#Jamie Benn imagine
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about that work crush (chapter 12) | jamie benn
(do you hate me for how late this is? please forgive <3)
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 | chapter 11
Teaser: "Your bedroom does have a lock, right?"
Your subtle miscommunication with Jamie was a wake up call to him: he had to do better communicating with you. He also had to make sure he separated his life as captain and the life he was interested in building with you. They couldn't be the same, especially if your paths had to cross again like it did with the reporter fiasco.
"Did you guys figure it out?" Tyler asked Jamie the next day, who was in the middle of his morning workout.
"Yeah, we're good."
"That girl is in love with you, man," Tyler replied. "Don't fuck that up."
"I don't plan on it."
You were in back-to-back meetings all day, especially as you started the transition to a permanent position with the team. You were drowning in paperwork, which just seemed like busy work.
You still had to nurse the "interim" in your title, but the next few weeks would require facetime with board members, donors, and a lot more training staff. With the shift, your schedule drastically changed, and you were spending a lot less time at the arena and more time around Dallas and neighboring cities.
Jamie hated it. Granted, he knew it wouldn't be forever but it was annoying that he couldn't just show up at your office on a break. The upside? More uninterrupted time at your places, like tonight.
“Ugh, you’re amazing,” You cheered after opening your front door, hugging Jamie tightly. “I love these.”
“I know, that’s why I brought them,” You could feel his chest vibrate as he chuckled, his scent filling your nose. He was holding a family size bag of your favorite candy in his hand that was not wrapped around your back.
“Okay, so,” Standing back, to look up into his brown eyes, “I ordered food.”
“Did you?”
“Yes. Don't say anything but I haven't eaten since, like, noon?"
He looked down at his watch as you allowed him inside and closed the door behind him.
“You are nuts," He laughed. "How have you not passed out?"
You rolled your eyes at him, but led him into your kitchen where you had just started to separate the food you had ordered. Jamie was clearly comfortable in your apartment, moving straight to your fridge and pulling out a beer for himself and your favorite wine.
These were the moments you were enjoying the most with Jamie. When you were able to exist together, and share small moments.
You could convince Jamie to watch anything you wanted, he was just happy to be with you. Tonight, you had tricked him into The Bachelor which was definitely not a show he would watch on his own.
He wasn't as focused on the show like you were, and took breaks to clean up after you guys were done eating. You would never complain about a man who cleaned. And, Jamie was clearly a neat freak which would work in your favor.
“This show is stupid,” Jamie mumbled to you, as he returned to his spot next to you on the couch. You laughed, getting comfortable again against his chest. His hand found its way to your side, his pinky finger touching your bare skin. His other arm was bent behind his head, most likely to keep himself awake.
“Do you want to watch something else?”
“You’re clearly enjoying it,” He shrugged.
“I can watch it anytime,” You replied, looking up at him. "I like to please my guests."
He laughed, turning slightly red which made your stomach do flips.
“Who do you think is going to win?”
“On The Bachelor?” He nodded. “Honestly, it’s hard to tell. But, I’m trying to not see any spoilers online so that I can authentically watch it. Personally, I’m going to hope that Madison wins, just because I think her and Peter really connect well.”
“Which one is she?”
You waited until she appeared on the screen, “Her. She’s really nice and stays out of the drama which is always a plus on this show.”
Jamie hummed in response.
“Seriously, we can watch something else, if you want?” You asked, sitting up slightly so that you could get a good look at his face.
He looked back at you, studying your features. With the shift in position, you could now feel his fingertips lightly tracing shapes on your exposed waist.
“What?” You blushed, when many seconds went by without a response. You were feeling the intensity of his stare as well as the calmness of his touch and you didn't know what to do next.
“I’m really sorry about the other day,” He said. "I can't stop thinking about it to be honest."
“Jamie, I already told you, it’s resolved. We’re good,” You assured him, reaching over to put your hand on his face. “If it was still an issue, trust me, you would know. I wouldn't be explaining The Bachelor to you.”
He smiled at you, “I know.”
“Just wait. One day, I’m really going to be in a bad mood and you’re going to have to deal with it.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” You studied Jamie for a moment, his arm flexed behind his head. Hot. His hair, somehow the perfect mix of messy and styled. Hot. His current grip on your side. Hot. Everything about him. Hot.
Once you noticed that he was watching you watch him, you finally turned your attention back to the TV. “Stop staring at me.”
“I should be saying the same thing to you, but it doesn't bother me,”
“I wish I didn’t blush so freaking much,” You groaned, making him laugh again.
“Why? I like it, it’s cute,” He shrugged.
“That’s because you feel accomplished when you make me blush.”
“No, that’s because I’m grateful that you even talk to me, let alone blush because of me,” He said.
“You, big-shot hockey captain of one of the top teams in the NHL, is grateful to be talking to me?” You raised your eyebrows. “You’re crazy.”
“I play hockey for a living. I shoot a puck, skate around, and knock guys over. You, on the other hand, do real shit and help people through actual problems. I think your job is a lot more important than mine,” He argued. “So, you’re crazy.”
“You do the same thing, Jamie,” You rolled your eyes. “Kids battling cancer look up to you in their darkest times. When you go visit them, do you even realize how special you make them feel?”
“Of course, I do. But, that’s still nothing compared to you and what you’re working for every day. I wish I could do that stuff full time.”
“Jamie,” You sat up. “Yes, you play hockey, but you’re also a role model to anyone who watches you. Hockey is hard as shit, take it from me who still doesn’t know how to skate on the ice. Why do you think they made you the captain? Why do you think you’re the face of the franchise?”
“You know,” He sat up as well. “You make me feel amazing, I hope you know that.”
“Same to you,” You smiled, kissing his cheek. He kissed your lips after, pulling you closer to him. You relaxed into him, allowing him to guide damn near every body part of yours against his.
The size difference between you two was intoxicating for you, especially in moments like this when you really just wanted him to take control. You've had your fun in the past, but there was something about Jamie that made you want to relinquish control.
Jamie's phone started to buzz on your coffee table, interrupting your moment. But, Jamie never pulled away from you. He continued to kiss you through one round of buzzes, then silence.
"You don't want to check that?" You smiled against his lips.
"Not at all." He reattached his lips to yours, his hands traveling lower on your body for a second, before trailing back up to your hair. You moaned into his mouth as he gently pulled your hair, giving himself more room to lean into you.
His phone started buzzing again, forcing him to freeze in his movements. He kissed you one more time, before pulling away from you to look at his phone, his hands still tangled in your hair. “It’s Miro.”
“Answer it. It’s 11, it could be an emergency.” You watched as Jamie picked up the phone with his hand closest to the table, holding it to his ear.
“Hey, what's up, man?” You could faintly hear Miro’s voice through the phone. Jamie’s hand moved from your hair to the back of your neck, gently massaging the area.
“I’m busy, man, not gonna lie to you,” Jamie smiled at you. You turned your head, kissing the inside of his wrist.
“Alright, alright, calm down,” He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, just stay inside. I’m on my way.”
You waited as Jamie got off the phone with Miro. “What did he do now?”
“He’s hammered,” Jamie laughed. “And, needs me to pick him and Roope up, which also means make sure they get into their own beds in their own houses.”
“Captain’s duty, huh?”
“Always,” He said.
“Well, I’ll take my candy now.”
He rolled his eyes again, this time at you. He reached behind him, handing you the bag of candy.
“I’m sorry we can’t continue,” He said. “Watching the show, I mean.”
“Uh huh,” You laughed. “I know the team comes first.”
“Not a chance,” He shook his head. He leaned over, kissing you again. “I had fun tonight. Hopefully I can get a second date?”
“Hmm, I’ll think about it." He smiled, kissing you once more. “Text me when you get home?”
“Yeah, I will.”
The perks of dating a captain of a NHL team included many team parties with free food and alcohol. At first, you were worried about how some of the guys would feel having you around during down time, but it felt like a big family.
You were intentional about checking in with players in sessions around your presence, and it seemed like they loved to have you around. And, you really liked the approval you had gotten for your relationship with Jamie. You finally felt like you could relax into your relationship and not hide.
Today, Jamie was hosting a low-key BBQ with the players and their families. He took hosting duties seriously: decorations, caterers and homemade food, and endless drinks. It was actually shocking how much he cared to foster a good environment for his guys, and it was really attractive.
He forced you to be hands off, citing that you were a guest no matter how many times you tried to argue. He spent most of the party traveling around the group, making sure everyone was having a good time. Once he was certain he checked in with everyone face-to-face, he took his moment to pull you into the kitchen for a few minutes.
You and Jamie were both in agreement to keep PDA light at team outings, but that didn't mean Jamie was going to keep his distance from you for hours.
He brought you a piece of Pavelski's wife's pie which you were basically devouring as he recounted the football game he just refereed between some of the guys' kids. He sat on his kitchen counter while you stood between his legs, watching the videos he recorded. Listening to his voice in the videos, you thought He's such a dad.
More than a few minutes passed by after you finished the pie, but neither you or Jamie made any movements to rejoin the group.
With your back against him, his hands were around your body, which was fine, until he started rubbing his hands up and down your arms and shoulders as he spoke about random things. If it wasn’t for your long sleeve shirt, Jamie would be feeling the goosebumps that he was causing.
“Jamie,” You whispered, cutting him off. “Are you good?”
“Yeah, why?” He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at you.
“A little handsy there, aren't we?”
“Sorry,” He blushed. “I wasn’t thinking about it.”
“I didn’t say stop,” You mumbled. "I just can't focus on anything you're saying when you're touching me like that."
“I'm sorry, baby," He replied.
"So, should we talk about when we’re gonna reschedule our sleepover?” You asked, turning around in his arms.
“I think planning it kind of backfired last time,” He said. “How about now?”
“I’m sure no one will miss us. I mean, we’ve been in here for 10 minutes and no one has come in." He was watching your expression, his eyes gliding over every part of your face as you considered his offer. What the hell.
"Your bedroom does have a lock, right?” You surprised yourself with your agreement.
Jamie laughed, nodding before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. "It does. And, I kind of already told the guys to host themselves."
“You’re insane,” You mumbled against him.
“If we’re not going upstairs, we have to stop now,” He breathed against your lips. “Seriously, I already need a cold shower.”
“Come on,” He gently pushed you back before stepping down from the counter. He grabbed your hand, pulling you upstairs.
“Slow down,” You laughed as he pulled you up the stairs.
He pulled you into his bedroom, pushing you against the door as soon as he closed it. He leaned over you as he locked the door to his room. “If someone knocks, it’s your fault.”
“No one told you to throw a barbeque today,” You smiled up at him.
“And, no one told you to show up looking this good,” He said, kissing you, using his bodyweight to hold you between him and the door.
His size is everything.
“The food wasn’t terrible today, man,” Tyler joked.
“Why are you still here?” Jamie looked at him. “Everyone already left.”
“This love-hate relationship that you guys have going on is very entertaining to watch,” You added.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll see you guys later,” Tyler rolled his eyes. He gave you a hug before attempting to hug Jamie but he pushed him away. You shook your head as you hopped up to sit on the counter, exactly where Jamie was sitting before your moment upstairs.
As Tyler was the last guest out, he left you and Jamie finally alone at his place.
“Everything is mostly clean besides the grill, but I’ll clean that tomorrow. Everyone complimented your plates, by the way.”
“I told you,” You laughed. “You can get plastic plates and tupperware but it doesn’t have to be the plainest one.”
“Just take your compliment,” He teased as he finished washing his hands.
He walked over to you to stand in between your legs. “Did you have a good time today?”
“I had the best time,” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Which is always the case when I’m with you.”
“I feel like I can finally breathe around you now,” He mumbled before meeting you in a kiss. His hands moved to your hips, “Thank you for coming today.”
“No pun intended?”
He laughed, “Not originally but I guess it fits, huh?”
"Thank you for waiting," You whispered to him. "I know I probably made you wait longer than you're used to, but I'm happy we waited."
"I was about to explode for sure, but I would do anything for you," He replied, "You're worth it."
"So, you still actually like me?"
"Are you kidding me?" He laughed, stepping closer to you, if that was even possible. He raised his hand to the ponytail in your hair, tugging gently to lift your lips to his. "I'm obsessed with you."
"I can't tell if you're real," You replied, looking over his features.
"Really?" He kissed you again. "5 months in and you still doubt me?"
"I don't doubt you, per se," You smiled when his hair fell over his eyes. "I doubt everyone."
"What can I do to get special treatment?"
"I think you've had enough special treatment actually," You laughed. "I should head home."
"You can't stay?"
"I didn't pack a bag and I'm off tomorrow."
"More reason why you should stay here because so am I," He said. " I have an extra toothbrush, and all the basic necessities you might need."
"On one condition," You replied. "Tomorrow, you have to make me your mom's pizza recipe. I've been thinking about it for weeks."
#nhl imagine#nhl fanfiction#nhl imagines#nhl#nhl fanfic#jamie benn#hockey smut#nhl fic#nhl blurbs#nhl blurb#nhl fluff#jamie benn imagine#jamie benn fanfiction#jamie benn fic#jamie benn fanfic#jamie benn imagines#jamie benn fluff#hockey fic#hockey fanfic#hockey#ice hockey#yourfavewriteress#dallas stars imagines#dallas stars imagine#dallas stars#dallas stars fic
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🌸- Fluff 🔥-Smut/Sensual 💔-Angst 📸-SMAU
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
#x black fem reader#x black!fem!reader#x reader#x black!reader#x black reader#nhl fic#nhl hockey#nhl players#nhl#nhl imagine#nhl fanfiction#nhl fluff#nhl x black!reader#nhl x reader#nhl x oc#nhl x you#nhl x y/n#jamie benn#jamie benn imagine#jamie benn oneshot#jamie benn x black!reader#nhl smut#masterlist
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Hanging by a Moment Updated
Chapter 11 : I am so screwed
I forgot I still have a few prewritten chapters in the bank for this.
#puckingwrites#jamie benn#jamie benn fan fiction#hockey fan fiction#nhl fan fiction#jamie benn imagine#hockey imagine#nhl imagine
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after disappearing for a while.. i’m back and requests are open ☺️
#nhl imagine#tyler seguin#tyler seguin imagine#tyler seguin imagines#hockey imagine#jamie benn imagine#jamie benn#tyler seguin fluff
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May 17, 2021
Logan walked through the Johnston house leaving his bag in the guest room and heading to Wyatt’s room that he has been in many times but now Wyatt has a daughter.
The door was wide open and Logan peeked into the room and paused seeing Wyatt just holding his daughter Carson in a rocking chair and smiling down at her.
Logan softly knocked on the door making Wyatt look up he continued to smile seeing his best friend, “Hey Stanks.” Wyatt’s voice was soft.
Logan saw how much Wyatt just seemed to be glowing and he looked incredibly happy, Logan has never seen his best friend this happy.
“Hi.” Logan spoke quietly walking in and sitting on the side of the bed closest to the chair where Wyatt was sitting with Carson.
Logan’s breath got caught in his throat seeing Carson in person for the first time, he’s gotten many videos and photos the past few days from Wyatt already but she was even more beautiful in person. Carson looks so much like Wyatt already, “She’s so pretty.” Logan mumbled in awe making Wyatt’s smile widen even more.
“She’s perfect.” Wyatt agreed pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, “Want to hold her?” Wyatt offered making Logan look nervous but slowly nod.
Wyatt stood up and sat on the bed next to Logan and gently set Carson into Logan’s arms and helped Logan fix his arms correctly, “See not to hard.” Wyatt complimented.
Logan just smiled at the sleeping baby in her arms.
“You’ll be a good godfather for her.” Wyatt nonchalantly told Logan with a mischievous smile as Logan’s head snapped to him.
“What?” Logan’s voice cracked.
“You’re her godfather, Quinn is her godmother.” Wyatt told Logan knowing his sister and his best friend is who he trusts if something ever happened to him.
“Are you sure?” Logan stuttered out looking shocked but touched.
“There’s no one else i would rather it be.” Wyatt just answered honestly.
“Thank you.” Logan’s voice trembled with emotion, “I’ll be the best godfather i promise.” Logan promised to Carson and Wyatt.
“I know.” Wyatt fondly agreed he trusts Logan and knows he will be a good godfather.
Logan continued holding his sleeping goddaughter until his arms were numb and he told Wyatt that making Wyatt laugh.
Wyatt helped Logan set Carson into her bassinet and Carson rested her little head on the teddy bear in her bassinet that was bigger than her.
Wyatt picked out the teddy bear for Carson when he went shopping with his mom and loved it and Carson seems to already love it.
Wyatt pressed a kiss to Carson’s forehead and made sure the blinds in the room were fully closed so Carson could sleep. He turned the baby monitor on and grabbed the other piece and gestured for Logan to follow him.
“Come on let’s hit some pucks.” Wyatt nudged Logan playfully after he shut the door quietly letting his daughter sleep peaceful.
Logan laughed and nudged him back.
#carsonjohnstonau#wyatt johnston x oc#wyatt johnston#dad!wyatt johnston#jake oettinger x oc#jake oettinger#jo1#wj53#roope hintz#miro heiskanen#esa lindell#jamie benn#joe pavelski#logan stankoven#mavrik bourque#jason robertson#dallas stars#stars hockey#nhl blurbs#nhl x oc#nhl au#nhl blurb#nhl fluff#tyler seguin#mason marchment#matt duchene#nhl fic#nhl imagine#ty dellandrea#thomas harley
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so like every writer I have a bunch of ideas that i seem to not be able to finish. maybe a little motivation might push me. so these are some of my writing that are almost finished. if there is a specific fic that you want to see lmk and it'll probably give me the motivation to actually finish and publish.
unwritten rule - joe burrow x head coach's lil sister (rookie joe burrow is told the most famous unwritten rule, do not date the head coach's little sister, but he is famous for not listening) *needs to be heavily edited*
spoiled - lando norris x reader (based on lando eating expired chicken on max's stream. reader got the ick and decided to do something about it) *just needs to be edited! I'll probably post it soon*
soft spot - max verstappen x reader (for days reader has been waking up with knots in their back, max has a solution to her problems) *i have the dialogue just need the bones*
rock me - aew!cody rhodes x fem!reader (reader and cody used to be very close. years have passed and now he has his own promotion. what happens when they are reunited at double or nothing) *iffy about this one, an old fic*
fearless - kelly severide x firefighter!reader (being fearless leads to reckless actions) *old fic that can be edited and be ready to go*
in love - jamie benn x fem!reader (jamie was never a relationship guy, fulyl focusing on his career. you enter as a new member of the stars team who makes him rethink about relationships) *needs to be edited*
Okay my biggest self indulgent one is a full fledge story. It's a f1driver!oc. This one I love to work on but it's a very detailed story. character is fully written out (name, age, ethnicity, backstory, family) I didn't give her a romantic lead yet, she has 4 drivers pinning for her. The way I would release this is not in timeline order, just little blurbs here and there to build the story and imagines to progress the story. if you are interested in seeing this lmk. I always add new things everyday.
#my wips#work in progress#joe burrow x reader#max verstappen x reader#lando norris x reader#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#cody rhodes x reader#kelly severide x reader#jamie benn x reader
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A thought thats been bouncing around in my head:
Sid takes it upon himself to meet with the subs of the league when they're first drafted. Sure no one is really "out" but Sid has been at this for so long he can tell what he's looking at when a soft spoken guy who thinks his only option is to put the team on his shoulders comes along.
So when Mack comes along, Sid does the same thing he's always done: invite them out for dinner under the guise of a veteran offering advice. But really it's Sid subtly-not so subtly giving them the lay of the land. Advice like "guys are going to say shit on the ice. You can't say anything" "you can't act soft when you get thrown into the boards. It will only make it worse."
He did it with both of the Connors. He did it Nolan.
And he gives a lot of sub-adjacent advice. It's an elephant in the room and most guys will stick their head in the sand if Sid calls a spade a spade, or in this case, a sub a sub (Connor McDavid is a prime example).
Mack listens earnestly and seems genuinely interested in what Sid has to say. But when he starts to give him the standard "you have to be careful on how you take care of your....needs off the ice" talk to Mack, imagine his surprise when Mack goes "oh yeah! No problem there. Smitty and I help each other out. No big deal. So what about power play units-"
And Sid has to try not to choke on his soda. He thought he's heard every excuse under the sun but Mack casually admitting to subbing with his teammate? Former rival? Whatever they are.
And for a moment Sid feels a pang of jealousy. Mack will never know the crushing pain you feel when you go too long without subbing. He'll never know what it's like to feel like you can't have hockey AND be a sub. And maybe deep down underneath it all Sid wonders where he'd be if he didn't have to take all that time off to go through sub withdrawal.
(Hi it's me previous anon! Back with another continuation of the rambles!) Before he met Mack, the most surprising meeting he had was with Connor Bedard. It went like it usually does: inviting the rookie out to dinner under the excuse of "giving advice". They barely had placed their order before Connor is lowering the menu and asking point blank: "how do you sub in the NHL?" It shocks Sid like a punch to the nose. More often he's used to tip toeing around it. But not only did Connor immediately figure out what the dinner was really about, he also (which terrifies Sid) called Sid out for being a sub. Suddenly, the insecure urge that plagued Sid for his first 5 or so years in the league rears its ugly head. Connor goes back to flipping through the menu and asks "did you need a minute" and Sid hysterically can't figure out if Connor was talking about dinner or the bomb he just dropped. (Side note: Connor actually had no intention of rocking Sid's shit like that. He knew Sid was a sub. Not because he heard some nasty rumor. But because he saw the same mannerisms in Sid as he does in himself. And because Connor is a sub, that must mean Sid is a sub too. Everyone has told Connor his main job his first year is to learn. And, well, doesn't this count as learning?)
Aaaaah I love this as a potential future for the WYL 'verse! It's giving major vibes of my Jamie Benn/Joe Pavelski wandering heart story, with the whole "wait hang on do the kids think it's safe to be gay now??" thing Jamie and Joe wrestle with. The times really are changing, and that's great for the old guard to see, and also a little traumatic. It underlines how unnecessary their own suffering was, even if it was unavoidable at the time. It's great that the world is changing, but if it could change for these kids, why couldn't it do it a little bit sooner, for them?
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Hi cody which of the big names (or lesser known guys that are your blorbos) do u think will play for their team for their entire career and who do u think will leave? Tampa bay is on my hit list for dropping stamkos like that
ohoho this one is FUN... everyone is my blorbo im gonna go through every team and See...
the biggest difficulty in making this list is that like inevitably b/c of the Inevitable Passage Of Time the babies grow up and sometimes they grow up into like. diff ppl... like i imagine rn the sharks and hawks respectively want mack and bedsy to be with them for life... but is that Happening? it's too early to say ... bedsy seems like he might though. he's goodcanadianboy enough.
boston bruins: marchand and pasta are 100% lifers... mcavoy seems like they want him to be a lifer but he hasn't made up his mind yet.
buffalo sabres: if they make the playoffs within the next five years (BIG IF) then i can see one of power or dahlin sticking it out. but at this point i'm pretty sure the only thing that can save the sabres is a serious exorcism and i mean a SERIOUS one so i doubt this'll happen in truth
detroit red wings: larkin. duh.
florida panthers: barkov
montreal canadiens: n/a. see buffalo sabres but replace "power" with "caufield" and "dahlin" with "slafkovsky" . i mean i guess you can put arber on that list but mostly because his career isn't gonna be that long probably
ottawa senators: the one and only THOMAS CHABOT
tampa bay lightning: i WOULD have said stamkos until this offseason... fucking crasy... ok anyway here's my juice: vasy's back injury/surgery have meant he is no longer the goalie he was and i doubt he'll command much after this contract is over. i say 50-50 he leaves vs stays as a reasonable backup/tandem guy. kucherov Wants 2 Win and has a much lower tolerance for Bullshit than stamkos, which means if a competitive price is not being paid for him he will Just Leave. victor hedman is going to be a lifer though
toronto maple leafs: morgan rielly is the only one i know in my heart is a lifer, but only because a) jt was already an islander and b) willy and auston will probably play most of their reasonable careers as leafs and then have like 1-3 seasons somewhere else as ancient old men to Cup Chase One Last Time. don't ask about the other guy you know how i feel about jinxes
carolina hurricanes: n/a
columbus blue jackets: n/a
new jersey devils: n/a... they will try to keep at least 1 hughes but i think we have seen so little of the current devils era (hischier/hughes) that it's hard to say anything about their future atm. can you believe nico was only drafted the year after auston like they haven't gotten off the ground at ALL.
new york islanders: [squints in trying to name islanders]... actually a bunch of lifers looking at it. sorokin. anders lee. barzal if you're nasty. brock nelson. etc
new york rangers: chris kreider FER SURE, igor shesterkin FER MAYBE
philadelphia flyers: see devils re: brink of something new. they're going to try and keep tk forever though
pittsburgh penguins: do i REALLY have to say anything here
washington capitals: Do I Really Have To Say Anything Here
chicago blackhawks: was about to make another bad seth jones contract joke here before remembering he's already played on a different team. no further comment
colorado avalanche: natemac has made it pretty damn clear he wants to stay an av forever, because sidcros stayed a penguin forever. do what you will with that information
dallas stars: jamie benn definitely, but everyone else is too young to say something about or has been on other teams already. good luck with your jrob21 contract negotiations stars front office You Will Need It
minnesota wild: ...jared spurgeon...?
nashville predators: did you guys know puckpedia has the preds abbreviated as NAS and they're ahead of the devils. crazy. anyway roman josi and juuse saros are gonna be preds for life, and probably filip forsberg too
st louis blues: vlad tarasenko IN MY HEART...
winnipeg jets: hellebuyck and schiefele fer sure
anaheim ducks: because they've been trying to trade him for a decade and have been unsuccessful yet: john gibson
calgary flames: n/a
edmonton oilers: nuge + mcdrai also
la kings: doughty + kopi
seattle kraken: n/a
san jose sharks: logan couture
vancouver canucks: my hot take is nobody because quinn hughes is going to pull a mark giordano or jason spezza or perhaps even a chris tanev and play the last couple years of his career as a leaf. petey is gonna slut it up somewhere else later, brock is straight up going to leave as a ufa OR sign a short bridge and then leave as a ufa, and jt miller was a ranger
vegas golden knights: n/a
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hi angel I’m new here but I love the energy
what’s your lore/backstory with dallas
(signed an Avs fan who found you through the buttmunch discourse and stayed for the anti-bigotry)
In September 2022, I sent a DM to Jamie Benn. He had been struggling for several seasons and, at the time, he was my favorite player, so I contacted him.
I told him that he shouldn't question his talent. He was still a great player, and that he needn't worry because he was going to have a great season. I ended that DM with "look forward to seeing you in Seattle" or something like that.
This kick started the "Bennasaince" or whatever.
The following March, he gets into town. I attend the game because I wanted to see if he made that connection. He did...but just imagine a man seeing a woman, and you get a look. At the time of my original DM, I did not know about his relationship, but by then I did, so when he motioned for me to approach, I ignored him.
They played in Seattle on both Saturday & Monday, so I attended both games. After the second game, I send a DM just saying that I was proud of his turn around and that it was a difficult thing he did. And that I wouldn't DM him again because I didn't want to be a pesky fan.
Weeks later, Dallas & Seattle meet in the playoffs. At this time, Jason Robertson is struggling, so I DM him with encouragement. They get back in town and this time, Benn gives me an evil look. So I definitely didn't approach.
Some weeks go by & they get bounced by Vegas. The NHL bans Pride Night. I had remembered Benn had made an inclusive statement, so I wrote a post & tagged him fir being courageous. He blocked me.
Okay. Bet.
But I realized that he never thanked me.
Months go by. New season starts. My Instagram account gets banned, and I joke that it was due to him. It wasn't. I posted about needing a Sugar Daddy to pay for my education.
Anyway, I am still a super fan, and I noticed somethings about the team, so I DMed Pavelski about the team needing to build their resilience.
Not long after, I realized he probably didn't know how to go about it, so I started DMing Dallas players individually.
"Oh, Miro. You're my favorite player. I just love the way you're everywhere on the ice."
"OH, Harley. You're my favorite player."
I went through Oetter, Johnston, Steel, Stankoven, and Seguin (I had previously DMed Seguin for kneeling).
I assigned each of them a cartoon character. I choose characters that they either resembled or had chatacter traits they should aspire to. Example: Sam Steel was Yosemite Sam.
This went on the entire season. If they lost, I would send messages reminding them of their resilience. I would post under the team's comments: "the most resilient team in the NHL".
If a player got stuck in a rut, I would be there to encourage.
And it was obvious from their stats & records that they were listening to me.
They were getting close to returning to Seattle but this time, I knew I would not go. I'm disabled and have been struggling lately. But I also didn't want another awkward encounter with Benn.
Benn's play usually improved the closer their schedule got to playing Seattle. He went on a point streak prior to the Seattle game. That point streak ended that game.
Randomly, there's this song that has plagued me for years, and I was complaining about it on my Instagram. 500 miles.
A week later, Benn is interviewed and asked if the team has a theme song for the locker room. He said 500 miles.
I knew that was directed at me, but this is an engaged man.
Get to the post-season and Dallas takes on Vegas in the first round. Dallas goes down two games.
I realized they didn't have the right mindset to beat Vegas, so I started my campaign. I trolled Vegas & Mark Stone as I advocated for Baby Wyatt to be "that guy". To my surprise, PDB listened. I'm very, very good at reading players.
Dallas beats Vegas.
I send a DM to Jason. "Okay. You gotta say something by now."
So I think I deleted for a bit. They played Colorado.
Then they got to Edmonton.
I've been trolling McDavid for years. I trolled him and Dallas nearly beat them, but Edmonton advances to the Final.
I'm watching as Florida goes up 3-0. Then, Edmonton came roaring back to push for Game 7.
So, over the next 2-3 days, I start DMing Matt Tkachuk & Sergei. I tell Matt that he will be able to do something his dad never was able to accomplish and that was win the Stanley Cup. For Bob, I sent him psalms from the Bible.
A psalm for forgiveness.
A psalm for healing.
A psalm for retribution.
Florida regains their mindset and wins Game 7.
I immediately begin boasting to McDavid that I stole the Cup from him. I did that all summer. Mocked his crying.
New season starts and McDavid is in a slump. The whole team is on a slump. I realized I destroyed their confidence, so I shifted gears and started to help them.
Since December, I have been whispering to Shaggy (McDavid) and Gremlin (Leon). Hyman (Zip) and Canada the Mouse (Jeff Skinner).
I created a storyline for the team, and it seems to be working.
Sorry...back to Dallas.
So in June, they traded Woodpecker (Wedgewood) for a woman beater, so I ended my following. And that's when I realized they had never thanked me.
Months go by & I'm lurking. I see someone claiming to have done what I had done (not all, just a portion), so I sought a public acknowledgment. It will never come because Benn is newly married, and I don't think the Dallas organization wants the hockey world to know what I did. They would have to pay me.
Problem is...the players still look to me for help.
I just helped Robertson get back on track. I'll continue to help him, Wyatt, and Jake because I just like them. The others I would like to help...like Stankoven or Harley, but I can't give that kinda labor again.
Since I feel guilty for bullying Shaggy and them, I am going to help them go as far as I can.
Anyway, I exist in this weird space where these players lurk & read my input and make changes (or not). Buttmunch is my current project.
#ask auntie#ask me anything#black girl magic#nhl#nhl players#hockey#dallas stars#jamie benn#edmonton oilers#connor mcdavid
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So, most the One Piece fans in my life have been discussing the live action series, and, surprisingly, most with a hopeful tone. Which is great because, seriously, I'm too old and close to death to deal with either of the following preemptive attitudes:
"Look, I know trailer footage is not only often unfinished but not even always what gets included in the final project but based purely off the smallest of moments contained in this purely commercialized content, I can definitely state with absolutely no doubt that due to minor detail, the whole thing sucks"
"This will be just like I imagined it including all the changes I would make to canon that have never once been hinged at by those in charge, I just know it's going to be not just as awesome as I have created in my mind but even betyeyr and there is absolutely no way they'd ever make the slightest change that would somehow immediately ruin the entire property retroactively for me!"
The fact that most the people I interactive with are taking a positive but grounded attitude instead of determinedly antagonist or unhinged optimism is just... Nice. Really, really nice.
Most our discussions regard general aesthetic and what we think these creative choices indicate for the show, but there has been one area where 95% of all feedback has been glowly positive, and that is the actors. Seriously, every sneak peak trailer reveal brings about more fan-gushing from the bleachers (related note, this means that any characters we haven't seen gets more and more nails bitten short. Like, why haven't I seen the Benn Beckman? This is actually really important to me.)
This has lead to a lot of excitement for potential future cast members, including from the boys at my work. Which.... They are definitely fans, there is no denying that, but like... I don't think of as "those kinds of fans" .
But I'm always happy to be proven wrong.
AnimeDub Fan Coworker: I've never seen a more perfect live action adaptation than Mihawk in the trailer. The word. The eyes. The facial hair. Like damn.
Manga/Anime Fan Coworker: The cast looks so fucking on. I know this will never get a season 2, but if it did, the absolute dream would be for Jamie Lee Curtis to play Kureha.
Me: Yes, please. She's on my list of Characters I Have To See In Live Action. It's Law (obviously), Kid & Killer but particularly Killer, Ace of course, Robin because ROBIN, and Kureha who, yeah, is on the list cuz I want JLC or equivalent.
AD Fan: You just went off about how Garp was too hot but are cool with Jamie Lee Curtis as Kureha?
Me: Yeah, because unlike Garp, Kureha is canonically smoking.
AD Fan: Agree to disagree.
M/A Fan: They'll probably go for no names again like they did for this cast, but dream casting would be Alexandra Daddario as Robin. Boom.
M/A Fan: *With absolutely no further promoting from me* Ooooooh I got another fake casting. This one's for Kid. Cameron Monaghan.
M/A Fan: He's played crazy before too. And he's really good at it. He was pretty much "the Joker" in the show Gotham. AND he was the gay brother on Shameless. So he can totally be pirate married to Killer!
Me: *Desperately trying to remember when I mentioned in my work chat - that includes a few non-geeks, like not just not OP fans but just straight up not up with geek culture - that Kid and Killer were Pirate Married, a phrase which is very much so mine.*
Me: *Decides it doesn't matter and just gives self a point to converting yet another normal fan straight boy around to the correct view of Kid and Killer's relationship.* Now we just need someone who can pull off the perfect 80 glam rock star AND NHL defense player and we have two more Supernoves cast and ready to go.
I don't know how I keep convincing these straight boys who have probably never read a fanfic in their lives to get behind Kid/Killer as canonical Pirate Husbands, but when one of the major considerations for fan-casting is, "would Mina find him suitable gay with Killer?" you know you've won. I'm not sure what exactly, but it's definitely a win.
#this post is mostly for me#and for everyone out there who has ever had that sweet victory of convincing a nonshipper/nonfanfic inclined individual#that despite all realistic canon expectations#two characters are just super gay for each other#hey the Good Omens fandom did it; all hope is not lost#Kid x Killer#They're pirate husbands ya'll#pirate husbands#I clearly use that phrase too often if my coworkers have picked up on it#I did for a while wonder if when someone repeated it back if they truly understood that I didn't just mean that they're loyal and crewmates#'Oh you mean 'pirate husbands' like Shanks & Benn or Roger & Rayleigh?'#As a matter of fact yes that is exactly how I meant it#In that I am directly implying all those characters be fucking. Each other.#(not all at once obviously.... though Shanks would probably be down for that.... maybe not with Roger. Unless timetravel. Then yeah 100%)#one piece#one piece live action#one piece as as family activity!#/work activity#one piece casting#eustass kid#killer one piece#MurderChild#Still having trouble with a solid ship name for these two#when the normies join the fun#PS: yes everyone else in the work chat hated us#Don't care got coworkers to admit Kid and Killer be married#It's a good day when your friends accept the gay#amusing musings
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Do you have any current WAG that exhibited this behavior of following multiple players before getting your own? Considering the WAGS that are assumed for the public, we can see the pattern of just following other wags and some players related to your spouse, such as very close friends and etc... I imagine that fangirl behavior can be judged
Didn’t Kate (Seguin’s fiancé) try with one of his teammates or a player in a different sport?
Jessica (Jamie Benns fiancé) used to hook up with Matthews. Emma MacDonald apparently was called a “bike” because everyone got to ride her (such a horrible name, I do not condone it). There definitely are girls that wanted to be a wag and would hookup with multiple players hoping one of them wanted to date.
A few players have even come out and said that they hate being asked about hockey outside the rink, so the best way to get their attention is to literally talk about anything else. And Wags are very hesitant to let girls in so it would be hard for one to get in if they were a crazy fan girl. I feel like players and other wags are pretty good at detecting those kind of people.
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Hanging by a Moment Updated
Chapter 10 : Sucker. Pathetic. Dumbass.
#puckingwrites#jamie benn#fan fiction#jamie benn fan fiction#jamie benn imagine#hockey fan fiction#hockey imagine#nhl fan fiction#nhl imagine
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Reading List, Spring Sap double edition.
"You begin with what you know, and what you know changes." - Cheryl Strayed
[Image by Katie Benn]
"On the first day of spring I would forgive anything; the air ... smells like forgiveness wide-armed enough to raise up all of history’s beloved dead. No one who ever went outside on a spring afternoon could really believe that there aren’t second acts in everyone’s lives." Helena Fitzgerald
"Awe has always been available to us. It’s an artefact of our own attention, rather than a force that emanates from magnificent things. It is perpetually nearby, but we like to imagine that it’s far away, a place that we visit on once-in-a-lifetime holidays, rather than a practice that we can foster across a lifetime. I’ve tended to see it as a frippery, an unnecessary decoration on the edges of experience that I can safely afford to ignore most of the time. I no longer think that’s true. Instead, I think that those vulnerable, ground-shifting encounters like awe, wonder, fascination and mystery are crucial to our survival." [Katherine May, The Guardian]
"I now kindly understand that a world which tells me not to mark my own skin is the world where outside opinion is more important than my choice, and prejudice has been carelessly applied. I believe that a body cannot be deemed inappropriate." [Corrie Foreman]
The Indelible Marks Of Apo Whang-Od, still tattooing at age 106 [Audrey Carpio, Vogue Philippines] ... and her apprentice, Grace Palicas, on Instagram.
Tattoos are about change [Rachel Jepsen, The Cut]
"I agreed that something needed to give. I disagreed that the something needed to be my work." Excerpt from 'You Could Make This Place Beautiful' [Maggie Smith, The Cut] ... and in response, this incredible Twitter thread solicited by Isabel Kaplan, with stories of relationships which are the opposite.
Pet-Custody Agreements Are a Bad Idea [Ines Bellina, The Cut]
"I had sought permission my entire life to make choices; I had been well-behaved and studious as a youth, jumped through all the required hoops – academic, extracurricular and otherwise. But freedom was to be explored and exploited, I had now decided. These travels taught me that moving around wherever I liked was possible. And that I was always at home as long as I had a few necessary items: a journal, some blue jeans, a few ducats and, most of all, a sharp mind." Lessons from a life on the move [Jami Attenberg, The Guardian]
"'I think there’s probably a misconception that the more you plan, the less joy you get from something,' Johnson said. Sure, some of her favorite days are the unplanned ones, she said. But she’s found that those sorts of days can only be fully appreciated if you’re already created the space — and gotten the things done — to enjoy them." The case for planning your free time" (at least a little) [Madeleine Aggeler, The New York Times - this is a free link]
PSA: Some airlines will sell you a "couch" on long haul flights - that's three seats in a row in Economy at a price that's actually affordable, so you can sleep flat. This is potentially game-changing.
Why are we so fascinated by super-organised homes? [Amelia Tait, The Guardian]
“I don’t know what I think except that I don’t think any of us has to have a firm opinion about what it means to be a woman.” On a hysterectomy [Anna Holmes, The New Yorker]
To Accept My Chronic Condition, I Needed to Grieve the Life That Could Have Been [Carolyn Todd, SELF]
"Elements of my character I used to think of as my personality are gone: intense sentimentality, worrying about everything, moroseness. So what is personality, and what is symptom?" Who Am I Without My Depression? [Imogen West-Knights, Vogue]
Name and shame, a column by Emma Forrest [The Guardian]
Shades of grey in Bilbao [Juan Navarro, The London Review of Books]
The people who still use a London A-Z map [The Londonist]
"I always felt [Nemesis] was a missed opportunity to create a story and play a story line that had a fitting and proper conclusion to it. None of us knew that was going to be our last outing. So there was always, at least for me, a sense of a missed opportunity, something unfulfilled. That ship had sailed. Two decades have passed. I had long since given up on any hope of a conclusion as satisfying as this one is." - LeVar Burton ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Gets the ‘Next Generation’ Band Back Together [Sopan Deb, The New York Times]
Patrick Stewart will look great forever [Caity Weaver, GQ]
The peerless Natasha Lyonne on what surprises her, at 43: "The only surprise is how false the bill of goods is that we’re sold as young women. We’re supposed to be terrified of anything after 17 or 21. So it’s a revelation to discover what a lie that was. The truth of the matter is, it’s way better over here. I’m sure any woman in her 40s is gonna tell you, that’s when it all starts clicking, because you get to let go of so much concern about what other people think, and you get to focus on what you care about. And, of course, life being that funny karmic beast that it is, as soon as you let go of certain things, those are the very same things that come to you."
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missed you

May 18, 2022
Livia rubbed her eyes leaning her head off the glass of the plane window. She was heading back home after the Stars had gotten out of the playoffs during game seven.
She was excited to be home and she did just get to see her parents and brother as they came out to see a few of her playoffs games but she was most exicted to see her best friend Wyatt, as she hasn’t seen him since she played in Toronto in March but that was the only time she saw him since she left for Dallas in September. It’s the longest they have ever went of not seeing each other.
Livia had seen Luke in January when she played the red wings but she only saw him that once since August.
Livia also hasn’t seen her two best friends together and the three all being together in a long time and she truly misses the days she saw them everyday and spent all day together, she misses her boys and facetime can only do so much.
Livia stood up as the plane as landed and threw on her back pack and purse and grabbed her suitcase from the overhead and walked down the aisle of the plane.
She had a hoodie on and a hat so no one was recognizing her, while she does love the fans but she’s not the biggest social person so it’s not something she loves all the time.
Livia walked through the airport and to the pick up lot where her parents told her they would be. She looked over and her mouth dropped in shock as she realized they weren’t here to pick her up but Wyatt was.
“Livy!” Wyatt grinned widely seeing his best friend and the girl he’s been in love with since the first day of kindergarten.
Livia let out a giggle and hurried over to him she dropped her suitcase handle and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Wyatt’s hands automatically wrapped around her and spun them around both of them laughing happily.
Wyatt gently set her back down on the floor and she looked up through her lashes and Wyatt was just in awe, he has always known she’s absolutely beautiful but she seems to get more beautiful every time he sees her.
“Hi.” Livia beamed at her best happily, her nose scrunching from her smile being so wide.
“Hi.” Wyatt happily chuckled out just staring at her with a large smile.
Wyatt gently pulled her into another hug, “I missed you Livy.” Wyatt whispered softly resting his chin on her shoulder and closing his eyes.
Wyatt hated this season and hated playing hockey with out his best friend and it was so odd to play on not be on the ice with Livia, he couldn’t wait till he joined her in Dallas and they get to play together again.
“I missed you too.” Livia softly whispered back, She had missed Luke terribly when he moved away and stopped playing with Wyatt and her but not playing with Wyatt was like playing with out a hand and she hated how there was always a void where she wanted Wyatt to be, she didn’t understand why she misses Wyatt more than she does Luke.
“Come on, let’s get you home Livy.” Wyatt smile couldn’t have left his face since he saw her. He threw his arm around her shoulder and grabbed her suitcase. Livia smiled happily leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked and Wyatt leaned down pressing a soft kiss of the top of her head that’s covered from her hoodie.
#liviadrysdaleau#ld4#wyatt johnston x oc#wyatt johnston#jamie drysdale#jamie drysdale x oc#jack hughes x oc#luke hughes#jack hughes#luke hughes x oc#quinn hughes x oc#quinn hughes#trevor zegras x oc#trevor zegras#jamie benn#tyler seguin#dallas stars#roope hintz#jason robertson#nhl x oc#nhl au#anaheim ducks#mason mctavish#flyers hockey#nhl blurb#nhl blurbs#new jersey devils#nhl imagine#jh86#philadelphia flyers
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Radiating brilliantly: Dallas Stars Pattern News
Presentation: Trmediabd
The Dallas Stars, a notable group in the Public Hockey Association (NHL), stand out enough to be noticed for their capable play and intense fan base. The group has gathered media consideration as of late with a scope of charming progressions and patterns. The Dallas Stars have drawn profound respect from hockey fans all around the world for their endeavors both on and off the court. We will analyze probably the main pattern news including the Dallas Stars in this blog entry.
1. Resurgence on the Ice: In late seasons, the Dallas Stars have waken up on the ice, exhibiting their capacity to be an impressive power in the NHL. The Stars have demonstrated they can contend at the most elevated level thanks to a crew loaded up with exceptional players like Jamie Benn, Tyler Seguin, and Miro Heiskanen. The Stars are a group to watch out for in the NHL because of their brilliant goaltending, remarkable guarded play, and hostile capability, which have pushed them to different noteworthy season finisher runs.
2. Initiative Support: The Dallas Stars have focused on reinforcing their center of pioneers. Jamie Benn, a forward for the Stars, was chosen the group's commander in 2021 to pay tribute to his responsibility, ability, and ability to propel his partners. Benn's initiative has given the group solidness and a triumphant mentality, particularly with the assistance of substitute skippers like Tyler Seguin. The progress of the group and the improvement of a strong group climate have both been incredibly impacted by their initiative, both on and off the ice.
3. Embracing Variety and Consideration: The Dallas Stars have driven the charge in propelling variety and incorporation among hockey fans. They have put forth extraordinary attempts to lay out a cordial air for observers and competitors from all foundations. The crew has forcefully upheld crusades like Hockey Is For Everybody, which support variety and lower hindrances to wear cooperation. Fans have embraced the Stars' devotion to variety and comprehensiveness, which has made areas of strength for them of change in the hockey business.
4. Local area Commitment and Charity: The Stars are committed to supporting their area. The group and its individuals play taken a functioning part in various magnanimous tasks, helping associations that help war veterans, youngsters' wellbeing, and schooling. The Dallas Stars have shown their obligation to having a positive impact off the ice by arranging pledge drives, visiting medical clinics, or working with neighborhood gatherings. Their endeavors to include the local area have worked on the connection between the group and its allies.
5. Advancement in Fan Insight: To further develop the fan insight at home games and on computerized channels, the Stars have embraced development. Current innovation has been utilized to make a vivid and energizing game-day climate, including intelligent screens, expanded reality encounters, and cell phone applications. The crew has likewise supported its web-based entertainment presence, drawing in with devotees across channels and posting in the background data, player updates, and selective interviews.These drives have assisted with making an associated and intense fan base.
The Dallas Stars keep on causing disturbances in the NHL with their on-ice ability, devotion to variety and consideration, association in the nearby local area, and imaginative fan encounters. It will be fascinating to perceive how the crew creates from now on and what they keep on having a mean for on the hockey local area. It doesn't make any difference in the event that you're an enthusiastic Dallas Stars ally or simply a hockey fan — the buzz and style around the group are evident.
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about that work crush (chapter 11) | jamie benn
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7 | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10
Teaser: "You’re the most stubborn person I know."
The energy in the rink was palpable. You could see fans crying with joy as soon as Tyler let off the game-winning goal. The boys were in the second overtime against the New York Islanders, and the game had been neck-to-neck since the puck drop.
You had a good feeling the entire day. The entire team was ecstatic but focused leading up to the game, you had no concerns about anyone. From what you could tell, the Stars were having a hell of a season. All led by the Captain himself.
You had to keep your PDA to a minimum when at the arena, especially on a game night. But, when Jamie's first stop after getting dressed and one-wording his way through media was you, it was hard not to grin at him like a lovesick puppy.
“Guys, that game was incredible, we have to celebrate!” Tyler exclaimed from behind you, interrupting your opportunity to shower Jamie with compliments and congratulations.
“We actually have plans,” Jamie said, smiling down at you. Your face was hot, because he was referring to your long-awaited plans to have all of Jamie. Days had gone by since the original plan, but something always seemed to come up. Not something, someone. Not someone, everyone.
You loved the team. And, you loved Jamie's dedication to the team. But sometimes, you just wanted Jamie to yourself. Since everyone on the team now knew you were dating, guys were beginning to see it as less of a barrier to hang out with their Captain off the ice. Dates turned into double-dates, turned into hours of socializing that tired you out by the time you got to either of your places. It never felt like the right time for either of you.
It seemed like tonight would be that night. Even with the excitement of the game, Jamie made it clear he wasn't going to let anything trump your planned nightcap.
“Oh, come on,” Tyler scoffed. “Can you guys bang another night?”
“Excuse you, Tyler,” You replied. “Who said we were going to bang?”
You narrowed your eyes at Jamie as his smile grew wider. "Come on, I would never."
“Please come out tonight, both of you,” Tyler pleaded. “You both played a very big part in our win tonight so you both deserve to let loose. Especially you, Y/N. Are you really gonna say no to free drinks? I would say they're on me, but we all know none of us are paying a dime after this win.”
“You make a good case,” You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. It always started like this. Tyler, or someone else, with their big pleading eyes, and promise of alcohol, made it so hard to turn down a night out. You managed to always leave it up to Jamie. These were his teammates, and you were sure the only reason you were included in these invites was because of him. When was the last time anyone invited Dan out?
“Can you give us a sec?” Jamie asked Tyler. Tyler nodded, but not before begging once more.
“Relentless,” You said.
“His best quality,” Jamie laughed. “It’s up to you. What do you want to do?”
“Uhm, I dunno,” You shrugged. “You played in the game, I think you should decide.”
“Tyler’s not going to let it go,” He mumbled.
“I mean, it was a pretty big win tonight, so if you want to celebrate, I can’t blame you.”
“Well, what do you want?”
"Is it really about what I want right now? Am I the captain of the team that just won?"
He rolled his eyes, "Stop."
“I don’t think Tyler would just let me go home. I’m sure he probably has my keys,” You joked. “And, if you would like to go out instead, that’s fine. We can just hang out with everyone, I guess.”
“Really?” The elation on his face said it all. Even if you did want to head home, now you would know his first choice was the team.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Alright, I’ll let Tyler know.”
“Okay, I’m gonna grab my stuff,” You turned on your heel before he could even respond, rolling your eyes in the process.
Jamie was too absorbed to notice, immediately turning around to meet Tyler who had been watching your conversation. Tyler was surprised to see the smile on Jamie's face, since he had been watching yours intently when you were talking to his teammate.
"You're coming?"
"Yeah, she's just grabbing her stuff."
"She wants to come?" Tyler furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
"Yes, she said so," Jamie shrugged. "We're probably not gonna be out for long but I wouldn't want to miss it."
"Well, I'm glad," Tyler brushed it off as he and Jamie went to get there rest of the guys on board.
While in your office, you gave yourself a pep talk to get through the night. These were your friends. they just won an intense game and are on cloud 9. You helped them get there. You deserve this. Yes, you would rather be underneath your boyfriend. But, good things come to those who wait. Don't take this out on Jamie. You decided not to tell him how much you didn't want to be out tonight.
You planted yourself at the bar as soon as the beginning casualties were over. You had already downed a beer with the guys, and were feening for your next drink.
"Hey," You heard in your ear before a familiar smell swarmed you. "Why'd you run away?"
You leaned into Jamie as he stood in the space next to your chair. "Heels, I just wanted a seat. And, a drink."
"You sure?"
You nodded, not feeling like finding words to lie more about what you were truly feeling. Jamie needed to celebrate, not babysit you. "Go, I'm fine. I'll be right here."
His eyes searched your face for a moment before he pressed a kiss to your lips. "I'll be back in a few."
He wasn't, in fact, back in a few. You watched him take shots with the guys, and if you weren't so annoyed at your circumstance, you would have melted at how happy he looked. Maybe that's why you couldn't say anything. This was his night, especially after all the shit he had been taking from reporters lately. He hadn't laughed like this in a week.
After wallowing in your sad- and drunkenness, you decided that the best thing you could do is go home to your house, change into your old PJs, and curl up in bed. You wanted to be alone, now.
To add to the very depressing moment, when you pulled your phone out to order yourself an Uber, you found that it was dead.
“What’s wrong with you?” Tyler asked, sitting next to you at the bar.
“My phone died and I would like an Uber home,” You huffed.
“What? Why?” He asked.
“I need you to get a girlfriend so that I can vent to someone without worrying about what you’re going to say to Jamie.”
“You can tell me anything, Y/N. I tell you all my secrets in our sessions, and I don't hear Jamie throwing them in my face, so,” He rolled his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Jamie and I were supposed to spend some quality time together tonight,” You admitted. “And, I was excited because I don’t know, I’ve been thinking about it. But, I don't think it's happening. For some reason, that makes me feel like shit right now. Not for 'some' reason, the reason is this," You pointed to your fourth drink.
“Your plan was for tonight after the game?” You nodded. “Shit, I'm sorry. I think I might be responsible.”
“No, you’re not because you didn’t make the plan. He was just like, what do you want to do? And, obviously I saw that he wanted to come so who am I to try and stop him?”
“Y/N,” Tyler sighed. “He’s probably focused on the team.”
“That kind of makes me feel worse, Tyler.”
“That’s not what I mean,” He said. “Obviously, you’re important to him and I’m 100% sure this night was supposed to be important, too. But, it was a big win for not only the team, but also Jamie. He got his second hat trick of the season, and that’s big after how we’ve all been playing. He might be on a high right now.”
You looked over at Jamie who was laughing with a drink in his hand, talking with a few of the guys.
“Still, he didn’t even acknowledge that- you know what, forget it. I'm not even mad at him, I want him to stay and celebrate. You're right, he deserves it. Can you just get me an Uber home?” You asked. “Please, Tyler, as my friend.”
“Are you going to say bye to him?” Tyler asked, pulling out his phone from his pocket.
“He’ll be fine,” Youmumbled, stealing another glance at Jamie. “You'll make sure he gets home, right? I really want to get out of here.”
“I’m sorry you didn’t have a good night.”
“No, I did, don’t worry. I’m just drunk and sad right now and it’s not a good combo. I know myself, and I know I need to be home in bed.”
“I get it, but are you sure you can get home? If you’re not gonna tell Jamie, at least let me make sure you’re good. I’ll go with you.”
“Tyler, I’m fine. And, you played amazing tonight so you should go have fun, too.” You smiled, patting his shoulder. “Did you order it?”
“Yeah, two minutes,” He said. “I’ll come out with you.”
“No, it’s okay. I know the car and plate, go have fun.”
“You’re the most stubborn person I know,” He said, hugging you. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at practice. Text me when you make it, okay?”
“Yeah, see you.” You grabbed your stuff before making your way out of the bar. You slid your sweater on and waited for the Uber to arrive outside.
“Y/N?” You heard from behind you. Shit. “Y/N.”
You turned on your heel, facing Jamie. “Hey, I was just heading home.”
“Okay,” He trailed off. “Were you going to say anything to me or just disappear?”
“Not going to lie, I planned on disappearing,” You nodded. “And texting when I got home.”
He searched your face for a few seconds before bringing his hand up to scratch his beard. “I’m a little drunk so you might have to help me out here. Did I do something wrong?”
“I’m just calling it a night for myself. You should go have fun with the guys,” You told him.
"That didn't answer my question. Tyler told me to come out here and talk to you because something’s up. And, I agree,” He responded. “What happened from when we were in the arena to right now? I’m sorry, but I’m really trying to think of what I did.”
“You didn’t do anything,” You sighed. “Jamie, I’m drunk, too and I really just want to go home.”
“I thought we had plans though,” He said. “You were coming over?”
“You still want to do that while we’re both drunk?” You raised your eyebrows at him.
“What do you mean? Hold on, is that why? Because we’re with the guys right now?” He asked.
“I assum-” You were cut off by a car pulling over next to you, honking. The car and license plate both matched the Uber Tyler called you. “That’s my Uber.”
“Y/N, I’m trying to figure out what’s going on right now. Are you really gonna leave?”
“What do you want me to do? He’s here,” You mumbled, running your hands through your hair tiredly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, seriously, Jamie. There's no issue.”
“Y/N, come on,” He pleaded, stepping closer. “Talk to me.”
“Jamie, everything’s fine. I really just want to go home,” You sighed, looking up at him.
“Okay, I’m not gonna hold you, because you clearly don’t want to talk,” He stepped back, motioning to the car. “Can you at least let me know when you’re safe?”
“Yeah,” You nodded. “Have fun.”
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when you closed the car door behind you.
"All good?"The driver asked. You nodded, signaling it was okay to drive off. You watched Jamie stand there while you pulled away.
When you pulled into work the next day, you weren't surprised to see Jamie's car parked in his spot. And, Jamie inside. You assumed he had been waiting for you to come in, since you didn't respond to him after sending a simple "Home." text the night before. For someone who wasn't mad, you sure acted like it.
You parked, and gathered your things before opening your car door. Jamie did the same, and you knew what was coming.
“Hey, I’m already running late,” You said walking towards the doors as he approached you.
“Wait,” He moved, reaching for your wrist. “Can you give me 5 minutes?”
“Yes, Jamie?” You turned around.
“I just want to talk. You’re mad at me and I have no idea why,” He said. “How can I fix this if you won’t even tell me what I did?”
“It’s not a big deal, I’m not mad at you.”
“What were you gonna say before your Uber came?” He asked. “I asked you if the reason why you were upset was because we were with the team.”
“I don’t remember, Jamie. I was drunk.”
“Well, I remember because you were about to tell me why you can’t even look me in the eyes right now. I’m really lost here,” He admitted.
“Hey, guys,” Both our heads snapped to Klingberg who was making his way inside the building.
“Hi, John,” You smiled.
“How’s it going?” Jamie asked him.
“Pretty good. I’ll see you guys in there,” You both nodded and watched as Klingberg disappeared inside. Jamie looked back at you, raising his eyebrows.
“I was going to say that I assumed you didn’t think our plans were important, and that’s why you wanted to go out,” You admitted after a few moments.
“Not important, are you serious? You think I wouldn’t prioritize the first time we have sex?” He furrowed his eyebrows down at you. “Babe, when I asked you if you wanted to go out, I always planned on taking you home, too. I was never going to get that drunk enough to fuck up our plans.”
“Well, that’s not how it felt,” You said, looking down. “Now, I feel like a fucking idiot.”
“I wish you would have asked me, instead of assuming I forgot about you.” He said, stepping closer to you. “I've been waiting for last night, too. No offense to them, but if you wanted me to pick only one, you and we would have been at my house, without a doubt.”
“Oh, my god,” You groaned. “This was the most childish thing I’ve done.”
“Hey,” Jamie whispered, making me look up at him. “You’re right, I should’ve been more clear about the plans, I can see how it looked.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.”
Jamie wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling me into his chest. “Doesn’t matter anymore. We're okay.”
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