#January 21st 2023
one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I was called a “gerf” by an anon on Tumblr.
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daisyblossomsub · 2 years
Thanks for the appreciation ;) ~ Javi
Oh trust me, it was my pleasure. Your body is...well, jaw-dropping doesn’t quite cover it, but I’m finding myself a little speechless at the moment, so I hope you’ll forgive me, Sir. If you’d ever like that body appreciated in person, please let me know. I’ve been told I’m excellent with my hands...and my mouth. @javierfogarty
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joyfulmagic · 2 years
😅So thanks to Sincerely Theirs, a really cool fandom-centric writing company, I've been writing letter "correspondences" with "Bu.cky" (aka a writer who writes from Bucky's POV so like RPing but not?)
I'm writing love letters back and forth with my comfort character and I'm loving it. I also learned I'm very sappy when writing love letters, which I didn't know about myself. I should actually do love letter drabbles for my ships if anyone is interested 🤔
If anyone wants to see the letter I got or what I'm writing back, I'd be happy to share! I'd love to promote ST, as they're a really great company.
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getyourblisson · 2 years
New Moon - January 21st, 2023
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January 21st New Moon
The New Moon energy always magnifies our opportunities, and always favors what provides us with greater freedom, self-sufficiency, and possibilities.  The choices that we make during this time will impact all of our existences.  As a result, it is important that we pay extra attention to what we choose and do.
This month’s New Moon shows to be one where our mind is not as clear as we need; but that won’t stop us from experiencing the beauty and the blessings that we have to offer.  We do however, need to make certain that we don’t take any chances with weather since it can turn suddenly.  It is important to leave extra time to get home, and don’t procrastinate when a storm is coming in.
This is a time where those that are misusing their power will try to stir up drama and trauma in people.  It is a time where we will be shown who the tyrants and dictators are, as they seek to enforce policies that restrict people’s freedom and make them more dependent on government, Oligarchs, and those in positions of power and authority.  They will support treachery, and seek to have people turn others over to them; calling anyone who opposes them or won’t comply a traitor.
It is important that you use this time to break away from those that are trying to restrict your freedom, and to find your own successes.  The more restrictions that are placed upon people, the more people will seek to find ways to make things work on their own.  Plans to control will backfire; as people see the past repeating itself.  This will lead people to help each other out, and to seek out the options that lead to a truly favorable and stable future.  People will realize that the things that they have been told to give up; are the very things that they may need to reimplement, in order to succeed and to have a decent life.
I welcome you to pay extra attention to what you are doing and don’t procrastinate or take chances with any storms.  What if this allows you to have pleasurable experiences, instead of getting into traumatic situations?
I welcome you to stay away from those that are stirring up drama and trauma.  What if those that do this are simply trying to get people to turn on each other out of fear? I welcome you to choose paths that allow you to live freely, and to make things work on your own.  What if taking command of your own life by reintegrating aspects of the past that are beneficial is the key to creating a favorable and stable future?
The Code Journey ~ 2023 Edition
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bryan360 · 2 years
Before going to bed though, just wanted to say my P-pal what a good time he’d been doing at the resort already. This place looks nice to hang out with family and friends; especially to celebrate their birthdays.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Sure wish we can live there as a “staycation home” away from home. We’ll be happy to planning this. 😉👍
🐰👊💥May: Hoping at least they have plenty room for us and our parents.
🦊⚽️Sam: And few of our friends as well. 😁
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My Diary, Page 29
My mom just got off the phone with my aunt. She told my mom that she went to go visit the hospital to see my cousins newborn. My aunt asked Jasmine told hold the baby and she said no. Her sorry ass excuse was that my aunt would take the baby's energy. My aunt said that she does not want to be in the same room with her. She is also furious and feeling humiliated. My cousin did not tell Jasmine anything. He continues to let this stupid girl hurt and disrespect our family. I honestly don't understand how he puts up with her nasty attitude and overbearing jealousy. My mom says that ella esta enferma de celos. Jasmine gets jealous when he spends time with us, his own family! I honestly think that she wants to isolate him from us, that way she can keep him to herself. Oh did I mention that Jasmine is on her modern woman bullshit. Meaning not having morals and acting like the foolish bitches on instagram. She thinks its cute to mistreat our family, act manipulative and treat us as if we are beneath her. On top of that she told my cousin that she doesn't like her dad because he talks about Catholicism. According to Jasmine religious beliefs are for old people, and she is modern. I guess being modern means not having a brain, being ignorant and using people for her personal gain. Ugh, sometimes I wish I had someone to confide in other than my family, to see if I am wrong or being too harsh.
Sometimes I wonder if my cousin doesn't tell her anything because he doesn't want to hear her mouth, or because he doesn't want to get into a fight. We have noticed that when he is with her, he changes. He acts more like her. When he is with the family without her, he acts like himself. This toxic dumb bitch is trying to divide our family for her gain. What she refuses to realize in the grand scheme of things is that the modern woman mindset won't get you anywhere in this life.
I know I am jealous and possessive but I cannot imagine myself being disrespectful to my boyfriend's family. I'm sorry but she is on her ghetto hispanic girl bullshit. I also can't imagine myself mistreating my boyfriends family, not respecting their traditions, and acting arrogant. I would expect my boyfriend to put me in my place if I ever mistreat or hurt his family in anyway(God Forbid). I will never understand the men who settle for woman like this, I refuse to believe it's because of a woman's bedroom skills. Ugh I am going to stop thinking about this before I get a migraine. I have been at peace and I refuse to let vile people like this take it from me. I also pray to my heavenly father that I remain true to myself, and my principles.
P.S It should go without saying but I expect my boyfriend to respect my family, be mature, and be a positive reflection of myself.
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veronicalodgeswitch · 2 years
HC EVENT: what kind of complex have you been accused of having?
Well, as evidenced by my last answer it probably goes without saying that I’ve been accused of having a superiority-complex - and maybe I do, but the proof is in the pudding, as they say. I have a resume that authenticates my supposed complex so it’s not as much of an insult as people probably mean it to be.
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elkian · 2 years
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[ID: Screencap of Terms of Service update email from ArtStation. It reads:
We’ve updated our Terms of Service to make clear that scraping and reselling or redistributing content is not permitted, and to clarify the prohibition against use of NoAI Content with Generative AI Programs. We have also committed not to use, or license any third party to use, any ArtStation content for the purpose of training Generative AI Programs.
For more information, visit our Help Center FAQ and check out the updated Terms of Service.- The ArtStation Team]
Huh. I’m not 100% on that first line, but the second one seems good?
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
A 45 minute video of Onision surfaced. The entire video was of him repeatedly throwing a raw chicken on the ground in the woods while yelling “I BLESS YOU WITH A DISEASE!”
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daisyblossomsub · 2 years
Sister day soon? All three of us?
Yes please, Miss! Just say when and where and I’ll make myself available!
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joyfulmagic · 2 years
I’ve been physically sick (NOT Covid) for over a month now and my back hurts constantly so sorry I haven’t been doing many replies and mainly running on my queue 😅 I want to be on here but lack spoons in general.
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owenepierce · 2 years
HC Event: How do you act when you are sick?
I am a total. complete baby. It doesn’t happen often because I’m so active and my immune system is pretty strong thanks to my diet, but when it does I become completely out of commission. I basically burrow myself in my blankets with my switch or curl up on the sofa to watch Housewives or Drag Race - but it’s a sacred ritual and I’m very irritable when I’m sick so everyone who loves me pretty much knows to steer clear unless I ask for them specifically.
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bryan360 · 2 years
I happened to came across this cute drawing, but also like a victim of doing “barefooted characters” from my previous drawings. I’m very aware of that, but at least not harmful or sexual. Don’t expect I’ll be doing it again in the future, though. 🙄
Also, Happy International Hug Day for two friends. It’s better with their clothes swapped and pillow beds together just like that. 😊👍
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God's Reminders
As long as you’re looking back, you’re going to miss the new thing. You have to get prepared in your thinking. “By faith, I can see the healing that’s coming. I can see promotion on its way. I see my child turning around. I see myself free from this addiction.” Now it springs forth, not one day, not in the sweet by and by, but today God is doing a new thing. Today God is making rivers in the desert. Today God is turning dry places into abundant places.
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renthewerecatboi · 5 months
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TF YOU MEAN 213 HOURS?!?!?!?
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