#Japanese workbook
mosqitofood · 30 days
Japanese Resources 2
Genki books google drive
Genki books and workbooks google drive
Japanese book google drive
Genki 2 slideshare
Forvo Japanese pronunciation
Japanese reading chrome extension
Learn Japanese Tae Kim’s guide to learning Japanese ; Introduction ; Grammar guide
Usagi-chan’s Genki resource page
JLPT Sensei Learn Japanese and pass the JLPT
Verb Chart 
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starswallowingsea · 6 months
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I've been using Renshuu to study Japanese recently (actually been like sitting down and doing lessons for over a week now) so if you want to add me... here is my friend code :3
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iamsweden · 2 days
Guess I’m learning French again!
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mousegirlheart · 2 years
love piracy. its so sexy. my linguistics class wanted me to pay $100 for a textbook, so i pirated the epub. my japanese class wanted me to pick up a couple of textbooks, but I already owned them for years. So I pirated the pdfs anyway just because I can. destroy capitalist academia. pirate everything.
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somehowmags · 7 months
I ❤️ RESPONSIBLITY YAY!!! 🔥🔥🔥 <guy who's literally ignoring his homework to plan Minecraft builds
this is so real. i am always like you should do your homework early!!! my homework can be left until the last day though
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crttvset · 11 months
lord i really hope the mall is open tomorrow so that i can go buy some freaking books again
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kenziegram0704 · 8 months
New video up on my YouTube channel about the Artist of Life Workbook — after doing it 5 years in a row and knowing I likely won’t be purchasing it a sixth time, I decided to review it and share my experience.
I talk about what the artist of life workbook is, the pros and cons of it, and some solutions I have and what you can do if you’ve already purchased it or are considering it.
I also intended to do a vlog of setting up my 2024 edition but decided to combine them in one video, so there’s that in there as well for those who like journaling vlogs. 😊✨
It’s very detailed and thorough, so get comfy with a warm drink and a snack while you watch it and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section — I’d love to know what your experiences have been with this book and if you agree with my suggested solution.
Happy Sunday everyone! 💕
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
lots of homeschooling lore in your tags these days LMAO would you mind sharing a bit about how that works? genuinely curious
lmao sure tho it isnt the most exciting story
my mum always wanted to homeschool bc she wasnt a fan of how restrictive school curriculums are (shes v much an advocate for montessori style child-directed learning) but i wanted to go to school Like The Kids On TV so she let me. i spent about 3 years at primary school where i was the classroom punching bag THE ENTIRE TIME. highlights include being pushed down a flight of stairs IN FRONT OF A TEACHER WHO DID NOTHING, another teacher punishing me for being better at maths than my classmates bc i kept tearing through her worksheets too fast (i cant do maths for shit anymore she scared it out of me) and a "friend" of mine's brother getting his hands on the axe they had for firewood and chasing me around while i was over on a "playdate" (these quotes are bc this girl was in fact horrendous to me)
i was actively suicidal by the time i was 8 and my mum just stopped even trying to take me to school at that point (around the time i started throwing up with fear every morning) and after a lot of VERY angry meetings the best the school would do was an anti bullying assembly, which meant everyone knew i had tattled. my mum was fucking furious about all of this & went ahead with the homeschooling application she had halted when i decided i wanted to go to school. the guidelines at the time (im not sure what they are these days) were just that a child had to be educated "as regularly and as well" as they would be in school, with check-ins from the MoE every few years.
i dont remember how long it took the application to go through but yea after that i was homeschooled. my mum bought up a shitload of textbooks and workbooks and drew up lesson plans but her focus was still on student-directed learning so as my interests developed in various areas that was where the focus went. we did have designated sit-down time every day, but for the most part she would give me resources and assignments/goals and let me go hog wild at whatever my current fascinations were with some guidance and oversight along the way. it did mean losing access to anything that required specific facilities - i dont know shit about chemistry bc we didnt have like. a lab lmao. but yea by the time i was 11 i was on to university textbooks for some subjects (this is not a big flex these were early 00s computer science textbooks the first lesson in cs101 was literally "this is called an on button. this is called a mouse.") and by the time i was 16 we were doing uni-level work in pretty much every subject i was interested in, at the expense of subjects i didnt give a shit about. (i do not know fuck shit about like. geography or maths to this day)
the assessments were pretty chill, govt people would basically just take a few random samples of my work to look over and do a lil interview with me to make sure i was learning shit. for socialisation my parents made sure i did plenty of after school activities (dance, swimming, scouting, drama, conservation club, etc) and my dad took us on trips to like. the museum or nature reserves or whatever every weekend for Enrichment.
once i was 15/16 we started looking into uni entry, but the rules had changed since i started homeschooling. when i started there was a single uni entry exam you had to sit at sixth form and that was that. they replaced it when i was. 12-ish i think with the current system, which involves a complicated nightmare of three years of both internal (classwork) and external (exam) credits and the requirements are nebulous and seem to change year to year and basically it sucks shit and every single assignment from fifth form onwards counts towards your uni entry so its massively high stress. this also means you CANT get uni entry as a homeschooler, because theres no way to get those internal credits. we tried a few different routes to get UE but the best option we were given was one high school offered to let me sit fifth, sixth, and seventh form all at the same time in one year to get my credits. this was Unideal because the whole point was to Not go to high school, it was work i had already done and didnt wanna do again, and it was three years worht of work crammed into one. so i never got uni entry and have basically been bumming around since.
UE problems aside, homeschooling worked really well for my family. my mum is disabled so she was home all the time anyway. both of my parents are highly educated so they had the backgrounds to provide a cohesive and varied curriculum, and my sister and i are both neurodivergent so the one on one attention and flexibility in format was ENORMOUSLY helpful for us. my sister has never been to any kind of mainstream schooling and it would have been absolute hell if she had tried. (shes very severely dyslexic and schools in the early 00s were. not set up to help with that)
so yea thats the homeschooling lore - i missed out on a lot of stuff for sure (met one of my exes entirely beecuase i wanted to go to formal SO FUCKING BAD and my only option was to go to someone else's so a mutual friend set us up so i could go with her lmao) but it took me out of an extremely bad situation and gave me an education that was much better suited to my own learning needs. i know homeschooling has a Certain Reputation, especially in the us, but my experience was wholly unrelated to that side of the homeschooling community, and it was unbelievably beneficial to me. looking back i dont regret the time i spent in mainstream school (i met my best friend there and i literally dont know where i would be without them weve been through the fucking fire and back) but homeschooling was the healthiest thing possible for me and my family and im so so so grateful my parents were able to do that for me
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munchlax-musings · 2 years
Trello: Genki 1, 3rd Edition + Workbook
something ive been working on is a way to organize myself so that i have a clear visualization of what im going to do, how im going to do it, and when.
for that, i turned to trello again. specifically, i wanted to focus on starting and eventually finishing both Genki 1 and 2, including the workbooks.
right now, ofc, im focusing on Genki 1 and its Workbook.
i wanted to give an explanation for how i designed each list, for anyone wanting ideas for doing similarly for themself.
First, Genki 1
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[image description: a screenshot of a single list on Trello. Title is Genki 1 3rd Edition. Below that, eight cards on the list. First card says: of the Body. Second card has an orange top half. The white bottom says: 第8課 バーベキュー . Third card: 1 Short Forms . Fourth card: 2 Short Forms in Informal Speech. Fifth card: 3 Short Forms in Quoted Speech:~と思います. Sixth card: 4 Short Forms in Quoted Speech:~と言っていました. Seventh card: 5 ~ないで下さい. Eighth card: 6 Verbのが好きです/上手です. the background of the board is purple.]
This is what I started out with. I looked at the Table of Contents and divided the list into two core sections: Conversation and Grammar; and Reading and Writing. Furthermore, both sections would be divided into chapters, called Lessons in the book.
I colored the sections entirely in orange, then half orange for each Lesson, so that I could easily distinguish the Lessons from the rest of the cards on the list.
Each Lesson is then divided into different parts, most labeled in the Table of Contents. what i didn't realize until earlier is that the Table of Contents leaves out the Practice section at the end of each Lesson. to compensate for my mistake, i will be adding a checklist to each Lesson card, pictured below:
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[image description: a screenshot of a checklist on a Trello card. top is a checkbox/checkmark icon. title of the checklist is 練習. below that, a progress meter unfilled, marked 0% in grey text on its left. below that, 2 unchecked boxes. next to the first box, the text says: Ⅰ 数字 A-C Pgs. 67-69. next to the second box, the text says: Ⅱ これは何ですか A-C Pgs. 69-70.]
each Practice is labeled with a Roman Numeral and a title. then, usually further divided by a letter, such as A. I added the page numbers, too.
when i was done with all this, i spruced it up a bit. changed the list name to the Japanese title. just to force myself to read japanese on the board.
i then wanted to add the Workbook. instead of going through and adding each section again, piece by piece, i just copied the entire list over. then when i realized each Lesson had no title, i went and manually deleted the titles from the Lesson cards.
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[image description: a screenshot of a Trello board with two lists, 4 cards each. first list, on the left, has the title of 初級日本語げんき①の改訂第3版. below that are 7 cards. first card is completely orange with text that says: 会話・文法編. second card is only half orange. the white half says: 第1課 新しい友達. third card says: 1 XはYです. Fourth card says: 2 Question Sentences. The second list is titled げんき①ワークブック. the first card is completely in orange with text that says: 会話・文法編. the second card is half in orange. on the white half, the text says: 第1課. third card says: 1 XはYです. Fourth card says: 2 Question Sentences. the background of the board is purple.]
afterwards, i went through the Workbook again and realized it wasn't just the Lesson titles that were different, but the practice sections as well. many were either formatted differently or merged into one section. i went and manually edited whichever was different.
i kept a separate list just for adding cards that were missing as well instead of using the feature for inserting new cards into X spot.
after i was "finished" (not really finished because of the textbook lol) i clicked Power-Ups and added Planyway. Planyway is great since it lets you add your Trello cards to a calendar, making setting up due dates more visual.
this is the end result:
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[image description: a screenshot of a Trello board with two lists, 4 cards each. first list, on the left, has the title of 初級日本語げんき①の改訂第3版. below that are 3 cards. first card is completely orange with text that says: 会話・文法編. second card is only half orange. the white half says: 第1課 新しい友達. below the title is an eyeball icon, a green bottom with a clock and text that says Jan 21 - Jan 21, and an icon of 3.5 lines. third card says: 1 XはYです. below the title is an eyeball icon, a green bottom with a clock and text that says Jan 20 - Jan 20, and an icon of 3.5 lines. the board background is purple.]
i gave myself soft due dates for each card. that way, i always have something of priority to do. and hopefully, in the end, i will finish Genki 1 and its workbook. yay!
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vociferans · 1 year
waaaaaahh!!!! this makes me wanna study japanese alongside his english streams!!!!!!
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hiddency · 2 years
I just want to get the next two days over with so I can spend the weekend playing games and working on commissions ugh
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yumeka-sxf · 5 months
Spy x Family workbook scans - part 1
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The Spy x Family workbooks are a series of Japanese books for helping children learn. There are three total as of now: one for English, one for programming, and one for drawing. I wanted to get the books not just because they're good Japanese practice, but because they feature original illustrations of Anya and the other SxF characters in adorable chibi style ❤️ I'll be sharing some scans from each book, starting with the English one.
First off are the character bios. I find it hilarious that the book mentions Yor's job as an assassin...not a word I'd expect to find in a children's book 😅
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The book goes through the different letters of the English alphabet along with sample words featuring the SxF characters, like "B" for "Bond" and "A" for "Anya." I didn't scan all 26 letters, but here are some of my favorites!
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Both Loid and Damian are having such lavish meals, lol. Also Henderson gets "E" for "elegant" of course.
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I love how Bond looks so worried about Yor's cooking 😂
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My two favorites of these, "Father" and "Mother" of course~
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And two of the weirdest ones, Yuri and a giant gorilla for "G" and Franky fishing an octopus for "O." Kinda random, lol.
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Next are some activity pages, like a maze and common phrase practice.
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I gotta say that despite this book being aimed at young children who probably aren't hardcore SxF fans, it tries to feature even obscure characters like the Forgers' neighbors, the lady from the tailor shop, and Martha. Kudos to the book authors for trying to be as faithful to the SxF universe as possible!
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The book even adapts a couple of already established illustrations, like the below one that's similar to the Boss Coffee collab.
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Also this one that's similar to the extra Endo illustration for chapter 36!
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And here's a couple more to wrap up this post! Cute family dinner time...
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...and domestic Twiyor ❤️ Loid is so determined to fix Penguinman!
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Continue to Part 2 ->
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dreamdolldeveloper · 8 months
back to basics
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mostly free resources to help you learn the basics that i've gathered for myself so far that i think are cool
gcfglobal - about the internet, online safety and for kids, life skills like applying for jobs, career planning, resume writing, online learning, today's skills like 3d printing, photoshop, smartphone basics, microsoft office apps, and mac friendly. they have core skills like reading, math, science, language learning - some topics are sparse so hopefully they keep adding things on. great site to start off on learning.
handsonbanking - learn about finances. after highschool, credit, banking, investing, money management, debt, goal setting, loans, cars, small businesses, military, insurance, retirement, etc.
bbc - learning for all ages. primary to adult. arts, history, science, math, reading, english, french, all the way to functional and vocational skills for adults as well, great site!
education.ket - workplace essential skills
general education
mathsgenie - GCSE revision, grade 1-9, math stages 1-14, provides more resources! completely free.
khan academy - pre-k to college, life skills, test prep (sats, mcat, etc), get ready courses, AP, partner courses like NASA, etc. so much more!
aleks - k-12 + higher ed learning program. adapts to each student.
biology4kids - learn biology
cosmos4kids - learn astronomy basics
chem4kids - learn chemistry
physics4kids - learn physics
numbernut - math basics (arithmetic, fractions and decimals, roots and exponents, prealgebra)
education.ket - primary to adult. includes highschool equivalent test prep, the core skills. they have a free resource library and they sell workbooks. they have one on work-life essentials (high demand career sectors + soft skills)
youtube channels
the organic chemistry tutor
professor leonard
readworks - reading comprehension, build background knowledge, grow your vocabulary, strengthen strategic reading
chompchomp - grammar knowledge
not the "free resource" part of this post but sometimes we forget we can be tutored especially as an adult. just because we don't have formal education does not mean we can't get 1:1 teaching! please do you research and don't be afraid to try out different tutors. and remember you're not dumb just because someone's teaching style doesn't match up with your learning style.
cambridge coaching - medical school, mba and business, law school, graduate, college academics, high school and college process, middle school and high school admissions
preply - language tutoring. affordable!
revolutionprep - math, science, english, history, computer science (ap, html/css, java, python c++), foreign languages (german, korean, french, italian, spanish, japanese, chinese, esl)
varsity tutors - k-5 subjects, ap, test prep, languages, math, science & engineering, coding, homeschool, college essays, essay editing, etc
chegg - biology, business, engineering/computer science, math, homework help, textbook support, rent and buying books
learn to be - k-12 subjects
for languages
lingq - app. created by steve kaufmann, a polygot (fluent in 20+ languages) an amazing language learning platform that compiles content in 20+ languages like podcasts, graded readers, story times, vlogs, radio, books, the feature to put in your own books! immersion, comprehensible input.
flexiclasses - option to study abroad, resources to learn, mandarin, cantonese, japanese, vietnamese, korean, italian, russian, taiwanese hokkien, shanghainese.
fluentin3months - bootcamp, consultation available, languages: spanish, french, korean, german, chinese, japanese, russian, italian.
fluenz - spanish immersion both online and in person - intensive.
pimsleur - not tutoring** online learning using apps and their method. up to 50 languages, free trial available.
incase time has passed since i last posted this, check on the original post (not the reblogs) to see if i updated link or added new resources. i think i want to add laguage resources at some point too but until then, happy learning!!
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
I like filling out workbooks with fun letters so I can sound out any word in Japanese and can pick out some kanji but despite all the time I’ve spent on this I only know like 20 words and most of those have to do with introducing yourself
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yeehawpim · 7 months
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yeah I fully cried when Erika said へのへのもへ😂
I used to doodle it on my japanese workbooks as a kid (and also へのへのうんち lol)
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Current Japanese Study Routine + Resources 🎀
As you all may know, I am currently self studying Japanese and Spanish, though I am putting Spanish on the back burner for now so I can focus more on Japanese as that is where my passion lies at the moment. Lucky for me, there is a Japanese language and culture club on my university campus that I am (hopefully) going to join next week or the week after, given how busy my schedule ends up being. I thought I’d make a little post about my current routine that I use to study and what resources I am currently using and am planning on purchasing to use in order to build my proficiency in this beautiful language!
Current Resources 🩷
Apps - I am currently playing around with several apps to see which ones work for me, so here is all the apps I currently have downloaded to my iPad/phone
Duolingo - this has been a go to for all language I’ve ever tried to learn, it’s useful for me as a basic introduction to vocabulary, sentence structure, some grammar, and I just like how it involves typing, speaking, listening, and reading.
Drops - this one is just a fun little 5 minutes gamified way to learn vocabulary for me, it’s definitely a go to on my lazier language learning days
Bunpo - I like this for learning the kana but I didn’t realize it costs money to use fully so I am debating purchasing a subscription to the paid version
Write Japanese - this one I’m using to learn the correct stroke order for the kana and I like it for the most part
Renshuu - I just signed in to use this one last night and it looks interesting. I’ve seen it recommended by several blogs and even when google searching language learning and watching YouTube videos so I’m excited to try it out!
NHK for School - I saw someone recommend this on their blog and I remember using the website version in the past so I know this will be helpful when it comes to reading
Jisho - this is a dictionary app that I’ve seen recommended on so many platforms and I’m always open to a good dictionary!
Japanese - this one was recommended on a blog post and it allows you to add vocabulary and interesting phrases so I thought it’d be useful once I start on learning sentence structure and grammar
Italki - this one is the one I’m most excited to use. It connects you to people who speak and teach your target language for a set timed lesson, and it does cost money but you pay by lesson, not on a subscription basis. So if you do one lesson the first week and then another lesson in three weeks or something, you only pay for those two lessons. I’m really looking forward to trying this one out in the future once I get more comfortable with speaking.
Anki - a flash card app I am using to currently learn hiragana and will soon use for katakana and eventually kanji and phrases. I was gonna use Quizlet but I ended up liking this one better for my current needs.
LingoDeer, Memrise, Babbel, HiNative, HelloTalk, Hey Japan, Busuu, Kanji, Kana, Sensei - apps that I have and have not tried yet. I really like the ones I’ve already tried so I’m not sure if I’m going to use these ones soon but if I get bored of current apps than I at least have alternatives to turn to to continue learning
Textbooks/Workbooks/Materials - I currently own two workbooks but will include the resource I am planning on buying, as well as any stationery material I am also using!
Japanese for Busy People I - This was the workbook we had for the Japanese class I took at my university while in high school. My dad ended up buying it for me if I promised not to take Japanese classes once I went to college. (My parents don’t believe it is useful to know and they are helping pay for my education so I didn’t have a choice.) I haven’t started reusing it yet but once I am comfortable with the kana then I will resume using it.
Let’s Learn Katakana - this is a katakana writing book my older brother bought for me (he is supportive of everything I have an interest in even if he doesn’t understand it himself) and it is really useful for learning and practicing writing katakana. However I am still focusing on relearning hiragana so I will return to this workbook after I solidify my hiragana knowledge.
Genki I and Genki II textbook/workbook + answer key bundle - I am planning to buy this off of Amazon as I have heard from most people who are learning Japanese on their own that this set is really useful for self studying so of course I am going to invest in it once I get paid next week.
I am also looking for a hiragana, katakana, and kanji writing workbook to practice those skills.
Free Online Resources -
Anything free I can find online when google searching resources
Stationary Supplies -
Kokuyo Campus Smart Ring Binder in pink
Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens in black
Index cards
Pilot g-2 fashion pens
Zebra mild liner highlighter/markers
Papermate Mechanical Pencils
Mini notebook to carry around for vocabulary
My iPad + Apple Pencil + Goodnotes 5
My Chromebook
A lot of resources but I am trying to stick with this for the long term. A few years ago, I self studied Japanese everyday for about 2 years and gained a good understanding but fell off from studying Japanese when I went to university.
My Current Study Routine* 🎀
*when I have more than 30 minutes to study, if I only have 30 minutes or less I just mess around on my language apps
I currently do not use any workbooks or textbooks as I am trying to re familiarize myself with the language. Here’s my current study routine!
Practice Anki flashcards 3 times or until I get 85-90% correct
Practice hiragana writing in Write Japanese app (~10min)
Duolingo lessons for 10 minutes
1 Japanese language Drops lesson
Use Renshuu until I get bored (~10-15min)
Watch an episode of anime as a reward (Japanese audio with English subtitles)
I will switch this up to a more structured way of studying once I start using my textbooks and workbooks, but for now this relaxed style of learning is working for me time wise and attention wise (ADHD brain right here).
I also listen to Japanese music throughout the day and try to recall hiragana characters correctly in my head when I have the time. I also sneak in some practice when at work on my apps and whatnot. I mentioned in my last daily check in some of my favorite Japanese artists, and I also love Japanese versions of K-pop songs too! I’m currently watching Bungou Stray Dogs on crunchyroll right now, and I’m open to any recommendations for what to watch next!
If anyone has any language learning tips or resources they’d want to share, feel free to comment! It would be greatly appreciated!
Til next time my lovelies 🩷🤍
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