on the ceiling above.
“Why do you act the way you do? Why play that game and listen to that music? You do realize it’s not normal right?” This catches his attention, he brings his head up to look at her, her eyes drifting from his face to her lap where she fiddles with her hands.
“Why are you with Jason when you know he’s sleeping with half the girls at the school?” Eddie’s feeling feisty now, not pleased with the sudden line of questioning.
“I asked you first.” Chrissy retorts back.
“I don’t know what you mean. I act the way I do because that’s who I am, and I play D&D because I find it fun and thrilling. Being normal ’s just not for me, trust me on this one sweetheart.”
“But it could be. If you tried, then you wouldn’t have everyone staring at you and calling you a freak.”
“Yeah but you forget one thing,” Eddie’s sitting up right now, hands on his knees as he gets closer to her. Her eyes are looking at him again, scanning his face quickly, almost worry in her eyes.
“What’s that?” Chrissy’s voice is small and weak, Eddie’s presence now intimidating as he gets right up in her face, a mere inch apart.
“I don’t give a damn what people think.” Chrissy is staring into his eyes now, completely locked in and focused. 
“Your turn, why Jason?” Eddie really is curious as to why she’s with him, and he know’s it can’t only be for the social status, “And don’t say because he’s captain of the laundry basket game.”
“It’s called basketball and I wasn’t going to say that. I like him because he’s sweet and kind and always does the best for others.”
Eddie can’t believe the words she just used to describe him, “Jason? Like Jason Carver, the one who bullies me relentlessly and judges people if they breathe the wrong way? That Jason?”
“Yes Eddie, that Jason.” 
“But how?”
“I know he’s not the best to be around during school but that’s just because his dad is a jackass who won’t get off his back about basketball and his grades. He’s stressed all the time and just needs a break. And when he’s with me he’s thi sweet guy who doesn’t care what others think, just wanting to be the best he possibly can be.”
Eddie looks at her, mouth wide like a fish that’s trying to get air after being pulled from the water. Never in his 20 years of life did he think that he would hear someone say those things about Jason, especially in his trailer! It felt like an out of body experience.
“Can I ask you another question?” Chrissy is looking at him, ignoring the stunned expression.
“Uh sure. But this is the last one.”
“What’s up with you and y/n?” “Nothing, why?” The hair on the back of Eddie’s neck stand up at the mention of you.
“I didn’t se her with you today at the game and I was just curious. I mean you two are always together, even Jason and I don’t spend that much time together. Guess you guys just have a good relationship.”
“Woah woah woah. Y/n and I aren’t in a relationship. She’s just a friend.”
Chrissy gives him a quizzical look, not fully believing him, “Uh huh, so you guys just carpool together and walk to classes together and eat lunch together because you’re friends?”
“Yes. We do,” Eddie sits up straighter now, feeling like he has to assert dominance in this situation.
“Okay then. I was just wondering,” Chrissy is looking directly in his eyes now, analyzing the vast space of his irises.
His eyes are cool and calm, whilst hers are wide and a little curious. Eddie’s gaze dips from hers to her lips then back up again. Her lipgloss is pretty much gone, most of it on the end of the discarded blunt. They are soft and pink, not at all chapped and worn like his.
Eddie’s feeling bold and a little angry right now. Bold from the weed and angry at you for not believing that he could have Chrissy if he wanted to, so his next moves weren’t quite thought out. So before either of them knows it his lips are on hers. Chrissy gasps into the kiss, it quickly being muffled by his mouth. She knows she should pull away, she knows she shouldn’t be kissing anyone other than Jason, especially Eddie “The Freak” Munson, but his lips taste different and the way he holds himself is in high contrast from Jason.
So she leans in a little, giving back to what Eddie is giving her. They kiss for what feels like forever to Eddie but in actuality it was only a few seconds before she pulls away.
“I-” Chrissy tries to speak but the words fall silent on her tongue before she can even get them out.
“Shit, I’ve been wanting to do that for so fucking long. It’s even better than I imagined,” Eddie has his world famous grin on, happy to have finally made a move on his dream girl. He starts to lean back in for another kiss when one of Chrissy’s small hands touch his chest, pushing him back.
“What? What’s wrong?” Eddie’s concerned now.
“It’s, um, it’s Jason. I can’t do this to him.”
“But the guy is a jerk, you can do better than him,” Eddie puts his hand over the one onhis chest, “I can treat you better than he can.”
Her eyes are still downcast, not even daring a quick glace up to his. She slips her hand out from under his, letting it fall into her lap again. “Eddie I’m sorry. Really I am, but I can’t. I love him, and he loves me.”
The words are like acid to Eddie’s ears, his face burning at the sound. His body goes numb as he falls back into the couch. Chrissy is talking but he can’t understand her, being rejected is already too much to bear.
“You should go.” His voice is cold, harsh; he barely recognizes it himself.
“Yeah, um okay.” She gets up, gethers her things then rushes out the door. The sound loudly reverberating off the walls of the tin can Eddie calls a home.
He sits there. For a good 10 minutes he just sits there, thinking. Thinking about how he just kissed his dream girl, about how her lips felt on his, how good her lipgloss tasted on his tongue, how much he wishes it could’ve lasted longer, how he hates himself to doing it in the first place.
Eddie’s been dreaming of that moment since he was in 7th grade. He hoped she would be his first, in everything; first girlfriend, first kiss, first to have sex with him-he hoped for it all. Now he’s left sitting here, rejected and cold and alone.
What makes him feel worse is that he can’t even go talk to the one person he knows would make him feel better because she’s mad at him for something she was ultimately right about. He just wishes he could take this entire day back and start over.
All night you had been laying in bed and wracking your brain for all the possible ways to make it up to Eddie. Going through all these years of friendship the two of you share, thinking of all the things Eddie loves; weed, horror movies, milkshakes from Jay’s Diner, and the cookies you make.
You get up from your bed, the bright light of the rising sun peaking through your curtains. You could only sleep for a few hours that night, too afraid that you had ruined your best friendship. Throwing the blankets off yourself you get ready for the day, choosing comfort more than style.
An hour later you are standing in front of Eddie’s trailer, cookies and milkshakes in hand as you carry a bag of all his favorite horror movies you had just gotten from Family Video. You clock that Wayne’s truck is still outside even though he is normally on his way to work by now, but you don’t pay much attention to it as you knock on the door.
You wait for a few seconds and then are faced with the older man with salt and pepper hair.
“Hi Wayne.” You greet with a smile on your face.
“Hey honey, you here for Ed?” He moves aside to let you in.
“Yeah we uh got into a little fight last night and I wanted to check in on him. Brought milkshakes and cookies.” You hold up the items in your hand. Wayne smiles at your gesture, one Eddie would be sure to love as well.
“He’s been real upset today. Hasn’t said a word to me since I got back from work this morning, rarely comin’ outta that room a his.”
You’re confused for a minute at his words. Eddie seemed mad at you sure but to go as far as to lock himself in his room all day, that was dramatic, even gor him. The look on your face must’ve clued Wayne in on the fact that you had no clue what he was talking about.
“If ya don’t mind, may I ask what you fought about?” HE rubs the back of his neck, a thing Eddie does when he too is nervous, “Possibly get an idea as to why he’s like this.”
“Well he wanted to go to the basketball game last night but I wasn’t feeling up for it. I had tried a few times to tell him I didn’t wanna go but he’s a stubborn one,” Wayne nods his head and smiles a little, “I let my anger get to me and accidentally yelled at him, saying things I did and didn’t mean. But I didn’t think he would be that mad about it, not enough to lock himself inside for hours.”
The two of you standing there in silence, contem,plating all the other reasons for Eddie’s behavior today. The older man looks at his watch then sighs, knwoing it’s time to go to work but not wanting to leave his nephew.
“Go ahead. I’ll see if I can get to him, I’ll call you about what happened later.” Wayne gives you a reassuring smile and a squeeze on the arm before heading out the door and to his late night job.
You take a deep breath in and out, calming your nerves. You set the milkshakes into the freezer, not wanting them to melt as the two of you talked before heading down the short hallway to the metalhead’s room.
It’s rare to see Eddie’s door closed, always an open book in his own house. You knock on his door 3 times, a special order to them, signaling that it was you who was outside of it. Eddie was the one who suggested the two of you got a secret knock, being that both of your parental figures tended to just walk in unannounced and without warning.
The knock was short and sweet, something easy to remember. Eddie was the one who used it most, knocking on your window late at night to steal you away for a night drive or a smoke sesh. 
There is no response from Eddie, so you try the knock again, hoping he just didn’t hear you the thifrst time. Nothing, no response.
“Ed? You okay in there? Wayne said you haven’t left there all day.” You try and keep your voice neutral, not showing the hurt from deep inside that this might be your fault, “Look if this is about out fight last night I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I wasn’t in the right head space and I really shouldn’t’ve talked to you that way.” Still nothing, not even the shifting of sheets could be heard.
“I brought some movies and cookies. Oh and that milkshake you love so much from Jay’s.” You start to get worried now, Eddie has never been this quiet in his life, “Eddie please talk to me. I really didn’t mean to say those things about you and I take back every word. If you really, truly love Chrissy then I will support you. I just don’t want you to get hurt is all, I love you and hate seeing you like this.”
At the mention of Chrissy, Eddie’s heart constricted thinking about what happened last night. And for the first time all day, he speaks.
“It’s not your fault,” The words are soft, the sound in his voice coming out strained.
“Are you sure? I know I was harsh and I take full responsibility for your emotions and my actions. Can I come in? I kinda feel like I need to say this to your face.” You pause a moment, waiting for something, anything. Then you hear the small *click* of his door being unlocked. You open it and gasp at the sight in front of you.
Eddie is laying on his bed, blankets wrapped tightly around him as tissues surround and litter the the places around him. He was crying.
“Shit.” You say under your breath. There is soft music playing in the back ground, you recognize the song to be K. by Cigarettes After Sex. You know the song is on his sad playlist, one he rarely listened to that you knew of. So for him to be listening to it right now is startling.
“Eds?” You walk into the rom fully now, setting the cookies and movies down on the floor by the door. You take a few steps towards his bed, his back is turned to you.
“Eddie, what’s wrong?” You’re now at the edge of his bed, wanting more than anything for him to turn around and look at you. He just lays there, his breathing moving his chest up and down slowly.
“I fucked up.”
“Huh?” You weren’t even sure he said anything that’s how quietly he said it.
“I fucked up, badly.” He turns around now, showing you the aftermath of his endless crying all night. His eyes are puffy and red, tear lines stain his face as a little bit of snot if still lingering on his nose.
You’ve never, ever seen Eddie cry out of sadness before, happiness, excitement, pleasure, sure but not sadness and it worried you to your core to know who or what did this to him. You take a seat on his bed, placing a hand on his thigh, the layers of blankets stopping any sort of heat of his to tough yours.
“What happened? Why do you think you fucked up?”
“Chrissy came by last night…” That’s when your ears perked up, so this was her fault huh? “She wanted drugs but I wasn’t sure she should do them alone since I figured she’s never done them before. Being miss popular “good girl” and all.”
Eddie sits up now, clearing his throat as you just sit there, leting him talk. “I offered to sit with her and teacher her how to smoke properly as to not hurt herself, you know?” You only nod, “Well we were sitting there a few minutes just passing it back and forth, talking occasionally until she asked me a question.”
“Which was?”
“Why do you act the way you do? It seemed harmless at the time, just something that one would ask the town freak,” Your heart pangs at the name he calls himself, “I retorted with a question of my own, following in her line of questioning. Everything was good, then she looked at me. Like really looked at me and I couldn’t hold back anymore, after what you said and the way she just seemed so damn pretty even after coming here with tears staining her face. I kissed her.”
Your eyes went wide. He kissed her. Eddie kissed Chrissy. Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham kissed. The “town freak” and the “cheery good girl” of Hawkins kissed. No matter what way you put it nothing changed. The boy you love, are in love with kissed someone else, someone who had a boyfriend who despised Eddie.
You’re silent, not even breathing as Eddie stares at you, “We only kissed for a few seconds but it was great, her lips were soft and sweet. I wanted to stay like that forever, I could’ve if she didn’t pull away. She told me it was wrong and she couldn’t do it, Jason being the one she loved, even though I know for a fact that he’s fucking other girls around the school.”
The words and thoughts of Eddie kissing Chrissy still heaven’t left your brain, you needed to get them out. “So that’s why you’ve been in here all day. Cause Chrissy rejected you? Not our fight?” You needed a clear answer.
“Yeah. I mean part of it was because we fought, but only a small part, most being because of the kiss.” His eyes are on his lap, where he messes with the chunky rings adorning them. You place your hand over his, stopping th nervous tick.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. You’ll find someone else who doesn’t have a dickwad for a boyfriend and who loves you just as much as you do them and you’ll be happy. I promise,” Clearly you were talking about yourself but he didn’t need to know that. He gives you a smile and pulls you in for a hug, squeezing tightly.
“Thanks sweetheart. You always know what to say to cheer me up.”
“I’ll always be there for you Ed, you know that.” The two of you break apart, you missing the warmth of his body against yours all too much.
“Did I hear something about horror movies and milkshakes?” You laugh at his change in conversation.
“Yes you did. I went to Jay’s earlier to get your favorite, which I still don’t get ow you can drink a birthday cake milkshake but I still bought it.” You stand from his bed, extending your hand out to im, “Let’s get you out of here, watch some movies and eat a shit ton of unhealthy foods.”
Eddie takes your hand without even taking a second thought, letting you lull him to his couch in the other room. The two of you sit there for the rest of the night, watching movies, eating cookies and drinking milkshakes. Everything was back to normal, almost.
Your heart still beat for Eddie but you knew now that you couldn’t do anything to pursue it, knowing it would only confuse and hurt him more. So for now you would stay an arm's length away, letting him pull you in whatever direction he wanted, a smile plastered to your face the entire way.
Eddie Taglist: @ali-r3n @dixontardis @witchwolflea @micheledawn1975 @daydreaming-mood @idfwfeelings @adaydreamaway08 @preciousbumplingbee @rustboxstarr @plk-18 @teary-eyed-egg @needylilgal022 @exploding-bonbon @gagasbee @eddiemunsonsguitarpicc @aol19 @thatwitchyoucouldntburn-blog
You Belong With Me Taglist: @emma77645 @ch4rlie-blogs @lucyteennope @sidthedollface2 @f-me-reid @elvendria @amira0303 @comic-harley @futuristicbirdtraveler @eddiemunson95 @gemnetjournal @sakaur-i @bakugouswh0r3 @sunshineandwitchery @theonceandfuturewinchester @bibieddiesgf @harmfulb1tch @marsflys @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @daydreaming-mood @rach5ive @tlclick73 @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @plk-18 @dreamerjj @ceda1063 @eddiemunsonsguitarpic @suzy2872628 @idfwfeelings @fanfangying1304 @buckybarnescouldchokeme @4bigail @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @siouxiesiouxtryhard @urinternetmom @fuckmylifedudee @aol19
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Hi!! Can you do a Batfamily x reader where he has like magic powers and is very reserved and after he gets hurt in a fight he goes to Dick and asks for a hug and calls him his brother for the first time and dick is so happy that he gets to be the first person reader opens up to and reader ends up sleeping in Dick’s room and it’s like the first time he’s ever fully relaxed and he just feels safe with his older brother (lots of brotherly fluff basically) Thanks!!!!!
Aww... That's cute. You got it.
Summary: (Y/N) opens up to Dick.
Warnings: fluff, unspecified injury, reserved reader, Dick is just happy that (Y/N) is opening up.
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Dick loves all of his little brothers. Some would say that he loved Damian more than the others, but that wasn't true. Damian was just reserved and Dick wanted him to open up to them, to not think that emotions are a weakness.
And that's when (Y/N) came. Bruce found him in a lab, being experimented on. From what Bruce could figure out about (Y/N) and the files he found, he was kidnapped from his home in a world that he couldn't even pronounce.
How the scientists knew where to look, he couldn't figure it out, but what mattered now is that (Y/N) is in a stable environment. Even with people who dress like a bat and birds.
Dick knew it would a challenge to get (Y/N) to feel comfortable. There was so much emotional turmoil in (Y/N)'s mind and he often exploded with anger.
Dick knew very well that anger was just a cover. Sarcasm too. Damian and (Y/N) have rivaled each other when it came to sarcasm. Alfred sometimes joined in and everyone tried to stay away when that was happening.
Jason thought he has died again and ended up in hell when he witnessed it for the first time. He simply turned back on his heel and walked back to his room.
Tim just looked at his coffee, assuming that it was spiked. It was either that or he just stayed up long enough to think that this is a bad hallucination.
Bruce just powered through it, getting his coffee, talking to (Y/N), trying to open up. The mere thought about training is off the table, afraid that it would trigger something.
So he called Zatanna and Doctor Fate. They are very experienced in what they do and magic teaching is not something that Bruce does with his kids. He knows a little bit about magic so what could he teach (Y/N)?
(Y/N) didn't want to show it, but he was nervous. He always masked himself with a mask of anger and sarcasm. He didn't like being taught everything about magic. More so when he was back in the lab being experimented on.
It was painful and he didn't want to think about those times. He blocked those memories to the best of his ability. Sometimes they would come when he was sleeping and he just couldn't sleep afterwards.
He felt to raw, too exposed and too vulnerable to go to bed, afraid to go to sleep in the fear of being taken once more. He knew his world, his home is destroyed. He tried to find it, but he couldn't. He couldn't go back now.
He was stuck here and there was nothing he could do. He heard about Batman from his captors and he didn't like him though to how dark he was, well, appeared to be dark. (Y/N) didn't like it a first, but then saw how strong Batman was.
No powers and more so a human. A human who fought alongside Gods and aliens. Now that is an accomplishment.
(Y/N) still remembers the day he was saved. He was weak from that day of testing and couldn't even move from the drugs he was forced to take and not to mention the fact that he overused his powers. He remembers the yelling, smell of smoke and somebody embracing him and the two flying upwards to avoid the flames.
At the time he didn't know Superman either so he was quiet and he tried to get out of his hold, but Superman held him tightly. He passed out from exhaustion and the next time he woke up was in a soft bed, where it was warm.
He was confused, but was just happy that he is nowhere near the lab. He was always tense whenever anybody came in and was sarcastic. He couldn't let his guard down. He knew that when he does drop his guard, he will be in the same situation as before.
Superman tried to talk to him, Zatanna has tried, but none of them had success. (Y/N) didn't want to open up and Bruce understood that. Bruce offered to take him home with him, where he could start his healing.
The next thing that (Y/N) knew, he was in a city that was named Gotham, in a manor outside of the city, but within the city bounds, surrounded by nature...
It was a big change for (Y/N). Add in on the fact that he got about five more people, six if you include Bruce, to live with. He wasn't a fan of people and everyone was slightly suspicious at first, but they grew to like him.
(Y/N) didn't grow to like anybody. He just tolerated them and accepted the fact that he won't be leaving this manor for a long while. He was suspicious of everyone and didn't trust them just yet. He will need to take his time trusting and everyone knew it. Dick knew it all to well.
Dick was the one who strived to get (Y/N) as comfortable as possible, doing everything in his power to do so. Damian has been a great practice for the other future siblings that may or may not be traumatized.
And emotionally reserved.
Dick helped (Y/N) with his anger outbursts. Dick knew all to well that it was just a cover for other emotions. Again, Damian. He knew that sarcasm is the best form of defense in casual situations and Dick quite enjoyed (Y/N) sarcasm. Pair it with Damian's sarcasm and you have the best sarcasm duel.
And if Alfred decides to join in... Well, then it's an absolute shitshow and it's the funniest thing ever. Tim and Jason are thinking that it's just an illusion or hallucination.
Nothing in between.
Dick laughed so hard that day that he nearly pissed himself. Dick could clearly see that (Y/N) enjoyed the banter too, but he was too proud to admit it. Damian was finally happy that somebody could match his sarcasm.
(Y/N) has been living with them for a little over a year now and Dick could see that (Y/N) got more comfortable. Zatanna and Doctor Fate were helping too and every time (Y/N) came back to the manor from the training session, he seemed more relaxed and happier.
It seemed that his nervousness slowly started fading away. Bruce was happy with himself. He had to thank Zatanna and Doctor Fate for allowing (Y/N) to open up, even if it's just a little bit. (Y/N) deserves a happy life, just like any normal human. Well, any being deserves to be happy.
Not just humans. Even magical creatures.
Since six months ago, (Y/N) had started going on patrol with them. He used his powers as his weapon and (Y/N) had to admit, it was fun. It's a lot of fun with the others, but (Y/N) was still reserved in his communications.
Dick saw that (Y/N) was getting more and more relaxed whenever they were just on and about in the city. Damian made sure to show (Y/N) his spots where Damian feeds the strays. And of course, he introduced (Y/N) to his strays.
It was all fun until tonight. It was a tough night from the start. The rouges were acting up from the beginning and there were kidnappings, robberies Riddler's shit and (Y/N) hated the fact that he had to deal with Riddler.
He loved to solve riddles and put puzzles together, but not when the Riddler is involved. He hated the man's ego and just wanted to put him somewhere out of this city.
Then it was Penguin who was selling weapons, drugs and organizing fights. Bruce has been on him for months on end and tonight was the night to get him and it was time to put him away.
Somehow Penguin had Solomon Grundy and (Y/N) has just had enough of off everything that night. The others shared the same sentiment, but Dick tried to rally them all together to keep everyone on their A game.
It didn't work well as night progressed. Somehow Deathstroke got involved, saying he got paid to so and (Y/N) wanted to rip his head off. Bruce took care of Deathstroke, although it was a difficult fight, he still won.
Most of the Gotham Rouges were in prison, including Deathstroke. Bruce was only thankful that Joker is not out and about. He thanked God at one point. He didn't have any stamina for anymore at this point and adrenaline has slowly been slowing down.
Slowly but steadily.
(Y/N) has felt it too. When adrenaline slowly vanished, (Y/N) could feel it deep in his bones. His body ached and then he noticed a stab wound. It wasn't deep, but it still hurt and throbbed.
It burned a little bit too, but all in all it was manageable. (Y/N) didn't let everyone know when they got back, but he went to his room to patch himself up. He didn't feel that comfortable to let someone dress his wounds.
He can do it himself, but... He didn't want to be alone tonight. The night has been draining mentally and he is beyond exhausted. Beyond. He used his powers too much and he just needed some rest.
He thought about going to Dick and his room. Will Dick accept him for going? Will he allow him to sleep in the bed with him? Well, he will get over the fear of rejection and go see Dick.
And that's what he did. He healed his wound before going and then walked down the hall. He knocked before entering. Dick looked up from his phone with a brow raised.
" What's up (Y/N)? " Dick asked.
" Can I stay with you tonight? " (Y/N) asked shyly and Dick nodded, scooting over, raising the covers. (Y/N) closed the door and just laid down next to Dick, who cocooned him into the covers. (Y/N) silently hugged Dick and Dick was over the moon.
(Y/N) is finally fully relaxed, both mentally and physically. Dick wanted to coo at him, but choose not to. He didn't want to ruin the moment with his cooing.
" Thanks Dick. For making me feel like your brother. " (Y/N) admitted and Dick melted inside.
It took everything in him not to lose it and outright coo at (Y/N). Every fiber of his being.
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
DC x Dp crossover
Soul speak part.2
John and jason sat in the justice league's main conference room. "What do you think is going to happen?" Hood asked looking at the blond. "No fucking clue I tried to dig up stuff on this guy but I didnt find out much, just that he's been king for the past 10 years" Constantine muttered while lighting a cigarette. "Well you sold your soul to the guy so I get why he wants to talk with you, but what does he want from me?!" Jason sighs.
Jason is agitated, he dosnt understand what this ghost king wants from him. "I dont know red hood mabey it's because you died and came back to life, dont lie I can tell, you have the stench of death on ya" Constantine says blowing smoke from his lips. "You are suposed to be dead, not sure how you came back or how ya died but you arnt supposed to be breathing right now." John continued "and this king phantom is upset that I'm still alive or something?" Jadon asked and Constantine just shrugged mummblinging a mabey.
The door to the room slid open. Constantine and red hood felt a cold chill go up their spines. They turned their heads to see a kid that looked like one of the bats brood walk in, he had coal black hair and ice blue eyes. He was tall about a few inches taller than both john and jason. But he was still young looking, around late teens to early twenties.
They just watched the young man walk in front on them pull a projector from who knows where and plug it in. He turned it on, and on the wall of the room seemed to be a Google slide show presentation labelled, ghost adoption/how to form and keep your baby ghost core healthy.
"Ok so let's get this started shall we" the boy says turning to the other men in the room. "Excuse me who are you" Constantine asks flatly a puff of smoke leaving his lips "john Constantine, I know it's been a month but I know I'm not that forgettable" he replied smiling flashing them with his too sharp teeth, his eyes flashing green.
"What how are you-" jhon was cut off "alive? Well I'm not, not really anyway" the boy says tilting his head lightly unblinking at the men. "Wait your the ghost king. Are you possessing that kid or something" hood glared at the demon/ghost/thing. "No I'm not overshadowing , this is my body, you see I'm only half dead, but that's a story for another time, I'm here for in right now" phantom says still starring unblinkingly.
"Why are you in this form and not your other form?" John asked the king. "because it's less of a mind fuck, now" phantom says and clicks the next button on the presentation "let's talk about how we are going to form your ghost cores shall we".
"What are you talking about?" Hood snaps, annoyed "why am I here? Do you want to finish me off or some shit? Collect my soul?!" Hood interrogates green sleeping into his vision. Phantom looks at him walks over to where hood is seated and places his hand on his shoulder. "You are here because you are a starved baby ghost with anger issues, well halfa that hasnt formed a core yet".
John looked at phantom "and why am I here?" "Because you have a core, but it's very unhealthy, and to talk about how I kinda ghost adopted you" phantom supplied. John and jason where so confused "now back to the slides" phantom says. They then spend 3 hours and a half talking about ghost cores, ghost adoption, and how to keep ghost cores healthy.
On the flip side danny is also considering fighting batman for custody for red hood. He'll have to talk to sam and tucker first though. Sam was pretty upset he adopted john without informing them first. Not that he originally knew he ghost adopted him. I mean what was danny suposed to do with Constantine's soul eat it?
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necrotic-nephilim · 29 days
For the ask game, Jason/Tim where the Pit makes Jason possessive rather than mad and so he imprints on Tim as being his and needing to take him and make him fully his, turn Tim into Jason's own creature? I think that could be a cool idea, since the Pit has different effects on different people.
for the ask game!
oooh, i love explorations of what the Pit does to the psyche, especially if it falls outside of the typical Pit Madness schtick. here's how i would try and write that
so what i think is fun about Jason and the Pit is, he wasn't *dead* when he got dunked, he was just mentally catatonic. dunking him in the Pit was a gamble on Talia's part and Ra's even points out in Red Hood: Lost Days it may not work. so to have it work but just... wire Jason *differently* is a lot of fun to me. i like the idea of Jason being a bit aimless after the Pit. he's got his wits to him but it's still the "came back wrong" vibes. and when Talia shows him the pictures of Tim as Robin, trying to show him that Bruce replaced him, it has the opposite effect. Jason's wires are crossed in all sorts of directions and all he can think of is he won't let what happened to him happen to another kid. so he spirals, looking into Tim and getting more and more obsessed. what starts as a genuine concern for Tim's safety becomes a possessive imprinting. Tim becoming Jason's purpose.
one of the defining things about Jason's feelings on Tim, in canon, is feeling like Tim is being held back by his loyalty to Bruce. so, i don't know how literal you meant creature, but i'm taking it balls to the walls bc i like fucked up monster vibes. the *how* is the fun part of it. it's easy for Jason to corner Tim, kidnap him. but how does Jason decide to corrupt Tim? i know the Court of Owls is a New-52 thing and i'm going off of pre-Flashpointt, but, i think it'd be fun to steal it. just because well. i really fucking like Talons. and Jason making Tim a Talon would be a twofold thing- for one, it protects Tim. it's a lot harder to kill a Talon than a person. and for two, it makes Tim easier to control. i think Tim would fight it hard, but the Talon programming combined with Jason's fierce protectiveness would snap him pretty easily.
Jason would be smart about it. he'd keep Tim locked up for at least a few months. because if Robin goes missing, then the calvary is going to start looking for him. Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Oracle, Huntress, the Titans, everyone. and Jason knows even if he puts a mask on Tim, he needs to wait. needs to let the smoke blow over. so for months, it's just Jason and Tim somewhere underground where no one can find them. that's where the bulk of their bonding comes in. because i do think Jason would want Tim to *genuinely* like him outside of just monsterous programming. Jason would work to earn that trust, even if it's through manipulation. tbh i think he'd lie to Tim, either gaslighting Tim about his loved ones not looking for him, or straight up tell Tim he's imagining having been Robin. anything that deconstructs Tim's idea of a support system outside of Jason. Jason is Tim's savior, in his eyes, and he'd want Tim to believe that too. that Jason had to protect Tim, from the Bat. very fucked up vibes.
once Jason's sure it's safe, he'd slowly start making his presence known as Red Hood, with Tim by his side. Jason would still want to do the whole Red Hood thing, but now, he has the ability to taunt Bruce about Tim. it'd be a fun mind game for Jason, telling Bruce that he lost *another* Robin. (three, if you count Steph) meanwhile, Jason gets to go home to Tim the whole time. it's a fun game to him, while also making him preen that he's protecting what he believes belongs to him.
eventually, the truth would come out. but by then, Tim's too deep in Jason's pocket to listen to anyone, even Dick. he'd lash out at anyone claiming Jason is manipulating him, and he'd be Jason's perfect little partner. very fucked up ending where Jason and Tim are "happy" together, but in the most fucked up way. i'd give Tim a new codename, something like Shrike because that sounds fun and pointy. they'd almost be a Batman and Robin parallel/foil, in a way.
also, just as a bonus alternative: another route i think you could take this idea is playing with Joker Junior. like, Jason imprinting on Tim *just* as Joker kidnaps Tim. so that's what sets Jason's plans into action, he was going to wait for the perfect moment but now, Tim is missing and Jason will be *damned* if someone gets to Tim first. and since Jason has well. firsthand experience with the Joker, he's able to find Tim first and since Tim is so mentally shattered at this point, it makes him easy to manipulate. easy to get him to traumabond onto the person who saved him and even once he's mentally recovered, he's so attached to Jason he wouldn't want to leave Jason. and maybe Jason would use Lazarus Resin or something similar to make Tim more creature-like, and even get Tim to agree to it, under the guise of it helping protect Tim. this route could be fun bc it plays more with just how "consensual" it is for Tim and how much he really has his wits about him, choosing Jason after being brainwashed.
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luvly-writer · 2 months
Crimes of a Mother
Ch. 2 Under the radar
Batfamily x reader
Authors note: Hi!! I am SO! EXCITED!! This fic is getting so much love and it genuinely warms my heart so thank you all for reading. This chapter went through a lot of editing. This fic will have slow updates. If you want to be added to the taglist, leave a comment or a reblog!
Warnings: none so far
Taglist: @nxdxsworld @give-jack-a-lightsaber @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @can-i-feel @n4muar @snowy-violet @ferakillia @mariadvorak @idonthaveanameforthisacc @yandereheros
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Y/n would come around the manor one a week for dinner. They enjoyed her presence a lot. Hearing about her childhood was refreshing truly. She had the childhood and teenage hood none of them got to have and they were glad. She was family, even if she didn’t know it. What was frustrating though was that she never spoke of her investigation or her findings. When asked, she would just show a knowing grin and shake her head. She was unto them. Damian would observe her mannerism like a hawk. It was undeniable she was Bruces child.
She still followed them during the night, a difficult thing to get rid off. They tried grappling away, smoke bombs, the shadows, she would catch them. Whether it was by foot, roof, or car, she was watching, camera in hand and her bag slung over her shoulder. Some days, they noticed her two friends would be with her. The camera woman, the getaway driver, and the lookout, they were an excelent team. They had been thinking of ways to confront her about it in mask but everytime they tried, she was with them. It was a slow night for patrol in a crisp November night and the fastastic trio, as they had named them were out on the hunt. Taylor was on the drive seat, Y/n was on the passenger seat and Charlie stayed in the back.
-“he looked at he as if I was some sort of freak for suggesting that his strategy was absolute shit and went for my shoes, MY!! CLEETS!! That man is absolutely gay, I’m calling it!!!”
Charlie exclaimed complaining about the captain of his soccer team, who he was sure had it against him.
-“Maybe it’s an enemies to lovers trope” (T)
-“You know those never work in real life” (Y)
-“Unless you add sports and a heavy load of sexual tension” (T)
-“Instead on knife to the throat it is a cleet” (Y)
The three laughed as they ate Batbuger. Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood watched the scene from above in the shadows; both appretiating the girl enjoying her life and protecting the car from posibble danger. Maybe they were living vicariously through her and her sense of freedom.
-“So hows the investigation coming through?”
Asked Taylor with a mouthful. At that, they all perked up. Yn chewed and motioned to pull up the windows. As they did, Jason shot a small hearing device before the window closed. It stuck to the floor under one of the seats without any of the three noticing. They turned on the volume and connected it to the comns. Everyone was listening.
-“First of all, ew, dont talk with your mouth open and second of all, which of the three?”
-“Three? She has three undergoing investigations?!?!”
Whisper-yelled Dick and Jason shrugged.
-“Umm all three? I mean, we aren’t risking our necks in the middle of the night in a random dirty ass alley in Gotham just to get halfsies”
Charlie argued
-“Fair, let’s start with the least complicated one, Batman’s identity…”
Even though, Stephanie, Cass, and Duke were patroling on the other side of town; and Barbara was at the cave with Alfred, they were all intently listening. Finally, she carried on,
-“I have been tailing him, well them for weeks. They are eight in total that take turns patroling. Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, Black Bat, Signal, and Spoiler. They have been knowing I have been following them ever since the second week of university, but we all know I started the night I went to Wayne Manor. They vary in sizes and thankfully, I was able to get enough pictures to get their heights and test their tracks for estimated weight, see-“
She opens her laptop and shows them; Bruce tries to zoom in with his lenses and see.
-“She’s got most of them correct”, he mutters
-“This somewhat narrows it down. We are looking at four blackettes and a blonde, Signal and Black Bat are still a mystery. Signal is black though, which helps. Then I thought about who could possibly have the money to fund all of these gadgets and suits, which moves us to the upper east and eliminates Crime Alley and such. This carries on to the question, who would have the resources for such team, and I'm not talking money anymore, I'm talking human resources. This could direct us to one Billionare in specific, with precisely seven kids and a Blonde family friend. Bruce Wayne. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all have black hair. Yes, it's true, Red Hood wears a helmet, but I have seen him fight without it, and his hair is black. The only other person that matches the height and the hair is Jason. Damian's skin color matches Robin’s. Duke is the only black member in the family and Stephanie is the only blonde. Barbara is in a wheel chair, which rules her out. Now, even though the height matches with Bruce and Batman, I have not seen Batman without the cowl so I’m not entirely sure if it could be him. He might be Batman, or he might just be the one investing in all of this. They are my main suspects, but I still need more information to actually confirm it’s them. For all I know, these could be all coincidences. I can’t make an accusation on these alone.
-“Oh fuck….that is still amazing ” (T)
-“Shit….yeah that brain of yours is something else” (C)
-“Now, even though I’m like 50% sure it might be them, I still need DNA samples. I managed to swab some of the blood in one of the fights they had before it dried after they left and am currently searching how to identify DNA samples. Might go to the forensic lab and get some help from that girl you’ve been talking to, Tay”
-“Oh we aren’t talking anymore, she’s too clingy”
-“Fuck” (Y)
-“Sucks being a journalism major and not a bio one huh” (C)
-“right now, it really does” (y)
-“But you can tell her I'll link up one last time if she helps, erases the data after, and keeps her mouth shut. She was a good fuck” (T)
-“Thank youuu for your sacrifice” (Y)
Both Taylor and Charlie snort,
-“It only took her a few fucking months...” (t)
-“Tim you found our identities when you were 9” (d)
-“or maybe you all have just been sloppy” (da)
-“Shut up, Damian, that includes you, you know” (t)
-“Now, as for, the case of my father, there must be a reason as to why my mother sent me to Bruce Wayne of all people, he must know”
-“and if he is what you think he is, then he might have information on your family!” (Ta)
-“Correct! But if he isn’t….them i’m fucked. Which means I’d have to start the investigation all over again”
- “Damn…what would you do if you’re correct though?” (C)
-“If he is Batman, or my father, or both?”
-“All of the above I guess” (C)
“…I don’t know…maybe I’ll ask him why was he never there, what happened between my mom and him, who is my family, I mean even if he isn’t batman or my father, he for sure knows who my family is and what, and unless I have something against him to make him tell me, this will prove even harder that I thought. I guess, I’m hoping my hypothesis is true so that I can ask him and get some answers. If I have learned anything about Bruce Wayne these last few weeks I’ve been with them is that he is a mystery that keeps on birthing more mysteries. Honest-“
A loud noice startled them. They all stiffen and look at each other. Charlie sits up and looks at the hour, marking 20 minutes till three. Some of the lights that had been around them started dimming and if there’s something they’d learned these past few months in Gotham, was that that was never a good sign
-“I think it’s time to go!” (C)
-“Seconding that,” said Taylor, turning the car on and pulling out of the alley.
-“Yeah, as much as I trust the fact that they were there patrolling near us, I’m not gonna risk it if the suddenly have their hands full”
Y/n agreed. As the began driving, Yn noticed a few strange things from the alley they were just in. She knew Batman, Nightwing, and Red Hood had been watching from above, making sure their car was safe, but it wasn’t that. A few shadowy figures had been still on one of the roof tops and they had mistaken them earlier for gargoyles. The city was filled with them so it was an honest mistake. She saw that some of them moved and quickly took out her camera. Following them the best she could she took pictures of them. If the Batcrew (title given by Charlie) were slippery and difficult to photograph (hence why it had taken her so long to get a hypothesis and study each individually), these were way worse. Halfway through the drive; she saw less and less of them until, finally, they had gotten to the security of their apartment complex parking lot. Taylor parked the car and Charlie began cleaning up the trash. They had gotten out and noticed Y/n stayed in the car.
-“You coming?”
Taylor asked, worried as Y/n looked in her camera’s gallery.
-“Go ahead, I’ll be right up in a sec”
Taylor nodded and left towards the elevator with Charlie. As she looked in her gallery, she noticed some figures would have some sort of dark green silk with golden accents when the light would hit them. How odd. She began to put things back in her bag when she remembered earlier she had lent her charger to Charlie in the back and he never gave it back. She exited the car, opened the back door and searched for it. As she did, her hand touched on something small with a weird shape stuck to the rug under the driver seat. She pulled and found a small pin sized and bat shaped object with a red beating light.
-“Curious and curiouser” she muttered
Why would Batman leave this inside her car? It had been her turn to clean the car yesterday and this wasn’t there. She went to feel were she had plucked it from again and noticed that the rug had an indent in it.
-“This was shot in…not just simply placed,” she turned to look at the pin again, “Kind of heavy for a pin, which means it has technology inside and the red light indicates it’s on”
She pulled out her phone and turned the flashlight on, once again looking at where the pin was. She saw that the mark it left was light, but identifiable.
-“…if physics tells me anything, it had to be shot at a good distance with enough force to leave this kind of mark. hm….”
She pocketed it and closed the car. She went up to her apartment, and into her room. There she placed her stuff down and pulled out her notebook. She had told only half of the information she had found to Charlie and Taylor. Although she trusted them with her life, she knew that this information is mostly classified. That why she played it as if she was mostly uncertain, but she knew.
The last few months she would occasionally suggest doing activities that would test out their skills and compare them to what she saw at night. Nightwing was able to pull various tricks that Dick had done when she asked about his life as a Flying Grayson, which have only been seen performed by them. Jason’s aim was impecable every time they played darts and pool, almost similar to how Red Hood was know to be have perfect marksmanship. Damian’s mastery with and love for knives was impressive and strangely familiar with Robin’s. It had been one of the slow nights when the Batcrew had decided to debate on which weapons were the best and Robin seemed strangely fond of knives, daggers, and swords. Stephanie and Duke were quite obvious because of their distinctive traits. Black Bat had remained a mystery because of how easy it was for her to disappear in the night, yet Cass had that same silent aura on her. It was confirmed furthermore when she had recorded the Batcrew and the Wayne’s and compared the timbers of their voices, which were almost identical. The big Bat was the one who left her with the most doubt, he was almost impossible. Mostly silent, hair covered, and nothing to match Bruce’s behavior. The only thing that matched was height and the fact that he was a white man….and that helped with little to almost nothing.
She wasn’t 50% sure, she was 80% sure and the missing twenty was because she didn’t who Batman was.
She sat in her desk chair and spun around. Y/n had felt tired back in the car but finding the bat like pin woke her mind up. She pulled it out of her pocket and inspected it. Seeing it much clearer now, she found a few holes in the device. A tracker of some sort that could listen and record maybe?
-“You know I’m getting closer and that has you on high alert. You think you’re slick, Batsy.”
She said and pulled out her drawer, placing it in a a box inside just in case it also had a camera. Y/n was hardly ever wrong about an investigation, but this one made her doubt. It was one thing to go around in your small town from an Island, chasing mysteries and being damn good at it. Another thing was messing with a vigilante. She hoped Batman was Bruce, because if it were anyone else, she wouldn’t have her mother’s favor and the care he has gained for her protecting her and that terrified her just a little.
Back in the cave, Bruce sat down, reviewing footage from his tracker. To confirm, it is a tracker that records sounds and videos. He sees Y/n find the tracker and inspect it. Hearing her commentary and seeing her formulating her hypothesis created a certain fondness he didn’t know how to handle. (what feeling do you know how to handle, Bruce?) She was fascinating. He knew she observed them on the daily and took notes of it. It was a matter of time before she found out and it was impressive. He had called her mother and she had said Y/n had photographic memory, which explained her attention to detail.
Seeing her put the tracker in the box, he turned it off and closed the tab; opening another one. The thing Valentina and he had dreaded has finally happened. Y/n was under the Salazar’s radar and tonight’s spies proved it. He had called Valentina the moment he saw them and they both agreed that it was best for the Bats to stay close to Y/n even if it meant risking revealing their identities to her. He had no doubts she could discover them on her own and when she did, this situation might be able to make itself ten times easier.
Remember, if you want to be added to the taglist, leave a comment or a reblog to let me know. :)
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Have you ever watched the show Durarara? If not that's OK, you dont need any back ground lore about it for this au, I was just using the kind of creature that Celty is as an inspiration.
Back near the end d of Dick being Robin, a strange phenomenon started, a rumor you could call it. Some nights when the caped crusader and his side kick were out on patrol, a strange figure would appear following them but it's clear that it was no human. It was tiny, sized like a child and acting almost like one too. Except for the fact it was missing its head and the stump bellowed thick black smoke that hid any gore from view. Very few ever saw it and those who did claimed it was the spirit of someone that the Dynamic Duo were unable to save.
During Jason's time as Robin, the strange being was sighted less and less as it followed the pair around. It still clearly followed them often but it became better and better at stealth. The pair certainly never got a glimpse of it, other than one time. Jason was unexpectedly separated from Batman while fighting Mister Freeze and found himself following the sound of something hitting the ground. When he rounded the corner, he found what looked like a kid laying on a dumpster like they had fallen off the icy fire escape. That is, until it stood to it's full height and he realized whatever this was *it has no head*. The thing stared at him in silence and though it had no eyes, Jason could feel it's gaze upon him, pinning him in place. Then it ran and by the time Jason snapped out of it and followed, the creature was long gone.
When Tim first appeared to Bruce and Dick, demanding to be Robin, they didn't know who he was due to him wearing a motorcycle helmet and using sign language. He claimed that he had to keep it on due to "medical reasons" and that it "filters regular air into something safer to breath". All Tim is willing to tell the Bats about it is that the same incident that left him unable to breath without filtered air caused serious harm to his vocal cords so he can't speak anymore.
Bruce is... worryingly ok with not knowing who the kid is or what he looks like. After all, it means there's less for him to get attached to. Plus Tim can't scream at him and if Tim tries to lecture him, he can just turn his head away. Though he doesn't because that means Tim pulls out the Air Horn. This means that both Dick and Bruce only know Tim as Robin for quite a while and by the time either of them feel bad enough about that to do anything about it, it would be so rude to admit that they don't even know his *name*. Surely he told them at some point and they just forgot, right?
Tim likes that they don't know anything about him. It makes things much, much easier. After all, they can't learn about and then *care* about the fact that he doesn't exactly know where his head is if they don't know it was taken. Well, he *sort of* knows where it is! It's somewhere on the grounds of Drake Manor! It's not his fault that his built in Head Locator got messed with by his mom due to the jar she put his head in! She only hid it because she doesn't want anyone else to take it, ok? He can still track it to an about 1000 feet across area! That's pretty damn close. Besides, it's definitely safer to be Robin without one. After all, do you have any idea how many concussions he avoids by simply Not Having It With Him? So many. So very, very many.
Only a few of the rouges know that Tim doesn't have a head via them forcefully removing the helmet. The few who have done it claim that Robin is some kind of monster and the helmet keeps him whole. Well, in their defense, Tim did start spewing black smoke everywhere when it got removed!
The first of the Bats to know that Tim isn't human is Jason during the Titans Tower attack. At some point, Jason wanted to see the fear in his replacements eyes so he ripped off the helmet and froze at the sight. His replacement had no head. His replacement. Had. No. Head. Tim takes his chance to knock Jason away and stops holding back, using his thickened smoke to blind him and then allowed the strands of dark energy to tie him up like a spider web. Jason managed to break free and fled the tower with the strange strands of black energy chasing him out as Tim stood still right where he was left.
Jason quietly wonders why and how Bruce managed to recruit the Thing that haunted his nightmares after he saw it looming over him from atop a dumpster.
Tim edits the footage of the tower security so that it all goes dark when the power does so that none will see what he did. What he is.
I have watched the show, but it's been so long since I've seen it that I've forgotten everything :(
However, your AU is super rad!
I'm curious if Tim has any other powers related to being a dullahan or if a motorcycle enhances anything (if it's treated like a horse). The black fog effect was a neat power and I so want to hear more.
Particularly, I'm curious about Bruce and Dick's reactions, how it affects Jason's grudge against Tim, and whether Tim's status affects Damian. I hc that Alfred is some type of creature too (that's why he seems to live forever), and has been silently helping Tim with whatever special needs the kid may have (not that Tim knows). Bruce suspects Alfred is something but doesn't know the details and doesn't want to anger the older man by asking.
Perhaps Jason, due to his revival status, is also some type of creature. I'm hcing a wraith or a similar being. Due to dullahan's dealing with death, maybe Tim and Jason have some sort of dynamic there (like Tim can always tell when Jason is close by like a sixth sense or something).
As far as Tim's head, does he start to freak out when his mom dies and he realizes he has no clue where it actually is? To add on, how does he do school or public appearances as Tim Drake?
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He's dead
"Hello, is this Sally Jackson?"
"Yeah, one of Percy's friends I'm guessing? I'll put him on the phone for you."
"Thank you."
"Hi.. it's Leo."
"Language Percy! I don't want Estelle picking that up."
"Sorry mom."
"I forgot you didn't know I was back, I need to tell you something."
"Is everything okay? Is there another prophecy? I swear to the gods if there's anoth-"
"Are Annabeth and Grover with you?"
"No, Leo what's happening? You sound scared." Percy heard sobbing through the phone, "Take a deep breath, what's going on?"
"J-Jason... he- he.. fvcking sh!t- Jason's dead."
"No. No he can't be- but how? Why?!" Percy let out a scream of pain, breaking down into tears. "W- when..?"
"Two weeks ago, I told Piper I would tell you but I haven't been able to do it until now."
"Is she with you?"
"No, I'm alone."
"Where are you?"
"On some street in the middle of somewhere with no money, where I've been for two weeks."
"Are you in New York?"
"Yeah, somewhere in Manhattan."
"Describe it, you're coming over."
"Just come, I don't think you should be alone right now." As he gave directions everything sunk in, Jason was dead. He would never fvcking see him again, never be able to laugh with him again, everything would never be the same again. He'd lost his bro, the one who'd always do dumb sh!t with him, the one he could talk to about anything but they'd always still be chill. He was gone.
Percy open the door with bloodshot eyes, tears still rolling down his face. Leo was a wreck, he looked as if he hadn't slept in a week, or eaten for that fact. He hugged him, they both half collapsed on each other, holding so tightly it was as if the other was about to disappear.
"Percy, is everything alright? Who's here? I heard crying what happ-" As the hug broke Sally caught sight of the small boy,
"Mom meet Leo, son of Hephaestus."
"Hello, you can stay here as long as you need I know demigod lives are hard. Go take a shower, I'll get you something to eat, if you want we can talk about what happened."
"Thank-k you." Leo whispered, unable to keep his voice from breaking.
"Percy, what's going on?"
"You remember how I told you about camp Jupiter... and..Jason?"
"Of course I do."
"He- he died.. I don't know what happened, I don't know why he even got involved but he's gone." Percy broke down, his mother's arms wrapped around him. "I don't know how I'm going to tell Annie."
"One step at a time, I know things are hard."
"I'm so sorry, you can't bring him back."
"But I could."
"The gods ask for so much but they can't bring back a single person who died fighting for them!?"
"You know they're cruel,"
"I can't do this anymore."
"Leo, you feeling okay? Physically."
"I'm fine."
"Do you want to talk about Jason? I know he was your best friend, he was one of mine."
"He- he was my boyfriend, surprise." He didn't give him any time to answer before continuing but he could see the sympathy is his eyes. "Percy you've lost so many people, how do you keep going on? How do you carry on every day knowing you'll never see them again?"
"It's not easy, especially at the beginning. Somedays it's hard to go through wit somedays your fine, somedays you wish you could join them. They say time heals, that's not exactly true, but people help you heal, if people want to help, let them, even if you don't think it will. I know you want to run away, I know everything seems pointless but right now the worst thing is to be alone."
"I've lost my mum, I've lost Jason, who's next? I have no family that wants me, and my whole life's being controlled by the gods who don't give a shit about us."
"I probably shouldn't be saying this but... do you want a smoke? That's what I've been doing for the past few days, I know it's unhealthy but it... helps."
"Yeah, thanks Perce."
"Can I... show you something?"
"Yeah, you alright?" A tear fell from his eye,
"Ever since Jason- I just couldn't take it anymore... I... I need... some h-help, please." Leo rolled up his sleeves, his arms covered in burns; his breath was unsteady almost scared. "S-sorry." Percy pulled him into a hug,
"You don't have to apologise, I know it seems pointless to go on, I have scars to." Percy turned his forearm revealing pale scars all over his arms.
"But-t you're... you're... THE Percy Jackson, you've been on so many quests and you're so strong an-"
"That's what people thought, I still haven't forgiven myself for Bianca's death, or Beckendorf's or Luke's. But at some point you have to keep going on, you can't spend the rest of eternity grieving. Instead live for them, live to show their sacrifice made a difference because at the end of the day... you can't bring them back."
"How do you find the courage to try."
"You don't just wake up one day and suddenly be okay, it takes time, maybe your life won't be the exact same, but you have to keep living. I can't pretend I've gotten over Jason's death, I've been high a lot in these past few weeks... but I know at some point I'll have to move on."
"Thank you for everything Percy."
I wrote this a while ago and I thought I would post it because I'm taking forever to post the next Helpless part xx
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